Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1895, Page 2, Image 4

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    , " S---- ; " "I.f r ' ' ' 'i.1rM''fTl' - 1 } V'1'I1 ( 'T'V ' .Ie , U,1 IJ - - - - - - - , - . . , _ . . , - - - . . - - - - - . - - ' , - - - ' . - - . ' . _ _ _ _ _
2 TilE OMAhA : 1)Ury D\ l : 'UUESIJAY , OOTOfl1fl 22 , 181111.
. . . . ont anl , left R largo 8um of money In every
81nlli0 ono of the funle , of the city. how
did It ! ret there ? Was It by hla economy
ami hili great nnanclerlng , or dill the Ileople
vole bOllda which were convertPl into caah
anti ' the calh put In there , and we 81anI ,
unrJ.r a bonrled deht7 That I the way thaI
II anwered And It Is 80 clear Ihrtullh
bla entire , pcech.
"Let ua go a little further on. lie 811ek !
of the time when we had a double board here
of fire anll polce coniinis1oner . and he
lel8 you that I am an anarcblal-opplause- ( )
ant therefore hat ' I am not entitled to h"ll
omce here nnll ndllnller the laws of the
cllY. WrI , that II very remarkablp ! TI:1 :
II R lueer Ihlll , and there Is noholly ellie
who hnllvrr IIcoverel It except Mr Broatch.
Wo were oppolntC under unit , hy the law.
I 18 true that house rol 139 was passed , and
yet that law was 11eclarei uncolstutolal
by the beEt alorn'Yli II the cly or Omlha
affil thrOlhout the stale. I It wIn tincon-
8lutonal It wes no law.S ( ? occuplell ( our
positions hy the order , Ilecree. and mmnrl
of the court that we vera Clttell to the
l.osleHslon or that office , and yet Mr. Iroalch
sa's that Is anarchy. ( Aughter. ) Then ho
goes on Inll saYI that we were going to have
blooihshie1 Now Mr. Iroalch ought 10 be
treatCl for moral slrablsmus or nomethlu
woree. The fact oC .t Is Ihl we were In
IISSNSlou or tM olces pertaining to the
hoard , anti he WdS the man who WIS urging
, on this mob to take IloHsesslon cr the jthl .
and I heard some of those mel myselr while
walking down the street , 'Wo will clean them
I 01t. And we had some specal Ilolemel
appointed ( and theo fellow ! clpaned out no.
I I boly. , ( Cries of " ood" and 01Iplau80. ) They
I worn the l1rtes ) who were trying to create
bloodehic4 . not the olrl board at all.
"Then he tells you that he did a great deal
or work when ho was mayor ; that ho Ile-
formed , all the ditties or the ofco without a .
clerk and ho ought to have charged the cIty
for it . became subsElueut mayors have had
clerks. Wel , I rem'mber when I was
mayor or this city I not only was mayor but
I was POIICO Jtilge anll during that time I
tried 4iOO caec and over : I was my own
clerk , kept my own records and every record
that was iadI of every case Is a jlllcal
recold 'hat can In ple11e In c'urlplf l n a be ,
Not only that , but I gave the city Ihl room
for the mayor's ofle anti never charged any-
thing. and I guess I had better go hack and
hunt I UI ) on the books and charge I up.
( Laughter ) ,
" : tr. Iroatch Is \elly a very enterprising
man , as ho says nod has mnrle Omaha a
, great deal better by having come here , whIle :
1 others lave nol. Wel. In the name of for-
tunr . what hin't Mr. Iroaleh done except for
I the benefit or W J. nroatch ? Ito has built ,
a house , and so have I : built them because It
, was our interest tl bulrl Wo wantrd a
I house to live iiiVas . he thinking or buildIng ,
, up the city when doing that ? He has built ,
I a store simply to carryon his buslnes In
l ho entitled tl nny credit for that ? He did
I purely as an Investment , without any
thought of henentn the city or Omaha ; yet
I Is true that ho incidentally benefited ' the
city. That Is all that he has ever done from I
the tune he came here until the present L
" us look a little on the other sid ,
now. There Is a lan , a man of means thank
ciod. a noble man-I mean John A. Creigliton ,
On yonder hIll stands a monument that will I
endure for all time , 1n which the chIldren ] or r
ProtCtants and Catholics. the rich and poor ,
can go and get an educition. ( \pplause. )
That II not for private gain ; that Is an enterprise -
terprise that he has carrie forward for the
beneft or this city and for the benefit or
manllll 00 a Ito further ; go over on , I
yonder lull that overlooks the Missouri river , ,
and there you wi find another Instlulon I
where the sick , the lame and enfeebled can I
fnd a place of refuge and or care In their
sickness and In thdr sufferings . no maler
whether they be Prtestants or Catholics ,
Jewl or G lllles ; that stands there as another
monument to John A , Crelhton. Down hereon I
on the corner or Fourteenth and DJvlnport L
stands the rounrlaton ot I me11cal hoSpital I
going up for the benefIt of mankind There
: , Is I no personal gain In I , 10 desire or 1m-
proving his finances entered Into the con
' , slderalon or the building or these magnifcent t
structures-ornaments and a glory to
Itructures-ornaments ald our
city. That Is what I cal enterprise ; not the
, man who merely builds a house to rplt ald I
make his 100 per cent out of it. And yet t
my oP\onrnt. lon , ' 'Wiiam ' J. nroRteh ,
stands as the exponenl or a political party -
the A. . 1 A.'s-whicli tells you that John A .
Crolhton ought not to be permitted to exercise -
cise the rights of holding olce guaranteet I
to blm by the constitutIon . but they tel yu ,
and ho tells you , that Israel Prank , the
. , ntultlplicr or hogs ( rat applause and laughter -
, ten ) , Is entitled to hold the highest oleI
within the gift or the people. when John A .
Crpighton that noble specimen or manhood ,
, has no rights and . Is not fit to hold the
i ' , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lowest omce. lie tells you thaI Frank
Murphy , who Is engaged Ih thue enterprises
which arc scattered all over our city . Is not
fit to boll ollhct' while ' '
n hol an olet whie 'rank's running
mate , Spoerl , Is entitled 10 be governor If
the state of Nehraskl U.auhter. ( )
"They tel you Nash down here , an enter-
prisIng man , Is unft to to hold an office ,
while Mct.ecul , ( what a mal ! ) I Is entitled to
he President of the United Stale ( Laughter )
And yet Mr . Brolteh stands ul' befor' the
I'eople of this ely eying ! that ho endorses
doctrines or that kind , and endorses and
approves or that character of poltcs that
cenlfl a man a right which the constitu-
ton ! u1antees to him Docs ht or docs he
not ? lie Is their eanrlhlate , alrl If he docs
not do It let him stand forth and deny it.
lie dare not , lie belongs to the organization -
ton and Is one or their chief itien.
'fllmT 01 CI.I AN II N.
"Gentlemen , I ha\o detained you hero
tonight as long perhaps as you want to
listen to me ( cries of 'go on' ) . yet at the
rattle time I wish to say a few wont re-
sileetl ! the candidates who will como before
you for your suifrages. I do not need to
stand up and cal them by tiame . for you
are aCualnted with most or them , hut I
\11 mention the fact that our judle'al tclcct ,
compared with the other , 15 1 entitled 10 the
vote or every intelligent , upright elt el.
( Prolonged applause. ) AI between Mr. Swobe
the man who Is runnIng for treasurer anti
the man who he can Israel
says support Irael Jrauk
and wil not suspenrl hll from office when
he Is ehar111 with crimes ali msdeme3n- !
ors , I do not think there Is any cOlparl ' on
whatever , and I ,10 , not think our citizens
will. Our city clerk stands here well known.
lIe has always been a straightforward
hlel stralghtorwarrl. upright -
right man unit , there Is ! carcOI ) ' a man on
that ticket hut what Is a type and , a rel- )
resenlatve or the best intelligence aud the
best manhood or our city . and I 110 hope that
you will remember ovary one or them. But
I beg or you gentlenien . In the strife for
office . not 10 forget the councilmen that are
to be elected II this city. They arc or more
Importance than any other m3n. ) Your mayor
or other olcers ! can combine and do a great
deal of good , but '
your counclmln make time
laws and pass upon the money that Is 10
be expendeil.
"Now one word more and I am through.
We need to sland united. I we 'Ianll unltrt
anll go forth to batle together. racing the
enemy as a common foe I tel you that when
the sun gels down on the ttli or November
there will be a glorious victor won on behalf .
hair of the citizens' ticket . ( Great applausl. )
\/0 are In darlc ca's. I Is true. Ire.
member that when a boy I traveled some
twenty miles for the purpose or seeing an
ell revolutionary hero , over a hundred year' '
old , anti still with undimmed
sll uDrlmmed eye aDd unclouded -
clouded intellect , who could look back Into
the past and talk of those things ramlarly
ali Intelligently . who was at Valley 'orge-
and you remember , genthmen. the uferlng
that they hail there , the hardlhlps that they
endured the privations that they suffered !
lIvIng on scant rations. But there was enl
n1n who came ther every day nearly and
encouraged them and told them that they ) '
were In harll tmes , but he say : 't3oys bo
or conrae. There Is a better day com In .
the clouds will soon break and roll away
and we wi soon ht free frol British thirahi-
thom. ' So I say to ) you gentlemen . do not
bt discouraged.Vith strong arms and unfaltering -
faltering , sleps go forth and meet the enemy
and you will conquer I , and once conquered
you will be free from the thraldom and
peculations or the worst band or moon that
was ever " II offIce In this city. ( Great ap-
plam . )
' v. A. Hedlck
poke In behalf of the nonpartisan -
partisan Judicial ticket , especially. ITo said
that four or the judges named on that ticket
were at work every day In the court hom"o
attendIng 10 their dute9. They were renowned -
nowned for their ability and respected for ;
their integrity. Their records spolco for them
and they did not find It
) fnd necessary to talcl a
vacation-drai'ing salary just the
\'acaton-drawln ! same-
and gl howling through the district
explaining their records on the bench Oppose -
pose to the nonpartisan candidates were a
list of candidates who .
lst candllates were styled repub-
licns , but who had been nominated by a con-
vellon that was not composed of republcan" , ,
but or the representatives
at the worst
represenlalves wort gang
or political 11elleradoes that had ever been
banded together In the county. Mr. Relck ,
dwelt briefly upon the importance of the t
Judicial branch of the
government and
urged his audience to consider the claims of
the men who had been nominated by the t
Citizens' league , representing no political I
clique . but t'tlndlng ror the business men I
and taxpayers who want good government
honestly athntnlstered
' \ ' . S. POPllleton was the next speaker and
gave his hearers sOle cold facts to consider ,
After speaking ot the need or titan of nioriey
and Investments or both a prlvJte and mone public ,
nature . Mr Poppleton quoted publ (
coma fIgure : ;
on the expenses of the city under the fgnre man- :
t & " U' ' -
: , U&"f ns
' UA
' ' .
: OUr Is I the larKet
- I
! ! ! I
( Silk Dep'ltreut In the Headqunrters for I Nowhere 11 thlo cOln-
. West Cnrryiiimrat all I I t r ) ' arc to he fouu
. t Ilc" $ "O.OO ( "ortl of ° I High-Class Silts "ucl bargaimmie Iii lk !
Sli1ciciinbIe'i tmttogiv
. SlkeUable"ltolh' " - I a ! . be had lmcrc nt
t our Cu"torcr , gr"Q I OUR PHHNOlENAL I C.11 Icre
' variety for thcirMeict- . . I a I timet I nod under
tioti. I SUCCESS IN sII.1si I all circumstance. ,
tr" : ' I blcau e we sell our ooJs on their marl ts ; because ovry doliar'im wOl'th oC Silk that
heaves the Department Is Just whnt It Is re vrc'aentett to be : because our prices are
alwa's right ali because _
l , I i.s a pleasure to patronize a Live
Department. ' ,
' The coming weelt will bo an exceptionally tntlr08t1 one even for the active Silk D.-
' ' partmllt ; IIh real ' line Hlcit Silica . slch rare and blautful I Evening Suits Slt i'mmchm -
I' creations of art lu . venlng 81ts sleh
and at
' I , . ' been the Pleasure of Novelty thin Omaha Silks. public. Iml stch economical prices , have never hefore
Novelty Sills
Exclulvo St 'lcs.
, The newest effects In Printed WUl1 Tnt-
- ' , fetap , Fancy' Chameleon , Brocade Titifotus .
. ; Blts that are near Ilrfeclon , In hundrcds
_ . . .
i. ot "I tyii' " itt
r , 49c , 69c , 85c , 98c ,
; 4 $1.00 _ and $1.25
- - - - - - - - -
Evening Silks
\\.e Ilouht If such a stock was ever before
: , - . thown In Onmalma-ituch a Iherl assortment
, . so wisely clsen , such low prices tn Dre-
, - , den \1\1 PrInt , Chene Effects , Iomp.dour
t- Ores ,
Grins beautiful flowered effects , lt
: 69c , 98c , $1.25 , .
, .
. $1.50 per yard
4' - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, , , : '
. : . 'A'gents for
, .Bu tterick
" .
: : : . : Pattern
- . Giving away bicycles and
beautiful Presents
I Fine
Black SillS
Exquisie Black lroclles , II exclusive de-
IIxcus'c -
511815 I . no . ) two nieces alike . \xcus'c l tp-
Taffetat. . Irol'111ed Gras Grln . Satin Fig-
ul'PII Ben alnes , Ilautful Stn ' 1"Ig-
Siripes , nQ such qualities elsewhere at much
low prces :
49cJ 69c , 7,5c , 85c ,
$1.00 and $125
Satin D1tchesse
Such an opportunity on lIne
was IICV { ' ( ' opportunlv Iefore fe rel II Omaha Satins Our
huer purchaselt 5 ) pieces at auction whIch
10 on sale at less than . other houses
Imy ( the sa : mutt i imal ltl&'s-
69c , 75c , 85c , 98c.
$1.00 , $1.25.
$1.50 , $1 75.
de Che11es
: piec'es Chlnl ' Uros. best ( lUitilty '
.10 Chemmc's . imetuahly worth $ . IUllt ) ' C\epe ,
! n
Iltual yard
bI tie , ph uk . ) 'ttow , (1'111 ) ; whie S. , ete" , till In j
ale thiI week halt 01
lll at hai th'Jlr value , li
68c , 68c , 68c ,
68c 68c , 68c
" I Furniture- -
t - , During t1icsae of thc O'Connel & Anderson stock of '
; F.urilurt there is 10 price made but we can undersell it
: . _ \Ve are the
ar making price NO\V on Furniture. Sale in
t full blast this wcek. The choke pieces are going fast
, - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
; p I , Butter A , ' Down IiAniiN's. UUQrC.unl"y - Iluttt'r - .
, er'ay . 0'\11 Be , 9c. lIe and 12c
: WO ilaydstu's wIll soil Uuter yr'ui lS Ialu hue thl n crlall"ry wel ! l'ttto4LUmtttC : ! you I''imr ' ' tit ; It In yonI / I lift' t'0 'Ilt 19 = . lie sure , timid attend
I - ' - - ' ' _ - = - - - - . - ; : , - , :4 : ; \ : ;
RRrment of the Ilnrk lantern fraternity which
has been II poser since 1891. In 1891 the
running expansee of the city , including all of
the funds except the school fund and the
slnltl rUlrs , was $ G6i,000. ! In 1894 I harl
been run tip to $781,000. In 189l I has been
worse. "iii audition to the extravagant e' '
leldlurcs , " said Mr. Ioppleton , "wo have
11d a teralcalon of $30.000 or UO.OOO , nobody
knows ; how lueh , anti nOhoty will know
how touch until we turn the gang out and
put In honest len who will go to the bol-
torn of these stl1ls.ppIQI3e. ( . ) The lues-
lion Is shall ' , to these ' \'eli
I lon shal wr sly melt : 'Wel
don , good 311 falhful servant , go onrl rob
us sonic more , ' or shall wo MY : 'You have
been wplgIel1 In the halanee antI found , want-
Ing , Yen shah n longer bo attn eervnnts. '
Who are the n1m who are supporting . . .
Broaleh 7 To whom will he ewe his elec.
tlon In cao he wins this fall ? Who are
bphllli hln' but the very men who have heen
renscn. rhblnf , " the : city \111 the taxpayers wlhout
Mr. I'oppieton el t attention 10 the fact
that : durin\ Iiromttchi's arlmlnlstraton 11 ISSS
the rate of taxation had been increased to
4 [ imilils . which was : record breaker at that
time. 'Timen " continued "
lme. contnuerl time speaker , "lS
If that was Omit enough the next year ho In.
erflwell I to 48 mik thl largest levy ever
hhl on the ta'pa'lrs or tItle el ) ' . Mm' .
Ih'Jath boastD or having left balances II the
funls , or the city. lie hail , lalle the taxes
w high Ihat he onldn't s\cndnl the money. "
( A pplatmso. ) .
Mr. Poppleton xl10sed liroatch's connection
with ! Iho ( gjs steal antI polnle,1 , out - number
or the glaring robbre ! to which the cly
had been subJletl I ( himring the atiniiiietra- . ! I
ton ! or the vlnrlcllon sreltr. anti closed by !
mirging the \ oters or the I.'mh ward 10
stand by the Chiizenim' Illgle ticket from lop I ,
to hotom and cleal alit the robbors.
Charles A. Coo c1dllate for clerk of the
courts Thomas Swobo' . c1dlilte for city
treasurer. J. J. Iolnts. candidate for coult ) ' .
judge O. C. C3Iph ' l. caltdate for county
clerk : . Sheriff Drexel John I Heilclt and
others 1IIIros"11 the meelng , which lasted
until nearly 1 o'clock.
lFl.'liiXSE hAS IgJX A "A HI'ln : .
"nll.11 I to aiim lii. 1ilLAII ) ' .r Is ( Jnhl . .
t'or humm'immi.t.
SAN FRANCISCO . Oct 2t-The p
In the Durrant trIal practically closed to-
day. Another witness lay bO examIned
briefly tomorrow and then the prosecuton
will begin the Introduction or testmony In
rebuttal Although munch Important evidence
for the prosecuton Is yet to be eimhnmtltteti .
the case wi Irohahly go to the jury at the
close oC next week The hinprssion now
Ilrevals that thu defense has materially
strengthmeneti the prosecution . falling to ES-
lbllh : a single fact that Attorney IOuprc ) '
In his opening stntelenls saId ho would
show. Alholgh he announced that an alibi
would be proved , no witness appeared to
swear that turrant ) was elsewhere than at
l n\nuel Baptist church when Blanche Ia-
mont was murderel I.'allng 10 show that
Durrnt was not at the church , tim derense
has attacked the credibility of the wlnesses
who testfed that they Haw him In that
vicinity In comllalY with Miss Lament
This afternoon Dr. G. C. McDonald was
called 10 give expert testimony on the
haluclntlons of elderly' wonton lie nil-
Iller that In a tme or great excltemlnl
over tl extraordinary crime elderly womun
oren beclne : Ils3c3er with the delusion
that they had knowledge or the existence
of alleged ructs. The lenlell , however . that
elderly women were likely have
more lkely to such
hallucinations than anybody else. The ! les-
tlon vaim phlnly for the of
ton wes purpose ( thrwlnr
discredit on the testmouy of Mrs. r.ealte and
Mrs. Vogel , two or the strongest witnesses
for the proseutlon.
Charles T. Llnlhal , who I Is asserted br
the defense was mistaken for Durrant by
Pawnbroker Opjionheimu ) proved n disappoint-
log witneas . He made several conlielng
statpllnts , among which was the assertion
that It "itS In the afternoon Instend or thin
moring that he tried to Ilawn ii ring at
Oppenhelm's '
The defense Intends .to show by' ' Robert N.
Lynch , I v , I. Oeorgmi . Gibsap's private seen'-
tary , that he give ! . Miss Gunnlghar ( ] , n
newspaper , reportr tM flrat'cle\v , tb Iht
fct tal } : , , lT . Leaie hal , seen Durrant al1
Miss Vllont enttt .tho church 9P the afer-
noon or April 3 , The object Fth" quet n
was 10 Impeach one feature or Irs. I ; akq's
testimony nnd to show that 11ev. ObsOI ,
In his zeal to convict Dtmrrant . had been
Instru1ental In maldug publc la1arln
evhlenep agiiinat hIm. Lynch said he III ! !
not tel Miss Cunningham or what .Mr :
Leake had Fnll , as at that tme he did not
know that Mrs. I.ealc had any information
0:1 : he t case.
Attorney Dckl' on was sworn and tOCk
th : ? stand himself for the purpose ot ident-
fying a leather tm'ap b.arllf Jncho'VI-
monts la1e. which lie said vas pl'nl to him
b ) mal last July hy 11Imown parties. Ther
\IS objection 10 the 'idmuttlance or 11m strap
or an exhibit , The court withheld the rul-
log ott ' the questIon Intl toiiiorroiv.
A long deposition front Chnrles E. I Clnrl .
a travelng saisamnan who resitimea In this
city , hut Is Is now in liaston . was read. 'he
, lt'fenue expected to ) eve by Clark that he
had gen Miss Lai'oit on the uCeroon mf !
Apri 3 , acnmpanE.l by a maim other than
Durrant Clarke bald that he could nt
pu'cttiveiy fIx the diite. and the nl
pllslivly fx dllE. only tiioightt the
HIII ; was : lb I. mont trout the fact that
u ! 10 IsemhlEd I plcturo of nhncht I.amoul
which hI saw In I newslJI ) r a few day
' .
hat or.
An iitteinptvus made to Ilscredit the tCi.
tllny ofV. , .1. Phiips. 'vito said hI saw :
1) art .i itt tntpr I Oppe nit " imu's shell , \prl I : . hut
, .
this also fell fat .
llt'L"I'ilf4 hl.tVEIT'i'hiI'IIi : f\ 'iVty
1..I"I' " 11.,1. , . ( " 111 liltLsi' .f th. .
" ' "r.I ; S 'I..t I" " 11'1111. . .
INNIIO.IS. . Oct : . - , \ the ntesion or
the house or ihoptmtieim or ilia
Ilputeo Episcopal ccii-
volition today : the 're.'ignatoim : nr ltev. Di' \ \ ' .
n. huntington of New York fi'omim the con-
Htlulonl revision committee was acCpteth ,
fnd II 'v. Ur. : lorp\n iix. also or New York.
\\IS electell In his .tcarl.
'rite committee on new IIOCI I rpported
that hero ( , worn sonic constitutional 'Iulston
II'ol'cII In the reQuet or the mlFslolH
Jurlsleton of norther Texas 10 he erect , ) , 1
Into a miio't'3 ' an,1 , recotninenileti ,
I I10cwa l'ecOI/ellcrl that Ie
malter hs referred , to Ih , prollcl cuiiminittne .
This 11Y Ilrevet acton hllng tallell mitii ,
tQo next COtiVStti'ofl. The committee portell
favorably on thl appropriation for the oree-
ton or tile missionary jurisdiction . or Ache-
villa out of the we.tlr hart of the IHlsJit
diocese or North Cnroll" . The reasons of
the cession beIng called : for Sias leJee or
North ( 'arolina mpoke al iemigth 1'owlng
that the teulnry IJopo ' : (1 to he coiled was
growing mlst Ipltly ' mid In a few 'eals
would bClcme 1 eH - , ; 011portng tloep l. The
report was then unanmously ! concurred , In.
Dean 10Im In reported thai the house or
blhol 111 recedeJ from their choice or the
word "synod" Inl.teat of ronvention. and had
agreed 10 ! II up the "pdma'e" ' r.cnienc'atimre.
With these eonct ' < oIS thin house allopter
article 1 of lb . rtvllol , and tnt much 18
seller wihout further consideration by the
revision coimmmittco.
A long list of memorials 10 tpceael , mel-
beu haiti \\n'J rlarl ant , devotIonal exercises were
.t rim Pismis l'nss 111'111. ) n'.I ) ' f.
nAI.TI IOm. : Id. . Oct. 21 1895.-Special
Dspatch ! to "Dee.-Seelng the San Antonio
dlllteh to the 11ress accuning the Baltmore
olclJls of the , \r8ms Harbor City anti 1m.
prO\mlent Ca of haul faith . In selling property -
crt ) at their naltmore office , \ he ! refusing
to do 10 alransu Pass , our correspondent
caled their attentIon to the matter toda ) ' ,
TI : president ) I'onounce1 the report imn
Ilallplly false . and &ya that nothinG wilt
bo sohl until the breakwater 18 further all-
'anceiI and some t'aiiroati and oIlier '
\anced I'alroad de\'olop-
menla made
- .
SI.I.I'I n"llh I lt Chit'vokei . .
CUIOn p. Ia. , Oct 21.-Special-Mrs ( ) .
Mary North , agel 63 years . dletl
Slt\1y night at the homo of
her daughter of neuralll at the
heart. The funeral wi he held at 3 o'clock
today anti the rnulu Interred In Oak 11
cemet r ) :1110. North diOde here from Iihinol .
to live with liulhler about 8 year aGo ,
and was II excellent health UII 10 fifteen
mlnulei before she died . .
( 'hiermtlcs. COl mit ) . 'l'rmtt'iit'rM ) lIi't
Of pROlnm , Ia , Oct. 21.-Speclal.-\ ( )
meetng of tIme 'feacher , ' Central association
or Chllolee county W3 held at Larrabee
Saturta ) The meeting \\'as largly attended.
principal subject for discusion was
"Child Study , " amid It was thoroughly ills-
by the teachenu. .
cused tuoerl present !
< " : l " ; : . ; : < " . - : , : . . .
ritzsillqlllihjectcd } to Any Ohlugo iu
1 i 'riginnl Program ,
' -
1lt"Nt f'"IIINnl , IN tt ! nhNttuh'
: Unllr , } ur . 11.,1 I . 1.1.-\ t'll'l I
tl t : ' " " . 'lh"UN ' Corhis , Cmise
.tt'Ii/l ; / . . lt' ' hlttie hook ,
. -
HOT SPRINGS , Arlc. , Oel. 21-Thcrt wi
be no contest between Corhelt anti Fltzstmn-
mons unlcs3 I be dn impromptu one , shorn
of Ilre cIerlngl or ring rules or referee
anl seconds , for Corbett says that unless
I.'lzslmmons acts the man a 11 aecoinmno-
dates hlmselr to clrcumstnces ho wIll " "enc
him h 10 n h3plal" time first time he meets
him h , anti that lie \ ill go ( Iule a way out or
hl3 scheluled rout to meet the attenuated
Cornishman. Today there was a conferouce
between Van A. Stuart , Joe Vendlg timid the ,
Lighters , tIme latter by proxies , Brady repre- .
settling Corbotl lritzsiinmoiis' ! alre ego i
boln his ' .
being brothor-In-Iaw , Julm. ,
Tomorrow the Iulnl or Chancellor Leath-I
erman Is to bp taken before the supreme
court by time attorney general , anl the tribune
or last appeal lt'Iy-cOnsUnie several days In
handing down a final hearing In view or
this Cncl a 11 anticipating a fa\'orble .le-
clllon , \,1 Stuart called the I.artes In Ln-
terest 10Kether amid staleel time coiimiltlona.
Stuart wantrt13 postponement until November
16. lie argued that even I the court of
Inal resort sustained the decisIon of the
chancellor , It would take that long to restore
confidence anti , get the crowd to lint Sprlng3. ,
Brady , for Corbett . was wiing. Julan was
not Ieapite the fact that Corbett weut Into
training a week before his prospective op"
imonent Jultan' , contcnled that his man \ vas
too "fine. " and that to train for several da ) ' !
after the , original tIme would militate against
the condition of 'hitesimmons.
The prollosllDn was then made to have thin
men light In private for the laln stake
$10.0QO n 51mb ? . lere Stuart interjected al
offer of an arlled $10.000. lrady was agaIn
willing . hut .Julan demurred. lie opined
that the club . If I pulled time light oft on the
31st or October , waul have 10 make gooc
its full . promise of $41,000.
Stuart asked for time . Corbelt has grontell
I. i Flzslmmons has exacted his foil Iloun,1 , or
esh. The Florida Athletc club at 12 o'cloek
today declare,1 , the contest between .h. J.
Corbel and Iobert I'ltzslllons oft ! . Martin
Julian . Fitzsimnmmmons' manager , refused 10
agree to the postponemet or thin date as de-
Hlrel b ) the ciumli. He saul 1 lzshumons hall
trained to light October 31 , a 11 was un-
wilting to train two weeks longer. Moreover
Plzsl ulons"har eontraeted 10 tht CerbcH
to a tnlsh aud he was unwilling to ehmamuge
time proral to a boxing match for points.
It Is given out .that Julan will have I"ltz-
slllons In D11as on the 31st. where his
contract stipulates the fight. ' shall occnr anti
claim tht fOtfeitf $2. OO. This Is the latest
status of thi : eape.
The progrll dow Is to substute Peter
Iaher for 'Plzllumons ' In a contest with
Corhet anti another man will be able to
entertain Steve O'onnel.
LITTLE nOCK Arlc. , Oct. 21.-Tim scene
at combat \etweon the legal hen\'ywolghts
was transferill ( from hot Springs to Little
Hock this morning. The ring was pitched In
time suprem ! ' court chambers , and very iItti .
lme wan CP/sllld In the preliminaries ,
Attorney Ger'l'JI.lpnsorthY had JUdge lem-
mlnway In lila rter 10 assist tug slate , while
Attorney Martine ' was assisted by Colonel
George 'iS' . Mtit'phyne ! or the ablest lawyers
1rph-'ne 'cl
In 'the southJ ( 'A titJ bench was tlmero. Th
attorney gel ral , was time first . to toe the
scratch , ald ! opened with a petition for an
order restraining the proposel light from' taking -
Ing place pent : a hearing ot the on
It lnerls , Atltrty'MartIn ' sp1rred'ror time
nail the hearing 't tlm motIon was thereupon
thl theoupor
adjourned until 3. ) o'ehoek. " . " '
When informnedi or Fltzsintmons' nuke , 00\ .
frlor Calto' Gali that it' made no difference .
that there houlll be carnival .
! no at al. Should
the restraining hrder be granted the casr
will probably ! not come up for a hearing on
Is merIts until ! sonic tlt next spring . re-
levln ! the governor of further rosjolslblt ' .
In the event that the order be rerurd. Coy-
croon Clarke Inthuater that he might canIne -
\Ine time legislature to Iass a felony act
Chancellor I. atherlan or Hot Springs canit'
to Little Hock today oln
1.IUe company wIth A t-
torncy General Ilney anti lion " ' . Martin
and Colonel George Murph . attorney for tilt
cJub. Judge I.eathermal deelnerl to ho Interviewed -
terviewed concclulng his decIsion In the
habeas corpus case lie said the petiion for
.t wrIt at habeas corpus hd been Iletermined
before him . and an appeal imreyoi for to the
supreme court. The IJrle : deRlrlng an hn-
1'dlale heJlu front the upreme court
Jingo I.eathermal cale over 10 aid In get-
tlug the huh or ( ceplol9 and recorlll' up se
thai a speedy hearing mlht be facilitated !
lie eXium'Citst'ti I desire that the court at
once take IIp the case , and correct his rulng
Ir he haul marie an Nror. 'hen prereul for
a , stltenl fl regarding his decision he sail
that the lalOUIht 10 11etermlne the maier
m'egartiless of sentiment.
lALLAS Oct 21.-George W. Taylor , ehlor
of Cite Outhirte . Ok\ , fire department , who
\\'plt to lint Springs 10 lay before Dan
Stuart all offer or $1,000 for the citizens of
Guthrll 10 hl\e the prize tight 1lIId off II
that city , rcturncr to D.llas totlay on his
uvar hinutti' I. I Is confluent that I Guthrlo
_ w. _
wi get the f hl. He SY9 StUlt has hiic
Prposlion tinder arlviseleut lie says
Corhel I toll hlnhe I \ woull 101 go Into Ihe t
ring to anything but a finish fghl , lie
fa's Julan 10111 hIm thin Slmf timing for
1"ltzshnmou . As \othllg hut limited fights
are iosslbis II Arkancas , anrl as finish fights
111 he Iulcll of at Gulhrle. I he heleves t hat
lo\n wi fnJlr ha seleclel hy Stuart and
the Florida 1 Athl.'te i ) dub.
, m.shIItv \ \ " I'.iI"s(1 . ; \ I timlN .
lti'itt 1 11m CiIii'g' 1111 : ; : ; II , . . 11.t I'imtis
tl limo I'ltmI : II the until.
titSl'lTl I . N. Y" 011 21.-JImumule Barry
comple"'I ollcll .et , Inell latlen , In their
hOlt In I thO 1'mph'l ' '' t i chum hi Ilena , 11t
\S U\ \ iLrd'J tho' rl.clslol In the totm'thi
rculrl , although the IIht was to have I'en
twenty m'ouutmls. 'fhe Chicago hail bottler
of the hlnllmel ht ehamillolshill of
Amnericum . Vit5 tin' :1\0111 . hut Ihl I bettlmig.
I I di len's It'ookl frlenll is hmzuml
1II0ulh ul 'nrlrl'n' ' " Broulh.f I ! IUII
lots of faith II I. Iltlo cx-amatur , and
Imdter : him lt long Oll ) .
John t. Bul\'I ! . t'ntt'rt 'tiring ' lhe 11
amid \al gi'I'\ . grout I'C"t'imtion. IIIIIII , )
wns "Qlnll ) - ' 1InJhell. II I t lii : eeclnll 11111
he svms 1101'fYI' \ ' , tnne" In .lccIJ.lin. Il
Ing . thit' ltum.t 'IJotl ' ( ' hlrll : ' snl 'uuomight , 10
sui . . hlr.lllf. Jtii' ' hffon' ! Inl tt'iium call ,1
\lr. hOI hits m'IQtt 10'i jav 'Ctir.g :
tIme HroodYlm.rul'y } ) . ) nff his feet , timid ,
t''ISIrI his month t to bolt ! Iko/ I I umholl
'I' ' " " ' 10'1 tede ri1 ciinch's tn the third . nnl
'ul ( ndltll tout numg"ul 10 Ia mimi [ heav ' one IJ
iturry"ui t'hPe' ' ' , ' mttt'mmiimteil rmishmlmtg
. (
larr"s $ tllyl (1t rl hll ! ;
ta't icue . bit t ' ' 'I IIIhl'l not hung. In hue
fourlharl' ' " . . ' : ! t / straIght nigimt 10 the
vi miul . and 'ml ' 1"lrlel < I mm elicit ven' . . ho a' . 'fhree
tle went thin l'jcl o boy"u right to the
jaw , , senthintl-'i . m , & cmi through thin rOlle
tikitl "rt ' ) 'l , tack 10 th" center , only
In lit' sent ttiI1iith : hoar l/al : . lie plainly
harl I no cIt. , mint' IAII : t the / chllllion In I his
( 'Ius . ori ) J..TII lust StOPIIIIt the
hOlt : ftc m' OIU mInlle I unit , twel I y'-t bree
tennll ; of thg.xcund had been rQuqlit.V - -
III ; ladlp1 ( thj.'il qortain defeat anti terrible
punIshment I _ I " . _ _ _ _
.1.hINII SI.tH I : . .w ) Inrl ;
JOtIA\J.TII' , J < Et , I.-John A. Johnson
today pros'otilthJt t he has lost none or Its
ablt ) . to lower records , antI had there not
been a slcht , lr.Hl/tllle to out , of the
'uais pacing him. the track record for /
tulle with t'lng Ilart % Ileerl W011,1 , mroimably
hl1111 , hovprlng nroull i:4. : ! \s I
svas , huowes'er. lie lowered It eo 1:4 : 1,5. baat-
tour I.'t 11110" ' Ilrofsslonul recorll or
1IG . b ' two anll , .
: t.5. by' timree-ilttiis econth
itt the cIS3 ) n trlll ' Oti.u'igier was the
bright particular star he Inwerhli the
IlacE two-mile slanlll start reconl or
4:0t. : matte here Ins year by Johnlle Johl-
and Ion , . to 35i : : , aelal ) ' clI'plng : oft len .ee-
1'Ime by thirds : John ol. 0u1. : : 1:10 :
tH : , 1-5. Zellltr , 0:12. : 1:16 2-5. I 1:51 : 1.5.
2:1 2.5. 3:12 : , 3Gl. ; The later Is nearly' three
seconds aster IIe the flying start record.
Quad pacIng ! wns Isell excluslvel .
l'mm'oi'M " 11. . I I'l line. . .
LOt'ISVII.LE. 1 { ' . .
LOtIS\'I.I.I iCY. , Oot 21.-The second
fal meeting or the I.oullvme & Driving and
Vain Qs&oclatnn : ehienod tOtlar. 'fhe track
was In ( aster I' n1.tlOn than when the as-
I 80claton hat Jlf Or't meeting. The 2:10 :
pace pro\'pj lip h'l tslradtfofl of the
I 'ay , and the Ik--.II ; utraclon \a8 Ir far the
_ : : J ! : ! ! , ! ' . : " :
hest h of the da- , Gulneteon the heat
h ) ' 1 hose from mn : T , who ts'nmmki Im't'
taken time hPt bud the l11stanee been two
'nrlls imtntlmt'm' . SU111rlll :
First race . 2:09 : ' . , $ ( '
rcl. 2:01Cf. pure $2,00 : Olallll'
\1Cf. \
\on ( In Atlllfht hmeumte. ' 1110 : 2:1r 2.I.a. . ,
others 2:11. : UI"ht ii . secotll , Lockhlart tiuIrul. NJ
Second race , 2:10 : pace , plrso $1.0 :
GUlnete WOI In Itrllht hmnt . "lle :
2lat' : , 2:0S : , 2:0 : " i. mla T seeonui . Raven
thint. Choral , Moreilmi . ' sl'ont. ,
' 1011\ ' lhroos'mt iuuid 'ttlummmtic Kimmg also
1011Irown , nlli .tnllc II ! IIAO
Thtim'tI race. 2t : trot , IJlrAt ,0' ) ( con-
Untell 1010I'OW ) : I'arl : 11111 won the
1 ' (01.1 Illt third helts In : .l 2:15' : . 1utr-
\lken won tim. ' Irst hat II 2:10. : l.uilim I" ,
hugo . : evmi'Ilkes . tibetl , . Innnot'khln ,
Chutsworlh nlHI " 'oortort C also stmrtc1. : ,
1,111':1I''I'U : : I' I : 111 ' 1'11' I : S'I'\ IOS h I : Hl'l'lt ( " " 1 t 1..1. 1'\1' : I . 11mm vi'
Ih''I' , : . ,
I 111tre.1 I'Iumm'hs : ,
LO.eIA\'II' : . n I 21--Secretary Price to-
(11) ' gl\e OUI a few figures / Itgallllg the
muttuke's of the npI\ rouls\le .Iocke climb
that Clocml tin time 151h Ilst 'rhl' shios'ing ,
1atl Is \ In : n1t'lnl 011 'fhl'l tlkts I
wert OIIII1II-lh. , Keimttieldy' 11111\ ' ror IMI7 ,
the ( 'Iarlt stakes . Inrl th ) I ell"l'ky OukH.
With Cllfolnll alll other relolo Illntl
) 't't to heat' frommm . the derby his 10W lW )
t'tutrics . time ( 'lnm'k uutnlci's li , Ilrl the Oaks
IG. I "lon Ito I 1)0111111 101lnntnrl t am' "
\V. O' I. 1 ul lletonol gim . who his tin uumcJ
Orestes . the u'Omt of Urlonle Inrl I rumim. nnle
Ing i . Cru ' t , nl.1 . olher t , ; ( 'hll'lp. 111. I I Smith I : ,
wlh I t t l1hlll I I ir a hlother tl
iongstreet 111 other . hlghl birth ones ; Ill
1011/ln. wIth twemuty' : J. g Mmmmitle'tm ( , wIth
Ifeen , Inelllll I I t1' I I .Ott grel Illln ! end In
l'ol : J. E. I l'efmhter . fifteen ; Hashforrt 'mimunor .
llllel. M/nol.
fourtctn ; 1t ltrotvmm . . Ihlrteln : lIcker &
Gentl I ) ' , ten I ; C' . I 'tinter & ( ' 0. , ten t lulter I i mig
the sister to The lulerl ' : J . .1 : ' Inellllnl : ,
milan : Pat Dunlt. eIght : K I" . lelral ,
, 'llht i I : I rein nil Ire ' . . Iln < : 1'lllsclllal'l : &
Son . 111 i ; I iou itoi s ! . mm t iii' ; J . Seluorm .
nine I : Illklns I .1 olmuusomi , 'ven : A\owlale
stnhle , 1010wlY I 1101.rlle stables , Dlx-
lan ' a Ilnhle. \ ' 1 WalnI' ) I'mln &
rahmip . S. S itrcmwn. C. It. Itcith. W. ' Ii.
I . : m tmmlemnum mi . J. 10111/11. i m K C. II'mlt. I I : , 111 I I I.
) ' 11 ! toidc amid Iln ) other
- - ' - ' -
Slnl\ ( 'It , 'mmlts I 111 ( 'html , .
SIOUX : ( "l'l'I' . Ol'\ 2l.-Simeclml ( ; Tt'le-
gram.-Iluclc ) W.rlght . , Illnger Ilrl owner
or the I.IICIII har bail tel 1 , has rl\l '
Irrngolelts for ( lie trnfll' If imis frutmu-
chlse itt the \ .amtm'rn Iswclnlol next ) year
From Llncoll to Sioux City . amid wi , It Is
saht , Ilhlel ) alnOlnce hits Ileclslol ut the
Chicago ruiecting. The rlul wi he tinder
Ihe (011101 ! oC I 10cII stock COl pl I ) ' . 10 he
oi'ganizei for the JI po'e , ' % v it lie hrlght
' 1 hlnptlr manage amid calltlil the ttam
ali pia ) ' hits old - positon at eec'omutl hase.
- - - - -
C..llr Itll.I"H ! , " ' . Irlllh" . .
CEDAR HAIIDS , Ia. , Or ! 21-Splcal (
Teiegramn.-'i'he Cellnr Haillis Athletic its-
nJcaton.vlh ( a capital stoelt or $15.0 was
organlze.1 . here tnnlght 'hl objechl or the
: : ! oclalon 11. . for thl pro\oton or base
hall . t.ll'ycln . ! Inll all athletc sports. A.
rancher I wa chost'n imreitieuut . U. S. lalte
sm'creiitm'y , anti Vtmnveclttemu ' ,
SI'CI.tlr In.1 Hnlllh'al'lehl < 1 U'lasurer
'fhe n srclaton tvlii incorporate under the
law9 of the slate
- - - - - - - -
Irul" . th. . U.lhl. l.lllr ) ' lt'o'cmrl.
IUI"I"ALO. N.Y. . Ort 2L-I ' redellclt C.
I urhmlll yesterdu wheellrl the double
cenllr ) ' COlr 1 from Blfalo In Krie , i'a. .
multi retlrl. 210 tithes In cle\'el hours , ilfty-
eight minutes ulII Orel'l secomiuls . This
records. hrealt both the stnlt 110 American road
_ _ _ _
" 'IN J CluN" ' ( ; 1. . .
COLLEGE St'JtiNGS. Oct. . .
SPHNGS. Oct 21.-SlmecIuml.- ( )
A gauuie or foal hal this afternoon
between the College anti . \ '
helwcln rollle Sprl.t. anlt11)
college elevens wi's won Iml ' h ) ' u
score of 18 to 12. I
Iul UII ' 1..h. . th. . NI tl.hmJI.
I.ONDON , Od. 21-At the National SportIng -
Ing cub tonight . II I tin-round comutest the
Alerical. ! at Duly , beat tIme London
tighter , Arthur I.oelt. .
- - - -
unl.1 11 Xtr'I ! IOI' ! IlnUt''oIS.
Sioux lJ ' Y.111 )111 )1'Ht.rl"INI ) '
. Ur"I' " ( Hit ur SI&thut. t
SIOUX CITY , Oc ! 21-Speelal ( Tele-
gram.-Much ) excitement has been cau3ed
here by the mysterious dlsapllearlnco of B.
M. Young , a tromlnent young soclely bus-
Incas anti club man here . YounK cale to
Sioux City from MInneapolis last spring as
representative or the Interstate BIUding and
Lan association . but har trouble with the
company early In August and left its em-
plo ' ) - flnoe tben hat IUl ; been acting hs . man
a'ger of the Sioux City Athletic foot hal
team , all at the tIme or his disappearance
had funrs or the team to I considerable
amount In his possession. lie sas In debt
to many people tn the city , und when he left
secured mileage from n local ticket broker on
thin representatIon that he was shill lit the
building oclallon's employ and would
hUldlng Ilplo ) PY
for the ticket later. Young's rather Is a
we lthy tobacco merchant In Chmicago antI
hLs uncle Is on the supreme bench In New
York. The young man himself \\as formerly
a student at Cornell university. IL Is I rn-
mored Ihat lie had a similar expprlence In
Burlngton , hut that his fattier settle'.i for
him there. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
" ' .u'lhll oil J hlrI..I' ( u. . . .
MASON CITY . la , Oct. 21.-Simecial.-Tiie ( )
tate Is building UII a very strong case ag31nst
John Vmehua < . who Is accuser of the murder
of henry nuhrmasler , anti \ ho Is now on
trial In Mitchell county. Last March lluhr-
master was founrt dead In Vacha's hares !
shop and his body party burned . anrl near
hll , sleeping In a drunken &tupor , was
Vacha. I has Ile\eloped that four men on-
gageti In a drunken brawl and about mIdnight -
night all went Into the harness shop. Later
Iwo went home and It Is supposed that
Vacha and luhrmasler got Into a row antI
the former choked the latter tn death and
tried to burn tIme bed - ) 10 cO\er - up his crLiuue.
- - - -
IU"1 : : lh"'I' St'lle .
FOlLY DOUG . la. . Oct 21-Slmecial ( Tele
gram.-The ) miners at work for time Crooked
Creek anrl ! Core ) ' companies at I.ehlgh struck
this morning ( for ni arnnce frm SO cents
10 $ per ton. They were working anther an
agreement made last spring . which waR to
last l one year TJt operators refuse t give
the advance. 1'hc negroes at 10111 for the
Webster Counly . lnlng com\JI ) ' refuse to
' uit. ' _ , _ _ _ _ _ _
. . .
I'IMtOhhi't' Su f. II. . " . .
SIOUX CITY , Oct 21-(8Ieclal ( Tele-
gram.-The ) postotCl safe at hills . 11nn ,
was blown open and a quantity or slamps
and a few dollars In 'uh obtllne,1 Three
at tral\ ' have been arrested on sUslclol.
jy4iPo7fi -
, 'r. ' . ,
, : ' , . . .
. w . .
" . .
owe , iov
Both the BN.OYS wllll
Syi'tip ' of Figs is taken ; it iR i IleRant
mil refreshing to the taste , and net
geut ) yet promptly 01 the Kidleyl ,
Liver and DOWeR , cleanseR the RYS.
t3n olcCtual ) ' . dispc colds , Ilad-
aches aud ( f'os'ci'i and '
fo\ors our Jiauituia1
'J stipation. Syrup of Figl if tim
Dilly Ilelly of itH kind 0\0' pro.
ducel , uleu'ilg ) to the taste and ao
.eptahl to tile Ilohllh : , prompt in
it' action aUIl truly hCleftir ill its
clients , IrCIal'Ctl mily frm the most
Lealtliyaiud agi'ecahlosuibstaiic'es , it
mauy tDctdIehit : qualities commend it
tc aH :11 . haVe made it the most
P0PIIIIIL' rOled known
Syrup of Figs iR 101' tale * in 50
ceut hotleR ) hr all leading drug-
giKt. ' Aliy rollble dluggilt who
may not have it OR hand will 1)10. )
rmro it ! urlply for all ) ' one who
'sIie . to try it. Do not accpt : any
IllbstittltL' .
SAN uFM.VOlOO / , fLU.
" ' FIMic/sca "
aD1VILLi ! . irr. &w ( P'K. Nr
- -
i - -
I _
. . _ J . "
16th and Farnanl Sts.
Greater Bargai11s
Greater I11et1cet11el1ts
Now is the time to anticipate your walls and get goods
I at bankrpt prices , thereby saving about hal thc
usual retail prices ,
NO SAMPliI3 l 5 SLiN'r. ) .
SILK I : DE i : : PT ' Wo mime selln hugh h jrndn ! I ; ut sUl'h low figure. ttmuit
' ' , jlre lmt
. . every ! 1I 1ln : hl\'UJId 101Ihiu rlhrlco lllo's price
Ihal h they nsualv : , nY fur thin cmitmmmmutmtm grumules. )
2 2-i ' 1 CH 4L'- SilK SU AI1S . Au i'imhor.s . lmamuisommmi. : ' COIIIUU , IU . ) jruei. .
wurlh . 45c , lnl I I < lpt i Halo : p rIco t' ' ly , p 'r , .IlllsOIII' . ' . . . . . . . llrJt . . . . . gouu . . . 19c
27-lt CH A L SILK CR Pt3tJ , ( immail ctmtors , desirable
r.\ " , 1llluUIIL I Hrle 1'1100 uul ly' . 1101 O"Hlculor Ylrll , . . . . . ' . . 11b10 . . . . . 1'11orth . . . . . 19c
BLACK TAF.ETA PL SSE Mi il " $ , tmi'gnmt , , . h _ . '
shylisim ,
. ulaIL. gooll yior.uc's
I.rlei : 1,11 Iru I PI lt i ,10 p Al Illy , )11 ) YII.II. . sll . . . . . ' " . . . , . " 11 . " . " . " . 59c
24-INCH B\ K i TIN rAHDr1 . flit'gntutimistro 1 ! , all 'milk guitmul' , .
ltimmkrmm po : iiio iumico fitly , per yard \r1 : . . . . . ' . . . al . . llt . . lulI . . . 79c
HEAVY ULACK OR IS Q .1 I 'J . iieuimmtlfmml ! . luritchit , soft .
lenulhll. . himmisim. uthi '
Ri. I , cUIII.It lmlh I look ull weinl : tmg q ' mm : hrltII I t . Iur .U ful IH'lco IIHI' i . '
I : ii i , rim itt : : in linen it mm I v , iunr y Iearlul . 'luIllo. . ' . . . . . . . . him' . . . . : . . ; 79c
13 LAK l iATIN D I ICHE I S E. : IIII'Ivll" , svarm'iumtemi , all , li ii. sat lls-
\vll" -
fnctry i wu'uit' . g iua iii mm I em'ul , ( trIg hl I , lmi'uim : tm tim I warlulerlll ' Ik. I ! _ : .
htamm k r u im ) t S.t lu II rice enl , ' t'th . aulltulloHI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11'lee ( : ; ol : 59
lal rlll ) ItO i' y nll. . . . . ' . . . . . , . . . . . , , . .
- -
DRESS GOODS DEl " ? T . &lhl Nou''r ( al temurn Sllh final recIiesly .t'la st loud '
1 reL.esily
luw mmnlcu's .
B1AK ALL WOOL H N R' ' ET'rAS , - luwrll'
French I . . 1ru' 65. : O-lnohJuotlllnak : \ricollly , yuinil Bite twi . . 37c
FRE CH SERGE . , 40-limt'iios witltuimimtii sides alike . _
Inl imottt'r for 'er\ICl' . .ilor4e's 11110 ( . ; ( ' . hi ulmkt'tmlmt Sale price , ) imotim48c .
BLACK NO . ELT V CO ODS. ll'iitttlSimi ' anti ' _
El crepe tlgm red emfocts . I
Purled rur lll . ''s L'im IttiO'iS , ylmmm'tu's imnit'tu 3i. furl'"II'I'tct J . . . . . . , .II . . . . .
. pm leo ommly' , you-ti . . . . : . . ! nlll , . , . . . . . . . Irll.u . . . ' . . ; BanJo'nUL . . . . . . . .a1o . . 95c
C01.0RE ' N 1VEI TYlt Inchls iu'Iuie cii colors new counbimimotiomus
dlslrable shuttles , : lorsl1 price wllt' $1 11 ' i.nJ : : Iltimmkruium. lmrit'n , y'iurmf ! 49c
CLO AKI N os. An elegant line of seasonable gootle , '
.o and no t lho /anlmUl : Ino SaJI Price only , 10lls . I'ellucl . . . . ! . . from . . . $1 . 98
LINING DEPT SllEr S-Jor waist iimmltmgmt. both
- - siti es twi I icti . u t . .
slles twiled. tr(11 i j111 ' flu : In. I
Whl , yhumise'um . ,
! lmriet 17e. iiANiti-
lW1' SALE : PH Jlrlcl : : iY , % 1- , 10c
CRRS CI - n few ' heft ,
OTH-Olly fol plull' Ilrt uili linen eotmilq , Mom'smm's imrlco
, 15 , 3ANKIIUP'r siri 1'ltlCll ONLY ( \'Ahtl ) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc
HA ! ( "LTH-Immuptmrtetl l"r'mucti ottis , 'mlorao' , , price 70c , IIANKILIJI'p
SALI : , l'RICE ONLY ( VAlID ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ioc
- '
- -
T RIIYIIYIING DEPT-eiegamut just uuinuie three lmrlcrs on
- hIgh cost goods to cioe thtemn
mit. 'l'hmt'y' eommslt of l'cruian
SIlk I'assernetmtores , Jeweieui smith l'eanl Dress Tnimntutiiugs. Druids ,
Lot 1-Morse's price tip to $1.25 , TO CLOSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c
I4ut 2-Morse's imnlcC up to $2.00 , TO CLOSP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOc
Lot 3-Morse's price imim to $3.00. TO CLOSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c
A lot of Chenille , Silk anti other Fnlmuges , to eloso otut , gootis syhmich
cost SOc to S5c yard , IIANKIft'l'T SALE 1'1i1cJ ONLY ( VAliD ) . . , . 5c
CARPET and DRAPERY DEPT-- ' . full iii
- - look up your
% Vitmt $ Ott thui".o
pm.lS. CO tin imntl see otur stock ; our lmrlce will do limo rest , lYti
dollu , r'u iv iitti't , ( It lie r'c prc tmiti I 0 .ui Vo y'tll ( ( I I mmml's , cati stovu you
BesT lem' FIVE Yg ( rel. FRAME . . . . . . . . . BO . . . . . ) . ? . . . SRUSSLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CARPET-Mudo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : inti . . . . haiti . 85c
AXM1N.aTE : t haiti , lion yutnml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . si.oo
iii tttl ti ii mu ci latch , per yiu rth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55c
Im'islm Polmuis , fi' yuircls lotug , Per itair emily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Nottimm Itanu (3tmrtmtlmm'u , 3 ( yfIs long. per hair , 50c , sac , B'Jc'Jde , . . . . . .
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 ,
2fiO amal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ltummdsoune palteruis , per imalr 31.98 tumid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . 98
- -
- -
- -
- - - - - ' - - - - -
_ - - - -
_ -S
- - - - . _
- - -
- -
- -
j-ii- -i-- _ _
Look 1oii
. Trade-Mark.
. P1motogrph it on
' : . . yotir Ilucmnory. It
stamnis for all tiiat is
effuciciut , ecomiomnmeal
a clcamily atud durabc
. , lii lieitcrs : and cook-
- . -S ens.Vithi it as a
gtmimlc you will get
s'hat ss'iil eatisfy you ,
. jIARGEST STOVE PAWTIN [ THEV13IJ ' i'o Jale'rs ,
S7M , LYLE iICIE % ' & CO. , Omahimi"i
A. C. 1'i'.M1R , Sotmtli Omniultit
- _
I - '
I'/ , ' / . : . ;
( ( i , a - , \
I _
' . _ 4 (
j ! : . - i )
_ _ , , '
' I ' 4
' -
. . . I ;
. -
- P . ft
'I ' '
1 ,
( My mama used Wool i'iaI , ) ( I wish mnino baa ,
1VOOLEiVS will not abninim It
Is used In tile laundry
Wool Iloati is delicate anti retrceCthg mtjr tdit , ii t'.if
. , .
posc. rh ( teit noah. " ; I'm bommehoid air
laundry uiurmioses. hi , ti ,1 b'ir at vdmmr iftalrrs.
Raworth , ? chmoae Sc C. , , Makers , ChIcago ,
. #
uic : pEP5iS
$ ,
genti 5 Ctnt. for imamuipte package , l'uumtlt'ccs
Chuemalcal commipany , hiahiimmiom' ' . Md.
_ _ Cc ?
: , , ,
- - ,
: . ,
. . . .
ul'hlI htMt ' ) ! , % oil'
lfliTiiii Murphy ,
itt fits ormgtnai criulian of
: ii.t V lIlt lCmC hilt \llIt. .
In hOYT'S heat Couneuly ,
SL1'flltl ( lhi' ) , % ' ,
Time stile of euts is uuoss' opott at the fol-
lowimug prIces . Fit St iioor , .Oc , 75c amid $ L.0O ;
hialcommy. &Oc anti 7. ' ; gaitery , 25c , 510 ( lOOt )
ltI'SEltV1I ) $ EA'l'ti ' . ' '
Vt' t.uJ C1N't'H I\Chi.
Dntrnt NEW
TwoNIizimt 1'ED , aiidTIlCllS. , Oct. 23-24
F'atmtomuim I'lay' ,
Till ULII JTtJJlliTEU. "
.innugl'nuemtt ofV5i WAItNINII'I'ON ,
'i'iit , Oi'lmoIniil ( ) iil Iiimmesl'mi' , ' lh'uhl. ,
, , ' I- .
i4ie't CuiilImiII ) ' UI 2:1 : lli 'erM-\ % liii.
, I'rt'il , l'ik'elm'ii'mtl i'iIhs'iIN ,
Thin cain uf si'at ivhih open at 'j o'clock
'rmmesthri y Imuom mu mu mc it t t ho foinss'l mtg h rices :
l"lrst litmom , Got' . Ti' amid $ h.'O ' ; balcony , Suit ,
tuid 75c. guiit'ry' . ' 5t .
1031-i'tXTONtflIIJRJiIt.iS , .Slgrs.
'i'ONlflhl'l' A' ! ' 8:15.'c'liu J ( "tim I m's N a' l'iiy
lj'gc.IAI 11 ( 'iN ilt' i41'i'1Af. m 'OMt'ANY.
Mumtlmu'uS ' .ini-ada ) ' usual I'Iccs.
'j'di , l511 - l'AXTON e lIiYflUi1S $ , irs.
: i igimls , Cmmiima'mm'iusec , 'l'hmmmm's , O. ( , J I ,
4l'lt ( 'I. ' . I , .t'l"i'hi A C'm'I I ) ? , ' .
( iAIIlCi ( itUl.lOU1 COM ItmANY
im't't I. "in air , lth'luiuil Manafiel'L'm , Carricle
Tbu , ul I" , Nc me t'ui I. t.ity , Itm
l'Laic 1- : , r.e nut lIlian Ieuite , $ LOi
Ii "i-i4m' hr of i.c.i it I'tour i I Iirat time.
i ' . ' l : , , " 'mu ' ) ' , 75 < ' , u'vsm : r'jts , tLmlcomiy' ,
I. . ' , r.m , U.ulu.ami ) ' , .i , . ' . , g3i"iy' , .e.
. , . . , . -
* -p--- ' -