Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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    'T - " , . . , . . . . . - , ' - . - . _ r. . . . . . . " . ' , ' p " " ' " . . . . . . , . _ ' - . 'ii" - ' - . . _ _ r.'i" . " ' " " ' . . " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . ' - ' ' ' " " ' 7" ' ' ' ' ' . . . . . . - - . , ' . ' " " " " . , . . . " " . 1' - " , . - " . . . . . . . . ; . , . . . . - -
' , -
OMAHA DAILY nEE . ' SEP'.fl\rUEIt \ Ii
. _ TnJn : l.'llUnSpAY , . ! 19 , 1895.
- - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
t - - . . . - -
I _ _ - -
. . . . . ,
. \ , '
\ \ : . Do you imagine any sane merchant dare name a price we will not , cut in two.
The New York Store stock was forced upon us after we got in all our fall goods-and don't want-----won't have it and can't keep it.
"I Clothing
The cream oC tim stock goes / 011 solo 'huredny-Thc one table
on which It all now IIJ will bo loaded clown with the biggest
bar ulnB In mell's suits over l < nolVn. You must. not mIss this
tablo-tlmt Is lC you want to save live or ten dollars on a suit
Arc tiara anti tilleti the store before wo bougl1t tim Now York
Store-but wo hud to take the clothing along with the rc"t-
so 1u order to get , It out 01 tim way quick wo have sImply put
It aU on a table and you take your choice for almost any prIce
you dare numo.
Bright now pattern hats-uti bon bt for the fall busIness of
the New York Stm'o-includlng all the latest fancies from the
European milliners wlll go us wo bought th'm-33o on the del
lar. A dollar and a half w111 buy a hat you'vo been used to
paying } ! : : 3.00 for.
Notions :
It's in little things you save the most-Thero are baskets of I
notions from the Now York Store Cull or small but usorul art { . I
( los ! : ! that In the regular way would C03t you five , ten , and fir-
Leon times us much as now.
Jleautlful VelIIng .
from the New York Store. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tc
Corset Sleels-
from the New York Store..C
Paris Dress Shleills-
from the New York Store..C
. 2 11apers ot Pin\- !
, . from the New York Storo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t C
. . Package of Needlet- '
from the New York Slore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t C
All the lOc Ela tlc-
from the New York Store. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
A spool of Thread-
trom the New York Store..C
AU the IOc lZc , 15c I.aces-
tram the New York Store..C . . .
Beautiful gmbrolderleg-
trem the New York Store..C . . . . .
. to keep the money In you saved..C
.Agmts for BUItC1'ic/'s Pa//ems.
It yoU need Furniture and wish to buy the
best tn every line and save money , come
to us.
6-foot square ! Extension Tables.Z.45
Drop Leaf DreakfaJIl Tables , oval 01'
Quare ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.83 : ;
Oak Bed , 5-10 high , 4-6 wldl.$3.W
Beds nt.l.W. $1.75. $2.00 Z.50
3-plece Bed Room Suits well IInlshed.l1.00
Springs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000
Mattresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.75
Cots woven wire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c .
6-l'ound pair feather Pillows. . . . . . . . . . . . . 750
Just in . 100 framed , Pictures , lZx16. . . . . . . : ! SeA
A new lot of Tribune Picture Frames ,
glass ' : and mat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2ic :
100 Framed Pictures . . size 2OxZQ , 3 In
frame . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00
Oak Sideboards : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .
A good SIIleboanl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SS.Z ; ;
Oak Bookcase 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . $ .
Al'other Ii sheIve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.54)
From the New York Store , not n great
many but while they last these are the
prices :
Union Carpets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0
All wool Carpets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3c : ;
Heavy Extra Super..40c. 45c and Soc >
Brussels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c I
To make this sale Interesting we will reduce -
duce prices on oUr regular stock to corre-
Lace Curtains.
jc. [ ( ) 75c and $1.00 pall' Some very fine
ones at $1.50. $2.00 to $3.00.
These bargains will not last long.
The New York Store's
Hats & Cap
$1 00 will buy sort Felt Hats In alt the
leading shapes ; New York Store . prIce $2.50 ,
to $ f. .
I Oc for silk Plush Caps , former price I $1 . .5
to SZ.OO. ' .
2Sc for Children's Fancy C aps , worth SOc
to $1.00.
SOo tor men's fine Fur Fedoras , worth
$2.00 to $2.75.
' ' b ' worth . 00
25c for men's fine Fur Derbys . wor $
to 25c $2.50. for men's fine Caps. worth $ \.00 \ to $1. 0.
Infants' hue Dongola Button
! Ioe -New York Store price 16c
.I i5c . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .
Flue Dongoln Button Shoes-
New York ; : Store price Shoe8-97e
lUsses' : fine grain : School Shoes
New York Store price $1.8 ; ; . . 98C
3.'I-lnch Jamestowns , New York Store prIce
We , OUr price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c
4S-lnch imported German Ilenrtettas ! . New
York Store Ilrlce 7ge. our price. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
40-lnch nit wool Novelty Ulack Dress Goods 39c
New York Store price , Gao : our price. . . . . . .
1 lot New York Store 1ge 250 29c Drl'ss
Goods go on sale from 10 to 11 Thursday
morning positively but one dress to 11. $100
customer at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SO-inch all wool Serge both Storm Serge I
and French. New York Store price $1.00 50C
our price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . I
3.lnch ; ; nit wool Novelty Suitings New York I i i
Store price 350. ours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19c
Plaids from the New York Stoma marked ,
7Sc and SIc nt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 C
& O.lnch alt wool } < Flannels only a small
quantity of this to go ! on the counters at 25
from 10 to 11 a. m. at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C
What Every Visitor to the Fair Should See1
Our nobby Crepon Mixtures and Tartan it' ,
Plaid Waists they lire the very latest $2 5 0
for street weal' at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Our Fur Cap 3 Olnohes long , l00-lnch sweep.
worth $12.W. at..p 12 . 5 0
Our Aslrackan Cape worth $15.00 , at. . . . . . . . $9 . 94)
Our Persian Lamb 'Cloth Cape , silk serge
lining , worth $15.00 . nt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9 . 9 0
Our elegant Plush Capes at. $11.90. $8.911. a , . .
I $9,90.510.90. $ I 2.50
Not more than half tile regular prices. 'l- '
Our slack of light weight > : Fall Capes al. . . . .
51.50. $1.93 t2.915 , $3.95 , $4.93 , $7.93. $9 95
All colors all st'las , all materials.
Our Street Dresses ' In cashmere and fine 951
assablth clolh worth $1.50 , at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $95 ,
--We are showing the largest stock itt
the country. I I
ot nerve. and reaching his hand let ) his
packet he pullet out not what lho hlghvay-
man supposed he would but a revolver , and
athlresslng himself to his new acquantlnc : !
said : "Now I will try conc'uslo with
you. " At lhli exhibition ot nerve the high-
wayman got out of the way as quick as his
legs could carry him , leaving David to go
his way In peace.
sq\lA'r'l'Bf ) ON 'l'IU CI.AUI.
. -
IlItt're"thlA' 1.lthUoli nt luft"lIIonth
Over n 1.It're oC I4i1Il.
PI.ATTSMOUTII , Neb. , Sept. 18.-Speclal. ( )
-Justice Archar's court , has been the scene
of a lively litigation since 11 o'clock this
morning. It Is the case of the state against
W. M. Dellevllle , who Is charged with cutting .
ting timber on the disputed' land north ot the
water works pump house. The land Is
claimed by a. man named DInsmore. Della-
vlllo and his family consisting of 11. wife and
seven children , came hero from Yankton , S.
D. , last June , and ho heard al Glenwood , la. ,
that there was a pleco of land over here
that could bo had for the taking. lie came
over at once and "squatted" on the land , and
hero Is where the trouble hinges. Dinsmore
arrIved some two weeks later and said that
he bad bought the land from A. D. Smith.
Dellevllle asked to be shown the deed to the
land , but DInsmore was evidently unable to
furnish that Important document , so 1Ielle-
vlllo stayed. Ho has "been living In a tent
since then untIl a couple of weeks ago when
ho concluded to erect a cabin. On the land
there are a number of old IOtumps. from
which have sprouted a number of small
trees , ranging In sIze from six Inches to a
foot In dlameler. These Dellevllla cut anti
used to build his cabin. Dinsmore then
filed 11. complaint against him charging hIm
with cutting treea on his premises , and so
matters stand. The case Is being tried be.
fore a jury ot sIx and a long list of witnesses
have been summoned. Thirteen witnesses have
already been on the stand , besides a number
of records and plats from the court house
being Introduced.
Three consecutive days ot extreme heat
has caused the corn lo dry almost entirely
out of reach of frost. The mercury registered
102 In the shade yesterday and 100 today.
Carl Kuntzman a Block buyer here this
morning. while riding a horse at a rapid
pace. was throwlI. lie receIved a broken
shoulder blade and sprained back besldcd a
badly bruised side.
McCarty : Gang Permitte,1 to Plead.
PAPILLJON Neb. , Spt. IS.-Speclal ( Ttle-
ltram.-The Kaa suspects wore broughl ,
train the Omaha Jail this mornIng by Sheriff
Staruer and Jailer Miller. The tour prlson-
era were arraigned before Judge LangJon
I and each pleaded not guilty 10 fIve SCJ.lrol.te :
and distinct charges. Owing 10 the still low
condltlen of young Adam Ku the preliminary ,
examInation was postponed to i'eptf'Dlber ' ! '
30 and the prisoners sent to jail without
ball. _ _ _ _ _ _
' \'hllllrd for Ullbhllla' n. Vlalld.
hASTINGS Sept. 18.-Spcclal ( Telegrl.m. )
-This morning Miss Ethel Moggl , one of the
teachers at the FIrst Ward school , used the
rule on the little daughter ot ? tlrs , Addle
Siewart. At noon as Miss Meggs was about
to leave her school room she was confronted
at this door by Mrs. Stewart , who grabbed I
a parasol from Mtn MeCi1 and proceeded to
Doys' fine plain tip School Shoes New York
Store price $1.65..C
Doys' fine n calf Lace Shoes New York 30
Store price $2.zi. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 .
Lldle\ : ! fine kid button Patent Tip Shoes. 98
New York Store price $ ; ! .OO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C
Ladles' tine don ola kid button Patent Till $1 47
Shoes , New York Store price $3.Z. . . . . . . . . . I' .
Men's fine hand sewed calf Lace and Con- $2 98
gross Shoes. New York Store prIce $ .oo. . . 'V . -
Men's fine .calf well Lace Shoes pIck toes 63)1 ) 98
New York Store price St.OO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " .
Men's N. I { . Calf Shoes lace New York 98c
Store price $1.50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
lhe' I
pound her over the held with Il until the
parasol was broken. Miss "Igg received avery
very bad gash over the eye and was other-
wbe hurt to such an extent that It was neces-
eary ta take her home In a hack.
" ' . \X'I' A CI.laAX JUlHCIAU
U"lluhllclln" or I he tlnrt..ellth Jlh
I1lcllll HI"trl..t III CtllI".IIUon.
M'COOK , Neb , Sept. -Special ( Tee-
gram.-The republicans of the Fourtetnlh
judeal : : district met In coaventlon : n thIs
city this afternoon and by acclamation nomi- I
stated lIon. George W. Norris of heaver City
Furnas county as their candidate for die- I
trJct jutge. , amIdst grelt enthusiasm. M. J.
ALbott ot Hayes Centr was cha'rman and I
J. E. Kelley of McCook acretary. The nom-
Inee's acceptauco speech WaS a clever cffort.
Congressman Andrews was present and made
a splendid republican speech lIon. n. C.
Orr of hayes Center also addressed th" con-
ventlon The JudicIal cantral commat e Is
as follows : P. W. Selt , O. E. Dutter-
field l , J. A. Wllthms , F' . N. Merwin W. Il.
Patrick C. A. flady , J. A. Fot'rsteII. . II.
harry C. E. hopping chairman , F. N. Mer-
win . secre-tny.
The tollowlng resolution was adopted :
Resolved , That this convention endorse , as
1lit motto for the judge elect of this die-
trlet the motto Of this 'tate. "Equality before > -
fore the law. " /lnd that wo frown upon all
efforts to Inject Political opinions Into ju-
dlclal rullnK8. _ _ _ _ _ _ . the 1".lr.
. '
BLAIR Neb. . Set. 18-Speclal , ( Telegram. )
-About 300 tickets ware soul 10 the elate
fair tcday. Tomorrow over 400 will go. The
railroad company cannot accommodate the
crowds that cO. , I
TTSJlIOUTII , ' Neb. . Sept. 18.-SpecJal ( !
Telegrans- ) ' After the : last morning train
had pulled out ford Omaha this morning
MaIn street had 11. deserted look , there being
265 persons going f-\ol11 here to the fair , and
other points show f1 , . like Interest. Murray \
sent seventy-six l\Iynard twenty.threc ,
Cedar Creek elcbtYl.apl ) Louisville seventy-
two. The Indications , are for a large dele-
gation tomorrow from . this point , because
the business men IItl1l closing up for that
purpose. The Plattnnllllth special ) will leave
here at 10:50 : a. m.anolr.return , III 11:30 : p. m.
DECATUR. Neb.11 el1t. 18.-Speelal ( Tele-
gram.-A ) large delegatIon at Decatur people
left this morning to : attend the state fair at
Omaha. More will fOllow tomorroW.
Charged STills 'orK'ry.
SLAIR Neb. , Sept. 18.-Speelal ( Telegram. )
-Elden hlelyille a young- man about 23 years
old , formerly Of Herman , Neb. , was arrested
today at Plal.lsmouth per tele&ram ot Sheriff
Mencke or this place , lie 1. $ . acculrA ot forging ,
glng lhree checks amounting 10 $18 , cn Peter
: ' 1. Tyson , and passing them on three Blair
merchants last rldar.
Married nt Ulnlr.
DL.\IR , Neb. . Sept. 19.-Speclal.-John ( )
aS8. one of DIaIr'1I merehaete , Will married
today to Miss Dora Lundt daughter ot Gus
Lunfit The brIde and groom left fOr Chi.
eago. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Child Irotaeii In II Cider
BLAIR Neb. , Sep . 18.-Spe ( Telelr am. )
-Wallace. a 2yoar-old Lon ot George \V. SI-
len , a merchant here , fell into a chlern this J
Blankets and Cotttforts
ThIs Is hot weather for Blankets cud wo
propose to make hot prices for same. herewith -
with u few quotations : lIere-1
Gray 10-4 Blankets . pair at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c
Gray It.t Blankets pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . ( )
Whlto Cotton Dlankets. . . . . . . . .550. 7c : ; , $1.00
Extra heavy : wool gray and brown drab
Blankets lit , 1Jalr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .9G
11 wlil pay you to look over our Immense
stock of Blankets and Comrorts.
Fi.ANNFl.S. t TC.
WhIte and Scarlet Flannels from. . . . . . . lOc
Outing Flannel al. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2'1 < :
Outing Flannel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8c , lOc
51-aker ) Flannel 1\1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : :1c ;
AI' wool Eiderdown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c
Shirtings. In dark shades with borders
at . . . . . . ' . ' . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hOc
LESS than the price of IJrlnt oloth.
Calicos that sold for Gto ! ! yard are. . . . . 20
Ginghams , apron chocks sold for 50 ,
are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZlSo
Gln hnm. dress styles , they sold ! for
8\1.c \ to 10c are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4e
Every piece of Wash Dress Goods . Tnn1-
bcur mill . rateen fancy organdies duck
Sultlnlfs-eVer.thlng goes at. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5e
lIeu Damask , lOc . 12\-Ic. \ lie , : JOo.3.oc ; , 400
and 50c.
Inhlpl\ched Table Linen , : : Oc , 20. : ; hSc , 40c
and SOo.
Blt'ached Table Linen SOc. : : SSc : ! : , 450. SOc ,
SOc wo und , C.
Fxtra good Iluallly lied Spreads , 40c. SOc.
G5e lIe anti , $ ! .OO ) euch.
FrlnKed 'rablecloths , 35e : ! : . Wc anti 750.
Dinner Napkins 85c amt SOc ! dozen.
Towels 2Yc : , 5c , jOe , 12c : : : , ISe , lIe and
ISo ench.
6-lnch Linen Crash 30 yard .
18-lnch Twlle Crash 50 'unJ.
lOe .urd.
18-ltH'h ' nlC'Iched and Unblencheel Crash.
Hemnants and nil odds antI ends of 1.lnenll
and White Goods from New York Store
very cheap. Come In and examine goods
before buying ! elsewhere
4Z.lnch Bleached Sheeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7c Bleached Sheeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ie :
EO.lnoh Bleached Sheeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
8-t Bleached . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . %
9-4 Bleached SI1'etlng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1\0 : \
I 10-4 Uleahed ! : Sheeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lr.c
, 45-lnch Unbleached Sheeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8c
G-4 Unbleached Sheeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hOc
9-4 UnblPRched SheetlnK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . He
10.4 Unhleachec1 Sheetln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IGc
4- ' Arrow brand Sheeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r.o
4-4 Paeolet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lo !
Shirting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c
Canton Flannel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Iy"c
Ticking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Y.e
honsdain Iuslln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7c
Fruit Loom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7c
morning anti was drowned. Mrs. Sfler3 and
child were out 10 one of thus neighbors ant ,
while Ihe ladle were talking lie ( child 1
wandered out doors and fell In the cl tern.
The chillI was In ! Several minutes before It
was mlssetl.
sli..IcR 1)13MM ! ' l'lHI"'UBU OU'I'
Canihidaita's or the J.hwnln Con" 'I1-
Iii C'rtltl.1 nl tltt. Siisi flees.
LINCOLN , Sept. 19.-Speelnl.-The ( ) certln.
cate ot the "slralght" democratic convention
haIti In Lincoln September Ii [ j was tolsy ItIcIl
with the secretary of state signed by Chair-
man BIbb. As the law Is construed by Secre-
tary of Stale I'lpcr , unless a protest Is made
by the free silver wing of the democratic
party the names ot the candidates nominated -
nllte,1 by that convention will go on the
ticket In due form. In p3sslng upon the Australian -
tralian law last fall the supreme court ruled
Justice Post writing the decision , as follows :
4. It Is not the province of the secretary
of slllte to determine which of two rival
stab conventions of the seine party III entitled .
titled to recognition as the regular : convert-
5. When two factions of n political part ) '
nominate candidates anti certIfy such nom -
nations 10 the secretary of state In due (
form of law the latter will not Inquire
Into the regularity of the convention hehl by
eIther faction , but will certifY to the
several county clerks the names of the
candidates nominated by each such practice
being In harmon wIth the rule which re-
quires courts , In case of doubt to adopt
that construction which affords the citizen
the greater liberty In casting his ballol.
As the matter now stands It looks as If the
nominees of the Lincoln convention would l IO
.In the tickets labeled as democrats. In this
event It woulll seem that Borne other deslgna-
tlon must bo applied to the nominees of the
free sliver gatherIng at Omaha. ,
U' College OII..nhlA' .
BELLEVUE , Neb. , S3pt. 18.-Spoelal.- ( )
Believes college opened lodsy. One : new
teacher. Miss Lzze ! ! Connor , one of last yeu's
graduates , has been aIded 10 the fcul'y
The attendance was small at the fIrst chapel
meeting owing to Irregultrtlcs : caustri ! ) by
the stale fair , a large pro ortion of the
students prl.sent b'lng new fitudenls. Still
the aulhortles : are hope'ul at a geol year ,
Miss Blanch Davies of the class of ' 53 Is
visiting la tOWIi.
Me-ssrs. Paul and John Dandy left for Cedar ,
Rapids Ia. , where they will aUetd : school
Mrs J. Greenwalt of Gren..ooJ Is visiting
! 'oil' . IL Julyan of Plainviow Neb , was In
town Tueslay.
Mrs. II. lII1res and daughter spent Tuesday -
day with 'Irs. ' T. P. Fulchrr.
Miss lorenee Dlacltwell of Clarintis Ta ,
has been visiting tile tam'ly of George
The funeral services for Miss I.yrJli 7.ueher. '
who dloJ Sunday from tOUluroptlon. were
holeS at the Presbyterian ch'lrcb Tuesday
morning , ne. , . J. D , Kerr cmcb.tln .
Ct'I..tral v..bru"I.R : Yeterzss' nl'IlIllnn.
lIItOKEN BOV' Neb. , Sept 18.-Specllll ( I
TeleJram.-Tllo ; ) Central Nebraska Veteranl' I
association reunion commenced at this place
yesterda , The attendance today la quite
large and the heal Intenill. The pleasures 01 ! [
this afternoon were disappointed by a serious
accident Edgar Varney at Anllty was
quite seriously Injured by the premature I
discharge of a. cartrIdge which ! bo wu pllllllt :
Our Silk Department
One of the largest and most complete in
every particular in this country
Prices always the 1ovest.
Special Prices on
New York : Store Dress Silks
Black allle Francalso Drs Silk , 2O.lnoh. , . 69c \
. mack Royal Armuro Dress ! Silk 21.lnch. . . . $ t.OO
. E1 t.OO
IJ1iclt : 'lIlJ1e nnrcilise Dress Silk , 21.lncll. .
$ t. 00 ,
mack Satin Duchefse Dress Silk 21.lnch. . .
. mack Satin Hhndrlmer : : Drss ! Silk , 24.lncll. , $1.00
Black inch \ Cachemere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gros . . . . . . Grain . . . . . . . . Dress . . . . . . . . Silk . . . I . : . 24iZ . . . ' a.J' ( Ifl . ' I
. . . I
The above silks are all extra heavy and extra
widths and cannot be bought elsewhere less than
. I (
Colored Faille Dress ! Silk . all colors lJ..lnch ! 69c
Crystal Dress Silks , all colors , 19-1nch. . . . . . . 69c
Ores de Lomlrcs Dress Silks all colors , ZO-
Inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZO98 . . . C
Herat Armure Dress Silks , all colors 21-lnch
nrocatled Taffeta Silks for fancy wnlsts. . . . 49c , ;
Handsome Waists . . . quality . . . . . . . . . . Fancy . . . . . . . . . . Silks . . . . . . . for . . . . . . fancy . . . . . . 69 C 'I '
Striped and Figured Silks for fancy Waists 85c
- ' Bros. ' novelties for fancy
Cheney waists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 C
Chameleon Silks , latest out for fancy waists
$1 .25
Hight Art Novelty Silks for fancy waists .
Samples of any of our Silks cheerfully mailed I
to out-of-town customers.
-r I The entire stock of men's' women's and children's ' I shoes that we bought from the New Yrk Store at - 33 cents . on the dollar-not a doll r's worth but was bought since June-aU new and stylish - - - - - shoes--but , ve bought f
F them to sell them and such prices as these are sure to do It. I
, v Cltlhh'el line Kid Top Hulton
$1.riO Sltot.'s-Xew . . . . . . York . . . . . . Store . . . . . . price . . . . 5Se
Cbl1 ren'K fine Kid Button
I. NAYDEN Shoes Store , price lU\tcnt ) $1. tI-Xew u. . . . . . . . York . . . ; . : 97 e
Unknown Highwayman Snatches a omnuls
Pocketbook and Escapes.
Lincoln Savings Jlnllk Asks for nil
Order oC Suit Against Western
JllllllllfncturluA' COlUlIltU Assets
? : Vcbrn"I' " Iltl1IU"I" Meet
LINCOLN , Neb. . Sept. 18.-(8peclal.- ( )
110ld-ups , burglaries and hIghway robberies
pro becoming numerous In LIncoln. The lat-
eat victim or the footpad Is Mre. O. A. Nic-
kum. She resides ( al 32J : South Fourteenth
streel. Al 10 o'cloelt this morning she was
out looking for a house 10 rent. As she
stood on the doorstep ot a residence at the i
corner of Thirteenth and J streets a well
dressed man stepped up behind her and de-
q mandtd her pocket bOJk. At the same time
Sie pushed her Inside the door. The
pocket book , containing a small sum ot
money was handed over , and Ihe lady
4 emitted a scream that aroused the neighbor-
hood. In hIs anger the man seized Mrs.
I NIckum vIolently by the throat and crowded
' her against a slone. As she fell hI struck
her a severe blow In the rae" " and thm made
lls escape through the back yard Into the al- !
ley. The police were notified and sent a i
patrol wagon but no arrests were mad.
This morning at St. Paul' church the Nebraska .
braska confeencs > , comprhlnt the churches
south of the Ialte and ; welt of the Missouri
rIver iii tar as hastings was cllled to order
by Bishop John 1' . Newman , Devotlonsl ax-
erclses and music opened the meeting , followed -
lowed by the Lord's supper. The mornIng
lIl\Sslon was devoted to buJiness. The conference .
ferenco sermon was delivered this evening by
t 11ev 1' . C. Johnsot. : The c'olr : was assisted
by a large chorus , giving special muscsl !
numbers for the occasion. Several hundred
delegates are In atteadance a:1I1 : the Metho-
dials of Lncoln ! are busy entetan'ng ! them
Services for the Jewish New Year begln-
DIng this evening were held la the teml'le ,
corner Twelfth and D streets 11ev. 11. L'vi
of Cincinnati conducted the rervlce and de-
Jlvered the sermon. Tomorrow mornIng
services will be held at 10 o'clock. The chor :
fs under the direction of l > rof. 11. J. W. S a.
anark. .
According to lhe Lincoln Savings blnk' .
Isetitioli filed ! In the district court tim Wesl-
era Manufacturing company la Indebted to It
In the sum of $8,016.70 It asks of the clurt :
an order of sale of I. tenth interest In a land
company In which G. W. 1I0ldrego and others
are interested Thc' bank : claims that the
tenth interest was hold by C.V. . 'Iosber ,
who transferred It to the 'oltern Manu-
facturlng company The latter gave It to tb
plalntltl bank II ICcurlty.
At East Lincoln this afternoon the Nebraska
: Auoclallon of Baptists was called 10 order by
j Noderlltor 1I0ul& Twenty.elgbt churches are
I - members ot the auoclallon and aU seat dele.J I
gate-s. The introductory sermon was by ne , ' .
Lee Hunt and the devotional meeting was
led by Rev. J. J. Williams
The nock Island Railroad company an-
ewers the petitions : of the estates of John n.
Matthews and E. 11. Zernecke- - , killed In tire
wreck of August , 1891. making the same allegations -
legations ss In former answers filed The
company says It was not responsible for the
.te\i.tI \ of these men . as the disaster was
causEd by tile felonious act of sonic one on-
About $60 worth of furniture was destroyed
In tire Burr block this afternoon by a cigar
stub , which was thrown Into a waite . paper
buket. The JIepartment made a run
and by promptness saved one ot the finest bue-
Incas blocks In tire cly. !
Acting Governor 31. E. Moore pass ti a por-
tion of the day In tire governor's rooms at
the state capitol , where ho elgned several
commlsslolu ot delegates lo various conventions -
tions who had been been appointed by Governor -
ernor Holcomb before he left for Chalta-
noog Lieutenant Governor Moore expects
to go to Omaha tomorrow to visit the state
fair and attend the banquet In the evening.
Omaha people In Lincoln : At the Llndell-
John A. McMillas At the Llncoln-G. W.
Carlock. .
CL.\JtIE IH1\lG COMPANY : Ins. .
1.lnCllll1 FIrm ( hoes to thc ' \'nll After
1\ 1Sirulurl. .
LINCOLN SepL 18.-Speclal ( Telegram.- )
Tire failure of the 11. T. Clarke Drug corn-
pany of Lincoln was announced this evening.
I The morlgagees took possession at the stock
toay. They are the First National bank of
Omaha , First National bank ot Lincoln and
Eva III. Mills. The latter Ie the wife of As-
alslant Treasurer Mills of th company.
Charles J. D3ubach , secretary of the cernpany
said that Il would be Impossible to give any
ap)1roxlmale ) estimate ot tire assets and lie-
bllltles until after the Inventory which will
begin tomorrow The total amount ot the
mortgages Is $70,000. The capital stock of the
C\llI\pany \ Is :0.000. . Secretary Daubach attributes -
tributes the failure to the prevailing hard
times and great dlIDculty experienced In mak-
Ing collections. The recent fire , he says had
no effect on the prescnl tronblt'tl. The rail.
tins has crested a profound sensation In Lln.
coin and excited no little sympathy for the
firm and Daubaeh. The Inventory la expected
to take considerable time , owing to the nature -
ture of the stock This will have to be
bought In before any plan for the future can
be made. _ _ _ _ _ _
S"holll" Clinic . . on .ttt'oiirt of 1It't\e.
LYONS , Neb , Sept 18.-(8peclal.-Yes. ( )
terday was the bottesl day of the season ,
the thermometer standing 104 to 106 In the
.hade. The public schools were closed III 3
o'clock or. account of the Intense heaL The
farmers say yesterday wu I. fIne day for
corn . as a great deal was still In danger
of a severe frost but the hut few days have
placed nearly all the corn beyond the Injury
of frost. Everybody leema to be going to
the fall' All roads lead to Omaha this week.
- - - - -
Stooti oa IIhhwuymt\n. .
AIIOO , Neb. , Sept. lS.-SpeiI1I.-Last ( )
night lIS David Barry , a farmer living \ north-
east of this place was walk ng to town he
was accosted by a stranger who ordered him
to hand over hh money , at the same time
I emp"aslalng ' his remarks br : ftourshlnlt : a
reyolver. David : DUfY Is 1I0lleutil at plenty
Misses' : l1uo don oln kill ann
tan Oxfords NeW York Htore78e
)1'lI.o : $1.00 arid $ 2.OO : ! . . . . . . . .
Hllppct's-lIIssl's' : fine tnu arid
dougola , New York ; : Stoic 97 e
lH'lc\j 2.O0 : ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lallics' 11111' kid Opera HllpPN'.1. ;
New York Store price $1.75. . 9 7 C
Into the cannon. Ills face and arms were
badly burned so as to disfigure him for life.
lt Is thought he may lose one eye entirely.
_ 'I'I.rn/l..hluA' " \ \ ' . C. 'I'I. . C'n tI nil.
I3EATItICE . Sept. 18.-Speclal.-The ( ) an-
ninth state Women's Christian Temperance
union convention convenes In thIs city September -
tombor 26 and continues until October 1.
Many noted speakers both In and out of the
state , will be In attendance , prominent
nmong wholll will be IIIrs. John P. St. John
of Kansas , who will address the convention
and general ! ; pUblic Sunday evening September -
her 29. The local committees which have
charge of affairs are as follows : nlertaln-
ment , IIIC1ilamos Grable , Pelers , Pollock ,
Springer ; luncheon committee for Friday ,
Mesdames hilack Coon Gamble 111gb.
For Saturday Meidames Tlnkley , Fall . 1111-
bourne and Miss Schroder.
For Monday , Mesdames liourno McCleery
Sheldon SaWn , Cafferty , 110)'t. elllberlon.
For Tuerday , Mesdames S. K. Davis , Druro-
back , \\'addlnglon. Stair and Miss ! Tockay
A meeting of the committee of arrange.
meats was held this afternoon and a report
made as to place or holding the sessions.
A meeting of the lJealrlce \\'oman's club
Is called for Friday evenIng al the home
ot Mrs. G. G. Hill lo elect delegated 10 the
Nebraska Stale Federation to be held In
Lincoln October 3 and 4.
C. W. Meeker has established quite a
lucrative business In Beatrice by extracting
pearls from mussels which abound In the
bed of the Blue river. He finds i market for
the pearls ! In the east some ot them being of
considerable value
Scott < IIlull 1)esnrucrnts
GERING , Neb . Sept , . 18.-Specla\-Dut ( \ )
three : precincts sent delegates ; to the democratic .
cratlc convention ot Scotia Dll/ff county , anti
the remaining seven were represented by ap.
pointed b'standers. Only a part at a ticket
was selected 1 and the party depends for their
election upon a swap with populists. The
candidates are : Sheriff , Chris Kronberg ;
treasurer Peter Mcl"arlane ; surveyor. Bruce
McCoakey. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Curls 1I"lh 1(111..1 . III ; Millard
MILLARD Neb. , Sept. 18.-Speelal ( Telo-
gram.-Chrls ) Dull , a reefdenl ot this place
was struck and killed ! this mornIng about 7
o'clock by a freight train. lito ira I started
to run across the tra.rk ahead 01 tire train
lie lived but a few IIIlnulC3. lie was abJul
33 and unmllrrled. He has a brother attending -
tending the state . fair but he cannot bs located -
- - - - -
Chl..1"11 'I'hl..r U..htIII. .
IRVINOTON Neb. . Sept. 18.-Speclal.- ( ) .
lAst night : a chicken thief visited Ilibbard
Yards and ecurC11 tWffitr.throe Plymouth
Hocks from iris roOllt. IIIbbH ( 11'.111 awak-
ened. and , In connection with Mr . Twaddehi
after a. sharp drIVt overtook and held the
thief up itt tire point ot a revolver and
caused him t'1 relurn the chickens.
Imllure'It'r Cilles . nt'RIiI.
AURORA . Neb. , Stpt. 1-Speclal.-3.Irs. ( )
Jv. . Guilford was . burled : yutcl'l1sy. She
died uf typhoid ! lever , and It the flllb VCl'J1I :
lu the family within ! : lisa lait sic "e 'ki. Bnd
well waler la blamed for the eathi. :
Congressman ; lIalner bas returned from New
York. - - - -
, , 111 l'ut't"'I. . oil It. Cirureli
l HASTINGS Sept. 18.-Spec'al ( Telegraur )
-The Nebraska Loan and Tru.t OJmp.ny to-
- - - - . -
Childs' fine kin null tan Oxfords . .
fords New York Store price . 14 7 e I
. , >
Ladies' : fine Oxford Ties , Xew 'p'
York ; : Store prlco $ 2 : arid $ .GO : ! 97 C i
'I ' ,
HAYBENs * ; ; :
. II
day brought foreclosure pro eejlnge against
the First Presbylerlan church of Ifattimrgs
and the board ot church erection fund of tire
First Preshylerlan church ot the UlllteJ
Slates et III for the aura of $1 ,320.
1'lclIlI"lur1 , Ctlunty Cltbcu" .
YORK Neb . Sept. 18.-Speclal.-The ( )
action of the republican convention at David , )
City Monday In nominating JUdges Sedgwick
and Kellogg as judges fOr the Fifth Judicial
district was no surprise to the republicans
throughout the count ) ' . Judge Sedgwick has
been a resident arid lawyer ot York county
for the past seventeen yeara. It 's thought
that , owing ! to hIs standing ! :1S a lawyer ho
will \ eecuro many non'113rllsan voll's. Four
years ago this rail Judge Sedgwlclt was rsonr-
mated hy the republlcane ae 11. candidate for
the same office for which he Is now norn-
mated At that tlmo the populists were al
their strongest antI the year before York
county for tire first time la Its Iriatory or
since went otherwise than republican.
Judge Sedgwlclt In a hard race was defealed
for the offic or district judge by a few voto.
The populist county convention will be hed :
al this place In a short time. There are
county onlce , In which , ns ) yet there appears -
pears to be 110 candidates
After lire I'uruitc .
Citizens of Council Ulurre and South
Omaha In attendance upon the grand parades
on the streets ot Omaha Monday , Tuesday ,
Wetlnesdsy and Thursday evenings ot this
wr.elt can reach home with less Inconve-
nlenco and In the shortest possible : time by
taking the Union l'acll1e special ) train , which
leave for South Omaha at 10:30 : p. m. . and
, for Council Bluffs al 10:35 : 1' . m.
- - . _ - _ , - - - - - -
, - - - , - . - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ . _ - , _ . ' . _ _ _ - _ _ . - . ,
! ! , ! '
Jil j m t i11 jjt I
'I ' ' ' I ' . ' , " I. I
II ! : e'1 I : it
1 " / I : ! .I I'J , I' I I
, dW'vVl.W,4III ' ; III !
Did wo toll you we' ] sot 1\
hot pace during ( nh' wCl'k-
Come Into our IItol"l-lt's the
coolest pineo In town I1nll ! tin
only I'lnw ' totally c\'ohtl : to
lUuslc n lid art
ll'K u sight worth 1Il'lnc- ;
O\'e11 It , ) ' 011 don't wllnt to huy.
A tlospc JI' . ,
Art nail Music . !
. 1513 1I0)UL\H. ) )
I \ : : : _ . . . . . . . . , . . . , ) ( ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ ' _ . ' : , a , _ _ = W