rr - - . - : - - - ; " . - - - - ,7 - - - - - - - - - _ . . . . . - . . - , . - - . . . . . . . . . . - - _ . _ - , _ _ . - , ' _ , . . . - , . . . . . . . . . j _ . _ . _ _ _ _ ' . . .1 J I . - JH : : Jf I rlnJ'III1l'ml.'lUfl " " I . . B TIlE OJrATA DAILY - BEE : 'Vi ! NESD.Y , OO'rO.ER 2H. 1S { . . I A IROSE SPEARS IllS IINDI ! Io Lays Bare Bare of Scott's Political Treachery. HISTORY OF TiE BURT CCIJNTY TRADEo Shun' " s thnt the Crnr uf thl ) tieI&s huN II''n UlC.tl" I I I IINtIf .UII" h I ) ' 'Frildilig / ? . . . fur \ut. " . . O. : R , Scolt and C. T. Dickinson , two of Ihe dervish candidaes for judges of the dis- trIck court , have cnterell fat denials to the hargo made by JUdge Ambrose , that tlcy ) had entered Into a conspiracy to deeat hIm and JUdge Ilalr for renominaton In thq Judicial convention. Judge Ambrose wrote .n open letter to Dckinson , In which he .harged that Dcklnl hal gene back on nls promises nd had voted to turn down .udges Dalr and Anbroo , at the dictation ot , . - Cunningham It. Scot nod his coterie at Jervleh Colo\ers who controlled the Judicial convention. "There Is not much to answer , " said Judge Ambrose , In talking to a reporter for Th lee , In regarti to the denials , "Inasmuch as both Scot and Dcklm'Jn have simply en- tered unqualified denials. Sufcient to SY that so long ago as Immediately after the de- } j Islon ot the Hosewator-Bcnnet libel case , 1 Mr. Messick , who Is a stenographer In Judge I ! ! { e'sor's court , was a.lvlsed . by Charley iinfttnnd other memb ! ot the gang who were working for Scot to male arrange- t ments for working for some other JUdge , as I none ot the judges then on the bench would bo renomlnat hy the republicans. I.'rom that time on every acton ot Scott has been tor his own Interest and against the other . Judges on the bench. COUI.D NOT SWALLOW Tm ! DOSE. "On the day after the convention Charley rutle , a lawyer who 1mB been something of a pet at Scot met I on the street. He i expressed regret at my defeat In the con venton and told mo that ho had labored I for three hou' , on the mOlnllg , at the con- venton with Scott to Induce him to let \II I and consent to th3 nomInation at Judges I Ulllr , Keysor and myself. Scott ahsolutely refused to do anything ot the 1lnd. The C combination controlled by Scott had all of r the votes In the convention except those C tram the Third and Seventh wards. John P. Ireen , an attorney at repute at the hr.r was I a member of the delegation from the Seventh I ward In the Judicial convent1n. On I'rlday , the day before the convention. Scot Sint t word to Dreen that I he did not stop his opposition , Iw ( Scott ) would see that non f of the candidates from the Seventh war I . would he nominated by tha conventton . ' Ireen wa bitterly opposed to Scott. Ths Seventh ward delegation wanted Mr. Breen for chairman , but ho refused to act In that capacity. Ho sold that ho would not stullty , hlmesl by getting up and announcing the , vote of the Seventh ward for Scott. "Now as to Dickinson. In answer to a i question by Judge Dufe In my presence In my chambers Dickinson sold that Burt county was for both Ambrose and ICeysor On Friday l , the day before the convention , DLklnson told Frank Hansom that thc Durt county delegation was for Ambrose wihout a trade. Thcro had been some queston In the minds oC the two delegates tram the De catur distrIct In Burt county and they wer a not dtlded ! as to whether they would sup port iiie. On the day at the convention . at 10 o'clock In the forenoon , Judge Dcldnson : IO to Mr. Doyles , my stenographer , and told him that the mater had been fixed up and that Burt county would vote solWly In i the convention for me. Dickinson made t , the same statement to Clinton N. Powell a 1. Ih t time before the convention mel t Dickinson owned the Durt county delegatior . I was named by him and ho ) deleglon. I ; &s he 11leased. The faC . that he volunteered the statement to me that the delegaton : would vote for lY renominaton and then , voted It against mo convicts hll of the pc I- ltcal trebchery of which I accused him II I my letter ali all the denials ho may mali 0 will not change the facts. . ONJ.Y ONE FAVORS SCOTT. "Scot . says that before I went cast last summer 1 made the statement that he and I could not bc nominated on the sam tclet. What I did ( say was that If Scott and I were both nominated on the same ticket we could not both ba elected. As a mater of tact there Is not a man on the judicial lclet I , wIth the exception at Slabaugh , who want to set Scot re-elected. I JUdge that tram expressions made to mo b' the diferent L candidates on the same ticket wih SctI I. In the Ninth ward , at a meetng a few nigh S ago , Scott lade the statement that he was the only judge on the bench who would dare decide a case against Edward ltosewatei Judge Ke'sor heard at this statement and he went to Wes Cook ot Blair and B. C i. Burbank ot Omaha. members of the judteir Li judLlal committee , and told them that unles they called Scott down ho would not tolerate ii t. Judge Keysor sold that the statement was not honest to the bench and was not honest to him , who was on the sainej ticket wit ii Scott. He sold If the same were wih peatc.1 by Scott he would come out publcly and denounce I and would oppose Scott . This Itatcment ot facts ought to be sufficten i . 10 convince any one that I knew what 1 was talking about when I accused Scot and DIckinson at entering Into a conspiracy to defeat JUdge their and myself for renomina- . tion. " , . _ Like I " "IIIIOIN S'rIH'ut Hidden In the grass , malaria hut waits our approach to spring at and fasten its fans IS upon UB. There Is , howo\pr , a certain ant i- dote to Its which ant- Is venom renders I powcrless for evil. Hostetter's Stomach flitters Is this acknowledged and , world-tanied specific , and m It Is , besides this a thorough curative for rheumatism , dyspepsia , liver complaint , cm I- stpjtm , la grippe and nervousness. In convalescence and ago . Lt Is very serviceablu 'l'll' lh' , ' 4iiIt. I crowded from morning till 0 o'elock at nlghl. Ten big casei at goods were hrought from thB warehouse today . and the goods are now on sale. Choice of all the knee pants , 2&1 : gray clay worsted ineuu's suits , $3.7 : wool mitts , c : men's pants as low as 481 : uiion's elegant dress shoca OSc ; hats worth $1.00 and more , 21 : an enormous line at silk and satin lined suits and overcoats ex- tremlly chcal1. Don't forget the Salvage ; Wrecking Coml1any's FIRE SALE OF CLOTHING C.OT1G II i at 1& South 16th street , : Douglas , oppoalo Deputment stores. . COll''rntol' I In I It' lrc to Stool I , 111"ln nt ( ) rejuirI IOII' ' The multiplicity at food crops I an Important - portant factor In promoting progress In grow , - Ing beet , pork and mutton. Colon seed meal and hulls are excellent teed for al sOrts at Cattle ; sweet potatoes , which are greediy eaten Produce a food of unrh'aled qualit y and cheapness , the yield rangIng from lot I ) too ; bushel to the acre : Peanuts excel In I tlenlng properties and produce fine pork , and the tope make , hay tim superior ; cow or : ) S field pea , a species ot bean , Is nutritious fo(1 ' for stock of nil kinds , thrIves everywhere , ( Is I i al unequalled crop for green soiling and in i- proves the land even where every restage ot Its growth Is removed from the soil. Chufa , or earth almonds , a grass producing a swect nut or tubr , also supplies abundant fed tor f hogs. Oats h a profItable crop In alt parts of the state and Is receiving annual Increased - creased attention : wheat ) 'lell a large ) and heavy berry , though lIttle planted. Upland rice 10duees thirty to fIfty bushels to the acre anti IS' : money making ) cro" . Corn , de- spite all declarations to the contrary , I a sure crop In this territor . This season ' crop Is unprecdentcdly large , an unusual arc being devote.\ it , and very little WI ! I . bl Imporlcll. The few planter of Ito ) ' wi ago who practiced the methods ot dl\erlned 'car agriculture , found It an easy matter to crow fifty or sixty bushels 10 the acre , under thorough methods ot cultIvatIon , hut aim o the war . as a rule , this crop las received the most. perfunctory cultIvatIon most cullvauon except when , throuGh I favorable : circumstances , an unulual amount of time could he spared from cottot a. , Corn , however , IB ot less Importance colon. than In the west because sweet potatoe cow peas , peanuts , chufas and other fcc d stuffs can be grown so much mora cheapl For alt data as to Orchard Homes , railro3 d ( ac.tics. ! prices and rairoad le prltB terms. write or lee George W. Ames , general agent ! G11 flu , treet Omaha , Nib ! 5- - , - - - . . . - - - - . _ . ' - . . l- . 2 " . . 1. _ _ . . . ' - - _ . - - - - - - - - - ' - - IOM'U I , : WI'UII' - , sviiieac SIO "I.I . . 1)1 l'llr" ; tcii'M nl.t Vouicn's Cnr- IItt IHII'II'r" , IMO l'uir " 'orth .IOc' . BO 10\S/ CALl ' SHOES , 7CC. Jntants' shan , 1c , 25c. : e. Ladies' . button shocs , fi9c , 7&1 , 9c. \ Men'B shoes , ' 1.0 $ .2& . ChlhlB school shoes , SDc . 6c. Misees' shoes , 59c , 65c , 85c . Make leo mistake about the whereabouts of f this wreck shoe sale. It's at Boston Store . only and nowhere else. Wo do not 10 into any hysterics about this s ale. Wo simply tel the prices you'l oc- knowledge the bargains quick enough your- s elf. BOSTON STOnE , OMAHA , Selling the bankrupt high grade she stock on main floor and the wreck shoes In the b asement. . - - Hayden Dros' edit Is on page 2. , . Tlln' CO'I'I INI ; 'illE JOUI ln' . 'OIIJ : Ir. CohUrnIoMt . Ills I'oeket- hook " 'Iuiio ou IIN Vt.iiuI tug 'I'rili. W. S. Coburn ot the Oregon Halway and Navigation general passenger office and Miss Marian O'Brien were married last even- Ing l at the Taylor street Methodist plscopal church , ItcV Mr. Locke officiating. The ceremony was performed In the presence ot 1 few Intmlte friends The happy couple left on the 8:30 : train over the Oregon Halway , & Navigation for the est , Intending to be gene a month. They wilt visit Mr. Coburn's ather W. S. Cobnrn , ex-therifi of Omaha , for a few lays , and then go to Chicago , New York , 10slon and Philadelphia. Mr. Cohurn has been In Portland for five years. : durlr which time ho has been employed In are- ro'a pponslblo position In the Oregon Halwa . & Navigation general passenger office. Ills bride Is an attractive and popular young lady. l They have the best wishes ot a hm'l ' people. of frIends , especially among the railway This morning General Passenger Agent Hurlburt of the 'Oregon Halway & Narlga- ton was somewhat surprIsed as wcl as amused upon recel\lnl a dllpatch from Mr. Coburn , stating that he had lost his pocketc book containing his cash and . three drafts ot $100 each , and that he wanted payment on the Irafs stopped. Mr. Cobur also asked what he should do under tIm clrc'ul- stnnces. Mr. Hurlhurt replied : "Keep on traveiing. Il appoint a guardian - Itan for you. \Ve'l take earn ot you . " An hour later Mr. Hurlburt learned that T. W. I. e. superIntendent of the company'r'a water lines . was on the same train , and he teiegraphed Mr. ( Lee as follows : "Coburn has lost his pocketbook. He Is rattled. Look nut ' for him. 1 appoint you his guardIan. Ieport to mo as often as pos- siblen Omaha. " U the 'happy couple' ( ? ) reach Arrangements have been made by Mr. Hulburt so that Mr. ( Cobur and bride can complete their weddlnl trip without any further financial embarrassment.-Portland : Evening Teletram. ! r. and ! / , Cobur are with the family of S. G. V. Griswold whose guests they are while In this city. . lltIItT 'I'IIH 1)OC'l'Olt'S ' . . HUI'1 'rlg DOCTOI'S I'JcELINGS I , . Ite'nuiit of 11 Arr..t Ito " 'lltN I Iuiiiii to I..ot th ( ' hills. Detective Henry W. Dunn Is being sued be- taro Judge Ferguson for $1,000 for false 1m- Irsonment , the aggrieved party In the ease I being Dr. Wilam DavIs. Dunn Is accused at havIng visited the residence of Davis 138 Sherman avenue , armed with a warrant and with having draggcii Davis , despite his ex- postulations , to the city jai , where ho was m confined for the space of twenty-one hours , By this act Davis aleges that he was not : only hurt physically . hut that his reputalon I was ale conDlderahl' injured. The arrest was made on January 10 of this ; year. The warrant charged Davis with being a fugllvo from justice from SIoux City , whew , I was alleged In the complaint he : was wanted for obtaining property under false pretenses. The complaint further state I that Davis lund been Indicted by the grant I jury on this charge. The paper was signed anti sworn to by F. M. Hunter ot Ottumwa . who was the party alege,1 to have been de - frauded and who came to thIs city for the express purpose of cOIning Davis' arl'ct. Thin Indictment at the grand jury acclsed Davis of committing time fraud on April 19. 189. The property which he was alleged to have obtained under false reprcsentation C consl ' tell ot a draft for $ 1,997.50 , and $2.50 In money , In all . ' 5,000. Dunn'u defense to the slit for damageD Is 1 : that he acted . only as an officer ot the law would , do when a warrant was placed In hl hands for service The warrant wis legaly Issued amid . when his superIor officers orderC I him to servo I and arrest DavIs , he t3id EO , CIimuigi'd Ithm Safe " " . ChllJ11 wih Slf. hIirrimtry. I Earl C. Barton Is on trial In the criminal i section ot the district court. He ? hI one ot the four alleged safe blowers who attempted to blow the safe In the ofce ( of Porter Uros at Eighth amid Jones streets on the morning of Sep tember 21. When an officer appeared the men fled . hut were pursued as Car as Gibson where tim officer came upon them. Three of them surrendered hit Barton pulled arc- rol\r , upon Officer Oodola. Ho snapped the trlgge : . hut the cartridge faied to explode On the prclmlnary hearing the charge of safeblowlll could not he sustained galnst t the men , anti they were discharged , with thc exception ot Durton. J'rll"'IN of thlt Ch'I' . G. M. Henderon & Co. , have begun suit against the United States Natonal ! bank to recover $71652 on a checl Thu check was Issued by the Crawford flanking company ot this state upon the defendant banlt and In favor of Henderson & Co. The bank refuse 1 to PY I and credited the amount forwarded by the Crawford concern on an account whIch they alege the honking company owed them This acton by no means suited ) Hemllrson & : . Co. , as they paid for the check and thereCore I. they demand that the courts compel the bard C to I5I over the amount to them. I , XeWll1 Cited for CInduu5)t. ' JUdge Dlme has set November 0 as the date on which Jesse Newman shall be caled before him to show cause why ho should not bo held for contempt ot court. ThIs Is In response to an application trom his dlvorcp wlfI , who swore that since the restraining order lund been Issued forbidding Newman Cram Interfering with her affairs ho had beaten her severely on two occasions ; i iuiui' Court ilmit ters. George 'V. Loomis has been appointed administrator - ministrator ot the estate at August Itan - dow , valued at $17.000. fly the consent o f all parties . dates have been fixed for the consideration of claim against the estate. The detendant In the ease ot James S. Cameron against the Pease Piano company have flied a motion for a new trial on the gioumi. of error. Cameron sued for commissions - missions , which he aleged he earned whii cm whie agent for the compan 11 obtained a , 'er- dlct. dlct.A A jury returned a verltct ysterda for ' 350.16 In favor at Andraw Flood. who sued the city for $4.000 damges. Flood owns property near Sixth street and Poppleton avenue , which Is located on a bluff. He alleged that he deslre.1 . to grade his prop erty , .but was unahls to do so because the city refused to lower a strIp It owned , and which surrounded his land . CI'nIH 11.1 the Grove The following births and deaths were reported - ported at the health ofce during the twenty - four hours ending at noon yesterday : Blrtlis-J. Ferrell . 2330 Decatur street boy : J. n. Montgomery . 2521 North NIneteenth avenue , girl. Icaths-.Mrs. Dertha Johnston Deaths-lrs. , 28 , St . JOSOl1h's hospial , congeston of kidneys : In- torment at Oak , Neb : George Smith , 25 , South OlahD , connmpton , Laurel Hi : Peter BOhn , 2\1. \ 2tH Grant , membranous ; croup , J.aure 11. - - - Dr , Daley , . dentistPtxtoo . block. lhl'hthlG'3'IN ) UOU'I'E. l'ersuuinhl' COI.hUte.1 Hxcursiupmiw to Cniiuaiuiu. leave Omaha every Thursday niorning reach Ing San Francisco Sunday evening and Los ; Angeles Monday noon. ) I'leasantest nail cheapest "ay to make the overland trIp. No change of cars . SecoI\1 Cli8 tickets accel1ted Cal at 132t FaTnam at. . all get ful In- formation. or wrIte to J. Francs ! , O. P. A. , Omalma Neb. . - . - - . Hayden nro ' add I 0 : page : . Columbia Metal l'ollh , Cross Gun Co. Hayden Dro , ' a' ] 1 II 01 Nlo : - . . - , - - - - . - - - - - - - - r I TI" 11 _ - - - " , " ' . hAT REMARKABLE LETTER - Eplstlo of Much Interest Consiticring Later Btntrcnt of the Writer. CORNISI ON THE TREASURY DEFALCATION I I - II I A " "I"tnlt Cit , . Attorney on n..or.l us ! n Ih..I..r of Ilhlc . 'hln.l.rll' tuuuul Crhlllni Negluct of I Olclli lut ) ' . On June 27 , ten days after the defalcation In the city treasury bad been uncovered and the ex-tre-surer had confessed hlmsel an embezzler , E. J. Cornish , In the absence ot eC Clt ) Attorney Connel , addressed the follow- Ing remarkahlo letter to Mayor Bemis In re- .sl'onso to a request for Information as to his omclal duty 11 the matter. In the light ot ldo recent developments In the Investga- ton Into the late treasurer's book amid the disclosures at diverted city money , mlsapprG- p riation at Interest on public funds and additional - tional stealngs by Deputy Coulter , It.ecomes al the more remarkable OMAHA . June 27 , 189-George 1' . Bemis , M laYer , City : Dear Sir-In response to request - quest ( l for information as to your legal duty In I the mutter or henry Boll , city tr usurer - urer , ; ermnit me to state : Section 99 ot tIme chatter pro\lde ! that the tb trellrer shall keep ll mooney In his hllh helonglrg to the city or chool district sop- 'arHo unit distinct from his own moneys . 111 prhlhls him tram using any such 10Ie ' or any warrnts or other securities In hi im ! ; custody or receiving any Interest thereon for his own use or benefit antI provlies turther that ni ) ' violation 01 ? Saul liovisIon s hall subject said treasurer to Immediate removal from olee by the city council , which Is authorized to declare such 0111cc olce racant , and the mayor thereafter , with the . consent of the city council , Fhll appoint a FucceSHor. By this provision the city coon- . cl alone can declare an olce vncant. By section 172 or the charter , ewer to remove - move ummy olcehoider from 0111cc ! for good : and sulclent cause Is conferred upon geol i IItrlct court In such case the mayor ' must make mind lila with tIme clN'lt of said court proper charJls nn,1 peclleatonH alalnst the officer ouHht to be removed , ai- le im i hlJ that he Is guilty ol malfeasance or m fcaBance In such olilce . or that he Is Incompetent - competent or neglects his dutes , or that for a ny other good all sulcl'nt cause stated . I he l Ehal tie removed from his ailico. On the Ilnl i of such charges a wrIt Is Issued out of s aid court returable not more than tel Jays n fer the service thereof ali I geol a mid fulclent reason Is SIOII tie court Wi I remove such olcel' from his said omce . During the pendelcy ot such proceedings u the court may \J order suspend the ailleer . olcer from time , Iute ! of his 0111Cc. ; r. hours has rendered unnecessary an ) ' such proceedings hy tendering his resigna - temlerlll resljna- tion . which his been accepted by the coun- ( 'Ii. Uutl n successor Is appointed con- : Irmed f all qualifIed . Mr. Buln and his bondsmen wi be liable , for the custody and safe leellnl of the city's 10nl ' . Any talk it In i tIme press or upon the streets to the effect I ecect that the bondsmen ot Mr. ! oln are rcleased from all furtlmer lahlt . on their bon ( rOn- the time Mr hahn tendered his resignaton ! and It was accepted Is ill-advised and not I the law. lprmlt mo to state furtlr ! that powers conferred upon a ma ' and mayor penalties pro penaltes "hled by law arc Intended to suhserve a use Cui pUrlose and not as I means of persecu- I : ton , ' 1hlt : Ir. Balm has violated the law Is beyond question . That time law ought tl be rigidly enforced by a city treasurer 14 ? f also beyond queston , I should also he re- memhen'd that Mr. Doln has lived In thll : ; city for thirty years ; that up to two months : lo no man hal I better reputation tor In- tegritv than lme . and no olc al had n bettei r heler record In the performance ot lila oflicial du- ties thun : tr. lioiin . I a l'ejltaton olclal Is to ( m'al anything It ought to be In clrenm- . stances Ilte the preent Now , ho has lost his reputation . his record In ofce during i several terms past Is i sullied. his nrlnJ I : all turned . over to his bwndsnicn . his means : ot livelihood . lre suddenly cut off , and his sufferings are uch as hut few endl'e , ' 10 attempt further punishment wOlld loot C more like persecution than the pertormance at a duty. During your term at offiCe ' ofco you have es - tablhed a reputation oC , , hewing close to the line of right n'Jnrdles or political cnn ehlnlton , and therefore ot al men , yom i should endeavor to dlaregart the haranNue' ' In the city council nail th pargrphs In the newapaperim all of which are . so evi . , .Ient ) ' intended . to work up sentiment favor able to various political movements thIs coming fall. To you . ( alr.mlndecl as you are the misfortunes of one man are not to 1m nsed to nchlero selfish political ends of othiero. In the case or Henry Doln there are I numhel' of oxteuatng clrcumstalCI , There Is no evidence thus far that an : ; record has been mutate.1 . or falsified In the least. The hortage or that 0111cc appeared In the Irst hour of the investigation the name af after a thorough amid complete inveatigation. There was 10 atempc to cover or hidE I &Inglo act Had Mr. Baum intended , to steal there woull have been attempts - tempts to over amid conCord all of which are lackIng In this case. lad such been his intention there Is 10 reason why his shortage should mint have gone up into the hundreds or thousands Instead of as it Is , I Is now evident that not only the city I wii i not lose. I dollar. but even Mr. ciy ' mc bondsmen are 10t likely to lose a dollar In this matpr , 'rhe newspaper reports to the contrary notwithstanding . 1 have never received an advancement on my salary but I was aim ply because I never needed it. Had I been ; r1 need of a temporary advancement on m I , salary , which wouhl ho duo the ( oliowlni Iuo mm'.ontlm Henry Holn coula have accommo- dated me without the Jebst danger or loss to any person , because my salary would be forthcoming to imay the debt , and In this ho would have hut followed a custom that has been In vogue us long as the ohlest' t ' olcehoider can remember In thIs city - , i This custom Is wrong In I busIness line , . ' and 1 believe I fortunate tor the city that ciy the present publicity given to It will stop It In the future , 11'101 to Mr. Dolin's administration - Doln's ministration the law was just us severe : against the city treasurer usIng the money ot the city to male a profit to himself thereby as at present. Yet In the prevIous election. wherein John Rush amid Mr. Mc - Shane were contestants when tIme salary of this ofco was only $1,40. wo had the most spirited city election as between these two contestants that wo have ever had , Hath at them were as honorable men as ; could be found In the city of Omaha . both or them gentlemen capable or thementemen calJhlO commanding high salaries and manS large. money In thE usual busIness and yet In all proha- bliy the campaign expenses at either of the partes amountell to more than theIr salary . all the contest was looked upon h : ' people or this city as I hank tight rthcr than a political contest gYery person who knew anything. Imew that the city treasurer - urer who was cieted would loan the city's moniw to time banks all would hlmsel obtain , - tain the Interest thereon. Because It was known that every treas\'rer In tIme state was doing the same thing , the law was changed allowing money to be loaned h : ' the city direct instead ot giving this emolument - ment to the olliceholder. Supposing under time old regime a bank ( ailed . , the treasurer would have been an embezzler ; but arc we going to condemn all the honorable men who have held ofco lS treasurer In thIs state ? What Is Clue dlcerence between their offense all the offense of Mr. Boln ? Simply they have loaned money to partie S : ( banks ) . 'who repaid the mone ' . partes the city lost no money In those cuses. But the city loses no money In this case and the violation of the law Is no greater . Whet ii \'hen Alexander hamIlton was hilled , Aaron liar became an outcast , ali the formerly lion orble custom of dueling ceased to be lion orblo In this country. The present diaclos - tire will cast a stain upon ' Mr. helm's reputation - taton for mill time to come. I Is to ho hoped that the e illegal methods which hove been In vogue will cease \0 do not cordeln Alexander hamilton because duel - ing was such an established custom that to refuse to engage therein would , In his opin- Ion. have brought dishonor upon hiimv I Should Henry Boln bo so serIouslY con demne.1 . for doing that which had been cue tomar before hIm , when every act ot his since time disclosure has been of an honor ' - able mln , as ho was always thought to be before that time ? The city loses no money : and Is a gainer In havIng an ohnoxlous custom terminated henceforth In my opinion you ought not to bo a part : . to I scheme to make political cuplal out ot the misfortune ot a poor man Your duty . In my opinion , is I to u.polnt a treasurer , - lreI . . succeed hahn . I not conlrmed , to allpomt another. You are responsible tor the character ot your appointees the dit ) : . council for its acts In coulrmlng or el - jeeting. Very respectimlly. . B. J. C RNISH. Assistant . City Attorney . : Now see that your blood Is pure. 00011 health folo\s the use at Hooll's Sarsaparilla . whIch Is ! the one great blood purifier . ) . ) oLYo For UOII.I Tri" From Omaha to hot Springs Ark . via the Missouri Pacific railway. TIckets on Ble lrcm October 20 to October 30. inclusive Limit for return November 15. For tickets , tme tables etc. , cal at company's otilcem , N. E. Corner 13th and Farnam , or depot 15th and Webster. J. O. Philllppi . A. O. F. & r , . TllOS. I , ' . GODFREY , P. & T. A. . - Dr. Nichols & NIchols , special attention to j11ea5ci ot women and cblirel ; i rUI U. , - - - . . _ . _ . . I , . _ " f t- . ' 1 , 14 ! tIANON Of - uvlItMAN ( OI'BU.\ ' ll nuum ropueli's 1'mtI.mneseCuumshlmt ' umy tl . \1'- ' Prier nt 1"/'ln UrC'IIH'r. The music lover ott Oaha will learn with much satisfaction 11ttJhey are to bo treated to a season at really tht.clu ! German opera In December n. O.0ntlv , the general agent of Walter Damrosch's amous company . was In the ely yesterllay' and made the pre- lifo nminary arrangements 'Ith Manager Haynes for the appearance dt the celebrated company at lloyd's theater. lIb speaking of the or- g anlzaton to a reporter , Mr. Snow said that the cOllany , which' } Ir. Damrosch would bring to Omaha was a good , If not better , than the one which scored such a success In New York last spring. "Tho earlier efforts 'o produce Wagnerian music In this country , " continued Mr. Snow , " were largely sporadic , and It was not untl last l season that the first pronounced success was achieved . When Mr. n.unroseh broached the tm Idea at a Wagnerian revival there were lany m who doubted its success but time enthusIasm - thusIasm ot the young conductor won the cl ay , ali when the curtain fell on 'Tristan and Isolde' at the Ietropolan opera house In ih i New York lat larch the victory was his. h The Damrosch operatic tour was a success - cess artistically ant financially . and this was a source of much satisfaction to Mr. Damrosch , as he had carried his point In the taco of thE most disheartening conditions . "This season , " ambled the theatrical lan , " Mr. Damrosch has gone out ml h better quipped than last. lie has spent , 10re than $20,000 for new costumes and scenery , and has brought together ono ot the best , com- pnies that has ever presented German opera In i this country. Our company will appear at BOYll's December 26 , 27 ali 28 , when the operas presented will bl 'Lohongrln , ' 'Wal- h one , ' 'Sl trled' and . 'Meistersinger. ' These operas will be given by the full . company with the entlro New York Symnpbony archesn t ra-sixty-flvo musicians ant three car loads ot the finest scenery and costumes. To show the strength ot the company 1 need only sa ) that It Includes : Sopranos ali con- t raltos . Frau Katharlna Klafsky , hamburg opera and London ; I.'rl Johanna Gndskl , Bremen - men opera and New York : FrI. Gsela Stol , Zurich opera : Fri. Louise Muider. Stuttgart and Bayreuth : Miss Mina Scimilling . New York : Miss Marie Maurer , New York : I.'rl. Jza l Eibenschuetz . Strssburg opera : Fri. Marie Mattfcid. Tenors Herr Wihelm Oruenlng , Hamburg opera and Bayreuth ; 11rr h Darren Berthold , Now York ; Herr Paul Lamige Munich Hoyal opera and New York ! , anll Herr Max AI\ary. Hamburg opera , Bay- reuth and Prague : Herr Wihelm Iertens , New York : Herr Conrad flehrcns , , New York ; Herr Gerhard Stehmann , New York ; and Herr Emi Fischer . New York Tall them all In all . a company uneqnled on any Gera lan operatic stage " e J1Hlhl ; Inrtn g'I.lnln. I OMAhA , Oct. 21-To the Editor . ot Time I Dee : There appeared In time World-Herald of Saturday last under the heading "Talk Wih Chairman Smythe , " what plrported to he an Interview with this gentleman , In whIch the hate decision of the supreme court rcl- lve to the lanner In which the official blGt for the state ot Nebraska should he mode up I was discussed. The statements attributed to I Mr. Smythe In this IntervIew Corm neiher an interesting romance nor a statement of fcL , In answer to the Inquiry propounded him I by tIme World-Herald. ' 'Dd the halters object - ject to the court examining and deciding the I dispute ? " that is . which represented the i democratic party , Mr. Smythe Is reported to t have answered , "Certainly they did. They are afraid [ to have , anyone examine amid decide - cide their claim. " claim. The Worll-Heral In its head lines sold further that every point In question but ono was conceded . to Mr. Phelps , the democratic nominE What were limo points at Issue ? : Certainly but one : Whether or not the noml- nee of the democratic state conventIon held L at Lincoln In September last should In time u Interest ot anyone else he excluded tram the ui i ballot as regular democratic nominees , and I . this was decided , by the court In the negative : adversely to tim prayer of the kickers , who did nOt secure a bearIng until the thIrd at- tempt. They first brought an injunction pro- cedure , which any law clerk would have toll thcm was ontrry to thp , constitution at the state They then commenced some kind at I proceedings In the district court ot Lancaster county and wlhdrow them themnutelves. TheIr third attempt was to bring a mandamus pro- ceeding before the supreme court to compel the secretary at state to leave off part at the nominees , anti the decIsion was agaInst them. Now just what points were decided In taror : , of , Mr. Phelps referred to In the World-ler- : aId Is beyond my comprehension. As quoted heretofore , Mr. Smythe Is mad ' to say In this Interview that somebody Is ; aCrald. Now let us see where the cowardice comes In In thIs matter. No one has over heard the regular demoratc party , which m placed the ticket In the field at LIncoln and which Is designated by time World-Herald as the "Dolters , " asking that the demo-pops' nominees should be left off the ticket. In other words wo have at all tmes expressed - pressed a perfect wllngmss that their nomInees - flees should 10 upon the ballot along side ot our own , and have also expressed In words : and by acts a perfect willingness to allow the mater to be settled by the voters In Novem- ber next. I there Is any cowardice to he attributed to any one . I certainly must bo to those who are afraid to allow their ticket to stand upon Its merits In competition with others. and who resort to the law for protec- lon , We are willing to subunit our case to the voters or the slate wIthout calling to our S sance , or as arbiters , a republican supreme - preme court or any other boy ot men. Neither do we find It necessary to cal upon the regular democralc voters , as represented In the LIncoln conventon , not to vote for Mr. Maxwell. There Is no disposition upon the part of those represented In this movement and designated as "straight" or "adminis- tration" democrats to vote for any other than the regular democratic nominees. NI appeal Is neceSary upon our part , and this explanation 19 only made becalse continued silence In tIme face at repeated IntervIews mIght be construed as an indifference to the . sUhject. - EUCLID MARTIN. : lgIil5 of th. . " % ' . . .tern tJniuii. General Thomas T. Eckert , president ot the Western Union Telegraph company , New York City , accompanied by Mrs. Eckert , oioncl H. C. dowry , vice president and tolonel general superintendEnt , ChIcago , with Mrs. Cowry anti Secretary Frank Schmerrer . arrIve - riveti yesterday In the Western Union's rIve car , "ElectrIc , " tram St. Paul They are on p trip ot inspection ali will remain here until today , when they leave via the Union Pacific for Denver , accompanied hy Colonel J. J. Dikey , local superintendent of the Western Union The Omaha once and controlled lines were inspected yesterday and while hero General and Mrs. Ecl.ert and Colonel and mIrs Cowry are the guests ot Mr. and Irs. Henry D. Estahrool Mr. ckert was assistant secretary of war under President Lincoln. President Eclert I has not been In Omaha since J870 , when ho was genera \nanager at the old At- lanto and 101110 Telegraph company. lie speaks very highly et the Gate City In a general way , and say he Is extremely pleased that he sulitt to Colonel Clowry's persuasions to come here. Originally his trip was to have terminate at Chicago CII'lllnr , , . 1111 1"1 I ( h. LAmBS will find. Allen's Hygienic Fluid 'al that Is desired lsa cleaning and healing Vaginal wash and Inj oton. I Is Invaluable In Leucorrhoea , Vaginitia , etc. . and Is per- fecly harnmiess. Ite ned people everywhere use it. A waded Highest tonor8 - 'Vorld's _ Fair , . DR - J CREAM DRtj BANf POD1II MOST PERFECT MADI3. A pure Grape Cream ofTltr Powder. Free fem Ammonia Alum or any other adutterant . 40 YEARS THE STANDARD , , , - . : - 11" " - - - - . ' , . . . ONf U THOUGHTUSS OUHI . - low h I Glml Vncuton "us l olo\c by IJittet' Palit. A TREACHEROUS ENEMY A COIIIOI 1"II'rh'"ce nlil I lie 1.- 'UII ' I I COltlll" for Iellh. " 0111 of J.h'll" Out of 100r" . A yonn man In Philadelphia was fatally i Injure not long ago by 1 Innocent a thing as a cut buton , lie fell In such a manner that tim button was drIven deep Into the fl e3h of Ida wrl9t. The wound , though painful - ful , was not considered dal/erous , and no great precatmtioa wiia considered precalton WLS considere necessary unt sIgns of lockjaw appeed. Then , ot course , all treatment was useless. Thil Is one eXDlple of the power for mis' chlet at little thlns. Here Is another , less drmatc , blt more common , ant , thcreCre , more m Impressive. People who went from t own to countr In the beautiful summer of 1895 , delighted to spen.l most of their tme out at doors . They even lay on time sott grass at night watching time stars ali enjoying - eying j the cool breeze It , upon rising , a man u found his back stiff , he said , " 1 must have ben In one pollen too long. " I the stfnel' persisted until the next day , he saul : "I guess 1 must have taken a little 1011. ' limit now vacations are over and the autumn Is i well advanced 'fhat soreness and weak- nss In time lower part of the back continue . nn1 [ with them are other disorders. Shiver- Ing l and fever alternate , there Is an umicon- querlng feeling ot laslltudo at times , the urlno Is opaquQ and sometmel bloody . the ( 'kll Is pallid and time face bloated just he- neath time eye . Dgeston 19 poor and appe- te t almost gone. Let us bob , the mater In time face without fl inching . ThIs Is marl than a Ito colt , alhough In the beginning It was only a sul- den checklnJ of the acton ot the sldn and idneys Now I Is the dreaded . Brlght's dl immeace , a Coo to life quite 19 deadly as con- s umptiomm . Common sense would dictate that no tmo bo iot In vain regrets that more prudence was not oxerclsel In the country . Let us had a reimmedy If we can. . . ) WI are fortunate to know that 'Varner's Safe Cure will bring back health ali energy and the normal acton of the kidneys. I Is the function of the kidneys to expel from the system broken down tissues In the form ot urea and uric acid , together with certain s alti that have done their work. No other organ than the kidneys can rid time body of thlD death laden amatter. Congested , In- lamed kidneys act as a drain to keel poison In i the vystem What makes \'arner's Safe Cure tim won- der and admiration of the medical proresson ! Is i Its power to sootlo the inflammation In the kidneys and to ala ) ' the congestion so that the urine , mica more healthy In color and conslDtenc , carrIes away the waste freely and promptly. Ono does not ) ece93arly dlo soon of BrIght's diseace. He may lead a mlserahle uncertain , invalid lifo for yes. But what wear ) ' , dragging years they are ! Let tIme sufferer shako' off his burden ot sickness and Buspense. Ho wi find hope and health In 'Varner'v Safe Cure. - - - D-O-C-T 0 R , Searles & Sear es 1 t9 5 14th 5t. " ' 0 Cure Clt.rrh , nil .1k. , . . . ' , . rileCtu of time NOHI' , Thr..t 'ti , ' Chest Stommmau'ii , 10w"l 1 , ' A 1. I I II LIver ; J1yulriet'Ie. ' \ \ ' ' , ' , 'V"lLI < 'J \'lrloCI'I.Strllurl' ) ( tt7-- " " ' . , Skh. : ' J"'I SOXllty. ItoOt 4tit : : . ' ' : ' , ' nlt Hldny UI.IHCH , Uon- ? \ :1 OrrhH'l" SyphilIs . e I ( If \ * ¶ SyphllH. - \ ' t ; (1WEAK ( MEN. a't & him At l'rh'lt" UIH''Lscs mind " I ' \ \ ' i IItuordertu of Jlel , . 1 ' \ : . : - _ ' : \i \ 'L'rcitmiuomit : by mall , eon- . \ ' ' \ . , . . ' \ \ \ , \ JHullton free. SPECIALISTS In the treatmunt of al NERVOU31 CHRONIC - and PRIYTl U5J ASES , Treatment for nt rorl of FEM'LEVEAK NEf : Cat emi or mmCdross , with StllP , Dr Searles I & ( Searles 1 10 5. 1 Itli 141. , ttL1Ia1 , Qinithiui. ; t'e : Monthly . Pains mUlti anxietes can lie rele\'cl to a con- tltutr by tmsing Dr. Chevalier Female Pills. Price $10 per box. I yon are thumb ! anti In doubt fS to what will releve 'Ol , setHI ( for these . 1)1118. Sent sealed sectcly by mail on : receipt of lwlee. , I S SIloIllhtlil & M McoillleII 11 CEllO Ci O 113 Del e St. OMAhA , NED ( MornIng > ( ( ? have p1cedcihe1 I ' 1 ( tf' I ( 1111 ( ( ( ( i 1'1(11 ' ( ( ( ! : X ( 1 mama use Wool ifoap ) I wish mine Q J'1O OLJ2iVS \ I not shrink I WOOL SOAP I used In the laundry. Wool . Soap I delicate . and retrPlbll/ tJlb put poses. 'ilto bel' . c'leao'er Jot bousebohl . minI laundry miurnosos. Dil a bar at _ your dtaltr. aworth . cloa4o I Ca . Maken Chicao EDUOA'.tUNAL No. 11 THE " ' . "t JACOTOT 8Uth ( St. Xc" SCHOOL York , City . . ADJAlFNT TO CN1JAr. lhtK . Offers 0 1n1.lohlTFI'L. 10M } ; AND CHAP- EnoNOE , to young ladle desirous of hiking special courses. Thuroush ' colellat , " reparatiOn. ) . Art aol LIDIU3IU. I - _ < , . _ , " ' , _ ' _ , We candidly believe that the lowest degree ovoreostl ever reached Is the latest shipment wo brought here. Se\'erl hundred ot one kind at U.7/ and a few hundred at 'G.7G. Two values tht\ have no parlel In the history ot mcrehsndlslng. Speaking ot \lles , there Is no title 10 thai ' ' . $1.75 overcoat Value , properly denned , means sortim nut how about an overcoat like $ 4 7 5 that , with these qualitIes ot cloth , all lining , amid make , and style for al Ilto as $4.75 ? Overcoats hike 'em sell everywhere at $10.00Dress Overcoat ) 'ou'l ) so , too , when you come here anti Kersey then there might bo n pint of favor to our , credit when you como to tIme lning amid workVelvet Collar. nuanship. Two shades'black and navy blue. Speaking ot all wool , what n pity that a merchant of today could not be pros ecutel for mlsrepre ntaton , Everything Is wool In mRny a store nowadays but not here. When WI say all wool , It'o ro $6.76 Is i perhalls too little for n long , heavy . all wool overcoat. I might appear so , hut 6 j 7 5 . $ . wo h1vo 'em ne\'erthele9. All wool overcoats coats are hehl at from 10 to 1& 11013r& erery- All WOOL KERSEY 111aco you enter Poslshlo our coals at $ G,7G ere better . Ialan body lining , cut In sack DRESS ! OVERCOAT Cashion , sowed with silk , f ) front. Eaimi- inc the others and tel us you candid OIlnlon. Silk Velvet Collar . Black or navy blue. " _ I- , ' ' _ ' , . . . fM' 'e ) . .Ii' . , . ' , , , _ - . _ . ' . . _ ; $ , c : . , ! . , : ; .t\ " = " : . " - - - - - . - - - - - L:1-IDE1---iLIELJEETJD EtLJ ii d 8 ELi E U Every Cause But the o R-ight 011e. 8 1. n Your headache : You lay it to 0 o every causebut the true onc-in- LI igestion. So few people know B [ what indigestion really is. Hardly know they have i. The cure is 0 . . < J , Tabules. A single , Ripans one no t B gives relief. Ask your druggist U 0 } U . CJ nlpm's Tabutes Sell by , . druggIsts or by mal o . It pans time ChemIcal price WI Cmpany. cents 1 tin No > > 10 Is E selt uce 10 at time , N. 11'I - . . t " , ' DDDEDDUI JUEIQD , 0 T I , . . R FROM'GASOLNE ' 5.Iow 'S ii CHEAPER THAN SiEAM , , . , . , - - \ ' No holler. No Sleam. No 11nrer. , - - - - - \ Iltat Hay Power , Hunnlug for Corn CI'ellnorloH 111 Feed , : Separators Mills Hiln , c ! I k ' - . - - - -F. .IHEOTTOCAS ENGINES - - u. . . . _ - ' - OTTO GASOLINE j j , .c - . - Stationary or Portibl ! . . . . , , I lIol2OH.h' . . . , 8toSI.I. . r - I Send for Catimlogime trlccs.ltcIICcllblnr work to b n : i . " THEOT O CAS . ENCIEWORaO . . . , : , , ' , 8ts. 1JIIT.ADJ1T.Vh1IA PA ' acid t'tVliiiitSt. . I'JI.ADJ J.lJIA. . . , , -t - ChIcago , : Le St. Omaha 321 SO. 1th St _ _ _ - --q J I RAIL \ A Y ' fl IE CARD ) Lea'c5 iIIIJICLINGT0N & MO HIVCH./Atl-CS- LCn' / Ula \BUlLUUTON \ & Mason 8th. Oniaha ; . . . . . . . . . . ' flxpresmi. . . . . . . . . . . 5:4)41mm : 43p1nhitle. ; ililis. Mont. & i'uget tinil Es , 4Opm : : . . . . . . . . . . . ixpress. . . . . . . . . . . 4Oipnm : IOItm. : , Nebraeka 'Locai ( except Sumulay ) , , 7lpmmm : slram.LiflcOIn ; Local ( except Suntlny.llB4m ) : Spm.VaBt MimU ( ( or 1ncohm ) dally. jVic1mIcAuu. IiUItLmNUlON & Q.irrmves OmnttmmaiunmonDepot _ , 10th & Masun Omaha 4:45pm..Cumicago : VestibUio. . . . . . . . . . 9iOamn : . . . . . . . . . . . . I'xpress. . . . . . . . . . . 4:15pm : 7upm..Cumicago : & St. m.oums nxprcss , . . 8OO.tmmi : li:35.imim..acmmlc : Junction I.ocal. . . . . . . 5:50pm : } at ! Mail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i.eaveiCIiiCAGO , 2.111 , . & ST. h'AtJt. . Arrives OmmmnmmaUnmoarh1otilm& _ _ Mason St. ! . Omaha 6:00pm..chmeago : I.lmmted. . . . . . . . . . . 9aam : ) li:30.im..Cmmicamoo : lxpress ( cx. Sunday ) . . . 5:2imn : Leav'a lC'11lCMc & N0IOTII\\'CST'N. Arrtv' OmnnhmahllniOflDepot _ , 10th & MnsOmm Sti. Onmahia 10:40am..1aetern : gaprots. . . . . . . . . . . 5:10mm : 4 : . . . . . . . . . . . . , LmitmeJ. . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . \'alley Local..10:35pm : 5 : . . . . . . . ChIcago Iipecmai. . . . . . . 1:43pm : Leaves ChIIC.UO , Ti. I. & I'ACIPIC. Arrives Omaha Union liepot , 10th & Maomi iIa. Omnalma - lAST , ,4 11:20am. : . .Atlantio Express ( cx. Sunday ) . . . 5:3j'i : : . . . . . . . . . . . . lxpmese. . . . . . . . . . . . 5:25am : 4uipni. : . . .ChicagoVeetibUl-d Limmtcd. . . . 1 :3litmmm : WIIST. 6:45pmn.Oklahonma : & Texas r.x. ( ox. Sun..10:35i ) : 1:40pm..Colorado : Limited. . . . . . . . . . 4Oopmmm : LeaveS C. , ST. I' . , M. & a : iArrivea Onmalma Depot , 15th antI W'iister , _ Slocmmmi..Hioux : City Accommodation , . . . 8:15pm : 12:2.pm. : . .Sioux City Cxprees uex. dun.,1lsaamn ) : . . I'aul LImited. . . . . . . . . . tmzaam : Leave' F. , 13. & MO. VALL3'3Y crnivj omahaDepotl5thandWebster Sts , Omaha 2:10pm..Fast : Mail an4 Exprea. . . . . . . . 2lOpm.eX. : ( Hat.Vyo. ) . mx. : ( cx. anon. ) , . 4:55pm : 5O3mmrn..Norfolk ; lxpres sex. Sunday ) , . .hO:3)mrn : 61101)fli..St. i'aui Lapress. . . . . . . . . . Leaves K. C. . ST. .1 , & C , 11. ; Arnives QmaLJ9fl-k9. ! ! , 10th &MasonSj9nmaima 9:50am..Kansas : City Iay L'zpres. . . . . 5:30pm : 'JtpmJC. : C. 1'tgit : 1x. via Ii. 1' . Trans. 5:0041mm : Leaves 1.1 i14OUlti pAIFICiArrive Omaha Depot , 15th anti Web.ter 8.fjLiaima ! 10:40am..St. : Louis Cxpre5 . . . . . . . . . . C0031m ; : . . . . . . . . . . . LotmI IxprcsS. . . . . . . . . . 6Osmimmm : Omm Leaves SIOUX CItY & I'ACII"IC. Arrives Omnalmfl _ 1)epot.IhtlLandwcbitter St. . Omaha i'iojiti.Iftl'4ul ; _ _ Limited. . . . . . . . . . 5:25am : Leaves SIOUX CITY & I'A'IVIC.1'XnriV Omaha1Jnmon1)ej9.tmm _ & Misaim St Omaha urmiiii- . . . . . , . SIouX City , , , . , . , . . : _ _ 4 : . . . . . . . . ' I.immmiiecm. IAaveB UNION I'A'IFIC. iArrivti OmahaUnion _ hepotl0tlm& Mason OthiOmahia . . . . , , , lOaprees 12:30pm : : . . . . . . . . . . . . Slyer. . . . . . . . . . . . 5:10pm : 2OOpmlment'Ce : & Stramit.'g cx. ( Cx. IIun.l2S0pnm ) : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Cxprcs , , , , , , , , , , , , l0am : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , . , : Leavoc W.tliASiL I1AIhW/m.Y , Omaimi UniQnDepOt. 10th & Mason St. . OmIm 4:00pm : . . . . . . . . St. Louis Canon ChI.hm..te ? Enrli.i1Rm.mi. ; imr.mu. r ENNYROVAL PILLS Otlgi.al .nJ 4).lj ) Veum.tae. IUtl4. aeti. ' S lmZgl r C'l,5.il.Y I x.smi . : Via rgNJ in 11d li-i doU wtaiIis bill dbii. T.k. . 0- . ' . . .Uiei. Re/ius , saag.ra , .5.mt- muM aN4 t.iItam44a. Al PrC.IamI , . , , r,4 4 , . I. 8t&a1.l 5.1 puUiai.zi , iithaiii 1.1 4 , , lumi.r tar 1..sics"uat.v ; , , : returd am.mm. 10 000 T'ttj.aolit , . a."w I'.pr. 518,7 Ic.lIImuUiiIs , - CIIATTEIJ MOI1TOAGE SALE. ' N. B. Fahconer'S stock. Whereas , On the 14th day of October , lS9 , Nattmammael B. Faiconer gave a chiuttol inorU gage to the Omaha National Itank in tli , miUmmi of $ G3,5i9.67 upon time following do mucribed goods anti chattel" , to-vit Time emmtlre stock of dry goods amiti men clmaimdiso consisting chiefly of stiks , velvetmoj dreas goomlie , limmimmga , lumens , mtlmectlng , blank eta , trimmimlgs , art goods. notions soap , perfumery. ribbons , books , mutatiomiery gents' furnishing goods , hosiery , fur goodS m-tmgmu. draperies , curtains , curtain polemu no ilxtimres , aimmi toys : also nil * 'hmaw casehi shelving , counters mind fixtures , mmmi offic furniture commslsting , nIeity of mm iron snd , 11108 , desks , chairs , carpet anti cmmrtuimis : , nail all other chmmttteim of every kind untl clmara' ter , owned by mmaid N. B. Falconer , miami comm taimied in time three-story amid basemen lmrlck bulldimmg numbered 1503.1507 and 160 Douglas street , in thu city of Onmnhmn , Ne brnska anml all other personal proPerty nn mnerchinndie carried In stock at time abovq nflmne(1 lilace tmjiomi whicim thmero itt mmow thu the anna of 23,5l9.67 , and upon svhichm tlier xviii becomne duo October litib i&I5 , the euro ) of $12.000.00 October 26 , 359. ' , tiuo suns oh 15,600.00 ; November Itt. 1S1 time aiim o $5,000.0 ( ) mind December 1 115 , time sum o $ b8.000.O : antI Whmem-eam4 , On time same tiny said Nathaniel 11. Faiconer also gmmvo chiattel mortguge upon the i'nmne descnibud goods anti ciiatte1 to the ( olioving named persona 1mm th amnoimnt following time aarnes of thm mmmort gagecs , to-wit : To Christina Falconer in tIme sum of 52.230.60 , nil of which is ncmc' due. To Itohert Folcomier rind 'rimomnmmmu Fmmhconer , doimmmc himmuincas its Fahconer Bros. , iii the sum of $7,250.00 , with interest ( roam Jmmiv Iril 185 at 10 per cent per ummnumn , all oi which i now due. To the lcilpatricic-Tochi Dry Goods comi puny in time simm of Q.6S8.32 , all of whmlch i hoW flume , wih interest. To Thin iton l'tmblleiulng company iii tIn sum of $2,016.71 , $128.23 of whmicmi is due , an upon which timers ivhi hu Omjo ihtober : 2bl' lt9 ; tIme n of liiS.75 : 1ovemn'DCr 6th 1895A tlmo'sum of $72267 ; Noeniher Ilt" , IS' , tlmq "mini of $143.60 : December 8th , the 5090 publishing company the iOl or $795.'ii. upon which timorcuwill bO thtme N eumber 15th , iSIs , the simm of $191.40 , anm $ Decemnber 12th 1513. time sum of $393.95. Each of said mortgueS mui'mithoned nfte that of time Omaha National bank belnut mutiject to the mnOrtgago of time sahi bunkj murmti machi of said mOrtgmiges ielng subject to mmli that preCo(1O it in this notice , eachi oft paid mortgages hieinn fileti In thai counIy clerk's ollice of louglae coummty Ncbraska emi Clue 14th iia' of October , 1S5. , : and Whmeremimu , Said Omaha iatiomiimI hunk inl aitl oIlier niortgagees are in possession o saiti stock mcmiii ehatteld above described : an \Vht'reaa. Default line been mna'le in tim conditions contained 1mm said mortgages , pn 110 suit or pm'ooutcmding line been instituted recover tIme debt secured by said mortgagee or any part thmereo ( ; amid Whmeream' , Said mortgagee give authority tra 'cit said stock to pay the anmount duo ot' t become due , now , Therefore Notice is hierehiy given tlmat th undersigneif mortgmugeea will sell all of th " abOve thescnihmii property at time huiidinl lately occupied by satml Natiuamiiu'l li F coner ale his store , tu-whi : Nos 1C06-l507 mm l&'i9 Douglas bti'eet , in the city of Oqiahi Nebraska. on Friday , time tilt day of N vomber , ISI , at 10 o'clock in time forenoon of said tIny , at public auction to time hlghes bidder thierefOt' in calm , anti that time ptQt' ceemis thereof will ho applied to this pa niemmt of said mortgages in the order o4 their priority. Iated , October 18th 1S5. OMAhA I'IATIONAT4 DANIC Ily : huh , McCumhloch & Cianlcson , Attorn3 CiiitISTiNA , 1 ° ALCONER , FA1.'ONEIt flRO'FIiliBlI. KILPATItICIC. 1OCiI IhtY (1001)14 CO ity lCennedy& Learned , Attorneb TilE nci : r'UIILISiIINO COMPANY , WORLD PUT3IIIIIINflCOMI'ON' fly a. i. Hitchcock , I'ro O-1Bd.2t-t-m'- , ' - - - - -