Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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    .I < _ . . . . 'n--er - - - ' " " -
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. 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OJA IrA DAILY Y BEE : cYBDN ggfA Y , SJW'1Mijji . 11 , 18H . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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. - I THE _ OMAHA . _ DAIX nm -
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r. xtO4IvATm. PdItor.
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rTI.IIS or SlII'IO :
nll 1. . tWlhot ( 8unI. , ) . One . . . $ * 01
II1y IH fld Ufl(1fl3P . Ono Ythr . . . . . . . W I >
flx , 1onth. Illo . . . . . . ) . . . . . . yea. . . . . . . . . . 6 I
'ht" Mouths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 J
"undy l. . On . Ytr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ( ( I
_ _ _ _ Illulay Uel. One \t3r. . . . . . . . . . . 1 M
WtklI" . On. rtor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . U
: .
O1:1ct :
Omahn ' . 11- & fltlt4In . '
Rout ! , (1miha. 8Inl" ( lulllnl. Jk. C"rnor , N anl : lb ft $ . i
Counci 1tr. : . . n 1111 alnet
4 Chlefun , thIee ! . 31 ; Chtnnb.'r of C"mtort" .
New York. ! roml 1 Chfmbr 1 nlll 15. TrIbune fluIldlfl.
r Wuhlnilun , :11 I. ' Ilrel N. 'V.
: MI rmmunIettInnq , platlng 10 news ftfl 1.
: rmmunle'lon1 In.
torlal : n.tter thould I > ntIrcMrI : 'Co the I1Itor.
l'IH I.a Lrrrrrm.
All huoln- . etttn nt4 tritetttnIi'C S .1111.1 he
.n huolnlele1 n"o Ir"tll
edr'rlII I" The Iee luLI.hlll Conll''Y.
Otnnhn. ) , nI. . cite : ln.t I' , t. 4ce : ; 01.1e , , lo
1" made I"\.I . In IhrI' of Ihe ) enm.nnv. , .
TIn ¶ : Dm . ltnLIMII O COMt'NY.
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Gtnr " n. Trhlck , .Ct-IM ) ' or The Ue. J'll. ) . .
lonln ! . Nmp ny , 1oln" lulY OW"I1. bl ) ' Ihnl
the :01111 ( nUII"r : or fufi Incun'lllHI cJh' ! " of
the . fiI ant . un.y fl "
Daily Moriilnp. Evotiliig
! I"o
Vlly Morlln , ! velll : In.1 !
Jllnl' " : .Iurlnl th. ) Ilcnlh or . \Ujls. 1 , . I a. a
tnlow . . . . . . . 9.J ] j7 . . . . . . . . I . (
% . . . . . . . 1.12 13.11 1. 1. . . . . . . : .1:1
3 . . . . . . . . " . 13. . . . . . . 1:107 :
4. : . . . . . . . . 21.01 .Or : ) 2) . . . . . . . . . 1 .1 < 4
i. i . . . . . . . 1 .lj3 % 1. . . . . . . . I . ' .I
. . . . . . . . . . III7 2' . . . : . . . . . U 111
t 7. . . . . . . . . 1 .11 . : i. . . . . . . . 1 . .r
* . . . . . . . . . . I .01 . 21. ' . . . . . . . . n.le
9. . . . . . . . 19.o : 3 : j. . . . . . . . . : ' .I'I '
-I 10. . . . . . . I . ioi : . . . . . . . . 1 . " ;
, 11. . . . . . . . 2o,1O : . . . . . . . . I , "
2. . . . . . . . . . U.O 2 . . . . . . . 1 ' .I ;
1. 1. . . . . . . . . n.OA : . . . . . . . . . : . .
4. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . I , 'I '
. . . - ; . . . 9Vt II ' . . . . . .
I. : . . . . . . . . . . . 1.100 J .O0 : : . . . . . . . 1 .1 : .
' 15 . . . . . . . 1.0M
11 'nlnl ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( .I S
LPe5 dIiUotOfle 1 ) tr , un.ol.1 nn.1 rtumt1
copl" ' lu"totd . . . . . . > . r . . . . . . . . . . . rdumC . . , . 10.01
. Ntt .nlr9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; r.17
t Daly 1'.I.rlKe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IK.i .
(11OF- ! TZ.SIJtUCF.
S\\nn to before CfOIGH' . piIerb.I. In my
precnop this : nll tiny of 'II'lb.r. , 1S3.
( Henl. ) . If1 . 1' I"I.IL Notary lUblC
. . . . . . . -
- - -
- - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
'hl' Wllt ( , It lIaW-(1OSWU ) In 1t13S1.
U't hlllgl'ltluu Owt Nebrtska wants
now. -
I\cll llZtl'ly Is I . oed tllan' , but lu
wouts to 11 c01ful when he cssnrs : tn
nl hl : opinion In 1 Icthodlst coiiftr-
: \ ' 4. LzI1Igti'8 itage popularity from
.the box olle ) ) Itlllolut , [ Ilst be 01
- - the 41ec1111e. lu 10 other wuy cnn her
uPllcaton for I dl\olce In thll coun .
: try ho CXIlflhtle(1. ( . .
. . . : exlco I hI l not : an eiicoiiragtng place
fet ; 1 1 fnl ; silver iiiiii. : " ' 'Ho says 1
, prlilent Routheln 11metllst ) who llH
just ; i'eluriied fl'OI : t4xhco. The ell'
Ic ties of h"lcnJ free sl\I ) coinage ( 'ni
1u uJr'll ; ted only n l n 1lstun c.
I- Ollhl contractors continue to get
ii contl\t : for cOlltrctun uf the fcderl
luhllhIIg , which Is 1 liost desirille
thing fl'um any point of view. 'j'he
more libby the O\'el'lment dlslnlsls
helelhouts thc better It wi he for
Omaha Iml tw government.
The London PUPCI'S certainly deserve
, credit for acknowlcdglng 80 quickly
that the Yltkyrle Wil beatcn ) In 1 per-
fecty fair nice. The contrast betwccn
their 1tlhulo toward I the yacht mce
. anti their treatment of the defcated
Cornel crew hI Ole delghtful to be-
, h l1 - -
I Dan Voollces Isn't doIng n thing to
filly ole nowlltuYH except to write let-
of i'CCOIHfliCIibttlOfl to ' sl'ck-
terl 01 rcrommcnllaton pel'solR -
" log CIIIll ) 'lrnt 010 of Dan's letters
of rccolmcldllionlee1 lp In Omaha
time ' other day. AI 1 letter wrier
Yoorhee hI 1lmost us much of a suc-
. cesSiis hI Is 1 spalwr.
So. the , star\-uton plan hI to 1m tried
on . thl ) COiylctl ut the pCllhItI' ! ' .
Time constitutIon IJrovlllcs against crime !
anti unusual punlshmeuts , 1ut what
care the nllhcI'S of time Board of Pub
lc I.JI8 1nll lijilhuings. Time lllloly
or , Rturvaton docs not I\ppelu' ; to he
either cruel or unusuul to them.
. , Time i'ealcl ( number ot tie Nebraska
. delegation to time Grand Army of the
. lieptibtic reunion nt Louisville , nv ailed
thcmseh'c8 of the privileges of the official
1clal route secured for them hy . the
earnest ' efforts of tIme transportation
comnIttee. Their llussel wouM not
. hl\o heeu good on .uuy oilier railway
I . e . . -
Every new moon sees the institution
of sonic secret society for the alleged
Inl'poso of benevolence und hlSu'1CO ,
This btslneHI must 1e IlmenHcl '
> . 1110lahlo to sonic one. It lies bCl'nlc
. cllhlemlc ( and doubtless wi prevail
unti the great mass ! of pSople tire of
the nuhl nce. When anything btcomes
overdone It soon goes Into dechimme.
' Ioel Ielne.
. I''lrY one lmew that 'j'umuu1 ' floss
Clkm' was out of poltl' and out of
' . the country only long enough for the
cloud to roil 1y. He thinks lie sees 1
chalce for 'nllllr victory ' , anti to
hell It Iu its trials uII tllhulatolS he
has started back early. We ahan : hem'
consldernhty more of Ct'oleer between
now 111 the opening of thai fiI cuni- : '
. \P ' lgl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Several atemllt ! hare been Indl'
or Into hmy outside creditors oC UUfOI" -
tUlnte Ne mslmnf to enlist the otCIR
or time state In time collection of bad
dcht 'I'umlled up chares , or cmll'-
zlclcnt hu\O been preferred In onlel' t (
nSI : the prosecution. 'l'he 1ll0lJle of
Ncb1ullm. have limit ou the statute books
1 law forbidding iiiuprl.jonmnumt for
" debt and ( they wnlt that law . rigidly
The chairman of tIme Kn1sos mlemmio-
Crtc state committee Is 8nll to have
- COhiphetehy tlsnlllllJCll : , and ni efforts
; : to "wnto l Imlimi iimitl '
' hll 1111 hl'llg 11m to Knlllt
: . to clil thc cmmitee together have
. Proved CUtl' . No 'wonder the eIIOOC
man has hidden from view. Ills knowl-
" , ; . llgo of the llroslll'tt ) of 11 Iltllcrl tc
ticket In Kansas ' must have been stilhi-
clently dimucouruiging to drive him
. cenUdll'coulGlng to
. almost nnythlng. -
Men who really deserve to 1e elected
to liluces ul\n the district bench will
. not seek ! nominatons ut time 1l\l1s or
party eonvention. Self-seekers whose
. names rarely appear upon the touirt
docket are nicking every effort to
bring about their nomination. 110 !
' , . people or this district . . have b\'cn euluu-
entcl to Ignore IHI.t ) hues lu time selection -
lecUon or judged and are dlposed to
vote COt' the best Wll regardless oC
Vurty ,
. .
.t - tCI4
OVkM.\J Tll (11 . " _ III.UlN.
'rho Ohio l'l'IJlhlcnus OIa'IICL ( thcl\ .
rnrlh:1 yesterday nt time homc city
of the IUllt1 c.IUtatn for gr -
l'I'lor , SII'11J1111 , There vas I
Very 11'/1' Ill'lltIICI I ! 011 time 11111 (
'f llrllll'll ( IVCLniy ' Senator .Shl'r-
mmmii. TIme 10t Intet'stilfel which
the occuglou denlollc wits tie ( liar-
IIUI that exists . time utterances or
Limo ! speakers hllcatnJ Hut thcn' Is I
hut time slIghtest fnctonl ( culn/ amid
thlt all vIIi \ \01'1 tlgethlr hllrtl ! : _ - foe
the IIPCII1 ot the l'lIJtlc:1 : .1) ( ' mil
legishittlvit . tdet . 111,1l8 , or mmmutuiuL ; 1
SIIIII.t ) ) ) whIch h:11 : before hl'CI 11. .
! urlaly givetivere here . ; h"/ ! ( UI'111 i I
. ' ! the ' oe
e.lircssio1i mutt Mtll'chel
Sherlou , ) Ie1lii2ey , l'ollwr a mid
I humsiniehi all 1 t lt Ill thu t vlmatever
ilissetisloim thel'l mummy have hcel 11 time
l'Ist 110lg the l COllUIII'I' : ur time
rCllhlcl1 Co'Cl1 of the lUcl 'l ! stile
there is 1 IWIU Imusv.
Time Ohlu ( CIIIIIIn wi be ( ought on
nltolal isties , wih \ the tariff flueS-
ton ot the front . time tlcmoct'ltc state
( : OI\Utol having . rclul1l'll the Ilsl-
tun u1 the PartY Oil the sliver 111,1' '
Unn two . ; rllrs age ! nl 1:11 year. I
What the seltlnenl of the Ohio tepub-
lC111 II Lellu : time tm'l1 Is Ihown
Lu limO ! ) tel'h ur Seultor Shmermmmmuii.
'What : wu menu to do , amid wi 10
whll W ( ha\1 : tIme lwm' ; ' he said , his
, to ) I'o\'Ile ) , n tariff : Inl ta ( ! bill that
wi yield sllccnt t'U\cIUlS to 81)-
Port the goverimimment :11 nt the slme
tme protect nil home . Iltn1tl'lel 1m-
) ) ll.tll ' and elfecull ) . . lie pointed
omit the contmst : between time two imolit-
. tl Jol-
ICII parties : : whel II IoWcr , time repub-
Icun Ilrt : ) ' steadily Iellucng time Ilble
deht , while mllel' the lirescilt deimmo-
crltc : ullmlnlstrton I has hcen stcnl- (
By hlcl'Iell , due to the el0crtc 11.
Haul on the protective 1)llc ' . lie ile-
dared time lleSelt tariff In\ to he a
blllo of Ilcollstclcle . which . It hi
time Inll1101 oC the rlIHhlcan ! to
r lwIIUI soon 11 I shah ! be glvel time
LmOer to do so.
lower t0
'there hlH been some speculation ns
to Issues 11 lime 11 tolul campaign of
Iwxt 'I : . There can bc nn doubt t us
to what thc chief Issue will bc If the
voice of the republicans or Ohio hiu
any 1mcmmc' ( II lualcln/ , Iml Inte81
there II aim ulexcctcl change or conili-
lions that Issue will he accepted by
l'cIHhleulH I'e' 'whel ! . If there be
lot wlhll the next tell mOlths such
ll ImpI'O\'ell1 t 11 the 'I'e\'enucs uf the
gO\C'ument al will bl'll thc receipts
111 to the txlellllllel ) nll IHt I ShIll
10 deficits :111 : the tel lr of IIH'e bond
bSIC ; : , 10 oIlier question wi take vree-
eellllC uf the tariff. Time . Amerlcln
lcoille , wi lol go emi SUIJIIO.tlg U policy -
icy time result of which Is lut only II'
sufficient revenue . , but I large rClluc-
tel lu . llol.tllt tonl'ltc industries
aml Increased hllJltulons of fOlel1
iutot1uCtS. Time democratic t\II : In its
first twelve monUls of operation Ils
brougimt about 1 deficit of : ltOOOO
mil them Is e"l' " ' l'elS0n to expect
that tlls sum \TI 1 ( largely IncI'elscl !
ll\ll the current fiscal 'e : .
'the last t'epublcal tu'lf 11 its first
year of operation 'lehlel a l'e\'CIUC of
Ibout ) $ : : ; ,000,00 mOle thun : time rc-
ular CXlcnlltlre : IIO'1\lons ) are
' in amid . Is , mnle-
pouring 11 nld gohl going onto -
11g 1 IIUUtOU that Is not only emt : il-
tssln to the treasury but 1 menace
to the credit of the go\'ernment Time
intelligent 1 Tofm'R or time country know
what Is rcsllonslh for all this timid
ther know It wi not be rmellecl
whlo the dcmoct'a palty ) Is Iii posi-
ton to pre\'llt remellll legislatIon.
Next week the 'SIH1Ish govermimneimt .
wi pay to the United Stales $1. O.-
0 In Cti ! scttcmcnt of thc Iom eulm ,
which has beeit f pcndln for . sonic
elgiuteemi years. I Is 1 singular fuct
that although Spain years ago Icknowl- !
Clged the justice of this cahn und
agreed to 11) ' it , uml although thc
luterest , slucc acct'uel umo\IUnJ to
' lummired thousamid . dollars immms
several hmlh'e tl0JU1 101's. hiI
heeu remitted , there urn some who
cllclse our government for Inslstl1
ut this time , when Spain Is elgugel (
In tryimig to retain its despotic hold
UIIOU ) Cubu , . UII0l ) ha\'lug :101 patti
'wlmt IH justly tine him. A cI'ltclsm of
this kind on the part of SIIIII'dH
is 1 of course latmul , hut that mummy .
AI'rlan should timid fl\l wih his
goverl11mt lI the IUtct' Is dUlcu1
to 111C'S hUl . t. Spain hlil abundant
UPIIOtUII ) ) ) 10 lillY the culm Illce she
ltgmeefi to 110 HO In 1S1 amid her fl\ul .
to do ' so worked great Ilj\ ' mil h111.
Ihlp' to the c111ant , al Amerlcln
citizen. I ml ' 1m true that our ! o\'eln.
mClt should huY hcen ' lame pfI'lstent
In time IHHt , hut time fact that SIII1 : Is I
. . .
now ( lglgel ! Iii time cf'Ot.t to lmt down I ,
' '
nn In81'I'eclon does not furnish n ,
' wh ' flihigovermiment should .
Yalll reason why thhj'jo\clnment 8houll
lla\e Ilel'mlted fumrther all Inlclllt '
delay In the pmtymnemmt ) to ouo of Hs
citizens , who has sUITcrel privations
'heclul ) of the wor done hll by time
Su1lsh ) lo\rmelt. or 1 clahn which .
It was agrcl'l nlue years ago shoulll .
be paid. No one can say when the
cuban hlsl'eelun wi cud , or how.
'he last ole run through ten years.
WO\ll It have been just to Mora . to
have cOupcled him to walt for the
mOII' ' 11 huh'tulo tme , PHIUg time'
result or . time conflict In CUll : ? la Il
the duty of time ovC'nment to take
Ilto l'onHhll'l'ntou n contugenc " or thus
kind In Ilelltlll time seltl'lnt or I
clnhl or ole uf its citizens ? l It were
n lew eiaimmm . ole or recent date ( , time
calc woull be sOlewlmt different . hut
It IUIS been 1nullnl for ) "cal. dl'll
which Spain was ! t peuce amid coull
have : HettIll It wihout emIlrl'alHlent
to imer ' ' ' .
hlI' t'l'Utl'X.
PIII ; tins herself to . 1luml for the
recent course of our govct'llelt lu
this matter. Situ had not been . honest
Itil st111htCol\ld In her relltol1
wItim tIme ITniteti States. Sim
wih { lll'll Stltel. has tem-
liorized over ninny calmsmll ec1ICr
to lulco restitution after n cOlml8 lol
created 11 18 umiamle favorable I'- ! '
Ilortl upon live out of eleven cnlms or '
Alwrlclu ctzels for 1 ! 111)rSIICIl' '
for losses 8\8tnh1'd . l ' the destruction
or their property Cuba. lIetjolIe '
In respect to these matters has been
llslIUal ' dlshol\st nail It was ' tme
that our gou'eriummmemmt gave her to'ln. -
II\t'stlnl that , Hlt sort or thing hall
gomie far enough. Our own self-rt.sjmect.
gOlu fil eno\gh. 0\1 sl'\111\'t
required tblu Very Ikuly the effect .
. .
: = - - -
will 0 to' make the Spmnbli : PeoPle !
less rrcly to thl' tllCI Stum hem' , hit
they , have le\'cr hUlt ally Very cOllHal
' for , miuimi at ' rate this
rl'Illllhlll Cm'1 mil It al
cOlll' ' could not afford to iflimiiuist'
lJIIh . good \1 lt the COIt of Its
duty to e\'cn time iImlmlui'st of Its
eltizemis.i'e shol II ( nlhfll ) ' ohsel'\\
till 1\1 obilgat bus toward ( thlt cO\nh' '
: ld should lrll ' Inlst tull nil ohl
jntflR lIne thlR cfunh' ' fl'OI 8plin
he strictly ( uII11'11 : I I 11 ( Iulo POR-
1lIle that time future rcntlun ! of the
countries win be sllwhnl ! t mine , "
Thl'c Ii l'elSOI to expect : that IIU'I' O'
hater HIUln wi Inlc Illnlllll . ullon
tiut' Culcd States for 111l111 , vimn-
ever tl result of the In > ur'ctun In
Cuha. : In ] that ease this . Cllltr ' wi
l 11n\liI ' 111 whatu\.C Justice amid
Its dlt ) require.
A lU.f.l/\.II : It.3flI.V.'TIl.L . . ' ( ; .
' filed thc Blur.-
Time rluwlsh'aulcs fell hr Hnr-
111toU , ? 1wnukle nut ! Hock Ilmll :
mll'olul : IOIII:1Icl : a lllst : the coutrnrt
aJI'oII upon heh\ n the Uliou Pacltc
rlcd\.rs , 1111 time Oluil 1'11 Nial
ellUn ! ) _ ' cOltemplatu : ! time olcctlon of
I uuumiomi. IUHHI'I/el ) ! depot lt time foot of
Fnrnnl street are In Inn ' IIHcctl
ImumImimie 111 ( remmimirktIile. : The Inln ;
ton CUllllnr sets out lS the basis of
its ll'otest the cOlpaet I'utel'ed Into six
years IJO wih time Uulon lnClc rail-
mud ! whel'eh Ihc 1111gC'S 01 thlsu
cumlanleR orgamuizeti timemumselves Into a
union Il'lult cOllJ\I wih time II'oluls
donated br time city of Omaha to time
Union Inclc 1Iroul. : tu be Clillalzell
! t 1,5OOOO ( In Ituef , of which one-
half was to 1u owncd b ) ' oleh of time
two roads. : I Wil the Intentou of
time lrolotC" of this schcle to IRll
IOOOO ) of depot bommds , cXlleml about
olethlrl of thlt IUI lu a station ama !
train "hells , and time residue WIS to
he lllnelll ! to the credit of the stock
holelcl'S. 01 this pulut , imowever , the
Burlington l'emons111Ce Is clset'eety
ACCO'(11 to the Hurlntou remnomi-
Ih'IIC the cnlnmaton or the otll
unlol Icllt ) H'ojecIS slullpell aUl !
' ' b ' the Stuimt . 'rhe
IH'e\'cntel by Stuh Injllctol.
truth Is thc uht Injunction slmll '
: .
Ich'alned , the lel of Olaha front
111111g 0'11 the $ moOOO of 10nl18
which hUll been illegally voted for the
constructon or the Tenth Sh'lCtIn ! -
duet. The courts held that the railroads -
roads : were 10111 to . 1m : ' for al via-
duets immade necessary by , their tracks.
lu the Bnrll tou 1 101st1Uce the ml-
sertou 1 : nlulo tha' 2OO ( hll hcen
eXlleullcd emi time Infnlshed depot ulhl-
Ing. .s a 1ntet. of fact not O\'C'
( ; OO has been IctulleXIHIlull : on
thnt structure. 'rhe balauce of what-
C\C' umioiwy has : hlen pall out by the
two 111\ls : was for the eleeton uf
the Tenth street vlnduct. That viaduct
had become un absolute necessity for
the rll'ofl1 lS \1'1 os for the } ublc
By building thnt . viaduct the roads tic-
qul'ed for their 0\1 use tlt whole of
'l'entI street slmnncll ly the , ! uluct
'lhu IJ\emcnt of that part of the
sh'cetnlone cost $2 , O. Time strlll of
laul 2r0 feet bug and 10 feet wide ,
COIltet It ; o a front Coot on 'l'emmthi
street , wbuld be equal to $12O. ThIs
alone Ilmosl equals ) the enth'o COt or
the "Illqct 'l'e n ollnn 9f . the
gates amid fagmen amid time lablt to
11lmlgeH : by reuson of acellcnts that
were of constant occurrence shoull
witimiu Itself commimUtute amplc comumpemmsa-
wih II IsoU contUute . cOllenso-
ton to just the oltt for the viaduct -
'rhe assertion that the order of the
court In the Stuht case stands In then
way of time COlllleton or thc depot Is
as baseless : us Is the Isse1ton that the
t < 11lIJt CllIHnr lund bound itself to
give accesS to the depot ionnll : and
depot on equal lull equitable term ,
to al railroads that desire to entl'r
Omaha. This Is IH'csel } ' what they
' '
refused to do. I furthermor nolo
rlo\ls that time orlglimai depot plaits ,
which WCI'C celtalny ) not extravagant t ,
wure mltcllul - nHerll , 111 the built <
lag for which the foundation was Inll
Is nothln m01 than 1 cheat railway
station. 'j'het'e nc\el hns been ammy-
thing In the s-ay , ant there is 1 now
, nothing In thu way : . or cUlllletn the
Mnson street depot , excepting the qui
claim . which the promotcrs of that nlor -
tOI have sou1ht to bulldoze the peoplc
of Omaha Into voting thrum , wimerehy :
for the salH of 1 Chlall Johl staten , .
timid sleds they \oull forego forever
' their right to enforce equal tel'mlna )
tn ltcs for al rouls It lenHOI\blc \
rates. This has ' beel the Htcldlg
1iolimt. I the Hmlngton road Wl1tl
to proceed whim time construction oC the
untlishet mulling . thet' Is lothln
whate\er to hmliIdeL i eyen . timough thut
building Is not what 1 city of Omaha's
niugmiltude Is ettcd to
for time Purnom
The plnl8 tie proposed
street < Idiot cOltclphttu the expemuli-
tare , outside of rhght-ofvmty . of ful '
$1.0.00 UlJUl ) a. , union tepot , Iltnlt
amid wl nccon110du te nil thc
I'alh'oluls that are lucre now or am
Ikel ) to come here. The 111ea of the
that it would have to
Bnlnton i \ Hllell
$10,0 1 year to bring its IJ1lgm' )
trauma 1)1 ) to I.'nrnm street should hl\'u I
no bearing upon the right of the Union I
Pacific receivers to agree to use thut
11epot. 'I\e \ Ihu'lnsto1 Is not obliged
to use the Farnam : street depot unlcs
it fluls I uuivantageotms'to itself td t do
so. Nobody will qlwston its right to
11111 1 respectable staten 01 Its own I ,
gro ull s.
'l'ho ohjlctons or time llwlulwe * mimi
hock Islnll mire not "CI'Y srlou8. Ail .
tll' ) . ' want Is to have equal l'ljhb In tl
new l'llot to what they Were to ha\c
hlul II time fImtsomi street structure.
'j'heh' Inth.uuton hunt tlt ' .nlgimt ha\'o
'to 1ulhl 1 Iklot of' their ovn should
have no beluln ) un the Union Pacille.
'he ftte1l1o\crlmeut nll ! time boumd-
boilers wi c1rtnlll ) be more secure
ns creditors In consenting to thc Fnr'
nll street depot contmct thnn timey
\ould In allowimmg time cOllumnUtol ot
time old union Ilopot scheme. In the
one case the Olllwi retain time
0\le1hlll of limo Unlol l'acitie depot
Jt'o1ull. whk'h time B111toncllllltes
to bo worth $1,500,000 ; In the other case
the Union Pacllc depot Jrouutl will be
gohhll'l by nn outside rlnl known IK
the 11101 Dllt CIIIU ) ' , anti the so- I
curtly much. of the credltois impaired by 10 : .
The n. & ) [ . raIlroad CIIIIUY has
Invested I sum ot money In tie MaSQP
street d'llo1 ) nhnrtou which I mimics ,
not lJ'uIIHO It Umtrge to } rolt nlli loss
11I01lt , . \ s 1Ilntcr of fuel time
nlulnt 1111\1 ( \ , lit by the lll'll lo1
Ilul , far Ill' u\ltl.l1ItC station whldl I
It Intl1ll\'t t9 , llhl of ou Omlll asa I
I nl'lnd unlm , llellJt humus 111' " OU1
beemm offset ' h ' the Immterest
hel'1 olct nircuumby I1 'I'st
11\1')0 , uml cost of 1111tenlnce which
would hy r'ht hive Culel101 the
Blln/lol rtatlimmud : : ' time dlllt hle1
comimpieteti. ) Ait : ( matcr of fact , also .
the Union JPIJf ? cOI1al - , or vhmost'
stock the BI\'lhl \ t01 1 : hul owmier . has
heln collctllj depot . Illtll fl'OI other
10\1 rllllH fur thc Use of thc 5k3-
Illlm' IIHl huimuilgraimt shed u ! I the
great depot lint ' bt'mm built.
11'lnt hlll ! actually 1lln bui.
a'hu rental Ilone would ] luwe } all for
'he fo . mllntol1 of the new depot dice
every three years.
UIIIIC lJ'ollosllus cOlstU1t . coum-
front our jllcul tritmumumis. . 'lime
Unle.l . States CO\'t of this 1It'lc 111
he(1 asked to assess ' daimmages against
thc elcch'lc moto'l Incs for tla deln'l'
mlmmt louis of vagrant clcch'lclypon the
1111S of lhe uniter t wOI'les . cOlpan ' In
time ! streets of thc cl . here mire IH'-
seHtccl ! SOIU nO\11 hmoimmts or law. Nu
11rl cete1ts have leen set . to helll 'Ie-
tel'lluu the Il'nS\'e : of 11uIUIJlS If
oU ' . I : wi l'ellln for the uviuter commi-
lI ' to jm ) ' out by CXPClt testhlol - or
otherwise to the satsfnctol : of the
average . Jmmmy that f01 ( of the clec -
t'lcl ) which charges : the rails amid
wh'ls uf the motor lne Is constant .
Inducted ( to the wmiter 101lS live to
tel feet heneuth ) time surface , mind If
this 111 ho scIentifically proved ( the fact
Illt 1o estohlshel thntl I'all dcc-
triCity 'acclemtes decay of thelQ pipes
mll that limit for the l1rxlll . of
10to' wires 111 rails the 1111S wOlld .
he In pI'lmu coummhhtloum. II Is aim eltlel '
new IlhlHe o jlrlIJ'udeuce Dnl the
case jlst thoU wil bo watdll wih
cxtmol'llnlr ' Interest . by every fnl'
chlH'l : corporatIon 1IIIIul plpeH IHlI' !
time streets amid by the electrical world
itt lane. _
Time 'O'lc.Ucrnhl persists 11 report-
lug time II'ucee(1ngs of the police com-
Ilsslon us proceedings of "the defunct !
board , " alholgh everybody . Imows that ,
thu Broatcim-Vaumtleiyoort body ) doesn't
IJ'etelll 10 Issue orders to the polce 01
I'lgliato Its dlscIpllmmc . Unt the su-
premo court shah render its decision "
the lH'eent IHlcl buard must Icces- '
sallr hem' 11 COIIlllnls ) of violations ,
of } olce tcllutOIS amid con :
sider I mill UIlllctohs ) mil remmioum-
stlluces IrlHllgHler the Sloc\lb
Jaw. Time coUrse of \Voritl-Lleraitl
sIlpl ' . Invites resistance to the le/al
authoritIes a.nll Insubordination In the
police IUl lire deptm rtimiemits . CuJl
the Incelt hourn ) time defunct board
when no other board can legalr act In
Its ) loco does 10l malee It defunct . al-
th01gh calling Itl1snch luy gratify thc
dervish and ' nimariuIstlc . elements. )
UoluA tl smimit.
'Chlcg Tribune.
So far as we are able to discover Hon. J.
Sterling Morton rlpresent ! the chasm be-
twain the two ' ' \"Iugs of the Nebraska . de-
. " ' C ,
moracy. .
J"Uour' " lru"'lc" , Strnldie.
Citleago Chlonlele.
Dalfour as a blmetal ! Is moiled on the
plan of Doesticks' Maine law man. lie was
In favor of the law. but opposed to its en-
Tire l.onA niul the Short of It.
Business men want to horlen presidential
campaigns , thc politicians want to leng.hcn
them If any change at alt hi madc amid . the
mlses of the people are not taking sides
one way or the other. Time conventions of
1836 probably wi meet at about the usual
t inie. _ _ _ p _ _ _ _
CoInpensrItiflIt of Letter Currlers.
, .Jouruai.
. Indianapolis Juurl. :
Compared with what congress pays its
clerks the request of the letter carrler4 that
the minimum compelsa10n shall be $1,000 a
year Is not unreasonable. particularly In the
larger cities. But when this Is done the
compensation of the railway postal clerk
should be Increased. No men In the public
sll'ke , conslllring the nature of the work
the high grade or efcency required and the
expense Increased by being away from bore
hal the time. are so Inadequately paid. Doth ,
' rahlway clerks and curlers are the most Important -
portent pUblc servants to the whole people.
They should be liberally p compensalcd.
" ' 1ere I U,1 Shonll u. Caileti.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Uncle Sam protects when the unspeakable
Turk murders Christian men In the far east.
Wi he stand by and ' see women and chii.
then butchered by' Spanish soldiers almost
In sight of our shores ! The time has come
! tme
to spealc out. The t'trugelng Cubans have
some rights which Americans should reo
spect. The report says : "They were killed
by Spanish bravos In uniform , acting under
the orders of Gamrido tha Spanish commander -
mender of the gsrrison. Helpless women
were ruthmleesly lortured. subjected 10 the
most abominable indignities . and thln either
hot to death or hanged. LIte girls of G
years of age were butchered before their
parent eycs. " _ _ _ . _ _
Never Go.
lhlldelphla Ledger.
Because the Drltsh ' admiralty has taken
the modern war ship Nympbe from time Pa-
doe staten and replace her wIth an older
and less l formidable vessel I Is surmised In
some quarters that England's new ministry
13 disposed to let hawaii alone and turn her
attention to more proftable fields near home.
This Is building a heavy structure on a
slender fOlndaton , Great Britain never vol-
urtarly abandons any policy or aggrndlze-
ment. She Is land hungry , and no handful
or barren rocks In I watery waste are too
insIgnificant for her'lo annex I she Is not
bothering herstI about hawaii the reason I
evidently that she Is concerned about more
Important . maters ,
- . p
UoeI $4)I he New NI"-Y ,
i'bhtdF1irma "r Itecord.
Unless we prQpese , to make a burlesque or
our navy this tate of thing lust come to
an end , and Epeeq/ly / , Before another new
vessel shall be added to the fleet let us make
sure of beIng able to maintain our existing
ships In an effectit'condItion , , 10 that If an
emergency shoul4 . arise when the services or
our latleshl > ! wbuttl \ . be needed we should
not be obliged foBttlt send them to Portl-
mnouth or CaIIB > T wn. or Halifax , In order
that they niay bautIn , proper fighting trim.
Apart from ourunna' requIrement however
the nonexistence In this CJuntry of docks or
Eufclent capacity to receive vessels of large
sIze throws little credit upon our enterprise
aa'a maiIme" nation. \'e can build and
launch magnificent oeean like
magnlfcent Oean greyhounds lke the
St. Luis ant St. Paul. but I It should be-
come necessary to do a little cobbling 10 their
bottoms we must cal upon the shipwriglmt
of Southampton or Oreenok , or Glagow to
help us out. Let us have docks !
Eight . Thousand Ropublcns in Line nt
the Springfield Meoting.
n""or ; lcICllr ) ' 1 lrmll : Inituigim-
"nh' the S"nturl.1 I10m for
. .rllu.r unit SIut'ruusiim 'Vuiks
. . Nutl."t Fimurmnce.
SlrNOFELD , 0. , Sept 10.-Tho opening
of the republican state camllalgn \ mere today
I a great success. I Is estimated at noon
thal between :1,0 : and .to.OOO strangers arc
In the city ant they are still coming by
train loads and Inesels , The streets arc
nearly Impassable. Senator Sherman Gov-
ernur McKinley . General Jones. Chairman
Kurts and delegations front Columbus and the
' norther part or the state arrived at 1 and !
1:30 : ExOoveror Foraker and delegations
from Cincinnati and rul\lern Ohio arrived at
about the SRle tme anti the 11stngulsl 1
guests were dined by General lushnel lt
his home.
The parade began forming promptly at
12 o'cloclc. The procession I nearly two
miles long. Fully 8.000 men were In line.
The paade moved a little after 1 o'clok anti
an'lvtl at the fair grounds I little after 2.
Speaking liegamu a little before :30. : . Chair-
man J , D. Ooodwln , clerk of the county ceo-
lral committee . called the meeting to ordcr.
Senator John Sherman was the first
speaker. In his address he compared the
republican and .leUoraUo prtes and
closed as follows :
Every debt contrlcted has been promptly
met alll every promise . made has been ful-
Illel The great debt existing at the close
of the \sar which alarmed the felr oC the I
timid. his been constantly .limninihetl mmd
the whole oC It would be 11Id beer due IC
the republcan party hal been continued In
power. The striking cootrlt between the
two great IJlrte In our country when In
power Is that the republican par y steadily
reduced the debt and the democratic party
contanty Increases I day by tIny . so that
during the Ibreseuit administration Il his In-
creaed Ire $ li.O.O and that increase
wil contnue whlc that party Is In mmower.
This udmlnlstrton came into power by
the delusive cry for reform. Time alleged '
reform they have attempted Is the repeal
of the McKinley tariff and the enactment
of the Wilson tariff. This measure came 10
the senate In such form that t was ( Ic
nOlnce,1 by democratic senators and cmli-
caly changed In the senate. I was In Iuvh
form that the president refuse-il to sign It
and It became IL law without his signrmttmro.
Its first fruit was Insulclent rev'nue. I
was full of inconsistent provllom Its mOl
Important provision was held by the supreme -
preme court to be unconstItutional. It sacrl-
leIll ( at one blow the sheep Industry oC the
United Stntes. Our democrtc friends denounced -
nounced me for voting for 1 bill In 1S83
that reduced the dlty on wool from 12 to
,0 cents a pound . though .1 had opposed the
reducton , and now they are called upon
'to support n measure making wool duty
Cree. When I appealed to Senator Tlrlco ,
my colleague . and the other democratic
.nalors to prevent this injustice . they stun
that wool was 1 raw material and that H
Wa a dogma or the democratic party that
all raw materials should he admitted free
or dut. Coal and Iron ore are raw ma-
tlrlals' and were by the house bill
admitted free , but these raw ma-
terials were being developed In the
south and by the vote . at southern demo-
crnt 1 Protective duty was put upon them ;
by the senate bill. But wools , chiefly the
product oC northern farmers , was made
dlty free. Any democratIc senator could
have prevented this Injustce , 'Vhcn
pressed with their Inconsistency they said
ther must make some raw material duty
free to represent democratic principles and
selected wool for that purpose. The whole
bill as I became 1 maw Wa a bundle oC
Incol.lstencle. What we mean to .10 and
wi do when we have the power , 11 to pro-
vide / tariff and tax bill that wi yield
sutlicient revenues to support the govern-
ment and at the same time protect all
home Industries Impartially and effectually.
'fho 1cJ\lnley law with such changes as
time may make necessary will accomplsh
this purpose The anticipation oC such a
measure already brightens the times and
the election next year of McKinley or any
good republican as president at the United
State will maim assurance doubly Unied .
In the meantIme wo want a republican
/ reublcan
legislature and the election oC Govcrnor
Forlcel or any good republican IS United
States senator. This Is the duty that as-
sembles you here.
After Senator Sherman's address had been
completed Governor McKinley was introduced.
He received an ovation at the hands or his
fellow citizens anti his address was received
with hearty enlhuslasm.
After calling upon Ohio republIcans to
stand by their principles In triunuplu as they
had In adversity Governor McKinley pre-
senlc In lmirntorhal sketch , showing that
hlsloreal showlna
Ohio has established her right to be called
a republican /iale , He spoke Jrrlcularly cnled
ot the senatorial elections. He said " 'rom
1861 to 1569. the republicans had two sena-
tors-Wumdo antI Sherman. This year , lilt ,
wo are going to resume our rightful lace ,
Mr. Forkr wi take the seat or Mr. Brice.
Ohio rpublcn are united firmly / and res-
olutely on that proposition. We Intend to
give Senator Sherman n republican . col-
league" While the democracy hal nottie -
dared its preference 'In the open , ' It Is
well understood that Mr. nrce , Is Its
candIdate. 'he republicans have formally .
olclal ) ' and In hearty god faltim . In slate
conventiomu aSemble(1 , declared their preference -
once for senator to be Joseph ii. oraker.
and the choice oC the convention will he
ratified In November and ho will be elected
to nnucced .Mr. HI'lce. Tine wi electo
to succEe latulatcd that the I"publcans rival
candidates for the Unhteti States ,
canlldates Unled Senator-
ehlp. ' lmalor-
" \0 have no contest among oUlelve .
Our contest Is entirely with the domocratte
pari ) ' . We have hut one crmurtlidato and
ho enjoys the great distnct : ! . : Qr having
the endorsement or the last republican state
convention , nn endorsement given without
division or dIssent , unanimously and enthusiastically -
thusiastically . anti the distinction Is one
whIch so far as I can recollect. Is excep-
tonal In the history or the republican party
of Ohio. 1 cannot enjoin upon Iht people
or the state too strongly or too earnestly
the Importance of electing a republican leg-
islature which elects a republican Uniteul
States senator. Theme I ! nothing before us
ibis year at all to he compared In ImJIQr-
tance with our legislative ! election. rhl
legislative ticket must have our especial
, ,
concern and command our undivided sup-
port. In the present political dIvisions or
the senate oC the United Slates , which are
extremely close , a single senator may de-
terine the political complexion or that
. "
Immediate flier speaking Governor Mc-
Iciumiey left for the Grand of
Army the Re-
public InClpment at Lou
Ex.Govc.rnor Foraker Iddre3ed himself ! to I
national Issues. Concerning the Monroe doc-
trine be said :
Tine plank was oter d In the committee
on resolutions and by that committee ! e-
Jected after fiI discussion and considera-
ton.I was again orere , } by General FlnllY In
the cO\venton iK'"an Independent 1lllru-
ment. " The convention rejecter ! It three
different times before It finally , after n
long debate. adopted It IS a supplement to
sUP\lement .
the plalCorm. \
I mention thIs because there Is much
sllnilcanco aUachcd to the ! anneI In
which this resluton was pr"feol upon
the convention and flimsily adopted by it.
No republican convention that ever sat In
Ohio or any other state or the union would
have hesltaled for one moment to adopt
such I declaraton" Such reslutons are tu
be found running througb all our party l-
mture. The Monroe doctrine hi American ;
It II patriotic , and the republican party
II always true to both its letter and plrlt.
Why did the democltC party hesiate to
ndollt this resolution ' Simply because Mr. .
Clovelant , , In his adWlnlstralon oC our for-
elm atfmulrti. haM notoriously disregarded the
requirements uC this doctrine especially so
as to Nicaragua anti Vent-zimela. 1 his course '
In both these cases has been s unpatriotic. I
un-American nud Indefensible as to brim ,
shame to the cheeks of nil Americans. anti '
to excite resentment In the mInds or the
great mlssl of the American , leolle. '
without regard to party tliferences. 'hl'
purpose oC the resoluton wa" to cover the
party from attack on this point. The Ol'po
Ilton wus duo to two causes. First , It WW
Highest of al in Lavening Power.-Latest U S Gov't Report
, KoyaI B&dng
a Powder
regarded by the or Mr ( llvelAnlt .
A an attack 11'01 hit n.hlllltrntol. lit
the aceotuul , certain Irnmmaeommtiimentmul
l ell lAIC c.rlnln trnn9contnentll
railroad Interests are 4)PPtCtI \0 the con.
Ilrueton ur the Nleualln : : canal . anti by 1
II"nllelnl , , eolneldl'nl'o app irently . very Ilel
Interested In tine rtl'lpctlol of Mr. ) lirice.
111' ' IL wnl thought Unwise nnl impolitic to
ruin the ( rlRI or olrcnolnJ rlhlr Mr. Clcve-
Iltl or thc o rnl\lntt IntlrtII" .
Who can have ' comilidutnee In
ha\o tiny cOlllleneo n party
declaration 11le ( Inter such circtimuistruiits ,
especially ' Wltu'ui time policy Ic I ourn with
l.I'fclnlyhl Iloley Oll wlh
which the n,1rlnlstr.ton In power I already
nt war ? The Ump has cOle when there
Ihoul' bo no flll\'oclton on \hl subject.
Tim , , American 1'lOIlte ' must stand up : hol.I\
mural tInnier mill IlrcI"stnl(18 , lot the 11'111- '
CIUO" ur time Monroe doctrine to American
affairs throlJholt the whole oC the \III-
Il hemisphere. 1very e.nlrl anti SOllh
\mcrh'nn telubtL "houM bo mnle to Cell
not only by 0\1 dlolarnUon ! but by prac.
tcal It11)\cIUOI of Ihcl , Ihat It liar " n
friend 11 the United Stales able and willing
to . , rnleLt them at 11 tithes tram l urPNI
colonizaton antI O\\lrellon : und every Eu-
fl'lln 1'0\11 shomihl he mmiide : 10 1\Itrst.ll . }
antI nprcllle th.t no Ilterml.,11111 , ' 1011'
ton or time Monroe 10etrll1 be tuieratenl .
Uel10emtc IICCc" " II Ohio \\0111 lenl
11 Indnnerlnt or the ( 'ieviaumti atlnuimmtstra-
tOI II its course on thll subject its' wel
a,1 In all other rC9puct" Are we rently to
give such Inllorslment I Im IUre time commIt-
ment of Ohltl Is II the tomitrnry. I so . lei
us speak out for tins 101'oe doclrlno flint
its ermfomeememmt. amid the Way to do llla Is to
Vote the nlblcnu ! ticket. \0
General llshneU spoke from n
business point or view. I was : the
practice of business men In taking
nut Inventory 01 their business every
year and estimating birmnudera. mistakes antI }
nmisrnanngcmneunt for luslrnton omit ! com.
parlson. He sale that the oleclon of Grover
Clcnln for Ilrcsldent. with a democratic
congress , bath tUfl'd out to be a very profit-
IES3 In\'estment for themselves and for the
whole cOlnlry.
This Was Ihe keynote of his brief speech.
lIe chnrgell that In two and a hal years 01
power the democratc aLmlnlstralon haL increased -
creased tire national debt $300.000.000 In
bonds . Interest anL deficiencIes. Such mnn-
agement In private business would not be
tolerated and a party putting itself and country -
try In thIs predicament shaull be removed
from power. In his declaration of principle
ho 81L :
"I deslro to express my entire approval of
each and hmnrtiomm of the
anl every Ilorton platform
adopted at the Zonesvll convention While
tiny fact that the declarations of a republ-
cnn convention should be accepted by and
become tire political faith .
pollcal of every rcpub
Ican , anti should therefore bin 80 regarded by
me. I desire In addition to say that 1 have no
inclination lo take from or amid to any of
the principles there lalll dowim but am proud
to sand Upon the plalform and go with you
to the great victory that awaits us. "
UEIOCUA'I'S 01" 1 { \S'rOlr STATE.
Gltll'rln" nt " 'lllnm"lort for th. .
Itl COln'.ntoll ' . .h , ) . . I
WI.LIAISPOUT. Pa. . Sept , 10.-Delcgato3 '
to time democratic slate convention whIch !
meets tomorrow to choose candidates for stale
treasurer and six superIor court judges , are
arriving on every train. The city Is gaUr
decorate In honor of the occasion , and lead-
log citizens are taking an active part In the
entertainment of the visitors.
The rooms of National Chairman William
F. larl . who arrived at midnight last
night were constantly besieged by visitors
today. Mr. Hardly's party includes ox-Attor-
General W. U. Hensel or
fey Lancaster Cus-
toms Collector John R. Reed , Internal Ilevo-
nue Collector William 11. Doyle Unted ! Slate
Appraiser Charles E. Ingesol of I'iulladeipimla
and a number of local leaders from that city.
One of the distinguished arrivals today was
Editor William M. Slngrrly of I'hiladelphia.
A large delegation arrived front Wlkcbarre
In the Interest of the candidacy of Asa Drun'
Lage for a judicial nomination , I Is raid
there will be a number of candidatEs for the
six judgeshIps. The court consists or seven
judges . and a time republIcans have rloml-
natelt only six the democrats are sure of
electing one man. The present democratic
member of the court Judge McCarthy of
Phlalelphla , Is being opposed by I portion of
the delegation from this city but his friends
here are working very lisa In his Jtcr t ,
Cincinnati Is 1 arranging to entertain a eon-
venton of haymakers.
Britannia rules the sea . but In the matter
of her. yacht building a blind American can beat I
her.The -
The New York Sun rises la the east and
bay. Immediately set In the vIcinity of Buzzard's
Photography las reached such perfection In
Berlin that when the emperor sis for his
picture he Is taken standing.
There Isn't a nation In Europe lint i not
hungry for a slice of Turkey provided sonic
other fellow does tbe carving.
St Paul follows the example or the average
pugist I fumes al 1InnEalols. : but Is
dilatory In knocking the slufng out.
A batch of watered milk peddlers were
taxed $25 each by a Chicago court recently.
Reform occasionally his the chalk mark.
"I'm much surprised that Defender
won . " sale Prof. Glbschln to the Saddle
Creek aver. " Yachlsmen. "Sbe Is usually lar seas
Secretary Morton Is hedging on hIs eulogy }
. to him
or Virginia soi. Some one suggested
that the mother or presidents does not Import
her eons.
According to the Chicago Chronicle the
pressing democratic necessity Is I great
spe ch. What's the 111\el with "The ElJ-
torlals that Won ? "
Colonel Henry ' \ltersoa will go abroad
next A"rl suit will remAin sway l11rlll ti"
/Ifellllnla\ / \ campaign "Oftuuato ) manl And
the multitude cannot get sway.
Thin rooms of limo common counci of Phhia-
LQIIhia RIO being \\'alnscLltetl with Humid-
IAn imnirbie , rind nll,1 , with draperies } of nit !
ell , IAlnte.1 tAptlrlc ! antI ) other costly tur-
IlshhllU , which provokes a 1'llnllellhll IUIIer ,
to dcelau that "I'robably mover since time
world ! Ilgll 10 roll umrntmnti was n 10re worth-
hess body more elegantly iiotmse&l . "
Editor Charles 1. JonM of the St. tommie
l'ostUslllteha a member of time cotiumilt-
tee on resolutions In tine last natonal , tI10-
erotic conventitirm . Snul ) now 8elub out a atalo-
lent that time 10ne plank meant the reopening -
opening of time minus to silver at some ratio
or another , liumt Charles neglects to explain
the well tieflncti belief of thm commventlnn thmat
Cic.veianmtl was a platform 1mm bimnmsehf.
Bmmmboldemmed by time escape of Mayor Strong
froun being mobbed as a tatto bail umpire ,
john A. Caitiwell , nmsyor ot Cincinuisti , has
consented to act in ( hue saummo capacity next
week. lie .luouitI rernoniber an clii saying.
that time "Pitcher which goes too often to ( ho
ivell is bound to be ammastucd , , " which , being
tramiulateth , means that sooner or later ( lucre -
is tromublo uuluead for sonmo unihlmmkhmmg mayor.
Wihiiammm Ilenry llmurltmurt , whose tieatiu is
annotunecti 1mm italy , was a sotuthermu man wino
aciulevux ! nlistimmction as a joturnaiiut in New
York , maying boon an nisoci5tm , of hiemiry 3.
itaynmomiti Ott time Times amid hater with Man-
ton Marbie on time World , 'rho last fltteeui
years of his life were spent abroad , where Inc , ,
becanmen involved in a scandal wimichm niaria mini
a fugitive. lie was G years of ao and a
graduate of Harvard ,
Josepim Thomson , time ) .frhean explorer , whit ,
recently died at G years of age , was time only
man who Inemnetrateth to tire interior fromn eli
four sides. Froimi Morocco on tine muorth ho
explorer ! Mount Atlas , front tine we.t lm went
UI ) time Niger , ( corn tIme cape lie renmeited tint
gren ( lakes amud tine spot where Livingston
tIled , amid frona limo coat he traveled thrommgim
.tho Masal couutry to time lakes. In au Ibis
expeditions he imever feuiui it necessary to
Use a revolver or a rifle against a hununmaum
being. -
C.ti.VuAi'ldl'i' ( ) AMUSII.
Life : "Tommy. the' doctors is snyin' that
kim'r'itu' is flint in breed aicknossi"
"I know. lkmt we inert iuave to take risks
in everythiniki"
Indianapolis Journal : She-Tiuo call this
a Inlay wUhi a moral. I woimder u-hat it is ?
Iltu ( tlminititmg of the price for setnts-"Thn )
fool emit ! imla nmoney are soon parted , " I
Chicago Trihune'"Pnw : , " asked Johnny ,
"what grows in a beer gnrdcnZ"
"Ttu imeari , my muon , " grourneti Mr. Jugway ,
npitlyimng some mimore notmumcimal ice.
Philadelphia itecord : he-here , darling ,
I've itougmut youm a pet monkey , She-Olmi
you 'leer boy. 110w like you !
harper's Ilazar : Ito-I don't think ( hero
is anything much liner timnu to Imuive a beaume
thful yacimt ,
She-l'un surprised at you. Haven't you
considered a beautiful wife ?
lie-Oh , yes ; but I menu on thie ground of
econOmy ,
Cincinnati flnqtmirer : "How about tiu"
escialnmed Cimaromm. "The waybilla call for
sevemu. anti timere are only six lucre. 1 alit
afraid I ama getting a shade the worst of it"
Ciuicago Inter Ocean : "Aw , what's tie
omnitter wlt guys ? " howled the thin-
courageul rooter. "lie only sign of ginger
yotm got is in thin colorof your plain' . "
Brooklyn Life : "Jack writes that tire
steamers were so crowtetl that somnme of
New York's swell set had to come over just
as their grandfathers did. " "itow does lie
macann-in sailing vessels ? " "Ito ; In tire
a teerage. "
floxhury Gazette : Mrs. Zabbs-l met with
One of the untramigemit experiences of my iifo
today. Mr.4tbbsYou didWhat ! was
it ? Mrs Zabba-Just this : I was get-
( lag on nfl open car nnmtl limo miman on tIme
end seat moved In anti let me mayo it.
Somerville Journal : Caller-Winy , how
shockingly orotano your parrot is ! I don't
see iviunt you keel ) Imim for.
Ohl Maid-You don't know what a corn-
fort lie is winen the nmisctnievomns boys ring
the front door bell amud when time gas mmman
comes around with lila bill at time beginning
of the mnmommtht.
Washington Star.
'Tm now tine hunter miaillns forth ,
His cirorirtineti joys to daunt ;
For in September ire may go
In quest of lawful game ,
Ot all the creatures on this earth ,
No imappier one is found-
EXCCIt , perchance , tire trolley car ,
Which kills time winole year round ,
hElL iltidAL.
Somervlime Journal.
"Time man I marry , " slmc declared ,
When she was sweet sixteen
"Miust be young , lmandsonio , tall and dark.
A king-amid I his tiuecnl"
"Tire man I marry , " added shme ,
\Vht'n two years more had passed ,
"Minint bo out' winose devotion fomnd
As long as life shall last , "
"Time man I marr' , " to her friends
Sino said , at twenty-one ,
"Must imave a father vastly rich
And be an only son. "
"The man I marry. " to imorseif
She Said , at twenty-nine ,
"Zilust care for me and inn alone ,
Anti give his iovu for mimic. "
a a s S C 5
"Time man I marry , " wimispered simo
At forty. raising toward
high heaven , her hands , "must be-must
be -
Wcli-any onegood Lordi ?
.H -
. - - .
. '
. ; - . , Mk1\ \ '
. I
. -
I '
- _ _ _ _ _ _
4' Where willyon faka mc , myretty maidut
4' To Browning ICing's , sir , she sayed- "
-For a Boy's Two-Piece Suit-
In brown and gray mixed cassirnered-ages .4 to
best points' in suit-made
years-the very style every -
up in our usual careful manner-strong , durable and
neat-of course we have others at $3 , 3.50 , $4 , 5-and
Reefers-a good selection at $3 , 4 and $5-all new
goods to satisfy every taste-money back if you want I