t . " _ . . _ , , - z : . - - . . . - . - , . . . . . - , . - . . - , ' - _ . _ _ _ . . . ; . ; - . . ; - - - , , . . T " . _ . . . - . - , - _ - - - - - = ; - - t " . . . . " , . , J'iii " , > P".l " . . , ' . . ' " ' 1'\\ , 'I' ' , . . /"TJ . - , . .if'c ! ' . ' . ; ' , " , " , \ . . " , ' .q" ' > F . . .JIII\'i''ro\M' ' 1 .f'r" ! , , ' . > : ; . , . " \ . ' . . . - ' 1 2 TUB OMAhA DAILY 13I1 ' rlJfly . OO'l'OBNII ( 2.J. ISlIii" . - - - - - - - - - - - S. MAYDENs . . _ . _ . " _ - _ Uncle rwe ar , . Cloaks . Notions Ftirnitnre Basement Bargains Giving \ Away Bicycles Giving \ Away ClUtlful Presents " . - Agents lor Buttcric ! P ttJrtlS 3 Suecial Sale of Underwear 'llhlU. slay. I . 1,000 dozen ma iuti facturers' Rl1mlWls or hlllles' , ellts' i 111111 CII I Id iiii's line 'Yool IIndl'I'wear I to be close1 ! out at ahout ) ac : : : Oil the t 1101lu' : Case 111)(11I ) CaMe : oC IIwn'l' ! Shlt'ts a1ll1 D1'awers , worthoe ; anll 7iie each . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 2c : Lots oC 111111 Ullllerweal' for mell , WOI'th $1.0(1 I ( to $1 Uil ( ) each , gt o at , GOe Men'l Hhlt.ts nllll ( DI'Il\\'C's ! , worth $ i . ro ; to $ 2 : ! .OO ( ) eaeh , go at , . . . ' . . . 7ic : Special sale oC Chlilirell's Umlel'wenl' for tOliitIOV. 11I01'1'0\\ ( ) Camel'/ hair and natural : gray / wool Shirts and D1'Ilwers , 5c Se , lOc each 1\1111 III' ' I.l1ll1cs' line Cashmere Gloves , wII\.th 2c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' lrc Meu'K Leather ! Gloves , worth riOc. . 2c : Men'H hue ( Ih'lvlnj enICI'II.ln Glm'cs , . wortll $ 1.Ot ( ) . . , " 1' , . . . . . . . . . . . . riDe I..nr1ll'sIll'lry .jCROY ! , .rlbbl'd Vests . I\nd PlllltS , worth 50c . . . . . . . , . . 25c : A Long Pelt Want. . COI11C01.tl\ble Cloaks , not too heavy , COl' little ones CI'OI11 2 : ! to ri years oh1. \s. 'u liVe \ now showluj IIn Il11nwnlle lIne oC these goods / In Fleeced OIlth , hhH'llwu ( , 1'1'\cot \ Cords , Basket Chith I\nd All . \VOh Jt'll\nnel. 'I'hiey are Hobby WII 1'111 i I\IHl Chl'lIll. Our \ Cloak I\ull SlIlt Dl'llal'llIIl'ut ! Is teeuihiig with bargaIns : lu nil kinds oC gm'nwuts. Ft0111 the New Y'OVIC Store stock we 1111\'e nllollt ) tO ( ) hlllle XI'\\'l11l1l'lwt E CIOIII.s ! , all splendid heavy 1I1'1I\'I'\ ' 1\1\11 \ CI\III' ' clot hll. formerly solll ut frol11 $ s'OO ( ) to $ ; 2 : ! ii.OO ; , whleh we will elmw out at $ 1.18. If theo : ehoiksvere cut IItl , to lIIala : chlhh'pn's elothcl'l they wnulll ( ( lie less thl\n hitihf the cost oC the cloth. . . , ' Grand Opening of Fa.ncy Holiday Goods. 'VI ! want l\'el'y ! lal1y lu the city to see thcl11. Jt'mll'.r lIutl'll Covers .Ie , iil' . lie and 7e. IS huhc-l : : slJUlII'e. tinted , toe , i3e 1e. :11i.lul'll : 'I'allio ( ' 1I\'l'l'S , tinted only 10e. : : U.lneh ( ; 1'111110 Covers , lIutl'll ou lie nIH1I1I'-I : : : ehothi. : . ! .ie. : m.llIl'h I i nllllll'lI-1 : 'l'a bhe COYl'I'S , tlutel1 t I nllli CI'luln'l1. iiOl' ) . 'l'lll IIl'st hannin : oC all 1-1 : IIU lS.lnch SI hI . J 1I'lHl I ItI'sl I , 11111111 I I ( I IlIlntl'll : I t l't'UIl I ! ! ' , with I I i IIl'l'lI i rnllll' I , II teguhar : ; : I.i I : ! : lIellut t . , on 111111' I 'lhl'IIII\ ( t iiOI' S'I' ' \ \ [ I.m IIXI'JXHI'J" FiI I I slrcII ( I 1'1 Clot his : , sill t 1 Illl , i2'e. ' : . \ 'Ic.11 slzlll S111Shll's , slnllllH11 ) 111 frhtiged , Hic. Full . slzl'(1 ( nlCSfel' Sea rfs , stal11pell , and fringed ( , : . ! iie. 'Iii e ( III ' nll'n-wolk ! Sei : if. : lk ) lllal ) sale on Bae : ] . flIhhoiis-1tIaeh . I itoh it' . bin 'h . sllu t I 111 Ilhlln I 1111e. I : S II k I lullllS 11' : : tlllI n eosl. BiIh'5 ) : SPOOl Colon enl ' 'e sh)0h. : t 'lhll : , ttt1s for rie. slool. Il'st CI'IHht't Sik. 12e. I hi I t t' rIck's lnlt'l'ns I I 111 11111 - - - _ . , - - - - . Endorsed by the Public. 'lhl II'I'OHI "ppl of Ol' Jt'11111'C sal ( Is I 11'111'11 ( 111\lee 1'1'1' the first. 'hl' Illhlc his elllm'"ell this sail' A11 whr iitVhiere else cal 'Ol litly 11.tO. , chute . stylIsh , vehl titade . ' ' cll' strlsh1'1 11111' , 1.'lrll SI" lee I ( 'Cl \ . 111111'0 I I at : a 11'll'e ) IH' lIelm\ thin ftlVtII'\ ( ' ' cost / III I I 'lh'n I 'Bros. I t Ile sPII ! I g Ihl' t O'COI. ( nell & A 111'I'SOI stoeh of )1'1 I1' at t fleh I 11'll'l'S that I t It1 I I he luHsslhlo I ) ) , 10 1\11' ulaln : hlr 111111'1' ut the prIces ( 10mII I : ( I 'Ol \ant t 1.111\ tw \ ttlV ( ' it'iiit'iitIi ' 'on ' ' ' tlm 1'11 I I COIl hl I 10\\ 1101 its l'IIIIII' : 1 thll t I wu rUI at t thl' t I fuc. tOl'r. LOOh ' ' before ' . \ ' over hlCoI'u 'Ol hlr. - - - - Eatables. Rh'll'I.fl'l'sh Eggs only 1e. CIIII'r Butter , 81' , Il' . J it' , h2'e. I ' l1''II\I'\ 1I\ US CII'01 ( tile lt 19c ; 11 I I i lillst I t t Stain Omc-'Is : 1:11' : lt 4t1e ; goiul fiI t el'cal Chllsl' ( ! , ile ' ; Hal 1111 t'IchIt' , 1011. , ( e ; Halola : , Ipall I ( Cheese , ' 1'1'111' tutu l'hgs Feet all lt .Il' : b'ligtt : ' ( ' \ (1Jll \ COl , Sle ; 10 ) lIne 1 herring - ring fet 2t : ! ; ' ; fled Siihuiou . ill' ; ( ' ( IIshi . 51 ; Norway . \llI0\'lcs , 7' ' ! ; 1.11' Ol Jl'l'll's , lOe IIuttl t. JI'lsh Oysters Jot . I ( hop. Wl' whit Sl'l thcl 1 t Oc qtliirt. Celery ' fl'PHh every 111 ' . . - - - - - IAYDENs " Li 1 ' . - . , . . , . : .t. . " \I ; . _ : ! " l/by ! , tle city clerk , who took a $ IO. , wlek eloVtor man anll 8ent him to a night 8chool for a few weeks RII matte a $100 clerk of hhin . In case of that html Il Is i not cperi unce that I. l . wantl"I , lxrl"nce Is not neede,1 If the applelnhl for lIlaD can Jet a cerlncalo or character from Counci 125. " Mr Hose"ater reforre,1 , to the arrest cf Jerome Coulter for robt'lni ' : lie cIty trosury BI.1 . 111 that Detceth'e Cox hat beel ont after hlr , anl1 wal "ttlh on the way. " lie pre < lct(1 that when Coulter reached Onuha' ho would be s' thoroughly cocholl h ) Cox that It woulll in hnposslile 10 get a word out of him about \lcculaUons \ ) of the der vlsh gang. ! WIA T CI.WI ' gr : IS AiTi1t. Hefcrrlnr ; to the ( conlllion and positIon at the candIdate on the ten'lsh ticket . Mr. HOowa 'er sail ] : "They all cry Hosewater , thinking 10 attract the atenton of the vot- ers from their recorthi . which stare them In the face. Chafe recortM. vouched for the Intog- rl ) . of Iroach : , and I wondered some al that for Mr. \ Chalice does not feel very kIndly over his deteat. and thinks that cer- taln corpoflon Innuence was usell to give the nominatIon to liroatch. I did not have to look far however , to fml what occaslmet Mr. Chafees sup\ort \ , or Itroatch. The Ica- son was found In the \'etoN at Mayor Domls 'fwo years ago Charee presented a bill aGainst the city for 9,445 , claim el to b ! dna the 10wel Lumber conlpauy , of which he Is Ihe ( receiver. The bill ' was allowed hy the council . nail vetoed hy the mayor , for the reason that the howell Lumbar company owed the city iOOO and over for taxes and anse8inents. The bill was passet three ( lines Int vetoed by the mayor three times , and Elwarls anti Jacoben voted every ( line ant anl tme to carry It over the ( veto. Chafee wants his bill , and the only way he can see to get I is [ 10 elect a mayor who wouhl rlgn I as soon as II'a88e8 \ ' Ih" ( council , ant he knows Iroatch would 110 tl\t , just as he signed the $10.000 gas atal before the Ink was dry oil the resolution of the council ordering Is payment , when as a matter of fact one.half of the sum could never have been collected hal the case been allowed to take Its way In the courts' ' ) After touching upon other steals of the men who are now candidates for omco au the dervish ticket. : Ir. Hosewoler cloi.ed with au appeal to the true republicans of thia Sixth ward to repudiate the 511rlous kind and to turn ( heWn the Political pirates who cal themselves relJblcans and are' sailIng under the black nag. Allresses were made by J. J. Points . W. A. Hel1ck. Albert Calm an(1 ( L. A. Harmon , all of them pointing out the necel'lly or nnlell ! ( acton In an effort to relleem the city from the present era of misrule and extra\ agance. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , SI'a'I' ' : 'J1 YAlLiiItS , unnOISI ) . Hute ! nr CII"ITnlr" Irn"I'I'ct nr n..rn"1 1II'r'b ' 1'111. There was a rousing citizens' meeting last night In the Seventh ward In the hal at 1212 P.rl , avenue. Long before the hour at whLh the me'lng was advertised to be opened ' a big crosd at voters was congregated - gated In front of the place , waiting for the hall doors to be thrown open ant for the speakers to arrive. When the doors were finally uniocked 1 the crowd pushed into the room and fled all the chairs. Those who came to the meeting late were obliged to be contented with what standing room they could tnt In tile renr. At S o'clock lie ( meeting va' called to order and Judge I.ng- I don was elected as chJlrman. Judge Lang- don , as he took the ( chair , gave a brief , CXIOCttlOfl of the objects for which the metIng - log was called. He laid great stress upon the fact that the fght this fall was over the question of whether lie ( cllzens would permit to remain In power mel who not only o\'erburdenet the citIzens with taxes , but robbed them of the money after It had been collected into the treasury , or whether they wouhl ? ulplant them with busLness men. JUdge Lingdoim Introduced W. T. Redick , who salt that he was almost the only candidate - date on the citizens' jutLctal ticket who could de any campaIgn work , as four of the others , Dome , KeGor , Ferguson and Hopewel , were on the bench administering Impartial JustIce 10 those who came before item , Instead at rorS.kLg their duties I1H1 tramping nnd elec- tioneerlng about ' the country 'for' timeniselvos. They were typIfying that reform which Is the battle cry of the Citizens' movement and which some people have seemed m to ridicule. "They say that reform stands for rot , rant all rank " said Mr. Helck , , "but It stands for a good many good things. I stands for right , for the right that a citizen has to stand ! before a Judicial tribunal before he Is sertenced. n stands for the right to worship Go accord. Ing 10 ant's conoclence , without having apolitical political horde call 01 ! to account. I stands for representation II all departments of time city governmont. " Chairman Langdon presented E. Rosewater 10 the audience. Tht Mr. Rosewaler re qulred little , I any , introduction was evident from the haI1cl:11111ng which greeted him as he stepped , to the frnmmt . : Ir. Rosewater began his speech hy giving a lIttle rewme of lien Baker's political history - tory while lie was In Nebracka , speaking of his Interesting career In the legislature and ! In the ofce of Unied Slatcl district alor- ney. lie then ( touched upon Baker's connec- ton ( wIth Chules loshr , dwelling on the fact that while Mosher was gully ot perjury , forgery and embezzlement , Baker , although district attorney , allowed him to ' Ilstrlcl alowel get 1\1'1) with only a five ) 'ean. ' sentence In the penl- lenlar ) He loll of how , when The Bee had exposed the fact that : lorlwr was given the freedom of the city whIle supposed to bo In connnpment lt the county jail being even allowed to JO to disreputable places , linker hall taken It upon himself to luvest- gale the matter , and on the eve oC election hat offered a letter to the papers of Ihe city In which he sought to exolerate the sherif who hal ! alowecl osher I frcedom. ll. . Hosewlter said , however , ( hint he hall como to the meetn ! ; to Ilscnss the Issues of the canipaign amid hot Baller. lie stated t\1t \ when ho arrIved at the h.11 he hal picket ! UII I paper a week ell ! In whIch I was stateJ that Coulter hall been arrested 1 In New Or- leans. Then stopping , ho turnll to the city IJrosecutcr , Sllemakel' , who was sitting near hy anti ask 11 : "Who welt after Coultlr ? " "Cox , " responded Shoemaker , a 11 thc , t Tp CVf "J ! ' . ; \\'ONAN \ \ . lt'ONAN I a wOlan is not / I J something : the wrong. l cis ' Any wOlan can be . . ' . atrctve H she wi make the effort . I isn't u1ogethcr a . queston of beauty. I.s largely I latter of health. The blool mil glow of health go far toward bdnging beauty A clear skin , bright ! : eyes red lips uld thc vivacity which bodily good feeling hings , will make even a hOlllely wOUan hiaiulsommie. Bali of the wOlen one lects are semi- invalids Pllure to heed the warnings . of nature--failure outraged naturefainre to give the help imeeded h ) . the IO't delicate and sensith'c organs-llte troubles ignored unti they have hecole dOlinmt-dis ease nl0wcIl every ) ' chalce to spread and gain U 8elied seat-thcse things hriii nbout ( lie stuikeim cIrcled C\'C8 , ( hrilr low ht'cks , the 101 ( and : salow kin ! ; , the flabby , strengthlcs' flesh , . which chiaracterjz , the charctcric ( Ippcarnc of the wo- ness. man . who sulcl front . felal wcal Dr. Pk'rce's Vavorite 1'rccriptioit hioa cmir"I , Iln\'orie Prescrpton : CUr. tholstls of suffering wonien. I is \1'rflctcll \ specific for the truhle peculiar to them I eru1I'ntes Uw d'ts- lls. ease , rtnp.Ull dragg'iiig fe'laping l drain , anti itt a } lerfcclrlolal. } natural . url war , hlil19 np th' \at , l tfngth. I wi hril 110)'nt helh , I will put roses into Pale Ihcet-to1iit lieshi rss p.ll r'C - ! fl'1 il slnktn plncc ; . I does r\a . \ \ ith ( lie Inlliatexaminatioll , and local trenmtuic'ut " so iintcli dreniheil ! h . trentllnt" 1' Ilch clelll. by 111041. t1\ sensitive women I'or thirty } years , i1 \ : : been successfully : vrecrilL by Dr. , ' Ir I'k'n'c , Chief Consl1in Physican ) the Invalids' Hote Rnd t5urgic2l Inctitute at furrc:1 Il'ltutl Buffalo1 N. Y. ! , Y."z. . . , , . . - -"z. o . . _ - - , 1 ; , L - 11 , { " : . anSWer raised a 10ul'l from every one In the hal.IT IT IS A slmous : F1TUATiO. "This may appear intighialihe , " cOllnuel1 Mr Itosewater . "but It Is a serious matter. I \ 'iiM the sheriff's duty to go after Couiter . anti not that of time chief l.tecU\'I the chief enlveler who IA warning the ( gamblers that they will hate vote for Broall'h or ho nnletl out He was evidently sent for time I \'UrllOso \ ' of coaching Coulter . to instruct him i lu t'10 tory that the gentlemen In time city hal want him to tel , I Is only another spectacle In the ( farce which IR to be plye ] out after electon , When the $31,00 lefle1' ton was dhcovere,1 , Couler wits II thl city , hut he was not arrested , although It was , known that he was living above his mean 1.atem' , whel things Jot worse , I was neces- vary to have a scapegoat , a 11 Cculer WtS chosen and tto other , le man bec1me the victim - tim of misplaced confidence. Yet this doesn't , , explain how $9,000I'IS taken out of lie treasury , alhou h It beougl"l ] to the school fund , and not to the treasurer 1 "This 1 a sample dfce hohler. Another I Is a man who has been telling this ward what : faithful , busInesslke mayor Broqlch was lila name Is Char e , Yellow Plno Chaf. feo. lie was turned down In time convention , but neverthele . he c rtfes that ( I10atch Is an honorable anll honet maim lie has a reason for this , for I Iroaleh becomes mayor he will hart a chance to have some little Ilte claims allowed. which hI could not Jot be- fore. These caims amount to $9H , ant In August , 1893 , they needed only one vote to hI passed over the mayor's \'eto. These claims are klown as the howell jlHlgment claims berau they were aS9rned ! to . Chafee br howell . a 3lm'thom the city hells a judgmelt for $5.000. nearly two.thlrts of the amount of tbe claln1 "Chalice Is the man who , during his four yearn In the council. snll to lie ( city yellow pine for the constructon ot sidewalks to the ( value of $147S25 , although hl was prohibited hy hiio oath from directly or indirectly fur- . nisiiigmg to the city any materials. Never- tiioies he caiiiati sidewalks to be cciistructed $ < cClstructlt ' throughout the city and now there are thou- Snh : of small proerty holder In the city who have lost or ara losing their properly on account at the tax lens against them be- , cause at these stdewalks. ! "They malntalu that the ( councimalie ticket Is composed of clean niemi In the First ward they have Sam Dubois who was called b ) Seavey lazy and worthless. An- other Is Honorable Jim Alan , tint highcoclle- horum ] of the last ] leglolature. SomethIng like John McDonald , the champion of the labor- lag men who do not labor , be earned his tithe by riding around emi the street cars watching for conductors who knocked down. There Is i also : Ir. Bob Duncan , who threw up an $1,800 position to take an $ SOO job. An- other Is the cleric or the garbage master , Christy , who will keep the pountmaster anti dogcatcher In line. These are the men who ! lne. are to retrench 10 the amount of 20000. I the citizens' canthltes are elected they will , say that they would of course have malle lila ( retrenchment , but If Ihe ( citizens arc defeated - fetet ant Lucy get In , little by little the I ofce ! ant mlarles will be Increset until the $20.000 retrenchment wi become a myth. "There ale clean men In te ( city hail . but they ( have sllreat dcmoralza.lon through the buhidlog. 1"01 Instance , there Is the compo troller , whose satary and those of his assistants - sistants amount to 13.000 a year , anti who , wIth all hIs forc , waS not able to ascertain that the license money collected In December , amountng to 125000. was not finally turned tnto the school fund by the treasurer until the following April. hiGh TIm FOR ltEi"OItM. "It Is tme for reform , time to drive out the embezzlers who ara running the city into bankruptc The municIpal ' debt IR enor- mous. The bonded Indebtedness Is $3,000,000. The debt against the [ .maler . properly o\ner ' which will have to be paid In lie ( next re\1 years Is $ COOOOO more. There Is a deficit at GS.OOO tn the school fund. This , Is a total debt of 5221000. Then the county debt wil Increase this 10 6000000. Yet they say that It Is . not tme for reform In the . city and county governments. " J. J. Points urged the ( voters of time city to lay ade : their ( parthanshlp and to look after their Interests this tall. Thegbl was on no natonal Issues , but was olthe ques- ton whether , the city was to bs Idnger gov- ernel by the corrupt gang who were In power. W. S. Shoainaker especially apnealel to democrats to support tbe ticket. Ito warned citizens not to be deceived by the cry 01 "Itosowater" which waS raised by those "RosewatC' whom Rosewater ball antagonized bcause he had denounced them for their corruptness. Another democrat , Thomas Flynn , also urged the democrats to stand by the citizens' ticket tram top to bottom. because every man 01 It was pledged to reform. \V. S. Poppleton showed thal the gang which was offering ! to retrench was the same one which during the pant t four years had vastly Increased the rUlnlng expenses ot the city , although there Is considerably less business In Omaha now than there was four years ago. This fact was causing the foreclosure ot mortgages on smal reEItences and keeping investors from the ct ) lie exposed time former adminIstration at Broatch , which Is being offered as an argu- mont for his re-election. lie prophesied , however , that the whole gang would be tnrnet down on eleton day , and lint their places wouhl be filled by the huslness men whose lameD were emi the citizens' ticket. Charles A. Cae confnet himself to urging voters to no longer reiy on thl promises of the ( republican candidates ( , but to vote . for men who were pledged to run the city on intro business principles. Thomas Swohe , like Mr. Coo , made but a few remarks on account of the lateness of the hour. - - - - I A Drmmg1st's COII.lnlnt. By Will S. 1chardbon , DruggIst , Carlngton , O. As a druggist I complain Of Ihe firm at Chamberlain Who , rboea now , Cure advertise exlenslvely a Diar- That will paralyze a cramp Anti on colic put a clamp That wilt ( nd its deadly griping In a manner quick amid sure. Though its virtues I respect , Yet I really do object To I mCllclne my customcrs wil get 01' have a fight , limit the why of thIs complaint I becanse no mal or saInt Cares to go from bed to sell It len or twenty Ihnos ( a night. Chamberlain's Colc , Cholera DUll ! Donloea Hcmety h becomln famous the world over for Ito curls of colic. cholera mnorhmua , Ilysen- tory and 11hu'rhoea. I can always be Ie. pellle,1 ' upon and fs 111lIStlt to take. - - - In'I. " " 'I'\ , 'llnA' Inl , ' , . LONDO , Or\ 2t.-The nuancal allce In the Times this morning says . : 'fime IIIJnly of Kafr share offered from ParIs yesterday was so large ( lint I lemporlrl ( ) disorganized the stock market I Is evident that Paris Is stIll overhoadetl. Senrll wealhy Paris houses have decided to fcrm a bank with I capital of (2.000.000 10 aClommollato time hohl. ers or l\alr3 ali ! thus assist In the IIIUI11- tiomi. I remains to bl seen whether thti Is capital ! 'lough 10 prlvent a collapse. I not It can he IncreIECI lImit naIUral ) ' the big mel , both here ant In i'arla wi stop hort nt Involving Choir own poeltion. III"IH' ( " - I'i'iirii . I" liii' 1..1..1. . MiLW'AL'Ki'E. Oct. 23.-A special from IIallll11 , WJushar,1 10Unl ) ' . \ . , says : Fully 400.000 bushels of IJolatoes have been ! frozen In time round or the sh.lrp frosts of the host few mmlghm' , . ( ' ' Iiiiiii ii < - 'rl".I ) ' II ui'I . . I larry flmowmm . I (11111. , recelv'tI I gash h over lie ( I''e Inl1 1IIInfui Injurll'l about the heal ut 2:0 : n'c1ock : thiN ( 10111H by falling from lila cab ut Twonl-lrlt mutt , ! Faram : ! ! trlel ! le wnn Ilrl\lng rather fmit when \ ! vehicle struck ! un oLtructlon anti he was Ihrown 10 the grommmmtl. - - - - - n""I' I . Ihl'I'lllnl',1 , Cimmm " I ' ' ' . , Wlinm l' Ours , the lonl'lclor whu ii. I luT'lllrlns ' , oft l'al II Limo Board , or 1'lluea. : tictmi for use ' In tie public "Ihunl , hnlhln1I. hat wrltln n it ( ( cite 'h. iitj henyi. that he In ! \ lulale.1 ! the lermi or hll e J tract In nay parlh'ular. < . 11111' I I m' 1. in i's ' 1'1. , " Chief of Police HIIwart yesteril.my " me- ) ) ceh'Lll 1 lekSfHn from fllcl.\\'e ' 'ox ' , e..my. ' Ins that : h" ' would 11'1'1 11 Omaha with Jerome . K. l'oulo , ' , ( lit' .ii'aiilting .1"flll wlh city treaelmrt'r . c'rtr ' the \ \'uiiarh meat , ! ul ; comm totlmy. . - . . I : ll i'liieli is nr U"I'1 \.1. . ott : 8. I At 80uthlpIOn- \ rrived-Spree , from ' Yorl\ for hirenlelm . \t ( ueemistown-\rriveml hj.sUc , from Nets' York for Llvcrpool. :1York LIHrpool. At New Yorl-.trrlviml-Teutonic , from : Live \ rpo.i l. ! l\ ltd terilmmmmz-.Arlvcd-Vendammi. from New York. , \ Utnoa.-ArrlrPll-Wera. fronl New _ _ _ _ _ - _ - . ' - .J . _ . _ . _ - . - , ' _ - . I COllB1fCO1ES TO GUIF Last Hope oLtho PrizJ Fightera Kuook01 . from Under Thom. ) : I- ' AGAIN IN ; IECUSTODY ! OF TiE SHERIFF . \'nn"n Mjimpr4 ' ' ( ' Cull : rt n"h'r. I" n..inn" , tmmiii n.'lnrl' J'"re i'igmjhiw " Iii 'I'hnt lnh' tl lu"J , , ) ' Illegal , , y' LITT\.E \ HOCK ( , Oct. 23.-The supreme clurt lt 1 o'cloct this morln : ! rendered Its decision In the Corbttt ( caSl' Judge L'eathmer- man's teclrlol \ \ ' : reversEd anti the prize Ighl law was atmetalnet ! . Corbet ( was remanted back to the custody of the sherif ot Olrl3nd catmiit3' Chief Juctel Bunn , III delivering the opinion . severely criticized Chancelor Leutii. elm31 , saying Ie had no authoriy for his acton In the habeas corpus case hOT SIHNOS , Ark , Oct. 23.-MartIn Julal , mmmanagcr for Fizsimmons , was seen Inledlately after the news of the SU\lrele \ cwrt'u adverse decision reached this clt ) Salt Julan : "Now that we are barrcll out of Arkansas by this decisIon , I.'lzslmmons Is 11reparcil , to accept : Ir. Brady's offer , m11e ! In Dalas , that we fight In prh'ate. WI will go anwJ1re on earth In older to get I hlgimt out of Corbel on No\'ember 1 We im'temmd to hold the Plarida Athletic club to the terms of its contract anti the forfeit I earrle This goes . Fizsimmons wants to light Corbet for the side wager ot $10,000. Any 1)lac ) will suit iie'e wi fO to 'l.uton and Ight Corhel for the f.OOO Ilrso offered by time Mirror of LIfe. Cer- bett has stated that ( he woul fight l'itz. . slmmonl II a roomn In a baleen or In a barrel , ali we are porrect ) . wlln to meet him nnder any of these comidltiomms. " Dan Stuart left today for Dallas cmiii'emmtlig ! wi leave II the morning. Vendi said upon herll of the IUprele court's teclson : one. "It " cost us ao.ooo to Omit ! we ale on a dead Corbel wi probablr fUlllsh place honda ant start for Chicago via St. Lotus tomor- row. There Is no forfeit In the Maimcr-O'Domu. nell fght , nit Smllh ant I'an will be pal < $ , ,00 , Rplece. Val Herman , the Chicago brewer , offers $5,000 for I private meetng hetween Cor- beil and F'itzsimimons. [ 'Aln : ) ' 111 JIIIIS 1\nK C.\IU. immy ' \'n" ( : I von Vpt II l.rlll. i n""I' . . . . . , u.,1 St""i' i'I'IliI'tt'N . NE\ YOUK , Oct. 23.-In time first rUle itt Morris park ten slnrle,1 ( to go n mafia alit ! / half and / /nlshl'II Fugitive was time favorite , nI after mmiile had rorle ! ofel' I mie been run hue vent to the ( mont with Daly , anti thl' ( two had It out nil the way down the hill. Fugitive winning by two lengths from Daly. with the others beaten oft .My I Luck vas the choice for tim , ! Cecommi race , lt lie Slml dlslnnce , hut he /nlshell without hiM jockey who was thrwn at time next to the In1 lmurtiie. Wlnihlll led to the top of the hill. when lme , tOO gave W/ ) ' , 'l'hmeim Caracas tool UII the rOlng n,1 he"l his lead to the last furlong . , when Sun Joaquin passed him amid won by 1 length aI I half from Callel- . Olnla thc MIle dlslance behind tn ( time third placl' U WIS a geol /nlsh. Then canto a walkover for : lealol Lark IU11 time fourth race WI ! on. 'fhe 111' was flvOIIf at the opening , but Dule of Ahelcoll was heaviy hacked Ihto the pllce or favorltittmmm. At the fall Of the flag tIme Inter set the pace alit ! for a mile ran just ahead of g"lo- raho. ' 1'hem' ho opened 1 wide . gas ) . III on the last stretch was twenty lengths aheul. : Ir. Permejmlc' him up , however In,1 lie won by sl , ienthms In I cOlmon can tel' . Results : len'ths First race . mile and a holC , six Hurdles : Fugitive ( ( to 5) -won Daly (20 ( to 1) ) seeond Ploteen (0 ( to'l ) third. Tlmo : 2:50. : Second race , mile III 1 hllr , six 11111 ! ; San Joaqul } (10 ( to 1) ) won , C.\aCII 1 ( to 2) ) second , Olrl ( Gito 1 ) third. Time : 2:19'4. : Third race. two and I half miles . stel'pll , hmnse'aitQver : ' for Meadow Lark. FOUrtiraLI ltJeplcchase , two miles : Dule or , , AIHrcornl ( 8 . , t ) "Won , The It'lr mll' (2 ( 10 1 ) second , Elll\lo ( ( to 1 ) third. Time : 3:12. : Fifth race , three miles , steeplechase , sell- ins : , Lafayette ( ( ( to 2) ) won , Larry (5 to 2) ) ilecoilli . Time ; G:21 : Sixth race , mile rind I quarter : Bllmar won , Bathampton (9 ( to 10) ) second Time : 2:13. : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I.ur" Fields , , .I Cln" Phi . . . . " . LOUIS\'ILI.g , Oct. 2.-I 'rJc 11111 and close finishes were the features of time third ! .Iay's races of the Louisvie Driving aul ! Fall associatIon. 'rhe track was fet In/1 the weather perrect. Clon won time Him- Inl"hlll 2:18 : trot poslponld from ) yesterday , taking the two heats after a close Illsh from Isabelhe. In the third heut the smmiicv at L. I. D. gave away down lt the lead of the stretch , the wheel colapsll . Ophl- la won three straight heats In the 2:1 : pace with cuml1ratvc : case. Time 2:2t : Ilt ( Wil carried ovel' 10 tonmorrow , Iacaloon hlvlng \\01 the Sl'COIUI nut ! fourth heat" ( First race , 2:18 trot. purse $1.0 lpasllllfcl ( from yesterday ) : rarlon won In straight hcats. Time : 2:18' : . . 2:19 : % . lila 01111- lander second , Isahelll third Avana 10"1. Sam \\'eller , LOdlnl , Bloomlell and Lee Simmons also started. Second , 2:11 ' ; . $1,000 mce : lmace ' imnmrse $1,0 : Ohe- lint won II straight jUrHe : 2:15 : , 2:11. : 2:16',4. : \ Sally Ironllol second , Chal ! I I Ihlrd. lal Cuago . Irlnodo , Cuckoo Bul Boy , Hilly " ' , Itcinloorn " ' . I. IUII L. I. ) iihso stortel1. _ _ . Third race , 2:21 : trot purse $ I.OO ( unln- IMhml ) : : Ilcaroon won ( lie secol11 In,1 , fourth heats. .rme : 2\S : \ , 2:211 : . I.'orreRlcl' . won the third Imemit. 'l'imne : 2J\ : \ . Grace O'Mmmh. Icy won time first heat. Time : 2WI. : . 't'mmr- fluolse. Sirlhbo ) ' and ladHo Fulerlol mmiso started . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IEnm''s \'r. ' ) nrel tl 1.'h.l. GOODlu\ND , Kim. , Oct. 28.-The first Ilay : of the AHcur Couring cluh' meeting was somewhat 118uppolntng 'fhl day \1'1" e 1,1 Inl1 plea lnt unll quite a num\lr of \J.Olllc \ turned , oul I 10 Wile I I , " III t "pori , bum t "a , k I rabbits were scmmc'e Ind enl ' 'en l'um"w. were nm off , whll'h left thl lNt ! 101..f \ the . \\clr I t 1'0111'1' I "tolcff I If hi nilm cii , . 101- lowing ore time ren'umts ! of the leu I' tils ; : I .aiiy U len ii , l'hlllg0. beat \'I.IHe ni t I m I , I \eiper I , t'llh ( ; Sylvia. Larence iami. . hClt Lall ) ' NI\lr"ell ? . Den\er ; Aiiiler'im Mitmi 1 ] . I."ox Lake , \.1. . . beat 1'"IIO'al , t.all'fll'I' : . Kmimm. ; . Iliiuz . Ienvem' , heat PIOI'asln.llan. Colorado Sllrln H11gel' ; . ( ' < lorldo SllrllAl , beat iloss of time Shall . 1"1'el' ; Van itree . Indianapolis . heat \ ' ( ) ( ' .iqtuot , ( oiorudo Iteatrice , 1)eiivi.l' . olor'llo ' JrIH ; ; Ilalrll' 111\1. heat Patrla , t.awlence. Knn. ; \'al ( 'Iole. tmiilmmm- : 1\01 , heat 'tl ' tolnol I toy , Jplel' . I ' ( mmii ; Honlr" . len\'el' . heat \'enpln Hul. 010- ( I'ado Springs ; ( lien HMI , ( I'ahl. ill. , beat Plllles Vila , it'nvi'r. - - - - - lt'itgui. ' I'IIIHIl't'S Iii ( . emi , ! llil' . ST. LOl'iS Oct. 2a.- imusinems 1 I'tng uf the eXI'I'It\'j clnlnlllc of th , ' ! NIAI' of Ammmenleamm'hieeimmmeii sync 1.11 loca ) 11 the South'1 Imotel Time , 'onllol , ( If . tlw ( fnalCs of thorlNIA11 I u its I h" 11'1.:1 . I matter In.lel' dl ll tlon. . 'flies" \lll " hcll\1 to he In n very 9.1./al.tory cnmmmlition . n cash balance cE t I J hehlg II time IremmImry. wih ni debts . hili'l. ' . 'rime eamim iii I t tee Ilclh'll that an aggreithye lal\alH 1 for la,1 m ! hl- IIO\'emelt holl,1 , ho cciii tnt' itceil timid 111' ' - ltnopniatiomm , , to limit , 'ld \1',11 nm.mtie. 'fh ( ' 1'- mmmniimtler of I 1\11 . III'ln,1 tral.t.11a. . IHre ! ) oC n romtthe lmatnmre. " ' . $ : $ I I 1111'11' I I . IIUN'roNJ ! : , . .L " 0:1 2J.-Thl 'rigeri' ml efezm ted I 'nIOpjlre : ! to'\IY ' \ by 11' t , ort' of 22 to 0 In two , halveH at t\Clt ) ' anti ffell nmInumtes. j NiV I" \'FN , ( 'anti. . O"t. " 21.-\111 e" . f.alld " 'lllm I I > has ii ) ' Ihl is ; afelunl hy a scerl of :1 In ( ! ; - . - 1Il'SIIH1 J t ! : I.-lnl"'IHII ' I C i'cnn- s . 'lvlr iii . ( ; I Jim qumOsno A thl"II' t I chum . O. Plt.DI.t.U ! . \ Oct . :1-111 I'nlver- DI ' oC Pen' ,1'lv111r.hman : fool 1111 eleven 'lrllle11f \ ; ! fOI'I\H ( omimty , . : 1 6. . \.hllll' , } ' 1.11 , 'I'oiim'iie ) . . \SI1.AI. NII ¼ , nel. 2JSlellnl-11 ( two liars' ( en.J j'irmuamuen ' ( here 'n'11 ' ! 10- ( 1'&I'laIH'nt lent miiht , \\lh lhlt 'dlH' DOlhlef-I.lnot. . "end Sengem ! . \"hIII. : hen I ( alholl Inl , Bwall I , s jmni mm mii.'ii ' 1.II. i ! hey 11,1 , ! U emigem' 111011 : t prlltI"II'1 , I I d ; Am' . haitI aocl Gum ' h"\ ( ' ti luau mm 11(1 ( flival mm. Slnlu- : Shedll 1,111 811',11.hllh' I I t , ) ' hell I CllhoUI , Ooull hlil ShpI , ! . Sellpr heat Arnoll , SI'Ilr heut I.timUhy. Herugem ' he.1 Gould. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1"11 , lie ( 'en tim u's II . . . 'aurd. ' I.OlTI8\1.1I'J ; , i. ' . , Olt. ( 3-1'lmls allt" - ncon rut FOlntul1 i"erry 11. ' 1' . 'I'wymnamu bruIse the lot ) utile record. ' \w wl"ther Wl'll rfet Time fOlmer rel'otl , mate by hlm llr. mlmmr. , Ilnl 1mb . IIKt t\.II-rOllllwI' ( ' r01111 ,1 ] ( ' . was .i:21lt' : : IIK I lime today wits 1:27 : : : : The that lilly mil's CO\'l'Te,1 was II minute or so huhl11 time nt'eurd Timi' l t mlii , \ " mil : made In 2H : , { Jllt" mimi . \ Ilnlem ' were [ used \0 imutee. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( it. ford , I.imi it' rsl ( ) ' ( 'hum ii 1' : . 'tll. 1.ONtXN. 01. : , I.-t. ( J.nlln hu hen . Athletic eleetsil iirv.b.l3I c\ub. \ C f lies Oxford lnlwl I ) lttimt' ; \1111 ; iiliii. ( 'Iitthm'uuiu' : , I NL''c'iti. . , Oct. -Correp3nuience ' I ) ' I cl\h' , Bhowlnl tn.ut Mr. Chrll : D. Ibis . - - . - - . - - - - ' - - t 1. - - - time ( 'hnlln lr for the Amerton'R cuip thlol/I t Ihl I 10)11 I I Vlelorll Ynl'ht clnh , CUJ II IPt'htht'ml I to t wUhllr" I w hl t'immm I leti ge , \vnt hiOMit'l , Oil thp hullll hoarll lel Fl'vnt Yorlncht club - tOla ) ' , - f'\I. I I \\11 I h " 1111 ( ' t him' : " ' \ Yurl , , , 111.\11:1,111\ I I : i 23.-Arthur Ir\ln \ i II mnlllH the New York imase h.\1 tllm IIXt " .n ( I. lit , wi nunl his 11\1' .lule ( ! Imm"llall ] ) ' r 1 ( lie ellrntlm 01 Novemhlr I of hIs clnth\1 ( t wih t III t IhlluIII\hlll. : \ , - - - - 1.\I'f ( ' 1'0 ) ' 1'11 1"III' Pit 0 I'OSI'i'itN. . \ ti'ishssnm " " ' 11".1. Ihll ( "I"r".I" 11" - hiic's I . I. . Ilfll'll lit ( il ( ' . \.1. " t , Chhlc.AaO , OC1 2-\hel time rellreMntn' tns ( ot the weitern railroads met this mmmorn- log It was dechled to tae ] time rules of the general agre lent alit , ! 10 let all other mat- ( era rllnln In ahe'nnco for n timime . The cnthe t I m day \I'IIS spout In I cOlsllerlng the I riles I of time eneml lreement of the Wlstcrn lasseimger agomits. Thl' Atchison , when the meetnv eoim'emmeti this immonimimig declared hint ( It hat In mme way receded from its proposiion to have the ngrc 'menl extellell beyond time : lssourl river anti to Inch.le all Colordo ifliIiies s , as well aR that cast of time Mis- I tourl river. The l'nlon Pacfc and the ( iemm- ) : ' \'cr & file Grnnde I 0 nlllelstooll ( to he11. . 'InJ to Incln(11 ( all their Colorado huslness III the afreemrnt , hut neiher road was rellre- sentell tommy Neither limit ! bcen Invied ! , for the ( ollinion lint ! gotten abroad tml the Atclm- Isun \onl1 agrrl tn let the n reemelt slop at time MissourI river , but Its declaration at time opentnv se1llt lint ( questol effocmmaily ( . I will no\ be nlcessal ) for time Union Pacifc numb time Dem'er & Rio Grande to be heard I from ! lforl thl mmmc.eimig . can proceed fur- I thrr In the work or reorganization. An ad- I jOlrnmlnt was takel unt tomnorroa' , \hen the . \I'orl of ( ltellng the association rules \1 bl' taken UII. . .I t ( Il'l'I\ ' IJn : I \ ' ' 111' I I : CI.\l1 DI\ I : . 'i'hiie'vs's I , . .I..r.lh.11'1111 tn Iistu's' : ( lii- 'ieilI . , 1..I..I. . . . . At G:30 : last evening an attempt was made b ) two men 10 rob the resl1enco at 'V. ' . I. Meikie . : . 8 Worthllgton Placl' The famiy at this ( line was at uhiammer. The coachman In going arolnll the house on an crmnll notccd n man on lie ( roof of time front 110rch and was turmmlng back to give an alarm when nnother man stepped out from near the front steps , nut ! drawln a revolver ! told the coachmln to Iwell still. lie Ulen called to his companlcn to come down and the two then mu. When time coach mal reported the matter and gave somelhlng of a IleRcrlplon ( of the men , time scrvant girl said that while , a hal hour before , some coal WIS bclng unloated she nolclll near by outside the fence two men whom : Ie thought must hle bee those ( scen by the coachman. A mossag was ent to the police station a 111 to arm OmCH who was sent out the facts I\'erl ( eli ! . lie salt ! to Mr. Melte that from hun tecrllton ct the men he judet ono might he time same who was implicated In the Gareau Llamolll robbery Silt'rIsIlimi A \ . . . . . . . 1'iul mu 11111"1' . ' ' 'he Ilavlug ot Shermln nrenue with Allrllan u phlit rl'om Nicholll to LOlut stllt wits ! comllletcd yesterday , mind Commtmiut'tor Hugh Murph Is can. Illent ( tlml In ( tub , Irll ( trial or lie 11,1\1 plollue he hUH been Ilceessful HeHhllnls 111 liui5iiips mcn along the street mire . highly "llaHoII " wlh lt I ni thou ' mmmcc. 'hl woI , it \IS IISII.tl,1'esl"lllay , hY memhLrl or the ! ol'l of i'ubllcVorks amid time city dig I ii , 'ei' . 1./ . . ' . . . . tl his vi' 4W Ilnl' " ii'y Glo.l" . .t. S. .Iohmon ami Robert Brlton were alrl'Hle,1 , ( yesterday Ifernoon on slsplclon of Ill'lng stolen $ ot worth ot dry goods flom the HtOII' or Ilerlng and ! Kerey , 123 SOllh Sixth street , emi time night or October 14. 'hl HooIIH were fOln,1 at 4021 Camdeu /\'lnue II the Iiollcl aulhoriies 'esterday. Blulon h time man who Inllnlered the thef cf r. poul11s If fl'ather" from Ihe ( mattress factory of 1. G. DOUII not long slmmce. 'I' I.J : , gl :1\ 1'11' hIlt1liIS. " 'hle ( & lrllslm\ oldest frm In I.a ( kaumge , Tex hare nussigmmed. Kuhn W'hlsomm of ( ' 11Ien , Arl. , shot his wlfu , and lien conmnilttc'd Hulchle. Jealous WIS time caue. ' 1II'll'e hl11led Sflnllrllsl mostly boys . leel'It ) "alfll fm ama Jonlevh co for Cuba to ' 1r'1 In time SJallh tinny. Pre"Ilent (11\'IInl r1slc,1 , tIme Atlanta expositioiu'emimmesdn ) mini , Wil given I IJleal fnulwr we.colo. Al Incoming ( Ileamer reports passing the sllalCI ( St Augustine of lalers , In ShI1 ! ' ! and Iha110ned I ) ' ItS crev. 'ho steamel' " Vehmimar from Ballmor , . for BI'e1cn. his arl'tl with a large part of its cargo of ( olon Illfge.1 . hy hire' . A eabiegrauum rece'ive'ml , In ' . \ iiihus'mimmkei. ( uhlcAram n'cll\'I',1 : Ilwaukl" an- 10UIl'I'11 that I.'rnd" Hlnlol I t , time II0n I king , ( ommlte,1 , sum lldi' In I I 'a rim , \'llneHda ) ' . 'Irf which sturtc,1 , In n hotel Idlchen \Vethmmesilnuy , lehlll'll almost all or the IIHlnl'IH : portion of the vlllge of Celes , l'n. la.A rn"t freight . on time Norfolk & \Vester ra,1 , was 1IIIIlti , nlll : Iax itlemumloivs VI" Int Ihlel ( . lrlnmen ( killed amid JeluloWli oUlly The gmlll jury nt SI'ncusl. N. Y. his retti rmm'ml I mmml let inemm Is Ilallst : Chlrles Otter- m.eimmmdmui. I a utile r II I conmmeet lou \llh h I the Orphan hemp "camlal le"sle I'"flhank" of New York , who shot 1111 i imi I mulct ! I simm' ( 'achurmu ito , hal been ( US- I'hnrged on tht gloul11 that sue Is not mental - tal ) m espommsibk' . 'fhl 1'flllon I I of Ihl I 1I11al I Omit ! China I Ifla ii f0111',1 , I tim C tnpl I of Ilsclsslon I I at \Vednes- ulmny's . se""lon of Ih" nwrlcnn : lsHlonar' ' ) . S society lt Ilptrol. Time 1'"rl1lsn Sisters of : I\nnl\o ha\e pmi mcli mist' " , I a lal'e hotel I bumiiti lug nt Erian- "nl"ll. ( iti'imuimmmy , anll It wl he u8ml for thn iliC ) t her imtmui"e of the I a nor. S\IIlul \ Agent 1l'oekenhorl < h oC time In- tlrlor t Illpannlnl u hums l'oullcalell ( over 1,04)0- ) ( ( ) feet of u Illh"I' i I ntI' 1"10 10. Cal : , salt 10 ha \ bee'n elt on go\'l'rnlenl Iniuti. : mae. Bnomlehl V.'lslt'r mimamit. her first up- ' ' , " ' him New Yemric \ \ ' , e\'enln . l'lurw , 11 "I'll' Yemric'ednesdny es'enlng. 'I'he 1)'e . . tim J"IIlng of lien lteronmumaumct. , eonl'CleH Item' tim lie I great Illanl"t. 'i'hu' hatllrhiTexa. . Ilrl'e'l ' off New York \\IInt'11) ] ' aim / I I , Inilal I I 1.1' i . ' from Norfolk 1 navy 'al'I. : tvimemm' I was imulit. N. effort was 111" Iu test time vessel lou' IltHr epoch 01 eaSl' of Imamidiluig. : lrs. ! I ou-h all hi em' ,1-rear.ull IllIlhllr I of ( 'muluo. II.I l' rOlnl1 \ \ 101' ' : ' < u ) hmamig- lug hum time dll'Ien hou" of n fllelll Ilh whom tll ) 111 I i41iiuiuliig. II'at uuloubl- ! ellr 1 ( ' l55C ur mmutmrtier alll sul'lle , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - yJiP o7R r . 'r- : I ! , , I I O.W ; TJO Both t1e inedmo(1 tiiid results w1iei SVh'1i1) ) ° l"igs is tak'ii ; it is ) ) aiitl i'efreshullg to the taste , aiid icthi gehhtlv yet ) ' ) Oil the ICi(1lheyiu ( , Liver Bowels , cieist's : tile ByS. t9ii effcetllaltv. (1i.spaia CO1lni head- : .dheS 1111(1 fc'eh' and CiIFCS liutYitual 'JflStLLt1Ofl. ' ) Syt'tt1u of Figs is the only i'C ineely of its knitl cvcr eirn- ( liJCel , pierisilIg to the taste rind ac : eptal)1e tO the LtOhmfl1'1h , II'Orhhlit ) 111 it ) ! aut'iout aitti tt'ulv bciieh'ick.I in its chieCts , prejmrcd oiily frolil tile Iflost I5calthyaitd agl'eealIe'stibst.alhces , its Inulily cxc llent COhhhiiidfld it te aI and have iiiade it the hhiost voptiIat' reiiiedy klios'n , ayl'tiI ) Firs 'H for ialc in 50 ccitt ' bottIe l ) ' all leading drug. g'lst s , Ar. ) ' e1iab1e druggist who hilly hot have it on 11(111(1 'i1I pro. ,1111'U it. ! ) t'01111tIY for any oiio who vs1ie , to try : , J ) ziot aecept any I'll Ifl4tI U I te. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. # SAP. ' FRAPIC1.Wf ? , CAL I L4IVii. ar. 4EW ( MY. - . . . . . . , , " ' : - - - . . - " - ' . " - ' - I " : _ _ _ . _ _ _ . : ; : t . , Aip - , vit ; - . ( \ 1/ \ \ 'OliJED I. ftfiMA JflTO p0iiC3MO , " . . . GAU I.1.4T1T4 ! ! ? . c lb TH LARGEST PICE OF QQ13I3ACCO SOLD F'019 f C' " 1OCENTS \ . We Are Headquarters for ugs. . I ) oc ( ; r Turkish Rugs. _ { " , . ' NEW IMPORTATIONS OF SMALL TURKISH IWOS , IN aHI VANS , lOAHAS , COHAIAGIS ; ALSO som IANDSOI IGS ' KELI.t:1 LOUNGE COVEHS AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW I'ItICES. SELECTED HUGS AT $50 , $9.0 $10.00 , $11.00 AND $12.00. f Another Shipment of Japanese Rugs. ALL SIZI S. PRCES $6.GO to $8.00 for GX9 FEET . ; $9.00 to $13.50 , ' ' FOl 9X12 FEET. ' AXflinster QugS. , ESPECIALLY I"A YOHAB.E FOrt PATLOn 1"UHNISING AT ME Ii DI:1 COST. ALL THE NEW COLOItS. COST ADOUT TIlE SAlE , AS CAHlr TS. . . 'Ve are Headquarters for nugs. ; ) o ( ' / : Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. - i , L EgTORE " . > : LOST VIGOR ' " . ' . ' , . \ , Qh.ln \ .louh what to , IIh' f.f , Nervous fleliimv . 1.00' c.r Seul i'o.er ( In elmluci el it' \ , , " . ' S..lne "U. Ilp".n'r. 1',11. , 1.10 1oJh , h" ) ' . \e.l. e.1 0.1 ful.vl.o' 'n , ' < . Ijlllly . . . " ' . , " . . r f.xual . . . ( 1 If , " .nv < I.ct"I. cu.e. ( .lh. 'uch Hosult III 4 wee.s. , u. , ' ; I' ' , ' . ' orde I ' , I c I gile a J\ \ l..i a maS.T,1te ' : 'i ' : I. 'ire . o or " 'dl,1 , ; \ It. . . . mnem , : ' " Aiun4 UIRMAN & McCONJV14T4 nnun CO _ 1 1 : nO" ! , . Rtrl'lt. Omn'n. Nob. ' - - - - - - - - - . \ irsmum'i' : . VgVb TONICHT t yn' 1 G' ' ( THURSDAY ) LAST PERFORMANCE OF OFNIAN THOI' ' PSON'S ! Famnotma PIa ' , 111018 ) I Tne OLD HOMESTEAD I Mmmmmigeimieiit ofVM. . w'AiMINCVrON. : 'lhl : Ianalemenl Irl II,1 " Wt , lule'n.I" : Inlll" , . (1 mImIe'lt' ( I ' S. . . . .1 Cosis : li : UIII''I : r. . . : m'lzu 'I . 'ri-V.mmm- . .1I ' tub mI' ' ( .rl7:11I' : ' ' ( ' jW Sull ( f seats . now olln lt 11 following ,11'1(11 ; First floor , 5'e , 75t I' InL $1 00 ; Ilal- ( 'on'y. IO" antI 71e ; g'.mier : ) ' . 2 : . 21o.NEW ! nyr ' NEW U l t THEATRE rHDA ) Y allil SATURDAY OCI' : , 2-9 6 ( ) S.'I'HU. \ . \ \ I.\'I'II'I . DE WOLF HOPPER , \11111 > , I.'rry eO'UIUnl' m .r" ' illhfl I' ' 5 : ( atm I I't ' j . . . ot (0111 ( jpr.I > DR. SYNTAX V.vcrytiihtig 1 NCI , lrhtlud l.tftll I. . 'riietai ' or . cuts . wUI ou' i M U 01'1':1 : Tm'-4- ( ' mini ' ' ml. t.Il .tvlimi , " " " M ilrsi iloom' 111) 10'nlm ' : "I li r.I.\II : g'i' luul Ii'lt'U u.1 tel .il : lo'\'on.I' ' ' : j""M 7.il' 1,11. ' , ' : : \1 MiUm t I l"le. . ' 1. . il lieu r " . ; ii. ) , 7,0 111 flUl. ' ) 1111'UI ) ' .ilk' al d j at' . - - ' C SUN.MON. , TIJlS.'u ; -YD' u OCT. 27-28-29. - - - - - si'ut'i t I. , al . t'i'iiu ' : ' 1\1 il'.IAl . 'hl ( JralHI HI1cllcul.r { .egenlar ) ' Dlll. -The-- BlachCrook I Black Crook III-I'I I ( l ( I'I.I-IIl. I : ( 'l'I I it liii ( HI . .t.I ) I t I.lI''l'S , I 'OnH at % iagumlflcent Scenery . A llltluLl or Inlrll'ul Plr\h'rnIHn : ) - ' : IUI'I' : tN ' ) \ 'llI'l'lhS-.iui. 1 " ( ! ! ' 'rDI'J1' i luca ' : i. , \ 111'W4. h I Sai Saturday. I'rics'a i"iru't hoer . SaIl openH Halurdl } IrlcPI l'Jr foor. tOc lery , , 750 : mind $ .0 ; baie'ny , We miamI ' 75" , gab. I . , . - . , . - . . 4. d , . ' . h - , . - - - - - - - , \ I Siuiit'j's : - . OREI I G iO1 r TITR Tul . hO3i-i'AXTON N IllflSS , llrl. ' { 'OI.I'J'1' 1. I : . SimL'elnli ApIIOUrllf ( ul 110 I ( iAHIUCBU LESUln CO.'IANY 1)irec ( from Mr. . . ' Dlrll't rrm ; 1" lticimtmmuh Mamm.f.sitl'a ( hirrlcig I 'I'hmcure ' ( , New IIIHII \orl l'l : lan.rehlt , 1. . Gunk. ! & l'uezmier'tg Operatic iinmrlestimme ' , I THRILBY : U-t1011-S ( A ' 1 I I t ii.ia'm'-t , . 'I'-i. i'lllc't's-tmtmmuu. : Iix nntl Dis H. td. $1 : I "Ol . Ohnl SCm Itenmititniler ft I. I . , , , j.'I""r , :1. 1"81 tim , 5 < 11 e . . . , . . , , . . . - . , row. lal"n j f. utexn me's ii r.w. ' Iialcony ) leXI f lalcuny . t ; r"ur. Ilui.'tny. J : " , CaiIr . ) ' . lIt' it'i'i.'im : S \1 11.\ \ - - - - - - - - oru : GUYON 'fiHEJ THE 'ful. 1531-i'ATH . ( { IUlli ! ! , \llr ' Four Nighitti , ( 'oummmne'mmt'hng SI \ I ) t V 31.'I'i \ ii : : , ( it "J'OhIh'I ( T. ----HANlN ihQOS. - - - i'ammrnrmmh ( ' Sp"ear ( lo acil tm'ammd Duliet , SU1ERBA a- , DR. j& 11 c eRE W , imurmie : otiy _ c 6PECiALsT : Wtl'i 1ltAT'4 . IU' 1IE.T'.A. . ' ; - % P,11VATE , DISEASES J ' SYcakitesm arid Scr'n I S . 1'1101 ' " .t . . MEN ONLY , ONLY l'vr1 curs r.imarammteed , . , .t 114) ytiur ellermemicu. . S : - - a : : ; : Iii I ( \ rcsims. ' 14I . . \ I.k . Vec. . . . Hh. , _ . U1.1.\ , N1CU ,