- - - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - . , . , . , T : - , ; . - . _ - - . . ' - _ _ - _ ; _ _ ik 2 TilE OJ\fATIA DAILY DE1AtISUND.AY , SEP'rJi\BEll ! 20. 1g. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HARHISON NOT IN 1 TilE RACE Announces that Ho is f in No Bona B , ' Oandidat . STATEMENT COMES THROUGH JOHN C. NEW - 1I11Inl CIIII1 tIMu " "IIIC'rr" tin' . Ilrlrlltll I hut the g"-I'r.I'11 I CI'II..1 II I iR' : lll llllll . . , or I.lhrr : H..c or : lelIII'J" . - INDi.NAPObIS ( , Sept. 28.-Colonel John C. New , \ho managed ex-PresIdent Horrl- \ son's campaign for the nominaton for the J presidency , and was consul general 01 the Unite States at London during the Harri- son admlnlslraton , In an authorlzell Inter- view with a repreeutatve ul the Al'Joclted press today Eald : "General Harrison does not desire to run for the presidency , and Is In no lens ! a candhlate The stories that he has withdrawn . drawn In the Interels : 01 anyone are with- out foundatIon In tact. Were hIs advice solicited he would select neither Mr. Mc. Ilnle ) nor Mr. Hee as the republican can- . " dldate for president. Colonel New declined to stale whom Gen- oral Harrison woull , refer as a candidate. The Intervl9w Wa called out by the pub- ilcatlon 01 a dispatch Irom New York under Icaton date at the 25th Inst. , which made the following - lowing statement It Is said upon the authority at n repub- Ican Iradcr or national reputation that Benjamin Harrison has withdrawn from the prlsllental race. Ind hal named 'VI- lum McKinley lS his reslluary legatee. More than the lemblance at truth IR i given to this report uy the tact that GharleR , . FaIrbanke-.I lr. I Inrrhon'H permnal repn'- Rcntatvo ant the leading clnllllte ( for United States Senator Voorhees' 1lacels , In the city , and that he had several conferences - Incel with me-Governor I'oruklr , whose mlsflon hare. It Is openly staled , WI" to effect with Senator quay nn ant.Hlrrl- Hon combination In the interest of McKin- , ley. Mr. l'alrhanlts' unexpected apl'elr- ' ' once on the HcelO may render the formation - 'I' ton ot such IL combination unneCe ! Mry. DISCOUNTING THE INTEltVIEW. INl\NAIOI.IS , Sept. 28.-The News edi- torialy considers Mr. New's statement highly II/nlfc:1t owing to New's clul'J re- Idtons with Mr. HarrIson. I says : "New prefaces his sweeping denial at the story that Harrison hal withdrawn In the Interet't . that Harri- at McKinley with tle statement - I son docs not deslro to run for the presi- dency and Is In no sense a candidate We be1eva that this II an alogether exact l'tate. ment 01 Harrison's position , so tar as It goes. He Is not a candidate , and has not heen a candidate , In the sen' ; that McKinley and Je d and others are candidates. At the same time , HarrIson has felt and , has said that Ir the party believes ho Is the n1 : to i bear the presIdental L'tandarll : next year. , his scsc at duty and loyalty to party and ' country will not Permit hm ! to refuse the party's mandate. Mr. New's statement ' o leaves him still In 11reclsely the < ' .me posi- . tion. He Is not seeking and he will not seek the nomination . I the party nomi- nates him he will obey the pty's call. That being Harrison's position , It would naturally follow that he could not withdraw , In the In- ' terett at McKinley or any other man. " The News thinks that Ir Mr New's state- , mont that "Harrison would select neither Ieed nor McKinley as the republican candi- : 11ato" Is Interpreted as meaning that the ex- president Is opposed to beth Reed and Mc- Kinley It Is untrue. There can hardly be a doubt that tll daclaraton will have Its elect on the candidacy at both these men. The sItuatIon then Is just thIs : "Mr. HarrIson Is not a candidate fo ? the 4 nomination , and so or courSJ has not wIthdraw . draw In the Interest of any other cmdldate. _ lie would not - advl e the nomination of either Mr. Hert or Mr. lc1lnley , He stalls now 4 Just precisely there he stOOl I th' party demands his serv'cs ! It can have them " z A repuulpn officeholder who hal a raT - , ! T : sponslble position In Washington during the ' Harrison admlnlstralo ! said today that he had known for several months that' ! the ex- lrositlent'S ) personal preference for the re- u1l pUblcan nomination for presIdent Is Senator Alison or Iowa M'KINLEY SAYS NOThING. Governor McKinley declines to be Inter- ' viewer relative to the wIthdrawal ot General Harrison as a p111dentai candidate , nor will he express al opinion as to the possIble cr- fect 01 such vlthdrawaL After reading care- fully the Assoolatet press telegram. giving New's IntervIew , awl dwelling especialy S upon that 1'3t ' , ot It which saId that General , ' Harrison w uld favor neither McKinley nor Heed , the governor said : "I do not think It Is necessary , nor 10 I. believe I wmld ( ue prcper for me to talk for publcaton , I simply - ply have nothing to say " "Can you not express an opInion as to the proh3blo Influence at General Harrlson's withdrawal ? " \\/S asked. "No , " replied the governor , abruptly , "I have not a word to uy " WAShINGTON , &pt. 2S-Senator Warren 01 Wyoming. who was appointed governor at the territory of Wyoming hy President Harrison - risen , when shown the New Interview said that II the latter part or It was a correct representation - resentaton ot the sentiments at the ex-presl. dent , "It clearly indicates that Mr. Harrison bas no Intention ot bln a candIdate agaIn , as the expression would ant'lonlzo the friends oC two leadIng candIdates for the nresldency. The Eenlor said he did not leoOereral , Harrbon's cl10lce. : WAShINGTON , Stpt. 2S-Senator Gorman at Maryland . when the IntervIew was real 10 him , lIstened with Inter ' st , but merely shook his head , deprecatingly all mlel when an Interview on. It wIth hllself was suggested. It was not a mater that concerned democrats - I ' crall , hB said. . DUUUQUF Sept , 28.-Senator Alison - . son deelns to he Interviewed. S1' PAUl Sept. 2S.-Cushman I { . DavIs , . posth'lely wil not tal , . . IOI _ t : \ 't'IUI'UI S 1'1' , I' I.I""I"I I Chll.'h " ; Irlll.N. ; : ' " In 1'III.t On ' II " 'INhll I I , " , INgAPO.IS , Sept : -Th Jlllrn l Ih's aterirua U''i on the autliorlt' . f a plom'nent churchl'1 t at 0:1 : : of tte : pIriu 2.al I n.atterl to COl. . . . h ' fore tie FpIscol'a la , ' t any nton , t. , ' b , opIR,1 here Octobl" 2 , wi h , ' the Nt b lallret ) uf a great natnJl * tcIvraiy at I W'aaMron , rcmewliat : ! IIdr ! 'n IS : Iner.\1 ( ! , t , Catholic unlyc . , . plan to p Catholc unlvp. iiy. : Th , 't's 1011 ben u C.I"l' : 111.1 : , In th' - ICr c'rc'C ot tha c'urch tel , : ! II 'f ' . seems : Ipc for carrying I u.t I 311e 13 that an 1"lowlrnt or $300.000 has already 1 : { . . coleete. : from 0 nn I'u'r I , : J..rcl' * ! al- though no effort whatever has been made among the monlyoJ men ot the Ilonomlna" ton to secure a rund. Ioreovcr a tine site \Vttsfliniton was sEcured for the church aetna years ago This Is cnhntll to ho , I at all , a better siu ' for unIversity purposes than that of the CJtholc university , The convention has always maintained n body known as the church university board or rpgrnta , \\'hOSD duties nave ben hitherto conlhll to the supervision or the entail edl- catlonal Institutions of the church ratonal Inslutons I h now proposed to give Into this board's hands the work at establlhing the university. I b uttderstool that the toast aeth'e ullertooJ tbL layman be- hind the plait IR Geurg Vanderbilt , who b" . sides being very wealthy , Is an earnest churchman. I Is not , of course . known whether tll eonwnton BIll approve the plans that have Icen lormulalell but It Is certain that a very influential sentiment In tbelr favor has been created , - o - - - - Inl.r..h..1 In I'nhl. 1"llb. CIWAGO , Srpt. 8.-Abnt % forty gentelmn : : noted [ for their aCllualntanct ( with the latet sctntfc InvestigatIon In the fleW of publc health left ChlcJgtoIy for Denver tn attend the coming meeting or the American I'ubilc health associatIon. A number 01 the physicians \ \ Ill be accOllJnlCI Iy their \vlve. They \\1 stop at DJ\'enpart. wlre they will view thl \ \ ' 1111'rlls an\ , \ filter plant It that rl ) , Amoar these II thu Ilegstou art Ur" Irving , \ , \'at't n. Con- Cni. N. I" , secretary , and henry U. Iolon , Uulleboro , Vt. . treu lrer. ani . tether lot.bl 1 ttom different clul . thrujhout the east - - - - - - UIIII 1',1.1.,101 . " , ' 'U'I ) I 1 Mill. WES t'I'litiOH. W't : . , S 'lt. ! -A' 5:30 : : . o'cbl : U\h \ morn'ng fn wag dl'clrd ii ' " the curo'a of the ra s ) trlfl t va or ' 0C lJ : In the cnter or tp ci 't fn 1 "OlP , t Ir I I rn I , alnugb the cut re lr Ih Iatnent ru spooled p 'Olilty , tIe eov1tor : Iml ro tents j - . .1' . - - ' . - . ' , will prove a total Iou. The structure Wa the anet mi elevator In the norlhwr.t 1 I. owned by 11. 1 MIle & Co. of Miwauko3 owner and contained 80.000 bushels or wheat . Lon about $5.00 on building anti same on can tents , faIrly insure , I wilt doubtless be rJ- built at once. The fire wu caued ! by the explosion - plosion or flour dUlt. . - - - - - 1'OIL'I'SI'I I : E'i'I'lhlLcs'rs. Cllr..r.nr. ( .lrd ; ; I. Meet sit TOIeluL 11' til. I 1. TOIPIA , Ken , Sept. 28-Arrangements are now being made for the conference at npresentatves at the states and cite west 01 the Mit'sIsIppl rIver , whIch Is to b held In this cIty October 1. The object at the conference Is to devise means at making available to ties great west a deep water harbor on the gulf and to arrange for the ' holding 01 an Interamerlcn exposItion. x.Senator l Ingals has written the follow- the meeting : log letter concernIng meetng ATCHISON Kan" , Sept. 2.- tayor C. A. I'elowl Topeka , Ian. : DelI Sir-Pre vious engagetnents , which I have not been en"llements able to deter or cancel , render I ) ' attend- once at the western states conference Im- [ pritctlcable . but 1 ur cordiallY In sympathy with the movement and shall I heartily co- wih ollerte with Its representatives In the ftc- compalhment : or the results they have In View having been one or the Illoneers at the empire ot the west , a1 I wlels . of . its unprecedented growth , 1 am prolunllY Interested In the emancipation oC Its ener- Jlel Cram those burdens and limitations whIch have hitherto restlalned Its develop- mont and retarded Its destiny. We have hecn the recipients at the na- tonal bount ) ' , and arc not ungrateful for its benefits. Free homesteads on the puhlc domain anll land grant ralroulls that have rnde those homes accelslhc : , anti theIr products marketable , have been the agencies by which the desert has been sUbjuatel and the frontier aboiihed. Without thee instrumentalities at civilization amtho agrIculturl machInery devIsed by the In- \ entiVe genius at the AmerIcan people. I Is doUbtful whether the Missouri woud : not have been today , practically the boundary between the farm and the wn"rnlss. In. The transformation effected hy these forces Is one or the marvo of the conturles. In less than the lIfetIme at one generation at men the great column ot migration , marching westward has completed the con- quest of the continent. The solItude his become populous ; the desert has become the oasis whose products supply the granarIes - arles oC the world. Great as are our oblga- tons for the liberal vehicles that have made these cun ' equelces 110ISlb : . our contribu- tlons to the prosperIty ' alll wealth at the tons tar exceed the beneractons we have received Costly as well the donations of COAty free homesteads measurer In money , and \'nst as were the subsidies of lands and hands given to the railroads . the Investment has been enormously I prollaule amid will yIeld yet richer returns hereafter. : So rapid his been the bulllnl or the em- I pire at the wcst that tinder the reallust- melts at the eleventh census the seat of I poltcal power has been transferred from the seaboard to the center at thl continent . Illt the statfM or the : ls3lsslppl basIn , with their natural allies , the states ot the Gulf antI southeast AtlantIc , can control the ant tlrse ali sword Atantc nation. UnIted , as they must eventually he , hy community at IHclucls , clImate and destiny , they wi he InvincIble. They can ect : IL congress , senate - ate Iml president , who wi replescnt their Interests and bo the agents and ministers of their wi anl a Is II thIs regard that the conference or the southern and western states bal Im- mense sl nlcanre , and It Is altogether lit- tIn nnd natural that the initiative of this anl coalItIon should procee,1 tram Kanmets . the central state or the union , whole relations to the greatest event at our history were so ttrlklnl and whose people have always been foremost II every movement for the amelioration ot the evils that aflct our ruce. Omitting from present consideration the Vast , problems ot the future with which we shall be required to neal . wu are now Im- medIately concerned In the question of securIng - curing more profitable returns for our ! I- farm anti plus tlrm products cheaper freights upon the commadltes for which they are exchanged In foreign markets. havIng long entertained the h let that the natural outlet for exports and the naturt gate for our Imports was through the Gulf or Mex- Ice , I always supported , whIle In conlres . all measures hookIng to the Improvement at time MississIppI and the openIng at a' deep water harbor nt Galveston. I had the prIvIlege at IntImate acquaIntance with Captain Hads . , the most intrepid engineer . who dealt with the .or hIs. Urmie , wih greatest nlturl torcos as a chIld with lila toys : n man the motes ! antI retIring sImplIcity oC whose "emclnor was equaled only by the Immensity or his 111sln and , the grandeur ot his achievements. One ot his aphorIsms was that the only question In any civi engineering project was money With I'no\lh motley everything wal possible ant he oren salt that It woull not reuire many millIons to secure deep water ut Galveston. I was there last winter , and hy Inspection was convinced that the problem - hem hall been solved and that the heaviest draught ocean steamers would lon fInd ample depth to enable tblm to depart for Liverpool with the colon all carl antI catte that can reach Its inner harbor with ' one-halC less land nearly - trnsportaton than the Atontc Reaboanl. " Nothing cnn more surely all In calling the attention or the world to these cOntlI- conl- tons than the proposed expnRlton at Gal- % 'eion In 1 & J . Nor can anything contrIbute . tribute more powerfully to thl elimination or obstacles to the unifIcation Qr the In- Ilultrlli anti productive energit , at these regions at the republic whose tnterelts are Identical and vhome - hlcntcal whosl solllart Is the In- Ivlable dIctate at the Immediate Cuture Vary resleclul ) ' , JOhN . J. INGALI.S CI\ntI' u " 'I'I'U liii Fi.tCIL 91" ' F.U'I'U Somit hit'rn I I I h\l ) ' AI"II" Nxolo' tIm . I rtof llnlJ"r SO'lt NEW YORK , Sept. 2S-The members or the Southern Hallway and Steamship asso- elation who are now assemble In this city In an endeavor to reorganize and rehabilitate ito associatIon , are reported to he meetIng with severe opposition from an unexpected source A meeting of the dllerent Interests I was to have boon held at the 'Valdort at neon ' ' today but at noon the meeting hal not yet been called ' \ o onler. cale'o I Is learned that the delay was due to a communication received from Thomas K. Scott , g neal manager or the Georgia rail- roa'\ ' In ! his' communication Mr. Scott charges tlmte memberS at the present assoca- : tcn with breach of faith In that they lade 19rcements which were subsequently brok n. Mr. Scott goes on to say that ( he has baen assured by a committee representing the as- soclatJn that he need not live up to Its agreements II he will Join the aS30claUon. To this : lr. Scot replel\ that he would not be a party to such self-sttltifleatlon and de- dined on behalf at the GeorgIa railway to enter the new associaton , The Southern mliway men , I Is said , are endea'orllJ to communicate with the heads ot the Georgia road In the hopes that they will override Mr. ScalIs decision 1 Urg 01" hiGh ( HI : POVI \'In "r ( ; ,11 IJiiei'i'rt'4t hJ- South 1,1111 lh"'rN. HAPl CITY , S. D" , Sept. 28.-Speclal.- ( ) Another rIch vein at gold are was discovered I this week on Spring creelt In the vicinity or the Storm hilt group at mines , which was sold recently to St. IQuls prtles. The mIners engaged In stripping the ground \ for hydraulic mining on the Bonanza bar un. covered a ledge ot rich ore fourteen feet In witlth That panned out by mortar test Is at heavy shot gold. The fnd Is at such value that work on thJ placer ground will be dropped for the ( line and the entire time of the mIners will he devoted to pro"ectn& for gold lelge" . : ho dIstrict wlare thl3 property lies Is twelve miles from Hap1 City ali the same distance p from Keystone. ' 'lter ( Jun"II.'r" Score n l'oint. DE"VEH. ScpL 2S.-Tho water consumers 01 Denver scored a poInt today tn their light for lower ratet. Judge Johnson deciding that a writ 01 mandamus shoult Issue roqulrlng the city council to pass an ordinance dl- rctlng tine company : to tx a rate equivalent to the r.verago rte of SI. LuIs , Cincinnati and Chicago , as prav\lp\\ In its contract with the city. Ten days were allowed the city at- tnrnl'y to malta answer to the peremptory I wrIt or to appeal. Ir.'u" . \'lutuU Slrlwk h ) ' n 'I'rlin. 1lTTSIUUG , Slllt. 28-A twohorJeYeon bdungln to Sclbnel"s circua was struck by I'anhamnilo ' train at. lhimduoti'a a P3nhl\llu' IlUengrr at ludson's creasing , near Carutgle , early this morning. The wagon was Icmolshhl and two emlllo'es amid the horses \ \\'er killed. The naml at the men were Andrew Drally and Melville salmlne , TheIr bodies were frightfully manglell . Hun l ; , Ilo.It'b "lh UI".III" IZItNIllIS SANDY 100 . S.pt. 2S.T brfeb Hock o' a el ! rJp'd trln ; gun blew out this after- noon whlb blng fr.d tor the test , kit leg Corporal Doyle and Private Conway anti serf. DUll ) ' ioondliig Private erne , wile Private "Irlnalda . Ight ) Injured Csp.aln MOlt- I & onny , II charS ot the sun , e caped. . . , . - ' - - - - - END OF A BRILLIANT - CAREER General Schofeld Retires Today from Active Command in the Army . - STEPS OUT ON ACCOUNT OF AGE ' ills nct..1Clt Inrlu time' Close ot n I.onl SerIes or "n1111Io Services Jlih In , \ ' , ir unit 11 Time's of Pester , - WAShINGTON , Sept. 28.-Tomorrow Lieu- 'tet.ant General John M. Schofeld retires from active service and goes on the retired list , after an evcnUul career In times of war and p ace. 1.01 more than seven years he has been In command at the army , and since ebruary last he has had the rank ot lieutenant general by specIal act of con- gress. General Schofeld was born In Chlutauqu : cccnty , New York , September 29 , 1831 , and was avnolnled to the military academy from - Illinois In 1849. Entering the artillery 18&3 the branch as I second lieutenant tn , outbreak ot the civi' war found hIm a cap- tnln at the First artillery In 18tH. lIe was In active service In the west throughout the actve hostilities , and In 186 was a brigadier [ gen- eral , In command at the Army of the Cum- berland. During reconstruction tmes he was In command at the First military district ( state ot VirginIa ) , for a little over a yer. and for ten months was secretary 01 war , from June 2 , 1868 , to March H , 1869 , In which later year he became : major gen- oral , and after commanding several of the army departments he became communder of the army II 1888 upon the death of General Sheridan. General Schofeld Is one 01 the few surviving veterans at the war who I commande\ an army , who fought a battle himself as such , and the record of his actIve service In the field Is full ot brilliant achievements. But In addition - dlton to these he has accomplished In an admlnlstratvo way muters of such sub- staritial bereft to the ( army that his reputa- ton might safely rest alone on them. First of all , ho has been an artillery of- fleer , and has kept constanty In view the Importance ot bringing this arm at the serv- lee up to perfectIon. As the senior member at the fortifications hearth sInce its creation , he hs lost no opportunity to encourage In- vemitlon and the development of modern venton I ordnance anti , \ coast detense. lie has In- , angurtld a system or higher education ' mong the younger members or the ordnance and artillery branches that las nat remark- ably successful resuls , iouiig officers who showed special aptitude In the schools have been sent to the arsenals by his orders. Lyceum Instructon ! has been afforded others , and a complete instruction In spoclal branches bas been gIven noncommissioned officers and men by means at pamphlets prepared - pared under the direction of General Scho- field by experts In each branch. In the wIder field at army reorganization the general has played an Important part. lie has for year been an earnest advocate for the three-battalIon organization , and to him Is owed the adoption at tie polcy at concentratIng trool1 : n the great railroad centers and at exposed points on the coasts , and the aban onment ot small posts. I Is also a notable tact that under his admlnlstr- tlol' of the army bas come an end at the Indian wars that haye ravaged the western country since Its settlement , which be at least In part atributed to the skillful I hand- lng or troops that has made It manltest to even the Indians that their struggles would he hopeless. In the hour or civil dIsturbances the general hu showu himself a most wise amid discreet commander. Ho Is largely respon- slblo for the admirable construction at the posse comiatus laws which have never been disturbed bY the courU ! , ; and Ilurlng time great labor strikes at last summer In Chicago - cage I was hut Iemonstraton , at' the law that prevented any serious conc\ between the latQnal and Etate authorities while using the army to afford proper protection to natIonal Interests. natonal IH'AI GI'J : ' 1III.g M0'l'iS. 1'lhl" mm mud Irh'lh Iiit.'rstM fls'm.usiiil n St'tlt'iimeimt or Cllln ATzt ( Irs. CHICAGO . Sept. 28-A special to the Tinies-hioraid says : Spain must crush the Cuban rebellion during the next three months or submit to International Interference In the Interest at humanity anti commerce That Is time significance ! ot a series or conferences - ences held between Oney and time SpanIsh minister Senor Dupuy de Lome. Tae UnIted States has agreed for the present to keep I hands off , but this Is accompanied by a tacit warning that unless SpaIn carIes out her promise at suppre-slng the insurrection and restoring order In Cub within reasonable time she must expect the United States to tmo pursue a quite different policy. In other words Spain Is to be given one more chance to demonstmte her ability to rule the Island , and falling In this , the chances arc the United States wIll take the leadership In international Interventon , with the complete autonomy o ; perhaps the Independence - pendence ot Cuba as the objective point Time conferences were hell at the request of Secretary Oney , who asked Senor Dupuy do Lame for a rnl statement ot the condi- ton ot affairs II Cuba. the Intentions at time Spanish government , its ability 10 protect American citizens and their prop rty , anti the prospect at EUPiresslng the Insurrection. ST [ LOUIS Sept. 28-A delrc ice hu ! , ore to St. Louts wIth the avowed Inlent'on or preVtng the I p-rate1 cf Cutan flb'ls'e es from this polrt. le bas Iud \lh no public interest whatever , end under hs ! 'ery eyes two representatives or the C'1lan ' junta are said to have been carrying cut their projects without Interference or slutecton Mr Iorel , one at the JunIa's reprelenbtv j , laa ; , It I. stated met \ \ It IH at ucc : aIn 'n ' securing recruits , who ara .bJlng ql'ct y rorwared to their destluatlop. lie was Joined ono welt ago by Mr. Am ! t gas. ' 11. pUrpOJc at tlma later hs beaa , the r.mi'Ing or money and arms. In both he has been emt- nontly successful. . Shortly after hIs arrival In SL 1.01 Is , : T- Artls nlaced an order from h're for 2000 Wicheeters ; - with a New Hay , : : , Conn. Irann- taclaer , and these , he thllt.1 , ; , are airarIy on the sea for , Cuba CII : . % MOVING 'nn V SttWI.Y , B.let In I'unl"h IUol"I'N nt CImt'ner-'i'si Not \.t IN"ue.I , WAShINGTON , Sept. : S.-Unlted States Minister Denby cabled the Departmenl or State tram PekIng today as follows : "Yamen have telegraphed auth\rltes of C11l , Shansl and Shensl to appoint on ot. fleer to escort comanmisalon. Edict wi Issue In a few days punishing omcluhr and degml- lag viceroy Wi telegraph It " This message refers to the Independent American commission , which has been. formed to Investigate the Cheng Tu missionary rIots. Time edict to which reference la made Is lupposed to b about to Issue as the re- suit at the French Investgaton at the Cheng TI alalr , and the viceroy concerned Is probably Liu. , I ts expected that our commission - mission , headed by United States Consul Heade , will be on the road from Tlen Tsln to Cheng Ti In a few days. Culls In tii . She I'o'r CCIIIN. WAShINGTON , Sept. 28Actng Seentsry lamln of the Treasury department today gave public notice that United States 6 per cent bands of the taco value or $640.000 , issued under the acts of July I , 1862 , ant July 2 , 186t , to the Kansas Paclnc Hal- , way company , late the Union Pacific raIl. way . eutern division , and commonly known as "curroncy 6s , " become due , and will bi Patti at the department November I , and that interest on the bonds will cease on that clay . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( hn..huut Not heady 10 'Vlrt Yet , . WASING1ON , . Fepi 28.-1 Is learned that the pn'lldent Is not expected to return to Washington tram Gray Gables until October - ber 15. Secretary Carlisle has written that : ho wi be at his desk In time' Treasury de Ilatment next Monday , ltnbt.r In""o"l neb ills Sulur , WASHINGTON , Sept. 28.-Acting Comp- trler Bowen , alter some deliberation , hiss ccurtenlgne time warrant issued by order oC the secretary or the treasury Iii PY- ment at the draft drawn by ex-Senator Han- sam on account , ot salary os United States minister to , Mpxlco. This acton of time acting comllflcr seems to dispose or all Qletton c099qrWn Mr. Hansom's right to receive 111 salary , pending his confrmaton by the senate , . _ :1.JI Al.fii . lS IliiVOhtlI ' ( In : COUlt'l' ' Tsuhesi rrnl\t" , Arsenal hT I , 'rl . or IImiben . Cort.u" , WASINGT N , Sept. 28.-The counsel for Major ArtJ"'hls afternoon presented a writ at haou"corpus to JUdge Dradley at the District hGolumbla supreme court The papers state that both defendant and pet- toner are Citizens of the United States and relates tlii time petitioner was arrested and conflnethiusjn a legal order for no ot- tense recegllz upn o by any law. The peti- toner prays that he may be brought Into court all tl ! defendant made to show cause \hy the petitioner should not ue set Ireo. Judge Iradle ) ordered that the prisoner be brought before hIm Illcllately and a Ieput ) marshal was sent to the arsenal General Scbofeld saul today that he regretted - greted exceedIngly .havlng heen forced to take the action he did yesterday In lie ( case or Major Armes , uut being acting secretary - retary 01 war at the ( line hs felt obliged to order his arrest solely In the Interest 01 mIlitary discipline , and without regard to I p , rsonl consideration . I he had not beeh acting as assistant secretary of war , he said , he would have Ignored the Incident al- together General Schofeld said It was tar rrom his purpose to do an unkind act to anyone on the eve or his retirement , but he was forced to In the present Ho did not purpose , however , to do anythIng further In the premises , leaving the case entirely In time hands 01 Secretary I.amont , who will retUrn to the ( city this evening or tomor- row. The facts In the case will be laid before - rare the secretary for his acton , but Oon- oral Scbofel lays he will make no formal charges ag3lm't Major Armes. le said he hal\ \ always been friendly towarl the latter. and did not understand his enmiy , It Is sa 11 at the War department that Major Armes will remain In confInement . un- til his case Is disposed at by Secretary Lament - mont , unless his release Is ordered by the civil courts on a writ at habeas corpu Any process ot the civil courts In this case wi be Immediately respected. No attempt will be made to resist an order for the release at ( ItO prisoner In case It should Issue Under the regulations at the army the charges against Major Antics . I any arc made , must be tEd within eight days front thu tine or his arrest , and ho must be brought to trial within ten days from the date of ting at charges. In case no charges are made against him anti , he Is not brought to trial , he must be release,1 , at the expiration or thirty days after the ten days limIt for the trial , or at the expiration ot forty days frol the slate emi which he should have been urought to trial. In sonic cases this mode of pUlshnpnt has bren practiced , time offender simply being can- fined for the forty day limit without trIal. During this period the confInement may be " " " " " " "close" or 'I iiiii ted . I "lmited" I the prls- crier lay be given the treedom at the post In which he Is confned , adjacent to the post , or even the state or territory In which the post Is located The conditions at Imllrl80n- mont arc regulated by the secretary of war. Up to the present time , no charges have bean ted against Major Armes , and Gen- oral Schofehl disclaims any such Intention. The later ordered Arles under arrest be- cause ot insubordinatIon , and will simply re reI the obJ rLonabI3 letter written to him to the secretary at war without rp : lnmenda- tnn ur comm ntl leavIng the latter entrely tree to act qs he deems advisable. . , ,1- - AI"I'I' AX S'I'\'I'I " 'OI'1 Mti.LIONS I ! , - 1/- ( IIU"rnh , " ' "mnllnt" n Slur 1111 or tiii' CI. ) ' or Ihlh"'h.hln. SAN F'RAGZSCO. Sept. 28W. II. , I. Hart will cun ; go east to prosecute the claim at a llenl whose case , bids tall to become as m6i s as has the cent st over Blytbe's mnillioims. Mr Hart bas been retained - tamed by : ! t $ , 11 llnbeth D.mic or Mountain VIew to support her caim to ono-seYenth ot a vast etat In Phiadelphia , which Is said to bo worthil$56j000,000. Mrs' Dalpisicis : waited over tour-score years ' for le./nlllon9. . and the announce- Imitint. that ( lie ' at time vill numt that Ilassageot tme wi son make I ] 0181111 for her to put In her claim to the estateS or hII 'ancestors comes rather too late for her tD fully enjoy her good for- tune. SIte Is. a descendant or an Jdwart I"Irley , who lived In the early days ot .the nnton. ! le owncil thlrtyrour.acres - ot land upon what was then the outskirts or a It3 viage , and lS , was not unusual In' those days at 10nge"lt he granted a lease emu I far ninety-nine years The term ot the lease will expire on November I next , Uul Mr. Hart Is now engaged In collecting proots or ( lie klnshlll at his client to the origInal owner at time lain ! p " ' 1.1 , MHIi'L' A'I' 1'IT't'ShmlILG NEXT . Ilrsmt iii'rimonil of SI. , " "Ir. ' " , 1 ' IIINh"N . , Its " 'lrlc II Ia.iiisi'iII , . . LOUISVILLE . I\y. sep . 28.-At the mor'- ng luslness sea Ion er the Brotherhood at St Andrews the commltea oa criden.la's 10' ported that there were 211 chap'ers represented - seated In the convealon , making a total or 439 delegates present. Thl cmnmtteo on nominatons then made Its report. ' The councIl will meet ought and selEct 'trom Its own number omcer for the brotherhood for next yeu. , A vote was Ultoa by the ronvent'on a'd Pltsburg waS selected 8S the p'ace for hoU- lag the next Ile Jng. The vcte mnst be ratfei by lhf councI : , how. vel before I becomes final. . Borsmnmn's ( ) ' immnnHlimimi hlui'nol. UItIDGIPOItT. Conn. , Sept. 2S-The rOU" story bu'ldlng Imoln as the Barnum gym- nslum , on 'Vatr utret , \\13 burned [ th's afternoomi. The building , wes owned by bnry T , Clark , one ot the B3rnnm heirs , ami th1 total loss Is estmated to Ie $70.000 , on which thEre Is Insurance at $37 0O Tte J nl or , John Pollard , who occup e. a room 01 th' fourth floor , was awkene,1 , hy a cra Ic I 'ng nolso Time fire Iud gun I c'nslder3ho : hoad" way and cut off his Ex't to the ha 1 lie hung out at a window hl tutfocitod . and called < 1 for hel } until rescued ly limo fIremen. 'lIme moot ant three for son fotl In and the Un Id- lag was completely cleltroyd. o . h.lnl" Ih' , ' VI' 'l'I'lr r.lld" . ' GtEAT FALLS , Iont. , Sept 28-A treaty has been erece , } with the Tlepegan Indians by which a strip ot hand , rIch In gold , silver anti coppe , ores Is ceded to the United Stat03. The land Is sixty mies long and eighteen wide. running from lurch creek north to the Interatonal boundary. OnJ and a hal million dollr3 Is 10 bo paid In ten cantEd instilmmmcnts or cattle and annulloJ , be- gnnlng : In 189S. 'wIth the expiration 01 the present treaty. , TIme comml lon will go oem ' Monday to Fjtr fleknap : where I will endeavor - deavor to Hro I conceulon from : te tires Ventre 'Ind1ns at 8 strip of laDd In the LItlo Itocicy nibuntalnu LI\le Hocy 1 ! _ . ! . . S.urt.I I. , , 'L Qul.'I , Iii s'ssr't' , WAIIPETON . ' 1J . D. , sept 28.-Mrs. 0. ( lila Steirmsva ' . v'tl ! at the junor : 'membo of tlo Steln'wa. the firm of } 4trlumvay & Son , piano manufacturers - turers of New York , came here yesterday , tC- comp3nllj hiym.Aitorn ' ey Sp } ltng at Fargo , and secured , , 'I divorce In Judge LmdJI' .court. Her ' > oll\lalnt alcgtd that her Ils , band was an < 1a1I\ull drurk3d and bad woefully . fully neglected 'the ' plalnt'r and her chlrw. Mrs. Stelnw3y'lhtor the east tO.ay , accompanied - panied by her 'I' ( ftlo d 1tlbter. . Sl.eck \ { V" ft neu.rnl U.ulul , Two or t e/daya ago Lillian Herman appeared In polIce curt , where sbe secured a warrant for the arrest of Charles E. Speck. She charged that Speck was her stepfather anti that he ha treated her mother In a shockingly bd manner , neglecting her and leaving her without money or food Me Speck , In telling lila sIde of the story , says : "I am not married 10 time woman , Lillian I iIoffman' " 110lher , I have boarded at her . house and have always palll my bills . In' ' addlln to thIs . I have paid bills which she Incurred by ha \'r ig repairs made upon her house. There II no truth In the charge that I abused the woman " - . All H".he..1 'rurlr Cun..h.t , CHICAGO , Sept. 28.-Chalrman Mldgely at the Western l'relgh alcelton ba Issued a circular ordering all the feJuced tariffs can- crIed by October 11 , and declared time Alton and Atchison In contempt ot the association for Issuing reduced tails contrary to the rules of ( lie association. Z. - nOPE FOR I A HUNG JURY All Other Hops or Durrant'e AlrrOYB Have Evidently TIed , Ills CLASSMATES WILL NOT TESTIFY I'rIsoni'r I" Qlul.1 its SI'hll lt , , 'uu.h'r" the " 'Il' " ' ' ' ' , \'ho ' 1."tl..1 Against 11m 11" ' " Not Urol IHlu.h : U.I.I , SAN 1 IANCSlO ( , Sept. 2S.-An evening paper Ilubllhts an Interview with Theodore Durrant , In which the prisoner pressed his disgust at the witnesses who hall tc U- tied for the prosecution. "I wonder the tate at Ananla anti Sap 1111ra has not overtaken soule at them , " lie Is quoted as s ylng , "It Is strange to ue that they have not been struck dead for what they said against me on the stand " Durrant exprescas confidence ot his ultimate - . mate acquital. In the opinion or many members at the local bar the counsel for the dolense has opened a door for the the admission at all the evidence In the Williams' case at the present case for the murder 01 Blanche La- mont. During the examination at Sergeants Hoynolls and Durke , who were called by lie deCtun' , lue 'tons were naked concerning t shoe wIth a brown stain on the sole , round In the pastor's study. The prosecution may claim the right to demonstrate that the stahi on the shoe might have resulted tram walking around Emanuel church on the morning the mutilated body ot Minnie Will. hms was found Evidence could then be put In l'howlng the condition ot the room where th' . murder was committed and the ( loss1bl. I ( ) at a person enterIng tt getting blood on the re : t. The defense will fight any prop- osiion that has for Its object getting befOre the jury any tact regarding the Williams murder. The dIstrict attorney says he Is satisfied ho has put In a very strong case , and does not like to take the chance or Introducing the testimony that might ue declared irrelevant by the supreme court. The defense does not seem to rely 80 much on the alibi now as I did a few days ago , and their efforts are now being devoted to an attempt - tempt to fnl flaws In the prosecuton , Not one ot Iimrrant's seventy-five classmates will stq } to tIme front and say the accused at- tel" ,1 , Dr. Clene"s lecture on April 3. I ho was there every member at the class would know It. anti dozens wol11 ! appear and tel at little Incltents that happened during the icctumro whereby the presence at the accused - cused was impressed on their minds. The Elmplo fact that nobody recollects his pres- enco Is proof positive to the prosecution that he was absent. If Glnerl Dickinson fails to put the students - dents emi the stand , Mr. flames will cal them In rebuttal . and although theIr testimony to ' the effect that they do not Imow' whether or not the defendant was at the lecture will he negative In character. It will thorouphly Ils- slpato from the mlnls at tie Jury any Impression - pression that the Introducton or the roll cal mIght have. In rebuttal tit district attorney will attack the roll hook and will . by a leal many witnesses , show the careless way In which the rcc"rd 01 attendance at the college - lege I kept I will be shown that hardly a student has not at some tme or another had the roil falsified by his classmate answering . swerlng for him. Durrant's hopes now rest on the ability of his lawyers to so manipulate proceedings as to creata a doubt In the mind at a juror , also as to secure a disagreemnent. He can bull on nothing more substantial , and I seems Im- possible at the \ Ient writing that ho can , exnect an alfulta , , TONAWANDA , N. y" , Sept. 28Mrs. : Williams , the mother or one at the young I girls whom Theodore Durrant Is accused or ! I having nltlerrt at San Francleco . has been staying for several days as the guest at Mrs. Strykpr 01 Broad street She came here to get ' away tram the. stne'athonal scenes . attend- ' lag time trial at Durrant She has kept alOof rrom everybody and refuses to be In- teriewed. She still broods over her daughter's tate and passes most or her time weepln Today she went to Niagara Fails to spend some time with another _ relative. 'VIIlh I iS'l'IUC'I' coun' . I : 1lm IIS'1IIC'I' ! Mart In C'H".I.C..1 .r . Clrr111hllt InrJlur ' 1..1" . After being out for a perlOl of four hours the jury In time M F Martin case returned a verdict ot vagrancy , hut recommended Martin to the mercy of the court This verdict sustained the position at the state , the particular statute \uler which Martin was prosecuted describing the crIme at car- rying and posesslnl hur lars' tools. The crime Is nomlnatcd vagrancy. MartIn Is the man who Is strongly suspected . though not dimectiy proven to have taken part In the ttemilt at safe blowing lt Calhoun. Ills reputation as a saleblower Is said to be unexcelied. lie was remanded to jail. - - - - - - - l'hJ'Nlelnn Snhll r.1 Ills 11) ' _ Suit for $1,000 has been Instituted by Edward - ward A. Chase against Swift & Co. or South Omaha. The claim grows out or the strike at the laborers In South Omaha whIch occurred - curred In the early part at August or last year. Two men , employes at Swift & Co. , by name D. D. Miller and . John Peterson Jot badly used up In the street brawls amid needed the atendlnR 01 a physician Dr. Chase says he acted In that capacity , taking care at these men for Swift , and doing servIces worth ! $1,000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' \'un' his ltoiis-y IVime'lc . William F. Hoskle has brought a suit In the distict court against Z. Cu\dlngton , \ to I obtain a judgment for $250. which he alleges I the ( latter obtained under tale pretences : on or about February 1894 , ant continues to refuse to turn over to Its rightful tur o\er rightul possessor - ' ' sessor , the plaintiff . List .r Xesv Stills Ir""lht. The following new suits have been Inst- tutel In the distrIct court : Edward W. Chase against Swift & Co. , dnmages ; Nebraska Loan and Bulllng asso- elation against Joseph O'Connor , note ; Aul- nman 'faylor & Co. against E. I. , Linberg 'Anna ' V , Dalte against Mary Verka and msle Pierce against George Schroeder , tore- cIomure ; Albert II. Snyder against Frank W. Poster , transcript ; Chicago Lumber company against Eugene C. lnney et aI , account ; Farl I W. Gannet pt al against John 10- breclter jr. , notes ; William J' , Hoskle against Z. Cuddlngton , damages ; Metropolitan Land ald Trust company against Alfred Mayhew , foreclosure . - . _ : IIIOIS I : EILdVA'I'ltS. . Sull In 10' I'h'ld"I" ' ' " nr : Uu"onln" \11(1' , limit- "Talk about time vanity at women , " sniffed the typewriter girl contemptuously , as she went down the elevator ot 1 bIg oliicc . buiding on Droall street , says the New York'orld. "S'hy 't I ain't I clr- l'mstace to 'the vanity oC meet Just you watch , thel going lp anlt down In these ! elevator mnlrrormm are What for ? " 10 you IUllpOSO these \lrrof \ 1"01 the typewriter girls " suggested th" . , , . . . ,1n'ntnr mnn m".klv. ' ; i1 ; i's ' all 'you i-Kiio\v abolt it . Just you I watch lie ) 'oungen twist theIr mlH- , belmont : up. at the corners and set their , I hats on with I little extra touch , a trifle to : thB left Hlte , I'm onto their ( ricks. 'he just smIrk anti prink In the elevator 11 It I they were going on u tntyp ! Anti you take these grayhmeaciod men , that you would think were Ilurln" 111 stock quotatun _ whY they can'l step In here without facIng - Ing around , to time looking glass anti fIxIng the set ot their coat collars. I makes me tired I" treil" 'fho elevator nian yelled "Going ilown ? " at ( ho fIfth floor , and time mluldle-agn.1 man who got iii tumrlieti to ( he mirror pulled out a pocket comnb anti surreptitiously straight- tmeti his mnustacho. "There , " eaiti the tyiowrlter girl. con- clusivL'ly aiitt as time elevator stopped at the street tloor ho gave a backward peep to see if her hat was on straight , "There. " called time elevator mmmun provokIngly - Ingly , after her. - hltsIi.hI iimr iiisie.Ior tut Fault. MINNEAPOLIS , Sept. 28.-The great stone gable of the burned Westminster church , fronting on Nicoliet avenue , fell with a tar- rifle crath just before noon. hIy an almost mnIraculoua piece of good fortune no one was hurL The wail had been pronounced safe by the building inspector and th in. aurance had to be adjusted on that basis. But the wind and rain carried it down anti the busy thoroughfare is now choked up wIth ponderous atone's , _ . - - - - ; - - - - - - ON'l'.thllO'S SIIIFTIXO lhIl.I..S , Trn'q'is of Smuetsi hiniem , on ( lie itsmrem sir Inie' Ibis' , An interesting antI wonderful feature of time nattmrnl scenery of Luke lrio tiore are two inmmense coiiicaiiy shimipetl uatmd fornm.t- tiomis In the Township of hioulmton , Norfolk county , Ontario , just of Long Point , says the Buffalo } xpress , 'rimese hUh art , Composed of the light all- very sand peculiar to ( tie shores of ( Ito lake , with the one diasimmillarity , ( hat it appears lighter in bulk titan tue shmom'e samici anti drifts more' readily with the wlmiti , They are sitt'neti submit a hub apart , the one to time east being the larger , It memisumres about 200 feet In height fromu the water level , 1,000 feet In letmgth mumil ; ioo feet In width. \'i'heii 'imuwetl trout ( Ito surroumitllmmg country It appears lIke a vast symmetrIcally formimetl giant's grave , erected , on the lafty promnon- tory , which lies high above , auth whose iire- cipltous cliffs wall in ( he lake for mIles. The Perfect anti elearcumt outlInes and gracefully rouuitieti suninmit which towers nobly high excite - cite in erie a desire to ascend ( ho steep ac- cllvity , mmotwithatanthing the dufilcuity of a ciinmb upon inn Incline of nearly 60 degrees front time horizontal , mmiatle even mmiore labor- bus by time looseness of time sand , which time cliumiber sinks immto above hmi shoe tops at every step. l.iut lie L eight gemierously rewarded when ( he summit is reached , for the prospect is beautiful , Looking Inland , the country Unfolds - folds itself , wIth its delectable miieadows anti fields of grain , for miles anti miles , n'hmIle 1mm the opposite direction the magnificent view of Ibrie's brood expanse stretches to the horizon. These hills , besimies their presemit interest , have a strammge evolutionary history ascribed - cribed to tlmenm , as recorded by sommie of the early settlers In the vicinity. At one ( into the summit of the large hill prevented a circular ; tlateau , with a crater opeiiing into a vast funnel-shaped chmasni , wIth sides nearly vertical , which extended down to a great depth , The bottom of this great anmplmitheater wag eIghty feet in dianicter , and upon this nattmrai arena the pioneer youths of many years ago played the game of base ball , nitht time advantage of requtrlmmg no fielders. for , no matter whuere the bali was thrown or batted , upon striking the sides , it would fall to the feat of time players. No trace nvhatever Is now heft of the crater. Many are time fornis this imili has assunied since I lmeim. If It is the action of time strong southwest- eriy gales , which , for 150 tidIes , have an tmnimmterrupted swoop down time lake upon time loose scull of the cliff , why are other Imills not ( hints formed by time sonic force all alomig the abore of this locality , where the santi appears the same as here ? There Is a sans ! mnountl close to ( lie large hill nearly forty feet high , which has ( itS appearance of growing similar 'to the others. It Is In- closed on three aides with a thick growth of large trees which It is gradually coverIng up. up.These hills slonvly b'.mt really cimango thmelm positions , ever retaining me graceftmi and strammge shape. The olti trees that ( aria a demise growth near by are gradually strepi over and colimpletely burled mn time sand. In many plates their titmost branches only protrude above the surface of time sides of therumthless eammil monster that smothered anti settled upon them. In tInts , as the hilt tnovtns on , thiese trees are again revealed , broken amid death , of course , vlthi whitemied trunks and mnainted limbs. Some twenty years ago the aumnilt of tIme large hill was crowned by the observatory of the UnItes ! States Lake Survey. Front this observatory , one In the highlands o l'ennsylvania , anti another ott Long Potnt , a triangle was formed , and ( lie niost ac- cuirato chart of the lake at ( hint time was issued , At present a beacon Is the onhy structure on the imill , having been erected In connection nvitli ( ito survey now being made of the hake by time Canadian govern- ni ant. lilttlix'S l'ICNIC. A huge Ihro1'im llt'im'r ' 1'e'rrorlzIimi time Fiii'imme'rs Ycnm' l'utmiimiii , Cimnim , A big brown bear is roaming through time strotclm of foiest south of' Imere locally known as Thmommmpson woods. nod in tIme swamps anl ( wild countryalong time line between hhmode Island and this state , says a Putnant ( Comma. ) special to time New York World. The beast has been seen by several people within time last few days. They mill got a tee. iibio fright. Othmer evlmlences of bruin's ox- isteflco are the depredations by some prowling - ing vialter impon farmers' lien roosts , sheep. folds amid beehives ammd upon time housewives' nantrles. Gardens have also beemm trammmpled and laid waste amid orchards robbed. People who live iim tIme more lonely sections of the dIstrict sUploei to be traversed by the baa : secure tlmeir stables and lieu reosts early and lock ( lie doors of timeir houses before - fore mnighttfahl , for they domm't know what time bear will take it imito lila head to do imext. A sort of reign of terror exists , antI there Is talk of organizing an expeditiomi of farmers to imunt down the bemir. TIme territory through which time animmial rammges is twemity muiles in length by five or ten mnlles iii s'tdtim , how. ever , and it Is dlillcult to locate hIm exactly. Sometimes he is not seen or heard of for clays at a time , antI then he will unexpectedly run across the roadway in front of somne farmer and his wife. placidly jogging hmoimme fromn miiarket in the dusk , amid nearly frighten the life out of horse , driver and woman. Thomas Peel , a blaeksmnith of Harrisville , It. I. , with Mrs. Pecie , started for Putnam , amid when near Cody's tavermi stand , on the old Providence turnpike. In time heart of time Gloucester woods , a immmge fluffy beast , with dust covered anti torn nor and lohilimg tongue , trotted across the road In front of them not a dozen feet from their horse's nose. Time beast was so near that both Mr. anti Mrs. Pecie no'ed the rolling of hIm eyes as lie glanced back over lila foresimoulmier at thmcni amid dove into ( lie bmmsnes. Pecie's mare tooii up on her hmaunches with her eyes pointed forward for a minute , and then started forward at a fimriotis gallop that threw time blacksmIth anti lila wife back- s'ards over time seat ltmto time wagon. TIme macre never ustoppeI running till she readied the Sawyer District sciiooh house , five miles beyond. I'ecie and his wife went hmotmie early. The bear stole some utilk fromu a womitan who lives On the liowditch place , amid robbed - bed tIme proprietor old time Ited Lion stamid of an olil hell vethmer. Eveti time carcass of the poor simeep could not be found in ( lie dense swamps. Time anlnmal has been seen as far north as tIme fluck hills woods , mint far from Welsater. Mass. While Staimton hopkins of Gloucester , It , I. , was going to visit a neigimbor lie brushed imp against the bear by the roadside. hirmmin was as niuch friglmtenett as Stanton , for hmo tummibled clumsily imtto tii timicktt , smashing time twigs antI underbrush. Farmner Stantofm's hair fairly lifted his lint off , he says. lie recovered - covered lmlmaelf amid ran home. The bear , it is supposed. is one ( lint es- capeil from a nicmiagerio which exhibited in this place not long ago. IOWA. Dlb3lOCIt.t'I'S li.t.YC A SlIO1' , C'onm'en ( ion at ( it tminis'iI lcyei.speet Quito it Itegsiimir Circus. OTTIJMWA , ha. , Sept. 28.-Speclal ( Telo- gramn.-Thie ) county denmacrats ba4 the stormiest session ever Itnown tiara today. Tim convention was to nominate a coumity anti legislative ticket , but the free silver contingent smarting undtr defeat at Mar- shialitown proposed to pass a resolution for sliver. After a bitter lIght in tIme. committee oem resolutions , the commmtlteo ( reported a plank to take the place of time mommey plank lim time state platforimi and also criticised severely ( hue action of Cievelamid and the federal ofllce-imolders. Colonel Moore , ethl- toe of ( lie Democratic Daily , declared it time resolutlona passed be n'ould bolt the ticket amid ( he wildest scene ensued. Time resolu. tion was tabled bitt a free sliver resolution was passed antI Rev. ' I ) . Ii. Crawford in'as mmomnlnatcd for the legIslature. Siit CIt' Fmmfr Ciusm'd , SIOUX CITY , Sept , 28-Special ( Teie- gramn.-Thmis ) was tIme last day of the Sioux City fair. It was set aside for time traveling men and the fraternity celebrated time occa- Ion by a parmide anml ended by marching in a body of nearly 800 to the grounds , where they spent the afternoon. Time attendance during time week lisa been a large one , mind notwithtianmliag several wlmmdy days and niece or tess rain at time start , tue exhIbitIon has been a nmoat satisfactory cite. l'opmiltir lii'ti 311 * ii In I I ieti. DIGS MOlNiS. Sept. 28-Slmecial ( Tele. jram.-W. ) S. Stutanman , an abstractmsr of llariamm , ha , , died in ( bIg cliy this morning from ( be effects of a fall from a wagon caused by tii hosmz , starting suddenly. Information - formation front harlan says the deceased was one of time most popular amen there , I1iiTE ( ) ! ) NEIY RECEI VEilS None of the Contending raction8 WrO a iron Eoproontatiou , NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY IN NEW hANDS .Iimilge lcmikl mis he'd lmme' I. , ( tmmm. ' time iIt'ti SmiggcNti'ei 1) ' tite' Csmitteiil lmm lnter'sts nimmi ( his. ' , . Ills lietisoims at lcimtt Ii , MIl\\'AUIClbIb , Sept. 2S-F ( nk Ci. Iiigeow - ' of Milwaukee anti ltiward Mcllonry of St. Patti were this morning mmppolmtto.l by Julge ' Jetmklns to succeed henry C. Payne , Thomnas F. Oakes smi Henry C. house as receIvers of time Northern Pacific htaiiway conipany. Mr , fligelow is to ba known as the financial receiver - coiver anti will Imavo clmarge of all mmiattea pertlnIng to the flmmarmces of t'e property. Mr. Mcilenry , vlmo for years past tins brett iii chief engineer of tha Northern Pee tic an ] mvhrn knows every inch of time loath , is to have charge of Its operations. The new receivers 4 are ordered to file bonds Iii time stint of $500- 000 each within ten days amid to report to the cotmrt imi time same manner as ther ! peale- cesmora. If at any time time appointment o' a third receiver Is necessary , 'the appointment will b mmisde. hem rmiak'ng time appointments Judge J'nklni d'sregardetl the wishes of the trustees email the different bondholders , lie said that ( be h.s- tory of receiverahips demonstraic.l time Ins I- visabiiIty of appointing rceivers nnho mere connectoJ with contendmtg factona ! , Ito- ceivem-s were officers of the courts amid not agents of the parties interested Ism the prop- city , anti for this reason they should have 'e but one single object-to eubservo ( lie in- tereats of the property ismtruiatsxl to thment , an ] should hold no other ahleganc than to the coil rt , rt'imen \'imen Judge Jenkins concluded ha remarks Herbert lb. Turner , attorney for th' Farmners Loan anti Trust coampiny , opreisd his sat- iafactloxm mit the mvtsdormm dispisyed 1mm the ap. Poilitments , which , lie stated , would be abet eatisfactory to tIme interest ho represeatol. TWO flECilVIltS LNOUGii. W. D. Van iyke , whmo appeared for time Secnnti and third mimortgage bondholders , opened with time suggestion that umiless the courts had already fixed upon the appoint- niemits lie would ask that Tlmontas F. Lomm'ry of Mimimmeapolis be appolimtesi. Mr. Lowry , lie stated , m'as satisfactory to time liartles tie represented , "It wail yesterdaysumggested , " began the court , "that only two receivers would be ncceseary to take chmargo of tIme jirolierty instead of three. The court is mmot sum. ciently intormmieti to be able to declare ( list the loiters of the nmamiagement of time vast property can be properly porformeti or should be Imposed umpomi two persons , but being desirous of keeping the expemmees down to a mnhmiiniummm , timid time sumggesticma beimug mmncomm- ( reverted by tlme counsel , the court vIil venture - ture time experiment alit ! test the practicability - bility of the michmenmo amid will appoimmt bmt two receivers. If at any tims time welfare of the interests involvemi for any reason do- tuand time appolntnmemmt of a third receiver time mmiatier will be cemimsidered. " 1 imavo given mnimchm tlmouglmt to ( ho smmg. gesthon of Mr. Lowry amimi of other nummnes that have beemi suggested to me anti that have oceum'reti to mmiyself , Time court timltmkmu it pertinent to say by whmmtt commsiderationu. It simommiti be guided Iii mnzmking time muppolmmt- memmtE of receivers. "To a certain degree the practice of cmiii- road recelveralmips lmas obtained for parties to agree' 0mm one or more imammies and suiggest timeni to the court. TIme appolntnmcnt usually follows as a mnatter of course , for if time parties concerned are contemiteti tIme court may well be satlsfieth , Such receivers have severally represemmed conflicting interests uitmitilig for one purpose. As the fighmt waxes warmer betwemumi the factious thmo heat , of time conflict extends to ( lie receivership , whIch tn timno becomes in war of factious 'ammmommg tIme . ' ' olficers of time court. That s'as recemitly exemplified In a receivership in time Northmermi Illinois circuit. court. , whemu the receivers of tIme court , when time war becammie bitter and as they became ummmable nmmiieably to carry out time court , macsited time court anml resigned on condition of time mmppointmemit of other parties - ties lndivlthmally. I do not propose that ( lila shah ever again happen in any suit with wlmichm I may have anything to do. MUST Bib TIhUF TO TihlIlIt TItUST. "Now comnes time question In hand. Time receivers to be appoimmted by this cosmrt. mmmmmst comae within the defimmitiomi of tIme law , as I construe it. Timey must lie titan entirely in- dtfferent to time coimtending factions ; tiny imiust have mm commmiectIon with ( lila fight ; they niust be miten mm'imo mire strict amid immi- partial , amid will performmi time ditties in single devotion to time trust anti with mm ulterior motives to serve. 'rhey mmmust be lumen of imigim cimarmicter , capable of comtmmanmiimmg tIme respect amid confidence of time great nubile they are to serve. . "With respect to the name of Mr. Lowry : lie is at nresent presimlent of ( ho See railway - way , a line supposed to he operateml by anti Imi the Interests of time Canatllmmn Pacific , which is a competing line wIth ( lie Northern Pa- chic. And , although it has been suggested to me that Mr. Lowry , if appoimmted , wouhit reagn that position , time court is still very' mlesirou.'m that the mmmcmi to be named should if possible be like Caesar's wife-above sus- PiciOmi and free frommi any relatlomma with any- timitmg antagonistic to tIme NOrthern I'acIiic , " Whemm lie comiclutled Judge Jenkins In. structed time attortmeys to draw time order anti list would slgii It. DISAI'POiNTID MIt. I'.O\VRY. MINNEAI'OLIS , Sept , 28.-Timomnas Lowry vatm a very mmmuchm suprised luau when lme received time hews this morning froni an Associated press nina that Judge Jenkimmu mimi declined to appoint Itini one of time Ce. ceivers of ( lie Nortimermt Pacific railway , lie said : "I consetited to time use of may miamo at the request of a meeting in Chicago Thtuirmiulny , wimere all the security bohtlers vere represented. They Imati sent for Inc. anti their request was totally utmexpectemi. Personally , It is a nmatter of Intiliference to mmmc , but it seenis to tao that time wlshiess of the security htohtlers should at least itmiluence If not control the court in tIme appointment of a receiver. I can imagine that somne of time msecmmrlty hmcltlera are ratimer mmncomtifortable over time way their wishes have been tiara- gartled. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlidIlt A's"Ui , Itlh'IdNGil. A. lmeinte'ei Stor''mvitii a t4mmtiiiiit'r Resort - sort I"laim'pr. The trouble with the Imman who cornea miown to the seaside resort to spenti Sunday is , as a rule , lie is sonmeboily's particular imroiort3' , says tIme New York Ibecoriler , anti calm give little enertairmnment to the women vIio have grown weary of each other's society - ciety all time week. A young unattached fellow-a gentleman rind fairly attractlve-an Imave a very pleasant - ant tlmue durlimg these weekly jaunts if ho mUl. simoumlil ho able to ride and row and swim utiti dance , itmmI if a bit of convt'rsa- ( lanai ability be added lie can cut a liretty wttie social swath for a little whIle , lie needn't be very mmiucii In earnest , and Ito must be careful not to pay muchm utten. ( Ion to multi specIal lair one. 'rlmis lie time diiilcult part of it , of course. I kmmow of ii l'ommng married dial ) who . . went 1mm for the "general eumtertainmnent" caper cit a summer resort not long ago anti kohmt it up very tveli. Indeed. But the chumrtmius of a imlmtck-imnired village girl with blue eyes Iveru too rmimmch for him , tie lie felt desperately In love end was no- cepted. He diii not ( cli the hotel ladies of this. however. for , as ho coniltied to me , ho was afrutid to do * 10. lie wasn't 10 alarmIngly beautiful that he mmeeti imavti worried as to time result , us I tried to explain to hint , but you know how vaIn mnetm are. Ommo of the shighteti maidens saw itlin and lila Irmanmorata lit time woods , ltowuvsr , mund overheard alt appointment for ( ho following ovenhmmg In the gloamning , Back alma scurried to the hotel anti told time rest. 'l'hme next night , directly after supper , s'levcim stylish girls tiled out of time back ticor of the hotel ani took to the woods. Imagine thtQ feelitigs of time young man imnd of hits startled village fawn as the eleven stalked by them and saId , in concert amid with a clear , brutal esmUnctaion : "Good cvcnuitg , Mr , Jcmmkinmm ! Yotmr wife La at the imotelt"p - % 'lil Mcst Agtilim at Hot Sprlmmmj. . 1101' 131'htiNtith , Ark , , Sept. 28-Thmi exee- utivo conmmnistee of the Southern hduca. tioaai association today selected 1101 Springs user Atlanta as the place to hold th ac.za annual : : : : : : : : , - .