. - , -v , .r . - - . - - - - , - , . ' * - . ' ' - ' - r " r' I . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE 01\r.A1lA \ DAlLY DEE : 10NDAY , SEPTEMBEU 16. 189t. - rr . . . " ' - - ,8PBGIAh NOTIGB8. - Ah'rrtl""m"II for th"o "oll1mllll 'iylII be tlllu 1111(1 121:0 ) V. m. for 1 thc e'euil1111 ultl a p. I. for the * lIOrtII tug Iltl ! nnolY et1tloll. ' " . . , th'rrtl"'r , , I , re'lue"tllA n nunt- ler"1 checl , cnn hUUlllVerll nil- drt''II to 1 11""Irctl letter III CilO 01 'rho , Jiec. AII"'er" IO It111e",1 nll be tlelh'eret UI'UI Ilre"eltllol or the cheek oiuI. nit , , 1 1-2 n I \vurtl first ltHerlol1 Jo n vor,1 , tluerutttter. NothllA tulcl for 1uss thul 2e ; for first Iuucrtlon. 'hc"e ! Ith'ertltemCI' jiunut be run con- 'H'enth'el ( SITUATIONS 'VAXTI . LADY WANTS PL.ACT TO AnN nOAnD II.AC while attending Om. LJuuIne. Col. , 15 & l'arnatn A-313 VtNTJfl-MtLE II I.I' . WATID , I.IVE. ITfLLIOENT AOENT IN WANIW Omaha 10 organize clubs of three I. . , IWO famt- flea f.r our famouH Orehatil I1aine . land In oe' . le3 S , Irnl Mtuuiuiippi. The tide of hnmlralon I go- 1 tug ioutii. where there are no hot wind. no clhl winter , no biIzzard. no crop f.1lur < 'hero Iwo or three crol" can be rnl.cd eaiu . ) .ar. Where there I. no inch thlli a. fait ure I : a man will wOlk on..half a. hard a. he . wi dOe tn Ihls counlry. Cool uulnmer mlhl win- ten ilre paying crol" of fruit an.1 garden Irurk. ! lre nlchp.1 ioII on Nalh. n.1 railway fnclll , . Oeo. .01 . Ames general agent. 1611 - Fnrnm itreet Omaha. I-M2i9 - A OTNTb1MAN TO WOIK OMAhA Oil TAIE . gcnernl ngcnt of nn In Nebralca territory n Inprl nlenl lerJor . ) . lck . accident n . death belem . . nn.1 ' . . I'ru4Dntial len.yeor endowment nqociitiO1I. . . . . . . man referrEd , C11 after 9 n. m. , or nddreius ,1 ' _ " ' . , ) icflt. 31 poxnn block. I-M2M W A NTlm. TWOX1XPltt1 ENCED TI\'rI.INO . Ir.men , 00"1 len Ior ) ' . leln & rhmpMnn. tailor . . lGI 1'arnam. 1-:91 $ Go.oo TO $ I&.M RAI.Any PAIl ) SALIIN . for cIgar3 : experience not nec'leor ; extra In. durementA to cu.lomer. ll.hop & Imn" . HI. I..ulu . Mo. l-M13 : WANTlm. EXPEtENCEn ANI PI1ACTICAT. florIst and gardener. D. lines. .813 Vltton JJ-5S2 t WANTED-A PIANO I'I.AYI AT 109 NO. OTI . - German preerrel. 1-816 IA11Ofl1tH FOn WYOMINO ON COMPANY J.ABOmnR . 1. & M. 1) : work puarnl.c.l . : free trInortatIo.n , Kramer & O'leorn , 121 Iar- , Irnn.prtllo , h1-M83) ' ) 1- , \\'ANTJ1) TllRTWOlTIY PEnSoN TO travel : Hllar ST80 and exmee , : elclose reter- ences nlul aeif-addrceaed sllml.ed envelope ' ' , " . " Chlcngo. hl.-837.16 ' 'j"J I'realdnt ) 1. 1-81.15' nOSTON STOI1IIVANTII EXPEnmNClm aloe 8nlcsntn and Irsl caM" gents ' furI8hln ! ' nnmb snle.mA nt once : permanent IJ.lon 10 : n..l men : 1181 bc wcl recommclded 01,1 , have 1 Plenty ' ol _ experience. ] 1-845 : G' ' ) lmN WANTED AT ONCI TO CUT COI1N. C , Htnndard Cattle Co" , Am. Neb. Il-MIlUT I W.\NTl ) , .N EXpEnmNCED pACIO OF crockery and glaaawnre. Siale perlencc. _ . wngca and reference. 1 10. lIce. 11-812-14' " . ANTEU-EIAI.J II I.I' . WANTII-FIIIST CI.AHS WOMAN COOK 11. 'ANTfm-FJIST mlht.lY . . , 318 80. . 1lh d. C-4.21-I8 - - - - - - FOR OtNLhIAI . ILOUSUWOI1IC. . NO. FOl ONEUA. OtL Casa St. C-SGh-1' WANT1D A GOOD GIRL I'OI 10USI'WOnK at 121 8. 291h itreet. . CM93 16' - - - . - - - 15 SO ITl IT1tI1IT. } 'UhiN1Sht1D ItOOMS . . hoar In vicinity. C-SOI-14 WANTIm , G1htI . . fl1NflitAL I IOUtFVORhC. . " 11 ra. hloape. Jr. , Ill No. 1lh stre.t. C-809-H ' 11 1m I. : S\.m.APms f'Ol WOIK IN M1It- casitile building II fair grour l8. APPlY ' bc- cunle hulhlnl fOlo : a. to. Monday. C. 1 I'rlnce. Barker hotel. C-873-H I.'on 1LhT-ttOUS1IS. $ " , JOISE. F. . l. 1)ARL.ING. . DAlKEI m.CIC. . D-28 ? ' 1hOUSE14 IN ALT. PAnTS 0' THE ci'r' Thhf . -i 'lOUSES . l' Davis . Compan 1 : $ 'arn3m. D2,2 TJF , 1IOLJSI3. : 1J1IN1VA & CO. , 103 N. TI ST. . , 1)-213 . " D-23 H. E. COLE & CO. . LAUOCST LIST IN OMAHA. , . ' 1)-24 ' 3.ltOOM 1IOUSH. INQUUE 284 I'AnNAM atreet. D2S $ I MOUElN 8-ILOOM 10USES : 6 MINUTES \'nlk from count house. Boom 28 , larker bil D-6 $ NICE MODERN lIIC1tT.htOOM hIOUSU. BE- lathed : nice lawn trecs . , barn. 261 I'lerce. D-1 TOLTIT. A COTTAGE WITH I IHT I OlS. on 30lh lear 1.'urnam. Charles ' 'urer. 2216 Farnam. - I'nlam. D-0 FOI I NT. VERY DESIAILI l'SIENCE. : 213 Jurnafl. U. C. l'atteraon. 42 Uanue "Ik. ' 1- : XIETACIIIdI ) MOtI1tN UIISII)1INC1 . 28Th > : SlmNCIJ. DETACIE1 2TH and I'ol'plelon ' : tnotlern brick . . % .1 & California " Sherwood Imcrn . . . Starr , 615 N. Calforia . . , - . . D8S ' 1'01 " IIENT . COTTAOE , 4.1tOOI5. 28TH AND 1'llnnm Itreels. Mien Iogers & Son. D-i9 } 'On UENT . mUCK DWl C.I.IW. 1 lOOliB 191h and Leavenworth. . . Mien Uoger 80n. D-iS TVO- FINE R-1OOM MOLlfllN IIOUSHI3. GOI S. 2Cth and 316 Mason. lumphr y. 92J N. y. . Lire. U-M639.16' ii-ii-itoo.t hOUSE. % l DOUOLAS. DOUOLAS.DfG : I.QEI1HNT. SOUTH I.'BONT UtCK IIOUSII ; 10UH eight room. bealhea bath I.'m and alcove : large c'lar , bath gaa and furnace : eli In that. chasa < , "Utan : l'os..a.l given October I. IU'lulro ' ' IS halt howard . or Ueo. U. TsschlCk , tee ohilce. _ _ _ _ _ _ pMGO FOIl IIENT 9-BOOM OTOUSII . G2T S. ' v - 1PNT\ FI . 1nclure \ 422 S. ISth slreel. 1-111 - A 1\10 IoS'f OF' 11'HmAI.I : HOUSES. ' I I'ldlll ) ' 'rruit company , 10 1'lram D-iS-30 al. - - - - } 'Ol m : . G-ItOOMHOUSII . NEWLY i'A- 1'r. < : city wuler : $9.1 l'cr mu ) . 19 N. 37. thttel . next 10 I' . O. 1 > 10 io I.ET.0u 1. ALga A : I.AIO ROOM 1.lern brick house : lhrat.chaai iocatlon. In- quire John N. 1"lenzer , Hental anl , itcaity Acnl , (1pO.lo' I' . O. Ji93 : 18 ) i 1 MODN DE'l'ACiIFII ) hOUSE A1' 2)7 nniuble U. 21h . " .Ireet : In eleanl repair : rent rca. 9-rucin 24th ! alreel modern house. heated b ) sleam. 01 :1 S. . 21h lolor detached house. cast front (1 9:6 N. 20h a\'cnue. See l'Idellty Trust Co. . 170 1'1"10 atreet. I-M93 18 4AND6-I700MF'I.AT , MODERN lMllO\F. ment. 11 : S. 11th. . - GT-20- - - - - - - - - FOIl H NT. FOt'It.fl. 101'SI. 1. JONES Itree t6O * : 2'13 ' Caiai street. 82.1.00 : 11u 1 slNet , $60. He" & Selby . lG l'aram.DM82 FOIl ImNT-'nOO 1 HOUSf : AND IL1tN. fiI 101. bhhSouth - , Z1h - . treet. ) - : BAIr I'fll 11UN'r. SOlP AND SIX.I100M FLAT : Iuuoheun. Inqlire 11. N. 1lh street. , 1)-MIll 20- FOR ItENT 7-11001.1 HOUSl' A 1. MOD ; ' 1P1\'em.nls . cceiIt furnace : ' ' .01 n month. _ ! Z21 10' .Ir..t. 10-51813 16 SI \'IN : 100M MOmmN HOUSI . CON. , 'enl'nl 10 Iwo car lines . large la'HI. rent rearonable . 3701 No. 11th. - ' refonal Ilh. D-mSi518' - . > . - 301 - _ . _ - NO. ! N. ZTH STI1EET. HIX-1QOI loun : , stable. 10-3.1377.21' 8T.NI'Ol CII.f : C1'AOIH , 6 11003.18 11 modern , .pi. fuel. J1'pl nnon Reed ) company. :1 Sulh 1th sl. 2)-Ill FI\'f ANn EIHT.1Oml COTTAGES. 810 s. - :111 - slreet . U-ll : 17- I'INI 1011N mUCK loun : GOI CAIITL avenue. : . D9 :1. SIX-1OOl 101SIJ GU PACIFIC ITll' six dolhirs. l'nqulr& 8S S 1lh .Ireel. , S 1)-MIll 21 - S Iron 1t N'I"llNISII'D100:11. - : t l'UINISlm 100MB : lATH : HOT . ANt COLt ) , wale , rent Inlnablc ZC N. 19th. . , nlh.H:703 1 - - - - - - - FIIIINISIIED IIIONTRO4'M.WITII ALCO\'E l'UINUJU : nfWITl AI.C\I ! : : suitable for two : walIC d&rej. : J ( s . IINel . : - lli 17' . a NiCE J'unNumJD 1OS Fiit I.WHT , ! J. > houleke plnK. 11 H. Ih , 1-61.- ' - - . - - FUnNIS1 ) mIR- : " ' 11"'lT ouT . . .5 . - - S br. Cor. 161h and Lake. . lln. ( . - . u.n. JUCELY " 'UINIll:1 l:0MS , 1" F61 1)01)017. - : IC1LY l'UINhJUID ItOOMS. 284 N : .rl .Ir t. H-MIll :10 ' ) 'I ( IIENT. NICEI.Y , 'unNISlm' . Joe _ : m Cess street. I- : . Irl :1 IUnNISIIlU 11903.L $ . IIOUSRNIdIPIN0. 1m bt Llar ) ' . UQ t l-191 Ii' FVInSlmn : 100:19 . All floASm. SOUTU ROOMS . IIINOLTI . ENSVITE. IOA I n. 2JS DouRln. Fnul6 a 30. ! MISII1AIIL.Ti 1.'UlNIHIFD 1001S. SINOLU or en auitt' . with board ; reCercn e 21 f'ar- nm street. } -MTOJ l'tJftNISIIIdD AND t'NFUItNISIIIII ) 100MR : Iran.l.nts ! accommodated . The Caplal , 1 % CapRol M'enUr. _ F-3.168607' NICELY FURNISIIIdI ) IIOOMS. OOOD IIOAIID : FUINIHt- 10AID FUINIHtl01IR. rca.cnBle ral.l. The Itose. 2'1 ' = lome ) 1.-:2 Ocl. PIll Ill S. 2TI aT. I'V1Nlfl. : 11003.18. IiOAItD- Jnl hou.e nIl ltund , I ; betWeen 1.'amal an" , . . ' ' U"lle : elegant 1.lnce. f'-8i-211' roll ht22NT-UX1'UIt'ISI171) ILOOMS. 5 UNf'UtNISIW ClAIJmS ! FOIl 10USI : . keeping 10 man and wife. 310 N. 10h , _ 0-3.1193 2 FRONT ItOOMS. " 1 I.lA VIN\\'OITI HT. . 9-811.1 ; Tlm : IOO . II CLOSETS , WATHIt. COIN. Ith Mreel. ' 0-3.1378-21' FOt'ItVflItT 1.\10 ' 11OtTHE11dldt'1NG rooms , $ .0 : references. 1049 S. 201h. 0-3.1952 2t 1.'Ol JIIINT-STOIIIdM AXD OIrI.'W&S OFFICES. IUBfUI.\N lLl { : 11:01 LCA- lion. 1" . D. \'ead. lGlh and Douglas .1. 1-102 S : 1:102 FOIl IIENT-T1IE 4-STORY IIIIICK IIUILDING J'Ot I NTTIrSTOlY lUCK IUI.DNO 9JG Farnam .trcel. This ti'jildiuig has a hIre. h'Jldll lre- Iroof cement basement cmplete sleam heating Ilatureul . water on all floors . gas . tIc. Apply 01 the office of The thee. ' 1.910 AO : 'IS.NTPD. . AG NTS-OOOD AGENTSS'ANTEI : ! IN every town 10 ccli the howard Combination 10WI e\'el' Cumblnaton Slim : eec hu.ln..s men only : SI.o per day : .end .tamll. Hownr Sign Co. , Sethiulia . Mo. . J-M796 IS' CO . UlnCI\L MEN TO SIdl.L I.NrlSTND beat filter. Cal 01 1lnuCnclurer. ' building . fairgrounds. or :09. H. Hlh slreel. J-M915 AGENTS \'AWrlD TO l'I.\CI OUR I.AlO and increasing line oC ad\.rtolng speialti2 : latest an,1 , heat : mal fast soiing nonlleH : nothing "Imlar In the ) country ; exclusive control . Iml 10 men with cXI.rlenc ; line aide line for . lne .le Ile newspaper advert811 alIc1tors : commission s.lclora : bash : state reterencu and experience. The Current . . rent Publshing Co. , 1026 I"lbcrt street phllI' ollhla. , J-3.t940 lG- 'ANTED-'O 1tIdT. WANTEI ) . TO IIENT A I'UBNlgl O hOUSE by n sinai ! family. Address I 1. IC-M7t3 lIce. g- - . \VANTIII0-2 Ot 3 UNFUICNISIIIdI ) 11003.18. modern conveniences . reCcrences. Ad.Iresa I 21. _ Hee. K81G _ \VANTEI IY A 0000 TENANT 'WITI saudI family . a se\'el or ' .Ighl-rol house near lie hIgh school ur toward Ih& park. Address I 26 . lice. K-11i912 16- WANT1n1. ItT I.Any C1.mU { . 100M ANn hoar.l In nice family : references glven : would he willing 10 work night on-I mornIng for hurt of hoar. .ddre.s 1 31. He , . K-l.t941 16 IIIdXT4IL , AGIdNC9 O. O. WALLACE . , nENTAL 31 BROWN L\31 JILK. . S'1'OltAld. STOIt.GId. FI.NI EWEnS. UU IIARNI7Y. _ M-ZST. lACI"IC STOn"O & W.tR2dIlOUSE CO. , 008 910 Jones st. General storage and forwarding. M-2 WANTIdD-TO lILlY. hIGhEST I'mccs PAID FOR nAGS. mON metal rubber and bottles : car lots a epecinity. Chicago Junk house. . 812-84 ! Dougla. Ouiualua. N-917 W.\NTE INTEBJST IN I'STAlISIED 11)'ln ! hlslne.a hy good bu.lneas uutauu . e" . perlen"c In office or outside worl Give par- tculars ant . nature Of busln.s.n. . \ ers con- fidential. State capital needed Ahre.s 1 2 . lice. N-M9 I IrOn SAbIO-IIISCIdLLA2cI1I0US . hARDWOOD COMlNAT10N 100 , AND chlck'J fence. Chuas. n. Lee. 9tl and . Douglas. - , Fan SALE ChEAP-RIG 1.INII 0 : SECOND. I.IE hand bicycles. Omaha Bicycle company . 323 N. 161h slreel. . Q-931.S18 ICE IN CARLOAD LOTS. CO11RIdSPONDENCId ' solIcited. A. Ii. Nicholas. cOnm'SIONDJNCE Counci Buf. . . Q-M7U 0 FOIl SALE. $ GO . OnAPE ITHACA hI..MMIdIt- lena gun uEed very little : hal llrle. l.Mlml- avenue. - 1\'enu. Q-1So1 1'- CLAIIIYOTANTS. - MltS. Dn. H. WAlmEN CLAIRVOYANT 1m. liable business medium : Sih year nl 18 N. 161h S-29 PltOF. LlmOY. 1 CAPITOL AVENUE . ini greatest clnln'o'ant an.1 trance medium liviuug ; sal.Cacton guaranteed or no pay : nil In trouble cal : fee' . Mc UI' . S- . 106 16- lUASSAG , l.TIS , E'rV. MADAMI 83.11Th G2 S. 1TH. 2ND FLOOR room 3 ; magnetic . vapor alcohol , steam sul- IIerlne an.1 sea baths , T-M879-21' 3.13.111. 1lOVELL 'rUm'ISI ANt ) 10LCC1'RIC halh. Finest " pallors In ' cl ) . 318-32 S. Ilh. ) ' ' ' T-11911.Sld' JJI : . I.A1UE , 11ASSAOE , hOT HATH. , IGi Howard. - - 10wlrd. T-:159OC- MII' : . IilRNAItD. 1001 1 1. lilt ) F'LOOIt 121 . ' . - - Dodge . - T-3.1817 - - . 20- - . - IlS. DI. LEON. ELEGANT MASSAGE AND electric balh. ) , I'arlors restful and iefreshing. leCreHhlnl. < 412 North Hlh street. T-M877 20- MMIO. IJF1IINAI1D . I 1 , bUD FLOOI1. 121 D"lgc. ' - ISC al- TIRIUSI IIATIIS . TURKISh BATHS : ONLY PI.ACE IN CITY CTY exclu.I"e for ladle. Suite lCO-IU lee D g. 13 LADIES' BATHS. MME. I'OST 31P S. 12Th. 231 I'Ilth0NAI- ! . VIAVI CO. . US U g 1.DO. HEALTh ! lvII' free : home Irellmenl : lady attendant U- : ' U. IIAAS. l'I.OmST. PLANTS CUT FI.OWERS. ihinquet. hail . residence and graTe l"IOWElS deeollon. : 1513'inton atieet.'relepione : 776. . 183Inlon . .tepone 16. U--294 IATUS , MASSAGE. 111t. l'OS' . 319\ S. 15Th ! . U-J FINE LIV1IY mos CItE'.l' . ED. UAUIILEY , Ilh and St. Mary' av.nue. Telephone 41) . U-M58 TENTS TO IIENT AND SELL 1313 " 'aral Ilreel. 11 . . 883. A. 11. htutwitzer. U-98 SUe TIOSI WIShING iNFORMATION ON IN. vo.ImentH. toffee , sugar cocoa . grain and cattle . : lands. .lmal , linmigraulun . etc. . will < cur. ' redly answered hy enclosing $ l.bO , registered. rety < S. regllercd. p. Jockwo . Apartadj No. Ml. Uogotu. Colom- ' bin . South .lell a. U-M1682- i'lIiVATIO : 1103.110 FOR V0MCN DUllING I'IVATI' Jom WOHIN UUINO CON- tineluent. heat reC..ence given. 31 N. 3Ih. UMS au' CI1AMI'ION C.\1111 Cl'A'INU WOfl } CJAMPION 11.1 : . 1h St Tel. 6. > . U-8G-.1' : IIS. C. IIUIOIINEI1. MASSAGE. IUB IU' . tur",1 fr.m hot Iprlngs an,1 . r"ol'en.1 her Parlor I 1 Douglas Street. She I now prepared 10 accmmot.le all prscuu who U'o the masage treatment nn.1 Swedish move. , nuent. < - mo\ , 10X \ TO LOAN-IWAI4 l''J'A''I : . ANThONY LOAN & TItUS ? CO.,31S N. Y. . LE1I. Leans at low rates for choice security I' , Ne. brakn and Iowa ' .tUB or Ollha city " 'Ierty. - : \ > MONEY T LOAN AT LWI:1' nAis . TIlE I o. l' . Davis Co. . 15)3 1'llal : al. , W- % : CITY LO N8 C. A. , STAlI , G : N. Y. \V- LI1'L' l 1,0 TO $ = .0. 1' . 1) . WI.D. . 6 & 'W-9-sn DOUGLAS SUOH1' ' , Un Im.\I. ESTATE LOANS IN .mal amounts heed Je Selby , 16 1'arnaun. - aION\ TO I.O.Un'lOn:1 : OMAIIt W-91 real eslale. hiucnnao . Love 4 Co. . l'avtun blk. . tV-lu. ) MONEY W LOoN ON l3.ti'ltOVllDOMAlL \ Irol'n\ . Fidelity Trust Co. . aWl . } 'grnam V-30l , ' LnJ INIUI\Nr I'LICIES I.OANEI ) ON .r buht 1 , ' , O. Cwsney , , I'nnus City . Ut \V-291 LOANS ON 13.Il'ItOVidU & UNI3.11'ROVh.U CITY property , W. l'amam Smlt. ' LNIM1'UOVf C : ; l'arn.m W-J CAPIT.\L. ' 2.\.OJ : HltI.US. UO.o . ) : U. 8. 1101Ig , Trust (0 , . New YOlk : fur G per s I lon "n cily prpery , Apply 10 I'uny 4 I ' 'lola , . * ; Cfltl . .um : FIrst Nat l'k - Bldg. W-Zt I FIU\ ( lENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA T real etst . . Neb t.1 W. U Metks ! W- OenuIu& : , . , - . . - - . - . - . - . , tOSI7Y TO LOAN-VIIATTIIl. ' , MONET T LAN , 2. 0. 0 DAYS : FUIINI. block. lure . pianos , ele Duff Green rom t. XMSH Barker : MONEY TO LAN ON l'UlNITUIU. l'IANOS horses . Wagons etc. , al lowest Cities In city : no removal of goods : strictly cnOdental1 yoU amount. can pay Ih. loan oft al any time or In ar , amount.OMAHA MORTOAGII LOAN CO. , IOnTOAO' 20 S. Ith .t X-1 IUSIXES1 CI.XG S. $12/o STOCK 01 , ' ICICIANDSn IN IIEST lawn In eastern Nebrkl. for land and casher or equivalent . Adls B . .39 . care lIce. . TJ CHANCe OF A 1hI'ETI3.hi-WANTr.t0. n partner with front $ O0.P1 10 .00.0 In welt .O.O organIzed . 1'lylll bulnes In $ Omaha , Only ) responsible men nn.wer ; $ I,200.I0) annually guaranteed - anteed Address Y 10. lIce. Y- JPJ FOIl SALE aNt 01' TiE OLDEST , BEST eslahl.he , herman weekly newspapers In the 'osl. 0001 < reasons for selling. I"or PartIculars athlrc'a . 11 6 Y-Mlt 16 < r" I G. care of Omaha lice . Y-MTI16 . GltOCldltY JOINO 0001) - TRADE : belt location In South Omaha : stock au.i lix- lon \x. tuftS about $ : /0,0 : full particulars. 2\0 N street South Omaha. Y-li03 16' $ : .0 T INVEST IN STOCKS OF' MlI1CIIAN- dIsc of nn ) ' kind : bargaIns only conslder.d. J. _ J. GIbson . 311 hat Nal'l Hank. Y-82 $ OO : MJAT IAHUJ WORTh S7MO : must he sold : god trade . . . . Gibson Ill 1t Nuitl . bank. Y-MS2. 1 $2,000.0) H\.1" INTEREST IN AN OI.D 18. lahl8he.l . whol.sale business ; partner 10 be Luslnc. manager . . J. Gibson , 31 let Nutti. hlnk Y-3.tS24 ONE OJ TIP BEST : MANAGt AND BEST : paying corporation , II the' cIty . wishing 10 Increase . crease their capital . Ilwe 1'ln.e.1 with me SO.U of their .1 ) ck 10 sell . In amounts frm S : . ) up nurlli the 110.1 Iwo yenre the stock has laid , 15 per eenl. Time niauuagemntnt anti Ilslnc'H < recol\\en,1 Ihem.el\ m31al.nent beler than lorlgn invetnient. A. F. Connett . 03 N , Y. LICe. . Y-S60--23' YGQ : Im\'ATl ltSINgSS COI."O ALL hOES ! . Ics , and PUblic ) school 1I'nl.he. . law German and other languages . JOOI 3) , larker Ilol , . V-Molt 22- $ ; . .o pal A OOOD IA YNG MAN'UF'ACTUIt. Ing bUhlnehH : reasons for selling. A.ldc" " U 30. lIce. lce. Y-M912 16' SllCUI.ATI IN WIFo'I' . ' IT IS AS ChlEl1' as dirt . \\0 have a break of : I per bushel : n reaction I. I o"t.lup. anti now la Ihe time to buy . Send for our large rod book the moat cOlnpleto ever publshed , Contains statistics and alt tIme n"c.mr Information slalstcs enlhe : anyone 10 trade In grain provisions no.1 shocks. Our nai ) ' Market luletn gl\c all marlet news. lllh free. Siansel & Co. . 1:2 'raderH' bldg. , Chlcuco. Y-M93718' FOI EXCIANU . EQUITY IN LARGE TnCT OF LAND NRMO Omaha What have ) 'ou 10 offer NEAl 1. Dailey . OCO N. Y. 1 bl.lg. z-no ItC1 TtNEmNT. MODEnN IS noel . wlhln 1 blocks of city hal ; \rlc . $20.00,01 ; encumbrance . S.o.o ; equity for good unen- cum"ere Innd. ' Sherman < county 10 acres school land near . 1.lchl.ll : 2 : acres Shrrhlln count ) . anti S.OIO Ouiunha stock of . general Icrchnn.l.e for good land near Before buyIng or exchanging see . . N. Frenzor . opposite 1' . O. Z-Jii7-00 WANTED . A lens I' : . IN IOXCIIANGII FOR II0no or organ A. 10sV. , Jr. XCIANO ; 1oulln. F0t , 1oulln.IG 'h-MiTt : -IG 1 ' : .00.0 IN NOTES OVgN FOIl bAt DIOIITS 10 trade for real c.lalc. I. 1' halo ni DEITS . . Sh.ely bIocIc,12t 2 o'cloc' . Z 1829 $ GO. 0 DnUO STORE : LOCATION TIlE BEST : good tiade. . . J. Gibson 31 Il NatI. Z-1 bank. 26 CASIt AND IMI'ItOVIID FARM TO TRADII CARl Hloc of Ien'rll IlIlOVlm m.b. . Address T1AD ! . care Puxlon huotl nn Selut. 1 Z-M844 18 roll SAI.E-In , ESTAT1 . , BARGAINS , SALE on TRADE IN CITY 1'flOP- ertles and farms. John N. l'renzer , 01'1' . P. O. lIE-hiS ' AJSTlAC TIlE lynON nEJD CO IPANY. nE-3 SOUTlEnN FARM FOR S.\LE. 70 . acres of land three-quarters of .a rile from the railroad towel bf Unloifown ' 11 1le } . hearl of' time "Back praIrie oUllry of' cen'aI Alabama : Only a small amount of cen'.al ! ul , " balance on long time. For Inrormatlon address hc owner. JOHN 1" JIOFFRIES . Selma Alabama. JF-lUG S : ' ems ON EASY IAYJfNTS. 'SELL AND buy lois acre farms. Oarvln Urol. , 210 N.Y.I. . . , 1110-203 i BARGAINS . hOUSES . I.OTS AND FARMS. sale or trade. F. K Darling . Dorker mok. FAHJS. 2210-309 nJ-3\ IMPROVED I"AlMS , O. W. C.1LOCK. 12) - 1'arnam - St. . IU-1 LIOnTI"UL COTTAGE OJ G 11003.18 . pleasant lawn , tine large "hade lrel , Tii. : I proporl hi l on Sevaruh . lear 241h SI. Cost tiie owner $1,100. Will lake $2,220 on easy terms If auld quick. Corner . I00.124 feet , In Isaac k Selden's ao.lllon. with three onc'Hlot' cottages . This Property ' cost lie o'ner 17,000. ' ' wi sell for n.ON jf sold nl once. I I. a fine residence portion of three thc < city . $ IO.oJ , 10 U.O homes within Iwo o Cottage antI , full lot In the \er ) ' beat re.ldence portiui of South Omaha. Allrls.d valualiomi I"rlcn . $2.3. Can be bOlI for u.I0. valualQn A very 111".anl home In Orchard 11111 . gooti I I. 001 neigiubothool . close .10 car line. This IH a new 1.rol mod.r hOI > e. will , bat . co.el. etc. . worth 53,010) . b ofered for n few day ul u.S'J ' The Improvements are worth the vrlce. S. 51 feet lot 4. block 24. ch' . This Is on South 10lh St. . close 10 depot : cost the owner $7.00) ; lnctuuairnnce S.201 take clear we.ter land or lot for e'lul ) . Submit offer If you want a Innp. J Lot ner corer 2bl nn,1 Vlnlon SI. Cost the owner $ .31. Incumbrnce 2427. Submit oft'r. Flclty , Trust Company SoleAcent , 102 I."rnam Sireel. RId-Sit-I ) 1 8T-2 I"AHM I.ANUS , C. l. l.IUUSON , 912 N.Y. Lifo . 1E-756'O- Fet SA I.E. VACANT LOT : WILl. TAKE TWO horses as Irl payment . A. I' . Tuke ' . HF.M&S $4,400.00 h0tiYiO ChOICE EtGiiTY-ACltrh ( FARM $ .40.0 JUYS CIOlcn OITY'AClm l'An:1 cloven miles northwest of Omah. Easy terms . Stringer & Oue llenzer black 1110-3.1777 210 SNAPS. mUCK IIUSINIOSS IIUILDINO,3 stories , average rental past Iwo ) ' .nr8. $2,100.00 per ) 'clr. 16 pel Cent grass : price , * 13,500.00 Brick bualncsH building . 2 storIes , corner . nver- 1 ago rental past 3 ) 'ear u.02'J.CO I'er' ) 'cr. 12 per cent gross : price . $9,000.00. 1 , IG acres within G.mlo circle of postofilco : 81ghlY lun.l . : Price . $ : .oN. poslotcc Before buying or exchanging see Jno. N. Frcnzer I . Ol'loale I' . O. 1110-3.1778 010 : 'on SAI.1-MY . UESUmNCr . 912 SOUTh ! 3iTH sl. : 9 rooms ; first ciass : modern : large lawn : barn : nl half price : walt to leave Omaha. John Videnor . IU -7 ; .U- L.A ND. 16) hail county , with crop $2.10. 80 near Lincoln SI.6O. CO Harpy count ) ' . $910. 80 near Mondamnin . ha. , $2.t. 8 Manana county . h. , $ : . 31 Macon county . Mo. . S2 an acre. 00) Monona count ) ' , ha. . $21) un acre ; 0 Iltalo coupt I ) Neh. . cheap : :1 Sarp couI1) ' . S3 nn acre 10 Saunders county SI un acre . % section Oloe county . cheap . 2,1 , near Nebraska City. U5 on ncrt C30 Clay count ) ' . 10. . $24 nn ICI'C. 5iO Decaler county . 10. , $210 an acre ) t Morgan county . :0. . $ 'J nn acre TI ' ) Jurl COunty . Neb . S. un acre. 1 close 10 Omaha , ciucap. M close 10 Omuliuu chelp. C. J' . harrison . Ill N. Y. Life. IUG9U. &CCOUN'NTS . CIUS. E. WALTIII1S . EXPERT ACCOUNTANT . , % -3 11 Nal'l bank Tel. 1639. References Oi6-19 . IVI"u .t LOAN ASSOCIATIONS . SHAHES IN MUTUAL L & D. .SS.N I'AY I. 1. ' 8 per cent when I. 2. 3 years . old . always redeemable Ii0 J'anam it , Naltnger , He" 3. ) 10W T G A IOII OH SlCUHe GOOD interest on f\'lngs. Apply 10 Omaha 1 , & U. \ AU'n" , ITot lieu bldg. O. ) . X0attingcr . See & 32. SHOI''IAND , AND TYI'EWllTING. A. C VAN SANDS SCUOOL. 61 N. Y. LIFE . : OMAhA BUSINESS . COLLEGE . In'U , ) 'AItNA3.1 nc III lID ! CAL. LADIES ! ClICII/TEI'R ENGLISH PENNY. lal I'm. ( diamond brand ) are Ibo best : safe . reliable ' : IRI" no other : Bend 4o , stamps . .ae. particulars "RelIef for Ladies . . In litter by return ta \ I. Al drUlfl.I" Cblch.lo Chexn Icl Co. . I'hlaeplla. . LOST. LOST-CARUIIIR'8 DEI.IVrIY nOOK NOiZ FInder please return to lIce office and receive rewanl. Loit-8U-- . rewar Lt LOST . OOLD DOG ChAIN BRACELET. lIE- lE. wato for return to flee ome Lost-Ill 1. Id1I 1.s. n . r. IB. . , AETNA 10UIt ( J\IQEAN ) . N W. COlt . nh atidDodg.Itoolyi1aayor _ . _ week :1 110TH ! . IA1KFI. . .1ANIC IILDITCU , 3.1011 . , Ulh and Jones . . ; , , , Omaha and Sherman a \ . car. pass he IIQ AMEI1ICAN PALN. ; 72 rooms nl $10 AMEJC\ ) f8-'toomi " at $ .0 day. European plan Soc t'I" ) per da ) ' . JI TiE "LANGE" 10r 82 S. 131 STItlii7f . , "I ; . 1U7 - MUSIC , AUT , 4D . LANGUAGES. 1.-j. SEND $ .0 101 121 ' 'OHTI OF SONOS : Amorita . Irly'JCw"ln Bloomers . Darling 3.table . The CIUt isilfl1e Love Never lIons Smoolh. Latest 11Wombrldge Um. , Omihun Net UI OEOnm : P. OFI.fN'ICIC : ) , BANJO AN ! ) guitar leneher. 191 Cacti Street . 3.1-103 BtlF'OltE IIIJYINO 01 1t1Th'TING A llANO UJ'OJ1 IU\NO HrNTIO . .ee'm. . 1. i4chmolicr . & : \cCague 1 : < 1. Our upright oak case only Ill. . A .nnp. ) .nnp.1S8t ' I'A " 'XlHOIU'HS. I 1 ! . lAHOWITZ LOAS MONEY 43 N. lIST . ' 31 DANCING. MO11ANI'S DANCING St'IlOOh . 1.10 I.\HNEY street reopens for aduits 'ucsla ) ' . Sqllem"er . 21. 8 I' . m. Con begin now : for chlidren . 8.ut. unlay , September :8 : beginners . 10 a. I. nil- Vance . 2 I' , I. 903.5.22 UNIIdt'l'AKIOIIS AND EIILI HS. . - . - I. I { . nUn T , FUNElAL DIRECTOR ANt embalmer 161S ChIcago It. , 1.lel'hono 98. 321 SWANSON & VALIL'N. 1701 CUllING . ' 'EI.I00. . 3. ! . O. MAUL . UND mTAlam AND Ii3.IIJALM- , cc . tl I.'nram st. , telephone : : : , I lVSINBSS NOl'ICIOS DAMAGED IIUHOHS ItESILVERIOD . 7 N. 32T IG. 1"AlJIS IrOI ItIiN'l' PAttI [ FOR nENT FOR CASh ! . ADDRESS . Y 1. Bce. 8 : - DIESSJIIINO. ENGAGEMENTS TO DO Dltl0SS3.lA11N0 IN EUAO JENTB DHESPMAINO ( latles solicited. Miss Sturdy , . :1 Iturdette. )1-lS21- I DmSSI s. S.O : SATISFACTION : IAHA' 1 teed ; McDowell ayste. 161 lowal < ; 86-010' sl. ' - . . COAL usn SIEIDAN coA TII ImST SOFT coal . Penn hard cOlI prIce guaranteed . Victor Whie. ; Tel . 127. 1605 I'nrnamui. < 838 . IJCrCL S. 3. ! . O. 1AXON. 4 N } 36TH. 310 ' SEe TItEVISIIII.FI ) IA.L hitIAIIINUS ON HellY Sliecial. Wi . Danum & Uro. . 12) N 151h 212 , ' m WESTJHN lCYCLD kOUN CO. . WG ! CUMINO. 313 . n JJNTEI.S , G1L'l'CS AND 'rn.BS. , . WOOl lANTfLS. . aIIATIOS TILES FOR fireplaces . \.est.ul..an" : Iare ! leers ; write for I'rlces. Mien Rogers . & Sons. Omaha 31 . f I'II'SICIANSIANI , ) IIONTISTS. l'IYSCIANIO AND - 'I010NTSTS VISITING Omaha during fair Week are In\lell 10 cal ; ul 17')3 ' Du Street to . . hue ! burvamd , ' ) Dodge 10. s.e Hnrvlld Coos dental and surgical . choirs and cdblnets. . . on .29' " ' ' ' ' . DI0N'b''l'S. _ _ _ _ _ _ icj ! ' " _ _ _ DI.I' A UL. ' 1mT ; 20 ? nURT'r. - RAIL ! \ A TIiiE CARD Leaves BURLINGTON ' \0. ItIVElt . Arrives IIUlLINOTON0. \ Omaha Union Dpol. 10lh & Mason : ta. / Omnha 10llani..Denver EXpl-ss = 9:40am : 4llpuu.lJlk. : lIl.la. Mont. 4 1 uget Stud lOx . : 6PI.U1k. Hlls.ont. 4:0pm : C ; : l'm. . . . . .Denver 1 II&ot . . . . . . 4 ; "lre.a. ; 1Ojpm.NebrsJu ; Local ( except : ul.lay ) . 1Cjlll ; , 815am..Llncoln ; Local ( except SUlday.1am ) : 2pm..Ja.t01 : for Lincoln ) dal ) . . Leaves ICIIICAGO BURLINGTON & Q . lArrives UUILtOTON \ OiuiahalUuulon1.epotlUth _ & Mason StsI / Omaha "lahllUnlol ; . .Chicago.e3tbulo. . . . . . 9 :5am : 9:5am. : . . . . .Chlcag CAp"ess. . . . . . . :15pm 1&pm..Chlcng. : & HI. Louis Express . . SuOain ; SOOal hl:3)arui..gciiic ; Junction I.co.I. . . . 5:30pm : 13am..l..clo . . Junclon Ulll. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:4upm : Leaves CI1tL'AGO . 3.111. , & S1' . 1'AUI. Arrives Omnhn Union Ve\l. 10lh 4 Mason SIH. Omaha 6:0pm : . . . . : .Chlcaso I.lmlled. . . . . . 9:30am : ! 1)amCfflcagah2xprussxHunday,0:221uu . - : I . Leaves IUIIICAGO & N01THW-F'N. Arrives \CIIC.\GU \ : On.ahalUnion Depot 10lh & Mason Sts.Omaiua 10 ; COnm. . . . . . . . . . . Easlern ' Express . , , , , , , , . , , 5:3Jpm : 4:21pm..estibuled : , Limited. . . . : : 6:55m. : . . . . . .1foalcy I.cul. . . . .IO:3"I'm : ,4I'I'.Ea ! aShloaco SpecI31. . . . . 1 : 5Im i.a\ . . ChICAGO n , I. 8 1'ACFIC.jArrlves Omaha Union Depot - 10th & Mason Stal Omaha I'AST. _ _ _ IZm.AthnUc : 1'.Ir"s3 tex . Sunday ) . ( : : lpin 6I'm. : . . . . . Night ) x\reso. . . . . . 611 9:2am : 4 : topinChuicagoVestibuedLiunlted ' - - ' - ! - . . 1:3pl : WESt' GllpmOklahoma : 4 Texas lIx. ( cx HunI0l5ain ) : 6.5pm.Ocnhoma . . . . . . ado Limited . . . . . 4 : o ! al Leaves C. . ! $ ' - . . " 1. & O. 'Arrh'es ' Om.ha Depot 151h and We.er . 1.1 . I Omaha 8loamn.Sioux : City AccommodatIon ' - , 8:1pm : 12:15.Sioux : . ( City Express tex. Sun. ) . . 1:5"m : . cI1prp.St,1'aujrniIeuj ; ! . . , . . . .10:23am : I.eavea I F. . 11T1MOKtLl01' . lArrives Omaha , Depol. 151h an" Webster S13. I Omah" 2IOpm.F ; t Mal and Jpr ; : : :5pm 2lGp.uex. : ( bat. ) \Vyo. } x. ( ex.on. . ) . 4:1'1 ; : 9:04m.Norfolk ; Expres ( Cx Hunday,10hOam ) ; ) 6101'1. ; . . . . , . . S 1. -I'aul. Express..10:32am ; Leaves I . I { . C. - . ST. . . & C. l. : ! Arrh'4 Om'ha _ _ _ UnIon _ _ _ Depot , _ . _ 10lh . & Mason _ _ Sts.I , Omaha . . 0:5Im..Kan.a8 : City Iay Ex\rc. . . . . 5:3pm : 943pnhICNIglutl0xvla1J ' _ _ . . 1' . Trans. 6:00am : ' \ ; . - . MISSOURI l'CIFCT"TAW1ViW \ I Cn"ICrArrI Omaha lLtj h2thanlWebsler _ Sts . r I Onuha Omaha2t : St. . Louis I x"reu. . . . . . 600m ; 9IOpin..1 : . LouIs Express. . . . . . :08pm : 3:30pm..Nebraska : ! Local ( CX. Sun. ) . . . . . 5Ion ; : - " Leaves I SIOUXCITY& l'ACIFIC.lArrivos Omaha Depol , 1lh and Webster Sta ( Omaha 6:10pm. . . . . .SI. laul lImited..10:31am : j.s ; ; / I SIOUX - CITY& - -I\jp . - Arrives Omuha Union Depot.lOth _ 2fason iOta. ' Omalua GSam. : . . . .ti bug Cly ' Pa..pn .r. . . .10:3pm : , . .St. . . Paul ' Limited . . . . . . 23' : 1 Leaves 1JNIONCIF'iC . lArrives PCIFfArrlve /Arrlve / Omaha Union Delll. loom & Mason Sts.l Omaha - 9llamn : . . . . . . . . .Kearney - Express 12:3 pm % : Opm. . : .O\rlal.1 . Flyer. .pre8 . . . , . . ' 6:30pm : 2COpmldeat'co ; & StrontsWg Ex. ( cx Sun.12:30pm ) : ztpm.Ueal'ce . . . . . . .I'oClna. Sironi.hg . rps. . . . . . . ,10:2iam : 5 ; Opm. . . . . . . . . . .1"lsfC 1".1. tJ ( . . . . . . . . . 4:10pm : ! .r'avee - WADASII ' RAILWAY. - jArrives 1.\'PI-w AnASJ' rXI.W / rlve. flmt'haUnion Depot Wh,4 Mason Sta.l Omaha TfF : : . Loul3k' [ 1 . non Ball..12:12pm ; SOHDUE or STATE rAnt TRAINS VIa urio Pacific . Etectvo Friday se irt. Saturday . Sept I and Sunilaj ; : ? it . 15. 1883. _ _ _ _ GQI : < ; . ' - ' - - - - - Commci11ilu. ' r------ Arrlvo COlncl ' - . - - Omol1 Sheelys Sent ! , Fair 1l'dway llal'I' 0nouli : Orotund ! . A.M. A.M. A.3.C' : ; .3. ! . A.M. A.3.I. 7:11 7U:1 : 7:15' " 7l : ) 7:1 : 7/0 ; Hun : HOI : : H : } " . ' :1 : 1:0 : 1/0 ; 1:00 : ! IUI : : 01i" ; ) 0'1 ; 0:0 : 0:50 : 10UI ( : 10U3 : 1110' ) ' 10:1 : 1:0 ; : 106 ; 11:110 11:1)1 : ) 11:13 : 11:10 11:31) : : 11:50 : 1:10 1 :11 1 J' 3.1. 1' . N. 1' . lit. . ol 1. 1 M I . ' \ 12:1)1 ) 12U:1 : 12:1. . 2l ! : 12:1 : 12IU : 1:11 IU3 : 1:11 1119 : 1:30 : ( 1:50 : 210 ; 2:13 : 2111 2l 2:0 : 2:10 : : ; 0 31 ; : 3111 : all :1:30 : ; : 3:60 : 4:10 : 403 ; 4114:10 : : 4:31) 4M : IUI ; 6U3 6:11 : 6:11 : 6:30 6:60 : 000 ; 0:03 : ( ImlS : 0:10 : 01 : 010 ; 7:10 : 7:03 : 7:15 : 7:10 : 7:30 7:0 ; 8:00 : 8:03 : 8:1 8:10 : 8:30 : 1/0 : ftIOTUI1NINO. Leave Council liiuti Fair South 8beel's Omaha - llula Ground 01Bh3. Tr'afor hI'dovay - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A.M. A.M. A.N. A.M. A.3.6. A.M IUO : 8:0 : 1:21 : ! H:3 : 8U ; 100 ; 010 ; 0:2U : ( U:28 : UU ; : OU ; OM : 100 10:16 : 10U 10:0 : 1045 ; 1/0 : 11:00 : 11:20 : 11:2. 11:35 11:45 ; 11:50 ; 1:0 P. I. : 1 . :1 . 1 ? :5 . 1 41 . 1'.11. 12:11 : J2:1 : ) 12:210 12:1 : 1:4 : 1:60 : 101 ; 120 1:912 : 1:35 : 1I45 : :60 : : ; 1 , 2r10 : : : :1 : : :1 : : ; 4 11:20 ; 3:00 : 3U 3:0 ; 3:5 : 5:43 ; 3:50 4:00 4:0 : 4:0 : 4:33 oU : 4/0 : 6:0 : II ; iO 1:21 : 11.1 ; : 11'5t ) OUO ; 0:211 : 1:1 : : &ldO Ull ; 1:00 : 70 ; 7O 7m I 7:17:4 : / 7:50 1:00 : 8U : 1'21 8:16 : tU : 8GO : 000 ; UO : 1:0 ; U:33 UU ; O3 ; - , .tlprorr ' . N - _ _ _ _ _ 1 u ) ? 4pt , . ( Cop [ > 'riglit , J95. I ) ' A. 1 ! . 1awklns. ) CIAlTl : IV At thIs Instant In the room In thD gate tower of the castle overlooking the moat there hail fallen n < eal silence . Here Count Nlkolas hall raised the princess , set her on a couch , nlll waIted till her faintness nml frEht were gone , Then ho hal C0l0 lear to her and In brief , harsh tones told her his mind. For him Indeed the dice were now cast : ho hnll In his fury amid fear dared all . He was calm IOW , with the calmness of a man nt a great turn of fate. That room ho toll her , she should ne\er leave alive , save ns hIs premised wife , sworn and held to secrecy mint ! silence by the force of that bond and of her o.lth. ' I he killed her ho must die , whether 'by hll own hand or the klng's mattered little. But he would die for a great cause and In a great attempt. "I shah not be called a cheating gamester , madame , " call he , a smile ( n : lls pale f.ice. . " 1 choose death sccner than dishonor. Such Is my choice. What Is yours ? I stands between death and silence , anti no mnn but your husband wl dare to trust your ahlommce. " "You dare not kill me , " saId she do- flntly. " Indam ! 1 dare do nothing else They may wrIte murderer on my tomb : they shah 1 not throw 'cheat' In my living face. " " 1 will not bo blent , " crIed Osra , springing . Ing to her feet. "A.ld rlher than bD your . ecL ; , : , I m/ "If I have a fair face It should Inspire fair Iced. . I , wife 1 would die n thousand times. For a cheat you are-a cneat-a cheat " And her voice rose till he feared that she would be heard , If any ono chanced to listen , even from so far oft In the hail. Yet ho made one more effort . socking to move her by an appeal to which women are not went to be Insepsible "A cheat , yes ! " said he . "I . Nlcows of Fcstenbui'g am a cheat. 1 say It , though no oIlier mun shah while 1 hive to henr blm. But to gain what stake ? " "Why . my brother's cacte of Zenda. " "I swear to you It Was not " he cried comIng nearer to her. " 1 did not fear losing on that cast , but 1 could not endure not to , wIn. Not my stake madame , but yours lured 1e to my foul pIny. have you your face and yet do not know to what It drives men ? " .I 1 have a fair face I should inspire faIr deeds , " said she. "Do not touch me . sir , do not touch me. 1 loathe breathing the same air wih you or so much as seeing your face. Aye and 1 cnn die . len the women of our house know how to die " At her scorn and contempt n great rage came : upon him and he gripped the hit of his sword and drew It from the scabbard. sworl lrow tInt she steed still . facing him with calm eyes. Ier lips moved for a moment In prayer but she did not shrink " ! pry you " said lie In trembling speech , and mastering hImsel for an Instant. "I pray you ! " and he could say no mor ! " 1 will cry your cheating In all Strelsau , " said she. "Then commend your soul to God. For In I one minute you shall die. " Stl she stool motionless ; anti ho began to come near to her , his sword now drawn In his hands. And , coming wIthin the dIstance from which he could strIke her , he paused and gaze(1 into her eyes. She answered him wIth a smile. Then there was for an Instant utter ! lncBs In the rown and In that Instant the bishop of Modensteln set his foot on the staircase and came running up. On a sudden Osra heard the step and a gleam SallIed In her eye. The count heard It also and his sword was arrested In its strolce. A smlo came on his face. Ho was clad of LImo coming of seine one whom he might kill In fight . for tt turned him sick to butcher her , unre ! Btng. Yet he dared not let her go to cry his cheating In the streets of Strel- sau sau.Tho steps came nearer. He dropped hIs sword on the floor and sprang upon her. A shriek rang out , but he pressed hIs hand on her mouth and seized her In his arms She anl hnl no strength to resist and he carried her swify across the room 10 a door In the wall . Ie pulled the leer open-it was very mas. sl\e and heavy-anl he flung her roughly down on the stone floor of a It chamber square anti lohy , havIng but one small window . dow high up through whIch the moonlight scarcely pIerced. She fell wIth a moan ef pain. Unheeding he turned on his heel and shut the door And as he turned ho heard a man throw himsel against the door of the room I also was strong , and twice the man filing himself wIth alt his strength against It , At last It strained and gave way and the bishop of Monlensteln burst Into the room breathless. And he saw no trace of the prIncess' presence , but only Count Nlkolu standing sword In hand In front of the door In the wail with a sneering smile on his face faco.Tho bIshop of Modensten ! never loved to speak aterwarl of what followed . fayng : al. ways that.ho rather leporel : thm glorlEl In I , and that when a man of his sacred pro- fesion Wa forctd to use the weapos of this world It was a mater of grIef to him , not or vauntirmg. But the Icng : comlHle : hIm by urgent requests to delcrlbo the whole matter , wllo the princess was never wrry of te:111 : all that she knew or of blessIng all bishops ! for time sake of the bishop of Modenstimi , Yet the bishop blamed hImself , perhap/ , I the truth were known not for the necesty t\at drove him to what ho did , as for a secret Beecham's pills are for biouso ness , bilious headache , dyspep sia , heartburn , torpid liver , diz. ziness sick headache bad , , taste in the mouth , coated tongue , loss of appetitesallow skin/etc" , when caused by constipation ; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them Go by the book , Pills Joe and 25C a box Book fee at your druggist's orwrite B. F. Allen Co , 365 Canal St. , New York _ lnnl isles more U 10,0 a. anti ashamed joy that he detectll In huimnso'f. : For rtlnly , as ho bur t Into the rom now , tlcro was no sign of reluctnnea or unIlng. - ness In his face : he took off hI' feathrrd cap , bowed politely to the count , amId restng the point of his silord on the foor , asked : " : ) ' lord where Is the prlnc'ss ? " "What do YOI want hare , and who are you ? " cried the count , with 1 bashemoul : { oath "When WI Were boys together , yeu knew Frederick of Henlz1u. no you not now Iteow the bIshop of Modensteln ? " "Bishop ! ThIs Is no Place for bishops. Get back to your prayers , my hard " .I wants some time yeA before matins , " lmo ye malns. ans\err tIm bishop "My lord , where h the " Ilrlncess ? "What ,10 ) 'OU want wth ! her ? " "I am here to escort her wherever It may bo her pe1Slri ! to go. " lIe spoke conf.IMlT. but he was In' his heart nlarmEl and UIHIy because he hal , not found the prlnco , . ' 'I do not know where she Is , " fall Nikolss of Festc.nbitrg. . " 3.ly lord , you lie , " said the bIshop of Motlemisteimi . Th" count hall wanted lothlJg but nn ex CilIa for attacking thl Intrullr. 13 had It how . amid an angry flush mount,1 : In hIs cheels as he walked acres to where the bishop stooll. Shifting hIs sword to his left hand he struck the bishop on the face with his gloved hand . The bshop ! smied anti turned the other cheek to Count Nikolas who struck hIm again wih all his force EO that ho reeled bock catching hold of time OI1n door to avoid falling ; and the b'ool 8arll dull red under the skin qf his face. But hD still smiied . and he bowe , saying : "I fInd nothing about the third blow In bcly serlpturo . " At' thIs Instant the Princess Osra . who Iud boon half.stunnel by tl volelco : with whoh ! Nlmbs hal thrown her on the feor , came to her full reuses all , hearing the bIshop's voice she crle lout loudly for hip. lIe , henrlng her , darted In an Instnt acrOJS the room amid was at the door of the little chamu- bar before the count could stop 11m. He pulled the door open amid Osra sprang out 10 hIm , sayIng : "Save mo ! Save mne ! " "You are safe , madame , have no fear , " fear. answered the bishop. Amid turning to the count , lie continued . "Let us go outside my lord , amid discuss this mnt r. Our dispute wi disturb anti pErhaps alarm the prIncess. " And n man Inighitohmave read the 1Jrpse In Ils eyes , though his manner and words were gentle ; for he had sworn In his beat that the count should not cscapo. But the count cared little for the presence of the princcs' as he had for her dignity , her honor or her le : and now that she was no longer wholly at his mercy but there was 1 I'ew chanca that she mIght escape his rage and the fear of exposure lashed him to fury ; and , without more talking he made at the bishop , crying "You frs and then bert Il ba rid of the paIr of you ! " The bishop faced him , standing between Princess Osra and his assault : whUe she shrank back n hittie . sheltering herself behind the heavy doer. For , although she had been ' ready to die wIthout fear . yet the sight of men frIghtened her , and she veiled her face with her hald , and waIted II i dread to hear the sound of their swords clashing. But the bishop looked very happy , and setting hIs cap on hIl head wIt I a jaunty air , he seed on guarjl. For ten years or more he had not used his sword , , but the secret at its mastery seemed to revIve fresh and clear In his mInd , and let his soul say whatl Ie would , his body rejoiced to bo aL the exercise again ; so that his blood kindled and bin eyes gleamed In the glee of strUe. Thus he stepped forward , guardIng hImself , and thus he met the count's Impetuous onset : and , he neIther flinched nor gave back but finding himself holding lila own , he pressed 01 and on , not violently attacking . tacking and yet never resting , and turIng every Ihrust with a wrht of Iron. And while Osra gazed wIth wide eyes and close.held breath and Count Nlkola muttered oaths and grow more furIous , the bIshop seemed as gay as when he talked to the kin ! more gayly , maybe than bIshops ! should. Again hIs e'o danced as In the days when be hal been called the "wildest of the lientzaus " back. And stl he drove Count Nlkolls back and back.Nuw Nuw behInd the count was a window whIch he had himself caused to be enlarged and made low and wide , In order that he might look from It over the surroundIng country but In time of war Ib was covered with a close and strong Iron grating . Hut now the grating was ai anti the window open : anti beneath thi wIndow was a fail or seventy feet or hard upon I Into the moat below. The count looked Into the blshop's lace and saw biO smuile. and suddenly he recollected the wIndow. and fancied that It was the blshop's design to drive hLm en to It so that he could give back no more : amI. since he knew by now that the bishop was hIs master wIth the sword , a desperate rage set- led upon hIm , anti , , determining to die swiftly since die he must hc rushed forward , making a deserate lunge at his enemy But the btshop parrIed the lunge , and , always seem- Ing to 13 about to run the count through the body , agaIn forced hIm to rtreat , till his back waJ close to the opening of the window Here Nlkola stood , his eyes glarln like a madman's : then 1 sudden deviih smile spread over hIs face. "Wilt you yield yourself , my lord ? " cried the bl hop , putting a restraInt on the wIcked impulse to kill the man , and lowerIng his point for an instant In that short moment lie count made his , last throw : for all at once , as It seemed 1 and almost In one motion , ho thrust anti , wounded the bishop In the left side of his body , high In the chest , near the shouhtier ' and , though time wound was slight , the blood I / > r : .4 - + , . } . . # 4. ) ' -I-- ny an ace II mls.c her head. flowed freely : lien ( , drawing back his sword , ho flzed It by the blade IUllf.way up and flung It hike n J3ell nt the princess who steed sti by the door , breathlessly watching till fight By an ace It missed her head , amid It pinned a tress of her hair to the door and quivered deepset In the wood of the door When the bishop of Modensteln saw this hesitation and mercy paled out of ils heart , and though the ! ai had nol no weapon , be thought of sparing him no more than he would have Ip.rel any cruel and savage beat : he drove his sword Into his body , and the count , not being able to endure the thrust without flinching against hla own will gave way before it. Then came from his hips a loud cry of dlsmaT and dbpslr , for at the same moment that the sword was In hIm ho . staggering back , fel wounded to death through the open wIndow , The bishop looked out after hIm , and PrIncess Oaa beard the sound of a great splash In the water of the moat below For very horror sIte sank agaInst the door , seemIng to be held up more by lhe ( sword that bal pinned her hair than by her own strength , Then came up thfOllh the window , from which the bishop sti looked with I strange smie , the cater of 1 hundred feet to the he ret rUDnlng gate of the ( cu- Ue. The brIdge was Jet down : the confusd .ount of many men talklJK : 'of Wfitsfers , or shouts , and of cries of horror , mounted tp through the air I.'or the counl's men In the hl also had helr,1 the spluh , anti ftn out to see what I Wili ; anti there they brliel.i the hotly of their muter tl'enti In the tnont : anti their eyES were wide open and they could harily hay their tongues 10 the words as thEY pointed lt the body anti whlsprel to one another , very low , "Tbo bishop has kiiioti him-tho bishop bas 1IIJ1 him. " lOut 1M bishop saw thom from tIle wi1idow and leant out cryhuig : "Yes , I have killed bins , So perish all such i'iiiainsi" And when they looked up and saw in ( lie moon light the billlop's face , ( lucy voro amuazetl. hut he hastiiy tirew his ileati in , so that they might not ace him any more. For ito knew tiiat his face had been force , and exultant , and Jo'tthl. Then droppiuig his sword , ho ran atroas to time princess flnti threw the COulit's sword , that tva. vet witim iuis owls blood , out of ( hue door , releasing ( lie princes % ' hair ; alid seeing that she was very faint he put his arm about her anmi led her to the couch : and she tank down 111)011 it , trembling anti white as her white gown and Iiitrniilring ) , "Fearful , fearfuil" anti 5iio ciutchieti his am-no and for a long whiio she 'ouhti not let him go ; anti hier eyes 'oro fixeti on time CotlIlt's sword that buy on the floor by the entrance of the hittho room , ( Continued Tuesday , ) S Tii' lliiiherit Ileiiiity Thrives on good food anmi sunshine , with plenty of exercise in the open air , 11cr form ghows o itii health smid Imer face bloomiis with its aeamiiy. It her system heeds the cleans- lug actiomi of a laxative remedy , she imacs this gentle and iiieasant hiqmiid iaxative , Syrup of Figs , Nl2''S Foil. 'i'Iiid AIIMV , Chimsiig's ii * tlieltu'gtilur St'r'io na Anhiuiu.u'u'L sit IIt'nul.tuirtu'rs , \\'ASIIINOTON , Sept. 15.-Speclal ( Tele. gram.-Cohonol ) Adeibert It. lJuilimmgton , ordJ nance departmneuit , tviii proceed froma flock lslanth arsenal to time works of ( lie 1'hioenl- hiridgo cqliipany , l'hoonixviiie , Pa , , on inspection - spection duty concermilng the luperatrucluro of ( lie United States bridge across the Mis. sissippi river between lIocic Iaiammtt anti Day. cilhiort , and alteration of abutments anti Piers , Second Lieutenant Charles 0 , Clark Is transferred froni comnpminy I ) to company I ; Second Lieutenant Thomas 11. Dwyer , corn- pany I to commipany D , Ninth iimfantry , A board of officers consisting of Major Letvla C. Forsyth , qusrterniaster ; First Lieutenant ' , Viihiammi F , Iiiaut'elt , Fifteenth infantry ; First L.ieutenaht Jat es U , hughes , Tenth cavalry ; is appointed to meet at St. Louis for the Ptlrpose of fixing the m'esponsi. bility for the condition of three pubhio horses , reported unfit for service , and for which Lieutenant James Giihies. dehiuty quartermaster ge'meral , is responsible. An army retiring board Is' 'Appointed to meet at Chicago October S for the cx- anoination of Major Henry It ! , Cronkite , stirgeon. Detaii for board , Major General Wcsiy Merritt , Coionei Robert 10 , A. Cm-of. ten , Fifteenth Infantry ; Colonel Morithiahi I , ' Ltldimigtomo , aesistant rlllartorjmmasier general ; 'Lietitenatnt Colonel Albert liartauff , eleptity stmrgeoti general : Major Justice 3.1 , Drown , surgeon ; First Lieutenant harry C , hiaie , Twentieth infantry , aide'de.canlp , recorder. First Lieutenant Tlmouoiaa Q , Donaldson , jr. , Eighth cavalry , is granted fIfteen days extended heave ; First LIeutenatit Harry L. Ilaiioy , Twenty-first infantry , fodr niontbms , MOItlO MONEY FOIL TIlE ' SIOUX. Siiinll Vl'ttiii1 4)fl , , IisriIuuifl for Services Itcuiilei'etl Yenr Ai , WAS ! ! INGTON , Sept , 16.-Speciai ( Tehe. gram-Thia ) assistant attorney general for the Interior department has rendered an opitiion with rorfcreimce to ( lie law providing for payment of rnomiey to Scouts and u.oldier of tlio Sioulo tribe 'iio aslsed ( in sup. pression of the Sioux outbreak of 1862. The opinion imold that when payment is made only' the direct hmoirs pf the deceased scouts are entitled to money. Thiero Wa. wmiio ques. ticn as to whmethier or not relatIves of ( lie deceased - ceased Indians were entitled to share , but time assistant flttorney general decided that oniythe wtv s'chiltlren amid grandchildrpn of chillimiants are to be beneficiaries of the act. Time amount appropriated was $19,6G.G4 , anti this decision OIl time iisrt of time department will materhaiiy affect tile roil of those en- tithed to mnone' ' . Inspector McL.aughihin , who prepareti ( ha rohi , rays that thmcre are about 150 direct claimants now living. Ills rohi contains ( ho names of 1,400 Indians who are entitled to pay- mmienta on account of claimns and of 174 scouts , many of whom arc deceased , But this number - ber Inciudes several of tiiosq who , mccordlng to the declsi.on of ( lie department , will have to be eliminated. luispector McLaughlin , was at work today ; ) reparing hmi new rohi , and it whit be coumopleted by Monday evening. As soon as the exact number of claimants is decided upon ho wiil be detailed to make payments , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FI.OUIINOY I.IdtS28i IN IJVIIIONCEI. Iiuj''Njigttlit oftlun flt'seriaioa 'lrnuIlcs In Iii , Iitde Soon , WASHINGTON , Sept. 1.-Specia1 ( Tele- grauii-It ) is stated On good autuority at ( lie Interior departnient Ilmat an invoatlga- tion of ( lie Omaiia and Winnebago , rcterva- ( ion trouble is likely to be mnade soon. Indina Inspector James McLaughlin , wbo made the last report on this matter , is now in Wash- iiigton , and it is said that as soon as imo has concluded some busimiess which he lies boforu tile Indian chico ho will return to St. I'auh , and a short time thereafter will go to Pender to be present at t'ie Omaha amid Winnebago reservations , It it shiouitl be decided that an investigation anti report isfnot necessary In- 5Octor ! McLaughlin oviih be directed to re- maui at the agencies for a. wiiilo to represent the government and assist Captain lleck in an equitable administratIon of ( lie affairs of ( lie agency with reference to iiiegal leases made by settlers train ( lie Phournoy Land cenilamly , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I.miuuil Ofliet , 1)eciNioiis , WAShINGTON , Sept , 15.-Special ( Tele. gram-Acting ) Secretary of thio Interior Reynolds hmau l'endered decisions on appoais from tlmo commissioner in the foiiowldg land contests : Nebraska-Thomas MelCiiiney against Lincoln 10. hlahtziey , Decision of- firmed. Iialtzley's entry Imeld intact. Ilouthi Dakota-Carl Strasburg against Merriii S. McDearnian , huron district , Decision at- firmed , Iefendant's entry held for cancehia. ( ion. Andrew .1. I'ine against Cmar1es If , Stockney , Mitchehi district , Decision aflirmed. Stockney's entry held intact. S Sluliject to Attnol. of Chiolergi Morius , , While staying in the Delta ( Miaaitsippi lIotoms ( ) last aummer , II. T. 3.losa , repre. seating Ludlow , Sayhor Wire Co. of St. Louis , suffered from malarIa aiid became subject (0 ( attacks of chmohera morbus. In every instance - stance when attacked he was relieved -as if by nisgis , by using Ciianoberiain'i , Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. lie says : "I regard it is the 'no plus ultra' of mcdi. cines. " STIlE . ' ' . " . TIlE IIIOAI.'l'S. MAIIICIOT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record September 14 , 1895 : WARI1ANTY DTIDS. Kashin Melchoir anti wire to Louis hCcjiup , lot 5 , block 5. Clifton hill. . . $ 37S Ii 1' Otttroin and wife to Nebrashca. Savings and 3dxciinnie bank , lot 1 , boclc Ii , Orchiarii Ilihi . . . . . , . . , , , . . , . , . . fOO Ci'arhos Mayer anti wife to same , lot 7 , block 70 , Florence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 C F' liliven , trustee , and wife to Amer. lean Investment company , lot 16 , Archer Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Iherman 1-Countza to F' Ii ItItchie , lot 12 , block 10 , Kountze I'lnce , , , , . . , . . , , , . 7O0 QUIT CLAIM DhlD8. Gottlieb Storz uuid wife to It hi Itowan , lot 12 , luoek : 36Vahnut 11111 . , . , , , , , , , , 1 Omaha Iircwing association to same , same . . , . . , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I T C Keuoneuly and vifo to William From , hot 22 , block 7 , Bedford l'lace , , 80 Same . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1' W T Iticiiarda and wife to It U Elhi- son , a nw aw ne 4.1i.:3 : , , , . , , . . , , , , . . , I 1) 1' Beard and wife to same , , , , , Totai aThount of transfers When Baby was nIck , we gave her Caatorta , When aho was a chIld , abe cried for 8astera. When the became Miss , s.bo ciumir to Castoria. Ut9n eixo had CbThlren , ibo gitirothemu Cutzi , - , C