Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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L- - TnE OJ\rAIJA \ flATLY . flEE : : .r.I"ESDA . . . , OOTODEn 8 , IS9lJ. r ;
Cozad Grain Company rUes Oharge3 Against
the Union Pacific.
"CIorl. * rrom Su"nr J.'I1r.lorl"M ContinI
In-o' ithlIui4Il ( nt UUor,1
still Con 1111.- : " ' " 111" r"oll
nt the Cjiltul
J.INCOL . Oct. 7.-SpClal-lr. ( ! ) J. D. .
Tlogarth acting for the Cozall Oraln corn. I
any of Cozad , Neb. . today filed a complaint ,
. . - wIth the State hoard of Transportation
agalnsl the recelver& of the Union Pacific
S. 11. H. Clark. Oliver Mink , E. Ellery An.
d'ron , FrMerlck H. CoutIert anll John W.
Doane , claiming that the bUsIness of the
Czad Oraln company Is Injured hy
discrimination In rates and rebalea
rraltetl to the Omaha Elevator cornj
pny , a rival grain firm located .Ilt
Lexington , fourteen miles from Cozad. Com-
Illalnant 1I0garth says that the UnIon PacIfic
company on November I , 1891 , Issued a
Irellcht tariff , U. 1' . O. I" . o. No. 460 , narn-
ing rates on wheal In car Iota between Omaha
and Lexington at 12 cents per 100 ( pountIr ( :
anti to Cozad al 14 cents. On August 22 ,
1895 , these rates wllro Increased to l3Vi cents
to Lexington / ( anti 20 cents to Cozad. This I
1R claimed to be In vIolation of lhe Board
of Transportation act.
The document tiled today says : "Complain-
nnts aver thai the dlslllnco between Omaha
and l'oz1ul Is 21 1) ) miles anl1 thai the rate
or 20 cents per hundrell pound on wheal
affords to dorenllants a revpnue of .0163 cents
per ton per mile , or 71 per cent 1II0re than
the average Iross ( freight earnings per ton
per mile of all railway lines In the Unltell
f3tates as shown on page 4 of the Interstate
commerce commlsloners' report of 1891. or
DO per cent mom than the average rrelghl
earnings per ton per mile of Ierendants'
line . as shown by the report of 189 , on
page 463 or Nebraska . Board of Tram'porta-
tlon's report. "
Service of the above complaint was acknowl-
edgetI by General Solicitor Thurston on the
4th Inst. Accompanying the complaInt Is a
republication or the details of a case In the
Official Hallway Guide or ChIcago for June
3891. ) In which It Is claimed by J. D. Hogarth
& Co. or CozatI that rebates were paid to the
rival company al Lexington , under the name
or F. H. Peavey & Co. , to the amount of
$ i , ,629.3 Hogarth says he believes thai the
Omaha Elemlor company and Peavey & Co.
are one and the same firm , and thai by this
rebate and other discriminations his bUlllnes8
JlaJl been damaged to the amount of $ OOOO.
Daily reports are now received at the
, office of the secretary or slate from the bet
sugar factories al Norfolk anti Grand Island
Over 15,000 tons had been Jlurchased hy these
factories up 10 the evening of October I , as I
a 101l0ws : October I , Norfolk , 226 tons : Grand
I91anll , 202 tons : October 2 , Norfolk , 229
' : . ' 1ns ; Grand , Island , 157 tons : October 3 ,
Norfolk 15l 1 tons : Grand Island , 186 tons
This Is sl'nlllng out among the farmers quite
n sum or 1I10ney each day. It Is thought the
sum total for the three months of beet sugn
mar.nfactnro will exceed $100,000 this year.
IJesldes this , farmers are allowed 2i cents a !
ton for storIng the beets Instead ol l1ellverlng
them at onco.
The choice or superintendent ! of the slate
fish hatcherlea has practically narrowed down
to two applicants. Today Hepresenlallve Ed-
I gar Howard and W. S. Haker come down
from Sarpy county and presented the nam. .
of H , S. Alford of Itcuel as tire choice of
thai district. The State Fish commission will
meet next Wednesday to decide between the
gentleman from Sarpy and , I\Ir. J. D , LinInger ,
who Is also highly recommended. Governor
Holcomb desires It to ba emphatically under-
stood thai whoever of these two Is selected
the choice wilt be perfectly satisfactory to
1dm. Representative Howard , who speaks for
, . Mr. AHorll , was an earnest champion of the
r - governor's all through / ( the last session of
the legislature and his present relations with
the chief executive are of tim most frIendly
nature The populist club of Seward county
has filed a strong prates against the appoInt-
. menl of Mr. Homlne and this action leaves
the contest between Messrs. LininGer and
I. Thomas MciCnight a resident of the Penn-
_ flylvanla Soldlcrs' home. al Eric , has written
to Adjutant General Barry , asking ' : for a dup-
licate certllleato at his service. 11 has been
; forwarded to him. 1IIcKnighi enlisted for
, nine months Novemher 17. 1862. In company
I\ : . Second Nebraska cavalry anti was 1118-
J charged ' : al Omaha. He re-enllsted In company
C , Ilrst Nebraska cavalry , December 7 , 1S3 ,
and was discharged June 1. 1866 , at Omaha
Ex-Senator Charles F. l\tanl1erson \ was 01
the state capitol today , and held an Inter-
view with tIm members or the State Banking
Board , the nature or which they declined 10
divulge as they explaIned thai all action
on the subject of the seuator's visit had
been resclnl1ed. Tim latter sUbseCjuently
called ( on Governor Holcomb , with whom bo
had a short Intervlow.
Interest In the reported gold fields 01 Mil-
font Is still n live issue In Lincoln A. O.
Taylor of this city has bough a 160-acre
farm near there for $12,000. Active work on
the land of [ J. S. Dl1Ienheek Is progressing /
antI a drill Is now at work piercing Its way
toward bed rock. One visitor reports that
on Saturday afternoon OM of the men operal-
In/C / the drill picked up a nugget whIch had
been brought : to the surface from a depth or
farly-nIno reet. Mr. DllIenheclt told the man L
that as ho hall found II ho might leeep II 110 I
took II to Milford and found that It was gol,1 ,
beyond a doubt and thai II weighed $3GO.
It Is upon bed rock where the richest lie-
posits are expecte,1 , to be found There Is i I
an Incrosslng demand for land : In the vlclnlly
o [ IIf11Cord.
The Goo 1 Templars arc actively at worle
malelng arrangements for the grand / lodge l
lIesslon or their order , which wl1l be held
In this city Thulsday and Friday of this
weele. A public reception will be tendered
the delegates and visitors on Thursday even-
1' 1n. ! : On' Friday evening / there will be a
t mass fleeting and lecture hy Dr. Dabs H.
Mann or Broollyn , the supreme head or the
Good Templars of the worll1.
' A meeting , or the creditors or the H. T.
Clarke Drug ; conmpaay was held today al the
Lincoln hotel The feeling manifested was
J cue of friendliness , and overtures were made
looking to an extenSIon or time that would
enahle the company to continue business.
Some of the heaviest creditors , bolilrrs or
commercial taper , were not represented 11.
T. Clarke , W'IO ' was present announced his
willingness to stallll behind the company
and , see thai all creditors receIved their pay
In the district court today Harry Page antI I
Thomas .connell. two young ! fellows caught In
YOl'lker's fur store a few weeks slnc . plellle 1
guilty to the charge or burglary antI were
each sentenced to eighteen months In the
Miss Grace Altleen has returned from a
vlllil In Iowa and ( ( Is again / at her post In the ,
. office of time secretary of slate.
Today \ \ ' . I. . Johnson was arrested on n
" warrant charging him with ombezzllng ;
$145,10 Cram the "Iarkson Laundry company.
Johnson was a Irlver for the laundry. Some
time since ho left for Iowa , but returned and
d wen I 10 work again His previous pecula-
I Boos hatl been discovered , but the company
thought thai by employing him they could
get some or It back. Instead of this Johnson ,
who was It gambler Is charged with taking
more money.
Governor Holcomb has named as delegates
to the " ' " .
"Hoal1 Parliament" at the Atlanta expositIon -
positIon the same gentlemen named for the
Jo'armera' congress. viH. : : . E. lIealh Liii-
coIn : T. C. Phelan Urayton : C. H. Ehnen-
'Iorf. Syracuse : Mrs. A. M. Edwards , Fremont :
Eli A. Uarnes. Grand bland : W. S. Delano's Park : J. 11. McDowell , I"alrbury : J.
I > . IIullan : , O'Neil.
Omaha people In Lincoln : Al the Linden
-11. D. Neely Frank E. hlartigan A. S.
Churchill. M. Meyer , W. n. Bsrsto\\ , J. M.
MorrIs , C. Z. Ooul < l. At the Capital-A. F.
Wilkins. . Al the Llncoln-t. A. hall James
S. , . . . Carr II. 1I0untu ' 1' . E. Congdon. Lee
w Spratlin , E. Smith Spencer mls. E. M.
Iiartiett.V. . E. Cluke , J. M. MetcaJr. A. J.
Luce. Charles V' . 'bnderaon. John E. Wilbur ,
0 , I ) . Allen. H. W. Dreckenrll1ge. A. L
Frank . \ . M. Lommweil ! E. D. rank.
. 'VIdt. " % 'M Oln'rut. ) . hy . . Jholi'snlc
s.- OX"'OHO Neb. . Ocl. 7.-Speclal ( Tole--
' &ram.-Thleves lul night broke Into the
stare of J. O. Prel'lOD and carried away his
t'ntlrt ! stock or watches and jewelry valued
at 1000. A. . liberaL reward baa been offered
for thl' capture > at time perpetrators , and
the recovery of the property.
S ! TIII.I. ti ) I.Wl'Tn ? ( ntlTI : n ,
1t1'1"hllC'l1n" ot th. : Ph."t Ill"trlr.t
X"IIII' , IUlIIII,1 cm imil Idates.
TECUMSFII . Neb. , Oct. 7.-Speclal ( Tete-
/Cram.-Tecumseh / ) was the scene tOday at
the republican judicial convention of the
F lrsl I1lstrlct. Chairman Barry of the ju.
dlclal district central cOlllmltteo called the'
meeting to order In the court room , and Sec-
rehry Keimread the call. lion. harry Llntl.
lay of I'awneecan - made , temporary chair-
lIIan and A. Il. lCelm or IUchardson tem-
perary Jlecretary. This organIzation was
made permanent. The work before the con-
ventlon was the placing In nomination or
two candidates for jUdle9
ballots were taken on single candidates without -
out a nomination. At Ihls point an alljollrn-
ml'nl was made for supptr. At 7:30 : work
was resumed. A motion 10 ballot on two
cardhlales al a time , prevailed , and on the
firsl ballot Judge J. S. : Stull of Nemahn anti ,
JUdge C. n , Letton or Jefferson were made
thn nominees. A brief time was taken u"
In i Impromptu speecheo. A central committee
was then named anti the convention 1111.
j ourned . The convention was well attended ,
each county having a full rellresentatlon.
t/"iUgU / : " \\'UI'l'gUS' 1I\"iUWl' : " : .
l . 'Ift4'mI It'mh..r" ot th ' Crnrt ot limit ,
Stnh' )1t'I.t nt I.lui'.mIii
LINCOLN , Oct. 7.-Speclal ( Telelram.- ( )
. 'moon memher3 of the Nebraska Life Under-
writers assocIation aseomabici this evening
al tim Lindell , and al 9 p. m. sal down to
a n elaborate banlul't. ( John Steel or Omaha
was toastmaster. There were present from
Omaha : 11. D. Neely , Equitable Life : F. E.
Hartigan , State Mutual : W. II. I1arslow , 'las-
sachlll/otts Mutual : T. M. NorrIs , Union
Mutual : C. Z. Gould , Pennsylvania Mutual : ; A.
I Wlllon , UnIon Life : U. O. Truax , Union
Central Lire : John Steel , Northwestern : W.
J . Fisher , New EnlIal111 lutual. Front
I.lncoln ! : J. 11. Iockett , sr. , anti , J. 11. 'Iocl-
e tt. Jr. , Northwestern : J. 1\1. and A. H.
I'l1mlsten : , Union Central , and O. W. Noble ,
New ngland.
1'111 It..uth l'olu"'r" .
PLATTS'WUTH I , Ncb" , Oct. 7.-Speclal- ( )
Deputy Sheriff Hyrs ! returned front Seward
lasl l evening with Frank Able , one of the Able
brothers who broke Jan here last weel Jl
Is i though his brother will be al1preheOllotI
s eon . All hopM or capturing Kehley who
was held for pocket picking to time amount
of $140 , have been abandonel1. I
A move la on root In Weeping Water by
which a stock company Is being organized
10 t sink an artesIan ! well to supply a lake
to t be used for various 11\IrpoSl'S , IncludIng the
city's Ice supply. The leading capitalists or
thai town are InterNted.
" ' . S. Stribling , who was arrested some
time ago on a charge of burglary anti , suh-
sequently bound over to the district court ,
was today llseharged The crIme committed
was chicken stealing. The coop not being
Ilockel1. l Il was nol burglary , as defined by the
Minnie , the J'ear-old ! daughter or Rev. J.
B. cKay ! , of this city was thrown down by
a largo hog with which she was playing to-
day and her left leg was broken Just above
the ankle.
Grand preparations arc beIng made by the
Tel Jed Sokol of this city for their gymnastic
exhibition ' antI ball , which will take place
next Saturday. The same socIety will be
represented that took part In the competition
recently held In Omaha.
lieu Erie . , % CflM x. . . . . " .
3FATRICE ] Neb" , Oct. 7.-Speelal- ( )
The Gage county prohibitionists will hold a
convention In this city to nomInate a county
ticket on the 12th Inst.
Dr. Brand , who has been seriously III for
soma days past , Is reported as slightly improved -
proved today. Ills father and mother and
Dr. H. C. lIuston. their family physician , arrived -
rived Saturday from Urbana O.
A representative of TIle Bee has been In
Beatrice for a day or two pasl and Is meet-
log with unexpected success In soliciting
names for the dall ) ' . The fact thai The Bee
gels In hero early In the morning Is doing
much toward Increasing Its cIrculation.
" \\'hat , I want Is the news and The Dee gives
It , " was the remark IJlade by one of our leadIng -
Ing business men In the hearing of your cor-
Egbert Shaw , esq. . one of the oldest settlers
or Gage county died thIs morning aL the
homo or his broCher In Adams township , or a
slclmess of nearly a Y03r'8 l1uratlon The deceased -
ceased was 70 years of age and settled In the
county In 1857. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1'lIr..It'd CUln'lct 1I..nrr..I.
PI.ATTS\IOUTH : , Neh. . Ocl. 7-Speclal ( I
Telegram-Poslmasler ) FredV. . Patterson or h
Rock Bluff . six miles south of this city. came I
liP thl9 afternoon an < 1l11ed a complaint against
Alonzo Moore charging him with being crimInally -
Inally Intimate with hIs 15-year-ohl daughter , ,
Veronica. Moore Is a fellow about 28 years of h
ago and has n decideilly bad reputation , hay
Ins been senl to the penItentiary from Otoe i
county about two years ago on a charge of r
stealing alllt was recently releasrd on parole
Sheriff Eikenbarry with a deputy. wenl
down to Rock Blurt this evening to arrest I
Moore , who mad learned of the actions or the
rather and started to evade arrest. He was cap
tured In a cornlleld. where he was In hiding
antI brought to this city allll 10dgell In Jail ,
where bo will be held for preliminary exam
tnatlon Wednesl1ay.
IIl'llIth'f' s 1111"1' Tim t'imt In Chllr . . .
ASH LAND. Neh. , , Oct. 7.-Speclal.-'lr. ( ) .
W. A. Johnson , who with his daughter , also
weak-mlndell , was arrested In Lincoln lasl
f'riday charged with soliciting were
released by the authorities allll came to Ash :
land last Saturday , accompanied by rchtlves
from here , who went after them. 'Ir. John
son has been a resident of this section , residing -
siding t"ilreo miles West or town , for 11
l1umbcr or years , and recently moved to
Schek ! ) ' .
Federal C..UI.t at Ii nn.'oh.m.
LINCOI..N , Oct. 7.-Speeial ( Telegram- )
The federal circuit court opened today with
Judge Shlras of Iowa 11resll1lng. There was
a large attendance of attorneys , many of
them front points outside or the state. But
little business was done aside from calling
the law , equity and criminal nlockot and
court WIIS adjourned al 3 o'clocle p. In. It
Is expected that Judge Dunl1y will alt tomorrow -
morrow with Judge Shlras.
1I.'nr,1 ut - IIt'r L'pfhnt'r's - 1)'ntl. !
I1AS1'INOS ( , Neb" , Oct. 7.-Special.-Mrs. ( ) ,
U. S. Hohrer received a. . telegram yesterday I
informing her or the death or her rathcr
William 'or'ler ; who died Sunday al his
home In Sterling m.
\ YELC0MIIi ) ol.n IhhhIiht'I'Y 111:1.1
Pr.'eihitmni'p. IInrhhl.r hLimei 1'lIthll.
MIII"1It In the S..uth'rn IIri'mmst
CHATTANOOGA , Tenn. , Oct. 7.-Several
hundred Cbatlanoogans were al tha depot
to greet the liberty bell on Its arrival from
Inoxyllle today. Mayor Ochs In a few brIef
remarks of welcome laid that the people
or the south welcomed the bell as patriots
anti Americans. lie pointed out the fact that
General Willard Warmr of the federal army
and Major J. . . . . Shipp , quartermaster general -
eral of the United Confederate veterans were
, on time cItizens' committee. Both are vet.
erans or the late war. Mayor Warwick of
PhiladelphIa In responding said that : ho hall
neVer seen such l1emonstratlons or loyalty
Lit , on this trIp through the south. lie said
ho felt thai the bell was as sara In Cbatta-
nooga as In Philadelphia The Philadelphia
party was then taken to Lookout mountaIn
al 4 o'clock this aternoon. The formal ceremonies -
emonies or welcome will take place In the
\Iresence \ or st\'Cral thousand ! people.
- -
U..nthN or nUll ) ' ,
SAN ANTONIO , Tex" , Oct. 7.-Dr. T. M.
Fetterman , third national vice presIdent of
the T. D. A" dIed In this city this morning ,
aged 53 years.
NEW YORK , Oct. 7.-Walden Ramsey
the welt known actor and member of
Palmer'8 company , Is desd.
LONDON. Oct. 7.-Ada Ca\'enl1lsh , the
actress Is lleal1. She was the widow of the
late Frank : \Iarshall. co-el1ltor with Sir
Henry Irving or "Tbe Irvlng.Shakespeare "
She was best known In Amprlca as the
Mercy ! " Merrlek of Wilkie Collins' "New Mag-
LONDON , Oct. 7.-Admlral 1Ion. Sir
James Robert 1 > rullll1\ond. G. C. n. K. C. II" ,
gevtlemall usher ot the black rod ( serleant-
at-arl1l1) ) . I.a dead 81IId S"
Task Which RaUr"nd Omoials Arc Anxious
to Accomplish.
) ( ( . . .thll { " ot Iloth I'n""r nn.t
Jo'r'llhl U"llnrlm."t" 'loon ! to lie
tiel to Pnl nil ilisil to
I ) " maoist I hn : I lOll I ,
President Clark , General Manager Dickinson -
son and General Passenger Agent Iomax
have returned from the cast. Mr. Clark
Went to Boston several weeks ago to attend
tine meeting of the directors of the Union
Pacific , which , vas not heltI. General Manager .
ager , Dickinson was In Chicago Oil buslnesJ
connected with time rate agreements on western -
era roads , and Mr. Lomax. was In Chicago
attending the meeting oC the WCtern 1'assen.
ge- association , None of tine meetings re-
sultE.1 III the correction or any ot the abuses ,
that have for several months past upset wesl- :
ern freight anti passenger buslnels. I
In the passenger ' departmmment another meet-
big will bOl held In a few days and nn elTorl
made to get matters adjusted for the winter's
buslne . The trouble thus far has been con-
fined to sealpn ! ! and such minor offenses by
Chlcalo-Omaha roads. All of th"o lines
have been charged / I with having had a hand
In the demoralization or passenger rates , and
the glnEr1 : ! desire stems to be to c011l10u. . ,
put orrense.i Ir an ngrternent can ba reached
that will protect the profit side or the business ,
on the transcontinental tr.lmc which Is open-
tug up lively "Ilh the approach of the \I'lnter
se.1son. For this Jlurpoe the transcontinental
lines hJve slgnltled a wllllnlness to get together -
gother on an agreement. The meeting has
not been called yet. but will probably ba held
some time this month.
Western [ r , lghl matters lire In as bad a
tangle all ever , anl1 an effort will be mad'
to hold another meeting this \\'Eele anti try
to rrneb an adjustment of the eOlIl1tons ! ! ;
that : have resulted In a comoleto demorallza- :
tlon of the rates on coal lumber and other i
commodities from Chicago 10 Omaha. I
The return of 'Iessrs. Clark DickInson antI
Lomax takes time Union PJcltlc he3dquJrlen
out of tIme hands or the very competent head
clerics and assistants , who have been In
charge for several weelts. Tunic are stili nv-
oral absentits In the officIal rorcc General
Solicitor Thurston Is In Sl Paul on business
connected with the road Assistant General
Solicitor Kelly ts In New Yorl W J. Car-
roll assistant to the general solicitor , Is In
Enrope Master \ \ In Chancery Cornish Is In
New York , and his assistant , 1IIr. Kreeht , 13
on his wrddimmg ! ! tour In the easL General ,
I'relghl Tramc Manager Monroe Is In the
west , and has bocn for a month.
- - - -
Cur Puullnl' Contlnu"
The freight car ramlne on the northern
railroads continues without much show of
relief for the pre ent.
The Missouri : Paclne returned twent-three
cars belonging to the Chicago , St. Paul 1I11n-
n'apoHs & Omaha Sunday : , but time majority
of the cars or the other roads are showing up
very slowly.
Last year after the crop failure In Nebraska -
braslm a large number or cars were enl
south and presse,1 , Into srrvLce by time south-
era lines In handling the products of Kamt.ts
and \tlssourl. : Very little or this rolllul
stock : has been returned by these lines
The grain and farm produce of the Da-
kotas Is beglnuln to move eastward and
the warehouses and crIbs along time lines are
t111e to onrllowlng , awaillng hlpment. ! A
car limIt among all transmlsslssppl ! roatIa has
been fixed al Chicago on the east St. Louis
on the south Denver and SaIL Lake < on the
vest and Portland on the northwest. Lest
season this limit was net carried Into effect
and the result Is that there are "tramp" cars
scattered nil over the south and west as far
as New Orleans and San Francisco \'ele- \
grams are beglnnlng to be received by the
graina and elevator men along the roads In
Nebraska askIng for cars . and It Is quite
probable lhat tile varIous lines will b pieced
al a great disadvantage before the famine Is
Xut u nh''r Line . \ . .nt.
Harry Moores of the Wabash Is agent for
a number or steamship lines anti , Is mid-
vertlsed as such over the stato. lie received
a letter 'esterlay , whIch shows what an
apprecIation some or the people have of the
duties or hl t011t1on. ; The letter was from
a youulC man at Elm Creek , Neb. . and wax
as follows : "Steamboat ol11ee. Omaha-Dear
Sir : I would like to
asle few
you a ques-
tions. lIow much would a boat cost that
would be large enough to take ten men from
Omaha down as far as Cairo ? How long
would II take to row down ? Would It be
dangerous for a person to start down tI'e
river who II.\S no ctperlonco In rowing a
boat ?
The letter was wrlten In evIdent good ! faIth
and Mr. Moores answered It accorl1lngly
Ho Inrorm the ambitious aspirant for
navigation honors that he was nol In the
boat business , but confIned hlmsol solely
to selling tickets on sea 01111 rail , Head -
vised the man that the trip down the river
would < bD beset with dangers owing to the
depredations lhal were being committed hy
rIver pirates all along ! the route and advised
him to go by rail via the Wabash to Cairo
- -
S'h..dnll'.1nnlhl'I' .
Aunt haei' ) f"l.tlnn- .
The meeting scheduled al Sail Lairs to
take up the grievances or the Utah jobbers
has fiashed In the pan again owing to the
Inability of several eastern traffic managers
to be present. It Is expected now thai
another meeting will bo called for next
weelt. The Union Pacific has agreed to tic-
cepl through freIghts al Nephl lrem the
SLtrIratoV'liiey road and to handle the bml-
ncss nronerlv.
Genera Freight Tral11c Manager Munroe
or the Union Paclllc , who has been In the
west ror some time has gone to Denver on
business and will remain In the west Cor
another weak In the hope that time managers
or the roads Inter.zstel1 will be able to get
together and settle the utah muddle before
his return to Omaha.
Big Shuwlll' for \nt"lul'c Commit .
J. Leach or 01kdllo : , Antelope county , 'ent
to J. H , Buchanan general passenger agent
of the Fremont , Elkhorn anti Missouri Val-
Icy railroad , a 'Jmple of oats anti barley or
this year's crop In that county. This oats
score raised by John D. Dutte\J \ and yielded
ntnetr-nlne bushels to the acre. machine
measure , and whIch testfll thlrty.sevell ,
pounds per bushel , which means lli bushels
to time aero by weIght. The barley WlW
raIsed by L. II. Iutl'r anti the yield was
shty.three bushels to the acre machine
measure. and tested forty-eIght pounds per
bushel. _ _
I IVIh1 n1II1I1I1 In ( ) mmmnhmnm .
The Hlehardson Drug eomplny : will remain
In Omaha anti continue to bt- an Omaha Insti-
tution. Some months ago negotiations were
commenced. contemplating a removal or the
business to SL I.ouls. Time field was , looked
over antI II was about decided to change the
locatlcn. C. F. Weller the president of the
company who has large property interest .
In this city declared agalnsl the change and
as a resull all negotiations have been de-
clarel off \ and time house will remaIn In this
cIty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tlie ) , Simycil . thc hhtit1ge.
A fire WAS discovered three IIIl1es east or
Greenwood on the DurJlngtun. Passengers
on a specIal train from Creston , la" , to Un-
coIn found a bridge on fire and succeeded In
saving the structure after the east ap-
pre . ch had been badly burnel1.
Sulll thc ( ; eurJln Central
SAVANNAH , Oct. 7.-The Central railroad
of Georgia was solll at auction to < 1ay. Henry
Crawford of the attorneys for the reorganization -
zatlon commltteo bid It In for $2,000,000.
1)IIIn't Gremitly hunch 'I'liemmisehyt.s
FORT SMITH : , Ant . Ocl. 7.-The northbound -
bound 'Frisco passenger train was robbed at
Caston : I. ' ' . , fifty mUes south of here , last
night Six men dId the work They cut the
express car loose from the train anti un It
up the track. They failed to open the through
safe and only got 85 cents from the sate.
The passengers were not molested The train
was permitted to pull \ OU\ after the banl1lts
failed to open the big Ide. 1l III thought to
have been the work ot tile Christian : brothers
LATIO Ylnhl' . I"ltel tI"tICO :
" , ,
AIII..rl..nll f"lrlllfl . . St'cmirr 1'\.rJ\1 111I _
IlurCll ( 'imni tracts.
CITY 0J.1 ME'X1(5 (
, Oct. 7-An American
firm of this cUt' ' tJ h fI.'cUletl the contract
for lighting , the naUilnal palace by electrlcJtr.
The government , unlJl recently , has opposed
putting In electricity fearing danger from
fire. . . ' " '
Concessions line been granted for nn Irrl.
gating canal , commencing on time loft bank of
Sablnas rVl'r , In Itlle' ' state ot Coahnlla , the
concessionaire blhdlllg himself to conform to
any regulations 'lh ' m1 : may be adopted as n
result of the 'proi ' oiN ( . International Irrigation
convention between the United States anti
\Iexlco. : t I /
Dad washouts on the Mexican Central railroad -
road near Jiminez have detained malls and
pa'aengers from the far west and Pacific
coast of the United States Among those
dltalned are Secretary or United Slates Le-
gaLlon / Butler and President noblnsnn ot the
Central railway. The .torm In time north In.
terrerell with time Mexican National railway
telegraph lines last night Construction ma-
tl'rlal for the westward cxlenslon or the
Mexican Central railway ( ruins Guadalajara
has been sent to that city , mind material wilt
soon arrIve from New Mexico ( '
Among the delegates to the congress or
Arnericaniats next monLh are Frederico Oull-
lermo Voilmuer consul genel'al or Venezuela ,
In lIamburl : Dr. Walter J. 1I0rrman of Wal'h-
Ington : F. W. Putnam ot l.ambrldCe.l3s8. / : . ;
henry de L..1usuro. Geneva : ' 1. G.llnleaot ,
presIdent of the Geographical Society or
France : A. de r.tontgol1er ! or Loire France ;
Clemens Mnller of Dresden ; Haoul do In
Orasserlo ! or Hlerms : his excellency Clythe
do l\Iagalaes , reprcseimting the United States
of Brazil : his excellency , gmillo de Leon
represlIt1nh ( Guatemala , and hltl excellency
Francisco de la Fuento Hulz , representing
the DomInion republic.
Some excitement has been erected by a
rumor that Protestant missIonaries had con-
splre,1 , to blow up a church containing the
miraculous Itnae ! , Virgin Gtmadaiotmpc with
(1)'nam1to ( bombs , or to sel lire to time strue.
ture The authorities '
give the rumor no
crel1encl' . but It ShOWl' hV popnlar reeling
has bcen cxcttd ! by the threatened Protestant
mission arcs crusade against adoration of tlm . .
virgin. around , which mJny patrIotic trJI1I-
tlOll9 cluster.
Speculation fs rita as to who wilt be ap-
pointed to succeed , tile late minister of the
nterior I ItolllHo nubia A high personage
said today that the chances were In favor
of the appointment or General Demado RyC's ,
/ governor or Nue\1) Lean The name of
Pablo Macedo ! . an emlnenl lawyer or this
city. with a large private InternatIonal law
practice and many American cllellts , Is also
lIIentloned. m
It Is probable lhll : Gener1 : mncon Oal-
lardo l , governor of the federal district , who
Is i opposed ta the toleration of gamblIng will
scan begin a vIgorous campaIgn agalnsl well I
known beures which are reported to be
making handsome Incomc3 ror their Ilroprl
tcrA t ,
Time hanks are glutted with amounts en-
tlrely without ( precedent here Money : Is
abundant In private hands ! and malluractur-
i ng Is enjoying a boom , mills running extra
hours Trade Is Imlro\'lnl ( anll all prospects
point to n bmiC3 ' winter all over the republic.
The trade has Issued order
an : : desIgned to
break up Limo practice or custom home In-
spcetors taking articles Cram packages or mer-
chanlllse and raying they will p'lY for ttmcr.m ,
which they never do. " This practice Is an all 1
0110 here and Inllld a , serious loss upon Im-
J orters , whIch Flnl.Ict' ! lflnlster : Llmalltour 13
determined shall pto ; > . ,
General It\'era ! ct the '
\ army has In his possession -
session till swcrd o ( Emperor MaxImilian
which he wore n tllq i urrcnder on time hill
of Dels al Querterao , twent-elglll YC3C
alO. I Is proposed 10 secure this for the r.a-
tlonal artillery Insellll , whers the fag of
Filibuster Walker lJulbeczl 11laecl1.
The time for c003tructlng : the railway from
MerIda to Pete , ' : : In 'ueatamm . hs : ! been C'X-
tended eight year , rr s\lcnl Robinson oC tima
Mexlcau Central arrived today from Brston ,
The federal teleiraph , hues are badly Inler-
ruptel1 In tile north
The national g'uad stale organization In
Yucatan 13 being perr cted , In order , If feces-
sary. to aid the 'rpfleral ' trorps In thf C3m-
pal1 agaInst tilt ttutliaum. It Is proposed to
employ the siatottNOP9 as flankers anti van
guards , as they arms ' better acquainted wllt
the country. " "I : , ' f
Captain Smith Jnckson's ' Hole ramo Shot
and Kicd by Thom.
OIP ot lime ) hiiu 1mIIU..nCr,1 II the
) llr..r ot I li-feiseit-ss 1'/1' .
1'0" " ( ' I.t ! lulutr nil'
( rom n Unl..hol ,
DENVER , Oct. 7.-A special to the Republican -
llcan front I'ocatelo elves time following no-
count of the killing of eettlcrs at Jackson's
1010 by Indians :
A courier anti seoul for the United Slates
troops , name J.V. . Wilson , reachell Idaho
Falls . , about ninety miles north of this place , i
last evening , brhnghrm news of the killing or
Captain Smith and two comrades by Indians
In the lower part of Jacleson's hole on Thurs-
day morning.
The Intlans hall sworn vengeance against
Smith , as It was he , they bl'le\'cd. who killed
ono oC their tribe ant was the cerise indirectly
of the dealh or a pappoose las JUly. Smith
was wounded himself In this fight , but reecv-
Wilson state thai Captin Smith antI his
two comanlons were prospecting on the
south Cork or Snake rIver , nl thin south end
of Jackson's hole , and \\cre ambushed , anti ,
that ho anti , his two Comp:10n3 were shot
dead and their two bedoJ : left on time rlvel'
Wilson and Constable Manning were scout-
Ing In this locality at the tme ! and both saw the
dead bodlN or the mnrllered mcn. Wison wen : I
al once to Captain Collis' command at Swan
Yale : anti reported tim facts , leaving / Man ,
nng ! at Camp Granite to return to Jackn'
1010 with tha troops who Immediately leC'
for the scene of the kiliing. Wison then rode
to 1laho Fails with dls\atchcs ,
D. Adams , a rancher . living ( three miles
( rain the ! CCne or the kIlling , and now visit-
lag at Idaho Falls , put Wilson through I
searching examination In regld to the klln !
of Smith ard his companions anti says therl'
can bo no 110nbt whatever as to the relabili'i !
\Vhlton's statcment. lie says further thaI
the kllng of ( Smith was no surprlso to him
as the Indians oenly avowed they would
have his scalp He believes . however ths'
this \11 virtually , seUe the IUfficuly so la
as the mittens am concere lavlnj
avenged , the dmth or theIr braves they wl
now return to Limo resorvatlon. \lson say
Ihero arc about sixty Indians In Jackeon'
Hole , and they are Dannocs fr01 the Fort
halt rosrvattoti ,
Captan Culils. with lila band who steno :
for the Hole will I1rl'C out all the IndIan'
ruund thee , but II Is almost certain that
none w\1 bo encountered , as they wi antic'
pate the arrIval or troops and head by a elr
cultous rotte for the reservaton ,
Lleutenml Ladd or the Ninth cavalry an'
Lieutenant Penn of tha First Inrantry , r.O\
stationed ! at 'Iontpeller , Idaho , were mue"
nlarmed al the report oC the II 1 I n ; : , . Fro'l
reports reoslvell by them front troop'
camped In Star valley II was believed nr
further trouble would ensue. and , the rppor' '
states that thieve were , no Indins In Jack'nnm' ,
Hole , wllh the exception or a small band :
under military escort gaIn to another camp
Wyoming 'to recover a child thai was lost
last winter. The nnl of [ Smlths : comrade ,
could not be learnctI.
. \ special ! to time News from Cheyenne ,
Wyo. . says : The military authorities at Fort
Hussll dlcrC1111 the rellrt ! of [ the kllnr !
In Jacson's ! hole or Captain SmIth and twr
comrades by Bannocle ntlians. , The federal
authorities here place no reliance on tIme re
port. Lieutenant : Vldd. who Is commander
'of the troops 01 Montpehier . Idho telegraphs
thl afternoon as follows : "Nolhlng Is known
her of the matter. Report not creted , "
- -
G I " ; ' 'M , : ou J' = " " ; : : ;
O : : THESe
16th anrl : Farnam Streets.
' Jlerciess 'Sacrifcing' .
of First Class Merchauhse. .
Don't fail to secure some of the nn1atch-
c' able argains
' French mnda goods , 1-button ' and 7.hool. , An odd , lot geol width , assorted colors , I
nil C'olor. and ie1zee , Noise price $ t.50. JlulsCrlce 20c to "c ,
Bankt'upt : Q : Dankl'upt :
. Sub - 8 C Sub ! . 5c
Plce , pOI' p'oir only Pt'lCU only , her- yitt'd
% -pounti . skeins , all coione. Morse'rn
One of the most reliable iovcs made , 11.ce : 25c.
good assorlel1 colors. Morse s prIce 2O.
: . I3anlct'upt ' ' Ufnkl'upl l'4c
Sale I'i'ke , $1. 3 'i7' :
Tlr I1 ' only . . Plco only , each
LADIES' COMBINATION SUITS. All colors , full size spools Marso's
price : c.
Non-shrlnkablo wool goods , One qnaly ,
desirable good" Morsc'e price $2,0. Bankrupt )
Batuirupt II ' Plco only , each
Suite $119
Price only , each SAXONY IMPERIAL YAnNS
. A big lot , come after thorn qulelt , they
wou't last Ions. Marso's price 20c.
. . '
Anti pants. In fiat . niegant soft Dankt'upt Q
AnI fat goods fleganl ser 8
quality , nlceh' " mude anl1 trimmed. Sale C
Morse s price $2.0. . Price only , each
Dankl'upt : , ' CROChET COTTON.
Salts I , 'I $1 2 9 iI boXes cream color , to close out at
Pl'lco . once. . Morse's prIce ! 8c.
I' , , 'tl
1 Bankrupt
HOSId. ' t
, ' Price , 3 spools for
, t'
sort oots , fiseamiese \ , fool. Morse's MACHINE TUHEAD.
llrlco 35c. W\Ifcamlcs9 .
; , O' ; 2o.yard spools . llaclt or white.
ITI.mflkt'Ult'itin Smile ' 't , ' { 21c Bankrupt
,0 A 5c
! Sale C
Pvlco , pair
Plco on1o tier '
" " Price , a : spools for
, .
I itm.
. ' Jet lIoe water buttermilk and cucumber.
All or Morses nl h grade goods to be Iorie's price , lOe cake.
closed out : 'lhout reserve. Morse's
price $1.0 to 3 $ } W.1 Bankrupt
1loja 1Jc
' Sale
Thinkr'ujt C
Sale l'uH 11 ' 9 . " ' 9 8e Price I , 3 cakes for
Price only II , ! IICI' paIr 'Jcmr's W . BEST 1LOHIDA WATER.
' Bankrupt
' A big lot to b ! olset out al once alt Sale 21c
colors and slyles. Itioraic's price lO to Pt'bcc onlt' each
2 , . : , Plco J'
Bankrupt -INCH EII HDOWN. -
Sale C
Price ony ) , per Yard 75e. Plain colors , good shades. Morse's price
'lor80'8 price : e to 1 ' Bankrupt
Bankrupt Sale C
Sale ' 9 C Price only , per yard
Price 011y , pOI yard FANCY CHOCKERY. ,
hlavilanti and Vienna high grade goods.
Morse's Ilrleec to U,2. after Havlan inner , coffees vases , , plates plaIn , dali decorated sets.
Bankrupt ' china , elc. . ctc . corees good' brought tor-
Salo" 'c ward , eli go Just at hair Morse's Jlrlce.
Displayed on extra counters . main aisle
Pz'lco 1 only 1 . per yard 16th street entrance
- .
_ J
p EC E
' I j
4 , - l
t1 vy ' 9fftdt 4J\
. '
.3 ' ' ' m 2 F '
. ,
* '
' 1
IuLiG. . -
. The monty you paid last year for fuel that was wasted
would go a good way toward buying Jewel Stoves . and Ranges )
' 4 . -the kind that don't wate , Fuel isn't the only thing they save .
, -they spare your time , and patence Our trade mark i on
every genuine Jewel Ask your dealer for them. '
W l. LYLE DICKEY & CO" , Omaha ,
A. C. RAY1UEH , South Omaha.
, :
. ,
: tf ' ' - .
- -S.
: / I ' ' 11
t 4"e We guarantee I
that you can
\ ; 4
- Heat 3 1ooms
this season with 2 Tons of Coal "
' by using our Palace Regal Base
. _
r ;
. , .p.l Q ,
; .
. r .4 i _
.t- . . f ' bi _
t. _
. : . t CD _ _
t' : - : : ' : . c l
l' , _ GO . , l : _ _ _
P ; 1 01 _
- ce _
_ _
c ; tr
C + H . 11
Nc rJ ,
I 'h , r
, a4 , ' '
' ,
'Ji o rJ - ' I
- .
-t , .
; / . . m
vVe are the popular House
v : ' Furnishers of Omaha .
: ' . Good , reliable , serviceable \ ,
and up-to-date
goods at
, ; - I ,
; ea Popular Prices
. 4 ;
, , ,
I ' I I ' I $ I '
! li
, I
: P- '
- -
A Few Advatit ages
Orerell by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. l'aul RaIlway . the short line to ( mirage. A clean tri
made ul and started from Omaha.
a , ' ,
Al" cl' ' au.DES , ; ! OTNZS .
Rag&Dge checked tram residence 10 t.stnaton. 1'lelaot rain eeivtce and courteous em-
ployes Fntire train lighted , . '
I'ntre lrln : by occlrlcly with electric readln lamp In every berth Finest
dining ' car service In the wet , with \eals served / 10 carle. or . In other wordo order what
Chlcljo you want 01 and 9 a. pay iii. toe what you get. 1"I'er leaves union depot flatly 01 6:0 : p. m" , srrh'l&
City Ticket Omce , 154 Faram fltreet. C S. CAnnn . city Ticket Agent
" \ ' When , . In . whit to u. for Nrnol , nrWI , . Lou ot S..I Par rln ( eIdc ,
t2n4weeks' ' , em. ; . ' 1 ; . , n raf ; , ' . ? ' Varicucem . and . i , . I' alger i . ihe quickly , k : : t'r'd t' ( . torn Ii'egieid any . , 0" . iuci .
Iou14.i . . , . . . J
. . . . , fitaliy t l Mined sny.h.s. w.lJ , C. 5i.o ; C i.o.cs for iso With
, , .
Hlult In 4 week. C. "I : ,5.f gi. I . a i\ \ legal ln tnanh , i , : ( ire t ! ; : Jn (5. ! N" J :
I UERMAN & McCONNTJILT. DRUG CO _ l5flhflndgo sitreet . Omnlo , Net .
, - ,
- - - - - - -