. . . - 2 TIlE ! OJ\fAJTA DAILY nl : Ei 1'SV-EDNiSDAY I , OYL'OflE1 2H , 1SU ; ; ; ; . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ort 30 per cent II nIl ( clalml'11 ) that the IIlale hlul ( made o hlg b3rgnln. Among other thIn ! ; ' tour old boiler were appralBel1 at $1,000 . and the other lay the tate holor Inspector condemned . domnld them for 'crap Iron , and they were not worth enough to Ila for the COlt ot reo moving them. That 19 I ) betrayal or publc trust the staIn or which \roalch can never wipe from his pollci record. ( Applau ) BLot 10 aK"ln cal your ateton 10 the two men who are candhlateJ for thl ofce ot ma'or. No man within the soUnd ot my roke . no man In Nebraska can accuse C'arle H. Ilrol\ ot filching from the public treas' ury. ( Ap1atise ) Ito has always been honest nnll nlw8YII I man ot Integrity . whlo Iroateh hal always hten ) 1 wobbler and has never Ieen able to find a redeemer for his prornses. ! Mr. Brown Is I lan ot the hIghest lutrrrl ) clear collected and always deddes In the Interest - terest or the IullIc. ) lie Is clear-heade. , eIf- made and always act on his consclenllous convi ctlonu. " : lr. lolwaler closell his address with a general exposure ot the weakness or the len ' 1"10 have beEI placed un the A. I' . A. ticket . lu was warmly applalllcd at the c10e or his adlress ( 10TS ANI 1011LElO : , . : r. J. J. 10lnl8 was called upon hy me- ; hers of the audience and made a 6trrlng ; .11- : . Ilress for fifteen minutes on Ihe neeesJllY or laying asile partaanshhl In the coming lght , and working for men or known character and mnels for the offices In the gift ot the pee a 111e ) lie said that In local affairs ho was tim best citizen who placed his citizenship above partisinship. In response , 10 loud calls , W S. Poppleton mode n brief speech filled with facts and figures Ihowlng the criminal extravagance which has characterized the administration of Public affairs In Omaha since IhJ dervish con- tngenl got control ot the ofces four years ago. Mr. POllpleton gave ofcial figures 10 show that the running expenses or the city are now $11.00 a year greater than they P. were In ISI , when the present gang ot I 0 plunderers got Into control lie dissected the claims or W. J. ilroatcli and showed that the admlnlstrlon ot that gentleman as mayor was marked by the greatest tax rate ever levied upon the city. As I result ho was turned down WIlen a candidate for re.olecton , and two years later when a can- dldeto for governor was beaten In every ward In Omaha. Mr. Poppleton closed with n , j strong endorsement at Mr. Brown and urged his hearers to vole for the Citizens' league candidates from top to bottom I the only I , way a stop could be put to the plunderln : or the cIty and the robbery of the taxpayers , which has been goIng on for the past tour i yea r. . C. J. Smythe was then called on . and closed with a stirrIng address. Ito spoke of the reasons that led the democrats or the cIty to Join In the CItizens' movement. \Ve had been going on as democrats , " saId lie . " [ or tour years and naming god men for olflce'Jo found that 10 could not wIn alone antI that It 10 wanted to drive out the embezzler 10 must Join with other men . regardless of party who desired goo government. We accepted the Invlaton at , , the Citizens' league 10 accomplish the reforms . by united action . I I a movement against dishonesty ali corruption In olce and that ' Is the highest aim of nil good citizens , regardless - gardless ot paty atfihlations . mrlrlmT Olr A. I' . A. ASCgNDANCY. " : n efort has been made to create a false tmpreslon and 10 raise a false Issue. I has been attempted to raise a religious Issue , but the attempt has not been attended wlh much succes They arc willing to raise any Issue that .wiil hide the real issue and that Is the Issue . of honesty against dlshonesly. ( Ap- Illause ) . We , as members or Ihe body po- flUe . are not dealLng with the A. I' . A. as a religious body but simply and solely as a politIcal body. We will leave the religious laters and Issues to the churches to fight out among themselves . This order got con- Irol ot the city and county In 1891 , ali theIr first and brLghlest product was Eler , county Judge. " ( Laughter ) . Then Mr. Sm'the told ot the robberIes or widows and orphans by Imer while he was county judge "lie was Indicted by a grand jury and brought to trIal In the district court. The Indlelment was drawn by n member - ber or the order. 'fhe prosecutor was a nfember' ot the order. Eler was defended bf R member of the order , now a candidate for district judge and was tried before a judge who \ " ts R sliming light In th order. What was the result T Th ' IndIctment was , - - - , found 10 hive been tirawn faultily and 1 lcr WI dlechnrged . and nothing has , sInce been done to bring him 10 triaYOI might al well have indicted the devil and tried hIm In bell . nod eXlleet(1 a convIctIon , ( Applause ) . "When I wal frt admitted to the bar It was considered nn honor 10 sit ullon the bench or the district court The position wu at that time reserved for men of yearr ot neat learning , and or great : integrity. There wal no contempt In those lays No one 18 mean enough to have contempt for the courl. Now no one Is mean cnough not to have : contempt for some branches ot It. " ( Ap- Piause. ) nOUH H I tvH ; IJl m'l'l w.\m , Ur"lt 'run.1 ur Yfiters nut tu Ih'nr the I ( PMp.1 ur It .Coriii. : When Chairman " 11m Coburn called tbe : r/zel ( ! ! ' meetIng to order In Saunders halt I at Twt'nty-fourtli and Coming streets last night at 8 o'clock there was not space for I another man within the four walls. The I , 'cters of the Eighth ward . showed their In- I t rest and 'nthmlasm In the citizens' move- I Imnt by thus crowding [ the hal beyond Its capac/ ) . . More than that , they showcJ clearly throughout the leetng that they hall not come out ot curiosity but were most thoroughly In sympathy with the sentiments wh1eh were pressed b ) the speakers , who gav" enthuastic ! expression to hard , corn- man sense tne s. Chairman Coburn rapped the meeting to order shelly ; after 8 o'clock , and after a very brief Introducton or the purposes ot the meeting lost 10 time In announcing Harry Miler as the first speaker at the ev n- Ing. lows : Mr. Miller spoke substantially as tOI-1 "it Is my intention tonight to speak as a democrat to democrats . especially as the democrats of the city appear to be Inclined to skulk In their tents anl , endanger the best ticket which has ever been put up In Omaha and Doughs counly I take off my hat to no man as a democrat , but In this cam- paign I am ready to lay aside my partisan- shill * and to Join the citizens or Omaha , whether republicans . democrats or what they are . In order to crush out ot exlsteneo this damnable conspiracY which Is crushing the life out of Oiuahia. Wlwn , the cItizens' movement - went was first organlz I did not : aver I. I opposed It because I thought that with the nsslslance or the decent Portion of the re- publcan party the democratic party would be able 10 down this conspiracy but democrats wiser than I convinced mo that I was wrong and therefore I went Into lhe cItizens' move- ment. I make this ctaterent In answer 10 the positIon or the Worill-lerald. over whose attItude the best thing that can be done Is to throw the cloak or charity. This fight Is a fight against the A. I' . A. . whose members - hers are bound by In oath to slab In the back men who do not agree with them. The < main Issue Is on that section ot the eonslu- ton which guarantees to all men religious and poltcal freedom "Now . you democrats tD whom I am talk- lug especially . say that you have no party ticket to vole. I ask you why you have not ? Was not this ticket , although composed of republIcans and demorat and populsts , nominated In your convention ? There Is where you should have fought , and after I Is over you should keep your mouth forever shut How was the ticket received ? Coe was the only lan on It defeated In his place Johnson was nomninated . and Johnson resigned. Then the only hOlly In the world which had the legal power placed Coo on the ticket. What rIght have you or time Wor"I-lerald. or any democrat to support Albyn Frank , or anyone else for thai po- sition. You democrats have a duly to per- form for your country and I hope you will bo as ready to vote against the A. P. A. as I am I Is crushing the life out or Omaha and Is fast losIng the Clty's reputation. I appeal to you all . 10 you mechanics and you workiogmen 10 give a pull . a long pull and a strong pull on election day , In order thai Omaha may be redeemed. " ICIERSTEAD'S CAIIAIN. Mr. Miller was frequently Interrupted with tumultuous applause Ills last words were especially enthusiastically received and lie sat down In a storm of handelapplng. W. J. Kiertead spike as talows : "As I am a candidate for county commissioner - loner from this district on the Citizens' and democratic . ticket. I do not feel at liberty to aAYDN1 HAYDENs . . I A Bletdilg of Beauty and Bargains . at the Big Store. We are Agents for Butterick's Paterns , I S - Great Linen Sale. I Tackle . . ' 11H elll'e stock of 1 New York job. I leI lt , le ( ) 01 the tiohimor. Jllehell , IUI Itmil t' lllwhel : 'i'able i , ; I Lilel It Hi ; ( , . lt We , lt 2c . II : le ) 11' ' , I to : : ie : Ictlll : value 8e II' to 1kb. I 72.lmiclt bleachcd 'fitlilu Liiit'ii . iliist 7IIlh hielelll Lnhle LIII. Ilwst , goods 1 I Ih' , tOt 60c . lt 75c . II Sc II S i 95c . . . at :1 : : Import cost 1UO II' to I . 'I'urkey 1'1'11 'I'nlile DI11 sl , . Hic , _ lUc I IUI : : wl'l h : ! c 10 50e. . : , .AI : 1111 l'lsh II , Ie. nl re , nt Gc ( , nt I I 7V' c. ' II Si' . II 10e. I lk'd llrl'IHls at 4 Hie ; , itt te. at 7c. ' . I IUII ! Il ) : mill fleW 1m Iems III less thnu c I.i ' . itink'v'M i'oi. (11110 ' 1'lhll Con'I's lt 50e . at Te . . It Sc itt te ) . ; ell/aut Nt 'les. , . 4 % Towel a1e. / . IUIIHU ; Itocl , . lul eulilss VI'luly at 'In HF ios' c'io't'iiia ' U.\R- I ' ' malclll:1 1l'lcls. GAiNS. . IDe 'I'osvt'ls at ic' ' tOI' ! 'l'n\vel4 mIt tOe ' G.\NS. 'Jowll 'c' ; . ' . 'lowl'll lt le' ; [ esse ' . ( ) mtmtitmu4 . nimil you'll 110 'til . ; s. ( . . ' ' ; " / , ' ' . l'c' CSSI'I. 1111 ol'l COllwttm'H. wll t. . 1 IW I 'I' It l2mAje ' . ' ! ) C ' 'oweil at 1c . If YOU ' c nw 'htiihtm . I , . tt'tmt of ' . ' ' vet' etitti roe 'owcls ! at 2.'Sc. C'11 wlhll Cllt \ le. : all : 1111"1\11-:1'1' iOc : tll':111 lii jirlc' and mtmmywhmer' 111"\1' III I' III ' ' " Illll ' ' ' "L of ' ' . . , , ImmcuHu stock hue 'Liivels e\'I'I' L. Hloe ; lue 'L'owcll every lu ( htImolit . style . lit mitiet I i1iiilt. ( lesc'rIltioml lt le'l tItan half regular (1111 ) ' II I , I 1 1:1. . e. 'rillt , . H CllhltlLeIt'H ( loull"lt'tstt'd .Ilccc ) prlci'4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Slilts . II gray mlxtll'S , at * I : .1ue. 111 hiI lhe\'lot ul $1.I : Can ies . All wool tulle' . block 1111 gtmy dlcylol Ilolhle-hl'I'lltel HuIH. HI7ls II to l : No W < IIII' children ! cry for hay- 'CI\S. 11miH : hayc clouhlc IlUt lul knee . I Ileus' Camulles . because wc 111c them t4O'etl wih 11 ; anti II\u. WI'I'lltll 10 I - . ' hest Of "CITII'I' . ItOiiC like thieiim Iu \ fresh every half Itotie' gl'u lf 101 , ! Itlm . < . , Oitiittt for less thau ( 1.00 hem alt , I All 11111 of Chuwlug Gain , I.l pkg Omahl fo\ : ul ' . ' ; . st't'l ul $2.7. 11l 14)g Cahlu Call ' , lOe l lll' : : , ) ' ' lt't.t''t' ( oatH , siy.eii 8 tn 11 ' . lIXl'l Brownies w'ltti l'elii'VIiiiItt ) ) Boys' Blefll' t > 7lH : : years . wih Pelll'l'mllt lu clilitcltlllmt . bt'mtver and ' ' ' Clshlolf 1e. chilchla. hl'II'I' ulII flll : mix- Daimmty mI lxul CIII . , with .1 elhy I . ( , 'H . , ut * 1l : $ .I. a.7 : Illt 111 to - , lieflhIm4 nitU ( 'mimimmmiels , inc. tl.O. BUlns ( I 1'Il'ls Iic. Ill ' Boys' ( 'llh ) ( ' Oyercimtts . sIze. tt/ 10 12 ' , ? fmtIl& ' UU11 ( 'O'OIIUt flats ' only le 111' Oyprlcmts. SI71' I HIIN.lUII. . shln'cl wih'uiilollls ; ) ' ( ' 1ttH . II t $1.2 : tn $ u.rl. ) etc. . 25e. . lhys' HIIIIIII l'lslll's. siz& ' \ ( I tn 1 ) .I'I'H. at 2.7 : : bottom' II'ju'j lot' : .i A 111 q.j : : Frieze tslels ul : : O ( to . . . : . Fresh Eggs at Hayclens $ i.iJ. _ _ _ : 1"01 " saute time WI' have hl'un mllul Cofee , E to t , . I Irl'nlIIUIII wih ioimmt' of r1'hl'ISkl'l Fatally . .1 mova 111 3Iot'lma [ . 2Se . A I hcst _ flrl1rs 10 II'CII fresh eggs. 'Fimli Qual.t cans helt Preerv'd : ( 'nllforzila 1'IS. 'nlfm'lln . , t we lta't't' nCl'Otlllshel III Wl' nn' lOW 11111. ll'nll11'11'011 , 01' 11'a'l. : SUIC. i' .1 receIving tul ' lmliuchi'eds . of 1071'IS of 1770 Houl lligt I l. Bnll Water I the fittest ( 'II C'.OI brought to Ommitlma : . nkl'I' [ . : k' . , and wo will sell these eggs nt ISo iwr Lnt'ge 'mut ltalt'd lti'tmi . Se. j Iul wi sel t'1 111' 1.1'11' 1'11 Illill } , . : : 1 1. rl' dozen. ' ' ' . el. . l'ttt't' 'I'nll" .h'lr ( large glass ) , : ! ' ( ' . . , . t 10 , littytleims' for tIme lucsl Butter PI'I'lel RUIIIl . aI' can. , . ! and , Eggs nt lowest vrlees. HIt Htiim&'rlative ' 1"lnm' . Poe ! sack , , / ; We Give Away Bicycles and lUfuy Beautiful und Useful Preseuts. { - , \ , J I , I I NAYDENs ' HAYDENs 4k I , , . - - - - J - - - ' - - - - _ : J ( . " . _ : ' . . _ (1- _ ' d-- _ _ . - , - - - - . - crllcile cerlaln candidates on the ) olher ticket ni freely as I otherwise woull I cIa not prollOBo , to flghit ' this campaign hy prall' InK myself anti abusIng the other fellow. The character ot a man Is not nlAre or destroycll In a night . or In a politIcal campaign , all what tow marls I lake will be con lned to general issuci' . I have lIved here lore than twenty years . and during that Wne have taken a deel ! Interest In local governmicent. Never beer wlre time peeple so nrolsell 'fho alarm bell hiss been Bounred and they realize that time political ring that II upping the very lifeblood of Omaha must be broken or thrc Is nO hop tot the future. I the re- pUhlcan ticket ts elected there will be 10 retrenchmcnt , but they will be emboldened to Incrcas our taxes which ar ? already be- YOII endurance . I wi he an enllor' mcnt ot their IlaMt acts. " Mr. merrteall enumerated several Inslanees or useless I xtravagance h. the city amid county governleni amid , toll How thouS111Is ( ot dollars aught have beemi sH'ell h ) a more hlsnesl.\e ! . mauaJement of affairs Con- tinning he said : "The rIng Is shoulug 'down with ltosewater'-'down with the man who hII stool for yarl like a toue wal batween cor- ruptIon . amid the taxpa er. . Down with the . Isn siio pays lure than 5VCO a year I city and county taxes . Down with the editor ot the most pwerul [ paper btween Chicago n'id San Francisco lint while they shout 'down wlh llo'water' they are tryIng to hoodwink the Imeople They know very well the real leslie Is good gOl'erment or ring , rils and whether time popl ! shall elect Inca tree to act for themselves or whether they shall be ruled by I secret oalh.heund so- cicty banl11 together for religious iroscrP- tion. But the people will band together amid proscribe themim . arid by their votes on election lay , show them that the constitution ot the United Blatet' Is sti supreme. "Who are the men lending aid to the cUI- zem" reform mOl'enlnl1 Such men as Wi- lam A. Paxtoim Thomas Klipatrick Charll Ii' . Weller . John S. Brady lenry Estabrook and hundreds at others ot our loadIng business all professional maca wIthout regard to pol- I tics or rElgion , and they are with us for the one 11rpo o ot relleemlng this city from cor- ' rapt rule. Puhlc sentiment I with us : It Ifi rising day hy day : It will not down. I Is sweeping ! through this cIty all county and cries aloud for every honest man to rise amid hy hits vote on November [ hell break the fetters that bind us. There Is hut one Issue. Turn them out or leeep them In. Which shall It be ? You are the ones to elY. I have no rear of the result. " 'There II a weapon firmer set And sharper than time bayonet. Anti from II neither liars nor I 'k Cnn shield themn " 19 the ha.\t hox. "AmI when on election day time Ito white helots will be dropped one by one Into the ballot box their funeral dirge wi be sung. and when at G o'cloek the veils close ring rub wi be dead and Omaha redeeme " Time applause which greeted Mr. Klerstead's remarks was as tumultuous as that which met : r. Miller . When he was seated Calr- man Cohurn Intrduret Charles A. Cae. LOCAL ISSUES ONLY INVOLVED , Mr Cae saId that the Issue In the election this fall was not betweemm the republican and democratic parties , but was on that which touches the citizens most their pocketbooks. The dervishes are making a pretense of fighting - Ing on republican principles , but their real purpose Is 10 keep the city under misrule. They Ullnk they arc strong enough to do It. The citIzens. imovever will not be hoowlnleed by this republican talk. What they are after this fail Is nol tariff or free trade gold or sUvor. They are after cheaper gas cheaper water cheaper paving Time city Is nothing else than a huge mercantIle concern . and the people want I run like I mercantile . concern. I certainly cannot ho run In that way by men for whom a business man would not give $10 for a mortgage on his lfe , "Tmere Is no queston or national policy involved In the nght. I Is simply a question ot bread amid butter pay. " , ot how much taxes we wilt have to rank J. Lange was cal - d for a Cow remarks - marks and he respon'led ' briefly. Then D. Cem Deaver was called to the front but be- tore he had an opportunity to get well Into his speech 'Ie was interrupted by a burst ot ap- pIUS ( ' . The speaker stopped for a moment 10 allow the hand clallplng to subside but beginning from the rear It apPEared to spread 10 the front or the 'al I finally culmInated In a steadY roar when E. Rosewater was seen pressing throllgh' the crowd ' to the frent With a few remarks Mr. 'Deaver fn1shc his Interrupted speech anr Mr. CobUr at once announce Mr. flosewater ' BATTLE FOR FREEMEN "There \ a \ery deep Interest tel In the Issues of this fall , " began : lr. Rosewater "and I Is not surprising Never bErOrO In an election has so much been Involved for every c'ty , for Onmalma for Douglas county . and In fact . for Nebraska. On November 6 11 be waged what can be called the battle or Nebraska. I wilt he decided then whether time motto . 'Eqmmality betere the ) law , ' on the banner oC the state Is a sham or , whether It means what It sas. Time battle will do termln" whether every citIzen . whatever his birth or creed , shall be entitled to the rights or every other citizen . " 1st ; . Rosewaler dwell at length on the die. 11s- graceful revelations that have omnalell from the city hal and the expenses now Incurred t , . run the clt ) He said that Droatch was now offering hImself as a mayor who. would do away with this conditIon or affairs . and thai Chafeo was givIng him a clean eertl- cale of Inls for time posltiomm. Mr. Rosewater - water than proceeded to expose Uroateh's last administration . and particularly the die- graceful part he amid Chafee took In the eoustructon of the city Fail. He then went on to speak of Droalch's eomllct since ho hall again obtained a position In time adminis- board tration ] oC the city emi the fro and police "I.et us see who has attempted to reform and who has thwarted It-tho old tbwrleL police com- mission or the Droatch and his new one , " said : lr. Rosewaler. "The old commission In the first place , succeeded In frst plco succeded obtaining Red- deli . I trlell fire fighter . for the fro depart- menl. Then they got CIIlaln WhIte for the police force a man whose reputation was that or a first-class man. Vandorvoort pays that Whlo was a Pinkerton , hut I have Whllo's afdavit tlnt ho was neyer In any' way connected wIth time Plnlertons. Finally 1lnal they deposed rrom the polce force miman whoso scandalous conduct was the ' disgracing sen'- Ice. "On the other hand Droatch , Jim Alan and other succeeded In having a law pasi.e1 ; which stripped time mayor ot all power to enforce time laws al ha Is required to rio by time city orilinamices When they got Inlo power they put back haze and SI/wart. ) who by their disreputable and scandalous con- duct should not only have been fired . but drummell out at the city They not only put them back but promoted Ihlm ) , Sigwart time man who let the flair can can dance was made chief. Others whol they could not Ilt on Iho force they try 10 reward with ofilce . One ot thl. woo was called by Seany dirty , lazy and slovenly . has been slate for councilman. ! "Wimui the dervish gang was thretenlng riot Iraleh wns Indhnant that fifty specials were emplo'ed for threl days to guart the jail. When time bill was declared constu- tonal the old commission al once stepped clown and the new bOl,1 took hold.t once Droatch and his coleagues appointed elghl- . - - - - " - ' - - - - - - - - - - Makes the Blood Pure 'ritia hi l time IHJCt.c ot the ctrc& by Hood's SursoparIlIu. Uca this : . "Inmeoclad , ; . ; , to wrllo that 1 nm now in - pr- fecl hC31thand It bal because nood's Srsn- lI'j parUa mad , .y . cay blood Pure. lTy 1 c a I t 1 \ ( Iroo down with troubles pooullar t women , 1' . nervous 93 5- k : . . ' : - . " tel was slat. : He : j and I had to tko my bed The physlcal ! said there was lIttle hope for mo. A lelghbr told ot wonderful cur. by Hood's tarsa- parilla suit I deeMed ! to . try it. When 'J rsllllil bottles , 1 could sl up and now I am perety [ well and siroug. HoodJs Sarsaparilla hiss dOle ni this for mc " Mit-u , C. F , FADPJIEIt La Ptatt City Coluracio . l"ADF.EJ lo 1Iatb CIr , COIIodo. - - Hood's Fblll curl lltu1 C:1U ' , , . 10014 S i&si ' ' Pil i'rtoc4'e box. UO 1fl : re JOI - _ . * . , . - - 7 - ; - - - , ; . . . . ; . : . - - - - - eon specislprfslmmmmably to protect time city luring fair week hut the ) are still on time p : ) roil . " 'III.llaTe ' ; lawl $1,000 sO fRr. There Is nQlelf work for them to ,10. , but Ihcy arc 01' ' JJlq ) roll for no other IIurl1oAo than to drain up votes for liroalcim sdWt- AM1'LH : llhliClCS. "This Is t(1 ( ) ; - 111 of 1 Iln that heall the ticket anll the ; rut are no imetter . Amol ! tlNn 18 lt 1i illgby . th prcsent city clerk , \I'ho. like tim . ' wUlt ) clerk tents to over ) ' . hotly ebe'R I\MM but his 0\ n , Ho was the man Ihil " , tnt to LIncoln to hclp on the po1c c < llillslon fJht 0111 who mel. Iled wlh tIle , \iard \ of J lllcaton affairs 10 ret Marble Mi1On : " account of these service he thlnk8 llIpentted to a second termim but the ptU\e are likely to tilengree with him on thaf'/ / olrt. lie Jll lent out letters II the Germihtn'Itngmmngo Ilrlnted In Enghishm letters 10 OErm3nS lr the city . extolling his good qimahitiete . but Germans are not likely to be caught I ) such luaU. "John ! cUotall1 II another McDonald who elalml 10 be the champion or the worklnmen -who don't work lie Is cerlalnly entte 10 this title tar he hiss guarllcll the treJt corners and patronized the aloons wel enommgim These Qualies are all right , but they wilt hardly satisfy voters enough . that thirty will plae him In the Iherl.s ofco where he hal the lives ammd liberties ot men In imia hands In thmv elplnelllJ of juries He denies that he Is a member or the Twenl- elghl chub which was tormel directly I after the banquet gvcn ! b ) J.lnlnger to the delegates - gates who nomlnalell him. This denial Is contradicted flatly by a publication In The lee on the following immorning with which I hld nothing to do The reporters lentoned his name as one or time Twent-elght. This club knifed Linimmger I ProtestII : , 10 elect Cmishing a Homan Cathmouic anti they ex- plnlned their acton by saying that they did so because they thought Lininger would he too liberal to the saloon elenmeimt This ex- dealer plenation " Is good . from lcDonald , a liquor Mr. , Hosewaler look the other member ot i the ticket In turn speaking Illeelaly or the , councimanic ticket as the biggest dish or' ' crow that the republcans had to swallow . I Mr Hosewater was frequently Interrupted , by laughter and applause excited br his' ' remarl.s. At the conclusion or his speech : Thomas Swobe was called upon , but responded : very briefly . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : ' ) ' 0 'FIli. xix'rie , \1) UNI'UUI.ICA ; i'iemms ; 'tIuuuimIcy ' 'L ? uUlt.1 ot Ca mmcli. tn h' " (01' Vutes. About sixty persons met In the hal ot time ' Ninth Ward Hepublean club last night ; or tles onE , - rourth were candidates and anolher fourth boys of different sizes and colors President Ilntnglon called time meetng to order amid Hugh A. lyers was time frt ! speaker , with a well lenrncd deciamnation . paying a great tribute to the stars and stripes and to the party ot Alexander lamlton anti Daniel Wehster. George Helmrod sold that bo looked back on his record as a citizen and as a business man with the greatest salsfoclon. . lie hoped that all his friends In time Ninth ward wouhl rally to his sup- ' port. He needed all the support he could gel. gel.lr. . Jerries or time city dentral committee occupied the next forty mlnules. lie sounded the praises oral - the republIcan candidates especially "noble Jim Alan of the Eighth time greatest vote-getter ot the age. " le said that ho had figured the eleclon all out , There would b , Ij,000 votes cast , I the city" . There were \7.000 epublcans who voted at time primal' ciectiomis l . and who were care to vote at tne eohllng election. "We need to get 3,0001 mior votes soniewlmere and I hope all you men will go home and urge your neighbors to , come out , register and vote ' the repuhlean Ilcleel " JUdge Bsxe denied the charges of Charlie Brown that 1 , band or , Iesperdoe had ! laken possession otdbe city and county offices. "I submit that 11 do not look much like a < t- perado. limoI 'tJolmn Drexel and I haven't , I wont to say against hll , but It John Drexel ) Imas made a pee < simerlir . I do not hesitate , \Q \ say that John 11cOonald will malt every bIt \sgood an ofcial In that po- siion . " Speaking of Albyn Frank . Judge , Daxter said : , "OutsIde of Prank100res there Is not a mnammtbottcr fitted for the olce of clerk ot the , district court. lie Is a young man : a per man .who needs assistance. Ho has been loall ; to t'IO party and 10 should imlp . him out , ' , , 'lnaly Jnme D. Meilcie . the ex-member timeStmmte . Fish cmmission , concluded time spetchmal\ng. Clrton 1"1 Utllll tnn tiui1m A email aggregation at pelt al talent was present last night at the meeting ot tUY CI- ton lull Republican club. Chairman John T. Yates called tile membel to order about 8:30 : and addressed , the club for a few minutes - utes He then IntroducEd W. W. Slabaugh , who announced , himself to the club as candidate - date for district jiitlge. , Mr. Slabaugh said time citizens' party was rather In evidence. He thougimt lmowes'em' that republicans should stand together unless they saw a benefit to be derive by joining ' some other party In which eao they should act as their own can- Ielenees dIctated. Mm' . Slabaurh gave place to A. H. Burnett . who said though things were a Ito mixed In the party In the pres- eat election . Imo intended to vote for the len Put up by the party any way Judge C. T. DIckinson of Tekamah next addressed - dressed the club lie stated tUn he was In the race for district judge and rcqtmested the people present nol to forget him at the polls. 'fho club then adjourned. Xone hut Cn.llllnh' " 'I'ht'rt. . The Scandlna'vlan-Amerlcan Garnell club held Its meeting last evening In lal1raon hal and was addressed by the republIcan candidates Among , them werE Hedfeld , Frank : McDonald llgbee lirocklnridge Westberg Dlrket : Cristy Bhmmghmamai . Benawa , DmmIois Ielmrod , Jacobsen Gordon and Jor- dan The whole tenor of the remarks was personal abuse or Time Bee and Mr. Ho c- water. ThiS old. stories were retold and the only new feature Ihat enlered Into lhe even- Ing's enterlnlnmlit was the sln.lng by the ScanUnnvlan Ge elmib About ( o'clock the hal began to b empled , tbo Ilepartlg llit'mmi- bars going Into the Citizens' nieeting . which was next dour. When : the canllhlato for layer enlerell ( the hal I was 10re thJI hal deserted , and when the meeting ad- jomned there was for a time a question It there were enolgh mentbers present to make a 1llrlm. _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ : tr . 1.1111..ltN I gl\lh.t. . . OMAhA . Oct 22.-To tile Editor or The Bee : As 1) " nal II being prlnled on tickets showllg mo as one of the candidates to rep- resent Douglas eouumty II time state leglsla- , lure I mill ask you 10 again notify voters that I declned time olce and am not a can- didae for that or any olher , o I Cl. . 7. T. IINDSI Btaolt 'l'nt".1 I Izi iicm'rmimsI y ' III. ' LON nON , Oct. :2.-gllwafl Tttersahl . head ot the wel , Imown horse exchauge Pram . II dangeruuslr Iii . . , . , ' ' 4 0' 'l'tlii(1LmI'IliC ; ) lIlt III'S . HeGeorg , ) hl { or Cimail'iment Spiimugm' . ICy " "hol In { { , ) tllrd ) n young man named The stockhq11erum ( , of tim Southern railway met ut IUchmuul , \'a . 'rmmeetlay amid elscrti ( tlirectors . _ _ _ Lietmtemmmimit Go\ : rol' Millard or CalIfornia - Ifornia Is "tl imlive . but there cure no hOleu oC hts reco\eQi. ; . , Tuesday II'a. ' \ Iflnla da ) ' at tjmo Allntn eXlo"lton. ImI W.w milve" ; ot that state were In utenlnm7. l x-Hupllntend"lt B'm'no : of the NII ( omit police U iJim.s ; : Hon" 10 Europe I fOI' I few month' , tn ) ' . A. IC . Wall- ; " tyo Memphis rorg'r. la" been Imeled ! b' tIme grand JUI ) ' . He Is 10 bti In iomiuimmrmu' . \OW cupuoied bl HonlllfP. Gerritt I. . Iln9lnl. seen'lar' or the Southeln Gerrlt Iaelc' lulroJl1 COIIII ) ' . Is I tlamm- , gerolsl ) ' II ( roth lel'I'OU > pl'itlatlun. Cinictit ! Toe'1a ) , ( Ie men I. haul , been 1)0)- hag mttteutloit t . time [ ornll" ' lalphtel' , 11entolt IIi"ut ( to time Ilr.acll. The 111 or ( 'I \ith ilru3. or which 001'- rnol' ( 'Iammghm or tfl1 ola I. n iurtuler ) . mt- mugnd dealers : . TltPllTh" ) ' were heavy lumber ealerl. " < When S. It 1tmiltjvlmu 1 . l.cdl'I' or the Ger- man . \mellell ilnnk of 'Iaoll. opened . time \ 'auit his CO lr the books of the hlPllutul : unissimig ant only $1.01 . Two uutlal11 I Cln < r Jmicku an'l . . or ' l'etittmk ' . ' JUIW : Hul" Knot 101'1) . I"cntll' ' hecaml Ixm'Oi'cd In I cit ommikem ) 1111. nn.1 hole "hot Inll 1.lla Javig. . Gen.ral Thomol 1''ln was fol1ell with a tainting spelt Tledlh'll' molUl1 auo Hr- glltnt In the supreme court \\'u8hlnl- - tl , No fErlcu : rO.IJli : are amit'eipatcih. : Hruol' ( ' 1111 : ; If 10r ) ' ( 'r. k. Wa ' hlo county. Ok' . s"ol nnl kite : i 1'h'lic l"rick anti Martlmm Ioth , wh Wl.e witneset'r. against \'alallal. : ' , lather II I mUII r It " li-lal.uld ; tlrflglcd M. . 111 11" l.lrngfl. , , away w'th I ' ) 'Iltl1lt,1 1:1 : : t .Morrl ( dun I 1410 IIl to 1.IIWIU Ilt > ' . 'J'I. II..H talhmem' fol- lon'cl. and IC'I ut3.le'e I' , rerauado hlF dlhtpr : nt 1' 'ItI.IY. tack Iho ) 'OUDI t'omlpie l'ouo. m"i t , ( WI tdini will Ol.tl unier , tlu par'u't ! aut un\r ,1 . rr"I ; ' - . , . . . . - . . . . - - - - - - - connETT ) DECLARES IT OFF - Stated HoVasliol His IIUl of the Whole Affair Afnir. JULIAN WORIING ( ON A NEW SCHEME Urnll- heelilmu'M tl I.1' . thll 4 tm , Ihu itli lii . Purl ' . UI wih i'murly : luldl time' : . " . I I. . r-I , ' I r I"NI" I Chll..u . , . HOT SPRiNGS , Ark. . Oct. 22-\'Imatcs't'r doubt atached Itself 10 the lht between Corbelt and Plzlnllols was ( lsllle 1 al a heJtet meelng ) this ovenlng , which finished ump with time deelartun [ rom Corbet that cs'erytiming hol. lie caled 1'-ltzslumons a cur and said that ho would not light anti he Inlel11e(1 having nothing more to to with imiumi. The meetng occurred In the prI'ole ! olce at the Arlnglon hotel , Corbet , liratly . Julau , Slunrt 01(1 ( Vent II being tresodmt lolethm' wlh n number ot newspaper niemi Jnlln alll that lltzlnmonsould not fght on any dale except time ono originally agreed upon COlbett wanted to light In vrivato within four das for a bet of $10.000 or else POSt11011 time fight cloven days amid flglmt In pmmblic. Julan Ilolld not agree and Corblt left time room , declarIng that ho washet his hanlls ot Fl tzsimii mnona . Julan leaves In the mornln for Corpus Cimrlsti. Dln Sluart Is trying to arrange for a fstc carnival to consist or the two minor fights which were 10 follow the big batle and ono or two moro attractive oven Is. Martin .ltmllan has Just submltell atrnctvo propo- sllnn to Mayor \Vaters . In which he agrees tu flglmt Fltzsimnnmomms against Corbett for fght Plzslnmons Igalnst Corbel or n purse of SIO.OOO elm October 3t. provided the affair Is taken out of the hants ot the Alhletlc club Time mater Is benp ! considered. At a late hour toulght Martin Julln accepted , : offer or a $10.000 purse , made by time Hal Springs Athletc club for n Ipht on October 31 under its direction. Julan lt once started for Spring hake to confr wllh Cor- bett . who declared early In tilt , tiny that he wou"l light for any kind oC a IHlrso on . be- fore or ater October 3t. hOT SPRINGS . Oet. 23.-MartIn Julan returned - turned trauma Spring Lake at 12:4 : Ihls mor- lag nothing having como.r the visit. Jack Dalton . on behalf ot the hot Sprlnps cub , made a propositon to Brady offering a purse of tO.OOO for the contest on November 1. conditIonal on the faiure of the Florida At'iiotic club to make good Its H1.000 purse on October 31. Julan has nc ellted. hirady cut proeeellnh" off short by declining to deal wIth Daitom . but stated that he would see the club membcrs In the morning. CORPUS CiihtISTf . Tex. . Oct 2-I ltzslm- mons ) made this stalement to acm Assolaled press reporter today : " \ou can say for mao that J now chalenge time world for a $10.000 side bet and time cimammm- Plomishlib In this or any other cotmmmtry I ur- tcrlnore ) . I will meet CorbeL for the $10,000 side bet and will let the gale receipts he given to charlablo Insttutons of New York Cty , " _ _ _ _ _ COHJI' ' "li " ' 1.1 , I'UHI'I' No : ioit i. .tii muoullm'I'lmmc-mmt i'umbile'I ' ) . .UUO'"U"'J'ut l'uhJI'J ) :11.le lu I I hot SIIrlnJN 11c1c'I. CIIICAGO Oct 22.-Time TrlbunEs Hut Sprln1 special sa'I : " 1 have fought ) ' last fight ; I herehy announce that I hnve rctn'll from the ring nail 11 give the champIon- belt to the winner at' time ship . o Iaher- O'Donnel lht. 'hls unxpotll an- nouncemenl was . manila this el'uln" In the rolun < a oC lie Arlington hotel by .Iames J. Corbett a short time nfer Inlli"lnp In U stormuiy Interview with Mnrtn Jnlan ; , The clallllon had Just plrtuleeu . of u hmeam-ty dinner , alitl had a cigar 1 his imatmtl ulII turning to a friend II his elbow . remarked : " 1 have fult training anti here gO"1 for may first smol ( " So saying he Ilghte his cigar mind Illsurel ) ' purell at it. < "I wl leave here tomorrow wih mny party for St. Lommis. I have lost foum' months In lmlulng anti allowed myself to be < rlllel from polnl to pOll 1 nm u'atis- led this man 1"Itzslmmoni < 0(1 10t atl- to fight or he 10111 be hero 10 fight me. I ho hI so anxious to lght whmy on'l II como on rhht ! now before thl' I. < n In\ passed to prevent our leetr . ' 'J iorI' - tend to lose ammy more time fooiimig with foolnl wih imi mn" Juliamu hmntl only 10 ' 1 halon the - Julan hlt ) 511) on morn- Ing of the Slat F'Itzsimnnaons' nanitwoumil be found on The register oC ( Ariingtomi . really to meet Corblt 11mm . und nu Fooner or later and that IC Corbet wn' nol theme ho would claim the forfeit anll the ehlm- plonshlp ot the 'evoritl . An hour later Corbel hanged his ml11 about leaving the holel In \1' mOlnlnl RII gave It out he woull remain here until the list come what woimd : I1AI.iViN CHAmi IX 'lNNINb FOIDI. Ili'i'i SmmiutmeAmsltiu . "lh I ' 101' . " , 'Iht. I.nnll" Nn.I ) ' . NEW YORK , Oct. 22-TIrl was I good attendance at Morris park today ) ' amid time racing was excellent. In tie opening mace \'Isharll was made the favoriteovem ' u poor lot oC 2-year-oldl. and he won easily . 1n time second race Hey el Santa Ammltn . at 130 pounds up WUI made the favorite . Ilhough Lamplghter was ulaln ha"II' hacl1 ; In splo of his bad showlnl on his 1111 nutnl at a distance. The lht-wllghlel SIr Si' Frauds took time ICIII anti ! Ilhl I 10 the last furlong . when He ) ' 11 SantAnia vuseti : him and easily . lichen won easl . lelln Nlcholl got time place JUH dIll oasl ) hImlcirsmut' % % . . the favorite - vorite h i ) ' n email mal'ln ovem' lIehiIt-niert' In tile third race Dlrfurll.11 ! lelll the 1(11 until the three-qimarters haul bl''n Imimi . when clue quit amid Deillemero and \111Fl'er tin- \ In- IFhed In I hard Irlvo h.a.l > 1111rl. In lh ( ' Hunter stakes Uelmar w.nt to time post u 11'onp favorite . wih Emma G In < lirammihy- wino about equal n'conl chnle ( 'roumu- wehi . with n feather on his s-uhtjie . led \1 way to the six [ urlul1 mi Ic . when III gave imp 1111 Bemnr : RIII Emia I. ' b\'jI1 racing for the lllt ( . . Thin latter hll tu ho eontllt wlh second place , whldl ma,1 ; th" second Irealme R victory for tH Ila ) ' . In fIII , ' of lmis 130 IIlundl Hlnapo was the fl- vorite In the 111th . anti vorlo ffh race Inll mlpht have won ) hud 1) been rltltlen withm ormilnary mug. ) r\lllen wlh orlinary JIIII- l1nl , J\elnchunk won 11 a , Irh' from 1luIlnJton , Prince II.f Wil 1 stiong fu- place vorite In SummarIes time tat : race al11 only gal third First ICI.v ( 111 n bait tom iomigs : \\'ishi- arll (8 ( to 5) womi Sweet FII'olIlale 13 ( to 1) ) 8HOlI , Iulrol (1 ( to 2) I thlrll. ' 1IIe : I : OSh2. Second racenmiie Iml a flrolg : : ( OS\ Santa Anita (1 ( 10 . ( ) womu lelen NIhol ( i to 1 ) lJcoIII. Sit' Frnels ( I to II ) thlrl , Time : 1:5i. : I 'I'hlli "ICt ; . , ono naile . - e\nh : B"'ml're /5 / to 2) I vom ) . W'aitse'er ( Ii : to I i ) second , Lake SIole 00 ( to 1 ) thIrd. ' 1IIO : 1:1\ : \ , l'-oulth \ce. Junt"r tmukes. 01 ( mile ' lk'ltmutur (8 ( 10 5) vamm . I'mml I' (5 ( to 1 ) sec- onti . GOlnol lell ( i 10 I I ) Ih111 ' 1Ime ! : I :1 : 1 1"lfh race . six flronM : : lCemunebtmnlt t5 ( to 1) ) WOI. ) Iul'lngtol I : to I I ) second . Ieeonl. 1amallo 18 ( to I ) thir'i 1111 : 1:1 : : Sixth r.1Cl' . six anti n half ( mmriomigs . sell- Irp : ( 'mini , ( ( I to 1 womm . 100m.r Ii ( to 1 ) secommd 1I'IICl Lid ( to 2) third ' 1lno : 1:21. : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'l'tl (01.1) Fnl Itt1Clti ) III'\I : : ( : . Ilr.1 I I I Su.'I. , II .11 I. I nl' n l.n.1 : siit. lu I : . 1'I'EhI.O . (010 , . Oot. 22- . lta' . . cold w.utlor II'el'entell record tll mum' I.corl m breaking nl the lalonal eln'll 1.1111 lndeI the UISlllc , ' " of time , itovel' Whlll all Atl- lete chub thl" nltermionmm . but ' ole very good exhlbiloll of speed ( tmnler thc " 011- tOI > were mmmde . A 111111 'ld the I 11acug for 11 ' > I macmm . Inll ' I behlnll I I 1. 1 I. 1 Jlrll 1 won I mile i'u I :58 : . ' 'II hllf mile gimmti . 111 mlo clImes : J ev'mmts were the most hOI ! eOll'sle , and lowell close Inllhes , Wrd took the lul'l spoclal prlz for the futlt umipac'mI 1111. In : :181.5 : , UeFuIK : 11111 mmmcc . omv.thimel If a mile . ( ' :1" : " I : 1. l' Jahl 101. 'I'ommm ( ooper "I'colr , I'arl : 1"ller thlrtl 'rllH : 0:45 : 2-5. Onmie. . class . A : H. A Illzl1 won . luII Hlclc ) ' . I'tieblo. Fornd : .1. / I. ? mlacomnhmer . Iu.liu. ) I hl'I. 'Ft tao : : : ; q : ; 'wo.ml" 11111cull. clll I : A. r 'Yorl < . Ilello / : yards ) . \on ; 10 111'1 ( ( : ) "IIIH ) r'eonii 1:41 : , it. hi , 111 ( ( , . ) ' .ull ) thlr" 'firne : One.'lnuler of I ml ( ' . opeam. PlS11 : - z"a woIm Iall htIte'he'y . .eOII. M , . \ . I , ' a rIms- worlh i Ihlli I C 'II tee : 0:3 : : 3-5. One-hllir tnhim' . opeui clalH I : ( 'harh.s Mtmuphiy , % VOfl. ( 'nollel' lcOII. 1"Ier th111. 1 lne : 1.0 : , o. . , Omicmniie. . halll'IP. ( 'ices , \ : M A. I , arn.- worth (15) ( yards ) won .1. I" ' . timue'onuli.m- . ; ' ( 5ecofltl. ititeime ' (1u ( ( ) yards ) 01. ) 1"10 ) " .l'OIII. Hlch ( ) ( ) "rl Iimirt Time : 2:11 : 1- : 0. . anile . open , 11S. H : llurllh ) ' ivon 1.11 . 'couo. Jib ml thlll , ( ' ' otmrthm 'rme : 2:07 : .1-5. . t , scat'ltu tiutm 1.1' 111. 'i'mm. cc wi bo 11 , 'x Imilil lion or Iblcalon ! I tt ' ball > nl Inl'er 1) pallt ltxt Saturdl ) oCtet noon twfor. the coumimnmnmceml'nt or the contest belw1 III I'nR'erslty a tl time State mmimiverIty , teumn. Arrll/emenis were completed yesterduy .ull I hll been I" . . Il1.d to bring the two . ) iP.it elevll tu- 1tllr ror the ocasloui . Accordingly time , Hr.'Jc,1 Inruntry will meet & pIcked eleven ( rain Omaha. , 'rhl" wl1 ! make I , ery hot atrugie . 1:11 wilt be I lale well worth . . . - " a - - wittiessiimg , nlll one whlh wi nrort Iho,1 who inure 1II'Ir " ( 'l'1 tile 10W ' ; 1110 ni oil' 111 tllly or cm-iticieimmg. The ( lhl I'Rm will I ( l'hOMNI train 11 ( rolowllltl : ( bmrdmler . : Iulr.ldl" , iirm'c-nu. ( 'lmo1' lm ' . clrrl . \rl'r t4mmyuher I teul helm1 , Holh { to"I' . 'I'rumsel ! I 1111n" ) , .1. HIIII.11 nll J , ot will hn\ ' " ( hnlI' or tutu tl'am. These amen will mcct eVen nll'rlOOI nl I u'clock for l'rnl't ' streets nt time t corer of Eighteenth nail "nrlOI . mt.u HI'I'IIWo 'I'U It'Cl' U.\.U\'IS. ( 'orreicimiii'nu't. . ( ) , ' c'r 1..nl I SulsIri- , such . , Il . 14 llh' ut \.Nh.h..r. NI'OHI : . or NI'\ \OHI . 0 < 1 -Thc IteW1ls time \'ltchestr Racing aSlol'hlton moln Immure dlrl'lel tmt the following letter Ie sent E : . J. Hlllwil In repl to hlA protest nlnlnlt their "lcslo' to I'cu e eltrles oft t hmt' Salin ( Anll sin bit' 1 "NE\ : % ' \'OItK Ocl. : . IS : -I , J. 11111- win : D"lr " Slr-.Your letter ) or time 21st InFt. . nlll I' ' ( II 10 time \'e > lluItr Hlclol : nmtso- lalon hlM been refl'rell 10 time Ilewarl ! of time' tImed 11mg . Ind I nm Inllrlclel to qtmotu' I'ule 42 or time rlll or \clup. un.h'r which timfoilmmwlmig resolution 11.m8 / tII. un,1 nnllellon sent you ImmlUllo after time IIKt race Oi Hahlll ; ) ' , Uclobel Jv : "Buh , I -J'\er : IItrn 8ul erlhllp to n IWI'pslnkl : or Inlerll ! I holpo In a rlo 10 lie I'unuler the o rmiht'u' . accepts tilt' c.cl.lol oC the mctewlmrmis 01 UI ) ' 11'Ilon 1'lutnl 10 I race nr rlcll . AI tile discre- ton or Ihl' t stowarths of the Jockey dumb I' of the stevmtrtlmt . Ili wlhoul tuotice . thin enlrllA or nmmy iterstomi . or lle tlllSrCI' of Itum ) ' ( 'n tn' may be refuseti . I'eusel. "ltetmiveul . 'lhnt the secretary 1J In- strm)1'u.'tl ) tn [ orwll,1 the folowlnl e01lunl- cllon In Mr. I' . J. 1:11111 , : 'fhe Alewarcl of the WIItcle.ter Haclnp Isnuelalon do- sire tn 111 [ yomm timei' II' 10t Illlled with time mnnner In which 'our horls are ruIn . amid thut Iller rile 42 your further entries - tries lt races LIt tills mceln will mInt bo lec.l\e < "Ihe above decision dos not affect yotmr entllll to stakea IlrNII ) ' ctoetl . 1 11 tur- timer IIAlruelNI 10 I.olnt ou tn you thut Ihls lelluon : only t > conlemplaleA ; time reu11 of entries nf your stlblu nl time Il'clent mcet- Ing. TIme maler hus heen rererred 10 time Jocki' . ) ' duh for further nctlomm . 1111 ) 'OU wil I then huv . nn 0111011111) i I ' 10 11reent luch testimony 11 'uu maim ) ' desire to offer to "how why I'ule 12 shouhl nol bo 1\IJll',1 to our stable hc'onll time perlud o \ tils mnee'La ! "Votmr Orl1 JO place 'rlpahoe In Hey el Sanla Anln ut time t / ' 1 > IJlal or tie < stewlr s tn hlltVt' th"l tniwi 4 I 1111er tlllr I Uller- visiomm . In order 10 11rove InlJ u-mibstantlntt' your stmttemnents . or . 1 > you HUI"Mtee , In- lelcreuco In tins manngllent uC your sttltticu' . cannot he considereti . "it' hue IUUUIII oC your her ! . as wel mum thnt . or Iny other daub . Is not satisfactory to the stewards of the Ielnl tilt' ) ' ha VI' the privilege of time remics of roe- imlg of refmmsimig time cmmtries of e'tmcii mttdmhmir , viticotmt mimmy invostiguutiozm ittuil without no- tict' . "It is not tile provimice of time stewards of a immectiug to Inu-trmmct stable's meltommt their ( mimIc-cm , jockeys mInd managers , or to Immdi. cate to ( l'flt'rS wimotiu thit's' 511011 Olluutii muot hituve iii their elliplo ) ' . Time mmieme grant- immg by time Jockey club of hicemises to train- ems om' jockeys atntl time right to wltimtlriw timeni thee clot relieve the owner of the stable where tile ) ' cure emuploycti ( rota the re.spomislhiiity of its managemuient an a s'hole. 'i'he ( iecieutuml mttammtia as comnnnmnicatei Ia yOU on October 19. F. 0. IIANLON , "Secretary of Stewards , Westchester Racing Asscciltt iou. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'ht.tk AG.tS 'lI.tIih A 1Cii.L1N ( . 't'uck ci Ihaurui Fomgltt Itsuec' froiim thct' Greimt l'suei mmr 'I'rin. LOITISVIL1..E , Oct. 22.-Oootl iveatimer , gooti ilmuittimes amid a crowtl of 3,000 people chmam-aett'rized tue second day's racing of the Lommhsvliio Drivlmmg nail 1"air association. Tue eveumt of thin lmmy was the free-for-nil blurt' , lend It Is elotihitful if ( lie kings of time luacilug i'orImi iizt'e evel' given an eximlheltion so prolific of i'xcitenaemit ms today'm , al- timotmgh time tirno emus not fmttut. Frnmmk ' , gan lowereti ills record of 2Oi : to 2O51 : , miuti time lterfmcnlmnce WflS a Jflottt crvtlitnbie OTltt irhien es'et'ythiumg is comsitlereti. ) 'l'Iuo trlmclc ivums a ( its best , html even at. that it wait ilrObititiY mc rtt'commtl slow. A strong wInd watt Iios-l , mlg ( mommi I ide miorthi , iviticil mnatle time journey thovmm the cntlm-e back cttl'tcim iuatl. 'l'iimit time ivind flio'etI a very considerable olstlmcie to nnytiiing like record time is utliowim ii ) ' time fact thimtt ima nllnost every itemt : the Inst quarter was tite fastest of tue nub , Itobert J mmmdc mm. noble struggle 101' vi'tory , amimi Geers drove htIn out imu every imu.'at , ittmt Frmmmk Agail , who was not sent otmt mumutIl ( ho third , womi time last three iietttm9 , ( lie tiuitd metal fourthu withotmt macto timan it mose to soitre fm'onu Robert J , Joe I'acimemt ( wns time only one of the four itacem's , viio failed to take me heat , btmt lie iam ; cietmml ) ' Out of shape , shrnwing some signs of tturneness. Agan won hut three imeals ivithmotmt a akip. Vam iv Iltuitic tonic hue lit-st bent of them unhimuiutimed 2:2 : ! trot In wiiicii gave him the race. Sulmutnam'- titiroilti race , 2:13 : trot , purse $1,000 : MIsc Neisoum won In straight imeats. Tinit2:11 : , 2:13 : , 2:11 : % , ( 'm'lerrlmmiut u-ceonml , 'i'hicj CoIl- queror third. lon j. ObOe F , llaromu Dillon anti A I a mu i It ) a iso itttm rtetl. Timirti mace , free-for-all 1)0cc , ptmrse 1,500 : Frtmmig Agamm , LI , g , , by Mike Agamu ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 3 1 1 1 Itobert J ( ( ieers ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 2 2 2 2 John it. Gentry ( Mehlemiry ) , , . . . , 4 1 3 4 3 Jo0 I'mttoiien ( Ctmrry ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 4 3 4 9'iamue by quarters : First imeat , 0:31 : , 1:02 : , I:34 : ! , 2:07a4 : ; Secoliti hlcat , 0:3111:03 : : % , IItP,4 : , 2:07 : : timimti hme'at , 0:3114 : i:0ic : , 1:35 : , 2:0& : ) ; fotirtil imoult , 0:1211 : , 1:0h : , 1:37 : , 2O7 : ; ilfthm hmeat , 0:12 : , 1 :0IiI : :37 : , 2:09. : Foumrthu mace , 2:18 : trot ( unfimulsimed ) , purse $1,000 : ltlt ( ( rem-nltmitier won time ilrs ( runtl Itecolid ilPiItt ) , Time : 2:18 : , 2I73. : Carillon wall time titirtl iu'at , Time : 2i8 : ½ . Avamma , 'h'osczt , I , ptl inn , Smmn'ehier : , I muabeite , i.oe Sinlmnomis , hlloomniieltl anti 1(051mb miiuto started , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jmct'I. Ic'mui ibu'u' itI'Idll'telI l'Iimg , POR'i'LANI ) , Ore. , Oct. 22.-Jack Denip- u-C' ) ' Is hyimig. Within the past few days ho hut been rapidly sinking , anti It is an- nouncett thmat iis hours are tmtimnhauretl. lie luauu trieti et change to country air , but with I I It it , duimIume'ideiuIe imemu efi I. I I is phi ) 'sicItmns ; mlho % % ' few of time Ptmaiilst's friends to see kim , Dempsey realizes ills conditIon nlid u.itus it lit tltme to time blows receivoti at tile imantis of Fitz'uitnmnomitm four years ago , itOt ills fmk'muis 50) ' it is cOnstlmmlption. Simice his retuluml to his hiomume here sumac rnomihmtu ago Domtittutey hmamt aiatoiutely ImifLIsed to talk to mt'uitrt c'rs mtltummt prize lih tm no. Sto Le ioimey ( o's do time I'riiit'm' , Ni1V YOIOIC , Oct. 22-'In time sempreme CCIII t Jtmdge Ileachm sigmietl acm order directing - ing i'iuiiip J. ivyer to tuna over to tile sheriff of llnguu county 200 belonging to hubert F'Itzslmnmmiomis. This itt imart of the stake limomuvy iii time llghmt Imi ivhicll heVlttt to imaic mamt't Corhc'tt. Thu' mstutke ivItit nt- tttcimet sumac tihcue ttgo by Joeiuh If. hooker oh ru bill fom' irlmtimlL ) inctirreti by I"Itzslmn- lliOflit , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'lmhimuulc'iImldIlmicM ' .ViiI ( o to limmglgmimml , PhiilAiEL1'hhiA , Oct. 22-The iuiamu to mq'ntl a h'hmilittit'iidmia cricket cievemi to EOR- lamiml next year wait ( ormnuiated today mmntl a better wait nmalhetl to Secretary Alcock of time Stmrrey ( 'ricket club , reqmuesting him to ltrramige miatttu. Time teama will be elected fmminu time best local players. MUNYON'S ' Fight for the People. ii Is ( m''im 4 Jlst'ovu'rI.s Sum ye lueticrs' . ( , I.s _ % o )1mil ) I m'r ' . 'lmnt iltseuusmYou , Sic flee i'm'cimi or Iiuv , iai lmu' l'hiysi- u'immis liii e' i'ltl Im'.l to ( 'mc ri' iota , /ssi oumm' nrmmgglst for cm I'r'- ( 'ccc' of llumacicmms' ( humhaic' to ili'cmltIs , ziamcl ( 'lard' Yoursi'lf Vi4h. mm n..cej4 ; , , ii. ' cml II II ) Id II'S I I * ' lii , 'mI I c's. Mtttmyomm's ltimeumnatlstum Cure seltiomum fails to relieve' ill 000 Ic three imollr4 , anti cures 1mm a few dsyt' . l'riee 25e. Mmmmmyoul's Iyspepaia Curt' Is gurcnteed to cure all forin't of irmtligestloa and sonuacb imoumillea , i'rk't' 25t' . Mtmnyomi'lu Icidamey Cure epeedIly cumres palmme ium time beck , halmus or grotnu' aumti all forms of kitintty mlIeeae. l'rhce 25e. imluamyorm's hIemdaclme Cure IctoilS imoadacho iii thuree cnimmlltei' . i'rhre 25e. Mmmnyomm'mu hilood Cure eradcates all imli. purities of tue blood , Price 25c , ? mluumlyohl'C Cold Cui'e prevents pmmetcmon1a atmti bmeaha imp it cold 1mm a few hours. Price 2Sc. M'hml3Omm'md ' Commghm CumtcItoils coughs , night 5505(3 , allays rareness anti elmeetlily iieils time hangs , Price 25c , Mminyoa'L' h'ile Olmmtment positively cures all forms of piie. l'rice 25c , Memnyon's Vitalizer restores lost imower8 to weak mnen. I'r'ca $1.00. Time Munyomu Hemmielloa are absolutely handless - less aumd 000tdlmm positive curea for tha iciest obstinate dieesc'csc separate epacllk' Pu , ' eschm miiseare , ihoiti by all druggleis , mmmoatiy at 25 cemutci a battle , i'eraomaI letters to I'rot. Muimyon , 150. ! , Arch street , Philadelphia , i'a. , atnacred with tree mcmctlhcal ativic , for any diecae , WHAT ABOUT OUB KIDNEYS ? J. - , StEliE r.tc"rs A nou'i' 'vu iHit i'ATN ! Al ) Ilh4I.LtMhiit , 'Flue S'mumcmmams of Sit'I IC iiimies timid I Ice iise'.si'tt 'I'Imnt illehe i ( lii cmu's 'Ihl Cautce-A Sure Cmmre - fur hI , . ' lCisiile's cummil for 'l'lmest' ils'iipuu'is , 'I'lio i't' ii t'o it gi'eil t ilimi It ) ' I ) Cil ) ) C s'hiti , ' ? ' - uboim' I. k ii ov I I I tI t I I te k I uh ii 'y u a i'e mel itiply I1lti'ut. hl liii' hul4otl iititlt' bs' tiit' fuoul w'i' I'll I I ) lI ssu's I II loll gi I oil V k i ml in'ys. 'I'h te U I ul ii t'ys rtt'l mm , iii i e w' I I It t is bi : ti fm'tuit 'h i II t lit go ni , ' 1 at I lm4 U ii htti I I I is' , ui'mmi ) t'lumtt Is iit'etlthiy , tlit'os' uutit I ha haiti mmttul let thu gtmtul pisit : ott o ilotit'- Ish 1)111' boIl ) ' . Ammul I his Is going on every illilIlhIC of 0m % ! ' hi'eH. Stimll.j folks nyei'vut'hc ( helm' kluiiiey , 1'l It' ) ' himi vi. ' t 0 mdli fft't' I h i C ( 'hi iISIiii'ilc4. ( lttmt tilt' ( 'utms-tlti'tm't'4 w'omllti aol Ito $1) 1)1111 ) If tilt' ) ' 'olilul take lr' . liolub's Si cmi i'agtimt IC I ti ime ) ' 1 'Ills. 'i'lio kllIi'ys ( gt't o'et'vmui'ke'd ( rout w'll.t'y , lmmtt'tl i'otk ( ml' tiit' body or iiiiiitl , ext't's4t':4 ; : , ovN'elm I lug , etc. \ \ ' ( ) lm''t' I s p t'ol at lily time ummouti coat immoti of tlmest' clhlse4. : ( ) 'ets'ork of t lie kiul tteys iimmi1's t hit'imi 14 I 'k , a a ul t lmey u u imi ke tis sick. \\'hieim iimt' klthiivys mlt'o sick. the blood M It ih''l'.l , I t get s poor , t Ii iii , iiil lieu I t I my , Imtisotmlulls. , \\liuhIm aiim' kItiIu'y14 mIre sIck o tmi' It : t ye I li-I gltt'tu il Isea se , ti imi ln't es' , a e ml t i'l - ( Is mi a ci ci I ici' ult ugt'roIis k hI ii ey t m'otm Ides. ( ) r s'c immmly I to s'e ni ai'u itmmt t is tim , gnu t , It cml i'a Igi a i ' ' I In ' ' , gel t't'mt itt liseti m' w'cmi kitesut. do , , 01' It flm : etmi ha , I ni he a imul sa I itm' eommm- I dcx iomm , clmIot'sl s om' green $1 ok imess , ( I I'.zl tmu'ss , t't C. , m r ehd a ti Isemm ses , p I imi- 1)11's ) , 1 ) ltL'lml'ut ) , ( Lll Pti oim ut , etc. I t imI mm ' scout w'oiiuhi'mfti I I immi I oimt ummeul- it'lute simomilmi In' mmimle to cui'e mull tlmeso uirs'mtsts , , limit s'hmen w'e i'eiumeimmia'r I limit tltey mite till canittut by IIumlul'e ) hiuiul , muttl I hmmit time Imttptit't' lmlonui Is enact-ti I I ) ' ( I Ic k k I im m'ys , 1 t bt'ctnm es mi qu et Iou C ) t si mtm ul t' Cd ) mmm I imtn s'mhte ( , 'l'lme k I ci ileys tint ke pa vu 1)11)0(1 ( , I 'lm m'e Imlonti limt't : a s hiemi I til , 'i'imt're'foi'e vhn'tm 3'U ) lamt't' dlsetsu.'s : of lnminire 1)10011 u'um'o , i'otlt' khhimt'ys. i'itli Iu' . I lOil'i4 ) Spat'lglms : iCluiiley I 'Ills. 'l'htls 'Ill utiiiki' you s'ehl numd stt'oilg mmml hieitiy. : lm' . hlohh's Slll'mglts : : ICItlitu ? ) ' Pills eon t mm I ii , iii i'mlt el-Il I m'n I i'ul ( tilt , , sjcclmt ) I vegt'tmtlulu.r tii'iigs vhmIclt Cute mtlltl l'i'mitflV time kiduieys , 'I'lie etimmbltma t iomm front is'ii IcIt I hey 111'C iimiule : Is fottmtd him Ito otimi't' imtethieltl ( ' 01' 1'esci'iiit lout. I t wmts Iit'st tmseui l' I ) t' . I I oh )1) ) lit hIs pnl nt te i n'mt et let' uimmi ny yi'nrs ago , a ad ivies so uui'mthllimgiy stc'- et'ssfitl tlmmot hIs om'Iglitmth in'c'scm'lptiomm w'imt filially Iumtlle ( lii ) Into 1)t' . Iloliii'g ) 1l1 go s IC Id iiey I 'I I Is , 'l'l te Cd ) imci'it- I t'nted cxi u'mmt't of mtuuu11'imgIic , s'huli'hm is I Ito in'I itci lmm I I a gte I I en t , I s pr'pm : i't'ti cx- eltmsivehy by tite 1101)11'S % iu.'uilu.'Iue Co. , aiim let' it simt'chmti I ) recess. 'i'hme Ilobhi's Sptt'mgmis : : iCititmey Pills vi1i cure you i'htt'ui ytni are sick. 'i'lmt' , ' slll mit mues' iiltmtud mitmul mme' hlte I a I o you , 'l'lmt'y iv II 1 give' y cml a t' v a am- lilt itii , ' Iouiks mmimd ' ' ) , tieV mien' ln'Iglittmt'ss of eyes raid skIll. A few ( ltSt'S will i't'ileve , A. . few htXU4 ) vIhl eut'u' , 0 t' a I 1 ( lm'tmg'II sts , or inn I It-ui hOst il tel to liii ) ' mttiulm-i-ss fat' 513 ei'lits mt lax , \'m'hte fom' Iimieie.stiuug hatinphili't dull time SmilIe't , free on mmilhIclttlttm ) to lIohb's \IVd1lCltiO Co. , Olticitgo om' Situ F'i'au- cisco. AS CUSTOMA fly HOBB SPARitGUS PILLS ivihi bo sold In Onimthma by thu SHERMAN AND M'CONNELL DRUG CO. , 1513 Dodge street , secnntl door west of P. 0. AMUS1OML'XTS , CRE GHTTHEATE Tel. 153 1-l'AXTON BUlfi tiiS , Mrum. Matimmeo todioy 2:30 : , Aimy resumvc'tl seat. 25c. St.m : I I , box mum ii ti I vum ma 'moats , tuc. . , , : :1 : TONiOuiT AT LIncoln .1 , Cartcr'a Nt'w l'iay , THE DAF1JLTE ' ' ' ' . ' EI'ICIAL SCIONIOIOY-h'l'IICIAL COMI'ANY. . , REIGHTN THEATRE 'rob , 1531-l'AXTON ImUIOi1S5 , Mitrs. :1 : NitrIc tn , ( ioummcnt'mmcimmg 'i'lcmrs , Out , ih I , Sl'iOCIAI .A'i"i' it.tC'm'ION. 6AWtICI { I3URLISUE COMPANY Dlmect frotu aIr , Iticimamti Man.mteld'a Garrick Titeaume , New York Ctt' , Ia , THRILBY pnlc,1sStatt ; , Ilex uuiti Divtmn Seats , Si,5I ; Itenummtntler of Lay ci' i'toor , Si ; 1'lm.t hide. rows , Imatcony , ' :5cm mmcxl ee'cmm mow't , tl.mtcomm' , 00cm r'-ar , ldtuiommy , 35c gallery , ISe. nvn , TONICHT IJMJ J WEDNESDAY1 -tNt-- iroIITo1To.Jr1 'Th1ff8th1Y1 ' Night DNMAN ThI0MISON'S Fanious Play , ThoOLD OMESTEAO Muluagemnemlt of 'm'.T. W'A itM INOTON. 'i'Ime 1)rhgimmcul 01si ilimimmestemmul" ioimblu ( tmuzcrutt Ic' . Scic'et Coma , nn' cml : m l'lam sers-Vmam- ci-i'tumi iOl't'I m'It'imi Elh''Itt. Hio of u-eatS 00W open nt time followIng itriceit. FIlM floor , Ide , 75c ammtl $100 ; b.ei- u'omi ) ' , SOc anti 5c ; gallery , 21c. NEW ItJ THEATRE FilhIAYani ) OG1' , 25-26 mltTlNEJi. DE WOLF HOPPER , tmmtt imlit htlerm'y ( Jutnmalmly itrsscmttmmZ limo ttuuttm tui'mt of Coimmicu Opermmc , DR. SYNTAX Evcrythmltlg New , htrigltt .tmmd ieligiittui. Tie , uml , , of seatS will otsui at I ) o'clci uk Tmammric' ciiy mmmormmlnr at limo totlowin lumlecummu First tloom'- bitio atmil ii 50 , biteoumi' : . .StIi memut 73cm allory- liSe. Mmtiumuu e'u'ir.etm ; First Itour-SOc , 7mo Immd 5.1.1)1) ; L'ieommySUe amid iCe. 'M p hhr.'i S dIals ten empte packse , l"mcuittc4 ! Citegiltaul vamnpmny , Baltimore' , Md. ' . ) & . . '