- N - - . - - - - . . - , . . . = . - . . . . - - - . . _ _ _ _ I G 'l'llE OMAHA DAILY JJEE : l1JUDAY , SEPPEMJ3ER \ 13 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L - . If : \ COIIgRAALAN9 [ FINANCIAL : - , Fl\v"rablo Oondltions Lend New \ Strength I : t the Wheat Ml\rket. , - : o ' CORN BARELY hELD ITS FIRMNESS ' - r' r. Oal" ' 4Verc quiet but Inclined to Ulrmle"-I'rln'lllll ) I not . Slr.ul Shirt nncl COltnued \ . VIriit 'rll'llh.lt. rnICAGO , Sept. 12.-A chnnce ) came over the spirit oC the wheat market today , nnll Il close with till Improvement ) oC . .e per bu. 1 t vnI due In part to repol.ts from the )1orthwcst that spring wheat receipt were Ilmlnlshllg quite materially , and larly In compared with Chlea0'8 thstrenglh as wih ! recent weakness In nil the other winter wheat marltets. Corn closed with little change oats 'e hhher : and provisions nt moderate ndvnnces. Wheat was more active today. nnd aCer In early dip ruled strong and hhher. There was free selling curly by lrosseuU , Rosen- crm and Schwartz-Dupce and lardrhlge. and its Liverpool cable CRmo tram % < to .Il < lower the price went off early to & 7c , or I 4c below the close yesterday . but the northt receipts were lighters only 82 cars against . IM cars ) 'ester < ay. A Mm- pea pols melsago said that farmers ' deliver- les were dropping , oft . and would ! not be resumed until there WIS n satisfactorY rally In lrices. The sentIment which has been so ' 11'lces. tor sentlnent tmo changed and "huHI for and were quick to take nlnrm an start wcrt covor. Cudlhy vn a heavy buyer through WIM his numerous brokers while Logan 1.lnl- , blom and flnlulwln Ind Farnum also bought Bl\hvln heavily. For \ u iliac the denianulva well heavl ' . but the selert were Inlly baled out nnd the market continued to strengtlitn. The fact that the prlmal'y receipts proved t. bo about 100.OuO bu smaller than the same day last year also provel , I strong ( actor. There was some tree selling on the ad- vance , which cnued temporary wealwefs , but the advance was huh very well. December - cember opened at & 7c. sold son after at t.7c . then up Il'adly 10 from rSc 10 69\e ! split , and at noon wa about 5c. The mar- ket ruled less active during thc closing houru . hut Ilrkl ! held firm , the close being nt ( toni fT71uc 10 &C tor Decemher. Corn opened apiarcntly weak but a weak shot In the bears \ armor was tounl , In No- brwlta reports ) ot the condition oC the crop In that "tate. John CudahY was said 10 have been the principal liuye . ' . many of hiM purchases being 10 cover previous short MIcH. May opened at 2Sc as against 2Jc sellers. at the close YClteruny. That was the lowest I Ihr at . and 2 was the high- cat. The Inst trailing wag at 29c. Oats were quiet but inclined to flrmness. qUIeti yet without much chln\ May sold at from 2Qc to 20c , and September at from 191 10 2ic . The market changed but sllhty urlng the last hour. and buslles3 was siack May closing lt 20c. ) Irovl"lons got 1 strong start and contn- tied firm throughout . but only I small trade was done. The hog receipts were 4.0 head lesl than expected and the packing In the west was H..O heall for the week against 174.0 on the corresponding week of last yenr. September pork opened It 12c ad- vance and coRed lt the opening quotation. January started 2e \ up. rose another lOc and closed with IL net gain of bc. October lard Improved 12lc and January lOc. OC- lobeI ribs opened up 12',0 and were 2 higher at the close than the Ilal quollton of the day before. January rIbs nddrd 7'c to their previous i1aY' closing quotatrons. Estimated receipts : \Vheat. 7i car ; corn 6i cars : onts. 245 cars : hogs . 13,0 head. The leading futures ranGed as follows : _ XViicies. I Opcn. I IglL I Low' I Cos ! . WhcatNO.2 Sept . . . . M 5G4 &r4 fl' ( ! ( pl. 6rH 6(1. 11'0. . . . 67UGt 6SH ( ,714 6iUG5H May. . . . . . 6U@ ! O : O1't OIH O : Corl. No 2. . 81.pl. . . . . . . 30'4 U BH4 30 31 ( let. . . . . . 2\Hr:1 : ; 30 2h : I { Dec . . . . 27\4 \ 2n , 27 ! , : m , May. . . . 21" 2\ 2tn , 2SH Oal . No.2. Sept . . . . . . 10 lll 10 11 ' Oct. . . . . . . 18@IHH 18" HI 1" ! MI.y. . . . 20" : 20H : 20 20H I'orkperbbl . 0 Oct. . . . . 821 R 27 % R O R 2 : ' 0 40 0 4flt 0 40 0 47 Oct..S ? . RU ) 6 8i ! 1 10 I 85 Short Jnn. . ; . . : . . . t 72)4 ) I 16 1 72H 6 S24 Ot. . Jb . . . l 30 1 37h I 23 l 87t Jan. . . . . . . . 4 RU 4 H71 4 HO 4 :7J nmp p . . . . . . _ P , Cash tuotatlons were as follows : quolntons wlre folows I'I.OUH-Wlnler patent . . $3.OJf3.O : winter straights. $2.S53.6t : surlng Inlenl. $3.2M13.75 : spring straights. $2T5t3.1O : bnlr. $1.Oj'2.3O. VIiFAT-No. 2 sprln 5CI (5C"c ) : No. 3 spring 4it7c ; No. 2 rel. rIWCI ( COHN-No.2. 31f31e : No. 3 ) 'elow. 31\ \ C3te. OATS-NO. 2. 19c : No. 2 white 21fJ21tc : 21(211 No. 3 white , 2Oi1te. nNo. 2. 37c. 13MtI.iY-No. 2. nominal : No.3 , 321H2c : No.4. 3t 33c. 31(35c. FI.AX ImlD-No. : 1. Olc. TIMOTIY HEI ! -Irlme. .10. . ci.OvnIt SI'D- pnOVntlONs-Pork. mess. per bid. . $ S.2 ml. S8.25Q IHO\'IHINIIok. R.a7'e . I.arl. per 100 Ihs. . $5.82 \ t1G.55. Short ribs sides ( ( ese ) . S.35f/5.U. Dry salted shoul- ders ( boxp. ! S5.W.62\ : shell clear skies ( boxel ) . 8.O41t1R.23. Lx.\ $6.0.6 $ I WIISKYDlstlero'nl.hed goods . per gal , today ifj.5 ; ; : folowln < were the receipts and shIpments - Articles. Uecelpl9. Shipments. - - - - - Flour bbl. . . . . " . . . . . : . 8.000 4.000 Wheat bu. . . . . . . . . . . . 3'I.UOO 16.000 Corn . ho. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Q.00I ( 13H.OOU Oal. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 t.010 13B.OOO Bye bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.UOO 4.00J lale Ie ) bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,000 7.000 Oaths Pro1uol e"otanre tobv the butter market - \ei wa Irm : creamery . 020c : damr' Ol 17e Eggs . aria : } @ 16o Cheese , 48e. NEW YOUC G NEIAL MARKET. CI0h , " QuotntllN ; ; the Principal Commeult"N nntl Staples NEW YOnK. Sept. 12.-FLOU1t-ltecelpts . 1,80 bLls. : exports , ! .7O0 bbls. ; irregular and generly weak oa .Irln\ patents . closing heavy all around : ely mitt patents , $ l.OOf4.2O ; Minnesota patents , $ $3.3063. : wInter 11.lenls. $3.30tf3.r0 : winter straights , $3.Oj3.25 ; spring low grades . " .851210 : city mi clears S3.7 : : Minnesota luakers $2.90tj3.IO : winter low grades. $2.QttjZGo. lye flour. slow ; flnc ) ' . $ .o < 3.0. 05(2. COnN 1i.\IFnlrlyactve : Brandywine , $2.c5 : yellow We"ler. $1. elow S. ) I1AltLlY-Quiet : No. 2. ! ; Oc. WItItAT-iteceipts. 17.2 bu. : exports. lC.o tuu : spot , Irlr but dull : No.2 red , GIj6lc : No. 1 lund. C44c ! . OptIons opened easier on cables and Mme deign selling. rallied on coverIng - Ing and talk of lighter spring wheat receipts , ! closing , steady nl % t'o net advance ; September , 6itt61'4c. closed 611c : December , 62 % C3c. cl"p.1 63c. COIt-lte'eIpIs . 107,10 bu. : exports . 21.10 bu. : spot steady : fairly acth'e ; No. 2 . 37c. Op- tons opened easy wlh % 'heat . rlCI on light errerings . co.lnl slel.ly nl unchlngpd 10 % c adVance - vance : H'Ilelbl'r. 165tI31le. closed 3Vc ; De cember clo..1 at 35\ \ . 37'c OA TRlecell'19lo'.So ' bu. : exports . Do bu. : I spot dull ; No. . \ . . 23o In elevator. OptIons 0111nlt dull. ruled featureless and closed about steady : 8elIemblr closed at 2 % c ; December close.t ae :10 11AY-lairly active : shipping. 65(10c ; good 10 choice. 80fSc 11O1't4-\'euuk' Feeble coast 1894 crop HHc' cmmon 10 choke ! . 189' C"I' . lOOSe. ! .1Ti1EIt-Qulet : hemlock sole . Ituenos Ant. light . 10 hN\ ) ' welhls. 2c : aciths . 211Hf21c. ( . \.OOLulel : domestic fleece . ISI'2 e : pulled. " 1100'IRION-.Ueer. quiet : famIly . $10.00J12.oo : extra mess . S.5"f8.0 " : city extra India mess . $ l6.rG17.W. Cut meats . dull ; luickled hams 'S.75 ( t9.o. Lani. . Irm : western steam closed at 1621 % asked' October $6.2. nominal 1It'tTFit-1teceiIutS. , l.7b3 pkgs. : western dairy , 9 ftle ; western creamery . 13U2O : Elns , tOe . 1'UOHprplll. . 6.371 Ikgs. : market drm : 'e.ler. 14tl6c. Im CltiSl-Firmer : large sl40flcc \ : part skIms , % 1.fIC : large , 6\t1 c : small. 6tjbc : full skims . 1trte. IJ'TIO.EUll-Dul : : United ch.ed at $ .2 Lid. nOSIN-ulel & : slmlned , common to go $1.U % U1.50 . VI.I. m T.\J.0\-nul : city . lute : counlry. Ii" , - InCIQulet ; dome.le. fall to extra , H16Uc : Japan 2544c . etr MOLASiii-Quiet : . New Orleans open kettle goo.i 10 choice . 29Qr. , ? .tLTA1.S-l'iic . iron . steady , ; southern . 1ll.P @ ' 1.5 : January S14.OOtJit.00. Copper. SI.5@ : , lurokera' iric" ' . $ : : ' exchange 112.23. Lead . ' "nn : brokers' price . 13.23 i' : exchange $3.3tf3.40. . Tin .leltly : straits . $14.4O014.t5. ' S3.371.40. : dome. II. * i.174U4.7O. HI'eler Irm COTON8tI U 0118Ieal ) ' : ISjtOc . Mmlnnl ; prIme .ummer yellow . 2Vj26o ( : prime while. C lie _ _ _ _ _ \(2G _ _ _ Jrlme . ' Sugar Market . 0 NCW YOmc. . . Sept 12-IUOAn-naw. ; pales , :0.0 b"l centrifugal 56 test . . /rm . I I\e : 3.0) bags at tireakwater . 3Uc ( : 1j.t4 , . r lags domestic molasses sugar . test. . Zc : crushed . 4 7.16cJ5 l.lGo : Powdered. ; , ; 4t4 1"cl ; ! 1.16(5 . 1.IG 7.IC : iwdere. . lf3 1 - IC : No.7. S 1.16 ! , c : No.8. a'U , I 1.16 ; No.8. S 8.IC n.o : No. 101 3\U13 \ 3146c : . NO. 1. S 7.161 1.16 ; No. 12 3jtJ NC : .tani. . , ant A. \HH \ 6-lGo : conCectioners ( . 4t34 .Ianl. ; . . G.IC cut loar. 4 7-1601 1.160 41411 I.NtON. 7.16(5 . 12.-StJQ/.lt-.Ccne. steady : lit. tie desire to trade : cenlrllulfl Java - its 9d : Mu. ( covado faIr retlning . 9 61 beet dull : rather dul rlhe ,1 easier : September S 61 : October h 10d. Coffee lnrk..t. NEW YO me. 8'pt. 1-'FFEcptons opened sh1dY II unchanKr I'rlcea 10 S 1\lnl. , : ad'ancI on forlln demand and hIgher on itavre i q\laton"1 eased oft under big business lave mov. meat mini clo"1 barely steady at unchanged prlce to 10 Points net decline ; January 114.23 ; ) Jarch . UI.0 : fleember . S4 10. tpt $4.2 lUG. dull ; No 7. 15.7. Mid , dull : Corulova . $ li.23GILQO. 1\.2618.0. ' , HANTOS . sept 1-Msrket firm : good aer * 4. 8antos . ' 1111 roits . I.M I ; .tock. a2.I ) luaril , : cleared fJt'mber 1. 108.0 bar. , , AulIuitcl . c.lre ept 22-Markst .lead,1 sales , 22.0 hAg' , lt 1 : JA'ltiflO . S'lt. lt.-Market Inctvel No. 1 tIle . S3 SI ; ech.nle. 10",11 ; retllill U.O Lunge' cleared for time United tituites. 1.01 bags : for :11(11. : , none : nock , 2U.00 buo lIA'1iil . Iqlt 1-MMket firm and unchanged 10 ' , H higher : ul noon UC .lilsher : at 1 p. .m'l slrl , ntll unchinged : . I"H \ hlher : close steady al % ( \ net od.ancej ; sati 8,0 bags. 031IA Or rI.\ 3IAIUCET. COI.lton of Tramli . nnd Qimotatlimili on Slnl.le. n.1 I.'nler l'roulimcc. 1ggi are arrIving I little more freely than was the case I few IIY' ago. Quolalons : lnaS-rreslm rlClt , per doz. . 13fI\ \ . IIUTTCI1-Paciting stock 7 iSc : choice to fancy . 1fIG : gathered creamery . lilc : .ela- rotor creamery . ISUIDc. \'L'At.-Ciuoico fat , 70 10 10 Ibs. . are quoteJ a ' 7 c : large and coarse . 4 { \2C. \ Cl I IrSi-wisconsin : : : full cream Ic : Young Americas , ItIce ! ; h\ ins lIe : NeJ..Ia ano Iowa , full cicetul . 10fUlc : Limburger No. 1. lIe ; brick . No. 1 . . . . . . . I. 12\.c \ : 1\I.s. No.1. 131Uc. 1.1'1 : I'OULTIIY-ltens , Ui6'c : roosters . : I : siring , chickens . Per lii. . 8c : ducks G : .pllnl ducks . 80 : IUlller' . CU7c : geese , OGc . a.e.e 5f6c. IJ1ONSI.r doz. , $1. Y-UIlanl , , * 6.00 $ ; mIdland. $ & : low- land 'C : rye straw. I. : color makes the prIce on bring tiny : 11h prlccf. Illes sell the best . Only top grades prices.VEOETAI1L1S. \'EOETAn.I S. 1'OTATOi5-ew. choice stock . 21c. RWJIT 1OT'rols-ciiuicc stock i2.0 per bbl. . ONION-lIono : grown . 2tftOc. 2.QLOc. CAIJii.tUl-On old.r ! sacked , per 100 , iLcl $ .0. $ T ( I TOIS-Cholee stock , per Ii 1m. basket , 230u40e. WATflhiMflTONg-Crntei . per doz * 1.73012.00. II.ONCrllel' cFr.ilty-cmoice stock ' large No. I. 40c : large Nu. 2. tIc : in.rior 261330c. ( AN'L'ALOW'CS-Clioico stock , crated for hlp- mcmii . per ulox. , 6.\IOc. . 1.'nUITS. PI.tJ1iS-Callfomnia , per lox choice stock U.O 61.1 : : fancy . varieties . 11.13011.25. SOUTII.N IrAClm -Non . Al'i'Lti-Choice .hlpplno stock bbls. . S2.01 2.25 : cookIng apples . S.7:62.0. CAM FOItNIA 11\CIiS-Freeaones. per box , Stc1$1,00 : clings . 0501eic. ) 9QcUS.IJ cllOs. : : :1c. ( iitAt'IS-Itonu' : _ grown .toe . _ per 10lb. _ > as- elg. C3ncorfls . 23f2c : largo lots 2c : Call- tO nln. Ier , case black varieties , S : : uIuacats $1.23 : Tokn ) ' . . 11.50. N ICT A 1 N 1':8-Nonp. TltOl'ICAL FItUITS. OnA GIS-Cholce seedlings . per box * 2.75 : Iedlerrnnenn weet . . none : fancy SI. Mlchaels . none : Inrorla Vnlencias . * 3.23013.35. 1.1'INIFxlr fancy lemons ICJ size , SS.OO : too size ' . 8.oW.O. 1iAANAS-CluoIce large u ck. per bunch. S2.2. 012.50 PINEAPI'LIti-t'nne : mc'ullurn s\7' \ bunches . * 1.73012.23. itlSCEL.LANlOUS. OYSTrtS-Ixlr selects 350 per can : company : seects 40c : New York counts 45c. HONI'Y-Nnlh'e whie clover . He : choice sloclt , 13c. 13c.lAll.r h'YItIYP-G'alion jugs per doz. . SI ; Uxb ) ' . 6.gnl. cans . ' : . NI'S-AllondH. Il : Fngl.h walnuts .0C- shelled . lie : standards . lIe : filberts . 9c : Irn71 nuts , 8C : pecans 9c ; p"nuis. raw , 5tCc : roasted , 7',4c. _ lImES AND ' TALI.OW. HIDI S-No. 1 green hides , 7c : No. 2 green hides . C1hc ; No. 1 green salted iiidei' . Sc : No.2 green salted hides 71cc : No. 1 veal cnlf. 8 10 15- Ibs. , 10c : No. 2 \al calf 8 10 15.lb9. . 8c : No. 1 dry flint hldel. 126Hc ; No. 2 dry hint luIieM . . 10 { Ic : No. 1 dry suited hides . lOc : party cured hides. \.c \ I.er Ih. less than rul ) cured. SII'I':1 : IFLTS-reen salted . each 2acc : - green salted shenrlnls ( short wol.1 early skins ) . each SOitc : dry shplrlngs ( short wooled earlY tlc . kIn . ) . No. 1 each 5i15c : dry shelrlngs ( sharI woled early skins ) . No. 2 each 5c : dry flint Klm.a anti Nebraska butcher vet pelts . actual weight 4tjCc ; dry ( lint Colorado butcher wool pelts . per It' . actual weight 401Gc : dry flint Colorado lurrln wool iwits. per lb. . ncunl weight . 4 { : C. have fet cut off . as II Is useless to pay freight on thpm. TAIJ.OW AND GItAESI-No. 1 tallow , 4lc : No. 2 tallow . 3'0j3l4o : grease white A. 400 4tc : grease . white I. 3lic : grease. yeilow,20J 30 : grease. dark . 2c : old Luter.2i2I e : beeS wax Irln , ) 16200 : rough tallow . 2c. WOOl , IJNVASl1ut-F'ino heavy . C11c : fine light I. ShOe : qlnrler-hlood. 10U2c : seedy . burry and chatty , Spec ; coIled and broken , coarse 7@ 9c : clled In.1 broken fine . fUSe. \VUO1 W ASlnD-edlum. : 15t18c : fine . 1@ ' ICe : tutu waMlueti 16'18c : black 8c ; bucks 6c : log locks , 2(3c : dead pulled . 660 STOCKS ANU IiONIS. Pentlre of the Sceurl Market 'Vnl the Great Irregularities. NEW YORK , Sepl. 12.-The feature or today's stock market vas , ns on the prevIous day . excep- tonal Irreularly. The volume of business shl\d a shrinkage ns compared with that of Wednesday or about 125.0 shares but the dealings - I Inls were relatively weIt'distributeul. The leaders la point of actIvity In the railroad shares were SI. PaUl , ileading . Atchison , Rock tlll and Tennessee Coal Inl In the industrials DistIlling . Sugar and Tobacco In the order named. The fluctuations In either direction were noteworthy and especially In some or thc so-called specialties. Ituniors of a pralaululo new government loan In Humon prchnhle ! o\ermMt lonl 11. flpr f"m nnd tIm Mnlln" ! AU'pnelh If iii feels. ; exehangernarlcet - - had espectadydepre5sed - ef- fes . Paul was sold freely nt the outset by holders who had bought In expectation 'of ' a larger disbursement on the common slack than h.rler lmn the 1 per cent Ilelarel by the boaril. In this stock nnll the others of the granger group hus- ( ! Ir mess line been created a account oC the Inler view with Ir.ldent Miller . In whIch he no- knuwledles that through freight rates In the norlhwest-are In a demoralized condItIon . nu- laura or . Irolnble new ljoni Issue by the go- prment were supplemented laic In the day by further weakness In the 'Iuolnluns for the new government 4s. The declines . a. compared ' tth last nlghl's final call . were 14 \ per center for the registered bonds mind % Tuer cent for ! the coupon bonds. The declines , since the first call on Monday ale 2' per cent for the registered - Icred and 2' per cent for the .oup3n. . No withdrawals - drwnla of go rer were made for shipment on Rat- urutay but It I. expected that about $2,000,000 will /0 out Messrs. Ilnelcier Wood & Co. 1.0.0 H. Crs.mnn & limo. . who have been prominent exporters since the outward movement began . Were : r\ortt1 sellers 01 exchange. The market In de- tail \ I. openll Irr.gulnr.ul the initIal changes were unimportant . except In Tennessee Coal which started 1 per cent higher Shortly after 1 the opening a drive was made at the gmangers . , carl'lno that group down % to 1 % per cenl. The general list 'ml'nlhlze,1 from I to 3 per cent , the last In Soulhern' Railway preferred About 1:30 : 1 rally started . chiefly under covering 01 shorts . and prices recovered from % to 2 per Cent time last In Tennessee Coal About 2:30 : the con 111. "splurge on an announcement - nouncement that Ih Phiiauleiphla coal corn- ! 1hln.lelphla luanies had agreed 10 advance prices lee cm- 2c I'er Ion. Jersey Central scored a gain of 2. per cent . nn.1 the other Ioalprs proportionate Ilh''lce" . The lust responded . . proporton frol to 2' per cent In time final dealings realizing sales took ar the Improvement an.1 fractional declines o.cnrrpd. Jersey Central losl I per cent from time highest. The closing was weak clnl vltli Ken- t'rl net 10. . . . . Honls were Ilul unl heavy In time early operations . but later prices stiffened somewhat on an Incrpast1 volume of .lren.1 . Kansas 1alllo consols trust receipts lost 21 ' . , per cent Morris & Jsspx : 7R oC 3904 2 per cent International & Great Northern 2JH nnll Colorlo , Midland 4 trust receiluta 14 per cent , Norlhern l'nciiic , - recelJs 1\ plr c.nl laclfc eon : ' 59 trust receipts l' . per ccitt Chicago & $ iiiaukee 19ts antI ! llwauk.e Alchl.n 2ls trust receIpts t per cent. Ad'ance : Oregon Short line consols 5s 214 per cent American DOlk 6" 1j Per cent , Louis. 11"1 I.ul.- 1\ 1"1 villa & New Albany CI.ull 1" per cent . anti < Ie\plnnll. CincInnatI . Chicago & Ht . I.ouis trust 45 . SI. Louis . . ' ' . 4. ) dIvision . 1.'ort Worm & Denver Ists . HI. Louis & Han Francisco Ls anti Terminal Itallruad Association of SI. Termlnll Louia consol 6s In A.lolaton Luis 1 I'er The I \enlng Post's Innn.la .nhlpram from London . ' I.nllon today .as : The Hanlt cf ngland's coin anti bullion Increased r287.0 thIs wepk. though the nIl Infux o lull from abroad was CHC , Ihoulh . , details wpm ( : .O hnrs bulht , : ( tooooo exporteI 'h. ' (200,0 xl'ortll 10 the Cape . (0.0 1 : AlexanIria ( 52,000 to' ' South . America and . ( .1.0 10 IUo mb 'e ' C2.0 Jnnelro. Americans were v"r .Iul today the position In recant 10 time . po"lton ! 'Knrl treasury givIng Cause for Ilvlnl .au.e a revival of uneaslnp. The Impression ' tint the ' , prevails syndicate cannot go ProvIding \ the 1'lsul' wlh gold except by Iniliorting I . and that of course would L tlistlnelly unprtujita1,0. < lsln"l . ) unprlllhie Other markets were Irreulnr. l'atitrs were ott color but Australian lames were Kalrs . or The following were Ihs rolo\lng Closing quotatIon5 Ihs leadIng stocks of the New York exchange on today ! Alchl.on. . . . . . . . . : ( I 10 Iut'i ' . . . . . . 1.1(1 ( Atiinuum I.xl're , , . 147 . . 1.1 Allal : . 17 N. Y. Central , . , , , it Alton. T. II . . . . . Ut . ' . Y. J N. m. : . . . . . . . . H Aiii. fxpre.B. : . . 11 JmtarIo , j W. . . . 1UH l'alllore.Ohlo. tr ! Or"Kol nip . . , , H . . ( anlia : I'aclllo . . 6Ul ; Oregon 111. . . . . 23 CalAlnSOllhor. SOls O. S. TH\ U.N. . . . 10 CI'llral l.a.llo. . . 1 ' lalllc Mail . . . . . 32" Clues. , ' . Ohio . . . . 20H P. D. 1nl. , . . U Chicago .1 Altomi. . . lml3 ' D..E . . . . . . . . . ! . I'ittsbtmrg. . . . . . . 102 ChleaJo.Alan. : III bur. . . . . 102.t ; C. . ii. .t Q. . . . . . 87J l'ullnamt I'alaco. 17:11 : thlearo GaR. . . . 0' " \eallh. : . . . . . . . 17:1 Con ohlalGaR. ) 1 : It. G. W. . . . . . . 11'4 O..C.O..St.L. . 47 It. G. W . pItt . . . . . It , Colo. Coal J Iron. . 74 ! Hok : IImuti . . . . 41 Colon Oil C.rt. . 22 % St. l'aul . . . . . . . \ DclwOl1. Ilutul . 1:1" ( dopftt . . . . . DI. . Lack . . W. . 1684 51 1' . , \ Omah . . . 12\\ l ) . & \.G.IIM. . l4 dopni. . . . . : . . . 118 . . . , . . , . \ 1t D. & O. F. Co . . ISOi Soullem Pacific , , 2 4 ' { & , . . . . . . . . . \ S'Igarlteflnerv \ . , . , Ij . do pful. . . . . . . 22" Temin . Coal .t Iron . 11 . Fort W.yne. . . . . It2 ! Texasl.acile. \ rn. . . .31. 124 ! G. Norlhern pfd. . . 127 T. & O. Ccitt. ufti . 7H C.&t.I.prd. . . . 10& \ Ccnl.uf. . . . 35 Hokin.ley. . . 24 U. S. ixpre . . . . 47 IlllnoisCumutral . . 101 ; w . st. L. . . \ 1' . . . . " SI . I' . & Duluth . . S3 V. ' . 51. L . ' I' . pftl. . 23. $ K. ' T. prl. . . . . 3M'eIs Farlo \ PI. . . 210 Lake Erie .5 ; West 254 Western Ummion. . , , 10 Lko Erie. : Ullon.3' { . . . . . . . . . . . . \3' do pftt. . . . . 70 Vheelimmg 4. 4 E. 16 Lake Shore . . . . 10" WlweIl1 pi. . J . . . . . 601. LadTI81. . . . 31' : \5t. L . . . . . . 24 % Louisville .lt N. . . 0.104 ii. . . II. 1. . . . . . . 17 % 4. N.A. . . . . . 00 I. I . . . . . . . . . . . , , SO . . ) llhOIII Con . . 121. N. 4..1. ; . . . . . 26 Mumphls o & 0. . . 16 O. F. & 1. . . . . . 30" MlelmiganCent. . . 101 % do pfd . . . . . . . 0\ Mubtte&Oito. . . . 241 II. &TO. . . . . . 2 Nashle Chal. . 70 'I. A. A. & N.M. . . H { National Conl.le 654 T. 51. r , . & ic. o. . . . Nal. ConlaKe pCd. 13 do I.Cd. . . . . . . t N. .lCsntral . . . . 1 : S. H. I. . . . . , . 12T N. W. pM. . . . . 14 % dolifti. . . . . . . SOl' * North Am. Co" . . 1u Atu. Tob. Co . . . . IIS Northern . l'acIOa. II $ do " uttt. . . . . 06\ "l. N. l'acitlopfd . . . . 1@1 , 51. 1' . M. & M. . . , 1151 . U. 1' . 1) . J 1 . . . . t M.\ . . . . . 16. Northwestern. . . . 10304 < The total sates of stock . today were 217,558 .harel. "ncludlng : American Sugar % 1,3 27.1 ; : baec" . S.58' Atchison . thIrd assessment paid , 14.200 ; lurlngon , % : .3 ; Chlc./ Gas . 5.6 : Cleveland Columbus . Chicago & 81. Louis . 3.01 : DistIlling . : .3 ; General L'leelric 3.0 ; Cansas & Texas preferred . 3,80 : LouIsville & Nashville . 1.10 : Missouri l'aen. , l.ij Northwestern . 4.4 : rleln" UI" . 4,2001 : R'I"lnl. 10 : 1(1 k Island . , 1 & ; 81 IItl. 3.6 ; Southern l'.clle. ' . 7,5001 Ten- 1fJch ; Boulhern 1'11110 rtferrt.II 7.fl n.ue Coal and Iron 1,40 ; Wabash ' preferred , 5 , ) ) ' . _ _ _ : aw OO\I INIB ' ( T I.O.\S 13iI'lNllfl SJCllntol gum liiene.I Alllr 'I'hl. 1.lle tn n Cnl..lernhle I''nt. NEW YOltlC . Bepl. 12-Time Iok exchange records fall 10 colnn the reprlc.1 decrease or 2 per cent today In the price of the new gO\- ernment fours. Time actuAl quotations yesterday were on the first cal 1:1 , nnll 12 for the reg- I.tered tours and 122" for the coupn bonds . The closing quotations ) yesterday were 122(121t for the registered . anti 1211.UII % for time coupon bonds. The quotations on the first call on Monday were 12(13 \ for tile registered anti l23m$7l2I % for tie cotmpon hnho Tal ) " ' quotatIons 123 the first call were II"GII % for tile registered anti IHHU21\ ' % \ for the coupon bonds. The Irst cal today shows . decline of per cent In the bid price of tIme fours rests- tore , ] . all 1 per cent In the CUpOl . nB COl' pared with 'e'lerdny's Irsl call . anti or % per cent of time rCII.lpn'I , as eomplrel with ) ' 0.1.1- .1I"s filial I quotations. Since Monday the rel- imutm'red fours are lawn 2 1'11 cent In the bid prlcSs . anti time coupons 1 : ; 1'11 cenl. The caUse of tIme easier tendency of the bonls Is tile belief < la many circles that a new government loan I. i Impen < lnK. A. a flIntIer of fact tIme vl.1 10 Ihll city of the assistant secretary of time treasury - ury on lot Thursday was popularly ascribed 10 Iplolhllons 10 this enil . \\'el Informed Ilnan- clots decrp.lt Ihe rumor , al11 Mr. Curtis him. self stated ho was not aware of any Immediate probable chnnge In the treasury situatIon. In the Irl rise nfer time issue oC tile new four the bonds 101 up 10 1241 , . anti Oi the .econd < 1211. rise . about two weeks ago . 10 12" . 11' Yorl . ICI" ) ' Inrl.et. NrW YOlle , Sept 12.-MONEY ON CAr.L Lacy at 1 Ier cent : last loan , 1 I'er cent : clo.el nt t per cent 11 IE 1EICANTt. 1'APER-3'4013' ' \ per , cent. . ' . STlfltI.INO EXCIIANOI3-Dtii . but /rm. with ncilal business II Lank.rl' his nt S4.90@ I.90 for demand and $1S901I.S91 for sixty 4.901 ; Posted rmmtes . SI9fl.W $13a4.891 14.00014.01 ; comlcrllnl btlls . UR\ \ . 81 r. \11 CtltTIl"iCATi8-67401CI,4c ! . OOVFHNMrNT llON1)S-\'enk . with declines In the new Is or i . per Cent each : state bonds inactive : railroad bonds . firmer . Closing quotatIons on bonds wera aa follows : U.S.4srg.miew. 120 I % ' 0. 1' IstfflZ 'US 102 . . . 1IOW. . . 1. 'U5. II : U.S. lacollo , hOW . 121 % I ) . .1 It. n. 7R. . . . 1 HI ( 1.It. U.s.rsreg. . . . . . llC I . \ 15.0. 4s. . . . 1:1. : 1 I. \ S. Sa . 1. . . . . line5 Erie 2.IH . . . . . 773 ! . U.S 4H.reg..N 111 % ' 0 . II. & S. A. lie . 101 'O.I.&S. U.8.4s. coup . . . 111 n. I. A S. A. 7R. . 10:1 : 'U.S. 2u4. rcg. . . IIUi ! 11. & P. C. 159. . . . Ill 1IIItcUsoC'06. : ! . 11 ) . Us. . . . . . . . . 107 ) 'Alit. . claH A. . . 1S M. O. & ' . let l 45 . 10 'Ala. , class Ii. . . . lull do 2,1 4H. . . . . Ala. . class I. . . . 100 Mlinal 10 Ullol tie . UII1 'Ala. Clrrcnc ) . . . lUl N , J. C. Gei. R. . lAH La. New Coui. 4H.34 No.l'acttto It' . li % ! IR'OII tiM. . . . . ll ( do 2.IR . . . . . . . lt)3 ) } 'N. C. tIe . . . . . . . 121 N. W. Consuls. . . JH ( N. C. 4R. . . . . . 102 tin S. f' D.ti : s. 111 1 ( S. C. Ilolifimmut. . . . 1 ! ( U. O. \ \ ' , ' ' . INt'l. I . 774 * Tt'll. new set ms. ; 01 ) 'St. 1' . CClsolH 7R. 127" ) ' Teuuml. new sot 6Y lilt ,10 C. & 1. W. Os. lM 'Tcnmm. old 0mm. . . uo Slr . & I.M. Gmi. I Sullt ' ( Va.CcltllcH. . . ( I3O ! { st. LkS.Y.Gen.tO. 10 % ,10 1"lelred. . . Ol TtX. l'ac. 1at. . . 92 Atclulmoui 4K. . . . . SHI * { oods. . . . . . : \ Atcliisull : II A. . . :1 : ! , U. 1' . I.I ' oC ' 0(1. ( . 1I7 ( IIH1 Gallil ; Ho. 2dum. . 11)7Vest Shor 4s. . lOn ' 1. . , \ N. ulll t Is HI : \ Sonthern . 4s. . . . . 064 * 2 _ ! Nlsts. . . 11 % C bid. _ _ _ _ _ _ 10ton Stock Quotations . BOSTON , Sept 12.-CII 10a1Y. 2e3 lIeI cent : 11' loans. : JGH per cenl. Cl081nl prices for stocks , bOldl and minIng hare , : - . & . 1' . . . . 21 ( % ( \ V5lec. pl. . . . li Aiim Srar . . . . . IUS WIH. Cel Ira I. . . . 7 Am.S tsar ' Pttt. . . 8 $ ! Edison tlec. : Ills . ll6 \ay 'aar ( ins. . . HH9 ( I nen. Jloc. p ftl. . . . ! I hell 'rl.lcl'honc. , . . IIHI * Atchison 2ds. . . . 34 10810n.I Mbatmy. , 2I Atclmtsom : 4H. . . . AI' \oRlol & Maine. . 1781 ! * New flllaml : Os. . . l1 : C. Ii. & Q. . . . . . . 874Vis. . Cemit. late . . 11 " , . . . . . . . . . . l"itcilolrg. . . . tIll Allouez Mlntmmg Co 1 Ylehhlr Aloulz lnllr Gu'mm. Electric.4 ! Attauutlc. . . . . . . 22 Illols Stl.I.I. . . 70 IU810I:01Ian : 11\ ( : lxlcan CeIitral . I24 IUlo & 1"101. . N. Y. & N. E. . . . . . 112 Calnmet.lec1L. : Ol Old Cololy. . . . . 17Co lenllal. . . . . . : . . . , , " , . , , . , . . . . . 0. . Short Ltmw. . . 10 l"maumkllmm . . . . . 11 * ' Ruibber. . . . . . . . 4 ! Ift'arstrgu : . . . . . : ! \nbber. :14 Hal Diego. . . . . l O"leola . . . . . . . 324 UIIOIIICllc. . . . 1" QnhlC . . . . . . . . 1U Veht 1:111. . . . . . 77 'l'aiumartck. , . . . . . 161 do Ptti. . . . . . . . 15 Wolverine. . . . . . I Westimigim. E'iu'c. . . : O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ San Francisco Jlnhl Quotation. . SAN f'IANCISGO. Sept. 12.-Tho omclal CIORlnl quotations Iowa : for mlllnl : RtoekH today were IY fol- Alta. . . . . . . . . 10 llaie& Norcrosum . I7O - Alph COIl . . . . . . 10 JustIce. . . . . . . . . H Alities . . . . . . . 4 lcltlcky Con . . . 14 Ileiclmcr . . . . . . tt L'II ' ' lVztali. Comm. . 2 \ , t' Ilelcimer . . . lli Me"lcll" . . . . . : \0110 COl. . . . . . Ii Mono. . . . . . . . . . 12 Iluillon. . . . . . . . . 20 Monll1llblo. . . . 14 \ul\Ir Con. . . . . 11 Occllllal Con . . 26 1 Caledontim. . . . . . lU Opimir. . . . . . . . . . 105 ( Chalelgo Comm . . . HS O'.erman. . . . . . 20 Chollmr. , . . . . . . . . 02 1010sl. . . . . . . . U7 COlt'lem'e. ' . . . . 21 S\ago. : . . . . . 41 (011. Cal. & Va. . . . 2d6 Scorpion. . . . . . . . 7 Con. luimuerial . . 4 Sierra Navlula . . { Con. New York . . a Silver lull. . . . 3 Crown Point. . . . 61 Inlol Cumi. . . . . . . . 65 txcllqlwr. . . . . . Ilk , " ) Coil. . . . . . . : Gonld . \ Cnrry. . . tt Yellow Jacket. . . . \ SlIver harm , . t17e007c . M.xlcal dollars , 644 544c. Drafts . sl:1t. 2\c : telegrztplic 60. New York :11111 Quotations. NEW Y01101 Spl 12.-'rho following arc t1o closing mlnlnl quotations : 1lmlwer. . . . . . 16 Ontario. . . . . . . . 8.0 Citollar. . . . . . . . . 60 Ophlr. . . . . . . . . IIU CrwnI'olnt. . . . GO 1'lymmiomitlu . . . . . . : O ( 'on . Ct. k Va . . 261 Qnlck lh.er. . . . :00 Ieattwood. . . . . . . . ! O Quicksilver lift ! . . 1910 ( ould.\ Cnrr ) . . . 40 'SlerrlL Nevada. . . 80 lIttle . \ Norerosa . 11 . Stammdard. . . . . . 2S1 Iom..lako..2011 ) Union Calm. . . . . . . 00 Irol SI'.er. . . . 28 Yebowiacket : . . 40 MexIcan. . . . . . . . UO S offered . _ _ _ _ _ _ orertd.Lllelol Sflcl Quotmitiosis. LONDON Sept 1-4 p. m. closing : CI.lsol .m.y..117 ( 1:1-1. : . Moxlcan urdutmary . ' : Con80la. uco't.l07 li-1 ; SI. lanl coin. . . . . 70 Can. l'acllo. . . . 6704 N. Y. Cenlral. . . . 111 ( * 4 . Erie. . . . . . . . . . t7J l.cnnH.h.anln. . . 6714 Erie 21Is. . . . . . . 71 \o'dlng. . . . . . . 104 111. Central. . . . . . 101 t Mex. Coo. new 4 , , . 71 BAR IIILVER-3' ' ) 9-11 Ier oz. 10NI'Y- per cpnl. The - discount In the open market for short bills . % per cent : for three 10nlhs" ' bills . % per cenl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Flrelln Fllnlelnl Alnlr" . BERLIN Spl. 12.-E > change oa London eight dnys' sIght 2' ' ) ( marks U pCg. - I.\nls. Sept 12.-Time weekly statement of the PanIc of France issued today . shows the following changes . as compared with time pre- vioUR account : ! Notes In circulation , decrease . H.C08.0f ; treasury accounts current decrease , 2,2t5,000f : geld on hand . decrease 15.92.OC ; 2.2OC hil. dl.colnle.l. l.ereaRp. 27.Cr..Of : .1.er on imand decrease. 4.500.000f. Three per cent Ipcreas. rentes . 102C lIe for the account. Exchange on l.nllon. 2r 240 for checkl. LONDON , Sepl. 15.-e Bank of ngI8nl' rate of discount rematna unchanged at 2 per cent The weekly .tliempni oC time hank oC England today shows time following changes . as compared wittm the previous account : Total re- serve increase . ( :2,0 : circulation . decrease (24..l1 : bullion . Increase , (18.0 : olher .e- curitles . decrease r85,00 : other deposits . Increase - curltes. . (51.0) : Iublo deposits. decr tmse . (9.0 : notes on reserve. Increase. r92. ( : goverment securities . decren.e , L(0. uTIle prolor- tion or the BanK or 1nglnnl'8 me- lon to liabilities . which lat welt was 50.81 Imer cent I.OW 60.3 per cent. The amount of bullion gone Into the Bank of 1'nllanl on bliance Lulon today . (92.0) ) . 0011 Is quole.1 nt Iluenos Ayres al 218.0 : nt Madrid . 16.0 : nt LIsbon. 21 % : at St. Petersburg , 6 : at Vienna 103. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 llnnelnI Icotes. nOSTON. Sept. 12.-Clearlngs. JI6,7262 ; Lul- ances . $1,861,176. NEW YOitF . Sept 12.-Clearlng8 , SO.71.433 : balances $ .4 8,24G. i'ltlIADlOIl'IIIA . Repl. 1.-Clearlng ' 9,957.- 710 : balances 51,503,650 . ChICAGO , Het. 12.-Clpnrlng9. 11.371.0. Money plenty , al ( . .f4per \ cen for call loans anti 5 511'11 cent for commercial 1'11'1. New York exchange Soc .11'llunt. hankers' ( London ) sterling , U.S9 . and SU8 % . I.h'l'rilool MmIrkL'tM . I.J'ER1OOL , S'II. 12.-4:15 : p. rn.-WIIEAT- Sluot quiet : demand poor : No. 2 red wlnler. ( 8d ; No.2 red srln& h II : No. 1 hard Manitoba . 4s 11',4tl ; No. 1 California . 4. 10d. I"u lures opened easy with near and dlltlnl positions Itt 1m. 1 : close steady with near and ,1lanl Positions itt lower ; business about equal ) ' dl.- 11.llons Irlbule ; 8eplemler , 4R 81.1 : October 4 8\ < ; November h 8' < ; Iecember b 9\d : January , Is 9".1. COHN-Spol. quiet. Options. nor Positions % d lower all distant pozit.ons \ lul \ lower ; closed steady . wih near positions 1'I * d lower , and distant p.lonsHt.1 \ . lower ; business abut equally . dl.lrlbulel ; September 3s 3.1 : No'em- eual . . ) 3 .1 : Deceniber . 3& 41 : January Ss 3d : l'cbruarY . 3s 14. F'LoUlt-Steady : demand god : freely .up . l'I.OUI-Steedy . Lul. falcy winter 6s 9d. l.ltOVli4lONS-ltaeon . quiet but 81lndy : short 110\'IHIONIBacon. . : clear. llgtmt . 3 to 45 I" . 111. 2 long clear . heavy r lbs. . lie G : short clear luacke . cenr. . 18 Ibs. . . Six 6 ; short clear mitiullee . . hpavy. ! C Ih. , 321 ; clear bellies . I In 16 Ibs. . 3SI. 8hou1ler. square , 12 10 18 lb. . lIe. llamas . short cut 1 to 16 lb. , n. . Tallow . fine In\s. American nomlnnl. l.ef. extra India , mess . 76s 3d : Irlml mess . c. . l'ork prime mess western . 5Cs 3d : western medium . U. 9.1. l.rd. quiet prIme western . los ; relined . In pails . t 6. ClilESl0-Quiet : demand poor : i nest Amlr- pr CII . whl . new . 31s : finest American . col oreel new. 31. Sd. llt'I'TEII-l"iemest United States . 70. : good . 6. . TUltl'L'NTINLS-SllirIt. . 2s 3d. nOHIN-Common. 4s.I. . \.I. 'TONstln OIILI\'er31 refinemi . lie Sd. . I.INRtI.D 0112& 8. ) qTltolj7tyM-ltemInetl. 74,1. . ItWltO EI. Tot . t.-t'orequarler. , S"d : hindquarters . . \ d. ILtACIINO l'OWDlt-larlwo. f. o. b. . Liverpool . 1 7. 101 - At London ( 'I < lc coast ) . U tOe . Minneapolis : \1it-nt Mtirlet . MINNEAPOLIS. B pl. 32.-1LOUlt-Quiet : first patents. $ i.05tj3.4) : fIrst I.ar. 3.6 : second clears . $ : .302.35 ' ; baker , , . I.W255 . ( . 'Prlsoo 'hent ( ' "ltltOll. BAN } 'IUNClSC. Sept U.-WOIEAT-Wcak : Decembr , 8,0 ; May . 6Iic O IAIA L1VE'STOCK { DIAIET { - ( Beef Steers Readily ickcd Up by Packers at anAvance. , . r. BUYERS ALSO TOOK FEEDERS READILY . - hog lIil'crs " 'ere SICn II Stlrtli hut First SI I 01. . : , 'cre itt Stl'nIIJ' l'rlee"-\nl'l.et : Iitter nNe.1 one5 elttM . ThURSDAY , Sept 12. Receipts and shipments tor the past twen- ty-tour hotmrs . as comllhrel with the lre- vlols ' five days arc ns follows : ItECFIl'TS. ImCgIlTS. Cattle. hogs. Sheep. Horses. Iorses. tle. September 12 . . . 3.336 101s. 1,19 : 70 . . . September 1 . . . 2.481 2 Odl I 76 . . . September , 10 . . . 4OltI 3.o. 1 . . . . . . September 9 . . . ,216 SOt 1.401 ill Seillenlber 7 . . . 93' ' ) 1,3L5 . . . 116 9:0 161 Seplember G . . . . 2,515 1.403 . . . 20 S1III'MENTI3. I Cattle. Hogs. Shecp. horses. I September 1 . . Catte. , Ios. . . . . . Iolcs. . . ' teplemher 10 . . .2,018 . . . . . . . . . September 9 . . . 1.h:8 . . . 1.12 41 Seplember 7 . . . . 1,3H 102 . . . 138 September 0 . . . 1.402 . . . . . . 20 September 6 . . . . 2li3 IG 1.G18 8 CA''TLE-There was anolher liberal run oC cattle today there acing 122 fresh loads In the 'nrds. The cattle were mostly west- 'I. ems and among them were sonic good beef steers There wore no eel natIve beeveS The market on beer steers was fairly active and the desirable catto among the the pack- offerings were soon picked up by erto . ' 'he prlc.s Paid were strong and Ill extreme cases &OjiOc higher. The cow market wal not quite so Rats- tactory. 'fhere were about twenty loads ot cows and helferM on sale and the trade was inclined to drag I little. A large proportion of time oferingI consisted at common and undesirble slur : which tIme bu'ers did not Feem to want Goo(1 ( cows and hclers sold readily . The getm 111 market was about steady ali Practically evcrYlhlng changed hlnds before the close' . The stocker and feeder market was In avery satisfactory condition regards time very sntsfaelory .omlton lS reglrds selling Intel'eats. The yard buyer wanted cattle and they wanted them bad enough 10 pay ' good strong prices. In many 'ases ren f'"Y desirable stock cattle sold tOe hhher than yesterday Ycstenlay's < shipments ceaned out the yards In good shape and a \ery excellent demand from the country followIng today was the apparent cause for the strength and activity oC the market. Representative sales : CO WS. N'm. Av 11. No. A\ ' ; Pt. No. Av. Pro 9. . nc 11 I 2. .10 $2 0 10. . 961 1 5 2. . 825 $ c 2..lflSO $ 10 5. . 8r,6 , 2 I 1. . RCO 170 1..1030 210 t..lo0 : 5 2. . F2Q 176 1..820 210 2. . 75Q 250 1. . 65) 17 : 1. . . 850 210 1..10M 2 f 1. . 80 175 8..101 21 7. . 9 2 r. 1. . . 960 175 6. . 9f,0 2 15 2..1015 25 I. . 92 175 7..101 215 9..151 25 1. . 7C I 75 1. . 930 22' ' ) 21. . 961 2 ro 2. . . 895 175 4..1037 220 2. . f0 2 t 11 . . 907 176 1. . 880 2 25 4. . SZ 250 1. . . 1 > 0 1 80 11. . . ,83 2 : : 10. . 93' : 55 9. . S97 I ! 3. . 82 2 2 20. . . 1 8 : 60 12. . 983 20 1. . ! ) : 2 7. . 99 260 2. . 930 : 0 3. . 926 230 10. . 90C 25 2. . . ! 20 t..1916 230 2. . 830 260 7. . 811 20 18. . . 91 230 7..810 2 C5 1. . 00 2 04) I. . 9r. 235 1..160 27 : 4. . . .l000 00 2..1M2 . 2 3 5. . So' 275 2..100 4..10 200 3..103 23 2..150 : S5 2. . .15 20 22. . . .10l4 245 10. . 99 2 S5 12 . . S45 2 ( I ' 13. . .107 2 4 : 3..12 ,6 29 1. . 040 20 9. . 9S7 24 : 9. . 8 : 310 2. . 650 2 0 III7IFEI1S. lEIFEHS. 2. . . C82 1 S : 2. . 623 . 230 H. . . G3 24 3. . 63 20 21.,54 , 2 31) 8. . 66' 2 40 1. . 360 200 31. . nd. 2 324 1. . 79 24 : i : . : : r0 c 20 3. . 803 2 3. 3. . . r,80 2 r 1. . . C4. 220 7. . 598 236 1..430 2 r. 1..6 2 25 4..io'23. ' 1..3912t 3. . 70 ' 2 : 2. . el 12 3 3. . 70 2 CO , . . . 2.5 2. . . . 725 263 1. . i2 ) 225 C. . i3C , 2. . : 1. . 70 230 4. . . 4Si. 235 4. : . 7:0 2 I 2. 0' . tc 230 3. . . 52 23 : 1. . IOu 32 16. . ,16 230 ' 6. ; . . 440 22 1. . 52 32 9. . t08 230 . . . ,1..I.R. 1..12 16 : : ; 1..12 . 210 1..1W ) 2:5 1..1410 . 17t 1..152) 210 1..1110 2 25 1..110 . . 1 85 1..Um 210 2..1 . : 210 1..13" ) 1 05 2..Hi.0. 2 15 2..tO 2 35 1..10 : : 20 1. : . l2q : 22 1. . 9 240 3..13 . 200 2..106. 22 1.10 240 1..1:50 29 1..131.225 1. . 9 24. 1..110 20 2..105 22 1..10 25 1. . . 50t ) 20 1..140 221 1. . 02) 26 1..HCO . 210 1..1.5 2 : 1. . 000 25 1.1470 . 210 ' ' . S''AGS. 1.1310 2 15 ' OXEN' 5.1628 2 0 1..18' CALVES. ' ) 22 2. . 370 200 4. . 217 32 : 1. . 130 4 r. . . . . S6C 3 10 1..170 4 50 2. . 320 2 I : 3. . 35 . I 1. . . . 34) 3 50 1. . . 130 4 (0 2. . 385 223 1. . 34 I . . r 35 1. . 280 27 : 1. . :10 40 7. . 15 4 r0 2 . . 5 2 R5 7. . 34 40 1. . 2' ' ) 4 I 1. . . 2CO 3 00 2. . 105 40 1. . . 161 4(0 . . 30 5. . 28S 3 03 1. . ll 4 r. 1. . 22 50 STOCKERS AND FEJDERS 2. . 815 22 C. . i73 30 12. . C93 3:0 . . , . 691 300 3 , . . . 57C 20 1. . . i20 235 9. . 3. . 32 . . :1. . i91 245 9. . S2t 3 CO 1. . 910 320 2..5j6 . 25 19. . . 647 300 1. . . 5:5 32 1. . . CCO 2 50 3. . . 916 3 0' ) 6. . 640 32 3. . 716 25 18. . 769 30 1. . 62 320 I. . 950 50 I. . 670 30 23. . . 1154 320 . 26 3. . 716 260 35. . F09 300 1. . GC 320 1. , , . 1120 70 2..62530 21..81 32 1..92027 1. . 510 276 4..810 30 1. . 410 325 1. . 790 2 75 2. . ISO , 3 9 ' 2..1030 . . 3 25 7. . 428 275 8. . F54 30 4. . 932 32 11. . . . 48 : SO C..1M5 30) 21. . 85 ; ; 326 1. 2..40 . 285 5. . 828 30 1 : . . GIG 3 : 1. , . . 740 5) 9..6H 30 21..9332 : 1..74029 . , , . 12. . 505 310 9..1061 33.1 . 2. . , . 76 290 14. . . 675 310 8. . 0117 335 . . 1. 19. . 64 2 9 7. . g2 3 10 5.8 3 35 31. . . . 818 310 Ii. , . 93S 340 12. . 754 2' : 1. . . . . . . 6134 3 I. . . , . 340 1. , , 830 04) 22..6IH 3..1H6 3..953 . . 30 3. . . 56 315 21 . . . 1047 3 I 1..ln . 30 24. . . 710 ' 315 1..12. . } 3 t 6. . . 90 : 30 30 31. . . f82 320 31. . S0 350 3. . 426 30 00WESTERN WESTERN CATTLD. IDAhO. ' Harvey IJros. No. A11. No. Av. Pr. 53 feeders . . .1l98 $3 21 fee.rs..198 . Itogan lIme. 28Ieer..126 3 10ln 31 steerS..3226 340 WYOMING. W\OMIG. 1 feeder. . . . . 6CO 315 1 fee'ders . . C49 33 feCler. . 9 fee'ler. . C23 315 2 feeders. . . C 330 II. Troilopo. 2 1. ) 1 steer..1390 3 si 1 cow , , , . , , . . 1040 sleer..139 3 . . \ . . 290 1 steers..2161 335 . . . . . . . . 1020 sleer..1CI 10\.102 . . 2 cOw8..ICSO \ 29) 1 sl.er..12 O 335 . 15 ones..1068 . . 2 00 ( 2 : steers . . . . hi2) 33 \ . . . . . . 1115 335 4 sl.r&.115 . F. Miller . . . . . . . . 980 2 ; 1 heifer . . . 120' ) 323 2 2 cows. sle"r9..10 . . . 2 J. : E. nugK. lC .leer..12' 340 . . . . . . . 290 14 steers..1227 35 2 cows..l0 1 . . 2 cows..1050 2 4 3 cows..116G 325 f _ . _ _ _ _ 1" " 290 ' l. . ' 0" . . . .I H. tcCrousIm. felder. . . .1081 330 : 2 fe"lpr..l6 3 40 7 1 feeder..1240 : . 34' ' ) 2 feeders . . .1145 340 Itl. H. Clmmttfee. 17 cows..1028 1. 75 7 steers . . . . 3170 360 1 sir . , (15. . . 1290 3 25 . J IPfl 1& . & Ogalm'Iia Cattle Company. 2 buiI . . . . . . 1295 I C 1 cow. . . . . 910 ZO . . : : : :1203 : buls..195 , . . , . 275 3 , , . . , . . 14)0' ) 2 C ) 3.leer..1203 cows . . . .IO .ow 0) 12 reeders..122 31 1 feeder . . . 1220 30) . . : : ' . E. 3 \ . Whlcomb. 18 feNlers . . .1143 340 1 .leer..U30 30 .14 IL steers..1090 315 10 steprs..156 340 .leer..100 I sleer..1 340 1 steer . . . . 2333 340 . . 0 1 . . . . . . . . t 75 1 cow. . . . . 931) 2 I 1 cow . . . . . . . 910 John 2 ri' ) . rbu 2 klten..1210 32. 2 cows . . . . 95 lor . 3 steers . . . 1210 30 36 feethers.1243 3 r fpeders..124 , Itenl & IIICalIe Company. 1 feeder . , . , . 74' ' ) - 10J , , 9 fe.ers..11 32 . . iO 24 JIIU \ . ftler. I 0' 8 cows. . . . . . . SI3 2 54) 2 cit's , , . , . . , S5 : co\ . . r cows. . . . 2 steers , , . . . 1305 20 , . H ; 1.lper..12.0 290 23.ttrs..1261 : 3 Saa ( If Ioompany calf. . . . . . . 15 40 31 .lpprs..110 Vllo r. . . I 2 cows. . . . . 925 2 2 S steers..1172 300 0) 6 steers . . . 1035 3 " : een..172 (3 ; 1. East. 1 stag . . , . , . . . F 3J , , 1 bull..1460 . 175 slag. . . . : : 1 cow. . . . . . . . G9) 23. , . 1 cow..1034) 23 : . . & .ow. 2PP i ' iCow , . , , , , , , 1000 290 1 row..102 : ( cow..l090 IS Bleers..l0 6 3:1 , ' , I NSUR4.IIlA. A. .NerrY. Z cows . . . . 1020 1 8 . / 7 steers..1107 355 1 buli..1210 2 ( l 1 t C seers . . . 1200 S C 9 cows. . . . 5 2 fSJ lull steers..1218 36 1.leer..l090 30)I'J I ) ' . Jy \ 1l1'iitt U steerS . . . . 1231 3 'S" ' : c L ItIDO. -IU'.cn. I 2 .leer..120 375 < 1'1. ' J r. Uole8. 10 sIrs , Tex. 038 : UTAH. Dn1110re. . 1 bull . . . . 1170 1 6 \ 1 hul..l9 % 0 1 bull , , , , , , . , 1410 2 00 . 1 60 1 bull . . . . . ISSO c bul..IUO 20 1 bull..1330 16 1 bul..U5 ZO IIul..I3 . . . 160 1 bull . . . . 153' ) ZO 1 bull . . . . . 24t0 16) 1 bull..127' . . ' ) 20 1 stag..1380 1 C' ) 1 stag . . . . .10& 2 25 NEY ADA. , harvey Uros. (3 steers . . . . 1195 lnn'ey : 1 .11. tlg. . .1317 285 S ste.n..l016 3 ( ) t feeder . .l7 3 15 3 I fel.er..lO8 32 18 steers . . . 1204 3 35 hOGS-The day's supply consisted of twenty- six fresh loads of hOI' . about on In average with the receipts of time past few days 1 far n wlh qualIty was concemno . though there was nOlhlng as loppy as ) 'elterulay . The markel opened .Iow. the buyers being ralher backward aLut getting down to busbies. . \Vhen the market dl.1 open I was at abut steady I > rlcn. The most deslraLle of the hogs 8011 Itlut on Ihnt bUll. To\ard the cho4e time market eased co , and rouch hogs saul sales. off on Ihl omnlon kale- men who had that kln.\ of stuff Ih ulht that they Hepresentalh'c had 10 take or : 6 In I goo many cases. No. Av. Rh. l'r. No Av. Sh. Pr. 3.1 12 $3 15 t.:4 40 I 0 1..3 . . $ 75 4.5 . . . . . 40 1.,211 . . S 75 52. . . . " Iii 10 40 3 . . . . . 133 . . 3 75 .1. . . . . : 10 405 . . . . . . , I IS t4..21 210 . OS 43. . . . " ! 2t . . . 11 I . . . ' . . % s' ) . O 54) ) . . . . 242 40' 00 72. . . . . . IsO 12 . os 1..16 . . S 05 . . . . . ' 16 .05 : . . . . . 161 , ! b 1.p no 051t : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1..26 , . S f . . . . .2M. . t 07 1..210 ' 40 3 9 9T . . . . . Id 2. . . 10 27. . . . . 217 12 3I5 4.:7 Itt ) 410 n..2' 48 ' . . a 9 ' . . . . : Ir ) 410 16 . . . . . 303 . . 39 $ F8..2 04 32 ' 410 U..2 7 40 4 0 70 . . . . . < . . 4 IS 31..88 : . . 4 0 43 . . . . . 299 , , . 4 1 u..2.3 . 200 40 & , . . . :26 . 80 4 15 58..21' 40 4 ( ) 5..21 . . 4 1 1 61..2 : 210 4 0' ) 76..20 . . 4 : SKIPS AND CULLS. 1.H..0 SO 200 PIGS. 1..1 : . . 30 7. . . . rl . . 2 M IIGS. 4. . . . . F9 . . 29 , 6..13 . . 260 1..10 . . 32 32. . . . . f . . 27.3 : HIII-Thpr : only ont single' node of Wil slnll. . .hee/ here. The II'man.1 Is good end tIme Met Inrkel Rnl tlrlum . ltt'lfreeenlmmti'o , aleS : gel No. \VI. I'm 15 native stock ewes . . . . . . . . . hIS 1 5 CIIIC.tGD 1.1'n ' ' OCIC . 1"nlrIJ'eth' ( ' 1elnlll fur Native 4ztt- te-lul" INlnln Si rolig . CtIC'OO. Sept 12.-Thpre wan a fairly active demand for native beef cattle on time basis of from $3.50 to $3.75 for common 10 strictly choice , wih 10011 droves selling principally nt trout $5 to S5.W. anti tIme transactions below $ ' .75 werc not very numeroul. Aside frm : good cattle the market wes incline , ! 10 be slow durIng the morn InK. hut choIce anti canners' stuff was less nnhlal ' , 1 Ihun yesterday . bulls selling at from $1.75 10 13.50 In ) 1".1 In.lnlcl'9 buls , .elng cows mind whie helCers brollht from U.W 10 S3.S. time built ceiling nt from $ to ' 3. Uologl" bulls .011 at frm S2 10 52.50 feelers nt from $2.00 10 S2.76. anti export grades nt trom $3.25 10 $3.75. Clh'ls were fairly active anti steady 01 tram II.M 10 $ 6.50. Tuns cattle ehowel no chumage . nnll ! were In the usual tiomanul at from 13 10 $3.3 for grass steers \\'rler rangers here In very I"od demand , Rnl sellers elied Irlces , 10c or lore higler Choice lola were not very 1IIIIIrlt anti only : R small proportion weUI over U. About 1.00 Imogs were offered , on tIm market triny ' . IncludIng rrl.h receipts of H.o Imead nnd Ihe element , wits 91lcl.nt 10 absorb most of time .ulll ) " . holh tocll Ickprs nnll eastern 9hlp- Iers being faIr buyers , l'rices vere pte'ong at an average amivimnee of Sc per 100 1b . , lmeavy hogs sellIng at front 53.60 to $4.40 ; choice butcimcr hogs at from $1.35 to $1.45 ; nmlxeI Iota at froumi 11.00 to * 4.33 , and Commuon to choice assortetl ligimt wetghls at ( roam $3.53 to $4.50. heavy packers sold largely at front $3.90 to $1.15 , anti shipper. itt front * 4.2.5 to $4.40. Native sluep Were eatable at from $1.25 to 31.75 for inferior kinds up to from $3.50 to * 3.71 for choice , few ceiling as high am , $3.40. West- em sheep sold at from $2.60 to * 3,40 , time offerings - ings consisted lnreetv of rnns , stnl , . Tmnls were In demand at ( mom $3 to $4.55 for poor to Prilne. Itecetpte-Ctmttle , 1,50(3 ( lien' : calves , (00 lmeadl hogs , 14,000 head ; sheep , 17,003 head , St. Louis Live Stock , 5'I' . LOIIS , Sept. 12.-CAT'TLII-lteceipts , 4.00) head ; mtimlimentuu. 1,0)0 heal ; mumarket active anti sIrenS 'sit around ; export steers , * 4.27011,65 ; fair to gooi shIpping steers , 54.00705.00 ; dressed beef and good butcher steers , * 3.10645.00 : bulk of sales , * 3.75014.50 ; steers , tinder 1,500 lbs. , * l,75ti3.65 : hulk of sales , * 3.00603.40 ; stockers amid feeders , 12,2301 8.75 ; cows anti heifers , * 2.0)013.50 ) ; Tekas an' In- mIlan steers , 32.65014.00 ; bulk of sales , * 2.850(3.40 ; cows and heife'rs , 12.00013.25. IlOGS-ltecetpts , 3,5Q ) lead ; shipments. 1,500 hucaul : market tUlOc hIgher ; heavy , 54.20014.35 ; mixed , 53.75014.23 ; light , 4.I5614.3& , SliEIIi'-lteceipts 2,100 head ; shiqnmsnts , 800 head ; market steady o strong ; native muttone , * 2.40013 25 ; stockers , $150012.18 ; lanibs , 13.00014.76 ; southwestern sheep , $2.004j2.75. ICituijimis Cit ) ' Lte Stock. KANSAS CITY , Sept , 12.-CATTLE--lieceipts , 4,70) hmetmd ; shipments , 3,700 head ; market strong to So lighmer : Texas steer. , $2.2Iti3S0 ; Texas cows , 51.75012.50 : leef elects , 10.00014.25 ; native cows , $ l.250tI.0O : stockers and feeders , 12.4001 3.85 : bulls. $200012.00. IIOGS-htecelpts , 3.600 head : shipments , 400 head ; market strong to Sc higher ; bulk of sles , 04.00014.20 ; heavies , * 3.75014,15 ; packers , * 4,0000 4.25 ; mixed , * 4.04)014.20 ; lights , 83.30014.20 ; York- era. 51.10014.20 ; pigs , * 2.00013.76. SlIl3El'-Iteceips , 1,000 head ; slmipnments , none ; nmumrket steady ; lambs , 3.00015,00 ; muttois , * 2.0001 3.23. _ _ _ _ _ New York LIve StocI Market , NE.C YORK. Sept. 12.-1lICVES-1tcceipis , 601 , head ; no trade of Importance ; European cables quote Amerlcnn5steers mtt lltflc , dressed weighit refrigerator beef at 80I9e. SIIEEI' AND LAMIIS-ttecelpts , 4,704 head ; sheep , lIrm ; lambs , miull ; comnmon grades Ioaer ; sheep , Iuoor to good , $ l.780J3.3731 ; lambs , coin. mon to prime , $3.37t4C4.474. hiOOS-Iteceipts. 834 head , Market steady at :4.50015.00. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stock in Sight. Record of receipts at the four principal markets for Thursday , September , 12. 1805 : Cattle. Itogs. Sheep. Sotmtlm Omalma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,336 l,6'5 70 Cimicimgo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,603 14.000 13,000 lCansu9 City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.700 1.600 1.000 St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,0043 2.600 2,100 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,635 22.793 16,170 flry GOdiI Market. NEW YORIC , Sept. 12.-An excessively high temperature wan against imctivlty on the part of lulrchaeere , and new , 'ngagenlenla were k-c- mutrictt'ui because of higher pricea for sttmple and colored cotton gooda. For otter tylea time Item- canal deunantl was light , though fromn mmlesunen on tIme road good orders were obtained , which , whOm the shipme'nts from the mills , return a large tumtal of ' 'tles. There ivas a good lmeaithy trade with jobbers , though not so full as on previous days. I'rtntlng cloths iirnm at 34o bid for spnts anul contracts. FALL ltLVElt , Mass. , Sept , 12.-Print cloths firma at 31c , general business. Clittoil Market. NEW TOnIC , Sept. 12.-COTTON-Futures opermemi steady met the decline ; sales , 10,000 bales ; January , * 1.17 : February. 58.22 ; March , * 8.26 : April , 55.32 : May , 18.35 ; June , 55.41 ; September , $7.90 ; October , $7.94 ; November , $3.01 ; Deceunter , $9.09.NEW NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 12.-COTTON-iasy middling 774c ; low middling , 7c ; gooti tr- mlinary , 1' 3-16c ; net recetpts , 1,057 itales ; gross , 1,351 bmiea , ; cities , 1,000 bales ; stock , 77,685 b1es , ST. LOUIS , Sept. 12.-CO'fTOC'05tad5' . isc higher ; no sales reported ; receipts , 457 bales ; shipments , (67 bales ; stock , 57,225 bales. I'eorin 1litrkes. PEOI1CA , Sept , 32.-COItN'-Lower ; No. 2 , 3Oo No. 3. 29'c. OATS-Slow anti irregular ; No. 2 Wlmite , 1001 2)iic ) : No. 3 vhite , hSfJISc , 3IYF3-Iuil and nominal. WIIISICY-1"Irm : finished goods , on the basis of $1.22 for hmiglu wines. ItECIOIPT-Wlmeat , 3,000 bu , ; corn , cssio bu. ; oats. 200.000 lu. ; rye , none ; Larle' , 2,100 bu. Sllii'MIINTS-Wimeat , 1,80) ho , ; corn , 21,110 bu. ; oats , (0,000 lu. ; rye. none ; barley , 1,400 bu. Iavcmimort l'ahlce Iuer'stejl , The police yesterday sent a description of the jewelry that was found on thmo persofl of Walter Baker , who was arresei by Omcer Baldwin while trying to dispoo a portion of it to Pawnbroker \Volf on South Tenth street , to Davenport , Ia , , vhlere Ilaker Is supposed to have burglarized a pawn ahop. Late last night a teegram was receIved from limo Davenport authorities to the effect that an omco had boon 9ent to Omaha and would take Baker back to Davenport if the jewelry was Identified by him as the stolen proparty. Yesterday time police succeedd In recovering umiore Jc.welry which Baker had pawnd. ' * V101t'1'llIOlL 1)ltl1C.tST , I"gtlr , with SouIIie-riy W'iumds flfl(3 ' . % 'uruimer lit 'iVeputerim Neimriimshu. WASHINGTON , Sept. 12-'The forecast for Friday Is : For Nebraska-Fair ; southeast winds ; warmer in the western portion Friday even- lag. lag.For For Kansas-Fair ; continued warm ; east- erl' to eoutlmerly winds. 1' or Iowa-Generally ( aIr ; easterly wInds ; warmer Friday evening in time northwestern Portion. For South Dakota-Partly cloudy , with local showers In the northern portions ; soutimemisterly winds. F'or 10tissouri1eairI variable winds ; slightly - ly cooler In the northwestern Iiortion. Ioeitl Itecord , OFFICE OF TIlE WEAThER BUREAU , OMAHA , Sept. 12.-Omaha record of tern. lic-rature and rainfall , compared with the corresponding day of the past ( our years : 1895. 1894. 1693. 1892. Maximum temperature. . , . 8 74 57 77 Minimum temperature. . . . CS 49 64 luO Avmago tenilmerature . , , , . , 78 - 64 Precipitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 .00 , O' ' ) .00 Condition of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for the day and since March 1 , 3535 : Normal temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Excess for the day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 AccUlflulate(1 ( excess since March 1..325 Normal precipItation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . incim Deficiency for the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inch Total precipitation since March 1 15.81 incOmes Deficiency since March . . . . . . . . . . . inches Reports front Sinuous at H p. am , 'I f1 ! ' r STATS 05 STATIONS. 9 WLATIISR. 1 _ _ _ Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 08 .00 i'art clutmIy North Platte , . , , . , , 78 88 .00 l'art clutmtly Vaisntime. . , , . . . , , . , 84 84 .00 l'artcloutly Chicago , , , , . . , , . , , . 111 82 .00 Clear. SI , I.oui . , , , , , , , , . , ( hI 1)4 ) , ( J0 l'art clontly St. Patti , , , , , , . . , , , , 65 70 .04) ) l'art clotmdy Davenport , . , . . . , , . , 80 (12 ( .0(1 Clear. Kanse City. . . . . . . i44 t(2 ( .013 Clear , itciena . , . , , , , , . , , , . , 74 7)4 .IW I'art cloudy Denver. . . . . . . . . . . . . ) O ( it ) , tO h'art cluuuiy 9aitLakeCity . , , , , , . 82 844 .0)1) ) i'arlolotmdy hlsmnarcmc . , , . , , . . , . , 70 78 .01) Clear. 80. Yiimcout . 52 012 .00 Clomcty , .Cboyeammo. . . . . . . . . . . 78 1.0 , tO ) I'art cloudy Miles City . , . , . , . . , , 5,4 14(1 ( ,0flClear. ItapidCity . . . , , , . , . , . 82 14(1 , tloll'artcloutiy UStYostoli Ito 88 o041'arlclotldy 'T" indicates trace of precipItation. I A , WELSh , Obseryer. ASKS FOR A CABLE ChARTER Oolonel pa1ding Will Lay One to HawaII . If. Ho Gets a Subsitly. MATTER WILL BE LAID BEFORE CONGRESS Asserts lie liii. l'romitses of Money to Cnrr' Out the 'orI If the 4eeessiir' ISiieomiriigeliient Cmiii lie Seciareti , WAShhINGTO , Sept , 12.-Colonel Z. I , . Spaidlng , ovhio lately received a concession front thmo hawaiian government for a cable line between the Hawaiian Islands anti Coil. fornia , arrived in this city from San Francisco - cisco , lie went from hIde to Now York anti wilt sail for Europe Saturday , where lie will join his fanilly in Switzerland , Colonel Spalding , 'hion asked as to hits plans for tuturo action regarding the I'aclfic cable , said : "I flfll hmere for the purpose of notifying the United States govemnnment of my contract with Hawaii and to explaia that at an early date I will subnmit a proposition for estabhislm- lag cable coinuttinicatlon between San Frali- clsco and Ilonolulti amId asking aid from the United States goveranient. At present I amen on my way to visit my family , but I expect to return to Washington wIthin two Inonths , As scout as congress meets a charter will be asked for by a conipany of American capitalists - ists to whoni I sOmali assign my concession frotn Ilawaul , and if sufficient assistance be granted by the government to make it teas- iblo to constrtct : and maintain tile cable 1mb work will be begun at once. I Ilave been promised private subscriptions to stock of the company to time amount of $1,000,000 and hope our government will grant a yearly sub- sldy , which , in connectIon with that granted by Hawaii , will enable us to raise time money necessary to carry out the project. As soon as tletalls are decided upon they will be made public and every opportunity be given for scrlltiny 5:3(1 : ( Investigation , as oi'cil as for competition In construction. " Colonel Spald- lng did not see any of time State department ollicials wimile In Wasiitngtoum , as notlming could be done until congress Is In session. SOUTH OMAHA NI3WS Last night Police Judge Christmann re- celved a telegram from the sheriff iil Newport - port , Ind , , which reads as follows : "Terry Taylor wanted here , hold hIm until I can get necessary papers. " Signed J. M. Roberts , sheriff , This is the imian whom Ed Morcarty , an Omaha attorney , attempted to get out on bonds Wednesday night. Jtidge Chrlstmann considered the bonds straw and refused. The judge telegraphed to the sheriff at Newport and the message in reply tells the tale. Taylor was at lirat suspected of being ilnlmlicated In the Adam Case assault amid hme was sett up to time county jail for twenty-five days on suspicion , being charged with vagrancy. W'lmen arrested Taylor had a lot of fake jewelry with him and a couple of pairs of iron knuckles. Time police judge looked upon him with sus- piclon and sent hIm up until othmer countIes were lmeard from. Last night's telegram from Simeriff Roberts shmows that , Judge Chrlstmann was right In not releasing Toy- her on time bom ds presented by Attorney Mo- reahy. Policeman Dave Mulcahmy , who has been zuspended by the mayor for being suspected of passing notes from Vie McCarty to a woman , asking her to get hmimmi a revolver , will have a hearing this afternoon before Mayor Johnston. Otflcer Mulcahiy denIes that he carried time note to tIme woman , and ho also denies that ho wrote the note at Vie McCarty's request. ( eorge Jackson Inquest , Sheriff Drexel , acting in time place of Cor. oner Maui , decIded that an inquest was meccssary : in tIme case of George Jarkson , who tell from a box car at hammond's yester. day anti imad his left leg clit oft by the wheels. A jury was inlpaneled yesterday and viewed thio remains. On account of time ab. cenco of several witnesses time Inquest was postponed until this afternoon at 2 o'clock , Mingle CIt Gossip. Mrs. Doran , who is the guest of John J , O'Rourke , Is pick. Ex-Flro Chief Jack Galilgan of Omaha spent yesterday afternoon in town visiting old friends. The glue factory at. Cudahy's Is about 'conlpleted , Nearly all of the machInery is in place , and It Is expected that the factory will be running in full blast by the end of the week , A couple of tar barrels caught lire yesterday - day afternoon at time corner of Twenty- fourth and Id streets anti caused quite a crowd to gather , Fire Chief Smith slmoveled a lot of sand on the tar and put out tile blaze. At a special meeting of the Board of Education last nigimt the claims of time judges , clerks amid board of registration for the recent election were read anti alloweti. Time total amount of bills for the bond cloctioa will be nearly $600 , William Italian and J0h111 Pettit were playing - ing ball In Albrlgimt time othmer day and broke a window in J. I' . Krause's grocery store. The parents of time youngsters refused to pay for the glass and last miight Krouso had both the boys arrerstetl for malicious destructIon tiC property. William Carter anti William Donnelly have been bound over to tiio district court by Justice Wilcox under $600 bonds for keeping - ing gambling devices , The complaint was made by Mrs. Louis Shilier , who 'ays ibm. lmusbanti lost money at the tables. The place of business ivas Twenty-fifth and N streets. MULTiTUIIIO 05" C.iNIDA'1'I2S , SeIf-Giorilleatioulle'fore PirNt ' , % 'nrtl Iteimuilmllemin Cliii , , A symposium of eulogies by time nmultltude of republican candidates , deitvered 00db for himself , was the delectable program dished up for the members of the Grand View Re. publican club of the First ward last nigiit. For thmreo mortal hours candidates arose and told what good anul honorable men they were , and it the few members of thee lub who imad the stomach to remailm throughout did not go away from the meeting with the Idea timat each and every one of the calmdidates was a suitable candidate for a residence in paradise , It not for an otlice , he was hard to convince. Time meetIng started olth a scrap over the finarmces. Treasure Mattiiieson announced that hmo had $7 In time treasury , os'hh lie didn't know what , to do with. Thereupon time little giant of time council , I'ete Back , arose and wanted to know what had become of time other $7 timat 'the treasurer imad reported at the last macsting. Inquiry developed that tile collector had failed to turn it in , and a corn. mnittee was appointed to bring htrn to time scratch. This matter settled , the meeting was turned over to the swarm of candlulates. Beforehand , however , a motion was made anti carried that each candidate lImit imis speech to ten minutes. Judge Tierka opened the bali with a va rlety of poetical elTusions , and lie caine under time wire well Inside time limit. Then C , Ranter Scott was called to the wire anml came up in a canter , lIe started out by saying that he had come down to time meeting with a speech , and a long one , time nicest little Itose- water roast tlmat was ever imeard outside a lunatic asylum , and lie wasn't going to be handicapped by any limIt , not it he knew hmimsehf. This was greeted with tumuitous apitlause because the audience smelled a dr. cus wIthout an admission. This was enough for C. Ranter , and timereupon lme began to rave , and kept it up for an imour , Timere was nothing now in the outburst , It was the same tirade that he has played star parts with for the last month , Perhaps with some slight N. W1 HARRIS & CO BANJKERS. 204 Dearborn Street , Clhlcngo , 15 SVsII-at. , New York. 70 State.st , , Iloston , CITY , COUNTY SCROOL WATEk sad nraER hioa GDE Doegbt sn4 Sold Q0UI9QO8QUOS 8oi1i0d , - % 'ariatlons to catch the audience , from th ( tpelliIg ( " } 'ehlow men , my friends , " In a. hamlet tone of yoke , witbm heath stink betwcea the shouidere , untIl lie got on his tIptoe' and told what an honorable man ho always I0'51. I0'51.C. C. Ranter took so long to iiiako his tIrade that tile other candidates overo simos'eti out iii time cold anti they cotild only get up and tell that tile ) ' were just na imolborable 11101) 55 Scott ; ill fact , that they overo all hiolmorablo men , There were W. J. liroatdhi , (1 , W , Covehi , l. I ) , hloInlea , .7 , 1. , . Piersomi , Justice Crosby , 3 , A , l'oiers , Justice hhnldwln , lick Sinttii , hieecier : lligby , henry Llvesey , John \Vestberg , (1 , ii. Itathibun , Vi' , A. Foster anti 0 , C. Tlionipson. Timers were more camtthl. dates present , but they were left omit because In the nieantinio tile audience had ecapet1. iIgIithi % 'ni't Itelmithil Ieniis. Time Litmerni htcptllmiican club of tIme llghth ward ilelti Its regular nteetlng at SAnders hall at Twenty-fourtil 1111(1 Coining streets last night , Thmo first nante athiloti to ( ho membership role was timat of "Uncle"'ash - ilmgton , colorcti , who is ( lie oldest resitlent tlmis side of time Missotlri river , imfl'ilmg reacimeti thin age of 117 years. Ito is still hate anti hearty. A Ittllimber of I1Ch' 115k-lies WCI'O placed on tIme register. Judge 'milLeD ( lien delivered a speech , Isaac hlascall comistlmeti time balance of time evening qtioting front lila Sterotypetl lecture every semtence of wlmlcii comtnmences : with ' 'Now then' ' and ' ' ' comiclutles ovithi 'Amid thmat' all there is Ill It , " Ilisa tioiimt&'il ha holmIum g Steel Imuss. A meeting of tIme NinthmVnril Colored Republican club was to hmvo been lmeltl last nigimt , btit Jtittge Scott occtpleti : that eveiting , Timen it was tilotight that a meeting coulti be Imelti \\'cdnesday evening , but thio coloreti voters ot'ere doomed to dlsappollttment again , for the Citizens' league hind possession of time hall , A final attempt was lilOdo last evemmlng , btmt no janitor nppearcti , anti time nitmmtbers separated , swearing that ( lie Ninth \\'aed Republican club did hot waumt tlmeni to use Its ball anyway. AUOtllCr trial at a mmieeting will be made next Tuestiay or \\'edncsdny nlglmt , RAILWAY TilE CARD I.eaves BUltLlh'IO : ' . .t : MO. ltiVliiArri-ea Omimalma Union Depot , 10th & Mason rltsi Omm&miua & I0l5ami. : : . . . . . . . . . . Deumvcr Express. . . . . . . . . . . 9:40am : 4tGlmmn.lilk. : lulls , Mont , & i'Uget Sad. Cx , l'fl ' 4 : ZZ.Iunm. . . . . . . . . . . lenver Expm cci . , . . , . , , , , I :0pm : 7Otiumm : : , Nebraska Local ( etcept Surmdtmy ) , , 7ltpuii : 5i5uni. . , .iimcomn locai ( except Summtlmy : ) . . , ! iifln. . .I-'mst Mmmii ( for Lttcolm : : ) timmily , . . Leaves ICIiICAGO , IIUltt.INOTON Q.iArrives OmuimJmajUtmionDepotlttlm ; _ &Slasttn Sms.i Omimatma li3pnm : , . , , . , , . . , Cimicago Vetibuio. . . . . . . . . . 9&OTj : , : . . . . . . . . . . . Exlmcs. . . . . . . . . . . 4 .15111 7&Opim..Cimlcag : : , , & St. LouiS Express. , 8Othlui It:31an..acific : : Jemtctitn Local. . . . . . . S : _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . : 1.taves CILICAG0 , aiiI. 'O'1A i. ( JmmtmatJnionDepot _ , lOOm & Mason Stm , Ontaima 6:00pm..Chicago : Liimmited. . . . . . . . . . . 9soans : hl:30tmn.Cjmtcagmjl'.Iire4 : , Stmflia3I:231)n : . . . Lea' , es ICl I ICA (31) & : 1Z iWi irrtioNIiTri. ; OomnlmalUntoum Depot , 10th & Slasin m4ts.i Ommaima : 10:4Omtuim..Eastern : Express. . . . . . . . . . . 4 :201)111..estibmmie-tl : Liflilteti. . . . . . . . . 9 :20.mumi : 6:5&anm..Mo. : \'ulley Local. . . . . . . . . . I0:331nm : . ) niahaChicagoSpecI , . . . . . . . 3:1tmm : 'i.ett't'a CmllCAdltT' . & i'X3IPic , , ' , ri lie , , Omnaiua Unlolm Depot , 10th &Mason i4ts. Ommmalm& _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CAST. - 11:23am. : .Atlmntlc Exprczs tex , fiumti' ) , , 5:33pm : 6:23pm..Nigimt : Express. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 : l0prmt. . . .Clmicngo Vestihuietl Linmited , . . . I : ltpmn 3'lIST - 6itpuim.Okahoma : : & Texas Ex. ( cx , iUn.lOllain : . . .CoIomait , Itnmiieti , , , , , . . . . . 4 ; 00p ' LeaVes C. , s'1'PiTTh ' lAjj' Onu.tma Depot , 15th an Wemaler mts. Omaimi S:12.uimt. . . .Sioux City Accommiodmtioiu. : ; . , , Sl3pm ; 12:15 , , . ( SioUx City J-xpremts ( c . . Sun.1:53am ) : a0pDt. Leaves 1urT' Omaha UcItot , iltim anti 3Vclsmer lOts. i Ontttha 2:10pm..I"mmet : Mall anti I.pres . . . . . . . 4rdpn ; : 2hOpun.ex : ( , alIt , ) \Vyo , lix. ( Cx. lion. ) . . 1tti'n : ' 9:03am. : . , N'orfohic L'lumcsim ( Cx. Semntimi.i0:30at ) : : 6:1001mm : . . , . , , , . , , St.I'aul Express..iOEnn : Leaves 1. C. , ST. J , & C , 11. lAm rhi , OmahaUnionlepotl0tlt <ltmson StsI Omalma 9:50am : . , . , , Kansas City Day Express . . , , , 1X.hIftU. 1'.Tramms. G0aun 'MiSSOUltI I'ACIFIC' " IAiiiV Omalma Depot , hOtIm anti WelisterSta , I Ommiatta 10:40am..St. : Louis Ei.press. . . . . . . . . . 9:30pm : , . . . . . . . , , St. Louis Express. . . . . . . . . . 6:00pm : 3Sopmn..Nebraska : Local ( cx , Sun. ) . . . . . Leaves SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. tAruive" Omaha lepot. i5tim and Webster Oils. Omaha : . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Limited..10 3mra fives SIOUX CITY & I'ACIFIC. Ailives Omaha Union Depot , bum & Mason SI , , . Omnaima 6:53am..Sioux : City I'assenger , , . . , , , 10:23pm : 5:33pm : . . . . . . . . . .St. Paul I.lnmiled..12:33pm : Ieaves I UNION i'ACIF'IC. Arrives qmalua4union Depot , ilttm & 1.iason Sta. Oniaima 9:45am : , , , , , , . . . 1Cearney Express..12:30pm : 2:00pm..Overland : Flyer. . . . . . . . . . . 53Oiumo ; 2C0pnm.1leat'ce : & Stmommmsb'g Ex , ( cx , Htlmm.I2Iflpni ) : 7:00pm..tmciilc : Express..10:25amm : : j3i'n..FastMmmii. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.oaves V'AIltSIf EAII'i'AY. ' jArrlvea Om'tlma tjniomm Depot , 10th & Mason Sts.i Onnlma : I ( . . . . . . . Louis Cannon hell . . , . , 12:35pm : BOHEDULE OP STATE PAIR TEMNS , Via Union Pacific. Effective Frltlay , Sept. 13 , Saturday , Sept. 14 antI Sunday , Sept. 15 , 1895. (3 (0 I N G. COlmIlcil Iiiuiffs Arrive - - - - . . - Onmaima Siicelya Sotitli F.ii r fl'eiway 'l'r'HfCr Ounilma ; Grommmmtl Titr A. 2.1. A It. A. N. A. 3d. A. 51. 11:110 : 11:30 : OhS 11:10 tI31) ; ) 1)10 ) 11:00 : 11:11.0 : 33:13 11:11) ) hiitl : : 11:1,0 : 1' . Id. 1' . itt. 1' . Si. ii' . Si. 1' . Il. 3' . 51. 1:00 : 1:03 : 1:15 1:11) 1:20 1:50 1lI3'I'UItNIXG , Leave Coummicil Ilimiffa. Fair Sotmih Simeolyim Ommmahma - Oronimfi olulaima Tl"sfcr. mruiay 1' . 51. 1' . N. P. 51. 1' . 51. 1' . iti. 1' . 51. 5it : ( ) t'i : ) 5:2(1 : ( 5i3 ; 6:45 : 5:50 7:01) : 7:20 : 7:2' : ' ) 7:33 : 7:15 : 7:5(3 ( . ! :0t : ) 11:20 'J2tl : 14:35 0:45 : 11:30 : Effective Monday , Sept , 20 , to Frldmty , Sept , 20 , inclusive. GOING , - - CouncitIflflffH. Affive _ _ _ _ _ _ - Omaha Simeeiymi South , Fair Ii'ttway Tr'sfer OimmmIma ; Grommntl A.M. A.51. AM. , % .M. AM , AM. 7:00 : 7:03 : 7:111 7:11) : 7ll ; : ) 7,60 8:00 : S(1i : ( 8:15 : 8:111 : 8:30 : 8.1,0 14:00 : t ) : ( ( ( 0:15 11:10 : $ : ( 11,1,1) 10:00 : 10t)3 : ) 111:15 : ithil ) 1(1:3(1 ( : ( P1:1,0 , 3 1 ( ( (1 ( ii ( Ii I 1 :15 : 1 1 :11) : 1 I : :1O : I I .51) 1' . Itt. 1' . 51. 1' . 341. 1' . Si. 1' , 51. 1' . Itt. 1'2tlt : 12lJ : ( , 12:15 12lil : 12:3(1 : ( 12:60 : 1 :00 : 1:03 : 1 :15 : 1:11) : 1 :11) : ) 1 lu ) 2:14(1 : ( 2:03 : 2:15 : 2:11) : ) 2:30 : 2:60 : 8:1)0 : ) :1:0:1 : : : :1:15 : : $ : hil 3:30 : 3:10 : 4 itt ) 4l3 : ( 4:111 : 4:111 : 1:30 : .1.1,1) liU0 : 5:03 5:16 : 5:111 : 5:30 : 5:1,0 ( I :00 : ii 03 ( I : I 0 (1 ( : I tl ( I : t0 0,60 7Oti : 7:11,4 : 7:1(1 : ( 7:111 : 7t0 : 7.5(1 ( 8:0(1 : ( 8l3 : ( 8:15 : 8:111 : _ 8:34) : ) _ 8:30 : 1tI3'l'IIIININU. _ , - iim iiiigs. i"ntr Sommthm Stmeu.'lys Oummaita - - . - ± : lEdway - - - - AM , AM. A.M. AM. AM , A.M , 8:01) : 8:2(1 : ( 8:211 : 8:1 : , ) 8:410 : 8:1,1) : tI:0lI II ' 21) ) tI2t1 : 11 :35 : 14 :45 : ( ( :1.0 : 1(1:111) ( : ) 20:15 : 111:911 : 10:34) : ) 1(1:15 ( : IOi'O ; 11:00 : lh:2 : ( ) 11:26 : ll:45 : 11:45 : 11:50 : 1' . 5 ! . 1' . N 1' . 2tt , 1' . Itt. I' . 51. 1' . 1.1 , 12.01 12li : ) 12:211 12:33 : 12:13 : 12:50 : 1:0(1 : ( 1 21) ) 1 :26 : 1 :35 : 1:45 : 1,3 , 2:1)4) : ) ) 2:20 2:2(1 : 2:33 2:15 : 2:5 :1:00 : : :1:21) : : ) 1t:2m1 : 3:35 : 3:45 : 3:30 : 4:01) : ) 4:20 : 4:241 : 4:35 4:45 : 4:1,0 : 6:11(1 : ( 5:51) ) 3:20 : 5:35 : 5:15 : 3:60 : 11 ' 00 Il :25 Il :3 : 1 0 :4 : ( ) Il :1,41 : 7:0(1 : ( 70O 7:9(1 7'tl : 7:25 : 7:45 7:30 : 8:1l : ( ) 82O 820 ; 8:85 : 11:43 : 8:60 : 0:00 : 11:20 : 0:26 : 0:83 : 0:45 11.60 JAMES E. BOYD & CO Telephone I 039. OMAhA , NEll. COMMISSION Grain , Provisions & Stocks Room 11l1/ Board of Trade , Iirect wires to Chicago and New York. Correspontlents John A.'arren & CO. 8' , P. UUITIS ( Tel. 1505) 0. 1,1. STANYO11 F. P. SMITH & CO. GRAIN and PJ3OV1SJON floohil 4. N. Y , Lifo Bldg. , Omaha. Branch omc.s at Fremont and Calumbu. All orders placed on tim. Chicago Uoara of Trade , C.irrcsponlenta ; tfChmwarts , Dupes & Cu , , Ciii. caso. Schrein.r , Flck Li Co. , itt. Louis , SliCeS toFzst National Dank , Omaha. MAPPIW Ilemiul icr our cotnpiete ouuk .z 41011ULt plaiimiig M/.ItGIN 'j'IIAUINO and fPDAilISW 1)IFININCI Ai.t MAllKbT 1X. . 1IttUIIIU i'ltlIttSlONS , Alsa our daily ritSi' L'Vflf i liivfl ket letter suggesting when apt Itt DAfI4ttillIjIJ. what to trade. hiotim free. Peak references turnisimed. AItJOUAS'r co MI2M1iElt ChiCAGO Ol'EN hOARD 0 TRADE , 222 'freesT. Iluilding , Chicago , (