Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1895, Image 1

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    - - , " . - - - - -
1J-- - - - - - -
it- : , . THE OMAHA DAILY B1E. ! , '
_ _
; - - .ESr'AULISllED JUKE : 19 , 1871. . Ol\I All A , 1.'UJ - SDAYOUNING1 OO''OUBH 8 , 1SU. SINGT.JE OOPY FIVID OEN'rs. . T
' -
p.uropo p. Units in an Official Warning to
the Sick Man
8hlnCory I''r S'ssl n Collective
, : No'e to th. . Porte Ih' I I 1.1 II
I'rotiip ( " " fur the lie- ,
celt Uutrll" '
t CONSTANTINOPLE , Oct. 7.-Vla ( Sofia-
'ho representatives 01 the Signatory powcrs
, : have sent a collective note to the Turkish
, government calling atenton , to the . Inadequate -
'S quato measures token by the polce authori-
. . ties to maintain public tranquility In Can-
Btantnople and Is suburbs and demanding
the prompt Insttuton or a rigorous Inquiry
: Into the recent rioting , bloodshed and whole-
Bale Imprisonment 01 Armenians here. In
addition the powers demand the release 01
. all prisoners who are Innocent 01 wrong
doing and the cesaalon or arrests.
, Said Pasha , the new Turkish minister for
I ' foreign affairs , has caloJ at the dlferenl em-
4' . hassles and has presented to the representatives -
. tlves or the powers a communication from
the Turkish government repeating the assur-
- anco thaI a plan for reform In Armenia has
ben accepted by the Porte. I Is not be-
leved , however. thaI this will satisfy the
, . powers. There have been 10 further excesses -
ceases , however. although a feeling or great
dIsquiet still Drevalls and fresh demonstra-
sti prevais ane
I tons , . upon the part 01 h ArmenIans are
The Armenians who are still Intldo lh3
Patrlrchato church here , In which they sought
r.Iuge after the rioting or Monday last , fired
some shots at noon today , and II was feareJ :
thaI another outbreak was Immluent. The I ,
( police watching the buildIng Ilromply notified
th ! military authorities , and a strong force
01 troops was 6nt ; to the spcl A moblleJ
all the adjacent streets The acton 01 the
militia caused quito a panic among lhe inhabitants -
habitants or that quarter , and they fell from
their homes In nil directon , " The Kurds then
entered the workshops among the quays and
expelled from them all or the Armenians they
CoUld fInd. Later It Is claimed the bodies 01
four Armenians were lound.
There Is one feature or the police work
which Is aUractrng considerable attention.
I Is frequently recalled that the gendarmes
while making arrests repeatedly told the per-
sons taken into custody "to cal upon Eng-
land to deliver you. " Those who know the
way or the Turkish omciaIs . say that this
shows thaI the police were Instructed to hu-
' press upon the minds ( or the Armenians that
Great Britain was unable or unwilling to
assist them In this emergency.
Finally many quarters or Stambul have
been placarded with notices Inclng the pop-
ulace against "tho infidels. "
The police , It Is true tear down these pla-
cards , but they are either ' unable or unwilling
to do so before they have been widely read
and have had the effect anticipated upon ) the
population. I la nol claimed that the gov-j
crnmenl Is rClonslhlo for this agitation : but
the work Is being done lrd the government
apparently Is unable to put a stop to It.
VIENNA , Oct. 7.-The Pollsche Corre-
apondence publishes the note which the representatives -
resentalves or the powers nt Constantinople
have addressed to the Porte , drawing at-
ten lon to the state 01 affairs at Stamboul ,
r and advlblug the Porte to adopt measures for
the restoration or order. The note states
that subscriber have their information party
from eye witnesses and that II shows the
prh"ate persons who were arrested were
beaten and even Idled without the peace or-
fcera even attempting to prevent II ; that
orderly persons were attacked and that
those who were wounded ( were taken to the
courts and to the police stations and were
kied In cold blood.
JllhC" . . I''H" ; ; 1iln",1 I" the Col-
IHI.n X"U' Uru"'IH.
BRUSSELS , Ocl. 7.-Dlspotchos received
here this morning from \Vavro , fifteen miles
from this city , where the collision between
a crowded passenger train and engine occurred -
currCl yesterday evening , ns exclusively
cblCI to the Associated press last night ,
show that eighteen Instead or ten persons
were killed and that 100 persons , and not
forty , were Injurod. Several of the wounded
people are so seriously Injured that their
hives are despaired of. There arc no Amerl-
_ cans among the dead or Injured.
The passenger train was just passing the
railroad staten ht Mousty when nn enln
coming from Ologues at full speed collided
with II and telescoped three of time carriages.
Reler gangs and medical assistance were
promptly sent to the scene of the accident
from all neighboring points and everything
possible was done to succor the wounded , nl
least fifty of whom were In nee 01 Prompt
Among the passengers aboard the train
- were M. Deernaert president or the Chamber
01 Deputes , and his family. None or them
sustained serious Injuries and the president
was unhurt. Mme. Mourlou wile 01 the
well known engineer. was among tie kiihed.
Peru " .ll Never C.le the Tt.rrlor ) ' .
LIMA , Peru , Oct. 7.-Vla ( Galve3ton.-Tho )
controversy between . Peru and Bolivia seems
to bo as for from settlement as ever. The
truth regarding the muddle Is thaI the Peruvian -
ruvian government Inorel what the r.pre-
sontatve or its predecessor lay have pall
to Bolivia and Its only instructions to tie
minister to Bolivia are to declare thaI Peru :
will never cola 'racua and Arlea for pecuniary
considerations or olherwlse. Tacua all Arlca
uro the cites In the southern part of Peru
on the Pacifc coast which formed the old
bone 01 contention between Bolvia and Peru.
\"rrh'I.I ) " i. tilt : lleCitrthiites.
LONDON , Ocl. 7.-The newspapers generally -
ally profess to see In the Increased crowds
" which attended the anniversary observance of
the death of Charles Stewart Parel , yester-
day In Dubln , evidence or the sympathy of
time masses of Ireland with the Parntltes
and their cause. The Morning Post , alluding
to the popular demon'trlton , says : "Nol
ono : lcCarth'le dared to show his face
along the 200,000 persons who thronged the
Irish c 'lt81. " - -
J.ln n""II" Gr4m'nIi II'II.o" .
1)ULILIN Oct. 7.-At the convention or the
Parnel Party the usual rei'alutions In regard
to hOJe rule and amnesty for political pnis-
oners were pascd. l r" John ' Redmond In the
course or a speech said that unless the free-
110m of Ireland Is granted In case of war It
wniild lA In th tune of "Tho MarsehIaIp' '
wnll hf Ihl lun. : brsel"I.
that they would ' tr h , - anii not 't - that ' of
"God Sue the Queen. "
\'vt'ek or I SIIII,1 hark.
hAVANA , Oct. 7.-Tho Spanish bark Jo\'en
1.Qla has been wrecked near Hosulo on the
, Colorado reefs. Five of her crew were
drowned but the captain succeeded In swimming -
ming ashore. The captain and onnteen of
the crow of the unknown Dutch steamer
, . which was wrecked on the Colorado reefs
" Ilaye arrived at Eapersoza , Ilrovlnce of I'lnar
del Rio. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, , ' 11 Still Insist . \rl.nll" lti'fnrimi.
I.OrmON Oct. 7.-1 wal officially stated
this afternoon list ( the recent disturbances
at Constantinople I will nol stop the Invest-
gatons whIch ( meat Briain and the powers
* are carryIng on with the Turklt'h government
hooking to reform In tM administration 01
Armenia. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1..r..lhlu1ulnG Chu t Next Cun.I.Cur ,
I'ARhS. Oct. 7-Th" 1"lgaro says that the
nxt consistory wi bo thl occasion of c"eat- ,
leg the following cardinals : ) dgr I ' erata ,
\ th , . papal nuncio at Pdrls : Mgr . Aglardl , the
papal nuncio at Vienna. and Mgr. Satohil. the' '
papal deltgat to time church In the United
6ta le.
AnUI'I'U 1'I'ON A COIL'TY TICK : i'l' '
UII.lhlh'II" 11,1 ! 11" n"lu"rlt"
Ullh',1 . ' " 111' TIIIII ) ' .
NEW YOlt , Oct. 7.-There was consider-
able excitement before the formal opening
of the republican county convention In Lyric
hal this evening when the report was circulated -
culated that a fusion ticket had been decided
upon and Ulat the nominatng committee had
agreed on the following candhlates : For
register , Thomas F. } eatng , state demo-
cral ; for county clerk , Thomas Z. Hamilton ,
PIaU republcan : for justices or the supreme
court , Ernest hall . Plat republican ; C. C.
leaman , Independent republCan and com-
mlUee or fly man : Meyer S. Isaacs , repub.
Ican and good government cal\lllate : for
JUdge or the court of general sessions
Thomas Allison , Plat republican , and John
Fennel , state democrat ; for city court justIces -
tIces , Henry C. DoUy , PlaIt republican ; Dan-
let O'Connel , slate democrat and James \V.
Hawes , republican.
Time ticket was finally agreed upon al the
conference al republcan headquarters , which
lasted almost to the hour of holding the
convention. J was a great disappointment
to the straight ticket men that three p1aces
hall been conceded to the state democrats , one
to the commite at fly and ana to the
good ! overment club. There are tour Platt
lepubleans on time ticket , as Jlun.s V. ' .
Hawcl hind not ben identified with either
faction. Time Stockier Independent county
organization and the Jimmie O'Brlen anti-
Tammany democracy were refused a place on
the ticket. Edward I.anterbach , however , and
tim other PiaU leader expressed themselves
as satisfied with the ticket.
The convention was addressed by Mr. Lau-
torhach and others , who explained time de-
tais 01 the fusion. Some opposItion was
made to the acceptance 01 the fusion ticket
on account 01 the presence of two Chamber
or Commerce men on It. Finally It was
adopted , there being only twenly-Iour opposIng -
Ing votes among nearly 300 delegates. 'lhe
ratification was then mode unanimous.
Tie state democrats also held a county
convention all formally placed In nomination
time fusion ticket. I Is expected thaI the
German-American Reform union will endorse
the ticket , because the excll' plank of time
state democracy Is endorsed. Time plank ,
charges Tammany hal with the responslbl-
Ily for the existence or th3 present excise
law , spells for the sanctity of the Sabbath
and concludes : "We favor and will endeavor
to secure t'uch a modifcaton ot existing laws
as will prevent blackmai , putellaly , and
oppression and will enable the city to deter-
mine for itself by popular rote whether the
sale of food , beverages and other necessaries
shall be permited on Sunday durIng such
hours and under such rcstnhction' as will
exercise. nol Interfere with religious observance . aUI
Judl" l\uuwh'H A.IIH ' 1 , . 'U the Ole
A iiiiil I. led h ) ' 11 Ifur" .
SALT I.AKE CTY , Utaim. , Oct. 7.-A special -
cial to time Tribune from Helena , lont. , says :
Judge Knowles oC the United States court
confirmed the appointment of Andrew F.
Durlelgh as receIver 01 the Northern Pacific
road , and appointed two others as receivers
for time Montana district 'rhey are Edwin
I , . Bonner 01 : lssoula all Captain J. II.
Ills 01 Deer Lodge. The former Is a well
known merchant In his city the later being
the commissioner 01 the Dureau or Labor ,
Agriculture and Industry 01 Iontana In this
city. The receiver's bond was fixed al $1QO-
000. TIme atoreys spent five hours In argu-
Ing the matter before the judge and when
Judge Culen arose to make his second argu-
mont the court Interrupted him by saying :
"Something ought to bo done In this matter
at enc . As to the resignation or the receivers -
ceivers , I wish 10 say but little. I
order theIr removal and will look Into their
accounts at some future time. " Ho then
proceeded ( to appoint the new rocelvers"
SEATTLE , Wash. , Oel. 7.-Concurrent
with the extensIon of the receivership or
Andrew P. Burleigh 01 the Northern Pacific ,
the territory of General Manager G. W. Dick.
Inson Is also beIng ext.nde. Dickinson wac
appointed hy Burlelgl almost Immediately
after the latter's nomloaton by Judge Han-
ford. The order which has just been mad'o
public. provides thaI Dickinson be generat
ianger' all the property acquired uy Dlr-
leigh as receiver and also 'of all that ho
should thereafter acquire.
ST. PAUL , Oct. 7.-Drayton Ives , president
or the Northern Pacific , la'sed through hate
today. 1ve3 claims that In the cud tie con-
test thaI has been In progress for several
months wi be beneficial to the Northern
Pacific , because or the wide advertisement
01 the road , its resources and the territory.
" think " "that the
"I , salll Ime. l present con-
ditlon II a material disadvantage to the company -
pany , but It has its mitigating circumstances
In the present case there will have to ba
a conference of Interests so that an amicable
agreement may be reached " ! r. Ives added
that there might bo a way out or the dif-
culy through the confirmation of Durlelh by
Jude Sanford , giving Receiver Burleigh authority -
thority over the entire line , wlh the exception -
ton 01 time Duluth & Ashland line , which
would bo under the control of McHenry all
gel a 1. - _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _
JI1) " Slave ' . 'onlle Co Clenr.
BROOKLYN , Oct. 7.-The Spanish steamer
Hobana , owned by the Spanish Transatlantic
company ali now undergoIng extensive repairs -
pairs at Erie basin , may have to explain her
intentions to the federal government before
she sails for Dorcelona. On her spar deck
are four rapid firing guns , whlo a large
supply of riles , revolvers and cutasses are
stored away below. Without ! a letter of
marque rrom the Spanish authorites , It Is
sa hI , she cannot leave this port , whie II Is
also believed she Is Intended for service
against the Cubans. :
AChu'u' " 1\1.1 time Interest .
PITTSDUHG , Pa" , Oct. 7.-The committee
01 the council investigating the city aI-
torney's omce received statements from two
bonks today which show that Assistant Attorney -
torney \Y. H. House has receIve In the past
ten years on city deposits , In tote , the amount
01 $39,619. 01 which no apparent record Is
made There Is one more bank 10 hear
from , which will probably mn the amount up
to $50,000. Mr. house as yet wi say 101hlng
In his own defense
" \ ' * tM Fur ' 1'0" S'n"h'l' .
DENVER , Oct. 7.-Chrlstopher 1 lald , a
middle aged man , shot and fatal ) " wounded ,
Irs. John Stegeman , aged 30. and then blew
his own brains out today. He hal hone 10
work for three years his wife supporting
him by taking In washing. He heard that
! r. Stegeman said the poor farm was the
proper place for him and . for this he shot her.
: \nrlon ( ) rlere.1 to Chili.
SAN FHANCS , Oct. T-The United
State steamshIp jarlon tontht received
orders to sail Thursday for Talcuuanna ,
Cimihi. I Is believed thaI she Is going to
enforce several claims thaI the American
consul at Talcuquanna recently made In be-
hal or citizens of the United States against
the Chlan government.
Sean' D"lnG o7t nt lluuolulu.
PORT TOWNSEND , Wash. , Oct 7.-The
steamer Corona arrIved from Honolulu today .
She Is the frt vessel arriving from there
thaI was not sent Into quarantine here since
the outbreak or the cholera In Honolulu. The
Corona brings the news that the contagion
Is on the decrease , and the scare I rapidly
dyinG out.
'i'exims l.t'II"lnture,1jourIM. .
AUSTIN , Tex. , gct. 7.-The special session
of the Texas leglslaturo adjourned sine die
today , after defeating the validating act and
the school fund bill. The Watkins investigation -
gaton amounted to nothing. .
3IU'"I"tN or O..nn Yt'Mu'I . Oct . 7.
, \ New York-Arrh'ed-Werra , from
Naples all Genoa ; Doyle , tram Liverpool
London. At New ' York - Arrived - Manitoba , from
At I.lverpoolArrlnd - Labrador from
A uthamIJton-Mdvcd-slser Wihelm
11 from New York for liremnen. '
l rom Glasgow-Saiied-Coninthian for Phil-
, Idelllhla.
A New York-Arrived-'rle'land from Ant-
Social Democrats Say They Are Ready for
a Tight if One Must Oome
Seist I immt'tit or time COI"rl'H" Nut 1 ln'or-
nhle to thmm , Uelnnd" or time A"rn-
rinims-lot : iou for n 1"'lul gl"ht
tour UI ) ' to lie I"ue"ell.
DHESLAU , Oct. 7.-Herr Llebkneeht , In
his Inaugural speech at the opening 01 the
socialist Congress today , referred to the remarks -
marks recently made by Emperor Wilam
01 German , saying that attempts had been
made to vilify tie social democracy , but , ho
added , the party could now defy defeat , no
matter how many bayonets were at time dhv-
p051 01 those who wished for a trial 01
strength. Herr Lleblmeclt said thai It they
wanted a fight the social democrats were
their men. Continuing , he said : "The high-
eat authority In the land throws down the
gauntlet and' insults us. LH Ut lake up the
challenge , no matter who II may be thaI
casts this mud at us. He Is Incapable of
touching us , for we are above his Insults.
The German empire would first collapse , but
lJclalsm wi triumph A violation or unl-
'erbal suffrage will be equlvalenl to time death
warrant to the Imperial government. "
Herr Liebknecht's speech was enthusias-
tcaly applauded. In the hired hal In which
the congress meats Is a le-alzel portrait 01
the Rmpeor ! . Fremlerhek . T1c scclnls s " wished
to \'el It durIng the sessIons or tnelr con-
gress , but they were prevented from doIng
so by the police , whereupon the chairman
paid thaI Ir the deliberations dll not disturb
Emperor Frederick , his portrait would not
annoy the congress.
The congress passed a resolution to expel
from the party Dr. Huedt of Heidelberg on
the ground that although he had been elected
a delegate he had absented hlmsel from the
congress , at thin same time make the state-
ment , "Ho had done with that lat. "
Among the motions which the conlress
will have to consider are a large number
wi nuier
dealing ! with the agrarian program , but they
are ly no means favorable to the new pro-
posals. Several demands are made that the
agrarian program shal be rejected wlhoul
further ala , while those who do nOl go so
far as this express the opinion thaI
the committee which drafted the program
should remain In existence In order to col-
lec lurther material for the agitation In the
rural distrIcts.
HeqUl1ts are also being considered that
the socialists make good their claim 10 be represented -
resented on the presidential bench 01 time Im-
peril diet ; that they fhould bring In an-
nualy I moton' for the introduction 01 an
eight hour day and a minimum wage , and '
that they shall demand a state prohibition of
wet nurses , In view or the advantages of ,
sterilized mIlk. Another motion , which Is ,
premised good support , proposes thaI party
omelals amid editors who are members or the
Helchstag , and receIve a salary or 3,000 mark
and more , shal not be paid for their par-
lamentry services. One member wishes
time congress to pronounce thaI social democracy -
mocracy combat religious communities and
the representtve I or time , doctrInes oppose
to tie proletariat war 01 liberation.
hLilll.l. Iron I ' I.J SUI FEIElS.
Go'rnm..t mlllo"H ' 'li Elch
Gh"e On. , Un ) " ' . Il ) " .
hAVANA , Oct. 7.-An Insurgent band I
numbering sixty men appeared yesterday at I
Gulna Melta. Thirty 01 them were shortly
afterwards captured by the civil guards.
Gulna Mela Is on a railroad leading to Ha-
vdna and only about forty-five kilometers
from this city.
The govermenl has opened a credit with
the sum 01 $5,000 for the relief 01 time sufferers -
rerers In the inundated distrIcts 01 Abajo. A
popular . Gubscrlpton for the same purpose
was recently opened , Captain General do
Campo heading time list with the sum of
$ ,000 , and his brother-In-law , General Ar-
derlus , the commander or time forces hero ,
following with n subscription 01 $250. Time
marquis of Plnar del Rio subscribed $ , OOO.
In all the sum or $20.000 has been forwarded
to time fund. All employe3 of the government
wl give one day's pay toward the fund
for the relief 01 the sufferers.
According to an ofcial statement , the insurgents -
at Lajao have mutilated two
surgentS mutated peace-
able citizens .
A detachment 01 troops commanded by
Major [ Armlnan , In a skirmish with the insurgents -
sergents al Bacuines , killed two of the
onem ' .
An official dispatch from Margarita , prov-
Ice of Santa Clara , announces the capture
or an Insurgent spy and a sentinel 01 the
eremf , named Emiio Lena. Doth were immediately -
mediately tried by court-martial. Several In-
surgonts'l Is announced , ha\"e been cap-
tuned by the civil guards near Clnfugos , 11rov-
Ince of Santa Clara. The prisoners are all
colored , and were found I possession at
dynamite cartridges.
Reports published In the United States
and telegraphed here to the effect that Santa
Clara had been captured by insurgents arc un-
true. CaptaIn General de Campos has made
Santa Clara his headquarters.
The government has Increased from $5.000
to $50,000 its subscription to time fund to
assist the sufferers from the cyclone and
doom ] . The bodies of ten more victims of the
food have been recovered. ,
- - - -
CUIAXS hll.t'i'iN - IX 'I'IUEIJ - VIC.hl'I'S. I , ,
SII".IHh 'r''I' Cllhu Co 111"e " % 'on :
II'rziI J 1111"1"1 'H.
hAVANA , Oct. 7.-Official advices received
hero from SantIago le Cuba say that Major
Tejela or the guerla forces has had an engagement -
gagement at Palma Eorn3no : , province of San-
tlago de Cuba , with a band : of In1urgents commanded -
manded by Casthiho. The hatter are reported
to have left three killed on the field and
the troops also captured four Hemlngton
rifles . After the sklrmJ Major Tejeda laid
an ambuscade for time Insurgents , who were
expected to return for the purpose or bury-
trig their dead. They did so and were sur-
prised by the troops , who killed two more of
them and captured one prison and seven
Remington rifles. The prisoner almlUed
thaI time Insurgents retired with twelve
A column 01 troops commanded by General
Valdes , while scouting In the neighborhood of
Palmar , Haqula and Minas , province of Santa
Clara , has had skirmishes with the Insur-
gents , under the command or Zayas , Suarez
and Nunez Time Insurgents are said to
have left five killed behind thorn and to h3ve
retired with many wounded. Time troops heat
two killed.
The Insurgents have burned the railroad
bridge at Cimira Santiago do Cuba.
Admiral Imas. commander of the Spanish
naval forces imero left Havana today on board
the Spanish cruiser Contra Mestre for the
Colorado rees In order to personally direct
the operations of tryIng to float the wrecked
cruiser Crlstobal . Colon , or talns In this , to
save her guns , elc.
: UII11nrh. . Mimsit ClnMU 'I'lmt'hr ThreIC" .
LONDON Oct. 7.-Dispatches received
from Shanghai say Captains halifax of her
majesty's steamship Undaunted and Newel of
the United States cruiser Detroit have been
Instructed to ask the viceroy to order the
mandarins who are sid to bE openly menJc
Ing with vengeance those Christians who gave
information or the Ku Cheng outrage to step
the obstructive tactics and allow the InquIry
to proceed.
I Is believed that the refusal or Chan ( hi
Tung . viceroy 01 Nanking , to receive a visit
from the Drltsh admiral , DUler , Is due to
direct InstructIons from Peking
Suit UOlhlQO Iriters n ( ulbul' .
GLASGOW Oct. 7.-The govarornent of
San DomIngo ha placed an order here for
a gunboat which I to carry nine
knotl. Ing guns and to have a speed of fourteen
l'Ai.L . TliLM { ' J'lt ur COUht'i' .
1IIIorCnlt Citlics to lie Tnlu'n , II' ! Iur-
mug the ! , . .Iol. nur-I
WASINGTON , Oot. 7-Witim the excep-
ton or Justice Gray , all of the supreme
court justices have returned Wahlngtn I
In antclpath n or the openig 01 time fall
term 01 court. The recess tmas given time
for the mnemnbrs to con shier cases whIch
were submited but nol decided al the last
term Among these are the Consolidated
Electric Lighting conipany l'\"olvlng a number -
her of patents connected with the electric
hhghmt. Othcr cases In which degislons are
expected arc : The United State ngalnsl
the Western Union Telegraph cOlpany , In-
relying the question 01 telegraphic rates
against the government along the Union 10-
clfe lines ; the Sioux City & l Paul Railroad
comlJlny against time United States ; , involving
the ownership or land grants In Iowa ; Gil-
flan against McKee Invol'lnl a parI 01
the moneys appropriated to settle the
Choctaw claims : Meyer against Richards ,
which Is a suit growing out b the Irregular
relesuance or bonds which had \ been canceled
by the treasurer 01 Louisiana ,
An Interesting case remaining to be de-
cide Is Ihal of John G. Moore against the
commissioner of internal 1 re\enup , asking that
the commissioner be enjoined tram enforcing
the collection 01 the income tax. This Is
one or three suits begun at the sale
time. The court passed upon the other two
but left this undecided I Is 01 little further
consequence now that the law has been de-
dared unconstitutional , yet II may possibly
afford n basis for anal her rifling on time Income -
come tax , not on the merIts , but on time re-
quest for an injunction.
An Important opinion on the question of
foreign Judgments Is also expected The case
In point wa' decided at the end 01 the last
term I being hel thaI a French judgment
could not be collected In Unitcil States courts
I was an oral eclslon , however and It yet
opinion. rmalns for the count to hand down the lull
'i'llIiltFi'S 1'O'1'illG i.t { IdIAThiUhi. I I ,
Amcrlell' Iro.luet . II I.h'cly Ienmniil
II C.rmli Cities , .
WAShINGTON , Oct. 7.-The Gerl'l
leather makers have been obliged to turn to
America to learn the latest developments In
their trade In order to keep pace In thm ,
competition for business and they are maltIng -
Ing strenuous efforts to discover the process
of manufacture used In this country. United
States Consul Merrit , al Darmen , shows this
tact In a report to the State department
bvsed on publications In the German trade
papers. The Germans learned at the Chicago
exposition where time beat and cheap st
heather In the world could be had. German
alum tanned leather has hall its day , and
the German almoemaheers who , three years
ago , would not look aI' American giazad
kid , are now Importng II direct ali arc
trying to discover the secrets of Its produc-
tlI by sending experts to America and by
trying to Indnce American wOl'kmen to come
to Germany. Agencies for German leather
are found In every large Eur pel : city but
the business Is largely In English hands.
Th' American trade Is helped br the high
'prce ! of German hides , \\hlch , handicaps the
tanners and limits their output , and time
indications point to a scarcity rf time domestic
tanned hide next winter ;
'II'lg sc u.nlox GOES ' 10 SEA.
.Imlrll IhllCe " 'II Put thc Ship
'l'imrommgim Some 1 ' "oh.t.n" .
WASHINGTON , Oct. 7.Tho'North Atan-
tic squadron wi go to sea again In a few'
days from Chesapeake boy to resume evolu-
tlrnms. I Is probable thaI th1 entire squadron -
ron , reInforced by the Male pnd Texas and
perhaps the batteshlJ Indiana wilt continue
these evolutions on 3 Iarer shr1-otihern
waters during thom approaching rw Sl'dfh'lJpI
the details of the winter crulf"na" : ) n ' tt1
been definitely arranged. The deplrlrMr (
hns dottrmtned to allow Admral liunce the
widest liberty II this work , whIch Is regarded
as of the greatest importance ] 0 the navy.
For many years our navy ha ! Ic 11 obliged to
content Itself with the ndopltn 01 such ma-
nine tactics Included In foreIgn ! codes as
eeemell leslrble , So far as these relate to
individual ships their userul ss has been
demonstrated tram time to tnle , but when
It came to the great fleet mneuvers the dc-
partmenl was obliged to take ; thent eat trust.
There has been a distinct dlrrenco or opin-
Ion among naval ofcers as to ; the suitability
01 many or these rules for our own use and
the department has long' sought the oppor-
tuniy to ascertain their valutby a practical
demonltra ton. , . t J
D1stismgmiishiI Citizen 0 , time South
. \lwrl"uu Ieuhl Arrives.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 7'- , 'lgusl F. Puldo ,
son or the minister of foreign affairs or Vene-
zueh , hs : been attached to 'ho Venezuelan
legaton hmere Dr. Puldo , sr. , Is In charge
01 Venezuelp's Interests In the Important
boundary question new under , negotiations be-
tween the United States and Great Britain.
He Is a veteran diplomat , having been Vene-
zuelan minister to Washlngt when Daniel
Webster was secretary of stale. He was the
commissioner who went 10 London and made
the last request for arbitration . Recently he
came to this country and a London cable
states thaI his visit may , have developed
new phases or time queston , It la said here ,
however , thaI he did nol'see Secretary Obey ,
and that he remained at Saratoga without
giving any attention to the iaternationai com-
phication. Minister Ilternatonal ' New
Yorl to consul with hlm\ \ Since then re-
ports have been current of Secretary , Obey's
energetic letters to the D llsh authonities.
The assignment of Dr. IUIIIos son to Wash-
Ington brings time legaton her In closer per-
sonal relation with the Venezuelan foreign
oflice. , " '
Go'rllHlt Gets the Ln.u1.
WASINGTON , Oct. 7.-Jus.ico Hagner
today rendered the decision ( I the supreme
court of the District or Columbia In two cases
Involving title to the Potcmac fats anh by II
gave lull effect to the gov , rmenl's title to
these landa. The declBlon aim-eady rendered
Involve the main points aM'the largest claims
beIng the suits of the heiijr Dr. John KiI-
veil and the Marshal helrs.1 In both of these
cases the court holds that le rights 01 the
government In the proper arc supreme
and that the grant to time gejvornment by the
stale 01 Maryland Include all the lands along
the Potomac river tvithflp ; time District of
Columbia The decisionls or great 1m-
IJortalto to the District , ga , tbue made lands
embrace sevemjal Imundredcros along the
water Iront. ' . '
Iroms . &ctivit ' ipAerImmfl7m ' ,
Irol Altvl ) ! "runn , )
WASINGTON , Opt t. 4-United States
. '
Consul Warner al Coiogij'o rEports to the
State department that u Iron and steel
trade Is manifesting exbrllnary \ activity
In Germany partly owing the combinations
to regulate sales. Some u ( . time rolled Iron
works have already contracetj for the sale 01
their entire output to the.Pld 01 1895 al high
prices. Wire has aha alllcld and America
has again begun to give orders In the Zleger- I
land for splegelelsen. 11. ( actIvity Is re-
fectell In other.lndustrlea ; the consul re-I
leve ! the Impro\ementa , permanent. as
Germany Is receiving . paey ordf tram
American importers Jaly
COIIUb"lol HCnrcNlror Hse.lnen.
WAShINGTON , Oct , 7-Tho Department
of State has been Inrorl by Mr. Deby , '
our minister to China gmat the Szechuen ,
commission left Tlen 1s11 on the Gth Inst. I
with escort. This comllellon II competed
or Consul Head of : .
TlenTall , Lieutenant Mer-
nil and Interpreter Cheshire , who acts a
secretary of the commission .
Called to Coiiritjjihisde ; 11. . .
WAShINGTON , Oct. 7-AI of the bureau
ofc r of the War de\ament now In the
city cal = d upon Oeea : Itos at headquarter
this mornnn : tQ pay tber tel peel to the
cOlmardlnc general. The mall and . telegraph
also brought many menages 01 congratimia-
tion. '
Mnhommc'M : , , " .
Ulhone' Condi I" " .IDIrO"ed.
WAShINGTON . Oct 7.Gnerai ahont's
condition , whIch \3' very critical yesterday ,
Improved very slghly dmnipg the nlgbt. lie
slept wel and rested comlortably. ,
. . , _ _ _ _ _
- - - - - - ' r
Will Do Place on the Witness Stand
Wednesday or Thurdny ,
U Irc"clC I'imnms Are Cnrr..1 Ont lime
} 'imImmiflIs Cn" , , 'Il no c. time
.Iur ) " Ole " % . .10 rrOI
, , 'ell. " " , I I ) ' .
SAN FRANCISCO , Ocl. 7.-0n the opening
01 time eleventh week of the Durrant trial
tomorrow the defense will ia lIe n final strug-
glo to hreak down time testimony of time
prosecution , a process which Is expected to
last three days longer. A few more students ,
will bo called to the stand , several addI-
tonal citizens will testify to Durrant's excel-
lent reputation and then the defendant himself
wi be cale to the witness stand I Is time
Inlenton or the defense to have Durrant recount -
count the history of his adventures on April
3 rrom the home ho accompanied Blanche La-
mont to school until time hour when le re-
tired to rest In his father's house. I la understood -
derstood that the defendanl's testimony wi
bo guardedly given for the purpose 01 b'll-
tlg off the cross-exanmination or time district
attorney . Under the Iw laid down by time
supreme court or time tate a witness cannot
bo cros-xmlned except upon actual mat-
tens broucht ant upon direct exanmination.
Time defense Intends to leave no loopholes for
the aUacl 01 the prosecution. . .
A schedule 01 time for the close of the trial
- lme coo
Is as follows : On Tlursday Attorney Deu-
prey wi cose : thc case for time delouse : Friday -
day nnd Monday wi bo occupied by Dstrlcl
Attorney Iarc'ln rebuttal : Tucsday will be
passed In further rebuttal ; on Wednesday the
opening argument of the prosecution will be
made , and ' ursday , Friday and Monday the
closing efforts 01 the defense will bo inamle.
Time next day Iho district attorney will close
for time prosectmtion. I Is confdenty : expected -
pected that Judge Murphy will charge the
jury not later than tile moring of'edmmes -
day , October 23.
One : Uln 1\llc" nl,1 Aloth'r Fatally
' \ol.ul , (
TONAWANDA , N. Y. , Oct. 7.-0no man
was Idled and another fatally wounded here
this morning In a riot among boatmen overtime
the question 01 loading a boat at Scrlbnor's
dock. About 150 men were Involved In the
riot and sen.ral pisiol shots were II'ed. Cap-
thin Phiips , owner 01 the boats John Graft
and May , was shot In the head as he stood
upon his boat , and died soon afterward
Phillips' son was struck In the head with a
club and knocked Insensible. I I believed
his skull la fractured and his deth Is feared
Captain Philps broughl his boats down
from Buffalo two days ago and sought to
load out or turmm. Thc boatmen objected and
gathered very early today at the dock to
prevent him. A quarrel arose , and soon
shooting began . The Tonawanda boatmen say
thaI Phillips began It. However lhat may be ,
Phiips was the first to fall. His son then
cut time hines and tile boats drifted down
stream out 01 the range of the pistols. While
cutting the lines , young Phillips was as-
Eauled ud hurt. The shooting brought the
palo ! to the docks , but time array was over
and . . . the men . had dlsperzd. . -
" 'lle , , 'lfe of isSiommx huHnn n.lnl
1.lonlzell In New YeirIe
NEW YORK , Oct. 7-Elaine Goodale East-
man , the famous authoress and poetess , wife
or the Sioux Indian , Dr. Charles A. East-
man , whose unconventional marriage at Ascension -
cension church , qn Fifth avenue , about four
' years ago , created so much interest In social
qnd literary cirles , hs arrived In the city
.Ith her husband on a visit to her father ,
Henry H. Goodale. This Is Mrs. Eastman's
flst visit to the east since her marrIage and
she had many callers from among her literary
frlende She Is almost as youthful In appearance -
pearance as when the hioo a blushing bride
at the altar : ner eyes ar8 as brlgbl aa ever
To her other accomplshments she has added
the charm or a public speaker , and an address -
dress she made In time Baptist church , on
One-hundrefl and Twenty-flh street , excited
the closest Interest 01 a large congregation ,
Many of ! rs. Eastman's friends In Boston
have been urging her to male this city her
permanent Ilome , bul she appears 10 be much
atoched to the west and II Is probable thaI
she will make her home permanently lhere.
One or the 1e"ul. or the I'imilnilel-
J.ll L"xohn""HtlnCon. .
PITTSDU.RG Oct. 7.-Dlrector J. O. Brown
of the Department of Public Safety , who sat
as judge In time investigation charge of
bribery , blackmail , etc. , against certain police
officials , has made a report to Mayor Mc-
Konna He censures Chlel or Police O'lar
and some 01 hla subordinates and malles a
number or recommendations , among thcm
thaI the dectectvo force bo divorced from the
bureau 01 polce and thaI emplo"os be accorded -
corded the right to appeal before being fis
charged. s Director Drown also announces
that h rearer ho will abandon his admin-
Istratve policy and only enforce the law ,
which means a contnual war upon the disorderly -
orderly houses , \blng rooms , elc.
h.I..11 the St. .Jo"CI.h I'
ST. JOSEPiI . 'Oct. 7.-Tho grand jury this
morning . returned three Indictments against
Domlnlclt Wagner tbe priest , one for crimi-
nal assault . anolher for seducing a girl under
18 years 01 age , and time other for abduction.
The grand jury Is IOW investigating charges
of embezzlement preferred against time pries
by members Of his congregation. The three
indictments tured this \ornlng will probably -
ably be nohlepressed , the pries having mar-
ned the girl Saturday night anal she cannot
be compelled to appear against her imusband .
Time priest will likely be prosecuted on the
charge of embezzlement , however , as the expert -
pert who examined the books 01 the parish
says there Is a shortage of $2,000. Bshop
Burke , who reached home from Home this
I morning , says before he left three months
I ago Wagner admitted that ho had mlappro -
prlated $ ,000 01 time church money.
'niece 1" n \S'nyialii , 1111 Shot
BOWLING GREEN , It ) . . , Oct 7.-Inlorma-
ton was received today from Morgantown
that a man named Burt = and hIs Eon John ,
lat night waylaid three men near London , In
Butler counly. All three of them , WhOiO
names cannot bo learned wro wounded ,
one serlosly and he will die. The men were
on 11reback and two or the horses were
killed and the third wounded In the fusillade
or shots that was fired. Tit sheriff was sent
for 01 midnight and left at once for tile
scene . More trouble Is feared.
0010mm , ' ) CoIt'.s CnMe Culled V51.
CmCLEVILLE , 0 , . Oct. 7-The case of
limo state against Colonel A. I ) . Colt , charged
with manslaughter , was cnle- by Judge WaIters -
ers In common plea court this morning.
The witnesses were called and sworn. The
regular and speolsl juror were called , whereupon .
upon , al the request of Attorney Nash , for
the defense a postponement was taken unti
Mses 3 o'clock subpoenaed this afternoon . . There are 309 wit-
Ulrue.1 . Ohm ! 1.ludllr1c.
P1IILADELI'IIIA. Oct. 7.-The Ablngdon
Presbyterian church , time home 01 thl oldest
Preibyterlq congregston In 11onlgomery
conty , and for more than s century a land-
mar al the old York roa& a mie and a
half above Jenklntown , was destroyed by tIre
yesterday , with its eonlents. The congrega-
ton or the burned curch was organized In
11. Lose , $ 25OQO : Insurance , flS,000.
- - - - - - - - - ' -
FROM 1I.t n ' , \"rl : U :1 . \TS.
Scourge Chl " iinIhlcs . l'h"lcllll Pist-
I.w" n % 'e.iding Fi'imst.
SABULA , Ia. , Oct. 7.-The singularly llls-
treulng illness among the guests at the welding -
ding or John Taplaw and Anna Gage Is still
occupying the attention 01 the ledleal fraternity -
t.rnl ) of this city amid other cities . but so
tar no physician has been able to cprretl'
diagnose time disease. Thrl dol21s have occurred -
, currell and eighty IJersons arc confnell to
their beds and several of these are nol ex-
I Ilecled to live. The deall are :
GEORGE : BRYANT . Sterlng , I.
- - FIAKE .
Those not expected to live are : S. E. Day ,
mayor 01 'Sabula : James Dymmes , Mrs James
D'nes , William ii. homer lrs. W. ii. 13cr-
ner , J. n. Gage , John , Taplw , Dr. MaRkery ,
W. ( I. Newsome , V. ' . O. Scarbough , Mrs. W.
G. Scarbough.
The recularly or the disease Is' causing
great apprehension and Is atrlhutablo to the
failure of the physIcians 10 succeuruly com-
bat It. I Is similar to commol forms or
poisoning anl ( Its Imperviousnes to all antidotes -
dotes all Isual remedies Is n puzzler. Saro
or tim victims show every symptom 01 Irl-
chlnosls , yet limo ordinary treatment fails to
eradicate time dbrasl or ala ) time lever with
which II Is accommmpamiied. Thy to be
aflctcl , with ptomaine , and time antidotes ad-
mInistered In case or mineral poison have not
time slghtest tendency to check the In s3.
Time fact that most or the victims were not
stricken until several days after partaking ' 01
the wedding feast furnishes another surprIse
to the phmysiciamls. There are twenty-five
cases In Sabula. In the surrounding country
01 Jackson county are fly or sixty mora
patients. Time symptoms are alike In every
Jackson county Is terror stricken. Those
who are already I arc apprehensive or more
solzur and those who are not I , but were
n "lle wehlng , are , fearful " hal time , ( hiseas2
wilt soon assert IFelr on timedn. Tie out-
called In mtmcim In time
side physicians calell are as mich tlo
dark as the local doctors. I has tram'plrel
thaI after time meats which were served nl
the feast had been coolel the wedding had
been JostponCl for four days. In that interval -
terval the weather was very warm and the
meats became tainted. : U"X I.1XI'IC10X OP G.\S.
Five .Ur'u.h' Urourht Out or thti' :1. .
1111 others Sfl to Comuii' .
I WIKESBAJUt 1a , Oct. 7.-A terrific
explosion of gas occurred this evening 1. the
Dorrance mine In this city , whlo a party 01
engineers were making n survey. I Is nol
known how many men were In the mine ,
but five imave already been brought to time surface -
face , several of them being fatally injured.
At nmidnighmt time rescuers Imad mmiade very
little progress in thmehr efforts to reach time
scene of the explosiomm. FIrelanip mnade Its
appoaraimco shortly after S o'clock , anmi It , was
necessary to do coimsiderable brattice work ,
which proceeded very slowly. There is a
strong simspicion alsa that time explosion caused
a heavy fall Ill time oid workimmgs and timat this
will furthmer retard the work of time rescuers ,
It is now admitted by tim mine officials thmat
timere is rmo hope of finding the engineer corps
alive. Time ) ' all perished In time explosion aimd
If timey were not killed outright they were
suffocated by tilq firedanip. Time superintend-
cot is of the opinion that timey were killed by
time force of time explosion and their bodIes
are probably blmrned to a crisp. All hut
eight miners anti laborers are now accounted
for , V'hmether timciff eight perished with time
engineers will mint be known ummtll tomorrow.
Sliperintendent Chase timinics , imowover , that
the list of dead will not number snore than
seven or eight. Timeso immay bc put down as
follows : William L. Jones , mnining engineer ,
aged 21 , of Wiikeabarro ; William Cahmihi , mb-
hmmg engineer-aqth , 20 , Wilkosbarre ; Llewallyn
Owen , engbnQer , aged 24 , Pittston ; Dan L.
Davis , fire boss , aged 38 ; three unknown men ,
probably Hungarian laborers.
At mIdnIght Is was said at time hospital that
Mihier antI I3ianchard were nesting easier , hut
little imope is entertained for their recovery.
l'rueee.limmgp. sit Ciieyjimne Cmmlculitted
to Settle lime Cimse 1'emi.mnsmemmtI.
ChEYENNE , Oct. 7.-Special ( Telegram. )
-In time federal court today UnIted. States
Attorney Gibson Clark applied for writs of
Ilabeas corpus on bohalfof lien Sin-O-Win
and Race IIore , two Ilannochc Indians und r
arrest at Evanston , chmarged with violating
the \'yonming gano laws. The writs were
grammted and made returnable October 6 , when
the qtlestlon of supremmiacy of the Ummited
States treaty with time Bammnocks or time
\Vyonming ganme laws in regard to the hunt-
hog rights of tile Indians will be biassed upon
by the commrt , After the writs lmad been
grantemi Attorney General Fowier , mepreeent-
lug time state , instructed the simenlft of Uinta
county to discharge lIen Sin-O-Win from custody -
tody on time ground that time petition of the
United States attorney for time writs of imabeas
corpims do not cover time question of wanton
destntmction of game by time Indians ammd timere-
fore time case against Race Horse. which will
decide time qtmestion of kiiling game out of
t'ason ' , Is time only one time state wished to
have decided tinder Umo present proceedilmgs.
Locution of time Next Commt'cnhiism lie-
jeiliIM on tile Omicoimi ,
CHICAGO , Oct. 7.-A hmot contest has been
inaugurated between the Pacific coast and
Duluth for next year's session of tile
National Educational associations convention.
Some tinme ago prominent educators on time
Pacific slope Issued a circular letter to the
roads , asking them to guarantee a $50 round
trip rate from the Missouri river in order
to aecuro time convention ; now Duluth is
after the same set of roads , and. wants theni
to guarantee a oime-taro rate , pmmia 2 , for time
round trip , and says that with that guar-
ranteed it. can secured time colmventbon , A
immeoting of the lines Interestt'tI lmas been
called for Wednesday to take action on timeae
reque3ts. The general opinion Is timat time
decision will ho bOStPOned. A strong aims-
picion exists , imowever , that some of time
Duluthm roads imavo aiready furnished the required -
quired guarantee and that the place will get
the convention.
'imileer Apimoints Ills Staff ,
INDIANAPOLIS , Oct. 7.-Comnnmander-in-
Chief Walker of time Grand Armny of tile Republic -
public issued a general order today appointing
Atijmmtant Bimrbanlc of Chicago qtmartcrmaeter
geijeral , William 0. Olin of Boston immspector
general and Alfred Darte of WIbkesbarro ,
Pa , , judge advocate. Mr. Burbank is cx-
commander of George Timonmas post of Ciii-
cage , time largest post in time country , Mr ,
Olin Ia time present secretary of state of
Massachusetts. Mr. Darte is judge of time
court at Wilkeabarro.
Lsirgi' Lsmiii1er Inel.s himirim.
GREEN BAY , \\'is , , Oct. 7.-At the docks
of time Murphy Lumber conmpany three.quar-
tera of a million logs were swept away by
fire today , Out of seven million feet of select -
lect lumber on the dock from 2,000,000 to
3.000,000 feet were destroyed witim time docks.
'rime boss is $100,000 , Time company's mmmiii
burned September 20 with a loss of $75,000 ,
Time insurance on the entire plant was $7- the lumber is hut partially immeureth ,
The fire was caused by a spark from a tug.
Chmiirles it'lerimio * l's SlimyeL' Aeqim I Iteil
G1tEEN IUVE1I , Wyo , , Oct. 7-Special (
Telegranm-Wayne ) hose was acquitted today
of the charge of nmurdering Deputy Marshal
Clmarlca McDermott at hock Springs last
April , Time jury arrived at ( lie verdict of
hot gulity after remaining out for forty
hours. Time first ballot taken ahoweml ten
jtmrors for acquittal and two for murder in
time first degree. Time same veto was ob-
tamed on baliotli for murder In time second
and third degrc-es.
% 'uite % 'iii Stimimmim iCmmimsmmw.
TOPEKA , Oct. 7-Chiairmmman Jolmit W.
Ilneidenthal Of time populist state coin-
mittee today received a. letter frous ex-Ciov-
ernor Waite of Colbrado , notbfing imirn that
he would arrIve here October 17 to simend a
week hI the Kansas campaign making
petcbe -
. . S S - . . . . - _ . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . , ; .
Effort to Cut Off an Upper Hotiso Prerogative -
rogativo P5118.
Its Cosisitlerat lost hleimmn ins Otitinlimmi
' . 'ithm Ills. Smmperlnr lii..i of time ,
( Iiiureiu-Ney Nnmmmi' ut llsiiop-
Cuntijutor Ailoiteml ,
MINNEAI'OLIS , Oct. 7.-Two nmorn citIes
gave cordial invitatiomms to the house of thep-
utk's of time Eriscopahian convention today to
imoimi time comlvention of 1SOS within tlmeIr
borders , 11ev. Dr. Arthur Lawrence pro-
scnted time Invitation of Ileston ammtl liar.
A. W. Knight of Georgia that of Atlanta.
liotim voro referred to time conmmnitteo witim-
out commimnent.
Menmonials to time late Dr. I'hmihibpe hlrooks ,
Dr. Wnslmingtomm ammml othter elmaceaseti clergy-
mmmcmi were Introduced ,
11ev , Dr. Whhiiaimm I'rall of Ietroit reami
time report of time deputatiomm to time pro.
vim'cial syimod of Canmmda. Its cimiet recom-
nmenthatiomm was that apotimer deputation be
semmt next Septemmiber to time rccemmtiy organized -
ganized gommcrai syrmoti of Canada.
A , J , .
C. Zowdeim of Massaclmmmsetts pre-
sentetl a resoltttiomm lookiimg to the mimonc ilig-
mmIfied obsert'ammco of time FOlmrthl of Jtmly , lie
regarded time present ceiebratbomm Idea as
trIfling and mmot tilted to the cimaracter of
time aimmmlversary.
Aimmommg tile resollitbons was one calling time
attention of the house of blsimopa to time in-
frnctloims of time canons by lay readers , wimo ,
it was claimed , were 1mm some immstnnces cx-
ceediimg timoir powers.
Timore was a simort debate in tue imomso of
tlepmmtiemm timis mnorniimg over tt iropositiomm to
put a cimeck on time house of bisimops by re-
quinlmmff that It simoulml act aim all nmntters of
legislation coming from tIme hiouso of deputIe
within timrco days , or time naimmo would go iimto
effect witimolmi time bislmops' sandtiolm. Time res-
oiution was imltrodimmced as tile order by Dputy
ihiddle. Several ammmemmmhmnents were Proposed
to it and a sharp contest was waged as to time
privileges of time bishops nnd as to whmetlmer
they silolmici he cmmcommraged to sit with closed
doors , Everytiming was voted dowmm , Including
time Iliddio amnemmthmnemmt , and time bisilops will
ho icft wltimemut. restraint.
Anotimor debate caine up over thmo taking
from time caiemmtlnr of a reaoltmtlon thmammkilmg
time bisimops for their pastoral letter of 189-1.
A tianhlaimmentar ) ' tangle for twenty mimimmutea
ensued , and flnaliy time entire mmmimtter was
laid on time table.
Time deputies spent the ontbre afternoon In
debate , and time ommiy actIon on record is that.
they decided to hereafter call aim asslstammt
bisimop biaimop-cadjlitor. This is Iii accorihmumcc ,
with time desires of time revision coimmnmittoo ,
WidiClI reconmnmcntlcd thmo termmm bishop-coad.
jmmtor. Thus was not done without conaliherabie
debate , however , as there was a strong ole-
niont in favor of retaining tile old name ,
"assistant bishop. "
Anotimer debate ensued aver time question of
time adaption Of a termmm by wimicim the head of
the imousem of hlslmops shoulti ho known. At
present imo Is called presiding bishop and
holds omce through seniority. The 'revisei
version calls him pnimmmus ammtl has imimn olactod.
Timero was a strong opposltioim to time use of
Latin and mmmammy words were smmggested.
Anmong timcm were arclmbisimop , hiresidont-
bihmop and primate. Tills last will likely b.
adopto , .Im.h .ti : . . this mssion is stIll on.
Timis cramming thio thurch club of Miorteapo. .
us gave arm elaborate banquet at the Ryan
imotel in St. i'aul and time Amnerbcan cimmu'cim
Sunday scimool triennial Institute opemmed at
St. Mark's chmurcit In timis city.
Tile hmouso of bisimops thmis afternoon appointed -
pointed a committee to act with tIns deplmties
1dm selecting a place for time next canventiomm ;
also a committee in respoimso to the
invitation of time arcimbisimop of Canterbury , to
suggest subjects Tel' discussIon of thm Lam.
baUm conference , to be held wither the lineal-
dency of the fiend of the Cimurch of England
in 1897. Time comnimmittee nipohmmted coimsists of
Bishop Littbojoimn of Long Ishammd , ihiahmop
Perry of Iowa ammd Bishop huh of Vermont ,
Time bishops spent practically cli c' the after.
noon discussing the constitutional revision
qncstion anil adopted three cimapters , after
dnakimmg somimo amendments , wilicim vero not
mnado public. _
'Pried II ) Cut Ills Throat.
BIRMINGHAM , Ma. . Oct. 7.-Near Irving
park last evemming Sam Childress , aged 22 ,
became angered at Imia sweetheart , Sahilo
Tlmonlas , because hio hmad broken an engagement -
mont with himmm and had gone to a revival
meeting with anothmer oman. Chiidress caimme
up with the couple near time cimurcim and drawing -
ing a knife put his rival to flight. lie then
attempted to cut time girl's throat , when by-
standera seized him and sent to the city for
an officer , When Deputy Sheriff Henry Cole
arrived Ctmiidress broke away and ran , but
got caught in a barbed wire fence. Unimble
to escape imo tried to use his iiistol , when
time otllcer shot him in time abdomen , lie was
brougimt to this city and died last imigimt.
- -
Tso Couslims Fight a 1usd ,
IIARODS13UI1G , ICy , , Oct. 7.-News was
received hero today of a duel whbcim occurred
at Maxvihie , a village 0mm time Washington
county line , Saturday between two young
cousins , Joimn antI I'roctor Slmewemaicer , Timey
imad a spat at a cimurcim time nIght before and
after being selmaratcd agreed to go out of
time town limits and shoot it out , wimlcim they
promptly did. After stepping ten paces timey
fired five shots mit eacbm oilmen , Proctor was
simot timrougim time hotly , time ball entering his
right side and lodging In his loft elmoulder.
Two slmots from Proctor's pIstol passet
througlm John's imat , Proctor's % rommntls may
prove fatal , A trial will take place when time
result of Proctor's wounds one known ,
OpmnsI iig IIee'iv ( rM Oin'im N'gotimltiol %
MIL\VAUKEE , Oct. 7.-Recelvor Iligeiow
saya time report to the effect that time eastern
receivers have made amm arrangonmon with
time western receivers of tue Nortimern Pacific
Is premature , Negotiations are Imcmmdimmg. Mr.
Iiigolotv says. and an arrangement satisfactory
to everybody commcerncd will soommer or hater
be made , blit the matter cannot ho au-
jested itt once , Mr. Iligelow timiimkr It vill
be somime tiimme before time matter ) vihl be set-
GIII'I'.I 10 Ieimtli by aim EIi.
ST. LOUIS , Oct. 7.-Wimhho attempting to
save time life of a young doe , henry Nelson ,
the keeper of the Forest parIs zoo , was gored
to ( leathm lmy an immiunIated chit last evening.
Time elk timat caimsed Nuison's deatim was
brougimt. to tiIs city frommi Cimicago about six
years ego , lie killed a immamm wimllo lmo was
confined in Lincoln hark. Tile animal abed
time velvet coat of its antlers a few days ago
and has been iml a vicious temopcr ever since.
Free Silver flcimmccrtn Coimfer ,
COLUMBUS , 0. , Oct. 7.-Seine leading free
silver democrats of Oimio are in session at
time office of Allen W. Thurman to formulate
resolutions to be puhmliaimed advising demo-
crate to support only legislative candidates
who will vote for a free silver senator. Arrangements -
rangements are to be made to send free
silver delegates to the next national democratic -
cratic convention.
Grim miii Jury h"iiumhim One him ! lotmimomit.
SPI1INGFIELD , Iii. , Oct. 7.-Time grand
jury here lisa made a final report semi ad-
journeti , Timey found but one bill for bribery
in time legislatIve investigation , but it Is said
hami evidence of several cases on which grand
jmmrks In Cook and Peoria counties could find
. -
ICilied lIhmi Emeimy mmmiii hiubeimleil ,
CLIN'fJN ( , Ia , , O't. 7.-At Lownmoor , a
somali village about ten uimilea wekt , an ez.
aaioon keeper nsmod Slier itmot and kIlled
.Yoimn Otto anti theim killed hirmmaeif , The at.
isgeti cause of the elmooting Is domestic troU-
bbe in Slier's fmniiy ,
. . . .
' - - -