. . ' _ . ; . - - , - , - - . , . - . ' " . . . . - I 2 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'rUN OJ\fAJlA DAILY ni lEl : MONDAY , p'I'.ml\tnJDn \ n , l89. ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b' - TO SELL OUT TilE CIIURCII I : IIelrs of Henry Mansfield After n Piece of York Property - RESULT OF EARLY DAY NEGLIGENCE I , - Trlllc.'M uf thc JII'MCltlll ' I ( ) hlrl'h 1'sI IiI ' Iu IsiI ' 'U' ' "n'II'"IM . \/rc.'ll UI Ilcl 1..I'l'I""U I I' . ' 1M : I\ I I)11111fl1 I II / $ . YOIK , Neb. , Sept S.-Speclal.-In ( ) the rstrlct court of York county the lie4rs of the late Henry Mansfelll are seeking to foreclose what they claim Is a contract under the terms of siIcti they have the right to the property held by the Iplscopal church of this , city. The * controversy datEs back se\'er.tl years when EdwIn W. : Mosher who resided ) In York , was the owner or a certan lot. on which this church Is nol standing. I seems that Iosher sold the sall1 lot to the trsteJ of this chnrch . they to pay for the smo In certain payments which they neglected to do. Mealier afterward ult-elalm deeded the lot to another party ant after several transfers It fell Into the hands of Henry Manstield . whose heirs are now seeking 3 decree to sell the church In satlfacton of the debt on the lot. . The Pleadings of the cue : are a mlxcd ( up affair . with a sEemingly enless , number of defenilants . of whIch the entire board ot trustees Is named. The Cathedral Chapter of the diocese of Nebraska appears In the litigation . and for its SEparate answer alleges that the board of trustEes \510 executed the contract sued on In the case under the terms of whIch they purehasell this lot had no authority to du so , and that It was done wml- out their knowledge or consent of the chapter and claIm that , while the chapter relinquishes all claim In the lot the plalu- tiff has 10 rIght whatever to foreclose on the church , building . and asks for a reasonable : amount of time In which to remove the church to tme location. The plIntfs make an allegation In which they assert that , among several other defendants , LouIse 1' . Ioshor ( wire of Charles W. Mosher ) I lade a party to the controversy for the slm- Ille reason that she may be barred from all Interests In the atempted foreclosure and allege Chat she Is entted : to nono. Mrs. Moshor answers this petton and claims that the said Ienry I Mansfield ! was her father all that she has an Interest In the lot In contro- versy . ant that she Is entitled to a share ot the proceeds . of the foreclosure sale. In the racantinie the members of tw ( church are watching the mixed up controversy . patiently waiting to see whether their church wi be sacrificed or not. sacrifced I rolls are greatly feared In thIs county. While / there are a nnmbcr of fields that are . past /I damage of thIs kind , there are sev- eral fIelds throughout the county 'llch , , shouM , frosts touch them In the next two or three weeks . would be ruined. Never In the history tf the county did com mature so rapidly as I has thIs yenr. Before the rains which have fallen 10 abundantly lie past fw slays most of tie corn looked as I It would not yield a bushel to the acre. however - over nlnco that the same has improved and throughout York county tbere are mme very nice lookIng fields of corn Ilat will malto a faIrly good yield should the frosts keep away. G. Plehlerer. assistant superintendent of - the branch ofce of the Prullental Insurance company ot Denver , Colo. . was In Yurk yesterday - terday calling on ohl acquaIntances. Miss McNeeley returned from Des Moines Ia . yeslerday. ' 4 lILs Jean Cohn who has been spending the summer vacation at thIs city returned to WIler yesterday siero she wi assume the school. duties of the principal ef the Wiber Hgh Mrs. Dr. Coulon , who has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Coy returned to her home In Omaha yest \ rday. Mrs. William Widener and sons , George and will. returned yesterday train an extensive visit to hrr l cport Ill. The W'iisen'sChristiart Temperance union of this city heM 1 "mothers' meeting" yesterday - terday afternoon at the homo of ! rs. S. E. Miller. Mrs. Dr. Heynolds read a splendid ! pallcr on "Our Girls , " all , Mrs. N. M. Ferguson - gson road a paper on "Soial t'urlty. " Sev- oral . iew members were added to the socIety. B.th' " 1..1111 NoteM , ExwrER . Nob. . Sept. 8.-Speclal.-I.arry ( ) Iennersey of South Omaha I looking after his farmIng Interests at this place this week. Mrs. Charles Umphrey of Omaha Is vis- ing with her brother , W. J. Orchard Rev. C. 11. Ieusts went to Lincoln Saturday - urday to preach In the First Congregational church al that place Sunday morning and evcnlng. Mi : Ruth HOlen rltunml from her three months' vacation lt Syracuse to enter Uu lgh school here. J. Ii. Gngrich and family started over- lanl fur Missouri this week . where they ex- peel to make their future home Mrs. Harry Burch ot "Iorrlsun. Iii. . II visiting the family of lrs. L. J. Buck an other friends at this 1)laee. . . Davlll Minnie this reek sold his farm to , E. J. UI"legraf of Lincoln consideration $3,000. Henry Kel , formerly a resident of thIs place now of Pulton , Ill. . Is here this week attending to seine business matters. The following were erected officers of the 'Volm's Christian Temperance unIon for the ensuing year : President ! r. Warren ' ' , 'oollarl ; vice presidelits . lrs. O. 1' . Baker - ker , ! rs. H. R. Wllals , : rs. W. J. Waite . Mra J.P. Kltewel ; secretary Mrs. I. . M. Parker ; recordIng secretary , ! rs. H , G. smith : treasurer , ! rs. [ . ' . O. Pritz. : ! rs. Jennie Nebergal and children left thIs week for a visit to her brother at Hastings. ! r. II. C. urleeU and little daughter are visiting wih the ( formor's aunt "Irs. 1) . H. Wentworth this week. They are on their way to theIr new home at Nebraska . City. _ _ _ _ - 1"nt"111Ih I'r. I 11 I 1'lllh'rM. pIATTSMOUTI. Neb. . Sept 8.-Speclal. ( ) -Clifford Wescot returned last evening from a vIsit with 1 hlatves In Ottawa , Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Roy 1rl of the U. & M. : headquarters In Omaha spent Sunday with their tlal'cnts In this city. Mrs. Thede I ton has returned from Gien . Wood where she was visiting reiatives . Dr. Hay DOdge came tn last night tram PennsylvanIa and New York , where he spent the fUllner wih relatives. lie has resumed hIs studies with Dr. T. P. I.lvln/ston. Mrs. U. S. Drls ; all 111tren / have gone to Mt. l'IOsant. ha . , to visIt relatives. : Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Campbell at Lincoln are visiting Iy.Mr. with h1ii . J. Iii. Paterson all fam- Mr and Mrs. 11. D. mgenbroatt returned lat evening from :1 exlenslvo visit with the former'a parents and relatives In Jamestown N. Y. GCrge Sheldon , one of Nemnha's promi- nent business iiieu . went through hero ou the Bnrlngton , route to the Pacific coast yester- day , In company with his bride. They were married at Itosevillohli . . Wednesday UUII CohiiitUnriuvr Hurt . c : FREMONT Sept. S.-Speclal.Ycsterday ( ) afternoon , 'while Frank Scott of Pebble : , township was driving to town along the Military road . his te.lm beanie frIghtened at a tulu just cat of Ame , sail ran away. ' Mr. Scott was thrown out end very seriously cut and bruised. Ils son , Vty was Q : the wagon wlh biii , escaped uninjured - , The boartl of directors ot lie DOllge County Agricultural socieiy held a icHIng ) yesterday C to lake arrangements for the coming fair which will bo held September 21 , 25. 26 and ' ' , . 27. The buildings alll sheds \11 be repaired and pIa cod In good order. The farmers' Institute . an organization : ' , Instute. orgliuton eOlllosed of farmers of Dodge . Saunders anti ! Saulters Wlhlng- ton countIes . Is takIng an active Interest . In the faIr. and wilt furnish : good assay Isn : exhibits. The management upects the display ) play this year to be much better than usual The In charge of the Pllee,1 del1stmln\ Bay that there will be sense good bores here alI , good races. Quito a lumber ef Fremont wheelmen rode ' . to Wahoo and back today The rotdarire p. , fln and the wlml the bo's 1no lud - helped - - - , ! ! ) home. (3eiIur CUUII' nl..UCr" . IA1TIGTON. Neb. , Slpt , 8.-Spoclnl.- ( ) The democrats cf Cedar coulty met 10 COI\'on _ ton In this city yesterday I was the larrnt and stormIest convention the hu cfnvellon party * ever had In the county . loolutur.s were read and adopted denouncing thc financial 1) .ler of such Iln a Shennan , Ier" antI MelCinlay. bey favored : law providing far the electhln of a county nasuror The following county oiflcers were nominated : Clrrk , John Goebel i treasurer , T. P. 'ZcIihcr ; sUI.rrnlten.lent . , Jc lellh Ogara ; juiIg . T. Ceci nrlnes : sheriff . John Irown ; cerk : ff district court , I.'ranl Jones ; surveyor U. c. 1unyon ; coroner , P. Ielort : commissioner ef Third district W T. corvey. , \ . J. Watson of ColerIdge wn electell chairman of the county central com- mitt c e. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " . ( ) ti 11g iirc.I by ' ( Ii. . ( : iiii1 , , etur. hh1MiNGPOItI I U , Neb. . Sept. 8.-Speclal ( Tclgram.-Cont1uctor ) Ian Calvin who hat charge of on extrA freight eat bunt bIt night saw two suspicious looking men get- ( lag In n box car at Adeiiri . Suspecting that they might be two of the men who broke Jai at lint Springs the day before he quIetly went hack and closed the car door and locked It ant telegraphed ! erJ hall at lelln- ford , who took chare of them. They provet 10 ho the right men and were taken back to Hot Springs by the sherl this morning. - - - SitITi'rel I 1'1'1'lllrcI'I.I'II. . OGALALi4A Neb. . Sept. 8.-Special ( Tele- grnm.-A ) mn named homer baling hay at Icyatane-ranc . was badly Injured ! yester- clay. Whlo driving the team on the power the dens broke , letting the sweep thy back . striking him on both legs breaking ! one anti bruising the other. " SCUWi OJ ' 111'I'WI'I'JU I.1i.G1JI. ! SI. 1111.1. , . 1'1 th ' Sln'll itt tii.it put 11'11.1 h'I'I ) ' . GHANI ItAPIDS . Sel1t. S.-The game elesed the season on the home grounds. SCO : Grand lalllds . . . . 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0-d St. 1a I I . . . . . . . 2 0 2 0 0 2 I 0 . -7 JIlts : Grand Haphls , 1 : SI. Paul , 10. Errors - rors : Grand Rapids . 1 : St. Plul , 1. flat- tcrle : Jones and Campbell ; Johnson and liovie. : iWAUln ; I . Wis. . Sept. 8.-Score : Milwaukee . . . . . 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1) ) : llnneapoll . . . . . 2 0 0 3 1 I 1 012 Iltl : Milwaukee . 13 : Minneapolis . 13. Er- rors : Milwaukee , S : .i1imsiieiipall . 1. BatterIes - terIes : Stephens and lulln ; Healy and Strauss. IANSAS CITY Sept. 8.-Kan'as City- Terre Haute game 11stI10ne.l . ; mum. STANDING OP 'rIU 'rgAIS. Playell.01. I'st. P.C"t. Intlannl10ls . . . . .11 72 39 GI9 I St. Paul . . . . . . . .11 : 6 4G r.3' ' Karsl ! City . . . . .12 ( G6 \6 \ r3.9 Minneapolis . . . . . .12 W GG t0.0 Detroit . . . . . . .12 t2 m ( 4G.4 Milwaukee . . . . .15 r 63 4G.l Terre Inuto . . . .10 m 41) ) 'i.i , Grand Haplls . . . .13 3\ \ 78 : " Gaines today : Grand Iaplds . at Mi- waukee _ _ _ _ _ _ % 'i11STJlIN : % SSCs.t'I'IS ( IICSUI'I'S. Ih'M MOiii'M :111 11 I 'hrl'c Sh'II/ht wlh )111111. ' . DUBUQUE , Ia. . Sept 8.-Score : Dubuque . . . . . . 000010012-4 Des Moines . . . . . . 0 0 0 2 1 0 3 0 * - - hits : Dubuque , 7 ; Dls : Moines 11. Errors - rorl : Duhiuque . 2 : Des Moines , 3. flatteries : Sowders ali Dixon : loach , FIgemeler and McFarland , , McFarlan\ HOCK [ OHD , Ill. . Sept. g.-Score : noekCord . . . . . . . 3 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 1- Quincy . . . . . . . 00010012t-i \ hilts : HoekCon1 , 15 : Qulnc . G. Errors : Iocltord. 'I I : Quincy . 4. flatteries : 'horn- Ion all Snider : Parvin Ild Boland PEOEIA Sept. 8.-Score : Peoria . . . . . . , . . 0 0 8 1 3 0 0 0 012 Burlington . . . . . . 0000401(11-41 ( His : I'eoria 16 ; Iurlnten. G. Errors : l'corla. 7 : 13uriiniton. 3. Balerles : Thomas Iurllton. - - and G hli'ns : Nlc olas and Lynn. - STANDING O THE ' 'EAl. Phyed.Von. . Lost. P.Ct. Lincoln . . . . . . . .103 411 42 G11 Des Moines . . . . .IM c 4,1 G'J.2 ' Peoria . . . . . . . . .107 ti 4\ \ ' r. . .10 : Qulney . . . . . . . .109 rS ill m.2 ( HcclCorll . . . . . . .110 Gr I ( ; 60.0 BUllnton . . . . . .1O m G7 4S.2 Dubuque . . . . . . . .iii lt r 45.9 St. Joseph . . . . . .109 : 70 ii..8 Toilu ) " ' 14 CII' " nl fin I tin i'ii rk. Union park official entries and weIghts for Monday . September 8 : First race , six all 1 halt furlongs : : Martha Smith..109 . . ! Corn Crlh. . . . . .10S \Vesthrool . . . . .lU 0110 . . . . . . . . . . .109 Horan Belo..l0J J'ItC' . . . . . . . . .1) D. W7cdgowood..22 Little Lake..113 . . . . ValedIctory . . . . .119 Arkansas Traveler.122 Idyle . . . . . . . . . .19 Bertha . . . . . . . . Second . race , six furlongs . selling : Joe \\.oolman. . . . ! Soimthernest . . . .102 Nemalm . . . . . . . 9t \\11 Briar. . . . . . . I Pat Ilailsey..104 Murphy . . . . . . . U3 Vlrginle . . . . . . 91 Mosi Terry..l02 Invade . . . . . . . . ) Frankie D. . . . . . 9S Drown Dlel ; . . . .lOt CharleVeber. . . . 9\ \ Third , race . live furlongs ! , selling : Amy Lee. . . . . . . . 91 \Vngner..lOt Fannie Hunt..lOiLalla . . . Iookh. . . . 90 \Vhlttie . . . . . . . 9u Maderia . . . . . . 9 ICing hazel. . . . . . 97 Fovorla . . . . . . 9 : : I : Blanch Kern . . . . 9 _ Fourth race , one mile . selling : King Mac..103 . . . Theodore H , . . . . .107 T.nsprlng . . . . . .107 1.'alr Knl"ht. . . . . 911 Vlshun . . . . . . . . ul Leveler Jr..l : Ah' . . . . . . . . . & Ulster . . . . . . . .107 Collector . . . . . . .110 , Fifths race . sh and a half furlongs : : Ir. Dunlap. . . . . . Senator [ orrl. . .122 Post . . . . . . . Bob Ciamnpett..113 E. A. 1ny. . . . . .191 Imported \Yolse ) ' . .119 .19 Buenos Ayres..122 Game Cock..112 . . . . los Struss..lJI Bessie 't'eiser..119 . . Hercules . . . . . .12 C'antha . . . . . .13 ( nl. ' " . \III ; titit I.h.Iluh.I. . . GRAND ISLAM Nob. . Sept. 8.-Speelal ( Tolegrnm.-About ) lo vIsItor , came In on various excursion trains to see the game between the Lincoln \\'cster association team anti the Grand Island amateurs About 1.0 people witnessed the game ! Score : 11rcoln . . . . . . . . 001041500-11 Grantllsland . . . . 000010020-a hits : Lincoln 12 : Grud Island , 5. Batteries - tories : 1.lncoln. Cronley and SullIvan : Grand Island , Bennnt and SchwaIger. ' \VAHOO Neh. . Sellt. 8.-Speelal.-The ) Printers ( hsk Slnger ! ) defeated time thu. Du- menthal" Saturday afternoon In u well contested - tested the printers gitmno : of have ball. contested ThIs ! ' the with sixth dIfferent time teams fur supremacy on the diamond , and have won ivory game. The scorn stood 13 to 5 In favor ot the Printers. BaterIes : Printers LeMaster lcClean anti Knapp ; lllumenthais . Crawford and LnlprcamI1. ! , Struck out : fly Le.\iaster . I ; by Crawford . 4. His : Printers , 1& : lliumnenthiihs . 3. Nr- rors : Printem's 4 : Bumenthal" , 9. Umpire : Mr. Morris MISSOURI VALLEY , Ia. . Sept. 8.-Spe- ( clal 'l'ele"ram.-Thl' ) Omaha Buslne-s Col- lee anti Missouri Valley hal teams played here today time latter winning. Score . 1 to G. _ _ _ _ _ _ :110.0 nll N'I'lhnJ 5litti'hied . ST. PAUL Sepl. 8.-J. II. Herman , manager - ager of the I.leshlo Athlete club , has matched Dick Moore anti Danny Noedham for n twentY-I'oun,1 , contest October 10 for a purse of $1.6. The men also Ilut up $ M3 each anll lIsa winner wi take all uC time purse and stake. itNii'Ii1e st.lko. ( , 'IN titi' l'I'I1nll. NASIIVILLII . Tents . Sept. 8.-Today at Challnooga at a meeting of the representa- tves of time Southern league climbs Nash- vie was awarded the pennant Atlanta Atanta beIng sceond. " COICI11ILS 101.n SmC1tl1'1' am ili1'1'1N(1. : I.IH' . \ Ilo.t mitJevtimItmtVimiess ' " \'n get. A \lh'nw"I' ' . UNIONTOWN . l'a . Sept. S.-Tho situation throughout lie cole region tonIght Is one of uncertaInty , caused hy the possIbiity of a general strike thIs wcel At the delegate convention held last Thursday In Connels- yule a demand was made for an advance of wages of 1 IIr cent , with an order for sus- pensIon of work In case . time operators refuse . Hellorts frol the various plants are te the effect that secret meelnGs were heid today. but what action the colers tool cannot he learnell except In a few cses. Time meetnls ; heard from favored an advance aId Instructed the del\ales to Insist on 1 conference. A representative of a leadlg company saId today that the operators would not grant an ad\'ance. The labor leadere Insist that eoleo ha nlh'anc311 from 55 cents to $ I.3 : per ton aimil time men's ' should be advanced ali wages shoull proportionately - portionately . They further aver that a strike Is Ineviable unless the wages are advanced thIs w ek. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Twu 'rrni it mmmcii 1.1 . In 1.1'1. . CINCINNATI , 0. . Sept. 8.- . special to the Commercial Gazette troll Lexington , ICy . . says a hUll end colisiou occurred en the CincinnatI Southern raIlway last nlht ; near Bhanchet . b'tween two freight trains one ot them a doubleheuler. Two engines were demolrbcd and the third wu badly u11 up anti four trlght cars were ensasbd John SI-uerl , Ihe ( fireman and James Hendricks a trainman . were killed and EngIneer Heb- ert was Injured. perhaps . fetaily. Suhuo1 Shut ' la.l , trout I. Crn'I ' ( ' . NIW YOR . Spet. 8.-To school shIll , St. Mary arrived In this port today from her annual cruIse In the Well Indies. AU of her :00 apprentce were reported to bo 10 J I ucclent henlh . . " . - " " - - TUAIN WENT \ IN''O I ! A CHEER Twenty Pnsqenger Seriously nml Many Others SlIghtly InjurOl , . WRECK C'IUSE BY A BROIE ( AXLE , : Cn"M PI" ' " UI 'liii , uf nnl' Oilier 1111 I I Sl.I..H . 1,11cc' u iii 1.ncll i thnt .ttm . ) ' ( lime 1:1.ltl'll .tli vm.54urgi'iUIM Ca . ri / foe thc ' \ ' umimiiieii. , CnElOOm , Sept. 8.-1 urther particulars of the wreck last msight of the westbound pas- aenger train on the Cherokee branch of time aenl&r Memphis rai rand were obtaind today. Twenty pesons were more er leI hurt. TIme wreck occurred at LightnIng creel . about a mie vest of Monlouth , anti was caused 1) I ' the breaking of an axle ! en the roar coach. The hreak down occurred at 1 point 400 feet fro I the brIdge. The car broke loose trol the train after helng miragged 200 feet and relict ! over Into the ditch whIch was fled with backwater frol the creek. The accident caused the other cars tu pitch and rock so badly that when the bridge ) was reachCl the baggage car struck the side tmbers of the brIdge and caused the whole structure to give vay thus precipitating all the other cars Into tie stream below which Is swollen from recent rains. The front coach followed the baggage car into the stnal and rested lsal'tly upon the baggage car which prevented It train sinking Into the water 'flie smoking car turned compleley : over and I now lying bottom up In time creek. The passengers who had been only slightly hurl broke In the wIndows and pulled tIme wOlen and wounded len out. The wounded were taken to Fort Scott on a special train sent 10 the scene of the wreck. Three who were able to be moved have been sent 10 theIr houses. Among those 10st seriously Injured are : Mrs. E. Stewart. McCune , lacerated. Miss Moore . Webb City . ! o. . head bruised. : . A. H. harper Monlouth , shoulder laceratc and arm cut. John Cregg lcCune , shoulder iislocated. 11ev I. . I. rm'l. McCune , badly bruised anti nearly drowned. LIzzie Bradley Cherokee hip dlslocattd. Henry U. Ford . Plttsburg . Knn. . arm brolen. Mrs. Reynolds , Cherokee Interal InJuries. Miss Eva I3airtl Deland ! . PIa. . internal ! In- jueles. Jerry floticins . Cherokee , Jaw dislocated. \V. F. hhorimer Kansas City aria broken A dozen others were painfully scratched and bruised. The cars and bridge are completely - pletely wrecked ACCIIIIS'I' 'l't ) . \ ' ' . ACCIH X'l 'lO A CO.\CIIXG PAI' } One PC..ln lilh..t I nn.t 'i'etu S..lou"l ) . Jnjure'mI. CLIFTON , S. I. . Sept. 8.-A coaching party from New York City belonging to the Tim- othy J. Foley club , let a serIous accIdent I i near hero this nfternooa. The coach was overturned and the entire party thrown Into the street Thirty persons had been on the top of the vehice and many more Inside. All word InJurelL more or less. A boy JO'1 Lynch ot Ncw York City . was killed . These mOlt severely injured are : Frank GI'nn. 1 years old . New York . leg broken ant severely - verely bruised : Jeremiah llamnett 22 years cut about the head ; John E. Jenkins , leg broken ; Jeremiah hianatman crushe under unter the coach , Internaly : injured and cut about the left Ear : Laurence Ltmttreil . badly cut about ttme face and body ; Edward Johnson , leg fractured : Charles Val\lenbug , leg fractured ; Tholas Mcrais elbow dislocated - cated and cut sevHely ; rank H. Eppsilo , fracture of thin thigh and contusIon ef the back. . FALSE 'I'l11iii'I'ii. Jl' Thl' ) ' A. . . Mn,1i' zulu of " \'lnC iiliil < 'nut 'l'hcr Coitiposeit . "Where do false teeth come from ? " saId a well Imown bone imssporter . echoing a ques- lon that a Phlatelphla Time man had put to him. "Wonldn't you like to know Most people I imagine think that all false ! teeth are made from Ivor ) ' . Thlt Is quite a mistaken - taken , idea . as the majority of false teeth are now lade from anythIng but Ivory. We Import large quanUtes of walrus' tusks for no other purpose than that they may be made Into false teeth You go Into some big dental establishment where teeth arc made and you wi doubtless f11 time remains of walrus' tusks lyIng arolul , anti . indeed a highly Iolshed ) tooth made from a walrus tusk Is just as handsome although not so ; lasting . a9 an Ivory one. "A dentist once came to me for an el- ephant's tusk , from which a good set ot per- manent teeth mIght be made for a wealthy client ot his. lie was to spare no expense. I found him a timsk . which , being an espclaly good one . I sold for $12.50 a pound the usual price being from $2.60 t" $3.60 per Ilounll. 1 afterward leaned that the dentist made $ :00 out of that set ot teeth. "Of 'course I would bo impossible for dentists to sell teeth so cheaply as they do now If the teeth were all made from el- ephant's tusls. As a mater of fact so many peoplE are now wearing false teeth that I doubt I time ivory suitable for this purpose would ever be tound. I am tolt a good many also tellh are now being made from vegetable ivory I\orlne. etc. I so . thin prIcE of teeth must naturally go down ali In tmo the toothless one will probably b3 able to replenish ! his mouth for an absurdly - surdly low sum. A set of teeth for $1.2 , " concluded the dealer Inuyhlng , "would create - ate a boom In also teeth. " 1Sr I ' OI ) . < cas. Discovery ' of I lulh..t Ci ' ( ) . lu flis- ' tnnt 'JUllu'Mtnn. In Turlestan , on the right bank of the Anoou Diara . In a chaIn of rock hills . near the oleharan town ot Karki . are a number of large caves which , upon examination , were found to lead to an underground city built apparently lon - before the Christian era. According to rlgles , Inrrlptols and do- signs upon the gold and sliver money unearthed - earthed trom among the ruIns , the existence of the town dates back to some two centuries - torIes before thc birth of Christ TIme underground Uokharan ely Is about : two VEsts long and I composed ot an onor- : mous labrlnth of corritlitre . streets and , buildings two or three stories high The : edifices contain all kinds of ,10meste utensils , ; pots urns , vases and PO forth In some ot the streets falls of earth nl\t rock have obstructed - structfl the passages. but generally the via- lor can walk about freely without lowering ' lila heal Th hIgh degree of civilIzatIon attained by the inhabitants of the ely 19 shown by the symletry of the streets a 1\1 square and by the beauty of the day and metal utensils and ot the oraments and coin , . . Inc I'nul. : lllu'rM Strilci- . NEW 'YORK Sept. 8.-After havIng decIded - cIded four tmes to strIke and havIng changed ls 111(1 lS lany times . the Knee Panb Makers' unIon did at last cal out 2,60 of its members this mornIng. Fifteen hundred hail struck two lays before without waiting for the orclal order and the strike almost COI- pletely tIcs up the trades. . 1,11'Jl Ir..r ) ' Juru"11. AMSTEltA ! . N. Y. . Sept. 8.-Tho large brewery of II. A. DowIe on West MaIn street and adjoining barns and sheds were totally destroyed by tire today. The los Is $20.000. with an insurance of $1GO,00. : lo..tnll CII.h'1 l'ro".1 Iutli. r I'ORTLAND Ore. . Sept. 8.-circuit Judge Uutwel II. lurle ) ' dIed at hits resIdence In thIs city today of pneumonIa contracted while making the ascent of Mount Adams a few weeks sInce. - _ _ p 1."tll JlJII of n hay. OGDEN , Ia . . Sept. 8.-Speclal.-George ( \Vilkins . a 13-yelr-ld boy while atemptng to board a moving train on CIO Northwestern road hero fell beneath the wheels mind was fatally crulhcl . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , - " - ' -w - " - - (1(10111 Jt : it i us A I..A.I. A ( 'II.tll II"u.lrntlll I lie' ( 'hnrnn- . . ti'i'lsii. " If ? nh..1 'Ieui , One of tlmhtot , , stories hear.t . nt W'nelmlng- ton mliimumer ( tU ' Inst winter was the one toll by Vii r Irre hlont Stevenson about ! clltor Joe lhiatkburn . Thin tale , relates Waler Welman In the Tlmes-lcr" , was intended iiii'rnte ( char- Inlenlell to I 1Giatc the prellomlntng - acterl."c ef the J5eumtumeky senator , which Is tAIatnleB. Adl1 Stevenson anti Joe Uacllburn \'nc ! ? 'fellow students ! at Center college . nan\rln ! I { ) , thIrty-fve or forty years ago. ' "II'ltho ' o days , " said the vice presitleutt "we 'tnlsters wern more or less . Inhued wih the _ duelng spirit. Time code was then In vogue In the soutim and even as far north as Kentucky ) 'otUp men wore prene to issue challenges for time slightest offense. Wo hall a number of < hide between students at time college . and on one occasion Joe Iackburn anti I were chosen as seconds for 1 pair of lrlnellals. Joe's lan was a Kentueltan namiseil Stone . while milo wes from Alabama , amid hIs name was Campbell . We male al our arrangements very cirefully . Joe and I. and It was time llrullest day of our lives. We felt ito big while In possession of the great secret that wo refused to speak to 10st of our fellow sttt1eiits. " "According to appointment , we met In a sechHlc.1 spot on the hanls : ef time river just as the dawn was whitening time easter horizon. There were present the principals Joe amid I. two doctors with their little cases at lnstrutneumts . and three or four of our chums. As soon as It was light enough to see Joe amid I alvanced solemnly to the center of the open space between the trees and tossed 1 coin. for choice of nesitions. 1 won the toss , all chose for lY inan a place where the rays ot the suim . now just about to show himself , would strike lY Ilrlncipal's back and shIne straight In the other muon's eyes The men were plated In position , the Illstols were brought out Ilspeetet and de- Ivel'cd Into the hands of the < ombatants. Joe then came UI ) to me ant claimed that Inasmuch - asmuch as I hall ' 01 the toss of position I was his rIght to give the word so fire. I to could see no objection to this and agreed. areet. Thereupon Joe stood a little to ole side ot the line of ilre anti started In to explaIn the rules of the cole , duehlo . so that there might be no IlsulHlerstanllng , while tIm prin- cipals . who were both brave young iumeus C'Jm- pressed their lips and glanced occasionaly at Iheh' ( weaponma . The rest of us stood about wih bated breaths , while the surgeons tin- latched the lids ot their Instrument cases and 10ved a little nearer to the com- bate nts . " Hero the vice presIdent ceased speaking. lie drew hIs left hand ceasel eyes , and wlh his right reached nervously for his glass and took a sip of wine. Then he turned and asked a walter for a light for his turncl . Whie the vice 11reshlent Imlel , lt his weed the guests at the table sat In pager slionc . Every eye was fixed upon the face of the vice Ilreslent. I was apparent he was struggling to control the emotons whIch thIs tragic tale of the past had roused , and no one spoke At lelgth Mr. Stevenson broke the silence. "AdmIral , " salt he to I glest across the table "they tel pie , the new Columbia Is the fastest war shill aflOat. h that so ? " i , ' 'Ilut the cltmel-yotm haven't tolil lhle-yeu ! us how It I came out , " rCSP9td ll the admiral . "Oh , yes , that duel " salt the vice presI- I dent. " \\el , you . see . berro Joe half ! n- I Ishcl his explOitation of the rules of lie code the sun hail l one down own and It was too dark to shoot s ' 1i,1 In .ni the " "f' . of. " - , - . - n _ , - - - - . 'U. . . . . ' S ! Secretary Herbert like a true southerner , Is a fond atrlrer I'of the mint julep "Th greatest triumph of the Julep I ever heard ot , " he said ole nIght at a dinner table. "was sense years age whim we had a congressIonal ' excursion to ( lie \ . battlefields ar und Fred- erlclsburg. Tuirty pr forty senators and mcm- ben of the house went , downthere hy spccal ! train and among us , was Jim Deltor . the red- . ! headed rcprescptatlve from Coorado. : You all remember Jlmins ; good 11 fellow as ever lived and with but.CIO ; Jaumht. On the way down Jim drank nothing but straight whsky. ! 'zt Is I the only drinkfor a gentleman , ' he declared ; , 'nono of your .juc/ : or smashes or lckeys' ' for me. ' Al me. ' Fredericksburg the citizens showed us whs't outhfr hospitality Is. They hat everythIng for our entertainment , Inclld- hug a gl-edglt concoction of mInt julep Some one induced Jim to try cue and when we wout out to the battlefield he was missed. Some one explained lint ho \\as back In FrederIcksburg drlnlnp juep3. ! Sure enough that Is what we found him at when we returned - turned to town. Then we spent three or four days lookIng over the ground on which had been fought the bates of the Wilderness . Uut Jim was not with us. He was back In Fredericksburg drlnkng : julep "When thp traIn starteJ for Washington wo missed Beltonl again , " continued the acere- tary "and the explanation was the same A week later a man came up from reerlcks- burl with a report that Jim was still there and there were a few juleps left. Another week ] passed ant one day wo saw a red- headed man come In the main door of the hal ot lie house. lie was travol-stalned and dusty. In hIs hand he had a small grIp , whIch ho passed l over to a l > go. Without looking 10 time rIght or the left , Ir pausIng to nato what was going on . ho marcbe straight down the center aisle to the open space In front ot the speaker's oe3k. I was JIm Ilelfortl . lila hair grown bug was naming about his head , and there was fro In hIs eye. Interrupting the proceedings , he held proudly aloft 1 piece of paper and exclaimed - claimed : , , " 'Mlzzer Speaker ; I wish 'er In'erJoese bill 'proprlatin' zlx hiun'red thous3n' dollars for solyers' monument at Fre'rlcksvle. V'glnyah ! ' " Mr. Depew tells of himself ! thIs story : Ho was at one tinme addressing tme aldroslng an cut-of-town gatherIng nuud knowing no cno In his audl- enco , sIngled out a certain tympathete face , to which he talked I was the face ef a woman , youag amid hlndscme , 1111 for the moment - fluent was his inspiration. After the address there was an informal reception recepton. at which all who wIshed were presented to Mr. Iepow Uehlnd the hel1 of the ( ttbers ho saw hIs In- spIraton apprcachlng anti In hIs eagerness for her greetIng ho tcueely heeded thcso who preceded her. At last she leached him , was presented . bowel all sid : "That was a very pretty speech you made And what do you say Is your name ? " t0 A young newspaper man working hits way East from Denver tolls me of some amusing incidents ef his experience In a city whIch Is one of Denver's rivals . relates Major Handy In the Times-Herald. The newspaper on which he worked was owned by an 0\1 follow who haj worked his way from poverty to proprietorship and whose proprIetorship of a newspaper was acquired under a mortgage - gage foreclosure. . As soon as tile . ' 11 man got hold ef the property he began "to bole around to find out where he cOHl" save a tow dollars In the running expens . ' ! I Several weeks passed before he ventured A suggestion . Sid be : . "Do you know tbatjellow ; In the little rom upstairs-the telp\v who works with a pair ef shears and a ) Iastr pot ? " "Why , yes ; that 11s Tompkins the exchange - change editor , " , aaid the managar. "TompkIns ? , Y , sr , that's hi name. Well , you want to Ieet your eye on him. In fact , If you take iisytadylco J you'l gIe him the grand bounce neat tpay . day " "Why H 'sl'one ef the , best men on the force " I' "Don't you bel & \eil. I have been watch- lag him unbelmbwnU for days , and I gIve you my word 'nlhdnor he don'l do a blasted thing from sun to'lln except sit there with his fut cocked .lllland read newspapers. Fire him ! He 'ls"rWldlerlng , an' you can bet on It. " t 1" ' s Wih great IUmduly the manager made the Irate propletor understand that It was the business a the echange editor to road newspapers . and that the more he read the better his work wu likely 10 be A few days later the proprlelor came to this managing editor full of another Idea. "how much ought a go newspaper mal to write In an hour ? " " \\'el. ( hint dOJends . " was the m-epiy. "I should say that a column would be \ IJrelY good hour's work , " "I thought so . " was the rejoinder . "You'\'e got too many menu around hero Two col- umns ot editorIal a 111 six columns of local all I lake six men all day amid a Rood part of the night to do It Fire live of them len rIght away. I sln't goIng t have no 501- dieting on thIs Ilaper " , Un 'l'lwlr'ny to 1,011"1" ' . Yesterday Ito IIeegaton : from Utah to the national enCmplwt ef the Grand Army of the Republic at LouisvIlle passed through the city. Fl. W. Tort ock 1 C. if and It. Alf of lie utah cmmhsl.n were In the Darty. OHDEUED ) ) TIE ' WOUK UUSIIED ) I Navy DOl1rtment Impatient nt the Delay , in Completing ) Ships CONTRACTORS NOT ALONE TO BLAME i 'lhU'I' PolIsh I / nl I he i'iii' ) ' Ynrll" . \0\ I I " ' .1 tl II'n/-lcnnl"'M . \Anln"t Citiut rimi'tmrs hll' Ic 1 lut fireiql. \\'ASHING'O : , Sept. S.-1es. ' said Ste. rotary herbert today . " 1 18 true that f have given or.ler that work on vessels under constructon for the navy slush be expedited , The order embroces not only the work on time navy yard ships but also the work on vessels being buit under con- tract. All have been urged to Increased ilihi- gonce , " Continuing the secretary saId : "Tho shIps buiding In the navy ) yards have heen 1:1/lnp for 'ears. For aonl \ tme the delay was for want of armor but armor Is now being furnIshed iuromusptly. The Texas and Maine the formcr of which has Just been \ut In comminsission anti the latter . which wi be In n few 11a's , reallY oupht to have been In service month9 ago. Ofcals at the ( navy ) arts naturly desire to keep a regular torc steadily employed and the ( dis- position Is to talw workmen trom the ships that are building ant do repair work with thenm pulng Ilem back when the repair work 19 comflluieted . Not only have the Texas and 1aine bEen delayed 1y this Ilractc" . but also the imsonitoro' , the Terror . the Iondnoek anal the Purian. All these ships ought to now b In commission and I have ordered thlf they be pushed to com- itietlon . Precisely thE sale reasons whIch have operated to delay the building oC ships at the navy yards naturally Ilfunces con- tractors. They are sometmes tempted to neglect government work anti Use part of the force on the government ships to do outshle work as I comes iii. ' ' The secretary deprecates the . practice which corgrcss has falen Into ef releving shl11 builders of penaltes Incurred. "The con- tracts , " said he , "all provIde penalties for failure , to complete work ems time. Penalties for delay have frequently beln Imposed upon contractors by the Navy department but unfortunately congress has In almost every Instance when It was asked relieved them of these penalties. The effect of such acts Is necessarily dcnuorahizimsg. I Is to be hoped that penalties incurred In tl future for de- lay will be allowed to statud. . " In conclusion Mr. Herbert said : "There Is really nothing abuut shIp building that now renders I difcult In the United States. No good re3sons can be given why such ships authorized by congress should not be com- Ileted with reasonable dispatch , and I am shnlll Insistng OD 11rompt compliance with contract oblgatons.Ye have already shown that we 0 can build ships and guns equal to any In the world and I hope our shIp builders . ers , who are now lookIng for contracts abroad , will demonstrate to the world that a ship can bo built . not only as well , but as rapidly In the United States as anywhere In the world , ' ' The recretar also said that he was push- Ing along the manufacture of ordnance and all other work In progress under his .lrec- ( ion . Z3ht'Oht'I'FJItS : US' ! ' I.'II is'omcs . "nhu' of Ihie COI.I/.u..C ! tluuIc . Xo 5)iiYem'eiiee . I lie Mmmli' . " tSIIINGTON Sept. 8.-Acting Secretary Hamln , In response to an inquiry from tl auditor of the treasury has decided that under section 4 of the act of June 10 , 1890 . Importers In all cases are required to furnish - nlsh collectors wih protorma invoices bills of statements so usade whether the value of the hnportaton Is more or less than ' $100. Hitherto this acton has not been enforced In all cues. The acting secretary has also IS3uod instructions toetustoms officials that hereafter no animals shall be permitted to be entered at any port of the United States without the deposit of the owner importer consignee or agent et a sum sllfcfent to defray tIme expenses incident to their quarantine - tine or this fing with the collector of a certificate by the quarantne officer to th effect that satisfactory arrangements have been made for the keeping of the animals during the quarantine. Heretofore the department - partment has admitted cattle to entry and much annoyance has resuled from there having been no provIsIon made for theIr inaimitenajice. hereafter the anImals will not be enterd until such provision hs been mado. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11.iM tu " \ . ( . " . . . . Juuvt'iulurs , WASIIINGTON. Sept 8.-Speclal.-Pat- ( ) outs have been Issued as follows : Nebraska- Thomas Crabtree McCook . metalc packing : Alexander hhogeland I.lncoln , water elevator ; Jehn W. Stewart York , waste paper basket. Iowa-Matthew A. Andres's Northmborotmghm assignor one-hal to W. . II. Dulact { and others , Tarkio Mo. . saw sharpening ma.llne ; lan'e ) ' L. Fishier . Des 1lulnes. printng press ; Robert L. uaerton , Des Moines , medl- clno dose indicator : James L. Johnson , Fort Madison . metale fastener for pneumatic tires : Solomon ! cNel amid O. H. Ienlse Burlngton , cartridge loading Implemtt ; John H. crrls , Maquoketa gate ; John S. Ovens , Buffalo Center oil cake trImmer liar- bert E. Poage , Newton corn harvester amid shocker ; James M. Scurr and S. R. anr . Creaton . assIgnors to Simplex Car Coupling company St. Joseph Mo. . car coupling. No I'C"Mlo"M fumr : iiliinuiiut'ui. ' WASHNGTON. Sept 8.-Tho pension ap- Ileal of John Gotrey has been rejected by Secretary Heynolds. Godrroy served In company - pany C of the Third Kansas volunteers , which was called Into servIce hy the governor ot the state. The secretary holds thaI no P'I' son other than the Ilresident of iso Unite States has authority to cal the militia ot any state Into the United States service anti a militia organization called Into service by other authority Is not thereby In the service ef the Unied States for pensIon- able purposes. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \VImite 1.1' ' ( ' 'i'Iitiromigmily HI'llul.cI1. WAShINGTON . Sept. 8.-n hIs annual re- port on the public buildings and grounds II Washington Colonel Wison says that he has thoroughly overhanlell and repaired the whIte house. I was found that the flooring In front ot the state dIning room. where the crowds are great ! st during the recplons , hd become weakened anti sunk The beams were found to he giving way . and these were renewed and strengthmened : imuii' \lllllcn"CM for ( lit. l'hmt'i' . WASHINGTON . Sept S.-Post ChaplaIn John D. 'arler , now on sIck leave at San Diego . Cal. . will be retired tomorrow. leas was appointed from Missouri In 1882. There are a large number of applications for appointment - pointment to the place which wi become vacant threngh Parker's retirement. Golll Jtm'sei'c' tru\II/ L.'ss. WAShINGTON Sept. 8.-The true amount of r the gold reserve at tIme close of business yesterday was $98,512,207. S,1'.t 1111111) illS iOT1i id5t.UV-L.tV. l''ter tiomier.mmmlstflhmmls ' . I ] "uml ) " Illr- 'ret 11 n .t'rn/h' : 'UII.'r. JUI4ESL1UItU . Colo. . Seit. 8.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Poter ) Soerquist anti John Anderson - son . his father-In.law. got Into an altercation today over some household goods und came to blows . In which Anrerson get decidedly the worst of It . Soderquist then proeeded to break up the turnluro and throw I out ef doors when ! r. Anlerson Intertered. This enraged Suderllulst 10 that ho whipped out a long , murderous looking kumite . and Proceeded to stab the woman In the abdomen - men , Dr. T. J. Mason was summoned anti attended to the woman's wound which he pronounces very serious. The parties live about three miles north ef thIs place , and have heretofore borne . I good , reputation . - - - - I'siiilc I. I ( ihmurelm . ChICAGO . Sellt. -There was allost a panic at this mornIng's service In the F'irat Prelbyterlan church The regular : choir hat Just risen and stepped forward to sing when a large section of the front of the great organ fell and crashed down Into the chairs whIch they bad been occupying The congregation - galen instinctively rose to Its feet , while women screamed . Clarence Dcklnbon , the I organist , saved bii life bJ doglal . - - - - - - - - - . - - hull " " " ' 1.- Itll U hiM . ' \ ' . n , ' \'h\I. ' ) ' ' > ( o"t ) . iisui'ririmt'c \lh I 14l ' tired St rem.t " ' 1'1. I W. } I Whlncy , fits l nI18hlan. who 1 [ A traveling Inn for n. I. ' . Collier , the hpok- Inn , anti whoso hOle Iii 11 Cutanoola , 'Fenn , was robbed last nIght of $ to In cur- reney antI $8,500 In certificates of deposit hy an unknown colure,1 , woman , The thet sync commltelt In an alley Into which the man hall gone wlh time WOlan , between Ua\'enporl and Chicago streets , just off Thiirtecmutiu , auict it 'as so cleverly done ( lust \Viuitncy did muot know lie humid beuu robbed until time Wofluami 1usd tiumue to disappear coiui. plot ely. Wimitnoy struck the city several days ago , anti wimemi lie arrived lie engaged a room micar the corner of 'rimirteetuth eteect atmti Capitol avemutme , lie svent alit for a walk last night , and in time coumrms of hula pronue- natla along I'otmrteentht street , nrar iavon- hsort ho very cordially accosted by a buxonu colored lassie , Wtmitncy says hue lund mint talked to a wonmaim for so long that ho was fairly huatikcriimg after a chance to mb so , nail was not particular what 'oinan. Consequemitly lion ( hue greiting from time woman canoe eoftly amid t'al ) ' tlurotmgh the flight air to his earn hiti retmumacti it with tie munich cordiumlity. The acquaintance thmtms be. gun ripened rapidly anti the two were soon on ( hue best of terms , amid 'togethuer the ) ' en. ( erect ( ho alley , vhiclu was close at hand. TIme woismamu suddenly whmispered that she hoard some one commsimmg imp the nIle ) ' , \'huit- ( toy listened and thought he hearmi toot- steps , too , V'ithout even biddIng his cons- panion gootiby Ito scooted out of the alL' amud clown time street , not muoticing wiuethicr the womisan followed him or muot. \Vhmilo walking aloiug lie reissembered that before coiitir into tIns mmllv ht had a noeket- book km his iiside coat iocket and lie felt to discover if it s'as safe , lie found that it was gone. lie returned to ( Ito place where ue hmati heft the wonsan , butt site lund ( lisapieareti and the lmOCketlJOk was msosi'here to be seems. lie line no doubt ( lint while ho ss'as engaged with the wornamu site hind robbed htIns , al- tiuouglu ho hind usa knowledge of it , lie is not able to give a good description of tIme womnais , aluti Ins fact is isot euro that Ito would recog- uuize item again if lie saw her anti conseqimemutly there is little hope that Ito wib recover his lost property. The pocketbook contained in the neighbor- huooti of $100 in nuoney amid certificates of < be- IOsIt aggregating $ S,500 ems Chmattautooia hianmks , besides other Papers. lie will notify the baimks by whtommi ( hue certificate. . cro is- sueti today of imle loss amid will step pa'uusent on tltena , No trace of thmo thief lies beenu this- covered , 'lilt I IIIY 'A8 F.t'OitAltLY ItFicili ' 1lh ) I'imil , I'otter Grsmlilit'.b 'm'itli its Silt' . ( ' ( 'Ms itt tiummehi , 'umer. LONDON , Sept. 8.-Mr. Paul Potter , ott- thor of time dramatic versioti of "Trilby , " whicls was performed at Manchester last week , was seen by a rcprcscmstative of ( hue Aseociated itress , to whom lie said : "I anu absolutely satisfied witlu time productiomu of 'Trilby , ' If Manclueatei' represents England it sitosvs a strong similarity of tastes of Macrica and England , Every poInt of dia logue , of business and of scone which told in Ammierica told here. The maimer of the isro- duction was highly satisfactory. Mr. Berm- bohmmmi Tree introduced features at his own in stance. In the second , Svengali , in a moment of passion and blasphemy , suddenly fails tumon his knuecs and prays In YiddIsh. Tluen , feel- hug better , ho resumes his blashuhmemusy , In a't four , lnsteaul of a photograph , a large o'l painting of Sveuugahi is uaed. Mr. Trec.'s per- formamice is a great one. Miss Baird Imas a great future. She ( oak the part of Trilby entirely. The 'Trilby' fever does not spread as in the United States , but I fancy Triihi' will be worshiped emuorxnotmsiy. I was grat- Fled at the musanner in which the audience me- eeived me , " 1)Iumst mamus iromit it I ii tui'mtruui tim , LONDON , Sept. 8-A Meihoturmso dialatch to tlte Times says time tilouthu in tise north- srest hues tsow hasted eiglmt nionthis , causIng great losses of sheep and cattle. Ihiutimb 'ml.'imum ( ) nmi' it hahN , P/tillS , Sept. 8.-Time alleged bomb foumsd outside the I'alais do Justice this issoruulmig is probably a hoax. -0- lt.tISHl ) 'I'Hid FLA(3 A'i' 0A311' btilON'l' Ses'eral 'I'iiousuniW'I I IIPHN I hii Ceret- ilamuimy a t Ciiie1uuimuumuueit l'iii'le , CHATTANOOGA , Teams , , Sept. 8.-TIme an- tional flag was raised today with approprIate ceremonies in the presence of several thou. sand ieOPie at Camump Daniel S. Lament , Chiiclcainauga.Qhsattanooga Nationual Muiitnry park. Lieutenant It. W. Gowdy , quarternuaster at the ennuI ) , today stated ( lie story that Ito had duiflcuity in securing supplies for his canup was false. lie stated that lie hind made sat- tsfactory contracts for overytluing ho vantcd in a ( coy minutes in Chattanooga. There hind bean ito approhmemusion whatever as to a si'Ill- cietut fotti supply for any kind of a crow'cl thuat may be hero during the dedication. Every dealer is prepared to furnish any quan- tlty of ftiod stuffs on short notice. Aht'eatly many persons have arrived for the dedicatory exercIses. Several ioardlng itouses have re- Itortetl theIr accomnsodati ns as being already occupied and time evidences increase of a large crowd , Them local comnuittoes , however , pro. foss thigmnselves as able to take care of all wluo may apply for quarters. p GOIN(3 OtJ'I' 'I'O hitJ'l' l'lili im)1AXS , Settlers Near Ilurims , ( ) i'e. , Asioit Jack- Mluii' $ JlIm Jli'thioIs , l'OllTLA1'l ) , Ore. , t351)t 8-Time comma- spondemut of the Associated preos at Burns , Ore , , telegraphs as folows : Bodies of armed mcii are heaving this ( nova and vicinIty for tue Stems mountain country , ovidenutly for hunting purpomes , but tIme more knowing omses hero tluink ( lucy are going for a different purpose - pose , and unless the agents of time rescrva- tion 1nciiar , recall ( lucia at once they wili probably muot have so many Itudians to care for time ceasing wiitter. All time cartridges and anunmunltion have been bought qumietly and time town is out of these articles today. One hardware firm 'has somsme 15,000 rounds of cartt'idges at liuntiuugtomu , Ore. , austi time sanso firma has ordered ntsore by express , aisd a teauss has beemu imurriedly semit to tIme railroad after these goods. 1)ovehopmnents may be expected - pected soomi. _ - - Novel Suit Started tim Cimlt'imgm , , CHIC/eGO , Sept , 8-Amtother chapter in street litigation was begun yesterday. Tiso General Street Itaiiway company is lIghtIng ( hue primiciphe that street car tracks mire lmri- 'into property , and in the fuurthmeranco of this contentitun hmare brought a peculiar suit , it is directed against thu Johmi Stir ) ' hum- bet' compammy for pay' for the use of the company a rails by the lumber comnpaniy's wagons iii drivlmsg along Twenty-second Street. The action is based on thue decision of Jtmdgo Tuhey of tiuhim city , In which lie belch thud street car tracks are iurivnte iurop. erty , This decision was rendemeti against tIn , McGmnms : cornit.iny us its suit ( om claims- ages agaiumat time C'hmlcutgo City Hallway corn- iianiy for time dernohitiuns of one of its cars Whueis It svuii drawls aim it disputed truck , Clean Lasting CHEW Cool Sweet SMOKE MaiL POUCH TOBACCO PURE hARMLESS , SATISFYING. ' I-DYSPEPTIC Pu ye BlOOd rN the $ I'Cl''i.OflIO ( ( restoratIon n lmcnlth ' 1mtch llood'8 Smtrsmtiumtu'IIIa g1't'h. : - "It , givoni muse rlcastmro to recotn nsomiul hood's Saran. parlitsu , It ; hmai euircel 1110 of iumnfly coin- idainuts , and luri- G lieu my blooml. 1 ? Ic ivius trotobicil - nsF liver , had lull ) _ _ . _ , disease and other p . . . ' : troubloswitlsewoll. ' ; , mug of my ntsklcs. 4 -i : 1t' For a Iog tlmno I m , hail to svnlk svlthu a , . - cane , For several 4 \t. . - years I svasgradtmtsl- breaking dowmi. I hind tIm grip lii is severe forma , I sroctireci sIx bottles of hood's t3araisparifia nie1 It. btsiht. mule up. My recovery I ewe to hood's Harsaparihia. All may Ills have gouso amid I feet like a muew I elcon wchiamsdentimomsrtilv , " Nuts. CmtAmtiorrn 1i41iL' , llnywutrtliu , ( ) muh. Hood's Sarsaparilla Ii ; the ously trum blood piurifler pronsincut. . 1y In tluo public eyu today. rry it. ' 11 CiltO huaiiltual comoatips. H ood's Pis tion. l'ricuiiOc.porbcx. To11 Ser1os&Soarcs S 4 I 6 h'armuiia St. SPECIALIST3. All foruimimof Blooui anti Skin Dl'oa'mes , byiiteit , .1.JJt. ouiled for life niuid timu poi- / _ , . . , . . boii thiorouglmt4' cioaimsed _ . 4/ , - 1i _ from the systelum. LADIES i11lven Careful special attentions for nil , ' . -.Ihieln' mtuMmy peculiar cii- , . - . - CATARRH , Gleot , , - d 'VutrIcocolu , iiydrocolu , cJou. . ' ' t < \.Jr tturrlmutimu. Loam. Alitimhiotuit - " - . S i , ' 'ciureti by a special treat- ' - - r miiotmt. 'WEAK MEN ( vI'rALITYVEAK ) iusade so by too close ap. phication to Iiusinces or study , severe nuentush straIn or grief BEXUAIi EXCESSES In flsititilo life or jromss thtE effects of youtiifui tohllc , ttll yield readily to our new treat- nient fr loss of vItal huowr. WRITE Your troubles it out of the city. Thsoiitafld e'uirtl at home by cor- t'tslsofldenee. CONSULTATION FREI. Ir. ) Searle & Searics , 1410 ( ) iui'uiIta l'arnitmuu , J.b. ' 11t. , ' Woolen Gtiod. No mattcr what you wash witi iwooL 0 * 0bianleta -bianleta , underwear-eli woolens-they're the same , siac when they come out 4 _ aawhenthey vent in-and ctean. Pure-delicious for -c the bath. At all leading dealome. Raworth , Scisodde & Co. , Chicago. _ _ AMUS1d9i lin'1'S. Boyd's New Theatre. (1RAND SUNDAY O1'ENING SIASON. I 51PTiMfl1I & 3 NIghtt'o 8 , 1) ) atid 10. Peerless PAULINE HALL Aial her i'iicnomenal C.muumany in the IItI1flOPliA'i'iC COMEIY , DOCAS. rw - lverytiihuig Now. Rcioiur I'rlceL Sub of SCata will opcis Saturday inomnmmug , 'fltr'oo Niglmts B OYD A. _ ) ' Coitimncncing Thursday , Sept. 12. WIATINEE SATURDAY- henry Irviuig's dramusatic version of Cioethuo'I ucubhlmne iuittplratiomi , 9AmZ7T" introducing the I'opular Itonuantic Actor MR. JOHN GRIFFITH AS iiiEi'hhISTO. MOUNTED WiTh HISTORIC SCENEI1T Shuouviug : Time Bracken I'aradise , 'rhue Electrical itieh , 'rime 1)ettcent flute Iladenu , Etc. TIme acknowledged mssater aclsies'emcnt of thin lOtlu century. Smile of seats will nisemi Wednesday morning mit untumal usrlces. OHi THT Tel. 153t-l'AX1'O. ( lhiJIf3flui , Mgr.e Ilotumn Bngagemuent of the JOHN 8TRPLETON COMPRNY llrecioim of ( US'I'A'Id m'itII5LiN. ) TONIGHT AT 8:15. Sardnui'um hiriliiniit Also Comcd3' , Tueetlay e'ciuIn& A \Vetlnebln ) ' CVIS ii MERICAS ABOAO and Matinee fl . ileMille ilolasco's Tliursd5' eve PsnluOul'3 Coiiicdy irnmun , F'rIdtm ) ' evening 'I-I Sntumday moat I 11E CI'IAEIITY DAt.L. cud evenbug . . . I'ro'hiteed by special nmrmangenuent with tius New York L'ceuuim tiuentre , Cemuhimg Sept. IS-IS-The Derby Wlnmier Courtland Beachj 'I'UESDAY , Mid cvcry night tloorc.sfter , P S Mihi'iiry : utst'Io Storm .IIRE AUTIFUL WORKS ' , e'ople i2 acre's beautiful scenery Smhiue rb siueeiaitie. ( 'imku svik , lhmmcIc miumii V. tithe haumcos , .Amphiithemutre beating 10 O0) h5"iuiO Management University ci ili.sl'l''l Ii :4t'uit 'I'IcIrm' at 1 ( *