" . " , , , , , . , . " , . - - - - - : - : - - , , . . : . " , . , . " ! t'A , " ' . . . . . . . . _ , " . , . . - - . - - - - - - - - F I - - - - - - 'l'lI-E 01\IAIIA DAILY BEE : WFDNtY ; ' , SEPTEMBER 25. 180lS. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 In - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - ' NEWS F1OMCOUNCIL BLUFFS. li I _ OIIl' . , 12 Pcnr ! Slrccl.-II. W. TU" . Matinger .nd Lc. . . . . - i11 311SUIl 311S'rWV. : I Or:11I.t : hotel , Council I1lurrs : 100 rooms facing 1)ayIIs ) park. Ii. : 1. Clark prol1rlttor. Maria l3erch was taken to Clarinda yes- trdny . hn\'lnc ) been found Insane by the COlli' OJ 11\lnluneu. The funeral or Mr ! . harry Sims w11 \ take place Thuutlay afternoon at 2:30 : o'clccJs from \ thc resldcnce , 31:1 : Curti ! ! Etreet. . , The Lal1.es' ALl foclely or St. John Enr"lIsh " Lutheran church met.Thuril1ay afternoon at the rerhlenco or Irs. Martin Sl11lth , 1420 alrl11ount nvcnuo. J. 13. Donahue , who was chnrgcII with destroying - stroying the watermelon patch or n. mnn named 110yt , In Slluallertown , near Ianawa , was cllschargcll by Justlco Vlen yesterday after a henrlng. - Stisanna widow or the Into Hobert Frost { ' dlell at Weston yesterday morning at 3:55 : o'clock , or malarial fever , from \ \ hlch she hall been surrerlng for four weeks. The funeral will bo hed : Thursday afternoon at . Weston at 1 I'clocl . pb John Dyerly , a policeman at DIg Lake , 1 who filed an Information charging John Stellen with spearIng fish In the lake con- trary to law , came Into court yesterday and admitted that Stellen was nol the right nal'ty. Steilen was dlschargel and lJyerly , went out to look for the right one. . - - . 11ev. Dr. Phelps of tha Presbyterian church recentlY Etarlqd ( < : the ! m6ro conservatlvo ones I ' f by . JecirIng ! himself In favor of church taxa- : , I , " ' Ion. : , Now lanagr Iemcn of thin Christian I. , . q home , as w1be ; \ seen by a communication , lfit" i' published In another column declines to con I A' ; } ' " ' . fleet the home with the public l'chool S-S- _ tm because he holds like views. f "ft ' . TI'o 'members or Fidelity council , Ho'al : . Aroanum , or tills city , 11'11go \ to Omaha : "Ifj ; ; ' tednesIlI1Y evening October 2 , to be the ' : , 'jI \ : ' jues's of Pioneer council. The Fidelity \ de. I\ I . 't rco team , which has the ( reputation of be- r\ , 'S ing one of the best In Iowa will perform the 'L \ rites of Initiation , after which there \ \ III boa 1'a big spreull. i\ i There will IJe danger or Eomo or the attorneys - " torneys being PUnished for contempt when ! L , J ; they come arounil ( the federal buIlding tOd1) p . t' They may nol discover that they are In the presence or Judge Woolson until Il Is too . . . . late. lie has shaved off his mU3tacl since the adjournment of the last term of the r federal court , and hIs most Intimate frcntls : r . . will not know him. t _ : . ' Farm loans made In western Iowa at low- li .t . eat rates. No delay In cloO'lng loans. Fire . . . . and tornado Insurance written In best of com- l' panics. BargaIns In real estate. LOUOEE . ' ( & TOWI . 235 Pearl St. i : f For Sal ! and Trade-Thlrty-five acres three , > miles from postoffice. Will take house and ( ; : . lot In part payment. Seven acres , two miles ; . from Council Bluffs very cheap , for cacti r Twelve acres , lire miles from Council Dluffs , \ ; ; wll : trade for a good residence. Twelve acres a " within the city limIts , good house and bal'l' . , fifteen hundred grapes , 200 apple trees and r - other fruit , wanl to trade for a well improved t . 1GO acre Iowa farm. James & O'Keere , Coun- . . . cll Dluffs , la. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' : The liard man piano ! improves with use. i' _ . . : 'W' ' . l'gUSIIX.1'It.GItU'US. . - . : . . . . ; . A. Cochran of Little Sioux ; ; Is at the Orand. - " Mis Sable Amy Clark leaves tomorrow , . for Chicago. _ Miss ! Addle nulltar Is vIsiting friends In HI..n" " .Il , . . . g . . . . .O UI. . . ' " " , . - , Postoffiee Inspector W. O. D. . : \Icrcer Is In f. . . the city attending federai court. " 1)itrict Attorney Charles D. Fullen of r' . Falrfiehl Is stofll11ng al the Grand hotel. ExSpekertllchell , : : or the Iowa house of [ . . , representatives was In the city yedlerlby. Mr9. J. II. Martin loft yesterday for \Iall- : t-- : Icon , Neb. . to join her husband , who 19 I now t ; ; . employed , there. h. , Yo i i. Cuppy of Avoca Is In the city look- ' - . . ) Ing after the criminal : case In the federal I court In whIch ho Interel.tell. . .r Mr. and Mrs. J. F. E\'ans anti \11' : and ' lIIrs. F. 11. Evan9 leave today for Los , ; Angeles , Cal. , where they ,111 live. ! ; ' . . MIss Amanlla Ilhader or Davenport , who ; ; ! , : has been visiting her sister Mrs. J. II. Mar- ' tin . left for home yesterday morning. . , Mrs. Judge 'oolson 11. I . expcclcd to arrive . f' ; Thursday from Mount Pleasant and 11'111 re- main with her husband al the Grand for a few ( Ila's. t ChIef Templeton will go to Augusta. Ga , to attend the ! annual firenlen's convention , which meets' there October 7 an1 lasts three cla's. Ho w1l1 also attend tim firemen's tournament al Atlanta. The city will pay $30 toward his expenses. Judge and l\Irs. O. P. Shras ! or Dubuque arrl\'ol yesterday morn- log and are stoppIng at tte Granll. W'hth ' presIding at the federaL court In this cty ! luring the present week Judge Shlras wilt settle some preliminary mailers concerning suits now pending In the Omaha federal coru l. 111111. . . Cllunt ) ' APPle Cnrnh'nl. OIenwoull , Friday , September 2i. Excursion - sion rates via the Burlington route. Tickets good : until September 29 for return. O.lt. Drown , Agent. _ . Apples bv the bushel or wagon load ; cIder by tIe galion I : : or barrel , al the Bellvue Fruit , rarm. Cail on or address 11. C. Haymond Council Bluffs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 'V I11 IInl , ' Ul' flI . Old l'1t'n. Goldstein \ & Brown are being sued In the distrIct court for $2,000 claImed to be duo , for beer furnished them during the time the prohibitory law was In more or less force In Iowa. The Iemp BrewIng company appears as plaintiff and the trial will take ' Illaee this morning before Judge Macy. The old plea that has done servIce In so many similar cases w1l1 b raised . and the court will be asked to award judgment to Goldstein - . stein & Drown for $ .000. that amount having been paid hy them for beer contrary to law. . : This Is only one or the queer points about time ohi prohibitory law , which hedged the saloon - loon keeper who was unable or unwilling to pay his debts with a protectIng fence . al the same time allowing the brewer an.1 . wholesaler to stay out In the col : . Judge , Macy . as his frIends well know , has no Ilk- S Ing for this sort or iaw but Is compelled to L render decisions In conformity with it. , ' . A judgment for foreclosure was rendered I , " yesterday ! by default In time case or the SayIngs - ! Ings Loan anti Buiding assocIation agaInst ' J. Il. Rico anti others. , . In the suit of 1' . C. DeVol against Dan i . CarIgg n Judgment for $205 was ren- : , . tiered . : The suit or ( I. W. Cook against George . , McPeck was dlsmlsser by time plaintiff , j' wIthout prejudice. " " Yes . the Iagle la.ndry Is "that goo t" laufdry. " and I located al 72t lIroadway. r Don'l forget name and , number. Tel 157. r In doubt about this try It and be con- : L vthcetl. _ _ _ _ _ _ . The Standard piano next to the Hardman. t 'I'h.'r" Not U'nt. : There were three er them Two were so glorlourl full that they lay limp as dishrag on the approach to the motor bridge while the third was sober enough to kelp hIs he:11 above his heels anti to realize that r'- f- i ? elusion was the 11roller place lor dead drunks . So he picked each one up by the shoulrer9 and dragged them off Into the willows 100 1 : - yards or so south of the bridge. A farmer } passing yesterday afternoon saw this t'lght. and at once made up his mInd that one or " the hold-Ul1s 10 hall heard of happening In \ cities was being enacted befon his eyes. lie ' telephoned at once to the police staten and Chief Scanlan with Omcers Murphy and , Weir started out on the double quick to pre f , vent the robbery. They searched for t'me little time among the willows and finally r t found the gang. All three or them were ly- I ! log there two or them sleeping off their - jag and the third on watch. All three wee t literally covered with undburs and dirt . although - : t though they had been well dressed when 1' . ' they atutell out on their apree. Investigation . ' . . proved that they were Omaha bloods although - ' though they looked a goo deal Iks trampto They were allowed to stay until their sIesta ; : was o\'er. _ _ _ _ _ _ ! # The new lurrs City laundry . 34 North Main , claims less wear and finer work . ' on simlrti collars and cuffs than any laundry In the state Phone 3U. Sideboards and center tables are features aL the Durieo Furniture company' lodsy. \ JIW . .ITW.\'IX tllS \CCIU'I'WSS ' .1111 l'II'lt rur I.II I SI'I. 1.lw'er" tu 1.'hhtlJ i th . 'r 'l'lmIIImsmmnIIN. The announcement was made hy a special telegram In yesterday's Dee that C. S. I.ef- forts or Council limits had won at least the first rounll In his contest with the East Omaha Land company. The case Is one technlcal ) ' involving only one-lenth of an acre , as described In the patent granted by Uncle Sam to IefferTho accretions claimed as havIng become attached to this I one-tenth of an acre and tire title to which Is claimed under this patent amount to over twenty acres , . embracing the very heart or tIme East Omaha Land company's tract . be- shies numerous building Iml1ro\emenls , so t'tal In realty the contest Is one for thousands - sands or dollars. In watching this litigation one Is leI to gln stroke the whIskers on I that dnelent exclamation . "flow great I fire a little maier klntiletlm. " Time land eOl11pny Is sahl to have lurchaEeJ Its title to the ells- putHI lJssesslons for time Paltry RUl of $200 , the great state of lala selling Il for that amimount . Lerrerts preerrell to get hIs deed { rom Uncle Sam , and when the one-tenth of nn acre a& shown by the plat , was sold to the ' mIgliest bidder . he was there with the munificent sum of $ .10. and thIs tool It. Par this Iefferts got hIs , patent from Uncle Sam land when that patrIotc sire was called upon by Limo land company to cancel this patent lie simply said that patent was all right and his hands file shoving In striped 111nlaloons he shook hIs star spangled waistcoat with laughter and told tie land company to go see his daughter 101a. who had given them theIr deed. I she hall sohl them something she dhln'l own she was at fault and should male It right. As for him , he owned the land and had sold Il lair and square to Ler- forts fcr $1.10. The amount or involved property now Invol'ed. wIth lie thousands of dollars or Improvements - ments , Ins the care sky-high above the $1.10 starter , and hath sIdes have already gone to great expense In protecting anti strengthening their respective claIms , and the end Is not yet. Whether the land company will accept Uncle Sam's advice and veek redress from Iowa Is nol declared , but the company will doubtless not quietly yield to Iefferts the pO3esslon or the Ian-ikI chunk of twenty odd acres claimed by him because forsooth Uncle Sam sold him for $1.10 the Itl one- tenth or an acre which forms the tip of tie handle. _ _ _ _ IgXXISIIX ISItOS . ' Clt.hlJ Smile . ONLY OUR DAYS IOnE. Saturday evening we close our doorto We have len several thournds of dollars ur' cloaks wool underwear , dress goods anti silks . We Intend to close thpl out regardless - less or cost or vnlue. Core In amid MAKE : US AX OFFER. Now Is the time that a few dolar ! wIll buy lots or goods. I you ned a cloak or a tail wrap wo will save you al least half Ladles' . and cimuldren's woolen underwear at hal former prIces. All or our men's fine wool underwear worth $1.25 , now G9 cents. lOt ) yards Brusels carpel used In our cloak room Sell you any quantity al a bargain. Remember only four days more. I3ENNISON DROS. I , Chambers' dancIng academy now open for ! pupils. Cal alter 10 a. m. Circulars. CIllt1S'1'ItN 11:1 SChOOL. 'I'hl 311UJ"r otthme hIQIIle Heel limes lie Offer oC thl School Iloit ru. Editor lire : I notice In your imuo l of Tues- day morning that the school board kindly of- lets to rent two rooms or us , fit them up and give us two teachers for the ham chil- dren who are below the third gralle. I de- sire to expre s to Dr. Snyder and Prof Saw- yer , who preJentell this matter , and to the school board , my heartfelt thanks. Bitt , after mature and prayerful consideration - tln or the matter . I find so many serIous objections to the plan that I feel Impre..I thal Il Is my duty to decline the very gen- crone offer made In the hOlue's hehait The citizens or Councl Uuff" have ever been very lIberal In their free wl offerings to the home , and I do not feel that I wotmifi bo acting a manly part If I were to force them to pay lrlbute. The home Is In no sense sectarian ; that is . I Is nol conducted In the Interest or any one denomInatIon. Il recognizes and laboTs with and for all denomlnallons known as evangelical. But I do nol believe that charIties - Ities or any nature that are Indepenlenl , of the state ought to be supporter , either directly - recty or immdhiectly . by the state. I believe that the whole system of exempting church ail charity property from taxation Is unjust , compelling men to lose theIr homes or vIolate - late their consciences by paying tribute to Instutons to which they are opposed. Therefore with thanks but upon principle , ' 1 must decline the offer of the board. But that Il shal not be mill thal the hOle Is overcrowding schools , I have taken from them all blow the thud grade and will al once provide rooms and leachers for them by miieanm of money freely sent by God's people. The home craves yutmr prayers , your co-operatIon and your free 11'1 offerings . but will nol compel you to pay taxes for its sup- port. The more I consider lm matter the more firmly am I ccuwlnced that I have no rIght to gather chIldren from all parts or earth and then compel the good people at Council BUll' to educate them wlmethmc'r they wi so to do or not. Until time phenomenal growth . _ or the home taxed the rerurces of tie publIc schools I had nol given the sub- jecl much thougimt I am thankful that the present exigency ham forced 0 careful consideratIon of the matter. The home has ever and wi ever , receIve the homeless children or the city free of any cimarge but asks no return In the way or favors , save such favors as lovIng hearts are promptell by the Spirit of God to be- stow. Yours for humanity J. O. LEMEN , Manager or the ChrIstian Ilonmo. September 21 , 1St3. UtNtrlet 1"II.hl"1 I"IJ' ' : leetlimr. There will be a meeting or the Iepublean league or the Ninth district or Iowa at Coun- cl Burrt Friday , October 4 , 1895 , al 10 o'clocl a. m. Al local clubs In the district are requested , to EelHI delegates to this meet- Ing. All members of the RepublIcan league . are Invited to be pr sent. In fact all patriotic - triotic citizens who believe that tie Indus- trial anti progressive Amlrlcan policy of the republican party Is best for the American People are invited to bo present wIth us : At this distrIct league meeting one vice president from each county In the district wi be selected , whose duty Il wl be to organIze a county league I In his count ) ' . All county and township commiteemen ere requested - quested to "ee al once that their precincts are represented b ) active and energetic work- ers rrom the ranks er the republican party. r there are no league clubs In your precinct proceed to organize one al once , and elect delegates to this convention . lion . F . H. Conasvay president or the Iowa State ' league ; lion. I G. : lle llan , chairman or' the republican state central committee as well as the chairmen of the county central - tral committees or the varIous counties or the district and nominees for the legislature and congresnuen anti others will be In attendance - tendance at this nmeetttmg _ Several or lowa's most noted orators wIll address the conven- tlon . ton.Pleae forward me the names of delegate and members of the league who will attend as loon a possIble . fO that their nales may be properly registered. II. M. flYERS President Ninth District Hepublc1n : League Harlan . I.SullJ SullJ 'SI Ullfortl , F. II. Evans brought suit yesterday In the superior court against JosIah Danforth for $7,700 , that being the amount he invested In April , 1894. In $40,000 worth or stock In a new.fangle Ire escape project. The pro ject failed to bring In thl millions IW fast a had been anticipated. Evans In the pet- tion . alleges that Danforth represented that he held ths controlling interest In the com- pony when , I a matter of fact . he did not lad he owned 1. the stock would have been or great value . but ho didn't and Il lan't. In apother suit Evans claims a judgment for $2tOO. lie alleges hit ( Dlnfprth engaged him I agent for "Ix months under a verbal contract , agreeing to pay him $2.000 salary for his rrvlces during that time . together with his expenses . Thl latter . It b alleged . amounted te $400. ' 'WU .JIDUIS : IX - 1ll)1ht.tIj COt'IT. SIlr11 1111 " 'onIsnn I'relille lt ' 1'11" 'I''rl Cf loll./JlI. . . . COU\'eutou. Time August term of time United States courl opened yesterday , wih both Judges Shlras and Woolson on the bench. The two courts will proceed Ilnulaneously , although In the absence or any work for Judge Shlras to do 'e'teday he occupied the bwch with Jumhgo'oolson , . during a part of the day. The granll jury was el anelell anti set to \ork grindIng out lllctments for bootleg- gore and others. I Is con\osell of the following - I lowIng men : F.V. . Castor \ foreman ; W. J. Martin , I.V. . Baker , A. P. ChIld , Charles Alexander Chauncey ' . Baird A. lartne ) ' . C. A. Barrett . Smih Chlls , A.1 : litmrt . Juper Jensen , I W. Beenb , A. J. hl'ehy , ! I A. I' . Skel , H. D Wison , J. T Yotmtmg , Arthur - thur McClain , W. P. Stipe . W11am Vinton , J. D. 10rnhy. O. P. Swann . WIllis Hal- tenburg , S. Labhart At the afternoon stsslon several prisoners were arraigned. James Given or Creston Frank Vardeman or Red Oak , anti George I Doublin or Hed Oak , each charged with boot- legging entered pleas or nol gUilt . The llnlea ; was made by \1lam Hansen of Omaha , charged wih 11alng counterfeit money al the Red Oak race . The oleials claim that they only had e\'ldenc' to convict him of passing a few dollars . but he admitted to them passIng $16 l , and they are disposed to take his word for it . William lann of PrescoU and henry King pleaded guilty to the charge of bootleggltcg . There Is an anxiety to gel behind the prIson bars displayed by a lot of the boot- lelKCs tha seems clulte remarkable to pzople who like feather beds and nlghl Ile's. They look upon the certainty of three meals a day without vorry . togetitr wih a place to sleel1 and genial coml1nlonshlp. as l'Jme- thing to be greatly desired In spIte or the oilier drawbacks. One of time prisoners at the last term of court a darkey , was arrect"d to tears when he found thll his sentence had been served ali he was to be thrown again on the mercIes ! or a cold world . Anotimer who wat' brough In yesterday . In conversation with Deputy Marshal Charles llradley . said : "Now , If Judge Woolson Is going to keep me here any length of tlmmme I wnnl you to fix Il so that he'l keep me In jai all winter , for I fell Il In my bones thal thin Is going to be a cold winter. " Of course Bradley agreed to "nx It. " Another was broughl up from Creston yeu' . terday by Deputy Mareimai Ele of Atlantic. The prIsoner was In a painful state or Intox- ieation which manlrested itself In a copious flow or tears. "Yes " he sobbed . "I'm here , and Ive been here before and I expect Il be hero agaIn Ir I have good luck In getting out. I expect Il'l be the penitentiary thlll tinme sure but Waslm , I can't be good , and you'n' Judge Woolen know that as well as " I do. _ _ Hardmn and Standartiplanos . 13 N. 10th. Jllel-It Cur 11. I ' 1111. . The election of II. D. hone to the ofce or school treasurer Is regarded by every- body as a knockout for the Citizens' State bank , which was lcGee's backer during the last 'ear. I consequently caused a good deal of glee along time antl-Iiammnan people and was pointed to by them as an Indication that possibly Wilam Arml , who Is also a Citizens' bank maim . may not have a walk- 'away In his aspiration to be county treasurer this fall. The fact Is , however that Harle's election could almost be termer an accident since one or the men who voted for him dill so with the thought that anothsr man who had voted for him before would nol do so that tlmmme bul he turned out to be mlstaln. There is consequently some doubt as to the CItizens' bank having lost its grip as much as some would like to have it . The Hardman piano WIns many friends . IOS'A llY KI.I.S Ills jiito'i'muiit. 'I'hr" u lhmmeIipa' ImmI Ce " .lh Pnnl Flfl'tvt nt : II"rll HIIJl. BOONE Ia. , Sept 21.-Sl1eclal ( Telegram. ) -Two sons or James COl10n living al Mm- oral Ridge , In this county , were engaged In play -eJterday , when one threw a butcher knife al the other , Inlctng a woumil from which he diet this morning. The dead boy Is 17 years old ; time boy who threw the Imle Is 15. The case Is reported as the result or rough sport. An investIgation has nol yet beeu made. _ _ _ _ _ _ S\eINh 11"thullltllllulltmcltN. . DAYTON . Ia. , Sept. 24.-Speclal.-A ( ) the Western Swedish Melhollsl Episcopal conference - lerenee , which closed here , C. O. Lobele of Omaha was designated a tie lay delegate to the general conference which meets at Cleveland next year. 11ev. O. J. Swan of Des Moines was selected a the ministerial delegate , ammd 1ev . I. L. Llndquesl of Burlng- ton . alternate. 11ev. John Dean of Omaha was elected trustee for the theological school at Evanston Ill. The following are the ap. polntments for the ensuing year : Burlington . II. I. . rtndquest ; Concord , Neb. . O. L. Strom. berg ; Creston , Spaulding a 111 Ileman , C. Nerd ; Dayton and Algona , O. W. Ostrom : Des Moines . P. J. Berg : Keokulc , lelro ! ' anti White Oak hugo AIm ; New Swethn and Iuchalnee , L. : I. 1lndstrom ; Oakland , Neb. . C. A. Seabeg ; nell Oak and Essex . John P. Seaberg ; Shlldahl and Mason City , Emil Malnmttroni ; Sioux City and lawarden , F. J. Swanson ; Stratford John Ievahn ; St. Louis , Mo. ( to bo t'uPl1led ) , lingo A Peterson. Kansas-Nebraska district-A. J. Lotgren presiding elder ; Axtel and Keen A. O. Mien - ton ; nU.rl _ k , A. . ! t. 'lelln ; _ Gedarvle ( to 10 sUppleL ) . A. NorLb ! rg ; Clay Center I' , A. Lundberg ; Globe ( to bo supplied ) . C. O. Anderson : Ooodlan,1 and Colby ( to be sup- plied ) ; loldrege and h'ralrlo C. J. lelberg ; Kansas City . J. E. Johnslon ; Lincoln and flvy Peter lunson ; I.lntlsburg ( to bo sup- piled ) ; Oesburg and not ll , Olaf l orI I gen ; Ommmaha John Iundeen ; Saron\'llle , K. ! A. Strombl'rg ; Seamla and Wayne A. F. . Wlnel ; Shlekley and Ong ( to be supplIed ) , ' P. I. ' . nudd ; Stromnsberg Swede Plains and Lincoln Valley . A. O. Ingstrom ; Topeka ( to bt supplIed ) ; West 11 and LookIng Glass , S. A. Llndeberg. ! Cod e CUIlllNNlul I I lt " % 'urlc , DES MOINES . Sept. 21.-Speelal ( Tele- gram.-The ) code commission , which has devoted - voted the entIre summcr to the responsible work aqslgned by the last leglslHure , convened - venell th:9 : morning to continue the task of rpvlslln. Time asshnments now nearly ' concuded Include most of the state Institu- tons and time chools. The commIssion has begnn on a new asslgnmenl embracing the l.tatutes governing uardlanshlps ad ex- tllUm ; to settlement or estates . folcwlng which time commlsslon will b gin on pleading and mmraetice. Commissioner Dale said the commmnmiasiomi would close the , commision 11resert assign- mont In ten days or two .weeku' . This will leave only three unfinishEd assIgnments 11'1 the commissIon before completing the work assIgned It. The personal consIderation for time cotle so far as individual members are concerned , Is well advanced , and the revision o the entirE code \\1 b3 compleled about time middle of November. Not , \IluIN tu Snl.1 Trhmmi . DES MOINES , Sept. 24.-Speclal ( Tle- gram.-Abel ) hicks who Is held on suspi- don or being responsible for the condition or Mrs. LIUo hicks . who died recently In this city from the effects or a allempted crimInal - tool operation , followIng In the wake of Al len , the alleged pimyalciamm suspected of havIng - Ing been In attendance upon the woman , attempted - tempted suIcide lat nlghl and was just round In time to prevent the success or his plan by Jailer Daniel lie had closed his cell U ( tight and turned on the gas . 1"I.IhJenn I"IJI" Formu',1 . SIOUX CITY . Sept 24.-Specal ( : Telegram.-A ) republican le1gue for the Eleventh congresional dlstrct : or Iowa was organIzed al a meeting here tbls afternoon. The follow'ng ctcn were elected : : J. Sanimle . Plymouth county , president ; WI- 11m Hutchinson er Sioux Phi liolammd of Pymouth ; , E. P. Hi ser ( f Woodbury A. C. Smith or Buena VIsta . and G. W. WotOI : or Ida vIce presidents ; W , 'V Ovrholzer of Sioux county secretary ; G. W. Kelen ef Buena ' jlta counts . treasurer . In thc Interest oC eel lon,1. . DES MOiNES , Sept. 24.-Speelal ( Tele- cnm.-overnor ) Jackl'n has appointed the following delegates to the NsUor Road Parliament to b lucid at Atlanta . Ga. . Oc. tober 1. 18. and 19 ; Samuel Slnnott . Mmisca- - , . . : : i - - - T - - : : - ANOTHER , : LIST OF BIG BARGAINS I , II I i " . FROM THE . i : $5OU'OO $ , O WATSON T STOCK K OF r r FURNITURE R R [ I We bought from James L. Watson & Co. , Milwaukee , Wisconsin , Jobbers of .jl F\11'nit'1"e and Carpets , his entire stock r ' AT 50 CENTS ON A DOlAR' ' 50 CENTS ON A DOLLAR 'I . F THESE PRICES ARE A STUNNER II I I ,1 TO OUVOUlD BE COMPETITORS. ! c _ I . mm ROOM SUI'l'S . itociuits' F01n G Bm ' . lAH101t St'I'I'i. IIlC1' CHAIS , IIASSOCICS I a IllpI'p ! " . Caimo , . . FIVe Illpce . . . lht' ; Cnle Reat itigh back Iziittcl front ; , 1jxO glass , " -nt ol'H whim miritmu . 11,1 ' . Inltel ' open frolt . , O\et' htred. " 'ntsol iwice t3Oe . . - 0 , _ 11'le . wih nll ; . : " 'nluI mice $ : ; .OO ( ) , WatRol Illee $2.5O , "ntRul 111le $ 15MO \vmut.tmt 1 I. I l' $ :0.00. - "ntsol IH'ICQ WC. OUR P1tIOF . _ OUR I'ItICE OUR i'iUCE oult ouit i'iuci Oll lIlB OUI PRICE OUI lHCJ1 OUI lHCl' OUt lHCB OUt lHC , $14.50 $1.48 $7.50 15.00 30c 350 & ' SlIIBOA1tDS. iNC ItOCIUltS FOI G mms. PAltTOIt SU'rs. on , C10'11. , ooo SolId ! ! Oak. ' CY , . ix I imIces , . , . . , 1t1uLNAN'1'S Sul . , Tmil)1'StI'Y sent onk. Ull'lght ) " ; , Vet'y Hean' . 'S ' - Hx.1 glusum ! ' . i'tllttI'y ) ' , WatHOI : ll.ice $ : : ; .O.Watsol mice $ S.5O , WntROI pl'lco sio.oo : , Walol IH'lceS.OO , Wntsun 11Ice : Hic , INGH.\ ' OUt lIWg OUR PHm OUR PHCg OUt PHC Ut lnll iOc eac 1 1 $14.50 $ 4.25 $15.00 $ ? 8.00 17c , Q'UI 75 e. . . ChAllIS . lION H DS. CEN1'Eit 'I'ABLES 1\'l"IHESS. Kll'CIg ' 1lr S CUPBOAHD ) Cane Hat , high 1)nckVlmlto ) EtH1l ! . olll Omuk ! , good tl'k I , , , . . . i . . . Watson ' l.5OVmttsott jmrlco O.OO . I Watsol Il'lcu $100. 'nlun II'lcQ $ S.r " 'alsol IJIIce $ 2,5O , Wntson Il'lu .3.5O , Il'lee 1 "ntol lrcc 110. I Ut lHC Ut lHH.m OUR PHCN OUR lllB OUI lIlN Ut PHCB , 65c $ 4.25 99c . $1.50 90c . $2.90 ! ' - t ' 1 - - , ' 0 U R 'P R H M S : 1 : . ( , TI ] ' 1 ASI ? ' OR Cash or Monthly or Weekly Payments : See Our ] : Windows. i1O.H ) vvort worthm-ilOO II-5tIt ) uluivim-.1 , Iosvmi-1tfllI .4)1) ) iveciC. see1c , mI 13 t1 P E 0 T . . . , , , . - I 11) . ( ) ( ) uumm't Ii- I .aII , $1tJO uimomt Ii . . , .s J . . . I mt5O.ou iiumrt Ii-$2fll ) $7.m ( ) mituum Cli , . . . , - ' Sl'fl.uI ) ivort ht-tq..r,4) , y'ek , $ .4) ( ) mumnmi C lm , ! $1 (111.410 w . , rt m-i5.n ( ) ii't'k , S tO.O ( ) mimu mit Ii , 2f.OOOO wortlm-i 1.00 ieeit , t15.O ( ) sun itlm , I Remember this sa'e ! ! - - is at the : , t tI I t I -lM < m m - - " " -4 ! f' Y R ' ] . - - - tine : George T. Baker. Davenport ; WIlliam Stpyh . BurlIngton ; L. J. Vehls . Des MoInes ; Stlyh. A. Dey Iowa Clty : James A. Yui , Celhr Haplds ; Wllnm Lake Clinton ; J. S. Stacy Anamosa : HalvfY Ingham . Algona ; Eugcn Secor. Forest CIty ; Thomas Burke , Boone : S. II. Schoule , National ; W. S. iIotts . Sidney ; F. O. Hetzel , ' Ave = a ; A. V. lelde , Orange . ange City ; G. Jaqua , Traer. PUI' ( I'ruh.tul of Coitv ' lets. DES MOINES , Sept. 21.-Spcclal ( Tele- gram.-In ) his report to the governor Warden Madden or time Anamosa penitentiary complains or the present rules relating to the discharge or prisoners from the institu- tlon. They are given a new stilt each. transportation to the place or convIction and $5 each. Madden EarS : "Alt this Is we\ meant , buill Is nevrtheless a humiliating suggestion to them that they are paupers and objects of state charIty. The parting salute or the state Is n stab al their frayed manhood. " le suggests thal some recom- menratol for faithful service all compe- tency In their various vocations be given ihmemmi The warden asls appropriations for the Institution amounting to $7 .6IS. or the alowances for the support of prisoners , In the last two years , $15,000 has been returned to the state treasury. 1UtlCount , . 1"llhlelnl. BOONE la. , Sept. 21.-Speelal ( Telegram. ) -The republican county convention mel In time opera house here this afternoon and noml- natoll tIme following : Representative , John L. Goad ! ; sheriff . II. C. DeCore ; superlntcimdemmt T. Davis : treasurer , I ) . Moore ; supervisor , John Anderson ; coroner Dr. D. N. Detar ; surveyor George Brown. Frank Caldwell or Doono was rhalrman of the convention anti Haberl Simpson or Angus secretary. IOWI Yet"rnnN' Itenimiomi. OTTUMW , Ia. , Sept. 24.-Speeial ( Tele- gram-The ) surviving embers of time ThIrty- sixth Iowa will hold a reunIon at Eddy\'le teday and tomorrow This Is General Drale's reglmenl all he Is limo guest of honor. The reunion Is largely attended by the members or the regiment. General Dralte made the principal received address and was enthusiastically - . I'urdons Grllt.,1 1111 IrINI. WASHNGTON , Sept. 21.-The president has granted a pardon becaU or the prisoner's Ill healh In the case of L. A. : \le1nlght. convicted In Indian Territory or malicious mlschll'r ( three cases ) In burning a stacie or hay belonging to the Unite States , and sen- tenced March 13 , 189t. to ten years Imprison- ment. Pardons were denler In the case or John W. } Kennedy , convicted In Colorado of presenting falee pensIon vouchers and sen- tenced July 21. 1895 , to Imprisonment for one year and . one day In the penitentiary al Canon City , and In th case of Dolph Pearson - son , convicted In j11slppl \ or robbing a mal carrier and or con J\rlng ) \ to rob the United States mal andstptemmced April 2G , 1892 , to eight years Imnrlsonment In the house or correctIon at DetroitMlchm. , In denying the correction al Detroit . Mich. In denying the application In the latter ea'e . the president saId ! : "This convict Is ocededly guilty of I very serious and dapgus crime , and I . [ don.t fim In this applaton : " sufficIent justi- ficaton for the exercle1 QL executive clem- ency. " . c p Urs. " 'ull'r Arrh' 4 ' I runce _ WASHINGTON . Sept 'Et $ - Secretary Obey i has received the folllti , , telegram from ' Ambassador Eustl dat \ : i. . ParIs yesterday . saying ; " : llrs. WahIeriffmiliy has arrived al Paris. She has jIY to 'Islt her ' hmusband Imposlblo de6 ( . ' 1 age passage " be- fore October 2. on whlcb"lay they \\1 sail - - on the Amsterdam " Paul Bray . Mrs. Wailer's sOn by a former nmarriage was at the depadmenl early today and was one or the firl , to be put In posses- Elon or the news concernIng bile mether. lie has nol receIved any \\'Ord from her direct since before she left Maurltius. 1 Is presumed - sumed that frs. Wailer acted under the ad- vice or Mr. Rustle In nol attempting to lee her husband whie In France. She landed at Marseilles . near where he Is In prison0 . 'V.C"rl l'u.hl.IICrl AI'I.olnt.'I , WAShINGTON . Sept 21.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-TIt ) postolces at Grand Meadow , lnnehaha county ammd Sweetland hand county S. D. . have ane dlscontlnu Frank E. McLaln " ' 8 toay commissIoned postmaster . mater at Springylew ! Neb. _ - . -S Jlur.ler..J 'l'h"lr CUI.tuln nmmii Fled WAShINGTON . Sept. 2t.-The schooner John A. DIxon , loaded with lumber , was round drifting about near Cedar Point . near the Potomac. b ) a river steamer with the murderel , body or the skipper on board. I Is believed that he was luroered and robbed br his crew who were colored and that the crew took the yawl boat which was missing , and escapell to the shore. The name of the skIpper Is umnknown nor Is the port from which the schooner . sailed . ! Hn..l to 1.1)n Nt'ii' Cuuluic. NEW YOHK , Sepl 24.-The Unler States anti Hayt Cable company has chartered the steamer Mackay-llentmett to lay the first sec- tlon or a submarine cable to connect New York with 1-laytl. The ! acltay-lennetl arrived - rived here on I"rlday and today submergell the heavy , or shore end . of the cable , a length of abll : ten knots. Competition will begin with the establshment or the new line and lviii re 'ul In bringing down the present high wi . The layt coml1any will be able to handle busIness for the Wesl Indies Ven- ezumela , the Gulanas and Brazil. The boarder or directors of the company . which Is an American corporation. are J. W. Mackay . George J. Ward J. " ' . Mackay , jr. , A. B. Chandler and Albert leel ( . -a- . . . h'muyimiesmt to the Slou . 1ell.1 ) , WAShINGTON , Sept. 21.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-As ) was predicted In The Bee Fame tmo ! ago the Indian ofce has seleced Sp2clal Agenl Iatcus D. Shelby to make payment c $ t9.0GG.G to soldiers and scouts or the Sioux tribe who assIsted In suppressing the out- break of 18G2. There has been a delay In completion of the roll , owing to a slghl miscalculaton as to the numb of members In one family , and as soon as thi Is remelled , wlmch can bo done wlhouldlfficuly , payment 11'1 bo made. Inspector : \lcl.1ughln has been communIcated with al Omaha , anti he will ImmeJlately send a correction or tbe roil. - - - - - - - - - ' Vlli Not J'I.nNI tohJ Coin , CLEVELANI 0. , Sept. 24.-The proposi- ton or the Central National bank that the national banks of the cIty turn $1,000,000 In gold Into the national treasury and In return tko legal tenders , has been considered by the Clearing House au'sociation. 1 was decided - cided nol to take any such action on the ground that there (111 nol appear to bo any real necessIty for Il and that Il may arouse apprehension among peopl not thoroughly familiar with the financIal S situation. I.'our Chur/,1 " .lh 'lruln I Holh'r ) ' . I , AUlACA , \VIs. , Sept. 24.-There are now four men under arrest charge with , being implIcated In tIme attempted train rob- bones three miles from here on the Wisconsin - mies sin Central rlday night. J. Finley , alas Baker was arrester al lgg Falls and claims to be able to pro\'e an alibi. DIck Genn , John Dalton . anti John Burke were arrested on suspicIon. A lot or jewelry was found en their persons. Large posses are still searching - Ing the forests. S JIII I her Ih'Nhll.I'N i'nrnstmour. EL PASO , Sept. 24.-\lrs. : Thompson , wife or L. Thommipson a smelter employ . shol and instantly killed Nate Baker , a notorious young woman , who has been livIng wih Thompson several months and who causell the later to forsake his wife and chmihdren. Mrs. 'hompson and her husband S are In jail . Coutr."torl Immuiltteil for Frnu,1. SALT LAKE , Sept. 2t.-The grand jury has round Indctments ! against ex-Selectmen l r- man DambergEr and Joseph n. Morris , charging them wIth fraud In connection wl'h furnishing and heatng the new cty : and county buIldIng. Beecham's pills are for bilious. ness , bilious headache . dyspepsia - sia , heartburn , torpid livcrdiz. ziness. sick headache , bad taste in the mouth , coated tongue , loss of appetite , salow skinetc" , when caused by constipation ; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book. Pills ICC and 25C a box , Book free at your druggist's orwrite D. F. Allen Co , 365 Canal St. , New York. , 6n qIta more thU .m.m b . . - - - n , Your House t Heated Free " Not from a financial standpoint exactly - ' actly , but entirely FREE from the defects which are so often found in L the general run of heating plants ! J. C. BIXBY. Stomsot amid lot Water letll 202 MAIN STI1RI3T . Icatul anti Sanitary ' I3migluocr. COUNCIL ILUII : IOWA. , , . _ COUNCIL BLUFFS. STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds ot Dyeing anti Cleaning rene ) ! the highest style of or the art Faded anti tP : : : IsrAM [ stulnell fabrIcs made _ _ _ ( to look _ ± ; ; : : lool ns gootl aim new \rorlc promptly , E done a \I . , llelverCI In all parts of the \4QRKS \ country. Send for C price lIst . . , Isl. _ - = - O. A. . 'AOl.\Y . . ' ' , , t - . : ; - ; = 9' 1'rogr1ztar. Itroadway . near North- &A : " : ' - western Depot , Council . . fliurfmu . Iowa. Tel. M2. _ . RUPTURE PERMANENTLY ( ITTflP1OR NO . CURED PAY NO PAY UNTIL CURED , WE REHR YOU TO 8,000 PATIENTS. ' : writofor hauls Refercncs. Wrlo EXAMINATION FRE. Ho Operation. No Detention from Business SEND FOR IRCULAR. THE O. E. : MILLER co. ; 307-308 n. Y. Life Bldg. . OMAhA NEB. FIRST NATIONAL BANKer { - - ' - Council Bluffs , Iown. CAPITAl , . . . , . $100,000 \Vll SOLICiT YOUI IUSIXES . \'I' 1)Sltnul COblRC'l'1ONS. ONE 01' ' 1'lil.i ( I.I ) S'I' IAXIS IX 10'VA r l'Eit CI S'I' 1'\1 IIX 'Vl.l II UI I'IISI'I'S CALL AO SEE US OIL W'Itl'I'IJ. tIliQ . & BAINBIIDGE Attcrneys.st.l.msw . uL.uu u. unsnusiruuJlpractice ' tn the State \nd Federal Courts Rooms 306.7.8-a , tHIU gart Dock Councl . Bluffs. Iowa SpBcial Notic s-Council Iufs WANTED A GOD OIL FOR GENII.L housework and god cok. 105 Bhxthaveue . . Foil I1ENT , MY - Ji s'IJEN-C , 3 6 l'LATNEII convenience Street . after , . November 1 : eIght roma : moer conlnlencu. . Also 1\.rom house No. 3Z0 Platner street ; pa.eal' II any lime . Jacob Blml CllINI 1'a CLEANT : vAULTS CLEANED. Ed 1lcke. at W. 1 10mera. 63 rua < way. FOn ICNTi SEPT. 1. 185L COINEI ITOnl room . zaifoo . In Sapp tack SIeam heat Centrally loct < J . I. Sheaf. a. Co. WTt : . ( OOPOlii ; ' I-N housework ; refeence re'lulr' Inquire V. W. Archer . 4\3 So. 8th .tret RAIL\VAI \ TIliE CARD LI\e9 LIU1LLINU'i'ON & 10. Itt'Cht.IArrtves Omaha IUUILINUTON _ & Mabon Stts.l / Omaha iOiO.mmmm..tenver . Exiles . . . . . . ' - . . :40al : 4.pm lilk lllls. Mont & tUget ind. Cx , 4pmn : 4Optn : . . . . . Illa. . \ 1' : x I'uiel > cS. In . . < . . . . . 44Xpm : 7tOZmmm. : . Nebraska Local ( except Sunlay ) . :011 SiO.mnm. . 1.lneoln Local ( except imuImdayh125ai ) : 2:411n..l"a&I : 1.1 ( Cor Lln < ln ) daily. . Lea'c ICII1CAGO . miU1tliNUTON QIArrivea Lea'cClCAGO. \ClCAGO. \ lUILINGTON I \ Omoh" Union Depot . 10lh & M.sol St.l : / Omaha ' { ; 4 ; . . . . . . . . . . hlc go , ; . . . . . . 9Oan : : lule. o : rd1. . . . . .Chle.go Cxpcsa. . . . . . . 4 : ; . . 75Qmn. : .Clmicmugo & tt. Ioull Express . . 8:00am : 1:50111..ChleII0 11. 8:00.n1 11:3am..acillo : Junction Local. . . . . . 5:3opmn : . . . . . . . . " ' O"amt Stall. . . . . . . . . . . 5:3Pm : mu I.c l'llCAUO. 11 . & : 1. l'JUb.lAmr : I)1 vei Omdha L'nluncpol. . 10lh & MmsuntttKj / Omaha 6:0pm : . . : . . .Chlcago LImited. . . : : . : . 0:30am : j30anm.Cimicago : Eximesa ( ex. SunaayJ : ZJrl Luases I CmlmCAuO & ' ' ' " Omnamton Depot lOin k Mnsommimt : , . ± Omaha 10:40nm. : . . ; - ; . .Iatter'Ixllre.s : : : : . . . 5:3pm : ' 4.2JpI..Ve.tbul.1 1lmlrd. . . . . . :20am : 'I G:5 : am. . " . . .Mu. Valley Local . . . . .OO:35pmn : , PI ! . . . . . . .Omaha a $ . . = . . . . : ! ! .lec. ' < . , 'focT IAGO- , : ' "CI 1 Arm I v. OmahalUnlon Ievul. 10lh & 1asn ti Omaha - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CAST - - - - - - 11:20mm. : .AtIsrmtI 1arrcsa ( etc. Sun a ' . 6Zlpma : /11108 ) ) :20.0. .AUlnto11108 62pmmm. : .AUlnto . . . . . Niglmt Cxprtss. . . . . . . . 5:35111 9:25al : jjjpnm . . .Chlc' ! ' VestLuleLLI = . 1:3"n : , . WES1' 6:45pln.Oklahoma : & Texas Fix. ( cx . tiun..jOSGjj ) : , _ . . . , . . . ! ! _ 1.lmJI..I.UOpm .vJn- . . LeaveCIj'iTh ; - ( rrlV . \ C..t1'r'rlm _ OnmeliiIlOepoti5tIm _ . nod . Weistu. : tj Omaha 8.1 am. .Sioux City ! Accomnmcdatmors. . . : ' 12:05. . . ( Sloux City : xpress ( cx Sun. ) . . lrun : . . . . . . . . . . ' .l'I'-'LI t' , ' ! btI . . , = . ! O.al t.1---tt--E-- : : & - : o- vi.iis : . ArrT ' .IU1 v. . Omahn ! lepot 15th anll Webster tOts . r-Omaha _ 2:10pm..Ft : at - Slall anti ; r.pc . . . . . 4:55pm : 2:10pm. : . ( ex. hal. ) Wyo . : . . ( CX. Mon. ) . 4:55pm : 9:05mm : .Norrolk lxpre.a ( Cx . Hun . _ . 0:05al Hundayia:3uanm ) : 6:10pm. : . . . . . .11. Paul E.pru..1 Ix. .y , . . .0:35"/1 :311 : I.aK . , C. tOT J. t C-njArl" . . Ommmalmatlnionlepot . 10th &MasonSpmnaha ' " 9:50am..itansam' : City Day Csprtaa. . . . . 5p1 : ! g U _ " : . .vl ' ' } ' . ! l ! SO.II . ' ' unn \ : ! " IArr1i' Omahal Beput 151h antI WeLler 811. } Omaha 10 .031. : . . . . : : . .St. 'Lula Express . , , , , , , , , , 6Ooagmu : 0:30pm.I. : Louts 1.xpr..6:01)1 : 3:30pm..Netiraika : Local . . Hun. ) . . . 0:0am : LCaVeSIIIJOUX I CITY & IACU'W.Arrlvu I & IACU'W. Omaha Depot . 1lh and \'eL.ler ( 1411 . / I Omaha 6 :1011. : . . . .Ht. Paul - 1.lole . . . . . . \0 :3511 : . 'j.RIOUX , IAlIF1.Arlvt Omaha Union Depot 10lh & Mien Htl. ' Omaha 6T.Sam : , , . . , , . , Sioux City l'nseengr. . . . . . . 10:55pm ' i . . 5:35pm..lIt. : _ . Clyl.i..lir. ! . . ' 1 : C'P - - ' - L UNION 'lACl " . IArrmvea OrahalUnlon . & "ICtrTO ! 9:15am : . . . . . . .learn.y Expre. . . . . . . . \:30pl < : 2:0pm. : . . . . . .Ovrrlanll 1"lyer. . . . . 6:30111 : . . ' . ' , . . . . Z.GOpm.iicat'cs & Slrom.b'g lOx ( cx. Sun)1Z:3opmn ) : 2.Gpm.I..t'c. : . ' . Express . e. . , , , Sun,1:3pl , . . : . . . . 1:0pm. . . .I'lclto lm 5 : ( ; 11. . . . . . . . ! - ! - - 1al. xlreu. . . . . . . . . 4:10pm : - - - ' - - - - Lfvfa-1 WA1IAUiC RAILV.'AY . _ . lArrIves Ornha tnIon ) epot . mOth & _ Mason 5ti. Omalmu 'o C.tpm. . ! . St. Louis Cannon Ball . . . . . 12:3.lsta : -