Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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, ,8 .rnB OMAHA - DAILY ] i1E : TUESDAY } , OO'l'Onmn 1 5 , 1S9. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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GO G 0G scQ OQOG o ecee
Tell Ymu Wife y" i
I 'Vf -
that you have 1 $
read that Santa , " 'ri.i / i
I ; Claus Soap is 'VI'
one of the . I ? -
i greatest labor- , " - ' 'VI'I , , \ I
saving il1vel1- ¼ s l1 ,
. r
bOllS of the ' I. rp
g ti 111 e. 1 e 1 'f j" f { . I
her that It a
. . . ! ] e
will her
save " \ Ii
i strell th , save ' ' I \ I f/j. . / . . ;
, her tUlle , save ' - . II r. . , 2
her clothes. l\ \ / . I" " { 1
_ . . , ; g
i The merits of ' , , . , . , " . . ' i
8 appeal nt oncc to every thoughtful wOlllan. It's thc best , purest , and 0
U most cconoJl1icnl soap to uc procurcd. Sold cverywhere. Made only oy 8
The N. Jt : Fairbank Company , . Chica o.
; . 1L , r1 $ . F LOST iGOR
.4 . ' . . . , \ , . , \ . . When . In doubt wh'I , to use for N.rvou , fleWIhv Lou of S..u.1 1'0\\0' ( In .Ilher
. . . . .
. , . . .
I , . . t'i.- : " _ Iez. . ) Imlk'teocy. , . , . . tol'hy. . . VicoccIe . , and . sseaknesscs , . . . from . any causes uo
t $ . : " Sexier , . hils. . . . 1..10. . ch.cke.1 . . ! anl . full . .lg'O' . . . qutcUy . .Iorrd. . . If . . noIecIed . such
. trOUlle5 . , . . , rrsuU . , atally. . . Mall..1 . . . . . . . .al..I. for . $ i.oo . . ; , 6 loses For fs . . 00 . . With . . . .
ltcsult hl4 woeks. 1 ro orIer sc give is : lrsruneeo 10 cure 0' refoni the mone.ld.
8L1mUIAN ' & : McCONNF1T.T. DRUG CO" una Drnie Rtrect. Om nil" , Neb. 1
\0. : :11I : Uentberstni1 VI..IIIIIJC
rca SIIt'IIt II 1'ev 1I..u' 'l''I' , .
1Iks lodge No 39 of this city entertained
. Its rlelllls In a delightful social session last
night. Cot'gressmnn David II. Merccr lIre-
sl ( l ll over the meeting and Tom Ormsby
acted as chle of poll co. There were songs
Rllll speeches and refreshments for all . and
It was well alonl : In the small hours when
tho. jovllli Bills : graspell hands and united In
Ilnglng "Auld Lang Syne. "
Sto\'e IItollle and the small boys of his
thaw were present anti succeeded In 111'0-
voicing much merriment. IIrodlo sang a
iuinbor of tYllleal flowery songs , while his
. vouth(1\1 IH'oteges entertained the midnight
issembiage with a clever exhibition of spar-
rhiig Conroy and Fox , "tho kings of Celtic
luimor " by III' :
. were represented ) Conroy
Iione. as III' : Fox was tllilen 11at \ the eon-
: Iuslon of last IIlght's 11crformance. "O'Plal'-
IY's , flat , " "The Ilniul 1'1'qll < On . " and other
sultablo selections were well rendered by
Conroy and each received a hearty cncort'
'l'hera were three choice plt'ces by the
Sutol'lous Mandolin chub a song by Harry
l1urllley. n banjo sola \ : by 1. II. Cllllunlnrs. ;
, zither solo by Julius 1.'cstnel' and several
ell'Ctions on the 1lano by A. S. Hoe. W. N.
Rounds of Jackson , Mich. , lIIado a brief
peech , antI led the gathering In the rendition
) f a popular \ ballal\ \ Congressman Mercer
, Iniertlllnell the audience with all account of
. I fight he recently had with some Jallanese
I In a Toklo railroad depot. The entertainment
tom\l\ltteo consisted of C.V. . Ht'l. Jallles
! Alnscow and I.e\\'ls W. Habcr , chairman.
X : C w t'iiNtClihIfurIiIlI ; 'I'rnill.
On October : ) the Santa Fe route will In-
I ausurate now and strictly limited first class
lel'\'lco to southern CII\fornta. \ !
, 'fho California \ ! Limited will leave Chicago
t at 6 p. in . dalh' . achlng I.osl1gt'les and
Ball DIego In three days and San Francisco I
c In three and a hal dn ) ' ! ' , thus reducing the
time half a day. quhllllent will consist of (
superb new vt'Stlbuled I'nlllllan palace and ,
, cOlllllarhncnt sleepers chair car and dining '
TI C.Ir. : through from Chicago to Los . \ngele8
without chn,1le.
, 'l'hls will bt the fastest and most luxurious -
ous sel vice via any line to Calltornla. The
! present train : leaving Chicago at 10 11. m.
will ba continued , cJfr'lng through / palace
slerper and tourist slt'eper 10 San Francisco ,
: Rnll tourIst sleeper to Los Angeles.
Full partlculnrs obtained anti reurvatlons
; 1 secured from E. I , . Palmer. passenger \ agent ,
tcom I , 1"Irst National ll.lnk : bhlg. , Omaha.
' . .
4 IIII n.
4 I'UIT.LU'S-Mr. Lawrence PhIllipot Cdumllua ,
, Net . or Mr. I. Ulul'k , Funeral
will lake \'I1\l'o from Tlmlle or IIrael. homey
. . . . .fl. near : 41h at 1:3) : I' . 2n. Tuaiulay. BUm-
bin ot the ( 'onrnll'allon ot IIml'1 Ulld all
brolhtr 1111011' are invited to &ttend
To Mr. and 11'8. 1'hoodol'o Mayer of Schu-
'er ' , Neb. , a daughter , 011 October ; 14th. 1S.
There will be a Joint literary conte't be-
t\nen the Crystal League I.lterasoclet ) .
of Omaha and hJhIevue college next month
In I Omaha. ,
Owen Gahiigher instead of Owen Shannon I .
as 11'\3 IIrst reported , was Intoxicated and
trying hard to raIse D row In the neighborhood - ,
hood of Tenth street and Capitol avenue
when ho was arrebtrd.
Saturday , evening burglars entered the
re&ldencf' of Alb rt n. Smith a clerk of Kel-
ley Stiger & Co. . 2424 St. llary's : a\'enue.
They secured two pocketbools which did not
contain largo sums oC money.
Hev. C W. Sa\'ldge of the Pc-ople's church
will deliver 1tree lecture In the church
this ovelitug describing \ his recent trill
through Arkansas. lie believes there arc
opportunities there for poor men and will
devote a large part of his lecture to discussing -
cussing them
A warrant was sworn out yesterday for'
tIm arrest of Charles Caves for al'5aultlng
William Dickey ; Minnie : Wick for stealing
some household goods / valued at $18 : Mary :
llorrlsy : for keeping a house of llI-rellute :
George Schroeder for trying to defraud
Robert hamilton and llen Baird for using
obscene lanGuage
The store oC lllerllng & Kernel' at Sixth
and Center streets was robbed Sunday night.
The burglars pried open n shutter In the
rear of the building on the ground 11001'
Several Ialrs of shoes , some suspenders and
n. . number of bolts of dry goods were taken ,
but the thieves were scared away before the
money drawer was reached. The loss was
A. V. ntlll _ \ . \1. :
llembcrs : 01 Saint John's lodge No. 25 , A.
F. and A. M. , and \'laLting brethren are requested -
quested to meet at Masonic hall at 1 o'clock
today to attend the funeral of 13io. Phillips.
AI4F1IED M : . OLESQN , Master
! > >
'l'hirtiiiIi Cln' 'S"I'vlc .
MInneapolis and St. Paul Minn. . to Los
Angeles , Cal
Arrangements / have just been completed ,
whereby the Union PJclftc and conn ctlng i
lines will \ run n Pullman Tourist sleeper
Crum Minneapolis and St. Paul. llInn. : . to 1.05
Angeles Cal. , via Sioux City and Columbus ,
Nob.'IThlOUT : C11.\-OE : ; car to leave
lInneal'ollft every Thursday i:40 : p.III. , St.
Paul 8:1 [ , p. m. , anl , returning , leave Los
AnRelu at 2:00 : p. lii . every 'Thursllay.
For comfort there Is' nothing that excels
time tourist cars operated by the Union I'.lclftc ,
and It8 \ sn estntlllshrd ) fact that tlll line
makes fastei' time than any other line III ,
the west.
This already gives promise of being th
popular line for California travel , and ap-
pllcatlcns for space In the sleeper should be
made early . '
For information In regard to this through
car IInl ! , apply to A C. Dunn. city pail/NIger
aIIll ticket JIcnt ! , 1:02 Farnan II. , Omahs
1I8)'d2n ' Drol' add II on ago : .
Decltles to Leave ills Bench for Two
. W oeks ,
Gut n ' 1'111 limit ills . . . . . .ncr.'crc In
IIn.1 Shnl..Jn..A'c . " 'urrlN
win Sit In hhIi ,
Court -S .
JUdge Scott has taken a vacation for two
weeks. 110 announced that he would dose
so yesterday from the bench after
the second jury for this term of
time district court hall been el\1-
panelrd. As a reason for ( taking n Vaca-
tion Judge Scott said that he had been on
time bench for two years and had watched
with eagle eye that justice was administered
to all alike and equally and during all tliat
time he had not taken a vacation , whether
court was In session or not. Com'1uently ,
ho said that he thought he was entitled
to one.
This wall the only reason assigned by Judge
Scott for taking the vacation , but It Is not
the real reason. In fact , there are two
other reasons which undoubtedly carried
far greater / weIght In the Judicial mlllli of
Jullle Scott Judge Scott could not , con-
sie'ently however assign them as reason .
Ne\'ertheless. by taking a vacation at the
Present time Judge Scott hopes to kill two
blrdo with one stone
In the fin't place election Is rapidly approaching -
preaching , and as Judge Scott likes \ his
pl'eS2nt position quite well , he wants It
again. Humors have been rife to the effect !
that he will have nn almighty hustle to
get t're , and therefore one oC time very
Important reasons why Judge Scott takes a
vacation nt the present time 15 to have an
opportunity to patch up his fencc . ThIs
grave duty hall : certainly jo bo looked after ,
despite the act that the most important
caw on his docket and one of the most
Important which has ever como up for trIal
In this judicIal district , the Ish case , was
called for this week
So long as It was his fences In time city only
tlwt neellell attention Judge Scott was
able to do patchwork and remalnel , on the I
bench. lie has been Epeaklng nearly every I
night and It must be admitted that ho
worked like \ a Trojan. This work' too was
largely In the siunis allli when he was In
the slums ho did as time slums did. In alhII-
Lion to this . his private ofllce adjoining the
court room became n political headquarters ,
.lOd there he received reports from his hench-
Ileeently Judge Scott was given a nUdge
that It might be well to look out for his
fences In more distant portions of the dis-
trlct. 110 decIded that this advice was good.
lie picked out Washington and hurt coun-
ties as n good ' ; field and fixed n halt dozen
or more dates. Time vacation Is to allow hll\1
to keep these dates
hut JU'Jgo ' Scott had another reason for
announcing abruptly yesterday that he Intended -
tended to take n vacation rIght away , although -
though the other judges are satisfied 'to walt
until court Is not In session In order to obtain -
tain rest. A motion was to have been presented -
senlell to him asking him to transfer the
Ish lIIul'llor C.lse from his docket to the docket
of some other judge. This was the same motion -
tion which was presented to thin judges of the
district In banc last Saturday morning and
which they refused to entertain because It
hall not IIl'st beau presented to Judge Scott.
The motion was supported by n mimass of afll- !
davits from attorneys nllll others who swore
that Judge Scott had shown 11r'judlco In time
caso.Dy tearing the motion Judge Scott would I
have been placed In an embarrassing dilemma.
It was a hard position boo placed 1mm . but
Judge Scott found the key In the vacation
The court room was crowded with attorneys -
torneys and spectators yesterday In ex-
IlEctation that when the motion was brt/ught
bfore Judge Scott thera would be fun . A
good deal of disappointment was manlre&tell
when Judge Scott announced , even before the
work of empaneling the jury was fully corn-
pleted In order not to give the attorneys
for Ish time to sprIng their motion , that he
Intended to take a vacation and that Judge
Norris of time ' Sixth Judicial district woul \
jake his place on the bench In the afternoon
\I''II"'Ut. , for CUlltinuluA' I..h Case
ThIs morning Judge ; Norris who- has taken
Judge Scott's 11lnce on the criminal bench
lir the next two weells In order to allow the
latter to talk polltlc , will take up a motion
t9 : continue the Ish case until November 18
The motion was brought up III court yester-
day afternoon but JUdge Norris refused to
consider It until the county attorney made n
In asking for the postponement the count ) .
attorney said that one of time most Important
witnesses for the state III's. : Challple. was
cOl1fineJ to her bed In ( : Minneapohims and could
not b& brought to this city. It was thought
that without her the case could not be tried.
The attorneys for Ish vigorously oPPoslll
the postponement unless It was extended to I
the next term of court. Moreover , they
argued that before the motion was con- I
sidered It was necessary for the prosecutloll '
to make a showing oottlng forth what was
expected to be proved by :111'5. : Chapllle , nllll
also stating that she had premised to be
pretent when the cafe WII'S finally called for
trial Judge Norris tool time sallie vIew of
tl100 matter and therefore Illstructcll the !
CO\lIlI\ attorney . . . . , , . , , .
\ \ - - - - - - - - - - to nrpn.r" Iolq .lon\Uln ij3
" - - . . - . - . - . . . . . . . - . " . . " ' -3
this mornln . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
HIt Not lnieuuul tu . 'n ) " .
The care of the Omaha Brewing association
against Becker Dlerbower was begun before
Judge Ke'sor yestcrday. The suit Is on
a note for $2i50. dated July I , 1887. It was
given to J. D , her by hllll transrerrcd to
Storz & her and then soldl to the plalntltr
III the suit. It Is
alleged that In 1892 some
property which was given to secure time nato
was sold under mortgage anll that by the
sale $302 was obtained which was credited
on the 1I0te. Thl're Is still claimed to be
due $3.44i.25. Including interest
lIIerbowcr admits that he rave the note to
lieI' lIe denies imowever that the property
which was cold was covered by the mortgage !
which was given to secure the note and says i
further that he never paid anything allli did ;
not Intend to pay anything because the note
was outlawed by the statute of limitation.
IClul1 SuIt'N tilt. l'ullllt- .
- , n. . . .
uusta\'us 1KInkel lint , begun suit In the
district court against the coullty for 2000.
In his petition Kinkel alleges that he be-
came the owner , of two acres of ground and
oome buildings on the Belt line. Seine time
ago the county commlssloncrs ordered 1\ road ,
through the property. allli It was cut :
through. A bUilding whIch stood In the way
was torn down without the consent of Kinkel.
No Ilamage have been awarded him and
the suit Is brought to recover time value of
the bulllling.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'lIt"'r..UII I Oil Trlul.
The trial of Alfred , C. Patterson , charged
with burglary was commenced yesterday
afternoon In the criminal court. Patterson
Is supposed to have entered the residence of
A. D. MeAndrews , 1311 1 Davenport street on
the night 01 July and stolen over $100 worth
of propert Wyman Saunders another negro -
/:1'0. / whose accomplice Pattersoll Is supposed
to hl\\'o been In thto deed , pleaded guilt
to the charge of burglar some time ago.
) Uuur Court alni t'rN.
Mary Dwyer has been discharged from the
duties of executrix of the estate of John
Paxton & Gallagher have be/un / suit
agaln S. S. Deebe of'ismmer ( for $300 on an
accoumi t .
A motion for a new trIal bas been flied In
the case of SWen Nelson against Ann Christine -
tine Ilotz and others.
An applcatlon ! has been made for time ap-
potntmuent \ of a receiver for the estate of (
Michael : , I1Irt. The estate Is valued at over
$4.00':1. : '
The case of C. B. Doatrlght against J. C.
rnewold In which a verdict was recently reo
turned . III favor of ( the defendant , has be&n
appcaled to the Bupreme eourt.
J.v. . Thomas has asked the courts to
aWel'd him compensation for his labor while
ho acted 8I't ' the receiver of the AmerIcan
151\\1I1B \ bank. lie says that ho hooked out
tor the Interests of the bank's creditors and
traveled all over time ' state for them , but hall
never received anYJI7 , .
A illation hu boom filed to set saMe thr.
appraisement of lome property involved In
the case of C. C. OeorA ! agalnlt Daniel Ien-
Iiton , on the groundJhUlat It Is too low
In the county court the World Publishing
company : has sued N. n. alcoller for $421 ,
a portion on an advertisIng [ account anti time ,
remainder on two checks that were not hou-
orech Allothcr suit against / the same defendant - i
ant waD flied by tlto Ierchants' : Express : .
company for $415 for Iliforvlces rendered .
A neW trial has been asked In the case of
harvey LandCare against the American Fire
Insurance compan l.nndtare sued for over
$3,000 insurance , \\'hlch the company reused (
to pay on the grounds that there were liens
on the burned property of ( whIch they hall no
knowledge A verdict was returned for I.and-
fare recentJ ) . ,
CGCCCcccoGcccccccc oce
Only a brief sketch of the plot of "Charley's
Aunt" Is necessary to Indicate what unlimIted -
Ited opportunities there are for ( UII. Two
young collcglalls IlIvlto their sweethearts to
take lunch with them III the quarters of one
of the students , relying on the presence of a
we Jlhy widow , who Is expected from llrazll
on 1\ visit to her nephew , one of the entertainers -
talners , to give the matter proper ( orm. Uut ,
unfcrtimnatey : the willow Is unable to arrive
at the time aumnoimmicetl allli sends a telegram
notlr'lnC her lIephew of her 11elay. This
plael's the young men III a preillcamellt.
They do not wish to give up the pleasure of
meeting their sweetimoartum and know time girls
will not remain to lundwlthollt a chaperon.
They find a temporary sohilloll of their dllU-
culty by lIersuadlllg a college chum 10 1m-
peronato : the widow and he Is introduced as
"Chnrley's Aunt " As this aunt Is reputed to
bo worth several millions \ , suitors for her
hand come to the runt Inunedlat'iy , and the
masquerading ! 'outh finds himself In a position -
tion most emburraslng. The complications
which ensue are ludicrous III the t'xtreme.
The laughter over the comic situations begins
early In tim phay alit ! the spectators are kept
In a roar throughout the performmmance. "Char-
ley's Aunt" comes to time Creighton for four
nights , commencing Thursday , October 17.
Llncolll J. Cartl'r's ne\\ play , "The Defaulter -
faulter " which tells n story of Intense humall
Interest ; comes to the Creighton for ( our
nights , commcnclng Sunday , October 20.
"Thrllby" ' 18S succeeded In taking time the-
ntrlcal world by stormn a storm of latmgimter
the countess : encomiums showered upon It
by the press and tIme o\'er\\'helmlng busiliess
to which It Is playing ! stamping It as one of
the popular successes of time seasomm 'l'hrllby'
collies to tIme Creighton Thursday October 24 ,
for three nights.
. .
A''I.X'I'SI'I CI.\I. .
"ilL l.oul"'I1I" , XII..h'III" , ' Chuten-
minogmu ,
Will leave Chicago Union Station dally nt
10:30 : a. m , on and after Oct. 20th vIa Pennsylvania -
y1vanla . Short Lint' SQlld Duffet Parlor Car
alit ! Coach tralll throuGh IndIanapolis to
Louisville and solid train from Louisville
with Siceping Cars over L. & N. H. H. .
reaching Nash\'lIIo 2:11' : ' n. m. , Chattanooga
7:10 : a. m. , Atlanta 11:15 : a. 111. Low rate
tickets for sale by agents of connecting lines
In west and northwl'St. Dering , 248 South
Clark st. , Chicago , for details.
- I.u.n' i.t'i'ii :
lIuI"O"Ht JI"r..lou.
To polnt In Oklahoma Kansas Arkansas ,
Texas , Lotmisiana II111lan Territory south-
west : Missouri etc" , via the Missouri Pacific
railway October 22. Qne tare ( plus $2.00) )
for the round trip , For copies of pamphlets
on . any of . time above states . or further , - infor-
mmmatmon , auuress company's olllcel' . N. E . COl'
13th and Farnam 01' depot 15th and Webster -
ster streets , Omaha , Neb.
THOS. J. GUm'RE\\ . & T. A.
J. O. PIIILLII'I'I A. G. F. & P. A.
1I0IlU."I"'I' $ ' ilxeursiomms " .
On October 8 and 22 , 189 : ; , the Union
Pncll1c ' will sell tickets from Council lllurrs
anti Omaha to IJOlllts south and west In Nebraska -
braska and Kansas also to Colorado Wyo-
mlng , Utah and Idaho east oC 'olser anti
scuth of Beaver Canon at cxceedllllly low 1
rate ! ! . For full Information as to rates and
limits apply to A. C. DUNN
City Ticket Agent
1302 Farnam street Omaha , Neb
Hayden Dros' add Is all page 2.
Columbia Metal Polish. Cross Gun Co.
Piui hun' ut u HIIHh"uI" ! Firuui .
BALTIMOI1E : Oct. H.-IIen.Jerson. . Pfeil &
McDonald , confectioners and bakers , made
an assignment today to Oscar Wolfe , who
gave : bond for $75.000. indicating : assets or
f37.500. Time allure Is the direct result of
limo war In prices inaugurated anti carried on
by the New York Biscuit company , known as
the Cracker trust. The fhrmn under various
name , hall been In business throughout the
south until time trust beG'Rn their war. III' :
Pfeil says thc liabilities will not greatly ex-
ceell the nssets. Ills father , lIenry Pfeii Is
the largest creditor , the amount being $13,000.
Resumption of business 15 uncertnln.
. .
. ' rl 'hh'lu..1 on' IIu.rglmtm-s. ,
url1larfl : entered the residence or Emil
Ganz 208 ( ) California street last night , and
were about to make nwny with a large
amount of silverware when they worn
scared off. Timey escnped with n pocketbook
containing about $6. \11' : and \11'5. : Ganz
were out ot their house tram 8 until 11
o'clock and it . was their unexpected retul
that prevent IIn extensive robber .
Curd ot 'l'iimuuiks .
I wIsh to thank the KnIghts of Pythias
Knights of IlonaI' and the flrothmrhmoool or
Locomotive Engineers , for the s'III\1ath \ and
friendly InterEst they took In the recent
dt'ath and burIal of my son , Thomas P.
Armstrong. I wish to specially th3nk my
neighbors for the elegant IIpral donation
CAI.IFOIt flit 'l'BXAI. !
"In nlt"L F. Huu. . . .
For lowest rates on tickets and best ac-
commodatlons call on or address E. L.
Palmer P. A. Santa Fo route room I , First
National bank. : I Omaha.
Dr. Bailey , dentist Paxton bloclc
hayden Dros' add Is on image \ 2.
- . .
JUL S'I'\t1'B ' 1'lt.tNSFlihtS.
HUtlolph heal mind wlta to Frederick
anti Minna I1ertzko , lot 6 , block "Y , "
Lowo's add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8.000
Frederlcl lcl'zke ! auot wife to Emilie
lIel\11 Fame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000
E J Amotut to William Itatlecige lot .
9. \Iorrlson's : add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 3GOO
J A Maltlce and hu"baml to G FVimi -
lace lots 11. 12 nnll U3 , block 4. Alamo
Plaza . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.200
Edwnl'll Dowllnl nllli ! wife 10 I. 1.1111-
rltsen lot 13. lJurdett Court ( reflie ) . . O
'V II Carter 10 Eiiaa : Svemmson lot 7 ,
block 8. Drake' nlltl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0c0
I. D SpllIldlnl111I1 , . \1,01 Co to Andrew
Diezei lot 3. Pelhhm I'llIco. . . . . . . . . . 700
II : A Finch to I IlAlU1rewK , , W 21 feet
ot e 42 feet lot ,7. block ! .7-I. South
Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
II : lvczda ! amid wICe : to Anton lanz- !
licek s m,4 1 at 10t."I9. block 2 : : , Potter
& C' . nillf 10 SouthOmaha. : . . . . . . . . . . . 32 : ;
Rudolph lIelll nndvlo [ to Douglam , .
w o feet at It 1h , and W 30 feet or
n % lot G. i ; block .P. " . I.owe's ndd. . . . 4,000
l' II Dempse and wife tn It I Dona-
hoe lot G. Joeillln' uhdlv. . . . . . . . . . . . SOO
Thomas 'robin anti wife 10 J U
Schmidt lot Ii. I Ford' ! Saratoga mid. . 000 [ j ( ) ( )
P U Dempsey and wife to 'V mi I Donmi-
hoe lot 21. block 2 , CollIer Place. . . . 650
D I. nnll 0 A Cram to C M SiteI' . lot
2 , Sunnysldo all' ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000
Mlltual Immvestment company 10 0 I. '
Iirown lot 15 . block 4. i Ambler Place 1.48 : ;
C 11 Nelson allli wife 10 11 I. Gllslav ,
lot 11 , block "A' " Saunllers' & U's
amid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00.
K F Lll'Son ( 10 CharlE's ' Larson , lot
23 : : , block 4. Sherman Avenue park. . 400
E F They anti husband to John Wood-
ford lot 2. block 9. H.-Morll I'llIco. . . . 1
M C Roberts nllll wit 10 II : E Stout ,
lots 1 anti 2. WayerIdl1. \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 (
Sherif to A J hiariscommi e of lot
3. block 10'1 : lot 5. block . . ,7 ; lot 6.
block S8 Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.000
Specllll master 10 National Life In.ur-
unl' company 0 t & or lot II and W 1t m. !
of lot 5. Ioun/ze's / 2t : ! ) add . . . . . . . . . . . . 3CiO
Master In chancery to Philidelphiu
Mortgage and 'I'ruat company \ e 'tia of
lot 6 , block 102 ) , Omaha. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,429 :
Total amount of transers , . . . . . . . . . $ S6,4SO
Annual Meeting of North American Union
Opened Y09terdl\Y
Iteporis . trout thc Chief nrnltll or-
lheers nn.1 \"lullItmcnt of
Cumimiuuittu'es Oeeuiu ) - Iu..t of
the . \f\ rnuun.
'I ' The first of tutu morning's program of ( the
. Switchmen's Union of North America was
n parade froth time llIlIal'd : hotcl at 10 o'clock
to CrelgIlton hall , where the opening speeches
were made.
The lIIet'Unc was openell with prayer by
HeC. . " ' . Savillge , olloll'ell by nn allt1rcss
of welcome by Mayor : Bemis. In the course
of his n'tldross the mayor salll : "You readily !
realize that arbitration Is by 0 far the best
means of settling the troubles between -
tween labor and cnllltal. We , the peollle
, of Omaha , believe In the dignity amid rights
of laboring lIIen , believe In equal rghts , nut !
1110 not think that the laborIng pc-ople lIa\'e
their rights. Time government , federal , state
emit ! lIIunlclpal , Is today too much controlled
by the Innuence [ oC capital. I believe In the
national ownership or railroads , telegrullh
lines , In municipal ownership of street car
lines and all public rnnchlses.
" \e , of Omaha , are . In ( fact very friendly
to labor nml friendly alllong oursel\'es. Our
newspapers take special Int rest In the welfare -
faro of our people anti of our guests. but this
Is at present a political tlllle and any animosities -
mosities shown must be taken as our peculiar
manner oC showing our hove one for anolher
"And to you who are strangers \\'Ithln
our gates we extend the ( freedom of tIme cIty
with the hope that you may see lit to return
to liS aralll with 5,000 members In your
con\'entlon. "
1.'oUowlnlMayor llemls11' . E. Rosewater
was Introduccll anti . after showing that ht'
was deeply Interested In the wt'taro ! of nU
unions which hat ! as their aim the betterlnl\
of lIIanklnd anti the bHterlng oC the stalus
oC labor throughout the United States sail ! :
"The aggregation of laboring lIIen IIInst
natnrally be as n check to the con llIdation
of capita\ \ Onl man has mme power III fighting
for his rlrhts , but In time union there Is the
strength that resulta. as I immure alien sahl , III
a sur\'l\'al oC the fiBhtest. I bt'onlto ! thl'
elll1110ycrs. but realize that a strike Is at
tlmea Ine\'ltable and I recognize the right
It man has to dispose of his labor 01' to
withhold It as seems fit to hIm. 1'he press
of the country Is greatly controlled by the
interests of capital Many of thereat /
1I\\'Sllapers are ownell or controlled II ) '
syr.lIlcntes of capital. The press Is 1I0t alone
In being controlled by capital : time courts also
rcepond e\'en thourh ; the judge eels In his
heart that Imo In wrong. Like the weather
\ ' ne. they follow every change In the IJolhlcal
wind And you who immure the right of the
ballot hare the l'owt'r to make them feel
that power which you posscss. Thongh the
leading papers which mold public senti-
mont are owned and controlled by capital , I
hope the time may never come when I muse : \ ) '
use my pen 01' my voice In favor of the
tyranny of caplin "
E. : M. : lllIT of the Typographical union ex-
I presgell the belief that the cause of labor Is
progressing and that there 15 no more con-
servatl\'o popie than the I3borors. "We , as
members of labor unions are making no war
on capital. Woo shoulll be business organiza-
tions. doln : ; business on business method
Capital has no better friend than our unions ,
and our un lOlls should be only thnt We may
avoid thos mlsunderstandhms which cause
almost all time strIkes. Corporations pay bigger / -
gervageui and are more considerate In time
trt'atment of theIr employes than are any
othcr emmmployers and we want to serve them
and recognize that they ha\'e rights and they
will recognize that we also have rights.
"ArbItration Is nonsensical and useless.
But I trust time time 15 not far distant when
committees or labor unions may moet In coml
rerence with officers of corporations on a
common business footing omit ! have all differ-
ences alljusted. "
' } ' . J. Mahoney was to have addressed the
convention but owing to imle being called to i
l'ap1\l10n \ could not do so . and Imte:1l1 sent i
to the secretary a paper embod'llIg his views i
upon labor and capital anti his best wisimes for '
the success oC the union and of all other honorable -
orable societies of laboring mcn.
Owing to the lateness of time haul' Grain !
Master : SlI'el'ney of Jersey City cut short Iw'
remarks , only stating that "the union Is now
on Its feet and has recognition : as n union of
honorabl ( motl\'es , desiring conrerence and
arbitration and never a strIke. "
The convention then adjourned to meet at
2 p. m. In the Young lIen's : Christian aSbocla-
tlon bnlldlng.
In the afternoon Grand Master : Sweeney
named nil conductors lIt'ssrs. : and
Nicimols amid as guarlls llessrs. : Parley and
'l'he convention then went Into secret session -
sion In which an address of welcomE' was
extended the delegates \ by Frallk W. ObE.\ '
preslllcnt of the Young lIen's : Christian ass , -
elation whIch was respolllled to by a' rIsing
vote or thanks. Grain < l Master : SWeelle
and VIce Grand Master : M. Il. Conlin rep !
their reports and the appointment of conm-
mittel's occupied the uCtel'l1oon until 5 o'clock
The committee on credentials repol'tell no
contests. It Is probable that the real 11'01'11
of the con\'entlon will be most manlest In
thorough revision of the constitution possl-
hlv so as to include nn insurance feature .
but whethel' insurance w1\l \ be optional or
enforced on those who become members
Is not yet decided and wllprcbably \ evoke
considerable debate. The members or the
commlttl'es arc :
Credentlals-S D. Smith . J. n. Farley , T.
Maguire : ,
Plnance-S. D. Scanlon A. W' . Stafford N. :
J. Nagle , J. E. Wilson , John ltzgeraltJ.
1'ransportatlon-J , K. hughes 1' . II . Kin-
ney II. T. lIubbard.
Ways and llealls-John : I.aughllll , J. H.
Dammzen 1' . Ilurley J. 'I' Hurley.
Secret Worl-T. Dougherty 'I' lloulaiman
g. F' . Puller , A. S. Jarvis J. Andre.
Claims and Appeals-II. L. Goesar , 7. .
C. Whllson , J. 111. Ilisiiop James Lange ,
J. H. Smith.
HEsolutions-George Artz , H. F. Maston
J.V. . LoweryV. . B. Wll\ston , A. F.
Jcurnal-D J. Herr , J. P. lIlelllllln : , J.
Itoacim r. Hoach.
Press- H. Welch II. C. Nelson
The welcome ball to time delegates to the
annual convention of the Swltchmen's Union
of North America was krfl : by Omaha bulge
at CrelJ.hton ; hall last eyenlng. TIme front of
the hall was tasterully decorated In colors
of pink and yellow whllo the gay booths
at time oppwlte , end of the hall alhlell to the
attractiveness of the scent' The Gate City
orchestra played A. J. Donahue was master
of ceremonies Supper was served at mltl-
night In the balcony by the women interested -
terested In time support of the home or the
Good Sbepherd. The attendance was 500.
Time Board of Trustees of the Woman's
Christian Association will meet at 10:30 :
o'clock on Wednesday morning at Y. M. : C.
A. hall.
Highest IIonors'Vorlc.l's Fair
'DR ;
< t 1I
f OWDle
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frc
; cm , Ammonia Alum or any other adulterant
_ _ _ _ _
, . . . . . . .
WL : _ . . - - ' - , . - . . - - ' - - . . . _ ' 4-- , - ' - " . : ; ,
_ _ , - - -
- - . ; " - -
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r ' --II.JAIit ! '
011 1hlllf 1107.1'11 of tllhll'A Oil limo IIInlll Iloor imty S Idlld ! ! or JellttUfnl ! ,
lIIell'M ; SIIIIM ; III $1 i.OO. t'lIfllt'llIlIahlr WI' ha\'l'II'l % tIlot.IIlttlCl ) ! foi' each ,
thall II 1'1l1111lclu , line of slzi' ; othl.t'wille We coil III CI'OWtt a dozell tnJle !
with the IIt1lllll\lt thai Imiy hI Ihl' IIlot'l'I'OOtll above ! . -
1'lIl'h : IIlIll iii I I'lIth'l'lr foi'elg 1I 10 till' IIl'Xt tit , fmtt' 1111 C01111' , ! lt IYII ) c , IIl1t- - ( '
tl'\'I1 , tl'lIl1t1llll nut ! cloth 1u I l'lllll'l'l'lIl'lI. I'al'll : Pmtssi'ul tlit'otlglI ttlTct'ellt !
Itlallllal'llll'l'I' , 1111I1 " * 'Ill'll wlltll'lIlIl'll 1hllttle hetwccII 011I' bIg'btmtIlmlJtl ! !
i)1l3''t' ) 11I111 till' 0111. ' who On"'I'l'll It ( Ol' flllll' .
No olle I'\'l't' SIIW II ijettet' u him' ( III' : : : : ! IJ.OO ( ) , IhlH fll'lIH1\l ! 01' hilly IIl'1I11011
lu'l'\'IIlIIl ! , allll Ihel'l' 1I1'\'l'\ has heclI a Sl'allllll tll\IH fur whell We ( , ' 011111
00"1' IHI good \ a stilt for : : ; 11.00 ; aM gOl1\l \ III cloth , III liitliig , Iii tl'ltIllIIllI ,
III tll11ol'llI : ' : , -
Allll 111'1'1' 1M the list of "lIl'lctrillllllhllJ ! 1'\1'11 fot' the mOlt ! fastluil-
. OIlM.\ ilmit'k flCI' , II'IIII'e ! ( ' ellt tmit'k , -iatlll ! slt'lllell bluing , satlll l'hllI ' , ,
' ' ' ' .
IIl'tlstlcllllr IIt'all'l1. )
is ' ellP\'lot I'II\'I ' , Ilf ehol'lllale brown , immi&'k fa8h-
. A 1I1I1t11ll' \\'eIlYC III \ ( cui'ly ) \ \ ! &
lOll , fllltllI IIII\III \ , futii'ily : t\'I'allgl'll-:1 : blllloll clltll\\'ar. : 10llg sllcl.
A 111I1l'l1l'l' ! ( hltll' haellgl'ollllll ) wOI'Mll'lI , exccllelltl , Ih'allcll , la11ot.
fashloll , .1 hlllloll Cllla\\'a : i-tnt'k' -
A hl'O\\1I I'l'al Heoll'h l'111''lot , italian I 1I11111g
L All IInl1l1l-hell : "ol'lell : ( but t'h ) , ! I\I111 : hl'l'lI1h'l1.
AIIII ot imt'i ' lU'l'ttllr t I i I IIl'sltlIl'll i i 11\1111'1'1111 t I , wllh i t tl'illltlllllgH t i I to I hlll'lIIolll7.e ,
A lu'l'lIh't. eolllctloll of stilts ! mii. ' v'i' kli elllllllllr : uelll'llh miumy I'oor
' . ' , allll : ; o.OO : ! ) ' ' ' bought bettei ! ' stilt ,
shlll'I'IIIg a l'llllhhlg Hlorl" : 1Il\'l1' 1Je I m' 811
I' lInt the IIghl : . ' allil tIlrsll'llolli N'luu'mtskm : ( sl'lls thel lt : : ; 11.00 , anti
s 'III sl"e : : ; U.o 01' mol'c. 'i'itiu' 1IIl'11 ' at 'ciii
_ _ . - i@ - . @
00 W a aJ
' W 1 r'
' E - Jfll .1 1
ltgJd UL B , 1t1 f
i Bargain News . !
For MondaYmo
- o1' ;
Clean , II I \ \ ' , i'llmtim1e gootis : t bo'er Prices than tIlllI ' IIl'e fft'i'iuig !
' ' . . ' ' ' ' of time IlIll'I'
job lots 01 hallkl'lIlt ) stocks 'rhe followhlg 10 but few
( stag ual'gallls to uo fOl11 III nil immi'ts or our store : I
. . ' ' ' , the ' ' ' 1 Idlll ' ' olll ' . . : bc
JIIlnnllel1 hllllel caku' tn'III'I ! 11g1111'1c ( ; 0111 . 11'lre emily II
Ilst ! Stt't'i hIl lIe pal'llf : Imh'cs , tie 1l/IIIII'We , Idlll ( ; o l. lt'lee ) miuiy . . : e -t
. Tmm1nuuiittul c'muuioim1'uei'it ' , HOll IIslllllr at lIe ) ; o l. 1)I'Ie ) oumly . . . . . . . . . . : Ie
. Lommg-lmmmmmdli'ml . ( 1oaHtl foi'ku , t hlslll le : ltcl' ; our inlet' ell ' . . .ae
ilitI.ti'O0t1 tloulle'lmolhited toot ltimk'ks ) sold usumully mut. luc' out' price ,
1:110011 : Ilolllll'-lJllllell tootll'ks ; 011 lml11r : lt te ; 0\1 11'II'
. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .
11l'l' ) ' lHlllgl ) . . . . " . . . . , . . , , . . . . . . . . . : e
, " 'ool IHJIlo i ) t 1 : shueru . .1 mm \ Ima mm dIe d ; til' t 11/1110l' Iltce . ; aim i' lu'le ad I
I ( O\'pl'll 1I11t tn 11111 , best t lIIakl' ; 1:11111'111' 10e ; ( hIP price . . . . . . . . :1\ :
SL'el 111c1 Iml\ H. the hest lItmtk ( ' ; \ l'll hOc ; our 11'lcl ell ' . . . . . : : e
. "iVood Ilol\llg ( lo\vhm4 ) vmirt'mtlm tt'd hot II t hl'pal.'olth ) ; 101 ; II'lu'II'Il :
dJol tahlets , fot' 1111. 0' 111cl I ; hint imluig better al lOc ; oumi' prIce , . . . . :11' : 1 ; :
Ull ; ! itt ummpu4 , l'\lllele wll I t I m lam chit' r : mid clhllle ' , \\'ol'll : ; : e ; nlr 1I'II'l'lk I ,
lm'm'hmite ' cllll CUIS ) P11(1 HIICelS , \\'ll hlll1I : : ; best quail 13' ; \0'11 tOt' ;
otmu' ) lll'c ells 1lt :
Ftl1l I 11111 I m hoxls ) ; J ml im : ml i ted ; mien , t : \1 hllll.0111 I m ; ( I m iOc ; 011 Ille 2c' : !
i Gllle I'ol teapots , til ( best lal- : I'PtIII':1 t I size ; our ) \'le olllr . . . . tIle
Nldll1-11lall't t 1l'l.lltls t t I , eOI'rhotol ] t I ; tIl I Islll i 1 goods . . ; oum i' p mice We 1 I
Xlclll-l\lalet CISIilul's ) , lo\IIll Htll'j' call't tlll over ; \\0'11 We ;
" < 011 1)l'lCC ) . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . ' : : e
S The , ' 1319
99.Ccut . tiI arlft1
Store. p ' . Street.
' M2 i ' 8' fg 7" W ' ( ffl 7
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wiI. LYLE DICKEY & CO. , Ommiuulin ,
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