Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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- _ _ _ 2 TIlE OMAhA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , SEPTEM1fl1t ' M . 1 SOr. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - -
- - -
. . , nOSE COXFm . IS TilE ImpORTS
Oablcs the New York Yacht Club Personally -
. ally Ooncernlng HIs Ohallenge
1'r"'III.tllllt , fit flit trlthlllnI tf \t-
h'I"t " " " Js.rr I llr'IIC ' ' : lrl
IsM I.'nl , . "rll"I" " " "
- I n'hll , .
rmw YORK , Sept. 2'-The ' folowln cablegram -
blegram WM received at the New York Yacht
club rootn. alernoon :
rom . 21.--J. V. S. .
NgWMAI < : T , SI'Pt - - Olllll.
Secrctury New York Yacht club New York :
1ur aespugo received . I conlrm prson-
( chnlcnge sent through Itoyal VIc '
torla club In ay natn ( . Conlrmatory letter
j will follow In1nel1ately and I make no re-
trlctlon9 ns to conllton !
Itrlcton ! CIAH.l.S IO m.
I.ONnON. Sept. 24.-The Times says tol3Y
that them Is no ground whatever for the u-
; Bumpton which has been hastilY made hy a
portion of the American preis that Mr
Charles D. Hose Int nlll hy his challenge
for the Amerlca's cup to In any \ay con
vey the Impreslon of Ispproval of the
couuo of the earl of Iunra'en In the latter ,
of DefentIr-ValkyrIo race
The EvenIng Standard Bays : The an-
nouncement that Mr. Hoto has challenged for
, ' the ( lIsatI-
Amerlca's cup wi create eame dls'al-
faction here that It Is saId to have produced
at New York. There was every ua.on to
hope that no British yachtsmen would Ilsne
a challenge for this trophy unt the unfair
nnd illegal deed of gift houl , : Le canelted.
H Is extraordinary that a challenge shou:1 : bJ
so hastily d spatchel by a gwteman : who 1
so little known In yachting clcleJ , unll It
seems to be n refecton cn Lord Dunrave
No one grudges the notoriety that 13 to ho
galn.11 by buJdlnr ! n yacht when . the owner
conlnes himself to racing In Brit sl watr.
hut when It comes to / claim to represcnt
I3ritlsli yachting In an International con-
tot. and the challenge Is given under the
Ilstng c'rcurnstance ' the ve'dlct of
English yachtsmen must be
liosti Ie. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( ; . \I S 0' 'rJg SA'I'.USAI lg.\UUI' : ,
) t I Iliure 11" n1) . ' n rroV ' . g""II'
f"11 'h.ftlt nt l.n. .
.DALTIMOH , Sellt. 21-A rank throw by
Sulvan In the nInth , with two men out , let
Hecler : In anti gave thc Champions the tie-
lag rnn. after which Keefe called the game
on account ( oC larlme8s. Four Ilouhle plays
were made by the home team. In three of
which Jennings shared , and one oC them
1HJ accomplIshed unassisted. Attendance ,
fOO. Score : .
Baltimore . . . . . . 001031011-7
Ihlrllelhla . . . . 0 3 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0- 7
His : Baltmore , 13 , Phlalclthla , , 15. Er-
rors : I'hliadeiphla. 6. Earned runs : flaltl-
more , I ; Phlnllelhla. Ii 'wo-Imse hits :
Cleinelits . Ictahon. '"e hit : Jen-
nln ; s. S'lrllo hIts : Kenler . Boyle. OrtIi
Holcn 1)ass ) : Kecler . lirodle DJublo
lifl3'L Jennings 10 Carey , JennIngs loas- (
IIHtol ) ; Jennings to Heiz to Carey ; Jeti-
nlngK 10 Geason to Carcy. FIrst on balls :
off MeMahon I , oft Orth 1 lIlt by pitched
bal : fly McIahon 1 lnscll hail : Clem-
ents. Bnttrlps : : 'Ilahon nnll Itobinson ,
Orth 011 Icments. Time : Two hours. Umpire -
pire : KeeCe.
BROOKLYN . 21.-Tho 1SOO people
nIOOKI.YN. Seill - I.S0 ( )
who tlrell out today 10 tee the game between -
twern Boston itnil Brooklyn were badly paId
for theIr trouble. Thc game was I farce ,
Uoston not caring to 1luy. which allowed ,
the home team to win nlm03t aK It pleaKel i
1mlllr ? Murray came lu the rescue after
the Orst halC I .o t the eighth in ni rig hy call-
InK thc game on account oC (1arknos.4. Score :
! .
l1rooklyn . . . . . . . . : 1 I 0 0 I 11
loHton . . . . . . . . . . . 01000010-2
Hila : Brooklyn 13 : Boston , 9. Errors :
l1rooklyn. . 2 , Boston 4. Earned : rum : Brooklyn .
lyn . 2 : 1ioton 2. First base on balls : err
Abbey , 0 ; off Stvet ! 3. Struck out : } 1
Abbey . 2 : by Stlvctts . 1 Home run : An-
dot-son. ' 1hree.ha e hit : Allbc } ' . q'wo-base
hIts : Corcoran (2) ( ) . Double "laYI " : : Bannon
to Nash : Long to Tucker ; Schoch to Daly.
Stolen haFes : Corcoran . Daly (2) ) . Anderson.
I'itset1 tinlis . 2. Batteries and
lald ! ais : Hyan. BateIlls : AIJhey ant
Grimm : SUvets nail I yon. Umpire : Iur-
1-fly. Time ; One hour and forl ' -three mln-
LOUISVJ.I.I . . Sept. 21.-Tlw Pirates took
the second game oC the Icrlc3 from the
Colonels toay by better all around filtiy-
In , McDermott pItched One bal , hut re-
c.lve poor support. Foreman was very
etectvo It crItical points. Atendancc ,
&o. Score :
Louisville . . . . . . . 0 a 2 0 I 0 0 2 O-I
! 'Itsburg . . . . . . .0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 . -7
Hits : LouIsville . 16 : Pittsburg . 7. Errors :
Louisville , 6 : Iltsburg 2. Earned runs :
I.olhwlle , 2 ; Jltshlr . 2. First on bails :
off McDcrmot 2 ; or Foreman 4. Struck
ant : By McDermot. 3 ; by I' ' oreman. I.
Three-base hlK : McDermott. O'Brien
fmith. 'Jwo.bao his : Stenzol Beckley.
Br.crilce hit : O'Urll.n. Stolen li-ie : Sten-
zol. Bauble play : O'Urlen to Itassantuer.
HIt hy piched ball : CIa rle , Donovan Cln .
man. Wild pich : McDermott. flatteries :
McDermott and Spies , Foreman and [ ack
Umptro : EmsIlo. ' 1lmo : Two hourH.
liT. LOUIS Sept. 21-Te feature oC to-
day ' s game was the narrow escape St
Louis 1\le , from quittIng without a single
scoro. The Brownd executed another twIst
In the pIayoiCootey was put on third
ali Samuel acted a ! Ihorttop. Miller
went behInd the hat nail Kissinger faced
1dm. Score :
St. I.ouls . . . . . . 000000001-1
Clnclnnnt . . . . . . 0 4 1 1 0 0 I 0 1-1
hIts : St. Louhi:5 : CIncinnati . 15. grror :
St. Louis G , CincInnati . 3. Bared runs :
CIncinnati . I. T'o.base hit : 10) ' . Stolen
Cincinnat. Miller (2) ( ) , Parrot Smith .
I.atham.nughn. . l3iirk . ( onnor. lonhle
plays : SmIth to ! cIhee ; Cooley to QuInn
to Connor. First bnso on bals : Off Klslln-
erb'l 1 : lr Hhlle , I. Struck out : By IthInes
2 : b1 ICissinger . 1. laslel hal : MIiIer .
Wild r pitches : I\131In lr. 2. Baterlll : Kil-
plnJer and Miller ; Hhlnes and Vaughn.
Time : Two hours Umpire : McDonald.
WASHINGTON , Sl'PI 21-ame. , James '
n Southern lo'tgue pitcher. olcntell Jame"1
box for WashIngton tOllay. 10lh teams
ftltId umpire HUrt'A tierIsIoii
founl Umllre ! Ilerislol ! otijeetlon-
able anll Ihero was considerable wrangling.
a'lmesH at the coil oC the eighth lire.
vented Score : further Illny. Attendance , 2.0. Jf'-
Washington . . . . . . 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 Z-6
New York . . . . . . . . 1 I 0 2 0 : 0 2 2-1
Hlta : \'nshlnton. 10 ; New York , 6. Errors -
rors : \\'nslilngtou , 1 : Nsw York I. Earned I
runs : \'lshlnllon. 3 ; New York 1 ' 1wo-
base his : 1ole. Selbaeh. ' 'hree.bas. tilt :
Stafford. . Hme rita : 'cUulre. ' Stolen
bases : : t3talTord. : Crooks. 'lernan. Abbey (2) ( ) .
Fuller , ( 'nrtrlght. Sacrilcu hIt : Van hal-
tren. Double play : lemonlrevlo tn ( 'art-
wright. Firt base on balls : OIC James. 9 ,
off Clarke 2. HIt by pitch ell hal : Crook
H. 1)ttvi Struck out : fly Jlnwl. 3 : by
Clarke . 2. P.e,1 bal , : Doyle (2) ( . MeGulro. I
'Vlhl pitch : James Ultlrll' : James unit '
McGuire : Clark tutu Doyle. Time : Two
hours. Umlllro : Ilunit. Tlrt
I'Iayed. Won Lost P.Ct.
Jnlhnore . . . . . . 121 ! 81 41 P.Ct .
Cloveaml ! . . . . . . 1 : :1 4 6 61.3
1hlalolllhll . . . . 12th 77 49 61.1
Chicago . . . . . . . 12I 7 r fl .
. Boston . . . . . . . . 127 70 r [ .j
Irookl'n . . . . . . 12t ; c M 53.1 .
} 'Itshur. . . . . . . . 12 C 511 llO . .
. 6
New York . . . . . : . 120 W : GI 1..9 .
flnclnnal . . . . . 121 G 61 61.1 .
Washington . . . . 12J 3 8.1 32.0
St Ionld . . . . . . 12 : S 81 2'.9
LouIsville . . . . . . . . . . .
Lonlsvlie . . . . . 12S 31 91 2i.6
( lames today : Boston nt Brooklyn ; Phil-
Brookl'n Phi-
adelllhla at Baltimore : New Yo'rlt at \Vasli-
Inllon : Iltsburg nt Louls'Ille : CincinnatI
at St. I.n18. l.uls\'II' Cincinnat
" 'I'S'I'.HtS : \ SSOCI.'t'I'I ON nmwlI'S.
LII"I' ' ii I"I' " Itiglit . \ ' "II'h"I. I .
( : ,1 , ' " Slt Ni'i'ilriI.
S. JOSlth1 , Sept. I.-Scor :
Rt. Jo ' . . . . . . . . . . _
Ht.Joi'e1iti . . . . . 0 0 0 0 I I 0 0 2
Lincoln . . . . . . . . 5 0 : I 2 0 2 0 . -12
hilts : St. Joseph , , 8 : LIncoln 11. Errors :
5t . JOSl'llh. 6 : 1.lncln. I. 1latterIei Frror : , -
burl altl ' .hman : Barnes Ihterlt ali ! er.
DES ION $ . Sll\ l.-Seora :
Des Moines . . . . . 7 0 0 ( 0 2 I 0 0 2-12
Duhuque . . . . . 2 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 . _
J UI : I' Motnei , 1 ; Dubtuue. G. Eredra ; :
De' MoInes 3 : Uulut\ue. \ G. Il1terC ! > : rrr ! -
genlier . Md arllnli and ' 'raIAY ( ; : cmnll '
anti ( ] raver . '
IH'nI.ING''O , Spt 21.-Scol'e :
_ J1urlnllol . . . . . 0 5 1 0 4 0 0 0 0-10
Quincy . . . . . . . . 005100102-9 .
lUts : lurlnGton 10 : qulncy. 13. Errors :
Tltirllngton. 3 ; Quincy. b. laterles : We'- '
, aorValidi and 1. 'lch ; ' McGreevy and
game nOCl'OH : { I. , Selt. :1-SCr frst
gmc . . . . . . . 3 0 2 1 : : t 0 9-:1
l.rlu . . . . . . . . . 00 4 0 00 00'0-4
JUI ; flockord : : l'covl.t. G Errol :
h- -
; rll , 41' I.orla , l -lterle ! ' Horton - .
ittiil Score I iCIttig Hecond ; Itoacti game itial ; CollIns. 1.
Iockfortl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 0 II 31r
l'e"rla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 0 0 0 I '
JIlts : 10ckforl. 1 ; PeorIa , - . I'rrorl : :
Jtocktord . I ; Ieorla. D. flatterIes . : 'rituraton
a Zeisler. nil iCIlng ; Hanson , 1'lynn . 1)ugtlalu and
Zeisler.HTANDINO 01 , ' TIm 'rgAS. [
l'layed. Won 1ost. P.Ct
Lincoln . . . . . . . 1In'et : 80 42 fJ.r I
lel Moines . . . . . . ltl 69 1 IA.1
Iporln . . . . . . . . . . 12 ? GJ r1 r..i
Hoekforll . . . . . . . 1\ 6 1 , m.t
( Jllnry . . . . . . . . 1 : G r l2
IlrlnKton : . . . . . . 12 r G 48.0
Dublque . . . . . . . 121 r 7 42.7
St. Joseph . . . . . 121 17 7 37.9
Games today ( end of Ichelule ) : Lincoln
at St. Joseph , Duhiutie at DeS Moines ;
Quincy at BurlIngton ; Peoria at Hoclfofl.
Oto'\'J PIIII ( ) OX lINE ( WUI ) 'II'I
. \111,1. II I I lie "I'Iilrd ' 11" ' " ' 111 Nut
.h"1 C..t I IhH" ' .
N"W YOItK Set 21.-There were two
good things on the card nt Urve ell to-
day , one oC which went through nnll the
other dll not 'rho Irst was In the ollenln ,
race when Lucky Ilaldwln's Snl'lble. n
castoff from the Gdeon string was backed
down from 15 to I to 3 to 1 at the cl isa .
nail all the Imowlng ones were on. Thc colt
jurpCI Into the lead at once and none
coull get near him. Forum Hot the place
Cram Curlb In n hard drive. 'rite other
good thIng was In the third race . when the
money fairly ' rolled . Into the rinK on
Amanila. ' 1he betters were not aq fortunate .
for ho ran last all the wny. Prince 1ief
at the ( ' 'omforlnbe : otel ! of 4 to I. won from
lht Hoval ner n drIve. 100mer got the
1)1800 wIthout trouble. The second race was
h ' ' ' oddS Cram Leona-
won by Adellert at long mI111 . -
wel , who was Ijll \rohlllh.t \ odils.
On th" WI ) ' round tlit' llrst I turn Slmm
drove the favorite Into Stlnenele , scatting
her against the rail and knocking one of the
posta , I own. : I. flergen . her rider was
badly hurt about the lug ' . 1Iylnl Dulch-
man was the favorite In the fourth race
antI held tht leRI alt the way . winning by
1 length. 'Ihlre was n close ! InlRh fur sec-
onll place. Howe kept the live horses In the
lh race nt the II0lt a lone limit all then
sent them away to IL bllt stlrt , twenty
lengths being the distance between the IrRt
antI Ifh horFo. Hey lel Carreres WJil all
the way. Pe"ller , Wil nn olllRon ravorlo
for the last race anti led to the stretch .
when Connoisi.eur came away alit ! heat
him bj' 1 lientl. Summaries : nnt
First race . lIve furlongs : Salvable (3 ( to 1 )
won. . Forum (7 ( 10 2) ) second CUI'lb ( : 10 1 )
thti rd . 'l'lme : 1 : ( ' 3.
Second race , ono tulle : Ae1elbcrt (2 ( to 1 )
sven Ieonnwcl (1 ( to I ) secoini The Bluf-
for (3 ( to I I ) thlrrl. Time : 1 :43' : .
'hlrll race , 1"lntullI stake . five furlongs .
RIInJ : Prince Lie 0 to I ) won. Itlght
Hnyal r to 2) ) second . Boomer (6 ( to 1) )
tll'I ! . : Jlme : 1:02. : _ _ . _ .
"ount race . Ocean view linnilicap . one
mil ! : 1"lylng Dutchman (7 ( to I ) won An-
plsele (2 ( 10 1 ) second , I.ucanla (6 ( to 1) )
third. Time : I : i24.
1"lfh race . Fix furiongs : Itey 111 Car-
roves von . Illusion (4 ( to I ) second , Jack oC
SPII(1 ( I to 1) ) Ihlrll. Time : 1:15. :
Sixth race , mIle nnl one-half. selling :
Connoisseur ( I to 2) ) won Pepper ( to 2) )
accent ) . Caracas (6 ( 10 1) ) third. Time : 1:38. :
JiltOitli . A ' 1''O-Y. AI-In ItECOItI ) .
i4IierIu.t.k " ' \'lt SIl'iirlouigs I ii tIll
P'nt. '
CINCINNATI Sept. 21.-In the Garet
stake , for 2-yelr-ohld at Oakley today . Car-
rol 1teld' / chestnut colt . Sherlock . 1) ' Fler-
lee-I llenln , demonstrated that he was the
bent colt at the track by winning Impre9
aively lt six furlongs In 1:11. : This break !
the record oC both local tracks for 2-year-
ole Is. The weather was pleasant and the
track fast. hut ( lUsty . Summaries :
1"lrt M'le. sailing . five furlongs : Feast
(2- ( : , to 1 won. Wile Shannon (2. ( ! to 1 sac-
onil Starheam (3 ( to 2) ) third. Time : 1:02h. : .
Second race , selling . six furlong : MI-
" 11 (2 ( to 1 won. Mate t ( ( : to 1) ) second ,
Early HORO (2 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:15. :
Third race , the Gnrott stulwl for 2-
year-old cols ; value to winner , $1,235 ! . six
furlongs : Sherlock (0 ( to I ) won First Mule
(7 ( to 2) ) second Don CarIlo (4 ( to 1) ) third.
Time : 111. :
Fourth race , purseS mil anti one-eighth :
IalJomo (3 ( to 2) ) won , Faete Belo 00 (
to 1 second , Diso ( ( to . ) ) third. TIme :
ll6 : % .
Fifth race . selling . six furlongs : Twinkle
(5 to 1) ) IrOn Miss Lilly 05 to n second
Roosevelt (1 ( to 1) ) third. . TIme : 1:15' : '
- - - - -
Faust TIle lt Ce.Inr . Itapluls. ' ,
CEDA It HA PIDS , Ta. , .
! Il. , Sepl 21.-Spoclal (
Telesram.-The races today were the finest
eVer se.en here a'11 great time was made .
Suhlnlrfe :
Ono tulle , 2:10 : class : K H. Street , Cedar
! aplll won : ' , ' . 'alter Oudltlrk. Cedar
Hallll . second : \ \ ' . J. Thomas Carthage .
Ill. thlrll. Time : 2:124 : ! .
half mIle , open : Cuntmings . Marengo .
won : Martens St. Paul , ec'HI : Ingraham
Dixon Ill. , third. TIme : 1:11. :
One mIle. open ' : Itepine . maicsburg won :
Martens. St. Paul , second : Bicker , ChIcago ,
thIrd. 'rime : 2:19. : .
Ono miie. county chnmplonshlp. boys
tinder 18 : White Forest \von I. A. Enright
second . Cherry third. Time : 2t3. :
Quarter mIle . open : JIltson , Cellar
laphls , won ; Ingraham. Dixon second ;
II'lter. Chicago thlnl. TIme : 0:33. :
Five mile handIcap : Coyle. Cellar Haplds.
12 ) 'arll , won : Miller , Cellar Rapids . 22
) ' :111. second : \\'hle. Cellar Rapids . 3S5
yards . thIrd ; WhelpI Cedar Rapids , 30
) 'Irlls. rourlh. Time : 13:00. :
little consolation : WIlson . Cedar Rapids ) .
won : Shaw Joiiet . second ; Humser , Hoc I.
Island . third. Tune . . : 2:33. :
- -
. . . . " ( , . . teti 11.1 Out.l.h' , ' " Irl' ' , I. ' . . .I.
S' . LOUIS. Sept 21.-Not over 1.0 people -
plo attended tile races here tall a ) The
track was tott Three favorItes and three
outsiders \von. Summaries :
First race . selln , seven furlongs : Hush
(9 ( to 2) ) won Ialrlnla , (9 to 1) ) Hlcond , Con-
staiR (0 ( to 1) ) thtrd. Time : 1:30. :
Second race , six furlonJ : ! IUe : t (7 ( to
1 won , Forget (7 ( to 10) ) second Fannie
Howenl ( to 1 ) thlnl. Time : 1:16. :
Third race six ant one-halt furlongs :
Iottl gastn (8 ( to 1) ) won , JohnnIe lcHah'
00 ( to 1) ) second , ! lnlver ( ( to 1) ) third TIme :
1:22.Fourth :
Fourth race . tulle and one.slxteenth , sell-
lng : Sumo ( even ) won Prince (20 ( to n ) scc-
orul . Freddie f. T (3 ( to 1) ) thIrd. TIme :
1 ' 1'1.
- Fihh race. five furlongs : Geneva C ( I to
1 von . Commercial (3 ( to 6) ) second . Jack
Martin (3 ( 10 1) ) Ihtrel. 'rime : I : OIV . .
Sixth race seven furlongs . selling : Tom
elmore t6 to 5) ) won Imml.11 (6 to n ) sac-
end . Revenue ( Ste 1)thlrtl. ) TIme : 1:29 : .
- - - -
Not n 1 , " > le11. .
ng''ROI'r , 81111 21.-Not n sIngle flvor- '
Ito won WIndsor teday. The weather
wits clear and Ihe track fast Summaries : ,
First race , live and one-half furlongs :
Slurlu VO2lty Hobo second . Jubilee third.
1 thlrl.
'lmo : 1 :08' : . , seconl.
Secon,1 , race. five furlongs : Irene Woods
\von . 'rarentunt second Onalaska third.
' 111' : I : Ol : . thlrl.
Thlrr race 51" and one-halC turlon3. 1(1.
Ing : nllvar won Ielrlpolo second , 111-
10\\'l'en third. TInts : 1:20 : .
F'uurth race . n"t and on-haIC furlongs .
selling : Somnlnhulbt won Jennie .htine Fec-
onti 'eetl May Ihln Time : 1:071,4. :
"Irh race . one mile : Somersault % von .
Lady Dilmontl second , Young Anon third.
TIme : IU' : . _ _ _
' 'w'nl nt Slt.II.1 Inrl , .
nUBUQUI' , Sept. 21.-Thls Was the first
11ay ot the Nutwoot park races. The
weather was clear and bracing and the attendance -
ttnl1anco Cnlr. Summaries :
2 : : jilet' : Norlnl won the first fourth
anti fifth heats lind the race. 'lmo : 2:19 % .
2:2l'4 : . 2:21 : : . Waterloo Girl won the second
an,1 , third iteits. Time : 2:21 : % ! . 2:20 : % . seconl
eral Sherman Vasicil . Damona also started.
:21 : 111' : Hnhert'lec > won ISO straight
heals. ' 1Iml : 2:1811 : . :16' : . 2:17' : , . slrllht
gait , , . J. OOClo , Arlanl also started. ! 1l1-
2:10 : trot : Vliuncia won the /rt anti see-
011 heats. TRait : 2:2y. : 2:2 : . . Hobin n
won the third , fourth anti fifth heats 00(1
the rncp. Time : 2:22. : 2:11. nnl , 2:22 : . . Combine
" . .0 rl n' Metropole . Stella S , Miss SJhln" ,
Slenlorls , Bonnie Het also started ,
Icnlt'r Mt't'tI itg .t S'wllrIH.t.
N E'MAitR ET . Sept 21.-The Newmlr-
hot first October meeting opened today and
among the e'ent. scheduled was the Trl-
Innlal Produce stakes. for which only three
horses ftartl ! Durham's Son 0'
Amine won. . Mg- Charles tay ltose's entry
St. Illlatre . 1 hay colt. h\ St. Simo' . Out of
Distant Shore ( Distant Shore Is the name
telecterl hy ! 'r. ' Hose tor his . \mlrlca'/
cup challenger ) . took "cnll 'Ilace. Simon
Bur wus thlnl. Sir 'l'atton 8vkes' chest-
nut 11 } ' . \ VIS11 ln. II \\'Isdom. out oC
' I.abtth. won the great Foal stake" Five
horses ran _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'iiii ) - ) . , .t 1.I'h'l I II.
111.ADI I.lIU.Sept. . 21.-Tue Unlvor-
BUy oC l'ennJylvanla athletic authorIties
have received assurances Cram the London
Athletic club team that It wIll
Athletc wl accept In
invItation front the UnIversity ot l'enmtsyl.
vania to contest a series oC events such
lS was suggested hy l'nsylvanla 10 them
anti to the Lam rhhe alhlel s. Upon reply
from the Cambridge athletes ( depends
whether the meet wIll he accepted or ant
1.'lult.r. S.t Ilt tf the " 'u. " . Yet .
CIlC.\GO. tett , . . -A special front Aus-
UI , Tex. , Bays : Ii learned tonight
that Attorney General Crane Is arrangIng
to sue out an Injunction In the dharlct
court . cf Dalal county to restrain the ( ' or-
bel..I.lmlons l bt. I lbs Judge grunts
tlo injunction , which he doubtless wil ,
the the tight mnanageitent In self-defense
must appeal the mater 10 the court ot
I Lrmtua : appeal ; wIth a lull bench ant
I 111th , IIlay directly Into thn hitiult . or Ihe I
Stitti' heaU tQ Ret It before this full
henl(1 ( Cur n decision Is cxadlY whnt ( lie
stHI Walt" , its II I. belIeved n full hen'h
i oC the atari " will revctf ( 'hief . iustico
I I liirt's Inlvhlnal opInion [ . I Is w(1 kn"wl
10"erlor ( 'ulberson does not propose to
ftC'f'Pt JUllgl Hurt'N Ollinion ni 1.lnl and
says he wnnts a full court's opinIon or
nothln . _ _ _ _
( W"IJ:11 CU\S l'l' ' .
Rrls. ' Plllt 111..11111 I . III I Un
iii.fuiri. Ill . Siuiir'iin' ( 'ourt .
Al'S'rIN , Too : , iup I. 21.-'rotl y upplca-
ton was made to Comptroller Jlnley by
the tax collectors ot ld.ennun 1111 Huyes
counties for Prize ! tight licenses , which
were Ilromllty ; refused hy the comptroller
lit the Instarco ot the attorney general ,
who In a written oflnlon still contends that
Judge Hurt's opinion ( lelverl.1 . nt Dnla
last week nullifyIng the nnt-prlze ISht
it' : . Is l not binding nnt hollnl Jttu'nm
hurt's opinion In error , In that It Is 1m-
Itossible' ; lor' two eonllctn ProvIsions of n
btatute In , 'art innteria . enacted nt differ'
eat tImes , t hI In effect nt ont anti the
F.lle tIme . Therefore Jute ' nnl ( -
pn.t to the statutes In force lt the same
time , though conilicting . Is I not supported
by any logical reason. lIe also hold that
lht ( "statte" was always % 'oid . In that I
1va' . contrary to pubc policy . IC nol to the
. 'ttttIItution. , "if you lIcense to I ht-thnt
In 10 say . I lght between mann alit ! Titan
the statute toe ! not even seem to give you
the PrivIlege ( f saying whether the tight
wIll be with ham knucllof. wIth gloves ,
with 1(1'el 01' wIth ) llstoll. mdccii . If
tltt'y have the right to tight . they are
chartered libertInes to Chat extent and I
presume they ought to be Ilerllletl to spelt -
own meet their wn ) . . . own weapons ) and light In theIr
I was understood that Ihe tax collectors
were acting lt the Instnnle of the governur .
who desIres to get the mater before thc
supreme court. Tonight they applied to
AssocIate Justice Dlnmln of the supreme
court for writ oC maniluinus
Cllrt a wtl malliamus to secure a
license. I Judge Denmln refuses a writ oC
I.nn.laml" . It wIll he I case ot loggerheads
between n supreme court associate Justice
anti , a chIef JustIce ot the criminal court oC
appeals . with the later still undecIded al
10 which Is the most authoritatIve. I Is
probable . howtver. that Judge IJpnman will
ask the full supreme bench 10 sit wih him
ant ! hand , down an opinion that wi b.
hirding for aU tune.
hlrlln ! tme.
IOCKIOI' . 'rex. , Sept 2 i.-C'ongressnian
Davl Culblron , father oC Charles lulher-
son . governor . If spending 1 few days here
null today talked freely of thin decisIon oC
. 'Ulgt ' Hurt on the frlze lliht. Congressman
( ulerlon saId that the young governor
Would have to back town front his position.
Congressman Culherson II regarded as a
great constitutional lawyer . and In his ollln-
Ion the governor wns purely executive and
not and decllon oC
jUdlllalt that the ! Judge
Hurl us chief jUltlco oC the court oC crimInal -
Inal allpeas : cannot be questioned by the
supreme court
S.\ \ ' . n fly 'VIlla FAILiNGVISI ) .
1..I..h Y"'ht 11.1 .1 " 'Iiiitiiui . " Lu'aul
" 'h"1 tlt Hlt , . 1..111. . .
OYSTER BAY L. 1. Sept. 21.-The second
lace In the series between Spruce 1\ antI
Ethelwynn for the Perpetual challenge cup
offered by the Seawanahlla-Corlnthlan
Yacht club ended . as did S.ltufla "s ' , In a
Iluke . because there was not enough wind
to finish wihin five hour . At 1 o'cloclcthe
boats were sent awa ) ' . Jthelwynn was a
lIttle quicker than her rival getting over
the Ino two secollid ( In mtdvaitco. Spruce
crowded the Yankee so closely that Ethel-
wynn was unable to et her spinnaker 11-
nht'dlaieiy She dId not nlogelhel' lose her
advantage . however , RII was ahend one
minute and eleven seconds at the end of
the Irst leg of the first roum ) 'he second
leg was a reach . and here again the Amlrl-
CUlt boat showed her ' for
cln showet superIority . when
the ! econt mark was turned she hall In-
creased her lead hy fortr.slx seconds. Now
Iiean the heat to the starting poInt anti
hero the \rlt her outlalell the Yankee on
every point ant passel her. I was 3:23OS : :
when the British heat turned the mark.
Ethelwnn won the spar 11 3:36:10 : : and coin-
mllce,1 ) her long stern chase. The fourth
leg oC the course ; ! a repetition of the first .
except that Spruce was Ia.ln" . . The 0111.1
tulle at that Point was : Spruce , 4:17t8 : : ;
) '
Eheh\'nn. 4:26:59. : :
On the reach from the fourth turn to
the tfh 1'lhel\'no decreai.ett ] . the dls-
tnnce between herRelC and her rival turIng
Ing the mark hut five minutes and thirteen
leronll ' behInd The time here was : Spruce ,
4r:12 : : ; lltheiu'ynii IO:2 : : . TIlls gave the
boats almost an hour to run the lat leg
hut a ! the wInd began to tIle out I wu
een that there would ht little chance of
flnishtlng within the requIred limit . Elhel-
Wynn began 10 \lcle . tip lt this tme and
WIS constanty nearing Spruce when the
time limit expired , nail the race was dc-
cared off until tomorrow
TH.\CI TOO I' , \ \ 'Y 1.'OI FtS'l' ' 'ID" .
: o It4'Ci'ulM Irfkll lt thc Olteli ltig
Uny nt Slnlx ( I ) ' .
SIOUX CITY , SePt. 21.-There were no
sensational performances at the Sioux CIty
fair races today . The track was very KOW. :
John S. Johnson malt nn effort to lower
the track record but only succeeded In .
goIng In 2:22. : Results :
Halt mile . proCessIonal bicyclers : AustIn
Crooks won Pat O'Connor second , John S.
Johnson third. Time : IOH : . seconl
One mile . professional bicyclers , $1.0
purse : John S. Johnson won Crooks Aec-
onti Steenson third. Time : 2:23. : Race was
paced on tandem by O'Connor and Vemnlg.
Two mle : hunlcap : , class . \ . fifteen sturt-
ers : V. ' . H. Logan . Newcastle . Neh. , 20
yards . won , \ H. Illh . SIoux CIty , see-
and , A S. Houston Sioux CIty , third.
Time : 5:21 : .
Seven furlongs . sellIng . purse $150 : HarrIson -
son \von. Game Cock second , Bob Campbell
Ihlrd. Time : 1:32. :
SIx and a half furlongs selling . purse $125 :
FM Genn : won. Violeta second , Maid of
. \ nel third. Time : 1:33. : \ : <
2:0 : ' pace : Dick won In straight heats May
HV second . H \ P third , Ethan S
Courth. Best tme : 2:19\ : % \ .
. .
- . ; : h..i.-u.M.111 . re llciitIi.i .
LONDON Sept. 21.-ln Its Issue today
Truth referring to the athletic contests ut
New York on Saturday last says : "Thls
fJUCCeSSCII athlptlc meeting wIll remove a
meetn wi
lot ot hard feelIng the two conn-
trIes. Would that the hollpr ! ot the Amer-
Ica's cup wouhl take a le.son ; from the
conduct oC their felow countrymen on the
runnIng track. \ . don't mlli a s'l.rp
heatng , I II the hanley-punky trIcks of
American 'achtsmcn that irritate U ! "
. .1. ' to ' ( fH'1 t lit' " " h'1' I ) . 'I'nl.
Chares : Thomas went to
LIncoln ytsllr-
day to take charge oC the State unIversIty
foot hal team for the fall all early winter
campaign. 'Fito team besIdes 1 number of
the old men. wi include consIderable new
tImber . antI : rr. Thomas expects to have hil
hands ru:1 : for the next four weeks coachIng
the men and fitting them for what wi un-
( loubtlll } ' he the most exciting season of
the ! are they ha\o ever experienced.
1'0) ' ' U'un .10 .J"hl I"nl"u' : , ' .
CI.I \gl.AND. 0. . Sept 24-A deal was
closed 10Ihl , ' . . . . . ,
eosell ) wh..ehy John I. Sullivan anti
Paddy Ryan ex-chamllion heavvelgh
pcglsts oC the world ) . wIll meet In a hexing
cOntest oC four rounds heforo tita Cevtllnd :
Alhle1 club on the night of October 5. I
wi he for 8cltntlc patois . for 1 good sized
purse. and there wi he several other bouts
In connection with It.
connpcton . . - - -
\'iI1 PIgi ) . l'nut Inl sit Night I .
SIOUX CI'IY , 8tllt. 2i.-Special ( Tell
ram.-A ) series oC Coot hal games h ) elle-
trio light will he . a feature ut Bo'el"s ball
park In thIs city next week. The arrangement -
mont was thought oC to dodge the dlllnly
explloleneel In getting out all the members
oC lie recently organIzed Sioux City cloven
.Iurlng business hours.
un''G'OS AMON ' 'El I i-i I : I ) I.t NS.
Ilh'r."tll . ' , . . I iti't' lt thr gl""co'll '
Coil fes'a'iit'e ur S"lth n"I."tl.
SIOUX FALLS. S. I ) . , Sept. I-Speclal ( )
-On Thursday and FrIday of this week the
triennial convocaton of the EpIscopal clergy
oC South Dakota wIll bo hell ! In this city.
These conCerenc with Ushop hare who
lives here , a3 . important as It brings tha
clergy together .to receIve advIce from the
bishop and help him by relating their ex-
perlenccs. The work of the Episcopal church
In this state Is particularly Important on
account of Its large work among the Indians.
There are already seventy-reven missions as-
tablshed and the work Is constantly gl'owlng.
These missions are Ilre : ' led over either by
regularly ordained minIsters front the SIoux
nation or those \ho wi sooner or later bo
ordaIned . At the convccaton this \\cek the
atendance Is expected to be lane anti among
hose ( who wi attend wi be Ilrobably a
10 % 'n Indian preacher' . Some of them \\1
preach publIc rermons In their native language -
guage anti the interpretatIon will be given by
sims clergymnu who understands , both the
Sioux and English lanKuag .
Ilh..1 I 1'I"tfJ.I.
SIOUX I ALLS , S. D. , Sept. 2-Spclal ( )
-lion. I" . F. Wlckh1m arrived In the cIty
last evening train Alexandria S. D. lie says
that Sunday nigh the Alexandria postofCb
was robbed . The safe was cracked open and
about $300 In money lken , l'ostage Itamll
and uthr Tlusbles In the ufe were left an-
moluted. There Is n clue indIcating wlo
dILL the worl
IANArEns , j. .NOT - SWINDLED ' )
Not More 'nf81x Stolen State Fair
'tcet Boll .
Figs , ras ! hll"I utg 1'11 Iii . \tl'loll"t If
. \IIII.t i li5ti'l'otu ) I Slllu.r ' . . . -
III I ( . \ ' " , $ 4rlt ) hlr. ' 1"II"ht
h : r f I n 11'11\1 I I N.
The alleged enormous steal of the state ' fair
tIcket sellers an-i g.\te keepers as nnnouncolin
a local sheet last night wns denied almost In
tote by the managers of the fair The large
number of tIckets stolen anti wll by these
mel dwindles down , upon close Investa-
ton , to just $2.60. and the facts In the case
ns statell by Secretary I urns and other
mentbmrs of the boarJ are about as follows :
On Thuuday ? of the Call one of the ticket
takers at n gale was seen to leave his post
and saunter up to n water barrel'hen I
ho reached It another man was waItIng for
him , and the two held a short conversatIon
anti the secant ! party then pissed out of the
ticket seller's gate with whom he hal been
talking. A close watch was kept on the
man nt the gate and In n short limo he malla
another trIp to the waler barrel and met
the same lan with whom he had formerly
talked. During the conversatIon that en-
sued the ticket taker was son to Pass a
couple of tIckets to his confe.erte and the
two were Immell'ately arreEteJ and taken to
heollquartel's , where they were examined by
the board. Only two tckts were found In
the possession of the man who had worked
the outside of the grounds and thl usu.l num-
her on the person of the cket tal.c. Doth
men testIfied that thy had only sold two
tickets . whIch hall been obtained on the
Irst trill of the man on the outl o Into the
grounds. The fact that only a short tme
hall Intervened brtween the two trips con-
vlncell the board that the men wer telling
the trutlt and after they had heen connned
a few hours they were escortel front the
grounds and seen no more.
The other case was that of two ticket
selcra ! who sold three of . their own COUP 1
railroad tickets early on the mornIng or tM
same day. Both men lived out or the cIty
and In buyIng their transportation they re
calved thrpe tickets which they hall no use
for when they reachpl the grounds. A
party of four People arrived at one or the
gJes hefore time offices had been oenol
The specIal policeman who was In charge
went Into one of the tCkEt seller's taxes and
encountered the two men Just opening UII
for the day's business. One of the ' mel
handed the officer three coupons from
his own tickets mind on ordinary gate
check , receiving pay for the same. The
olcel immediately reported the fact to the
hoard and the offenders were arraigned be-
Core them. Neih'1r ' denIed that they hal
sold the tickets In utstlott . but hall ! sup-
porll that they hall a right to do so all they
were only geUI.g back money that they hal
already pall out. Both men were
rnt back to. their posts with the . In-
Junction that the offense shou\l not he re-
iteat d. In dlsfussung ! the matter Manager
Dnsmore said : " "le statement Is entIrely
false as to a bIg Bt\al going on durIng the
state fair. This Is I -the first year that the
board of managers adopted the coupon system -
tem of tickets and I has kept out hundreds
who formely beat lW at every turn , both In
thc way of speculation and stealIng. I Is I
true that many oC the coupon tickets sold
by the railroads were disposed of at a re-
duce rate b ) m3ny who did not care . to see
this fall ali there were others sold by the
booth men at less than regular price they
taking out a certain per cent of their Ii-
cense ! fees In tickets . but outlle ! of those
mentIoned I ant pocitlve there was no Ir-
regularity as to the sale oC tickets anti . none
stolen. " The nnmher oC dead heads as announced -
nounced by the 'Iocal. paper as being 'I.QOO , Is
also denied by the board anti Is olcially
stated at 1.37 not Including the exhibi-
tore employen' ' and others around the
grounds admitted between the hours of G p.
m. and 7 a. m. . when a pass was us1 that
was not taken up by the man In ! charge of
the gate.
Following Is an ofcial statement oC the
number oC people that paosed through
the gates during the week who held coupon
tickets . and also those . bought at the gates :
- - -
ro r f n n- o
: E ; : ; g l" ; n SO i , !
_ _
" " 0 ' r '
. . r . . I : . . : . g
: 1 : : I. , 1 : I
_ _ _ _ _ _ J
Monday . . . . . . 1.9411 2.71i1 696 33Sf 1 r 4,426
Tlo"la : ) ' . . . . . . . 5.247 12,572 1,0111 331 1,255 1 15381
\Vedn.'tlny " . . . . . . 8.6S9 ' li.Il 1.091 1 542 l.3132117.tS9
Thll.l "ornp"lay , . . . . . . . . . .2),75 ' ) : . 27.252 ) 1.21)1) 1,2)3 l.5Sl3l,2i1 '
Friday . . . . . . . ! . [ .9 : : ! 6.789 I. ( ) ' rII.2 87911.01 11'31.21
. - - - -1-1--
Total . . . . . . 16.671 6J.02 l.O 6J3.MII.8618.391
'In'c"'II. lt oCcult % 't'ssels . Se"t. : I.
At New Yorle-Arrlvel-0bdam. train
Rott erdain.
At New York-Arrlved-Nordhnd , Cram
Antwerp. - - _ _ _ _ _ _
' ' , , . ' . . ' .
'rlllcat\.HC IltJ I.'S.
The J. C. Grant linking ! Powder company
oC ChIcago has ne.sIgllehI.
Three laborers were kIlled at ! lerllen ,
Conn. . Tuesdu ) ' hy the caving In oC a sewer
M. if. De Young oC the San Francisco
ChronIcle called : from Liverpool for home
'umula ) ' .
'rho American cuter ) ' works ot ChlcaJo
were ,1amaled , to the extent oC $ .O by
Ore TUeRda ) ' .
The Irst norther oC the s'eson visIted ,
Texas 'I'tiestltty. I was accompanied by
much needed rain.
' 1he republicans . of CincInnatI Tuesday
nomlnaled a count ) ticket. ' 1herd were no
contests over the noittlnatlons.
\V. S. Mea's anti , 1 man nnmell Owens
were struck by IL trolley car In \\'ashln-
ton Tuesllay and fatally Injnred.
The National lay Dealers' assocIation Il
In session ill Circinnatl. There are 20
tlealers present from all harts of the coun-
tr ) ' .
John n Lanllr was waylalll near Wyo-
ma.r. . Vu. . i)9 ' ' 'h01a. Potts and 'o'l
twlco. LanIer dlell and I'otts has been ar'
rest ad.
Horce C. Stewart oC Seneca Kan. . has
been sentenced to IWo years In the peahen-
tary for mlsalJproprlutng ' 1.30 collected
for 1 client.
ChIef Engineer ; \Vlson at the navy han :
been sent 10 Scuttle tn ascertain and report
as to whether Moran Brthcrs , who hl on
one or the torpetlo heats for the iltuvy , have
the facilities for doing the worle.
11ev. \V. . \ . Taylor , who came to Oklahoma -
homa from \'lscmull has been suspended
by the Congregational ( assocIatIon for tak-
lag advaittage Qr 1g divorce law oC the
territery to obtulln IL I divorce front his wIfe
without notice flY ltL'r.
I Is claimed tat 11r5 I I1heth Thomp-
son. wife IC a 'uNI known ChlcaHo turf
wrller. I ! living 10 1an Francisco with the
officIal handlcapler ot tht California
olclat Cnlfornla
Jockey clii b. Mmp. ' rholiilson mysteriously
dlsappearetl two tears ago.
31rjv o&
No Chemicals
Nicotine eutraIized
No Nerves Quaking
No Iloart Patpilitlng
No Dyspeptic Aching
- - . -
1.'JI : IS Tin : P5C'l'olta. . h)1S'l'ItlCT.
S""l'rll 1lrJr " Vnreii tillers ( I iii t..I nt
"hllnllrll.lll. I
I IILAlml.IIA , Sept 2 1.-Shortly after
8 o'clock fine dIscoverut In tint
fro was dllco'erM Ilx-story
brick hulhlnK at 1 Chestnut itreet . occu-
pled by Charles J. Webb & Co. , , leRlef In
yarns and wools Inll In half nn hour no less
tItan sIx alljaeent buildIngs were In flalites .
Tii . district Is given over almost wholly to
large : woolen dealers anti warehouses , nail
the Webb hulln ( was fankell by the five-
story worl oC Charles Lola nf
at 12 South , Front strcet. The Inllammahle
substances w"th which the structures were
stored spreal the blaze wih amazing rnl'-
itllty . and n gl'neral alarm was sent lit 'fhe
Webb buIldIng hall been gutted before the
fremw had mit their first strem nlon , I and
theIr efforts were tle\otell to s\"n the a I-
JoInIng houses. The fanws first sllrcall to
18 Chestnut etret . oc 'upktl hy I II. les"
ton & Co. . commlsson : merchantH , and hl\rnlll
through to l'igles I , a narrow thoroughfare In
the rear. Tile Ila1o then otemled : on the
lIght tn the IJlhln s of BuckIngham & Par-
tlesoii . dealers In colon yarns 120 Chestnut
street and James E. Mttclicl . woolens , 122.
and on tlia Ie ! Richard Ably and iCeyser .
Foston & Co. at 110. In these buIldIngs . however .
ever the flames were largely conlned to the
rear. At 10 o'clock the fire was still burning
but the work of the department prevent Its
further s\real ! .
l'rt'Miuleiit 1111" ' " 'II Nut AU"II' .
LONDON . Sept. 2t.-A Vienna Ils\ateh to
the Chronicle says that the statement thai
PresIdent I.'aure will attend the coronation
of the czar Is emphatically contradicted In
St. Petersburg and that court etiquette tines
not allow other monarchs and heads of states
to attend such ceremonies. - h. I t n 1. . Coil rt liii ri Imileul.
MADRID . Sept. 24.-The captaIn of the
Iortera , the merchant steamer whtch saiik
the Sllanlsh cruiser Bacaslequl at the mouth
of the Havana hmaritor will he court martalcl
on a charge of culpable carelesaitess
- - -
I'NHSUS.1' , \ ( ( ; tAI'IS.
Gad 's Wallis Is registered at the MIllard.
Mr. anti Irs. P. W. Wider of Chicago
are Murray guests
dward layden of Hayden Bros. left for
New York yesterday.
Mr. S. N. MIles and wIfe , Coon Rapids
Ia. , are at the Barller.
C. : [ . Avery of the Avery 110\ " company ,
Chicago , Is at the ! [ ercer.
Ten mem her ! oC Gladys W'alhl8' comp:1Y :
are domIcIled at the BaricH.
J.v. . Drlslcl , stock dealer , Spearlsh , S.
D. , Is registered at the Paxton
J. M. Kenney , advance agent for "The
Colon KIng " Is at the Millard.
: [ 1. and Mrs. David I.'eHz ali daughter of
Peoria are guests at the Ptxton. .
FrederIck Paullng. leading man for
Gladys Walis. Is quartered at the Murray.
Mr. rank Logan agent for Sam T. Jack's
Extravaganza conpaity . Is stoppIng at the
Mr. J. Green and wife . Mrs. Carol Nef
and daughter are Chicago arrIvals at the
11. G. Flynn assistant tIcket agent for . the
lssourl Iacilc. has gone to Sioux City to
attend the races.
J. C. NIcholas general baggage agent of
the MIssouri Pacific. with healuuarters at
St. : Louis Is at the Ierchants.
Jack Brewster passenger conductor on the
Uno of the Oregon RaIlway and NavIgatIon
company Is at thc Murray on his way to
St. Louis.
E. Tydem and G. Ialenberg of Chicago .
A. D. orrlson or Idaho Falls . ofcers of the
Great Western L1nd and Irrlglon company ,
are at the Dellone.
M. K. Siueru'ood with a \holemle tea
house of Chicago 19 a guest of the Iurray.
Mr. Sherwood Is the author of the mien' sotig
"Since Thou Art Mine. "
\ \ ' . C. Vamtdcrvoort chief clerk In the raIlway -
way mal departnieitt . returnell yesterday
Crom } Cearney . where he attended the funeral
of A. M. Lyon a route clerk.
Mrs , P. 11. Cook of 1822 Grace street QC-
companl by her mother , Mrs. A. S. Hughes
of Astoria Ill. . heft yesterday for 1 four
week's trip to Colorado points.
. 38. Stone and Aucittor
Governor J. : t State AUIHor
W. W. Stone of MississIppi . E. D. Skene , land
commissioner for the Illinois Central , and Mr.
Smith , general attorney oC the Yazoo & Mis-
sissippi Valley Railway , wLI be la Omaha
Friday 00 a tour of the north
- -
At time Icrc r--l. : A. Foster I , MInneapolIs ;
F. E. Lark Chicago ; M. Noble Oshkosh ; G.
Colville . Chicago ; C. II. Beach , Salt Lake ;
C.W. . Bloodgood . Chicago : S. L. KcUey ,
Kansas CIty ; James McDonald , I.lncoln. Neb. ;
AIrs. George WashIngton , I ) . C. ; Mrs. Fr-
, \ards , Johnstown N. Y. ; H. Thropp , jr. . dge-
moat . S. D. ; Wilam Sar , BlaIr . : eb. , J. W.
Hewit , Portanl , Ore. : H. I. Brown , Phla-
lelphla , Pa. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S'hrn.I'II" nt I h , ' Ihuttels.
At tile Murray-W. Collins , \\'ahoo.
At the Paxton-'heodoro C. Koch Miss
Nancy Wiltze. Fullerton.
\'llze. Fulerton.
At the \rcade-I" . S. Ileacock . Falls CIty :
J. F. Peddicord Hebron , J. ! I Casey , LIncoln -
colnV. , . F. MIller , Schuyler.
At the lerchants-J. ! I Klnger . Ains-
worth , It. C. Rountree , I ) . Kingery , J. T.
\\Iesman. Llncon : ; \ \ ' . C. Fulkeron , Blue
: / I1.\
Sleepless , 10 appetite and very much run
down , was the condition of my husband
81nco taking Hood's Sarsaparia ho ! ns
wonderfully improved , and ho now eats
and sleeps well ; in fact , he 1 all right.
Hood's Sarsapar
wo esteem yen7 hIghly. " ? . M.n'ir Con-
n'GAN , verl ar f3t. , Pueblo , Colorado
- - - -
Hood's Pilic ! cure all Inr lilt . btliou .
Pls ICU. I.adche 23c.
LTJ4 8
: ' pEpllt3
- - -
- - - - -
A3lt'SCiEN'I'S. '
. .
Tel . 1531-PftXTIN - - IUIOP5S. Ir.
Matinee Today at 2.
j1 ! . A. M. ( AL -IN. IP 'S COMPANY .
Paul :1. I'otter'e DramatIzation ot Du- :
aurler's Novel ,
T J J 1 B "
ficDS f 25c , GOc , 15c , 51.00
) , , .
; They wit put on
: II flesb '
. . . . 0
flesh. No Inter how . 3'ou'vo lost I , Stulrt's JYPtlstl ) Tablets will putt on NI&II
- flesh.Tile
Tile ) ' do I In n Ilcrfect ) ' nnturl way , hy IIfOthllr fesh.Cormlnl fOOll ! which
the weak , u\erwurkcIlstuluch ICCUMC1 to .hl. ,
restores helilhy ncton In the sto1leh 111 tlhosUvl organs promiiptly , Illl'asanlr
- - cOlllounls. Iltlrl ) ' . ' 'hcy Iutou , UCALTU\'lLCSlIUttIU fat oC Cod Ilver OIl timid . . " Its tthr
- ' 'hlsoTablctJ cure every Corm oC DY"lwpsln and Imuilgestiout because they COil-
( alit \ the 11rcstl."IIle JuJsln together ! with blsluth 111 othiel'valmtnhlt'stottiael.itca
- -c-- SoJd by druggists lt t ccnt" l'eI JlckalU Ir bClt tlrcct by nldrossnl
. .
- I' ' " -
-b" " 'I ' _
- - - -
- -
- -
- -
- MANHOOD I RESTORED 1'11'umt111111 "CUPIDtNE" , : ,
: tioti 01 n famimoum1'rrmich h'It'Ciciatt ' hml qtmickiy VitaiiL.'rt3i1' cure : i of l'i all ; : : ii I , . .
. tOI . l'h'slrll 11 'IICkl tat mar. t
\ ? "on9 or tii'u'aeq ollh , ' II'n.rU\ tmgitmi. . motel , M ( stat i ;
Jnsmnla l'"lnsln ( lie II'n.rU'JII. . . , , . . t.sLllnlu'fr '
) '
, c' ' Jlck.Hclllll hll..lun. Cr'ttl Jt'ltiiii \ " 'J
- ( J'llplo. . 'tJimfllnesi In ttarr' , Exltaui'timig . flr'tiit , 11"11. , , )0111\ ,
' -S ! JI"I" fii
"rr' xhln.lnl
' - Coiistlttatlon. J L stopq 11 I 11.1. ity lay or JI"I"nlo'lo IIh lP\'nl t .
! fllkk.
tidat oC ll.chall ! , which InoLlhrrkrIIRI.lo ! Hperiutniitrriin'n ititI
( ( horror itt Ilpolonc ) ' . ( 'LTI iui : , ' I : cieu ( built cr , ILl
Illhe 11'11
R :
AND , ( 11011
F'RP AfE khnl's anti the itrhmiar , } ' orgalts of all impuritIes , \
UI'lnFNI19trnlhcn anti rl.lorrs9111 weak itrgnns
' , . ! cmietl it ' hurlers ii U'JRnl aInty
'ho re.aoil suIe ' ' ant hot : ) per cent nra troubieth tu'li
. onOI , ' 14 Iii the kitowlt rena-il v to wiiitoul , , .
Joat.u I I I' CUt' ! II4t ouiiy euro an opt ratmoii ttao t.'stimnttl
cia. A ivnittenjtiintahituegis'eo ntl mont' > ' rt'inrnt'd ( ttt , " . iloc not etlitel i'ermattcutcur '
p1.00 a hoe , tix air 5.W , by mmiii. Senti for FREIt circular amid tt-suimottimila.
. . : .imas JAYL 2L'HICJ1'tIl ( CO. , 1' . 0. fox e76.Samm l'ramicL'teoC'al. .tbrSalcbt
FOR SALE LW GOODMAN D11CO CO. . 1U3 Farnati , 3t. , Omaha. .
A Few Advantages
Offered by the Citleago , MIlwaukee & St. l'aul Itullwtjy , thu short lhlme to Cltlcago. A
clean traIn mmmdc up nttd started from Omna himi.
. % ; , ; , 3uanEs , , ; itonis CEDARRANDS I
flaggao checked front resitiemtce to Ut's tiimauiumt , a.e.Iai ucla service anti cour.
teous eltlpioyes. Emitire train lighted by cia utriclty , 'itht electric m'eadhimg Innips in
ovary berth. Finest dining car service imt t lie west , wIth meats servett a Ia citric , or ,
in other words , order what you want and p ny for what you get. Flyer lcuvs union depot -
pot daily at 6:00 : P. iii. , arriving at Chicmtgo a t 9 a. lii.
CIty TIcket 0111cc. 1504 Farnain Street. C. 13 CARI1IEI1 , CIty TIcket Agent.
. .
- - - - - -
- - -
_ _ _ _ _ _ , - - - - - ' - . - . - - --s'J , ,
Otters greater advantages to the intelligent settler. One-half the work
you now do hero vlhl gIve four times the results In this womitierfully pro
ductlVo country. Twenty to forty acres In timiti land of pleny Is ermough
to uvurk antI Is sure to tmiako you money. Do the work niiui time resuits mtre
se ureul ; there Is no ituclm timing as failure. The people ni e ft iendly ; school ,
churches newepilliere , are Itienty ; raIlroad facilities fine mind a soIl wimuse
ritllmlm'ss 19 unsurpassed , alt InvIte the enterprIsIng loan s'ho wants to bet.
ter hits own condition and that of hIs family.
' 1'vo anti 'I'Iirci. : Ci'ups Cait he Stitataessfttfly Grow'lI the
Sminc Ycai'
Timber Is abuntiant-Luimber is chicap-Fuel costs nothing-Cattle are easily
raised and fattened-Grazing Is line all the year.
Is healthy and dellglltfUl' lantl and sea breezes and cool nIghts. The mean
temperature Is 4'2 to 66 tlegrees. The average raInfall is 56 inches. No
xtrunle of heat or cold ; sulhtcletmt rain for all crops.
20 TO 40 ACRES
properly worked makes you more money and nialces it easier than the best
160-acre farm in time west. Garden products are a wonderful yIeld and all
brimmg itig prIces. StrawberrIes , peaches , plums , apricots grapes , pear
figs , early apples , lIt fact all small frutits , are euro and proiltable crops.
The great fruit growIng and vegetable raising district of tim South. A
toll that raises anything that gruws anti mu location from which you reach
tIme markets of the whole count ry. Your fruIts arid gardemt truck SOul On
tIme ground anti placeti in Chicago St. Louis anti Now Orleans ntarkebi in
12 to 21 hours.-In this garden spot of America.
'rite Most Eqnable Climate in Aiiierica.
Orchard Homes
The most carefully selected lands in the beat fruIt anti garden sectIons o
now offer in tracts of tn to for ty acres at reasonable prIces and terms tQ
these who wish to avail themselves of the wonderful resources of the cou-
try now attracthimg the great tide of itnmIratIon ,
20 TO 40 ACILS
in that marvelous regIon wIth its perfect climate and rich soIl If properciy
worketh wIll make you more money mund make It faster anti easIer than the
iest 1C0.acro farmn in the west. Garden products are an Immense yIeld anti
brIng big prIces alt time year round. StrawberrIes , impricots , plums , iteachcs ,
Pears. early apples , figs , ormiiiges-ail small frults-acS an early atid very
profitable crop.
This is your opportunity. The people are friendly : schools efficient ; news-
smears progressive ; churches liberal. The c'nterltliaIng man who wants to
leter the condition of Ililnself and his family , slmoulti Invettlgato this matter -
ter anti he will be convhiiccii. Carefully seiectott fruit growing anti garden
lands In tracts of 10 to 20 acres we now offer on lIberal terms and reasonable
prices. Correspondence olicitcd.
CEO1 W. A1ESY General Agent '
1617 Fariiam St. , Omaha , Net , .
- - - -
, -
' - :
3hii I I ii Ct' It II it II vu' ii i ii i.e.
PSi'AL I'lthC'ES Matinee. adult. &Oc , cliii.
then 25c.
) , I SEPT. 27 and 28
It's ii ( tu.i . 'i'IuIng-i'uisli It A Iunig ,
Cluis 'oui iteemi it St'vrt't C
X-ew York ( 'tialno i'rolttctlon , Intact ,
\'ith Its lit peepie , lacluling Joitut 1-i. lIt-n-
5115W , Vefnoa.i Jarimemtii , ( leorga A. schmhier ,
Lucy 1)31) ' . .ihn 1' . ( ; mlbett , ( lmtridait $ ! iiimtumi ,
Iieyliiotmr hteaa. amatige Leasing. ( lumi l'tlty , amy
'rn liroeck. l : . H. Tar' the 1.t'lglt $ tat'ma ,
Canary & 1.etluu'ai atrmelaul Nt'W Yaik ( 'aatlio
l'ickaalnnieu. anti the be-tmutiful 'L'lnrint :
I'rot1iguu' ballet will ha at itme theater ,
TUESDAY AT 8 1' , M , ; CllhIDitEN' , BE-
( IINNEItS , SATURIAY , 30 A. 38. ; AD-
- - -
A Ii I'4 I 131 lIN'I'S.
AriD WED. ,
DYi I I.F SEI'l' , 24-25 ,
Thu (3 ifteti Y uing ( 'oino.j It , tao ,
Anti a $ uierb Company of h'iaycr , IncludIng
I'reaentinie for the first time hero Clay M.
Greene's New Irmuiiatlzaioti of
'tS'ItIi compleTe Scenic In.eahiture.
Sale ef seai will ( p'n ( "lOfldtiY morning at the
following IrIcea lust titter. tic , I.e anti hi.ta ( ;
b.tienny , SQe and ISa. smilmery. Vs ,
A t thu iteral I ) ' I'urk , 21)1 It mtntl 31 mutt.
) ! nrvIoua Feettu In Iii.llng Untamed llronchmos
mnd Wiltl titters.
. % uinilaai.n : : : ; nuiI go Ct'smts ,
ToNifluiT any chthl&l antler ii free if accorn-
jjeied , it ) ' gtm.trdiamm.
- -
('s ! t.lrII.s luwu,1 , n'ans.
I , Original an.1 ( , , VC10i1141.
$ L' .rc , . .is , . , , liam , . IADt. . .k
cf f i. . . ' I'n.t.i't ' lot Ctkhuk. pIe-
. , . . . . , . .
( ' ' 4 Jifl.4 I IL.l &n.I C.Ii s.l.mtic
_ , % ; . . . . . . .J'.i .Ii It5. , Ibtou , Tutu ,
aj' : : , . uu.IIr , 2f.e.i'g.r.u.t'I.itlt. .
- - ffll..i ' .4 ( . .tt.uie , , . Al , ; a.5 4 ,
.A' I , .t.'ue t.r Ju.ii4ui.I. tn1mmt.ti ,
. L ) "lIliet fur Iadi." relurC
ul lu' 000 r..ti.t.u. . X. . . Nr ,
rCbI.h.m.relcaIeul Uu.MuJlP.q. .
a Li i.1 td Ortiit I'bIl&dii. , t