. \ : : THE OMAHA DAILY BDE. . - ' ; ' I f - ES'l'AnrISII1D ] ) JUN1D : 10 , 1871. OllIAHA , 'l'llUnSDAY ' ) [ Ol1NING , OOl'onEII ! J.1 , 180 ; ; . SINGrID OOPY FVIJ ! OJDN'rs. . i ; STIRRED UP TilE ANUIALS Ballard : Smith's ' Statement of the Salisbury- "r Hayara Interview Reitemted lONDON PAPERS DEMAND EXPLANATIONS 1IIIIIor'IIIIt' , ' . . of lie 111.1'lt ( I'"crll 3. Cijiiiiitiih ' iI DPI h ) ' 'hc' ' 1'rM.-SIJ- nllc'llt lit tern Iie.s If tIit . Siutit- J"h lIIiiItvr tl FtiIiitt1. ; ( Copyright. ISO : : ; , IIY Press I'uhl.hlnl Com"n ) : - I.ONDON , Oct. 23.-New ( York Worll Cablegtarn-Speclat 'felcgram-The ) London TInieR gives Its lealing position today to a Ion , ; cable from Is New York correspondent , quoting In full the World's London dispatch of Monday night last concerning an Interview and other communications between Lord Stlab Isbury an,1 Amhaseador Bayar on the Vene. zuelan question. 'rh , London Chronlcle's Now York correspondent ale cahles hack the same dispatch In ( till , and alt this afternoon's newspapers comment editorially upon it. The Times correspondent says that I the facts Rlrttetl are true "they wi have a consider- able Influence upon merlcan opinion ; If they are not true , a contradiction mIght he usetlt ful , " In view of the obvious Importance thus given here to the statements made In the " 'orills dispatch and Ambassador Bayard's I denial mada to me today , and presumably to the gnglsh news agencies also , as to the accuracy or the report of the Interview , It Is i I proper for me to say that the statements In I Monday's dispatch , were upon the authority oZ an omclal wlH was and Is certainly In L a position to slJeak with accuracy and hcnowl' edge of Lord ahlsbury'it version of the c"m- munlcaton In question with Ambassador S laynrd : that he knew the Information would I 10 Ilulllhe,1 , In the World i that he furnished details of Lord Salisbury's version of ofclal i ' ' correspondence , which the World's corN- ' . spondent thought , and still thinks , It unwise - - wise , In the Interest of comiy between the two nations , to make that the ( natons public ; evl- - hence furnished of Its being a valid stat : . ment of I.ord Saltsbury's olcial \rslon seemc ahsolute. TiUTI W1Lt4 vouclm FOIl As to Its truth , the World's Informant lit I certainly n conceivable object In pervertug the facts , but when the State Ilepartment furnishes to congress its full Instructions ttr Ambassador Bayard of the early part of r last summer and Lord Salisbury's reply on the qneston of our assertion of the : Ionroo ; doctrine In relaton to Venezuela , his good I , faith will , I think , 0 established. ' Many seml.omclal statemenb have beer made , In the Enlsh press during the Vent eZIlan controversy to substantially the sam erect that we have asserted In this conten- thou , and the gnglsh mlnll'tr has even moro vigorously contested It , I may add that Am- Issador Bayard , In his conversation with me today , stated that the interview In queston took place last .Iuly , and that ho has since then ha,1 , no communicatIon whatever with ! Lorl , ! Salisbury or the Urlt h authorities , In r"gJrd 10 the Venezuelan question. This : , would certaInly indicate , th refore , that there Is just now no serious or pressing controversy - I versy between the two nations al the sub3ect There Is anotpr International queNlon , however , which may be of serIous moment to us and concerning which a recent Intervlow N with Due de Tetlan , the Spanish minister , I lrintti In the Paris Temps , I. of strldns Intercst. The correspondent \'Isltet him at t f the requet of Prime Minister Canovas do J Castio , , and the Interview bears every mark I of being authoritative . , UITlm STATES IEI.PING SPAIN Referring to a telegram from Washington stating that the acquittal uf filIbusters In I. ' vol veil In restitution of arms all ammunI- ton seized the duke dEclarel1 that the Span hi1i I ambassador nt Washhgtol recognize i the perfect crrectnet' of the Unied States' attitude , knowlnt , that Cleveland and morn h'ra . of the cabinet possessed no Infuence ( V1 a verdict of a jnry. Spain Is dlssatsfed I , however nt the alacrity shown In restoring ! arms seIzed from frlendl or the Cuban In" surgeriEs The American hovel'nment haa gl'en fresh proof of good wi toward Spain by promising fntnro to he as dilatory , as posslbl In restoring arms In order to give Spain time to redouble her vigilance agaInst contrb nll of war , Instead of reltorlng , arms Inlledlately. The duke declares the Ainerl can goverment wi now walt till sued hy the owners. 'fho , Iull goes on to say : P' "I am at 1 loss to comprehend how the : I'nglsh and rcnch I press can make tirerr * selves' accomplIces with tire ant-Enropenh . . , niachnatlont' ! of thc enemies oC Spain In Cuba , TOlay It Is against us ; tomorrow II will be I/nst ) . I Is today against a Spanish colon ) ' that this revel In the West Indlel , has begun , but England and France have neighboring colonies to ours. Let tireso two great power he on their guanl. After us their turn wi infallibly come. " The duke from other expressions In the Interview obviously moans to convey the Idea that al r Cuba , I the revolt Is successful I , . the the West United India Stdtel Islands. will eventual ) ' absorb al BAI.IAHD SMITh. MEl . IAY\HD DENIIIS THE STOlY , LONDON , Oct 23-The United States em- I lassy this afternoon issued a statement re- 1,1dlll the dlbpatches from New York , Imb- : Iahed hy the London Tlnl saying that the United States ambassador , lion. Thomas I" I , . Ilayard , has had an Interview of Japrd an unpicar C- Ilt nature with the marquis of Salisbury on tire Venezuelan question. United States oft 1- cia ] hero assert that : Ir , Ba'ar,1 has had 01- conlnunlc.ton , written or verbal , from the Urltsh foreign ofce or the marquIs of Salt : 5- bury which could ho CI.I811 as unpleasant ( r Inn ) ' way justifyIng the statements cot 1- talnlII In the New York dispatch referred to , Sl' \XISI " 'IN GllI.t'L' 1.\'r'I.IS. ! t't'll I 1'IA'IJC'II'I' ' " In ' \'hl.h S"1 11"rl'nh. . t t'I' IUlc'ol. HAVANA , Oct. 23-The plantation of San Manuel , the property of Marquis Apesetgul 1 , was burerl b ) a hand of sixty Insurgents yesterday , cJmmanlled b ) Jose Iunoz. Troops are In pursuit of the insurgents and have already kl,1 one and wounded three of them ; , A dttlchmenl.belonglng to the MarIa Crls. : tina rellment was recently attacked hy a force of 101 ' Insurgetlts-near Pasco on the 1 Canln\r river. five mils from \Iatauzae. The troops succellell In repelling the enemy who \ ere unable to cross the river , The trops . also captured one prlsoler and startc In pu r- . slit of the retreating Insurgents Captain Martinez Sanchez , with 200 Infantry - fantry anti twenty cavalrymen ? , has had a tklrmlsh wllh the Insurgent band comniand _ commandel h ) Calleran at the form of Don Domlngoes , In th NOvlncl of Santa Clara The Insur- gents Imt six killed and had several woundo The troops captured nt-slx saddled horse s. I'rrirt' Shinto 1k' 1"111,1. I USAm , Switzerland , Oct 23.-The Cazttte de l.usanne sa's that although I Is not truQ that the ' Is ' I'ope dying , I Is learned that his strength liars rapidly d C- < elned during the last few months ( Is . entourage Is or the opInion that he will not survive the wJnter , and It Is aIINI thnt " oil his vitality sterns to be centered In hi- brin , _ _ _ _ _ , S ( lt I tl' ( I CI""I' , ( lIrllrllNIrsI. , , t ' ( I'tJht. isaL by Ileu l'uLI.hlni Comn ' , ) 'OI.ON. Colnrubkr Oct 23.-New ( Yurk . 5' Worll , Catdegrau-Sfleclal Teegram.-Pe ) .u , : h1i cancelled the appointmEnt of . \llertt . aloon. I the \'I.a consul In New Yori I . The \olvians are petitioning their gover t 1pnt lu recognize thre Cubsns. P 'I'Ittttiit'ti I lrt. .tnierlt'riii CI.III. .a \ \'ICTOH\ , C" , Oct. 23.-Tho Arscclatel ! , , press orrelrondent , writing from Teklo , say S. : ! . A leiteI or thanl.s ha been sent 10 Colon ci Ilxon , lnlc1 States cnsul at 1.00 Chow by I " ' fifty inglltdn l mIssIonaries 'and 6fy nglh'l for his Prompt at rd I \'Igoroul \ acton at the time of the iCu ) Cheng . llaSICrn. I tH,1 CIl.tlt'I'S I'IUVlN IN.tCCUILA'l'IL .hzi eiw.i I'olnr 1 " 1..1C01 I I 111. " rurnr' "llllhic I I ' ' 1 , ' , 'rl. " . L ONDON , Oct 23-The documents brought from the explorer , Jackson , which were bro ught hack hy the Wlndwarll after leaving the explorer on Franz Josef land , and which wcro kept sealed up In one of the cabins of the Wind war , ) during her return trip , were open(11 today , anti the Iaper , vero found toFl recor,1 , that the expedition landed 01 Cape Fl lor on September 7 , where they erected lop houses All the members were given certain - tain duties to Insure regular exercise. Dlis see appeared to the number of thirty , and , to ether with walrus , they were Idled and ) addell 10 the winter lrovisions. The only man who died of scurvy refus'd to oat bear's m eat. TIm winter was very tempestuous and the arctic hears prowled around thc log ca bins anti even lookrd In at the windows. The wInter darkness ended on February 23. Jackson and two other started north on March 10 , with two ironies anti two sledges. The temperature was somltles 45 degrees be low zero. TIre Ilonies proved to be Invalu- ahlo for clamherlng over hummocls In the Ice , The country generally was at a height of 2,500 feet , and was covered with Ice sh eets . which were Intcrrupted along tIre coast hy high basaltic clIffs , on whIch were fo und mosses and arctic lowers , Tire journtY revealed , lany Inaccuracies In the chnrts. The land was found on tIre Airsa trln sound coat line to be very different than Is shown hy the maps of the Austrian ex lOtlftlOti. Sea Inlands were found where the mainland wes sUpowl to exist The furthest . point which was reached I was laludc ' 81 delrees , 20 mlnutcs north , where two boats were heft for use later In the summer. Three depots were aha ; estahlsle < enrouto Marry geological Fpeclnens were taken r which show that the formatIon of the land Is n maInly basaitic. A seconl journey began In r Apri and ended In tIre middle of Iay. I L was alemlcil with stormy weather , and Cre- quenty the temperature was GO degrees he- low zero. Progress was dlmcul on account of the deep crcvasses and the morasses of t mud , _ _ _ _ _ . \HI'I'\'rOIS I'U'I tl'l' ( I. ' ' 1'Ill \\Y. l''UI ( 'I'urls , 1I'III .t'rt.1 1111 I $ 1111.'I ) ' 1"11 ) " 'l t Ii. LODO ) , Oct. 23-A Constantinople dIe pltcb to tire Standard says : "Sinister stories arc afloat regarding , the vengeance wreaked I on members of the young 'urilish party A Icrdlng Iussulman lawyer name Izzet ( whoso arrest was reported some time sInce ) was tortured and tied In Yldez prison on preof i of corresponding wIth the party There la another unconfirmed rumor that ffy IIHlts of the part were arrested Saturday ; and were summarily tried and executed on a charge oC excesses durlnp tire recent Armenian riots. The ) 'ounl Turks contnul vehement talk among thcmselves , but It Is I leleved ! tire sultan's visor has nIpped the aglton against the palace government. le has further had his two brothers , neshad and 1 1lural , brought to Yldez and they wIll he Iept , thto until maters have calned down. I t w Ill be remerubere.i that a dispatch from C onstantinople , which ConstHntnollle was telegraphed to thO Asclatcd press on last Saturday , told of a wnnlng received by the Briish amb3ss1dcr , Sir Phip Currie , from an Armenian sourc a that there was a IJlot by the young Turk to t kill him and thus bring disgrace upon th Armenian people Tire Chronicle's Constantinople correspond ent says : "A hnndred Turls were arrested 1 on Saturday and thirty-eight Shofas and fve students of tire military colego on Mon - day n , Al arc closely connected with the YOUI/ . " Turkey agitation. The outlook Ie I - - - - - - l'lJ'I"I'JXG aesiitis 10 1Ici : : , , 'ot'lh,1 of tile' St'ICijj4' to Ito He - 1. . Ilorh..1 to ctlltIOI.h' . CONSTANTINOPL } , Oct. 23.-Thc grnd vIzier , Klaml Pasira has communicated to Shalllr Pasha tire scheme for reform to he entered upon In the viages of Erzeroum t , Blttls h , Van , Sivas , lamjuretulazlz and Diar ' - hcklr , The high commissioner has been In- sructed to maintain n scrupulO\s watch oVCr ire t execution of the executou reforms and to rlport the results by letter to . resuls ) leter Constantnople. The communicaton also defines In detail the functons of tire high commissioners relatve to t tire amnesty to he granted to politic : ir prisoners and the return of Armenian em I. grantr attn exies , Iisiurbances of a scrlOI ! nature are reported - ported from Kerasun The Turks attacke ri atacked riS ire ArmenIans Inhabiting the village of Senlus , In the district of Mudania . Twenty- four persons were killed . on both sides LONON . Oct. 23-Tho correspondent of tlO t Times at CO:1tantncple : telegraphs to that ft t paper : "Thu foreign ambassadors . forelln hl/hly ap- Irovo the personnel oC the commission of control - trol which t"10 Irud vlzlu ! has'chosen , hut : t ire sultan , preferring elastIc Instruments , Is I l ikely to disapprove. I the Armenian reforrr rare reorms are executed In n proper spirit I wIll groatl I heueft the empire. That thIs should he done Is I of vial Importance In view of the Inllenl- lug l 1lacedonlan difficulty , \ lch Is far moro mcnaclng than was the Armenian. " ' i'tIl ' 01 , ' . \ 111\7IJ.\X IOX'nCnY. I , tile gtd I"'C to l'inet. J'rlsjei. l'lct're 01 1'1 1'.lro''I.llt 'l'bisi' . i HO D JANEIRO , Oct. 23.-It Is cur r- ' renty reported here thai the heretofore seen rt movement which Is said to have been going on In favor of tIre restoration of tire met a- archy under Prince PIerre or Saxe-Coburg Is I assuming larger propertlarra. The agltr n- tors t are reported to have become lmbohlened by their success anti to be attracting at I. herents , openly advocatIng Prince PIerre candtdacy. The later Is a son of Prince Louis Augusta of axe-Coburg and Princess Leopoldine of Brazil. lie was her In lo sIc Janeiro In 1866. LONION , Oct. 23.-The officials of the I ! , BrazIlian emlassy here say that Print e ! Pierre of SaxeCoburg Is In , a lunatc as'lum ; In AustrIa and that there 1 no ( oundatic tn foundton for tire report of a movement In BratH In I I favor of tire restoration restoraton of the monarchy lu regard to the dispute between Great BritaIn and Brazil on the subject of the Island of Trinidad tire flraziilan ofliciais BraziIan ofclals SJY that no acton Is expected before the next cabinet council at Io do Janeiro 111"hll ) lisi' " ' fur C lie . \rl"llnl" . LONDON , Oct. 23.-A meeting was held today of the Armenian relief fund commlteo for tire purpose of raising (8,000 more The British ambassador at Constantinople has declared - clared that this amount will he necessary to preserve the Armenians from starvation duro : ing the wInter The duke oC Westminster , who Is tire chairman exproised the commIt- : tee's mcst hearty thanks for the handsome donations b ) Lieu citizens of New York. 1.11"01 1..oll.U.1 * If Siigm.r. BEHLIN Oct. 23-The Internatonal Ass a. elation esthnates the prolucton of sugar for 189-96 In Germany , Austria , France , Belgium - gium , HolalHI and Russia at 1,6S0,923 tons , a failing off of 854,000 tons from the total of Ire ( provlou , year . . flXI'i.OSION W'ItliClfl11) : , t J.\C'I'IU\ ' ' " ) f 'u II"lnll ) " ltlIl'rI mini Jllr ( it leers liii iiri'I . N WIUHYlOtT , Mass. , Oct. 23-Charles Ielanus \ as kIlled , James , n. I' . Heed was fatally injured and four others were seriously 1- ously hurt by an explosion In the dry and mixing room of the I'jbrelold works on Water street today. The eXIJolon ! Is thought to have bon through tire overheating of a quantity of celluloid - luloid In process of Ilrtlaraton for the man U. foctur ! of collars and cuffs . The force of the explosion was Celt throug out tire cl ) Iclanus was dad when fotrnid , and others were founl othln removed to a place where medical allndanco could be given thetir but It Is feared John McL.augtrl and W. Ii. Poore as welt wi : dlt. lcLaughln Thl building \ as 1 one story brick strenctut The side of I was blown ooml'letely ' out and the , root was carried . nearly 200 feet Into the air.The The firm employs about 100 men. The bUlhlng . was tire scene or a similar explQsloD , AFTER hARD A lRICAN CASH Qucstion of Amount the Only Ting t De Settlet UNITD STATES ACKNOWLEDGES TiE DEBT htl'rlltllni Comntrinloin II'h'cn Ur.lt Irlnhl 11,1 th , . Unl1 Stltc" Meets Xc"t ) llnll ) ' tu Ph : lice ilarret . t nesorrirt. WASHINGTON , Oct. 23.-1 Is stated clii- claly tOday that lion . : Iakerzle Bowel , premier of Canada , and SIr Charles Tupper , minister . of justice In the Canadian cabinet , wil arrive Washington on Monday next to asslst In the Bering sea convention. The meetngs of the conventon wIl he hell ! at , the r State department , Secretary Olney rel're- Eentng the United States and Sir Julan Pauncefote , the British amhasSador , repre- sentng her majest"s government. The i two mcmbers of the ! Canadian cabinet will I act l in an advIsory capacity to Sir Julan , , This wi assure n strong presentaton of the I UrJtsh contention. Sir Charles Topper was I minister of marine and fisheries at the time , tme the Canadian sealers were seized hy tire , United States revenue cutters , and he has t exhauJt\'e InformatIon of the clrcumstancls r nvolved i Sir Julan and the Canadian r premier also have had long experiences with I the queston , and so far as Is known by :11. Olney wil he unaided In conductng the American side of the case. Those most t fpmlar with tIre Amcrlcan positon arc : eurra. 111Ips of Vermont Coudert and I Carter of Now York ] , , Senator Morgan and cx- Sfretar ) of State Foster , hut so far as Is I.nown none of them will be called Into the c oniventirrnm. The Issue Involved Is largely one of fact and not of law The Paris tribunal held I that the Canadian sealers CalJtured In Jerlng sea had a rIght to he there . rind that the ) were entted to damagEs for the seizrrre . The stalers claim over $1.000,000 , but this : was scaled down to $472,000 hy an agree - menl between the late Secretary Gresham and Sir Juhian Pauncefote Julan Congress refused - fused to ratify the agrccrrrent . antI It was : nsserted by Senator Morgan In the senate and Hepresentatve Hlt In tIre hOUSD that the amount was excessive. The corning con veton will seek to rlach a lair lole of tljustnrent Under the Paris awards some sum must be paid by the United States , so that t the anI' questIon involved Is how luch that t payment shoull be. ISCUSSI ) CII'ICI IIX'VIINSION. Xcc'I" If dint' tJlltnrll1 Church II tin' ' ' . . . ' ' Vt'tt S.I I.'orth , WASHINGTON , Oct 23-Church extension - ian and temperance reform.vero the thllcS bcCore the national conference of UniarIan and other Christan churches today. The discussion i- cussion of church extension was opened by R ev. Charles W. Wendell oC Oakland , Cal , who spoke glowingly of the outlook l of the church on tire Pacific coast. CalCornla L , he Bald , has more Unitarian churchel In pro- porton than any other state , save these tit New gnglanJ. 11ev. George L Chaney of IchmoII I spoke of the abolition of sectior I- alsl In tIre south. nev. T. U. secton- ChIcago saId the central west awaited Unl- tarlnn mIssionarIes to work In that field. He urgcd also that Unlarl.n minIsters should btcome evangelists as well , Rov. A. W. Gould of Chicago said the problem m. lem 1 to be faced In the central west was , the division In tire ranks of the Unitarians their C- selves. He made a strong plea for support t , d epreating the financ'ai aid rcndererl b ' tepre atng fnanc'al by oil L - cr societIes , and urging the building of astron s trong , sef-srrpportirig ! Uniarian , system In i that stcton , its center to bo Chicago D. M. Wilson of Boston spoke of tire progress - gress In New England and Illctured the outlook : - look l ns brIght and encouraging. A meeting was held this afternoon at 0111 South chirrcir . at whIch moler methods ! In I tcmpernce t reform were discussed. The feature - t ore was the alldress of Rev , Dr. I.'mncls G , 'eabndy secretary of the commIttee of fey ; for tire investigation of the l'uor prohlem , Oher speakers were : 11ev. A. p , Dahl , get t- crnl secretary of the Cathole Total Abst I- fence Unior , of AmerIca , and HeD , N , Beach of Cambridge , Iass" , who advocate the great importance or applyIng the Norwegian : - wegian prlnclplo to temperance reform 'UOI.N UOUX'I'\ JX cnX'I'IUI'EUS\ r' , Clirlnne'ii I Irs' tIre' Suite If 'J ' " " " 11.1 tho' 'I'e'rrItor' If 01cm , Irrnrmi. WASIINGTO , Oct. 23.-Atorey General - oral Harmon made his initial appearance In I his official capacity before the UnIted States supreme court today , makIng the opening argumft In the Greer county case , lirvohi Ing the question of the boundary lure be- t"een the state of Texas and the territory of ; f Oklahoma : Ir. Harmon outlined thc clalma ' of the' general government to the territory In question , Including what Is known as Greer' ' county , In Texas , containing about 2,400 square miles , "a princely domain , " he saiti , "ami worthy the attention of the supreme tribunal oC the United States. " . The record In the case Is very voluminous , Including Innumerable maps antI much testmony , expert and otherwise , but the attorney general slowed a very thorough nnderstl1lng of tire case , presentIng his argument In a con- 1 vincing manner. He claimed In bthalf of 1 I the United States that the south fork of : the Hed river was the main stream shown on Meiisli's map , whIch Is made the guide to the line between the United States and Mexican territory , as described In tire treaty or 1818 , anti contended , therefore , that Texas , In se- lectng the north Cork of the river as the boundary and organizing Grecr county be- tween these two streams , hall encroachell upon tie natIonal domain The court assigned - signed four hours to the arlument of the case on each side. Ex- " torney General Garland IS one or the attorneys In the Interest - terest of the defendant 1"OIDIOSl'I.C'JIC..I. : . COSQUIIJIHI ) l'I.C'JIC..I.coxqU : lnl "llmn"hC 'l'Iiorouiglnl'e ' 10lt lIt . lIIriel . ' . Jlol" inn th , Isiunnil. WASHINGTON. Oct. 23.-The Jaraner legation - gaton here has received no dIspatches con- frmatory or otherwise or the reports from St. Petersbur that Japan Iran decided 10 evacuate Corea and gIve her entre energies to the subjugation of Formora. The legation officials view tOe report with some distrust. I Is poInted out that there are but 2,000 Japanese soldIers In Corea , so that they would help but slglty In subjugation oC , ' suhjugaton Formosa , where ' a very large Japanese force Is already operating. loreover the latest operatng : lattst re- ports from Formosa Indicate that port the subju- Cation Is practically accomplsh el. The capital - tal has passed Into the hands of the Japanese anti but ono smal town remains In pOssession oC the black flags. ' \ 'este'rnn I'C"hll"'rl111'011..1. . WASHINGTON , Oct 23.-Speclal ( Tele. grm.-I'ostmasttr ) were appointed today as follows : : ebrlska-Hardy , Nuckols county , J. E. Bxby , vice 0 , A. Ixby , resigned. Iowa-Galon. CaB county , H. W . Shannon , vIce J. U. Thomas , resigned The postolce at loHer , Sherilan courtly , Nob. , has been dIscontinutI . : " betn discontnued. Mall will go to Itcairvilie . . The clues at : oulon , Penning ton count ) , S. D. , ha ale been ( llscofltinued . Mall wIll go to I.nerne. Oren discontnued. wa , today coninmissioned commisioned postmaster at WarneuvlE : th. ' 1'0 11"111 " " 'hC'rn 1"'r\lloI { . WASIGTO : Oct. 23-Speclal ( Tele- graru.-Intllan ) Inspector James McLaughlIn left for the esl tblB lef \ morning after a 1110 longed \'Isl In Wahington , where he has been attending 10 a number of important nuatters at the Indian olce , Inspector McLaughlin . Laughln wilt go to Wiconsin and later : to Standing nock AGency , S. D. , wiere he will were make his regular IUBcecton : wi . H.\Snxs SI'BC' Tllin ( ) It'Ii'I'IHLM. I' rrni'i-eil I nigs of tl. S.III.1 .t'e ' , * sid 'I'hlrf'-'I'hlrt nc.Jrt. . WAShINGTON , Ocl. 23.-At the thlr dR"s session of the supreme council or the Anclenl and Accepted Scottish lute Mason the dIscussIon oC tire report of the Judiciary co innnitteo was resumed , A portion of the re port was adopted arid the rmainder re fHred to a. cotnmittee , or which Orantl Com- mamIeI Caswel Is chairman , to further examine - amine and report upon at tbt meeting of'tho ' counci to he hell two year hence , Tle can- Ilderton J of the report of tIre committee on nomina lens for advancement 10 the thlrt- third degree occupied the greater part of the rcmalnder or the session , there being 'hlrty- eight nannies on tire let , Ioutno maters occupIed Considerable or the tme today . at the session of the supreme co uimcii tlrirty.tirlrtl degree for the Unltetl St ates or America , their terrItorIes and de- pedencies , One feature of this meetng cx- te nding over two days has heen the ceremony or conCerrlng the thlrty.thlr , dl'grN upon teverl memhers. The following were elected today : Grand commander , Wiiam A. Hershlsher ) , Colum- hus , 0. : lieutenant grand cmmandcr , Major \ V. Ba'lss , \'asiringtcni D. C. ; Itand mln- Istcr of state , Granvie A. Prombus , Grnd Hapltls , Mlch , : grand treasurpr general , Davl'l ' W . Thompson , New York ; grand secretary general , John G. Barker , Irooldyn ; grand l\cper or the nrchlves , Wlh IT C. Stander- lp i , Boston : /rnml master of cremonies , C. Junius W. glwards , MinneapolIs ; grand marshal - shal , CalvIn \V. Edwards New York : grall standar,1 , hearer , Alexander Atkinson , Oniara ; g rand captain of the guard , John J. Stod- dard , Columbus , O. AI'polntmcnts ' by the grand coinniatider : Grand prIor Marcus " ' . Morton , Providence , H , J ; grand marshals ! of tire camps , Peter 0. Anderson of Brooklyti . tV' . W Carpenter of \ 'althranr . lass. , Frrrirklin I Saunders of Co- im irrrbus . O. Deputes : For the stale of New York , James Ii. Curtn : California , I'owel S. Lawson : New lampshlre , Joltn . A. Gidden ; Indiana , ChristIan Bosker ; 1.torhla , : ' 1. H. Coper ; Nebraska , henry A. Hfkel : ' : lchl- gan , Hush J. Shank ; Tennessee John H. Hnthmel : Washington , Hchard J. Graham : : DstrIct of Columbia , Oeorge Gibson ; Rhoda : i Island Gardiner C , Simms ; Connectcut , Wi- lam \Valr'im. I Commite' on general admin- Istraton : Hopkins Thompson , chairman : gl ward \V. Atwood , John G. Barker , John D. larrls h and John lialgim Tonllht a banquet was hel ] at tire National I hotel , at which women oC tine order were ad. n ritted. . , ' 10 Slnx\g , CnX\'BXTIOX CI'I'Y Chllrlln Cri'tt'rCr.lls tintS ilejeiibl I . crime Nut loirte I Cinerninnlt tee 'l'ewt'C her. Nll' YOIK , Oct 23.-Senator Thomas 1. Carter of Montana chnlrrnsn' bf . . : , chalrm.n' the republ- can national commitee , tonight Issued the Colollng cal : "Tho republican national committee Is t hereby called to met at the Arlngton hotel , " 'ashln/ton. at 2 o'clock P. m" , December ; 10 , 1895 , 10 designate a time and place for the meetng of the national convention In 1896. :111 : to transact such other budness as may demaml consideratIon . consIderaton. "ThOMAS , I CARTE , Chairman , "J. II. IANLDY , Secr tary. " NEW YORK , Oct. 23.-Senator Mathew S. Quay arrIved In the city today Mr. Quay was al.ed If he had come to New York to COl fer with Mcsss Carter and PiaU In re . ] gard to republican Interests hut he decliner I to t talk on the subject. ne saM , however , that he favored an early conyputlon at Pits- b urg. General Iusscl A. Aicr 'or ' MIchigan also arrIved thIs afternoon and stopped at the Fih Avenue lmotei ! E was 'norlcornrflitta I concerning his purposes . hnrlop1tjr4hi ' to sa'lng that he was iii 1 " ' ol ( " . date for ( ho republcan patldnah'neYe l t ' .5 _ . Senators Quay anti Car\er \ , PX ! ltor Plat . and J. S. Clarkson are said I have held a conference at the Fifth A venu9' hotel tonight All they said or did could not bo ascertained . SAN FRANCISCO , Oct 2a-Tl ChronIcle ; wIll tomorrow morning announce that M. H. De Young , vice chairman or , the republican 1 ; national commitee , wilt offer $7GOO to the republican natonal commltcQ I It wi selecI San FrancIsco for holding tire next natonal cotrvenrtion. convcnten. - _ - _ . IgtlU s'rBU 'ro - JlaIO\'l 'I'IIH U'1'Il ; G"'lrll " 'h"lton 1111 ills Arl , : I ' . \,1..1 to 10 Iolcu ' 'orl. . DENVER , Oct 23.-Governor lcInt're C early today requested General Wheaton , r , commanding the Department of the Colorado t. rado , United States army , to remove thD Northern Utes , whoso reservation Is In Utah I , from Iout and Rio Dance ' counties , Cole ralo , where they are tfspasslnp and slaughtering : game In violatIon of the stat l aws. S Senator Toiler has gIven nn opinion that the Ute have no privilege bC vIolating the gnme laws of the elate The senator thought a test case ouj11 to be made this fail , nnd Governor McIntyre wants to ste It defnlcly dechle,1 , whether the annual Ute scare shal be repeated every year The position of General Wheaton will be watched with sredt Interest , as It Is claimed there wIll bo a lot of dealUtes on tine avcr'r ' : ern slope If something ts . notllone thIs week. : s - . - . ' i'ItYIXG 1'0 S.tViO - 'Tilili ' 111G 'OAiIL' . \ g'TiE "I'I\JXn " . _ .i.\ ' JIG 'GAlB. VIes to th ' Xnlh"I' of Fh' Jnnlrc.I Arc Shtn/ht.t'h.1 I DENVER , Oct. 23.-General Wheaton , cenn- mandlng tIre Dcpartment 'of the Colorado , U. S. A. , to whom Governor , McIntre has appealed to remove the Northern Utes of Utah from Colorado , said today h3t ire did not thlnlt any serious trouble would arise , but he was having a careful InvestigatIon i rtade . which would be contpitetI In a day or 8. ) . lie : aid that tire comvill agent , < Major Iandlete , was also c llmatler of the post of that locality , and he would , In all prob. abIlity . cal the IndIans back to the rcserva- tion. I Is not known exactly how many Utes arc In Colorado , but It Is estimated at 500 men , with hal as many squaws. Tire slate game warden held a consultation wlh tire governor lath this afternoon anti the governor t lrecte,1 him to go to the scene of the depre- datons , and In conjunction wih the Aherl of the county , stop the slaughter of game. . II I.IS ox 'l'hlfl ) IOXIOI' : IOC'l'IIINIL l'r""I.I"lt Crespolot-s Not . i net Id- \ntc- li t. ' ( rluhl. ni h l1 II 11,1. NEW YORK , Oct. 23.-A special to the heroin from Caracas saya : 'Prsident ' Crespo was asked this evening to outline tire position of Venezuela In regard to the demsn,1 of Great BrItain that reparatIon b made for the arrest of British subjects , and that a settlement - mont or thee boundary betyeen time two countries - tries be arranged Whie the president of tire republIc ralntaln ln \ certain degree of diplomatIc reserve , I Is saId on the highest authority that the government , as well as public opinion , does not expet any attempt at unjust aggressIon on the part of Enslanll , and confdes In the Monroe doctrine , Should , however such agsrtsslon , o ur , Venezuela wi resIst tire demand. Venezuela Is still otclaly unlnrormed In regard 10 England's , ultimatum . , p " 'hl. . ( Hrl Otle'nt.L dud ) hu.h'rc.l. 1 i GHEE BAY , \Vis. , Oct 23.-The bOdy of : a murdered whit woman In an advanced I stage of tl-omposlton , ' was fountl toay on the Oneida Indian rerervatlon. , The woman was young and handsomly ! dressed . She hal evldeltly been criminally assaulted before being murdered The body was concealed tie- side the road In a hollow and covered with holoand coverC wih brush. Nothing ' vas found on the remains to Identify her. . i.iieIred In . \llhlll It'ut. . ST LOUIS Oct. . LOUS , 23.-Jack Henderson , a farm laborer who attempted yesterday to outrage the wIfe or his employer , James Alien , lIving at Vinegar Hand , Waablnston County , Alhama , was found hanging to a tree this mornIng , riddled with bullets. . - -4. 1 ( I , . )101" ) llr.h'r 1' Crljrpie Creel . , CIIPI.E CI J K , Colo" , Oct 23-Joseph Hert , a gambler , was shot and killed at 2:30 : a , at. today hy Clem SchmIdt , no bartender In the Denver beer ' trail lodging house Schmidt , who hid been drinking , says ht II took lert for a burglar - - - FtOURNOY CASE - DIS ISSED Supreme Court of Finally the Lenses Settles , the Validity SES A PRECEDENT FOR ALL , TIME 11''rlnr Ih'lllrllllt " ' 11 Xn' 'rnh'r- Ih' )1..I..u In JI'III"Ith Illln In innIs-IIet'le , 11" I'nlh- . , . full ) ' Ohl..1 Os'nlers . WAShINGTON , Oct 23.-The supreme court today dlsmlsse the case of the Flour- nay Live Stock company against Captain Ilck , agent of the Omaha and Wlnnehago I mrdlans , for vent of a printed record The controversy has been waged before tire courts for several year. ' TIre case grows out of the recent evIctions made hy Agent Beck of setters who held lands within tire Omaha and \Innebago reservatIon In Nebraska , hy leases from the 1.'lour- noy company , which had secured the bate of tIre lands flom tire Inatlirmirs and Captain Beck Ind his Indian police sought to dIspossess the setters and time land company then sought to restrain him Cram taking this acton , The decision was not unexpected hy Indian OmCL1Is. Thlu decision of the court was . expected b ) tire indian alice and It Is now believed that there wIll ho no further troubles In tIre Wlnnebago and Omaha reservation. In a report - port recently submited to the IndIan office CaptaIn Beck , the agent , said that an early < 1311ssal of tire case wouhl re3ul In a speedy setement of all the troublcs. In every cafe so far tried and In every COUlt the ' ! ecl 'Ion has been In favor of Captain Beclc and agalm- limo Flournoy company , The olcials of the Indian omco say the ) ' ha\'e endeavored to back up CaptaIn fleck , Who h3s carrIed out the Instructons or the olco whir strict fidelity. Alhough there was no doubt that the courts below would ho sustained , the Indian office Is ple.rsaci to have thc fact establshetl beyond all dllputo that the Indian lanlls are I under control of tire office and cannot he leu1ell by the Indians without the consent I oC tIre Indian office. I was claimed hy the r IndIan office that the leases obtained by the lournoy company did not give the Indians r full value for the use of the lands and the company was enabled to lease the land ! to ) other parties at a great pronto The Indian L office says mlddlemcn will not he permitted I to operate In dealIng with Indian property , but Intend that the Indians th lseh'cs shall I obtaIn all the benefits which cit he derived I from their lanjs , " 'iLL CJ.OSI JI"'N 'I'InII MI'l' . Cnlul"I . . I. , sl"'II..l ' enlrcl * , " tr ' I N.st' Orlcln" flr Auvhnihe- . WASHINGTON , Oct. 23.-Th3 appropria- ton for the loss on the rccolnage of worn : I and uncurrent sliver coin for the current fiscal year Is exhausted , and rio further transfer of such coin can he made from the , trea.uaY r'ts1h ! . the t . ! m ntap ) , ' eil . _ ' ' , C'C ; , , t t s C . 5" : Co1rae.'ofrsIi % r'buI0I'll ! ntIt. I under the " : " s11 "Sherman act , and as tIme stock or gel bullion on baird at the mint at New Orleans Is very limited , tire secretary bar decIded to discontnue all coinage at tbat mint for tire present InstructIons hav been given for the furlou/h , without pay , of nearly ' all the force employed at the New Orleans mint. About seventy employes vil wi bo Curloulhed until such tIme al coinage operations can be resumed. The trear'ury now holds of sliver bullion , purchased under the "Shermnn act , " 137 , - 614,000 fine ounccs , th3 cost oC which was $124,080,323 TIle coIning value of this html lon In silver Ilolars Is $178,96tOOO , I thIs bullion were coined Into silver tolars tin profit to time government on Its coinage woula h nearly $5tOOOOOO , which sum could he pall out for the ordinary upenle ! of the government , or sUrer certificates could be Issued agaln I I Is not thou ht that the coinage of silver dollars will he resumed I at the mint until there Is some acton by : congress on the currency que ' ton , Th" : mints at Phiadelphia and , San Francisco , as'ii C continue to he employed In the wIl contnuo coInage of t gold. S , News fur line . \rl ) ' . WASHINGTON , Oct. 23.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-The ) following changes In the Third cavalry are made : First Lieutenant John 'r . Knight , troop l to trop :1 ; FIrst LIeutenant I Arthur Thayer , troop L to troop A : Firs Lietitenant'ilhlam C RIvers . troop A to troop L ; FIrst Lieutenant Charles A. Hede- kin , troop G to troop B Colonel Charles H. Compton , Fourth cavalry - airy , Is granted one month's extended leave : First Lieutenant L. y Mason Bunt , Fifth : cavalry , three months : Captain Wilam L. h'itciler , Eighth Infantry , one month extended ; Captain Chales W. Nason , ourth I Infantry , seven days : FIrst Lieutenant Charles D Cay , Eleventh InCantry , two months ex- tended Captain James : r. Ingals , FIrst artillery , Is detailed as member of the beard of of- fcers appointed to meet at Fort Monroe , Va" , vice Major Jacob B. Hawlcy , Fourth artll- lery . hereby relIeved. art- First Lieutenant EdwIn S. Curtis , Second artIllery , trill he exar lned for promotion nt Fort lonroe. _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ iecre.dmniy Ohl' ) ' ' \11 h Xn' 1."r/l. WAShINGTON , Oct. 23-Tho puhlshed intimation thai Secretary Olney intends , to resIgn because he has not been support by the president In his foreign policy Is trirolly wholy discredited here anti parsons clot' to the secretary Insist that tire relatIons between him anti the president are of the most cm'- dial and intimate nature , and have been such since Ir , Olney assumed the ndmlnltra- ton of the State departmmmemtt His visit to Doston Is said to have been required by pressing private business , and he was enabled to plead an excuse for hIs absence from the Atlanta part on the ground that he would be expected to aCCOlpdn ' a number - ben of dIplomatS from Washington to Atlanta later on to be present on Iplomatc day Strlu/c' " t Ic/nlnlnl" h ) ' Xh'nr. Ictrin . WASIIGTON , Oct. 23.-To prevent smugglIng Is the ostensible reason asslgnc,1 , by the Nicaragua government for the Issue of a decree whIch bIds fair to lead to com- plcatons In the future. I provides for the imposition or fines upon any person who . boards a vessel at anchor In tire harbors of the republic wlhoul a writen permit o the port olcer In each cue and requires even Ihese persons who have permis to submit themselves to search upon returning 10 tire shore. Ownels of sm11 boats In the coasting coaslng trade are also required to pay lIcenses and give bond not to smug/lo and are .ubject to I disqualfcaton If the ) ' vIolate the decree CII'I" ' nllll 111. . ten htt'glsti'r. WAShINGTON , Oct. 23-Secretar Car- Isll wl leave hero Sunday Cor Covington , , Ky. , to register and will remain thee only loug enough to put hIs name on thl list , returning - turning to Washington Ionday evening lie will again vIsit Co\'lngton on November 5 for the purpose of casting hIs vote. " 'II I I I' " . I lie Inlcl-leXII I I ) " 1..1 , . WASHINGTON , Oct 23-The secretary of the treasury has accepted the propt'lton of hand Mcaly & Co. of Chicago ! for the rental of timporary quarters In theIr hund. Ing for the use of government olcers now . quartered In the potot1ce buiiding . 'The rent Is $10,250 annual ) ' . Sort C hie'rne l'ru'Itk' CosttiltrI , WASHINGTON , Oet. 23.-Tho appeal of the famous Southern Pacific raIlroad came C reached the Unlte,1 States supreme court today and was docketcd. Tire transcript I coven 1.210 pages , . . } I OIL ' . OP ) ) , TI , \I'\UX 11 : tll 3 IC"II/ " to I. . hIeidlnneh XIh' from Xn\ thrIll tIleetlote. During this wcek the campaign of reforni reorm will he vigorously pus II throuhout the entre el ) Speakers who are In cortical ta wi address the voters , who are waking up , at the followIng meetngs : On Thursday , October 2t , at the hal at l nrnal nrll Tweul.nlnlh strccts , opposite Ihf chool house , at 7 :30 : p. 1 , Spnkers-C P. Wel"r , U. Cem Drvr , L P. Croroot anti W. S. I'OlplelOtl. On Thurslla , October 24 , for the l lrt' ' an,1 Slo111 wards , at Ietz hal , corer of Wilams and Thirteenth streets , nt 7:30 : p. 1. : SI1eakers-E. Hoewater , I. J. Dunn ) , Leo ; lelsll ) ' , Tholas J. I.'I'nno ami ll 1' . Smih , Arrangenreirts nra about complete for a grand poltcal rally of citizens nt Creighton Jlal , 1.'Weenth nn,1 , larney ltreets , tomorol night , where the Issues of the day\\'l \ be n ilsettasri . 'ho speakers wi he announren this afternoon . Other meetings anti speakers wi le ira- 1 nounctt In time. At these meetings time local I s ltnmatlont will ho ' , situaton wi canvasse,1 thoroughly and I al classes of ciizens . are Invied 10 attend. tax.X " ' \(1 A 1.1'1"1'1,1 IIII'V'I'hIlt. J.nl."t Jlflrlntul ; ; ; ft'ul : th. I . In"nlli g"-S"Jlltur' " Slclh"I , , WASHINGTON , Oct. 23-gx.Senalor Van W'cl of Nehr ln , whe was stricken wih nlollcx ) Monday aferon , Is somewhat bet- ler this 10rlng , lila condition , however , Is very grave and the alack may terminate fatally. x-Sonator I Van ' ' ) 'ck's condition was ro- ported ns ImprovIng this alternoort. - . : IXg I'JI'ili . \ ' ' , 1.1,1' ItUlt't' . 'I''rrlhl. I esu Itsorn lire II I I Icln , In. , St'IrlI lire lid II/ I SIGOUHNgy , la" , Oct 23-Speclal ( Telt- grem-I.'lro ) at Delta destroyed the $ IG- 000 school Irouto and Injured n number of peo- pie , nine fatally. DES MOINES , Oct 23-Speclal ( Telc- gram-Tho ) publc school building at Delta , la" , burned this cvenlng 7:45 : o'clocl. Ac- counts of thee fire received her are leiler , and there have been rumors that there was a fataly In connection with It. These can- not be confirmed , and limo best Informaton Is that there was no loss of le , The building - Ing was worth about $8,000 and was Insured for $2,000. _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ J.\1IXG OU'Vl 1 SI\1 1. " 'OItK. Seert'ltti'Ies uf tIeeVrilrunis'onnlrnnn's S..h.t , . " II S..III. S1' LOUIS , Oct. 23-The first sccretarls' sessloit of tina execmttlve cornntitteo of tire Wotnatt's Foreign MIssion scclety , winch was held today at. the Utriort Metlrotllst Episcopal clrun'cln , was dovoteti to Urn forniirtg of Plaits for tire twenty-sixth annual meetIng of tire general execttttve connntittce , to be held next Saturday mannIng and to contlntre two aveeks. TIre meetIng is national. Tire society is corn- lOSd of eleven branches , thu secretroriss of wimlcin are now Irene assenirbleti In executive session to receive tire reports of tire vtrrlous departntettts and to map out tIre plant of action for next year. Tonrorrow two delegatemS r from eacir branreir viil arrive anti join tire see- S notaries Sn tire work. , 'Ine following sg S irL S'.Kren , Phiiadeiphia ; MrsS. 13 , htetveurr Baltimore ; Mrs. H. I. Cowenmr. C1ncinrratI ' : Mrs. I" . P. Crandon , iiIvariton , Ill. ; Mrs. M . S. Ilustori , llntrllngtorr , Ia. ; Mr's. C , S. Landis Minneapolis ; Miss M. Watson , Lincoln , Nob. : ' Mrs. CirarloUe O'Neili , I'asaderma , Cal. ; Mrs , ' \Vise , Eugene , Ore. COI.tNItI. Cltti"l'ON ( ) ? 'S'IIt ST.II ) ' . 'I'ells Ills Vpi'sIittinf tine SlrurtInii Afl'rmry tt C l'on't Shri'i'Idgemn. C1IICAGO , Oct , 23-The court mnartlai pro. . ceedinmgs agalitst Lieutenant s. , Pague of cotrt . parry F , Sixtenthn infantry , charged vItir at . temnptlnmg to murder Colommel It. E. Crotton was reautttetl today at Fort Slmerldant. Colone ; Crofton testllled that on tIre day of tIre shoot . tag Ire was in I'ague's quarters arid war I looking out of a vlndow , whtonr snmnltlenly hr i heard Mrs. Pagime screant and saw Lieu tertantt I'aguo approaching , flourishing a re volver. A scuffle ensnred between tire otticert C and Colonel Crofton managed to get tire re volver away from tire ileutentant. Liemmtemtan Vague tireri started o tire door anrd Colone I Crottort followed Itlin. When tire Irorclm Irat . becn reachoti Lleutcnrant l'agtne sudtlenrly dret'S another revolver and fired three shotS S Colonel Crofton testified that Ito went to tin r tlurrrten'V of htemrtenant I'aguo for tIre ptnrpos S of talking with Mrs. I'aguo alnout tire concH S lion of her husband , wlro r'as tinder restralni t for tire purpose of keeping hint avay front C imntoxicants. The colonel was the pnhriclpa I vttnemsa of tIre day. ICILL1ID1NAI'IIIHGII't' VIlHCi ( I'znttil lt'uIt , fjittIsJllii ) (155 ( Ire- \'liItiKhi tIn Itronul , ST. LOUIS , Oct. 23-Two freiglrt trains on the \\'abash railroad collideri at Martineburg. tlnirtcemr mniies cast of MexIco , about 6 o'clock last nigitt , causing considerable damage to bathe trains and killIng Dan Kelmoc , pump foreimman In the cniploy of tire road , anti Edward 'rieonnpsan of Tulip , Mo. The fol. lowIng paseengers. who were on the local frelgirt. were bruised somewhrat : 0. 'F. llarrirm , traveling salesman , Fulton , Mo. Mo.C. C. II. Sturgeon. M. E. Vermililon of Mlridleton. Mo. The depot was also danrraged to santo cx- tent. I- S Iemntlns ( , t a lmt- . LONDON , Oct. 23.-Tire death of 11. II. Cotton , presirlettt of tire Oxforti University Boat club , anti bow of tIre university elgirt for' the hint toter years , ire anmnounctcd. Henry den Ia I'oer Ileresford , fifth marquis \'ntenfonti , Itt heat ) . Ito was imorn itt 1811. antI Is ucceeded try irl son , tire earl of 'J'yronre , t'imo was born inc iS7l. It is re- Irorteri tirat the marquis ofVaterford corn- initted suicide by shootIng Irlmneolt wIth a revolver. 'rite mnrqnris of Waterforti comntltted sul. chic wIth a revolver at Citrntrgntorc. lie irani been in fatling health owing to an ned- ( lent to iris srine vhIIo imnmntinmg et'verrrl years ago. IMrriVilllanrr ilerestorni left Lontlorm tonight ( \Vatenllord. . Lord Mat'- curt lneren4ord ( says iris brothrer imnra eulfereti greatly from demiromuiencry , anti II Is feared hIs vife's health wIll be seriously afiecteri , as it itt deilcatO. Lrirti Wntertorti untlt-rwcnt a surgical opt'rnrtionn iii Wit , winch trifortierl him great relief , bmnt a secant ! nncdldt'rtt last Juno carrsetl a recurrence of imis trouble anti suhijecterl imltn to great pain. 'fire Times correspormslent at Paris an. notmncea that Oteslay lroz , lIre itainrter irnrd trutimor , it ; titrntl , - - llrruIttw ( en' hmor-tes' Cmmmirjmtlguns. , CLII'e'HLANI ) , 0. , Oct. 23.-The Cleveland Ciraritiror of Conttnence will withIn a few slays aentl to tite chirmnrirers of conimnerce Of 300 citIes lit tire iYttited Htate a circular gIving tire uliOn of time Cleveland body inn rPrtrestIng tittr republican rind democratic cotnrulttt'ea to shorten ttnet time of lIned. ek'mrtial canrmatgns ( rota six months to three. months , Time ni'am'on givunt is that these camirntmgntt invrnnlabiy ririciettlo business nrC- fairs anti do nrc nrctual damage to corn- merco amtrl manufacturing. The chrntmrters to winch time circulars wIll ire sent anti ho asked to take aimllur ncllott , II err rl ug i'ost IloI'tl , SALT I.NlI , Oct. 23.-.t special to tire Trllrnmne front Cheyenne , \'o. , eays : TIre imeurlng in tit liniments corpus carte of time iiannoc'ka , cirttrgeti wIth vk'iatlneg ' tire \Vy- ominr game larve' , wimicim ar'mts to iut'e beemi hreti ! Saturitry , inns , by tmgretrnierrl of cottte. eel , iroen posiponert foe one % voek , The slats ; atttirorlltetts are conli'Ient heat tIme irrtllrrtre t ir : : no nigimt to Irunt contr.mry to ' ) 'onrtmmg Jlosly l'ontud , inn ( Ii , ' IiInltrN , Ni\'A1)A , Mo. , Oct. 23.--'l'he cottage 01 \'lll1am W'nrdo t'as destroyed by tire totlay anti the charred remains of a hotly nmp posed to be 'tttie , wire is tin oI.1 trettler , wire C ( ounti let time nuirn' . The mite Is lhoUgint to b of Incendiary origin. ' . . h AVE TilE VOTERS' ' ATTENTION S pcakor for the Cause of Munloipal Reform Are Listened To. S IXThVARDERS \ TURN OUT A CROWD I d It'ttI Iii lint ii .itttrmimmed h , CI I I actri \'Isi , Set-I ; tint' Crnlvrmtlrtn of tint , Ci ly frrnn C hit. Corrlstrt ( bilig of l'lminrtierr'rs , One of the notable features at tire tucetlnmgs t hat tare beIng held tinnier tire aueplces of t ire CitIzens' leagnie fa tlrat tine anmdienceim t irret greet time sPeakers everywirere take a d eep Itmterost ire tire discussions anti ( io not s cenic to got tired as long tea tire cars are r nmnmnlng , Ilffcrenit speakers go into rita. c rtsshons of tire iriamnos of the canrrmaign at c onsltlerablu Iemrgtim , limit as 101mg as there Is a speaker or a cmnrtilttato Ira tire irall wlro is willtnig to otTer ancyliring for coniltlcratiort l imo audiences are anxIous to irear hun , At t he meeting irelti nit Twetrty-formrtir arid Grant o treots lost nigirt an event dozein speakers ad- n ireaseti lImo audience , med tire Inreetirig lasteti Ct rene 7:30 : o'clock iirmtli after It o'clock anti t ire crorwtl timat filled tire Irali to Its Featitmg capacity was emeanly ens large at tire close o f tIre rncctlnrg as ashen it amts called to artier. It was a conrvirrcing evidence that t ime voters are itai'alro to the lssttee of tire cancipaign turn mere treokirig lIght on tIre character - . acter of the mmmcii slro are catmriltlatcs for l irelr suffrage ltr limo conimlng electiort. Time nteetinrg was cnllcrl to order by C , S. T.obintger. Itreskietit of tire Sixth \\'ar&i clots of tIre Citlzenrs' icagmne , wlro spoke bnlfly of tire lsmnes of tire cannnirafgnt anti itttrotlucctt lIon. Clrarles I I. ihrowtr. rir. hirownt tiramrketl tire aerriloimco for tire cordial greeting given hun wirerm Ire ap- penrrotl on tire plrrtfortrt anti expreesd imia irieasnmro tnt eeelrmg so trinity voters present who hind laid caine their partlsarrshmll armti tie- citieri to irnerge tircir interests imito a gerreral cltlzetrs' tnovenuent lookIng for good govern- rrncmnt anti ttr vity' indonesIa. lie invited tire 'olers ltrcaent to look at thee condition o tire cIty's finances , and timert asked If tirey' cottlti be nmnrrprleed timat citizens , Irrespective of party , lmouid unite mi a inoverrterrt for betner' guvernnmrcnt. ATT1TUIhiS OF' TilE CANIilATES. "Notwitirstunitiitrg tire cry of pectilatlon , robbery nerrtl corrnrptiorr , " salti limo speaker , ' 'not a single canntiitlato on time repubiiciino ticket imas. denmounced it. Thee canmtiitlatere of tirat ticket stanrd by arid corrdonre tire r'ery , tlrievenies of wimici tire people are commr'pirrire- trig , Ott thee otimer hranrtl , you will find the catmniltlatcs nomtnatetl by time citizeims converm- harm tleniouniclnmg tins system of robbery anti plntrrder anti pledging relief for tire trexirayers , 'Tires , gotrliemenr tell you heat threy hmaa'es trot nonuitmatott arty of tine timieves amid talon- niorers for olIlce. They Iravo rronrtitrateti Jacobsen anti Edwartia , vlro voted to retallt Israel Frantic anmti Joinn Spoon on tIre iray rolls wirilta they arena urtdnr arrest for robbtrrg tire cli ) ' . "Tirero is no rultitilo groninri on which a voter care stand. lie nmrmmst eltirer bo for or agnlnnst thom men wiru are contdontnmg time rob- b3ries of tire office itoltlor'rt avheo have had. tire n'nthIrn of tire city for tile last four years. If he is condoning tirecamedtt1ateaion.titqtrepub. , . ' S 5 'tepnrtlnig tlI'1nitrormcos irreric of thcmm Pc tars you cart irave pure gaverntnemnL'you must remove time Inhtneemrces that are driving those cube lrolden' to plunder anti robbary of the people' . ' ' Mr. Brown exploded some of tire foolish talk thrat inert been nncrmtio hy En Conreisle atmnl otimers about tire expenses of the fIre anmti polIce hitrstttoss , anti closetl ra'ltim atm appeal tee time voters of lime SixtIr warn to tin tiretr duty by voting for tire cantlirlates of thee CItizens' league from top to bottotmm of tire tIcket. Tinonrmas Flynne , a yotrtig democrat , made a stirring appeal to tIre voters to break array' from part ) ' llnres anti vote for tIme canndidatca aviro were opposed to ts governmnmetlt by a. few' for tIre benefit of a few , anti to the tietnimuent , of tire marry. lie rnslceti tlmat the voOrs see to it that lire banrner ' 'Velcorrre the IJoodler' ra'as torn tioivn , anti tinat after tire next dcc- Lion It commid be satti tirrit tire mannerly ireel of Anr.erlctrn freedorrr Irad been placed one bigotry in Onmnahna oral tirat tIre city imarl arm hnnest gtnvsrnnnetit , nidimilnistereni by lronest tmrenm. i'LEiGEI ) TO hONEST GOV1IIINMRN'I' . Thronras Svobe' made a brief talk in wields ire stated tlmat all of time catrtiltiatca on limo Citizens' leagrne ticket were pienigerl t git'e the city art ironest , economical anti bnrstness-ilke adttmlnlstrentlome of public affairs. The olticers , if electeti , womrlti not await until tireir terena tuero expiring to propose pian of metrenclmttteitt aunt ecortonty , E.V. . Slnteral said tirat an lronest. in- nliclary wotnld conmpei tire other officers to ho heonest wimethmer tiit'y waittcti to be or trot , anti citeti lnnstanccs in itroof of tIre as- , , , .rnlnn Itoit under ttre nrcnerrt rule of Judge Scott aced mis clan certain classes were ex- cnntltt from punit.lemnent , no matter hrow serious their offenses nrtigiet be. Cimarles A. Coc , ertnrditiato for cleric of tire district court , rvas givetn a cordial wel- collie , Mr. Coo saint that in conmnnerciu circles men wire were eeiected to rio certain work were chnoucfl art account of tineir ability - ity to do thrat work. Tire nmarragem'a of tire van'iomts departnrtctets of tIre big comuntercial hrotres were expocteni to give value receiveti in services for the wages paid tlesnr. It sirould be tIre ntanro itr tire city anal conmnmty , oillces. Tire men enttplO'ed siroulti ime corn- potent anrd simonmlti renrtier a just servIce for tlrelr cormtpetrsatlorr , anrd wlren aim ollicor Proved unfalttnltrl ire erimoirld be nilacirargeni jnmst as Ire would be If leo arena workltmg for a commercial comrcerti. "if Orrmaira lord cur- ned out timat irlea timero swouhtl have been a goon macny nlirtdimargea anrong tire 0111cc- holding forces during tire last four yeara , ' leo concimedeti. \v. S Poppietoti gave line voters prescret an array of figures mrlrowlntg lIre cxtravagarrce ot tlro deryIsm rIng that leas controlled tire cIt for tIre last four years. lie sirowr-ti rieer over 500,000 Inert beerm oxponderi the lire last three years above tire expeirses of Ithil , winch was by Ito tucaniri a year rioted for Its ccc. ironic odretinlntration of city affairs , lb no- ferreti to tire recorni of liroatchr , under wirosi atinnitrisiratlop tire tars levy leant beerm iiighre , In Onruita tirant it had ever ineert before ot sInce. 'flee dervish caietllrlatert atone on tir9 tiefensive artd iran notlrierg to rio tact expitrlo tireir records , and were not mnrrklng 'ery gou4 progress mt domimg thrat , George 0. Creirier undressed the meotint Imrlelly. lIe saiti tIre issmme was slneply a clues. tiers as to whotirer tIme peopio wotrltl make their own laws or wonrid iravo tircnn macid antti admierlstereti by a secret , oatirimound on'- ganlzatloti tirat irad arleetm , lIke integers spota itt Ornahrir anti lire slate and prczurrteJ to dir. tote to citizens as to who slroteld occupy tire offices aird admnrmnlster the laws , l'EOl'LE TAXII ) P0011. At tire close of Mr. Caider's rennarlcs , rvhtIcl tvcre enthusiastically received , tirero rvore caila for Mr , H. Rorewaler , tuiro head arnive4 in time mail from mmtmotlrer part of limo city where mo Iracl aticirenesed another meetIng. Owing to the lateness of tine imour Ire spoke hut bitchy. After a pncilntinrary reference to 'ala rvork hr tire city anti Iris part in tire present reform ntovetrient , Mr. Itosewater emairi : "A certaIn newspaper' in tins city Lea * beers prlnmtnrg ! extracts fronrc articles wirteb hmave appeared inc 'nra Onrraira lee about cer- taitm canriltiates now before tire hOopla , I iros printed two extracts concerning lIon. Mr. Gordon , one of wimicir lays that lie is the ots'nrer of a good deal of proport ) ' nmnrtt th oilmen' tirat ire Ia a pair neon. 110th IttOY U true , Marty morn In tnis city wire u\VIe largo proirerty Interests are really imror ir"cuuse o tire iturrlenna of taxation timat Irave bemt jlace upoim tlrette , greater liran they can titan'VItts ate ttrribtedncaa on short tirrie beanie of $1,400,000 that must be paid witlminm a fewi years , mnrany nnen who posses. large imropert Inmtcrcets are really very iroor. Hut as to Mr5 Ooe'dott--eis cuittilniacy itt a rrIece of leispru- dermce , If not of lmpmtdence. 'rime Itint. of rnonrtinatmng a juan for inoilce judge rvlio onl3 conalrttneed readimmg law last sImnilag , between r.nls , or between drinks , lie is equal Lii S - -