- - - - - - - - - - . . . I , - I' I IHt 'I 'I'JlJ OI.AlIA DArr.JY iii : 'l.'lTmHnAY oJ'ponmn ) ( ) 1. HW ) , I - tECISLATUHE IS IN DOUBT i Proopect that the Antl.Prizo Fight Bill May Not Got Through. DALLAS PEOPLE ME WORKING hARD IIc""rl' ; ' II" . . it el"r ( " 'r"e'l. Iii ChI' Srstt . 1,1 ' " t I IiiIIgImt ' 'II"II/l'- J""C II ( nhiIIiI..tit I " ' 11 lie ilIic.I III Ch. I. . " . . . . - AUSTIN , Tex. . Slpt. : O.-Only twenty- five members of the lellslatre have arrl\'el up to tonight and . judging . from present Indicatons . It Is IU\ly probable , that a quo- rlm will 013wor tl the roll cal tomorrow. A careful pol of hath houses ly Intcrstc.1 . I.atcs . develqJs the fact th.t from PUblIC utterances 011 the \\I known sentiment of the members the nntl-prlzo light bill will go through the penate with the emergency clause . with votes to spare. I : , was anticipated , that the fight 01 this clatlsk ! would he made more snccessfnly ( In the senate than In the ( house . hit this was a iuitke. The light 10 k'i ' the emergency clalso , will he \Ole.1 . bitterly In the house hy the Dalas 1110pll. ) A committee of hlsl- 10PS men will arrive tomorrow from Dallas nail , wi ple,1 , wih ) the legislative commll ll' to knock out the emergency clause . on the ground that It wi confiscate tholsand of dolars worth of property In Dalas which have been cxppIII 11 on this tilit. Up 10 the Jroent writing , of the e'ghtlen membcrs of the house here nine are oppsed to the emergency clause , anll or this nlmbor four are ont amI out antngenlst oC nny anti- prlzo fpht bill at all. The fact that II ) tn th present time one poll of thhOloe breaks I\"n gIves the rr'enlr ' of the 1.lns flht mahagcmlnt cause to feel gool. anl their 100 < < attorney . W. P. AII OI , tonight stated tnt h , believed the emergency clause wo11,1 , be 110featC1 In thl honpe. SAN ANTONIO. Tex. . Sept. : 10.-itob I lz- sImmons and party who arrived here yes- lerday aferoon , left on thQ noel train to- day ] for tie ' tra'nll quarters nt Corpus Christ . whlrl ho han his work liiiN NgYOlm : , Sept. i0.-Prlor / 10 his ( IC- porturl for his training f'lntes ' In Te'rns (1h't today gave New York an exhlhllon In Matlison Square harden or how he Is training . . 11/ / : for his coming , flht with fob l'itzsitii- licr9. Hp arrived In thIs City about noon t'l- 1iy. accollJnled hy h his brother his trainer nnd ( PIarllpartners , and Immediately re- palr",1 , tn the big gardon. There were nearly 1000 persons In thl ( building. and they gave Jim a rousing rpolpUon ) when he appeare I on tHi arena dreps,1 In luck thts I and n rel , scarr tied , about hIs waIst ( eple crllc'sm. ! ho looked very vell . albeit 19 slowe'l a lock oC training. hut as he has n 10nth In which to put himself In trim for the big contest thr.rt Is I little doubt that hI w : romc to time for the big contest fit and \ veli. . Corhel started wi h his usual t\.s : train- log hy working , the chest anti , writ inachlnc . 1\1 cling the bag. wrestling anti Ilxlng with o'n"nnel ) Ie I folowed this with a very Illy I I glle of honl hal I I , a lid fi ii i shed wih a thrlo Ile rnn. 0111 ( although he had scarcely a mllto's rest during the entire two ant , one-hal hOlrs he fnlshel , lp strong At 8 :10 : tonight the entertainment was resume I. I anl , hltwcIn 6 001 ) and 7.000 sports were pres- ( nt. 'h'r Wfre ahint \olc'mrn'n ( the a"h den In charge of IneIrtor BTokq on'l Captain 1'rkett. ' who controls the once famous tenderloin - loin tl trlct Conselunty ( there was very little sluglnp hy the varhtis boxlrs rf Mcolllar ( ) reputation who amusc,1 the slCta- ) tl.rs Int CorhHt aPlwarel. , 1 St\.c O'Donnel ! oC Australia anl , Jim - , Jh\er oC Elizabeth , N. J. . who wert formerly ! WIth 1'ltzslmmojs as sparing Ilartners , on- jpged hI a set-to. I was so friendly that rrlendl' O'Donnel's nos/- was ble'dllr before the elli of the , ' frst round from the effect of Iwyers Klov' At the end of the third and last round the men , shook hands hut many of thou who sw lthe bout derlaro that Maher would be mare than a match for the h'g Australian IC O'Uounel hoes not Improve Ilforo they loet In Texas. At 1 QcIoek J Corbot jumped through thin ropes for a hout with Tom l ' trrest oC Sheelu- head Bay. In response to a demand for a spe cl. Corhet saul : " LadIes . , and Gentlem THI-1 am going to Texas to ret myselr ready to meet Boh Fltz- shnmons. I have the utmost con- filence In the 1'lorl\l Athletic climb and from what I hutve seen In the flol liye papers you can easily see that wo are willing to flht and W' tlon't wish to come back from Texas withit CUt settihOg. For I my part. I al whiling that the i.'loriila Athlotc ! chili shah 'Iorllu shal Pull otf the lIght wherever they choose. " The rhamplon looked fat . hit ho can easily rellull ( the I halnches lie Is carr'lnl within a month wih steady tralnln . He sparred ( l.rol rounds with 1'orre9 anl , ! folowl,1 , It with a similar go with Steve O'Donnel and nbo\tl that he had not forgotten any oC his clever ring tactics. This \ouml II ) the show. - - - - - - - Ft N Ii I I N"It\I , I' ; ItII.V . "lln.n ? . , All Ito huM ( : I seiiit.l.zik ! I ! HI' hiv fh. . . ) ; ilg. . . .C i'SlVt't'iil . NTYOitl \ HppL 10.-Tho , tlWarlR : t . GrvCsenl todl ) ' , lflualll',1 Alarm , who : "on the first ' " . frst race flU HItlm"lr 19. helausl nf . ifli4lltllCit'iit ( h'cription. " aol . nWlrle'l , the Ialo 10 the Ilonll horse . Palln.'atetr. . , 'l't.ey Ilil COllIe Ipll In the ilrit rl"I also . , fnl' the Im'IIP)1 h"lm\'NI PO 1\1) : . ' that \\'hi. . Hams . ] 'rllll. 1'Ot amI fl'ra.ly got \\1- ; Ial'h. . nnl , lalar,1 , and 1lrf $ :0 ( eai'ii : . ] , 'rl \ 1 1 1 Ihl trainer oC Mnrian woo 01'0 11',1 . $ " ' ro' h"lnl late ot the ( lOSt In thl ' f"t r.I"I lalRln1" Ih , ' favorite at th ( ' " it 'art. ' hnt nffl'i'viud Cnplvl held the pInel nf honor. None of the 011'11 hall a lanop. fur Klmllu won hv a Il:11 : from Captive , 10th fnr nlie'i.l of t'I nthii'I ' ° . In lu I aplve S"I- mil ( Flying Dullhmnn WIS the ravorik' , hit hI I i hlo I I t 'n ( 11l'h ( ( \\'I'ht a nIl Wil an nllo ( 1110 ( I ii I I'll 10 I t lIt' iiit ' O"lhll " 0 tl II t V I ghm thi. \'I1n Nonlll Pooh Iun 11111' 5 I I . In Ihl' h thlll I I N tel was the rl\rlo. AI(1nl" ' Iocon.1 choice . 1)111OePI' thl'(1 ( 11I'IU8e ( ' led to thf . last furlong. whln \Valisi'er ame thru < h nnl ( , after 'n sh.lf' Ih'v" : won han.II ' . 1lmplhhll'r \ II tile f'lrlo ' In the fOlrth l'Ie ii nil , Inllho,1 , IN'ol'l I to t l'oull I r T'nol' . the winner .tlnA Ihl I race InI ' . as hi' 'as wl'l rllll'n Iv SIms. ! Hln . llrlmsIl'as n IU'ohlhll\'I flvlllI II Iho i nfh race ant wnl m'ry euslly. ' 11'ro waR I lIttle excite - Ipnt afpr the I thll,1 t I , raCI' , CU' JIII , ! hlehll .llln.,1 Nick out of I. ittiti ' got him for hII , 'nt.r"II 11'"l. ; $ ltffl. ( ( hums tl 111 e or $ OO. 01 $ . ' . ( I Sn in IIUI rice ! : T'Irit 1 ruce. live furloiws : Iamsln (2 to n I " ( III. Ctpti' , ' ( ( \1) 1"I'cHI11. Premier (1 . to 1 third 't'lml : I o ' . ( SIlon,1 , race . llI' 0111 , ' ( "lxllpnth : Nankl Penhi ( : to 1 I w ' n. I .ncanla I' ( ' ; 10 1) sceonti . Gntham (8 ( tn t 1 ) Ihlrl , ' 'Iml : 1 ' : 1 seconl. 'fhlr'l race . six flr'ons. " , ,111 : \ \'nlt - ! ,111nl PIer ( ( 10 2) ) woo Alhll % ! t , (5 to 2) ) \\nl- . Nick ( ( I ' to \ ) thlll ( ' 11C : 1:1\ : \ . . t'otirtii ' ' . iililC antI , 'olrth rnl'I' mlo al,1 a furlong : ( olnter Tenor ( r I 2) won [ .amplghtlr (13 ( to C ) 81'roI11. Pepper (9 ( to : ' , ) third . ' 'ln\ : 1IVT. : 1"lfh race. 1\1 ant 1 ; half furlongs : Del nrlsh ( 10 2101. . Mlig'm ? ) % ' ( ' (2 ! 1) len enl . , ( 'hiatin ( ( ) 10 \ third. Tlnie. 1 1 : . .t- Ith ra'e. mlo anti , a slxt'entti. selling : 1IIIn Discount ( P\'II ) won , Ieacrmnkcr (2 to ! ) scnmltI. gd FZe.trnoy ( ( to : ) third. Time : 119. : _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ RUINS nl. ' ' 'ln'f'O : . \ J , ' . \I' : I. huh lhinri' Cln. . . . Ch. , ! , 'n".n by " 'In. ulla frnU .hl' Ginn' " . Ni'VOitic. , SPf30. . - Lls than & 0 pee Ill ,11'lr.(1 lt the aroln'b ' thIs aUN'noon until the New Yorls In.1 ( . H.lltlorlq hnd ilrli4lle.1 tile lu"t at I1,1 giSIUC tl year Thl Jllhnorps wun ! wih ease . hait ting ftii.ih C hard . an.1 . e"lleclaY : I" tlit' tlh nnl , plxth Innln s. ' 'h.m was n nUl Re.1 contrast hI" t t\.cn : the lhti.il > oC thIs ) " ' 1 ; amI las t. NvW 1orl < . . . . . . . . .2 0 0 1 0 0 _ _ 3 Ulltmtre . . . . . . . . I 0 0 0 ( 4 0 n n : ¶ HII : New YUIll , S ; Jllhnlrp S. 1'norN : Ntw York . 2 ; Hallmon' . -I. 1 , lrn.,1 run' : - - Itultimore . I. I lia5e Ul I.lh : flif hush , ' ; off t'llrk . ol. I. Strtmek . out : fly lusle , 1 ; Iw ( llrk on. 2. home rim' ) 11.1" . . rln " ' \ o.ha,1 hilt''an l1titi'en. I : 'hll. hGraw. .hIPl' I ! : Jennlns. ! 1"I'1 : lj.t" " : t'tithet' . Alar- forll Clarke 11.1. I t'lhle ) plas ; : I . navis ( nnassi'tfII IOn.rl.5 : HnMe ! In.1 1. 1 i 'al'rl'l ; ( lit rksui. a nil l'buw. ! lmpln' i . : K.'t'fe. 'J'tu.e : One hour 01'1 IC.one ; , , IiII I lii I CII. 1'1.\ ygl AN 1'X''U.INING. : . 111. l \ 1:1.11Sept. \ : . : --Thl' Plhik s , . ' , , . ' : ' h ' ' Ihllm' t. s1 tl'r 1'lS01 ) terl'1In . Jrooklrn hi 1 tcnInnlnlle today The ; hon'.e cm ti Ii'i't t1 al"01 In hlln.1 uull the cll . When the \1Ilrs Iwlll OUl fvrur. . amI te.1 . the ceorc. I 'p t , Ih' I > l'lll h ' the mini l "nR . unlnt'n'SIII ! . ' , ! ! lI3UUC , , Iml9 , . Srort. i'hilaihelphta , . . 2 ! 0 : 2 0 0 0 I 1-10 3lroekhyn " . . 0 3 0 0 C l 1 ( . 5 ( ! I I ts PhllaJthhIh'a , .i ; l"c lrn 1 1 ! r- ro rs . IhlaIIIhla. 3 : lrok.t : , 3. 1'lrl,1 : , runl : Ihlallllphlo. G ; lrnoklyn , 7. Twot 11 ' , (51' hits : Hilmitut (2' ( ' , Taylor , Corcoran . 1.'fllz. 1 , Iall\ ' , kenntly ' - orcornt. . : A nderson , . ( kim . Struck out : By Taylor , 4 ; hy I'nted ) ' , 2. 1olhle pl'I : Grlin to Corornn. Barel on hal : Off Taylor 2i ; off Ienno'h' 3. IIIlerlfs : Taylor and , Orlll ) ' : Kennedy anl , G 1m. 11\.r"I : len- , loren nail , Iurroy. Time : Ole hour itit&l Ify flhihbUtCs. utl M 1.GTml ; IAIJ , STltIIT SColU. WARIIOTON. Hept. 3.-'ashhmigton 1.-\\'lshlnllon atl , I iSbn concluded ( the seaon by tlr ( ' ak. Inlt I oVI'n. The two games ' era pla'el In a coil ! . harp wln(1 ( los\I1 won the Irst anl , lolllnrth would have Icured the INon.1 1111 he recelve.1 Iroller Support . Me. . Ollro tllay , 10.1. the record , for ( ontn ; , 1011 catching hnvlnl iiipt'areh ' In "very 1. ame this seasomi. lie Iai Ilrlslnte'l ' wIth 1.It a silver service. 1.lnon was struck on Itt he elhow In the fIrst and thl % Orstatw Ityan took hil par : ( ' . Sllh\h 11 [ to catch n train. 'hl' second 11" sins cal1'l lt the elli or t he eighth on lcuUlt or larkne s. kuro : : or first galtie : Irstalue \\'n ? hllton . . . . . 0 3 0 0 0 t ; 2 r , a-ia 10ston , ! . . . . . . . . 0 0 I ) 0 0 2 r 0 r 01r 11tR.I : hlnrtun. I : BOi ton , 7. Errors : : I \ Vahilngton . 2 ; 1"'t'l. 1 I himi 1 ned rUls : \ \ 'tlp. hhmtgtomi . 4 : I hn " tOn , 3. 1'wo-tase hi ! : \ IcUuiro H'ln. I'nrtwrllhl 'I'lireo-b.ise hl ! : Hchlllpll : . ityan .10)1 ( 'artwrlght . h . ong. I U 11' runs : Ionul 1 , ( 'artwrlght. flolln i hails : : .M 1'Oulre. St'lbaeh. Hallltco his : j'mont. Ahhe ) ' . huuhll Illn ; ) ' : Mc. Oulro ( unas.hsteii ) . Ja5es on halls : Off lo I w.l. I : off SI\'lt ! 2. 11 1 I I hy } 1t"ler ! : it i ta000ll. 'O'Cl' ' I..f on hnpe : V. aohI- " : : t an . I : 1'llon. 7. Strl'k nut : fly 101wol. ! 2 : hy HU\'lls. 2. l'as'ih , halls : tan el. MS / ctmlre. Baterll ! : Haswel I and , MeGulre'l StVII ! anti GIIZI'l ' 1lme : One hour nod ffy-threl minute Umpire : Iluret . S"or. of second game : Washington . . . . . . . 1 0 2 0 0 I 2 2- 8 lostol ( . . . . . . . . . 1 1 0 0 1 1 : 1-10 Hits : \Vith1ngton . 10 ; lIoston 11 Brrors : \\'Itshlngfol. 7 ; 10ston. 6. Jared runs : Washington . 3 : ; llo'ton . 4 . Throe-bape hit : Demont h Home run. Duf ' . Stolen "aqes : ' L 'P/IIY (2) ( ) . Durfy (2) ) . Tucker . lurrln ton. Donhle bhiLYS : Long 10 'uI'ker. 2. BasIs nn ! b alls : Uhf tlolesvortii . 6 : oFf loliii : 1. lilt hy h Illtcher : Boyd Left on baRes'ash : - ngtofl 3 : loston. 8. Btrl'k ; out : ly Moles- ( w orth . r : I" i.jltin 7. I'iIMClI hII ! : ItyaTi . t lrGulre WII , Pitch : 1II worth. flatit terl' ' : /ol" worth ard lcGul 1 : Do'an enl I h \U. Tune : Onl hour anll Iorty-ll" minutes. I Umpire : hltiret. Attelitlance , . 800. STANDING 01" " TilE 'FEAMS. ' 'IJ 'J'IS. i'liiy&l.Von. . Lo t. 1'.Ct. PIIY"II'on. p.et Balimore . . . . . . . . .130 87 43 GG ( , I ( ' : " \'llln,1 , . . . . . . . Ill 81 .I ( 640 IhlnllllJhla I . . . . 131 78 r- m.8 71 r ( hicugo . . . . . . . . 120 7i OS , 05.1 Boston . . . . . . . . . . 132 7 ou 51.5 l Brookln . . . . . . 111 7C 60 515 . Ill burl . . . . . . 132 7 61 r2 ( ' incinmialt . . . . . . ill ) GO fl 50.8 Nlw 1orl < . . . . . . . 131 6r r : 50 I Wahln/ton . . . . . 129 13 SO 3,3 St. I.ouls. . . . . . . . 13t i9 S 23 S l.oulsvlo . . . . . . 131 : :9 DG G.7 ' 1hl folowln/ table Ihows the ganies won ItHI host by clubs by ferlc9 : . JamlR . . . . . - - .f . . . -I "IS . . : . 1I : = ' ; , B 5 8 I ; = , _ I ! _ . . ? . 3 - I. " " " ; C , . CI.IYP.S. o : 0 : : : ' ! ! ilg r : : : j f ; g 1 1 1 r : "I j I , ; . . I . . ' . . j . . ' . . : l' 1 1 1 : : : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jnllmorp . . . . . . - 'I" ; " IO 17 9 8 9 I ! I . ( ' 1eit.h&jil , . . . . . G. 7 7 ft G Iq ' 7 7 7 6 ii 111'1 ' ' 4 l' hthlath.lphiia . . . ft . . 6 I 8 8 S K 7111 S 1118 ( hihengo..1 < .1plla . . .4 C ) 6" G G 8 I 4 r , I 107 ' / 4/ / . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10/ / Ih oston ' 2 Oj 5 7 .1 4 7 S i C 8 9 ' ' I , ,7\'n' : : : : : : : : : . I . f ; n \ I \ ' . . . . . . . S 21 5 6 .I. . 7 9 at I e all 1 1.11.u:1 . . . . . . r C I 4 G G. . SS \ 5)010.1 ) N "W Y.k , . . . . . . 3 5 I Z S 4 ! 3 4.1 8 8,1 , 10/71 / ' l' ( 'In'lln:1 . . . . . . 4 C 4 7 7 t 7 4 4 , 81 S It GGG , Wnolln/lon , : . . . . .S 61 4 2 alT 4 4 2. 5 511 1 t. t I.'ul" . . . . . . . . . .I 1 r 2 313 3 1 3 G" G9 1.luI9\'II. l . . . . . . .C ! .I.I. .J - 10.1. . . . . . . . . . : . - - COiGa,61 - . - , . I6l5 : O28GI. : . - - - 1'l XIn AJ ' 1'm1mtt'ry-NlI7. I'uaI. . ( 'rI.'ketei's , Sti fft'r n S'r. ' n..f'lt lit I'IihhitIt'Imihilim. PIILADEI.PIIA , Sept 30.-Tho Gentle- n : ell oC Phiadelphia today won the last of his 'ear' > Interatonal cricket matches fem Oxford and Cunibrltlge . past and II'ecnt. by an inning aUI thlrt-nlne runs. ' [ 'iihs gives two out of three guinea to the . ' oC this clt . the University 1IIH'Ifentatve ! city UnlvCrslt ) oC PInnslvania eleven havlnl won the Irst i all the English coleglnns the sc'cond. The present match began on' the grounds or the Me non lrlcklt eluh' at la\crford I.t i ) FrIday . when Iho ( , \1.Itor ! were , ls- . with 198 . missed m for their In.t inning wlh runi. Then the Phladellhlans took the defense nf the wicket and ro\ed up time mfllcent totnl of 401 , thanks to the 1)lollhl stand made m br Bohlen anl , Patterson . whose re- ppect\ . ( cores w.rl 1r und 71 'l'hlR left the 1'n : lshmen 207 to the bad. Before stump ! were drawn , on Saturday they began their second Inning all accumulated forty- nine m runs for a loss of two wickets so that when IlIalI r"sulell today they had a 'delolellY ) oC I" runs tn mulle up In order to avoId Il onl-Innlnl Iletat They were urablt to ,10 NO , and , before the speedy trmullnl of the loral bowlers their tenth . wicket collapsed for a total of 167. thlrty - nine Ies than tile rec1iii&tc ! , ntmnlher. At tlH conclusion or the da ) s play the Eaghisii- t.n w.r' treated to an exlubiiou same of . \nlrllan : foot bail by two tlaml of the tTnversltl' ! of J'eliflIIyIltiil. 'l'ti.i vIsitors ln\.rslt lennslvalla. ; 'h. vlslors \1 : sail for EIrlan,1 , \VIlnesda ) ' . Score : OX1.'OHD AND CAMBEtIDOCI. First innings : P. llchll InnllA , Chant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 V. , T. Chill. h Crl' ar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3r I , ' " ' . Milhigall 1 , c ' Vootl . b iCing. ( . . . . . 1:1 : N. I. ' . Urucl ga c Conies . h ICing. . . . . . . . 26 F' . A. Ihllps. c KIUR . h Palerson. . . . 4 C. J :1 Wilson h king.3 Wiiam n. hlemmingway. h Clarl . . . . . 21 Ii. A. Arkwrlrht , c llroiiie h KIng. . . . 16 C. D. Hobnson : , c Coatc ! h KII . . . . . 10 ' v.v. . Lowe. c Halley , b Clarl . . . . . . . . 3 .J C. Harte : not out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 iiyeil 1 ; leg-byes , 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . 198 fowlIng analysis : B. H. 2t1. W. Paterson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n 87 :1. 3 1 Klnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 : 47 : 0 IItk : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'i 1 2 4 r r 31:11151' : . . . . . . . . . .I . . . . . . : 2L 0 : Hale , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2 1 1 GEN'ril.lBN OF PH 1.DEI.PIIA. . First innIngs . : G. S. Ial.r on. h Harte ) . . . . . . . . . . . 75 I. ' . 1. I Ilhlen , run nut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11G A. :1 " 'ond. st Iltclll , h 1 , Hartley. . . . . S . . W. Noble . \litcileii . h I Iturtley. . . . . 37 C , Coates . jr. , c Ilenlmingway . b hartley 22 P. \ \ ' . lalston , h Arl < wrlgnt. . . . . Hartey . . . H E : I (1regar \Vtsnn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : J. B. King . c Mitchell . "Wison. . . . . . 16 \ \ ' . Hro'l e , e hartley . \Vhlson. . . . . . r : ho.V. . Clark . Jr. . not oul. \\.1501. . . . . . . . 12 H. P. BaIley . b Harte ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 hlyoi' . 22 ; leg-b'o 7 ; wltles , 9 ; 10 ball , 1. 39 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tOt Bowling amtlychs 10wlnl ofllysls : B. n. 7i1 . \ \ ' . Lnwo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill ) 97' : 1 nnrtl'y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 115 r .1 11Jal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1&315 : 18 0 I Arll\Th : ht . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , 37 0 1 MItchell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r l : 0 0 \Vlson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 45 G :1 : 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : ) 9 1 0 \ \ -ltlhel. . I ; Milgan , .1 ; Lowe , 1. Xn iahi-VhiiiOfl. Hun lt the fall oC each wicket : Oxford ! ll ( 'ambrltHe. 43 . IG ( , 130. HI , 111. H5 171. t : . 1lr \ . (11toIPo or Ihla.1llphla. 10. 1j. 19. 25. 2S. :136. : : m. : 3i5. 351 . 101. OXI 01\ AND CAMIIRIIGE. Second innings : J. Mlteht'll . h ling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 \ ' . T. Utli . b King. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : P.V. I . Mililgan. l Clark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Il. I' . Drnce. 0 nnll b ICing. . . . . . . . . . . 46 P. A. Phlljls. \\00.1. . b iluthey. . . . . . . 13 e. N. M. 1 \ \ IOI , \\00.1. . . b fl.itiey. . . . I \ \ ' . McC ; iIc'mingwuy. \\"ooti . b Clart. ! : it I 1. A. Arlnvrtht ( , h \\001. . . . . . . . . . . . . : e. D. ] tpbInon . I No\ll. ! h ling. . . . . . S ' \ ' . \ . 10WI' , not 0111 . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 .1. C. lartleb\ Ring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1)s. 9 ; leg byes , 1 : wicles . 2 ; 10 ball . 1.13 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Uowlli analysis : H. H. : . \V. King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12S ta 5 G Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 liJ C 2 [ aly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 : 31 C 2 Wicks. CII'I : , 2' tO balls . Hulov 1. Huns at fall of cacti wikll : G. 27 , Cl . 93. Il , 121 I , W , 156. 16. 167. - - - - Ihln.t..d I his' 1"IINhlhl..N. : . Nl\ : YOit . Selt. 30.-'h6 New York I Athl,11 club gave I dimmer tonIght 11 the c'u' house ) 'mnulnI 10 Ihn London \th- tulle club n'lrsl'ntatve . The gallery oC the gymnashilma was hung wIth the trophy hflnhiers of Iho club , ' hanllls ant directly In the center or the \aIcalY. In which the orchls- Ira was hIdden . giowlmg electric htlhh'l. a Jlowln elpctrl. legend . rca.ln : "N. Y. . \ . -18213 . " lIghted ent. ' ' hhi . ' Ilch.prlzot , whie balner oC the [ I I I I e. I I State9 laerose ch0mplolshlp. Aithouih 125 CO\'IF werc lahllt was I rather Informal nmfmtir. :11\rhll ) Wlro ma.lo 0)ltor and . var.quihtt1 \ arqulwl1llh. . _ _ . _ _ _ 1..t..r. . . . : " ' 1'1\.1 t I.e 31 11. \ \ 'ASIIINOTON . Seill. 50.-i'at lIornian th" AustralIan . was batched 10 fIght 1\ ) ' 4i.iIhIan , local " . Itlan n 10al 1"1111 II tile Eureka dlb tonht \ , hut at the end ot the sovemitli s.\Plth . rnnul the rerfrll ,1hl..1 that the I'olnhal- ants w.rn "Callnl" ' anti . tlO'aNd ' I "no 1'01'11' _ Ito rey ' ' 'r"hC ? S.II'rl I 11' ' ' ' ' ' ' . Afl.\N'IC (1' ' ' . N. J. Stpt. ; O.-I : rly ti s morln ! Harry \'rlht , the veteran t I . . hm ase . 11\1 lannllr , who II 1'ln/t Ill with I . I O'llhollJ ' pneunionhii . had n tlIlefl ' , attack .1 or heart failure. lie Wtl unl'nnpdol ' for Mome tn ! Inl ( , It \\'IR feared Ihl chili , wns I I ear . lie rnlleth : however. nnl , tonight Dr. l1nnet l iUeil 1 , th following hllln : "AI. l rolowlnhllln t hough Mr. Wrl"ht his heel / II n critical I conlltun during the rD ) ' he h. now restl ! e 'Rller , nnt Ir tie does not slitTer another sller I elapse has ChiiLflCeS oC recovery. " fl , vi : m.i : ( OI.N - ' 1'11 11'1S.'f. . " ' , .sterm " , " . " . . . .C.lr.l" I lit' " ' ' 11 1111 11..1" . . . " C , ( ilrviilt. qINC\ . Sept. 30.-The Wester as- polltOI managers had 1 meeting hero t oday , with all cities represented hut l ) ubuque. The lincoln climb was formally nwnrlled the ICilflhlnt ) . wIth PeorIa second all , leq Iulnes thlr'\ ' Applications for rut. mission ! were received Crnr Denver anti , 'F ern' I haute. hut the circuIt wi not he la.le . untIl thl ( mll.tlnl In ( 'lilcago . Novema- hpr h 12. Ehirlghi t uf 11101n ala ) ' lie gIven the omaha frnnhll. anti , no ( ( further change IfII' . Olcors wi I not t he eleet'ti untl I I lie Iwxt II'eUnl . \ p " rlpnl I instead of the gU'lrantet plan. will Ilrl'VII next ! E'Ron , an,1 , thin salaries of lmmpirt'M . wIll he raised . - - ( "III'ICh'r ( 'lit thit' All4'luimillee. 'l HI g IIAITE ; . S"I1 30.-A cell north wln(1 ( cut the attendance nt the openlnr oC : the fall meeting or the Terre haute 'Irot- tnl n oclnton today. In the Ir9t race . \xlnlhl WitS the choice . hut she broke g iting Under the wire In hath heats and the r ate wal Ilnlc.1 , . by 1'1Ipctrll.lwl ' II Inl : \ . l ie II a Nlwmat klt. Tex. . colt In the spe. sil- ( Ial race fur 3-ycar-olds Ax'wrth cap- lr,1 , the spootul heat In 2l5i : . rCllucln his rllorr rifle and , three-quarter seconds. The winner nf the 2:2 : pace Is a green mare her h Irst mIle In 2:1 reducing , her record rrnll' at " 'lln. 0. . this Iumler three amid o ne-half seontiq. Summaries : Two-year-nlll ( trot jiuro $1 ( : Electro- phel won In straight hoats. Time : 2:21'h. : 2 .21. Axomahl second Sliver Lake thlr.l. . A rgiiros . Barones Marguerite and Evahhim 'r lros. ! llrllerltc vnln IIRn ! tartell ( Three-yeur.olii trot , special : Axeworth won the scconl and thIrd heats anti ruce. ' 111 : 2:15 : % , 2:23. : Hlslel won the iirst htat In 2:271,2. : Maggie B was third. IrRt othl'rs started. 2 : : Pace. purse $1.0 : 11le ' won In Itmlrht heats. 'lml : 2:11 : , 2.H. 2:13. : Keen Cl.t"r ( second , . Belle Ore thlrl. , Euclid , Ilhhle M. ithiurlel . The .rlWe9s. H G. ( Vera- w oed . ZlbUI and Cadet Ilso started. . ' . . .1. ' . 1"'rA'n " ' , 'nf fl SI.'ei , . ClNCiNN4J1'i Sept. 0.-1 was raw foil . Ioll ( nt Oakley today ant the Il"lulance qufercl In consequence. ' 'lw feature or the ti ny's racing was I careless ride of the star J joclte . liergen. on Corrigan's filly , Moha. 11,1 i ( Leading and runnIng easily ( Iown the stretch. lie eased . her , apparently to male one or the artistic grand Itand fin- shies for which ho Is so famous . hut I\'r- Ill larlmlss came fat tinder a terrible d rIve a 11 beat him out. Summaries : First race . selling . Ix furlongs : 'Slr Duke ( S to 5) ) % -on . Judge Dennv (4 ( tn 1) ) secomiti , Royal Choice (0 ( to 1) ) thlrd. Tim ! : 1:15 : * . 8elon,1 , race . Purse . "Iven furlongs : Lot- tc MIlls (7 ( to 5) won Dominion (6 to 1 sec- 011. hogail ( I to 1 ) third. ' 1llc : 1:28i' : . ' 1hlrd race . ptmrse. lIve anti . a half furlongs : Myrtle lar knees ) (4 to 5) ) won . lobalall\ m to C ) RPconl , Marquise (1 ( to 1) ) third. 'l'lme : 1:09. : Fourth race . han.lIP. mile anti an eighth : Henry Young (5 ( to 2) ) won. St MaxIm (8 ( tn r ) second . Blckwa ( to 5) third. Time : 1 : SSth. I."fh . race . selling . mil nail Ihree.slx- teenths : InF"o (9 ( to 5) won. ant (2 ( to 1) sl'cond. .Iano (8 ( to 1 third. Time : 2:02 : % , Hln' , ' Ch. , . ( 'hnllll"I" 1Inl'll.f. . INDIANAIOI.IS , Sept. 30.-The Indianap- ols base ball team champions or the \ Vesti Irn lea le , arriver ! over the Lake Brie & \\'estl'r raIlroad at 10:30 : hiM mornIng. The privatI tt t ! sleeper In which the pennant win- ners t traveled Wil ; profusely decorated with hc la h s Iml bunting . and on either side DC the car was fastened an Immense hannpr. bear- t rig : "Tho ( hnlplons of the Western f.lnguo for IS'5-Tho Indlanapolla Dali ( Iuh. , " A special train from this clt ) . . on- talnlna t hand and talnln/ a many base irell fans , . Ilr l this city at 7 a. 1. RIII met 111 chnm- plonK nt 'lipton . and escorted them lionie l ' lly 3.(0 Ijeopll crowd ell In and aroUul the tt union Itaton when the train reached this city. The teqm . , headed by a hrsl ImlH1 l , and , followed by 3.0\ rnthusilstic ran . mnrchcd to the Grand hotel where a re- ( elton wns held. ThIs afternoon the Cin- cinnat ct Hlls and the champions paraded the principal street at the city Iq tallyho talYho oaches The team will bo banqueted Sat- , uT11 ' nlht. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , HII.'A nt Sh'lUpId Silt"f..flr ) ' . C CAGO , Sept. 30.-The second day's ' ra . , c . at the new Shelelil track waR ex- t rc'm..ciy salsfator ) ' . The events went air wh spirit anti clo ene ! . Judge Murphy "sat" Jockey H. : lalo\ ' down for the hal- ance of the meeting. Summllle : First race , six furlongs : Jucanla (2 Ia 1) ) \ Oil . Liberty hell (7 ( to 1 ) second Lawyer ( G to 1) ) thlnl Tlnw : 1:21 : Second race . five furlongs : Excuse ( I to 1 won 14tzzle 11 ( S to 0) ecomid . : Inorva (1 ( to 1 Ihlrd. 'hm' : 1:03. : ThIT race six furlongs : Our Maggie ( ( I to 1 won . Newhouso ( to 10) ) second , Annie : [ als (5 ( to 1) ) thlrll. TIme : I:21' : , . . ) 1:21. Fourth race , seven furlongs : laldur . (5 ( to 1) ) won Imp. Wolst'v ( S to 1 second , Gllcon (2' ( to I ) thlrll. ' 'lmp 1D6l,4. Fifth race six ftmrlomigs : Bllo S (8 ( 10 1) ) \ on. Outgo ( ( to 1 second , Samson (3i4 ( to \ ) thlll 'flme : 1:21 : % , . (3'1 - - H..I. lt IIii' n'"Crlt. ' SAN HANCISeO , Sellt 30.-hlesults today - day at lay Dlstrlot : FIrst race six furlongs . selling : Elmer F won. Lady Blue second , Bra\'or third. 'rme ; : 1:15 : % \ . Helontl TitCe . five furlongs selling : Itey . \la won Model second , \\'arrgo third. ' 'flme : 1:02. : 'hh'd mace . even furlongs . selling : Male Dlallo sven . Captain Hees secoriti nlmUS thlr.1 Time : 1:26' : . Fourth race . one mile , selling : lon'en voii . Nephew second Halnllrop third. 'Pimp : 1:1 : % . , FIfth ! c ( one mile. 8elnJ : CII\Ius \son Hoehl11 second Olivia third. Time : 1 :4. : . _ _ _ . Y1114' h.rC ( li. ' nf 1..1 1."c " 'I. NEW " YORK . Sept. 30.-A special to the \\orll from New Haven says : Manager Da ) ' oC the Yale Track Athletic lenin created , a surprIse In collle tonIght hy ! n. nouncln that C. Foster " Sanford the run- 111" wunld not be allowed to COmlKto ngalnst l'amhrll/e on Salmla , ) ' . DurinI the Ytile-Ilarvarit . gaines last spring San. , ford had 1 condition In his sttitile. 1. . wno. therefore . ineliplblt' for the .alo ( cain , ' :11 lS , t ) \'all learn that meets ( 'ambriiigt' , vti : be taken from wi < ln frm men who were eligible to inset harvard Sa nrorl will le ruled out. Its wllllrwal l ° a\'lR Yale without their strolIst man - In - the - - 30 and . - I "nrd run. " ' 11 G"- ( ' 11' CoIoust.is I 1"II'IC. II. \ IH Sepl. O.-\\'hle the cham- plonshlr uC the National league was still In douhit DIgb ) ' Bel wired Manager : Ie- . Cioslcy oC the Loulsvilles. Cloll y I.ouls\.les. oferlnl that , tpam ii. [ benefit Ir I would win a game from ' (11t'vehiiiud. l.uulsi.'llie won yesterday , anti . today Mesirs. Tyler and Doano for the 10mJan ) ) " un'l the tat"r : fixed Saturilay . Or' toler 21. and the IcnleJ ) ' , this cl ) ' , all I the time and place for the bcnent. ( - - - - - - - 11)'nr n"'II'sh..1 Cn Sh'I' Ch. . Plah' . FIAI'KFOI' " Ky" , Sept ? o.-Oovernor Brown has : issued n strong pollamaton to I the I mayor of 101IF\10 and cheers to stol ) I \lurlih-GrhtlIn f ht. onClrN - - - - 1..I" " 'hll' liii' IiP(1MII'rM. INDIANAPOLIS , Sept. 31 -I xhlhlton game : CIncinnatI . 12 ; Indianapolis . , . . o 31i't linihist " 'nlll S'nr. I \'lnr ) ' . BUlN , 1 . Sept. 20.-Women st'ors'd l an- : other victory amen : the MlthlJIFts tOlby. The Hock River conference hy a veto of 12 10 27. deeldcl , In favor oC the ndmnieIon of r \men : S dcleStf to the heneral confer. itce. Every prominent minIster In thc can- ferencl voted Crr the wOnpn. . , " 'omll ul.1 : Inn In'h .1'I.I. SI'\"I.IA. : Io. , Sept 30.-WIllard Dyem . ' nnd Lucy ' Mchioi ems wl'rl held h ) ' tile cora- nl'r' jury bullY . for thai murder ot 'lhomp- son Wal ( ( Slhmla : night. D'I I ! charged with thl killing. un,1 the wonUI ) with hay Inl rurnlshll Ihe ) 111 tol. Both Ire chargel wih mnrtlr In the first tl'HII. - - - - - - ( 'hll'I'II. I . II" f""I" ( 'n n"I\'r. iI'1NVEIt , Sept. : -TIt : n"nn r Times ' , this p\'enlng annnuaClS : the probohlt ) . at the transrer : of Archbishop Chappcle ( ron Santa Fe . N. M. , to Denver , as n resll oC the deliberations oC lie Irlhhlshlps ' at Ihelr culr nl'ltn 10 be held u t'A hlnston , D. C. , this week. -V . . \.1..1 nf " "UI'111 un . lit's . Pl'3lthtV . 01st. Sept. O.-A peliCan was I htTOsdlltet % 10 the district curL thIs ltrllnK : askimig ror the reuimortli or the . Iskln ! rrmo\ll IUlnt ) coni 1 molssioners ot Noble rouily ( QI' mal.llmln : I 1st ration In othlee. T'ro ) ' . otoe. 'l."ro Irl 1r"a "nB for r1 oval oe tf wh'ch ' 1 s Ie ' \ \1 S b b's 10 audit aecouitltil , . - - - - G'rlior .Vorri I I lleh hllIiim'fl'i'li . IIA \ \ ' ' " ' 1 A. 1Can. , Sepl. : -.Govenlr MorrIhl's condition I much Improved 10It ) . : ml he left In the afternoon for Topeka r I Ii . \ : J tlht : ! ' 'I'U ( 'fl I i SI'lvl.l.at. H"I'I"lol 'of liii t're..t to I I hit' 1"0111' "f ' I'orl I..rr. . \'ASlllUTO4 , Spt. 30-SItclal.- ( ) Secrltary o 'tle Interior Smith has rendered a decIsion re\'crlnl the cclslol oC the com- mlsloner II : the general unit . omce In the case or meharll ' . % ' . Mathleson mna'or of Fort Pierre , SD.amiut ' Charles 1' . S. Tenipihmi. ' Tile cOlllslon ; ' decision . which was rendered December 21. ' 1n , held In favor of the city . but the ( secretary In reversln the cohuhllIe- sloner's decision dismisses the cOtest and de. chores the pntq' of Templn 10 bo hehl Inlact. The tract Inyolvel In this controversy are lots 2 and : or section 31. 1 to\nhll ) 5 north. range 31 eSat Back Ills iiier.dian , Pierre laud ilIetrct. , : These los : are II the lorth one- hair oC the Muthwept ' 1101 tel or su.tlon 34 anti are malI fractional hy re sol of the me.lnterlng of the MissourI rIver al the east and what 15 known as the "mie s'luare" ' on the north which was set apart for tovn- Sil' purposes by seclon 22 oC An act of con- gres approved March 3. 1831. Tomplln made his homestla,1 , entry of the land . August 13. 1831. On July 16 . 1892 , Mayor Ialhle- eon or Fort Pierre nell al aml111 oC con- test a/alnst / the entr ) . alleging at the ( line of oltr ) ' and prior therlto the land was em- braced In the corporate limits of Fort Pierre : that there ' \ere municipal Inproverents on It ; that Templn had Imowlelge of IheH' facts : that his entry was fraudulent and colusive. and made for the ( 11rpose oC se- curing tItle to the ( land for others and that he as mayor was authorized to secure time land ! for the henel oC the OCCU')3nts ' thereoC. la'or Iathleson ) also Iresentd , his ( leclara- tor3' statement for the entry or fald land for townsle purposes under Unltel States &tatutes , alleging that the land wag contiguous to the city of Fort PJerre and Included with- In the corporate lmIts thereto the same ha\- lug been surveyed ant plotted Into blocks lots . streets ant alleys . and together with that which the city now has Hle to Is not In excess oC the area 10 which 1lt city might claim right to ; that improvements had keen male for munIcipal plrposes by grading - Ing streets and erecting bulhln s thereon , and that the entry f made for tile several lisa and benefit of the occupants of said land according to their respective Interets. The case was first tattoo before the loral land ethics and as a result dissenting opinions were Iliad . so that It como to the land omce for decIsion. The reglster's decision was In favor oC tht city , holdlnh that the tract ha\- lng been under , the municipal government efFort Fort Pierre at the time Templn mallo his entlY , the same was "Invald 1\1 should be canceled. " Tile raceivor however foull , that Toni ph in . the claimant I , having mate setlement upon the land . before Fort Pierre was Incorporated ant being the only actual bona 1Ie , resident that has ever been upon the land I beleve his claim In equity alt Justice to be superIor to that of Fort Pierre antI recommend that the contest be dismissed. " In tlecltlnl the case Secretary Smih prac- Ical ( ) ) ' sustains the dllsln of the receiver or tii . local land olhice . The secretary's decision In this case Is ole oC the lost voluminous that has been rendered for sonic time. The lme. entire history oC the case Is recited . wlitch : together with the text or the secrctary's de- cisiomi constitutes twenty-two typewritten . pages. The secretary says he does not think tIle charge oC collusion Is stmstahmieil . In fact the contestantmn whom rests the hurden - of proof , did't ; offer any testimony on-i'lls point l In the case In chleC. That which he dhl i ! produce was In rebuttal . alter the posio tire denial by both the entrrman and the person with whom lie conniving was charged. THe secretary gives at length the history oC the townslte. the ' 1lstory of Temphin's connection with It being given also. I appears thlt he built a house on thl three lots l that ho purchased and otherwise Im- provcd tbeui and establshed his residence here Is the' latter part of AprIl . 1890. and has contnlM , 10 live there with his family over since. ' havl\g \ put some $ worth of Improvements on the tract An interesting Incident In' ' Hil case Is brought out by the statement ( or the Cacts. I seems that when the applcaton tt enter this par or the town as tIle "South Side additon to Port PIerre" was rjectcl hy the local officers on Juno 20 . 1891 , those tVJIO were Interested In the lander or tile eo.cahletl town company begdl' ' to < e- vise m " ' w'llch tier could secure title to I. alit 'e Is some evidence tending to show Hla . . ore was originally an agreement made or an understallnl had by which Templn was , to homestead , the land and commute It to cash entry and deed It to the parties according to their several Interests. On examination , however , he found ( tint ho coul1 hot make the entry os suggested wlth- out committing perjlry. and 10 then con- cluded t ut ho would take UII the land In his own namc as a hcinesteaii which he did on August 13. There Is art attempt to show that hnmedlate ' aCer this entry was mate anti on the s.lme lIar ho promised these par- ' ties to carry.ut lie original agreem'nt hit the secretary says ho dos not think the testhnouy , Is sufcient to warrant such a con- clusl n. The secretary also says that 11c does not think there Is any testimony In the case that shows that the town oC Fort Ilerre ever extende(1 Its jurisdIction over the land In contro\'ersy. "This being true. " he says "and there being no other resh10nts upon the tract 1 would seem as I the land was subject to the entry oC Temnplln. He certainly was main- taining his residence thereon at that time In good falt' . " The secretary ) says that It seems .to him t'lat this contest preceding an applcaton to enter this land on behalf. oC the mayor was not made In goo faith or from an honest deslro to acjumire additional territory for tile city , as It . shown hr an agreement made bctwI'n the olcers oC the city and the former clalnant of lots on the land In controversy that the latter pnld all the ex- pensl or this contest anti t1mt tile city was plt to no cost thereror whatever. There Is no apparent ilocessity for additional territory at Fort Pierre , TIme tract was not Ilhraced wihin the lmis or the town lc. and there was no actual settiegiicnt settement on tile land for townsie purpOes. In concluding . the secretary ) ' says : "I Is not the Intent or the law to wihhold Crm bellclent and entry such lands as Indl- vllua's ' might designate. or select without authority as the site for n probable or pros- Iectvo alto cr town " . - - - - - ( ; UIII.NUS ISGLi410 Q1..tlt'l'I"3mts. llu' 1",1. ' 1"1 IIlrUN Chlra"II nl'h ' S..lu'luA 'I\l , tU II A f ; rl" . SIOUX I A1.LS. S. D. . Sept. 30.-Speeial. ( ) -The hands of the two gamblers chargE with seduction and criminal assault have been raised Cram $500 to $2.000 each. They could not furnish even the smaller bonds. At their preliminary hearing Saturday the evidence was so stron against Ihlm that the ( courl raise their bonds. Their names are Charles Bell and Joe Shannon two potorlols tin horns who have lade themselves moro or less obnoxious around , here for years. The young girls . Ella Drinkwater , aged 1 years and Maud Odehl . 'aged 15 . told sad Olel.ped years toll a story of being enUcet to the rooms of tile gain- bIers and Iopt fthore for three days . some days being t < let anything lu cat except fruit and wine. ' 'ho girls Implicated a wel l\oln married ' man of thIs cRy In their downfall. Thel men have bee remanded back to jaIl.and.Xbere Is every probabilIty that they will serve long terms oC imprisonment In tile { cnltenfar ) ' . Thc girls wilt doubteu be sent lu tt = tall reform chool Sn"lh flilLohil's ' 1"1' i'milr . moux 1.'AI.IS , S. D. . Sept. 30.-Speclal. ( ) -Thl state fair opened today. The exhibis will Car surpass ' In quantity all quality any- thing ever ; - , : a South Dakota state fair teretnfore. TIinjspecial alr3 tons are num- erOUN and the ' blpgest kind oC a time I antlcpated. Twetity special trains will be run from all over the state and 80ullwestern Mm- neso'a and north " 'estern Iowa. Tomorrow night wi occur the editorial banquet given to ( tie editors oC the slate by the cit ) ' . I will be a nr ) ' elaborate affair. i'3. I W. Cald- veil oC the Sioux Falls Press wUI ha toast- iiiaster. Among tile speaker will be : Senitor Plgrew of this city , Senator A. II. Funk oC Spirit Lake la. , Mayor \1lams DC this cl , J. n. I Reeves oC Groton , it. J . Dowdel ) or Artesiemi J. W. Shannon of Iluromi I L. O. Taylor of Alexan.1rla. . S. J. Conkln of Clark. Oforge W. 1lnssblry oC Yankton J. Tomhineon . Jr. . _ nd lon C. S. P.lmer of this . city. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . \1' Pul lt Siiiol . rrUI "rllr' I Fires . TOII I ' A. Kan , Slpt. 20. -A sl'eclal to the Capital from CQley\'le tau : The nt- noFphero which ( verhanll this , " 3ctioa p elelts a queer , hazy appearance tonlht , CflSl'll by smoke front the lani hirab'Ia fires i which are known to he raging In the territor ) south of tiara. The gras In the I .trip II In many places eight feet tall , rn,1 when It Is on fire nothing can stol the J tam : . ! I PALACE ' OF ' PRETTY TINGS Oroigbton Hall l Garnished by Booths of Good Shepherd Pair LARGE ATTENDANCE ON OPENING NIGHT I " 'htmil I lit. 11.llr" " .II'lln nlil " 'h. A re' Iu I Chlr/l' or 'l'h'I-II'I- tUn' lOfTet'ts 'n Colors , The formal opcnlng oC the rail for the ' benefit of the I lame of tile 0001 Shellherd nt Urclhton hal list evenlnl was nn aU . llclolS llglnnln of an enterprlso from which much material I aid to t the t 1 net I ttl ( loll Instlton lIs antcipate , ! I.'or days lie members oC the Catholc churehCs oC the city ha\'o bl'en hart ! at work that the entorllrlst might In no sense ho unworthy of the calso It was 11 slgnel to aitl Tile Interior of the hal was trmrnrmell Into I scene rrom fairylantt where rows of booths In which artistic erect 1IlIlll with elegance , fled the room with bright colors which were at their best advantage under lie brilliance of the oltrlo : higits. 'he colors are mainly the same. The moro delicate tints of whlo and pink Iredomlnato , with just a snr/eston or yellow and rl.l to perfect the picture. . I scarcely needed the array oC pratt ) things with which the booths were loaded to complete the illusion . all when the booths were peeled , with theIr quota of brightly arrayed alll enthnslastc young women 10 passerby could reuse to coutrlb- ute his mie toward tim home that has kept lan ) a soul from ruin In the balcony overhead on orchestra Ils- coursed luslc which was In pleasing harmony - mony With the bright colors and pretty cos- tunics amid all over the hal the managers were kept busy ntlltln to the people who cme and went. I'ather lcUe\lt 'Iad general - oral charge oC the undortaltn . anl , ho was asslstel bY a numerous corns - of ushers and - - . - - - _ m _ u _ utemlants : - The booths 1ne ! three sIdes of tile hal and vary only In the arramigenients of the colors. Festoon and rosettes of colored tsSIO paper furnish lie greater part oC the decoration anti the colors In each booth blend wih the others Into fn effect general harmonr. The first bcoth on the right oC the entrancc con- tains the confectiomiery . which Is dlsllensed hy Misses Emma Falconer . 1.lzzlo Casters , Julia Mullen anl , Nellie Thompson. Next coml the booth Ilrepnrod by SI. Pat- rick's and tile Sacred . heart parishes , which Is devoted to a display of various attractive items In fancy rtieles . which arc to be prizes. This booth Is In charge of Mrs. J. T. ' litmrice . Mrs. George Clcffner . Mrs. James 1ndsO ! Miss C. Knight and Miss Cannon. St I'eier's and St. CecilIa's have a booth In common , which also shows a .lsphy oC 1lc- lurcs and Cancy arthcies. here hold sway Mrs. John Murphy . Mrs. T. J. Foley Mrs. B. A. Waiter anl , Miss Mary Thompson. One of the prettest of al the attractions Is the tissue paper booth whIch Is charge oC Misses Antis Daxon. NannII Innnnn fI ) Marie Bnrko. The ilootni ; is - profusely ' ' bimr- i ' deled with scores of artistically contrived orlments \'arleagate.1 color which set or the lighter shades of the pavilion. Misses Etta and Clara ' 118ses Crellhton have c harge or the hewer booth , which Is designed nel In i the same attractive colors The Hewers and potted plants which line the Interior show In strIking contrast to the general pink and whie effect and help to form one oC the brightest pictures In the . hal. This booth contains the han.lsolo Iprlsht pilno which will be the clteC prize. The Goat Shepherd's display oC fancy worl < occupies one booth . which Is In charge of Mrs. General O'Brlen and Miss rancls. Another fancy work display Is presided over by trs. Martin Kennedy . Mrs. J. J. O'Connor Mrs . 1' J. Dunn Mrs. John Little amid Mrs. Thol" McShane. Thl del booth , which Is literally loaded , \111 dolls of nil sizes ant varieties , engages the enthusIastic attention of the children , and so ntractl'"ly are the toy babies arranged ( lint the chllrcn are not their only admirers. Misses Nellie ileelan . 1.11t Mullen . KatIe licelami OoMIl Murphy ant Blsle Icmroy ha\e charge of this hooth. An Ice cream booth at tile left of the entrance - trance Curnlshes light refreshments during the e\'enlnl. and this Is In charge of Misses Maggie Pagan and Anna Gleason. The fair wi continue for two veeks . amI the large at- tentiance of the first ' tenlance frst evening promises more than the usual success. 1 NAMIIi ' J 'l'll lO COM M i'l"l'i0l1i ION. it "lllhlh'II" " ' 1t't'i I I glllu'.r 'l'h'lr lOud of th ( ' l'ul I t i'ztl Figli C. The republican county central committee has been selected a follows , ' with John Lewis : : S ohalrman : FirstVardR . K Paxton , P. M. flack A. ) . \Valkup. Second Dard-A' P. Houck , S. A. Corneer , Joseph Kavan. . Third Ward-Frank Heacock , John I.ewls. : ate Brown. FOlrth Ward-G. Anteron , I Smith , M. hiattan. I Fifth V'aid-Dr. fliythln , C. F. Franklin , \v. 11. Mallory. Sixth Ward-i , M. Gihlan , it. E. Ostroni , E. C I I rn nfl' Seventh Ward-it. 10 , Palmer , it. "IV. Tay- br , It.V. . lireckinridge. Eigiithi Ward-Toni Crocker , It. I' . Doiman , L. W. Fiirnas. Ninthl'artlNnt selected. South Oinahia-1lruco McCllhlocii , P. fly- land , I' . L. hughes , Alex Schlegel. McArdle--Not selected. lOlirhiorn-Ooiar W'ilitmiey'3 W. It. Ttirner. Ciiictugo-C. hi , flanker , I ) . I ) . McLean , West Omaha-h , M , McGinnlss , I. 0. flaright. Fiorence-Jolumi Simpson , F. Leach. Jeffertmi-Ii. C. Neuhiais , II. B. W'alilron. Unioii-Sini Forga' , Chris l'etereon. Vailcy-W. G. Whitniore , A I' . Akeriunti. Iulilharil-F. J. Bleick , C. ltoilwer. Clontarf-Ll. 13. hopper , E. S. Stout. iouglas-hl. J. Itoesslg. Amidrow i'aim. last , Ormiahia-Not reported. 'm'm"3L.m1 U A1'IIIC ii It I I i't4. A mnonhimnemit 1105 been erected on the spot where iue : Stamidisit first landed In Massa- C ilim set ( a. Ir. (1. Clay , tue defaulting treasurer of Ironton , 0. , has rctumriioil ailti was Piaced under arrest. The steamer Margaret is ashore in Chesapeake - peake bay , mear Fort hiemiry , an,1 all 1iroiiably be a total loss. Tue Kentucky Methodist conference lIas voteil iii favor of admItting vommien to the general comiferenco. A dispatch from Colon states a rupture of diplomatic relations between Colombia and Vemuezuela is imminent. The statue of Mozart , which is to be htlacall In the rotunda of the capitol at Washington , was cast Monday at l'rovitlence. Vaniiais at Tiickahoe , N. J. , dug up the hotly of Mrs. Mary Wallace , amid after miuti- kiting it left it. exposed in the cemetery. 'rise schooner Johmi Itober is ashore ner Sommh ( Chicago , A portion of tile crew was tircuvned and the vessel was a total loss. Tile laka steamer Mate's anti Ma'aba are reported - ported ashore at iCeenwenco l'oint , near Sault Ste. Marie. They tihh both probably be ml total loss. Samuel , \'oolmier says lIe has not matie amiy compromise with tile new SViiIzk' ) ' trust and knovs of mio effort ImI tlit line licing made withi independent distillers. Jim Smoith , one of the W'aimpaca'ie. . , traIn robbers , vas captured Monday evemilmig at Neenalm. Jack Conmiers , another of (110 ( rob. hers , wito was witit 11110 at the titne , etcaped. The teatimnony in the Colonel Forney court martial at New York lies developed the fact that it was common practice for tue othicers to usa government coal in their luarters. Tile Maritime exchange has , after an in- veatigstIon , exonerated the otthcers of the I'rince Oscar from fault in the recent colii- 5(011 with au unknown milmip , lii Which both went to the bottom. The fire and poiice force of Argentine , Kan. , has all been disimargei1 owingjt,4he iack of ( units , catited by the shutting lii ) e ! 'iu sa- loomis , Lull hlcemise mooney froimi which has been used to [ lay them. Mrs. Martlai ( kiyton of Clt'volanil , who Is Clung for a divorce end wile has been confined - fined iii an insane asylum , nurprisoti the court by walking immto tile court room , having escaped from the asylum , vIs' , . , , ' ( ' Th ' . - - ' ( : i p - - _ - _ _ _ - ' - 4r-- . . 2 - JI4wk" I//(7).rYJ ; eEiii , ---i % ' - - ' _ _ - - s -t - - - . - _ _ . , - Ahi- w never be LAFGET PIECEOFGOOD TOBACCO EVER OID FOP 10 CENTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - About Rugs. If you have a place to usc a rug 3 by 6 fce.t t1US is a time to buy.Ve have rc- ceived froln 1-owgatc ! & t\lcCrcary , Amster- darn , N. Y , manuFacturers of "Imperial Smyrnas , " by far the best Sinyrria rug made , all their sample rugs , bought so we can sell them for less than they arc sold at vholcsac ; aIl one size , 3X6 feet. Price 'I while they last , $375 . D RAPEIHES should be mentioned , as our line of new goods arc here ; tile effects tre so new and artistic and the cost of materials so low you vi1I be interested. Furniture coverings in the new colorings at selling prices. ORCHARD & 1LllEL1 CARPET' ' CO. .tthI USEi I'N'l' . -"tr , TON1i lIT B"tr j I _ Tuesday L.ST l'lOtt1Omt.tNC1I. ! A Stage Full of Fcrniuliie Beauty , SAM T 'M1l1t' ' ; iltras'agaazis , I , V t Thirty hiamitlMonic % oIiieii , Cmi ( lie Gorgeous. Captivating Ilurlesltuo , tIle "Bull Fighter. " r Specialty Acts 6 3 Ballets 3 A mliii I.LI.tN'r nlo\S'ILIr.hiMlNT ot' imn.mtut , If oou stay away you'll kick yttuistif. Seat sile : now open at tile followIng lirices : e'lrtt iloor , tOe. 7.c : anti 31.00 ; talconi' , Ove and 7e : gallery , 21c. 530 heats at &Oc etICh. LOC.tl. IhmtlOvtTiI'Iil. A black overcoat was stolemi from Ii. Elate at Myrtle hall last evc'nhmig. Tile Seconil'arti Citizens' I.eagiie cilib vihl hiold a meeting in tue Lamige iiuiidimmg , Sixteenth anti \'iliianis streets , tills evening. The gemieral commIttee of tile Citizemis lie. ( cmi league held a protracted niecting last evenIng. Anothier meeting vlll 1 hei,1 , at the same piece at 8 ri. in. thus evening. l'atrohmnan l'Celley yesterday received mu tale. gram a'iuumicing tue death of his mother , Mrs. Margaret Kelley , at tiritigowater , N. V. San FrancIsco vapors are requasteti to take notice. A young son of Jamne Winston fell oft of street car No. 71 , in charge of Coniitmctor \Vllcox and Motorman Sorensen , cmi l'ark aveiille last evening about 5:30 : o'clock. iio was not badly hurt. 'Fail Powers , better kllown as tile leather of ( be "l'rowers gang , " was arrested yesterday - day afternoomm at l"ifteentii and Cass streets. The 1.011cc ailthorltiell have i'anted i'owers for seine ( line. lie is chagcd wIth assault and battery. ldward Grim was robbeti of a small amount of money at a tllsrcputmiliie house , 207 North Nintb street , last night. On Ills comiiplaint tile pollee raidett ( lie place arid arresteti ldna Jones , I ° ay Stamitomi and Josephine Rogers. Union l'achflc cohincil , RO'al Arcaniimmii , has accepted an 111 % itation to meet wlthm l'iommeer coimmicil In tile hell at 1311 Douglas street tomorrow 'vvlling. TIle members of ( 'muon I'aciflc council will rendezvous at ( ho Mu. lard hotel at 7:30. : On Saturday last were nlerrlel ( by 11ev. Ir. J. 2it. Wllsoii , Mr. Charles F. Arnold anit Miss Itena GlInhierson , 110th of Sioux City , at tIle residence of henry Falvey , 2008 Oak street. and Mr. lavtd ) M. Lerigo and Aihss Itose 'oas , at the resitlenca of hobart Ale. Klniey. I. Spyer , a Chic.'ga mercilant who 1105 been stopping at the Millard , is mmuomlrning thus loss of a hantlsonio dIamond stud. On Friday - day iilglit Air. Spyer caine over front Cormncih bluffs , amid i'biie in the rlmotor car nuticed that a small negro jostled against hIm , but thmougilt nuthiliig more of it ist that time. IS'hemu he reached the hotel , Iitiwcver , his foumiil ( list ( lie friendly straii&sr iimitl borrowed - rowed his favorite stud , Tte deteotlyci v.t're notified of the loss yesterday afternoon , AM USD31 ION'm'S. 1IGHTON TATRE Tel , 1531-PAXTON hitJiJUSS. ( Mgrs. TONICIfl' AT 8:15. : llvesyhtody l going ma see \v. A. flhtAmY'S l'itOLIUlOl'3 I'IOOiT iC'rlOW I 5 I ii e BY Cotton SUT'fOri ( _ _ _ VANl , : King MUtIIIOO WCCliICMdLlyUMhmul Prieoo , Conning October 4-6 , Charles E , Cahiaparu' . great scemilc productiomu , 'COON hOLLOW Two Nights I1JJL1 iU Only , \Voiiisday \ and Thursday , Oct , 2 and 3 Direct from an absolute conquest of New York anti the Pacific coast , TilE IILILESISTIIILE COMEDY , TOO IfJCPt JOlr4soi'4 IVitli W2.m. oiLrwr'rlo o all of tilU ( Irtgl lii ; 1 Coiiimimly. , Mamiagenient of CIIAItLES FItOIIMAN I'rlces-First floor , 75c , $1.0' ) anti ; i.0 ; hialcoriy. 500 antI 75e ; gallery , 2Cc. Hale of seats opens Tuesday looming , October 1. "WirtIi1s Music HaU , Cor. 10(11 IiIItI Iliurmicy THE DAMM FAMILY lJ.DhIS' oI4cui1s'rnA , Every Ey.'tiin' fromii S to 12. tti Itt I ll'U "I omid ny , 'iii urstl ilY ii mlii b'ittlm ru a , r froili .1 It ) 5. ioloIst.a on Vloiin and Cermiet. COmIlO riti hear thio finest iatly miusicimtmms ill 11w coumitl'y. Dr , G. GOLDING 'I'l.i' Abut llI'hllihhti Ii imil MiIt'.sfui , Sli'l'iit I 1st I ii C hI , ' 'i'r'l ( I Iil'Ilt or iii I l'rl in ill ii miii Scum' , ' I IilstltMI' $ at 11 en , Treahtostit by niall , CurrelponletIce prolnittly ItiiSStltLh , ( nsuhtlllion ( ci' . aitd eoiilidolhial , 1)Ulee htoirii , S a. in. to I p. ni Ciii or wilt. Ihuntisys , C in 12 , Consulltleu rooms , 04 an.1 205 1)uugIaS block , hi , la' . Cur , 1Jlb ( lotlgw. , Uiuutiu , Nab.