U - I TilE Ol\rATIA \ DAIT.JY n1iJl ' : l'I1Ul SDAY. OC'10 1) UU 8. 18 _ ! ) o _ 8PBOIAk NOTI HS , - .J A4rtjMrtipntN for 'h."n cohulnA , wilt I , , ' "kcn tn.1 12.:0 : J' . in. for the , " , 'nl'l In.l tntl 8 p. tit . for .h. 1IIInlll . n.1 fhuHIIT e.llln" . A.h.II..I" ( . hy r..ql..tll n nUR- 1'1..1 chelk . "RI hove In"w"r" . 1,1. .lre",1 It ) R ntmh.r " l..t..1 In 111' 01. , . ' 'hn 1. . ( A."wer. " " 11111.,1 he " , ' ! v're,1 tl'll "r."cn'"tln 01 I. ch..ek enl , . . 111' " , t 1-:0 n , , ' "I first 11'110' " $ 10 R " ' 11' , * % 4h'raft.r. Jlthh,1 ' "ken for lel" i 4 ( - . _ . thll : r" for 11' ' Iniiertlnn. TheiI i ' ' n.h"'II"'lel' . . " 11"t he run el."e ( tlh..I , . , . . " - - - - - - - SI"'UA'I"O " ' . \ 'r.J. - - - . _ . . _ . . . WATED TO IEW WITh FmHT.Cr.AH 1 4rQ'nIakr. Address C 2 : . IperIence 1e. < . - 9.7 . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' \'A . .JgJ-I\ 11 1.1' . ' ANTI I. 1.1'1 1NTFIT.T(11NT AOFNTR IN Omaha to organize rlulo oC three to fve faml. ) I ( ' . rnr nur rnmous OrchAr.1 ITom4 Ion" In cen. 011 Jomog trol : IA.I..lppl. The I.le or Immhrlon I. gong . ng soUth where 'hpre ' nre 10 hot wIn1i. . no , r"hl winter ! . no blzar < . , no crop fnlu , . . Where Iwo or Ihree crops CAn b" ml.e,1 , P'irII ynr. WIier thorn I I no Auch thing n . fulure It A mnn will work on.hAlf 'nA hnfl R" ho iloei wi , rnIl.t wfltCTL In thIs cnunlry CoI FUflflfll . 01,1 AuI' p"ylno crnp . of fruit nn.1 Irtn trtick. IUehest nol on nrth ne.t rn"n" tacILttIe. OeoV Amp ! . Ienernt ngent 161 l'arnAm .t. . Omnhn. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I-f 9 A flINTLflMAN ' TO WORK OMAIA Ol TARn terrU ' ry In NpbroAka , n" enprol agent oC nn lerrl'ry . Alck. neehlrl1 nn,1 lr'lth bon.ft nn.1 Ipn.pnr enllowmpnt pppcwlatlon. It\lrnlnl , n..orAton. nnn ) nrr'tprre , ( 'nit nfpr 9 n. m. , or nllp , , Cnl \ . V. Ki'nt ' : raxion tjock. ! J-f6r .n WANTEn , I' XIFnNNrn ANn IHCICAL norl.1 Rn,1 gnrlener. , n. Inn9 , 183 Vlnhn .t , 13-461 V I-61 , rno TO ur.co At.AItY 1.\0 RAT.TMtN for eIari . : exprrlene" not lee'"Y : pxtra In. "urpmpnls to cu.tomer. D"hop & 13tn. Rt. . fl-MI8 O ' l.ul8. Mo. 1:1 0 : W.tNTrt-WTC1IMAI11t , YOUNG MAN . AT .1. nnnentjrg . _ 1I'X ' DoUgIa SI. 1- WANTI n-RAI.ESMAN ACQIAINTFD WITh the tea nn.1 grocery nile , In OmAha and dl" trict. Rtnle pXIJrrlrnee nnl , reference to n. F. Hpld & ( . , l.t.l. . (1iIcniO. D-&i0 WANTEfl. HTATr AOr'NT I'on NflhhflMKA ! WANn RATF NImnM1A to rppre.ent nn n.ooclotnn writing the hest oc. ckIcnt .le nnll funprnl bplrnt contract on cArl. % . . l'ul % renewal entrnet will be Ilven 10 Ilrh' gIvIng Ihplr entire time and attentIon to flip hl.lop. , I"lrot clA"s rrrerenrps required. . ' , Mrpo. , , I. Ii. Pitcher , . ecretary. iiginnW. r. - R. ; Mich. - It-idSO - . - 9. 'ANTlm-TWO MIN OF 0001 APPiAR- corn to work from , vnlon : II'ady. pro"able rmpto'mpnt. IGI9 Hown,1 .t lh-M682 8 WANTFO. YOING MAN TO . 'RfTST IN OF- fce : ml.t he nile to opertr typewriter nn.1 write p1iorthniih. Allress , , stnlnl "xpprlrlco j nnlrefercnco . . C 49 . ler DMGGI S , - 7AflOItFlt1O1tWYOMINO . ON COMIANY " work pn n. & : I. I ) . : work Jlnrnntr.r : free trnn"pndtion. lromer & O'1retrn. 1120 1'nr. . nnm Btrcet. hl-174l 9. - . . , . 1-liU TWO 0001 COATATFnS W.'NTFD. Blea.ly watk. nt InU Iirthi. . Merchant Tailors. St. .TooPIh , Mo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B-lil S' 'VANTpn , YOlNON WHO IS A COMPII- tent nleno/rlhpr , nut . I 'pewrler operatOr : must 10 100.1 . pcnmnn : stnlp experience nn.1 . ! salary ) ' cxpecle.l. .1lre. , . C W. npe . IIV-M5G 10 - - - v.t 'I'I.I-FFD"\ 111. . - - - - - - - , arnr . Ion 01 Nlm.L IIOUSflWO1t1. 360G - own - rd. - - - . . c01 L.tIIES \vANTINO GOOD omr.s CALL SCAN. dln:1lan > y W. V 10mI 2IS Da\'enI10rt. C-GIS-0.31 Tel. 1217 . , - - - - - A GOOD omr , TO 00 O1NFItAL 10ISI' - . wont ( In eounln' , Smnl foO I ) ' . Adlres , 41 . R. ; . Iih : it. - - - - _ CU- PI.T' G'NT CAINI' T PIOTOR ' 2.0 PEl DOZ. , en. . Davies. 13.1 : A. 161h street. . C- . _ 1612 - - - - - - - - - - - - - \V/NT1t TO HI.W : WITH l'IRT.CLASS dres.maker. MIt1res . C : : , 11elhmce ! ltee. ' C-M6-7' , . - - - - - - - - - - ' - ' \.NTEn. mnr. ; ron OENEnAL 10IRI . work. 2225 I'nrnllm Mtl ect. . C-21621 - _ . _ - WANTED , I.ADY TO AihiIST IN OPI'ICD work : ml.t know how 10 operate I'pewrler nnI write ahorlhonl. A"te" . stating experience - - once - . nod . . - reference - - , C 41. lice. C:16G2 S W.\NTI. . OPFlATOl ON TlPI\nll'R TO I do billing In wholesale hnu.e. Stenographer not f wnn"'d.Idss C 3lee. \ . CG f ' g - - - - - iiiiWtNTflt . ) . ' : & 1 I'O1'1'LlTON C:6 AV1' NTP. WANT11) ( OIPrTI NT omr. ron KITCJFN ! % vUIhe : 2-3 i3O 23thve. . . C-i 2-io - - - - - - - W'ANT1fl.AhflL' \nOUT 1 Yl'.UtS OLD TO do light houewo.le. Alpl ) ' 12S Cn.s. C-Mill 10' l'OIL ItflN'I'-IIOUShS. 11tSFS. I" . K. DARr.IO. lJAltKillL IlLOc1. D-62 10wms : IN AII. ! PAITA 0' "HI CITY. THE O. F. Davis C01I'uny , 15) rnrnam. D-463 IlOUtillS. IENAWA & CO. , lOa N. ITn D-4 ST. 1 V 1LK COLE & . LAIOCS' LIST IN OMAhA 124 ; 2 UODit S.100:1 10UREH : : MINUTES i . .nl' from court hoUSe Room 28. l,1Icr > 11k. : TO 1,11. COTT.\m : WITH S IIOOMS. ON 30TH near F'srnuIIl. Chnrle Ttirncr. 316 I"arnnm. D-66 FaR I1TNT. , , nee : 10Ufl . SZ S. 2 TH A \ . ' - nue. 1aquir422i4.lStii - - _ flreet. D-M71 yon ItENT c.nOO:1 hOUSE. NE'IT PA. pCled : city wnlfr : $ 9.01 ' pel' mo. 1" N. 31th. Stoetzel net 10 I' . 0. D-i91 STAN'OnO [ CmCIB CO'"rMmH. 6.100 IS. all modern , 1. . fuel. Apply lyron Rce" corn- , - pnl ) ' , 212 1'llh 1th Ircet. D-S52 ' . .nOOM ! Jomm AND IIAI1N. S. W. COHNlm :1.1 qtul ( Piler ets. , 30.01. ) . John \V. htothitts. Tel. ! ft I. :0 : N. Y. r.le hldg. n-131.0 nOUSES. O. O. WALI.ACE. 312 lHOWN I1fW. . - - . D-M2t11 enoot : : ( OT'\O ! ALL l00EIN , 212\ MI. nOi ! lreot. D-M2G3 t 5pI,1NDII ) HIX.nOQI { I'I.ATR. WITII flANGE f WII I " 11 molpr rn\nl.nees : f3.n. to lANOP . IGth strct , f.pm 10 to 12 and 2 to 4.DM425 D-U26 'Y.llOOM 11tmn 1101'S ! . NEWI.Y PA. len,1 and palnt..I. near 1onscom p"rk. J. II. 13 " 01 e. 001:1"0 block" 1521 01 ChOICE ; 1)E't.ChII1fl IIESIDENCF7. 2117 I 01' . pIe Ion avenue : mOl'r brick : 23d 27.1P , nla sot , Sherweoti avenue. C. ( . \ . Stnrr. 515 N. Y. I.ife. _ _ _ _ D1 : 021 - - ' ' - - : -'I'FNT--Ii : : LAnI V EIUIIT.ROOM hou. . 1\ N. 2Ih stre.t. Inquire John 1nmln. 917 S. 11th AIm 3 room . ; . IS24 H. 13th. 1)-MIll 1-IG82 "Imy IFSIAI.n : OOFRN } 1t'SES. 3 . 11. Sherwun. fJ N. Y. Lte ' 1hone 3SR" . . 1. 0154 11' NICEIX Ft'IINISIIEI ) hOUSE ON CAll l.lNE. Islm with , modern ceit'eniCnce. Apply N. I n. Cor. 2Jlh ont Lt'lw.nworth. M ! . W. O. D-f-7. FOlt' tfiNT. ' - IE1il [ 1.\I ! . . . ) TIN.I100M : - 2.1010. , 'r halse , : ,1tarhcd. O. F. Ti acm .t _ _ : _ _ . _ h _ . . _ D-92 T1'N-1tO0M : lOmmT.T. . Cmn'ENmCCS , perfeet repair. Inquire 72 N. 191h slrect. slrect.D ! Ol : - - - - - - FORSTI1A2.1-IIEATEI ) IlotlSr.1 . \Nn PI.ATA STIAM-lATFn 1011.Nn 3 , S. 6. 7 rooms : I" ' aton nIl desirable conhI. tons 'fznll.:1 N. 21h. 1:616 cnl. 8 S.OOIili : : ll ! C N ) , N. 19Th. 10 t.Om8. flIdCC I ) ) I'rICk 62 N. 11th. ! roorn. brick. Clifton HI. ! ! SRO. Omahn.ol Estate k Trust C. 21 1)-MGl3 Fe , . 15th. - - - . - 1)-lI0I TO I.E. A U. ALSO A 2.1 1.AflCIt lOOM - mol'm brick hotte : " . ' 1.\r01 ROM . V ( huir , . John N. Prez'r , Rental In.1 ! Iteahty V Agent . "I.pole p. 0 " l.n1) 4 F n : . T.-.RTOIY Jmel , DWIU.rNG. ' Cnn Street. t..te,1 by hOI " /t.1 Butpnl : : mml.r. convenience. ; rent S'l ' Ior month In. I quire of Netherto hail. GG F'lrt NII , nank. l-2.i6.S3 1 1 ! roll I1E.NT-3.ROOM rnVrr.uh1E10 : IIOLT12.20) ) 1"II.lelon n\ ' " . , mo.lern e 10lT. . $32.5) C 1"1' , , tPflth. " C.rom etrner rIrk 1101251 ? , 2MI ) ' ' , Crer hrIk h"IB. nppleto' , flYOtC . . . , . , . . , bath pn.1 ( lrnnee. .30 ppr Iinnti. ) Grol cohere , US2 N. ISth 01. . * 1 \ per month. InquIre Neth'rion huh . GG FIrst 1\ I Nut. 11nk > o'l1 DM--Is3 H TEN-ROOM nOlam MODEIIN IMI'ItOS'ii. IncrIL ' II c. . . ttnet. lnJHN , HI lJn'HOVI ! . , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . l-M7'33 . . ' U' ' - - - . - - - - CO2.iPI.ETEI.Y rnt [ tu marlel FVI1NI9UIEfl eoul.IC. Owner 10' ! - YOl - .UI.I. Own. keep IWo . . . \ , . 1 IIP roonis . and l.oml with ' . . rmB ptrtles. InuIra ' er ntl- drcB.i 1" H. : ( ) wih B1''eI. , p.ult' rn'lulr. D el ' I ' - ' A VIN ! L : i ' - , South list n'r-tixi l'r-,3 BII.et. ' - 311 D-1i4' [ ' : j' \VI.1. "Am l'AI'Ia IIANC.INU Fui . RENT H.\O 1 of HoQ houae. P. 1. Wen , U & l.kijgns. " . ? . I I _ l. s-9 ANIC11. 1. Auth. . G . ! 1101 ; : tW \ ' , 1\1 : SOL ! JI' . 50.1 ! I'I'I'lon ' Aye . 1 : D-1i ; . \ FOIL IU-NT-FCINISIrn IIOOMS. : NICm.Y FUIN'SUED ' ! lOOMS. 17 DfO ' ' . fl-I" -I6 - - - - - - - - - NIc1bY FUHNISIED 11002.10.701 PoTTI 141 8t. llVSt C fl-ITS-Il' V CLEAN . 11170 $ , &C rEm wnEK. il0 8. ITI RT. I ; -N ,10 10U8IKIElINO : : fl00M8. % > HT. MAIIY'S. . & 3 NICE FUHN1'II lOOMS FOR r.ll , houskepplng. 112 H. 1t1 9:10. l'UINIHIWD JOO . ! I 21 IIAI1NEY B-M.I HTI1EhT. 1. NWC.Y FUINISlnD nol8 , 204 A. 25Th ! 25Tl . fitreetistearn heat. . .tret Aenl hent. E-M13' : [ NWIr.Y : I'PINrRINI ! l0 IR I'on ( IENT1.fl. men or light housekeeping. CM North 17th , . fl-5t3 11' N-I : : 1' 1"UINI1rn:1 100US ; A ? U 1lOtItD. rJHIAI.F 1"LHNIHII O 100MB. SINOLE or en Bult. . with bnrd : reference. 221 'ar. _ 10 .treel. l"-MlOS 100MS WITH 10AlD , AT THE HIIfl1NI.fl. 22 B. - - 261h . etreet. 1'-M6 ) 1. FUI1NISIIEDIOOMS'ITII 1lO.'tltfl. lIlt Doughasstreet. F-Mt77 S. IS2a ( 'At'ITOL A \I NU SINGLE AND CON- fleeting room. . . With , boar , ! I'-MflS 12. 1'OI IIflNT-VNFUIINIMIII7D 800319. UNI"UINISIPD CIAlPnR I.'on HOUSC. keeplnl tl man and wife. 319 N. 11th. a-Mill 4 UNPUINrSlmD noos SI7ITAIILTi VOlt houekeeplng price U and $10. fill 1'-Ol . 0-382 StVEN 1005114 FOIST " 1.DOI. $11.0) ' : CITY nn.1 cistern water : nice ) 'lld. elc. Itetetences. In'lulre 101 B. 20th. O-in 12. l 11 l I H l Ii PII'AHANT : 100IH , IfiTCII UN . clo"ele. city water. 203 howard BI. G-ifi.i. hIO.iIIUING. PIONIE11 ' I 1O1'Hfi.313 SOUTH 12Th 1. SIUALS . best In city , 21 : board per 1TH. . U.f. .LS. . 11-2.110' ) NI' ' . 'Ol 1I1NT-ST0It1hs AN D OI PICES. . - FOIl lENT , TimSTOHY nmclc nUI.DNO a DI6 l'nram ; aree ! , This building has n tire- lre- , Irof cement basement . complete steam heat- InIxture. . . woter on all noor gas . elc. - Apply nt the olie at The lice. I-no " ' . \ : ' ' 1ifl-T ( ) lUJX'I' . WANTg1IDEIN S Olt 9 lOOM hOUSE with , barn. Inllulre : Capitol avenue. n"7. . IIIIN'l'AI. , AGENCY. , rAIOEST LIST IN CtTY. J. 11. 1'AUItOTTE. 152 , 0 $ TOlG . , , STOI1AGIh. I.'HANK EWEI1S. 121 1IAIINEY. . M- ) ! ACI'IC STOI1AGI ' ; AND WAlmIOUSp CO. . . 90S.910 Jone General storage und forwarding. . 2.1-471 - \VAN'1'flfl-0 ' BUY. hIGhEST lnCn PAID FOR nAGS. IRON , metal . lullel and bottles : car lols a fpoclnlt Chlcngo Junk house , bI2-81 Douglas Omahn. N-.3 STOCK OF OEN'L MUSE. ADDI1SS C W. 1ee. N-CCI. - - FOR -PUIXI''VlI0. . Volt RAI.F. 10LSEHO.D GOODS clm" . U5 North 2d .Ireet. 0li37 R' 1 (1 SALEIOnSES AND WAGONS. AUCTION HALf OF 10HSCS , Nt UNION stocit ynf1s. eerVednpsdny nnll Haturn ) ' nt 1 o'clock. Ituyers wi ho there tu Imrchase every horse oroe < A. D. Clarke c"mpany. ' - ) 9 FOR SM.E. STRONG WOmCING 110fl14t1,6 years old. 133 North 20lh .treet. I'-MGI ) D. FOR S'I.E-ISCEI.L\NFOUS. H.\lWOOD COMlNATIN 100 AND chicken , fcnce. China. H" Lee , 91h and Douglas. Q-I ICU IN CARLOAD LOTS. COIIRESI'ONDENCfl COlmS/ONDENCE solicited. A. l Nlcholls , Council Q-M742-O3 liliiffs. ha. - - Q-M7f-09 or.1 nnlCKR l'OI SAL.E-A1't'LY AT TILE Associated Charities . S'H ' howard atreet , or tele- phone , No. 16 G Q-15 16 DOUI.r nASI flUENER . VERY . VERY ehe"p. 11. Lungnn nt 1lyden itros. jewelry de- liartiflent. Q-wa 7' FOIL HALE-ItlOhi GRADE 11ICSC1.U . $70.00 cns , . C 41 , Bee. ( -I .0.0 COCKER H'NII. PUtS FOR SALE ; IU Glt- teed stock Ioom 30 , nukcr tiloelc. Q-i28 : UISCgl.L\XnOlS , PAII FOR REN'r. 940 New York ! IMe bhl . lt-3I531 030 CI.UlOYAX''S. . 2.1105. DIt. 11. WAHUFN , CI.UlVOYNT. fill.- liable business medium : Slh year nt 1S N. HE . S-H ARRIVUD FROM NnW YORK CITY. AII\'ID lno Uift , wonlerful , ) ' gifted YOrK , of the world : r'adq your life like In open bole from cradle ta ( tie grave : snlsflcton guaranteed In all I eases : has the tangle 1Indoo amulet to restore lost alfectlons and cause morrl.ge rlstore , the ; one )11 love. Come one come all . wih see the "Iwpheless hours 9 a. m. 10 ni. 1' . in. 417 South 1th atreel. upstnlrs. 2.lrs Dr , " \ , , tWlrl 0 f. . . Hlij [ S. : 'D.\I CICLI. [ TIlE CELEIIILATIhII'A. rlslnn fortune teller . J. , f"rllne Irler. meeting wih great success - cess In this town. These who have not ha\o con- .ule,1 her yet must not lose this chance. COI ncr 21h In,1 Ylntn 51. S-1U.7. 11.SS.\GE , UA'l'JIS , ETC. :11 SITI. 503 H. 13Th ! . 2ND 1"I.OOn. IIJn } 3 : 1.10 I c. "a par , nllhol. sl.am. put- pht'rlntar.dsea . _ b t9. ' 'r-C UMC. flUIINAILD. I 7. : no 1"LOOn. 121 . . : ' " - IH 011' 2.tMIh. 10WILL. TUlKISU AND ELEC'rflIC baths. Finest parl"r II city. 318-320 ' ' LICrmc . . V 'L'-lll-O-l ) ' 'UIUOSl IIATIIS. TUI'IRI IIATI4ONLY : 1'I.At1I IN CITY exclusive for ladle. Suite 109.10 Dee Bldg. 1:5 . LADIES' D.\TUS ME. 105' 21911 S. 15TH. .i5 - - I'EUSUX.U. \ 'IAVI CO. . 3j6 npE m.DO. , UIUr.TH ! BOOK freel : home hcatment . : lady nttendanl. U-iC ' - ' - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - ii. 1IAAS. FLORIST. PLANTS , CUT F1.0WflflS. - - - hianqupt. 1o1l. residence and ' . , i lan'lpt. hal. re.hlelce grave deeorntlln . 3513'lnion slr.et. \plonu 7i6. d.corlono. I B.\TW MASSAGE MlU. S'OST. 319S. \ . 13Th. _ _ _ U-Ill I'INI IVI.Y mos CllE.1' . RD. B.\UMr.I'Y , 17h and SI. Mary's 1\'nue. Telephone 113. U--1 l'IVA'f HOME FOR WOMEN DUINl CON. Ilnement. lelt rcre.enco given. 351 N 25th. U-M552-013' - : 1ON11Y 'JO L0.tN . ANThONY I.O.\N & TllST CO. . 318 N. Y. 1.lta. 3.oans nt low rates for cholc . icetartty In Nebra.I & I&w farms 01 Omaha city iroperty. ' . 2.1-479 - MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATIR. TIlE O. 1' . Davis Co. . 1:3 t.O\rST , : . " ' -50 - - - - CITY : ; : C A. STARR , . . ' LO.NS" . STAli 113 I N. Y. % Ln'E. i V-ISI - i MONEY TO I.O.\N ON 1M1'ltOVEI [ ) OMAhA teal estate. li ennon. LO\'t & Co. , I'oxtonlk. : . . _ _ _ _ _ _ W -tJ G 1'1:1 : CENT MONEY : TO LOAN ON OMAHA lel saints . ' Neb. farms . V. I.AN . I M.lkle , Omaha. V-456 2.LONEY TO LOAN ON IMI'nOVED OSIAILt prupert FhdlIty . 05r./A Flelt ) Trust CI. , lQ2 I"arnan W-S3 2.XQRTOAGES. G. G.WA1.LACt1. DlOWN IILK , W- ILI' . I.rn mSUU CC J'r.lems LOANED ONOR bought . I' . O. Chesney Itanau City ; . )10. W-U MOIY 'rO LOAN , 20. 15. 9) nAYS : FtJltNI. . " - hl".I. lure. ! "ln" _ . . . Duff Green I , rm S. YUill- X- J.OtNiN l2.lh'lLOVIhI O , f UNI2.11'itOYhlD CITY Pm1-4r'4. " ' . 'rnanllmlh , 8 C. , 12" " Farnam W-U. . MONEY TO 1.0.\ : ( Continusti. ) MOrTOAO1.NS. . LOW nATER. . 3. D. ZIUle , Ilh and . Douglas Omah1l. I W-13) W-1 , MONEY TO LOAN ON FUItNITUItE . PIANOS , horses. wngon 8tC. . nt loweIt laid In city : no removal ot goods : olrlct ) cnM"nlnl : yoU can amount. pay the loan of nt any time or In any amount.IOUA1I ) . . MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 3 S. 161h at. X-4S9 UUSIXnS CII C S. U2.0r Q STOCK OF : FICUANDISI' IN 1EST , town In eastern NehrskR , for land and eaoh "I equivalent. Address H 21 . care 13cc.Y49) - - ' 5.0.0 WILL lIllY A 11SINFSS IN OMAHA that 18 netting $ ,0.0 per year : Ihl will bear InvestIgation. .1. .1. Olbson. 21 ht Nnt Ia1k. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y-M163 CLEAN STOCK OF (1ROCEi1IES1 : CASE 131551- OnOCFIIS IISI. flesh : best location In Omhn. , Address ( 35 , flee. - ! Y-M614 10 FOR SA1.1. A FmST.CI.ASS 10TFr.1USINIRB doing ' nice trnde. Addreu Hotel Grand Horton Brown Co. , Kan. Y-IG71 10. DRUG STOCK $ fO 1"OI OMAhA 110MW. P. D. \'cad. 16 & 1)oughas. Y-749D FOlt L2XCIIANGC. EQUITY IN LARGE TRACT OF' I.ANI NEAR Omaha. What have you to offer ? 11. 1" . Daley , 910 N. Y. Lie bldg. Z-9 $ : .0.0 IN NOTES DIVUNFOI1 hAD DEBTS to trade for real . O\EN . F. IAD , Atty. , 2)2 ) Sheely - block , 1 to 2 o'clock 7.:182 ) _ ' ' rnCcTPNII 'NT-MOO nN. 18 ROOMR. within 10 blocks of city hnl : price $24,004.00 ) ' : encumbrance ' : ,0.00 , : equIty for goat unem- cumbered Innd. ShermAn county . CIO acres school lanl. near Lichfeld : 2 acres Sherldnn , county and $ j.I ) ' ) stock oC general merchandise for goo land near OmAhA. lefor' buying or exchnnglng see 3. N. Vrenzer. OpPO"lo P. O. ZMi7.OO $1.0.0 LADIES' AND MISSES ' ShOES TO exchange for n small house and evsh. or Innd nn,1 cash Address box G2. Gtswohd. In. 01ISWOldz iI1 S WANT AIIOIIT t7tGhtT 110051 RESIDENCE. .IOU mOIT 100r RFSIDNCE. well In. . for clear pr"perl . eUdres5 C Z-617.i. 41 , Bee. 10.0 ACIER NEBRASKA PAIM LANDS TO echonle for e'uiles In Omaha business block. - J. - - J. Gibeon - . - 317 FIrst - - National - - . . bani. _ Z-i2 k . WANTED-TO SELLOR TRADE FOR IOWA , eastern Nebraska or northern Missouri SO-nere : farm , $1.0 general stock , lox 2. :1..ourl , Z-MG63-9. . Ia FOIL SALE . OOOD DEI.IYIlY 1OUm , Oil will exchange for organ or buSSY. 1000 Oi , Barker block Z-i2J IOUNTZE Ir.\CI IIO2.tES. pmCI 31.100.00. * 5.500.0) nn,1 $1,500.00. Incumbrnce U.rI.O. S2.I ) . , &O.O nnd S3.o.o. WIll take city lots or farm lands In exchAnge for equity. J. J. Gib- son 31 Firt National bnnk. 7.72 FARM LANDR FOil CITY ILEAL laTA" : [ . J. J. 0lbsn. ' 317 First NatIonal . bnnk. Z-i2a - - - - - - - TO IOXCIIANOIi VOlt I1ASTEI1N NEflRASKA farm XCnANOF . .bar.1 cnlJocly nASTEIN toler NEDIAS1\\ . dre" C 47. Bce. . 7.:169 mi. g. < IXCIANO SOUTlmlN CAI.WORNr.I.OS Angeles . resllenee , and some olmond properties far Omaha res hI en co. Must bo unincumbered and not too far out. Address C GO. lice.M750 ? - I' 10' , FOIL SAI.E-I1EAL ' ESTA'1'IL BARGAINS SALE OR "IADg IN CITY PROP- erles and farnds. John B. Frenzer opp. rHOI. 1. . 1-93 ADS'lACTS , ' 51112 BYRON llmD COMPANY. 1110-493 1t-n HOMES ON EASY l'AYIENTS , SELL AND buy lots . acre form. anI viI Dros. . 210 N. Y. I. . lE- UAHOArNH hOUSES , LOTS AND FAlt2.lS. sale or trade 1' . K. Darling . larleer PAIIS. Ioc . 1IIIO\ED FARMS , O. W. CAILOCK , 1203 I'nmam St. HC-Cl FARM LANDS , C. F. IARmSON , 312.N. ltfl-7I6-O9' V. Life. FINE PHOEnTY. CENTRALLY LOCATED , large lot . 9-rom mo"er housp. good barn. pavement : paid In full : only S.700. C. I" ' . lan'l.on. 913 N. Y. Life. ItIO-Cl7-10 . I 1110. SNAPS. DmCK BUSINESS I1UILIINO. 3 stories . average rental past two 'eats. S3.100.00 per year 16 per cent gross : prlc . $13,100.00. Brick business buildIng . Z stories . corner nver. age rental past 3 y a , $1,020.00 per ) 'eor , 1 per cent gross : price $9CO.0. 110 acres within 5.mlp circle oC postomco : llhty land : prIce $2.0.0. postofce Before buying or exchanging see Sf0. N. Fren- . zer , opposite 1' . O. I1E-M7S-OlO FOR SAI.E-A 2,600-ACRE FAIth OS' SECOND SFCONI hUom lend In Miller county , Atk. . 12 mIles east of Texarlcana , 1.050 acres clearel 70' ) ' ' acres In u fl. j . 23 tenant , c : ei.leo' : ls tarn ) : wrl adapted for grain. grass stock and cotton. Unlimited winter .toele range. \Vill sell cheap rnnJ 'I and 01 easy terms. Address Oeo. I'easlee. Itussclvllle. Ark. . lEl0o0.1o leAolee. FOR SALE. FINE COTTAGR. FULL LOT ONLY $ Go : easy terms. R. C. Patterson. Iamle [ lit. m -32) IIO2.IES ON EASY I'AYMIONTS. IIARGAINS IA YFNTS. IAHOAINS 1 : lot. G. O. \'nlnce , Brown mock. 1110-540--- : . FOIl SALE Oi TBAI)10 . FINE ImSIENCE property In LIncoln Neb. : several well Improved - proved fArm and line town property , alt In central N"brnekn. We have ni centrl N'ht.kn.0 \ whnt we repre- sent. Will trnd ' for tack of boots and , pIIOC . . _ t"c. ot clothing or n good general stock. Will put In part ca.h. Address Box 623. . \1 Nob. 1110-2.1113 S ASI\ ABOUT TIlE $ l,50) ) 10tSI AND LOT ON 19th street houle\'nl" : n beauty an.1 n snnp. I' I ) . \'caI. IGlh & tntiglas. RI - : . ) I nAnOAINS , SALE on Tn.\DF TN CITY l'IlOI' . erties and farms. Johl N. I'renzer opp. Inol. 1. . ItlO-306 10G SnOITIANn AND ' ' 'VIU'JI : G. A. C. VAN HANT'S SCHOOL , 513 N. Y. LIF'I0. DC OMAHA BUSINESS COLI.EOE. 15TH. FAHNAlt 49i nO'I'EI.S. APTNA hOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. can. Ilh nod Dodge. Booms by day or w.ek. 48 10"nL DAlKI R. FiAil IU.ITCH. 2.1GB . . 10n. 131h and Jones ats. ; Walnut 11 Cars Pass the door. AlmCAN PLAN 7S rooms nt $ ro day : 10 rooms nt $2.0) day European 11100,500 to $ .0 per dlY. f.0 499 Tim LANGE HOTEL , G02 B. laTH STItIOtOT " STI steam heated rooms table board U.O per weele. M5H UNDEh1'1'tlC13l1S Ash EII.U.3IEIS. It. 1 ( . IiUllKF.T. FI7NIORAI. DIRIOCTOI1 AND embAlmer , , , 101 ChIcago it. . DIHECOI . LOt - - - - SWANSON & V.\.WN. liOI CUllING , TEL 1063. 102 : I. O. 2.1A1L ! , UNOElTAIn 1 AND 102.1. MImeI. IH7 I'orom at. . telephone .ND : : : \ \ Tgl.S. GIt'gSXO 'rii.ios. WOOD MANTIOI.S , GRATES TILES FOR flrcplaces . noUbules and large flouts ; write FOi - prl's. 11ton Rogers & Sons. Omaha & fil 11 I CYC LBS. SAMI'LES AND SIOI WOIN 1hit'VCLES BE. ' lYCI.FS low cod. Wi Bamum & lire. . 12 N. : 1F. . 312- - . _ _ _ nUI.UIXa & LOA ASSOOIA'IIO S. SI.\HIS IN MUTUAL L. k n. ASS'N PAY 6 , 7. 8 per CTht when 1. 1 . a years uld. always redeemable . li04 J'arnm at . Natttnger . Sec. " " " . /OW TO ClOT A 10:1 OR SECUm GOOD Interest on savings. Apply II Omaha I. . & Ii. ' Au'n , liOI lice bll ; O. 2.1. Naltnger , See. I. & 111SIC , . .1'XU 1.GlAGI S. SEND $1.00 FOR , .o WORTh ! OF SONOS . Amorhta Pretty " 'ldot In Bloomers. Darling : Mnbel. The Course "f True Love Never Ituns Smooth Omaha . . Neb. Latest hits , Wodbrldce L'e Bros. 8 % . OEOROC I , ' . GELLENIIIOCK. 1JAN50 AND I.T.fmnFCl' guitar leachcr. 1 1 Cuss Street IANJO 10 n.ROAIN8 , ISPI'CI.\r.LY IN SI.IOUTI.Y used pianos Cull nM Cal convince yourself . New pianos for rent. Wm. It. Schtnoller . nUh itoor lo Cge bldg. Hehmoler. M- 12 101 . FUUIS 1 (1 IIENT . FARM , C.\51 RENT Address U : nFF. ' 701 V I'\ \nIOln US. I. ) IAIOWITJ LOANS IONEY. . U N. I . T. 1)IONTISTS. DR ; IAt DENTIST. 2 BUIlT ST. 61 Slush , XO'rICI S. DAMAGFD r : UIIO S I1ESILVERL't. 79 N. & II. CAlII'1ATCLB.tNIN G. CHAMP'ON ' CA1l1'1IT CLTtANINO WORKS. 18.70 S. lUh St. CLeANIGOntS. 6U8203 V IIOltSI0iNT11II101) 1 . JOISIS WtNTF1.j ! ) . TIEST OP CARE given horses both . 'J9ter nn,1 , CArE dress : r. J. Welch Ortna. I Net ounlner. :151 0 : ) WANTI. : HOHSCS TO WINTIR : : 1ERT OF care ; terms reasonttbls191Q N. Y. Life bldK. I ' " 2.t736O33 V lt .f _ JonSIs ANt ) COLTS ) 'IOD AND CARET ) for during win IeI U.O per month per bend and I Iunrnnlee , tht best of enre. I Ir enl for and del\'el stock free of charge . " .rle Rt once onll , ri cnl and see you , for I will VOflll be 15 days gathering tip horse aol . colts not then I , 'I return to my ranch. ! emem. her feed I. apt to le , hIgh ttis winter nnll I got tons and tons of It on hand native liar , millet hny. oats straw corn fodler. ! corn m.1 oal" nnd I want 10 I feed It In.teotl or hauling , It 10 Inorket Address Charles Goes. hnulnl , 1oulh i Omaha . Net , l561 15 1 I OIESSI.\CO. I DnERSI . $ i.O : SA'ISI'ACION GUARANteed - Ice : McDowell o'olem. 101 Howar . . 786010' i COAL . use SlFnOAN COAI.Tnr lFST SOFT coal Penn hard coal prIce gunrnnieed. Victor ' ) VilltC. 'reI. 127. 16.1. ) } 'arnnm. 1 LOS'I' . LOST ON DOUGLAS STREET . I.Any's RING set two "enrls and , n ruhy. Liberal tewnr.1 . Ir left nt lice . Council IliuTC . . l.o.I-IG S LOST on RTor.rN , AT on NEAR AI1CAII0 NFAIIAnl hotrl. Slnday. white _ plzpn PIP : reward for r"lum to WilAm Lyle Dicke & C < . Wa 1)ouglas street. . Lost-MIll S. - - - - - LOST I 81' fFnAnO DOG , I NIOSVFOItND- NrWFOtND- land . tdtcli . pu"ples. nelnn and get reward nt Gelsler's bird store , 30 N. 10lh street. Lot-MTI7 9 lAY AXi ( tlt.tIX. bUY YOUR HAY fY TON on CAn LOTS. WIt Ouyhay. . A. I. Snyder , I& Burt st. 'l'el. 12J 1307. 10 1,0 CU''l : ELLA DAY . HOO lots N. Y. LIFE BLDG. l.29 mo nA NCI : . . CITA2.lhtr.RS' ACADIO2.tY . JTI AND UOIOr.AS streets . now open for pupils. Strictly selecl. . pupi. SlrlclY lal cnn be secl"1 for Ilrst-class entertain- nients. Call any day after 10 n. iii. nt Rcndem ) ' . . . . Clrculnr. 2.1-302 N5 1-703 : : OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER- master.-Omaha , Nob. . October 1. 1817. Scnled proposals In triplicate , subject to the usual conditions . will he received . here un- I 12 m. , central stanlnrl , tIme . Thursday . October 10 , ISO . at which , tIme and place they wIll be opened In the presence of bid- der , for constructng gravel roads al Fort C'roolc Neb" Government " reserves the right to reject any or nU proposals Plans and speciicaton ! can bu sfen , , and nil Informa- tion obtained on appHcalon here. Envelopes - velopes containing Iirolosals should be marked "I'rnposals for ( as the case may be ) . " anti addressed ( to CHARLES F. IIIJM- 11UtEY , Major and Qr. Mr. lU 0-1-2..8. ? 1r"I DR. cCREW i'- ' ISTIll ct & p c A L ST 'Si. . \ WhO ittg.tpe tta L"PaIVATE OSEASES ' , 0\J , , WcaknenamIt4'crot MEN ONLY .lOvery cure usrnnteed. 6Ir . 24) 9-euri' cxpcrc'rvu. ! , . 11)IS HXOCInoo : OU'I' A SCn ) IE. Sln'e.1 the CI ) ' tl'tLxpeiise of 11)'II . for Some Sh..I" A very smaoth scheme was frustrated by a , timely veto by la.or Bemis last Friday 1 night. This was an ordinance by which IIo'e streets that had been plated and dedi- cated to the city were to be returned to the owner of the adjacent property free of charge. This was In spite of the fact that wIthin a few year It was evident that the streets would he nectssary and then the lty would have to condemn the property and pAr ly heavy damages to the owners. The property In Queston con.lsts of Vernon Heights additIon . which , Is lelghts addiIon. located In the ex- tremo northwest corer of the city Thl addition Includes forty acres or a territory two blocks square. Somc years ago It was plated Inlo cIty lots and the streets and al- lays were properly dedicated to the city. There are three streets running east and west and One north and south. besides eight alleys Ilers and Ihe one.half of the boundary streets which belong to the property. The entire property was recently purchased by the Fidelty Trust company of this city , and soon afterward an ordlnanco was Intro- deced by Councilman Saunders by which all these streets and alleys were deeded back al the company free of charge. the city reo Inqulshlnr all right and title . This was done on the plea that the company wanted to turn the land Into acre property. The property Immediately adjoining Vernon heIghts on the east and south Is plated Into city lots and another addition . Joins It on the northwest corner. A glance nt the map In- dlcates , that as there additions become more thickly settcd the streets and alleys through , Ileys Vernon lelghls wi become Indlwpn.hn ! In allow thc residents of the other ' addittons - - ac- cess to their property. I These facts were brought out by the mayor In his veto. but notwitlistaiidiug. nearly enough councilmen voted for the measure to pass It over the veto. . Cholern In 10nolnll. As soon as I became known that cholera was certain to become epidemic In Honolulu a local drug house there ordered a largt sup. ply of Chamberlaln's Colic , Cholera and Darrhoea Remedy The directIons gIven arc to go to bed as son as the fIrst symptoms appear : remain as quiet as possible and take tiLLs remedy In double doses , every fifteen minutes until the pain ceases , and then alter each operaton of the bowels more than natural. Send for a physician , but take the remedy In this way until ha arrives. It should bi kept at hand ready for Instant use. The great success of this remedy In epidemical dysenlec leads us to t believe that tt will prove very pl ctual In the trentment of cholera , . ' I . . Orllle nntl Ihip Grln'c. The folowng ) bIths and deaths were reported - porte at the health ofce during the . twenty.four hour ndlng at noon yesterday : Births-J. O. Nolon , 1616 South Thirty- i fifth avenue , bayf ' Charles hironlm . 2821 South Nineteenth , they : Frank Render . 109 Williams , boy ; George 10intze , 4123 laml- ton boy : Hans Jenzen , 45H Leavenworth , girl : henry llurkarpp Omaha HeIghts , girl : Edward Welch , 642 touth ThlrtY-Irst clrl Deaths-ElIzabeth Jercy , 42. 2922'ebster : - ; tlberculosls , Holy Sepulcher : M. P. IClener , 3t . 815 North Tlventy.seconc , typhoid fever , Forest Lawn ; Murt } > . 'Walace. jr. Two 1Ivii , 0giveql . Mrs. Phoebe Tholvas of Juncton CIty . Ill. , was told by her doitors she had consumption and that there was no hope for her but two botll 1)r. Klng's New DIscovery completely CUIe(1 her an1 silo says Il saved her life . Mr. Thoa. lOggers . 1:9 Florida St. , San Francisco , suffered from a dreadful cold approaching - preaching consumption , tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. . ' botle Klng's New Discovery and In Iwo weeks was cured lie Is naturally thankful It Is such results . of whlc" these are samples that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine In coughs and colds Free trial bottle at Kuhn & Co.s drug store Regular botle size Qc and . . . 10c $1.00. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Met n.nth I'T Urtwnlul. WIlliam Prickett of the Union Pacific shop force , received a telegram . y.merday announc. lag the death of his father , by drowning , at Deronto , Canada. Mr. Prickett left this afternoon to attend the funeral Ills father Is was one of the best known machinists In Canada hIving been for a number of years ' foreman or the engine buildIng department of the Canadian Pacific at Kingston. _ _ _ .A : , Jl ) cli . V r I , , f" , ,1 cactEoMo @W [ 1 ( Copyright , 1593 . by Irving Docheler , ) CIA ITEI I. I have crossed the plains twIce , anti so claim 10 know something ot Indian character. I A narralve of two episodes In my life will i hell illustrate the nature of the red man a ' I have fOlul him. On Iy first trIp wo had no ) arlcullr trouble with the savages. We had a large wagon train. All were well arnled. Some of them had had a chance to malt such a name In border warfare lS to cau.e the e\1 minded reds to regard them with a wholesome sort of respect and to be quite ready anti willing to keep out ot their way If possible. And yet-tho outlook was serious more Iln once. And , on one occasion , the accidental falling In with a body of troops was all that saved lS from all oil- counter so one.slded that there wouldn't have been hope enolgh In It to warrant writing "po.slble" against a statement of the theory that some one would escape and live to tel friends and relatives of how the rest died died.We We got through all rIght , however . with only one ( lentil . and that caused by nn illness against which 8 good physician I a quiet homo wOIIl have most likely found his skill utterly unavailing. Anti the only e\'enlthat really yielded much excitenlent-really caused much permanent ) comment-was the finding and saving of the lire of 11 Indiaii I never quite understood what had happened before. Whether n band consisting of enough to make an ambush hopeful when n , ( , _ V "yr' _ _ - / ' . . - . .aT-L. _ ' * ' 4' ' - - . 1 Q : ' I . 7 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; : : : . 2 - I fotinil the wounded creature. small wagon train was tinder conslderlton , had waited at the river crossIng for us and had decamped Unseen on finding hew strong Wo really were , I canot say. There may have been a quarrel between two or more mcmbers of tile same tribe , though In that case I shouhl have expected to find n dead Indian Insteal of a wotnded one. lily own opinion Is that the brave was alone that ho was entrely Ignorant of our proximity. that his pony stumbled and threw him. I must own that the men who hall spent years In the west would never admit the po ulblty of my theory being the correct one ; I Is true. too , that I don't stz how' his pony ever got him off. But slueo no one knows the reason I suppose a simple statement of facts will have to sumee. And these arc the facts : halt an hour after wo went Into camp one afternoon I found the wounded creature. lie was lying flat 1110n his back , eo near the river that his feet touched the water The place was about an eIghth of a mile b low the plce where we were encamped. lie was no- ConsciQils with an ugly wound L his head that had evidently been caused by a sharp stone against which he hall ( alien. A slight examination served to show that his rIght arm anl , his left leg were broken. Ills POly was feeding near ; indeed I found his pony some mInutes before I discovered him and was gettng rather anxious regarding the whereabouts of the pony's owner , and wonder. lag whether he mightn't rise tip out or some Ildlculously smal thIcket or from bhliit1 sore preposterously dIminutive stone and quietly shoot and speedily scalp me-when I 1 fIrst got sight of him In his quiecent and harmless condition. The revulion of feelIng when I once made up my mind that there was no reason why I shouldn't get back to camp anln-walklng safely over those forty odd rods that In my fear for an unseen lurk- log foe , hall seemed outstretched almost Ic t Infniy , was so great that I had to sIt dowl I few minutes to get myself composed again De sure I never toll "lho boys" what my feelings had been. Dut even now wih marc years between 10 and the memory of those old.tlme days than I le. to think of , J sometimes waIte at night with the fooling I' my mind that hail been there from the time I found ( that silent ony-but always wake from such traubled dream without having found the redskin himself The savage had no weapons and search in the vicinity of the place where he was dlsco\- ot'd resulted In tile find or none. That seem el strangeYery strang But there wasn't n hurt about hIm that I could believe duo to purposely exorcised imman agenc and the fact that ho stIll possessed his scaip was sufeltnt evidence that no roes of his , own kind had hall aught to do against hlm- or that they had , been rompeletl to leave the : vicinity In a hurry ! The face was hldtusly p3Inte'l. ' I would ha"o b en repulsive enough. I doubt not unllc , " any Cil'CUmStanCI Seen under thesE conditions and at that hour -between day and dark-it was doubly so. Besides , I have an Idea lhat death , or the unconsciousness that follows accident will , servo to bring the nature of the unfortunate to the surface-writing cbaraeter. as It were on the helpless countenanCe. I have seen strength honor. beauty-dead ! And Ive seen that lost red man ! Not enough cases , per- haps. to prove much. But I have my own theory all the same ! A shot Cram my rifle brought a hal dozen men from th.1 campnd still that senseless term ne\er stirred. 10w his soul would have rebelled could It have known Among the half dozen who came hurrying were at least two who bad spent the greter pat of their lives upon the plains. . They had , no great admiration for the Indian chiarac- Icr. and one of them rather petulantly asked why I had wasted my ammunitIon-why I had fred Into the all Instead of Into the Indian . , dlan ? r had a hard time to secure my own way. But I prevailed at last . Wo took the poor wretch into camp. I set his broken bones. I bound UI ) lhe wound In his bead. I nursed blm back to health agaIn. Tim man-shah I offend prejudice. . any an- t.olzA , man-shal . . otend S.v on ,1.I"Mtn. html-was : ) : " I ; i ; u Ii' not - call i - h'I7. over twenty.fvo at the outsIde. Ito had no ball habits In his Pat to draw him down and drag against him-that 1. ho had none that his race did not have before the white man came. lie recovered rapidly-as any healthy' ' animal wi 110 If given a fair chance I The man-patient or prisoner-guest or cptyould not speak a word or English . I feel sure he could understand ltHe , I ! any. thing of what was said to hlm-r In his presence. What he must have thought-if creatures of his sort can think - when lie came to himself surrounde by white men , and something of whit men's comforts , I can rn only dimly imagine how ho must have regarded - garde his treatment . given the softest bed In the easiest wagon day after day , anti ( fed on the most nourishing of foods reinforced by the best wine tim train could furnish , Is quite beyond my ability to B3y. lie lay have read the truth In our faces , our beats In our actons , and realized , dimly and vaguely. that beyond the great gulf God ! hu placed between the white race and the red . there were men who knew and love a golden rule of which his low intelligence nevei Inteligence dream ell. lie may have guessed that neve our I kIndness was simply assumed , our forbearance . , ance merely temporary . and that he was reServe for th , torture that would have been wa the pitiless prescription of his devilish creed : Or . he mar have made a short cut , ehunnlng oVen the exercise ot primitive savage logic , and decided W8 were fools I In due tmo he svas neli. We gave him his pony. We IU\'O him a supply of fow. We saw him rIde awa-and disappear. I never thought to see him again , lut thus Is n small worhl-evcn to an Indian , and with wih stclm anti elltrlcty left out ot the count I returned home b1 sea. I was six years before I. found 1)'sel crossing the Illns again , and again with a wagon traIn Ciiar- acters-uluclI the same a before. Some of them rather more strongly empllsizell than of yore possibly because of the years of added exrHlence hum8nlty had reaped on the lonely plains and beside the wester trail. Scouts- rather better shots-rather more reluctant to let " " a "tenderCoot" have his own wiay. Toughs-rather tougher , and wih more de. termination on(1 Ingenuity. lint , human nature gains or loses , In I markel degree , only with changing cycles ; years anti 1011 yenra-cotint little and slowlr. So that I lay repeat , and truthfully : Characters- much the same as before ! - "lxieriences-I1lllcit the same as beforc. " That Is what I would have written lt the end of I week That would have been cor- rect-as history. As prophecy-It would have been absurdly inaccurate. vents took a do- cldedly new course after that In the first place . I fell In love with , Millie Davis , the daughter , of a sturdy New nglamler , who , was going 10 open 8 ranch In same Inltsslble a 111 unheard of locality out near the setting sun. Millie Davis was this most- lint I was her lever ! You know \ that I would say. What Is the use of taking tile tulle Ind space 10 say I ? In Iho second lilace . Tlge Iack fell In love will , her tool ! I would gladly be fair with Mr. Black. I WOII please me to give 1115 nalo In this narrative , and I don't be- hove his mother ever called him Tiger-or that his father ever shortened anti Intcnslfed so sanguinary an appellation . Dut Tlge Is the only name by which I ever hear him called : Tlge he must go , 10 the very end of the story. I claim to be a mOderately modest man. I would gladly avoid drawing 1 comparIson between 'jge Back anti lllyseif. Were I possible I would let him do this part of the work In my stead As It Is I lust state that I was young. good looking-a well educated physician and that rumor correctly asserted that I had a goo tltal of property. Daclc was old. lIe hall neVer been hnndsoml and hard work and hard weather hal dealt most unhandsomely with him. lie had no educa- then . save the practical sort 8 drIver on the great plains used to pick up In these ohl ! times. And no man who loved liquor as well as he ever accumulated or kept properly. lie was tile most picturesquely proCanl person I ever lstened to" Miss Millie Day , In ddltan 10 almost numberless other excel lent tmlts-possessed sound sense So I was I angry a very one happy ! man-and Tlgc Dack 1 very Tile man deliberately picked a quarrel with me. lie called me n vie name. I slapped hIs Insolent mouth for him. [ lIe talked gravely , quietly . and not at all profanely , when that hall happened. But his demand was a terrible one. lIe asked le that I meet him In mortal combat-that I fight him to the death. I fpoke ta the commander - mander of the wagon train about it. lie I. 10 was great ) ' troubled , for he liked mo genu- Inely anti was , perhal's , just n little afraid of Tlgo lack and his Ihifluonce . lie said ' ' bc'd see the thing was put oft for I day or i two , at any rate. But I knew , from the way that ho talked that he feared I would have to fght" Publc opinloil In those days , had a Pectlliar power on the frontier pecular fronler : per- sonal prowess ranked higher among the hardy fghters who were crwding the borers - tiers of civilization slowly and bloodily further nnd further west , than did aught else : a man to be as goad as another must be as ready to prove hlmEelf so when occasion demanded : oven In the bounlless domain that was being conquered so slowly and painfully-they had no room for coward1 ! And Black was sIx feet tail-I . five feet and six Inches : he weighed 200 pounds-I. 120 ho : : was an expert - pert In the usa of any weapon 1 pioneer ever took In his hands-I was a man to have dlel ( of starvation. In stan'alon. the woads or nn the ; prairie with 8 good gun , . plenty - of'al iu'l 'l - lon , and the thickets and grss s noisiy at'llr with game ! I said , In my desperation . that Id welcome a brush with the savages- I I might thus be free from Tlgo Black. I spoke only for myself. But we got the fullest fruitIon of my reckless wish ! Havs you ever been In desperate danger ? dangr ( Do you know how It grows and intensifies ? Do you know how horrIble events come fast and faster upon one another-In dreadful an- I tfclpaton of a fearful end ? In the mlllo of the afternoon . there were 'oatUe Indians In sight-not more than a Iozen at the outside count An hour later wo had our wagons In a circle on the highest groun(1 we had been .Iyen time to select-alul were waitng for the attack. The foe numberell , at least 100. At dark , we were getting a frightened rest from an attack that had lasted an hour. Mr . Davis , Miie's father was dead. We hall , two men wounded . one of them fatally. Wo wondered whether the red ratals would draw oft and leave lS alone , or whether we would be compelled to repulse them again. At 10 o'clock wo had drIven Iho savages off once . 'Vo had of 10re. ten dead men Inside our lines. We were beginning 10 talk of the last , esneratA service or Mlpl 1",1nM. , musl perform for ' the wohneu - n'i ; children- ; ( . I tile time came when we could no longer stand against the foe : we were beginning to count out and lay asIde ' the cartrIdge lhat must be saved for that sacred duty and not Used for anything else under any circum- stances. At midnight In a lull I the fight We hehl a hurrIed consultation . "We can hol1 out until naon. I-I hope " saId the commander. , "I certainly think ti ere's no hope beyond i that 1mb-unless ' we can get help. It's fifty miles 10 'the nearest fort You see what that / ; / ' . - . - - - - - " : " 1 due you II draw lois with Il-thl loser to gO to the fort fo help. " means Fifty miles out-fifty mies back-In twelve hours I Is posslble-po sLble-anll that Is all. Will some one volnnteer- " lie paused , There Was a mlnnte of perfect silence. Two mluutes. Inside the circle of wagons there was the support or numbers- the blessing or compnJonshlp-the hope of delar. OutsIde there wu the ioIlellhlees of 10lellee the desert-peopled with devis incarnate. Outside the chances for sudllen and cruel death were a thousand to one. No wonder brave men ilesitated. I am IId , however . to have It to say that I spoke first. "Tlgo Uaek , " I laid , turning to that Indi- vidual "there Is bal blood , between UI. You challenged me today to a life and death con- teat with you. Tonight I accept the ehl. leoge I dare you to draw Iota with me- wih me the loser to go to the for for help , " ( Concluded . . Concludt . Yeihnesilay ) A"TEI A DAY'H 1\IU " 'OhtK TnI' llorsforl'aAcItl . , 1'Ioslliie. , , ( IL makes a delicious drink anti relieves a - tigue and depression. A gratefu' ' tonic. PROOFS WTII4L BE PRODUCED Beo's Defense to suit Brought by an A1 legod Nowopapor. DEPOSITIONS TO BE TItKCN IM LIBEL CASE I t 'Ihi lie SIIUSVIC thiit t 'I'i , lit' , ' 'I'tileS , ( lie' 'l'rIh , 'hii'ii It SititI tIe % 'orhti-hli'r , , hI 'is , list , ti. rapt Concern , Thu smlmhllons was served yester. day OIl Etin-aril Itosewater , CCiL1eilt of The ' lieu l'ubhishiing colilpany , ill tilt' stilt brought by the World i'ublisltiiig company for &O.O0O III tl.tnmages , for viiat it alleges to be a libel ihtjtirlous to Its reputation and credl , Tile article to WlltCh the ilaliltift takes exception appeared in Tile ilco on Tlllirsday last ahiti Is as to- ! ions : Itl.1)Y TO II1OP flIl MASK. WORLD-IlER.IA ) ON ITS LdST LEGS. llankrupt Concern About to lOc'conie s Side Show of the Cothncil illuils Nonpareil anti the Oiliclat Organ of the lerrishes. Oiimahia is ill a fair way to witness some- titillg ill the nature of a revolutIon iii lions- paper circlcs crc luau ) ' days. ' Iuring ) tile past eighteen luontlls this ghost hias not walked viti , atiy degree of regtilarlty in \\'orld.lleraith ofilce. in fact , iluring the 1)391 six lilohithil , the ghost has seldom , if ever , walketi. The enlployes of the eon- cern have blell receiving their iay ill chips ailti WhtetstOhles , vitit now ahlti tllen till ortler on 501110 store carryihig on ntiv0rtlselllehit. Money has been an ttnknown qtlantity about tile 0111cc. Drafts have bolil Iiishtohloro I , while Pai > er. telegraph anti stock bills liav rehnalnei ulllliil ( for montils at a time. The ilthhilerotla hiiiriiws Iii the , , erannnt cC lIla stall have not been tithe to the fact that tIle iorlc of the men has beell uiisxttlsfacior' , btht titat they have objected to working n-hIlt- otit any lirospect of pay ill sigiE. The men who have left tue employ of \Vorhtl-hitralii during tile Past two hllOnths-flnti , their litihil- her is by no nleallg slilflll-iiavo almost every one of them long bills for servicps still till- paid which , titey would be willing to dia- cotlnt liberally for cash , Last fall , wlieii time political eanipaign was on , a deal ViIR nearly COnsihlflhlllited for thu le or lease of the paper , first to a syndicate of democrats , anti titen to a syndicate of reptlbhlcaits. All these negotiations fell through anti finally Congressiiian Bryan was inveigled ihlto ltuying a email block of \Vorld-lleraltl Steele , \s'Lthi tIle proceeds of wIlcil , tite ilisOlVeilt concern stlCCelhhiOLi in pa'y- ing tlto first year's rental of a battery of tl'pesettiiig ntacltines , That alone did Hot relieve the pressure of tito creditors perceptibly. alltl before election day was readIed it was forced by the tiesper- ate straits itito which it hati fallen to sell tile dttorLi columns to the tattcoed calididulte for governor. Titus tim precarious existence was dragged along lllltil lion' , wilehl tue concern Is In abotht Il. . n.nn , , li..tt . . _ . . . . , . , . . . a. , . . . . . , n. _ , . , Republican Just hctoro it ttlrned up its toes. To get from under the ioati with a semblance of respectability , the chief proprietor , who etlnlc several hiuntlred thousand dollars in tile venture , has , it is currently reported , concluded - cluded arrangements for withldrawilig from tile field anti tilrnlng over Its plant to the hackers of the rejuvenated Coulleit Bluffs Nonpareil , WitiCil within the past few years has gone tllroughl variotis stages of b3hlic- ruptcy , and whIch hiatt finally liaIsed into thio liatids of Banker ilarte of Council Bluffs , otie of the chief cretiltors of tile concern , who placed Victor lioniler i.ii charge of the bust- lIOSs Inaltagelnehlt , turnilig tile editorial 111111- ageniehlt over to Itobert l'eattle , formerly of tim World-hlcral-J , Witilin tim past wc'oic tlto plans for the evolution by whicii \S'orld-ileraltl is to droll omit of sight have matured , The Non- parelt has opened a branch office on title oitk of tile river , anti tue editorial management has beert given to Carl SmitlI of tli World- Ilel-alti , A staff of five lolal macn has been organized , and the promise of Imigli salaries Slid permanent employment lia been made. Since tue opening of this Omaha branch last Monday collies of the Nonpareil have been tie- livereti In tile subscribers of the Woriti-tier- aid in tills city free of charge , in order to prepare them for the inipoiitiing change In Proprietorship. policy and politics. 'Ilie program fllappod out for tile triple hlC3dOti Iiowspapcr hllonstrosity is said to he about. OVU follows : Tile Worid-lieralil is to continue its violent oppositIon to tim en- dorsonient of the Citizens' ticket by tile ( lelnocrats. If tie , democrats nominate a straight ticket the Wcjrld-Ileralil Is to remain in line in favor of timius ticket until after tIle olectioti. If tuG denlocrats ontlorlo the CIII- zens' tielcet , then \Vorid-Iiorald is to turn cien over , hoist the republican colors antI support the dervish ticket anti iioc 1110 Nonpareil as all aitxiliary for morning subscribers - scribers until tile consolidation is effected. lii any event the passing of the Woriti-Iler- aid as a democratic organ is In progreal , The petition of tiio plaintiff asserts that this article Is untrue and ilbellous and that it has done great Injtmry to the credit of the newspaper to whicii it refers. Tile answer of Tile Ileo Ptlbhishing company will be flied as soon as it can be prepared and will set up that there is im real cause of action. Tiio substantIal truth of everything that lmaa been published will be set up amId denial will be made that neither tb WorId-Ileraid nor his elliot proprietor has any cretlit that ran be tninrriilV Tim defen1n company wilt begin at once to take ileposi- tions , anti \'lit ilow that tile \Volld-Ileraltl is in reality a bankrupt concern , that it has discharged eiiipboyes owing them large amounts for services performed , aIlti that it has hail negotiations looking toward a change of political policy and the support of dervIsh candidates for ofilce. It will lIe shown that the conlnlercial imper of \Vorld-licralil proprietor is valueless , and that no dalnage huts been suffered from the iiubjication of the truth. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A 5til1'5 IlIcsie , , My only child was dangerously sick for four days with cholera lnfantutn. Our beit doctor could not help her , We concluded to try Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Iiarrhioea Remedy. After the third dose silo W5C 0111 of danger.ontl at thus writing Ii out playing. May God bless the manufacturers of thu rloedcine ! , for their efforts to do good. Mrs. David hi. Alien , F.rylttevihlo , N. Y. r - Secit Up for ' % 'ht IlestlIij. Ii. .1. Baker , who has been before Judge Ilerka numerous times for wife and child beating , was sentencrti to forty days In the county jail. TIme evitienee atiduiced showed that yesterday ht struck and belt lilt 10.yolr- old girl anti. afterward knocked his wife down , kicked and otherwise abuseil her , hittklcn's Itrilt'i Smilve , Time Lest sa3vo in this noriti for cuts , bruises , sores , ulcers. salt rheum , fever cores. totter , chapped hands , chlblains ! , corns , and all skin eruptions. anti positively Cihl'Oh piles , or no pay required. it is guaranteed to give par- feet satisfaction or money eful.dtd. i'rico 23 cents i'cr bor , For sate by Kuhn & Co. - -S Ni'i' 'I'rizhs Ae'e itLed , A motion far a new trial ilas been mails in tue case of the Citizens Slate balilt against George ii. hia'nes , A similar motion itas been made In tile case of the Bell Stove colnpally ngaliist Henry i'plgle , which dragged In the ColIrts for a coniltlerable length of tulle before it was finishieti last spring. What is more attractive titan a pretty face with a fresh , bright complexion ? Fo it , use Pozzoni's l'owder , - - Children Cry fo Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cryfo , 1tcher's Castorla. Children Cry fo 'her's ' Castorla.