Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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8 TIlE OMAhA \ DAILY . DE In : : mIDDAY , SEI"El\rUER la , 18fj ) ; .
Speed Oommitteo Announces a Partial List
of Entries
I -
ESIICClcct flint Tht.e , 'III lie CUIII
II"Ie,1 'I'cllllorrcnv : llornIIlK-Of-
I lice of lIonr,1 of : llnnllKcrll ,
Now nl Ihe ( lronn"lC.
secretary Furnas anll President Darnes at
the state fair board at managers will re-
move their offices from the Mlllartl hotel to
the fair grounds this morning After
that date all business In connection wIth the
exhIbits will have to be transacted at theIr
( offices on the grounds They will occupy
rooms In the headquarters ) buiIdng which Is
. located on the grand court. All exhibits
county , personal and otherwise , will have to
be entered with the secretary before Satur-
, tIay at 6 p. m. , and all exhibits % must be In
place before 8 a. m. Monday.
Clerk DIckman at the Speed department returned -
turned trom Des Moines Wednesday afternoon
and bas been busy bloklng the entries that
IA have accumulatl'll during his absence. Tele.
grams have been receIved from parties all
over the northwest askIng to enter their
speeders. The entries In five of the classes
w1l1 bo held < open till Sr.turday at 11 o'clock
In order to accommodate tim late comers.
Entries for all other laces arc :
Pacing , 3.year.olds and under 2:38 : class-
Llna V. F. S. Kine , AlbIon Neb : Mystic ,
H. Smith , Mason : City , Ia. : Murray , Charles :
Stall , Beatrice : Hose1 , G. 1'Iuldoon \ , , !
Omaha ; Charandus A. S. Patrick , Omaha ; I
Nell Caffrey M. mmore , Alliance ;
George F , B"b Stewart ; Slblla , C. A. Niles.
Trotting , 2:28 : Clau-Martln IL . 11. H.
Smith , DavId City ; Ninescab M. Gallagher ,
Fremont : , Belgian Mal < l , Bauclllllnp & Jarvis ,
1I0lton. Knl' . ; Dinah , O. W. Pickard , Omaha ;
Armenian. J. C. Kesterson , I.'alrbury , Neb ;
Godella , 1' . 11. Judd , Des : Moines Ia . Almont
Sherman , Sam Baird , Dunlap In. ; Eager ; C.
' Y . Cockrell , Lincoln ; Shadeland Norwnrd ,
E. C. Gould Fullerton ; Cailio II" , Thomas J.
Doyle , lIebron
Trotting 2:50 : Class-Clna B , S. S. Hallley ,
Cellar Haplds , la ; l\lorapnn. \ J. A. Doe ,
Omaha : Abigail Leland Cedar Hill stock
farm ; Topsy , James Culwell , Auburn ; Flag. ,
tall P. M. 1 Phillips , Omaha ; Arpallo , Ken-
drick & Barnes , BLsmarck , N. D ; Mattie
Lee , William Madison , Sioux City ; lilac C.
\'ood A. Selleck , Omaha : Sir LoteyV. . N. I
Nason , Omaha ; Bonnie E l , C. L Garrison , i
Sutton ; Clarence K , A. J. Kuhlman , Auburn '
Paelng. 2:40 : ClassNorvardIorrls \ J.
Jones ltell Oak. Ia , ; Stratton , A. Shively
Stillwater , \Unn. \ : gphralm H , U. H. Latta ,
Tekamah ; nelle , John Torrison Omaha ; Char-
and us. A. S. Patrick , Omaha ; Lydia , Snod-
grass , John Engles , Omaha ; Charley B ,
Charles harry Burlington , la ; Sam Luttrell ,
I100lJer & : Marshal \ Lincoln ; Charlie Neal
George C. Smith Nelson
4 Pacing , 2:21 : CJass-Neatbud. F. G. Kine , '
4 Albion ; Bettle King J. W. GrIlli ! ! , Carson Ia. : .
May 11V . C. O. Youngovl' ! Algamon ; King
Godel1)ar. : H. 1' . Owen Hubble ; Dck : J. B.
Stetson , lIver ! : Creek ; Sol.I'ot J. W. Harkins , , ,
} o'alls City.
Trotting 2'23 Class-Johnnie R , Alex Hurst , ,
David City ; Patchen WlIltes : Maid 111. Gal
lagher , Fremont ; Durango ; Belle E. C. Hoi-
land Seward ! : ; Goldedge A S. Patrlel ( , Omah 1 :
Pranaltlo , A , B. Coton : , l3e10lt. ICan ; H01seln. : ,
George Culll'an.Issourl ! Valley ; Capt3ln I
Hare , J. S. Darling GeJeva : ; Shadelallll Asme , ,
E D , Gould , Fullerton ; Guy I" , J. J. Sand
11Orll. 11111130013. ,
- - Pacing : 2:16 ; : Class-Radius , WIlliam Drown ,
Harlan b. : 1'henom , Keystone Stock Farm ,
Omaha ; Billie Pierce , J. C. ICeatorson Fair
, bury ; harry l1oton : ThtoJore Beebe Osceola ;
Agarunnon : , J. D. Davis" , Humbolt ; Gus Pup
per , J. 13. Stetson , Sliver Creek ; Ophelia , J.
D. Cunningham Knoxville
Pacing 2:32 : Class-Lotus , II II. Swift
David City ; Ilna V , F' . G. KIne , Albion :
Happy , Jr. . M. Gallagher , Fremont ; Norvard
Morris J. Jones Hed Oak , Ia ; faze : \1.
J.P. Muldoon Omaha ; reston. A. B. Cotton ,
' Ileloit Kan ; Ha.'ry Mount , Weir & l'cir
Malvern Ia. ; IIctate ) Hiram Lewis , Fullerton -
ton ; Charley B. Charles Berry , Burlington ,
la. : George F. Bob Stewart.
Pacing , 2-year-old , 2:45 : Class-Sir E1d. R.
Smith , Mason City , la. : Irwin 1' . H. Judd ,
Des Moines ; Margery , A , S. I'atrlck Omaha ;
ThorlllUno. C. howe & Sons , Howell ; KIng
Delmar , A. Selleck Omaha : lIIamle Lee
Hoberl Edgar , Schuyler.
Trotting 2:38 : Class-Volunteer Abdallah ,
H. t'ittsford Cedar Rapids Ia. ; Clna B , S. S.
Hahley Cerlar Itapids Ia , ; Nineacah 111.
Gallagher , Fremont ; helen Deauehamp &
Jarvis 1I01ton. Kan , : Beauty C. " ' . Pool ,
'fecumseh ; JV C , James CuIwell Auburn ;
Anna H , Levi Burke I'orter ICon ,
A new feature In the way at a team-bicycle
race will take place Monday between Leo
AIIIEon's running team at thoroughbreds and
Ned HenlUnp ; , the "soldier cyclist. " It
promises to be a very exciting one anti Is
but one ot the many attractions arranged for
by the speed Inen.
Formntlon of Ihl' 1.llIelC ( ( sill th.
: : llnl.c-1Jl ) of the CoIiiiizi
The following Instructions are announced for
the guidance and information of all concerned -
cernell In the lIUlltarY-Clvlc parade on
\\'ednesdny evening :
Colonel John C. Dates at the Second
United States Infantry Is announced as
marshal at the palade and will be obeyed and
respected accordingly.
The following are announced as assistant
marshals : Major J. A. Smith Second United
States infantry , commanding first division ;
\ \ ' . H , Bennett , commanding second division ;
n. J. PentolJ , commnndlng third division.
Assistant marshals will appoint their own
The following are announced as
camp to the marsohal : Lieutenant W.1. .
\\'rlght , adjutant Second infantry : 11. 'to '
I.emlst , William Lyle DIckey , Clement
The troops bands and societies will form
under the direction at their respective ns
slstant marshals as hereafter directed at
7:30 : p. m. on September 18 . taking the following -
lowing popltlons :
Platoon at mounted police ; marshal and
First division Major J. A. Smith , Second
United States infantry , commanding : Band
IIIIlI Second battalion United States Infantry -
gantry , Omaha Guards , Thurston Rifles , ,
. Dodge Lhht ; guards , Galling Gun detachment -
ment ot the Omaha Guards Form on Izarcl
, , street , facing east and fronting Seventeenth
street In column at fours
, Second division , Assistant Marshal W. H.
f Bennett , commanding : First regiment band
o IIIph ; school cadets , Nebraska State band , '
Omaha Old Fellows , (300 ( strong ) . Council
Bluffs band , Council Bluffs Odd Fellows ,
(150 ( strong ) . Seventh ward band first section
Ancient Order IILbernlans , (150 ( strong ) , Grand I
Island band second section of Ancient Order
Ilibernians , (150 ( strong ) . Form on Nineteenth -
teenth street In the foregoing order from
right to left facing cast , with the right restIng -
log on Izard street.
Third division Asslltant Marshal H. J.
: : . Pentohl commanding : Pawnee City band ,
first section RN Men (200 ( strong ) , West PoInt
bs 11I1 , s\ond section Red Men (200 ( strong ) ,
North Platte tatd ScottIsh Clans (200 ( slrJng ) ,
, Arapahoe band , 'Iodern WOJdmen (350 ( strong ) .
Thurrton drum corps , Oriole club , Lncoln ! ' I
tr Guards , Tecumseh band , Elks , Munroe band
t : Woodmen at the World Ancient Order of :
United Workmen band , Ancient Order at r
C : United \\'orkmNI (400 ( strong ) . Forms on
Eighteenth street lu the foregoing order from
p right to left , facIng east , with right resting
on bard street.
The parade will be put In motion by the
sounding at "forward march" on the trumpet 'S
: the divisions entering the column In the fore
going sequence. All organizations are enjoined -
joined to be In line and In their proper places
at 7:30 : p. m. Organizations not enumerated I
r herein dulrlng places In tbf parade will he I
aSllgn position It application Is made before -
fore Tuesday noon
COMI'L'I'EI ) ' 1'0 ' 1'ln l .UIl On01JXns.
Street Jlnlh\"nJ' " : ,
. n ItzuItsr Trllill ! Sertt'e
t. ; The Omaha Street railway people completed I
) , thp fair grounds line at noon yesterday and .t
once put on a ten minute service , tralnll
p runnlnlO to lbs main gels or carriage en ,
; , f
\ '
- , . _ . _ _
- a * r w-
trance to the grounds. As soon IS the traffic
Increases 11 five , Rnd It necellnry , 11 three :
minute service will be put on this line.
GATES " 'If.f , UI'ICN lfOXUA : .
TOdUT IIn,1 TulCturrfl Only l'lnclll"
According to the technical intention at the
Nebraska Stale Fair association , today will
be the opening day oC the talr. But the real
launching at the big enterprise will scarcely
occur until Monday , and the gates will nol
open until then , The task of transporting and
arranging the vast number at exhibits Is a
tremendous one , and I wi take at least a
couple et days of hard work to get the fair
Into that stage where vIsitors will be able to
adequately comprehend its magnificence.
A few at the county exhibits are alrealy
In and a large force at men are at work getting -
ting them In place and applying the artistic
touches , which will enable them to show at
their best aelvnntage. The bulk at the work
In the : Manufacturers \ and the Mercantile
buildings Is In constructing and decorating the
various booths , and thIs Is well under wny.
here Is shown a varIety at Ideas which uni-
tormly give promise oC n more artistic all at-
tracth'o setting for the Incoming exhibits
than Is often seen at stab fairs
The grading machines were still al work
yesterday completing such grading al appeared -
pered Ilvlsabl This Is practically done ,
and hereafter the work will not interfere with
the movements at sightseers The men who
are at work on the exhibits constitute quite
a small army In themeelves , and even at this
early day there are always several hundred
visitors al the grounds The refreshment
stands find a profitable business , and most
at them were running yesterday. ThIs morning .
Ing the street railway company will put on a
three and five-minute schedule to the
grounds as the traffice demands , and since ,
the line has been extended to the cut gate :
I affords a very satisfactory means of access '
to the grounds _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CIIINNlon 'rN Crl.'r nn gh'l'lrlclnn
10 Ih'/Iu , , 'orl ul Cuc ) ' .
The county commissioners Cel Into line
yesterday and passe a resolution author-
Izing the committee on court house and Jai
to expend the sum necessary to Illuminate
the court house state fair .
hOlse during week. An
elEctrIcian will be set to work at once.
W. G. Jones , county judge at Garfield
ccunty informed the board that Sylvia Jones
at Douglas county had been visiting her
relatives In Garfield county. liar relatives
are tired of taking care at her. Douglas
county was olclaly requested to look after
her welfare .
Auditor Tate was given n two weeks' leave
oC absence
Police Judge Berka turned over $37 at
state fines collected by him during the past
Only one bidder havIng offered to do the
work at grAding In sections "I 1 and 8 , town-
ship 16 , range 10. the clerk was directed to
cal for new bids. -
He UouAht Orchur,1 IIIU'H I.iisi.1.
OMAUA , Nab , Alglst 23d , 1805.-\lr. \ Gee
W. Ames , City : Dear Slr-1 have Just got
back from a most delightful trip to Orchard
llamas , : \lsslssllJpl \ , and have found that
place and surrounding country the most beau-
tltul and fertile ever I set eye on.
For a clmate nearer perfection you could
travel the world over and could not find any
thing to surpass it. I hall been reading the
Orchard Homes advertisements In The Dee
but never dreamed It was the place repre-
sentell to be.
Tim laking over that beautiful country :
called Orchard homes and the many dIfferent
varieties at fruits and vegetables and also )
farm products that can be grown there 1m-
pressed me so much that to think at coming :
back to Omaha without making a purchase :
would be my fortune lost.
Therefore I secured myself a beautifu
tract In Orchard homes . which Is under cot.
ton at present and also a splendid crop at r
corn with a stream ot clear water running
down through the center at it. Yours truly ,
A. ChAPMAN , .
724 S. 19h st. .
. . Omaha Neb.
- - .
L dlos' Turkish baths.
Alcohol " . .
, I
Vapor ,
Electric baths ,
Massage ,
ManIcure , chiropodist , .scalp and hair and
the feet arc given specIal attention . 109 and
10 Dee bnlldlng. .
A Few Alh'nntulelC.
Offered by the Chicago Milwaukee & Sl Paul
raiway , the short line to Chicago. A clean
train made up and started from Omaha
Baggage checked from residence to destine-
tion . Elegant train service and courteous
employes. Entire train lighted by electricity
and heated by steam , wIth electric light In
every barth Finest dining car service In the
west with meals served "a la carte. " The
Flyer leaves at 6 p. m. ' daly from Union
City ticket office . 1504 Farnam street. C.
S. Carrier city ticket . agent
UNION 1.\CIPIC S1'IICI.tI , 'rit.uss
Direct II thc I'ulr Groun,1i .
Commencing Friday , Sept. 13th , to and Including -
eluding Sept. 20th , trains wi leave Omaha
Union Depot " stopping at Sheeley's and South
Omaha. Fare for the round trip tram Omaha ,
20 cents ; Sheeley's , 20 cents ; South Omaha , 15
For full information see Union Paclfiq cty !
ticket agent , 1302 Farnam street , and agent
at Omaha Union Depot and South Omaha
Buy reserved seats at Box office , 18th and
Farnamn , for grand street carnival , fair weelt.
Ceremonies take place . opposite city 'tiall .
Yln the " 'ubulCh lulrlucl.
On September 10 and 20 the Wabash will
sell round trIp tickets at one fare , plus $2 wi ,
poInts south. F'or tickets and further In-
formaton or a copy at the llomeseekera'
Guide call at' Wabash 0111cc 115 Farnam
ag'nt. street , or write G. N. Clayton , N. W. p.
Xei ' ThrolAh 1.11. ' tl SI. Paul .
On Sunday. the 15th , the HOCK ISlAND ,
wi inaugurate I new line to St. I'dul and
: Minneapolis \ Through sleeper DAILY vili
leave Omaha union depot at .1,10 : p. m" , wi
lug at MInneapolis at 1:30 : a. m" , St. Paul 0
a. m. Trains run via Des Moines , la" ,
and supper ! served In HOCK ISLAND dining
cars . For tickets , sleeping car reservations ,
etc" , call at Hock Ilan ticket office , 1602
I'nrnam St. .
Omaha Bicycle Co. . the most reliable place
to buy bicycles 323 N. 16th St.
_ _ _ . _ _ _
A "INHor'N 1IIIr"NNlonN.
A. P. Colby . editor of the Union Grove
( \\'is. ) Enterprise who visited Nebraska a
few weeks ago , has this to say at the hn-
pres lon made by the sojourn In this city :
"One at the greatest sIghts that It was
our privilege to see In the state of Nebraska
was the great and bustling city at Omaha.
While the city Is "IOt : as large as some at
those In the east , having only a population at
a little over 10.000. yet its beautiful ettun-
tlon. magnificent buildings . the clean and tidy
appearance at Its streets , far exceed anythIng
\\0 ever before beheld Through the kindness
of ' . C. Brunner , a prominent business man
at that place , whose .cqualntance we made In
Iowa , where we were delayed one day on ac-
count at a washout. we were conducted to the '
various points at Interest In that city. The
city hal , The Bee Iulldlng and the New York
Life Insurance and other promInent building !
were visited Whie they were not , perhaps ,
the largest structures we ever beheld , they :
tar exeeelled In grandeur and beauty , as noth
lacking. log that " money and ski coull produce wa
:11 rrlllc LiccuNea .
The following marriage licenses were luued I
by the county jUdge yesterday :
Name antI Residence , Ago
arlnu8 Nogard. Omaha. . . . . . . . , . . . . . 21 L
Andrea Anderson , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . 19 I
Nathan P. Spelp , South Omaha. . . . . . . . " 1
Anna I' . Dlckensderfer , \\aynesvllle , u. . . rl ; E
Carl John on , South Omaha . . , . . . , , , .
Omaha. . . . . . . . .
Anna ehelbrg , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2
Leone ' Peril , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 I
1'llpplna Moroea , 01ahl. . . . . . . . . . : I
DIEt ) .
O'1CREFE-JamesdiedTuesday evening at
l'ateam I. ' l uneral Tueslay residence of
John A. O'Kewle. 707 South TWlnt-nlnth
avenue , Saturday ! morning at 10 o'clock to t
St l'eter'e cemetery. , church. Interment Holy 8evul-
- - - - -
* - - - - -
Railroad . Agent Tnlklng Since Receipt of I
Oaldwel's ' Letter
' Ihnt Grllcl Arm ) " Tlclc' :
" % ' ' 'e . Sull IIC Late I" Y''llnelC-
to 1)uIIaN.
There isn't a passenger man In Omaha who I
lloes not hlst ! that his road Is living strctly ! ;
up to time letter at InstructIons issued by
Chairman Calwel of the Western lauenger
association concerning the cutting at prices
on tickets to the Grand Army at the Hepublc :
reunion at Louisville and on oilier excurson :
tickets that arc on the market
When two at the roads were caught and
convicted of selling tickets through the fcalp- '
ers"orces the mate was referred to Chair-
man Caldwell . who issued a letter . demanding
a strict compliance with the rules at the association .
soclntlon concerning rate cutting. All at the
local men Insisted that they were In line with
the letter and were complyIng strictly : with
the instructions. But that did not settle the
matter. While Each road cllmtd 10 bo doing
the right thing , the agent have been sus-
picious at each other and accusations at rate
cutting have been made quito freely since the
orders at Chairman Cnldwel were recelv .
The Grand Army of the 1tepibliC tickets
were off sale on Tuesday but It Is chargel
that tickets on that rte sere on sale and
sold by one of the roads ns late as Wednesh
evening This promlH' another row.
There Is a fight among eastern lines over
the business at the Corbatt-F'.tzslnimrns fisH I
cuff encounter In Dallas next month and Iccal
agents are already snllng the battle tram
atar. WhIm the business tram Omaha for
that event does not prom Iso to bo very heavy
each road here \\"nnts a b'g share at what
there Is In sight and will bo sntsfed with
nothing less. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Over thc 1'roerty .
A party of Milwaukee \ omcas ! ! arrived In
Omaha yesterday and spent the day In
looking over the company's offices and business -
ness at this point. Those In the party are :
E 1' . npley , third vice president ; W. G.
Collins , general superlntel1 nt : , ) I lltland : .
general freight r g at . and Ceo ' ' : II. Iear.rd ,
general passenger aget. The pal ty I trle- :
big In lIIr. Itipley's private car. They hive
been making a trip aveI the Milwaukee's
northwNtern line In Iowa and Dakota and
loft for Chicago last evenIng.
' 10 le Ih'lrll Nt'Nt : unth.
Papers In the Union depot case have been
fed with Master In Chancery Cornish oC the
Union Pacific. Judge Cornish Is In St Pau ;
and wi not return until smo time ncxt
week. Upon his return a date will bo fixed
for the hearIng at the case which will pl'ob-
zthiy be some time In Octcber.
him h\'n ) ' Notes unit l'ersOmizilH.
A. S. Van Kuran at the Union Pacific let
for Chicago last ovenlng.
C. A. Parker traflic manager of the MIssouri -
sourl PacifIc , Is In the city
W. M. Shipman , traveling freight agent of
the Eikhorn. left I for Chicago last eVenlng.
R. H. Htchle , general agent at the Northwestern -
western has returned tram a three weeks'
trip In the east.
J. O. ClIfford general freight auditor at
the Northwestern , was In the city yesterday .
tV. E Royster western traveling agent of' '
the Mobile & Ohio , wIth headquarters at
Kansas ' Is In Omaha
City ,
- _ . CI , , . .
T. . ii. eooicerly . travelng passenger agent
ot the 1lssourl. Kansas & Texas , with head-
quarters at Des Moines , Is In the city.
The Pauline lall Oper company returned
from Sioux City yesterday and left over
the Rock Island for I jump to San l'ranelsco ,
General Manager Doddridge of the Missouri -
souri Pacilc returned to St. Louis yesterday ,
after havIng arranged the schedules for the
operation at the company's state fair trains
Colonel Jack Dolan , engineer at the Union
Pacific fast mal , Is getting lP steam to
break the record In a run for the prize as
the most popular engineer al the coming
CatMllc Lair.
General Manager \ Dickinson of the Union
Pacific returned yesterday Cram Chicago.
Presllent.Recelver Cark has gone on to
Boston to attend the meeting of Union Pa-
cilc directors to be held . September 18.
< : : : O : O
The grateful fall In the mercury from the
century point to a figure indicating a bearable
temperature together vlth the announcement
that "Tho Charity huh . " always a favorite
In Omaha , would be the bill at the Creighton
brough out the largest audience of the week
last night at that housc. The Stapleton com-
pan , which has been delighting the few who
have braved the Intense heat by Its excellent
"Americans " more
presentation at Abroad
than sustained the high reputation which I
Is acquiring by Its achievements In De : ' 110
& Belasco's beautiful play.
The story at "The Charity Ball" Is well
known by reason of frequent exposLtons at
It upon the local stage. 'fhe piece Is full at
delightful comedy , al has one climax so
strong , so true. so Instinct with life , that It
lingers long In the memory at those who
see II-Iho brothers' quarrel , stayed by the
entrance at the blind mother with her story
of the limo when they two were boys to-
The work at Mr. Sears , which throughout
the present engagement ; has been at a high
order at excellence , rIses In this scene to a
height which any artist might be proud to
I Is not usual with playwrights to make
their clergymen men as well , who , without
losing eight of their high calling , remember
that they have red corpuscles In their bled ,
but John Van Uuren Is such an one. The
performance of Mr. Sears In this part lad
night had the reward of hearty applause , and
It also received the silent tribute at tears and
of appreciation too deep for noisy demonstra-
ton , 'Ir. Kingdom Is doing the most accept-
able work ho has yet given us as the erring
brother. Few at Mr. Paul Gilmuore's admirers
discovered his Ideptty under the alas at
"Elmer George " and beneath the artistic
make.up and clever elocution of Franklin
Mtss Wheeler achieved another success as
Ann Cruger , Miss Nellie Strlcklnnd's CnmLa
De Peyster was the finished performance one
has come to expect al her hands , and Miss
Palmer made a good Impression as 'Phyls.
although roles like this are evidently less
congenial to her than for Instance that at '
the widow In "The WIfe. " I'
Of the comedians , Miss label StrIckland I
and Meurs. Gibney and Courtenny all scored I
decided hits , as they have done at their every
appearance here. Mr. Gibney's delightful
humor has at no time found more spontaneous
expression , and Mr. Courtenay and Miss
Strickland have juvenile lo\'er' parts not every
very different from those In which they have
been seen before , which they play In 'a manner - :
nor which needs no criticism. Miss paldL Is I
quite acceptable a the blind mother , little i
Miss Perry Is a winsome figure lS the maid ,
\Ir. \ Gardner contributes an agreeabre char- '
acter study at the chess-playlng organist and
the small boy In rags made many frIends by
his artless performance.
Few In front realized that this was the
first performance by the Staphton , company
Gt "The Charity Bail. " I went with sur-
priing smoothness , consIdering this tact and
the wearlne8 consequent upon the awful heat
ot the last few iay . Even as presented last
night II was saH. to see : and when more
perfect famiarity with lines and business
shall have given conldence to lie ( p rforen.
ers , the sweet and wholesome PlaY will be
In bands which will do It entire justice. "
The crowds at 'Courtand Beach to see
"Vlcksburg" are steadily Increasing In size.
Lat night there were between 6,00 and
7,000 and the prospects for tonight are for
a decided Increase over these Ogures. To I
smight wi be chlldren's night , when any
child with a special child's tIcket will be I
admitted free when accompanied by a proper
guardhln. The special feature for tonight
will be a representation In fire ef the "De
fender , " which hiss Just won the Inttrnalonal
yacht race. Tomorrow nIght will be Grand ,
. . - ' , -
Army ot time ReublC night , Jules
bard , who sang at . 'he original Vlcksburg
hS8 consented to JlnK some of the same
songs ; ho sung there . The Schubrt quartet
under the Ilrllon bf Lee Kralz , will sing
In the Ipeclaltles.
Mr. John Griffith , strong In' the faith that
Is In him and Itarl out wlh indomitable
coulRge upon a new' season , gave bls not
untaml1r Impersonltlon at Mephistopheles
last nIght at Lloyd's , In hIs own versIon at
" 1 ' null , " Mr. GrliflhIt' performance In this
difficult role has b tn' seen here before on
several occasions , and an agreeable advance
In the art ot this young and ambitious player
II apparent I his sucQsslvo ! visits , Certain
unloward mannerisms , ot speech , however , I
woul seem to grow upon him. Them support-
Ing company II a fairly capable one . and the
piece Is put on , ns usual with every attention
to scenic and mechanical detail.
Roland Heell , one at the most popular
actors and a comtJan at nmerlt will begin
his annual engagement In this city on Sun-
day evening next at lloyd's theater The
ergagemenl will continue throughout fair
week. The Orst three nights anti al the
Wednesday matinee 'Ir. Heed will present
his newest and what Is said to be his best
success "The Politician" or "The \'oman's
l'iaiik ' . " a Iloltcal satire by the late Davll
1. I Lloyd and Sydney Rosenfeld . The story
deals wIth the machinations at General Joslan
I.huber , a scheming politician , who hits upon
Peter WoolI ) as a con proml e candidate
for comigress Wooley Is anything but a
politician. lie Is rich satisfied with his
manner at life . thoroughly domestic nut ! loves
his home and , garden patch. But Limber
gets the women on his side amid finally per-
suaeles Wooley to let his name he used. I Is
used In the most lurid and band.waRon
stle. The Interest cuhilnntes In the third
act , which represents the anteroom of the
convention ball. Umber works like a horse
and carrIes the day , Woole being declared
the nominee , The lover at Wooley's daughter
Is nominated by the other side which causes
their engagement tn be broken and , Limber
falls In love with Wooley's niece who her
aunt sets her oar for Limber. All complc-
lions arc stralghlenNI out In the last act ,
which takes place In the dining room In
Wooley's residence , where election returns
arc received. Mr. Heed's company Includes
Miss Isaeore Hush , Miss Rose Braham , Mrs.
Mary : \Iyers. \ Will R. Bernard , Charles \\'yn-
gatt Sheridan TUIJper. John II. Bunny Julan
Iteed . James Douplas. ; On Wednesday and
Thurslay , evenings Mr. Reed wi present
"Lend Me Your \Vlfti . " and on FrdlY : and
Saturday evenings ; and Saturday mntlnee ,
"Innocent as n L1mb. " The sale at seats
wt be alIen tomorrow morning.
The next attraction lt the noyd's acer
Roland Heee wi be Miss Gladys Wals In
the "New Fanchon. "
"Tho hustler" will sllorty entertain the
mirth lovers at this cl ) ' In Its latest revised
shape. The adventures and mishaps at the
echemlng Irish "huster , " who can never
schcme to pay hIs board lull , are as luelclous
as It Is possible to conceive at anything
being The many specialties Introduced are
said to be new and bright. ThIs season a
new second act has been added and many
alterations made In the farce generally. The
cast ot fun makers Includes John T. Tierney
Charles A. Loder Harry Fey , George W.
Kerr Charles Ueell , Gus Mills , Miss Dolly
Theobold , Dorothy ICcnt Liie Alyn , Georgie
Lingard and others. "The hustler" opens
a four night engagement at the Creighton , ;
commencing Thursday september 10.
"The Derby WJnner" " opens a lmalt-week's
engagement al the Creighton theater , commencIng -
mencIng with a matInee Sunday , September
15. The mnnagement announces that special
care has been taken to stage the attraction
even more elaborately , than on Is atraction
production here. A number at the old favor-
les are Included In the cast , as wel as new
taces. Seven
thoroughbred race horses are
carried , among which are La Clgale , Missouri
Girl , Anawnn and li'reeland , "The Derby
Win nor . "
GrIffiths' "Faust" company Is qU1te ; ed at
the Darker. . . . .
Mr. and Mrs. C. Peck at Palmer are nt
the Dellone.
D. Guild Is registered at the Darker Cram
Boston , Mass.
Ed A. Church at the "Faust" company Is
at the Millard. "
Mr. and : \Ir ! . E A. Stewart at flair are
guests at the \Ierchants. \
\lr. \ and Mrs. W. D. Decker at Fremont
are guests at the Arcade.
11ev N. M , Mann pastor of Unity chruch ,
has returned from the east.
Colonel Bill Trsfficy and his aggregation at
ball players are at the Darker.
B. I. Nott. a merchant of : \1.aron. \ : Ia , Is
In the city visiting his scn , larry Nott
J. T. Gibson . eastern Iowa division superintendent -
tendent of the Milwaukee \ . Is at tim Paxton.
M. C. Nlcho's , a former resident of Onaha
passed through time cty : yesterday enroute
from Denver to Philadelphia , his present
John W. Hughus at Pasadena , Ca1. arrived
In the city ytsterday He wi remain In
Omaha for some time and will ba the gues'
at Mrs. 11. Iii. Caidwehi.
George I , . Ploot , city salesman for Paxton
& Gallagher , was marrIed at St. Bnrnabas
church yesterday afternoon to Miss Millie
Davis at this lty. The newly married couple
left for Louisville on the Wabash to be ab-
sent several weelts.
NelruNILllH nt the hotels .
At the Arcade-W. . Martin , Cambridge ;
\1. C. Mitchell . Iloidrege.
At the Delone- Clark , Lincoln : J.
A. Grosscup , CreteV. : . J. Phelps Lin-
coln.At the Mihlnrd-J. , H. Crowder , Gordon :
\1. MeSherry Weeping Water ; gd McIntyre
Seward : A. hluniphre ) ' , Lincoln
At the Merchants-g \V. htioecr J. Sug-
den Syracuse ; II. I M. Searle , Ogalaila : John
Bunt. Fremont : Alien Light , Hyannis : \V.
htt. Geddes 'F. J. Brownfield , Grn Island :
E. n. Saddler , Lincoln ; F. A. Jison , Bel-
iron t.
At the Darker : T. P. Krelt , Lexington ,
J. J. Rogers . Miss Mary Hector LIncoln -
colnV. : . S. Parlt and son . North Plate :
D. C. 'Voodrlng , Miss \ Tlnl Kokojan , Miss
Annie Kokojan , LIncoln ; George E. Baird ,
Grand Iland , .
Drs. Galbraith and Lord , practice limIted to
surgery and dseaees ! of women rooms 500 to
503 , Plxton block , Telephone . 33.
Omaha Bicycle Co . the most reliable place
to buy bIcycles. 323 N. 16th St.
Tents to rent , 1313 . Farnam street
- _ _ .
' 111' It . \11'Y MAlt KET.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record September
12 , 1805 :
Maxwell & Freeman company to C E
Curtis. lot I. I bloclcl4 ; : Maxwell & F's
add , to South Olahl . . \Iaxwel . . . . . . . F'I . . $ 5
C it ! Hunt and wlCo to J C Trouton ,
1 13. block 127. South Omaha . . . . . 1,6
lit \V Kennard and wife to E e Ken.
nard undlv % ot " " 10 feet lots 2
and 26. block U1scom Place . . 2,0
Same to J F Pea u . uii&hiv \ 4 at w
10 feet lots 2 and 26. eame . ! . . . . 11,000
J ii htedihelti and wlt to Nels Swan-
I nedleld
son , lot I , block 1,1 Itedileld's add. . . 1
Total amount of transfers.$35,301
Highest HonoN-\VorId's Fair ,
, . DR .
.it CREAM , J
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder rice
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulerant ; I
, . _
- - - - - - - -
le floe . , to Trinl.iicfnrp the COlnl ) '
CommllClC I I CIH'r" .
The trial at the charges agaInst Justice of
thl Ilace Levy at South Omaha was before
the county commissioners yesterday. I
loon de\'elolled that the complaIning witness
was a woman anll this caused trouble
According to the statutes oC the slate a
justice of the lleace In Nebraska II not
amenable to the law when the cOllllnlnt
against hIm Is verified by 1 woman In
other words , the statute pro\'ldes that the
cOlplalnant must bo an "elector. " Minnie
von Schwanberg was the party registering
the complaint against the South Omnha
justice Levy's attorney moved to hn\'e the
COllJlalnt stricken from the files because at
this detect. I wan suggested that If Miss
von Schwanberl had voted for school officers
she was possibly an elector. This legal
IJroposltlon was not oh'et by the fourly
ccemimiilsaionera as Levy arose amid refusrJ to
be bound by his attorney's action In rrlslng
the legal eluibble Then the attorney for the
compllinant stepped t"rward and himself
verified the complaint and the trial began .
The taking of testimony ilroceded along
the line at an attempt to show that In
September , 1S0t , when Dennis Murphy
sIgned a bond as surety for the appearance
at Albert De Parlos on the trial at a state
case , In which Minnie von Schwanberg was
the complaining witness , Murphy was
told by Levy that his signature as surety
was a mere mater at form and consequently
no Hrlfcatlon need be malle. The record
shows that Murphy swore he had property
In South Omahn. Murphy was tried before
Justice Crosby for perjury and was acquitted -
Quitted on the plea that while the property
described as belonging to him lied no exlst-
once lion , yet Levy bat not taken his veriflea-
I appears that De Parios . who was heM to
answer to the charge at assauling Minnie van
Scliwanberg . left the state dIrecty after the
bond which lied caused time trouble was
oxecu tell.
At noon 'he rlal was adjourned to procure
witnesses In explanation at the controversy
Justice Levy denies the constructon placed
on the charge by the complainants ,
Chlh'cl In II" ' . ' \llrlIH'nt mind
A'COss Iu tilt' h . 'h'eH.
On Monday next a new s'stem at dealing
with the children who are patrons at lie (
public library will be inatmgurated heretofore -
fore business men and other busy people have
experienced considerable delay at the delivery
mieslc A long line composed mostly at chill.
dren has compelled the older readers to walt
a long tllO before reaching the desk. Es-
peclally has this been time case on Satur-
days and \Iondays. \
Librarian Barrows has given over the west
side at the public room to the juvenile ele-
Ilartment smith It wi be placed under the
supervision at a competent attemilanit. The
book shelves will be supplied with the works
most attractive to the average boy and girl ,
and the children is'ill have
wi free access to the
shelves. I Is thought that they wi welcome -
come the privilege of inspecting the boolts
before making a selection. This dIvision has
been tried In St Louis Denver and a few
other cities , und It Is said to have been productive -
ductive of gaO results , a great saving of
time being one of the most Important of
these. _ _ _ 4.- _ _ _ _
- -
St. .John'H BllllCcnllcl ChoIr Concert.
The concert given by the St. John's church
choir at Young \Ien's ChrIstian association
hal last evening drew an audience that filed
the ( hall. The work of the ( choir was excel-
lent. Vocal and instrumental soloIsts were
Mrs J , M. Campb . Mrs. 11. W. F1t and
Miss Mildred E. Timme. The : \lallolln \ and
Guitar quartet Iessrs. Bernhard , Baxter ,
Cason and Henrlz ) ' , gave selections that
were wel received \Ir. \ T. M. Norris was
accompanist.S FOR
Searles & Searles
, All forms at Blood and
'I Skin Il8euCs. ! orea , SIut
, 'lumpies. Scrotum . Tuman
% , ' - - \ , I . Toter. thoroughly Eczoniia acid Deed
, , , " fl'OI thA 9stem.
M LADIES given careful
Vi ( , t " f , , . amid special attention for 11
& ' t2i : S ' their sunny peculiar all-
i. w , ' \ . rany pecular alt
. . \ " '
; 1' ! t
, -a w ' , " ' f' CATARRH , Throat ,
. , lungs Liver ) yapopsla
" Lh'crl
' Lh'crlJy poJsh
' N , , 'rroulios 1 cured by I special
D" p " \'I" " , ' course ot treatment
made so by too close up-
plcaton to business or study severe mental
strain or grief SEXUAL EXCESSES In
, mlddlo life or from the erects at youthful
follies . le al yield readily to . our new treat-
mcnt for loss of vial power.
WRITE Your troubles If out at the city.
Thousand/ cured at home by cor-
Dr Searles & Searles 1416 rnrnam St. .
\ ' I Omaha , list , .
. . WE SEllS YOU TO 8,000 PATICNI8'
Wr1te for Dank Referenc 8.
No Operaton , He Detention from Business !
THE o. E. MILLER co. ;
307-308 N. Y. Life Dd ! OMAhA , NEB.
! ' ' - 1 1'ii ' ( ' 1/
{ Ifr ( . ! i
: 11
, L. . A R III.
' 4
- I
( ( , mala Used Wool Soap ) ( I wish mine baa )
TVOOLENS wil not shrink I
I. I f Used In the Laundry .
Wool Eeap I delicate and retrll" * 10rbtib pur.
. . 8s ! ' ?
ose. uwlrypu ' poses. best L1C5051 r ln0lroJ . .1 111 (
, hwort. r eolic 6 Co , . Maen , Chicago
lici'e Boys . who wcnr long ! I111tS have I tccltet nt\'IIIIe lr luylng
Pl'st , llccltc our stilts . 111 ill ) 10 fit os 111:0 ; I hey IS 20 yeari.
SecO11. because our bO ) y 8. suits tire of lu\I ' Itl1 hot 1.11111 ciii .
Thh't ) , because WC sell 'ciii so ltch clictiper.
As ; low os , : : bt .s n good , stbstnltll , C\.c. ' , tl ' bt 'R' ! ml-
a'olt-\cst 111 111118-1.00 Nti t8 of 11 ' other store arc not to be
' .
( olllitlretl. )
As low OR _ _ $ I.21 I 11 ) 's here n black sllllo.lrclstcl1 cheviot or 1\
] In11te cheviot aloublc.hf i'ns tel stilt.Vtc see br chance evciy dity
IUls ( lnfet'lot'hly h'nlwlit . 0 f the grime : cloth , bought clsuwlm't'c It
IC\'cn to eight toll's.
AN low I ! . $ : OO bl ' $ hm'l IR good 1 cheviot stilt OR iieKilifltibIo / .
that SUI lt .s cIsevlterc. .
$ :5,5 : O , $0.0. $ r0 nut ) 0 107el otll 111'C or ICNS cost . Itlltl's
here III tWI'O , clch r'hrcc1it ) lug I lew design In flblll' . the birth
of the ( season , the new vny of elll clothc , lew Ill'ls II h'lllln s
111 .0boTe mill , IC each could Sllcnl ) : , It wOlhl 10 doubt tcl 1 ' _ rk-
able stoi'3' 1 how closely wltched Ill tightly SICC7cl It wits flol time
ml to our houso.
' ' 1 .
'or : ; catalogue to be imnal. Sent 10st paid to any one needing it.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - , .
Vliilizt.rtlie .
, Prvscm Ii' '
VI1nzerthrl "cllp.
, - tolol" ' 'IOI.1rench l'h.ldnl , Wi nlckly dire ) utm 01 uti mier.
\ "OIS or dl'a.'o ul I. lewralh'e , ( irgauig , Such . I.ost Maiihid ,
r nsomniia ' . lii thoJ , eiiilnaI . . llnhl'nd
/ , Insumllad'Iln.11 ) IckScllnnt 11"IC' ' , Nsrvoim I c'ItIIt ;
" r . i'Iiilpie . iiiflLnt.a to ( Marry , Ihllslnl 11J"Irl ) % IIPIIII ' , ;
f - Constilul n. 1 t t0i'i cii htn'si I ) ' day or IIRIt , l'u'vent' , ( iumek'
, of , which If ejot cii-ltl hi'a,1q , , , jlik. ,
! C" dischare ! 10t'llrn'l. ' 10 Rrrrmllnrh.1 nut
Iiorrorof ' . ( : t1I'I ) : % .
" all the Imnuotency IIEeIeausc tlioltvor . tll
nllhehorrnr.uIIrpotene tl.IIU : <
BEF'R' AND AFTER kidneys ntl liii , uriruacy organs of ullUl'UrlUes c9thol\r.
CUI'IIEl'JE strengthens acud restores .111 weak 0111.
IU l'IIEN1 rrl.on .ln'Cre .trenithen. , ellrrly 101n I. lell"O ninetT ptr cent Ire Cmnblr,1 , ,1'
' .I"ICI IN. CUL'ZIENFi I the only known rrrr"tl to clre , wlhout ( 11 opc'mlon. 6J h'"llnn
. A written gust anten given and money reltll11 i six houB does not clccL a l'CrIWUClt ' vur .
! o a wrllpn , for fMXI by mull. Belld for Jmm cllcll r cud tl'Blmo llal '
F s DAVOL 3EUICINE CO. , 1' O. IJOX . : O. IUI FrlICIo , CI ! For&utc . bV
FOR SAL ! IY GOODMAN DRIG t' , UI0 lrnrlam Ot . Omaha
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - I
_ _ _
_ =
' 1
p.S , .4' , .5. .41 , -4 , .v' , . . . vi , . .i ' , ,4S . . ' , l
. _ _ - . l
I' I895 FALL SEASON 1895 ' m
. I
' . I
( It -
. , .
4 , Handsomely Made . . . ' J
. . Elegantly Fiiiisiied . .
Furniture '
, . 3' i
S : ' Exclusive Designs. Latest Patterns , . ,
, t Beautful Colorings i1 . . .
, : S . . Carpetings
c Novelties iu Lace , Cotton aud }
Sc Silk Derby .5. . - ,
' - '
, 47
ScI . - Draperies
:4 : : At Popular Prices. : . > .
4' ) NOTE. . . .
Sc Our st ! azdJ'a/terns aN at least 5 years il
, 'V , S advance of all com cio1'S. lV can ftrovc to
'Vp Sc J'Ol that we ar the enl l -to-date house Fm'
I lishcn hI Oia1i. '
. , . .
- w " % 4 " W 'l' W ' V" 's S. " ' " S V' 1
" . - a ; .
- <
- -
'p Q
It Is Merely Good 0 S
E' ii Health. L
That beautiful complexion is
health , preserved by Ri pans T a b-
Ripans 'abules purify the 'blood a
clear the skin of blemishes and
, make life more worth living , .
, . .
nlpans Tabulia. Sl" Ly drlilta , er Ly mal
It Ihe prIce ( f ctnla I . Lox . ) la sent . Ie The . , . II- .
O pans Chemleal Company No 1 8prucs it N. Y.
. Er lrnLlr-1F CDJL.JDriLED [ [ _
. , - . - " ' . . , - . - _ - , ' ' . . - - - - - - , . . . - "