. . . . * Lr . Ti- = -i' : - - - . . . . - , " - " . : : . . , 8 TilE OMAHA DAILY DEE : TrnunsDAY , SfPTD.lI3EIZ ' 19 , 1S9. . . . . . . , . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . % Y , - . . . . . , . . ' = ; M VNV WN.I'HV1 WYW V VHW W W W VMdMJV V W V V W1nArW W-IV WNW W W W W VNW W f rn . " ' CONTINENTAL or ! . CLOTHING HOUSE r i THE NORTHEAST COR ER 15TM S DOUGLAS STS. , ' ' 4 II + I t4 . .1 . ' 1. ' \ Y , 1r f atr , t I , . ' 4. . , t w , iq c oy1YD m 'C 4 4 1 ' ! I Al , ' ? 1 si I Grandest Sale of - Fine Clothing ' Ever Held in Omaha. 'Y t -1 - The whole immense + lit f } 11 , I r0 r l' " , rat ' , : of 75 000 Worth ' , ? ° I ' . ' ' ' / . fi om the S tandard Clothx . v , , , t. , } .r M , ; ; i Y o cut and slashed ' { ' , . , I't n 1 , j ' ' .tlw till you dale not miss it- i w , I 111 , , t Such priceswere never r r d1 , before such hioh 4 made on nSw1J I t 1 , I , i a I tk' ' , 11 ' 'I',1 'd' ' /iI / , ' I ' I i ' ' ' h I J I t grade clotlling. ' . ' 1 4 Ir ' ° ti ; ( r 1. , t , ' r ' ' 1 . 1 . . ursday's the Big Day I / r 1 , . . . ii . .i . . rat 430 double and single breasted pin check Cassi- + more Suits-absolutely all wool and elegantly I. foci 1m trimmed-Tho Standard got . . ' $15 and if you don't ' see 50 in the same values as the sacks and $15 worth in them get your 7 . a car load of sack suits at . . ° money back by just asking 500 Cassimero Suits in a neat plaid-e'\"ary fibre $ 56 - $ 7 - $ 8AND UP all silk sewed-ox- lined wool , serge , seams - } i elusive high grade suits , made . ' . to sell at $18. R3turn these ! . . 50 B' Clothes if not a.8 , ; , 1 suits at our expense ; as represented . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Boys Suits as low as , . . . . . $3.50 Men's Black Worsted Cheviot suits , double Children's Suits as low as . . $1 . 95 breasted , sizes 3f ? to 44-0ver 350 suits that sell for $18. A Contmental guar- Bo y s' Pants as low I as . . . . . . . . 250 ant ee goes with every suit : . 00 and money refunded : if not q1 9 All worth at least double { satist.ctory- . . . . . . . . . " . . . " " . . i'J \J \ Overcoa verCoatS- Dres , Suits in sacks Fancy and Black \ Worst ? ( and froclts-halta dozen tyles-Sest : dresser can Light I and heavy . hill be I weartham. \Vehavothem Ig y weIghts on in black as low as $7-but $ 00 the second floor during this sale- . these , are $20 suits. Send $12 _ _ _ _ _ overcoats for men I boys and children 1 for measurement hlanlts measur'I , 'I , / LL I W - ' - ' - - - - HENOR : E „ { t'l5'-6 = UQkA SX - - - - - - . _ . _ - - - I - ACCIIJEX'I' ' 1'1IN1' :11.\ : ' \ ' 1'1l0\'D 1'\1'\1. ' . 1"1'11 from II 'l'I'nlt.'hll. Heturnln/ trout the 1.'lIlr. In some unknown manner E. Dan tow Malone - lone a young man probably 22 years of age , was thrown tram an Intoning ; fair train on the Union 1'.lclfic last night and received - celYed Injuries from which ho will probably 111e. 111e.At At 0 o'clocle last night the police were notified from the Union Pacific 'ardmaster's omeo that the bOdy of au unknown man waB found along the tracks near Thirteenth tre-et. The patrol wagon took the wounded man to the station where a doctor made a hurried examination of the nature of the Injuries. The man had some little respira- tlou and 11 weak pulse. The left sIde of hIs face was badly cut allll torn , and there was 11 fracture of the skull over the rIght eye. The Oesh wets torn from the face , making hJentificatlon an Impossibility. Ills clothes wore torn In shreds and the entire body bruised and lacerated In an awful manner. In the pocket was found a letter addressed to "E. Barstow Malone , Council Bluffs " The letter was signed , Your loving sister , Clara M , Chambers. " Thd letter was written - ten on II letter head from the city treas- urer's office at Kansas City , Mo. , and on lima back of the envelope was a return to 3605 e St. John street , Kansas City The police bavo notified his sIster by wIre. lt Is thought that he was standing ! on the platform of one of the cars and lost his hold and fell art the train. At a late hour the authorities at the PresbyterIan hospital , where the Injure l man was taken , faY that Malone might bo expected to die aL any mo- ment. . Louts CletuIed Out the Place . { Louis Drown created considerable excite- ment last evening at lIou.ton's restaurant for a few mLnutl's. Louis has been working as a walter In the establishment for some time , and yesterday started out to celebrate the fair In a. fitting manner. III' went around the corner , bought a pint of liquid enthus- trim : , and then came back and demanded his pay o the proprietor. It was refused and her f ' lhwlth proceeded , to clean out the estab- - - Jt. . m.ument : _ ' , Louis wears the proud distinction of being called the " Ilsht ! ! weIght scrapper of Blair . . . " 10 he took II couple at bill out of the proprietor prlotor II II preliminary nourish to the proCeeding - Ceeding and then threw the furniture out tn the a ! ley. A show case Oiled wLth cigars demanded his attention , and l as he Is II trine Impetuous In his manner at times ho .mub.1 the glass with his flat In order touch each the cOveted artlclel. , This : ante a baj mistAke on the put of Louis. The broken glass cut his hand In a frightful mnnner , and hc nearly bled to death before he could be taken to Dr. Spraguc's office at Seventeenth and Capitol avenue. The arteries were tied and the embryo pugilist \ taken to the station. - - - . . - - - ' 1'n'o ' 1'0010 ' ' . : : 1'untbles George Ditzel was sitting on the railing whlcl1 surrounds the staircase leading to the basement on the north side of the Dellono hotel last night , when he lost his balance and fell backward Jn the fall his head was cut , but bo was not serIously Injured. Charles Turney , a boy who lives at 2515 Capitol avenue fell art the reviewing stand In front of the new IlostolllcQ building last night while the parade was In progress and hurt his side. It Was found that he was not badly Injured. . Ladles Visiting Omaha call and make a fresh toilet. Hot and cod : water , towels , perfumery bangs curled , hair brushed all for 25 cents. Elegant parlor to rest In. If you wish bath , manicure or chiropodIst work leave orders during the day. 109 , 110 Roe Dulidlug . Civil J njIJlel'r" Room 212 , New York Life Dultdlng , will be opened by the Nebraska Society 01 Civil Engineers for the reception of all visIting civil engineers at 10 a. m. today. A meeting for the transaction of busIness will bo held at that place at 1 p. m. . Thursday . day Sept. 191h. O. V.I' . STOUT , _ _ t _ _ Socy. Ah.1I11 C..ml' Attclltlonf All members of Alpha camp will meet Thursday morning at 9 n. m. sharp at their hall 15th and Douglas streets , to take part In the grand street \larade. \ Olm. C. THOMPSON' , COX , Com. C. E. ALIEN Clerk. . Special Notlc The V. ' . n. Uennett company have changed , their closing of the store to Thursday from Wednesday , as announced before In this pa { > ( ! r. The store will be closed lit 1 o'clock p. m. and will remain closed the rest at the lay and evening. - - . - - 1Voodutou of th'l " ' 0 rill , All camps will meet at 15th and Douglas St. , Thursday Sept. 19 , 1895 , at 9 a. m. sharp to take part In the grand street parade I Dy Order STAT . COMMITTEE. Lndlea' Turkish baths For colds try E'e'troThermel baths and medca'ed ! vapor batbs. Scalp and hair tre.atmeut. 1Ilanlcures. Chlropodllt. 109. UO nee nulhlln . , rOOOOOG : JOQOQ . ] ccocceceee ooceoeoeecce The cools breeze which sprung up about the usual openIng time at the theaters turned the thoughts of the crowds toward the play houses , and by the time the belated curtains arose both houses were full to the doors The Creighton did the best , business whIch has come to It since the opening and the crush lit lloyd's was so great after the parade ns to tax the capacity of nil the attendants - tendants In the handling. At the latter house Roland Reed presented his excellent and arousing impersonation of Captain Abner Tarbox In "Lend 1110 Your Wife " and the brisk action and diverting complications of the piece were followed wIth every mark of entire approval by the Immense audience , In which the number of unfamiliar faces marked the presence of many visitors tram abroad. Mr. Reed' repertory contains no part more congenial to hIm than that of the bluff and choleric sea captain , allll none In which his peculiar talents find freer expression. Miss Rush has also been seen before In the part of Dessle , which , without being so striking a character as Cleopatra Sturgess , I gives her an opportunity to show her versa- ! ' tllltr , as well nI several tasteful costumes. The other members of the company do acceptably - ceptably the work assIgned them ---ter-- 01110.\-:0 , nome 1S1. ! . tXD fi : \CJFIC It.II. .11'AY . Thnrsdn ) " , Sellt. 10. Train will leave UnIon Depot at 1130 : P. M for Stuart , Iowa , and all Intermediate points , Including the Audubon , Griswold , Harlan and Carson branches. Train going west to alr- bury will leave Union Depot at 11 1' . M. . . Omaha Dlc'cle Co. . the most reliable place to buy blcyclell. 323 N. 16th St. . Columbia Metal Polish. Cross Gail : Co . "The Usual < ( \1iy. \ " Song III Immense. . LOO.\ IHtEVI'ftEs . After laying a. Quarter of II mile of pave- ment last week operations on the macadam , roadway are temporarily delayed , owing to a blockade ot the railroad on account of fair travel I. II Tuesday the agents at Anheuler-Dusch Brewing association , William J. Lemp Drew- , Ing company and A. Oettehnan Drewlng company - pony signed the agreement wIth Journeymen Drewors Union No. 96. I FOR SOLDIERS , ANn l ) CITIZENS I ; 1 ( Continued from First Page ) Foresters , dressed In uniforms similar to those of the other camp ; who were under the charge of Chief Forester J. J. Lamoreaux Jn front of tile members was curled a brand ntw flag , and behind a varIety 01 axes , some lane , others slI1al1. \ The camp was under the cOmmand of Mnrlllalil C. C. Shroedor Omaha camp No. 120 , with full 200 men , Hawed under the leadership of Marshal Fred Dlsasler. They were headed by sixteen Foresters - esters In clean white trousers , and decorated blue sailor jackets , each lOan armed with an axe. They were under the command of Chief Forester I" . p , Oborn.- The South Omaha camp : wound up the llod- : ern Woodmen with a section In which there were 200 men , headed by the South Omaha Bohemian band of twenty pieces Thirteen Foresters , under Chief Forester Billy n"n- nett , carrying big axes decorated ( with col- orell ribbons , were at the head. The section was commanded by Marshal : Fred E. Pearl. In the Modern Woodmen division was a very pretty float occupied by pretty women from Ivy and Pansy camps of the Royal Neighbors There Wa group of thirty arrayed In blue , white , purple black and green robes , representing the virtues of which time organization Is foumlecl. UlI'ler the 'OftenI'd ! light from the incandescent globes the gaily decorated float with Its burden 01 beauty presented II hand- some picture The West Point band was another of the bands which created a great deal of atten- tion by the prettiness of their uniforms. There were only twelve pieces , who were under the leadership of Harry Raddler. Time musicians were clad In pretty maroon jackets , adorned with white braid , and blue caps. They headed a division of the PIo- veer corps of the Woodmen of the World , filty-slx In number , as gayly dressed as their escorts. Their unIforms consisted of dark red sailor shirts trimmed In white white bells , dark trousers and white striped caps Each man carried n heavy Woodmen's axl' Cap- lain Bowler was In command. HIELAN' LADDIES THESE Clan Gordon was represented by 150 mem- hers , each attired In the picturesque Highland - land dress , kilts , plaids and bonnl'ts. They were headed by a half dozen titers , who aroused a great deal of attention along the line. The section wound up by a delegation of twentY-five members from Clan Stuart of Council Bluffs , all of whom were attired also In time Highland costume. The section of Scotchmen presented one of the nattiest effects - feels of the entire procession. William Horn ' was the marshal. I' The band of UnIon PacIfic lodge No. 17 , ' twent-ono men clad ( In dark blue uniforms , I adorned with black braid and under the leadership of Frank Kane , headed the section of tilt' AncIent Order of United Workmen Union PacIfic lodge was the first with a representation of 2iiO men , who were mar shaped by Henry McCoy. The men were decorated with the regalia of the odrer Immediately - mediately behInd came Patten lodge No 17:1 : , III rant at whom marched time team of thlr- teen members , dressed In blue sailor jackets , blue trousers and white striped fatigue cap , under the command of Captain Pickard The lodge hall seven ' .fivo members In line , who were commanded by Marshal : William 'faylor. In advance of North Omaha lodge No. 159 walked the dreaded , but apparently peaceful and peacablo goats or the lodge drawing a miniature chariot In which was seated little Miss Alma Stack a little queen. Time drIvers and guiders were Louie and Charles Stack Behind was the guard , the lodge's team of twelve members captained by W. W. Chrl9t- man Marshal J. T , Smith was In command - mand of the 100 men who were In line. A prettily arranged car carried the team of Washington lodge of the Degree of Honor , sixteen pretty young women clad In rich robes and paraphernalia. The car with Its precious burden of beauty attracted considerable attention and was one of the features of the parade. IL was under command of Mrs Kate Smith One of the escorts of the AncIent Order of United Workmen division was the Thurs- ton Martial band of ten pieces , led by Grant Tignor and Drum Major C. W Denning The musicians were clad In the regular blue unIform of ' fieltl musicians and while helmots. The division of Redmen , about 100 strong , was mushlllcd by Sachem J. Gardner , who bestrode his horile III full Indian uniform , and In resplendent war \l3Int. They were es.ortcd by the Pawnee , City MIliary band , a fine org m- hltlon : of fortyelght membeu , led by C. IL Pierce They were unIformed In dark 'blue jackets and trousers and blue marine C3pS. The section concluded with a float occupIed ly ' thirteen handsome > Indian girls members of MInnehaha council clad In gaudy and becomIng - comIng costume This Ideal Indian pIcture was another of the features of thIs division which attracted much attention and applause , KNIGHTS OF AK - SAIt - DEN. . The Tecumseh Military band of twenty-two plecoz was the escort of the KnIghts 01 All- Sar - Ihen. The uniforms were attractive , white trousers and red coats and caps. They were led by C. E . Whitney and Drum Major n.y- mend Beatty- Following them were twenty- five of the knights clad In bloody red lobes and hoods , led In front by a prospective Cln- dldato Into the order In Immaculate attire and brought up In the rear by II candidate who had gone through the mill and had cone out with a very evident : tired feellllg , wIth the legaad : all his back : "I was initiated , but I came out alive , " The officers In the crowd announced their title on bannr3 , among them being the grand bouncer , the last ) chroalc kIcker and the past grand rassledeJoo , and the grand worthy mossback. . Then came the bugs float giving a repro- , sentatlon of the initiation The float was a ' piece of art and was suggestive 01 the magnificence - I' nificence of the parade which will occur to- nIght. A candIdate was put through the cn- the "vorll. Ho was hauled up before the executioner , his head was cut off , he was thrown Into the bottomless pit , hauled out again and squeezed through rollers , placed on an elevator , which dumped him all a red hot grIdiron , and he was finally snapped up by the jaws If death. The float was framed III a blaze of red light , which lit I\P \ with a hellish glare the fantastically attired forms of the Initiating knigimts On the rear 01 the float sat a naked demon who held UII to the gaze of the people the skeleton of one ot the candidates who had failed The admirably constructed engine of the Union Pacific company tollowed the float , and behind that was the police patrol wagon with Driver Osborn and Officers Marnell and ahey as occupants. Immediately following was a section of the procession which probably aroused the wildest applause. It comprIsed I the forty blue barrels on wheels of the street sweeping gang drawn by the members of time I gang The barrels were decorated wIth , flags , as were also the ten wagons whIch I brought up the rear Street CommissIoner I Kaspar was the marshal In command The section was headed by a big American flag ' and a banner drawn on wheels on which were shown the legends : "The streets are swept : by day labor" and tray labor Is a success. " : The board lattice work placed : on the court house grounds was tine most pouar ! place last night with the multltudo from whence to , view the parade. : . The electrlo displays : of The Bee buliding and the Boston store " "ere'-tho most admlrel by strangers In the city The mouthpiece amt shank of a cornel was , lost during the parade last nIght. ! It call ba left with the Pawncoo City bllld : at the Col- , onado hotel , Fifteenth and Jacluon. b Omaha Dlcycle Co. , the most reliable place to buy bicycles 323' ' N. 16th St. l , . . Awarded Honors-World's Fair Highest - , DR. : , tltfi CREAM 'WONfi h I DtR MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant , 40 YEARS THE STANDARD - ' 4..4..4..4 / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O. . ® . . ( IltoN tbB - : . . . . ' . "dlw . J. . ! . , Y1 . 6 I 4 1 le ! 1 t W. are I"rhol" 1 I 0 trine too earl y . to , 'olor.,1 ' you 10 our otuco11ts , but nH wo ho"o' ohoo,1 till file 0\'Qt- t . Coats we are J011l to IlIl\"c tills ' winter WI ! thought It WIIS wise 10 tel I you till IIhoul 1'1II-IIUlI If you ( tlou't . . lleed oUc uow you might lllel l { OUe out IIIItI we'lIl:1l1vc It for ' ' ' save : you unt11 'oll'l'e rea(1y to call 01' sen(1 for it . . i t ii 1 We Never in All the History Oa Dozen Years of . . , , J , i i Overcoat Selling Offered Such Boons. i ' Ain't Seery for It , either . we ' ' . . 0 enjoy selling ' things i cheap even If wore poslthe that wo could ( get mono . i Money For " scllluto Instauce- / tlenlm'H. It' " , ; II pt'lzc to our 1'ellUtntioll I to sclI you such m1'lalus ) as wo will this year : . . , . ' rt i it t A Kersey Overcoat for Slim 75. , . i ) I 1 . Black 01' browu , lIucll with ! ' slIhstautial formers satin , cut III ( IIIclhllll ' ( loug sack styles ( as thc fllshlon 1 dlcilltes for wlutcr , 1IU ) , fly front , IIIHI In ' ' ' , 1 1001s . . , al'llellrt1H'C : IIke It $10,00 : : ; m'l'I'coat , uud If you tlon't pay $10,00 for one like It 'ou'll surely : ! llllY not less than $ : ; : tWo , IItHI nl that you aIn't much ovol'chllt'jetl. , . . . i - - , i 9O An All Wool Kefsew , Overcoat for _ $6.75. ! 1 O : \lIrk 'o\t-all wool-c\'er IIhel' of It , and ( , of course , fut : ! color. Lined ( with flue 1Inllnu ( s loth and ( draped > ( 1 , wllh It velvet plush ) collar _ 1 t'H It dress overcoat mltnhle : for every kltHl of scar , hloullhly cut , silk slltchctl edges , 1Iy- front , pearl ! ' hol'll . ' ' , bnllous. v cottn. llcnl' 01' 'l'lnco slu\les to vlcle fl'om-hIuel { , dark brown null terra , ; P . _ , , ! A Good long and Warm [ , ; ! sfer fC ! $ .OO ! 3 , v i. , 0 And ( It good deal better ono for : ,7i , mold so o51. Furnish you \viih I time thH'st lu the market mid It wou't' . , cost you by $5,00 ; to $10,00 : : ; as much us other stol'es would chare flit' ul'aJ'lr limo same ' \8 we mall , Iu and " . ' " come Iu\"Cstlgllte nrgunieut. our It wou't cost ' ' . ' 9 you dou't bur. you n peony Inch oblige even If I 'f ) ' _ , 9 'Intet' underwear , warlll , IH'I\ : " y , from 2ic : UII. Good wOl'ldng gin n's from 03c : up Our FlIrH1f.hlng De- ' t , , purtuwul's prices will smelr ) lIIalw 3'ott feel as though this Is l 3' our fir [ st IIIJllenrauce lu the world 'i , . i f ot e 7 i ; , ; 1 f ' I , ' ; . : At the Fttlr Grounds we h ave II resting ) lavlllon ; for thc n econunadut \ ( ion ot' the public , located bad - „ . { of 9 . j , the Florai htiildaug. 1'lc51ty of tables amid ) chairs to cat lunch on with comfOl"t and II comllCtcnt nurse to t' look nftet" 3 'ol1r bob : \ 3 ' , nud \VU' it serve you with It cool mum 1 refreshing drink too. Xo 'hnrge for nu3 llml51' . , 9 And lu thc store here you cau mnlw yourself nt hOUlC , Ictvc : your' buntlles , ull'et your friends , IIsk ucstlous „ , 9 -aurlltlug you Jl11ml to.Vo wuut to hc socluhle. , , 9 - 4 44 Ga6' * all 4 ' ® . ® . . Aes . . & t t > . t . . . . . , , 1'ER40NAL l'\'U\GIl.\l'IIS. - _ Judge Hope 'el1 I.s n guest of the Mil- : lard. lard.Dr. . J. C. Murphy Danci-oft , Is a Millard cuest. F. " G. Keen amid wife of Kcarney are lit the ' Paxton. Mrs. T. D. Earley of Kearney Is at the lllIIard. : Mrs. C. M. Hammon , Creighton , Is a Mur- ray guest. ; John I , . Carson and wife at Lincoln are at the Millard Robert Avles and wife of Cozad are with the Hillard R. H. Henry and wife of Columbus are at the Puton. Attorney C. E. Magoon of Lincoln Is at the Millard. lIIrs. D. C. Horton : of Ewing Is a guest of the Merchants. " ' . C. O'Malley and family of Lincoln . arc Millard guests. J. H. Edmiston , all Inspector , LIncoln , Is with the Paxton. State Treasurer J. S. Dartley of Lincoln Is a Millard CUCllt. Dr J. Sidney , Goodmunson of Pender Is with the Millard. llrs. : E . V. ' . Haley or Lincoln Is stopping at the Merchants. 1' . D. McMahon and sister of Charter Oak arr ! at the 1I1l11ard. John , A. S. and David Glock of 1I1111erton are at the Millard. J. " ' . Stetten and family , Valentine , are guests of the Millard. Thomas J. Majors of Peru registered lal't : night lit the ! Millard W J. Buchanan and wife of Crete , Ncb. , are at the llerchants. : A. Do'sen and wife of Manning , Ia. , are guests at the Merchants. Lieutenant A. W. Drew of the United States army Is at the Paxton J.v. . Love and wife of McCoo arc reg- Istere(1 ( at the Murray E. J. Denell and wife from the Rosebud agency are Paxton guests. A. O. Morson , a leading merchant of Osce- ola , Is wIth the Murray. S. E. Elting and wife of David City are registered ' ; at the Murray ! Robert Harrison and family of Adelia are guests of the Merchants. I H. L. Gould and wife Manning , la. , are stopping aL the 1IIerchant9. Mr and 1Ilrs. G. A. Eckler of Chadron are stopping at the Merchants , George Tolleth , a prominent stockman of Falrbury , Is at the Merchants. R. H. Henry of the State Fair board and wife , Columbus , are at the Paxton. 0.V. . Clarke , connected with Raymond nr09. of Lincoln , Is at the Murray H. M. Puffer with his family a leading Valley merchant , Is with the Murray ! Miss Bertha Packard and Mils Edith Vl- , , gl'en are Paxton guests from Crel.ghton. A. Darrett , a leading lumber merchant of McCook , Is at the Murray with his \Vlte. The Mieres ; Catherine Black and Blanch French at Kearney are registered at the Mil- lard " I A. J. West and wife , Mrs. F. W West and E. A. Itothacller and wife of Wiener are Merchants guests Kearney guests aL the Murray are : F. S. Spofford , A. S. Shearet M. R. McCauley , ChrIstian flees C. W. Walker Miss Maude Tyler anI l sister of LIncoln are the guests of the Misses Mulhall , 252 Poppleton avenue during fair weell. Nehraaknus lit tht' notl'IN. , At the MUI'raC. . .lcCulem , Alliance ; g. Gl'lst , Ravenna : C. P. Mitchell and 111 Thomas Crcl/l'hton : A. J. Plummer , 111. C. hare ' T. Pratt , C. Beckman and Ira Pot tier , . Hushvllle : C. Larsen , Central City ; William Krotter Stuart : O. n. Johnson , 1IIcCool ; George II Clarke , Lincoln ; Hattto Riley Albion. . At the Merchants-llfrs. William Barber , Fullerton ; 'V. 11 . UurnlY , lIartlngton : Clem Asbre , Hartlngton : J. U. Jack Hushvllll't J. G. heeler Morris Davis W. I'I ' . Davis Hid- nay : P . J. Forbes , J. Johnston und James Itogers Aurora : H Carnahan Ogalalla ; 'I' . A. Corte ' , Chadron : ' ' . J. Mullen \ , George Tolbeth Fairbury : John Strahle , Gothen- burg : Charles Burke and wIfe , North Platte ; J. D. liruwer AlbIon. At time Paxton-William liropp . . Wyoming : J. U. Urulnard , Cedar Bluffs ; C . W. HotJ- bins , Ilumnbofdt' Hhlrman I.lInll..hl : , Sheri- dun , A. " ' . Atkne , Sidney' Mrs. 'fhlbadane and Mrs Zayman. brele : A. D , Stourtlll , Sidney ; W. G , Chamberlain. I.ln- eoln : B. IL Ollterhaut and Frank C. Coffer , C'olumbus : C. A. Wiley Kl'arney ; Tom J lIu ton , Central City : c. A. Wiley , Kearney , Charles Hiuontot Nora ; C , D. Manville : , [ Y1I.J1IffI.8I I.0II/I.6I8il11Ml.Bl.tlfil.fJIJ1I.fMlNl. N1d1ff1. , d State Fair : Visitors f \I'hl have . an opportunity . of ' ' ? ! , ; ' . store at its "y best ' this week , . , I week. ! Our no.v fall stock Is In arid presents a JIlJnlUcent tll-plny. Starllimg values will ho . : i \ > l offered III all depnl'tments. 0011I0 In mud feast ' your eyes wnllthor yon . want to IHiroha50 01' not Following lire Gems ' . ! spuclals for today's sale. 'I Pocket ' Table Knives Books and I Best qual ty 25e C Forks me Always soc , best steel pair ! ! 1 , , ----\Y'l _ " " " < lrl"- " " ' - - Kid m Best Body Dolls Worth 5oc . . . 25 ? 5c e m I Rubber Combs The 2se kind 1 lOc 0 C U : . . . . . . " " " " " . . . . " " " " ' ' ' ' . > - - , The ' + 1319 99 ' Cent Store Farnattt Street. ; : . I 1I1I1I1I'W1l1l1l"WWIN'I.N"1S1ll - Tilden ; IL H. Richardson , Fremont : J. H Packard Creighton ; Casper 0110 , Cold : 'I' . M. whittler Omaha ; 1\1. D , Welch , Lincoln : O. F. Fickle Nprth Platte ; .1. T. Paul , Chadron ; George Bogart , Marie Goo < 1rlch , , Shenandoah At the : \llIIard-T. S. Blackburn , Milford ; C. IL 1I1al00ll , Lincoln ; George JlIersner and wife und H. J. Hobbtm' . Shelton : M S. Linn , Carroll : L. V , Graves and George A. Price Leigh ; C. E . Burnham Tilden : J. F. ICersler 'I'ckamah ; Miss E. SlIIers , Valentine - tine ; Guy B. Ilurlbut Lincoln ; MIss C. K\l'hll'r and Henry Kuchler , Blue 1111I ; Johlf' " Wilson , Kearney : J. E. AIIIEon and wife Atkinson ; C. H. Swallow and wife , Leigh ; J. 11. Erfor and J. H. Burlinglm Seward , At the Dellone-John f.'orrest Pl'llIler ; James Peterson ned Cloud ; O. a. 'eller , Crete : n. \V. Campbell Grand Island : J. J. Ilernnrd l.ewlstoll ; J. 11. Thomas and wife , Lyons ; E. Clayton , Nebraska City : I ) . M. Schatt Columbus : 11. G. Thompson , 1.ln- coIn : T. H. Mason and wife Falls City ; O. S , 1.lmhaclc , Utica ' II , Martin Stockton : IL I IL HOES , Central City ; W. II. \\'oodhurst , North Platte ; Mrs. Berg , Blair : Dr. J. Sinclair and wife Nebraska City ; C. D. Immermnn , York ; C. F. career and wire , Harrison : J , Pcnner , Beatrice : B. I. , Gandy , Hayes Center. At the Arcadl'-C. " ' . Marlin : , Colerlclge ; H.1. : . Long , Bedford ; M. 111. Douglas , Coler- IlIge ; C. J. Carlson.'ahoo ; Fred 1 'ood- cock , Ineha\"alto : " ' . flatten , Dodge , ; F. C. Halnks , Elgin ; \V. 11. King , Mudlbon ; V , ' . H. llrunner 111. 03born , Fremont : It.V. . 1Ilur- h1hy Columbus ; J. A. Sander , Warne ; Cliff Larsh , D. D. Barker , Madison : .J. I : . Cooper , Oakdale ; I. . ICummerfeld TildeII' ! J. N. Worley JoJmwood , Ernest Crouch Vyoming ; M. C. Shalll'nberA'er , Nebraska ! City ; H. H . Catkin , Manley ; Fred Woodcock Indlanoa : : I. . 11. ICiibourn ' ' Ed . . l'etersburt\ : Huldow , Pierce ; g. It Carpenter , ontanelle ; J. B. Ianel , 'fhayer ; \ \ ' . S. \Vescott. 'escott : S. J. Mason Lincoln ; H. H. Joseph and family , Barrlston : J , O. Brelrmger Broken Dow. . Chlcnjo , H01' " Island & 1'11'11n ) ' . Fast vestlbulcll limited traIns to Chicago and the cast ; to Denver Colorado Springs , Pueblo and time west : to Minneapolis : , St. Paul and the north : to Fort Worth Texas , aDd time south Home Seekers' Excursion rates to all points outlt ! > and west Scpt. 24th and Octo- her Sth. mST DINING CAR SCItVICE IN TILE WORLD For lull particulars call at "Roclt hi and" ticket oUlco , 1&02 1.'arnam SL 'gA'I'IIUIt I OIU : ( J.\S'I' . l"lIlr rind I'rnhuhly Cool'r lu Ne- hl'II"I.1I by'1'Inrrsday Night 'V\SIIING'fON , Sept. IS.-Tho foecast Cop Thursday Is : For Nebrnskn-Falr : probably cooler Thursday evenIng : southerly wInds , shifting ! to westerly. For 1Il1ssourl-Fnlr and contlllued high lemperaluro ; southerly ) wmrs. ! . For Iowa and Kansas-Generally faIr : Southerly wInd ! ! . For South Dakota-Generally fair : variable winds 1.0clIl Itt'eurd . OFFICE 01 TIII \ \ ' A'l'I1EH HPHEAtJ , O\TAIIA : , HI'Jlt. 1H.-Omllhn rccol"or \ tem- I'eruturo and rainfall , compared with limo corresponding day of time Jlast four years : 169. 1891. Ib03. IS 2. Maximum : temperature . . . 107r. . 8 : ; b3 I Minimum temJlerature. . . . 71 49 711 Gl Average temllernturc. . . . . . M 62 7H 75 Precipitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 .00 .0" .00 I Condition of temperature and preO'/llltatioll / nt Omaha for the day and stnceIat'ch : I , 1995 : Normal temperaturo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . el 1 Excess for the day . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1 : ' A"l'umulnted excess , ' sInce Iureh I. . . . . , . . 421 Normal precipitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Inch Deficiency for the tiny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Inch Total precipitation ' since March 1 18.871nches : Deficiency since March 1. . . . . . . . . . 6.76 ! Inchelt Reports froln itlltlunN ! lit H 1' . m. t"I : : ' " "co its' ' h " 8 "lot . 2- C. - . a'O b fTATI OP STATIONS „ i ' if WICA'WIlt. g. . 3 : : : r : g : ' ; ' 1 : - - . - - - - - - - Omnh ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . i : ! 101 .uOIClear. Uorlh 1'11II1e. . . . . . . . H8 lUU OU I'lou , Valentine . . . . . . . . . . . . H8 OS , UOII'artcloady ! Chtcayo : I . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 bN .00 Clear. 51. louts. . , : : : : . : : : : : : lit' ' t. . a : "o'Char ' SI.Paum . . . . , . . . . . . 7(1 110 . uol'urlcloudy Uavcnport. : . . . . . . . . . IH ou .01lGloar. , 1aueasCity. . . . . . . HI 01 .OOlclear . 1I"lena. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711 711 ,0e. Clear . , \Jonver. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8U U4 .UU Plllioloudy "all I.ake . III ! 74 OU Cloudy . t Ulbm\rcK. : . . . . . . . . . . 78 8// / / .nolell'ar. ' 8t Vlncon ; . . . . . . . 02 ( J : ! HY ! ,00lClcar. : Che'lIno . . . . . . . . . . 70 bU ,00 Ciondy . Mlles City. . . . . . . . . . HO HU , no Cluur IL'm idClty. . . ' . . . . . H0 HO ' on ( 'loudy. " U , : I g 8 ? 8 : _ : : : 82 _ $0 T i'arlclnudr : - "r' indicates l - tmaee of ; reeipnulmon ; ; ; ; : - - - L. A 1VI : LSII ! , Observer - - - - - ' - . I lORY A .hf11 ; i a , : zACTSIZE PERI EC11 ? TIIB MERCAN fiLE IS THE FAVORITE TEN CENT GIG.lR. lOu : sale by nil First Class Dcalers. M : \Inuuactul'ct \ ! 1.Iy the F. R. RICE MERCANTILE CICAR CO. , Fuctlll'Y0. . : ; OJ , St. I.oull : , Mo. . - ! t. .