- - - - - _ - - - - . - . . - - - . - - - . . . - , , ' . , _ I . - - - _ _ - 1J - . - - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - - _ . _ , - = - - = - - . 'JllI11 OMAhA JAIIy J1J : SUNDAY . SBl"I.'JDM.Bnn 8t 181) 1 ) ; ; , - _ _ : - - - - - _ _ . _ _ _ _ - - . - _ _ _ _ . . ------1 - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ eo . _ _ _ _ _ _ - - : 8PBOIAL NOTIOBS , c : ; . _ _ . _ _ - - . . . . _ " . _ < ' Ah'er''en'I' ' ' ' . fur tlrNI CIIII"I" nll lit , tnlu' until 1JO I" . iii. for thl I e , 'e,111 sitid l"tl H I" . I for ( Iti' ' tor.ilisw mitt utii1nrIlItInnM. . Alh''rrl. ' I ) ' 1llrll"l n iflhtd. Irr(11 CiICk I , cnn In"1 n"wer" , nil- i. drc"clt to U "llhcrclI leter ( I" I earn 01 1'Ie lt' . AI""I'r" In nlltlrrl ell .11 ! e 4vlt'vrcl IInn Ire"eitntl" ' , 01 tht hk hlh' . IlttN , 1 1-2 C n 'Torlt Unit illerl.n , 1e n yroril ; : liereziler. NlthllA Inkr" for lest : thnn : ute for n.t InNerUnn. Tlt.c . ' nhlertIsetIeI1Eti 11' be run colt- . .eenth''I - - - ' - - - liVA'I'lONS WAITCL ) . " - - - - - - - IaAlYVAT - $ ! 1.M.'r 'TO EAIN nO.\n ) ' hle alrnlns ) Om , Uullnel $ Col , 15 & FnrnRm A-3i3 ' - : ; ia : \V1f.T ! tLU < 1 EN. AnTI61'IC M'KI gn4rn $ ' llt , . now f ' : : 1,1 AI $ W ' per Ila ) ' . A'111ruK A W UN' . A-GI' 8' . . - - - - - - - - - ny YOt'J T.ADY 01" AIUtTY ANt ) EXtI' : , ye'Sf t1nIl ' I.achcr II private pupis : ! psl f rt'trenceL Aldre'l A C , Ice. A-MCS7 D _ _ . _ .C M-I .J LADY VN14 ! ' 1ArF ' . wonK MONINml 1 WAS1t T.\cr nn.1 vnIngn 1.)1 10:111 Rn.1 13Ofll. T'rh'lle CRm- ' I ) nerrnces exchanged. AtIdres A A-7l1 67 U'e. 8. AN lWflI ) usis MAN WANTS 1' nXIpJI'NPEO % 01 In .Inr. . Ierer.nces OIs- CRclnr ) ' . IIRry fixed RUe ttlal Rnll proC of enpailty ' ! , Ix(1 . Atlrp.s , D 1011. ih nvenue , I CRP'Wly CtincIt IIIUITL A-i23 S ' Clncl Iurs. ' I 'VA 'I'I n-u.\.n IfI.I' , " WANTr L1vk : : . INTr.l.ImNT AGINTS IN Omcita ? to 1.t'F. ' rlul . oC three II 11'e fami- . Omnla \ ollonlz'J , land In ctfl , ' Orchatd home II rCI' nor rOmOI" Orcholt les 1ItltII1)I. The thle oC ImmllraUon I. goIng ' - Ing totitli . where tlu're tire n" hot wlnls. no Inoltl. faIure. 1 cell Winter , . no bl7ZArlq. no crcp folurcs. ' 'VlwrP Iwo nr three I reps CAn be rised . y.ar. Where there h no such thing ns fatl work onc.hnlf R. haiI : a. he ure It n man , wi h\d . wIn dOC9 In Ihls rounlry. Cool oummors * , mUd t.rL Sure paying crops of fruit Rnt , garden Sue p'lylnl Irul'k ttlnlwi.t " , II ( cRrlh 1101 railwaY fncillUe. Ilnh.t . s",1 . Amt general agent. 161 I.'lram itreet , Omnho. n-M2i - - - A GCNT1iMAN TO WOnK OMAHA OL TAKE teiritorY In Neh"1 ns general agent of An ! IC rlol'y . pick . RCPllenl ! Rn,1 .leRlh bClen Anll endowment iisoclntlOn. I'rulential . tcn - IssoclRUon. yar rndownlnl leA-yelr . ' . . , or a1i1reis alan preferreil , ( 'all after 9 u. m. Rdte.s -v - IRn . prefcrrrl . , , 301 - , - Paxton - , - - bloel. - - fl-1l2SQ - ACT1Vn MAN OF NI.AT ATlmS FOR otm city tuicle. I Will he 11lrucl.t and , 101,1 , while learning. Apply ' . persl'naly ' , 1:16 DuglnL 1l-M31 flO W.\NTI. . TWO nXllmlENCEO TnA1:1.1 : : ' . , . . Flcinlen. 0011 I'rrlar ) ' . Hcln / 'h.mr.Knn. , ' . lI-7'19 $ ' ) lallrs , 161 1'Irom. 1-:191 $11.01 TO $ IGO , ( SAI.AnY P'I SAliSM1N ' . . not nec.'SFRrY ; .xtln In- fur chRrs ; pellence nec'sfr'A .1tictncnt 10 cuslomC . Wshap & ifitne. HI. tuconenls , , . - - Il-M1l3 - - S2' - - - - WAN'flm. - - A (3001) ALL AnOUNO TAILOR lit onr' . ( a11 GOOT addres A. Heylp.00,1 nh'rr II , enl I-JI6 13' _ WAN'ID AT ONCE. TWO Bxtlnm CI T with and atl- ( ln.ers for city ; reply name It. D-502 theta lo A 20 . Bee. - - - - WANTnO. - 1Xl'Efl1ENCRD ANn PRACTICAL norlsl IOt surtener , B. Inno , IS\3 Ylnlon sl. 11-512 WANTID . A ItYSICIANii FOR I'LAUSI. WTTD. , Is nol prnclcln ! and wi accept . 11-M5808 petition. A 40. nee. 1-1&SI BAI.ISIIAN - WANTEI-A SALESMAN TO call on physIcInn . only. 10 relle'fnl large Rn.t Important new surgIcal work ; 100.t Incomp : .IRle Iml.orllnl age nn,1 , expcrlence. r. O. B'x 1&52 l'hlt. Idphl , _ I'a. IJ-MII ' 8 BTI'NOGnAIIEHS. TO n1llls. . 5A1J5- . men Inll II'lcher l\cKlrlnJ ( pO.IIMs In TexR' . are Invited 10 address. "The 'exns Ilusineas IIhrrss. . lre I0urezitl. " J.V. . HO\nal \ , propt letor. 1nlu. . T"xns. D-22 S. - - - - - - - - - - WANT11) - SAIEfMEN FOR BEST REI.T.TNO lines oC cider . . vInes and cllrK on the rent ; lnes "crll salary , also side hue men. CalIfornia . 1 Cider Co. . Chicago. fl-62 S. . TI I8ST-CLASS TItAVIhINO MEN WANTI- only : $3,000 .alm y aol , expenses. The Dr. A. I' . Sawyer Medicine Co. . 161 Colorado Rve. , - Chicago. ) - lii. - T- S' WANTED-SAI,1SMEN TO S1L.L CIGARS TO ilcnler. $5 10 $151) monthly und expenses ; IX' tcRlpr$5 $15 . Superior Cigar Co. . Chi- cao. IJ . . - GI.S' WANTflD-CICIAR SAI.FSJIN ; GOOD SAL Ary : experience unnecessary ; sample outfit free. J"lgRro Cigar Co. . Chlcngo. - ' - ' 1- . ' - WANTED-RXCLUSIVE SEnVICI OF A Catholic man 10 represrnl O. oC C. 1 In hIs own locality. $ il per monlh. Address O. oC C. I' . . llS Garden City , l3iocIc . Chicago. 1J-631-8' ' WAii : ; WORK ThAT PAYS IF YOU WANT LIOlT TIAT IAYS big write quicie , 10 H. A. Repler . J-nrmers ant Merchants quIck 1lldg. , Lincoln Ncb. I-630.S' AGENTS WANTED $ :0 WEEJ.Y ; IIUIIDRS- enl signs and advertising FteCIaitieS ) : $5 oulll ( free 11. SIms & Co. ; Wnshlngton , I ) . C. I. . 11-637.1' - A NEW IDEA FOIl MAKING MONEY EASY. Ren,1 me your nlnw II once. Novelty Co. . 0" . Fort Norris N. J. 11-631-8' . WANTiI-SALESIAN FOIl CALIFORNIA - wlnrs ; $100 per month and expenses : chance : for advance $ ; O lml.slon IC Ilererrell : no experience - ntvRnce ' ( . Address enclosIng I stamps. W. A. Vnnllercook Co" San Francisco , Cal.U6398' U-639-8' SALESMAN \VANTflP-AN ENEHGETIC OSN- tlemnn , one acquainted In the city preferred . visiting wholesale grocl' and drug trade . 10 take agency for Bale of high grade hnpolled commlBslun. At reference side line un ns reerence soap rt'riuired. 8ap Address E. .3. Lavino I'Iilladeliiiia. l'ulrct. 11-64 8.5' WANTEI-G0O1) IIOTO IINTEI ; MUST f-OOOt unIetstnnd operating . sonic ; young man unter twenty-live preferrcl. J. Ie.chlnBk . l'hotog- twelly-I\'e Island . Neh. 11-641-8 rnpher. Grnd hlnnt. 1-t.S NEWS AOENT ; I811NTSI ) TRAIN ; 40 ( MILES day run ; $5,0 10 $ : .0 weely guarantceI. . Ja. Esberg - 131 Farnam. - 18-701 - S. I , ' 1118110 TIIAD1I . SIDE I.INE SALESMF1N. 'fO DIUa TIAT SII or olherwlse JV. . Knight , 21.2 State et. . Itclne , Wis. 1-6 S' WANTlm. OENTI.IMAN STI NOGn\PIEI an,1 Iterninglon operator : roust hnu clean ; Hellnglun record and be compelenl. . \tdreh. A C. lice. 11-694 S WANTED. COMIETENT ATfTHACI H ; state experience and salary wnnted. Lock box . 72 . Sioux City . Ia I-1169 13' WANTI' : MAN AND WIFE WITHOUT CIIL- tiren 10 work un rarm. Apply nl Market restaurant - dr.n - ' taurant . % t.ant Cuniing. Seplt'lber , 10. 11-51610 9' \VANTI7D , TWO FIRST-CLASS. EXllml- enc.d traveling 'BRlemen. New England Jew- elry and Silverware Co. , Iowa City . lowu. 1-M67 II' ' 5.0 PEn 1,0 FOR OIHTIUUTINO CIRCIJ. . tars. pamphlets . . elc. Enclose 4c. \Vorlt. . All. vrtln ! association , Chleugo. 10- I.AtOI.IS FOH CAMI1I8IAVYOMING , $ UO I day : work guaranteed : free transportation . Ilr & O'lcur. 12 1'"lrum .Ireel. . . . _ . I1-MIH 9' SALRSMAN . I XllmmNCED. TO 51LL AS , lde line or exclusively amusement games 10 JOI"cl and dealers In Neb. A t.Irr. with reC , llttmiiton & Myers. 1Id,1cluwn. l'a. Ilmllon U-7.2 S' - WANTI . A OeD MAChINIST : ONI' Who understands repairing presses. Call nl 114 Huw. arti 8trcel , I-i1 S VATI1I-P18IAI.I IIEI.I' . COOK AND I.AUNDI SS , % S. 26TH C-I AYI. LADnS' WISIINO TO FIT TILF.MSSI.VES IN home nursing wi please cal and examine the new 11.lrnlt work nt 1617 Dojglas Blt I. l'ar- ; lo\ upstairs , C5H : . S' WANTIOD 1'"IST CLASS COO" AT ONCE ; . apply " liouglaL C-S S' ALLLADIES , , NO A FEW 10UIS Llf- AD day should write le nl once r larlnl rle1sant home work which easily p.tys $16 Ih'lnl This I. no d.ellon , eloly will I''YS cer. tRio ) ) ' pay you 10 Investigate. Iteply with IIRlped envelope Mrs. S. A. Slebbin. I.aw- . . Mich. rence C-6 S. o 'V\N'r t A I'IIYSICIAN WIO , POll I'LAIJHI. ble reason I. not practicing , und will accept . . A . lice. po.llol. 41. lee. cM67 I - - - - - - - - - WANTI UIJnOATI I.Y , A I.ADJ"OI r.\lun \ vacated on . account of illness : ell'.rl- coca nut requlreil applicant must be inteiii- .net relulrej. 81'lc.nt b Inl.ll. t gent anti educated : one with city references I.nl . euclle un. wlh ciy . l'rC.rI : salary , , $8.0 per I week antI semi- I lonlhly Increu.e. I'or personal Interview nl'lly 1 at No. 1. Clghun 84k. , Monday morning . afer $ :30. : c1 S' - WANTID. A OIL 'n OENlmA'L Iouii . 'w < rk. 6 So 17th. C8' WM4TI7D..OIRL ' $ - TOVAI'I' ON TADLl DURIng - log Call week A. L W.bb. li H. :1.1. ' ' - ciQ " WANTED A GIL FOIl KITCHEN WOnK. I z Farnaln . cM10 9 OIL I"R OSN'IlI . mSUWOnK. 11 H. ' - : 0th. EmJ ci S' $40 l'En MOS'1 HAL\Il OUAltANT11IU ) . $00 A few enerlelo ladles and gentlemen wanle to canvass. Above salary uaruntet'd. "l or . . . Uaion Cass Co. adllreu Mrs. t A. Juhoaou . CB , Nab , < , oMGU 9' " . - - _ . - _ . - . o4 _ . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ ' . . " r. , " . " , ) . . " " , . 3 . , _ _ . . 'i , ' . _ " " : " ' .1 L . < J _ _ _ u _ lUn 11 l'1'-1tlSIM. ( . . . - ' - - 10l'HII. : I , iC. I I . 'IIUW $ IJIKI : II.CIC. llOL'fliS IN ci.p.uTi : ( r Tlic CITY , TIIfl iin _ J : , ! ? C.1IlllatlIr , , U8 ; Furnain. : . : 1)-22 1011rS , JJNIWA / CO. , 163 N. 1'1'1 S 11- 283 i . : & - CO. : ; . : i : , t.li IN OMAHA U-\t , . .ItOOM Uo'W NQ"m 2Ot P.I1NAM street ' . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 1 > : I . MO1)IltN . .n ; 10111:1 : ; S MINU'rl. . walk from t "uH ' hUl" . Ilm % Iarirr 11k. , I f.I NICI Moii1lN ; t : IUSI , DC Inched , nice lawn , trees . , barn 2GI Ilrlce , - C D-Oi TOLIIT.A COTTAflI . : WITH mOIT' ltOOtt8. on Farnain. 30th near Fatnam. Chullrs - Turner 0-93 , 316 FtJIIN'iSlIliL ) 11011811. KOUN'1'Zii PLACII. J , J. GIbson , 3n hl National btih P-MiCa FOR IL11NT , VI-Y 1)HSiItAIti.tI : itIHIIJ11NCU , II.t IFHIENCl i FOi , 1 t'arnaln. - n , C. t'nllcr.on , < 2 nntlc he : , D-2 : I 'DE'rACIED ' JIDEnN nESIINCE. 2STi anti tol.plIon : modern bricks lid / California & Sherwood ave. C. A. Slnrr , GIS N. Y. 1.lre. D-S 529 : TO hUNT , TO A FAMILY WITIOUT SMALL chlhJren. IhAl very de.lrble ) properly on 3h' ' street . one block south oC Woolworth avenue Can pay rent In purl "y boaltlng ownrr. Inquire . , fl-MOSS 10' - quire on premises. ) ' _ _ . FOIl t - . C01TAOr. . - AND J'AtOI sireets. Mien Hugers N Sons. _ _ _ _ _ 11-679 _ FOIl ItIiNT , IU J DWILITSOI 1 ROOMS , 19th and Leavenworth Milton Hogers Son. Rnt 11-Gsa NO. 1913 N. 2TI RTlmT , SIX.ItOOM IIOUSGI stlhle ; No. 21 Center street , 4.room houpe . .Inble. D-M005 U. 1 01 I8RNT . OCTOBER 1ST , O.TOOM JIDETN house : carpets Int Part oC furniture for sale . - Address A - 53. 11cc. 11-617-8' - FOn I NT. 10.I1OM HOUfl . ALL J01 TN : newly gilt pIIII.II ; 2 lots nice lawn nn.1 . trees. halt block from street car ! ine al $0 per month ; carpel anil , furniture Cur sule. 491 Capitol n ve. 19-618 FOUIt.I800M COTTAOF3 , GOOD LOCATIN , COTTAO . Inquire 620 S. 191h .l. - D-62) 1. J'IV-HOOM C01TAO $10. t32 50. D-M621 17TH. 10' - - 2:34 DAVENPORT , 7-ROOM H01HE. MOmN , large ) ' 1111 , putinthorough _ I . repair. 11-621 8' .arge ItNT , IIIOIIT-ROOM I'H\m . : log . hRr,1 wood flnili . with all modern I'un. In. wlh . woot ni malIm s'eniences . Including furnace situated II No. 2i1 Illf HawnId pl. . $2 per monlh. Apply II NClhcrl9n hail , room l07. I.l NRl. Ilk. bldg. D-Mr.3o 14 1 NnW 6.lOM 11017511 WITH JID-N CON. veinences . corner . nice lawn $17.51) ' . - 2123 Sew- nr,1 Excelcnl 6'"uI mollr ituse except bath luot repair , $ : ,01. 2812 Seward. Inquire . lSlOtiewnrtl . D-MG 9. TWO T.'INE 8-ItOOM MOI nN 110115115 . 601 f 20lh In:010 , \ MReon. H\unphre , 929 N. Y. I.lfe. . D-MG90 U. FI'FMt00M 11013811 21 DOUOLAS. 11-MIll _ D-MG : 1"OI RHNT TWO nN.nOOM HOUSEH-3 310 N. 22.1 . street : rent $3.0. Enquire 304 . N. 2Zd 81rret. 1)-Ill 8. FOIl ItNT. SOUTH I"HONT mUCK 10l'H : ; eight rooms . besIdes bath reel ant , alcove ; ; large cellar . liath gas and furnace ; all In first- class condition : p08sesplon given October I. Inllull : r')8 ' ) halt 1Iovurd . or Ueo. ii. Tzorhuck , lIce oflice. . lce utce. D-IOSO FOn t NTOOI hOUSE 621 S. 29TH AVF3- nue. Inquire 422 S. 18lh street . D-JI1 TWO 11'1 LAIGE SIX-HOOM 110115115 , 831 . boutit list .lreet. D-M112 IZ' - - - . - - - - . - , , FUlXISIEn HOUSES FOR 11 N'I' FOR I1HNT , l'UnNIHIED Slx.nOO1 10UHI . all m'Jlren : three . blocks frotfl court hlu8e. cheap lo good part Cal nt 620 S. 20th 11-713 street. 9' FOIl 11 X'r-FUUJISIEn 1800Mg ; NIC11LY FUnNISHED ROOM , t91 DODGE slreel. . 11-Mall 2 ROOMS , WITU on WIThOUT I3OARD. NO children. 5 S. 2lh avenue. 11-3l256 12' I."UnNISHED FRONT I800M WITH ALCOVE ; suitable Cur two : board I desired. 2407 CI.S . slreel. 11--34S9 . 10' NICELY FUHNISIED ROOM. 1510 1IO\S'AltD. 37-1.1593 8' I"UHNISIU , ) ROOMS FOIl LIOIT 11011511- ke.plnf. 1919 Dodge SI. E-610 FOR mINT . IN A GOOD NHIGII1IORIIOOD . furnished or unCurnl.hed rooms . ensuRe or sin- gle , with heal. J12 Sherwood ave. . east oC SIi..rman avenue. 11-11623 - - - 10' FUINISllm I100MS DOAnD IN ViCINITY. 15 So. ZIh street E-10l3-9. VIINI\ FURNIShED bOOMS ; IA1H ; hOT AND COLD water : rent reasonable. . 224 N. 19th.L'M703 I- li03 19 FUUNISIED ROOMS AND nOAUD. SOUTH ROOMS . SINGLE ENSUCTE. TIOAI8D - 20S - ougln. Fm300 s 30. THHEE ILEASANT FURNIS1IHD ROOMS . J"UTNISIU : single or ensulte : good b.itrd ; all 10tern conveniences - veniences : desirable 10caUon. A 42. flee. 6'-Mclo S' JAN AND WIFE3. on SINGLE GENTLEJIAN , can find room and board In a strictly prIvate nnt I "Irlcly prlvlie fatnily : no chiidren. Address 1' . O. Box 26i. . Omnha. F-M612 S' NICg ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONI OIL TWO ladies US.O. Address A 47 , lIce. 1'-tf597 8. - - - - - - - - II\rATI FAMILY WILL HOARD TWO AT ' : month , front suIte or rooms . modern ; ten minutes walk to P. O. HeCerences. A l7 lIce. ' ' F-G73 J'-13 S' nOOMS ANT BOAlD $4.0 T1n WEEK. BATII ' hot anti colt wRlcr. 2122 Uarney. J-iOl 8' - - - - - - DISmAI.T I'"UHNISUED ROOMS , . ' SINGLE or en suite . with bard ; references , 221 I'"ur- nnm streel. F-M703 II.TMSANT SOUTH I'ONT HOOM SUTABTE for genilema . ' anti wife or Iwo single gentlemen - men . with board ; prIvate Camly , 248 genle- . F-Gsa 8. UnNCSUI AND tJNE'URNISIIED nOOMS tNIUnNTSIED : transients accommodate , ] . The Capital . 12 Capitol avenue. F-M6S601' ro FUI1NISIIEDI100S8S TO I8ENT DUllING fair week In ' . InNT DUINO II private Camile. . Evans & Foil , 602 N , Y , LICe. " - J-I _ _ _ 1"-63 : HANDSOME SOUTh FRONT ROOM . WITH excellent tAble. Steference , . 202 N. 11th. F-Still 10' NICIILY FUnNIHlmD nOOlS , WITH on without board. 51 N. 23t slreel. F-i2 S' IOU I8IINT-VNFVINISIJHD : 1100315 . 5 UNI"UnNI6IHm CIAJIEnS FOIl 110U511. keeping 10 man and wite 319 N. 17th. 10USE. lihalU93 4 UNl'UINISIID 100MS FOE IIOUSI1111iP- I log. 1919 Dodge. O-M9S4 TII E nOOMS , CLOSETS , WATI n. 60S N. 131h "reel. 0-31606 H' - - - - - - - - - FOUII'l'flltY IIAnOE l"UHEKIEICNO rooms , $ S.o ; reCerences. 1019 S. 20th. 201'M1U 14' I"OI IIIdNT-S'I'ORES ANn OI" lES. OI'"I"ICEH. BUSIMAN BLOCK : llfiSr LOCA. lion. I" . I ) . \Vead , 161h and Douglas .u. I -102522 .2 Foil RENT-TIlfi 4.STOIY mUCK IILDING 916 I"nram slreel. This building hug a lire- proot . cement basement cmlele steam heating &eam healng fIxtures. water un all floors . gas . ete Apply lt the .1ce of The flee 1.910 AGI7'l'S " AN'.m. ; : WANTED , LOCAL AOENTS. STAMP AND reference. UI.llln\ . , Macon Mo. J-m3S6.U' WANTI . STATE AGENT ltFil.IAIILL' EN- ersela loan . capable : oC organizing : e"perlencet In solicitIng. Address A 46 , hie. J-l6 S' AGENTS WANTEL TO RIOW TiE NIIW I'u\er revolving griddle cake , fish and eKg turner : sells I.eIC ; sumide : I. O. E. Mickel . Un\rhl , 3taas. J-618 S' - - - - - - - - - - AGeNTS WANTlm TO SCLL FII .CLAY cooling utt'nslie ; ready sale und big profits ; ul'n.le . grls a huu..hohl ne . .nty . A.lr..s , whit stamp - H. U. U. - Weaver , Itoseville . O. J-49 , & - ' WANT11I IUSTLTNG AG NT IN E\'JIY town " sell our 1 Pants mate 10 nl"8ur. : elelRnl styles ; bIg ( ) lml.llO' . Perfection Custom l'ants Co. , M tlnah bldg. , Chlcngo. i-GOt 8' OEN mAL AOHNTS ANn CANVASS : S OF exIerince 105(10 ( 10 10 204) per Cent selling our new articles . and eBllbl1 for themselves ni el'er.lncr'allnl sale 10 sierra ; salary or corn- . ml..lon. L B. laker , ItacineS'Is , . -64 S' AGENTS -S\LLVRACICAL GOLD , SIL- ver. nickel ant copper cIcero plater8 , salary paId : outfit trt'e. Address with stump , Michi- gao Mfg. Cu. , Chicago. . J633-8' .ANTED , AGENTS .N EVEny CUNT\ . Stamp. Address A U , 13ev , Omaha.JM65S ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - J-M65S to' TUIUSI 1t11M1111111S , NO EQUAL : IIHALTIE I. b.lutUy\ hlen lady antI g nlemRn wanted In e\1 locality \ 10 ' sell our specialties ; one trial makes steady . patron . good rates. Orien- ta Aele . Co. , 'U , 1 K .l Chicago , -U . 1. . . . . _ _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , . AlzIwrs wAN'rIl ) . AmN'rH "AN'rgU. , ' - Contlniietl . _ _ _ _ AIr.NTS WANT ) 13''IIIlYS1lliitl TO MAIm n daily selling our alumlnun novelties , look lIke silver , weighs on 'f.llerl unIRrnl"hnbl. featherweight . wonlerCUI , newest otit. IRmr 10. Catalogue free . Aiumlnunt { No\.ly (0. . o3 j3rondwYNewYork. 3-6648' WANTI.m ! , Iml'CATI YOUNG I.\nu : ! AND othels havIng spare tims , for light work Rt tm IHmcl ; permancisti no canvassing , no CRk , ncloso , IprmRnrDl1 for all necessary to IIRln , Chicago I'rea Clipping lurrnu , IC 1"8010 "I" , ChlcOK 3-665 S' MIN AND LAnmS IN RMAT.L TOWN wishing 10 earn $5 n week easIly , wrIte us. We will explRln Mntvn & Co. , Oswego , N.Y J- CASH PAIl ) FOR YOUI NSIGI1IIOI1'S An- dresses ; also newspaper clIppings , $0 per U . Send , stomp. Adv Clipping \lurrnU \ , lahl r - blk New Yok , . J- IJCTINAIY OF UNITED STATuS IfT Is wnnlr.t by everyllly ; agents make $ : per wpek rRsl ) ' : one agent Aoht 39 I"oks In 3 CoIls ; anOther t bk" In one week : write for par. tlcualra5 outfIt * 1. l'urltan Iublshlng Co. Jar. Icualrst' oull $ Iurlnn 3 Ilromfleid st . IOlon , MR' . . _ WAN1'gU , AUl5r0T5 , CANVASS11I8i4 . 1AI.F on Cemnlc : somelhlng n8w In ladles' shoes oC great I mert : big pay an,1 $ exClusive sale "Uarnnlrrd. 1 Address Msnutitctjtrots' She Co. , 431 Union 81. I.ynn. Jllufacllrcr. lRS. 43 J- - - - - . - WANTED-I.AUY AOI7NTS. II YQIO1A COIl- 1\I'IA COl. " are the best sellers. 11 prollis. I'RSY work Catalogue free by rending 10 , 'cslrl Corset Co. , 58. Louis , Mo. J- - - - WANTlm. AGENTS FOR OUR ASISTOS clay coking WRre Wages $ .00 10 li.O a lln ) ' . 1'n' every week , Central Supply . Co. , Cincinnati - nati . Ohio J- - - - - $ . : INI 1.0 CASh FOIl OSTIUUTINO circulars . Enclose 4c. U , 8. DI.lrlb. lurlRu , Chlcngo. JAG - . AGENTS WANTING TO HAN1.r A' FALL specialty should write to us. You can mRleo " ,0 daily. Article just oul. The American Telephone Arm HeEL Co. , ChlcRgo. 3-720 S' AO NTS TO SILL GnANn I1I-S' ' TLSA. Curls constipntlon . side heRdach" Complexion cons\palon. for terms territory and raIn- Pl. Grnndmolhers' Remedies Co. , \'QI Hoboken - > ken , N. 3. J-i98' I' WAN'VIJI-TO ILENT. WANTF3D TY lAlnmU COUPLE . TWO on three rurl.het rooms for light housekeeping . ; give particulars. Ilex 353 . Council Iilutts . K-M607 9' WANT TO RENT , 10Uf ! WITH IAnN , ON or before October I. O. E. Ilawes . Zil N. 11th. K-02 8' WANT11I TO RUNT . BY I'lt1'ATli I"\MI.\ 10tel Icn'lom house with stable : south oC 3"arnamvert or Tsventletli. Will bake long tme lease IC "ullell. F. H. jtedingttin. stOck . " yavds. K-iIO S" Yllts. , - - . - WANTFSD AG OIl 7.nOOJ MOI IN 101S1 ; cottage preferred. Address A G. thIs ollice. IC-GIG S' ANTND TO nNT OCOml 1ST , 4 OIl 5 unCurlshrd roms In I mm'r house : good 100t locatIon , b ) lan alt wife ; reference- Addt'sS A 62. Bee. K-M68 10' W ANTI : 4 on I tNI"UHNISnNU I0011S Ol cottage with modern convenience. Allh'ess A 61. flee. K-ld6SS S' WANTED TO HENT IJlEO\EI.Y , C Ille or furnished rooms by reS\CCIRhle family of 4. Address , B t. lIce. K-iZ S' I8L'NTAL AGENCY. O. O. WALLACIS RENTALS 312 BROWN , m.T' L-M341 I.J34 STOILAGE. STORAGE FHANK EWERS. 121 IfARNI3Y. 31-207 PACIFIC STORAGE & WAREHOUSE CO. . 90S 910 Jones sl. General storage and forwarding. 51-286 ' VANTJd1)-T0' 111W. . IUmmST PIUCEf PAID FOR RAGS IRON metal rubber and bottles ; car lots n specialty , ChIcago Junk house . S12-S14 Dougla. Omoha. N-91 FOR CASH , SECOND HAND UIIGHT ITANO. ilrst-claps condition ; state maker and , price A H. Bec. N-J6t 8' SECOND-lAND HAnD COAL hEATING stove : state kind Hs condition , an,1 lowest .cash-prlce. Address A 3 Omaha Bee. . N-002 S SMALL , COOKING RANGE , ClEAr FOR cash. Address A 43 , lIce . N4 9. WANTED TO lOUT A ROLLING TOI' DESK , a standing desk nod large safe. Et N. Irown , CounciL fluffs. N-i21 S FOIL SALE-FURNITURE. FURNITURE AND DrDDINO ; LAnOE AND small lols. 323 S. 10lh . 0-M437 14' Fal SALE-HORSES , WAGONS . , ETC. ' GOOD BASE BURNER AND 1'IIAETON FOR lASE nunNJ : IHAETON FOI , salt , cheap. 10x 61. Slnln Ii. 1'-666 - S' , FOR SALE-31ISCELLANEOUS. hARDWOOD COlWINATION HOG AND chicken fence. Chas . Ii. Leo 91h ant Douglas. - ' ICE IN CARLOAD I.OTS. CORRESPONDENCE , soIicitd. A. Ii. Nlcllas : , Council QM060-S9 Bluff , , 10. : Iron SALE CIIIIAP-11IG LINE OF SECOND- hand blccle. Omaha Bicycle company 323 N 161h street Q-931'SlS :2'SIS FOR SALg. LADY'S $10.0 II1CYCL. NEW , $ .0.0 Address A 52. fle. ' FOR SALE CHEAP , OFFICE DESK : FOUR drawers and felt lop ; also re'olvlng ehalr. tl : S. - lId 8lreet. Q-703 S' FOI1SALE , 18 STERLING mc\cI . . IN good repair $5 t cash. AddreSs . . A l4. Q-653'B' lIeu' . . FOR SALE , PARAGON PAPER CUTEn , twenly.lwu ontO une- half Inch blade ; will sell nnt wiel / cheap IC taken nl once. 'Vckor Seamans ' & Benedict. _ . Q-9'S PRIZE JERSEY COW ; TUTI n REcORD 'IC lb. per week ; very handsome : grallet : .nnely bred : registered : must sell. Address A 6. U"e. Q-S2 S' CLAIRVOYANTS.i , . . MRS. Dn. H. WARREN CLAIRVOYANT. REliable - liable business medium : Rh year at 1S N. 161h. 820 MASSAGE , "A''US. ETC. , . MADAME SMITH , : : 6. 13Tt. ND FLOOR room 3 ; magnetIc , vapor , alcohol , 'eam. tiul- pherlne and s0i a bnlh. ' -162 1. MME. HOWELL. TUHKISH AND ELECTRIC "alh. Finest parlors In city. 31S.3 EI.ECIC . . 'i'-31951-1620' MMII. UInNAHD , nOOM 7 , 3nD ItlOOI. 121 Dodge . T-M427 S' . MADAM LAI1UE MASSAGE , IIATII. 101 HOW- ani .Ireel. T-M599 06' luS. Dn. LEON. EC.OANT MASSAGE AND electric balh. Iarlors restful and rerleBhlng. 4 . : North 11h .Ireel. T-M610 1" ' TUllUSI IIA'I'liS. TUInSH TATHS : ONLY PLACE .I CITY exclusive for ladies. Suite 1(9-110 lIce DdJ 135 . I LADIES' IIATOIB. 31MB. POST , 319H 5,15TH 2n . I' lS0XAL , YIAVI CO. , 346 TEn DLDO. . , HEALTH IIuiK free ; home treatment ; lady attendant 11-203 - - - - - n. HAAS. FLORIST. I'LANTS CUT FLO\11RS. Banquet hall . residence and gave deco. alan. . IS3 Vlnlon st eet. TelepJne ; 7i6. U-4 IATJS , MASSAGE. MML' . I'OS' , 1191 S. 15TH. U-3 FINE LIVEHY RIGS CIIEAI' . ED IOAUSILEY . Ilh and 81. Mary's aVenue. Telephone 440. 11-3.1982 lnlVATE 1103111 FOIl WOMEN DUlLING CON. JOME DUING CN- Inement , le.1 reference given , 3519 U-M778.S1Z' N. 20th. TENT TO RENT AND SELL 1113 Parnam .trel , 113 I'aram . . S8. A. 31 , Rawitzer . U-98.SU. : THOSE ' WISHINO INI''HMATIN ON IN- vestments. coffee . sugar cocoa . grain aDd cattle . lands . climate , hnmhraton. ' ( IC. . will be cur- reulY an.we"t "y enclosIng $ .0 regl.lered. F. ltockwood . ApRrlato No HI . 10\ola. Clom- bia , South America 11-31116-SB' : { : TTO CALIFORNIA FOiL 0000 workers len nu"e and len energetic business women can lInti permanent I'Osition. to traveler .lboe 'b \ eoren ean U\'I or till ofliceS for the Schultz German Corn' pound Co. of 'Vhlewaler , WI. . For paiticu. lars cal for one week at 167 Douglas street prlur upllalr. U- ' GENTI.EMAN TEAIOHAIL\ lIAI. r.sed would like 10 n"gutale , with pflale party for the loan of 16.0 ; this Isan I wanted for nfeen days ; triple the amount In securIty will be let In loaner. ' hands 10 Insure prompt rep'menl , and a bonus of $ % .0 will be gIVen fo the aeclmod"ton Address A 64 11-698 lIce 1' - , - - - - . - ' . - - - . ' _ . . . - - f- 1 . .J . WII. f I'IC" HUN , \ 1,1. ' ' - ( 'ontititLf , S . ---I MATI8IMON1AIa AGiil4R'Y : IAltGr.i8T IN l Anerlca ; send 10e Cur l'nl''I.Utllh.1 . monthly . containing "rho" . nlll ' hun'lrils ot dCcrlp- lions with rt'sitleneesl : 'ihany wraitltyl or call wih . , wmUIYI lon. 1lny cnl sail , , Ie . introduced. MrI il , , Mis Drake , 0 153 - W""hlnKlol st. . . ChlealI,1 " U-64 r I1AV1I YOl'n \VM.la l'.tlPlIll CI.nANI ) IY the iley proce.s. I.ks 1'\1I'1 ilk" . I. O. t.Rncls , % 12 Inrer street ' , I. . I U-TO& S' - - - - DO YOU IWJeUI.ATI : 1' THEN SENt : ' l'Ol our book . "Huw 10 .Pelnle .iicccs.sftaily on limited margins In grain anti 'ok ' m"kpls. " IRIet Jree. C l.lokl Iughr nnt & Ca. , IAlo bulllni. CII ' A"o. - J's' 'I' , . U- ( & 8' WANTtII ) . HVrmYUODY W10 IS 1\.1. InS- lag , their bllr or lroubl' fwlh , scalp dlsense , to \vrl. ' t ? u" for lull , t free inflrmstlon fiI Inf.1rmalon how 10 ( UP n. by uPlng'Ilaa1tth ! and Iltntnn. " ArnerIcn- Medical Dis4nrnry : Lock ltox iU , Allflrt. 111'n.Rry l.d 10x Cln . lnnRt , O. - . - " - ' 0. 't " ; ' . - 8' ---------:4- SPETWI.UOUS IIAII1. : . " WI1ITI4 : FOR 1'11' : InCnrrlon how 10 Ctflt8vt' h. " ' ' rmRnenl ) ' without .llllesl InJurlo skin : superior 'a electric nee . . Curls Co. . IS6 lId tret . Chi- . . - ' cage U-6i6 S' MONEY TO .I.OAN-HEAI. I S'r.\'IE , ANTHONY LOAN & TIU3T CO,3IS N 1 LTFE. LORnA nl low rates Car choIce security In Ne- - bra.ka Ant Iowa 'arms or Omaha city I'rolely : , MONEY TO I.OAN AT J.OWEST n TES. TIlE O. F , DAvis Co. . 15 : J'nlnnn sl. \ - THr CITY LOkNS. C. A. 6TAIl , 15 N. Y. I.H'E. W-237 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMI'ItOVISD OMAhA 10NEY TJIIHOVED OIAHA real eslnle. Brennan . Love & Co. , PO > lon "Ik. . w- o MONEY 10 LOAN ON IIPHOVED OMAHA proler\ , Fidelity Trust Co. , li02 FRrnam. W-30t LIFE INSUHANCE 10.ImS LOANED ON or boughl. J' , O. Chr.n.y , Kansas City W-29S . Mo. CAPITAl. . ' 2QO : SUltIUS. t9.0 : U. S. Mortgage Trust Co. . New York : for 0 per cent 10rlrnle \er loans on city property. Apply 10 lusey & Thomas , ngcnls. room 27 First Nat. Ilk \V-299 ltldg . LOANS ON IMlnOVIm.r UNIMpIO\'ED CITY pruperly. W , Fnrnnm Smith " Cu. , 1320 Fat , nsm. W-302 o l'Eht CENT : MONEY 'ro LOAN ON OMAHA PFH MONI\ MONIT OMAIA T real e.lale Sc Ne : Ca ms.V. . n. lk'e. Omaha. W-303 ' t2.0 : - TO $20,0. F D , WEAD 16 & DOUGLAS . W - ! - -93-S1 SIOHT TIME LOANS IN SMALL AMOUNTS. HCl' & Selly , - . - 16')3Farnarn. ' ) . - - - - . W-94 MORTGAGE LOANS. LOW nATES. J. L. Zlttte . 161h and Dotigias . OmRhR. ' W-MCSS-S12 WANTED TO LOAN $6,000.00 CASh ; GILT edge . Omaha or vicinity security Icqllre . Address . dress A 55 , lIce. . W-657 S. MONEY TO LO\X-CIAT'I'EI.S. MONEY TO LOAN ON FUIINITUI1E I'IANOS ' horses . wagons elc. . nl lowest ' roles In cIty : no removal oC goods ; strictly confIdential : you can pay the loan oft 01 any time or In any amounl. amounl.OMA1A 101'fOAGE LOAN CO. , 30 8. 16lb .l. ' ' X-304 MONEY TO LOAN , 30. G. 9 DAYS ; FUI1NI. ' ture pianos . elc. Duff Green rom 8 , Barker block X16H BUSINESS CI\XCES. TIlE CHANCE OF A TWETIJE-WANTED. n partner with from $500,0 10 $1,000.00 In well olanlzet , pa'lnr business In Omaha Only responsible men answer ; U,200.09 annually guar- anteed. Address Y 10. t.e. Y-M793 1EHCHANTf WISIIING TO DISPOSE OF business call on J. J. Glbson."a1 I.t Nath. bank. . _ , Y- 06 $2,000.00-GENTS' 1"UnISUINGS. DRY GOODS nallun. cigars , elc. J.I.GJbsn , , 31 First NR' loRI bank. , . , Y-1350' $ i(7 : ( . STOCK OF mn IIANDISEINIIIEST town o eastern Nebl.lln" . for land and casher or equlv"lent. Adtre.s , S 20 . care Bee . : _ _ ' , -3 FOR SALE. A CLEAN , SOCI ( OF hARD. O lAnD- ware and furniture In w"l r Iowa For par. ticulars address A 45 , care lice , Omaha. Nd IRr. ' l -Ml9S 10' WANTED A RELIABLE JJNTLElAN WITH 1.00,0 ; can manRKe' paying business In Omaha : will pay $0.0 a monlh ; reference exchanged . Address lIce. Y-M609 8' _ t. At " iL.lIce. : FOIl SALE on TnADE CLEAN STOCK OF grocerIes tor' ' hAlf csh/nnd'IIRnce Imde. , A.l- dress A l. nee , , . . - 8' DON'T MISS TUI OI'P IITUNITY TO BUY wheat I I. surely dragging on the T . All statistics point 10 greatly higher prices You wIl be pRying SO cents soun. No business presents such ctpporunities lo make large prollts opporunll" lar\1 prs on small investments a. the grain and stock mall l 10W" Sire ant sure plan. Twenty ( ' year' experience on ChIcago 10lr , oC Trade and New York anti Chicago Stock < gxchlnses. Ilooklet free explaining. _ Faithful \uokl.1 I'alhCul attention 10 your orders . Lincoln & Co. . Bankers anti flrokers . 12.12 : La Sule .l. , Chicago I..8' . ' \-.8' $ SOQDUING TIE PAST SEASON WI hAVE renlzt over tlOO per week on our turf Invesl- ments 'V'rite for l > rUculnrs. hudson & Co. , Covlnglon , Ky. Y-640-8' - IF YOU WANT TO lAKE MONEY WRITE flogairt Borden & Co. . grain and WITE brokers , 4 Sherman .1. . Chicago for daily market letter anti other Inforlnation dRiy . NatIonal hank reCerences. InCormalon y _ I SUCCESSFUL ! PLCUL\TION-SEND FOIl 01118 book . "The Scalper " explains the beat method I. . ut trading In grain , stocks and . pr\'IBlon. un limited margin. All scalpers make moncy. Special Calll.s offered 10 operators . both ini'ge bth ant small ; also write for market letter published Ielularl ) ' . I.m.lnf & Co. . lH Quincy Street 811eet ' Chlcngo. Mention this puper. nnEIsATTE N , SEI.L 011 rent three chair shop compele : , county he.ll lawn In western Iowa , nla bargain . Box 1. Audubon . Iowa. l 8' 8200.tS MONTIIL.Y GUAI1ANTEEIa. MANUfacturing - . CRclurlng concern wants repreaentative In Omaha ( or any city not ] relresenlRlve ) . 11uBI have few hundred dollars cash 10 pay for goods on delivery after orders are secured . ) E. Vail . Morse buIlding , New York. Y-iIS Val. " 'al EXCIANGE , EQUTY IN LARGE TRAcT OF LAND NEAR Omahn. Whal have you to offer ? H. F. Daley , 940 N. Y. L bldg. . Z-430 WHAT HAVE YOU Td" OFI'EI AS PART payment on small home with bar : corner lot ; good location 7 Address A 35 , lee 0171cc. ' Z-M487.8' - - - WANTED , TO EXCIIANOL' EQUITY IN A nell little home for clear lot In Omaha or Kansas City , A W , IC , 7-621 hI' DAIG IN , 3IODEI8NOI8CIIAI8D hILL. 101151- thence ; 8ule. Would exchange for property In or about Cleveland O. Owner , Tex 2w , OmnhR. Z-66 8' WELL LOCATE } AND 11InOVIdcITY AND 'su"urba : property In and near Valparnisa . In. diana . 10 trade tar improved farm JAnl1 In Nebroaka. I'reter land not over 10 miles from OmnhR. N. J. Iiozarth . 1x IH , Valpnrttlso . Indiana ! IP.'II ' HOUHEUO.O I UnNITUIE WANT : 'ILL exchange clear residence lot In Ihrh'lnf sullb or Chicago for light hOlskeepll1 outllt , either oUII eiher new or .econlh.nl. , Must b Irsl.cla.s. Ad- dress A 66. lIce . ZiO S' " 'Oi SALE-hEAL . ESTATE. nAHGAINS SALE on onADE IN CITY PROP- erllB anti ' farms. John 'N. ' l'renz r , . opp. I' . O. . . R E-30 - - - - iiiLtCTS , TiE DYRON , nEED COMPANY. ' CONJ i FARM LANDS , c F. IIARIOISON . 91 N. Y. LICe I -li3 S10' IIli3 SOUTHEIN FAI1M rR.S LE. - I 76 acre of hand Ihr..uarters of a mile from the railroad lawn ofiUnlotttown . In the heart of the " 'lack prairIe. country oC central Alabama. " Only a small' amount oC cash re . quired balance on long time. For information . address the owner. : .J JOhN ll JEFJ'mF q. Selma. AIAbAmn. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - IE-1196 S20' 11081118 ON EASY PAYMENTS . BELL ANO buy Iota acre farms . IGarYln Bros. , 210 N.YL. ' 3811-308 a' - , , IE-30S IIARGAINS . IIOUSF.8. - ILTS AND FARMS , ole or trade , F. . K , Darling. . I Barker Block. 1811-309 1j1 SALE , TWO FU'LL'IIECTIONB FIRST. CINS class land near Omaha. Write to A. I' . Milen , Seattle , Wa.hlnglon 1111-3.1511 10' HlmELY I.OCK rOll SALE . The heirs oC , Joseph I. ' . Sh.ely have placed the sole agency for the sale oC thIs l'II > .ry with the Fidel ) ' TrustCompany , at a bargain . Tot. Farnam street. lEM5S 10 NICE SIX-UQOM COTTAGE ON SEWARD : street , close 10 % fh street car line. Elegant shade trees. This I. a little gem ul a home and can I bought al a bargain 1"ldelly Trust Company 1701 I.'arunm street. .trjtiM 9 10 IMPROVED FARMS . O. W. CAIOLOCK 115 1'-.mAm 8l . R15-6l4 J"1 8AT.l . I UTI'UL 7.80031 "TAO ; . 461h and Nlondo streets ; cheap for eaah ! must " 511 anl D. W. MerruW . 71 N , ' 8' . Lie bldg. . - UEMU 1. . , . _ . . . . ' . - - . - ' - - ' ' . - v.:1mW 'M'-- : . Fun AMC-HIMI. . mtT.\'I . . - cnllucd , 11'1' I.ANlflO ' c : ilIIA AN ) Ai1 Prn'iuIe , for Ihp future , LiY I frli f.rl In Old bf , the h.Rlhlr"l sections or lie uniofl , where "ulm.r MoulhN anti winter ilissartls are un- known , I'Rlenl tC no fIrst month . $0 second runlh , anti Ill monthly without Interest ' , for thirty months . secures 1 fruit Jlact thAI will insure nn incotn . lo tIle owner of Cram 1.6.0 tl 1.0.0 A year . I Is , torlh your limo 10 investIgate Ihls. No neet 10 11"0 south until fruit tract IA i In .otlng , whIch wil "I three ) eatB , from anUrg l W 0 do . all the work need- fr ) Cur lun.ruldenls. I'ersna Inletr.Ir1 arc In'Ie to rll or ntlhrOR r..hlrnt agent . Eel- sey & 'Von"'sl.rn Rldr" , , MR'Uolleln aIC\ , Ia : southern tuhtlress , I"ruihul sl , AlabalA , 11-15 8. - - - - TilE SOUTI.ANU.1.0 ACI S FINE hardwOI timber laIltI molly PoPlar , anti oak , In norlhem Alnl > , nlR. I sllnile t3..00))0 . ) ft. timber. 8 , , ) acres 1001 Agllrllull laud . lOx- celenl stock IRnle , IldltitIsy cllndate. l'erfect title. FIne location for n colony . For .Rle. Alldr.ss FranklIn fitIff , 10t UnIon Trust Ihl . , SI Louis , Mo , In -M2.8' - - - - - - - - - - 1'Olt SA.T . I YOU ISVIOI1'ANT A 10J1 In Omaha buy I now A. I' , Tukey. . - ltl-MG6I : to NIIVI'I.ItOOM COTTAGE , COTNJ:1 : 30TU ANI SaltIer streets , cellar , cl.l.r. city water , only U.'J.O. ' II'Ule Samuel nurn , 11 I'Rrnnm. 1tl'5-G'J7 S 1-9 FOIISAI.10. VACANT LOTIV1LLTAKII : TWO horses o first t.a'nlent A I' . ' 'ke ) ' . , - 1811-31685 MEDICAL. . LADeS ! CIICIEST : I'R ENGLISH [ 'lINNY. royal Pills ( d'alon,1 ' blnnd ' ) Arc the "est ; safe. reliable : lake no other ; send 41. .Iom" for particulars . "RelIf for Ladies . " In letter by rdun mali. Al druggists. t.'hiciester Citem. lesl ( . , t'hladelphln , - ! l'n , "TUn I.AnmS' SAFES 1'iIOTIOCTOR" ASSUItIOS PIOTECon" AfSUHES prleclon. IA easl ) ' adjusted . ub"lulel' reli- able und , can be vort , willtout tht' knowledge wor wlhoul II Imuwlrdle or Anolher. Send' rlr particulars. I.R Crosse SpeellllY Cl' . , 11 CruBs , WI. . l601 S. I'IOItSONAL , t.OOD POISON CUIt 1 IN 20 days : l.ermRnNII CUle or no pay ; write for proof , , . free ; can be no failure . Guarantee Remedy Co" ro Wcsl Madison st. , ChlcRgo. IICYCI.ES. , 31. O. DAXON , 402 N. 10TH. 3tO SlOtS TIE VISII.g BALL IOIOARINOB ON Relay 5peIah'ill Barnum & BEAIOB I'o. , 12 . 151h. 31 WESTERN BICYCLE & GUN CO. , 216 CUMING. . 31 31fi.NTIOLS . GIAT S ANI ) 'rILES. WOOl lANLS. . GIIATtOS . TILES FOR fireplaces "eolhules ' and large floors ; write Cur prIce. Milton Rogers & Sotia . Omaha , au " 'AX'I'EU-'lO . I0IUO" ' . WANTED , TO nOmtOW , 61.000,00 FOR TWO years . nt 10 per enl. Sccully gh'en. Address \ 58 . lIce omce. 10'lELS. AETNA UOUSE ( UnOlrAN ) . N. W. con. < 131h and Dldge. Booms by dRY or week. 315 - - - - 10TEL 1IAIOKIOI1 . FRANK IUI.D'CH. SIGn. . 131h and Junes ats . ; So Omaha and Sherman A\'e. cars pass the door. AMERICAN l'ALN. 75 rooms nt $ .5 day ; : roms nt $2.00 dny. European plan We 10 $1.00 per day. 31& TIlE "LANOE" HOTEL , 002 S. 13TH STnF T. MITT MUSIC. AnT AND LA GUAGCS , a. . . SEND $ .0 FOR $2.00 WORTh OF SONOS' $ Amorlln , I'relyVldow In ltloomers . na.lng Stable. The Course oC True Love Never Ituna lable. Smoolh. Latest hits. 'Vuodbrldgc Bros. . Omaha , Neb. 821 GEOmE F. GELENOTICK BANJO AND guitar Irncher. 191 Cars street. U -IO YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY RENTING Oi buying your piano from \ . U. Scitmolier . 505 JcClgUI blI ; Call and be convJnc l. 1669 14' 1' 1'AWNIIROIEIIS. H. AAlOWITZ LOAS MONEY. HS N. 16 ST. 31 ShORTHAND AND TYL'E'SVRITING. it , c VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 5t3 N. Y. LIF : . A . 31S OMAHA COM. COLLEGE , 16H & DOUOLAS. - StIll - 815 OMAHA BUSINESS COLLEGE , 15TH. FAINAl 3i COAL. SIIERTPAN COAL 2,0 LDH. BEST COOKING coal mined Wyoming , $ .5 lump splendid for grates . ' 5.5. Also dealer In lelnB'I'nnl" hard coal. Victor White ( Tel. 17 ) 165 I'-amnm. 319 - ; FAIUIS FOIl IIENT. . FARM FOIl RENT FOR CASU. ADDItIOSS FAnJI 1 Dee. 839 . DANCING . PIIIVATIS LESSONS DAY OH EVENING AT Qrand's , . 1510 Ilarney . Our hal has been renovated' " throughout ; for rent 10 club parties ; now open for inspection. 1989 H2 . I "USINESS NO''ICES. DAMAGED AmHOIS RESILVEnED , 719 N. 16. . . 327 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L & B. ASS'N PAY G. 7. S per cent when I. 2. 3 years old alwRYs redeemuble. 10 I'"nrnm .1. , Nallnger , Sec. " . . 32 : HOW TO onT A HOlE on SECURE GOOD interest on 'Rvlng. Apply 10 Omaha L. & I. A.B'n : . 104 lee bldg. U. 31. NattInger . Sec. . . , 326 - ' ACCOUNTAN''S. C1I/tS. E. WALTERS EXPERT ACCOUNTANT CIAS. 22-3 hat Nul'l bnnk. Tel. 1616. hteferences. 916 DIESSUAIING , ENOAGESIIONTS TO DO IJESSMAKTNO IN familIes lEN'H . Miss Sturdy , 434 Burdette. lamle. 31-535524' VNDEITAIElS AND E IUAL1IEUS. iiic . ' IIUIOKET . FUNIOI8AL DIRECTOR AND embalmer 16S Chicago .1. . telephone 90. 321 SVANSON ' ALl 7i7 CUMING . TEL. 322 1000. M O. MAUL. UNDI ITAIEI ANT EMBALM- er , 11 J'nrnom Ut . telephone 223. 33 LOST. LOST , THUISDAY , GOLD LINK . BIACEIET and lock Reward IC returned' to Maigaret . Riley , 2219 llaIll .l. Losl-619 S' IIOS'I'GOLI ) \'ATCI AND CIIAIN. BETWm I Pak avenue anti I.uvenw.rlh antI rail grounds. . Hetur lu 628 I'ark . avenue and receive reward. - Lost-69l . 8' 0 I"I'I CI A NS. OMAHA 222 S. 16th OPTICAL street. CO. e'u : : ) IOE I.CCI ; J Cr. . J. F. I'onier. manag.r. ' io S' DENTISTS. ' DII. rAUL. DENTIST 2020 BURT ST. : Notice ot Incorporation ot the Klnsman- McCloud Law Hook company : The name ot the corporation shale the Klnsnan-McCloud law Bok company The gEnernPunturo ot the business shale \e the publishing , purchasing , selling or ex- changIng eIther at wholesale or retai , 01 law books perIodIcals and law lupples or al kinds , The principal place ot transactIng its busl- : ness hull be pmnhn , Neb. I The capital stock shale thirty thousand ( $ , O ) dollars , divIded Into shares ot $100 I ench. Shares to be paid for when Issued and menclng 201 shares bUBlness. shall be Issued before com. The corporation /hal commence business on the bt tIny ot October , ll , and terminate - nato on the 1st day ot October 19i5. The highest amount ot IndeblednesS ot this corporation Ihul at no time exceed two-thln1 ot the capital stock. The business shall 10 conducted \y a president , vice president , secretary ant lreaHlrer and a board 01 directors ot not less than three Ilockholder. The lucorporators are ; Incororntorl , A. W. ICINSMAN . . D. KUONY. UlU L. M'CLOUD. . . .l ; ; t - ' "F''r - - - . - - - - - - LIVES l'RECICEI ' ) . FOR Tll S i The Bitter Lessun . of . Atlnnroq With EU1'OpO'S Rottn Aristorcy , - - AN AMERICAN MADNESS AND MISERY Shneldll Slle of 11t rNINtI.t ! ) ' 1Itlt't1 InmllN 11\1 ( hziislili'rps-llrugtI- . IJ' , . Iest'rtion , ititul Uh'ore./ th" Un'nrJ'n" I"rnl" . . - The courts or Naples hove thrown a little COlrs lte lunshlne Into tile lto or Irlnc\ ! Colonna by nWlllnl lIfT the custody or her three boys , Control or the children pru\okCt , I I biter legal encounter In the courts or Italy , tIm rathcr fghtng for another slice or the Macka Initiions. lu this he was not a8 81e- cssfui as early reports Indlcnted , for friends ot the princess Indignantly deny that she 1 hall purchased her freedom by agreeing 10 plY the titled scamp $1,000 a monlh The details ot the sotlcment b which another American heiress SCCI'el a release lrom : ono or Europe's Utll ruffians Is not Ia- terlal The legal separatIon again centers attenton on the exp11lng matrimonial cemetY which the aristocracy ot Eurolio Is lgonly strewing with the wrcckcll hopes and shattered lives of Amcrlcan tItle huntcrs 1"es Ite There neVer has been a hint that Eva Julio Bryant Mackay didn't make Prince tl Colonna just as good a wife as she would have made John Smith Jones ot Dowule- vlo had the tide ot her tortunes drifted her In the direction ot a marriage before the parish priest instead ot the papal nuncio ol I'aris She hal been a gOOlt mother , to her chIldren , antI has kept to her. self the wounds Infl3n ; dfl her pride b Inr husband's neglect anti reckless expcn- dlure@ . She must have known that his trcatmtnt ot her caused talk In Homo and Naples , but she went on uncomplaIningly , evIdently hoping that he would soon sow his unusually large bagful ot wild oats and elto down to hIs hearthstone chilies. FROM , GAY TO OHAVm They were marrIed In 1885. The reception - ton after the wedding wa the talk ot two continents. ' The descriptions ot tIm bride's gowns were as long cs those ot the groom's la I I ) ' , The list ot guests was almost a3 full of notable names as the Alanach ] the Ootha. Then the CalIfornia girl was SUI > ' posed to have seUlel down to the work at lving up to the noblot \ her title and to the holding ol ! all the love ol the noble- hearted Colonna. Put the Infelicity began almost before the echo ol 111. dl Itelltion's blessing had died away In the dim church aisles , or the echoes or the reception mlslc had been lost In the clangors ot the streets. The prInce wanted money , ot course. All prlnct who marry AmerIcan gIrls are short of mone ) ' . And of course he woe given money. These ttei scoundrels seem ever to say to themselves , " \e come hIgh , but they must have us. : Prince dl Colonna was nol a modest violet when I came lo estimating hIs own worth , amI for a tme doting Miionaire Mackay seemed to lake him at his own price. . Time prince had plenty ot fun wIth thc AmerIcan 10ney fOr which ho had pl ) Ils tall ) name. He ganibled to his hearl's content , for the first time In his . le bcln" abiu to Indulge UIII passIon at Its full tide. He rode roaring through th3 land In lantas- tcaly decorated coaches , and the noise ot hb roysterlng was heard over all Italy ] , even In the mansIon where the Amerlca wIfe oat eatIng her heart out. Then this ancestore deb1Cheo had the hardlhoo to complain thnt his ' wie was o'er fond ot society. So a divorce Is to follow , which will leave I the American grI whit an empty title and' t IC' smirch that ! omehol clings to a divorcee , n : matter how jutt her cause. - Again the tongues ot the American go.slps are started ; again the tongues go wagging and the' heads a.bobblng ; but In a month or two another American girl will bo led lp 10 the sacrifIcial altar , proud or her purchased honors and vainly but peraistenly believing that she wi be sit except'on to the rule-that site will be loved for herself nlone. BUYING A TITLE. Clara Huntington Is time Princess Iiatzfehlt , a proud name from a proud land. She gilt- ters In the capitals of Europe. Toe brlg"t lights glint upon her bare and shapely shoJI- ders. The jel'els glisten In her hair. She walks In beauty , The homage or men and the envy ot womtn are hers , yet she was a small grocer's daughter I C. P. Iiuntlngton . the mIllIonaIre . had not taken up and adopted this girl she mlg.t lever have been heard ol outside ot S3crn- mcnlo and the rIver villages. But the edow- ment ot his wealth placed her In a pOlllcn to bo sotght after by men wIth more tit'es than honor , and who are desirous of putting financial props under falling houses. When she mel Prince latzfedt ! ho had been "rake " and roue for years. Ho was one ot the most persIstent gamblers In all Eurpe. Hs ! gamblng debt threotened tp get his h'gh natne down Into tile debris of tile dungeons. I-ic raw the means of salvation in this daugh. ter of a Californian. So he laid siege to her heart and tile pocket of 11cr adopted father. lie won the former easily enotIgh. The tite ! of princess was silmcent ternptaton ! for the young girl. But beyond this , and notwithstandIng - standIng his dehiucherles , Prince Ilatz- feldt was a handsome man wflll tile grand air , She was warned of his despicable character , and told of his numerous amours and gaszicn as a ganlester. What American girl ever heeded these warnings ? So the g'rl's heart was won , The winning of the pocketbook of the. stern old hardware man and railroad jobber was quite anothbr 1ALAY ( ! IlilE CARD Iiaves IiUItLINGTON & MO , 111V141t. Arrivea Omaha _ Union Depot , 10th & Mason $1 , , _ Omaha 10:15411.Denver : Espmcts. . . . . . . . . . . 9:40401 : 4:1&lIIiflik : , 111.1. , Mont. & luget Smid. lOx , 4Olm ; 4 : ' . . . . . . . . . . . lOxpi usa. . . . . . . . . . . 4 : OSIJIII " 7Qsprn..Ncbiaska : Local ( except b'undly ) , , 7:4lpnm : 8lSam.Litlcoltt : Local ( except SuImd.myl1liant : 2:4lpnm..Fast : MailforLincoln ) tlaiiy. . . Leaves CHICAGO , IIUItLINGTON d ( J. Arrives OnlaldaUnlonliepotlOth _ & Mason Slit , Onuthia 4:45pm..Chicago : Vestibule , " . . . 9G0anl : 9:50am..Chicago : 11Xld'eS. . . . . . . . . . . 4Ili.mio : 7lOpm..Chicago : & St. Louis Express , , . 8:00am : 11:35am..acillc : Junction Local. . . . . . . Ilupddl : FastSlall. , , , . . . . . . . . . . 2:40pm : Leaves C1IICAUO , SIlL. & WI' , PAUL , , All-lye , Omimahia Union 1)epot , 14th & Mason St. . Omaha 6:00pm : . . . . . . . . . .Chicago Lilniteti. . . . . . . . . . . 9:30am : 11 G:2pno : I.eavps ChICAGO & NOI8TltWI'ST'NfX'rii' : ' Omaha Union Depot , 10th & Ahitson StsI Onlahia 10:40am..Eastern : Express. . . . . . . . . . . 4 : lOpm..estlbuied Limited. . . . . . . . . I : I0anm 6:55am..810 : , Valley Local . . . . . . . . . . 10:3lpgmo 5:43pm : , . . . . , , Omaha ChicagoSpecial , , , . . , , 1:45pri : Leaves ChI1CA8T"ILC"I'X'CIFiC , Arr V ? Onoahia _ Union Depot , lotti & Mason Ste. Ommiaha - - - - IOAST. _ _ _ _ _ _ I1lOam..Atlanttc i.ldIesa ( cx , Sunday ) , , 5:35f.nl : 6:25tin. : . . . . . . . . . , NigImt l5xpmess. . . . . . . . . . . . 9:21am : 4:4OlIn. : . . , t.'hicagt ) Vestii.ued Limited. . , . 1 :35pn : - ' % 'f0I3T. 6:4lpniOklaiiolna : & . Tusus lOx , tea , h0unl0:354m ) : Culom ado I.lmiied. & 0. Arrics Oinahlaj Iepot , 15th antI \VeIster Sts. Oniaha S.iOan.hiiotlx City Aceomlllutiation. , , . Sllpm : lih5.Sioux ; ( City lOxpiess ( cx , Sun. ) , . , 1:55am : _ i1ipIjl..ill , . 1it0t Llnoitd. . . . . . . . . . i.ea.t-s tI.TCi5 Ar OimlahaIeIot , 15th and W'ebater St. . OflltIda : 2:10pm..1"ast : Stall and Express. . . . . . . 1:55pm : IlOpmex. ; ( Sat. ) lVyo. lOx. ex. SIan. ) , , 4:55pm : 9:05am. : , , Norfolk Express ( dx. Sunday ) , , J0:3)an : : . . . . . . . . . . . . _ l'.tut Express , , . , , , , , , , l0:354m : Leaves I K. C. , tOT , 3 , & C II. Arrives Omsl1jUnlonidliOt , 10111 &Maon St. , _ Omaha 904m..Kansas : City Iay ESI'ress . , , , SIhOlddn j43ltnl. . ! . MfSSOtYhtI IACIFICfAiili Omaha Depot , 13th antI WebaterSts.I Olloalda , , , . . . , . , , . Louis Express. . . . . . . . . . 6:00am : : . . . . . . . . . . . Louis Express. . . . . . . . . . 6:081.01 : 3:30pm : , . , . . Nebraska Local ( cx , Sun , ) , , . . , Leivea I SIOUX CITY & l'ACLi'IC. 1/irrives Omahdal 1)et'ot. 15th antI \'ebater liii. I Onmaima : . . . . . . . . . . . I'auiimjt.d. . . . . , _ .10:35am : h.eaves iIIOt'X CITY & I'ACIFIC. Arrives Omaha tlniot , Iepot , 10th & Mason His , Omaha 6:55am..Sioux : City l'assenger , , , , , , , . 10:35pm : * . . . . . . . , _ , _ . . . . . . . . . . : Leaves 11N1004 i sciri' . rrives Omaha ( Jnioii hept19th &Slaton liii. Omaha 9:45am : , , , , , , . , , Kearney Express..12:30pm : : . . . . . . . . . . . Flyer. . . . . . . . . . . 8:30pm ? ; OOpmIteat'ce St Stromsb'g Ex. ( ex. tOun.13iOpm ) : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Express..10lSanl : . ! _ . , . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iegvoa WAIIASII RAIL'W/Y , Arrive. Omaha Union Iepotl0tto & S1ain Sta , _ Omnsha 4:00pm..lit. : LouIs Cannon hall..12:35pm : Omahal Depot , hills itad Vekster lOts , I Omaha . , - - - - - thIng ( ' I' . Iiiltltltigtoil iistt a vety laO ? ( ' 111111 II t't ' llrillCt S gtiueraiiy Ailul Of to7seriflg' , gitiibl hg pliheA Ill Pal ttciilar lb was bus to buy the co'eied title for lug ilA0lgilr. lii let ii llhtICh ii giier 'alih3 Oil. A t.'nItO ( Ststed POhmfltor the I ) 1,11 II priitce , ohiti 0'A * 11lUtig to pay IlitllOqffjf On. . ' , Ilut be Iliitilly ylebletl t " , 8110 liihiOrttl iti0s of his otlopteti dstlglht&'r. ' ( lie wedding was celebrated Ill Llid0n oat ' . October 27 , I8Sti. Iiliiop l'AttetSoll 1er fOlhlltl tIle ccrelntihy Ill llrOlilptoll Orator ) ' , fihIti Cotlilt I'nul listztcltit , ( lerlilan 111111 bastuitior to tlio court of St. Jailles atiti IlIlcie of tile groom , threw o'en tii Oerillats ehlibarsy for a Wetitling breakfast , itt which the mighty ot liiUlh ) ' islids liraIlk Ilitlcit cliani- ilagIle. lltintington gave his nilopted daughter $3,000,000 as it .1'wry , but tli lorinco was not to touch tIle PrinciPal. lie Illigllt , Itow- ever , 1189 SOInO of tue interest to lItly 1151 his $600,000 of galllbliflg debts It Ito cared to CCOliOhhlIZC' . The 'ediIllig hail 01111(1st becIl brilktn oft by tue Prince before tills lliuanciat arran.gcinetlt WOS filIally ngrecil to. ' litforo Inany htloIltils iiatl loseeti tue stories t'7gflll to float otlt that the lmrillee 0 % flit stilt gamblihig ; that ho was increasIng his debts ; that lltmlltingtoll was biimg eaiieil liooi to settle them , and ( lInt tim prillCtS8 ? was leaul. itlg a IllIseritidlo life , neglected 8111.1 forlorn. These stories have been relleateti from (11110 to tilIlO , Friends of time llrillcess say she is ltlh'tlllllg but hIllpy , A PIilLDhiLpllIA SALH. In l'iIllIttlelllliia is all ItlIlbitiOlIlt Illallonis named \\'iiecier. She has great store of worldly wealth , anti tue one aborbIiig pa.- ioim of 11cr life was to have a tlaugliter hllarry Iito tile Ilobility of Europe , 'l'Imo ' hCtteIl daughter of the hiotis 'ens Mary , \'i ceber , large , stolid , Wlllte-luairetl , sttllitt in school and In Oppearatice plain , To give thus Ilailgilter on oplonrttinlty to Secure a titled hhisbiiltl : Mrs.Viieeler el- Colhied the oft-scourings of Europeall nobility , to her fireside , set up a cottage at Newport , niado nIl anhihlal litlropeall ldilgrillluhgc , triet time Lontloll 5008011 flultl iiad all CStflblilllllleflt Oil ( lie Isle of'igimt. . In 1859 or IS'JO they met Cotlut l'iIpilen- lielmii , Now thIs Count PntlteiliIelfll Was a i _ . ' , iIandlsolne , dashing sort of chap in appear- i. altec , lie had a falniiy nalne of tile lilgltest stalItillIg and a peroolint replltatioll of the lowest. lie haul gambled 01111 lost heavily , hind welciieil hiis debts of ilollor nuti (110 Gernoan nobility laul : refused to play vitit him further , lie itati a castle on time Rhine- Ii historic , battiemeiite1 castle , crallilned tthll of legends and traditIons , anti till estate on. Willcll lIe coulti borrow 110 more nmnlicy , Ills was jllSt ( ho nalloe alid house which hleedoti filoancial proloplog , and th tow-l.caded aliti Collildlllg Mary \\'hieeler was jurt the girl he was looking for , Ills proposal was accepted with uoiacrily and great joy , and Sirs.Vliecler anti her lucky datigiiter sped back to I'IlllaIleliiiia to lorepare for the wedding - ding ceremony , Before long over to America caIne Count Pappolllleinl antI his brollmer Ltidwig , Tiiey went to the llellevtie hotel ill h'iuiiaulelphia ailti coolly called upon Mrs. Wheeler to pay their hotel bills and to ftll'nihim them with ' iOCkct hilofley during their stay ill Amnerica , She bald. Tim s'edt1ing of CotInt Pappenhein and. Muory W'Jteoler os'.is the su'aggerest t'tftir : ever known In ( lie City of llrotiierly Love. The ceremony was perforinetl at high noon in Si. Shirk's , the steeliest of tue swell churches , and the attendance was so large that thlero was a free fight for admmiisalon. No such dreosing hind ever been seen before in l'hiia. deiphia. flut otItSido the clitirchi the welt drelseti throng lecarno a Inch. Carriages crushotl in the street. VoIl1en ailtiost tore tIme gowns from each other's backs In the struggle to get a view ot the ceremonv All of WhIlcil Ivent to make llfl a niost successful weddin , . I Mrs. Wheeler made time count anti countess a imandsonoe allowance iloti paltl off his pressIng - Ing galubllng debts. For a short time they " hIved at Castle Pappenhellll , antI ( hell canoe back to live on Mrs. VlIceler at the Isio of W'lght. When asked why tiley had not. 7111110 a longer stay OIl tue ( 'OtlIlt's estates time flIISWC 0'as that tue Gerlnan nobility would not admit to theIr society the rich American girl. Though they opelied their doors to ( lie disgraced wclcher antI Ilotorious debaucliee , thley turned their backs upon his honest , if foolisil , Amerleall vfo. ! After this whenever the count wished to enjoy himself lie went ott to the continent alone , His neglect of his wtfe became IflorO and Inore utlbearaljle. lie tireot' on ala lflOthor-in-lav to ills pay gambling indebted- 11055 anti the bills incurred ill his rcystering ' just as if sime were a bank , Mary Wheeler'S heart was broken. After the- girl could stand time count's treat- Iflent no longer and after the birth of two children showed her that family ties s'ero not StlIflcient to reclaim him the separation come , There is to be a dlvoco in tile im. mediate future. I'robably the nobleman will instst upon being bought of ! . Auth so ends an allobitious Illotlier's dream of the happl- ness whIch a title brings. OTIIEI1 NOTED CASES. These recent cases merely serve to poln the moral. Thera have been many other * since the days of the espousal of Mlso I'at. terson by one of tile Il000partes. Some girls 31 have hidden their Sorrows and sot a calm. face to tue virlt1 , ashamed to let their countrywomen - trywomen know that ( hay hind matla a mis- trie in marying into a society wilicil looked. upon them with tllsavom- , Otii s with more spirit anti less lrtldenc ) have boldly gone into the divorce courts , airing their grievances before a ptmbhlc much more given to laugllter than to lynipatlly. in litliolerotls instance-s they hlave perstladett the titular gentlemen \'ilO had nlal'rIet them for their ll1OflOY to free tioeIlo for tile 531113 consideration , In a society which clnsideYs it honorable to sue for mnonetary danlsges be-cause of the debauching of a vIto , the lucre acceptance of money for complaisance In perlnitting a divorce is of course con- sldered , nothing otIt of the way. A few of the many unfortunate instatmco of wedded infelicity tlkan at random from the long list of Anllrican girls who have coveted titles are the following : Miss Helen Moulton , an Alnericin girl , married In 1863 Count Paul von hiatzteltit- Wildenburg , German ambassatlor at the cotlrt of St. James and uncle to the gambling Prince Hatzfehtit who Is trying to play ducks and rakes with the huntington HIll. lions. She led an unhappy life wlthh him. for eleven years , when she was divorced , In 1874. TIme , however , healed time wound. of her heart , anti In September , 1889 , be btcaine reconciled to the count anti relnar- tied him at Baden-Ilamlen , Miss Ann Reid , 'datlghter of T. Dotiglas Reid of New York , after Inarrying and being divorced froln George Stello of Cilicago , was espoused in 1865 , nit his seconil wife , by Sir Artiittr Percy Fitzgerald .Aylfner of Donadea Castie , Kildare. Silo managed to cling to her titled husband for a few miserable - erable months , but was dIvorced in 1886. Miss Gillender , daughter of time late mu- llonaire tobaccolllst , Eccies Glilender of Nei- York , married in tile ' 70s tile Marquis do San Marzano of Italy. She separated from 111751 , hIlt having lost her affectiotma hue set himself to winning those of 11cr rich mother. Thit , he did so sticcessfuily that when Mrs. Gilionder died in ISIS Bile entirely dlain- ile7Ittii lIar daughter and left all tier posses- sionr tim him. The unhappy tlIarqui8e hrught Shill. , to contest. tile will , anti has been washing - ing a great deal of soiled family linen in full public view. The unhappy marriage of Nellie Grant , daughter of l'rcsitlent Grant , to Algernon Sartoris , has ftirnislietl international gossIp almost from time tille the noarriago was cele. brated en May 21 , 1874. at tile wilite houo. It is gloeraily known thlat time petted daugh. ter of tile great hero of thm'e rebellion led x miserable existence until death recently broke the chain. - Mimis liessie Cthrtls , tiatighter of Joseph _ , . D. II. Curtis of Now York , narrietI March 18 , 1867 , at Nice , the Marquis MatInee do Talieyramid.l'crigorii , She stuck to her contract - tract longer ( lIaR most of tile ahousetl Amen- can girls hlave dora' . allil % , fl5 not dIvorced until Augtist II , 1886. Since the divorce the marquis has accumulated the title of duke of [ line , btlt this honor the American girl never hail this oppartunity to silaro. Ilut with all ( ho evidence before them. American women will contInue to seek for foreign husbands and the glamour of no- mance which is supposed to go wIth a "hiandio to a name. " -B 'FlitViidelt Nil IL ( liii sij , A singular Incident took place the othe day on Datnariscotta lake , Maine , which SilOWa the voracity of the bass in timat lake. ' A party from the Kennebec were flehth 8 from a boat when one of them caught the end of his flshpohe in hits watch guard alId flung hi. gold watch overboard into forty feet of water , About an hour after , and 1111111 anti a quarter distant , they caught a six.pounder , and , noticing his fullness and peculiar appearance , lie was opened , anti there wai tb watch , stIll LI& -tk45 3.