' T . . . . ' ' - - - - - - - - - : : - - - - . 1' I 'Y' - , , - " , . , . ' . - _ ' , - - . - . - . - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I , p TIm OMAHA DAILY DEE : SUNDAY , SEPTErUER 29 , 18nG. 13 - - - -p IRRIGATION IS PROFITABLE ! ) r Some Result Attlnoll by Using Artesian ' Wells In South Dakota. - lAS CEASE TO BE AN EXPERIMENT - COli I. I COIInrICh'eIT Smnl 11.1 the II'Curn. . , n. . CUIInrl.1 'Tlh Non- ' . ' , IrrnC..1 Pnrl" , Deiion- J .trlCe IC Ut I C ) ' . , - ; ' CH.UllmLAI ! S. D. , Sept. 28.-Speclal. ( ) c , i -Tho queston considered ot the . ? most vital Interest to South Dakota - , kota Is the Irrigation quc8tlon. Whie , Ilerhnps ) , not a judlcllus statement to make I Is neverlioies true that In [ con ' sl.lerablo portion or the stte relllcl In the , t future niiIt bo plac(1 largely , It I ! not zolely , In I , IrrIgatIon. oherwise , with the comparatively ' few favorable crop seasons by reason of sufcient natural moisture , the state , oUtdo ! or a few countes , cannot support It present population. The time has arrIved when Ihls fact must be looked squuoly In the race , and mere Idle senthnent must bo cast aside. : I Is admltel , with truth that the sol ot South Dakota cannot bo surltasse..1 for productive . ness anywhere In the United Slates. All It lacks and has lacked to make this secton one ot the most prosperuus In tno union Is sur. . fctnt molsturo-certalnly a serious question , : , wEre I not for the vast arlesan ! basin underlying - . lying the state. hut with the unlimited supply at water within reach or the farmer or even ordinary means there I nothing to prevent this state becoming a prosperous as any In the union , and easily supporting five or sIx times Its present population. South Dakota bas an area greater than - : that or all New fnglanl , and its Population In round numbers I ! placed at 330,000. Wlh ' ; 1 thorough lystel or irrigation there I ample 4 room and 10 good reason why the state . ; Ihoulll not support a population of lGOOOo . . and veople. or 2,000,000 happy anl prosperous ) And . the writer maintains that the solution of any Ilroblem looking to this end Is or deep ! concern 10 the business Interests or Chicago , r the Twin CItes , Omaha and SIoux City , for , . the reason that the prosperity or South Ua- . lta wi add In a substantial manner to the , prosperity or the cles named by enlarging the field for their products and manufactures and that encouragement should be given to the present earnest agitation ot the irrigation \ufstlon. \ ufstlon.PrACTIAI. . I.LUSTIATON. . t ? During te past few weeks the wrier has male a careful Investigation or the Irrigation . queston , and during this investigation It was natural that the famous Hunter farm , near c . . thi' town or Melete , Spink , county , should be -4 ; visited. This Is at present the only pract- . , - cl ilustraton In the state or what system . atio irrigation will do. The results have Irrigaton wi , been more than gratifying. As thl farm Is F n model or Its kind It will be carefully Iat- . tered after by other who are sinking wells I , for irrigatIon purposes , and for this reason : . - a brier descrhJton or Lt aUlI what was ae- . ft . coiiipliahed this season may he or Interest tis ' , : . ' . and contain valuable information for those S interested In Irrigation. At this juncture I , , might also be added that Mr Hunter Is so -5- 5' well satisfied with what has been all can be accomplished that lila farm Is positively not for Eale. "Neither am I a candidate for any . oflicO . " said he to the wrLtor , "but am trying to demonstrate what South Dakota can lD , I would bo ungrateful dill I not say that the ; S , ' . railroad company has In every way done " rairoad to aid the experiment. " ; S everything possible alI experiment" ' Tile farm I composed of 800 acres or aliglitly rong prairie and Is about the fUghty : . average or South Dakota lanti The artesIan S. well , which supplies sumclent water for Ir- rigatiiig a tract ot 1,200 acres , has a very ; . : ' rigatng eIght-Inch pipe down to sand rock. . There the diameter was reduced , all a six. Inch pIpe reaches CIO remaInder or the distance - tanco down to the artesian baslii lOm ; feet - below obo surraee. The normal few of the ! well II 1.200 gallons per mInute , but It I not permitted to 10w its full cpacly-nly from , S f 650 to 780 gallons per mlnnte. The well was : put down four years ago and cost $3,5004 The , k same wel could now bo sunk for $3,000 , S STORING THE SURPLUS WATER. 5 f STOtlNG - : . - Adjacent to the well Is a circular reservoir . - Aljcent five acres of ! round. I Is constructed - , structed on the highest point or tIle farm , at 5 an elevation or two and onehal feet. ThreeS S feet to the mile Is a ! eel tall for Irrlaln [ S ; . 'fho banks ot the reservoir are formed by earth , thrown to a ' 11ht or five and ono _ Ilalr feet , and tweuty-two feet thick al the bottom and IWo feet at the top. The insideS r S of the wall thus formed has a slop of two feet to one. This season : breakwater can- ltructed or lumber prevented the water ( rein washing the banks , but workmen are at present engaged In rll-rapiling the inside or the reservoir with stono. This will reach to a height of four feet from the bottom or the resel vall. ! The stone wall will add greatly to the appearance and permanency ot the reservoir , and make It sufficiently substantial to lat a lifetime. The origInal cost of the reservoir nil work hired by the day , was $ G O. The cost or rip-rapping the Interior . with steno will bo about $600 additional , as the stone had to be shipped in Where the stone can be obtained al th& farm or 01 adjoIning land nu expenditure or $300 would umee. The openings tram the reservoir Into the dltchct are large enough to permit I volume ! or water two feet square to low forth when I ( till head or water Is on. Each or the ditches follow . ridges or slight elevations . and the lehl ! on either hand can be flooded S without dlmculty. The ditches are about six and one-hal feet wile and two feet I' deep. I has been stated In nelvspaper ar- S tcle ! ' that the ditches should bo kept full t of water , but this Is incorrect Whie the S land on either side Is b.lnK irrigated Is the 'J . only time the ditches should , be wel filled. S . Otherwlso the water wouhl soak through the earthen hanlts of the ditches antI crops , S. wou1I , as a result , be llrolned out. At r J " J ' the , adjoining land Is irrigated the water In the ditches must be kept below the level ofT ' T - the field. L The mode ot Irrigating which experience , : has demonstrated to be the best Is to divide M. alT a field designed to bo irrigated by throwing - : ' . lug up Literal ridges-not ditches , as some ; _ writers assort-anll then making a break In ' the ditch opposite the land 10 be ( boded , permitting Fulclet water to run over the le1 l to thoroughly soak It. Then the break In the . ditch II repaired anti another made IPP03t S the land embraced within the next lateral t ridges , and so on until the entire field or farm " . \ , . I carefully irrigatei These ridges are so . ' CS : low that they 110 not Interfere In the least , with the 'roper . ' cultiva'bon or the lanil . , i ' ADVANTAmS OF Tl itlSEltVOlit ( ; The Irlnclpal thing Is volume of water . ' still this Is the advantage or the reserveS ; system. When the reservoir Is full at watdg' , ' and the gate , two feet square . which leads to : S the ditch Is opened , [ volume or water two I , root square , or course , buuts forth Into the I , ; ditch The opening In the ditch should be I about four feet long , anti as the Iltches areS I . S about two feet deep a sold volume or water ' .5 four feet wide and two feet deep rolls out Illi the force ot the water behind It wl . push I clear across an ordinary sized feld , ' . The \ eli on the Hunter farm will fill the five-acre reservoir In eight days , whie thll S amount or water can be used In thirty-six S hours SII the well WOUlll easily irrigate S . 1,200 acres or land , for when the ground I once thorou1hly soaked It takl very little water to keep It In a moist condition . The l\tche when alt work ii I , hired done cost abaut 35 cents n rod , but when once con- structe,1 are euly kept In good condition for yeara . Mr hunter has learned from cx- perlence that there shaul,1 he four of these ' , . ditches to a quarter sfcton or land The cost , therefore of the ditches would bs $22 l , . for a quarter secton , or $ S96 for a section of . land The cost where th& farmer did the . work hlmset would bo very slight. ; Small ditches are only used when an od-shWCI , pIece Is to be Irrigated , or when the tract II ll detached or cut Ut ) by draws or lake-beds. : ' The slal ditches are esiy made , being ' only a matter or plowing a Couple ot straight " S turrawl. I was natural that Russian thltss should grow luxuriantly this season along the . ' ditches , but grass hu been lOW along them S and Is already crwl\ng out the tIistlos. r' fly another season the tbltles will be entirely . trely crowded out , and the banks or the ditches wil be a sea at waving crass SATISFIED'ITI I RESULTS , 1r' During the pat three seasons Mr hunter S h. experimented with irrigation , but w1tb- . . - , . . ' . " . - out the knowledge necessary for success until this Mnon. lie has bnn aD object of ridicule for the surrounding farmers , who jeered at the Idea of successful Irrlfaton , nut Mr. Hunter , although many other men would long ago have become discouraged , was more determined than ever that he was i on the right track , and that ho would eventually . . well his faith has iualy aucceed. How wel faih ha ben rewarded can he seen by the returns this season from his land Ho was also fortunate In securing the services ot If , W. lceT'e , an irrigation expert from Call- , terrla. Whoa bo came to the state , only n fem months ago , he hld little faith In . successful irrigation here , but tills season's experience has 11roved to him that there wtre prospects and posibites here or wMch ho hall never anl dreamed In California. Ho n011 expresses the opinion that where In California It costa $0 an acre to Irri- I , gate , hero I costs only from $ to $2 nn acre , and that : he had never seen a country where irrigation wal so complete and cheap af here , or ! witnessed better results. lie had intended returning to California this fall , but has .now decided to remain In the state another season , all will have charge or several new irrigated farms , which have been decided on. Mr Ieserve believes that by the close , [ two or three 1010 seasons lint ( still letter results can be expected , as It wi take that length of time , In his opinIon , to lear exactly how to handle the various fields and make them yield to their utmost. This season was an unusual one , frosts havIng been experienced nearly every month , but nevertheless the oat on this farm averaged aevent-olght ali on-hal bushels to the acre and weighed rorty.three pounds to the bushel : early corn that waE not injured - jurcd by frost averaged forty bushels : late corn was caught hy frost and wi average about twenty bushel had frost hell off fill late as usual this fall the Iowa corn on the farm woull have averaged at least fifty bushels per acre This , It must be remembered - bored , was In a secton ( far removed from the ramous corn belt , and where very little good corn Is ever ralE Two hundred acres of potatoes will average 200 bushels per acro. These , at the contract price or 2S cents per bushel , brings Hunter a revenue or $28 per acre. Four thousand dollars , cleared this seafon , Is a good return as profit upon an Investment or $16.000 , the total cost of the farm well , reservoir , ditches and other Improvements. EXPECT BETTER RETIJI1NS. But this Is much less than Is expected another year after the experience or this seaeon . Irrigation experts anticipate that the judIcious use ot water will result In fifty bushels of wheat per acre , 125 bushels : or dts , 100 bushels or barley , 350 bushels of potatoes , and other proluct ! adapted to this clImate In like proportion. One of the interesting teatures on the Hunter tarm was the exeprlmental glounds. Here all sorts or things were grown for the purpose of letermlnlng ! those best adapted to this clmate , Among the things tel.tel . were eighteen kinds , or trees eighteen of , clover , six of barley , three or rye , five or peas , thirty-nino or grasses . seven or wheat , thirteen of oats fourteen of vetches , twenty- one or onions , fifty or lettuce. fifty-three of beans , nineteen varlcte ! or beets , twenty- nine ot turnips , se\'cnty-two of orn and cane , twenty-two or carrots , twenty-seven or cabbage : also , all kinds or vegetables In ad- dillon to those mentioned , vines or various kinds , forage plants , etc. The result or the experiment "hows In a practical manner the kinds adapted to this section , and the information - formation gained will be very valuable when putting In next ason's crop. The tests putng that with sufficIent moisture South Dakota can grow anything that an Illinois or Iowa farm can. A farmer owning land adjoining the Hunter - ter farm early In last June , when much molsturo had fallen , said he would certainly beat the yield of wheat on the Hunter place. In the middle ot June , the weather having continued dry for ten days or so , the farmer said ho would at least equal the yield or slll on the Irrigated farm. The destructive - structh'o hot winds cr July 4 and I practically - cly ruined his crop as well as that or many other South Dakota farmers , while those two days were the making or the wheat crop on the lunter farm. Result : Wheat on the Hunter farm with irrigation yielded thlrty- four bushels per acre , while on the adjoining farm without irrigation It yielded but twelve bushels per acre. OTHERS FOLLOWING TiE I.EAD. It Is estimated that during the past summer - mar 1,000 practical farmers alone visited the Hunter farm , and all or them returnEd home with new Ideas or the possibilities or Irriga- wih ton. The visits have borne geol fruit , as It Is known that fully 100 farmers on one line or railroad alone have decided to sink artesian wells or their own and depend In the future on irrigation. Hundreds or letters are also being receive ! by Mr. Hunter askIng for In- formation. Cormaton. This Is certainly an Ideal farm The welt can develop thirty-five-horse power , and the time wl come " 'en practically alt the work on time farm wilt he done by electricity , generated - rated by power from the ve1l. The water can , of course , be used for irrigating after being used for power , and thus serve two purposes. As a preliminary to plans looking to this end tile owner of the lanll Is pro- paring to put In a dynamo which wilt bo used ! furnish electricity for boating and lightIng the buildings now on the place. A telephone line Is also to be put In at once between the farm and time town or Melcte , two and one-hair miles distant. Teams are now at work building a grade across one end of a natural lake bcd , intend- log to make n One fim pond or abut six acres , which will contain five and six feet or water The farm Is also being fenced with wire The posts are or steel. As fast as Russian thistes lodge against the fences they will bo burned without Injury to the fence Instead of being permitted to blow through the country and scatter their Heds broadcast. Mr Hunter states that a total ot nlnety- two carloads or products will be shipped rrOI the rlrm this fall. During tile winter 100 head or young cattle will range over the land. land.Tho The above Is an outline or what can be accomplshed by scientific irrigation by thl reservoir s'stem. Now let us consider the crude method by wllieh , considerable Irrla- ton has been done by Inllviluais who have , not yet , for various reasons , adopted the reservoIr , or flooding system. These have depended upon ditches to carr the water direct from the well to their Oelds. WELL P.\D FOr IN ONE SEASON. A very successful sample or what this sort or irrigation can do Is to be seen on the farm or 0. Turgeon , located south or this city on the Missouri river bottom. Early In the present year Mr Turgeon sank an clgbt-Inch artesian well. I Is 6S6 feet deep , with I nineteen-Inch how. The well cost exactly 2000. The owner never previously hal any experience In irrigating. He put In ninety acres or corn on a field which has a gradual slope from the point where the well Is located . Two ditches , four feet wide , were constructed along one end anti one side of the field. When Turgeon was ready : to aply time water to his growing corn , or thought the corn needed It , ho tapped the ditches , letting the water run In small furrows - rows between every other rOlv. I took but five das for him working alone , to irrigate time entire ninety acres. or course , the ground near the ditches became so saturated with water that It was reared the corn there would bo drowned out . but the reverse Is the case , anti the corn there Is the but or all . Two or tree , veks age the corn stalks aver- aged over ten feet high and were as thick as I man's arm Conservative estimates place the yield at 100 bushels per acre. Alkali hay on irrigated land stauls over five feet hIgh , and some blue point and red to has been cut that yielded over four tons per acre. Mr Turgeon says that from his crop this senon he will be able to pay for his well. Another tarm that has attracted a great deal Dr attention locally Is the Hassel & Idyers' irrigated farm In the northEr hart ot the state. The well II a six-Inch one and furnishes . power to run the electric light : plant for a nearby town , a sixty-bushel feed mill . and water to Irrigate time farnm Men had their doubts ot irrigating being n success : . but no one can see this farm and time other farms mentioned without beIng comivinced. The nders were crowded to their utmost capacity An oat field IrrIgated a year ago and again last May yielded from eighty to 100 bushel per acro. The cost or irrigatIng was from $12 to $15 for forty acres There are thirty-six acres at potatoes - tatoes that ale worth from $50 to $00 lIeI acre . besides millet . timothy , cabbage onions flax , or In all about 225 acres unJer Irrlga. tion. By a proper rotation or crops It I believed 6tO acres. this well will successfully Irrigate ANY WILL THY IT. In sOle parts ot central South Dakota , which Is a fair indication ot the irrigation feeling In nearly the whole at the state the derricks or artesian well machines are visible 1 & 1 directions , and eeIl fmer I /Ither bn A well dug , I. digging one , or II getting reAdy to dig one. tn most localities In that seton artesian water I found lt a depth , ot 3&0 tD 400 f/t , anti there the contractors are putting down \.Inch wells for 35 cents per foot , time farmer furnishing his own casing Well drillers have just struck A strong now ( In a \vel being sunk on the farm at Lee Echer , In lutchlnson county , at a depth of lW feet. This Is probably the cheapest artesian well In the state , having cost the owner only $7G Guy W. Crawford Is going to harvest from his Irrigated fve , ' acre patch In Sanborn county moro stuff than many farmers will Ret from 1&0 acres. Ho will have over 200 bushels of potatoes to the acre : 300 or 400 bushel or onions to time acre , am\ more corn on twenty short rows than mant farm- ers without irrigation will have on 10 acres. In time southern part of the state In a number or Instances the water for 1111. gating Is supplied by drive wells . from which wind mills pump the water Into smll tanks , But oven In some ot these cases large reservoirs will be constructed on the highest points at land , to take the places or the tanks Time reservoir system will In the future bo moro generally used , as It appears to be gaining In favor among those W'IO own arte sian veiis coIl propose to do systematic irrigating - gating . On tract ot gatn ! a more than 320 acres a ten-scre reservoir la lueh better than a five-acre reservoir , as the greater time volume the better , where a largo tract Is to be irrigmmted In various Ifrtons of the state townships have sunk artesian wells , but theo are not delnel to be used for irrigating. They , however , servo their purpose of supplYing the farmers with an abundant supply or water for stock purposes An Instance Is known where 2,100 heal or cattle are supplied - plied Wml water from one of the diches that lead from one of thee township wells , Dy season or this stock Interests are increasing In the vicinity or the wells. 010 ! One farmer and ranchman In Charles Mix county has an eight-Inch artesian well ammd proposes next year to Irrigate 200 acres anl land. lie Is but ono ot scores who will de- pend on irrigation next season . LESSENING TiE EXPENSE. There are various easy methods for farmers with limited means to secure artesian wells. The plan that will probably meet with , time most general approval Is for tour farmer owning lanl which corners , to sink a well at the point where tholr quarter-sections join , place the reservoIr an quarter-sectons each man's land , then ditches could bo run from the reservoir through each or their farms , so that each would receive an equal amount of water Where the farmers are on good terms there would bo no oppor- tunity for petty blelerlng over the water. "ls plan Is certainljr feasible and would lessen the burden upon each or the farmers anti they woul still secure ampe ! water for Irrigating and other purpOses. Each of them could bo fully protected In their rights by legally drawn and legaly nnl binding contracts or agreements In several neighborhoods a number of farmers have clubbed together and cubbed pur- chased artesian well drilling machines , which are being used first by one of time farmer and thcm by another time Intenton beimmg to keep on with the work until every farmer owning an Interest In time drilng machine has a well. This plan Is found to bo considerably - siierably cheaper than to hire the work done , and places n god artesian Well within reach of all interested III the wel wihin , moderate cost. ' There are , or course , as In all things , dls- ' advantages to bo consilerell by 11080 ! con- templatng engaging In Irrigation. Eepe- ! daily In the , northern part of the state there are some few artesian wells which have be- i Come choked up by sand settling arousmd the ' bottom of tIme plpo , causing the ' water to cease flowing. These wells can bo cleared and the water again caused to few , but to do this requires an expenditure of several hundred dollars. All these thing" must be taken into consideration by those intending to sink wells , but to parties having the means or where they club together and pay an equal proporton of the cost a better Investment could not be made. With time facts gained by the experience at time past few years there Is at present smaller chance or the wells becoming cogged smaler , the proper linking or the well casing will materially lessen the chance of such a contngency materialy , I Is found that a well should be permitted to flow only so much as I will flow clearly. When a well carries sand or seliment I Is .orklng itself out at the bottom , and then It Is only a question or lme until the well Is rulnell. In vIew of this the few or a well can Usually be controlled sufficiently to prevent the posslblty of clogging up at the bottom. COST OI THE WEI.LS : In time souther part or the state there arc numerous two and three-Inch wels which can bo procured there at nomInal cost. The usual cost ot a threeinchveli Is $1.25 per toot , four-Inch , $1.50 per foot : five-ismch , $2.25 : six-Inch , $2.8u : eight-Inch , from $4 to $4.50 per foot. These are the maximum prl.el anll can bl lowered considerably where a farmer is prepared to pay cash for his wel or do seine ot the work hlnmself. Land that Is thoroughly soaked In the fall needs very little water during the growing season. When the sol Is once saturated down to the blue cay It will core to the surface fast enough to furnish plant life with al necessary moisture , Too much water Is fully as disastrous as none , and extrlme care must be taken not to Injure the land by wetlng I too much. By the reservoir system one man can . after he has become ramilar with the topography of his fields Irrigate say twenty acres In five or six hours. Any sort or land can be Irrigated - 1 gated , whether It Is level , slanting or a hi- ! side. I the ditches have to cross hollows the low places can be graded up similar to raIlroad grades , and the water can be carried along the top. The planting ot willows along the banks wi be found ta bo a cheal method or strengthening the aides or a reservoir hy means DC the roots . besides acting to a cer- tain degree as a wind break A very simple device for damming a ditch beyond the poInt where water Is to hI taken out on a field Is a semi-circular shapel piece or Iron or steel plate , with : wooden bar bolted across the wIdest part and projecting sUlclenty on each enl to serve as hasmdies . I a dlch L six and onChal feet wide and two feet deep the plate shoull bo somewhat larger , and when I Is driven Into the soft earth across a dich I make an effectual dam. Suchn Instrument can b9 at easily removed ( and placed without delay at time next plntwhere i Is desired to dar the ditch. This saves comilerable time compared with the old- fashioned metholl ( or dammln a ditch by throwing earth Into I , which must afterward - ward be removed at the expense ot much time and labor . SuhJ..t Cn Almt.'hs nf Chnh'rn tIorlms. While atayiimg In the Delta ( Mlazissippi Whlo stayll ! D\a : lslsllppl Botoms ) last summer , E. T. 10s. rtpre- sentng I.udlol S1)'lor Wire Co. or St. I.oul , suffered Irem ma\rll anti , beeamo subject to attacks or choera : morbus. In every InstancE wtln attacked ho was rolend a ! f by magic , by uing Chamb rlaln's Calc , Cholera an1 Dlrrhoea Hemldy. lie says : "I regard It a time 'ne plus ultrs' or modlcnes , " A q : u''r Ot't'miniInn , The German emperor recently p111 a visit to King Ocar or Sweden , and In accorlnce with royal etiquette on such occasions both monarchs conferred a number of kn'ghtly orders upon the member ot each other's sulles , says the New York World. Among time lower I grade or the emp ror'a retinue . KIng ! Oscar distributed ths Insignia of the Order or the Wasa , without knighthood. Among those thus honor , the Hoyal Ga- zeto mentions a ce. ? tlln functionary whole mysterious ofce In the ImpEral : retinue was descrlb aB "Buchsenspanner , " for which no translation could bo found In Swedish . Much curiosity was felt , which gradually gave place to Indllnalcn when I was nolrel abroad that " " the mysterious "Buchsensplnner" was none other than the empaor's " ants stretcher " A report rapidly gained ground that the em' perr had brought 108 unlCorms wth : him , so that I "pants stretcher" wu an Important aid to his personal apPE.ranee. But the Swedish Knights or tim Wara were much an- noye,1 at what they regarded as a dereraton of their order and I the unhappy "Bueh- senspanner" hid presented himself for brotherly , recognition his reception would not have been characterized . by any undue warmth J'ortuuately for the peace ot mIni ot the Swedish knights , "Duchsenspanner" was round to be the official who attends 10 the loading and cockIng or the mperor' gun when his majesty II out hunting . no sinecure considering the emperor's disabled arm. A Wet Virginia mania so peculiarly afecte1 by riding an a train that he has to chain himself to a seat to prevent his 2umplng ' out ot the car window . , s ' : . , : AMUSEMENTS . " _ _ ( . ( , ( f ( .1 ( f { ; ( li ] ( 'J.X ( j.1 wt ( ; ; ) ; ff1r.r . _ - - _ . . . . . . . , . - The local thlatJs ; hae made two notable offerings since the last Sunday review In these columns , O'net : a dramatization of a novel whIch , evel lkforo its publication In book form , hall atttated such attention and attained such fop'hlly with all classes or American readers ks reader have been bestowed upon no other new work br fiction In the last twenty years : the bthn = a revamping or an old drama , which , In \I its , lay anti In hands now inactive , vas perhaps the most widely known mind fondly loved play presented upon the Amerlnn stage. "Triiby , " at the Creighton , having for its central molv' that yet half understood and m8terlous force the manl- restatons at which are thrusthl' themselves I moore and morC Importlnately upon the atten- ton or scientsts , but which has rarely been successtlly handled 11 a ply : "Trilby , " pro sontell by a company of artists the genfrl excellence of wlich was only accentuated by the rcmarkablo achievement of two or three of its members : "Triby , " 111ayed to standing room throu holt Its engagement here , repeat- bog Its experience In time half-dozen other cities where I has shown , amid nt the mnati- nee crowds were turned a\ay. The ! IUsap- pointed scores could have rounl good scconm- molaton In the gallery . which was scarcely occupied at all : but they were dressed all In their best , as bcommiea patrons or tim mali- nee , and by no means willing to wasle their sweetness on the air or any gallery. Wlhout alemptng to account for the prac- tc11y universal and quite Inexplclble POPI- larlty or Uu Maurier's book It mutt be ad- omitted that that popularity \ n fact. I Is more ; It Is a fad , and It pen'ades all strata or society , being curlEd to lengths surprising . In ways nauseating and ummmentionable. Thl condition . In its turn , goes fr to explain the great success of \11. i'otter's pia ) Intrinsic- ally clever and Interestll ! I may be doubted If It Is strong enough to hold the boards for long after the prsent craze shall lavt died away and time delightful story assumed its rlghtrul place among those viands which are "caviare to the eneral. " The play , however , Is sure or I he'ty reeeplon ! so long as time hook Is cherlahed by the m8sr. . and for like reasons it may be a lIttle longer , for thO play affects time 1hllslne mind , as the book ] , In the nature or things , cannot All the foregoing Is or the play "Trilby" as I comes rrom Mr. Polter's hand ; a bold man , : . Poler , who rushed In where angels mlht have reared to tre , but WiD bas fared vastly better than ; commonly fare who fro gpheslan domimes . Much more might be l\11 In commendaton or time pla- wright's work I time and space were avail- able. The last scene or all . the passing or Triby , bas ben the subject ot adverse criticism from certain tbeater-goel's who must have their play enl happily , with a weldln ! or at least a propitious betrothal ; amid rrom certain others more progressive , anl ! who accept the sad finale but find fault with , the technical means or Its represemmiation. I Is conceived that tie dramatist meant to l'ymholze , by the pathetc isolation or Triby at the supreme moment or her le , that loneliness which , In consequence or leI gralua yielding up or her separate exist- ence , was SvonKn 's legacy ; her solitary death being the I epitome or a life which , however tnl or cpmp.lnlolshlp or the ordinary - nary 1(10(1 I , was forever denied the consola- ton of mtsylng lo\'e. I yon grant the hypnotism at all ' yet ; must not stagger at any strange phenomnon which may be attributed - trlbutCI to It. JUst why the photograph should have been sfut to ouzou . or all others , Is not quite apparen t. lie Is too goo I fellow to have' been made even indirectly responsible for Trhlbyic' death. Perhaps Mr Poler made It cpne. to him beause or tie dead musician's und'lng hatred for "Ies trcls Anglche ! " laul\ \ for nil theIr race : but then , Svengal hatC I mankind and loved nothing , except his art. lereln may , per- haps , be found time ; only human attribute or this porlntous Jcw : It quite escaped one at the frltylew oftheperformiiance , alhough It was there of' course Svengal spared neither himself .por ethers , employing nil means or good anlevl ! for . , the advancement of his art Such 'devdtton .tb nn ideal Is' ' not without its claiM "tmion' respect and even l'ympath ' . though the 'paths I treads toward the atainment lead through squalor and brutality. ! r. I.aclta'o's Svengal leaves a profound Impression. The excellence Jr the perform- ance on Its ethical side bas already beer hinted at. There Is not space even for r poor atempt at doing full Justice to It , note to the technical beauty or Its presentation It Is not alone th3 malte-up , striking aa that Is , nor time obscene outside or tile mali ' nor the masterly "btmslmmess" with the bands , ' which l'peak the same noxious language as falls from his lips . which give this achievement - ' mont its most valid claim to greatness. I Is alt these and other attributes combined , and Infused with the so11 or a true artist , which can build or even mean and l'Jrhld things a structure which endures. Mr. I.ackayo's dialect was perhaps the boat pro- aented. I Is a question whether It Is not too like that or the onlnary German speak- Ing French , and whether 10 cell not have made It more truthful If less intelligible , by ltudylng the strange tonluea spoken In some ! or the swarming distrIcts of the East Side or New York. lie could ha\ round there a patoIs congruous with Svengali's origin , wherever "out at time mysterious east" that unlovely character Is conceived to have come. Dialect Is not the strongest point or the ' Dalect compan Mr CanfEld e'peciahly gave I notable exhIbition or how time Scotch brogue shouhl not be spoken. As for French , there were as many shies at It as there were speakers , and , outside of Martlncll and Simmons and Jennie Heir- fertim stOne or them were conspicuously suc- cessCul. TIm name Gecko was pronounced by Svengal with , an Indicaton of the cor g : all the others spoke It immird. nu Maurlcr males Svengal cal the little violnist "Checlo , " which would scem to vindicate ! I. ckaye. Some or the characters dropped the final d In speaking the nan1 ot ! me. Vlnarl : others , Including Mme. Vlnard her- lcIt , relalned it. And time word monslenr was a stumblng-bloelt to almost e\'erybol ) So generally agreeable a performance as these \eotle give shoull not be marred by fauls like these , In themselves small , but or a lallre to grate upon sensitive ears An entirely pllasant feature of the "Trilby" performances wits the appearance or Ignacio Martnett as Zouzou. This am- bitous yousmg artist . the name or whoso friends , gained by years of conscientious and over-hnprovln work on the variety stage , Is legion , Is winning fame or a more permanent character by his 10le recent ventures In the higher walks or the mimic arl. I Is always - ways good to sel I man put away chil Ish things , goo Ind alhou&h Mr. Martnett dances better than most 'nlen. ho gives promise In his lalor endea\'GS dr doing timings which will appeal to the understanding as forcibly as his agile legs-lrnerly Impressed them- - In "Trilby" ho Is selves upon time _ ey.1 "Triby" equaly felicitous "lb fhls indication o the character or time II.llcp 7oua\'e and of time d'lC ' do In Hochellr , fl. wih the weight upon him or cnturleJ Qr an estry. One looks for even better timingm thdml these front Mr. Mar- beter thlns l tinottl , who has ! cloalfcatons of a very high order for certain 'eI qntrlc roles. ; Another gem , whIch only missed its purest ray by reason of orialn lapses In dialect " was the perrormanCIof Mr. Morrison as Gecko. Many pur It i next after that of I Lacltayo , whose ttre\nacy \ no one contesh. Mr Morrison Is alollr who will be heall rromr unless one } } tlts. I 10 o\'eracts Gecko a trifle at p'resent , especially In the speechless , imead-lttrmjing melancholy ot the earl r sceaos lila , 'Irk Is conscientious : throughout and he smp's a fine reserve power \ In his outburst hets\p\'s pent-up emotions or years. Likewise the Trlhy of Miss Crane seems altogether admirable She looks the part being beautiful or face and figure . and ha\'lng about the stature or Miss Ellen Terry , which nu MaurieI thinks Is the ideal height for \omsn. This Trilby has as welt a speakIng voice ot exceeding sweetness , such 81 her prototype lay have had , which yet takes on a note al of one lost wben she breaks out Into Svengali's laugh In the foyer lot time concert bali. She Is lovely , 10Tabie and Intensely pathotc , as she Bhoul be. The c'rtaln , In its final fall , shuts cut the dead ' ly ' of one who Is better so , but who , hav- I sinned much . shall bo much forgiven. "And 10 , god night' ' "F'anmimon , " at the Boyd which divided patronage with Mr. Potter's play and got much time worst of It , Ilhough It did not suffer In artistic excellence thereby , tie- pended partly for its attractiveness upon still active memories ot Maggie Mlchea , _ . . . _ _ . . . . _ . ' , . . . . . . . , . u. . partly upon the Brong company of playe s which presented I In its recreated torll and mostly upon the winning personality ot the star No artist hal appeared In along long time better fitted to win alil adorn the stellar position to which Miss Wals aspire than this Intest l"anchon She will always be restricted by 'Ier slight figure to roles to which her abilities would by no leans confIne hlr , but In that considerable fehl once occuplell by Lota , Patt Rosa smith ltchel , and for n long tmo vacant of any wllo con Ileuoutty adorned I , Miss Walls Is sure , barring accidents , c holding n place of the highest hemmer Delclols lS her performance - rormanco or I.'anchon Is-nml one ronresses to flelng moro varied anti delghUul tmo- tons at 110 RIht anti sOII11 of It than ever visited ono's breast In the days when good old Mlchr1 shook hlr ancient lmbs In the shallow llancesho has thnt In her which will bring her to far higher planes , Ilblton and the divine spark or genIus , wlhout mmments whlc ambiton Is chcated of its best attain- Mr. lnulllnl imo played I.lmlry to Miss W'mmhiis' I.'anchon , has many friends In Omaha amen , the older , stler by reaon or his residence hero ( hiring the ' 70's , when his father , the late General Dodge , was In comma- muml at Fort Omaba , and he has malle many others Imong time thousands who hn\'o seen him more recent ) In various roles when he has appeared here professlonal ) ' , ills Captlin Absolute In time Je\orlon-Iorcnce ! representation of "Tho Hvals" \ still re- memherell with pleasure , and those . who saw him two 'earo ago In a repertory at Boyd's when he was starrln jointly with Miss Malla Cmlgon , will not soon forget tIme sats- racton alorded them by his Onlb'lell work 10 Is a man or fine intellectual elliowments nll or mlny gifts. lie ha a baritone voice ot unusual comlJss anti flexibility , the natural excellence or which ho bls 1m- Proved by persistent training. lIe Is a Illay- wright or no mean ability , one or the boat thorongh stage manaers olive and an actor or wide experience nll great versatility. To those who complain that the role of Landry Is unworthy of him , ho replies Ulat the man maltl the role , not the role the man , and that he fnls his present surroundings quite congcnlal and happy. To harlt hack a moment to "Trilby , " was ever a snore artistic "rake" achloved than time duet of Svengal and Gecko In time first act ? Probably time bulk ot the audlenco never doubted that Mcssrs. I.actyo and Morrison were producing Ulat concourse or sweet sounds on time Instrumentl which were In Ilght , but the fact remalna that neither or them played a note. The duct WU performed by other fingers off the stage , while the two ostensible players went through the motons In almost perfect accord wih time music. That "almost" Is nle saving wont I they hall been In Perfect thins the iusion would ha\'o been perfect I was not far short of It asmyway There will be a gay vl110n of idealized 81)anlEh life at noyd's theater tonight , when Sam T. Jack's Extravaganza company , just return [ rom its suceessrul tour of Spanish AmerIca , takes Ilssesslon or the stae. Time burlesque Is styled "Tho Bull Flghtcr , " and deals wih time life and ndventures or one Don Pedro I 3camllo , 1 Spanish matador , who "anQILhes numerous rivals and finally slays a hugo bull single hand el as the cli- max of the play. Don Pedro Is represented hy a girl , the picadores and other asslstlnt by women , amid time heavy villain Is the ra- Ing tauru imisnself . 'fho living pictures are said to b marvels or beauty , and the ape- deity bill comprises every variety or enter- tainment. At time Creighton theater , commencing with a matInee today anti continuing for four nlhts , WIlam A. Bra < y's mmiuclm-talked-of producthon , "The Cotton King , " will be presented - sented with the same cast and scenIc environ- ments which were len during its run of 100 nights at McVicker's . theater , Chicago . last summer. It was also successfully 11ro- ducel lt the Aeallem or Music , New York City . and remalnll In Boston for four month9 , receiving excellent patronage , and equaling time success of "The Silver 1lng. " "The Cot- ton King" Is said to be a revelation In stage effects and realism , showing the workings ot an extensive cotton m1 In Manchester , En , , a practical elevator , and othcr effect- lye scenes. Tile play Is by Sulon Vamme who has written a number of successes , amid con- taLns a story or human Interest. Mr. Brady w "The Colon 1lng" In I.onlon , and hIs udgmnt dictated that I was a good thing I Lr the American play-goers. Its success has prved ( ho was right Alhough an EnglIsh play , I was written for Americans a3 well , and the hero Is a "Yankee " who went to England wlh American ideas , amid made a fortune In cotton fabrics The stage or DOII's tbeat2r will bo occupied on 'ednesday anti Thur- day evenings of the lmreselmt week for time first tmo by a farcical comedy , entitled " 10 luch Johnson , " which has enjoyed - joyed man'elous succcss IIJth In New York and San I.'ranclsco. The ply Is an lapta- ton by William Gillette or a rench play called "Lo Plantatcn Thomapsln. " Mr. Gillette will play the role ot Gus Dii- hogs . a marrlell man with a homo and a wife and mother-In-law In Yonkers and an oleo In New York Clt ) ' . In saro way or time other , which no married man will be able to foil out , ho has fallen Into a flirtation with a pretty little French woman. Flrtatons take tm as well as ready mmmomiey , ammml liilllsmgs I bus to lie a little at imome to explain his frequent - quent absence. lie tells Mrs. Billings and imer mmmotlmer timat lie Imas pmrcimasetl a Pimmlta- lion in Cuba wimlcim hme nmmmst visit.Vlfo arId motiier-ln.law believe time story , anti lie is stmllOsed ) to go to Cimba. At tile fInal mmmommmexmt Mrs. Bhllinga amid her mnetimer mlccido to ac- commipany himmm , and jmmst as time 'essei Is abommt to start they appear at the gangpiammk and ime is , cosimpelled to go. Worst of all , time Frenelm wonmast's imusbamill , wlmo Imas learned of time flirtation , follows ltimmm omm board amid lliliings' Imoliday begins. The first act is on shipboard. Billings owns no plantation ammml knows mmotb- immg wimatever about a plammtatiomi , but whemm Ime readIes Cuba ime borrows one. The first man ime sneots on time dock mistakes - takes imini for imia intosmmled fathmer-tn-laav and greets iiimmm as such. Timis masm in John- son. who owns an immense plantation. lie ia dcllgimted to see Mrs. Billings , also-John- son is , Mrs. BillIngs is lila fiancee , Billings tells bmls ( elks tlmat Johnson is hits overseer. Johnson is engaged to Miss FaddIsh and he has been expecting Imer and imer fatimer. TIme Faddishmes do arrive latter , lint that does riot diacommcert Billings. lie imitroduces timemn to Jeimnsosm as poor relations , and Johnson. draw- log time line at poor relations , insists that they shall work for their keep , which , DLII- ings says 1mm only ( air. Everytiming is mmmov- ing along smootimiy for tills Anammiamm tmmmtii time F'ronchmiman crosses his lm5th again. The Gaul demnantlmm satisfaction anml a dmmei en- sues. Timis forms a lilacs of complications which never are rmntangled mmntil time dia- closure of the trtmo state of affairs , which does mmot occur until a mntmluto before tile final curtain fall. Ioliowing the "Cotton ICing" at tue Creiglm. ton timeater commmes Cimarles Callahan's big scenic imroductiolm , "Coon Hollow. " Among the many umitque feattmres of tIme production is time realistic boat race between time Natclmez anti time Robert Fl , Lee , which is a part of Mississippi river history. The list of attractions for Boyd's theater in October is a brilliant one , and ceniprlses sonmo of time very best companies on the road. F'ohlowing Charles Iromasm's company in "Too Muclm Johnson , " coimmes Fitzgerald Mur- pimy's new drama , "Time Silver Lining , " with an able company , under time mimanagoment of Mr. Tom Miner of the Fifth Avenue timeator , New York City. "The Globe Trotter , " wltim "Old hoes" 11111 lloey , Aubrey Bouchcault , and a fine company , A now "Black Crook" company , with an emmtire new ormtflt of scenery and costumes ; DeV'ohf hopper , in a now comic opera ; "Time Old homestead , " with sub. stasmtlally time same excellent cast that imp. peered in it hero last season ; DCVIII hlender- son's American Extravaganza company , in "All Ihaba ; " Ttmn Murphy In "A Texas Steer ; " Steve' lirodle , in time ul.-to.llato melodrammia , "On the flowery , " one of time greatest of last season's snoney snalcers ; tIme rattling farce comedy , "ltuslm City. " witim Mathews and hiulger in time cast ; Charles I ! . Hoyt's now con'edy , "A Contented \'ommman , " with , his 'ife , Carolhmme Miskel.hloyt , one of time mmmoat beautiful of American actresses , is , time cast , "Burt" Dash'r , time popular representative of hoyt's new conmedy , "A Contented Wonman , " wimo has been associated with Mr. hoyt for a number of years , was taken sud- deanly ili slmctat three weeks ago , just alter the now piece lma..l . been litomlucOtl In Iltiffaio , with braIn fever , anti imsa been at his Imonme at lndlammapolis ever since , but Is now con. vaboscing. II is qtmito doubtful it 1,0 , will be able to be here' ' imowevor , to attend to the preliminary 'work for the engagernemmt of "A Contemmtcd Wotmimmn , " wimicim comimes to time lloyd mmcxl week , Mr. hoyt , the smmthor , ii. with the cotmmpsny , and nmay possibly commmo in advance hinmself , Fitageraiti Murphy , time briglmt yontig play- wrlglmt and orator , who recently wrote the dramma , "TImo Silver Lining , " was for s\'en years private secretary to Jolmn Boyle O'Reilly , time rIoted Irish poet cr111 patriot , Mr. Murphy will be seen in tIme cast cit 'l'hme Silver Linimmg , " when It commmes to lloyd's next week , Tismi Murphy's tour im hoyt's "A Texas Steer" began September 0 at Kimmgston , N. V. Amny Ihimahy will pin ) ' 1mm Gillette't ' 'Secret Servtce' ' the role origimiated by Mary Itamup- toll , Of course liemity Irving wilt not imee tue ' 'Sir" in ( lila coummry. ( In ioimmt of fmct , tlmere is smo Sir hlemmr ) ' Irving. lie vas knighted Sir henry iiroatlrib , ms thmat is liLa real mmammme , It is wortll noting timat "Timeidov Jommes , " time title of McNally's play for May Irwin , is the smrmmmme of aim tnmaglmmary character 1mm ' 'Time Love Clmase , " of wlmomu tIme imeroimmo , Commstance , is immdo jealous. . Marie \\'ainmriglmt Imas tieckietl to contimmue her revival of "Time Love C'hmasa' ' bli tIme lmeriotl of Cimarlea Ii. , wlmic'lm is smioro picttmresqtme anti less familiar tlmamm time later fashions 1mm whiclm time conmedy has been dressed. "Time areat Dlanmonml ltohbery" iias settled tiomvn to a run at time Americamm theater , New York. Katherine Grey , as time Imeroine , antI Mute. Jammammacimek as a "femmce , " have time best parts in the piece. Nalette Reed , a yommmmg w'ommman who recently gave mm effective performmmance in al fresco performances , says she avili never wear or hose a diammmomid. Thmero is a career fur thmls actress , Modjeska vi.hl lmegln hmer farewell Ammieri- can totmr tmt time ( Iarricl < theater , Nec' York , on October 7. Simo will open tmrobatliy in "Measure for Measure"-not in Clyde F'itclm's "Mistress Betty , " as hail been ammmmoummced , Mrs. Lily Langtry ha stmhmmg Imer lmushmasmti for a ( iivorc Time fair , frivolmmlms mind fairy , to say notiming about forty , Jersey bud hIss hind everytlmismg else ( mm tlmis world except a divorce. There Is at least one thmimmg to adtl to imer already very full calentlar. It may immterest those 'lmo are clmarmed by Mary Ilamiipton'mm immipersontmtioli of tIme role of Rosammmommil in "Sowisig time \\'inti" to learn timat time actress mmever saw the part PlaYCti before alme essayed It. 11cr conception and Interpretation of It are emmtirely original. It is now anmmounced tlmmit Cham'hes M. Skin- ncr , an editorial writer on time llrooklymm Eagle , ammd a brotimer of Otis Skinner , is the authmor of "Villon , the Vagabond , " witlm wimich Otis Skinmier has opened imi second season witim marked success at the Grand opera iious , Chicago. TIme illness of Ithcharml Mansfield is more serious than was oriinaliy imeUeved. What asims supposetl to be nmalaria is typhoid fever , slid imhM opening at ills Garrick timeater , New York , Ima.imeen . still further postponell tmntii sonic tisno 1mm Novemmber. Modjeska Imas takesi imhs thmmmo at the' Garrhclc , and will begin her ongagemuesmt tlmere on October 7 , immuedi' ably following time Iloliammds. Cimarles Frelmnman , who imas often been called the "Yolmng Napoleoma" of managers , resesmmlmlea imis famnous prototype in at least one important partictmhar-imis qmmiclcness to take advantage of a success anti imis equal pronmitltmmde in recognlzimig a failure antI taking steps to avert its consequences.S'lmen one of lmi plays makea a lilt all possible means , new and old , are taken to exploit it , anti when time re- versa is time case ime doesn't waste good "time" and valimablo efforts in time endeavor to force it. Before "Time City of Pleasimre" was mimany days old , nianagera of combinatiomm imouses were informed that It would mmot be sent on time road. iLthiIIIS IN JAI'AN , lmfnimts Thmmit Never ( li't Crow' . riimi Never Every woman in Japan above the age of 15 years seems to own a baby , ammml usimally carries it aroumiti osm hter bac1. Japanese babies mmever cry-tlmey never get impatient or discontented , but they stay wlmere timey are plmt and enjoy it , writes mc Yokoimamna car- reepontlemit of time Clmicago Record. Yotm can see imundreds of women at work in the tea- firing imotlses , vimero time temperattmre is al- aa'ays very lmighm , anti tIme work is very Imarsi , goimmg thtrommgli their twelve imoura of labor with babies three or four weeks old strappeti impon their backs , and the babies nevmr whimmiper , no matter hmow niucim the mnotlmers sdmake them up wimen thmey are stirring time imot tea heaves up to tlmeir simoulciers in time pans. Timen , after tlmree imours , wimen the regular restlmig tirmmo comes and everybody stops for refreshments , baby gets lmis. lie is tmn- strapped anti nursed wlmile time muother is dipping immto imer little rice can with a cnmmp'To o chop sticks. ammml tlmemm , wimen time wlmistie , , , _ . , , m , , , q 'tm e. , . ino"nr timree hours , without opening lii's lips excelmt to yawsm or say "gee" or mmmake sonic other S 5. I dl , . . m' . . I' . 'l this wonderful world excite imis attention. V'imemi ime gets a little older hmis mmmotlmer ptmtim iminm 1mm a tea box with 501110 little play- tiiing , and ime wIll stay there alt day , safe ( room lmarmn , anti grow amid enjoy imlsnseif. lie camm exercise Imis anus by pulling liinmseit by the sides of time box , anti imis legs b treading arolmmmti in timat linaitetl space , asmti camm osslat 1mm tue tleveiopmiment of hmis desmtal apiaratrms by chewIng thme edges of time imoards , html ime never seesims to get tired or immmsmgry or tlis- sattsllcl , eltlmnimgli any hive Aimierican baby that ever existeti wommid be hmowlhmmg like a tlsove of blue devils in fivtl miminutes after imis mmmotlmer had gamma to Imer work , Toward noommday , when time susm gets itot ammti time little timmes feel sleepy , timey lie down on time door like a cat or a thog. It mmmay ho a pavement of brick or atomic , it may be a boarti floor , but thmey mmeed mme cradle , or blanket , or pillow , only a aimehterod corner out of tIme smmn where timey won't bo stepped mipesi , ammd timey do smot Imavo to be rocked or sung to sleep , Thmey take care of tlmosimselves. Their mnothmers are busy earnimig 8 , 10 or 15 cents a day by twelve or timirtoosm hours of herd labor In a warelmousie wimere time temperature - aturo is often tmp to 100 degrees all day long , and time odor of tea 1mm so strommg timat it oh- most strangles yomm ; so tlmat tlmey do riot wish to bother them or atiti to their cares , and imava time good sense and seif-comitrol to ( Intl their own amntmsemmmemmt anti look after timeir owmm comimfort , just like a puppy or a kitten. Timat is the kind of baby they raise in Japan. . _ _ - 11. ' Ibouglmt me hh.imm , ' . OMAhA , Nob. , Aug. 8 , 1895-Mr. George \ , . Ames , City : Dear Sir-I lmavo been oil over Orcimar.i tiomnes and mmmmmst confess I was agreeably surprised at the beatmty of your hand and its pleasant surrousmtlings , We visited a ntmnmber of peacim orchards in time vicinity of Orcimard homes ammd found all time early varieties ham. ! been shmlhlpetl and sold at good figures , Of later varieties , time trees iere loaded down , A 20-acre truck or fruit farsmm , with time splendid aimipping facIlIties at Orchmarti homes , is the heat purclmase a man with a little money cag nmalce lie not only litmys a Imome , but gets a lasting job mmd good pay for his work , Thie Illimmohs Central raiiroaml runs ( as fruit and vegetable trains to Clii- cage on about passenger sciemlube , time , getting - ting time Orchard Ilonies region stuff immto market 6 to 20 imoura ailcall of any other locality , A man raised at Orchard IlonleS a crop of eamly Irish lotatoss antI got 200 bushels to time acre , whicim sold in Chicago at $1.25 to $1.75 per bmshei , A crop of corn is now growing on timis sarmie ground timmit will go fromn 50 to 80 bushels to limo acre. have been all over this country , but think your Orchard hiommies hands , taking climate and soil togettmer , time finest place I ever saw wimero a man with so little capital and labor can make so mucim money , I bought 20 acre , in Orchard homes for snymtelf and selected 40 acres mnoro for friends of smmIno , Yours truly , A. lb. COLLlNh , 36th and Curtis Avenue , Osmmaiia , A Minnesota girl of 15 can distinguisim no color , everytimimig beIng white to her , anti sue Is compelled to wear dark glasses to psotect her eyes from the glare. BY 1I1NDIAN'S ' IIOARYIIEAD Soonto Wonders Roundabout the Grout "i AID" of' Idaho , TAPPING NATURE'S ' MEDICINAL STORES i'.iimmtmmiits of Ifimi llt'fremmiimmmt'itt for tli 1mmlt itmm.l tite 'm-mm ry I am i'letmmrt'smiq Setiings-.Jmful l'erimtls imt time 1t'jim-emmmm tt'si , KiTC1IUM , Idaho , Sept , 22lS95.-Speclsi _ ( Correspondence of Time ilec.-Just ) be3'ermd the broad impesm In frommt of time immodest Imotol at Otmyor 1101 Sprlmmgs , btmt a few miiies as It lciuhcs imi timis deceimtIVe atmmmosphiere , stammds iiimmtlnmatm's peak , thmo hmlghmest point in timis mmmoimmitaimm.crowsietl state , Nearly 15,000 feet him ciovatlomi , snowcaplmed limo % 'imolo year tlmrOlmgh , it imreaemmts a mmmmmgmtitlcemmt picture frommm iimis viewpoimit. It Is time colummmnar ilgmmro represemmtctl by an exclammmatiomm mmmarlc or the still more llggressivo I tlmat nmust properly - orly pictures tIme Imositioma thus well otmtlineit peak mimakes on time eastern tourist iooltimmg for tIme first tIme upon the glorious beauties of timis Immtermmmuummtahmm country. Froimm tills ideal stmmmmmmmer resort , located on a brammcim of time Ummiomm i'acific mmmmd time ter- nmimmus of time road , a Itammoromima stretches away to time lmorizmssm's rimmi mmot excelled 1mm all time world. The Guyer Sprlmmgs , fammaous for tlmehr nmediinal properties antI limo great warmmitim of the waters , could imave no mmmoro plctmmresmitmo settlmig , lmoldlmmg out. to tIme weary worker frommi the city's Imeat an lrreslstimio ) immvitatien to spemmti the summmmmmor imere 1mm time smmldst of Nature's nrt gallery. Eachm year tlmotmsnmmtls of tommrists avail timenmeclves of mnosiey mmmdo throtmgh liorlc corrmers , wimeat guugcs , stock siteculatiomms ammd othmer qimestiommabie tramismictlomma to totme hiurope. They go into simasmmms of rapture , after consultation of gmtimle books , over Italian skies , frog lmommds , immolo imhlis ammd otlmer ' 'shmow" lmlaces while limo wommticrs of thmeir own cotmntry rcnmain to tht'mim a sealed book. It was llyrmn a'imo , mmmemtlsmg a typical 1mmmerl- calm tourist In Floremmce , e.mgeriy exclainmed : "reil mime of Niagara Falls I Describe your great catmtract to moo. " Time Ammiericami repro- semmtatis'e of a large class of hoopla who an- mmmmaliy mmmalte ; milgriimaages to time simrimtes of thus old m'oritI simammiefacedly coimfeased imo imad never seem , time falls. llyrumm commld hiarilly believe his oars. Tmmrmiing abrmmptly on lmis heel ho was heard ( iemmolmmicimig as "a ti-n fool" any oman wimo witlmotmt imavlmig seen Niagara would commme froum Amnc'ric.m to Etmrope to shammi ecetacy over Imigmimy mimousmtains , lakes anti rivers. A COUNTRY WITHOUT A I'Elitt. Earthm imas no otimer lamiti like otmrs. hero is imaif a bemimisphero vithm soils anti chimmmats as varied as time. tastes of mmien anti with caiiacitietm ( or promluctiomi a'i boimmimlless as the smeeds of mmiesm. It is time imroatheat lanil ever givemm to nimy imeople , time grandest , tile umost boalmtifui auth time most unilnilterl In Its caii.blilties amid its fmmttmre , Otimer lands sur- iiass It only in age ommmi ruins anti Time , it ave wait long emmougli , will resnetly timeso tie- flciemmcles. \\'imlle in calmip one mmighmt on tIme banlcs of tlmo Ilhg 'nad river near wlmem-o time Malad atiths its waters to time swiftly fiowimmg river , Attorney Gemmeral i'armiomms sang time sommg of "Idaimo , " a song ( mmli of limo beauty of tlmia wommtlertmh yoummg state end descriptive of tbo cimivairy of its mnen asid commielInss of ( ( a women. Time chorus was suimphieti by mmmosm'a volcew in wlmichm a jmmstice of time supreme court , a mmmemnher of time state legislature , a forsmmt'r tlelegate in congress fromim time torn- tory , two or three Ohorlimi studemats , a Ummiteti States senator and a big hearted mniner , llgtmred most prommmlnesmtiy. Timere was a swing antl dasil about tIme rendition of ti'e song wimicim set time wild echoec flying , sting with the emmthmtmsiasnm 01' brave hearts , with only the m' aters , time imattiemmmcntcvi rocki' anti the treer. as an audience to listen to the Imraise of Idaimo. But this is another story. In fine contrat't are llalley hot Springs and Gtmyer Springs as smmnmmmmer resorts. At time fornmer a large , well appoInted imotci afformis luxurIous living , the grommntls around tIme hotel being laid otmt on generotma limmea. Guyer Springs , on the otimer lmand is thor- otmghly a' family resort t'imrrommntied by great forests of sprmmce anti cedar , wltim hmretty mnotmntain lakes Imot far away frommm time Imotol amili 1mm tIme snitlst of royai hmummting anti fisiming. Fashion rules at halley whmile at Guyer Simnlnga there is little pretemisioo to dresi. , impon LIme part of tue wommisnm , Both thmese resorts are supplieti from time same subterranm'amm streamns , time avater coining out of time earthm at a temperature of about 196 degrees , containing soda , iron , nmagnc'sha anti other desirable ingredients - gredients , withie aiotmgside thteae streams of hInt s'ater are niarmy aimmiost Ice-coid fotmnts , which , tmnmitimmg with the imot waters , afford unsurpassed - surpassed batimtng facilIties , To time ieopie west or Wyomnimig botlm timeso resorts ore favorably looked dma , hut they are destlnod to have a sntmcim wider comatituency as thmolr rmaerits becommme known. But these are not the only reiorts-not alone time healing waters. From the stranke Iet'y-wrotmgimt nichmemmmicmu of time mnountain sides all over time state burst forth magical fountains potent in thimir health- givimmg. NATUIIE'S MEDICINE FOil TIlE WEARY , Within the past few years Soda Springs hma lmecomtme one of tIme great resorts of time west on accoummt of time remarkable mmmedicinai iropcrty of time waters , Time Spantards know of tlmemmO springs homag ago anti looked upon ttiolmm tt'ithm special favor , siiaking pilgrimages to them oftemm in searcim of Increased Imealtim , anti oven going so far as to believe that witimin their delitims vims the fountato of yoimtim. Time Indhanms , on time other imammd , iook mipoim tlmo t'atern with time utmmmost veneration , regarding timcse bubbling mniracles as "big mmaedicisme , ' ' refusing to drLn fronma timemn ex- celit 1mm cases of serious illness , The springs occupy a valley in a depression of time Waim- atchm rasmgo at an altitmmlie of about 6,000 feet. Time region Is full of interest , not only to time geologist , but to thio ordinary aighmtscer , thm nmmmnimer anti variety of wild flowers , time contorimmations vhhch nature hmaa on tlhsplay ntaking tlmtmm a wonder spot for thus tommrlst. Next year a now resort will be added to thmese timmtl others equally well kmiowmm , it being I , 11 , Perrhne's intention to bulid a imotel at lilue Lakes , spoken of In a ilnevious letter , upon time plan of the Idaho state bmmilding at tite Worlti'mt faIr , It wili be higlmted by electricity from imoaver , furnlsimod by the Snake river. Timis simnulci be a most dcllglmtfmmh resting place , time simrroumidlngs being - ing of the mnoat pIcturesque nature imai. nable. RAILROAD AND TilE PIIOI'LE. The Union l'acific is it heater in this see- lion of time footstool anti time people as a rimie are loyal to time company wimiclm , irm time midst of tnotmbious tImes , hma maintained ( tie rehmutathen for enterprise. During the fight over the application for a separate receiver on the part of the Amnerican Loan ammil Trmmst company for time Oregon Short Line , time newspapers anti public were almost a unit in outapolcen lmostllity to time divorcement ot time ro'md.'o wimo live in the east smmr. roimmmded by many railroads can know little of this helplessness felt by people wimo have imut one road to depend upomm ; for time whmimn or caprice of a general manager nmay melee vital differences to timosri Ilvimig alosmg time line , an amivancemmiont of freight rates , the decrease in tile aumimber of passenger trains heismg easy of accomnmphialmmemmt wlmon desired to whip a peolo into line. In tlmhs case , however , the Union l'aciflc is looked uposm whim emiminenmt fairness , Simoshmono imas suf- fared omm account of tIme transfer of time almops to l'ocatehio , but it is gemmerally understood that time employes and nanny of the peopie of the place mire to blamno for tIme anmokelesms chimnoeys and deserted shops , The mnanage- snent of time Usihon l'acitic imami ontimmmslastia smipimort here , time attemnptotl elevation of Mn , higamm to the receIvership beIng looked upon with tmreat disfavor. Under favorable condl- tions Itlaimo mntmmit take Its place ammiong the great states of the union. It has all time advantages of soil anti climate , anti with the toucim of vater upon timis magsmillcent cx- panso of land Isaiah's millennial rhapsody ot lmredictlon will find literal fulfillment , "Time wilderness and time solitary hilaco will ho made glad mind the desert places hbossrmn as the rose. " _ . IL C. BNYIhiit ) , - p - 'I'rommlletI , vitim 1'.rioil u.n i 5)m.emm'ry , henry I' . Silvera of Lucea , Jsrmmaica , Vest iindia island , says : "Since my ro : every ( rein 110 attack of dys 'matery some tcn years ago , it come. on suddomly : at timneS on I mns'.ccs smmo very weak , A teaspootfttl of Ctmamb nab's Colic , Cholera and I.urrhmoia Itomnedy taken in a little water gives me relief I cou'd got a dozen testlmon'als from pooiIa hero wia imavo been cured by timi. remedy. "