1" - 1 : io - rrJIJ : ! 01\IAIIA DAILY n1ji ! , SUN DAY , SPT1StJ.IR 29 , 180 . _ _ I " . I I : ' WOMAN'S DOMAIN. ImrAU'I'I AU'I'I : IN ttlWI'.I"rwx unwxo ! ! . Oi.nlll C.lor" lint % % 'III I , ' . 1).nhI ' II JvftIiig 11..1" 'I'hl" 1..1. NISV Y01 { , Sept 20 , IS-The dress. , nnkor , like the publshers or mnnzlnu r II ways \\'otlt a month nheal of Ilblcnlon Your really truly weII.drecd woman h'Q every gown Is p guide post along the path or Iown fashion , Is I still In the country houses ) or her frIends ! , getting her last wenrlngs out or thlns. her iernI-season ! But all the white , In quiet Octoher , the artIste or the needle are cutting . fitting . and scheming for what Is to he worn br- log November , December , anti even ns late ns Jnnunry. The model rooms arc full or lay figures nml ( drapIng forms , wenrlng gowns for horse show week and dinner toilets for the ninll a\e' that Immediately precede and EUCCOC(1 ( Christmas holhla8. anI succeel They all , when . drawn In battle nrray 8how , most wonderful , flaunting , daring , flashing assemblage of new colorsJ varying from the rich deell damson ( hades , 1111 ( looking reds anti clear restful dark ocean hll ) s to nn aggressive Algerian yellow , that none but the ! darkest-browel ! woman In the worll could carry off with anything like effect. Jop on to thl3e ) new Iepartures In huts IHI tones all the Jewels your Imagination cal con- I juno up anll you can form some Idea of the splendid picture dra\lng rooms wi present a little later II th . season. ' 'N W 110NTS AND IAcn F1OC1CS. Mnn women wi wear velvet anll all or thel ) , from the lellerestul IIi's Ill uw an abundance of gems , that along with the revIval of laces , on a scale never liOI\ \ - fore Thl : Ilromlst to be a memorable winter - . tel In the annals of rashlon. ThIs oeneral glitter and gorgeousness , 'tis whbperel , Is a profollly able trick of the ladler wino pollens of fashion to cover the l're- veiling paucity of new IMs ns to skirt ( tlt- ting nll trimmings and the absence at anything - thing to take the place of the bag trout bodice. hut women are going toe very contented wllh full fronts for a long time to come , since like the large sleeves 'tis I joy to the stout sister a hoon ) 10 the thin one and on the basis of the skirt of ' ! : enough variety Is being Intruluced to war off anything hike monotony. For example , n great many of the new ones are beinglaid In four , six or . t' 1- j' ' fr \ ' ) I /ItJ t \ \ , ' WHITE SII FHOCIC ten i ; ; great wedgedshapcd box pleas from the waist down and the pleats treated with delicate 110lnts of lace rayllg out from the bel There Is a relief afforded In the use uf lIght falling draperies or lace or Illusion , ruflng out on the black seams . there are panels let In , fewer like bows of rIbbon pinned on the hip , with ends to touch the floor , or such gorgeous silks are used II the maIlIng - Ing up that any applied trimming would seem a sacrilege. A happy Ihought Indeed , has been the brIngIng back to use of lace In whole ! owns , the black or Chantilly , the white of 10niton by selection and no color yet permitted to mar their neutral beauty and great gracefulness. To get back to our original muttons , how- ever It wl bo as wel to tell those thirstng for knowledge that the whole principle of color combinations this winter wi be that or the tnt and shade or the same hue. Red and pink. black and gray , or two tones or green Is the method or the smart dressmaker whO Is planning a street or dinner dress . S 'In exemplfcaton picture the little dinner gown of the sketch , mnlle for the blond Jlss Ilght , so famous alt summer for her beleshlp at Newport. In this Instance the skirt Is l of rich gros grain silk , the ground a most delicate ptumbago blue ombred In broad \ands , of a shade the water shows In mid-ocean. leI bodice of the same silk hu Its sleeves and square neck trimmed with vbtte I nglsh poInt laee. while round her wait I drawn u scarf of Illumbago blue 111lon ; , t d ' In a great bow under the bust with waving elub to touch her shipper toes. The slenderer a woman is . by the way . tile lore hel' dreEsltl.er will tie about her , . t 4 : I. . . . . . . . - ,1 r GO\VN . _ : wal8t 7IJ ; twist into bows In front of her bell , but there must ( \l only a 1)3(1(1's ) breadth ornman Inshlo tile satin corset to stand this , else the result wile grotesque and were ) tile figure I rounded ( ( lIt by nature' hand , a : \ TI\ ' belt , fitted bowl to I point heck anti front , cover the 11110 or delnarka- Ino demarl.t. then \etwen skirt . nUll bodice JWm. : O.\LOHE. I Is 8t tills belt that thl use or jewels begins , fOr often enough tile narrow-pointed girdle Is made alt of the skeleton jet or , rbarmlng rolorctl stones. let In fexible ' ; 1 or ' silver fl-aloe. Above this Ino are iiteraiiy hooted lentil the Irenurel or every casket , be ; , they great or 5111511. Iver dinner gown made for a debutante has a Jomegranl nI , silk skirt , creped In tiny 3)111k flgures aOL ! ' the tny J.llk fgure anl over bOdlcD falls u fals I soft kerchief collar of . Ioft col : pinic liberty gauze ' , cmbrolert OIl the edges with colored stones ' 1 Her fuhlonabl long throat 1 clasped by a del collar . In alternate Itrlng of pearls and . diamonds while double strings of peals run shoulder. out to catch Ihe bodice Ind boll I up on the Ihouller. : ' NaturAly , anl by preference the youth. tot clement lean to the ' wearing of pearls , t' ' I oblcurlng their soft contours ( r neck and . . , sllonllber under ropes or these beads and even t"hlnthem Into their hair. or converting thtn\ \ Into Irmlet hy entwlnlcK long strIngs from elbow to wflt and fastening one end _ _ _ _ _ ; ] r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ by a jeweled pin 10 the ! Ie vl leats ( hlrhly coiled and putetl ; for evening dressing w.1 generally be most d31nty decorated with coronet , wings and , little plumes or Jet , workellin very often with tine sprays or bhcll curly nspr.y tlp , that against hair uf [ any color are most ( hr111nt and becoming Ulnler wraps are what Ihl' ) ' c.lthe short. pretty capes lute ( of embouf I velvet and turned back with white fur , from fronts of pale green or blur chllol cripellry deefl7 nnll cut 111 the bEt ot the crly nlttnn CPC wih onr ) fall hangIng In n mlltude of ltte round organ fillIes hy way of rulnen lIt tilS Iacle. _ , \1 tilese _ wrapahiave _ tVO CollarS , : Yl , 'J' P ' . \ .Jf \ : ; \ \ ' " " - , ' , 1 I \1rM\I\\\l \ { ; , \ / \ I ' t ( t- ; : ' h. ' ; 'I " , . . . y , I 't \ ) . , . I\ ' ' a , , I\ \ . , I l .tlf \ : ; . \ ; T\\ \ \ . . } ' ' 'A. ' " ,1'1 ' \ ' \ , , \ i f 'i' ' . A . , \ \ . J : I 11 : . fi l ! ' . - j \ , . . lJ. " 1 / . /l i . , ' h IL : i ' \ \ Jt. f . \ @ , I' " , , ' fi' . ' . , , . " ' I 'I < " . : 6 .1 ' ; / , . 1/ / Ir JI''t' ' \ . " ; ( J J ll . Jf : J ; / ' , ' . - - MISS BLIG11"S 1 : mn. - one outside of the ( lat.rlal :11 I * ot [ ruche wIthin made ( of puffel silk . that Is a plaid preferably. preflrn\ly. A SMART LUClmO : GOWN. I nnr qletun of what Is appropriate for I goer ( luncheun Iown sholll arise a Bath- flctory elton ] may he found In any ono of the October crehions. su called for the "cry good reason thnt their colors match all the shades In red Imtrlles ( dark gl'een. plum ) purple ami brown that the maple ) , oak 1111 beech leaves show this month. They arc crepsll with black , for a black wool warp comes lp through the cilky \OUr and ( shows sklleon fern and Irf patti/rIds. Where the crepon Is : l (11:11 ( ( worsted a wile silk band shlo's throlh It , . soft but ridged Ilt a 10n7 shining pllff. I Is wih these gowns c a morll Ihat there arc worn sweet little hats mud of felt ( ( lid velvet braided together like straw and trlm- 11.1 . ulh big bows or wlle-fo\Hred rlh\ou. trlnpetl out at the 011(15. ( wings In metallc shades of blue and Ir'en. gold and brown , and little loops an'l knots of flax gray lace In place of violets that have served their turn faithfully as trimming we are one and all going to wear pansies on our hats for a time. fig velvet Palisies . PlIrilIe. rust 13101. gold , spphlre bIlS ( onll white ones In hunches together , sprinklEd all along tIle edge of wld jutting brims , and the hacks of the hats flaring with bows of fringed ribbon , or velvet repeating In its figuring ur weaving the varying pns ) ' shades. Not all hats are wide and not all arc tlrnell up , but a very great lan ) ' are trimmed with bows of a new form. One of these hOI s Is ususaly made of velvet ribbon In Ilght ( or twelve hoops that are nearly live Inrhcs long , stiffly wired and meant to jIlt out tram the crQII'n upon the brim IIe the ell spikld dlall ms kings used to wear. Another bow Is little more than a crushed knot of velvet not larger .tlla1 all egg all 10t important In lteit hut when along Ihl extrema verge of n wide hrlmml black felt . swathed In brown antI yelow Illumes ( a whole dozen ot thesa odd bows are mas.ed together and made of a yellow velvet that shRles to cream color the elect Is Indisputably ulce anI ( striking. FltACES I LI , } nTO : . \ G.LAX01" - ; - % ( ) 'l'IIs'JlO'.VS. $ . : llIIl ) ' Jill % ' " . 11'1 :1,1' : 1"lilulOhlM I I ) 'I'lii'tr 0" ll n > , 'rluIN , The widow of ole of the ( het known and Probably the best lent mal In America. George W. Chids , has always led such I ( bIllet , retired life that Piihlallclpllians . . as a rule , Imow very lIttle of hel' , and the out- side worll nothing at all . Emnl Bouvier Chids , IS4YS the Philadelphia IreHa. I a slender , little dark-eyel Wolnan wlo'a main interest In life sema 10e the well being and cure of hH household. She has never been I society woman . and has rarely been seen In society , th theater and opera ha\'lu no attraction rUI' her She Ins lived Ill 'lhe great white marble mansion during the winter for man ) years. going as soon ns I'prlnl call to the country neat , \VooUon. Mrs. Chlids has heft hu ' Chids ler IhladeJphla lan- Lion for good since the death of her devoted husband , and she wlit. soon build a house In Wdshllton all bake that city her home. Mw Stonewall Jackomi WidoW of the hso of the confeler.c ) lIves In Charlote , N. C. . with her sister the widow of General D. H. ll She hIlls beel busily engaged for ccv- eral In the life her years writing of famous husband and has almost ruined her eyesight - sight In her labor of Ion' Two little grand. children , Stonewal and Jnla Jackson ChrJI- tia , the cii i 1(1 uf her enl , tan chidren only child , Jul. I Jaellson who ( hell five years ago , live wih her alHI are the joy and camfort ot her life. WWglY KNOWN AND hIONOltED. Irs. James G. Balno has two homes , 0"0 , \\'ushlrgton , where S' many snrows ' crowded thick upon her. antI the beautiul I sUlmer lllfl1e at Bar harbor. AIrs. 1aln3 1 a cold , releryell WOlan , and has never been vy papular moIally. A : : ! her ! e nnJ soul seemed tu bo co.itered In lIen distir.- gulshed hus\and. and without hIm fhe seems to bJ lot Inte I Sh' Flends 10(1' ( h or he.- tme tr\e\n , and the \\.shlngten hou'o Is rarely OIOIlCd. Mrs. John A. Lrgan . wah her patrician taco ant snow-white hair , Is prob.bl tile most IlcursIU ! of the mitary wId ) WI. Shl Is I very rich woman , ant has made the most of her fortune since the death of her hulbantl. She I a shrewd \ ulnesOlan awl an able financier . Se ! has greatly at heart now the success of 1shop Hurst's uni- versity. Silo has promhed to raise IOOOOO for ths : Institution and , I very likely 10 sue- ceed. coed.drs. . I Mrs. Harriet Deeclor Stowe one of the I mo3 fnmolu widows who made the r namiS for themselves . Is alive and strong nt the ripe ell age r 83. UIortunHely. ( flom o.er work , she has failed inentiiy to a ge1t , extent - lent ( luring tie last five 'elrs. Irs. ! abel BHdl1 hlcokor . n sister 01 harriet Ipec er Sole , II past 7G. but she Is a bUlr energetic woman still. Last winto IrHeoker journeyed to touthern CalforIa , but retlr d In tmo to spend her summer at lIar beautiful honl : In Iartrord , Cona Mr. PhIL Sheridan ! has cO'lt'nued ' ta live silica the dent of her husband In the hoJ on 1Iodo ( Island avenue , Washington , which , was presented to the genel'o when he wont to Wash ntot to succen1 General Sherlnan . Mrs . Sheridan leald a very exclusive digni- fed life , only ! ( ccaslon1ly taking prl In the socIal life of the Ial'l al S1e I a yung , worlan cc'mparei with the other generats ' ! : general' Wh'I and h i very handsome and lsln ! : - guhho looking. Sh Ieyotu : much or her ( home tt the educatIon of her four cblllren ; Ihlp , who wi enter Wesl PoInt a foon a he Is old enough , and her daughters . May Irene and Loulte. INTF.lLFCTUALLY SUPlIhbOR. Mrs. John Drew , at 76 Is a active S n kiten , bier theatrical company owes al- most nil of Its success to her clever dancIng anti exquisite acting . Mrs. Drew II to the young actress the inspiration which rare old Joe Jefferson I to the actor. Mr .lenry Ward leecher Is one or the IOst delghtul or all the famous wIdows , She Is 8t years or age , but 10 pleasing In face and mannrr , 10 young In heart and thought : that It II lad 10 realize that she bas passed : 10 man7 mlestonn or a way sometimes weary and rough to tread. She lve In a pretty apartment surrounded by picture , . books and all sorts of remcmbranct of her distinguished hUlband. All of her faculties are unimpaired , and . Al faeulte t. m J formed on all the questions or the day , nlli pnJnretl and delhted to discuss them. General Ornnt's' widow , Mrs. Jula Dent Grant divides her time between New York and Washlngtol , She has not ns yet decided . clded 11 . which place sha will buy her futnre 1101120. Mrs. Grant realized , allost $ &OOOO 110111 the nlel0lr or her hu:111 : , nl ( the governltni allows her n lIens Ion of $ : ,000 a year. Ho she IP quie well to 110. She has four chlrcll and t I dye grandchildren , who lake her liCe a wrr full anti ple1sant One. ! rs. Nele Grant Sntorl , the only girl or the Grant family , was a bride or the whie house twenty year ago. She married a ) oUlg Bnglshmal and wcnt abroad to I VI. Since tht death or her iltl'lmallll the rich 'oung wilow has silent all of her bile ( ) In Vasilingtoll She has a PrettY hOle on 1 street and her two young ( laughiters live wil her The only son Is at school In nng- land ! , .1rs. William II. Vanderbilt Is interesting . aside from her charming peronalty , I ) ' reason - son of being the widow of the rIchest man In Atlrlc. No cuplllst ha3 yet eOle UJ to tile $200.000,000 which Mr. Vanderbilt left at his death. She lives nearly alt the year I'onnl In her J.1laco on F'iftil nvpnue. All arounll her on lie ( loauUtul avenue are her chlhlren , her grandchidren ant the lIttle great grandson. who Is now 2 years old. She l'ntlrtalns very little , but now and then Ihrows ton I , open her doors for SOI great tune- WmlN \ 0' 1'OHTUNF. Irs. Ward lcAIIter , the widow or the late social arhilter Is ] osa\\el \ ) lInhidiOwlI t time people of New Yorll. Alhough her name always aPlenr .1 upon the lists of 51mb- scribers to the as.'emhly bails amId other social functions . sue never appcar d at 0 c. So retired has been her lIfe th1 she did nut I\'pn ) preside over the dinner Ilules her husband was so tend ot giving. All or bier ! Al soria I duties have heen relegated to her linllgilter Mis Louise : lcAllster , who has Inilcrltel her tather'l' tonllness for sodely. : .Irs. James A. Onfhl : Is said toe worth now ( $ GOO.OOO , almost all the 11 or the AmerIcan people. When General Garfield dIed his estate agregatfl only $30.000 , Mrs. GJ/ell lives In elegant but quiet style In liiiimois. : tr ! Madeline Vlnlol Dahigren Illu\ : of [ the aibniiral lives In Washlntol. She I'nlh , _ murh of her ( imp In literary work and wrle , ' for publication when she fels th' inciinaton. . Two of hE Eons mar Ilell Drexel girls brlngJn wih them fortunes - tunes of $2,001.000 or $3.000,000 Cch , and the lahlrens wprlel IJrvldl1 for them- sei'es. 80 tIle work II mer.ly : a hbr of [ hove , though the publsher ! are alwa " ! ' rld t - elt a substantial checl In return for it. ; Ir > John Drexel thleautfnl willow ( of the ( great banker , lives In I magnificent house on MatlIOn square. She Is one of the best amateur musicians In America. playing with equal skIll on the harp antI the piano. 11cr three . alt leI thret d.nghters are al accomplshed musicians , having chosen dllereut Instru- ments. Frequently nt the musicales Mrs. Drexel delights In giving all the music ; I Is furnished by the family quartet. Irs. Iel:111 : Stanford , one of the richest I I widows In America , has desfrtedVashln ! ton , where she used to spend so much or her ( line , and lives for tIm most part of the i i year In California. She Is greatly Interested I In the great university on the Pacific slope , I I built as a mClorlal to her only son , Leland Stanford , Jr. Mrs. George Iearst , widow of the Cal- : tomb senator still keeps her 011 home II , Wlshllgtol. hilt spends most of her ( line In traveling 01 the continent or In California. Irs. l.cy Garnlgl , stster.ln-Iaw of AndrEw Carnegie , probably has the most enjoyable - joya\le time or alY wIdow In the world. She Is the only woman member of the New York Yacht chIll ) . In her } 'ach Dungsness sue sails al over the world at viil. Her 'limter home In Florldn Dungeness has game preser\s , stables , beautiful driveways and brllcphs , besides all of the femlnne : belongings with whlcl women love to sur- round then\5Clves. IXIHS'I'luut'S ! ) G Iltl.S. nn.'r , . .t..MMtC' II the ' \'orl.lnj oC U CUlt ; : IIiie. The unusual spectacle or American girls assisting In the Ilnlng and preparation of anthracite ; coal cane seen In the faha- nay valley , several miles southwest of Shamokln , where four young women find daily employment and perorm the work assigned - sIgned 11em In such I manner ns would cause many of their expert mlno brethren to look .upon their strength and expertness with envy. Joseph Mans , the owner and operator or the mine , says the I'hiladelpimla Pres. does not hesltte to prJnounce them the best and most satisfactory employes he has ever hld , and even the much maligned mine mule understands that these girls are not to be trilled with , even though they have not adopted bloomer or any or the other fads of the new woman. These girl mine workers are Kate , Mary , LIzie and Anna Mans aged , respectively , 20 , W , 18 and 16 years. They are daughters 0' the mine owner , and arc magnltcent specl- rens of womanhood , as they are straIght ns arrows , six feet In heh and each tips the scale In the neighborhood of 200 pounds. Tight lacing Is unknown to them , but their ngules are attractive . and they have never known a days bickness. They work hnrd six days a week , but seem contented with their lot , as do ale their seven younger brother and sisters , who range In age from to lG years. Katie ) , the oldest or the sisters. II known a the chief engineer or outside foreman of tile mine , and Is fully nb1e to perorm the dutN that thus fails to her lot She directs and aulsts In the breaking and preparation or the coal , while Mary drh"e the mu'e that ho'sts the coal from the slope by means or an old.fashlone gin. Annie is I also an expert mehanic In her way and runs the pump that kreps the mIne free at water a well a the engine which operates the breaker machinery 'Llzzlo acts 8 braker boss and assists her little brother and sisters to pck up' the slate and rock from the cal a It passes 'down the chutes to the s'o-age poketl , When working al the mine the girls are at. tired In petlcostl and skirts that do not reach their ankles by several Inches and their feet are encut In stout brogans This primitive celery that Is oprated largely by female labor II located on the southern aide of the mountain that marks the extremity of the Shlmokln coal bum . rwlt ( anti I. ownet 111\ \ has been ocratNI by Joseph Mans , arm , nilustriols . natve of Oer' many , during 'b ' lut twelv ! ye1'1. 10 can- pot Ip01k ton.tthgbly " or hID Va u1\II services Ills four IhuJtrs have renile'eil In the workln/ or . .IJlo ) mine , and s ys I that he would have bo'n compe.ll to 10 out of 'bey\ualnes ' \ several years ago had It not INel - that they stood \y him ConseQuent , 'lb' ' n'nt' ( ' hIs wle have got over ( lie tl appolnthlcrt that they felt when their first four chlUrct proved girls instead or hOYI , or tile Eilefl children born since thes girls rour nre' ' 10y" , 10 that : lr. Malls wil soon have fuuf I ' nung miners to hlll hIm cut dusky IItnibnds In the ho\el of the ( earth. Whie 'he anti his athletic daughter are working ' thithmilno ' his wife rUls their fnrl , whchm ! , ° acL'orhing to his story , Is the best laylng I 1\\tment of the two. The Product \ or their luilellls ready sale nmong the frler or the Mahano and Maiian- ton , ' ' . tongo valleys. The emily other In.tnnce loWI at women \orltnl II or about a coal mlno In the lower anthracite region orcurret eight years age , when Mrs. Ulliel ) Grassens attired herself II men's clothing and found eiiiplclylneli" lS ni Inlle loader or the Gimlet colliery. She worked on the . ! ; mI sh'f ' as her htlslmatid . end hlr SOX was not discovered for n perloll or two nintmthms. -Then th" hs Ilhn\t)1 that she did n man's worl vell . but he ibis- charged her because sue was a woman. She nlil her husband are now prop rous tilers or the sol In ( lie Iahanoy vale ) ' . tt'lg"IC'l'UI1 A'l' ' 1'i'lt. : l'IjIIIl'N SCI''rc'IJ1 n. I 110 HCI'"C .r 11 , \ IH'rh'll " " 0uiIlIlI. One of QUlel ctorla's favorites Is : lodalo Albanl , and once a year her majesty banana the prima .lonn1 b ) taking n cup of tea \ Ith her. hlr.'hls Is when the queen Is at lalloral caste , u laly during September or October. nnd Madame Albanl I at hH countr ) lund' . old Mar lodge . aim estate which she rents from the Dulle nr Fife. 1 and which Is II Mar forest near lalmoral cast . ThIs ta drlnllllg Is wholly deVoid or POIP nUll cirdllflstamee. ( ( Thia queen Ilrlnks ( her hc\'el'age. whllh by theay Is gnllsh bllltast , quite like nn orJlunry 10rlal but quite 111110 tI3 ordinary I ' lglsh woman , shl does not tale a second cup. The honor or 1r'ln ! tea to 11cr maJesl Is one Eehlol accorded to other subJ cts. For I Alball the 1IIIJn has always hall a ' partcular affection , and ( she delghts to I' honor her II various ways. Lpen these ncraslons of the afternoon functon the queen senls word I day or two previously of her intention 10 visit her neigh- bor. She is I aClompJnled ly one of 'he pl'lnesses and a lady or two In waiting . and she ( drlye , tile dlstanc2 , or ahout ten miles , In an open carriage. Alter the brief ceremony of tea drinking Is over the queen takes n stroll through her hoste s' beautiful garden. Although not particularly - tculrly fond ot flowers , she appreciates , Madame Albanl's fondness for them , and frequent ) ' sends h\r supEb bouquets from Balloral \ I The queen's lres , Is usualy very simple ! -a black cashmere or a soft sillc , devoid of . , , - . , . ' . 4' ' , I ' ' . . INNEH TOLBTS. - ornament or trimming ; It Is the toiet of a respectable lady of the middle class , and Is even more bare of ornament tlan the plainest antI most simple people of that class would averae. Dress Is a mater In vhmiclm even In her young days , the < Ulen appeared to be devoid of Interest. Albanl has a choIce collection of photo- grlbs of Victoria , each nllorld wih her autograph. She was also the recipient or one I of the jubilee medals , all was the only artlt order. decorated by the ( queen herself with the - 1'uNII.n Nitt.s , , I Unlmied favor will be given to velvet next season. Many or the rough cloth jackets arc made In reefer shape Some very elegant black costumes arc pre- Jarel ten dressy uutuln wear Some of ( ' lie new fur capes are /nlshed wih vest fronts of contrastn fur. Bohemian glass In n new shade or pink Is oxceElngly Ilnlnty and very 110pular owerlng ; mos es are a favorite design for hand-palntcl cuffs , colars , . fronts , sashes nl1I the ( hike. The newest seltng for dIamonds Is white enamel. Thus enhances the brliancr of the stone and the setting hardly shows. The Irldecent button of great size tile mottled or pattern button and the many beau- tful Dresden butons are chIefly In favor. Among the novellls for cool weat'ler wear are fur sailor colars finished around lie entire - tire edge and long pointed fronts with n deep frlngo of sable tails. The great rage for crepon fabrIcs has re- suIted , as usual , In the production of cheap grades of It v'l.cwi ' \ \ turn dowdy looking and rusty In ' I\WO \ Jnonths' time. Many green and , black-and-red and black color mlxturet.apllpnr among autuln dress goods and n . ro\ strIped tailor mixtures In healthy colors taro used for fall traveling and shopping costueu ! . . costuq\ The woolen > fabrics of the fall still run upon Caledonian lilies. The Scottish cheviots and tweeds annm.in favor where the plaId loses Its hold , among the tinier women , Just ns high ns ono'a 'heart' . The long foater boa Is appearing again , and Is beIng \bid this season In very striking colors-palo blue aell , amber-brown , green , and deep yellQv. These are startling and uncommon - common , but In v'ry questionable taste , A season's no'-ely will bo the stamped or prlntell ( velvets ; TheIr patterns are printed In green or : iuitlsror " orange , and they are then used In 'f/blnaton with cloths of diverse coomnb : with the plaids which tail women fancy. ' t . The new De'f ' nd : collar Is made or velvet satin , or chameleon silk , embroidered , span- gle(1 ( or lace-edged I h i very natty and graceful In shape , and can bo worn over either a house gown or street costume , according - cordIng to the fabrIc of which It Is made and Its style of decoration. anl Highly lustrous satins , after the Liberty satin finish , II black and colors , will be In de- land for tiat-poimmted and full round vestl , I veil as for entire blouses , In black brocades - cades of small patterns for separate skIrts satin effects on lustrous corded surfaces will prove very popul : NothIng takes the place or rich patterns In cut jet where a black color.note Is demanded on wraps or gowns , and with the advent of fal and winter costumes trImmed with vel- velar silk the call for or sik camel cal a finish to thAle accessories . which Is only to be rouud In jet panementerlu and edglngl The twilled tartan goods make stylish coso tUm8 with 1 vest or plain goods elaborately braided. A handsome costume of black and , ; . : --i' : - : - : r' . old roan Illahl has an staple Louis XIS' . waistcoa ( or plaIn , old rose merge Xl' II Mack arabeslluoa , with stock collar alli waist trimmings or plain black velvet. Ono of the newest ideas for adorning tIle dining 1001 table Is n comhlnnton of silk cm\rohlery on Inll with fish net This I work involves very little labor and produces very pleasing , ! ; resull , Mlny or the fsh nets closely resenihie used resemhll patterns for drawn work , audi these particular paterns are best sniId for the purpoe nree8 The picture hat Is becoling more and more rahlonable , but It hn its rlspolslblte ! , 'ho woman \ ho Wears I wih n blazer , n shirt wolst , nnll n mnnly necktie i guilty era a heinous offense. Th ! large gracelul himues ef ! Irc lnes tIme picture hal and Its soft sweepIng plumes cannot properly \e worn with anything either masculne or even severe In 8t'le. , Among the new autull fabrics Just ro- ceh'lll are silk fIgured French crepol , Jac- eluarll , Slcllln , lustre : atollssl. shadow- figured mohair novel golf SUltlS , slkwarll imlack ] IOT'enS for outide na wel as underskirts . skirts , antI rope diagonal-a silk ntHI wool materIal II which stilt ) ' lolulr Is brought to the surfacJ In rolme-hlke rIdges that ( Imllrt a novel elect to time goods. ( Unllercothlng ( I tashlonCd very nicllhy nlll extravagantly. Fine . sort foulnrll Is very IUC'I ' used , adorned with leagues of lace and ipsertion. Dlnty lingerie Is ctatlly to h desIred but the luxury and ela\orateness ( dIslayed upon I now Is certainly overdone , und hordcr on vulgarity , ns all excess In dress tboaa. This Is espcIally notcfabll among the fail Importalon of I'rench skirts which are filigreed and lace-laden to a ridi- culous Ilegree. At n recent receptou In a Paris salon the hosteS r lmtell eseh guest to come In a gal I or costume which should be the wear- er's idea 0' what should be fashlona\I . Nearly all cf the grande dames prlseut all- pearell In "picture" costumes , such ns :1rlt Atutoimiette . 1.\ ' Antoinete. Pompaiour , duchess of Devou- shire Cr GalnslJlcugh , amid now H Is Iluie likely that In istr1 "imicture' ' costumes In Ammmorlca will be the fashion at country-house fetes , watering \lae . festivals , and the like . even I some ( of time "imicture" effects do ( lot ) the . . appear upon ( Prmmemuade. 1..1. - I - - : Uh'N. Airs . JennIe June Crcly , who has heeu In London for I part of the sillimliier , says that 1'rancEs , fl I . Wilard and L1(1) Somerset arc nol InsClrahle and ablest Interchang able. Th Count3u Cacila Ilater-Zyberll. one of I the wealhiest wOlen lu ltlmsis , has been I enrol d In the guild of baster tailors of , \Varsaw. Shc I ! at the head of n cutter's scl031 In that cly ! , aud doe : . much to help the poor. hne. Iagnussan of Iceland , who was a familiar flgmire In New York f,1mllar fgure Ntw drawing rooms last winter hns been In Newport for the I last few weeks carrying on her effort to raise I : funds for the I school chic hOles to entaI on , her native 1sland. Rena Bouheur Is at work on a picture on a I large scale relreSlltng a nht , between two , enraged hursed. The finishing touches will : soon ( \e given ; then , as an I nglsh joural t emarlls , wIll COle the rivalry of the ( natIons as 10 which shal possess H. Jolla II ? , the Norwegian novelist , whose \olkl are now atractng general attention . proclalls proudly that to his wire Is due much or his best work. Mme. 1holaslne Ill Is an extremely intellectual woman , and : s her husband's severest all most valued critIc. The Berlin corresyoudent of the BrllEh Medical Journal writes : "Thom Is a rumor that time Professions of dculst and of chemist and druggIst arc to h opened to women. ! ! Up to the present all the lady deutHs hirac- Ichl ! lu Oel ( many have had au American ti'almiing. lu the 11ssessl.'n of thl Oarone Burdet- Couts Is J guinea which she treasures aba\ all liar helonglngs. 111 grandfather , who was a gentleman of slovenly outward appear- ances , was gIven It by a benevolent party who chanced to mlstnke him for n pan per. Dele Boyd , knowu as the "rebel spy " Is Ilalng a lour of the touth. She Is de : 'crlhed as beIng II1malc In her style ! , with and wth : eyes expressing a Ihrlng disposiion an abundauc : of light auburn hair , whIch halgs over her brow. Sh Is as plc.\nt an I I vIvacIous at f1 as she was nt sweet 16 , when : she entered the "sorviea. . " . As an illustration of Suah flernhardt's tb sorpton In her parts , I Is told of her that she Is never able to get through a pprformauce ! uf " I'hedre" wihout tainting at least ouc - of course while behind I the sClnes-ant that she sis In her dleulnrcom for an hour be- fore the pErformance In silent meditation upon the character she Is about Co phy. American members of the famous Ioneer : club of Loulon , one of the few London woman's clubs , are Dr. helen Dnsmore and Miss Willard. In this club to. obliterate . . all social distinction . the memb2rs .re kno..1 hy numbers , not thor : nJle8 , Mme. G aol , for examplE answerug ; to the designation of No. 40. 'h WrIters' club , also of London has a royal hghnes ! for its pre hlng officer , the Princess Chrlstan. : The salutation " : In- dame President , " Is out of orJer In tnt chub One of the belt keo.V : Ind istrial ait workers now In New York ] Is Miss ; Myra Burr dson I of bill p03ter tame. She is ! a western girl , wih bl .1" nrnvprhl,1 ) wrolprn n11ek Anl Amhl ii ion. : . liar " s-tdl- ; ; ; ' \ ; - been ' mainly -c 'I d on at the Artist-Artisan school , under the guidance of Walter Shlrlaw and John Stmp- son. She started , as do most fradunen In Industrial art , design lug book covers. Excel- lent examples of her skill In this line of , work appeared last winter In the exhibit ot the Archiecturl leagm The duke of Marlborough Is vastly Inter. esled , II Is said , In the prOfrOS of the I'or- trait . of Miss Consualo Vanderh1. This I beIng hurried by harper Ie.nnlngtol , the Dal. ! . for the Noveniber . ' tmore patnter Novem\er 110.I'al show 10c hold In New York. In this Miss Consuela Vnndorllilt's very dark hair Is dreesed high , and has thrust through It enl superb diamond ornament. Ier features arc I SI1I , and ito Is her face . , and her throal Is rather unustly long. Several strands . Ir pcarl are Wound round It In tlo p31ntng , antI she Is ! ar\ed In whIte silk. This Is cut somewhat - what low In the neck , and has I fall of lace around it. Miss Schultz Is a young womal In Gotham who has made a fine SUCCSS for hcr3el as a watchmaker Hcr fathr'r followed that trade and she learlell I just by \eng : wih him and observing his work. Ills healh failed and he had to give UII hIs business , and It wa Client suggested 10 her by her friends to take up the business herself. She tlll eo , makln n great succeas. She Is now not 011) ' consld. ered a good watchmaltr for a WOlan , but stands as among tbo ( vr.ry best In Now Yorll. She Is an extremely pretty girl , a perfect blolde , with rosy cheeks and blue eyes which belong to good German blood I was nol difcult for her 10 gain n large male patron age for men like to go there and watch leI at her work. CONN LI I 1I.ti. 1' ! ' I gs. : :1111.1,1'11 A young woman has to love n young mal very much to be wholly satisfied with the ( amateur photographs that ho makes of her. Judge Samuel Munlock and wlro or Elkador . Clayton county , ha , celebrated theIr golden wedding on the 1Ota. The judge has been I resident or Iowa since 1541. Seventy-one years ago last Monday George Clouser and Miss lannah Coyner of la- hornet , Ill. . were married. Thl anniversary was celebrated by the relatives and friends of the old couple. I Colonel amid Mrs. W. J. Manker of Sedala , I Mo. . celebrated on the lUll the ffeth nnnl- : \orsary of their marrIage , which was sohemma- , bed nt Mooreaville , Ind. , September 11 , 1815. The colonel Is 7 and his wife 71. The wife or J. it. Moore , hiving on Sal Lick Lewis county . presented her husband ! with triplets Saturday two girls and enl boy , aggregating In weIght twenty pounds. They are nil well developed and healthy , and look to be a month old The hapllY culmlnlton of I lIttle romance that began at an eastern summer resort scarcely three months ago Is made public In Chicago through the formal announcement of time engagement or George M. Iulman , jr. . and Miss J'elclo Oglelby , daughter of Uncle Dick Ogles\y , ox.go\erlor of Illinois , 'Two or the richest young people In AmerIca - lea will soon be marrIed. They are Miss Gertrude Vanderbilt and Moss Taylor , The enggement ha not ben formally announced The attachment Is a natural one , the faIn- IlS of the couple having been on terms of intimate frlenl.hlp many years. Miss Vanderbilt's great fortune II almost malche by' that or lr , Taylor who inherited his money from his grandfather , Moses Taylor , an old merchant or New York. Mica Ocr. trude Vanderbilt Is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mis , Cornelul Vanderbilt , and one or the 'forld's rIchest heiresses , An English gentleman , repute to bi pOI' - - - seuelor consIderable wllh , blt who rlaly I 1\41 borlelnR upon bankruptcy , ' 1411 n Sony benutul clauKhter , who had attracted two very wealthy and lCslrahlo ) ) 'OIIK gentlemen , "hl rather , with the daughter's con entl Llrought the younK men tOKether a 111 In. formed thom thnt , In order to test the l'xtrnt ( or theIr affection for his chili , he was prepared ' pared to give hI consent for 'IeI marrl3o to the ono who wouhl p.y the largest 8um for the iurivilrge.'iime and clar were , hrouht Into lie ( room , and for nearly two hours the fnther cotlluctlll 1 mock auction , anti Iho 'olng rolow laid nrnln t each other. g\'elt. ual ) ' , the YOln lady was ohl to one or her ndmlres Iy a check for UGGOO , With thl sum lIe ( father speclltld : , and In n s'Hlrt time et , Improved his condilon ( hIlt he was alle to restore thl 10nlY to his Ilallghter's husball , 111 , morlo\lr , to le\o them 1 cant- sllerhle fortlle on his de1th ' 110 affair was disclosed hy the unsucccssful monitor , 1111 fer a tmo created n grrnt scandal In a cer- thin circle . . . Duly It , Try It. \on will . mmc'er change your Ilrnlt ! Cook's Era I ( DIY In.lleral ; Champagne ne\'er fails to please. ) - - 1- .Jei''l r ) ' 1111 SI h''r , The acanthus ) loaf Is tuell In the gilt top or black comh The latest baby pus I\SpI1) : n till ) wreath or seed pearls or turquoel. Pineoliphe ) orallnts Ir < seen In a goo I i deal or orimammiommt . and h eluenty reproduced I In 1 shaded enml ! . heart-shaped hrooehes or silver wlt'l C1- loge . clu\ or yac'll Ihl thrown : aNOS have arparell RII are de3lnld to he popular I 1unth11 Scenes ! 'ciiml 01 thatch bo'ces and cigarette cases arc. done with a great dal ur ' spirit nnll souse o ! the Jlcture qul. A new sleeve huton ( dlslgn Is a serpent ro'le nrolnll a S\Orl ! This app ' 3S In sl- : von all gilt around grounds of solid cole A net ; ' design for a \r each Is I dainty enainiol 1 foot on 1 heart. Some very large golJ. bonbon Sl'oons have bfenrou ht out In dt.il golJ.A A large variety or gold scarf p'ns Iave hen brought out thh seHoa In amullng do ! 10 slns. 'fhe \orkmanshl1 In these makel them almost work3 uf art. New shell hack combl ! have the ( omalnent surrounded ly tny : IU d bead lug. \\'hien th s 15 usel 10 otht lleiIgmi3 In Hell appear ' , th\ ornament bmlng cut In the shell. Omma jeweler's window Is entirely tilled with slvErwaro shapff tram polshcd ines situ h slnillo raised bortlars. 'he ( rect of tail the1e paues throwing off the I gut or a sum- mer's day Is l tlazzimig. I I Is with dllrul } ' , Shell Is the ra1 for the grotesque ( In rrel jea'c'lry to refrain from ) I II mourning wel. I,1 IJ b'a k dogs wIth . jeweled eyes arc found among mo rIng sick forbiddeli. : IIn5. : Monkeys and tlll\o es are yet The le\elollmEt of [ work In enamel Is in- lerostlng to felon' . SOle recent Instancl1 are cups and Slucers covered wih wlllo enumel which mall3 ( he hlctgroUul : for th rharmlnl reproduction or CUl' ds Int or angelIc . groups algele boys. - - - et 11 I h' . An In10rlant ( factor to the homeseelir Is that of climate. No maier what effort Is malI I ) ! the setler , If the clImatic conl- lens are 10t favorable no work of his can change them. lumnn IJOwer or Ingenul } . cannot chalge the climate Iro\'ldel by the Almighty. 'fhoee who have not had the op- portunlt ( 'a investigate ( lie mater often are tinder toe Impression that lie months or June , July , August Sellember ! , In the Orchnrd homes section , are luch hotter than Ihe sam months In tile northern or western states. In point of fact the reverse of the cae II true. The Orchard Homes summer season Is long but equahale all very rarely does lie ( tllperature reach 9 : degrees In the n"ry hottest weather. The western slmmer Is short hut s'ery much hoter , whie I lasts , than the same season at Orchatl Homes. Vegetation In the west and north must receIve Its required amount of heat and sun hlno In a smcler number of das thal Is the case In the Orchard Humes region , SclentUc reports show that ( there Is really morl heat In the westln states of this lathule In 1 the ml.l-summer lunths than t dur1ng lie ( same period In the Orelull Homes countr ) 1n fact cxtrelnes of heat , lIke ex- trtnes of cell , ne\el' occur there. The nfhts , too , arc cool amid IJleasant ( Ill the year 'round. Sleep Is not hrolin b ) the steady prostrating heat so ofen ? d In thIs latitude. \Where \ grasses remain green all winter It Is not surprIsing that the cattle can 1'11 out nil the tulle and remain fat. No periods of hence cell weather are to be Irovlded against In this balmy climate. 'he cost of 1\'llg Is at least one-thlrl less than It Is her ! YOlr garden gives you the fnest of "Igelbles , and what Is more , gives them ' to you the year through. You can raise chlckenR for your own use and for market. They Io exceptionally well because of the steally equable temperature anti all that you can shill ) w1 fetch YOI the vel ) ' highest prices. Turkeys to wel and are Iroltahle to raise. Your fuel Is In Iem hardly to be taken Into nreount at Orchard 11020Cc because - cause you need fuel marl for cooking than for heatng , nl\ the very best of hard wool Is at your disposal at a minimum of cot , There Is no fruit outside of ( lie strict ) . tropical varieties that you calnot raise suc- cessfuly at Orch"I',1 , homes I hans heel localy celebrated as a flue fruIt belt of land for the vast ffy years Of course all vegetables - tables thrive aol you can make two or three crops each year off the same land and Und ready shipment ald sale for all your Iroduct Now Is the tme to go and see the celebrated Orchard Homes lanads. Now Is the time to select your location on these fertile lands. Non- Is the tme to see for yourself what alivamatagea other sections of this hand can give you If you will hut try alil seek them out. I youm arc perfectly contcntd with what you are .Iolng here yomi will not wlnt to investIgate . the Orchard Homel region , but Ir yell walt ' .i better your condition /01 ; : t tile 2am ? tme add to the Ilrusperity of' ' your family then In that case . don't waste any more ( line. but get all the Informaton you can about Orchard Homes all why peolle ] are 80 anxious to get there to live . 1.01' nil Informaton ceo 01 athlress 010. ( W' . Ames , General Agent , IGI7 ( Farnam Street , Omaha , Ne\rska , Nebraska.J& ? ; JThr Ax Mr . On bjl occ. cannot o' The opert Z\virhour 'NflIfl (7i whifo I , ' / pPJAL . ; -2V - T1I FASH1ONAtILE PfRFUMC. Flowcry , refrethinc , deiicro And lb.sriri. For 5ede by druist only. ' IMPERIAL CflO'WH PEEWUMEIV ( CO , SAIIIT LOUIS. f-lEVER I3ROTt-tCRS DRUG COAGEUT5 ALSOIRY ( wDPING I3ELL51vo ; new EACH BLOW. J odor5 , I" : L'C.t'1'IONt . J" NEW YORK CLT' . IiY. . 66th-al. ( adj CeOral I'drk. The Jacotot School ! hoardIng I end day II U hi lIii.J ' : : IIY ! lle.I"10MtNT. Mi C. I" , JtonO.N. Principals sent Fail on term a111caUor. bellnl October 1 , 1 . . i'r0spctus DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To all suffsrera of . ? Worcf Yout ) and Dieau , O/.VtUPJ WOmen. 8lM5t'3CiOtbbOUni,2. , Treat- ( neat by mall atrlClly conI1dntll. Cur. juaran. ( ( ccl. Cailor wrIte , Dr.t.onH.1 : . fhsltl bL , l'bIla. % ' 1IAo : % COMI'OJND ANSY. PILLS Safeand SIJILE. Always reliable. Tilts Do substlnu,5. , yor sale by aIldrugZiIl. . $ .OO. StUd 4c. for Womai' , ifeglant. S'l IL'OX )41'ECIFIU Co. , n5 8OUTI ! klUltTI 'IT. , L'IItt.AUA. , I'A. HUMPHREYS' ' Weak spots are thisro'ered I , ) . sudden clmammgcs In iii , a athuer. Tile hsur'mumeter is not nmure ceuratn than the lthuitmmti twinge or the ( cattier llriuueiila , TilL'S't'ak Htmneim is tumore often titsttilt1 by It , iutck Cilanuge I 11511 I' ) ' Iimdtgestlbie food , 'rtin lt1n' 0(1(1 liladler lire ( 'iiUahl $ suSC'Iui t'ii' to ( .oi,1 , lIIlt litat. lr. hlunmptineys' i''eetflcs are tIle s.tS'I'r of tii humumim ruuee-miot one cure for eserttitiig , but ' 'iarate 111'eelitc for cnchm dlIcne , " 77" FOR COLDS. ' 'U" Is lr. lluimupllreys' gr.'lll , s ( luClUlar sue. ec's-m'iu'tIier It be fur i.s (1rlpie ( of Vlnmter , lllllueluz4 ( of i"li'Iflg. I toy I"ever of Itutumnmer or .5 U tiliilu Cittn rI It lt , i itfl llt''ohllto and liasi I Iv. tieeIlle ; u'IIlut'Cr tile Illi0Ua Mi imatranc is dts. tIlt ied , ( .1 tiler ii ) . ( ' , , l&l. liy thuist or by t tIe I'ollert of hIalits , It is iii d'ttiuit all tilt' year i'ound. "lot , FOR DVSPEPSIA , himdlgestln and SS'ac ) Stonuimci. Tile Ft'ilt'f Is prmnpt-tlme CIIVC certain. " 14" FOR SKIN DISEASES , Pal C hliieullm ( lOll uI I flrupt bus. TIme ouie mlev'r-r.lmllulg clii ' for Ikmm ( Diseases. " 15" FOR RHEUMATIStJJ , Acute or Chronic , anal I .uiumiuugo , I t cmi res by chill I n.mtliig I lie t't Ii' AcId ( ruin Chit' 55 'telil. " 30" for UR.NARY DISEASES Cures tue ciulld-ucibee the aged. MEDICAL BOOK. lr. I I iilumdir'y5 units tIp a i1IoCilII' ( tr e'cr , lbaeia'e , Tti ( ' ) ' auo deseriluei hi his Manual , Wtuttbi is sent ( ret' cit I' , 'iulet't ' , iuumaii bottle , ) t PieaIuit bIt'iIetS-lt ( $ your s't-st i"c-ttet ; sId ty drtugIats , or lo'nt t.um l'ec'lpt of p1 tee , 2t' : "iS liCe for ii 00. 1tllmuuiireys' .SledI- clOt' CII. , iii and 113ViIlbaiu tiC . .N ow York. ' 1lt wuzz L c A pI'rmgIu p"j'1'niirnryse 't L .MtiI oumcIaryor'r5 - , .1tlury $ i3ytiuts pt'rmaiicnmtb7 Cured In 15 ta ? . lr'oay , , You can tmo treated sL hOnea foe ir. tiiOaalneprlc.aunuieraaniogiaralty. ft 4 .j yOupreferto come lucre tea 'eilt coutrac , L railroad fai 0 01111 hotel bills. anal no Ctmulrge.lt c5 tall to cure. if seem im'avo taken mimer'- cury , Iodidta potiiuli , 111111 stIll hIOTO chea nnij baths , Ill ucus I'iiChlij'4 In moumth , Sorc'l'tmront1 I'bniplra , Coppt'n' (1oiontt.t Hi"ts. Ulct'rn ce say part of tbo [ ' 11(17 , Slab r ( an t'ioirntr 'i I llnmj jttt , it Is tliI SyiuliiiitIc IIiOt)1) I'O ISON ( hal ( To gnmaranitoo to curs. We solicit the macst obiti. -lato casea and ltmalIfunmn.o ( ho world for is ease i've ( iuinflOt Cure , 'phil dl'eao ha. imIwa bullIed tI.i sleblt of t.Jio 5xtIst eiim..tntumat lutlysi. ( ' 15(15 , . * 800,00 ( ) c-.pttal belilmm4 our uneondt. ( ucnalgnarunutr. Aticoluttu proorpisenno"iloulon nOClieyeionu , tddrees ( OU'c ICtIM lDY CO. , uo' ; Mtl5O"SJn 'XldiilfltC. cit1owo iLL. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES fly purchasing good. made at the following Nebraska factories , If you can not imi what you want comamulubcate with the manufacC tuners as to what dcaIei handle their good , . JCn ( ; : ttl'uI.Iz' , I.S'IJ 'J'Ju'is'i : , ' 11Si1ABAGCO , dnnuracturers of oil kInds of cotton and burlap - lap hag , . cotton frour stieLs anui twIne a spec- laity. C14.lG-6is S. umtli.tt. JtlI , Pritus , OMAHA IIRE\YING \ ASSOCIATION , Ce , ' load slllpnients Imuaclo In our own retrlge. , rater cars. iJIut ittlibon , ElIte Export. Vtenne Iapor ( . and FamIly Iiport , delivered to all Paris of dty. - - ( JlItUI.I ( , , : . ' , I.VJ ) II".lU.VS , L J. SI1PSON , 140a-1t Dodge-st. The best and Chapst pine. to buy a good liugg' . CarrIage orvaon. . Agt , for the beet rutihr tire In U30. DRUI.IOND CAIIRIAGE CO. put rubber tires ad ball btaning axle , on their own make ietilches. aol sell a top buggy run $50.00 besIdes. W rile tlaenn. Ittli and llaraoy , (0 b'l'Jt , .4I'IJ.L'S , JSd It. I .S'U P1) It'D flC. COSL1DATED COFFEE CO. , Coffee Itoasters , ) p1co Grinders , JIlanuCacitIr- Cr. UCrtlmll flaking Pcosder anti Goinian tiny ! _ Yeaet. am and lilt Ilarney-at , . Onu.tha. Neb . 'f , ( ) tJft. S. 1 , (11L1IA ( , Mantufueturer of Gold Medal lebour. C. Ii Black , Manager. Omaha , J'tJt.S-tlU , I J2 I ( JI'U iuit.v , - ' - - O3IAIIA UPHOLSTERING CO. Monuacillrcrs of l'anlor Yurimlture. I.ounea , Dining TabIes and FoldIng Beds. OSili ate. lloyd to IIiaIer Sta. JUJ : .IVI ) CO.IL. SOU'i'l ' { OIAIIA ) ICE At1D C,1LO. Domesito nnh Steam Coal , We ia'e : Clue best , 0111cc 1601 Vurnain-st. Teiepiicne : Quiet 73. yari. 1CG. .1. A. Doe. Qeumti-nl Siiulmager. JICkV It'ID.S , IHDUSTRIAF4 IRON \\'ORK. \ \ amanuratturlng Iliad lielIlulnIng of nit hiuid at muuaehiineiy , engInes , I > Ul.mpa , elevatoi ii , prulutin ( ireses. hiangeru. . shaftIng amid couplIngs 11)5 anJ 1405 howard-st. . Onmali.u , PAXTON & VIERMM IRON IVORKS. Muuiurieturcis , , t JCrctiiuectural lion % ork. Geiierui Foundi'y. Ma"tuiiuo ituid fliacIsrmith 5Vorlc. i'nelne'is : and ( ' , iflllCtutS for Fir , ( 'roof 13ull'ilnia ' 0111cc and ivolit , ; U. 5' . ICy , and tia , 17th 511001 , omaha , _ iId 1' L'1 1 , Es , CO ri , uni us , L , C DO UP. Manufacturer 3iattreasts , Sprtng fled , ; Jotb , IeatImer. and I'illouva , N. 11th stud Nbclmolia ge , , , , Omaha. , .tII.S'l1PlUrJcI ( ) JIt )11'41 ) ; . iiiE MERCER CdEllCALCO1PAIY. O'lanutactuieri. of Fluid txtraci , . i.lixlr , , S > rups tan'i Wines , compleued tliIurat. , bulpu. dcrnmio tablet , , plis and aciciutltic muieclbeiti r.ui- rllls , Ounatia. .zt.s'u z t , ii' ii' , ' - ' MEDESSA MIHERAI1 WATER CO , , ros ro , 11(11 ( it. , Tel. 254 , SletIesa allnirni Water Carbonaled , unuiuallt'd , ? ialn fur tabi. use uuisura.aed. . , vIuIfi. H.i 3'ClI , I"Iflfl , 'eitit J'JUC , - 1ii'Au DISTRICT TELEGRAPh. The oii' perfect protection to property , I1xaun- In. it. host thhig on earth.f Reduces Inaur- nhico rat , , , i34 botila-at. ' ; : ) i'itJe.i 1 I , , U ) UILJ' : , . 1TZ-NEVINS ( CO. Manufacturers of attn's an' ! 1lo , Clothing , I'Mni , , $ iilrts and Overall. . I2.j3 5 , 11th St. I'il I'r'Jt BUXII'.S , ' ( HE OhIIA PAPER BOX GO , Manufacturer. of all kind. at Vapor Doxti , Shelf hex. . . itampis Case. , MailIng ' 1 able. , etc. % S'edding cake and fancy Cltildy bose ; druagl.I sbul jewelry box. . . ICOS.IG Jonei .t Omaha , , qIIJliT P.1 c'rouits. JI II , EVANS---IIEBRASK& SHIRTCO.