. I. I rr V - - I - . I r 8 TIlE OJ\AIlA \ DAILY EEE 'l'UESDAY , OCTOBER 8. 18115. j V WILL \ \ NOT STAND TIlE DEAL - . Dcmoomta Protest Against a Bribery Nominated Oandld\te , WILL / REPUDIATE CONVENTION'S ' ACTION EvIi1ciicp In IIn".1 flIRt Ernuk Joh- "Oil''olllllllltiOIl : I 'VtI " 1I01l/ht 111111 1',101 Pur In I the Con'cntlon linn I.II"t SlItlll'.III , - The democrats of Omah ! ! , South Omaha and Doughs county are In open revolt. Unhesltatlnly ! they declare that they will never submit to the methods adoptCl In the convention lakt Saturday afternoon , whereby Prank 13. Jollhson was nominated as a cnndl- date for the office of clerk of the district cou rt. I It Is now positively known that onethirdu , of the votes which Johnson received were bought ! and paid for In casll. Of the South I Omaha delegation It Is a well known fact that the sale and delivery of the votes were made right ! In the convention hall. , When the convention convened Saturday . afternoon the South Omaha delegation was almost solid for Coe. As It progressed a check , rlgned by rank D Johnson for $380 , was written at a table on the platform. This check WQ9 drawn on the Midland : bank John- son ' 8 own bank , and turned over In payment for the delivery of the South Omaha vote. The man to whom It was given , and who Is well known , did not have the Courage 'to present It for payment. Late .Salurday evening a number of the members of the gang got together , raIsed the money , took up ) the check , and the amount cllled for on Its face was distributed ! among tlie men who had sold l themselves , body and I soul , to the combine. , Democrats have become aware of the hIgh- t hande1 ( bribery , and aJ a result they have : I decided to repudiate the action of the convention - J ventlon so far as the nomination of the clerk I ot the district ! court I , concerncd. ThD cltl1ens of South Omaha , without re- , gard ! td party , are making preparations for an indignation meeting to bo held Wednesday evening at Young Men's Institute ball , to protest against anl , denounce the action of the South Omaha delegation to the recent democratic county convention. IN 'rilE 1"AIl'I'nnS'I' ' ' ' ' " SIV1NTlI 'VAun , Cnn.lIl1nh' A.ld rts n Smnll GIIII'r- lUg uf 1 IIJChfnl 11e5)llIIC1IIN. ' Twenty.two able-bodied yeomen of the i Seventh ward , not cOllntlng George Stryker and J. Whiskers Eller assembled In masa I meeting at I1lbbeler's hall at orty'fourth t and I.eavel\\\-orth \ streets last night to listen tI I to the discussion of the luues of the cam palgu The twenty-third man was expe'cted I and President Stryleer dIdn't hike to open the meeting without him After waltnlg until 9 ) o'clock It was decided to run the show through with the audience shy one man The first bout was between Candldales . Taylor and Ambler who want to represent t the Seventh ward In the council. Mr. Taylor opened with a careful statement to the effect I that ho was an ohi 1 time resident of the ward I I mill hal the Interests of the city at heart , I Mr. Ambler followed and told his hearers ; I that ho would simply be a peach ot a council man Ir he got a chance. He Insisted that he .1I < 1n't want to say anything against Mr Taylor , 31111 then went on to hint about a man who had commenced suit against the city tor damages for the grading of Leavenworth street when he was really benefited. Taylor , retorted and said Ambler was not without _ _ _ _ _ guile and ( there promlsel to be a scrap and - - - " ' \ t'6ulillllJCn ! If the had been Ileople enouh ; present 'to' dlvt't1 Into ' ; lles' i on the Issuo. . ' Justice flaidwin talked on his candidacy , pollc Judge , Colonel Mel Hedfield told l all I about his chances for county clerk , Judge Scott made a 'speech-samo old speech-and John Westberg closed the meeting with a i request that the Seventh warders give him a 'I' ' lift In Ills race for the 110mlnatlon for clly fr 1 comptroller It waR nearly. midnight when : ' ; nil the speakers had been given a chance and , v. the club adjourned for a week 'f IIronhh Nllmc.l ; tIe Uel"/lIte" . , : ; V The meeting of the FourUi ward repubc IIcans was held last night at Washington ' . , hall. J. G. Kuhn presided and appoInted F. , t C. O'llalloran as secretary There was no ir business before ho club so W. J. lJrcatch ; ' ; , was called upon for a Rpeech In n short ad- dress ho announced , his candidacy for mayor and briefly outlined his policy If elected. lie ' : was followed by James II , Powers , chntli- date for police Judge , andV . A. Foster , can- i V oIldato for justice of the pt-ace , after which : . those present adjourned to meet In caucus V to nominate delegates for the city conven- tion W. J. IIroatc.'il wac given authority to " name the delegates. The motion wa' carp - p rled , and , after a short Interval , he handed , : III the following names : W. ' D. hayward , K. ; , . S. Pisher J. J. Brander , Frank H. Kennard , pV F. C. O'Halloran , Frank Plank , F. C. Drown- ' lee allll 3. T. Wertz. 1 , . The club then addressed i. . . . was by Robert r ; ' ' Duncan . , candidate for councilman , and by 11 ; Oustavo , Anderson , candidatofor poll co Judgc. : i. ? ' Ihth " 'nr" R'I.uhllt'IU1" ! . 'Tho ' Eighth Ward Republican club held Ito regular meeting at Twenty-fourth and . Cum- I : Ing streets last night. The attendance was t , slim and made up for the most part of candi- dates. Short speeches were delivered by . ' Jacobson , Anderson , Allen , Leonard , Satint tIers , lo'ilrnas I.lll1e , Wilcox , Cadet Taylor V and \Vest. _ _ _ _ _ _ .b.V Unnl..h itiflCrI'iiiiN Mct V The Danlsh.Amerlcan Cltlzent/ / ' club hold V a meeting yesterday afternoon , at which V fort ) ' new members were enrolled Several I - good speeches were made by the members , all of which were In favor of good Iovern. , ment In city allll county arfalra. The next meeting \III be held next Sunday afternoon , lit 2 i o'cloc1 f In th , ' Ifltt-re'stN fhlmIlUIt - ) " . p' ' Mr. J. C. t'adgett , editor of the Courier , : . Council Grove , lCan" , writes : "I keep \ , ' Chamberlaln'lI Cough Remedy In my hOU3t ! , ' J' and dent see how any well rt'gulated family can afford III bo wIthout It. The remedy " - w1\1 \ do all , and moro than Is claimed for It. V : This statement Is not made In the Interests r . ; . of Chalnberlaln. but for humanity In gen- . " ' eral. When you have n cougl1'6Ir cold , or V If your children are troubled with croup or , i whooping ) cough , , give It 1\ trial. You will / , l1nd It most excellent , 1'IlltOUG II O.\1l Sgn'ICE. - , t St. l'IIUl , Jllluu ; , EULtiN \n"l'lcN , Cill. ; , Arrangementa have just been completed , whereby the Union I'aqUlc and connectIng : hints will run a I'uilluan Tourist Sleeper ! t. from St. Paul , Minn. , to Los Angeles , Ca\ \ , J . . via Sioux : c : City and Columbus , Neb. , 'wlthoul change : Car to leave st. Paul every Thursda : * at 8:1/i : / p. m. , and returning leave Los An- . gales at 2:00 : )1 ) : m every Thursday. .V For comfort there Is nothing that excels , 1ho tourist cars operated ! by the Union Pa- w : : .t' rifle , and It Is an established fact that this ( I , ' " . line makes Castor time than any otber line In the west. r ' . This already ; gives promise of being the , r ' . , popular line for California traveh allll appll- < " : V . callous for .paco In Ihe ( sleeper should be . . V made early " . , For information In regard to thlll through ; " ! ' .1 car line apply to your nearest Union Paclfil ) " V agent or II. I. . I.OMAX. : V General " 'V . Passenger and Ticket Agent ' ' V Omaha , Neb. . . tV , 5 Dr. l'dten' Cream Dentifrice. At . druggists . V , - & - 'leoll1c IInll. y GIven by Omaha lOdge No. . 5 In honor of " delegates to the second annual national can. V 'entlon of the Switchmen's Union of Ncrfli ' . . , ' " AmericA , Creighton lush , corner of Fifteenth V and Harney streets , Monday evening ! , Oc. " , tober 14. 11l5. ! ! Tickets admitting gentleman I & all II. ladies ro c.e.ts. F " V V . i" " : . hayden Uros' add lion page 2. ' .h' . . F , Cllr.1 of Tltlln'iII. ' V , We wish to , twler ! our heartfelt and Iln- I'r rere thanks to our friends anti neighbors , n- : . . also to the school children And teacher , and I 4I 0\ to the Sabbath Ic1l001 dl\\'lng \ the elClmes : , and death of our daughter Cella. 1.111. and MRS. n , DOCl - . ColumbiA Metal Polish Cross Gun : Co. . . - . . - - C ALTa OP ' 1'11& CITIZE : H' 1.)1f\GtlF. ; - CItT Con.nClon to lie 111,1 ThurlIll1) ' -1'he Ut'llr.nCnflon. In pursuance of II resolution adopted by the ! general committee of the Central club of the CItizens' league , a convention of dele- gatt' ! ! III hereby called to meet at Washington hall , Thursday , October 10 , 1895 , at 2 o'clock p . III" , for the purpose of placing In nomina- ion candidates for the following named fficial- positions , to Lo elected November Ii , 1895 : &I5Mayor. . , . City treasurer. City cOl11ptrol1er. City clerk. Pollee judge ( Nine councilmen at large Five members of thc Board of R4ucation. One member of the hoard of Education , to fill vacancy Representation to the foregoing convent ion l will be based as follows : All the general officers of the Central club , namely : One (1) ( ) president , five (5) ( ) vIce presidents , one (1) ( ) secretary , one (1) ( ) treas- or-eIght votes. All the officers and members ot thc gene eral committee , consisting ! of : One (1) ( ) prcsl- lent , one (1) ( ) secretary , and thirty (30) ( ) mem- bers-thlrty.two votes All the officers and members of the execu- tive l committee-nino (9) ( ) votes. The president , vice president secretary , t reasurer . , three (3) ( ) members of the execu- tlve commIttee , and 1 two (2) ( ) delegates from each of the nine ward leagues In the city of Omaha-elghty.ono votes No proxies will be admlUed. A majority i of each section or club present shall bo nu- : tI.orlzed to fill any vacancies occurrIng I therein during the convention. No officer or ' member shall be allowed more than one (1) ( ) vote In said convention ALLEN T. RECTOR , Chairman ARTHUR KARDACII , SEcretar _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NoCle. . . The general committee of the Central club of the Citizens' league will be held this evening at 8 o'clock at room 404 De build- i ng. A full attendance Is requested. ALLEN T. HECTOR , Chairman. ARTHUR KAUlJAClI , Secretary. , . ' Vcnhc Zulu Ut.n 1)0"11. PLAINVJEW , Neb. , Sept. 3 , 1895-Last i , sunnier our oldest boy was run down and did not have any strength. We bought some of 1I00d's rsaparllla : and he began to take It and Improved at once. He Is now all rIght. MilS. OLIVE CiIRISTiNSlN 1I00d's Pills cure al1 liver Ills. . o. The Omaha Woman's ChrIstian Temper- 'anco union will hold Its regular monthly meeting Wcdneday : ; : afternoon at 3 o'clode In t the Commercial club room. - . . I'OSTI'OXBU 1'1" ' I' : IOOIlBS 11Jln'G. : . Ueel"lonJuh..t Couiii e , . mJI"'C" " iriti'hii " , ollille f4itInrIu- . . . It was expected that the investigation ! Into the affairs of the clerk of the distrIct court , as asked for In the complaint which Is on fill with the Board of County Commission ors against ! ; Frank Mooles , would bo begun yesterday , but the hearing was once more ' postponed. Chairman WillIams stated that the board Intended to Bit every day until the Investigation was completed , and thereupon one of the attorneys for the complainants stated that ho would bo unable to attcnd I every day. Some of the members of the Ia board did not appear to be anxious that the hearing should start at once and as none of the attorneys seemed to desire that the hearIng - lag be begun a motion was made and carried adjourning It until Wednesday morning , Oclo- ber 16 , at 10 o'clocle. A report from the finance committee recommending - ommending that certain claims of county employes for witness fees be allowed , raised considerable discussion. The fees ' aggregated ! ; - gated about $4Ii , of which alllount Sheriff Drexel drew $14 and ( Assistant County Attorney - torney Day $8 The fees had been disallowed - lowed once , but as the certificates had been cashed by a broker who asserted that he had paid the money In good faith and should nok be compelled to stand tIme loss , the commit tee reconsidered Its action. Stenberg said that ho was getting tired ot paying two calarles to county eIllD\OVP9. \ - - - - - - - " - . - . . - , their regular monthly salary and witness fees , md thought that county employes If called upon the stand , should not be paid , If they t were drawing their salaries at the tlmc. Jenkins was of the scrub opinIon and cited a case where an employo of the county clerk's office had drawn $36 for service on the t jury and during the same tIme he drew h Is regular salary. Stenherg Introduced the following resolu- tion , which was unanmously passed : The cleric \ oC the district court Is hereby Instructed i not to issue certificates for wit- ness fees In district court and Insane cases to county employes who arc on the pay roll , oC Douglas county and drawing a stipulated . , salnr ) ' . I The two claimant for damages , Keeper Kauffman and Henry III\'ely , who were In- jurml l while engaged on county work last winter , provided for by the board , and who denulIIde(1 $5,000 damages each , were allowed nothing , The men were hurt by the cavIng In of a bank on the South Thirteenth street road on February 6. KaulIman had already been paid damages , yet ho filed a claim for more. IIlvely had not received any pay ror damages. It Is alleged that when he applied for work he was not entitled to char- Ity i , and that he procured his postlon through fraud. CommissIoner Sutton said that he was In i a position to prove that when IIlvely made m application he was making money. Coutant & Squires were awarded the con- tract for furnishing the court house with 300 tons of anthracite coal during the winter at a cost or $7.50 per- ton. C. D. havens was awarded a contract for supplying the county poor rar'n with soventy.fi\'o cars of nut coal at $1.8 ; ; per ton . and G. M McGeath got the contract for furnishing the same Institution with twenty.five cars of steam coal at $2.45 1lon , County judge D1Xtcr submitted a report for the quarter ending September 1 , which i Ihowed a deficit of ' 296,44 for the quarter. Sheriff Drexel also submitted his quarterly report. B , C , Smith of the tax department In the , county cleric's office asked that three Qf the ! ; recePltly discharged men be reln.tated for the , purpose of correcting the assessment : rolls and the new plats. . V . hayden Dros' add Is on page 2. . l'EitStNtT , l'AIIAGItAI'IIS. Bank Examiner O. F . lcGrew Is at the Paxton. S , D. Kllpalrlek , merchant of Beatrice , Is at the PaxtoJ. W. P. Noble , a Salt Lalee stockman , Is at the ? \Iurra'i. Fred Itoyt , a merchant of Gordon , Is registered - Istered at the Arcado. Eighteen members of thc "Rush City" corn- pany are at the Darker. Ten members of Iexlco" and "Friend ! coniiiiinies arc quartered at the lJarker. J. S. Theil of Kansas City , Mo. , has taken quarters at the Barker for the winter. T. J. lIIyers , manager of "Mexico" and "l'rlends" companies \ , la at the Darker. R. R. Ritchie , general western agent for the Northwestern ' , Is out over the weslern and northern lines George H . Miller , a woolen goods manu- rllcturor or Lawrence , Mass , and wire , are reglstert',1 , at the : Millard II. II , Kooser , traveling eJght ! agent of the MIssouri I'acl/lo / at Salt Lake , formerly Omaha , Iii at the Dellone. , Dr. ) Pranl.1fn R. Carpenter , manager of the Delaware & Deadwood Smelting company , Deadll'ood , Is at the Paxton. George Vrooman of North Platte , one of the IJrOmoters or the co-operative railroad now be- Ir.g built In southern California , III at the Arcade. Irs. WIlliam James Galbraith and neice , Margaret Curtis , returned ( yesterday from V Kansas : City , having spent carn\'al ! week with I her , sLsler. . ' ' . , . Ex-Senator OIdeol } . O. Moody. attorney for Uc : 1J0ll1estakt : mine , DiarwoOtl. \ and T. J. Crier , Lead City. . EuperJntendent of the lIonltstalle mine , are at the Paxton , N'hl'n..lu"'N nt the I1nh. . At the Dl1l1onc-John 8tOlll , I'enller : A. D. NeftJlt , Tt'katnah ; D , I. . Matson , Loup City , At hut Mel"l'h\IItl-lI. : \ II. Burnett , Mrs CallsntlYt Cha < ll'oll'James Ol\s \ ! , Columbus ; : C. n. Cornell'nentIne. : \ . At the lIl1arll-A. D. Scan , n. n Harth , Grlllhl island , ) ; John } . ' . . : l1arrIIJU ) , Wakellcld ; : n 1\ [ . 1.cllanl , Lexington = : . SIGW \ ART CHIEF OF ! POLiCE ) - Appointment by Fire-/Uld / Police Oommls- Illonors Last Night - BOARD UNANIMOUS IN ITS ACTION Charges of Con"III'.lIcc A"nlnllt.It - turn UI"ml""c.IIII..1 11 Chance Ca'en 111m to llen-Cnm.lnlnCII for "Io'nlllll ' ; Siocumh Ln1\ CaptaIn A. T. Sigwart , who since the mid- dlo of September had been acting chief of the Omaha police department , was last night by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners - sioners appointed chief of vohlce The con- e luslon of the members was reached In executive - ecutive session , and the emtlment In favor of Sigwart was unanimous. The formal appointment - pointment was male In open session ' Mr. Slgwart has been a member of the police force for fourteen yean , beginning as ; a - , and at a time when the department - : partment contained but twelve men. I The vacancy In captaincy caused by Mi- ' Sigwart's promotion will be filled by the retention - tention of Sergeant ICing , who has been act- Ing l captain for several weeks Chairman I3roatch1 In speaking about Slg- wart's appointment , said that a tow weeks ago several applications for the position of chIef were on file \ and were under considera- tion , but that Slgwr.rt had given the board such satisfaction In this capacity that It was determined to permanently retain him. George F. Wlltum , who was discharged from the police force for cowardice shown at the time of the arrest of suspected sareblow- I ers at GIbson , made another statement to the ; board by permission The charge of cowardice \ was dismissed and lIIr. Wlttul1l given an opportunity - portunity to resign. Patrolman John Ravencamp was granted twenty days' leave : Sergeant Debout , five : Detective : Hudson , ten ; Patrolman TIedeman , , eIght : Havey , five ; 1llnfeldt , five ; Fireman 'Vavrln , seven John Brady , specral officer at Fritz Wirth's boor gardQn , resigned and his resignation was accepted S. herding and L. Record complained against Detective lIudson They said that they found Saturday a lady's hand satchel , containing a diamond ring valued at $100 , and the next Iilornln ! an offer of reward was pUblished In The Dee , the property to bo re. turned 1 to : :603 : North TwentY'fourth street They Intended to return the property , but allege - lego that the detective secured It from them I under threat of arrest and got the reward The complaint was referred to the , commltteo ; on men and ! discipline Acting Chief Sigwart reported Richard Durdlsh , Tenth and Davenport streets , whose ; license Is held by John Morhover : Dave Ma- honey . 1121 Chicago street , whose hicene Is held by William Krue , and Carter & Tut- hl11 , 218 South Fourteenth street , whose 11- cense Is held by oley & Carter , for selling liquor last Sunday. Complaint was also made by the acting chief that Burnish , sold liquor September : 29. It was based on , the reports ot Officer Halter and Sergeant Cory , who said that they had watched DUrtll rl's place on that Sunday and that they saw people going out : and In the back door . : of the saloon all lay Sergeant King -Instructed to swear out a complaint , but City Prosecutor Shoemaker refused to file Il , giving ! as a reason that : tIre evidence was not sufficient to convict , , since no testimony that drinking was done u In the saloon was promised. The reports were flied \ Germanla council No.2 , Order or Chosen I Friends , asked that permission bo given to I keep Melz hall open after mldnlghL October 26 , on the occasion of a social of thc order The request was rofused. . DiphtherIn DI"covcrc.l When a 'caso of dlptberla Is reported the I whole town Is In an uproar } t.ls wise to bo 3 prepared for ai l such emergencies ! There Is no cause for alarm If you have Allen's Hy. glenlc Fluid at haul Contagion Is impossible I when It Is used. I. Is a preventive medicine -dlslntecbnt deodorant and 'germ killer \ , and i has a remarkably agreeable taste and odor It not only Drevents - < _ llsI'a. , " . hut , to , .1"nn.I" . - - n _ _ _ _ _ ' - _ . . . . - " " " ' ' 'b and healin . Refined pf'Ople everywhere use1 It. , . Hayden Dros' add Is on page 2. VS OfAII.'VOIA 'S CLUB IU SUICS. lion" the Y'lIr'N 'Vork Wits Begun YeNterdny , Afternoon The first meeting of the year ot the Omaha 'Vol1lan's club was held yesterday afternoon In i the new rooms In Odd Fellows temple. After the reading of various reports Mrs Lindsey made a motion to act upon the sug- gesllon of the State Federatloq of Clubs and tax each club member 10 cents for thc benc- /1l of the proposed traveling hibrary The club voted to give $50 from the general fund for that purpose. The club wJ1\ \ not be able to use the rooms on September 17 , 18 , 19 and 20. Departments meeting on those days made announcements as follows : . Pollllcal economy will \ meet Mm-s. Ford at her home on Saturday , October 12 , at 4:30 : p . m , ' Moral philosophy and psychology will meet next Monday \ In the time of political econ- omy. Mrs. Andrews announced that the text book In psychology Is to bA "Applied Psy. chology , " by McAhian The art department will \ meet September 17 at 10:30 : a' m. Whitmore's art rooms Subject : "Conditions of Early Flemish Paint- i i ng. " I Memorial resolutions respecting the death > or Miss Allan the late librarian , were adopted. The Dovey children gave two musical selections. V After a recess of live minutes two other mm.cal : numbers preceded the president's Illaugural i addless. " " ' "Progress" was the 'key- note of Mrs. Towne' . ' telling little speech She cited some rplexlng difficulties wIth the hope that "some lIIrs. Moses" could point out a remedy . Dr. 8pottlswood of Orange , N J. , was next Introlluced i and talked earnestly and charm- Ingly i upon the work which lies at the hand of the Woman's olub-the elevation of human lire to a higher piano. 'rho president , Mrs. Towne , then Introduced - duced u Mrs. Lucy T. Savage at' "the club muther. " J\rs ! Savage , the first president of the club , has : just returned from a trIp to Europe and talked III , a very Interesting man- ncr about somb Incidents or her vIsit In Ger many. Irs. Ford , wllrA was last year's club presi- dent then ached permission to address a. few words of thanks to the club for the token of remembrance that It had presented to her' ' at the close of her official term. liar \vords were roundly chet-red. At the close of the regular hour of meet- Ing an Informal reception was held to give opportunity to all to greet \In. Savago. -w . Mrs Addle Gellenbeck Is seriously Ill with peritonitis at her hornet . 1911 Cass slreet. Dr. Bailey , dentist , Paxton block. UomeHI''k U'\'urlllonN. : Hound trip tickets w11\ \ be sold at very low rates by the IIIsDJurl : Pacific railway very'r on Oetcbr.r 8 and 22 to paints In Arkansas , Kansas , Indian Territory , Oklahoma , Texas anl i LouIsiana. For information , land pam- phlets , elc" , call at company's offices , north- east corn r Thirteenth and Farnam streets or depot , Fifteenth alltl Webster streets. THOMAS : F. GODFREY , Passenger and TIcket Agent. J , O. PIIJI.LIPPI , _ Assistant General Freight and Passenger Agent. , . " ' iiI SOUU' UnO' Answer r OMAhA , Oct. 7.-To the Editor of The Dee : In Sunday's Issue of the World.Herald was given a report of the Ilroceedlnga of the republican Judicial convention held In Washington hall on Saturday afternoon In the report of judge Scott's speech made on that occasion the World.lIerald has the following : "Judge Scott , "ade many references to E. Itosewatemwithout mentioning the latter's name , but the convention was quick to grasp the hidden meanings and loudly applauded his remarks Whl'n Judge Scott announced that the citizens' movement had been turned down In the demoer3t1c COnVfllllon the cheers whIch arote were absolutely deafening , . and V It was 10l11e minutes before time speaker could I obtain sufficient silence to proceed. " TIlIII , nlst ! e very Chterlng to the ward heelera and claquerc among the Audience , who attended the ddmoerntlc county convene ion t held the saune'sfternogn : at Germanla hall tt , who cheered ao1usiily and 10uII at the turning t down of l\cIUEens' \ movement In thl' t nomination of lnk1 D. Johnlon. This must also be very cmnfortlng to the boodle delegales who sold thell"l votes In that con- ventlon to nominate ! Frdnk D. Johnson The cheers of the derTllthcl "were absolutely dedenlng and It was lame minutes before JUdge Scott could obtnlnaumclent silence to proceed , " when they\were told of the nomi- nation of Frank D. Johnson over Charles A. Coo , the eaadhate ! of Ith citizens' movement In i the interests of betters govornment. how did the supporte" of Frank D. John- eon like theIr company ? , ' A DEl\IOCHAT. . XgllllASIC\'S SUGAR JUSTItY. This ' } ' . .nr' " IIntt ; ; of the Xllllr.1 Pne'or"'N " 1 "thnnt..I , henry T. Oxnard and John G. lIamllton of the Oxnard Beet Sugar company are In tbo city. According ! to these authorities Nebraska - : braBka Is gathering an immense sugar beet crop. All that It needed to bring tl up to : the highest standard Is a brIef dry period :1 that wilt develop more saccharine matter and make the beets morn valuable as sugar pro- ducere These gentlemen estimate the value of the product of Nebraska's beet sugar Industry - dustry for the coming year at over 800000. Of thIs , about $400,000 will go to the farm- ers In payment for the beets and about $37/i- / 000 will \ bo expended for labor and materials Next year It Is anticipated that the number of beet sugar factories w11bs \ Increased and ! the product correspondingly larger and more valuable. S - - USEl\lENTS. \ J occcccccccccocccococcc Edwin Milton Hoylo's play"l\Iexlco , " which , by reason of Its newness , has not yet attained : that measure of popularity which the future surely has In store for It , had Its first representation - sentatlon In Omaha at the Creighton theater last night before a large and highly appreciative - clatlve audience In this , the work of , his maturor genius , Mr. Royle has departed radically from the type of drama and character which he em- ployed so successfully In his earlier play , "I rle ( ls. " Ho has gone for his materials and his local coloring to that land which , lying close to the southern borders of our own . Is yet pratlcally to the people of the United States an undiscovered country. Entered and humiliated fifty years ago by a hostile army from our greater republic , Mexico , despite the war which 1\Ir. Hoylo has used as a background for his play , remains for the most part unvisited and unknown The glories ! of Its wonderful past are cele- brated In the romantic histories of \\Ir \ Pres- colt : recent fiction , nowspaperr and other , has depicted the present physical characteristics of the country and the moral attitudes or the people , both being apparently hot anti vol- canlc. Mr. Hoyle would have earned the gratitude of the theater going pUblic by put- ting the plow of the pIoneer playwright Into thIs fertile and fallow field , even If he had done no more , but ho would appear to have made a wise and Judicious selection from the wealth of malerlals't his command , and to have combined them deftly Into one of the most enjoyable plays of recent years. Authorities may differ as tO the justice of the war wih Mexico : there can be no divergence of opinion al to the heroism of the mon who participated In It on the one able and the olher. Thc story of the play under consideration las been sufficiently de- tailed heretofore. I abounds In picturesque Incidents , stirring e\lsodes , ardent love scenes and powerful and wel1.conlrlve.l climaxes. "Moxlco" Is a play which carrw audiences wIth It Irresistibly , even at times to the white heat of ehthiuslasmVVVhiile the horrors of war are rather suggested than depicted , tim piece breathes the very atmosphere of the strife of an Invading army. and , a people foredoomed to defeat. The threads of comelY , which the author has Bklfully woven Into the fabric of the narrative , only serve to accentuate the lUrid background ot tonfikt. Certain irregu- larlles , which at present mar the perfect symmetry of Mr. Royle's creation , and which are surprisingly few In number considered with the magnitude of the double task of the author-actor. and thin comDaratvelv few times the piece has been presented publicly - , wi w ear away soon , and Iexlco , " as Ills better known , will come Into Its rightful place : among the plays or the decade. ' As Captain Shields , the Impetuous South adventures In love and war Carolnian , whose have h much to do with the plot of time play , M r. Roylo achieved a distinct success. Ho Is a soldierly figure In the uniform of the period , and his finished method of acting was never more In evl < \enee. This virtue seems at trc nt to run Into the fault of over-refinement I he appears wanting In fire when fire Is called for , If , In short , he fails through repression - pression to fulfil entirely the Ideal which ho I himself as author sets up In the mind , the impersonation as a whole Is an excellent onc. No one surely has a better right than Mr. Royle to set forth his own conception of lw hero of his own ply , and I he presents It i as consistently and unswervingly as he did last night , he Is entitled to high praise I Is not too much to say that his beautiful and talented wie , Sclena Fetter , emphatic- al1y carried off the honors of the evening by her fine performance In the role of Jovita. WhIle It cannot yet be , In the nature or things , BO polished a work of art a her Marguerite Otto , In " ' rlends , " there are rare posslbltic In It of growth for such abilities as Mrs Royle's Mr. Henderson surpasses the oxpctatlon ! ! even of his friends by his vivid and earnest Impersonation of the rejected Mexican lover Those who hive previously judged j him by his musical ability and his somewhat coorles : work In "Jo'rlonds" will revise their prophecies or his future after seeing him In this animated and difficult r ole. . The cast , aside from this trio of established - lished h favorites , Is an unusually competent one. Mr. Humphrey contributes a masterly character sleetch or the faithful negro Jim , Investing i nle part with genuine pathos ! and s peaking ! with a dialect of wbleh. too much c 'annot be said In praise . Miss Grelchen Lyons made a good h'presslon lS LueroUa , Mr. Dttner was well hiked as Harter , and Miss Hachael Deane did much with a part which presents two phases ot character , to Eay the least , difficult to reconcile. "Mexico" I i elaboratey : and beautifully put on , the setting representing the plaza of Monterey , and that of the final scene at Chapulepec In prtlcblr being equsl to the very best ot stage effects. - . Another Case of S'oru Cur.l. SOUTH OMAHA , Octr. 7.-To the Editor of The Bee : SeQing an . raccount In The Dee a few days ago about .the privileges of selling the score calls at the state fair , I wish to sy I saw the gentear who had charge of the mater personally about the prIvieges , and ho told me that the ! right was Bold to Mr. lynn for $300 neash and $300 In ad. vertiBement. But he.Ieksd me what 1 would give for the right. 1 said I would not give moro than $200 cash fob the right of selling for f the state fair for1U9. "Why , " he said , "It Is no use for me to take your offer , because - cause Mr. Flynn hU1ho contract. " Yours : respectuly , . ADEX GOLDSTEIN , 2425 N streetr. South Omaha , Neb. A warded W.dd Highest Lionors--WorId's Fair fghest lone - - Flir ' D " J CREAM BAKING ODhI P01DIR MOST PERFECT MADI3. A pure Grape Cream of Tarn Powder. 1 . ' :1 Ammoni , Alum . or any other 3dulI 1 I . 40YEAR Tm STANDARD . , - . > ( : ' . _ k V - - - 1 1Jp ofj S. ' ON BN.TOYS Both the method and resuls whet Sy1lp of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant ] and refreshing to the taste , antI acts gently yet prompty ) on the Kidneys , Kidne. Liver and Bowes ] , cleanses ] the BYS' tOU effectually . dispels colds , head. aches and fevers and cures ] ha'ittia1 ' : on8tipation. Syrup of Figs if i the only of its . remedy it kind ever produced duced ] to the . . pleasing taste and ito. . .eptnbo ] to the 8tonlloh , proilipt' in ' it actiol and truly ] belcfcir ] 1 its effects , prepared only ] from the most healthy and agreeable ] substances , , its many cxct.dlcnt qualities ommcnd it t aU and have mnde It the most popular ] remedy known. , Syrup of Figs is for sale in GO cent bottles hy all . lending drug. . gists. Any reliable ] druggist who may not have it on hand will ) - wi 1)10- rUI it promptly for any one who wishes to try i. Do Dot accept any Imbstitute. CALFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. A SAN FRANCISCO , , c , . atUf.W1LLE. iir. CAL ' , . 7 " _ _ . . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ N _ - c , t- - ' : ThEGREO'rdHUDYAN. _ , V . . . - 1 , ' ( V , , , , ' .1 V.A , , lOt ORE. , V't ' . c : .d V V 1.V ' ? , b , ; ; . ; ; : t v , . ordinary ThIs extra- no' V Constipation I , Orlnlr Pica juvenalor ' nets , Is Dlzzlncs the ' Failing Sen- 0 most . I Wonderful eatIonsNerv- zi4i' , otmetwitching dIscovery of ' ois twiching at of limo the ago. I. : - eyes and ethos bas been en- , : dorsedbytbo . pails. . learlingecien- Strengthens , tte men of Invigortes Europe and . ' , ' And lones the Amerlcn ' entiresystem. HUdyan Is HUdyan clres purely vego. l e bill t y , able \ . Nervousness , HUdysn stops limalssiontu , Plematureness ' and deveiopi of . And restores the d I s. V charge In 20 ' , weak organs. . 2 Pans In the dls. bac10 ! e L 0 S T bac\ \ a yo I MANHOOD " nlsht topped ' , J ? , , 'I V't 0 " ( , I " , I , ' , . \ : quickly. Over 2,0 priVate endolcments , Pmaturpne s means Impotency in hue first rean In fnt stage. it Is symptom ofeemnina wcakncs3 stalo. I 1 oflmlna weaknC and h tV _ .flhlC. . 'f cnn hn , 'nnnl,1 ' In 211 dayS - - - _ . - - - - 2 rl" - - . . 11 the Uoorfi d n- - . - The ne" discoveryas mafia h y the Special- lstsofthe old famous Hudon Med oai Institute. I Is the strongest "latzr wao I I very pwcrfll , but haImle Sold for ' 1,0 1 peck- aie orG packages for S5oplalnraod ( boxes ) . Written guarantee given fa : cure. 1you buy six boxcs and are cot entirely cured , si moro wilibesent to you free of all harKes. SII\nr clrcnlql and testimon ale. AddrC HUUSON 11EDIVAL INSTITUTE , Junction Stockton , JUurl.ul A 11. s. . Stilt Francisco. . Cal . ! DOCTOR rTV Searles t Searles : lioSi4thSt. r $ " ' 0 Cur . Cnl.rrh , .1 diM _ , V4t' ( 'list , " ot the NOle , , ' 'hr'11L Ch"Mt , Hlomlch , Bow.'ls 1 n I I.h'.rl ; flytroei'le , , , ! " 'urIeoccleStricture , " " 'I Ie : ' iVtt" 1111 . , .nll1 Blond , Skim ' 1antI Ridmii'y tlseascs , Gull lUlnf3' hi' ; ; ; , ' . Rnl orrho. . , & 1phl. , \ , ' ( ) , WEAK MEN . ' . , ' ' : r'ii A'I' Al II'ho' " Discusses nll , ! . , " I HI.orders of 1111 ' \w \ " V' . Treatlllent hy mall , conJ - ' \J ' \ ' \ , - nlRtolI treo. SPECIALISTS lu the treatment of nil NERYOU31 CHRON.C and PRIVATE DISEASES. Treatment for all forms or FEM . 4 LE WEAl C NE& , Cal on 01' miCdres'u . with stamp 119 S. 15th St. , Dr Searles & Searles 10 l'HI I J Ousiutha. eh. - ' # rADI $ tiiaiiiTh OUt0 I- . ' We stud the maryhone Frneh Eemedy CAI..THOS r-e. amid rt ' legal guaranteemtaatCsm.znoawjii ' wm'oj' ln.csora. 5. 1mI..lon. : , cuimn ' ' - . ' . . . , , . % i IIfldflL 'romm to.r Vigor , ) Use ) . ) dOtruVON MOth. 00 , , J. Solo Arrkaa A&nt' , tl.ti.i&ti , Gsa , , -u' - p 'tA1P yyOOL Washes wooleiis and ' doesn't shrink them-the Oily soap that doesn't. It's an ahI around soap-deli- e. cious iii tha bath , but " the particular point to remember , is , it doesn't . shrink WOOICIIS. ut 5q nr. . Dealers all ° ' - _ sell it. . - V'i 4 . ' x ' ' 4 (1 , . . I ' V - o - HYGIENIC. , r . . . FLEECED-LINED ri UNDERWEAR 35c V A picnic is not n Buceess UI10S8 there 19 pie to throW n\n y I'I Many : nod thing IB thl'own nwny hero that would tmrnko good fuDd I for dealor. nInny n Ienler. That 3o , uudot'wcat'-for instance . Take a sample . go anywhere I ' , and oO'ywhorhO'o , tindoi'ivenr is. Boll , and compare It side by side : with anythIng M nearly ns possIble llnt It fat' less than-Bay tt the cheapest slore-GOc , then wo'l supply yont' underwear free of cluu'gc. Same thng last winter , 50c-2 winters ago , G1o Pleceel.luod , warm and Ciut'mtble , wtsh splolll1y , or the h.ygIonlo patent ; color , light hown. Como along nil or thIs week ; t you. waut nuy. Plenty for everybody - body . .OO dozen are bore , and n cotpIc ol hundred 10 como. . - I : Some cheaper un ol'wonr I you want nuy. A lno or mIxed gray cotton , extra heavy ' 1 ut 2c , that nl'o cheap : at .10 , Bettor grades tro 45c-6Oo-6o-l .O0-$1.2 , and $1.CO. i Lot m show you how much cheaper wo sol . \ Ln- " , : i" . ' . _ . , ' \ ' : , ' , ' ' ) _ , I } ' " < - ' ; ; , ' . ' , . . ! , , . ' o' I . r , Our Patrons . . Appreciation iR the goal wo Beok. \Vo 01'0 always do'IIIu ways and elnl to ntkact , win and I'otnln the favor ol the pm'chtsIng coinimiutitty. By libot'ut dealing , by the satisfying oC cvot'y reasonable l'Oquost , amid by courteous : attention to all , strive to malce ' t'atltor thou irlcoimto tusk 01 Wo Btri\o mule Bhopplng 0 plClI'o I'othol' un h'ksolo Lee } at the following attractive bargains for \ Iotloys' salo- China Now tllnphs in clmlnawnt'o. Maiccu's are learning and ' \ ' ' . Some ol the old must ' bettering day. ( goods give botterng 0\01' and Glassware . . gmJcs " pluco 1 to .now. Sharp mnmit'k-downs tIm conMoquoDc Decorated Chumbol' Sets , 12 pleeos , $ : .01 instead or $ G. Fancy Chino Pintos 10c each that were i.c. Sugars and C"Cluns " 010 ) , the sot that was SI.OO French Decorated Crenmol's 2jl' ouch instead 01 50g. Individual Snit and Poppe , decorated , 100 ouch , not : jc. 100 piece Ducol'ute Dinner Sets $9.1 , usually $20. How About Short days ; long o'onlnqdj ; you want th' best Ihtyol can got The eye is sonsltve enl poor lights will spoi youm' sight. See L amps lS ab tl , lnrnp' ' , Gluurs lamps complete lUc instead of ( :15c. : GIMS lumps with decorated shade ,10 thlt ware $1 Decor- ted lamp ; with shade , ODe , u lnlY $ .OO. Banquet lamps complete with silk bade , $1.U3 , \ -r Pocket BootS Not the kind you cnn tIlde up nnywhO'o ot 230 but n fine - ' Imitation soul ' , full leather llnc l gl'uincd imltnton 0' morocco lul leutlO' lnol 25c E acl with stile } Joics for Cw s-its the kind that usually soils at 50 to i50 , House Tooth Pix 30 the package , not fib . Toilet PUPOI : e paokugo , Instead 01 fib 1 Helps Potatoe Mashers 3c1 not 5c. Little Things at l ouse Traps 30 , wore 10cj ; Dust Pans fic , the 100 Lite . - . Inndi ; Set'ub BI'ushe' OC , WOl'O 10e ; Bllclcng : a3r'us Little PrIces lOc , usually 23c ; Cusphlol's 80 ; POrOI'ate BI'USt Sentd 80 ouch , have boon 150 ; O.hook Coat Ruol : 10c , usualy 25c. THE 99-CENT STORE , ' 1319 Fartafl Street. . - - - fl1ELirni101IEL1EEDEEIJI1II o ' ' C o 0 q u Not So Convenient. B Physicians indorse Ripans Tab- S . ules by prescribing the remedies i - R they contain , but often in fori not ' I so convenient , inexpensive and accurate ' - ' [ E in Ripans Tabules. curate . as - Tabules.V . ! . t . i : ' , , . - ] V ' , O mpnn's Tabules Sol by druggists ' , or by math . mnl , . _ . t i It tIle price ( : cents 0 box ) Is oeM . to Iho H. ( 9 Li ] pans Chemical Company , No 10 Hst" , N. y , R D - O _ D D D DC D O ' < - - - - - r ' I . . j , .V M' , . ' "Wc1I-Santaj _ : . , , ' ! t Claus in usC ' : ' ' ' : , _ , haverunout' : , . . . ! . , .t. r 0 'Soap when ' . ' , " ' heleftyou. . , ' V Even the children recognize Santa V C Claus Soap a one of the good things VV V of life-and why not ? I keeps , . V their home cean and makes their l ' t mother happy. Try it in your home.V V V ' ' V V Sold everywhere. Made only by " . , ; V , . The N. K. Fairbank Company , ' . ChICAGO. . . 1i _ . , - - - - - - - . . \ , . ! Ij I j XAcr SIZE PEP'lF'ECll ) J PEfFECl " THB MERCANtILE IS THE FAVORITE TEN CENT CGAR " Fu smile by alt First CUBS Dealers Mluurleturcd by the F. R. RICE MERCANTILE CICAR CO. , l ' lclolr No. 804 , St I.oul : , lO , . . . . $ . . _ . . _ _ . . . . $ _ _ _ _ _ --V , _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ .