_ _ _ _ - _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . - - - - - . - . - - - _ r1 . iE - - - - - u _ _ _ qhiln ) Oi\IAIIA ! - - AlfJY BE1 g : 'lltl\\ & ' - ; - - ' - ) " , OC'POBmu 15 , 18m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ . _ ' - a aj' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ . ' _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ It , c 'WJ w l.t&J ! 1 _ ' NEWS F OM COUNCIL BLUFFS. ( : ) : Office , 12 Pcir1 ' . ' ' ; ; ; : -11. W. Tllteu , Mntncr * nd L. . . . . . - , I JJ , t 311 ? OU. - : lIJoS'1'IU . , , I lbcrl O. Jackoon and Mary A. McI.nd , t , ' , ell of Omaha , wee marrlod ly Justice Cool yostcrta ) ' . Andrew , Irll1l was arrested yesterday ! afternoon . ernoon charged , with commltnK on assault \ and battery on a 10-year.olt boy. , the of 11'ow. The sale oC seats for opera - halan" will bgIu'ediiesdiy morning at ! r o'clock. 1ulter of tickets can exchange them for reserved Meats. I Sely 10ugh. who assaulted a colorell man named Dave Orady Saturday night. pleaded guilty yesterday morning to the charge of gul\ . , drunlunnesa anl , was fnell $10.80. : ' henry Ouren celebrated his sixtieth birtli . .C' lenr celebrate 1lrlh. I' " . h.nnl,1 nl hhi Inmp , ul the corner - r' \ \ : .ui i ; I % ' ; ; ; ' ; 'o" ; ; ; l'ourth ; ; ir ct. Quito n number oC hlJI frlont WO'O In\'lteJ In to have a social tm : Regular communIcaton of fluff City lodge No. 71. Ancient I're and Accepted Masons . ! this evening and work In the second degree. ? Al master Masons are Invited to attend. J. 1 ' ' Ii. AtkIns secretary. Miss Trimble , a returned missionary. and Mrs. Byrket . a prominent worker , wilt address . dress the children at .1 1 : :0 o'clock this otter- 100n al Trinity : Iethotlht gplscopal church. Closing service of the convention at 7aO : p. in. A cordial welcome to every one. A. 10ber. larry Thompson all Julius Joulwrty. all of them ehagcI with dis- tUrhlng worship at the Salvation army barracks . racks , will have ! hearing . In Justice Cooks court this mornIng at 9 o'cloek. They ara out on bonds. , . Jacob Sage , who 13 accused of having used a razor on Prank Johnrn. was arrested yesterday on a warrant charging hIm with asuult with Intent to commit great bodily in- jury. lie gave a bond of $300 for hIs appearance . anco I'rhay ] , when JUhtCC Cook wilt hear . the evidence. ] Charles Carty got drunk last evenIng and ran 111 against another man at the corner of Eighth street and Iroldln ) ' , who made a slighting remark about Carty's mother. Carl ) ' Proceede'l ( to put a htad on the other fetol ' lB was arrested , and charged with driiiiken- \ ( ness and using ubsceno language on the , street . - . . - U ) , It. Wiler has favored The Dee wln a section of the stockade , of the Andorsonvilie prison pen. The stockade , I nol about rot- led away and this piece was procured by digging several feet under ground lt the ( east side of lie ( stockade . that which was near the surface being too crumbly to be kept Intact larry Irookman Is wanted for beating a board hi at Max Oleson's hotel , the Chi- cago. The bill amounts to $ 4.9O. nrool nan / was convicted of bootlegging at the term of . _ . federal court just close , and his sentence was suspended ' during good behavior. The , Ileston now agiatng the local authorities Is I whether Judge Woolen will think beating a board bill consIstent with good behavior. Tonight al Dohany's wi be presented Lincoln J. Carters "The flefanlter. " the latest - nt production by the author of "The Fast Mail" and "The Tornado. " Manager Alton Is certainly securIng good enough attractions to cause hl homo to bo paclCI. and I tin ! Ilbto woull only be as appreciative as the management Is enterprIsing Council Bufs would soon remedy Its reputation as a poor show town P The city authorities are looking ) for n man p who bought a till funnel from a store keeper ) named Peter a few days ago. I Is supposed that he can throw some light on the bur- glary case In which George HOler Is mixed . up Snyder the pawnbroker. says that Sely 10ugh borrowed a pitcher from him on the t afternoon thal the burglary was commited , He)1er'S ) case has hll anqher contInuance In- ; t ( this niorning. Farm loans made In western Iowa at ) ow- eat rates. No delay In closing 10Jns. Fire all tornado insurance written In best of com- panies. Bargains In real estate. LOUOEI & TO\7LF. 235 Pearl St. I Thal ltory not only repeats . but 1m- , poves Ul10n itself . the production of "Pow- r hatan" abundantly proves. I the shade . of Captain John Smith does not long 10 I change places with our modern John and be , rescuet by the Indian maltens who w : ap' pear at the New Dohany on the 181h ant 19th we feel sure he was not worthy of the eXl'tons of the duiky Pocahontas. Nicest line of overcoats In town. Metcalf lJros . . The Hardman piano Improves wIth use. l'gnSoX.1'.ILGILU'IS. - . P. A. Turner of A\oca was In the city yesterday . : Irs , H. S. Hawlngs has returned from a \\l In Ilalsmouth , Neb. w. F. Lyon oC Lead . S. D. , Is In the city , . . \ " . h , . pnlt" Leat. . 'rlnn.l * ) . " . . . . . " . v. " " n . _ u _ . . . . . . Mr . JutgO Heed has gone to 1al\ern to alenll the fnnell of her brother. . I Miss Lena Wallace his returned from a . visit In St Louis and Terre haute , Ind. r T. E. Casady assistant United States dl9 o trlct ( attorney . bas gone to Des Moines to attend federal court. 11s , Iatsey Fallen returned to her home In Chicag. . yesterday 'fer a visit with her Inother , : r. Al lloycr on North First stmet. George F. SmIth , James F. Spare and wife . C. c , F. Tucker and vife . Mrs. I. B. : flhewl. Mrs. M. L. Kirkland and Mrs. William A Mynster left yesterday for : arshalown to , ttentl the grand encampment of the Iowa Olll Fellows. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wl have 803.000 hotbed sash In Iowa all Nebraska and never had a kick. Wo now have ready for ImmedIate delivery 1.000 more a bedrock prices. Write for prices on alt kinds glazed sash glass paInts oils . etc. . stating quantity desired. CouncIl lufa IJlnt & Oil Co. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Itadijnt. Novelty and Emburst stoves for .artl . coal are the most economical stoves aade. Sold only by Charles Swaine 710 Dloadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Corner ttes ant parlor suites In curly birch and mahogany at Durfeo Furniture Co. The 1arIman piano wins Ilny friends. Ilurrlu&e Lleeiieii. The folowing marriage lcenses were Is. Sued by the court clerk : iitnie ) III Adlr.s . Ago. Pltrlclt C. Caidweli . ! . Chicago. . . . . . . . 31 hnnl L. Farrell . Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Joseph Spauhln . Jr. . Council Illuffs. . . . . . 22 Nettle M. Daiiieli'Intersot , Ia. . . . . . . 18 , WII1 K\hl. Mills count , In. . . . . . . . . . 2 I.enn Hohrhurg , 10lawlallo county , In 20 henry ltamm . Iouglas county . Nob. . . . . . 32 Iosn Lorenzen 101lwnlllIo count . II :6 . . Council muff , . . . . . . Matthew 1) Gallgher. Counci . . 2t Malh\ I Magdalene G. Tlioll . Council Uiufts. . . . . 22 ' NothIng like It. The famous Crown piano . , ' , 'Ih orchestral attachment leads them all. j' lourlclus Music house . lG Stutsman street. Nicest line of overcoats In town. Metcalf I 1ro. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lardlan and Standard pianos 13 N. 16th. :11) ' lie Crhllilell , The frIends of Airs. H. : I. Osborn . who i let Council Bluffs for Chicago a few months ago , will regret to lear that she suffered > a severe fall from a cable car In Chicago \ lot long ago. She sustained a bal Injury t : her 8plne. which bu confined her to her bed a and may crIpple her for ! fc. l Ilr"t l xclr"lou " 'Ia Burlington route , Oct. Sand 22. O. M. BROWN 4 Ticket Agent , Council Illufrs. Nicest line of overcoats In town Metcalf Dro. _ _ _ 1'01' , , 'IIl lul.1 u Cuu-cutou. The Ilopulsts of Kane township will hold a conventIon at I arlers' hal In the court house In this city Tuesday . October 15. to nominate candidates for trustee. clerk and constable. 'l'he "elegates to the lat county convention from the wards 11 the city wi be entitled to seats In the cOI\'enton. ' . . . Cell ' \.1" . ClllluA. P U you want a good stove to put ) up before you slat your furnace , buy one of Swaine's alr-thhl stoves , the best made , al 740 1 101a y. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chllnbprs' dancing academy now open for VUplls . Call after 10 . . m. Circular. . . , - - - - - - \ lIA'1' IlS JI'I ( : cns'l' 1lil. ! 1'1'1' ( ' 1111" , ) ( . " 'I" Illcoell Out ur JII ) I ) ' UII llu Iollro ) ' . II.V. . 10moroy Is hung tried In 1 the tla- trlo ( court on the charge of obtaining $200 from Robert A. Seater by means of false pre. tenses . Ioleroy has secured sino little local notoriety by reason oC ba connection with the numerous ICral)8 between Nor Murphy and the other residents of the country south of Manawa. lie all I lot of the others were arrested several ( lines for trespassing on the ground , oC lrs. Murphy . enjoined by the court frol trespassing any lore Ind ( finally pun. Ishell for contempt of court In vlolatug the Injunction. ACer tie writ of injunction hall been Issued ho happened to run across young Seater. who was looking for a real estate Inv , stlenl 'lhl'Y let II a Ialoon at Alhrllht anti aCer n conversation SeatoI decided. that the Man- nwa lall was just what ho wantel Two hundred dollars was agreed upon as the prlco of POICoy'l : interest II forty acres. and a meeting was arranged at J. W. Sweet's law 01(0 II this ely , where the transfer was to he made. SeatoI and Pomeroy went down and Inspeled tie ground measured It off with a- talm ( lne , and 10leroy lade lP sOle sort of a description which satIsfied Seater perfectly . I as wel as his father anti two brothers who were his busIness a'lser , but Iccal real I estate men say fails to locate the particular I shot of ground wIthin 100 yards. ' . There was not a sign of an abslract When the part arrived at Sweet's office. Seater claIms Sweet to'11 him he knew the land re- ferred 10 Ilerfety and also Iwew that It was all right and that Pomeroy hall n good tithe to It Sweet was Pomeroy's attorney In the suit In1 1ich. ! I short time be [ ore. Pomeroy had been enjoined , hy the district court frol Interfering with lrs , Murphy's peaceable nos- selslon of the land.Vhothmer 10n1roy claimed to have a perfect title Is the point upon which the \1sent criminal Ilroseclton hInges. At all events Sweel drew lp I quit claim deed Seater Ilall Pomeroy time $200 and went 10 take possession of his lanlt lie hat not 1010 than commenced the erec- ton of a shanlY before ho was served wIth an injunction . lcd I.by. . Irs. Murphy . to protect leI rlglts , ' 'len he round how lie hat been buncoed , as he claims . he swore out an Information and had Pomeroy arrested. The same Innccenc which characterized hll during time real estate transaction was ap. parent \ 'Jen he went ulln the witness stUll After ho had told his story County Attorney Saunders with a view to fixing the locality where tim money changed hands. as required by law , asked him where Sweet's office was. "In Council Bnls , " was time reply "In what stale ? " A shlilow of perplexity passed over his face for a mnomnemit and thmen looking tip . Seater said cheerfuly , "In the Unied States " Several more questions and sundry suggestions - tions on the part of time county attorney atorey were required before Seater was fInally made' ' to undesland that "Iowa" was Iho answer sought. . But time question as 10 what eounly It was located In was a poser. Seater thought about It for a long tlne , but finally had to give It UI ) as a bad job County Attorney Saunders dropped the mater , and will prob. ably give lie father and the ( other two sons a lesson In geography before they arc called lon to teslHY. - - - - . - Another IIi Week ID Framing. , , Timid wi be another big week In framing. We can't soil enough of these new , sl'lsh frames . gver'body wants them. II. L. Smith & Co. Jlr'eHt g"mlrHlnu Via Burlington route Oct 8 and 22. O. M. IIItOWN Ticket Agent , Council lilmifra. A plant thoroughly equipped with the newest machinery . the best work by skied elloyes , prom lIt deliveries amid fair treat- mcnt are among the things that mRkes the Eagle "that good . laundry. " Telephone 157. X. :11. : i'tstiY ; : nn'I's isis AXS"'I . " 'II lit' II l ln'tr tC IL : IIIICnetlrlll LillY . It ( 'gil ru I . 'ss tr 111" y. For Fe\'eral days the local democratic organ has been clamoring for a statement from N. :1 Pusey the republican nominee for the state senate , as to flw he wIll act . If elected , with regard to the passage of a lquor law contaIning n "manufacturIng clause , " and also how he stands on the question of the resubmlsson : of the prohibitory amendment. Mr. Pusey has made his answer In the form of a written letter. In Il he states that he would refuse to be bound by the action of his party caucus : and would not even go Into , a caucus on such a subject. since he con- slJerell himself bound by time wishes of his constituents. I "I woull Vote . " said lme "to defeat the : resubmlsslon of the consll1lon:1 amend- : ment but I can't : say whether the democrats would 110 so or not And I would vote for a la % ' which provided for time manufacture of intoxicating liquors . Including ale , wIne and beer In these localities where the same are sold under the provision of iav I 10 not kuow whether the democrats would do EO or not anti hence cannot say whether or not I would be voting with them. "If flor.ble legislation emi the liquor ques- ton and not democratic success Is the thing nearest your heart I must be apparent to you that republican members from this county Cln have greater Inluence In shaping legis- lat'on ' In a republican legislature than a dciii- ocrat who would be one of a hopeless ml- norlty. : ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NothIng Is finer , more comfortable and healthful than those beautiful new "Colorado elder down" comforters offered by time Council luts Carpet com pan ) ' . They are light as a feather amid cheap Another beautiful lIne of novelties In fur rugs wi delight the ladlcs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Huber Bros. ' new met market Is time finest In the city . 12 Broadway Xlt Suii'Ii I 1111 LosM. The reports which were circulated Satur- day night b ) the member of the racing com- mlteo of the Ganymedo Wheel club relative to the financial outcome of time meet seem to have been colored with blue a little moro than ( lie facts warrant Some bills that were supposed to have been outstanding turn out to have been paid , and the money col- lected In advance was couslMrably larger than was supposed al that time. The members - bers of the committee now state that the loss will amount to only about $125 , The fact that the meet was not so great I financial I success as mlht have ben wIshed Is i due more to the wather than anything else. A Joe deal of Interesl was felt by time people of Council Bluffs . as glance at time lIst of 10nor of prizes clearly slmows but the Inter- est was nOl of the kind that Ilroml1ts people to pay out theIr mon'y antI sIt all afternoon on a hard board 111 divide their attention between a biting wind a cloud of dust and n bicycle race. 'fho financial end of the con- cern fared a great deal better this year than last and hall the weather been better the crowd would undoubtedly have been larger. IIiirt'st gcurNIII Via Burlington route Oct. 8 anti 22. O. M. IIROWN . Ticket Agent , Counci Bluffs. Why 110n't you use a gas heater these cool days t c. n. Oas Co. Tbo StanJud plana next to the Hardman. UI.UltN'tl JINt II 'I'hlc. The cJe of Cadle against Butler disappeared - peared from view In the district court yesler. day. Saturday afternoon a motion was made by the defense to take I from the jury on the ground that the evidence was Insufclent amid that ( lie plaintiff being a trespasser the defendant had n rIght to remove her from the premises. The court decided against the defendant emi the later ground , but held that the l\alntL had failed to connect Butler with the attempted evicton , Just a Judge Macy was about to Instruct the jury to bring In a verdIct for the defense Mrs. Cadle's attor. ney requested permission to dismiss the case without Ilrejudico. I was granted on condi- ton that the costs bo paid. Another suit Involving the Ire points lay be commenced later. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 llrll" ' " Case S.rlll" . , John Jrarlne , who was recently shot by his brother-In-law , Perley Ej4nes. I. i In a very serious condition. lIe I. luCer n& from I . , i ' ' . Innammaton of the velna , which has resuiteti In suppuraton all may make resule"1 the member necessary. I Is possible that It may result fatally . I cannot be tel for a day necessary ot' two yet whether amputation will be I ( aL\'I In"I lt .HII S'I'nl. ICI .iiiiit. PUIh'l' A 1IIIr..II'nlh1 . Aft'r n Pllht tl Inrllie. m.s : MOINES . Oct. 14.-Special ( Tele- gram-Ir. ) John W Ol'erton was arrested In Madison , Wis. . today for jumping ( bal bent here In 1893 ant for grave robbery. February 22 he was a Professor In Drake Medical college . With four students from the school he' stole the ( body of WIlam Chnse from a grave In Woodlawn cemetery In this . city and was caught taking I away In a carriage . riage His colleagues were trIed and con- \cled ( and , hQ jumped a ball bond , goIng first to KenlucllY end then 10 flurope . returning from 'Ihere recently. lie was located In Madison through letters written by his 01. torney who wanted leniency. - ' \'clllnJ Il ely . CI't'l t"H I l"'le. SIOUX CITY Oct. . 1I.-Speeial ( Tell gramSioux ) . City dressmaler created a scene al the union depot lucre this afternoon by appearing with a bill In her hand and a policeman at her side to dun Irs. II. C. O'Nel. a bride of an hour for her trosFeau In. O'Nei and her husband had , just boarled time Omaha train for a wedding trip to Texas and the dressnmaker who had neg- Iccted to secure a warricmt was unable 10 Induee either of them In leave the car. A hot tongue lashIng ensued . however . which greatly amused the ulher passenger The groom started to take ) his wife's lurt but soon saw he was getting the worst d t I and retreateti 10 the smollng departmnent . leaving his wife 10 look after herself. The pollee- man would not make an arrest wlhout a I arrant ant tIme train finally pulled out , O'Nei on time 1IaIorm , waving farewell to the group at the statIon . hits wife In her seat too mud 10 speal and the dressmaker swearIng - I Ing vengeance. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : : IIJII'\ ) ' l'iiiir , 1""hIINNIII. DES MOINES . Oct. 14.-Special ( role- gram-I ) Is stated on good aUlhorlty that the republican campaIgn managers have mad : a poll of the preferences of the candidates . for the le/lllurl with reference to time quclon of resubmitting time prohibiton amendiiment . and that It proved that a major- Ity of them are In favor of resubmlsl'Ion. The democrats and liberal republcans are opposell to rcsubmimiaion . because It Is feared that It would result In the adoption of constitutional . sttutonal prohibition ant bring that issue' back Into the stalo's politics as a permanent Issue. The legllalro of two years ago passed n resubmlsslon resolution . Such a res'- elution must go through two successive leg- Islatures before limo question can go to the people The result of. the poll Is a surprise. Sir , ' or . 1)t'iiiu-iitu . .1 " ' ( ) lititlL. CEDAI H.PIS. Ia . Oct. H-Speclal ( Telegram-The ) police here are investigating a strange case. A woman givIng the name of Mrs. Rick and caiming to have just been released from the asylum at VlrouquaVls. " has aplied ) to them for help and protecton , She says her husband who lives In WlsconSln ! antI who wishes to be rid of her and have the custody oC their two children . has had her detained In several asylums amid that'when shl was release at \Ironqua lie other day a ticket was purchased 10 this city and she was sent here being almost penniless upon her arrival and among strangers. An Ln\'es- , lgaton will be made. Coal :1 . hlrl Couic'iuide' to Strike. rms : lINES , Oct. H.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-The ) miners of time Polk district today held a final meeting and ordered a strike unless all the mines In the district grant a uniform advance of 10 cents per ton by \Vedmiesday October 16. It Is probable the raise wi be denied. The committee previously appoInted to wait on the operators report that some are willing , to grant the raise and others will grant It' ' No\ember 1 , while others wIll give time raise as son the miners ftre abe : to fill the 011era- tors' chep coal contracts. n"ll'rll Url1.e Iii. DES MOINES . Oct. 14.-SpecIai ( Tele- gram.-Oenerl ) F. : . Drake Is In the city , stoppIng at the Savery. He Is completely worn out by the work of Ills canvass and today , by time advice of ph'slcans. refused to see an ) callers. Ills throal Is Ln bad con- dillon and he talks with tliillculty. lie Is very weall. Senator Allison was In the city Ihls alcroon and spent a few minutes with General Drake Unless the general Improves al once some of his engagements will have to be cancelled. n"N lull"H UI reii.suiu's IIJII'I" . Pltl ] . DES MOINES , Oct H.-Speclal ( Tele- grain.-Patrlck ) J. Morgan , a fireman of ten 'ears' service on the city department died today of Injuries surlaincul by him sIx weeks ago In a fire In the Hansen wholesale drug store. Mrs. Mary n. Raymond , wife of N. B. nay- muomid ex.clerk of the Iowa supreme court , I and daughter of George P. Magoumi , ex-pres- Ident of Iowa college , dlell today. She was one of the best known literary women of th3 state _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'iurtlnl CI'nsuM ll.tlrlH 11'011 luw1. DES MOINES , Oct. 14.-Speclal ( Telo- grm.-Tho ) figures emi populaton of five more counties \ ere gIven out by the census bureau today. They are as follows : 18J 1835. l"ayetto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,1H 21,731 1 Fioyd 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.121 1 17.IH Franklin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12bi 13W. I'rlnktn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111,812 17.1,6 Greene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,797 1G.2J9 n"IIN" ' ur 11 lowl Blllel'or. CIEHOEE. la. , Ocl H.-Speclal ( Tele- grammi.-Miss ) Jlna holly , aged 20 years , one of Cherokee count"s most able school teach- era . died ul the home of her sister pear Quimby of typhoid fever early yesterday niornimig. Tlo funeral took place this after- neon at the home of her parents In Cedar lownshlp. The remaIns were interred In the Cedar cemetery " 'url.hl& UI I Ito ilroiu'.l l'hl'II' . FOnT DODGE . Ia. . Oct. H.-Speclal ( Tele- I grammi.-The ) managers of the new railroad from Jackson Minn. , to Hulh\en , la . deny that It Is a railroad extension or that any trunl Inc has an Interest In It. As $ O.OOO of alI has been voted In Jackson county , Minnesota . the road will be buIlt. alhough time Iowa old propositions have been voted down. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AI'r'N..tlrt'r I IOIA Clinst' , DES : , ION S , Oct H.-Dr. \ \ ' . C. Overton , who fed two . years ago from an Indictment In this city for grave robbery all had since been In I.ondon all ia do Janeiro was or- refled last night In : lal1son. Wis. Sheriff : lcOarralh left today to bring hIm back for trial ills accomplices have been convlcte" and are serving sentence for the crime. : ' . stt.rof I - ChllH - n..I.h . Sulyed DUIJUQUE Oct. H-Speclal ( Telegram.- ) EI\a LIhtcap's death In her'bath room Saturday . urday night to which much mystery at- Inched , Is found to have been caused by asphyxiation . The heater was without a vent Pipe. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S"II'or ' nl'IN Nut SeriauiisiIii. . OTTUMV'A I. , Oct. H.-Senntor Davis of Minnesota Is not 1 here as'reporled from W.bster City . but left Saturday for hl . ' home In lnneapols , He had a severe attack of grIp. _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ . Fir.- IhlJhl& II liiiIuilr ' 11111'1. hELENA , Mont. . Oct. H.-I lre has been , , raging furIously In the Mull tunnel on the Northern Pacific between Dozeman and Liv- Ingston for nearly a month. Efforts were made to smother the fro by sealing the tun- nel and also wIth steam , but both were unsuccessful - successful The damage cannot be estimated - mated at this time . but Is believed to boer very heavy. Large quantities of earth have In the traeks. 'fralns fallen on are being transcrr c successfully over the new track recently constructed over time 'mountains. , I 'I " . \ - 'DROWNED \ ) IX I L II r ( ) lTAL Terrible Accit1cnt nt O b"of b" the Large Pitsburg Swei Mills . - WORKMEN DROPPED - A IUt CONVERTER , , ' Sixteen 'Failis or Jlotel 'Irul O"cr- tll'ICII 111111 Ihe , 'H . 'I\ " ' \ t'ii" . ' N uiiihi't . 'of 'l'iieitt lug I 1.11'&e XIII.t'I.IIUr 'Ihell In I Hurrlhle ttitiuiter. - PITTSBURG . Pa. . Oct. 11.-Tho converters at time I'rankto\n mil of Jones & Laughln overturned at 3:40 : o'cloc this morning ant sixteen tons of molten metal poured Into the pit below , where a score or inUre men were at worl. One man was fatal ) ' burned , three dangerously , anti four others sustained serious InJuries. The names are : SQUm V'ATSON widower . terrIbly bure1 abolt head and body , will die John B. Burr. Wilam dwards. I Charles Freebormu . Wiiam C. Faulkner. Thomas W. Faulkner. Frank Kerilug . Samuel Love. 'fhe Injured were removed to the hospital where everything possible was done to alleviate - le\late their ) sucerlns , . ' Watson wIll die and The ph'slclans say Wnson1 that the chances of recovery ale agJlnst Burr Edwards and Freeborn . Time burns of time others are painful . but not dangerous The responsibility for the accident - cldenl has not yet been placed but I Is sall to have been ummuoidabhe. The damage to time mi was not very /roat , = The accident occurred while the men were In the act of raisIng converter No.1. which contained over eight ton of molen metal. 1 Is raised , by compressed all power , Saul- uel Love all John Tunney were workIng at It. amid before they got Il raIsed the men ant work lug nt eon\eler No 2 start"11 to rIse I I It e1so The metal ran out oC converter No 1. all time men became so exclel , over the possibility of an explosion that they let0 If the compressell air maehlne all allowed tIme con\eltors to drop They came down with n crash and throw the metal In every direction amid enveloped learly all the men In that portion of the ummihi. S O OO OO OO OQ oao g SOUTH OMAHA NEViS r cccccccc CCCCOt cccocc The city counci was called to order last e\enlng by Iresltent nula , the mayor being nbsent. Chairman Walters of the committee on judIciary - dIciary reported favorably _ onan ordinammee requiring time South Omaha Electric LIKnt eOlpany 10 erect and maintain arc lghts nt Twenty-fourth amI U streets and Twent- fourth and D streets. The report of the com- mittee was adopted and the ordinances passed mitee al opte under a suspension ! of the rules. A sidewalk was order d laId on the , . olth side of E street frol 'fwenly-slxth street Ir ' . and the aley belween wenty.seventh . . , ' on Twenly.elghth streets lr\pert ) owners MissourI. avenue liotitioneli the counci to : lssourl. a\enue pettonell malntiln an arc light Thirteenth . anti Mis. souII a\enlC , Heferred to tle cOlmltee on . _ Ilblc lghts. A requcst from P. J. Kelly , asking for a reduction of special taxe , was read Kely said that he had been charged $ :5 for a sidewalk - walk twent.Ovo feet In length hy twelve I feet wide. As Il was c\llent that an error I . had been macic time matter was referred te the proper commIttee. City Aulor , larry Clmrletie ! was Instructed to check over the Iccounts of ex. Polce Judge I'owler. ' ' an expert accountant went over time old records last sprIng I was found that Judge I'owler owed _ the cIty $ 416. A number of errors were fount , In the expert's - figures. Time vlaluct repair mater went over for one week as the contractor who was awarded the worl has not put In an appearance. H'an'moed that printing bIlls of the the Tribune bo referred Dro\ers Journal and referret \ 10 the committee of the whole Carrl ,1 Attorney J. J. Breen put In n bill of $25 for acting as city attorney during Doud's absence. The case Dreen tried was the cS' of tho. cIty against Waiiace . and was In coma- necton with the recent plumbing troubb Walers dldn't thInk Il right to pay n city aUorney $100 per month amid then hire out- aide help just because the regular attorney was away on a fishing trip. l'land thought as Waiters did about the mnattcr . Doud explained - plained that he had refurel before he wont away to father n complalnl against Walace because he had claimed al along that the ordlnnnce would not hoh In court and he ld not propose to go Into the district court on that Issue. Mr Doud further stated that . he thought $10 woull be plenty to pay At- lorney Breen After a long talk the Breen bill was laid over for one week When the printing bills were finally reache the TrIbune withdrew Its bill , al- leging an error in time lgures , The fevers Journal bi of $42.35 was read and laId over for one week Under the regular order of business again : lea moved that the chief of police l ordered to take the street gang and lower the street railway tracks emi Soulh Twenty- fourth street to grade This Is the AlbrIght trackvhmichi In some places Is four feet above grade City Attorney Doul , thought the motion a good onu , and the moton prevaIled. Ever since early spring the street railway coupany has been promIsIng to lower these trachea but nothing has bcmm done. The commilee on \Iaructe. streets and alleys was Instructed to re.ad\ertse for bids for the repairs on the viaduct. . The street commIssioner was Instructed to place a crosalng at Twenty.tlird and I streets Adjourned for one wee ) ( . . GIO\I.n CIg\I.\ U A' ! ' ATI\ N'VA. ills I'N'N"IH'e 1 'II'ct..l tl nrnn' ni JlorltUN CtUelll'N" tr 1..tlll , ' . ATLANTA Oa. . Oct H.-The indications are that presldent's day at the Colon States all International exposition will b3 the crowning lay of time exposition. The Jour- nal In an. ellorial today on Mr. Cleveland's comIng says : "It wIll be remembered thal the largest crowd of visitors In time history of this city came here In October 1881. on the oc- cablon of Presillent Cle'eland'sIslt to the Pledmonl exposition.Ve believe that the attendance on presldent's day will be twice as great as I was then. Atlanta has almost doubled In size since 1887 , and Is ten tmes as well prepare to takC care of a great crowti The present expositon ! , h yond comparIson grater than any previous attraction of the kind In Atlanta , or any other city In the south . "Since 18S President Coveland has flied a larger place In the eyes of , the world than any other merlcan cltizen . Thc desire to see him and honor hina ( ' Isgreatermmow than Il1 as then and wo expect to see a multI- tude In Atlanta on ( r sldent'9 day which wi dwarf thai whIch 4ttt'ifmed \ here on the occasion of President Cleveland's . vIsit eight years ago. I "The honor In which the 11resllent Is held by the masses of the people Is frequently demonstrated . and a signal 'Illustraton of It ! will be given In Atlanta ' one week from next Wednesday " ' ' . : 5- " ' . ' 1 1 ltn'u A rt'hi I cot IIJI''II. SAN FRANCISCO ' Oct. H.-A. Page Brown one of the best ; known archiects .f the Pacific coast . Is not expected to live . as ths rehult oC a runaway aecl- dent last weel Mr. Brown was driving an ex.hurdle race horse called The NIp- plo on n country road , when the anImal ran away and plunged down a ftt-p bank fifteen feet hIgh Into a dry creek Mr. Page hal both legs one arm . lila collar bone and three ribs broken. His face was frIghtfully . fully gashed and his skull fractured , It 19 not known whethcr there are any Internal Injurl s. but his friends fear he cannot sur- viva his terrible external . wounds - S'cr.tl r ) ' CnrlNlc flI'elineN tt ' 111. . NEW YORK Oct. 14.-Secretary Carls ! ( of the Unlted States Treasury department Is In town lie Is accompanIed by Assistant Sec. retay Iiamhin. Secretary Carlisle denied himself to newspaper pEople , sending them word that he had nothing to impart to the public at thIs time. . p - For beauty for comfort for improvement pf the complexion. use onlY Pozzoni's Powder . deri ; there 18 nthlng to cuaI It . . ' 1 _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . I "I t'i.l1 S.'lt' $ . \1'1 \01.l'\:01:1 : , 'l'n"'lt ) . ( 'rll.r" tl the . \111 l'hnll I Xu" II I . \c'h'c ' Irllltuu. SAN i'IIANCiSCO 1 . Oct. H-Tho revenue cutter , Comlolore l'erry , has returned from the northern sea , where she humus been confronted . fronted each night for weeks by a gIgantic line of fire . As CaptaIn Smith expresses I , , . .the devil's . have the devl's stoker habeen stirring UI Aubterranoal sea of fales that ts supposed to lie thOUS.HII oC feet tinier the nerlng's bed . 411 as n conoqlence fully twenty of the forty \'olconoes In the Aleutian chain arc now active . " The line of Islands I'lng between Bering sea ant thl Pacific ocean belong to the Ullet States and 01 them are probably time only active volcanoes h'lnwithin Unlell Slates terrier ) ' . : IICh has bee I written oC lhogaslos'a Island , which have hCHthrowlng 111 a cloud of steam at tmcs for years . but It was supposed that all other peaks 01 this singular only Ino ef Islalds were extnct craters only.Now. Now ns far as the eye can reach from mummy point In time Bering sea. a'acrnt or e\el al a dlstalce frm the fatuous seal Ilants the nlsimmg smoke and steal can bo seen In both directions , The eruption Is general all , so very lively that at niglut the airy eolulls take on the relectols of the fires deep 11 the earth benlath.the craters , Nowhere else on time globe can such a sIght be wllesscll In the day time only the white smele 01 stear Is visible. As dusk comes amid dark- ness folo\s the wonder /rows , The brighter column show tip In the cold Alaska Ilght Irst anti as It gets darker other vl\lt curls of smoe ) are to bo seen Rt greater IIMtances , Sommietimmies . when tlm positon of the oh- server Is I\anlageols. a dozen or fifteen . of these 1011er piars of fire are In sl/hl , Time show of slbterreanean force Is the most noteworl ! ) ' over observed , on American soil. As proof oC time mighty power that Is at work benealh the Islands n mmeck ) of land has been forced tip out of the sea betwecum 10gas. lo\a . atl Old 10gISlo\1 atI the two Islands are IOW enl I Is a queer looking hamad. One ( f tile pJS5eS shown on the chart as connectng I time Benilig sea with time greater oce.1n to the southward has been filled lP , The rocks In this neck are manlesl ) ' \'olcanlc origlim . black and sl00th In surface as If OICl . mmueited. leled. . - - - - " ' 1111 Iit.s Ir : 1\ ( ' t . CIEYI : : I , Oct. 14.-Amelia Grover who , . died at LaramIe yesterday of starvatIon , has. hall no nourishment for over two 10nths except a glass of water. 1"101 200 IIOllls In weIght she wRsted to Feventy.l\e pOllls , A most extraordinary , clrcllslanco In this conneclon Is that the almeltar ) canal failed absolutely 10 nerform its ohhices - for len weeks prior 10 death. Lecal phys-lcla regard time ease ems ono of the 10St extraordinary II medical annals offering as the only possible - hIe explanation tao theory that some brin disorder Intel Cored wlh the ( natural pro- ceases of the body In such a way as to cause physical wasting away. She lost the power of speech two weeks ago and made herself understood by signs. She appar- enty suffered 10 pain. She was I half sister of the welt klown Sarah Alhea Hi Sharon. I You can carry the little vial of \z , Br Pierce's Pleas- alit Pellets right , 1 t in the vcst-pocket " i of your dress suit , . . and it will not . , " - , . make even a little ' .4 . 'f _ ; z4c , .i 1111111) 'he I Pci- lets ' are so smal that 42 to 4 of them go in a \ial scarcely more than nn inch long , and as big round as a 1Cncl lClCiL _ _ nn - - - - - r------ jI They cre COIl- Stipatioli. . R One .1 Pelet . is a laxative ; two r n mid cathartic _ _ _ One taken after dinner wi stimulate - late digestive action and palliate the effects of over-eating. They act with gentle efcency on stomach - ach , liver and bowels. 'I'hey don't do the work themseh'es. They simply stimulate the natural action of the organs themselves. That is where they differ from all other pills. That is what makes them better than all other pius. You don't become a slave to their use as with other pills , because their help las/s. Once used , they are always in favor. ( ' , V'A'ION.-Dr. pierce's Pleasalt l'cilets- l'elels- It's aim easy name to remember. Domu't let a dc- sigiulumm ! drtglst taU you 1110 . somimcthiimigust as goo ( " lie makes more malc al the "Just as good kind. 'rhal's wily he woul rlher - set them , , That's why ) 'ou hal better hot lake 101 a free sample (4 ( to 7 doses ) of . Pleasant Petet- , . address Worl 's Dispelsary Medical Association , Buffalo N. Y. Metial , : : : G 41) j [ ) rKN L da'e 4J r Air onodi . gJ4 ; .uayJ- CflflOt O 'tome operc' wi1hotir inn Whiff of . _ ti1 P ? ' frjr . ( owN ThE rASHIONABLE PERFIJM. Flowery , refreshinc , dehiceto dfld1 Ies1in. - For sleby druqIst5 only. IMPERIAL CFUWN PEflFU14EY ! CO , SAINT LOUiS , MEYER t3ROTIICRS DRUG COAGEtITSI ALSOTRY ( WEDDUIG 6ELLS\I'wo \ new PEAC1 BLOW. J odor5 , A sample glass . . Schlitz's Malt Extract. 'We shaH be pleased to have anyone at- metell with inuligoallon . sllepsla , mnl- nutritiomm-om' , In fact , who Is Iii alY way In leed or n nourIshing tonic-try a glass of time Schltz Malt Bxtract. It's work Is wendel ful.con\ertng starchY footis ( which constitute 80 per cent of our daily let ) Into al easily digested contlitlon . Sold by us at $2.0 per dozen , or 200 for sIngle bottle . Delivery free . 811011111111 Il & McolllloII M 1 011111 i O 1513 Dodge St. , 2 door svest of V. 0 , ; j ; CIJMBEME. . CUPJEfE. .w Cure. . the .le \ ot .ett.abuau , excesses . emissions . Impotency , I ' , 'arlceele antl eonlU. , . , C , j box patton. . Ilx One for dollar ' 5. 1'01 a , sale by TIC aOOD. . DRIbO CO. . / lAN 1RIQ C. 4/ . . .UQ I'aram at I . " .1 anti pure - - - - - - - - - - - ASTHMA IS CURED . - - - - - - - - - - - ) ; luuumr 1111) ' l'h"h'lll > Nov 1'I'llli y l'llt"11111 ll 1.1111 tiusi t.r ) ' I ) ' the Clloclllll usual h"lllr.1 'h'lh"I-'I'r'utll'lt Nut 1 ' 1'-\1 I i'iitients . . . . . Caueete.i tl I'l y 1 IIII I ' ( 'its. Ir A'ust'ssuuua'uut . . , - - - - - Time onal II cOll'leto 1I : < tl'I' ) ' Ot iltmn- .lreds of etiSeit of nstuuua . for \ \ hkh(1) ' d the fatally ' of Onmmtlumi are now (111) hSlclan 01lhl nrl I according } ( " ) COlIcin , , } nod Shepatl , SO large n IMture of credit ' lit due to their use of clrnt\'e "ll'OIl ur lint ( deJr o on ' ( olleentraton antI potency I'cqll"lo to direct local uctOI UI time ore Inll tl " I'lsNI air tUiie . like 10.01 llll dropped , Into 11 lul- . JUI'I'd ' . oimmlmmmt'nt eye or helHIK olnlnHnt on ni cx- ( dual sore Ever : ) ' Patient with bromueimltls . nthma or other lung alment recel'a5 methicatlema renchlng tim tlltalet 1mar15 . no Iller how det'i , In time hlRS thmey Ilhe , ' 1hls Is true for Ilateltl b ) ' mali I wel IS for tI.oso who visit time . 0111cc. - - - - - - - - isv"i' : ' 1'111 1111'1't lrs . ( ' . . . ' ' " (111.111.1 1111 h"IIII'II' " 111"hl " " ni Iltl liii' sIi'I uia u 11 "fll,1 , IN ' Iiii ' ( ' iii . iIit'tii's Ilf I , ' ) oil \ ' 11 ' ' 1' , . lil'OMt'iitt' ( nlth "i , " " , aim'a'iuairuil t'Iiruuiie uuuiuiiaaI' iuuii is illiauuut tile l'hrllh' 111.h' llt "Ithlut . I II"IIH 'n ' 111" hlA' f'I'1 1 hl stir- for trout a'uttuiu'i'Is , l"thll n. Iui'nit- a'iilIIs . luiriaiuug riiettuuuiaii'aiit ai' alisuig- II'IIJ 'hll. hlrlh.1 .1".1. I rh..llt.1 . nl' I" IINthl. thrnl' I ualTa'eliauus t his ' ' , iiIuit's' , iIiiaialer I . , ' " a'i' siaiuiiiuhu : lut' liuuiu'.I ta'uuuilla' ! ; ; aut' liii ; Ilth'I' . 1.tIA' e1uiaiiuhtu tiiiitle'itt nl' , ' aia'leaina' eva'u' " hut. ' tn uuIl lie bout' . , " ! 'tl' nlr iiuaiiti'tu .l.I..tll' 11 II.th..I. ItIiani ( l"II""N" 1",1 thl' I 11011111 "lh"lt 1..N.lt.lt "C . s : ' ; 11'r lulth , ll jut-u- lell' " I umcitait'ai . - - - - A. l'r"I.IIA I 1.hh.I. iit'rht'imc'e "r ( lie ( ' 'II'11111 0 4 1h"III.1 'l'r"ltl..t. The He\ , D , K. Tiumdahi , n. D. . presiding , eld or . OIII IHlan" , Neh . lain I I of Omll11 Iml one of the 10st notcll ciergymmucim 0 the : lolhollst denollna lon. wllH : 1"01' twcnl 'elll 1 wits a ! lffl'rer frul cnlarrh of time heud. In 1,1I1on to time usual offensive anti , Inpeaunl ) Flplols th C tIMCaSl hud 1 uam Putt reti IYuleo Inll to , with ' tmmt'uutmil POlO 'xlenl Inlerfercd wlh I ) n"ntul , ' frIends 1 took , ' . work Bml'lcl of fllenlls I 'ourso of trtatl\lnt wih the Copeaml : Int , Shellr.1 speclllsis anti founlt It to be Ilcolllll\ly other ' which I hind 1I11erior 10 ntmy sllel e\'OI' resol'd ) , I fecI I I ditty 10 strongly tollend these phllllns ) 11 II need of skillful mmmiii falhfll treattmai'uit. " - - - - - - AGNhI'1S tP _ \ 'I'IDI\ . ( ur"11 Non ci y ' 1' " . " Y"lr" . \ / " 11.1 thus " ' 'I'i'auuhit'aI. X""l'r ! ' lice Il" " 1''oulh.I. Mi's. J. 1 : Iulen , 220 Uunl.lo street wife of lie ' 1'1 known "lllloe of time Union Pacilc hallway ( 'Oiflhiiiti' . , look Ireat- moment two years ago wlh Dr " . \11Ianl al,1 , Shepard for catarrhal bronchlis and nstimmna.Vlieum altl , leclnl ) ' whtther time IIH'ISI' lund ever commie back on her In an ) ' ivity Mi s. Mullen said : :119 : Iulcn " : I ) ' whole tlahe : cUme from Iltlrrh , I hud talunh when I little girl ; In fmtet . 1 always had It mimitll iii ) ' Iecclt 'ure I was always spltng amid blowing IUCIS anti - umeezuiig. I eiuim.t remimehumuer that I waa v"r free fromum hmemimhmut'hme soi 0 itumugs and lialums tluh'otui'hi ( lie chest. ' 'Imemm , mtt'otit seven tears mmgo , the bronchial tubes 3'ieliled to ( liii license , nuid 1 fomuumti ( hunt I haul iuronchminl eiutnrrh , ( in iiroimchuiths. rhme catuarrhu lmuiii I4ChiC losvui tin ummy lungs , It wasn't bug befiiro 1 imegnua to wheeze at every little eoitl , with bmtd spells of cotugimtumg. ' 'The air ttib healing to iiuy itimigs wee riot oumly lumihmuitmed , btmt cuumtracteui so that - . .k p - - ; . , . , : ' ; : IHS , T. 1 111I.T.I'N , 2203 11'IIel ( Bt. not enl ' COII\ : not get utit' , 'nullh , but 1' bll'alhlng Wil lust or the Ihn ntende3 whim 101'enlbS anll sufelln . In tme 11 i IUII C0l0 10 wealcn : . limo 111 10 effect I ) llelal 1 healh I I \1'1) ' I"I ' , 1 cotuidmm' t wnlU I a PithY or elhub sta Irma or Illtl an y III I i I exertion without hl\lnl tl Ianl Illt Itru , git' I get 1\ ' \lealh , In Im.l : weather ! 1 would hl\ ' ( ) tang multi nnglroul choiling 111.1Ilt I woult 11to t i' It I t up 11 nl 1gb t 10 breath , ' ul ni , 1 I Ilal : ) got 10 hall and ( I ) s ) 111 ito "OIII.lel , ) ' worn out that 1 wns genii for iuothmiumg. I WaSh11 tl lel Ihan t 1W pouuds I hwl sall immure thin ma 1 111111,1. I t , but 1 IUMt multi tbut Ilnco 1) ' 111'0 I ) ' Dr ShlllU d I I have reguuhmueti amy liesii . wlllhlng how 187 liotuumds . amid 1 havt le\er hail I touch of 1) ' "hI truhlo since " 1 , CII ( A lt : 'I'l. Cutllrh Inl , nil eturmatmie . , IS'ases treated lt lImo 1111011 rate of $5 n month . mcmli- , climes free 1'.itients itt I , lslllce success- ftihiy bum mm be. treated 1) ' omati . Sell fem alltol DUS COPELAND ) & SIEP AHD , noels :12 AND 313 NI'W YORK LIFI9 nUI.DI G. OMAhA. NIW. Office Iioturs-9 to 1 n. I , ; : I : to 5 p. I. Eve ninguu-Wedneadaa's anti Saturdays only. I to 8. Bun a-10 to 1 : m. . . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8CHOEDSACK'S TWIN CITY DYE WORKS , . ' ; "J ? ; J k - - - " , , Dyeing and Cleaning of I't'k ! " ' ' f5 n 1'U - : . r , : ; . Clothing , Dresses and 1 < ' - ' * " ; : ' 'l ' ; : - . ; ' . Household Goods ' ijJtl ' < 'ri'.I i , ' . , w , :1 : : , 1 , , j ; ! ; . . , h1 'd J i I' ' - - - . iImi ji R 1 : ' "lli , - . - -'Jj : U : O\AH 0FFICl 521 Flrunm St. TclcpIloiiQ 1521. ; , Te1elholo COUNCIL BIUFFS WOHS rutd Office . Cor. Ave. A 11ul 2GtIi St Tel 310 SEND FOR PRICE LIS'I' - - , ir , . . COUNCIL BLUFFS , . _ .1rE . ' DYE Y1OKS . : ! -41iFS - and Cietmmmlngdomiii N s thmo highest style of JstEttM - I , I Dro ? ' . thuCii. Iowa. Tel. 323 , fiflO' ' TliePlacetoBuy I rn Mfl VI1R STR1CTLYPUR13LLUJ I4tJ liftu RILiABLL MIXED PAINTS , CIhIiM1CtLLY IIJfli COI.ORS. , -Vo do umtmt rmmlx our alt with 0110:11) : till iii am' l'ur to ui 1 y , ) um itt. wiioiiMtlua : Price. Ni ) umevorl efmtrd to a tiiiter.tdtu I oil , c ti I itt our pit 'mm ILTId 'a u L .4 L im ; il o of tmii whIch aiim "hiiow-liarul' comimimetttorssoid for euro hiut'aecui oil. It wili immtcrott you if yotm mare gtmliu to Imuimut. : Davis Drug4 Paint & Glass House , I 1Irifff ( ( ' ( ( ( ; ; fI(1 ( ( Iiii : - . , ! _ , _ . , I. ' ; I - * 4 . . .j . I ' . I' . . . ( Mi mama used Wool ioap ) (1 ( wish mine haCk IJ700LEjVS will not shrink If WOOL SOAP is used In ( lie laundry. Wool Soap Ii delicate aml refreshing aur lath iur roses. 'rIme t'ttst ' eleaims'mr ron hotuteimoici awl latumicli'y uurposes. 3Ju , i bur at your dealers , Raworthm. choade & to , , Makers. Chicago. VDR OF EasUy , Quickly , Permanently Restored. Yeuakneas , Nervousnas. , ; ; : fltmliiit $ ) ' , anti all thio Irsia : ' .V/I"ofevilsfrouiearly errors or 'a ° r cxuceaes : the resuhtiot ' .J'rV overworhe , ulcieumeas 'worr' , etc. Ftuhistre'mgtlm , deyei. , ; \r-- ( : ' everyorgan and tortio I ottimeboal ) ' . Slmtmie.uat ' . utah mnethouts. fmnnmeslL. - ate Itnprotemfli'flt seen. raumure tmpeeI Ibit' , 2.000 references. 1100k. expiaaatlou amid proofs maIled ( Semuied > free. - - - . ' CO. . fluffaU , H.Y. Dr. G. GOLDING , 'I'lit , ( test lteiliuble a iual Suaceesiufuil Sit'eiiihist Iii tilt , 'I'a't'mttuuuauit of iii I'rhviite a utui 14a'ur't hhsa'isau'au of hvii , Treatment by malt. Corre.pommiit'nce mronmptly answered , consultation free and eonhidential , olflce hours. S a , in. to S p. m. Call or write Hunttayiu , 9 to 13. Coniuhiatton rootmms , 2I amid 205 1)oulas block. 5 , E. Cor , JItht & houige , , Otuuiuiun. Nub , , EEIs'I' ? ! ' NLT1ONL llAi --OF-- Council Bluffs , Iowa. C4U'I'F4L , . . . $100,00 ( ) % 'i , : SOLICIT 'OV1t hlUftINIISM. 'I3 l)1ISI II II ' . ' ( ) t'i COhLIIC'I'iNS. ( ) Nl3 OF' 'i'hiC ( ) I.hIJS'l' IIAN1S IN 1l'A 5 I'Iiht ClINT i'Alhi ON 'PhallI hh1lUS11S CIALL M1) SLIL1'VLOIL W1t1'1'13. Mll' BUllAllY IIIIAThB i'iii : : OPERA OF * POWHATAN GIVEN BY TIlE Sociy Poop of ounciI Bluffs FRIDAY AD SATURDAY , OCT. 18-19 AND SATURDAY MATINEE. Mr. , 0. ii. Shuuiomu avlli aimmmoar in tim role ot I 'ocmi hitmiu ti : $ ; ! ti I . , s 14 I iiu rt , iati ghi i iuc ita r u . flu. Siumiomus , Ctpt. : Johiim 5uuilhi ; It II. JuitIsomi , ( 'mtIt. Itoifo ; mttiui E. 5. Alloim mis l'owIumttmtuu. Tickets 50c , 75c , SI : Gallery , 25c. Mrs. 13. E. Whicler , 176 U t'muiiuuuii A ye. , Co ii mm cli III ti lT. Iumstruetor nuid uugeimt of tbuo SCHULTZ GERM N COMPOUND cemmuupoSeui of hiorbs , r nets , oils mtmmmi batiiq. $ Pttciitl attomit gls'ouu ( a , thita colubrietcul i4aliuue , Cmaimclumo ilttthi , Medleateti Ot'omiti liathu. ( heruimaui iimedlctitu.i towels it ) rclhuve and clamuuumo , thu mystotii of tmvcry Imumimuirity of limo biotid . 1'oltivo ciuru for ( ) mttau'nhu , Cmnsiummmp. I mcmii , I ) ropy mmumti ( lou ii ml I ) j li I I ty. I uistrtmc- I itmui gi you I mu the 'I' ni i i'u : i t lime ii t of time hair ; also fmtchai trouutuuittilt. whereby ouuo can learn to uratilcatu mthl hhloumulluims froi the Imucu. Letters of humutmiry uarouumptly mtmiawerod , A t hmomimu ft'orut 2 p. iii , 1.0 fi p. iii. - We send the mnarveloum. Fre'ueh S. . ft Itemely CALTIIOB rr , . , and mu K' t'c iegsi gUaratite , that ( JALTIIOS will ' 2 ' ii ( E- : C' cud 111P.'i'hLI Lost Vito , . ' % ! h , ; - . UellaidtaytfialfietS , Adl.VON MOIIL CO. , - IJ itoh , mei. , Ag.t. , t1..i..uth , OIl. . Special oIicos-CouciI Oluffs FOIl IICNT , MY Itlt3iDBNCi , 318 I'LATNEiI street , utter November 1 ; eIght roommas ; modern convenicneeB. Also tlvut.roQm house , No , Ill I'latiuer strestI possession at any time , Jacotu.iims. cii IMNBYH CLMT.D ; VAULTS CiiANED. Ed ijiurke , atV , B. homer' , , 538 iirusdwuy , it SAI.I'I CI1IIAI' , A (1001) STI'Itod hEAT. Ing plant ; boiler. lunnlng No. 2 , itli ra4lators , ltIe , atC. , suItable for heating house. Inquire iii 310 liii street sAid 8th isvetioe. J. .1 , Brown , Thu OMAHA l'A1tl Si.OO AND FIXTJitiBI ( for re-nt , No. lO1 S. h'lerce street , lntmuire of Ii. hague or II , II. tiheufe. i-oil lth1N'r , lliflhI'l-IIOOM 1lOi'U : blOUSE , a blocks fr-mi Nonpareil oimu'e. e'uuap I takea apm . U , Q.jZJOijfo , l.Main .tre L- , , - - - - - - - - - . - -