Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1895, Image 1

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\ Demonstration by the English Fleet Has [
; . 1 \ Snlutr Effect .
'h'lrn 11''IIII"III. . for ( III ! AUII'I , ,
Vlnl 1 1/I"h I , 'I""lnllrh' " Uc- I ,
gi ' stiIi'iI rnl' IU ! 11,1 . OIi'r . Of-
flclstls to lie 11i II,1it4I .
, lelll. t. Ic 1.III.hl. .
WASh INGTON , Sepl. 30.-"linlster Denby
cabled the State department from Peking' '
today as folows :
"llllcrhl ) dccrce Issued. Abstracl : Re-
Rponslllly for Szchuen rIots rest with am-
I clas. ! \ccroy ! careless : look no notc
of the beginning of the riots , lie Is deprl\'cll
of 0111cc . never to be employed Other am-
elate , "
to be punished
ThlB would Mem to Ldlcate that thc crisis
Impending In China Involving a naval demon-
I straton by the Irllsh forces bas been
averted for a time at least by a compliance
with the tlrlnclpal demands of the liritish .
I cannot hI learned \ hether the decree concedes -
cedes nil or thr demands made , and the con-\ \
I cram makes no rercenca to the sweeping
conditIons Impose by the Britsh mInIster I
that the guilty ofcials le punished by BUS-
Pension for three years In nil promotions and
Illpolntlents In the civi bervLe In the Ilrov-
lace of Hz.uen . ,
Viceroy , whose tail Is announced ' , has
been In trouble before. I Is alleged he was I
found guilty last Noveber of approprla- I' '
ton of funds and later on the French investigations -
vetgatons showed that he was responsible
for the Chen Tu riots. lIe was ohlhed to
pay an Indemnity or ; 30UOOO lo the French
Catholic mIssions . from his own noeket.
'fhe conclusIon which has been brought
about nppulenty h ) British threats will not
Involve the alandenmonl of the Independent
Investgalon Into the Cheng Tu riots which
hus heen ordered ly Secretary Olney. There
has been a change In the Ilersonnel or thc I
commIssIon ; ) and Commander Baber , the
naval Iltaeho , who has fnlen I , ha ! hon ,
relieved from duty as a commissioner I ) '
Lieutenant Commander John I' . Merrill , ex-
ecutve onler or the United States steamer
. talLmore , UnlEd
The reason for the delay In orranllnA and
sending forward the AmerIcan commission
to Cheng-Tu has just transpIred. 1 arose
from the Inslslene of our State department
upon ellln/ the commission overland In-
stead of lp time Ynng-tse rh'er. The
Chinese government wa , ' extrem Iy imuwll-
hog to hnve the Journey malle In that I
fashion while I had no objection to send- I
lug the commission up the river In a steam-
boat AB the de11rtmont felt that the pas-
, pag" or the commission overland , through
. the hrla,1h or China , accompanied ly a
. . tormidabio scort. would have a most sal- ,
IIp utary oprt on til . Chinese . reslmhlnA as It I :
would. a , Iemonstraton In force , the point
was Inslstfl Ipon and I IB felt thal a sub-
concession etammtlai advantage , has been gained In the
IOO . SIpt 30.-A slleclul ) Ilsllatch
from ! han/hal says that Alhnlral : lulcr ,
with fourteen ship belonging to thc Urlish
fleet In Chlle e water , will proceed on
\V'dmlesciny next to Nanldn and IJresent the
viceroy of that place with Imllortant dls-
patchl. I
Time ofrlalB of the foreign office this afternoon - ,
noon In answering IIUlstons on the subject !
slatCl lhal a Ileere ( had already been pub-
lshed In time PekIng olclal Gazette ordering
time viceroy of Szcehuen to be strllJplll of hIs
rank for falll to prolect time mls.lonarleJ
' In his district and lS a warning to others.
t. I Is further directed that ho shall nol bo
. again permllll to take \ office. The decree
nice 11enounced the offending , omclal's subordinates -
ordinates , for tailing to tale proper action
In the eluereeny.
LONDON , Scpt. 30.-A dispatch from
, . Peting to Renter's agency : eonOrlB the news
I , rlven eut by time British foreign otce today.
, a 11 ! excitmslvejy cabled to the Associated
prelS , that the Iecree , has already boon nib.
Ished In the Peking Olclal Gazette , ordering
that , vIceroy or Szechuen , 10 stripped oC
his rank for falling to Ilrotolt time II son- !
arles In his Ilstrkt and that he be not Iler-
mltell to aguln hold cmce. Time Peking dls-
pate' , aIMs that the FrenciL minister to China
yesterday dflalllld reparation for mission
outrages on French I suhjocls
'I'he Thnls wi tomorrOl' Ilhlsh a ( lie-
patch train Berlin , which says that time Chinese -
nose govll'nlent has Informed Germal that
the lellcrs : or the attack 1110n the German
IIslon at Swaatn have been arrested III
' . . imieaemmres vill be taken to arrest others ,
- leasures wil ; camP -
ecrnfI ,
P - - - -
1.\.I.'Cl\ 1'ltHISIS I IIDI' : It tJm.I. :
AlIegei (111"1" * Sil , . to 11" " 11"1
) Iiiiit' \lh t .11"tu : I'GII'II , ' .
iON'rItiii I. , Scpt. 30.-Dr O'Sullivan of
I I.mertcl ! . lrelall , one of the delegates to
( the Irish e . l'enton held In Chicago last
.5 week , Is In the city lie mate a statement
' . today to time effect that a compact had leen
t malle hetwecn Jnstln ' and , .
McCarthy ant Ht 110mm.
t Arthur J Balrour I ) which the former
promises the government the support or his
followers In return for Irish heme mlo. II )
O'Sullivan says he hall the news from Mc-
Carthy's own lp > . anti Is only afraid that
tlC resolutonB p.asOti at time convention may
luterflrl with the plan. )
. 1"111'1'11 .r l'I'ur.
PARS , Sqlt. 30.--Tho services over the
remains of Pruf Louis Pasteur , who ( lied on
Saturtn ) ' last \1 take Illnee In the Cathedral -
thai of Notre Dame on Saturday next. The
remulus will le deposited In the re-
If' colvlng vault oC Montmarll cemetcry ,
I and fnal tnlerment wilt tale place
. on October 2 : , the centenary oC
\ the foundation of the French In.tltsmto. The
dIrectors , members sad .mplols of time lnstl-
Into vlol'll ( the remains this morning , whIle
I the gener.1 public was permlttd to 10 time
\ ame. Ploral wreaths and other such em-
S blrms of mouring ! arriving from mill
. . parts all are beIng deposited on the bier
\ r - _ . _ _ _ _
1.llkllrl'r IIAII. . I ii " ' " ( ' ' ' ' .
I.IIA , PIU , Sepl : 10.-VIa ( Gah' stout ) -
t Sir lenry ' ) ' h' r. time British , raIlroad immag-
miate has arrIved hero In the Interest of
. British , of Peruvhm projects
t. , , ItNldent Plerola Edit a salutation to the
visitor upon his arrival. I Is expected thnt
, - I the mater Is "rOIe ) I ) ' halilel tile visit
! I wil he or the Itmot Importance , both to
I'rrn al.1 to the bondholders , The marlet
hero for 1lallheBI"r goods Is Impro\'lag
'p 11"'r'I'w-III ; : liii " - ChltI"II.
1 I I.ONDO Spt . 30-Tho Westmlaster Ia-
I : ele thl3 all'raon Publishes a column In-
) tervlel with HI\ ' . Wiiam ii. Milburne. the
t blind cllplain or time United States senlle ,
who , nccor\n ! ! to time Ilper mentoned , Is
drawing large crowds to time various chapels
) In I.oudon where hI h. 1ln requested to
reaCum. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1'11.1 Inllr I. I I , I hUIIIe.
I LO = UO : Spt. : O-hc I venlnl News
today e : \reues larl cllorialy ns hclng In-
dlgii'mit at the fact tti. . : Mr. . \Imerle hugh
1'.iget. an atacho of the Drltsh leg\ton ! nt
. , Wlshlllon , lisa ordered a two amid one-baIt :
rate . twcnt-se''n feet bug mint ha\'Irg e
.r tin c Tollu bronz' . from the hierreehort , .
, \,1"11' ( Iii thl I I/IIh iIe't't .
IALI'M' , N. t. . Sept. 30.-There Is great
actIvity among time North Atlantic squadron ,
now In the harbor here IIHI It Is ho'leve to
be tie result of time Mosquito coast ollcul . '
The HuuLler : all :1\lcIEnl have Tcetvrll ) ,
orders to sail III " . Ill I. , \0 f cr the West
Indl'8 en \\lu\ ; .Lty. . \ -
Cy'Iomi' : . jj-t I U I f lr 3ieIe'm .
P hAVANA , Sept 30.--TIiu cyclonic disturbances -
turbances ha\'c recurred In ( tie ceiltrul hart
of the Gulf of Mexico , and are lIkely to cuter
tbE United States through New Orleans and
.pallch ICO I 1.
. - . . - - . .
_ ! =
r - - - - - -
'I'ItJtI'S lI.t \1' : 1'1.1'1' 1'0 1)0.
eUhl1 I I "u rA"I I. le..11 Vim ; 'FI.'I r
1''rl"'luu.1'1 , ' 11 I I ) ' .
IIA\'ANA , Sept. 30.-OfficIal advlce re-
ceh'ed here from hirigadler General Gonzales
Mime say that the column of troops under his
command has hall a skirmIsh with the In-
surgentB ' at CalmbroslO , near : lanzanlo ,
province oC Santiago lIe Cuba , with the re-
suit that the enemy left three killed anti four
wounlled on the field The IJme column of
troops , I Is addeI , , had a brush wih the In-
surgnls al htmmoylcite , The Insurgenls wlh-
drew and c.urle,1 , wIth thtm their dearl and
\ ounder On the governmeut side one sol
dler was kIlled.
Dspatches received here report that the
hoops had a twen'y-mlnule sklrml"h wih the
Insurgeuta at Carhlall where , after the ar-
tiery had opaned lire , the enemy Was Ills-
persed , le\lng four 1 < le1 The troops , It
I Bald , capturell the Insurgent camp and ,
made prlsonerl of the wire ant famiy of
Juan lasso , the limsurgemit leader.
At the river Jo , It Is Icportcd , an Insurgent
force ambushCl a detachment of Spanish
troops , killing ont IJrlvJtl soldIer und wound-
Inl Captain : ! ! _ : lno7 and .Ine ! private _ Boldle .
capti : ucneral Martinez ; lie Camllos lel
here tii't , mornlu for Santa Clara An 1m-
l'ortant ' engagement Is reported to have taken
Illace at Potrelo lal Varas , near Sant ( Splrl-
tile , province or Santa Clara I Is saul that
Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Hulln , wIth the
battalIon of Grenada , two eQmpanles o' time
7amora battalion. one company or the
Chlclana lalalln and two squadrons or
cavalry has dIspersed a body oC ,500 Insur
gents , commande,1 , h ) Coslllo Sanchez , Legan
and Za1S , after t1pturlng the cnemy's IJO-
! lon , The InsurSEts are reported to have :
lost IO In killed amid wounded Among the :
loiter arc SJche ? amid Legon amid the list I
or kIlled 1 Inchuld Roberto Plnarl. On the
gO\'ermcnt side fourteen mon , Including
Colonel Hunln , were wommnded.
- -
rulmu" 1"1 " lu H""I'U tl Si'iv , YII'I.
NEW YORK , Sept : O.-Stcamer Ant\ar ,
which arrlv2d from ( Naasatm
I at Iluarantine room = nisau : ,
I brought eight IIHSClers whIch she toolc out
from Now York on her bat voyage to Nas-
sau. The mcn were all Cuban3 all left this
port wIth the apparent Intenton of pro-
ceedlng to Cuba wlr , I quantity of arms
and ammunItion , which had bren loft on the
Grassy bay. Unfortunately for theIr cause
a coasting sl0nge nshcrman , whIle In the
vicinity of the hay , esplell ( the munitons or
war , went ashore and took them on board
the vessel and . "r rellc,1 to Nus1u ! , where
they were elzCI I ) ' the authorities. Tim
eIght Cubans returned In the second cabin :
of the Antliar and seemed much Ishearl-
cued liver the Ill . success - of - theIr - adventtmre.
Clhll" SOI' ' " Afrl"ll 11"1" .
hAVANA , Sept O.-The Burrenler or thirteen -
teen Insurg.nts Is nnncunclll from Sa ua.
General Sanchez today 11nlshlII to African
prions gluardo , Tama'o , prlldlnt of the
autonomist party nl Santiago do Cuba. In
addition , Anlonla Bravo AlfrPllo Betnncourt ,
Ricardo Lanra and Antonio Masterro pronl-
font persons , and Harael Salarln ant Jose
Olva were sentenced lo twenty years' Imprisonment -
The Insurgenls , It Is slated , ha\'o burned
time ralroall staten $ at Cagaguas . In the
Salua Islrlct. all two farmhonses at t'osea-
hand , In the provlnco of Santa Clara.
)1"11 CII1 ( ' 1,111) ' A lmtmiiim'il.
SAN DIGO , Cal. , Sept 30.-AB a result
of Consul General Cones report from San
Francisco that a filIbustering Ixpcllon , has
been flel out there to capture Guallaloue
Island InstructTJs have been received by the
MexIcan ofclals at gmnuara to watch for
any susillclos vcssels. Mexicans In San
Diego ridicule ' time idea that any raid Is con-
templated. , _ _ _ K _ _ _ _
SCIOIlgU'II ( n D ox 'UN I.\D.
Cr'n' of NIhr , ' "I"rh'l tl lie
I rn"1 , . ,1.
1)ULUTII Sept 30.- special to tim
News-Tribune from Saul Ste. MarIe , 1lch" ,
says : The steamer Shuck . which arrived
( ToWn this aftem'rmoomm , reports that while lay-
Inr to for shelter In Copper harbor , the City
oi Paris came In there anti vent ashore
'on Flat Hock. She Is up iound light. The
steam barge llirktieaui , towlnl thc schooner
Chester Ii. Jones and glma , lumber laden ,
to Ogdemisbmmrg . lost her consorts off \'m'imtte-
fish yesterday immorning. The Jones Is at
anchor three mies west or Whle-
Osh Point. The mma Is reportell
as foundering wih nil hnndB lost In
: Iunuslul la ) ' . I carried a crew or eIght
amid was ownll ly \\'arre of Tonawanda.
The only names of the crew oltalnahlo are
Captain John 'rimurston wife mind chIlI The
Irlthlar IB safe Iller Grand Islanml. The
other comisort the Commodore , Is waiting
hrro for her. The tug 1onlon has gene lo
Whltensh to try and rescue the Jones. Her
crew have probably been taken off by time
Vermilion Pont ! life saving crew , which
went to her this morning. The captain or
time lalger State , arriving al the Sault to'
night , says tim JoneJ Is above Whlensh
Point and wi go to . pieces before niornimig.
I'U'I' UI' . \ : : mNIiI'IxIs. ' I' 'I'H'WI' .
nl.l nl'rll"I' Cl ii1 , . mc.e'Imti'
. tgitI list Al ) ' ( oiiiImI lime t huts.
NgW YORK , Sept 30.-There was a con-
venton of time good government cluls of thl
city lonlght to decide whether the ) shoull
make a comllnaton wlh the othcr forces
opposed to Tammany In time com II/ municipal
.Iccton or put an Inlopendent tckel In the
nell After much rebate It was recldell
by a vote or 79 to H , elch elul havlug one
vote , lo make InlepCHlent nominatIons. The
following ticket , recommenled by time executive -
tvo committee , was placlr In nominatIon :
For county elolk , John T. J.ockman : for reg-
Isler , Charles lauvel : for Justices of the
SUllrcmo court , Hamiton 0(111 and Meyer
Iaacs : for judges or time court of generl
sessions , Thomas Allison .
Alison and George I.
Adams : for Justces of the city court John
A. Beal and I.oul I , . DelaOlll , Two placs
or the ticket remain to be lilletI. The party ) ' was
chrlstencd the good goverment parl ) ' .
Wheeler II. Peckham and Charles S. FaIr-
chid were among those who took part In
time meltng ,
'l'hr"lh'l Cu sedk , ' Uuul.'ss ; 'l'II'lr I , . ,
111,1 h Cllllle,1 \iht.
SPRINGPhiLD . Ill. , SelJI O.-The mlne-s
of time SprlngOel1 district met In convention
today tn this city , State i'reaidermt Jams
O'Connor or the MIners' union presiding . cml
tivemity-emno of the twenly-elhl mines In
tile district were PI'esentml I was declde1 !
h ) unanimous vote to demand GO cents per
ton grcss weight after October 5. Time pres-
Int Ilrlco Is 35 centS. I was , Irclhl to mlts-
continue work 1t all mines refuiug to pay
this rate. \1Y
OTTU.\IW.\ Ia. , Sl'pt 30.-The coil miner -
era al Mystic have rcfus.d to work longer
than tomorrow al , thl 11resrnt scale and I
looks as If there might be another strike
In . time Centcr\1o district. A mJsa meetIng
\i.ili bo htll tomorrow at Clnler'l and unless -
less their demand Is granted It II Idle\'ell
they will qui , Flte n hundr men are em-
\lo'ed ( In ( the district . .
I.t'I' ( ' 1' ' 1'11 I'IICI , : nl 1.\11 . \ .
, \,1'11"1' .r f..1 Hi , . 2 : C"lt" I
' ' , , , . . .
't'e ue C" )11" " .
Ni'YOltl ' . Sept. : 1t--As ) 1 rsult of a
consultatIon b t\CI the large eOJI pro'Jucars.
1\ advance was made iotlay In the line
prices or anthracite 'fhere was imo gen-
eral agreement , tint price were put up from
)5 te 25 cent 1 tomi The Ilhtown advanced
:5 cents , 'hl. advance , I Is said wi maIn.
lain the normal dhtferemmcc
diference as compared wih
the tIdewater fguru , No ah'ance will be
made at this tme , I 19 saW , In freights on
anthracite. The rate from the mine to tide-
water 18 fixed at 40 per cent of time seln I
price on the bulk of the coal originated ' from II
Independent eperators , This , lt the present
price of coal , mallcs the : rate from .40 on
stove to $ :0 en broken sizes. $ fxed
rate now I. aleut $1.25. TimLs rate Is expected -
pected to be advanced In time , but 11 all
probability not unt the market Improves.
. - . - : _ - - , . . , - - - -
Wife Takes Deadly Revenge on nor nus-
bnnd's ' Paramour.
Alleged Parmour ,
UI"/II"II' nOr..1 "lh I 11"cllh I ,
, \tUr. ' 1111 I 111" , . lit'mmri 11 Orc-
P'"II'U ; " " Shouts hums I I
1'.r.I" , . . " . " . .IU'II. . \
AI.DANY , Ore. , Sept 30.-111 particulars : I
of time tragedy by which Mrs. I.otto' hyatt
la3 shot amid , fatally IljUel1 at her home :
near 6clo , a small ant remote to\n In Lynn I
cotmnty have just been received , and altogether - '
together Ihey furnish n very str.tnge story of
a womnn'8 murderous jealousy. I
: Irs , John Hannah , , I ; years or age . amid ,
the mother of a fanmiiy , donned masculne i
garb and false whIskers and last Thursta ) ' I I
night entered the lmoimeo or Irs. I.ote
Hyatt and shot her twice. Irs. hyatt , site
beloved , had estranged the afeetolu of her
The Hyatt family , together with : r. i
Elzabeth 10iman , Mrs. Lale 1)'att's' '
mother , live about n quarter oC a mie north
of Jordon'B store a little settlement eight
miles from Sclo , and emi ' 1'hurdny evening al
dude , theIr home was approachcd ly a man
who Irly demantell adniittamice. ThIs
helnr accordel , him he enterell timid drwing
a pistol toll tie Inn"lles to throw tip their
Illts anti say where .hey kept lhelr mane ) ' .
Mrs. 10lmon. aglll 8 : . resented the Intrusion -
sion amid prompt ) seized a billet or wood
amid gave the Intruder I sOUII rap emi the
face with I , being . instantly knocled down
for her temerlt
lavlng quieted the aged woman , the man
turned upon : lrs , II'at with hIs slx-shooler
anti began tiring. One shot went wilI , lut
time sacommd all thlrll Btruclc the unfortunate
woman In the heall and erie sank dying to
time floor. The robber , lo make mire or his
work lent over the Prostrate woman and
shook her vIolently to ascerlaln whetlr she
was dead or hot 'rhls act was wltnes.ed ly
: 1rs. lolman , 'Iho regained consciousness
about time tme , Time .coundrel ted and Mrs.
10lman made haste to Jordan's store for
Several men who were nt the store
hastened to time 1)'at house and did all Iii
tlllr power to succor the stricken wom < o.
They found on time floor a imat . a flhe mus-
tache aIm a pall of eye glassls. Some ana
present recognized the hot aB the property of
young Hannah , and this announlement pro-
clplated a search for the young man , who
las not fount until early immoruing. When
charged with the deed , and confronted wlh
the hat ho 11enll,1 , the kllng , hut admitted
that the hat was his property , declartng fur-
timer that hIs mother had borrowed I the
ovenlng before . but for whlt purpose he dhl
not know remarking Inchlentaly that she
hall not relured homo until 1 o'lloclc'ln the
morning. The s.archers Immedlalely sought
out Irs. John hannah . the boy's bother
uniT muleI mlnaclnl < ncstonlnA she lt
length broke down and eonrcsbel that shc
had pimt on a suit or her husband's clothl
and her son's hat proceeded to the hyatt
cottage thus ( Iisgmmieetl . and shot the woman ,
Robbery was only a blind In time case amid
time deeper ImJule oC passionate jealousy
was the real motvc of time crIme , as It has
heen long Imown In time country there that
Irs. Hannah was jealous of her husband
amid Mrs. hyatt. Time wonldle mur.loress .
was turnel , over to time ofccrs of time couuly
smut now lanculalre In jail , while
her Ilctm , though still living ,
Is 1eYOII hope of recover )
HlV . TllGS TO SUI'I' ' 'VIhl3ISfli.VES.
'l'UII. \it C " . iI'pi V'rletd . 'Il Ice Chlr/ "
ur * lie mtt.gIst ml I . . ilouks .
ATLANTA , Gn. , Sept , 30.-There are signs
of trouble In the TIII'I congressional district
over time stleclal election to le held Wednes-
day. Tom Watson and J , C. C. Back , demo-
crats arc time candidates. A special to the
Journal from Augusta tCllay says : A party
of democats , Inchl"I/ two expert registry
clerks , who went imp to I.lncoln county to
examlno Into the registration books . returned
Ihls morning. They sn ) thal a son as lucy
arrived In time county runners were sent Into
the country , marsha.lnA armed bands of
\Vatsomm's supporters , who Intmidated and
thrlatene violence to the commi lee at every
stci Time ) ' were not alowed to see the beak
and were told not to touch l'nem nor lo
assist the registers In expediting time work ,
Time erralHl of time conlllteo was fruitless.
Iembers of time eommltle say : "An ) ' of
Watson's sUllporters who felt so disposed took
the names of voters In small note books a til
were this was asiced called " registration. No luestons
Time registrars have thrown out a number
of votes , I\ut \ WatBon's friends openly and
bohl ) declare that every man In 1.lncoln
County that wishes to vote shah vote . reghi-
try or no reglstr The frauds perpetrated
there are an outrage on law and order and
even upon decency Time supporters of Wet-
son In the County say t'lat lid 10yllO WrIght
visited there when he Intended to a few days
since he would nol have . returned alive.
Im FIT lit hI.OWI' I'I'S CII "S.
Soli ur 1 CIII,111 )1 I I U" " I't -
" 'IIt" eu CUlmI $ iit'ltii' .
NiV YORK , Sepl. 30-l became known
that John Clark , the son of a Toronto mull-
lonaIre ! who was marrlcd to AlIa Ganthony ,
an actress , i. the cIty hal on September
H , tried lo commit suicide at the 1oland
house last rldny. lie took
le a lag dose
of poison , and hIs life was saved after ten
hours of work at Ble\te hospital. afer 10 do-
dared that he was drIven lo the delll 1e
C1use he could not make a living for hlg
wife and sue would bo cmpelEl to go back
on the stag John Carl ! and Ada Ganthony ,
better known as Nellie , met In Toronto , where
young Clark was prominent among the
'ouner members of the bar , s \ bile time
Robert Gru company , of which : ls1
Ganthon was a nmenmbtr was playing there.
James Clerk , time father , Is a prominent
capitalist , and was the Ie-lonA friend ot thi
late premIer , SIr John Macioumaiti. lie Is
very wealtimy . and It Is supposed he was
not pleased with hi" son'B alliance alll
ceased SUIJplylng him with monoy.
! HI'I\S .ssis.i.tcii I : o " , \L.
.1 . I. . \ . \'oial iurStJuust.1i , Shul'l Iii
II" $ t1'r..t S"I'I- . \"C'HII' ' ,
ST JOSEPh , Scpt. 30.-Speelal ( Telegram. )
John Q. A. Wood Is charged by members of
the nlghts of PytliIa' . anti Modern Wood-
mcn or America with beIng short In his ac-
counts. Wood has confessed to Congress-
man Ge"r/e C Crowther and C 0. Craw-
forth , ehalcclor commander of Golden CroJs
lodge , Ihat he Is short In his accounts with
time two lodges , and an examinaton of the
bool.s verifies the statemenl. Woo,1 has gone
to Omaha , where he has rich relatives , and
expects to get enough money to replace the
runds lie has taln. .
- -
)1.'tI/ hl' Mmumustgi'rs Cimilm'I .
CI1ICACIO. Sept. 30.-A meetIng of the
executive olcrl of the western rOds has
been cal d to meet here Thursday to take
Into consideration the freight rate situ-
aton , 1110U time meellg will le Imposed
time duty or deciding whether rates shall le
restored timid maintained or a general rate war
declared ThEe does not appear 10 be any
other mat VI. Time entire situation has beln
so utterly demoralzed that open warfare
caunot he avoided unless an a/rNment Is
reached to restore and mnlntahl rates ,
a -
.trimm. S.lzt.sI -Ili . , t lit' IIt'turmii'd ' .
.rl" S'I.111 : .e II''llr. .
, Spt 30.-A dispatch from Madrid -
rId 10 the Times , which wi be pablshed : tomorrow -
morrow , sa's thal Senor Dupuy lIe Loom ,
SpanIsh mInister lo time Unltt States , leI-
egraphs that the UnIted States , at the request -
quest of the secretary of state , and In accordance -
cordance with the demands of justice . hiss
decreed that all arms and munitions Inlended
for the Cuban rebels lelzed by the AmerIcan
authorities be not returned to their owoere .
- - . ,
( ill IA'l' ( L\ 'ril : I IU ou , ' ( , \ ' ) 1.ll'S. !
l ul'hnrl.1 , Ctl/r' ' ' \.IJlo itt
\\'I"hllAttl Iurlitt' ) ' ' ' 1'1 , .
WAShiNGTON , Sept 30-To l ucharlstc
congress of the CatholIc church wIll convene -
veae In ibis city WNlnesday anti some oC
the most dlstngulshell dignitaries or the
church will le rresnt. The session . " 1 be
held a the CatholIc Inlversl ) . On the
occasion oC the opening oC the congress n
pontifical hllh nines will be celebrntell , oC
which :1 gr. Satoll , the papal abll'late. wIll
be celchrantt time nut cession the rol-
lowing pal11rs will be read anti discussed :
"he Ilale or thc Holy luimarist In time
Ivllw Plan of Salvation , " by He"- } . H. Dyer
or St lar"s seminary , Baltmoro : "The 10 y
EucharIst I and the , Personal Life af the
i'riest " I ) ' 11ev. D. McMahon of St Thomas'
cimtmrcim New .orlc City : "The Holy EucharIst -
let and time Ministry or the Irlcgt , " Hen. .
F' . eehan o St Bernard's church , Fitchburg -
burg Mass : "Uow to Promote IeveloJlcnt )
of the Blessed Sacrment Among time t'eople , "
'I \ ' . J. F. Foley of St. l'evl18 church , St.
Louis : "The Manner of lr.parllg ChIldren
and Adults for Their First } h5iy Communion
and of Grounding Them In \ AbIding Ic-
votlon of the msse.1 Sacrament " 11ev. II. J. !
10u cr , D.D. , editor oC time Icceslnslcal :
Ho\'lew , Phiadelphia : " 1he Priests' Euchar- !
Isth L aglc. " Rev I Dirkimmcyer . Ilreshlent i
of the St Gregory's Preputcl ) ' semmiimmary
Clnclnlal : "now time Heal I'reence lakes
Convert , " ly Hv Walter mlt of Sl I
Pauls eimtmrcii New York City , and "Tho
holy Eucharist In the Easter ( 'htmrcim " Rev.
J. A. Inuslcck of the Armculaa cimumrcim Hev'l
Timumrsday ev.nlng there \1 occur time l0sll
plcturcsque or the ceremonies atcndlng the
cougress. ThIs will le the admnhnpertmig ! DC
the hlessld sacrament In tlo uRlvcrslt
cimapel concitmclimmg < with a nroc'euI9n ! through
the grouuds or .he universiy end 'I nincdlc- I
tion. The procession wilt 10 participated In I
by all the delegates to the con\'enton. As It I '
is likely that time t congress will not fnish the I
reading the I aplrs until aftrr sunset thIs I
I . procession will probably le ccnductpd at nIght ,
as was time case nt Notre Dale , If so the
procession will be the finest thing or the
Idnd ever seen herl Each of the arch-
bishops , bishops amid attendIng priests will
apllear In full regalia . carrying a lighted
taper Thc grounds or the unlverlly will Iii I
h emore or less iuminated with -electrIc 1
lights on this occasion. The roule of the ,
processIon has not yet been determIned , but I
It will leave the chapel amid go out Into the
grommnds and wi return again to the ehnpel
The servlccs or the congress will conclude
with the lenerlcton.
" ' 1'11 . GIt ( ) \ ' ' IS GIUn'I.DIEIS.
OII'lnl Oril , 'r h ) ' th , ' 1"'Ue Aim-
imuimi'I / Sl'h ni , ' 1" . Iteti remimesit.
. . '
WASHINGTON , Slpt. 30.-The president's
order retiring Lieutenant General Schofeld
was issued today. I Is as foil w ! :
TON , D. C. . Sept 30. I89.-LiOmtonant ; Gcn-
Iral . .TohnHehollll lavln reachld the
age tltnl ! him fol relief frlm active military
. 1M , In necordanco with
service h. nCtoflance wih the pro-
"Islous of hms' . imereby placlll upon the re-
tired list of time army , to Illt , SIptcmber
2a. 189 : with all the pay an\ , allowances
h.lunglng to his rnnl upon suck retirenmemmt.
I Is with mich regret that the president.
makes the announcement that the country
Is thus to lose from thl comh1and of its
army this dlstngul hfd general who line
Ikne 10 mich for its honor and ellclency ,
His lllantry In wnr challnles the l ml-
raton of nI his l'ountrnnen , while they
will not IoU to gratefully remember ami'
nl'llrecll ' te how faithfully ) h6 lice served
his country In times of peace by hIM sllcn-
did , an.l SUICeSMrl1 PerfOrmance of civil , as
sell as mIlitary duty.
Lieutenant General Sthoncll'R career , ex-
hlhltng nn unvaryIng love fet his protes-
sion . It zealous care for Its 1pOr " and good
name ii. I jnst 1111)rellnslon of ! the subr'rdl-
I"Uon It "x"et. and / eOBt"lt ] nammtfCtzs-
I ton of time beet traits of true , . ' , .i'rcaiism , ! ,
furll.hcs to time army an PYurnple of In-
e tmlhlo value and thouh1 rXtIllc . , " .
110ple that the iiiglmetst sOII"l lme.i.'lcrcu
lure tlilt upon the keenest .en.v ' - , ! " ; 11.
Gatons belonging to good CJh81" t\1 " , , _
I was said al the 'War ( lepartfpt , flt the
order assigning the successor of Gcnerl Scho-
nehl would not Issue for _ several _ 11Ji . . '
- - - J
:1'W' ( . ' 'h11 ;
WAShINGTON , SlpL 30.--"clal ( . Telo-
gram.-Flr ) Lieutenant Jamne.VILeen " , ,
Fourth artillery , now temporarily . 'J rcll & glnl
commissary of subsistence at BkJUtmre , wi
break up staten there all re'.urn .to lila
proper station. Captain Ilrr . I. Haskel ,
Twelfth infantry granted one qmomith's extended -
tended leave First Lieutenan- ' ' .
; LieutenanGeore . W.
Ruthers Eghth iumfantry one ! month : : Second -
end Lieutenant G. . ' '
Henry Cole : 'fwentr-thlrd
Inrantry , one month extended : rrt ; Lieutenant -
ant Erllst ilantla Second artUiery , will rc-
port for duty whim battery K. Second art-
lery , Fort Trumbul , Conn.
I"'w ChllA' ' II C.II . " 'milsiem. .
WAShINGTON , Sept. 30-Mr , Preston , director -
rector of the mint , has Issued his quarterly
estimate of the value of gold culns which
Is to gver the collectors of ' cuoms and
olher during the quarter ellug December
311 " 895. There are only three ehang s , as
follows : 1'.c of China ( Tler.Tsln ) . $0,762 ;
tad or China ( CheePo ) , $0.76 ; kran or
Persia , $0.090. Last quarter's vtuatlns were
made on a basis of $ O.67h63 alit ! the present
calculatons al a hasls of $0.G7JS as the
average price of silver per nl\1 ouuce of 480
gm his.
Ic'nlll'II"1 the . " 'Im ImpIng I'ost .
WAShINGTON , Sept. :0 .Inllcdlalel'
preceding the discharge of ti grand jury
here today hy Judge Bradley n written
rccommendaton was submltC" timA court
favoring lhe establIshment or t\ofwhlpptng
post In the DistrIct of Cohlmbla for the Ilun-
hhment of wife beaters amid othr petty crln-
Inals I was signed by the 'foreman and
Iccl jurymen Julge Dradley , commentng
on this recommendaton , saLI he. thought
such a method of punishment 'O 11 be productive -
ductve of good results . ' . ; : . ,
. 'Inle Sihilmiti rome ) : ll.
WAShINGTON , Sept. . hllth . ! Asiatic
squadron , which has been co' ' .J1lrst ' d at
Che Foe , has dispersed. The Jmgsbtp-ilaiti-
more has gone to Nagasaki . timY6ictown , to
Cholllpo and the Concord to .Iiammghai. ! . , . , . '
hr nn"I'r e. I.'ctnr 1.11thlc" : , ' ' . '
WAShINGTON , SellL 30- noker ,
lgr. Satohii's private secreta'has Lam-
porarly accepted the chaIr oC . , time
Catholic university and wi dJI'f , lectures . ,
for the prlent , _ _ _ _ _ _ -r - .
lund iualister fur I ' " "h'r. Xtu . 'fliiiit.
WASINGTm : , Sellt 30.-sjilai ( 'rele- !
gramn.-Wlliiammm ) Wauke was I t1iii' commla.
shooed postmaster lt Foster . , I' . . . b. : : '
' \'h""I1 t iii' Ilrnl',1 'Presitiusemi.
CAmnDGE. Moss" , Sept O.The 'an-
ouch meetng to welcome the itvird fresh-
men class , which has taken th 0PJaC of the
Boody Monday rush , was helIn Saunders'
thealer. The house was cmoWf'ml 'l'rof. N.
S. Haler was chairman and time , polkeraerl
President Eliot , Goveror Grthalge , Prof
Charles Elot Norton and Rov.- . . A. Gordon
of Doston. Jt
p ,
C"I"I. I 1111 Il I t 110 ' r humrJt-r .
NEW YORK , Sept 30-Cap , n H ls9 , cad
the pilot of the Ironclad gu.tI2at ! Porseus .
whIch on the even Ins of Angus . 2 ; ran dlwl\ \
the lacht Adelaide anti caus ! death oC
Robert W. Inman , jr. , were u Indicted '
for manslauihter In the second t3erce by tl
Ilehmond county grand jury. < . lef , by ' $ _
000 bal . "
SbiilIimi4 II ' 'mulimnlmmm'ii , ' C : 1 ' 1 ) "
DUI I"AIO , Sept 30-1 Is , ( ' "
the saloon keepers of the citwJIl vote to
close their saloons on Sundays ' ) Ireftr' vItL
the view of intluenelmig the el.tor 1m1 '
approaching electon by howl ' time . r-
ability of more liberal laws In gird to' 'ma-
day closing : . '
- -
) ( O"II'ne" offlc.'nmm . . Stt.mii.s : .
( .0el'll SI"I. , S' 'h ao
At Now York-Arrivcd-.fjsaimjhetts
No\ - u ,
from London , : : . . lhtts
At - ' - ' '
,1 < I'hla ' : SiberIan , from imlOntal rIP'Pbl , . :
At London-Mrh'edChru ! anlt 0'1roum
Montreal ,
: Iontrel p.
At Now York-ArlvedTrav . ; . trqm
Dremcn ; Weimar , from uremcr'1 ; ,
' . ,
. ;
: '
, . " .h "
! CUBANS1 1 i
Strong Resolutions Adopted nt Mass Mcet- ! ,
ings Held in Ohicngo , ,
UnIC.1 Sil C. " ( U"l'rllll'n' t'm'gu'd el
ltt't'igjtist' eh , ' 1'IIItIII" , , mms
111 I / , 'r"I'0 r"1 t Eiut I 1"-
Iii . mit ) tl ml ii i ft's toil.
CHICAGO , Sept 30-As much of the popu-
laton of ChIcago as could tlHI Inlranel II
the auditoriums or Central Music hal anti
the Y. M C. A building tonight shoutlll
Itself hoarse In approval of a series or resolu-
tons In which time Unltell States government
Is asked to recognize the Cubans ns beilg-
orents. Such genuine enlhulasm has seldom
been wluessed In thl' city amid on no oc-
cslon were words Shelton b ) men more full
of heart ami soul than I ) ' time SIICalcrs
Mayor Swift presided at the maIn meetlnl In
Central Music hail . whie Judge Wilam A.
Vincent was chairman or the overflow . macct-
lng The se\nty.nvc vice presidents who
occupie seals emi the platform were chosen
from among the leading busIness men of time
city and Iach one of them had expressed
himself as In full accord wIth the object or
the mtngs , DeCoro the mletlngs began
copies of telgrams from a number of
gentemen who could not be pre ent were
'roa , ! TIm first of these was from Go\'eror
Algell anti Its ringing words called forth
cheer after chccr. Other tellgramB were
from Congressman George E. Adams , Senator
Wilkinson of FlorIda and George R. Peck.
The representatves of the various organt-
zatonr who hall selected ! eommltccs to cooperate -
operate In making the mectngs a success
were dl.trlbutcd between the two meetings.
Amonl tbem were the presIdents with com-
mitees from time folowing organIzations :
Loyal Legion , Confederate assocIaton , Grand
Army oC the htepumbllc . Naval \eterans. So- :
elely of the Sons of the Revolution . Illinois
Slate I odcraton of Labor , tms'enty-Iive local
labor organizations , Stanlurd climb Marquette
club , Kenwood club nanjors club , Onkland
climb , illinoIs club , Menoken climb , italian res-
Idents , Scandinavian , German , 10hemlan ,
Irish , Greek and African societies
All at time speakers addreBsed both mcel-
Ings They were 11ev. Or. F. W. Gunsalus ,
\ \ ' . J. Hines , 11ev. 1 S , Henson , John Mayo
Palmer Thomas B. Bryan , Wiiam E. \aro !
E II. Stmernman , When Gonzales lIe Qsmsamia ,
secretary of the Cuban revolutonary rary : of
time United States , and Q. A. 7aas. another
prominent Cuban , stepped upon time 111aUorm
at Central Music hal the enthusIasm of the
audlenc knew no bounds and I was some
mlnuteB before order was restorc" Al this
meeting Eugene KauIer plarell for the first
tme In public his new march "Cuba Libr "
Introducing the Cuban natonal air. 11ev.
Dr. H W. Thomas read the resolutions ,
which were adopted as by one mIghty \olce" I '
They were as follows :
\\0 , citizens of Chicago Iatherell to ox-
oress our deep sympathy with the Cuban
iii their brave RtrUIHle to secure for themselves -
selves and their Ihtllren the t.lloslnlR . or
Indepeumaenee . liberty and selr-govlrnment.
present the folcwln :
"We hold thpse truths to be Helevhllnt :
That all men Ire created equal ; that they
mire endowed by their Creator with certain
inalienable riglmts ' that among these are
Inalena1Jle rl'htl'h
life . lIberty anl the pursuit of lIRplncps
that to l'turl these right rpvlrmcnt : are
, , Lne.W3itl : o.mcn r'/ln theIr jup \
.18tIIM11 . th..ConROnt or.he , ovcrn , I.
Ihat whenever 11)orm of governml ' ! '
coTriCS mleatz'ucfieet tiiuse enihsIt. . i , ' , ; 1
COWl' 1).tlIUct\e'ta tlMU Inllst " ,
right of the people to , nier or to euioi.n' ) tl
and to Insttuto a npw govemnmmmeimt. ; aylnl
Its fouuitlatlons , on BUc.prlnclples . (11 organizing -
/lnlzlng Hs powers Insuch form as to
them hnl seem mommtlilcely to' effect theIr
safety and happllos. Prudenel Inrle.r ] ,
will cel te that 10vlrnmentE long'
limbed should not be changed for light aml
trivial causes ; and necordlnrI } ' all ex perl-
once his shown that mankln.1 are more
.1fpOMetl . to suffer while evils are suCtera : e
than to right themselves h ) aholshlng the
forms to whIch they are Iccustomed , But
when a long train of uhuses and usurpa-
tonf , pursuing invariably the same object .
evinces a design to redulp them under absolute -
solute dl.polsm ! , It Is their right , It Is
their duty , to throw off such government
sclurlt and provIde ) . 10W guards for thclr future
This historic deenratian : . mall hiy time
founders of our r'puhlc on July 4. 17G , was
trill ) then , anti Is true today For many
unhappy } ' years the Cubans ha\ been most
) , " anl , burdened ,
shmtmefimlly cphiresmit'tl cruelly
shlmeful OI'IreS'"l cruely
unt the voIce of Spanlfh m'ult' has been
terrible . I the fathers of American Inlc- ,
plnlllnco were justted In throwing off time
opprlfllve domInion ! f Great Brttain . the
ruban patriots of today have far "rcater
lustleaton for their attempt to overthrow
the tormenting and impoverishing ! , heartless
t 'runy of the SII'ulsh governmlnt.
\\e desire publicly to express our hulsna-
ton that In this year 1B 1 time sllect:111
Is prcfnntCd of slip load of soldiers sent
: : ,0 m'lp ' neros , the ocean to America , the
" 1nll of the free . " to shoot down In collI
blood I COUrgl'OUS people , who slmpl .1e- .
sire to govern thembelvcs. Our Indignation
Is further nroufed Qtthl ulpealahle cruelty
of the Spaniards toward the Cubans In thl'
strul le. Death seems to he the plnaIy
meted out to all ( uh'ns capture undlr
arms , anll even those furishing medicines
tu the co-called rebels mire to lie ruthless
nhot. \\0 mire glar' ' to notice that the course
of time Cubans appeas to hI more 11Imanl.
and we tale lhls opportunity or ' commgi'atu-
late them upon thn remarkable progress
they have made In spite or the terrible odds
allln t them
We believe It to hp time privilege anti
dUty of the United Stntes government to
recognize the rlrhts of the Clhan rovolu
tonlsts as hellerlnts IR soon as prc-
trSbll. on being so requested ly comprtent
Cuhm : authority In accordance with Iltpla-
tlonll law Such nctof of our government
wo deem due to the Cubans anti the cause
of uliversal liberty .
While disavowing all bItterness or feeling
on our part toward the people of Sllaln , we
nevertheleFR believe that It Is our duty
' , and Ilrlvlple at this time as cltzls of . time
fr.o rpuhle thus to express our
smp'thy whim our Cubnn nlllhhors ii'lmig !
upon tin island which nature has mate a
parmmtlise . hue which the cruel methoth of
Spain have done much to lespo ! . 'Vo 11-
spectful ) ' urge our fellow citizens through-
'out Ibis country tu n ' lslhle In mnss meet-
11nl to IJfu . Informaton and thus arouse.
or t'athmei' deepen , time SymlJth ) ' of our whole
people wih the Clhans In their heroic attempt -
tempt to cast off the ) 'olc of oppression
and to achieve timid Inlepcndenre , nml tree-
dOIl which mire the great higimivays tu imimp-
pinu mind prosperl ,
\0 also urge time ) prlos and pulpit anti
also wiholc" amid prayer. to IUutnuc
timdr . rlghiteoums ot the
tle1r hell to thlrlchtouR cause
mcmi who are 11111) ' lighting for home ,
anti I'Hlve land .
'VI respectful ) ' html urgenty npPlal to
the cItizens and all time reimresemmtatves : In
the three . \mcrlens to give emphatc ex-
presRlon to their smpathy with theo strug-
cling PIOIII' , who Ire making uch I gallant -
lant fight for that Indepenl"nca from the
luropran rule which the other natIons of
further the new world have already secured. He I
Heiolvo. That the organization which ar-
ranged for this gathering be requestl1 to
lakf charge of timid continue time good work
IO ausplcJou l begun thl' I\enlnl ,
The city council , after trJmactng conslo ,
erable roulle business , ndjouret on motIon
ot Aldernhn I'ranl I.awler In order that time
memhers mlbh ; ittend In a boy
TIme mU'iVO 3ent ly Governor AIReld was
lS fohlowe : "it Is tme ; that Spanish misrule ,
Spanish brutilly , and Spanish cntrago should ,
ii jrivqimjtronm the American comitinent. The
byJrh'Qnlfrom 1r11g asserted time right to In.
terfei&34r..the pnrllose ef suppressIng any
-e/e , oe'h.'t shocks time moral sense of the
.eivIlzjl world , such as eannLalul and time
lava trade. yet the cannibal do not torture ;
their vlctlrs ( and 110 not Indulge In whole-
sale slaughter , while 1n Cuba the torture Is
fiendish and the 'butcbrry eontlmaues. You
must Iud thus horrors or dee tlk len alul
fur Christian clvllzatan BesIdes this , vIewed
from a Gccraphle . 1 anti , IJQltcal or milItary
dandpolnt , Cuba shou11 ! b' ours. Let our
country extend recognition , then a helptIg
hand , and lastly a place In the union. This
done , the rIchest bland of the world wIll see
become the gem of the seas. "
Senator Culb rlon wIred : "The people of
the Unied State nll ) ' sympathize with
time luhans stru to be free Cror
Spanl dommmlnm'tlo ur govermpnl shoull I
do e\'er'thln con _ t with natonal honor
In timer ! bedim , if. "
General Alglr , I I ml ! : ge. Mll : "it
.eers to Inl that what has beemm imrevmoumehi'
done I ) ' our govem'nmemmt. so clearly dennlll by
IIsllent Mommroe , roncernhll time hellgHcnt
rights of those commntrirmi , simotmltl how tam
grarmtsl to Cuba. Site line mimetic a mnagmmiti-
ceimt etrtmggio for liberty ; has formed ml
provtslnmmtml govcrmmmmment : has beeii victoriotme
1mm mmmammy imimrii fotmgimt battles , 'ithi every
aulv.tmmtago migtiimmst imem' , save timat she is right.
I trust mmmd fumlmy beleve that site e'Iii i'imt
her Itmdemcmmdence , "
'm'OIi.t ( ' ( ' ( ) II ttiV itI.tGli ) .
h. Ililiume Prods lteumnrtetl I ii li'uut .ielt'
niuui ( ) tlte'r I'm , u'ls muf I lii' ( 'olmul t. ' ' ,
LOt'iSViLLi , Sept. iOTlmereae a kill-
lag frost last mmlght wimiciu uid great ilaimmage
to toliocco aliti other vegelation 1mm various
Imarts of time state , At 'I'ersuilies , Fy. , ice
tliree-qumarters of ama 111dm thick fornmetl , 'rime
limilmilmallimi temmmhioratulre imero last tiigiit was
40 , anti there u'as a light frost ,
MIDDLI'SllOllO , Ky. , Sept. 10-Tltero was
a imear ) ' frost timka morning , Late cormu amid
tobacco are ruIimd amid the iinamicial loss Is
imeay. Farmmmers fromim Dccii Fork report
a mIusrIer of till inch of ice , amid vegetatlomm
emmtirely destroyed
LEXiNTON ( , iCy. , Sept. i0.-There was a
kilPng fleet all over commtral Kemmttmeky last I
Ii Igim t . Tobacco iii t lie Il ehuimi , a a ml nmtmcim of
it cmi time sCaffold , was badly damaged , mint !
sorghumum and other groemm vcgetatIomm wat'
killed , Corn was not immjumred.
MEMI'liiS , Soul. 30.-Frost was found in
Ios' lying incahitles this mmiornimmg anti at
various hloilite in western Tennessee ,
mmorthmermm MIssissippi anti eastern Ar-
katmimas , Temider vegetation was bitten -
ton , limit ho serious damage was
done to time Irish potatoes , anti cotton
mu'as riot immjtire&1 to say commu'kierabie extent
on the impiands. A dispatch fromn Ibmlmean ,
Miss. , however , reported a heavy frost In
timat part of time delta which mnmuy cut time top
crop short by causing inmmu.tturo bulbs to
KNSAS Ci'l'Y , Sept. 30.-A ep'cial to the
Star fromn Sterhtmmg , Ken. , says : Timere wits a
heavy frost imere met night fluid Ice lormimeii
to time thickness of an eigimth of an Immch ,
This wIll Injure time broommi cormi brush yet
to ho pill led.
sr. iouis , Sept , TO-Time first frost of the'
season vas experlenccI tiii nmormming , it
was iigimt antI as far as known but little
( lamage % % 'as done to crops.
MA fiSh IALLTOWN , Ia. , Sept. 30.-Timis
sectIon was visited by the first immaterial
frost of time seasomm thia mormmimmg. Late immar-
ket garden stuff was nipped , but time mlamnage
iti only nomnimmal , as all crops are mmmatumrcml.
OTTUM\V/t. Ia. , Sept. 3O.iIeavfrost occurred -
curred all along the line of the Burlington
road in southern Iowa this nmormmIng , It will ,
however , ( lammiage miotimlmig htmL tonmatocs amid
time hike.
ALTOONA , Pa. , Sept. 30.-Tho first snow
of time seasoim fell hero today , no-
companied by a cold wave. Last week time
thernmommmeter was in time iminatles ,
CltlTlh'I'OItS .IS'lC ' ' '
FIt l'mLOThOC'i'I ( ) .
. 'isse'rt ' 5'hu * ' ' .VereSmm'l luliel tie Ciii'
'l'i'i misfi's' , if l'roiert , ,
CHICAGO , Sept. 30.-A bill was filed In
the superior court today to set at'de the
recent sale of the plant of time Graver &
Steele Manufacttmrlng company at Iiarvc'y to
David iCelley and to appoInt a rocelvem' to
wimiti up the btmbinet's of time commmpany , The
bill is filed by tim Wlmltmmman & Barnes
Manmmfacturing commipany of 01mb and tIme
Three States Lumimhior conmpany of Wisconsin ,
boUt .of whleii are ircdltors ; of the defendamut
eompny , The comm'pialmmanttm charge that tIme
, conmpany owned real estatommenh mmia imimmery'
iotes mind accotmmmts armi ( mntrlal tmd by
it Iti time manufacture of harvesting , , . mmmii-
ehlaery to the ammmount of oyer $500,000 ,
At time same tlmmmo it is charged the company
% ns insolvent amid imad debts amnounting to
$325,000 , cmiii that assets could not ha coo-
verted readily bite cashm mmmd th& eommipan
wait ummable to nmeet liabilities as they be-
came. dime. TIme state of' affairs was well
kmmoicn to ( hue iiefendammts , including havid
Kelley , time hill cimam'ges , antI tlmey fraudum-
kathy arranged for time disposition of the
assets so as to keep out of reacim of time
Time cozmmplalmmanta aver timat there \'ere
( lien oumtstaimmllmmg agalnm't time corporation
notes anmounting to over $100000 , for time
lal'mnant of which tIme iefemmdants u'ere
liable , either itS endorsers or by reason of
separ.mto comitracts on guam'anty signed by
timemma , Part of these notes su'ere lmeltl by
Keiloy. Grmver & Steele agreed wltim
ICeile ) ' , time court is told , to trammu'fct' to imimn
all time assets of every Icind for $201,000.
I'art of ( hits swim was to be paid 1mm cash
amid time balance In imotmis of Kelley , which
cash and notes , It vas agreed , siiouid be at
once used to take tip timese lmote upon whmlchm
the oiilcers of time commmpany u'ci'e limmimle. This
arrangement i'as carried out. Simmce the
transfer time } ' has ceased dolmmg bumsl-
ness and time ilebt (1mb time colmmhmiainants and
otimer creditors renmaimi numiuld. Time commm-
plainants ask timat Kelley lie comnpelled to
sumrreniler time property to a receiver , time
comiveyancs to huina to he mieciareil a fraummi
titian time corporation anti its cremlitors , and
time assets of time company converted into
cash anti distributed anjong time creditors.
.1 ' ' ' ' ' .
CiSIl hIM Fit ) LiN1C1NS' A1'l'0l't'liES.
Juilgr Szuiulimrui Itefimseti ii , Ile'er Ar-
g'iumiicmits oil i'rIuuuumr , Immriumtllt.tloim ,
ST. PAUL , Sept , 80-Judge Sanhomn of
the TJnltesj States circuit court thIs afternoon
aplointed time same receivers for time Nortim-
era PacIfic railroad that svere apimointeti by
Judge Jenkins at Mllwnumkec last Friday for
tlio part of time road that lies in imis jurisdic-
tlon , Dy doing so Jumtige Sanborn practically
contirmed time rulings of Jumlgo Jommkirms on
all matters that were hrougimt imefor&m hmlnm as
to limo matter of prImary jurIsdictIon , uI- I
timoughi Ime saId lie s'ouhl not listen to aumy
argument on time latter question , claimmming
timat it was a matter for fmmrtimer omijuthication ,
Time appolntmnemmt of Mssm's. Mchiemry and
Bigolow mis receIvers was s'lgorommsy opposed
by F'V. . McCutclieon of this city , rcpresetmt- I
log time stockholders of time rcad. lIe asketi
for eieferi'ed action untIl Judge Ihammforil of
the Nimmtii circuit laid acted mimi time immatter
anti umimtll time' order for time olil receivers to
file an accommmmting and answer certain charges
lodged against tcmmm ) by October 2 immtd been
eithmr complied whim , or if imot , untIl Judge
ilammfcrtl imal macdo mmommmmm dIsposition of that
mnatter before ( lie ) ' acted eu time mimmitter of
resignations of time old receIvers , or until time
old receivers' tammgle in time state of Waalmlmmg.
toll had been mmtr.mtgimtemmed out.
L'x-Senator Sitoolmer , representing Limo old
receivers , made a very comprehensive tmrgu-
nment for time receivers anti time action they
have taken iii presentIng theIr resignation
when tlmey founil thmey were 1mm a posItion
wimereby ob1'lng , time ecmmmrt at one end of time
line tlmey lommnti timnnmweiu'es Imi contenahit at
time other , Judge Snimbarmi Imeiti that lila court
imaul a perfect right to appoimmt mmcw receivers
for timis circuit.
Alth V SI S'l'hi3tA'i'IC.t ilY OhtG.tSi'/.fll )
'i'huri , . , 0 rmtiid lilisImmms gut ( hit Cimlumumi
IC,1'1'05 Cra'iitt'i.
PhILADELPhIA , Sept. 30-News mas
been received In this city by Cmmban eymnpa-
thmizcrs that a ystemmaatie orgammizatlorm of time
insurgemmt army has been ofiectoil witbmln time
last few days , General Maxlmmmo ( lomea is time
general-tn-chIef ammil is iii conmomand of Catmia-
guay. He imas dlrtctiy under hIs cotnmnanml
8,000 muon , Thm province of Santiago tIe
Cuba comprises time seat of war of time second
armmmy corps , which Is milvided into tireo grammil
divlslons , The first operates aroimnil Gutmn-
tinimo ammd iiaracoa , lirigathier Gemmemci Jose
Macco 1mm 1mm commoammd , Time eeconii , or Sari-
( hugo do Cuba dIvision , is comunantieti imy
Gemmcrai Antonio Macco. Time timirtl , or Mali-
zamilhio dIvision , Is commanded by General
Uam'tolomimu Mssso. Las Vilims. or time provInce
of Santa Clara , Is dIvided Into two divisions ,
thus first under time vommmmnammil of Gommertmi
Sorafln Sammclmez anti time second umniler Geum-
( .rjl Caries itoloff. The scattered regitnnta
iii Mamitsyas are utmder the oomnmammii of ( laui.
eral Jose Lucre , In the dlvlslomi of Santiago
do Cuba cacti of time three cormmntandera have
about 7,000 inca , or about 21,000 men in all
in a province.
. .
Harrison Not Likely to Express the View
Ascribed to hull ,
lilt , l'rii'tls 'i'limil. it 'muulii lii' Iii'tle
to .tms itit I iii' Ilt-I'r'telioutt's thiut
itiili'ui'iit hie'fore' l'rmu-
ilmee mcii flimituiumi ,
\\'ASIIlNU'rON , Sept. iiO.-Tlmo rt'celmt Ia-
tervIav with ( lemmeral Joimmi C. Nems' , mttatllmg
Mr. llarrison u'mis not a camitlidate for time
lmreslmleneY , itmiti timat tIme ox-pru'sitlemmt u'oumkl
hot select Mr , McKllmley o' Mr. Reed if itls
advice u'mts mmsketl , has mittnactetl mimmmm'kctl at-
tentiomm \'I'ashmilmgioll iummiommg those iviio have
been closely amId oihlcially tuoci.utel v.tim Mr.
iharrisaim , Several of timeiee gemmtiemmmemm , in-
chmtiimmg a maclimber of time llarrisom : cabinet ,
conferred today mvmthi a 'iei' to corrcctllmg ammy
nuismihiprehmeimsion that mimay imave arisemm , As
a result it was ( letermmmiimemi thmmit ( lemmeral
Miclmemmer , i ho with Gemmerai New was itt
cimarge of time Imiterests of Mr. liarrisomm at
time last rcptmbhicaii naticmiai coimvemitlon ,
would be asked to mmmake it etatemmmeint. ( len-
emal Mlctmener's etmutenment was tommigimt gIven
tii Assoclmmteuh prems anti is aim follows :
"I timlnk Mr. Neui' has been mmmlsqtmoted.
Time nubIle ceriailmly mmmmtieretanmis by timis
tIme tiiat General hinrriscmn is 1mm rio SCImSO a
cammdidale for tIme mmomiminition. Not hiuming La
time held Lucre Is nothing tm withmmlraw fmomum ,
"That imo vnmml,1 not slcet m'itimer Goverlmor
McKinley or Mr. Iteed , If lila advice us'erc
asked , Is eimmmply time nimimmion of Mr. Ne' ,
If correctly quoted , mimid It simetmhml not ho
takemm as expremisimig time semmtIlmments of tim
ex-president. This mmmaklumg of cammtiiiiates Is
au art that Ito never prnctii'eti iii tIme past ,
mmcm Is imo likely to emigaflo in It at this
"Tho guesses , or views , or oitiaiolme of ills
frIends simould ho treated as $ ilcii and for
ammytimimmg definIte om' accurate it uvoulti tie
well to umait such expressions or actiomms as
( lemmerah hlarrieomm mnay see promer to give
time imbue directly , "
'm''o Sii.ti.iX ( Vli4MI'iS ( .ti"i'l'itt'B ) ,
Cnmmgiit 1 , ) lh.e' ltmmshi 5tsi.iet ( Iii' Situ--
/.immi .
\VASiI1NGI'ON , Sept 30.-A report was
today receIved by Captain S'imoemmmimker cif time
rovenubo service' fmnnm Captaimi S. L. Iloohmer.
Ili commmnmand of time patrol Ileet Iii l3erilmg 80mm ,
as to time saizimre of time two seahimig 'essols
for violation of time l'ariuu awarti , Time' first
vessel seized s'as time llrltlimil relmoomier E.
B. Marvin , taken by Cue ltumsiu on Seimtemmmber
2 wltimln ( lie sixty-hub somue on a cimarge
of using fim'carmmms. 1mm charge of a prize
crew sue was edit to iutch Immiammd hiarhoi' itt
Alaska , where on Septemmmber 9 mime was tie-
llvereml to tIme ihritisii amltimoritics , The cc-
ommi vessel uas time .mmericamm sealer Loimis
Olsemm , also taken by time ittISim anti seized on
Seimtemmmber :1 : almtl lhttC'd tim charge of Liemitema-
omit Iunwood ) ' , i tim ) was diret'tetl to liroceelt
with her to Astoria , Ore. , her imome port ,
wimcre sue m'ae deItweromi to time Umiiieti Stnie
mmmarimlmal. It Is charged timat time Olomi is
not duiy licensed ,
Nut mm. Nephmi'u' of Se'mumutor Allison.
WAShINGTON , Sept. 30.-Tile records of
time War department cozmtirmn time stmttcmnent
. of fact In thmt' cace of tlmeileserter , i'm-sole
Phil Aliisomm , univ lmmmprimaetl e4 Castle \VI1-
lianm , N. V. , so far mum It simows that time maim
sum'rcmmderemi hmimiiumlf umimmi was sentenctd to
immiimrlsonimment , as a mioserter , They un mmot
show timat lie is a aepimow of Senator Allimuomm ,
mmor that Secretary Lammmont proummuseti to
imavo hmlm imonomaimly discharged If lie stir-
reimulereil hiiincif. although in mmmi application
for pardon Allison alleges tlmat time secretary
( lid pmomnit'a lilt ; brother timat lie womtld do
what his' could for hmimem , It Is saki to ho time
immvariable rule in the dtpartinm'nt , when application -
plication is made for tIme pardomm of a do-
u'.urter , to Insist timat lie first stmrroimmler hmlmim-
self before tIme d pzirtmmmemmt tmntiertakos to
act In Imis case. In caine instances , uund limb.
ably In tub , , It is salti , time statemnommt. hums
been ermnrmcouehy coimstrumeti to immami a nrunt-
iso to gramit time pardon.
5)i'fi'muhs I I , p ICre.t. \nl Se'ii'ti. I , .H ,
WAShINGTON , Sept. 30.-Time adoption of
free wool in ( lie Uniteti States tariff law
has resulted In advamitago to time United
States mnammufactmmrers , according to a report
( rain Unitemi States Coimsiml Sci'rammimim at Uru-
gtitly. lie hoiflts out tlmmit time bimipifleiits of
Urumgmmay ii'uois to time United States imara
largely immcmeaseti by reason of tIme tariff
change. "ThIs I greatly beneficial to time
interests of time hTmmited Statee , " lie adds ,
' 'frem the fact timat time flue qumailtimma raised
imero have never before rencuied time United
States , As these fine wooi canhmot be pro-
miimcctl in time' United States mind at time sammie
timimo are' essential to time mmse of time vartouts
articles it Is nmaumifcst that tue cimemupor time
prices calm be irmtle to ommr mnammufacturerit the
more tumey'lll tie able to commmpeti' for tIme
world's mmmarlcets as ivehi as supphy time hmonme
markets. "
Sitsir ) iitlmomie' liii mugi'romisl Ill.
WAShiNGTON , Sept. 10-Ex-Senator Ma-
hone of Virginia suftereil a stroke of paralysis
at an early hour timhs mornIng at imis room
at the iierhin imotci. Ills hmlmysiclammM , Drs ,
\\'all and Ihalco , have hmcemm iii cnmasultimtlomm
throughout the afto noan cnml ihi.ik 'mis chma'mctas
of recos'cry very miommtmtful. Time relatives of
the ex-senator intro ime'on immInmnmmmmeml by tel-
egrapim , Time entire rtghmt tiltle is immuralyzeti.
tmmehmldiimg time right arm anti leg. lie iii umm-
able to speak eicept a few IlmartIculat , ,
somnmis , , lie use immaintainemi censciommemmess.
however , and so. ke as imest lie can to assist
timose ii'iio are mlrmlstering io hI comnfaa.
Ex-Seimator Mahone mva very low at mmmlii-
night and his physicians feareti that lie
might not survIve tIme mmigumt , Ills ui'ifo amid
mhaumgimter arrived at 11 o'clock anti u'ere at
his bedside. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ilmigi rm'er i"orct' ) ' . ' ' , , , ' , ,
WAShINGTON , Sept. 30.-A naval rutir-
ing board has jtmst recommmmnemldt'ei the retire-
inept at ChIef Emmgineer Etlward A. Magee
Oh account of physical dIsability. Thus is
the secommd tinme time otllcer imait been con-
demmmmmeth , btmt In time llrst place time Iiresiilelmt
refumsed to appm'ove time recommiimmemmdation for
rotirenient because Ime was not satisfied with
tIme medIcal report of time case. ChIef
EngIneer Magee is another of the' nmany
victimmis to overu'ork in the navel corps ,
cauisetl by Immeumullclent force to imantlie time
commiimllcated nmaeiilnery of a immomlermm warshIp ,
amid lila breaktiown resutlted fm'nmim xhmaumstlon
amid nrotraetetl worry 1mm tslcilmg tIme coast
defense ship' Monterey from San Francisco
to Cahiao amid return ,
A imilolmuts ( I i'i'i iii I mi i"imrt'tiury.
w'ASUiNGTON , Sept. 30.-Attormmey General -
oral liarmnomi hiatt aumpointeti Mr. Cimmuurmcey
Lioffnman of Cilicinmimuti as lila prIvate secro-
tary. Mr. hoffman. who lisa been In Jutlttim
hammer's Cirmcinmmati oihlce during the past
timroe years , Iii a graduate of Ktinyon college
anti u'as atimmmittetl to time bar him time smring of
isol. : lie Is regandetI as a yatmumg luau of
exceilent ability and accepted time ImOsitiOrm at
this earnest sollcitatiomi of tIme attorney gee-
ral. , -
XO Ai'l inst Yet I mu A mmmii's' Gust' .
WA Si I INOTON , ' Sept. 30.-Secretary La-
nmont has as yet taken mme action in the case
if Major Armnca , General Scimoilehl left
'I\'asiminiton last evening for VoIce island in
Lahco Eric , to slienil two weeks iii tishlrmg.
Thin oiijectiommabie letter sdilrmmsemi to imhmmi
by Major Armes imas beemi turned over to
secretary Lantommt for lila ommsiulenatiomm ,
hhi'rlm'rtPI I I'St immm.i Ahaluiemimim ,
WASHINGTON , Sept , 30-Secretary lice-
bert sill leave Wasitlngton'i'edmmesday even-
lag for Ahabatna , where be will delIver
several speeches On financial topIcs. This
first simeech wIll be delivered in time thcates
at Moutgonmery Lriday niiit.