- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , : . . - THE OMAHA DAILY . . 1\E. \ - . , . . i- - , . t srl'An.JJSnED : JuNE 19 , 871. OMAIIA , TILESJAY roItNI7r : , OCTOBER 15 , 18D5. SINGf.Jm OOL'FtVi ! ] OEN1'S. QUEEN SmDlARlLY DEPOSED ) \ _ rllr East Disturbed by a. Su den Revolution ' . ( in Cora , AMERICAN AND RUSSIAN MARINES LANDED UHc'41 SIIIIII ) ' tu Iruh'et this lc'lnt''H uf 'l'lwlr U""I'ct"'e Cipsi * 11 rIM -I.'nh ! uf the ! ( ll"C'1 Xlt lno"l II n Ccrlnlnl ) ' . WASIINGTON , Oct. 14.-Inrorinatlon of the formidable uprising In Core , resultng In the disappearance and probable death of the queen arid the landing ot military force hy the United States and Duropean powers , has been received by MInISter Hurlno : of Japan from the foreIgn ofce at TokIo. I Is quIto ensntonal , Inlctng , the landing of mnrlne by ! Iussla , lho ( United States and probably Great BriaIn , The latelt dIspatch to MInISter - ter Jlrln stales that I force at Iusslan marines , forty In number , has been lanled , Thus far they have confne,1 themselves to guarding : the Russian legaton at Seoul United States marines were landed tram the Yorktown to the numbcr at sixteen I Is bcleved aha that Brttsh marines have been landed. BeRldes these , the Japanese have a consilerahle force ( f soldiers at Seoul , who have heen preservln-g order. The dispatches come tram Tollo and communicate - ' municate he substance at dispatches recel\'C1 from General Mulra , the Japanese envoy at eouI. They are dated from the Hh ! to the 12th Inst. 111 * It appears from tlSO ills- , patches that the trouble hal Its InceptIon through the IUeen's dIslIke at the newly or- ganlzc , ! soldIers of Corea The old soldiers hall the prImItIve equIpment or the far cast , lint with the prcgrc s at the Japanese two batolol at Corcan troops were organlzel , on modern melholls Each battalIon nUI- armed wIth modern , ' . bered GOO men wih moler weallons. They . ' . .ere well dried ntl olficered. When the 'Iucen showed her ihsrnvor ( toward these nol troops they appealed to Tat Won Kun , n powerful chIef , who has long been at ' enmIty \ with the queen. lie accepted the leadership , of lho new troops , and at the head or one battalIon entered the queen's palace. The natIve soldiers . tied from the palace. The notvo sol.ler/ led 'follio dispatch did not state what ho,1 bc. como of the queen , further than that she hail disappeared and cannot : bo 10cotc(1 The , officials are Inclined to beleve , however , 1 t that the unofficial reports ot the queen'o death are lrue. The Japanese government , the dispatch til- , the statas , has acted , quIckly on tIm reports - I ports and has appoInted ( a commission to In- quire Into the facts In the meantIme , I Is omphatcaly denIed that the queen'o death , I 1 It , has occurred , was duo to the Japan se. One report says that I Japanese Sh09hl killed P . the queen , This Is not yet confirmed In the received hero The offlclals dlspatehcs Tht ofcials say that the Shoshl are an Irresponsible and , law- leas class and that their acts cannot be laid to the .lapane people or go\'erlnent , General Murla's reports alll cover the work ot the Japanese troops In preservIng anI 'I. 'fhese troops were stationed opposite the Ilalace h3vlng oecured this polut vantage lmo tIme slnc through the Corcan gov- orment They look no part In the attack on the p'lace , but after I had occurrI , when the native troops were flyIng and the new battalIons wcre celebrating their suc- Cot' In capturing the palace. : the JOIanese' ' troops aided In preventing bloodshed and : dlsonlel' I Is prohable that some deaths : I occurred , during the melee. I olowlng this came the landIng , ot the . 1nle,1 , States and Husslan marinas alI It Is - ' : ; levcd the landing of the hhrltlsh. The - latest Indleatons are that Tal Won Kun 15 In control ot aralrf lt thc Con'an capita\ I The king has been the nominal ruler , but I the queen has heretofore been recognized at' the real kIng. The InIuence or the king a 11 TaI Won Fun are distInctly tavorabl to the Japanese. At the Corean legaton no wont has been received , tram the dIsturbed capital The ofelals are much exercIsed and do not doubt that the queen has let her death , although they are not really to abandon hopc. In case olcial confirmatIon Is receIved thor will bo such formal ceremony as Is usual on thin elth at a l\1Verelgn. The legaton wIll go Ilto mournIng , but there Is nol hitch to bo a tumral : service , although this baa been consIdered as n further mark or rcspect. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ I 11 , \ IISI'I'A''g 'l' ( ) : " , \n ' A CII\XGI . , , ' " , f Ac'I.IIw"'IIA" the. 11 , , but . I.'nl' tn . \ , ' thc htiiii.-iI . ' \11111) ! H"I"4t ) r\ . LONDON Oct 1 I.-The Times leader on I thc sreech lel\erCI b ) Secretary CarlIsle before - fore the Massachusetts Reform club at Boston Saturlla concludes' ns follows : " \Ve cannot feel assured that any ImmedIate result wil' I ' follow ( rain :1' . CarlIsle's forcible statemenl L or the rlll , anti remis ot the system unMr ; which thin Unle(1 States 15 sal.led , . , with thp : IndefinIte oblIgatIon at reissuing greenbacks , ' " after allowIng thel to bc employed for thc ; wlllirwnl ur gold. The obstacles created h ) ' the polItical sItuation might ho overcome I r , these men were as keenly Interested In the i S later ns they were before trade began to Improve. A great deal , however , dlpenls I upon the charctor at specific ProPosals tot the rororm ot the currency which the scere - tary ot the treasury foreshadows , but does not II present disclose. Bolh politIcians ant men ot business may accept the major part ot : ' . CarlIsle's criicism , They may agrec m that the oblIgatIon to reIssue as veIl as to reIe3m all outstanding noles ought never to I have bern Inlosel upon the govcrmcnt , yel t the ) may hesItate 10 commit themselves to some now systrnn at ' , ) curenc ) or at oh I o\enh they may hind It easy to devIse 11 l' p ' SoilS for objectIng to II. " - - - - IillU'I'tN.tPC.ttLEl ) TO \CClnX'I' : . CUllttr , ' nf ( hc. Slltlh I'ntrnt Innt \ - to lip IlcIII' " " IIn. l1.\I > UU. Oct. H.-AdmIral Allrlnger. tin . 8llsh : minIster ur marine bait ordered that t ? a Btrlct Inquiry bo male Into the capture b ) ' tbo Cuban Insurgentd at Ascrraboro bay , near . SantIago Ie ! Cuba , of the Spanish patrol boa Ind the Ilsarmhil at the guard at marines : on boaIll at her. The boat was commanllel by n lIeutenant of the Spanish navy , and hall twelve mlrlnes on board , Her arma- , . Icnt conslslcd ot a galng gun. Thl In - f'urgenl bulllllly ! boarded her and tilsarmet I tIm CNW , alter which they took away her . gun and alt her ammunItIon , storcs ctc. , as : wal as the arms of the marInes. The latte : r lalH _ were then lIberated. AccordIng to th" Instructions rS slructlons ot the Spanish minister at marine , , the lIeutenant whn was In commal11 ot the boat Is to bl summarl ) ' punished I the facts In the case are lS reported. - - IhllOI nt the 10'n , ' Surri-ntier. 1.\ IS , Oct. 1I-enoral Irnalme tele graphs today , via Port IOlls , Island at Mau S rllus , that the French captured the Hem 0ltworl18 lt Taraatra on the night of Oc tob\'r 5 without any loss , In spite ot the tact thd lhe 10v mall a " arm defense. le odds that on October 3 the newl at the capture S turo ot Anlananarlvo W.18 receIved , anti lhrrc- npon ho sUllonell the cJ.Hogental commanding - mantlIng the main posItion at Tlr.htra to p " ; surrender , which Wi done after torty.elght . J hours at nt'gotlatloiie. . Tt Temps publIshes n telegram which 9\H that Anlananuh'o was defended by 15,000 JO\U , at which 7,000 were armed wih rifles , and that they had a number Df cannon I. InIe.l to ( , i'ei'rnge. I.ONI/ON / , Oct. H-Slr AIgl10n Berth , wick , bart , : I. I' . , 10prielor of the : lornlnl , Post : Ht , 101 Baron henry doVortm I . formerly tinder secretary at Itate for thl colonlls ) , anti Hon. horace Curon.l'lunkelt : ' have ben raised to lhe peerage r ! 11..t 'I'rnh' itt n tniiilsthil. CLAOOW , Oct. 14.-fluslneu II at n standstill II the Scotch slecl and klndre < trades , uWln" tl the uncertaInty a to whAher the sllt buIldIng ! strike epread : S tion. the ( Ile woke will have to reduct .prcll < I . , 11:1,1. PIII''I JI'S X A I \ IC.tI'I. . . \11 hut I CnlAht 111 CI'IIII"t the hi it r r I ( ' rN. MEXICO CITY , Oct. H-Dul fIghting cir- ' ces ct are agItated over the narrow escape from ( Ielth t at Ponclnno DIaz , natIonal hero at the ring . The bull got him pinched between the ts barrier and his horns , and Ponclano , s eIzing the horns , lIfted himsel and jumpcl o ver the barrier . . anI amId nl.plnuse. His mother , who was among the spectators , nearly faInted as she saw her son being rammed agaInst the oaT1 by the bul , Ioncano wa' not In i hIs best form , and the audience jcereJ him , Inl at he , growIng enraged , adtlressed a peech as II the crowd aaking If he had crossed the seas tram Spain , the cradle of the art only 10 t he hIssed at by nn Ignorant mob In Mexico , whereat the mob yelled again In order to provoke - eke Tutu to some unusual deed , o < nrln , Ionclono Is sllt and bruised , but wi be all right soon. son. I Is rumored that the ralwas wIll again pool their reign business. The read that has been most benefited Is the : Iexlcl Central , which has been able 10 transfer much busIness formerly goIng to Vera Cruz anl , Tamplco. The September exportatIon ot hentfuen fibre from Yucatan was 30.221 blles yieldc l ug n gross rum to ilanters of $70301. : lnlsler Ransom Is In excellent health. A large number at race horses wIll ba hrought here at the close of the'Ilas tall to race on the new track opened by Colonel Pate I Is reported that Colonel Homero , the duellt , wi have his sentence realrmed by the higher court , and may even have It Increased. I A banquet wIll be given tomorrow at the ciy hal to thc vIsItIng AmerIcans wlw are 10 attend the . alend congree "larvC number uf sclentsls have arrived , and wIll be ready < tor the opening day. The visitIng Americans - cans , archbIshops and bishops are hieIng sumllnou81) ' entertained anti , wIll tomorrow ' go to visIt picturesque 1laces , In the valley at lexlco. Tht prelales wIll begIn to heave tor their northern homes Saturday. ClnlI I.\ hitsit ' ; 1I ! ClL'Itsl. IIIHln , ' " " In (1' Slnllnlc'h 1"lnlll" Xn 1lt" In"rC"I'11 \ VIthi. hONOLULU , Oct. 7.-Per Steamer China , via San Frncisco , Oet H.-Cholera ) has bout run Its cour30 In thIs clt ) . , But one case has been reported since the last mal , making n total ot eighty-seven to date. The Hoard ot Health has lifted the local quarantine - , tine and freIght at all descriptIons can be' ' sent to the neighboring Islands Passenger travel Is stIll rcstrlcted at prescnt i FIlibuster expedItIons are 110w attracting the attentIon at the peOle ( , The government ( receIved wonl that arnietl ' ( Invaders may bu expected at any tIme. On the morning ot thc 4h word was received by the althorl- tics that a boatoad ot armed men had handed on this Island , about ten mies front ilonol lulu. Th men questioned the natIves about the surrounding country and put out to tie largo schooner which was anchored oft thc shol'o neat Perl Harbor. A cnmpan of pom lce was sent aCer the strangers and later the government tug was sent out with a field piece and 1 detachment of regulars. Tht tug cruIsed about for live hours and returned reporting that nothing was seen of the men. 'ho appearance ot the supposed flbus- tens has caused . , time government to prepare Itself for InvasIon , the IJolce have all been armel , extra soldiers hare been enlsted and In other ways the government Is adoptIng Ilrecautonlr ) itmoasuree The Ilbuster craft Is supposel to come front some South merl- can port. I Is claimed that Ezeta and one ot tIm Ashrord hrothers ) are at the head , or LImo movement. Ezeta recently left San I.'ran- cisco for time south , for the a\owed purpose so It Is saId , at enlisting men to overthrow the present government or San Salvador. Many people hero scorn the Idea at any fill- bustcrlng exreiltlon , but time acton ot the ' governmcnt or late proves that the men now In power belIeve there are grounds for fear and are acting accordingly. .IUS'I'ICI IX 'I'ID CUXGn I"II I' S'I'\T Ih'IAII"tllnhC'Iun nr Inrtli I.tt'v II" 1"ld tn S"'lnl' 'I'rnlh" ' . LO"JION , Oct 11.-The Pal Mall Gazette publIshes an Interview thl3 afternoon wltn Dr. : lohaux , the Belgian , olcial who Is sold ! to have been thO only European wItness of the trIal and executIon by hanglu ! or Stolles the Fnglllt trader who was ex- 1cuteI by order ot Captain Lothlro the Belgian commander at UntIl , Congo Fro State. Dr. llchanx I quoted as sayIng that on January 1i ot the present year Stoke ' was brought before an alleged court-martal Captain Lothalre composing the entIre court and ho and time doctor beIng the only whlte present The only witnesses were a fCII , \I'llis , who stated the , : they hal purchased rIfles p ) purchasel rlfe9 tram Stolles The trial .dsted . between one and two hours , after which CaptaIn I.othalrl announccl that Stokes was sentenced to death and that ho would bo executed on the following day. ContInuIng , Dr. : lchuX Is quoted as 1)- Ing : "Al m ) Inlerccsslons were futile. Cap ta n I.othalro refused to grant even a tow days ' reprIeve. At 6 o'clock the next morl- Ing a servant called me and Informed mo that Stokes wan < ead , I rose hiurnlixhly thInkIng that Stokes had bean strIcken with apol11exy or that ho hal poisoned hlmselt , , and I was starched , to find a galIo 1\ s all a new male , gra\'e. Stokes had been xeeuted and burled whie I slept As 10 the ( IUe5ton or hie guilt or otherwlsc I must bc sIlent. " 111' O'lI'IXSG.IXS'I' J'XII'lg. . , \1 111"h tn 1 , . Cut C'II XC'II' Clhln I ' IllrnlI" . hAVANA , Oct. 13.-Tho recent use or d'n 1mlo by the hl9ursents along the line of ! the railroad , Is I causing the authoritIes grave , ulaslnes , anti I has been conshleretl necessary - sary to CmlJloy some special I measures to SU- ( I'ress ' the practice.'lthi n view to checlling It CaptaIn General Martinez d pamupos has Inblshe < an order that all trees m\l busho . shall be cut town and alt the huts shah be ; removed wIthIn a distance ot 200 yards ot the railroad track on both sides. I Is turther orderel that no one shall be allowed to al- : reach lho trlns Violators at these orders Ire to be summarIly court-mnartlaleil. , CP- taln General < 0 Campos also publIshes In : order which proclaims that he wi continue m his tJracteo at pardoning all rebels who lay down their arms and surrender themselV' I to the nUlhorltes , except the chlcf These m hatter are to be subject to time decision at tIn ) captain . general , who wi investigate : anl I ascertain whethcr any ot them hab en I gui ) ' of outrages In the condnet of the ! In . surreetlon. As a fnrther warning against the use or dynamIte , severe Spanish laws enacted In Spain In lSgt , lS a relult ot thl atempt at the 1.leeo theater fl Uarcllona , are to he \ubllhed hlre , , , ' * iI. Sit I tIN hhit'e \\'hul"ul' gll'c.t. I \ YORK , Oct. 14The'onld prlnls this morning the followIng dispatch : CUm-FOO. China , Oct. 15.-As a result ot r the Urllb 1 consul's intervIew with him , the viceroy ) ' has Ijrcc < to executl eIghteen mart vegetarians accused of murdel'lng mlsslonarllS Immediately. Tie consuls anti the taota'S ' ( magistrate ) are empowered to pass senlence hlreafter without reference to the vIceroy . The concessions ar o dUe to the presence here ; of five Britsh men . _ - ot wnr. - - Sultan Acc 'I.I" ( CUlltUuIUI ) ' . LONDON , 0:1 H.-A Comlantnople dIe - patch to the Times sars : The sultan ac cepta the reuce,1 \ scheme at reforms In l'rJnrllJle , but leclnes to promulgate It t forthwith but such acceptance would appear like Rrtng unle pressure I lie persists In this policy the storm will polcy wil cfllnly gothic : again anti wi break with renewed violence . IUI UU\I h ) ' n Sh'IICI' . IOOON , Olt , H.-Tho German sleamcr Emma collided with tIme 'rench borIc Pa- clnqu off Sllurnhpatl on Monday Itrnlng and I the Pacifque smile In fifteen mlnules. Twelve , perl'11li ' were IlrQWnld. mendIng Caplll ( I. , 1/I"r. Dt the Paciique and the pIlot. Tin II Emia wa badly lamagel I DURRANT I ) CASE GIVEN A REST Juors Allowed a. Little Time to Attend to Private Business DEFENDANT IS BECOMING DOWNSPIITD I..ur the' 1.'lr"t 'l'Imne leIII"'I"H tu lk'ziiIe th. , S'rl''HleH' uf hIM l'u"llul-lrc'llrl'A Cur the llllc11111" CnH" SAN FHANCSCO , Ocl. H.-The trial at Tleodore Durrant for the murder at Banche Lament did nol go on this morning. So i mal ) ' at the jurors are busIness men , court , Idjournell until tomorrow. I Is lIkely that the court wli tomorrow morning take a turlher atjourment Attorney Deuprey , time Icadlnl l counsel for the defendant , Is cent fned f to his bed with rheumatism , and his 1oelates wIll base this as a reason for a contnuance for several days. Although the court Is Inov'n to be opposed to delays In this lrlal. It Is believed , however , that he wIll grant the continuance. In that case tIme trIal wIll not likely be resnmell before next Ion- d ay. In the meantIme Theodore Durrant re- Illns In hIs cell , never leaving It for time cuslomary exercising In the corridors I Is I mid that he Is hlcomlng exceedingly Ir- r htabie. Since he 'finished his lestmony In JUdge Murphy's court the defendant has lost l consIderable vivacIty , and , Instead ot bea Ing l careless and IndIfferent , bc Is serious and t roubled. Fur time first tme since his arrest the Iclcal student seined impressed wIth thc proper u idea , ot hIs terrIble POSItIOn. At last It I has awned on him that \ hc lay be con- victed and as he realizes the chain ot clr- cumslances against him he has become much depre lsel. / Attorney Dickinson , for Durrant , Atorey Dckinson 10Jay re- marlled that he thou.ht the defense would be able to put In time balance ot its testImony In I two days or less Then the prosecutIon wIll present its witnesses In rebutal. prosecuton Ds- trIct Attorney Dares says he will handle them rapidly , but Dclln n II preparIng to c ress-questIon witnEsses at length , and on thaI t account I need create no surprise It another we el Is devoted to the work ot tal- Ing I testiniony. Although CaptaIn of Detectives Lees Is busIly engaged In the trial at Dnrrnt for time murder m ot Blanche Lament he Is not o\'er- looking h tIme MInnIe WIllIams case , but Is still gathering evIdence 10 he used when the trial t or that ao Is bl un , Many thInk that In the event the pnlibner Is convicted ot the kIlling at Banche I.amont he wIll not be i put on trial for the mImIcI ot MinnIe \Vih- I l lamas. Captain Lees and the district , attorney I < atorey , have made their minds ' hl\e up , however , to press both cases Just how soon the second trial wIll begin I.as not been determIned , lS a m tate for the hearing has , not been set. 1.10' IY 1'0 II Mt'ititunmm : tGt IN. - Ituimitti- liii t " ' . _ 1 : . ' " 11 rhlt 1111 II" lm'iuit'r , % ' j'e hIii-e ) Inte 1"11. IWOKLYN , Oct. . ! t'I has become almost - : most an accepted rumor among tme members or the 100 or New Yot-k , and p\Ccularl YptJ \ ) among those who compose the Meatmewbrook Hunt cub ot Long IJand , rays the Cagle tonight that a reconcilIation Is IJrobable he- tween Mr. anti ' frs. Wilam K. Van rllt : and that ImmedIately followIng th marriage of their daughter , Conslelo , wIth the duke ot Marlborough a second ceremony wl unite the parents a second tIme In mnatritmiony. Too marriage or MIss Consuelo Vanderbilt wIth the duke at Iarl- borougn Is recognized lS more the wbl and desire .of . her father than of her mother. and this union bas beau uSld c by limo frIends at both parents to bring about , a happy understandIng bet\\en them ' 1 Is has been kept a close secret In time Innermcst cIrcles ot thc 100. hut It has lmrottrcseti so happIly > that It need no longer be so closely guard2 lrs. W. K. VanerbL and ! her daughter , Consuelo. were the Guests of MI' a1d : ! rs. J. L. Keerochan lt lempsleatl over Sunday , end on Saturday they drove over to the Garden City 10 cal upon Dishop I.lllejohn with a view ot arranging : the ap- pro\clng marrIage at the young people. l'sl0lJ 1llejohn Is In atendance at the EplscCnl conference In the tert t , but wIll retnr In tIme to atsist at the wed d 11 " . The bishop chrIstened and confrmed Miss Vm1- , 'eblt : : and Is hell In high esteem by hc\ anti , It . ho her wish that ho asSIst l hop Pot- ter at the weddlrg. In the setlement of the marrIage contracts time duke : oC Iarlborough : Is understood to have received $3,000,000 , and an adlitonal . $10,000.000 was settled 0 : MIss Consuela. _ _ _ _ I'OI1CilAN FINAlIY . . . tU1 : II ! IIAN. lit lulIA Su hleltee..ivi'ui \'otmmis \'hh'h " 'l 11 I I II'ull lily Iru , ' , ' Fitful. SflATTLE , \\'ash. , Oct. 14.-As a result at an attempt to arrest John Connor for time alleged robbery at $10 from Sanford flodser , a sailor , whlo In Daniel lcNumara's saloon - loon today , Policeman ' John Corbett 15 l'ln ! at the point of'eath In the ProvIdence hospital - pital , his body coverel wIth knife wounds. Connor Is aho d'lng from a bullet wound made by the polIceman's pistol In jaIl Ire tiommeer , with knIfe wounds In his hands held as \v.nis : , all lcNamara with a bullet In his arm Connor stabbed the pclc man and the ( sailor. Curbet shot the su pectel thief arid the saloon keeper The polceman has fourteen bal tount1s. Ils nose Is almost slaahed oft and he has a deep wounl In the abdomen anti others all over his body. .s i Connor ran out ot the door 10 escape the , patrolman shot him In the back. 'l'ilt'l'Cll , ? ; - ; ' - , ; : - - - ; , ' . ' ' 'I'IL\'I'CIIH IS " 1'1'1 ilS I'\H'IY. Xulhlu Iii tlim-iiom-maomt H"IAIII 'hh'h Itt-st i'letH II. I PrlsIhi'ges. SALT LAKE Oct. I-A special to time Tribune ( remit Lusan Utah , gives atm Interview - view with Apostle Moses Thatchor , demo- cratc candIdate for the United States settate ' In which ho says : "I belIeve that senate'l member ot an organize society should respect - spect its officers , because It hO dId not con- fusion antI 110sslbly disruption would most lIkely result. I have known at nothing In I ! the relIgIon or In the religIous orJlzaton to which 1 belong that shou.d In the least Ie- ( : sree restrict mo In the oblIgations whIch I ewe to the Etate. I reafrm my opposItIon 10 time minIon ot church antI state In whatever form It may appear , belIevIng that the peace , , prosperity anti happIness at the people depend upon their absolute separaton , I am with my party ensues \ llch have already arisen or In the future may arise. " ' . SIX'I'gl' CO.\S'IIXH "I SSglS ! , OS'I' . Not 11111" - tu ShlllllAI'IA time ' Cun"t of Call fornlum 1111 ) " ' : Ieu. SAN FI\ CISCO , Oct H.-Tbe lerchants exchange today received olclni news from GUQ'maa concernIng the storm , 'rhe coast wire wa down betwcel Gua'mns nll towns north at there , but communIcation wait resumed last : night The message slate that the Mexican I scho.aner Cometa Is a total loss Her cap. taln was drowned. The vc.sel went ashore t near Alamura fifteen miles south ot Alala , , The steamer Diego lost her rudder and steer post on the Alata bar. Sixteen con tnes. . ads In all , Including time schooner Char , ! went m wrecked lt Lapaz. Ono huntred and olghty. four houses were destroyed In Lapz . Five I lives were lOll. . - C hwn l tllrH 1I"c'l (1""I' ' , . ATLAN1'A , Oa. , Oct. H.-Colonel AIxnn . del h. McClure ot the I'hhladelphla Tlmos today addresses the Iowa Press aaoclaton on the Imparlance oC the work at newspapers In tItle countr ) . The meeting occurred lt the exposItIon . posItIon grounds , and ImmedIately after the , amidress the asaocstiona ! elected the ' flldreu auocaton. el tolo\ug ! I oIiicr for the eUlulng year : I.arayet'e Young of ne 'Iolnea , la. , IJrealdent ; A n. S'.w . I at Corultmg . aecretary ; C. : . Junkin , FaIr - I leld , vice Preildoot. l't'Ut'I'AU"OCA'I'g ! 1 ; SIIMShON. Irc'"lt'lt 10w1 Ih.th'cr" the ( ) jit'it- hue Auitlrcti . ' . BAI.TIIOm , Md" , Oct' 14.-The . first Na- tonal Purity congress tinder the auspices of the American Purity alliance , ccnnned In this cIty tonight , anti wIll Continue . In session for thret days. SocIal r&rorlners.from all parts at the country all prcsent as delegates , t noa of them wIth papers upon varIous sub. j c-eta which they will restl durIng the scs. s loim . Among thee are Jolla Warl Howe , Bbrllge T. Gerry , Anthony COlstcck a 11 R ev. Anlclnete Brown Dakwel. The sea- ions began tonIght In the Friends meeting house h , President Powell , In opening the meeting , Mid that the objects are : "The repression ot \ ice , the prevention at Its regulatIon 1) ' the states , the better prolecton ot time young , the rescue ot the falen , to exlen\1 the While cross work among men , nd to Prociatiti the law l at purity lS equally procall len and womimen. " Vice , ho said , Is leg\lze,1 In Europe , but In few CSM ' If It EO In Amerl- C1 , and In lhfe cases It Is ,10mlnaly , rather than aelunly , rcndered la\ rul. Hc referred 10 t Omaha , In which city , be said , lines arc Imposed I which I11Ult In , nnlt ) . to n lax , t imi- proceeds at whIch go toWards \ , time main- telalee at the public Ibool , a practIce whch : he spoke at In the severest lerms Hu also spoke at the efforts to legalIze It lu CP veland , St. Louis , New York and "e\el the Purian city at Doston. " Time speaker dwelt upon time laws ot the \'arlous states upon "the aga at comisent. " lie said : "These so-called age at consent statutes ' discriminate rgalnnt girhood and II favor : ot Immoral man They are for the most part a dIsgrace to the several s\lcl of the union. " II He\ . Antolncte Brown Daellwcl ot New Jersey real , a paper on ' 'rie Immorality at Iho t Regulation System , " oC which she said a mong other things : "lt . - cepls and condones - d ones wrongdoln I shIelds mel only I Is I organized , flagrant Injustice to woman : I trIes to male her thc scapegoat for both " ( H 'I"I'IXG II 'II'un . - 'i'IhIl CA3ll'AlN Ah"I"r ) ' HOlr41 of ' th , ' . \ . I' . . \ . II H""lon nt 'St , IOIIH , ST LOUIS , Oct. H.-The advisory board of the A. P. A. , as organized at Milwaukee last y ear , met hHe tolay. , The fifty delegates rep- resenled nearly every state ' and terrItory II lho unIon Mayor Wahbnimlgo made an address at welcome , at the coneluslmi ! ot which the board went Into executive session on the busl- ncsa before It. 'ne , main a\'o\cd object at the present meeting Is to perct a natIonal organizaton In accordance with time general plait agreel upon at Mlwnnkee a year ago , and which shall pertorm a hIke runcton In time torlhca\lnl presIdentIal campaign as that performed by slate and iocah.advlsory boards In I state and local electIons , That Is , the re- i lgious aflatons and Inluenc ( which surround - round each at the candidates nomlnatcd Ion preshlent and Vice president wIll b3 rIgidly Invo i lgated , and n report thereon wIll be male to a 1 the members cf the order througlut the country to guio them on elee- ton < ay. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ COX"I' X'I'IOX CAI.IIOI , ) 'I'Oihi'I'IlliII. 1"lnh 1"11"111 JI..t tn HIHCI" " tu'etll nf I IttChurch. . SALT LAKE Oct U..fho democratIc tlrrltorlal commltec met her today. A vote was taken and unanimous ' , heclded l to issue anl ! n cal to reconvene the terrltrjrlat canvention. terrltrrlal cJnventon. The cal is In put as rolows : "Errorts are being made to cause time peo- plo to believe that the , to church at Utah desires the defeat ofthe denmocratic mocrtc tclle ! The democrate paY J1.O quarrel wIth any church In Utah. ( tgrlt'vanca has been caused , by those who jro willing to drag the cross ot Christ In tht loud and tth or 110ltcs to advance selfish ends ; therefore , In i order that there lay be Issued a declara- ton ot polItIcal ant relglou' Intlepenciemmce , the democratIc stale conllieo hereby directs - recta tIme reassembln of the , delegates that composell the original conventon at Sal Lake un Tlcsday , the 22d day of October , lSg : : ; . " , _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ I X'I'I XSI"J I lilt t ( A'I' , UN scrIFi3uIS. OIH''uIII" I Vu"'r'U ) ' ou 'II' iiA lLtehmes II I " ' ) " "IIIA. LAHAIE , Wyo. , Oct 14.-Speclmml.-- ( ) Surveyors are at svork about thirty mIles southwest of this place laldn surveys for the construction at a large dItch to tap the Big Luamle river for the purpose ot supplyIng - Ing Colorado companIes with an Increased supply of water during the coming season. Time dich will be taken oue ef the river near the Widen ranch and will run through Hel rIountaln paES. It w1 'be fourteen mies In length amid several divIdes will have 10 bc tunnel In Its courJe. The vater wIll ba eonduct Into Iou < re raiiey. No parlor the ditch wIll be In Wyoming , but as the head waters ot the Big I"aramle , which Is almost etrely a Womln stream , wIll be diverted It is probable W'omlng ranch men who are depemitient upon the river for their water sup- ply wIll contest time right mit the Colorado parties to divert thps tream. BAGGS , Wyo. , Oct. H.-Spcclal-The ( ) bIg canal or the West Stile Placer Mining con1any , which has already expended nC1rly $250,000 on their mining enterprise near this placl , wIll be completed by the enl at next weelt The , \eh sUpply Is taken out of Snake river about a mmjIbc'abore Dixon on the fotth side ot the rlvrfohIovs the norlh- er face ot a line at blurs to lag s and thence pouth to the placer grounds. I has a t:1 or two feet to the mlo and carrIes 6,000 Inches or water. At its mouth a stan : pIpe wIll ha erected and trm this water wJ be turned Into sluice boxcs A fall at over 100 test ( room tle stand pipe Inlo time sluices will be obtatumed. Front tlrty to 120 men have been employed In each ot the construc- ton camps along the lne ot the canal. A9 soon as the water Cn be turned onto the rh pay ground ot the company a fInancIal harvest - vest wIll be reapell. . MUIIIllltlil ) A UICI.I'XGLISIDJN. ! . ( i-hi- " fI.11 , 'i rt-u'Htr , lt CnH"c'r roy KIhllmg Louis Jildhl".en. CAS11H'u. . . Ort. . -(8pEclal ( Tele- gram.-Today ) Simerhff ' , ' locked Sheri' 'aton lockld I up Charles Grant 00 the charge m at murdering I.oul MarUm'Jen , an m Englshman , About lhD. middle oC September : lrtnssen ' and Qrant went through Casper west with tile Idea at buying stock PartIes hero saw ( iso two at In < o- pondenco Rock , and thl tact that that : two went away from Imieadenco Hock and Grant returned In a d"y"r. two and soon < ' pulled out for Casper coua4 people to thlnl ! : < ot the matter. Grant Cr ; into Casper and for two w.ells has . ( bem iperttilrmg mnoney perHln ! loney treely. People Icfualated twlh tIme two at IndepcIlenco nock when theY herd of thl I reported their suspIcIons ! to the sherIff. Arer an InvestIgatIon the sheriff decIded to arrest Grapt On Grsnt's persoa wits found a clecl ! : at Martlnesen's for $0 . 1f4 n certificate ot r deposit for $800. The lping outfit was m Martlnsoan's , and Is bloo Italnel , as also was a suIt at clothes tt beonget to Iar- . ( Inasen. ; Grant was a soldIer In olpany I at Lan- , tIer W'o. , anti does not bear any loa geol a reputatIon. LouIs Martlnesen , so tar as can be learned beret camltfrm Denver and ; was a man at means. Time killIng probably took place about Septemji- , , In 1.'remont county , WyomIng SePleIr Xecrn . \rr"tcl . IplrHOI. . KANSAS CiTY Oct. 14-A special to the Star tram Jenessy , HfA ) says : Charles Ir I Kenlworll , a negro , , vas trrested here totay cl.arged . with arson and btrglary commited I at ltthntord , Ah" , thri years ago. le ! had held a claim umcarFWahtimam In th : , Cherokee strIp since Its , peninp' Ito wi ( oflicers b3 held . 10 await the l tflV:1 of Alabma - 111'lcrc'd fur Ills ) : lul ( ) ' . SEDALIA , Mo. , Oct. 1tTht dead body of John MIller Slyder or Jtln.feher , Okl. , ha been found In a cornfield two mies trout hre lie was travelIng overland to Adrian , Ill . , arm ! ha(1 ( I letter ,1hi \ , r'.ckel ( rain C H. Zeigler ot that pla ' . Uru@ry wu un- douhate'dly the m' live , a 'nJr'l JJckets hal been rifled ado his 1. 'I . .m itolen. ; . SCUSSED ) ChURCh UNITY Amendment Authorizing Dslops to Recog- nizo Those Subscribing to the Creed , MINORITY REPORT ON TIlE AMENDMENT , IIHhull" htm'e'.it' frol ' 1'11' UIII""IIUI tu I" . : "fW nluc"'HC' Ir ihiurs1ui&'t te- Ic''I"lol COl 11 It. . " , A baum 'I'ftromiglm wHh I isVorI , . - . MINNg'POIS , Ocl. 11.-.Thme subject ot church unity came to the front almost at the opcnlng ot the session at time Episcopal house of deputes toda ) ' , A report W.\S Ilresenled by a majority ot thc commlle on amend- menls to the consttuton presentIng an a mendmont empowering a bishop to recognize congregaton" outside time EpIscopal church a mid take them under his special care , 11ro. vhled such congregations subscribe 10 time I plscopal crcel , In which case It nel nol. . necessariy be confrmetl , ' A minoriy report signed b ) six members' ct the commIttee wa-i presented by Hev. J . J. I.'aude ot Mlnnoapohlmu. The mlnorl ) ' opposed the amenment because I touched the booll at common pra'er , gave bishops the right to set aside the customs and canons ot the church , even gave n bl&hop power 10 celebrate mass It n congregatun desired It i , wlhoul confrmaton , would .lenate mnny tram the church alI hal no compenstng ) a vantages. In the mind at the mlnorlt the amendment , Insteal ot being n step 10- ward church unity , was really In the dIrec- ton or segregation nnll not spirItual ! unl ) The report called aUenton to the fact that here had been absolutely no response to the advaneo male by the church toward unl ) In I the Chicago Lalbeth ( Ieclaraton nnd that this move was hmremature. g\'en I It passed the minoriy believed that few congreg.l- lens would a\'al themsel'es ot the privilege. The whole mate was made a Sleclal order. Time commlUee on unfnished business orered a rewluton tcr Inal adjournment un ndollted. Tueslla , October 22 , which was I nai ) ' A message tram the house ot bIshops an- nounce,1 that lhut body had receded ( tram Its oppositIon to time new , loceso of Marquette and concurrcd In its crectlomm. crecton. The constitutional revisIon conlnltcc sub- mlled Its final report with time exceptIon ot the canon on marrlago and dIvorce , which was promised tomorrow. The report Is sub- Eantlly the same as already Irliled , the changes being minor amI verbal ones. Con- sIderaton ot the report being resnmell , see- ton G at article 1 was tallen up. ThIs pre- cipiated the debate over tIme representatIon or missionary JurisdictIon In the house. GO\- ernor Prlnco at New Mexico made a slrong speech In favor ot giving the mlsslonar rep- rcsctmtatives nIl the privileges of other delegates - gates save that ot votn . Ito declarell that the 31G clergymen and GOOO communicants In i the mlsslonar jurisdIction hal a rIght to I bo heard. An amemlment was adopted gl'- In l ! JurIsdictons In Europe the same repre- I sentatons that those In the United States i ii aye. , In the house ot bishops Bishop Garret or i northern Texas Ilresentod a memorial usklng that thin missionary jurisdicton at northern I Texas be erected Into a dloeese. The order of time day-the erection of the mIssIonary i , distrIct at Dululb-In northern Minnesota , was then taken up. , Thc house ot deputes spent all this afer- : noon oven propositions looking to Q cessatIon ot the debate on thin constitutional revIsion and lhe reference at the entire mallI' to : fpeclal commitee which will consller the varIous amcndments proposed and report to the next cenveimtlon . No agreement was reached The house ot bishops this aferoon do- cilcd not to elect a bishop at Alaska < nt present , but 10 add the territory to the mls- slonny distrIct ot OlympIa and place I In rhng ct Bishop larlIr , the present bishop ot Olympia. Timis result arrived OYlpla. Thl" was at after a prolongell sesJlon or the bishops , and a warm debale. The proposiion 10 set ofT limo northem part ot Minnesota as a mIs- 310nary dIstrict was agree 10. I'Itophlc'VmoN PIll JnSSIOXAnn s. CUI rC'ltntulnl"f" n"III,1 I I lt hc' 111.1" IC f h. ( : U""I""IC'lt. SYHACUSm , N. Y. , Oct H.-This was the last da"s sesJon ! at the national council of the CongregatIonal churches at time UnIted Statcs Among the subjects on time program were unIversal peace , marriage and divorce prison reform an,1 , Sunday obsermnee. The eommllee on Protection at Americans abroad submi led resolutions through HeB , C. Northrup at Clinton , Conmm , , Ieelnlns that : Our citIzens engageti In religious tutu cdii- catonnl wOlle abroad are entitled to the sale protectIon ( coin the American ovcrn- ment lS Is given to the traveler or trader . \Vo do . therotore , respectfully ask anti , contitiendy expect our overment to give confhlent nnl all the possible protection to such mIssiOnaries , ns wel as to other cItIzens livIng or visitng abroad , anti we rcconlzo the falhfulneRs with which this dttty l\s been performed from time to time . In this particular the wrongs done to our missionaries In time Carolno ii'antls I : , In Chinn and In Turkey have not becn fully atoned for 01 Ilunlshel by the governments resllonslble timerefor. \\0 ! deeply deplore the mnssacro In ChIna or I nUlher or mlsslonlrle3 ot sister chulcheJ , anti wo ask , not In any spIrit or vengeance , but wih n cslro for protecton , that when pusslhlo ) h ) , lplomntc rcpresent- nlons , anti where necessary by more vl- orous acton , It may ho made clear that our government will not ( ul to gIve tell due protectIon to Its cltzens ! , whose work abroad Is nn honor to our nation Inll a blessing to those countrIes In whIch their labors are ex- petmd eti. Ic\ ' . D P. Heed , D. D. . at Wyandotte , Mich. , lt the conclusion of the readIng said : : I thInk this report Is alogether too can- servnll'o ot the reelnts at the State tlo- partmcnt anti this amlmluistratlon. 'he Anglo.Saxon is I not rlaln enough. ThIs gov- Cnment III the Bnllsh goverment mire not ( 'xerclslnl a duo care In the protection I proteclon or their Interests Some time ago In I Shlnghal time AmerIcans held a maccling and I odopteml resolutions voicing their titter distrust - trust at the dliliomalo agents at both Bng- land and America Hev. : lr. Northrup mil that time commIttee I had agreed that more vigorous language \011 be justified , but thought time rels would usc-tI. be better It diplomatIc languae was m use1 report ot the committee on the relg- Ious needs at time army anti navy was made m by ne\ D. I C. MIlls at Clove land. I condemned - demned the post canteen system , and asserted : I that there Is Immediate need at an Increase In the number at army chaplains Upon the subject at universal peace , 11ev Henry Hazen , lICrEtary , presented lho fol- lowing resolution , which was unanimously adoptel : ntsolved , That this cannel ! concurs will : m any other ecclesiastIcal bodies In this and I other countries In I petition In behalf or universal peace , and the secretary II nuthor- Ized to sign the petition. The membership ot a number at standing commltees was announced. announce. The first part ot the afternoon was de voted to the reading at the reports at th t cmmittees. The followIng standing corn mltees were appointed : Marriage anti dl- vnc'-Rw. Charles Caverns of Colorado , . tev . , S.V. . Dyke ot Massachusetts , JUdge Isaac N. Smith ot New Hampshire. Arranemcntl for neJ sessIon-Rev. Mr Wallace ; ot Oregon , He\ U , W. Wilams at CalIfornIa . 0. : I Wis of OrIon , Hev. Ii. I. Halock of Washlnctan , President McClelbnl of Ore gon. William McDougal at Calfornia poke brIefly . on the temperance niovenment Tin selslon then adjourned until evening , when , aCer the tronlaeton ot some minor busl- : floss , lhe convention adjourned . without date l'r"Hlde"t Shirts fCI' ' \'c\.hlnJtfl , NlnYOnl' , , Oc ! -Presideut Cleveland left New York tor Wushlngton today. His : tie.mtnture' ! , like hh" arrival , was unheralded , for ito sailed out of the harbor before the Sl.\ hal rsen on B. C. I 'nedlct's ) 'leht ton Omol'ls tomorrow . He Is expected tg . 'ch " 'I hlnl- C.\H. CASh ! 'IHUC : AlIi ' 'J ! hOI ! ! I.tulc'utlll ilen.leri'ih lie SI"I.u.III 01 t ho Inlk t'MMfl rb' . KANSAS CITY , Oct. H-A 811eclal to time Star from Port Scot , l\an" , says : A scuisaS ton was createll this morning whcnIce it Irlsldent J , J. Stewlt of the Slate bank or this t city poslell time following notce at lhe hour i at 011enlng : " 'hI9 bank IJ eloseti stmtjeet , to lhe artIer ! at the state balk cOlmlllolor , Drposlors wil he Imhl : II ful , "The failure tn open Is caitseti 11 ' the dlalcntll or the ca"hler. "J. , I S'JIHT. . "Ice 1'reImhent. " A large crowd at ( ' ele,1 depositors gath- cred alolnd thl bank door alhl dlscU"3Cll time [ luaton , The cashier , .1. H. Coleman , has had I time utmost confdence ot all. He has heln cashier slnco time batik was organized In ISS3. last . We.lneHay . ! he left town , telling a reporter ito tias golll to his old hOme 11 Jerseyvll' aJ , Ill. , where his wife Is visiting. . Cashier Colemal confessed 10 Prrshlell i ) . P. COOI of the halll , 11 the \Vest lOam ! hotel , St Louts , Saturd'IY ' nllht , tu\ he hOI ! lost ahout $2,000 In stock maid bonds specuhatiomm . Time theft had bell sstemIUcal ) practiced tor a perlcd or over two years anti covered ump b y a manipulation ot the bank's books. In a statement Issurd by the bank today the of- fcllis it i say : "Tho loss wi tel wholly UPUI ' the t blockholllrl , as time assets or time batik : 111 amply sufclent to pay all dCIOslorl , I i wi take some lIttle tme to realIze on the I Issets , blt the omeers or the bank are tul ) assured at theIr suleleney lu pay mill claims. " I Is now learned that whel Coleman loft last l week he had ito hope ot coverln 111 his Ilsgraco all Iml 10 Intenton ot returning. Iu i hal beeomo I cry lervous nl11 was antler a St. Lommia shmeclallst'a care last week. FrI. db ay ito wrote h'reslmlent Coomm that Ito imaml b ccotmio a wreck. Mr. Cccii , ttpomi reedy. l og the letter , smispiciouted thmat it referred to fi nances , altlmoughm Coictnaui's IrregularIties tip r t that tIme hunt ! not. beccunic known. I le lmn- n mctiiately tehmigrmmpimeml Cohemami to reummalum iii nS t. Lommls , anti tt'etmt on to immeet hmiumm. Cole- i tian mild so , mini ! there 3attriia ) ' nIght , In time p reseimco of hmi s-ife nail imnothmer-Imm.lasv , Mr. McArtlmtur of Jacksommvllle , lii. , aimmi I'resldemmt Coon , mnado a cnmmfesuiomm. lI broke ( lowmm a mid cried PiteamSalY. Coietimati retimaltieti itt St. ItmIs , s'hiIie I'resimlemmt Coon left for Fort Scott , Colommian iirctmmlsIng to cotime otm later. TIm eapittmi stock of time bank is $100,000. Its d irectors ano eli subtantlah btisinemms immeim. . , - _ t mlOht l'OlSONlOt ) 'mVl'I'hl Sill'hl tilt. ( isletiilt'sumlt offlit' J.omig iry Spu'll iii i'itisttim' , , PITTSIIUT1G , Oct. 1 1.-The hommg ( iroutim In t imla section commtlnmtes. Thmero vaa soimmia raIn atm Saturmlay , hint it was so light thmat it gave I II ) relief , Time present extremmiely how tm'ater I tt the rIver Is cattsltmg a vast arnotmnt of daimmage to tue immdustrluml estabhishmmtmentmm eu t lmo tlotmoimgaimeia river. At tIme Edgar ' i'imottmpsoi Steel works at Bratldoclc , time Carf aegis Steel cotmmpatmy imas Imeemm tiammiagemi to the extent of several titousanti dollars Iii a pe- cuhiar inaimimer. Time same conditIon prevails nt time 110mb- stead , Solmo , Somitim 51mb anti MclCeesport i miants. Tbmo chionmlsts at the Edgar Timotmmson l mlamit on Satmtntla3 ammalyzod time s'ator of the rIver. Tlmey ( mmmlii flfteemm gralims of suiphmmrlc acid in a gmmlon of water. Time water of Tar- t b creek was also analyzed amid found to coim- tam three timimmma as immuch , or emmotmgh to kill ami aimlimial I imat drinks It. TIme steel cotti. 1 )011105. to unevcnt corrosioum of tIme boilers this tveek hmegan to hut soda iti the reservoir lilpee. This neutralizes tite mmcid , bitt bta a teummlency to clog up time pIhms. 'Flue Motion- gaimela water is useti by all tIme leoplo of time large boroughs utp time valley , anti serious ro- suIts arc h-areti. w'IONP UOW'N IN A ItlOAVY SEA. Caimi mm I tL ' SI mm ii 'I'vuS.'um mu cim U roim eti I it mm St ortui aim lti ki' lOne. LOIIAINE , 0. . Oct 1I.--Time schooner Nolhis Duff , iiaIlltmg from Ietroit and boutmd ( noun PelecIsianti to Cleveland , ioadmi with gravel , sank tto nmlles off time Loraina hmarbor shortly after tmsldnlgimt last mmigimt. A heary sea ss'ns running ntmd the scimooner sprung a leak anti wetit down wlmiie tryIng mo make tlmls port. Captaitm Peterson auth Seamnami Joimn lInger- man , botim o Pomneroy , 0. , amid an unIunos'n sailor. haIlIng trout Cleveland , vee drownel. I5ishiernmn brought In word early thmis morn- lag tltttt wreckage vuts fleatlimg In aim the imeach and time. ttmg Cascatlo itutmiediately started out nimul after a Imalf hour discoveromi time spars of a boat sticking above time water about two indIes ( room shore. A maim tt'ae found clingIng to time mmnest , almnost lifeless. Ito was Picked tip antI brought Iii. Ito gave imls miaimae as George \'hlson , but is In such au oxhmammsted condItIon that ime imas 3-ct Imeota unable to give an Inteiligent account of time wreck. ISSUES AN AilIthiSS 'i'f ) 'i'lulO l'Ulhl.IC. . 'aumt'nlcmi mm htnmii 5yfl Ummiotm Seutuis ( re-vt- lung to iOtigcime V. 1)t'is DEVILS LAKE , N. I ) . , Oct. 14-The gen. erai board of mediation of tIme /tmmmenlcamm ltallts'ay utmlotm imami adopted thmo following au- dress : 'i'o time Itniiwnv Emploveus of America : Thought overwlmelimmeih anti simatteremi lii time great mitmIlce of Itni , Its members hiiackllmtteti mcmiii scattered , time ummhcmum itmt rlmue'n muimil Is hlglmtlng the way to Intlumetrmal freedom. 'l'he rmiilsvny Interests of time comttiirv mire rapIdly paraitmg tttttier time control of a i'ew inca , nnd time only imope of enmployes lies In mimmlflcmm- tloii , anti progressIve rnetm are active Itt their , efforts to bnlimg' timlim mmbottt. ' 1,0 Our Beloved I me"iiicnt , 10. V. lehmmm : Aitimougim you ama l.meliIimit iuriscmn bars , tie- Irhveci of your liberty ii ) ' it corrupt anti servile tool of corporatlomme , backed 113' II rotten atlumilnlstration , yotm live 1mm thme imeartum - ( if the eomnmmson 1)001)10. Time emmirtiOyes of the Great Nortlmern are with you. tie they were in 1831 , antI hemmer you as the hemtdcr who svili yet lead to vIctory. Ii.tmtims of a Imm , nsrio , Sss'ltzerimtutd , Oct. 1I.-flev. lieu. artl Ihurntord , bisimop of Chiehmestea' , died suddenly today , aged i13 years. I.NSAS CITY. Oct. 11.-A Hieclal to thm Star from Carthage , Mo. , Pa3's : Mrs. C Itoncim , wIfe of time t'ecnetary of the Missouri senate , dIed lmmmmt nhthmt of quiche cotmeitmmmim- tlotm. The temainmt will be taken to hot pmmretitS' home mit Jonm'eyvhile , Ill. , for Immirtuti ( 'IIICAGO , Oct. 11.-Mrs. Cimtna 1)0(3 liatami tiled at her hmmmne lucre today tmftor a long illness. Mcmi. jimmIes watt a wefl known authoresS , hieing particularly PromInent am m ti writer of Jtmventie stories. S1OAT'I'LE , Wash. , Oct. II.-1Os.Goveraor . Elisha P. Ferry dleti early thus mnorrming. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. il-Andrew J. Aloulder , city and COtmnt ) mmuperlntetmmlent oh schools , tiled today of pneumonIa. Imtrlnt : ' them past forty 'oarmm hum served two termi m as superIntendent of the cIty schools anu ] I timree terms mms state superintendent of puim. lie instruction. lie imas been prominent In m national edtmcatlotial conventions mmd emitab. . Ilahoti the educational system of California L anti has booms a well known citIzen of the state sInce tIme tlays of the vigilance comn mittee. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( ) imit lii mug Fl ram Clnsi'mh Iny ( ii'iII tons 1)IONVIOlt , Cole. , Oct. 14.-Gurson , ICern . good & Co. , ciotlmlermm and gentlemnen's fur. . nshers at 1019 Sixteenth and I67 Gcmrtlm streets , wore served wltit attmmclmmciumts to . imighit anti the store will imeremmiter be op . erate unmier an arnmmngement with time mart . gageemi. Tim credItors atlaciming were tIn l"iour City Nutbommal hmarmk of itochmoster , N 'I' . , and tIme Coiotamio Nrttlormmil bauuk o : r Ienver , $27,000 ; Isaac Gtmclcenltelmer , Nc p York , $ .10l03 ; Adler & Adler , $1,500. s- - Samim tat l' . ' Mis iet'mi A tins her Cut , DENVER , Oct. 14.-Time Santa Fe madu a atmothmer slashm on freight rates tomlay , cuttinmi f to 20 cents ( roam tIme Missouri river , 25 cent : S from St. Lomils anti ' 0 cents from Cimlcago am I fIfth class. The Mimeuttgi l'aeiile , Union l'um chic , ltmmniington atmil other t-oneltu imuvo Inc t these qtlotmmttonmi , anti will contInue to do mit a unless the meeting of vlre imnesimients Im S Chicago on Wedume.'edmmYwilLstoP time vnr. iCnut'l.'ih frittim a Il 1gm 'Vrt'sf I- . I1UTTE , Mont. , Oct. il-Four brIdge car - reenters worltln on the Northern i'mieatfiu a road mm few uplles ( rein hero were knocket I trout the top of a imigh tro4tle b3faihlni ' timbers to the rocks Imebow. Johum Me'I'ur rich was killed antI time- following injtired : John holmes , ( atuhly' ; Joe Abram , , fatally ; Dan harrison , nmay lIve. ii I vee Cu intnu I ii l'oti tist lrosm.-ni , NEV ORLEANS , Oct. 14.-Captain Jams a SYard , owner of time schooner Virginia , wa foimnul drowneml in time MissIsaippi at tin , heai I of OliVe street yesterday evcnIn , - OLSEN NEVER IEN1'1ONEll IT S till Another Respect in Which Ills 'tmRo. ' port" Was Laoking C ITY IS OUT TWENTY ThOUSAND MORE S ttmrtiimmg himii.ii cries tim 11mm' City 'I'reumsmner'mi Ohhit-e-itt.n mintm \'hi' Im'limiimCou.ltm'r hts iii llieqa ii l'nI mice' lOmusuly lOplttluiu-.l , There Is a sensation on tap in time city halt a ntI it Is imintetl by timas wimo are Iii a P OsItloti to kumow that It its hot tunllleehy timat a criminal prosocutioms ill yet result frotmi t ime recent raId atm time cIty tmeastmry s'hmea i t was Utmtier time nmltnlmmletrmmtlomm of henry l iolln. Time exact facts in the matter have b een carefully commceaieti , limit there Is positive i nformmmatlon timat Imitlisputabie ovltietmee has [ teen discovered that ' ' lepttty 'i'reumsuror Jo- r ommue Cotmlter syntcmmmmiticait- robbed the city o f timommsamimhmi of uleilars. It is stated on i-c- l iatmle atmliiorlty tlmat already thefts amount- i ng to ttimwards of $20,000 have hecti traced t o Cotmiter. Iurlmmg the last few mnonttis of llohltm's nil- n mitmlstratlon time commmluct of ImImi deputy ss'ne a m umatter of hmuhllc mmotorlety , Time fact tlmat l ie was tue commsort of a hoes wotimati s'lmo C l ived Iii a block out Southm Slxcetmtit street , a nd timat ho slmcimt itmomim ? ) ' ( mit Itt excess of h Is Incotime , was thorotmghmiy emutahillshmetl , The m mpartmtmemmts in time Slxteeimtii street fiat were e legantly timrnisimed , mmnti time w omnaim siommt u mmone3- very ficely. 11cr glove bill mit a cer- t ai tm cstaiil It'hi tim cmi t a mmmou mm temi lit ml tnomm tim to a s immuchm as time grocery bill of sotime fdumiihies , a lit ! other expemmditttres tcne in time same d egree of extravag'mnce. 1mm additIon t o thIs Couhtor nummi hilt' wife boarded a t a llrat class hotel , anti how' a ll these eximenses were mnammagetl o n a salary of $150 imer itmotithm , imis frienmls t vero unalile to ealmlahtm. Vm'lmemm Commmptnoller Olsen mmade his examimimiation of Ilolin's books after tIme office clmangeul imaimmis bust Juno ho appeareut to itave foutiti no ovltlence of tii i rregularItIes whIch intro mmmcc been die. covered. lie itmamlo imo mmmcmmtlon of Cuimitor in h is report , nor lmaa im ever called time atteti. t lomu of time comttmcil to tIme fads. Ixammmitmatloii of time books soon simmmtvemi that sotmmetiming was \ vrotmg wIth Conker's nccomtmmts. Mommey haul beeti tlrasvn from the batmks whIch could mmot bo accoummmteui for afterw'artl , immmti mis time cx- amniumatiomi hirogressc'th It begamm to appear tlmat i t had heomm imocketeti by Camulter. Time f rau ! was never aimparemit , mmlmmmiml3' ( oi tlmo m 'eason that thmo hooks were mmever Imalammeeti. Cottncl imnan Kett narti saimi yesterday t hat time flnatice cotnummittoo would imavo a report - port ready In a few tla3'a , vlmemm It would sub. nilt figures slmowlmtg time exact amnoumnt ( hint h iami bcotm cotmilecated by Coimltet- . lie could h ot. conceIve how time immfonmimatlon had leaked out. mmmi it hmaml heemm time dctenmnlntlomm of thm comnimmittem3 to keel ) it secret auth time exaci atmmommnt of time defaicatiomm was kimown , That t im , , situmatlon was serlomis was Immthlcateti by time stmltetuent of Mr. Kennartl that it wmma very tummfortmmnate thmat time tnattet imati heaket omit , as Mr. Cotmiter mmmlght take amivamitago o it anti get out of tlimo vay. \'lmmami asked thmo direct mimiestlon as to whether lhuo cotntnittee proposed to beglmi a crltmaitmal action agaitmst Commiter , ho would not nmmswer , but saitl tlmat would hem decltictl whmotm time conmmnittoo got ( ho figures in shape. ' 'Mr. Comihter bius sImpI3 put his hanml Imito time trasmtry ammmi stolotm tlmimi nmmommmmy , " atitieti Mr. iCetmnarml. "It was simply a case of drawIng a diode for $5,000 or $3,000 on a bank , representing that time iumoney was wanteul to pay saIarle 01' for sommme other reason , ammd thmemi ptmttimmg $2,000 of It down in lila pocket , " atidetla Een'mtard. "No effort was al'paremitly mmmdc to falsify time books. 'rime mimoney was just tmken amid pocketed amid as tulane was mmeedeti I t t'as ( lrawn front time bammks. Time reason wimy timis imati never been discovered was that frotn the tiummo timmmt ilomiry 11011mm veiut I nto olhlce timose books were never balanced witii time cash accouimmt. " Mr. iCemmumart ! wmms then asked why this con- ditloim of timings Imad not beetm iliscovereth by "ornptrailer Otacim whet , lie made his Investl. gation. "Ask inc eotmmctiming easy , " answered Mr. lCemmnarti. ' 'Any mann who kmmows anything about bookkeepIng simoulmi certumimmhy imavo beerm able to mletect time facts. Anti 1 want to say rlglmt no % ' that I want time ax to fall on every titan trim was guilty of participation or coumnlvamice In thIs robbery. Time mimoney was atoleum outrighmt frotmi time treasury and there tins no tltue % s'hemm a imrOOf balance of the books would not Imave Indicate : ! time theft. Timmmt lmalatmce was never mmmatlo up , but tito casim accoumit wuts allowed to cmiii along re- gamdless of tue books or of thu ammiount that OL'gimt tO be in time futnd. ' ' \Vlmen asked If the Immformnatlon timat Ccuiter's peculations reacimeti nmonO titan $20- Otto van correct , Mr. ICennanmi salt ! timat the exact figures comihmi imot be given , but he was Inchlneti to thtlimk it would ha a lIttle hess than that nunmotmtmt. Urging liii' l'm'susl.mut In At'ttoii , CIIICACiO , Oct. li.-Johtn 0. Jones of timimu cIty , who Is time ttttcrno ) ' ( or John L. WaIler , ex-Ilmilteti States conauh at Mmulagascar , now hnhmnhsommeui ) at Mmtreillem , Fi'amice , by ( ito Freitcit government , will leave lomnotrow for \Vaslmimmgtomi , I. ) . C. . withi me m'trommg Imetltlon to limo lnesithemmt , requesting imimn to tmmke Imn- mnm'mhlato action hi time matter. Arnotig some of time nmmmesm on the Imetitiomi are Lmitimeu' LallIn tillhs , Judge P. 1)mutmuie , Jttmlgo It , rlirforti. Jmmdge M. hO. 'l'mmlcy , Jmmulgo Henry V. Froemmman , .ltmuige 10. 1ammcr'r , .Jtmmigo .loumna iimmtchm'ns n of ( ho ci cult rmmmti superior courts of ChIcago , ex-tovernor John % i hirmummihlon , Mayer George hI. S'ift , Attorney 11. Il. MormImm , F. A. Deummmlsomt , 11ev. .1. M. 'l'own- send , C. M. Payouts , JustIce .1. C. MartIni , . .ImtstlceV. . llmtil , Congmessimimmmm C. \ V.'Iooml - mmmumm tmtmti a large mmunmbcr of otlmer leadIum cittzermtt of Chicago. : il mm i'il t-m'eml mc Si. 01 m' F.m iii i i , GUT1IItIII , 01(1 , , Oct. h1.tTpIteml States 1mittniuhmml Nix hmmts ss'orml fromn Lawson , cast of Imero , that 0. Ii. MIhIer anti vifo \'ie imiurtlerecl In calm ! htiooil ii3 mtnlcnowns partIes , \Vcmlumcuemluty night lust , antI Will Miller , timein son , bmitily voummmleml , so timat hi cannot live. 0. Ii. Mlilem wan a lurather o Ilnumee Miller , sc'hmo wait kllleml itt time saints mimmcnmmor last fall hiy' time MelOlre ) ' gang , it Is m4ttlip0t'd. Several at' thIs inmntt of outlaws are utumuier sentence met Font tlnmlth for time mactier of Dmmtiu John mend Itriuce Miller's vifo mmtmmi chmhltl a year ago. Time MchOinoyim , It 1mm eimmtrgeml , comrnittctl nmtmimlcrmu ummm.ler the mmretenso of beIng mi vigIlance committee. Time neighiorimood imaui always been in bad blood. 1) isc'aerm-ml 'l'im re-c Eoru. Vleti mmmi , IENVlOlt , Cola. , Oct. 14.Facts which caine to lIght today have raIsed a lresump- tion thirst Alexammuler Cirumydon , wife email ehllti of Itmclianmmpolls penimmimeti iii the Gummry hotel dIsaster. A tow days before the fIre is womtum : Whmo gave time mimenmo of Mrs. ( Jnnymloq mmml saId she was Stt3'ini at the ( luinry , lefi a watch at a jeweler's to be meilalremi , 5h4 sold imer daughter had broken this watch bY dropping It. Thmi wmstelm lmrmii never been called for. On tIme imotel reghtmtem the mmanis Aloxmmumder C'raymlon 1mm found , but it does not mtltuteumn timmtt hilts funnily was witim hliq. Et forte are being mude to dour up limo rays. tery , p Il's-ilmunle ( , tpslmimr Arremi ti'sl , COT.OitADO SPRINGS , Cob. , Oct. 14- Fred Vm' Farrar of I'erry , OkI. , was arrested at thu Elk imotel tummy tipOn InstructionS from fihmeriff Joimum A. Hansen of Perry , Far. car was casimien of K bammk Iii Perry and l charged with receIving tIepoelt after the hank becmitnem Iumuiolvemmt , liii claims ( hint ha nes'gneil ' l4epternhmer 10 , arid lbmmtt time bank faIled after that date , It Is understood that blue mtttorrmeymm immeve mippllsml for a writ of hiaherus corpus. Ihtmorlrr aIaaeni lit now on his way here with mm-iiuiisltlon pctpenmm. S lt-i'ugiu isiil t lie St"v Gemmi'rmmi 5luimmmiger TACOMA , Oat. 14.-A private telegram was received this afternoon from Ilolso , Idaho , announcing that Judge iieatty of the l'nlted States district court today by order t'xtenileti time jurisullctlon of 0 , W. DhtkIsomm as gttnerai tilmeneger ovur tuG Nailhmelti i'aeilic In that state. Judge hie.itty eotmtinue'i action an the receIvershIp naatte'r fur mm week. it is sumposed ; imm wished to Mwmilt the outeoimme at the bmearin bef'u ; .luie Lavotmmbmm in New York og 1P&'imty. 1 - - - - - - -