. - - - - - - - - - - t' " . _ _ - _ _ ' _ _ - - - - . _ _ I 'l'IIE OMAHA DAILY J1I I1 : \\J : ) ' < CflJi\ ) . 001'0111011 23 , 180ii. _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . 3 - - - - - - - - - - - . . ; . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - ' - - I , W ! , _ gj. Jliti ! NEWS FQOM COUNCIL BLUFFS. _ Oflco , 12 Pearl Strcct.-li. W. . 'liltoti , Mauoscr nud LC88CO. 1 - - - - - _ - _ . - - _ ' - - F - - - r - - - - _ . _ " - - " " - - - . LL H H = l t n c' _ ' t . ; % , 11cOltMTN11O : . . No. ! 19 lln street Is Away down town , but I T. n. hughes can save you more than car I.'are on the m1lest purch1o It will pay 1 sm31est you to go down and See T. . 13. luhel' Ino of unlerwear /0 , hate , /Iovu , she ( s and lubber goodH. vn I you don't buy T. , gools. wllflng to Miow you 13. llitgben Is alw.Y8 wilng Ihow . I Iuhes through his well selected tock of "warm wel : . things / tar c01 weather. " ! r Some one went Into the Neuma'er hotel h3ber shop last evening and stole a ruor. : : There Is no clew. Heglilar meeting of Durs Ilvllon No. 27. UnIform Hank JnLhts of Iythla this even Ing All member requested to bo prestnt. . Inn May Salewskl died yesterday at 6:2 : I p. m. of consumption at the home of bert t uncle , Frank Sadowski , llOi Third avenue , aged 13 year 8 mOlths and 1 daya. Funeral notice la ter. notc 1 The Ladlea' AIl society of St. Jehn's flng - IKh I.utheran church meets In special ees- slon Thurrday afternOon at the reshlenco of : l. O. W. Snyder , 21 South Seventh etreel. A full attendance Is dcalred. Mrssr . lamer and West , representing the Penn Mutual Inhur1nce , company , are In the city looking after their company's Inter st ' In this city. They will also vIsit Omaha and Lincoln before goIng cast. Charles II. Warren commenced proceedings , In the district court yepterlay to have himself . self appointed permanent guardian of Edwin , If. Fogg . his brother-In-law , who I or unsound - sound 11nl. le ale es that ho Is the only one who can manage l ogg. In the suit which Mrs. Shaler ant Joseph flock brought against Rex and Ietrlc , the Chicago her ! emen. for wages for taking care or the horse l aHhls , Justice Cook declle,1 , yesterday , In favor of the plaintiffs , giving Mrs. Sharer $24 and DucIc $20. The here will be sold 10 satisfy the claIms. Frank M. Schniidt ( . assistant engineer at the School for the Deaf , and Miss Nellie Fatherly of this city. were married yesterday - day afternoon at 3 o'clock 01 the residence of Hev. Father I Smythe or St. Xavlor's church. The bride has ale been employed ] at the School for the Deaf for the past three relrs. I Last February Mike hughes . a well known young man , raised a ,1sturbancl al the Sal- vaton army meeting and was arrested on a charge of disturbing tie peace. On account of his family he was allowed to go on his own recognizance. lie then proceed to skip out . and has not been seen since until yesterl1ay. when he was rearresled. his sis- tar gave a bond for his appearance and he wi have a hearing In polco court this morn- Lng. Lng.Friz Helh : , who Is employed by I , . ' - Kirscht . wandered , Into Deetken's drug store ( lat evening. accompanied by a jag and a do . The later was a vicious lookIng animal - mal Dr thc bloolho\nd variety alt Dr. Deel- ken was not particularly anxious to.cultlvate his acquaintance. lelz refused to go out , and r'ther than try conclusions with the dog Deetken went to the police staten anti secured - cured the alt of the ofcer ' , Heiz was arrested - rested and charged with drunkenness. There wil ho a "Christian Enleavor" , rally In preparation for the state convention al Des Moines at St. John's English Lutheran church . James hal , t7 Pearl street Friday o\'enln The following papers viiI be read : "The Conventlon . " by Clarence II. Judson : . "The Young Woman ali the Endeavor " by Miss Harriet Blood : 'fhe Young Man antI 1lss Endeavor . " by E. A. Ward : "The Church Loyalty of the Endeavor " by Miss Johanna Nelon. Solos will be sung by Misses Hate Palmer alt Minnie Evera and Mr. C. S. Haverstock. Piano solo by Miss Bessie Vrn de Dogert Sociable and refreshments after program. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Farm loans made In western Iowa at low- est rates No delay In closing loans. Fire and tornado Insurance written In best of com- paules. Bargains In real estate. LOUOEE & TOWI.E 235 Pearl St. Nicest line of overcoats In lown. 1etcaif DroB. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Hardman piano Improves with use. PIHISONAL IA1itGIL.tI'lIS. Mrs. Francis Murphy Is visiting her friends In this city. f Mine I.lzto leases of Omaha Is In the city , the guest of Mr ! I. M. Troynor. Mrs. J. R. Reed has gone to Malver for a two wecles' vll'lt wIth relatives and friends. ! rf J. T. Baldwin left last evening for Chicago to visit her laughter , Mrs. J. H. Wheeler. Mrs. Horace Everett . Mrs. J. A. Wadlel , and Miss Lou Smih left last evening for a visit In Kan9 City. Mu. Boyle who has been visiting her thaughter , Mrs. Charles Ofcer , left last even- Ing for her home In Pittsburg. Fred Lln'teman and family are In the city. guests of J.V. . Camp and family on First avenue. Mr. Llnd man resides In Delevan Wis. , and Is a brother-In-law or Mr. Camp. Mrs. I. : I. Treynor leaves today for Des . Moine to join her husband , who 11 perrorm- P. , log his duties as secretary of the republican Btato committee. She will return In two . or three laYL Dr. H. S. Weet F. E. Kingsbury and Julius Zimmerl left yesterday for northwestern - western NlJaeka for a hunting trip. They will be accompanied by Harry Harlln of Gretna Neb _ _ _ _ _ v _ _ _ We have sold 3,000 hotbed sash In Iowa and Nebraska alt never had a kick. Wo now " have realty for immediate delivery 1.000 more ' at bedrock 11rlces. Write for prices on _ all P , kinds glazed sash glass paints oils , etc. . stating quantity desired . Council Bluffs Paint & Oil Co. 01 _ _ _ _ Cell Wave Conln ! I you want a good stove to put up before you start your furnace . buy one of Swalne's air-tight stoves the best made at 740 Broadway _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Huber Bros. ' new meat market Is the finest . In the city . 12 nro dway. It'ldNh'r 'l'oinorrow. The registration boards wilt be In sessIon October 24 and 25 and November 2. All who expect to vote at the coming election mUtt register on one of those days unless they were registered for the last election. Thee who have moved from precinct or ward Into another must secure a transfer , have his name Harked off the old precinct and regis- teret , In the new. The boards wilt be In no.w. bouls wi rs. ! t10 ( Rlnn At thi , ( nl.ws n1pa , ! . ' _ n _ . , . _ ' _ . " _ . _ n _ , , 'Y I 1 lrst Warll-I"lf't pr clnct , 131 East Broadway . i way : Second precinct 309 East Pierce. Second , Ward-Flrsl precinct 400 West T3rotdway ; Second precinct 700 West Broad- , way. : way.Third Want-First precinct. 101 South Main ; Second precnct ! , 91 South Main. Fourth Ward-First precinct. 22 South Main : Second precInct , 1203 South Sixth. Fifth V'ard-First precinct , 1821 Wesl I Broadway : ; Second precinct , 161 South Tblr- teenth. Sixth Warll-Flnt precinct. 19 North Twen I , teth ; Second trecinct. . Fifth street , between ; Locust and O. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I This weather suggests warm and eom- fortablo things. These "Colorado Eider I flown" bed comforts at the Council lUlo Carpet company's anll the bIg line of fur II rugs meet those suggestions. They are ch'al durable beautiful. I . Morring , . 1.lt.t.'uH. . The following marriage Icnsel were Is - sued yesterday by the county clerk : Name and address , Agp Fritz HII t. larlan\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Friz Texter , hIaran , Ia. . . . . . . . . . 2. ' rank M. Schmidt. I ) . and D. institutt' . . 2 Nellie Fatherly Council Bluffs . . . . . . . 3 , SPtl If. Lewis , Omaha ( white ) . . . . . . . . :7 lester Perry . Omaha ( colored ) . . . . . . . 15 n. K. Ingram Council Blurs . . . . . . . . 2t Gracie I. Hammon , Council Bufb . . . . 1 Wanted-F'lve hUlllrel1 people to attend the baby party at the Congregational church Saturday afternccn . from 3 to I o'clock. You'l never have a good a chance to see , all the sweetest babies In town ag3ln. Admission - mission , 10 cents. I'rlzes awarded by popu. hat vote. I Nothing like it. The famous Crown plan with orchestral attachment lead. them all. . Douriclul Music house . 16 Stutlman al. . r lave yoU seen the new gn healn stoves at the compan1 oUcef ! . . v. ii. \ 1'1 sIn' ! 1'1 ; UIU : 'l'IIC ' 1'\ ) : . NJlrt11 / l'otll I ; ; -t'lt ; ; : : ; fr . lii' I'cnrl I . Sl..t I'I I I I for / " 'c.tk. As a result of the adjourned ; meeting of the : ly council held yesterday afternoon the Pearl street paving ! project was shelved ror a week , and wi probably stay on the elicit until next sprIng. W. I. M. Iuey and , Ueorgo Wright are responsIble for this action . Mayor Cleaver and nil the councilmen : al til councimen were present. 'fhe petition ofV. , a. Nason for Ilermission to use two feet off the east aide of lenten street adjoining his property was grantell J. ' 1. Stewart complained that by the city ' s acton In changing the grade of Fourth street In 1880 he had been Put to large expense - pense to raise his bu llnl . lie prosecutcd . one case for damages lu the district court and lost I , but the decision of the lower court was reversed In thc supreme court and , the case Is UO\ ready foran - other trial. lIe asked that the cIty sotto now and prevent the further accumulation of Interest and costs which are already , large. Ils claim for damages Is $2OIS.J. : which , with $1,090 In- teresl from 1886. foots UII 3,108.31. lila communication was rdert to the judiciary Conlinittec. The Pearl street paving ordinance was ! brought up again anti put upon Its third reading. W. Ii. M. Pusey was present anti male , some remarks on the subject. Unfortunately - fortunately , he said , past councils lied , been victIms of the cedar block habit : and the paving must bo put down anew before the abutting property owners have finished paying - II ! their special taxes for the old paving. Considering the depressed "cndilon of every- body's affairs . and the fact that It was almost winter antI , there were not enough vitrified brick In the Council Burs kilos to do the work be thought tme the council mIght walt until next sprln Then , too ho thought he voiced the sentiments of the property owners between Broadway and i First avenue when he asked that that por- ton of the street be paved with granite . and the rest from First avenue south with brick. I was an outside Influence that was trying to rush the ordinance through right now even though the councilmen might not have no- Uced It. The park commissIoners ranted , to bo trusted Until 1897. "Why , " paid he , "we could all of us get trusted until 1900 I we pay enough for the privilege. I Is a mater II of contracting by the city that has brought things to their present condition. " lie asked : the council at least to amend the ordInance so as 10 provide thaI granite ought to be used from Broadway to First avenue. R. D. Amy , who has a store below First avenue , thought granite ought to bo used tilts entire length of the street. Mayor Cleaver. In reply to a question from Mr. Pusey as to what ho thought about granite . replied thaI he did nol think any of the property owner from Broadway to First avenue sincerely wantHI granite. George F. Wright staled thaI at the last meeting of the motor company , held about a month ago , he was instructed to draw up a petition asking that the company might bo allowed to mo granite between the rails and for a fool outsIde , for It was often neces3ary to take up the paving and If brick were used II would be Impossible to put It down again. As a result of the talkIng the councilmen began to break ranks Oreenshlelds. Grahl and nsltan f\1enly became of the oplnon that If the paving couldn't be finished before winter set In It shoull bo postponed until April. Drewlck thought that no postponement should bo later than January 1 All the talk about a postponement brought Mayor Cleaver to his feet. "Washlnglon county I'ennsylvania brought out some pretty good men , " saId he "Yesterday we were In sesSIon almost all lay ali listened to this man and that man , They were In favor of everything and opposed everything. so as to mix this council up. But last night you were all In favor of paving. Now tr. Pusey comes up and makes a good talk , and you don't know what : you do want. The Pearl street pavIng Is an eyesore to every- body. I can be paved at a cost or $1.6t a front fool antI , the property owners have seven years to pay for it. PUE y himself can have that 200 feet of paving put In for $328. " $328. slight tendency to' rally was dIscernible sl h after this speech , but Mr. Pusey retorted warmly , and after he finished the poor coun- ci hardly knew which was what. As n last resort a motion was made to defer action until lexl Monday. Barstow protested against this as II would throw the commencement of the work so late Into Ue fall that It would be virtually to postpone It until spring. But thaI was what was wanted ali Darstow's suggestion thaI the mater be taken up thIs evening and disposed of fell through , and the original motion to postpone It until next Monday - day was carrlell. Lucius 'Veis asked that the assessment of the Grand hotel for ISOI be reduced from $20,000 to 10000. Remarks were made In favor of the plan by Mr. Wells and George F. Wright urging as the ground for their re- quest tmt the stockholders In the hotel com- patsy had gone Into the hotel business not as a speculaton , but merely for the geol of the city. to prevent the hotel from standing eml y. On motion of Greenshlelds. seconded by l3arstow . the desired reduction was male , In spite of the opposition of htisliton. A plant thoroughly equipped with the newest machinery the best work by skied employes prlmpt deliveries and fair treat- meat are among the things thaI makes the Eagle "that geol laundry. " Telephone 157. Nicest line of overcoats In town. Metcal Dros _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Standard piano neJt to the Hardman. UINtrlt.t Court Infer" . John Miller's trial on tha charge of robbing Oscar Digh occupied most of Judge Macy's time yesterday. The evidence agalnet Jfnnie . his wife , Is as conculslve as anything can welt be . and It Is stated that she will enter a plea or guilty as soon as her attorney , Colonel Daily. returns from Des Moines. . where ho has gone to defend three men who shot Deputy United , States Marshal Wray al Albla. She Is suffering from consumption and seems to have lost Interest In her own casa In the hope of l'vlng her husband from prison bars and enabling him to enter upon a new life or usefulness. The case went to the jury at 6 o'clock In the afternoon ali at a late hour lat night a verdict hall not been returned. The money that was recovered from Mrs. Miller Is on do. ! posit In a bank In the care of the police. I \vl \ be hell until the cal' has ben disposed of . \ hen II win bo turned over . to the barber 10 whom It belongs The trial of Andy Rolen on the charge of keeping open his saloon after mIdnight will be begun this morning. Hobo persisted , after several warnings by the polce , In vlo- hating the law so tt Is claimed , and was fined $0 In police court. lie refused to pay anti appealed the case to the district court. The case of the slate against Michael Whetstone . stone was dismissed by County Attorney Saunders . In the case of Conrad Gell'3 against C. \\'esley anti C. I.arson. involving the ownership . . ship of a horse , the plaintiff came Into court anti chose to have $30 from the defendant In , stead of the borse. to which the court had decided he was entitled. 'litikUti . neet..nr , In Isn't necessary for us to talk up those now frames. They sell at aght. ! Everybody want thcm. II. L. SMITh & CO. ' ' \ ) " % ' 1 lt Uh'orlt. " . Emma Nusum brought suit In distrIct court yesterday for a divorce from John Nusum whom she married In 1872. They lived together until a year ago last September , since which tmQ t be petition alleges that Nusum I per. forming marital obligations for another woman In lotawatamle and Harrison counties. Laura Tucker wants a divorce from John They were married In Missouri In 18S0 , and have two children. She claims her husband has treated her cruelly , compelling her by his brutal treatment to leave the house on three occaelons. lie struck at her and threw stove wood at her , followed her with a butcher knife. threatening to take her life . and , so the petition alleges . "applied to her the vilest of epitaphs. " AISUiN Viii.1 leatcil. The case against A. D. AnnIs was thrown cear out of court yesterday and the young man was thus completely vindicated of lht _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ charge of having committed any forgery , a charge which his many frIend" never believed for an luslant. The complaining witnesses themselves . E. D. Delis and his wife , when they came to understand just how the papers ' were made ont In the loan out of which the charge grew , hastened to uako al reparation I possible by filing afda\.ls stating that they were convinced thaI : tr. Annis had not been guilty of anything wrong In the mater all asking that the case bo diomissetl . They mode theo statements voluntarily and without - out any suggestion on the pat of Mr. Alnls or conslderaUon of any kind , except the laudable - able dcslro to prevent him from being sub jected to an unjust chare. On thIs show- log being made tha case wag dlfmlssed by motion of the county attorney hiinlaelf. Radiant Novelty and Emhursl stove for hard coal ale the most economical stove made. Sold only by Charles Swaine , 740 Broadway. flockers rockers , rockers : 400 styles. Dur- fee Furniture company 336-338 Broadway. Chambers' dancing academy now open for pupils. Cal after 10 a. m. Circulars Morellour & Co. . blank books and binding. The lardman piano Wins Illny friends. Nicest line f overcoats In town. Metcalf lne nro . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ larllan and Standard pianos 13 N. 16tt. Ilh'r""UI I Stlr.'mt. Court Iecitinhi. , omAH HAlIS. Oct. 22.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Tho ) supreme court of the United States has just handed down a decisIon In the case of Simmons against the Burlington , Cedar Haplls & Northern Hallway company which Is against the pllntlrs , These suits were commenced In the United States circuIt court at Des Moines nearly twelve years ago and InvolveJ the hue of 2,000 bOlls of $1,000 each known as the income and equipment 01 second mortgage bonds of the Burlington . Cedar Raplls & Minnesota railway , whIch was afterward absorbed by the present defendant - fondant . company. SlolO Cf ) " I'nekll I.H..e CIte,1. SIOUX CITY . Oct. 23.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Formal ) notification was Ferel today on the Credits Commutation company owner of the Sioux City Packing plant , that the ' Sioux City Packing company has practically closed the house and that the buildings will bo turned over the later part of the week. The complutaton company was also Informed that the plant will nol be reopened unless the management enters Into some new arrangements - rangements with the owners. nrnk.m F'ntnhly " Iujure.1. CHEROKEE , Ia. , Oct. 22.-Special ( Tele- gram.-Charles ) Durkee a freight brakeman on the Illinois Central railroad and a reel- re&- dent or this place fell from a train last night I near Quimby and was badly bruIsed up about the face ali head the skull bming fractured In two places. He was also hurl internally. I Is thought that ho cannot ' recover. i'I'I"n.t. or Murder 1)iseov&'rei. JEFFERSON , 10. , Oct. 22.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Tho ) coroners jury investigated the case or the man found deal In the corn field near Scranton last night ali reached the conclusion ] thaI ho came to his death by a blow on the head deal by an unknown person. Tbo skull was found to be crushed . St'nre.S Ut ' 5.- SIght 01 155oo,1. KEOSAUQUA , Ia. , Oct 22.-Speclal ( Tell- ram.-John ) Woodward attempted to commit - molt suicide at Hotel W\lamson. The knife was dull and 01 the eight of blood ho lost hIs nerve and called for help. 1.1 or Alt.m 'llle.1 Ou' CHEROKEE , 10. , Oct. 22.-Special ( Tele- gram-l ) wiped out over haIr of the bus- incas portion of . \la , a town eighteen miles west of here . last night. Total loss . $58.000 ; total insurance 18000. . VCIIflMiVttIiiiI lull Stittistics . IAHRSBURG , Oct. 22.-The statistics of the mining regions , which wl be included In the forthcoming report of the Department of Internal Affairs , show the production of coal for 1894 II the anthracite and bituminous - tuminous districts of Pennsylvania to have been 85,306.389 tons a decrease of 6,295.07 tons from the production of 1893. The pro- ducton of anthracite was 45,606.179 tons , as against -7.179.563 tons II 1893 , a reduction or 1,673.3St tons. The bituminous production was 39,800,210 tons , as against 43,421,988 tons In 1893. a reduction of 3,621,179 tons While the production shows this great falling off . tIme total number of employes In and about the mines have Increased. The number em- played during 18Ut was 226,872 , as against 219.821 In 189. an Increase . or 7051. ANh 111,1 5iiior " 'I fuu. AShLAND Neb. , Oct. 22.-Specla1)-1r. ( ) and Irs. Novia Snel of Lincoln gave a party Saturday In honor of the Ashland stu- dents attending school al LIncoln. Sam Waugli a former Ashland bank cashIer - Ier , was In town for a couple of days visiting friends. lie resides now In 1lattslouth. Pension Examiner Macy Is In tOWI locking up evidence In certain cases. S. W. Wetmoro of Omaha Is In town vIs- lung his sister Mrs. L. D. Wolven. Roberl Whltelocle and wife or Memphis are visiting In town. The Plato river can bo forded .at almost any place II being so low. Miss Duty Mansfield Is the new clerk In the postofflee. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ Mii.l flog Scure u. Strou1htr . sTItoMspunG . Ncb. , Oct. 22.-Speclalj- ( ) A mall dog scare occurred hero this morn- Ing. A strange dog appeared on the streets and proceEded to bite the entire canine p pu- lation of the town. Several persons narrowly - rowly escaped being bitten. Guns and revolvers - volvers were promptly brought Into use ali the mad creature was . soon killed. " 'ork of I nldr . . Superior . SUPERIOR . Neb. , Oct. 22.-Specfal.-The ( ) town was most complEtely taken In by soap fakirs Saturday. A dollar's worth of soap was sold and a promise given to deliver the purcbaser's choice of fifteen beautiful presents - onts the following week. For an old game It was most succes3uly worked . It'IIIlbliCllml n.I ) ' nl hosting " . HASTINGS. Neb. . Oct. 22.-Speclal ( Tell- gram.-A ) republican rally was held at the court hour this evening 01 which addresses were made by Congressman Andrews and lIon. James McNeny of lied Cloud . republ- can dlstrlcl. candidate for judge of the Tenth judicial . Gol,1 Peer .I )1.Gool .Jlnefol. I'COOL , JUNCTION Oct. 22.-Speclal.- ( ) The gold exciement has reached hero. Farm- era ownIng property In the valley of Blue river near bere are going to find out If they have ! 011 on their fam" . They have good reason to believe that gold will be found here and are waiting for some minIng expert. . . - nOln.1 for the Viht'iitimie 1.rNheN. J. If. Gable , traveling passenger agent of the Fremont , Elkhor & Missouri Valley , came In yesterday with a large hunting party from the vicinity of Davenport , la. , an.t" left with the same for the ducking grounds near Valentine . In the afternoon. Corn Yh'hlrou,1 iitulnr. DUNIIAR Neb. , Oct. 22.-Speclal-Corn ( ) In this vicinity Is nol turning out as well a expected. I ts averaging about forty bushels to the acre. . - TrnIIJ'n h'lenI nulf' to Iohhtr ) ' . QUEEN hAY . Wis. , Oct. 22.-Conductor Edward R. Richardson ali Brakeman John Ioffat the last of the gang of railway men who rObbed Chicago. Mlaukee & St. Paul cars of $5 , { to $ tOOJ worth of merchandise , today leaded : fUlt ) ' . and on I compromise received a jail I sentence of beven months. This disposes ot nil the cnses. . ' ' "II.t to 1tlr h'rofi'.sloniils. Miss Rose nay , Miss : late : Munford C. F. Calhoun L. E. Swain , A. O. Burbank and O. A. Dates of Springfield Neb . who have won considerable dlsJnctlon In state amateur theatrical circles , occupied I box nt Doyd'a last evenln . - - - . . . - . . - . . ' - - . . . ' . - . : ltWI ! 'I'U sl.m ' 1'1' : Is . lttSIii'I' . : , 'nrt ) . ( h"1 n l . . ii qi. . ' ( ilr Ift' "t'lr nl.1 Ihl'I"lllu I t"ItInl. . ATLANTA , 00. . ( Jet . 22.-i ' r , , Ilie pre-sent It least , the seat of the goverrjient of the lnlel States may said 10 bil'o" been trans. erred to Atlanta . for the l r , barber to- light the president , the , ricq pr.tlenl and Ix ! members of his cabInet , not to mention rreuurer : Jordan Governor 1 COffin of Con. fEdlcut , Governor 1' . O'l arrel' ' 'of Virginia Governor Stone of :181811\nl \ and a long Is1 of oilier dignitaries of oflicaldom. nE- teen minutes after 4 o'clock this afternoon the presidential train rolled , Intl the union depot In accordance wills th expressed wish of the president and the desire of the . exposition officials the arrival of the part was dlprh'ell of anything In the nature of , a hippodrome Ten thouanl People had as- semblet In the vicinity of the staten , crowd. tog the streets as thickly as the space would allow and overflowing for several blocks In every direction . The roofs , wintiows awn- Ings , telegraph poles , and every point of van- ( age In the neighborhood hall been utilized by eager onlookers. The special was stopped outide the depot , however , the 11art. dls- embarking . and were escorted to carriages by the reception committee . and the drive to the hotel Aragon , their destination . began before the expectant thousands realized thaI the distinguished vIsitor baIt reached the cIty. Nevertheless . as the president's car- rlagc , drawn by four white horses , lashed around the corer of the staten , the crowd reconl7c tIm portly form of the president and a mighty cheer went up , which grew and developed Into a roar .as the line of car- riages sped rapidly up Pror street through tw lass of enthusIastic hUlanl ) . . Cleveland was In evident goo humor and bOI\c In response to the continuous ovation ho received all the way to his hotel. Secre- tary Carlisle . who , with Mrs. CarlIsle rode behind In another carriage , was cheered frequently . all Secretaty of the Interior Hoke Smith , who found himself on his native . nalve heath , was given a heart reception. At the Aragon the party was made com- fortable until 8:30 : p. m. At that hour the ladles were escorted 10 the Grand opera house , where they were the guests of Mrs. Hoke Smith at a box party to see Ilice's " 1492. " The presence of the brilliant array or cabinet representatives caused the opera house to bo Packed . At 9 p. m . the president and his cabinet officers sat down In the Aragol banquet hal to 1 dinner tendered In their honor by lion. Porter King , mayor of Atlanta. Covers were laid for eighty In- chl1n the exposition officials , the city coun- ella . the vlRltnG governors and other dls- tnulshed citizens. The city Is congested with visitors tonight and the superb weather that has prcvaled so far Insures an attendance or 100,000 vIsitors lomorrow. In the morning at 1 o'clock the president will b driven to the exposition groumids . \ here he will review the military . deliver a brief address . hold a public recep- Lion and make a tour of the buildings. Tomorrow - morrow night he will be tendered a reception at tie Capital City club and at midnigh will leave for Washington. . l'UWI'lSl. .JONEI'U WOMAN JINSIXG SUII.lell ) " nlNnllleurN After n Ircl EherIt'iiee U" n " 'Ie. ST. JOSEPH , Oct. 22.-Special.-Thie ( ) pretty wife , of James Leach. . , vho disappeared from her home a week ago has nol been found I Is suspected thattlse . young woman who had been married to Ieach less than two I'each weeks . ran away with a young man who had been In love with her before sire became a bride but there are no facts to support the theory. J ' A number of clrcumstanees have given rise to the suspicion that the ' youn woman ran away with another man. . Before she was married to Leach a number of young men were trying to marry her for she ts very pntY' There was no trouble of any kind between her husband and , herself . and , to all appearances they were beginning a happy life together. They lived 01 a boarding home , and tile deserted husband now remembers that a Gypsy fortune teler male regular visIts to the place . Hel suspects that the I fortune teller was a man . In . disguise and that he was one of hIs .Ifo.s rejected 0 < - mlrers. The other boarders noticed that the fortune teller . who was desrtddas a 'woman paid considerable ' attention I ! Mrs. Leae11 and held long conversations with her. In n short tm ! she was missIng. Some , of Mrs. Leach's friends bele\'o that shia Is being forcibly detained - tained from her husband , but they are un- able 10 account for the fact thaI she appar- cnty made preparation for flight by taking nearly all her wearing apparel. - - - MUST IAY IJU'l'Y ox TJ l'ItEMEN'i'S. Vissiierliht-inrlboroiighi Gifts Sent 11..1. to A'ol.1 GUN'omN IhH'N. , NEW YORK , Ocl. 22.-Invitations to the wedding of Mba Vanderbilt and the luke of Marlborough were Issued today. They real : Irs. William Kisam Vanderbilt requests the honor of your prrsence at the marriage of her daughter , Consullo. to the duke of Marlborough on Wednesday . November 6 , at 12 o'clock , ul Si ' 'homl church , l'lth uvenue. Two cards accomp1ny each invitation. One Is for the ceremony at the church alt the ' other for the brelkrut and reception at I Mrs. Vanderbilt's houne. The polce depart- : lent will assign fIfty officers for duly at the church and half that number 01 the recep- lion. Polce lines will be extended to the limits or the church propert The Instruc- tons or ! to allow no ono on the church cor- nor . but the opposite sIde of the street will bo fr03 to time public. Several magnificent wedding presents have been ordered etant back to England on account of , the CUStOIS duties. Vice Consul 'razer of the British consulate bas endeavored to have the Treasury department permit of the articles being sent to the house and then returned - turned but without avail. A duty of $60 has been assessed on one handsome diamond brooch , which the duke ordered sent back. A gift from Queen Victoria will meet the same fatc. Attcmnpti'd AN"UNHln : fon. SIOUX FALLS S. D. , Oct. 22.-Speclal.- ( ) Word has reached hero of a dastardly attempt - tempI made on the life of Edward hughes , living 10 the country north of lapld City. Hughes was returning homo after dark and was accosted by two len who asked him If ho wanted to trade horses . le said no . but as the men Insisted that ho look 01 their anlmal anyway , ho got out of his wagon 10 do so. le no sooner struck the ground than ho was attacked by the men. One ot them struck 01 him with a dirk knife and hit him In the arm. inflicting a painful wound. The other came up behind htm ali reach- In around drew a big knife across hughes' breast. F'ortunatehy Hughes hall on a heavy buckskin vest , and the knife but slightly scratched the skin. No. 1 again ataclel him , anti In warding oft the blow Hughes received another bad cut In the wrist. lie finally got Into his wagon and escapel. Huhw says ho feels sui' ' " ' 1o' ' knows who at least one ot his assaihjsnts was . as ho has a neighbor who has thr4tentti : . to take hIs life. The wounded mall will recover nil right and go armed to mee ; ' 4ch men In the future. . 1)IIIY ; ChAPLIN-Ella Margaret aed , 16 months PI.tN-Ela daughter of Mr. anti , Mrs. .Geon Chap- hill. Funeral from restdt'itce , 41 Grant street , Thursday afternoon : Funeral Ilrl- vate. . I . 1,1 _ . - - - - - - - - APPEALED TO TiE PEOPLE . . - Utah Domornts Hold n Secnd Edition of Their SUto Convention , REVIEWED TIlE TERRITORY'S ' HISTORY . .thicgel A.tnn nf the Iormn Church I In ntlnrll 'n Ct'rtnli Cnnlhlnl"N : Coit.l e In ii et-M IINN I'etnl" I Culled for tctnht'r : ) . SALT LAKE , Oct. 22.-The democratic ter- ( riorial convention which was held at Ogden September [ -as reconvened here today. The cal was read - , stating the purposes for which the delegates were called toclher. All officers of the original convention held 01 Ogden were made permanent , O. S\ ' . Powers of the democratic campaign committee being permanent chairman A committee on cree ehentiahwas also appointed ; Iso a committee coninot'ed of one member from each county to coml10t'l formulate an Dldress to the peoplc. A recess was taken until 3 o'clock unt At the afternoon session the credentials commltco reported al counties represented with the exception of Oarfcll , Grald and Plnte. The committee on al1lress was the next order of buahlE'o , anti , while walthg for the report the tIme was taken up In speech maldng. The report was not ready at 6 o'clock , all an adjournment was taken until 7 oclock. A the evening session the committee on aldresD presented a very lengthy report . the larger part of which was a revIew of relgion and politics of the people of Utah from this fret settlement of this valley up to the pres- cot timne. I notef that for many ) ear there was a complete union of church ali state anti , gives an account of the struggle between the Mormon all liberal parties. All the facts relating to the Itvlion ! of the people on na- tonal party lines are detalel , The history or the partes In the territory In the pact three YOlS with relation to the admission to statehood 19 brought up to the ( line or the recent priesthood meeting Whlo no charge Is made against the church al open charge Is male thaI some individuals In the lorlon church are using church influence to further the cause of the republican party and such influence resulted , In the electon of the republican tIcket al the last election. A1'I'EAIJ TO TiE 1" 01I.E. The addresl closes as follows : " ' 0 do hell the truth to be : That man may worship his Maker ns his consclenle dIctates : that no state nor political hotly has the right to Interfere wih this great 11rlvll'e : thaI man's Irst allegiance pol- icahiy Is to his country : hut no chnrch ec- chcsiasticnl ] body nor spiritual adviser ! should encroach upon the political rights of ' the Individual ; that In a fro country . no man nor body of men can with safety to bol the state use the power of any relhlous sect or society to influence or control the i eective frnchisE : that a trust Is Impo ell , upon each citizen In n free country to nct cItzen politically upon his judgment and abso- lutelY free from control or dictation . ecee- ] alas Ie or otherwise : that no political power can be required to obtain the consent of nny church or the heather , thereof before pe- lccting its candidate for public olce : that no citizen by reason of hIs association with any church can be absolved from hIs duty to the state ; either II tmes of war or of Jeace without the consent of the state : I that all men should be. and of right are free al think free to act free to Speak and I free to vote without fear molestation , intimidation - tmtdaton or undue influence. I WILL NOT H DICTATED TO. Thus believing . whenever designing men have ' seized upon the cloalt of religion to I hide from , .w their nefarious deslgn nod while alpeahing to moan's spiritual faiths have sought to dIrect his political . acton for selfish ends . the democratic part since its organization has denounced such a course. It has declared In the past , und It declares now for every moan's political free- dom , whatever mar be the governmental views ot those who guide his spIritual wel- fare. We . therefore , In the most solemn manner , say that wo will nol bo dictated , to , Interfered with , or hindered In our po- hitical duties by those selected to minister ltcal dutes conpolutons of the gospel. The leoplo being sovereIgn In thiS land. to the people wo make our appeal. TIe church bell : the source of man's religion . to the church we appeal when wo so desire with regard to maters affecting the con- science. 'Ve cal upon the democrats of Utah own . women and children , and all other people who sympathIze with our ef- forts to secure political freedom to assemble - ble In every hamlet throughout the terri- tory on the evening of Wednesday . the 30th day of October I89. . nt their usual places of meetng. then and . there to read thIs deca- raton , to listen to such remarks as may bo property made In connection therewith anti to solemnly consecrate themselves , anl solemn\ their efforts , their property anti all that they hell dear It need he , to this cause of human liberty. And this cause with the help or the one who holds the universe In the hollow of his hand wo will ever advance - vance and maintain. . 'EX MEN IiA1tI'tJid.Y SC.\.nEI. JlrNII or 0 S't" " i'lu' In n I.nrl ! I.ulnr ) ' hIiilIIIng. ANDERSON , Ind. , Oct. 22-At noon today a large steam pipe burst In the American Wire Nail compans works here and eight men were seriously Injured. Fifty men were workIng near the pipe and about 20 were In the department where the explosion hap- pened. The injured , whose Injuries \vere \ caused by steam and bruises , were carried out. They are : Abraham Dacamp , Michael McNeer , Thomas Finnan , EI Kiser John Jones Andrew Sheets henry I'kor. Hobert hiisaeih , George hiahils . Harry Myers. Decamp - camp will probably die. Ills bones are broken and he was badly scaldeti . McNer Is also dangerously hnrt. The office of the works was converted Into a hospital into which the Injured were taken and c3red 'for. The mill will shut down temporariy on account of the accIdent. . lieu Inrrlol Stnrl" for hionic . NEW YORK Oct. 22.-Ex-lresllenllar- risen left for the west loday. Before taking hts departure he sall" to a reporter : " \\'hile hero I have seen none of the statesmen except - cepl Mr. hiatt . Senator Carter and General Clarkson , and I met them In the 'dlnLng room or the hotel. I have absolutely nothing of public Interest to say now. I may be back In the city again In Novemnber. . " p ' 'IB U AI/l'Y IAnICg'l' . INSTI1UMENTS placed on record October 22 , 1895 : WARRANTY Dg DS. Anna Dervin to hugh Dervin lot SIn . In ubdi' of lot 4 lUlh , ' ! adti..S 1 Jaspur Wheaton and wife to J M Urunner , e % of se 6161. . . . . . . 3.0 T A CrelHh and wife to E D CroI/h. lot 1 block 2 , Marsh's add : Iota 3 u11 4 block 8. West 811e Ild . . . . . 3,0 . ' Anderson S J Y. F' to llanna lot 15 , block 9. Bedford Place. . . . . . . . . . . 40 DEEDS. Special master to Michael Flavin , lot lchael H. block 2 , Bedford l'laco . . . . . . . . 2 Same to National Lie Insurnce company - pany , w 30 feet of e 115 feet of lot 10 , Miard & C'a add. . 15 . . . . . . . . . 1,670 Baffle to U P Hlestund e % of lot 6. block 12. Heed's let amId. . . . . . . . . ' 1,325 Sume to A S Crout lot . Utica Place . 7 : Total amount ot trarsCers. . . . . . . $10,418 r - - - ' - - - - -r---- , ooooooooooooooooooooo ) ) Cures : I , I . ' , - I I Dyspepsia - , 'I SIU ARTSI ( . I DYSPEPSIA TABlETS I Composed of pure pepsin , fruit salts , vegetable essences and Golden Seal , are recognized 05 the safest , plensntcst , most reliable dYRpep sia cur before the pebhIc. sire-ahl , but for dyspepsia , Indiges- a They are not n lrcnl are designed only or ) a ton Bnd stomach troubles. I I Full sized Packages Sold by Druggists at 50C. or by mal from STUART CHEMICAL CO. , MarshalleMich. : : .OO. . . . L O OQ O . 0 0 00.2. - - - : . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . _ , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , ' , . . , . " . 'I. . : _ : _ - - - - i. t . _ ' - . . _ 9- - - _ I l : ' .i' , , ' _ : Z. . , . : . . .r..J . .f o oa aG o SOUTH OMAHA NE'VS OCCQccecceo = ccecco o At 1 meeting of the city council October 1 : resolution wu passed ordering Chief Uren. nan to at once lower the tracks on the Al. , bright stub lne to conform 10 gralle. Jren- nan notified the street railway cOlpany to commelce work at once or ho would 110 the work with the street gang anti charge I up I to the company Snllerlntenllent Tucker I premised to do somChlng at once , but did not A : lonla , ) ' night's meeting of the city council Walerg started to ell Chief Jren- ' crIers of the non down for nol obeying the orler1 council , blt was cut short b ) a statement . from lyallt ] that the street raiway corn- pan had cOlllnre,1 wQrk on the stub hue. A trip over the line yesterday afternoon . how. ever , failed to dlscloso any signs of work on the compan"s itart 1'itchiiiiia' t lie , 'iiiiuet , Yesterday afternoon Street CommIssIoner hose put three patches emi the I. street ! v- ( duct amid one on the Q street bridge. This temporary work has to be done In order to prevent teama breaking throuh. Although the ralroals , have been notnell often to re- Pair the , 'Ialucts nothing has booms ItolC anti contractors refuse to undertake the work when they havE no sure thing on the I > Y. - - - - - - " iiigl . City ( lussil . . J. J. Kellogg of O' cl Is In the cl ) . Worklngmcn's club of Albright will meel this evening. Henry : c llan of Green ml'er0. . , Is In the city for a fQI days. 0 , 1. lnton of Motiale IR" , was a guest yesterday at the 1)3lulonlco. On Novrmher 2 the coopers will give their annual bal at Ilium's hell . The town was fnl of canlllates from Omaha yestefly afternooms. Don't forget to register Friday. The registration - trton last Thurslay was very light. n. J. Proctor of Whitman was In the city yesterday visiting friends al the stock ) 'arls. H. Heeder , an old time shipper from 1.0/.ln , Utah , was a visitor at the stock yards olces . yestefla ) Thursday evening the 11worth league will give a social at the resiIencE of lrs. O. L. Iare T\ent-lhlr,1 , and I streets . Thin women of the Episcopal church meet this afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Arthur Goods , Twenty-seconl and J streets . The Platsleutscher verch. Is rehearsIng a play to he given on the 3 of next month at ' " " Is the Bum's hall . "Dlo Drel Langh3uso" title or the cored ) ' . Federal labor nision No. 6335 meets this el evening at. ICoutsky's ball to consider the nienits of James \Vahsh aml Thsonsas hloctor , who are. candidates in the Fourths district for couiuty coinisuissioner. 'rite "Iutch band" called on San Shrigley anti his bride at their residence last evening and were royally entertained. Shrigley used to be a member of the band before lie broke over the rules lsy marrying one of South Omaha's daughters. A warrant is out for the arrest of Dan Conway for aseniht and battery on Vt' . Sun- deriand. 'rise plaintiff amtd defendant are scarcely ovqr 10 years of age , but they hind a falling out and the Sunderland youngster got the worst of the battle. Last evening the women of the First Methodist - odist cisurch gsvo a recepticu to time new pastor. 11ev. 1) . C. Winsitils. Members of thso congregation and a large numicor of friends were present and were Imitrotisiceti to Mr. anti Mrs. Winsiiip and children. Coffee and cake wore served in the church parlors. A special nseetiimg of the Board of Education - tion was held last evening to arrange for the sending of a bid to W'ashington for the ahe of t'iso school property at Twenty-sixth antI 2.1 streets for a postofflce site. As time property stands now it is useless for school purposes on account of the miolse fromsi passing trains. The school hsouso whilcis formerly occupied TI1I DOCTOR'S COLUMN. W. Ii. , Iluffaho-Am very nervous anti stif- fen' wills a throbbing in my hetti ] . l'iense state it remedy. Three tinsos daily take five drops of Core- brimme , extract of the brain , on tue tongue , A teaspoonful of Natrohitisic Salts in half tunibler of hot water twice a week before breakfast. Louise II , Kansas City-What is good for bat taste In tine mouth offeludvo breath anti pale , mrhhow complexion ? Take a teat'poonfui of Natrohithic Salts three hoses a s'eek In half tumbler of hot water , half hour before breakfast. After each macal a teaspoonful of Gastrine. F. A. 2.1. D. , Cleveland-Am very weak anti nervO59 , Ilave been very dissipated , Advice from you will b followed. For a week take Cerebnine , extract of the brain , in five-drop tioses , on the tongue , three times daily : then Testine. in same ( lose and manner , alternating in tltis way for two months. Twice a week a dose of Natro- lititic Salts. Avoid tobacco , spices and alco- hol. hol.J. . J. D. , Saginaw-Send name and address ; will advise by nsaih. C , FALING BItO\VN , A. 2.1. , 2.1. D. , Med. Dept. , Col. Chem. \\'ashington , D. C. Speciaittea sold Sty ColumislitL Chielil Intl Ci , . , % 'iishi , I ) . C. TUI ANIMAL IXTRACTS cflflCtmitiN5. F'i-oiii tine htrain. MEDUIAN1 , FrOfli Site Splnttl Cool. CtltDjN , F'iomu Site Heart. TESTINE , OVAlt1NI. TIIYISOIIINI : , pose. 5 Drop. I'rtce , Two iritctsnsz , $ i,23 , ECZECI1CUI(13 , For gkln Dl.eases. I'l'l'Itu. LliNfl for Itestoring Slit' Hair. 1'tTI2tlOL1e.'F , for Throat and Lung Diseases. I'lIiItIrlI)8 , far Malaria , Neuralgia , etc. CATAititlliN $ , for Catarrli , Slay i"ever , Ste. Mouth' , , treatment , including Insufilator. * 2.50. aAsTItrNl , for flyspepsia , NATIiOLITIIIC SALTi ( , for Con. stipatlon. t all ruggIsts. Send for literature. For sale by ICUJIN & CO. . 15th and ! 'tOIIClfls , - tt is site was lisoved away about 1SS9 emi flcf coufli of ( Ito nOio antI since ( lieu has been vacant , - - CtMIS ) 'I'll ( lAhtPilil ) ' $ lIihliSSlI. I-Si'iin ir Sisse'yerAl ii Sntii'thpl , siC to t he ( ui'retit list'itSttl.ii , lULUTI1 , Oct. 22--Ex-Unileti States Sen. ator Sawyer is in htihtitii today. An Asso- ciatet.i press reporter asketi hiltit Isis opinloms of Senator Sherinsan's book. In reference to the part referring to ex.i'resitient Garfield , Mr. Sawyer salth : "Mr. Siterissan is totally irs the wrong lii saying that ex-Presitlent Char- field broke faith with hums. I reuisensber that tue day before ( harfit'ld 'as nonsinated t lunciseti 'ith ititsi , At thin table I said : ' 2.lr. Garfield , I am sure yost are going to be noiis. inatctl. ' lie replietil 'I would rallier be shot titan to be nominated , for I could ssever per- sitatho Siicrmnmsn ( lint I kept faiths witis htini , ' I vent back to \\'iscoissiis delegation , anti we were the lirat to switig iiho line for Ga- field. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l1siress htitte. , It to li ( hlniet1 , NE\\ ' YORK , Oct. 22.-A rel'ont llrintetl ims a morning hnalter today to the effect ( hint is radical change was to be marIe by ( ho cx- isress comispanios in thte carrying charges be. tweemi Nosy \'ork , hioston , l'iiiiatielpisia anti Chicago , and between Chicago and Points lie the cst , was totlay absoiuteiy deisied b ) ' tit agents of the leadImig comupanies in this city. iiaan' rtr AP 4 , ! 'lw tiiost Effectivc Skin I'urifylng and BcautIfyIn Soap in the \Vorld. The Purest , Sweetest , and rlost Refresliliig for Toilet Bath and Nursery. For Pimples , Blacklicads Red , Rough , Oily Skin and Baby Blcnilslies , For Red , Rough hands , ' with Shapeless Nails and Painful Finger Ends , For Irritations of the Scalp with DryThiri , and Fahlink Hair It Is wonderful. Sale greater than the Combined Sales of all other Skin Soaps. Sold throoghouttheworid. Price,25c. I'oi-rs * Ditto eo.i' UnEM. Coar. , Hole h'rop. . , Bo.toa. 0- " All About the Skin , ficaip , and hair , " free. rL _ ACHING SIDES flND SACK , 'lip hldnoy , and uterine pains anti ' wcaknees relieved in on' , minute 'r : by the Cuttcura Anti-I'ttin L'Iaeter. itWl'he tir.t and only paia.kiiitzmg plaiter. FIRS'1 ' ! NATIONAL BANK Conucil Bluffs , Iowa1 CAPITAL , . $ ! OOOOf % .Li SOLICIT YOUR ihUSISiSS. WE DiIShitE YOList COl.LF3CTIONS. ONhd OF TISF1 OLI)1IS'V IIANICS IN 1OVA . . ' ' ' ON 'i'iMl1 ' ' ' I. l'1211 OEN'i' PAil ) hLiL'OSi'I'it CALL. AND SIdE VS OIL ' 1tLTE , 1IfQ X. R IMPRIfl ( ' Ii' AttlIiIeM-flt-I.iLY. uaTnu L uts&ilu1L UU,1ractice In the Stiele imid Federal Courts. Rooms 306.7-8-0 , Sins. gart. Block. Council Bluffs. Iowa. Special Noicos-Counil Oluffs A FIRST-CLASS 5.flOO2.t hOUSE , GOOD LOcation - cation , for IolJO.O ) : cense and see It. C , It. Nicholson , & 39'S Ilroatisvay. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOISJSL'NT. MY ISISIDL'NCE , 116 I'LATNEft Street , after November 1 ; eIght rooms ; modern conveniences. Also five-room house , No. 320 Pltitner etreet poisesiton at any ( line. Jacob Sims. CII ISINEYS Ct.EANT.D ; VAULTS CLEANED. Ed ijiteke. at Vi. S. iSomer's , tOS llroadway , FOR SAI.1O ChEAT' . A ( IOOD STflAM IIEAT- Inn dant ; luther. lunnlng No. 2 , with iatilators , iIpe , etc. , stiltabio for heatIng hiontas. inquire at 256 7th street a.nmd Stis avenue. .1 , .0. nrown. ; chtES. ; CLEAR OF INCUMUIIANcmI , FOR trahe for Council ltlimfft ( property , C. It. Nicit. olson , 53',1 llroadway. - WANTID , hlOitS8H ' 5,0 WINTESt. GiSAIN &mnd shelter. Terms reaonnile. Address A. 2.lanimnen. Quick. Itt. Itefciencos , A. W , htickntanFirmt Nationalbank , Council Bluffs , 13-ACith3 FISUIT FAItM ; Hi'IClAL IJAI1QAIN. C. It. Nichoison , 539 ½ liroatlway. 'ICUPHENE * V 'tu1a great Vegetable VItalizerehojrcscnip. , altl qulcs.lyeure 'onot eli tier. vous or diseases of the getieratlye , irgnti. , hitch Insomnia ' I'alims iii the flack , bemiilm.al . jmtnlsj.mmq , I'ervtiua Dbliily I'Irtsple'i , 'Unfitnesi to Marry , 1xitustlttg ir'ilia , , Vitricoepis ciii Cotistination. I I itOp all lusse. . by day ( IC light. I'tt'vomml quick. mma'i of discharge , which if imutcieeleiii ieai , to Hpernsmitorrhn.e itng n EFR AFTE II all the hiorrorsut Impotency. Ct1J'IsEosJ : cietuaseti Utoilver , tI.t AND kidneys and Cite urinary organso ! till Impurities , CUPIIENE , ptrengtbens anti restores snmaih weak organs. TIme rcazon sufferers are hot 0(5105 by 1)octnrn ii Imecituse ninety per cent are trnubhe4 wtt tc.1hIIII. . OU1'iDENaii' theonly known remedy to eurowlihoutats 0p4'rntlun. &sxitenlmonl- ! PIJ , A written guamantee given snd money retnmned ieix tozes does mso& ciroci a V.QOa boa , six fur 5.W , by mali. )3end for rni : circular anti testirnonlala , M.lzvea DAYL MEDICINE CO. , P. 0. Box oelOSan } 'rattchicoCal , J'ome iaj ° 7O7t SALE liT OOOD1AN DRUG 00 , . litO Farnaus St. , Omaha , . F- "DON'TBORROWTROUBLE. " BUY SAPOLIO 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END. ' ' COUNCIL BLUFFS. CI ) . STEAI1 ? DYE WORKS All kinds of Dyeing and Cleaning 'dono its the itighest style of time art. Faded anti . stained fabrics made _ _ _ _ , to look as good as new. Work promptly done ant ) delivered t in all parts of tim country. Send for . price list. , A , lAIl.tN , : _ : ; = - J'rogiri.-tor. Broadway , near Noth. western Depot , Council Stiufra. Iowa. Tel. i22. ' - A Few Advaiitages Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul ilaiiway , time short line to Chicage. A clean miii made up sad started from Omaha. . CHJc trAI4 ° 8tf , ES MOINZS MP1DSj Baggage checked from resIdence to deutina tiori , lleant rain service and courteous tfl- phoyee. Intire train liised by electrIcity , wit Is eltctrlo reading limps in every berth. b'ltst dInIng car cervico In lbs Oveit , with meals serY ed a Ia carte , or. In other word. , order whal you want mind pay for what you get , Flyer lets yes Union depot daily at 6O0 ; p. m. , arrlviog & Chicago at 9 a , in. City t'icket Office , 11414 Farnam Street , C. S. CAUUZER , City Ticket Agent. - , . , - . . - . . . . . . . - - - - ' . ' , - . . . _ J . .p. , , . . - , . _ - ' . - , '