- - - . - - - - - - . - - - ' ' ' : - - - _ 8 TIlE OMAHA DAILY lJEE : SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 7. 189t. . - OMAHA'S ' DAY OF JUBILEE - Dedlcntlon or the New State FaIr Grounds Ycstorday - - ATTENDANCE OF MANY THOUSAND Rnln 'nnll ' Cloul" neh'11 thc Opening of the I'rolrlllll but llIlIc the Iiiy I't'rlect-'rlte IIcltlCII- . ( ( pry sercl"e" . ' t'Jubllee day" was a succesS. In spite of the clouds which In the early : forenoon threatened IHsuter to the hopes of Its progerltors , Omaha grit and enterprise carrlell the day. Oangs of men were early at work to remove as far as possible the errects of the deluge of thA night before , and , as If In recognition of their perseverance , the clouds broke away and as bright ; a sun as ever blessed a Nebraska cornfield shone out on Omaha's White City. The program , which had been delAyed by the gloomy menace of the morning , was carried out In full. In an hour's time the light soil of the fair grounds "as thoroughly dried and thousands of ; people donned their holiday attire and went out to assist In an enthusiastic launching of Nlbraska's great enterprise , the state fair. The bright sunrise which greeted the early riser gave every promise of a bright ; Septem- tier day. nut a bank : of clouds was blown up from the north and two hours later thn skIes were entirely overcast. The prospect of rain was a wet blanket on the spirits of a group ) of men who stood at the windows af the Commercial club and looked out on the darkening horizon. Tile question of a post- penement af the exercises was seriously dls- cussed , but vigorously protested against by one ar two members af the committee. Finally some one discovered a rift In the clouds and as It broadened and lightened the mental thermometer af the gazers took a raplll flight upward. It was determined } that the celebration must go on In any event and the members who had already gone out ta the grounds were telephoned ta make every effort to get the grounds In shape for the festlvltle : . The first motor car reached the grounds Ihortly after 9 o'clock. Then the aveaues were wet and soggy , but the few visitors who had taken chances an the rain tlounleel : : through the sticky ! mUll with ulllllmlnlshel : enthusiasm. Even at that hour there were several hundred people on the grounds ; and the arrivals were consantly : Increas ng. Every burst af sunlight seemed ta have an Instantaneous - stantaneous effect and when the sky was at length cleared the mud \'anhhl'd as though by magic. Dy 11 o'clocle fully 2,000 peope : hall arrived and the grounds were as dry IU though the rain hall been weeks ago There was not a particle of dust and the White City could nat have been found In a more perfect condition to recevo Its guests. THEY KEPT CmIlNO. From that hour on the crewlh arrived as rapidly as the railroads and the motor trains could carry them. From each of the main entrances there was a constantly moving Jln af new arrIvals toward the InterIor of the 'grounds. Hundreds of carriages : dotted tile roads leading In from all dlrect'ons and thLr was every Indication that thee would be 2G.000 IUOIIO on the grounds before nllht. : The exercises whkh were ta mark the formal opening of the groulllis were post- poned for an hour ar two In order to offset th ? tardiness of the crowd. It was after 11 a'clock when the speakers and the committee - mittee appeared on the platform whIch hall been erectcd In the main court , and thier was a general Impulse of the crowd In that 11Irectlon. The First Infantry band played several s2Iectlon . while the people were distrIbuting - trIbuting themselves around the square , and thull heir ) ' D. Estabraok paved the way for the spcaleers who were ! to follaw. Mr , .Estabrook said In substance : "We. the 'pe'ople of Nebraska , mtt hete on this' ; day , In i th month of Septembei' to c le- brate the completion af a mighty ; worle ; t. 'contemplate the Imue of our endeavar. and - to , resolve that If human effort can accam- push In so short a time and under such untoward ] circumstances all that we see be- fore ua here , we wilt never falter but go i forward with the expectation that In Ne- braskl : all things ; ; are posslhll' \Ve welcome thIs burst of 'unshlno lIS a happy omen We have not always had rain In Nebraska. Sometimes the clouds have floated high above U9 , not descendd to bless us with their bounty , but now heaven and earth have Idseed each other , and what Is that kls I but Nebraska ? " . Mr. Estabroak Introduced nev. Dean Garl- nor of Trinity cathedral , who offered ! \ a br'ef prayer , In which ho gave thanks for th prosperity that had come to Nebraska . and especally ! for the Fair City tllIw a outepread around him. At the end , the ; 'as ' aUlllence joined with him In repeatIng the Iord's prayer "Amcrlca" was then sung , the "giltS" quartet leading and , the entire audience joining with a spirIt tsat : made the melody nUlllbe ] tar outsde ! of the confines af the White Cily. pItESIDgNT I.INDSEY'S nEMAnKS. In Introducing Z. ' 1' . I4lndsey. who lit Ilr sl- dent of the Omaha Fair and SJ'eJ : assocla- tlan , was to sum UII th story of the tria's and } triumphs , Mr. Estabraolc suld : that the sp2ctaclo before him was not the WOl'ld' fair ' which had been conjur"J lip from the miasmas - mas af the mnols : swamp1. It was not equal ta that Apocalypse of he Nl'w Jerusalun that seemed to have been brsssgit : ' down to show the people what : the abode ; ef the mI' mortals was like. Jut the nianagera ) : af the World's fair were blu1hlngly Inferior ta the men who had bulldel1 the Wtllte Clt ) ' . In the other casa money had been pour' ! . } In Uko I ( water. Ther ! rsmonm4m'E : : , were unllm- Itel } . but here It luJ been wrung flom a drouth sulYer r. Blued hal } been sJ'I'ezell from a turnIp and how It wl ! h'ol1 dcsg nly the goal Lord and \Ir. ! \ Lthd.y knew. But Llndse woud ! tell how It was , loae. When Mr , Llndney stepped forward he was received } with a burst ef hand.clappn'f ! ' , which _ _ _ merged : Into a hearty round af cher3. HIs remarks were brief and pactlah. HI said } that It wa , just a year ago that the Nebrtska State Board of Agriculture hal } advertised for bills for the location of the stale fair. Time Omaha Fair and Spei oclatlon was formCiI. It inuced the members of the board to vslt ! Omaha. The first thing that was de. mantled } was that the aueclatlon should ra'se $50,000. Members sail that they could do It and } they had. Up ta today $7JOQa : had been expen.ltd . an the grounds and In the construc- tion af buildings. Cantlnulng. Mr. Lndsey ! said that he do- slrelta publicly thank all who had been Instrumental . Ilrnll1entalln making H possblo : for the asso. elation to succeed The railroads and the luoat railway company were first mmed. The Commercial club stood back of the mun- bers all the time and bad never let - UII for a mInute. The newspapers the hotel men , land owners and others had united their efforts ta those alreall- put forth. If anyone of them had failed , the fair would never have materialized ' terialized It was nothing but united action and endeavor that hal\ brought about the lureossful completion af the enterprise In conclusIon the speaker palll a flattering tribute to the energy anil . devotion ef his colleagues on the board of directors who had given twelve : months of their time to planning ont this affair , Many times they hall worked until 2 o'cll'ck In the morning anll no matter how pressing their person' I business ! , they were always ready to crop H and come to hIs aulltance when he cllled en them. SANG THE JUIJILEE SONG. ? > fr. atabroole announced that neither Senator Manderson : nor Senator Thurston , who hal } ben expected to reply to Mr. Llndsey'a address was able to be present < 1111that en that account further Ipeech. milking would lJe dlspense } with. The band rendered another selection arnl then the song \ ; which wall composed especially \ for Jubllrn day by A , W. Anderson of South Omaha and \ let 10 IIIUIIc : by J. F. Barton wall sung ! by the Elks quartet : I , conslllln ! of A. J. Van Jturan sad 1 . D. Treat , tenors and W. S. McCuno and Mr. Barton : banos. The melody was wc1\ \ adapted 10 male voices and its rtn- dltlon was received with prolonged uJlpl\luo. The words are : Bounds of trlumphl Songs af praise ; HIgh the UlorlouR , \ nthI'm rntRu. ' 1'0 lImo bounteous Loft of nil. Lol AIondamln' children ; call. Thou haat blest our fruitful Iln\ , \ . Thou has blest the tulll'l" " hand ; Pair Nebruka'l' ollien ! ! grain ! 'Va\'cs thy praises a'er the 11131n. May these troghl.cs 9f the nlh t. S Lwoa : b Y Inln < 1 nOm mll.tter'1I tl1lJht. _ _ _ ; , _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ .s . - - _ . - - . Wooed } by art from nature's breast , In Thy goodness , Lord , bo blest. Tlleseg Thou still each tolln arm , no the yield lrom forgo ar farm ; \\Ieh each muscle thrill each mmmi For the good or nfl I mankind. < Let Thy love and bounty rest On Nebraska's fruitful breast ; Stately homb nnd lowly cot , Peace and plenty be their lat. After the chore af the exerciseR the aten- ten or the crowd was ten ) drawn to the textile building , where Israel Frank engI- neered a barbecue that receIved Immediate attention. The crowd fed through the building and each member was accommodated - dated with a huge chunk af bread and beef. The assault was desperate , but Frank had been Introduced to barbecues before and the bIg quarters af hot beef and the small meun- lain af freshly baked loaves held theIr ground until the hunger of the multitude was ap- peased. fly that time the race track had been groomed into conditIon and the bicycle races were called. \ Following \ the bicycle races care the drills ef the Omaha Guards and } Thurston HtleR and the here races hi the afternoon the attendance - tendance was about IGOOO , and all \ means of transportation were taxed to their utmost to bring the crowd away In the evening Sa far as busIness was concerned . Omaha was yesterd3Y a deserted village. The work or the committee af business men and } the general desire upu the part of the citizens to make "Jubilee day" a complete success , caused an almost complete suspension of bnsl.less In every line. Mi of the county and city offices , the railroad . road offices , business houses and oIce buildings . Ing9 were closed. Cigar stores , barber shops and places of like character were open for a few hours In the morning , but after 12 o'clock "Closed for Jubilee Day" signs adored the doors of almost every building In the city. _ "We are carrying nobody but janitors , " sid an elevator man In one of the big afce buildings In time morning , and that described the situation everywhere. The streets during - Ing the morning hours were thronged with peeple but they were not Intent an business. They were all looking for the quickest route to the fair grounds , and after the noon honr time street cleaning gang , with their little blue barrels had undisputed possession of the business tlmorougimfares gx-Oovernor Furnas and his assistant closed their otce yesterday at the MU- lard } and at an early hour left for a vIew of the fair grounds. Business has been rush- log with them ever since the ollico was oIce opened and Secretary Furnas has had no op. portunly ef noting the daily progress made at the grounls. The employeJ of W. n. Bennett left early yesterday for the fair Iroun.1 . nine wagon loads In all. They were headed by the Sevenths Ward band and paraded the streets before heading for the White , City. - - - - - - Ol'FSEI ) TII .AUl GIUUxns L1NI. Street Cars Msmketlme : First Trim nn,1 'rhen Gu on Schedule 'I'Imne. Thursday night when the rain commenced to fall 150 men were just drivIng the last eples I and putting the finishIng touches upon the fair grounls extenson ! of the West Leaven- worth street car line. It was lmposibie to continue the work In the storm and the track men were sent home with Instructans : ta report - port for work at daylight \n \ the morning. The wire worlee-rs - , however , were not given a chance to rest. They donned their mackln. toshes and labored all nIght ! lang They hal commenced work nt G o'clocle Timtmriay morn- lug al } after a steady pull af twenty.elght lmours without sleep , hal the connections mmmale for the first train to the fair gronds. . male ! Officers of the Omaha Street Halwav com- pony were : out early In the morning and 1 while they wee enthusiastic enough over "Jubhlre lay , " , they really were glad that the threat. enlng weather promised them a few hours' addltanal : time In which to prtpare for the Inevitable rush. Every effort was used In pushing the work ef surfacing up the trick and completing connections that had been left from yesterJay. It was a few minutes after 9 o'clock when the motor train that was ta leJlcato the lden- : sian to the new fair grounds wa started from . the \wst end pf the aId 'ewenworth street I stub at : the D .llne tra.ks. . Thq car conS hlned Oenerl Manager .Crmmith Emp.rtmtencl- : ' ent Tucker , Secretary Goodrich and Dlretord Mercr and Drawn af the Omaha' Street "ai. way company. It was necCnry for them to make the trip In order to ascertaIn that Ill was right along the line. There was no cerl'- mony. Crowds had \een gathering all aLng the line . anxious to reach the fair erlds : and It was necessary far the lne to be plae1 in ! active o'p raton lt the e rlest practicable moment. There was no effort to oulee , i speed record. The roadbed was IQro or 1:5 unsettled and caution marked the pro : cs of the train on the trip. The track has only been completed to . Clemen's corner at Sixty. first stream , ld when the traIn bearing the afeah : rnched that point a delegation ef WOltsllo s nrd members of the local committee an etato fair success were In waiting ta' ' welcome the I army. A few minutes were devoted ta conga u.t. ! tons ! , after whIch Ashton Clemens of the committee of the business men prss Jlt.1 Conductor IcDrlde with a handsamo 8lvr badge an which was inscribed , "To the Con- ductor Who Took Through the First Train : to the Fair Grounds . " Conductor MeDrldea , considerably surprised at the pesmltloo 111d was so badly rattled for a minute that lie tried to collect fares from the omc'als. ! After a bhort hilt at the weJter terminal the re turn trip was made and then thc signal aaas given for the opening af regular business on the line . Eght trains were put en at 9:30 : o'cok : anti the number was gradually Incre1seJ un- t noon , when sixteen double trains were on the Hne. The trains were run around the loop on Howard street and transfers were lot accepted from any ether line In the cHy. Dy the time the traIns were [ trted regularly the weather had clolretl finely and the cars were at once taxed to their capacity to ac- commollate the crowds bound for the graands. While the street railway company has done I possible In getting tIme . undo . op-ration , .It Is yet far from completton. Tie graders only left the cut at I I.first street Thursday morning and the tracks were laid hastl'y. The rails are uneven In filCl'S , but many men are at work truing them up and by this evening the roadbHl w1 be In very fair condition. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IUI""I" City ] IorMt'mlIi'n Here Messrs CunnIngham and Stewart , the Kansas City gentlemen who are canductng the rum rng meeting at the Council Bluffs track , kindly ciosel down yesterday and came aver to Olnha' wIth the whoe : push la assIst the citIzens here In melting Julbee day the grand , success It proved And they did their part nobly and fully , as ! t was their olUclal roster that conducted the brilliant card at the stale fall Irouuds ; yesterday after. noon. J. M. Stewart af Kansas Cay , George Carroll af Lexington . Ky . 1 famou runnIng horse starter . and judge anll E. G. Rtute of Kansas CIt ) . were th" jUdges amad timers , and Cem Crevelng , the Union park starter and a gentleman . known from cee3n ta ocean , otclted In a like position he'e. , All th.s generosIty merits the fulest recprocaticn ! , especially a the races at Union park will be continued this afternaon and next week. There will be sIx ratting good events wth ! large fields In each In addition to a bIg hurdle race , one mile , from hurdles , with eleven starter Including several of the best jumpers In the country. The track Is In capt3 ! form all a fine aernoons' sport I a foregone commclusioma . - - - 'rhe Illenl I'mammzmeemm. James L. Francis , alderman : Chicago , says : "I regard Dr. Hlng's : New Discovery as an I Ideal Panacea for coughs , colds and lung complaints , having used It In my family for time last live years , to the exclusion af phy- . .Iclan's prescriptions or other preparations. " 1C\ ' . John liurgu , . Icokuk , Iowa writes : "I have been a minister of the Methodist : Episcopal church for 50 years or more aud have never found anything to benefcIal or that gave me such speedy relief lS Dr , Hlng's New Discovery. " Try this Ideal cough remedy now. TrIal bottles free at KUhn & Co.'s drug store . . Iunnlng races at Union park , Council Duth , today. lAdies . free S lLOallSIIiClltS' \ " XCl'nsIS SUU'I' \In the " .nln.h ltnilrommd . On September 10 and 20 the Wabash will sell round trip tickets at one fare , plus U , to points south For tickets and further Information or a copy af the Iforneseekers' Guide cal at Wabash office , 115 Farnam strut , or write O. N. Clayton , N , W. I > asent. - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ Tent to rn't 1311 hrnll ItrGt . ' h. . _ _ - I _ _ 1lAYliN Ilns , A Fc" Inrll Ii'ncisnnul Interc"tl l'rices-Nu hisli School days 3g21n. The march off te school has begun . We begin tomorrow to offer the followIng ! opportunities to the shrewd parents af our coming men Young men'l fail suis , choce ! of over 150 styles , nobby , single ar double.breasted , long pants fall suits , made of the most dependable fancy chevet ! , caslmeres and worstos , nicely tailored , silk sewed , ages 1 to 19 , the grand- est values ever offered , tomorrow's wOldeful selling prices $3.75 , $4.50 , $5.50 $ and $7.60. Children's 2.pece ! , knee pants suits , sizes ( rosa G to 15 yeal , cUldouble.breaaed , a good honest made suit , far 76e and 95c. Good and } well made suits for $1.25. Blue and black cheviots for $ ,45. Finer grades from $1.75 and up. Junior 50(1 reefer suits , sze ! from 3 to 7 years , frar $1.25 to $5.00. Specials for Saturday. I case of ladlel' regular $1.50 corsets ge at SOc. SOc.hey's flannel waists , 75c qualty , go at SOC. Ladles' black silk hose , worth $1.25 , go at SOc per paIr. Day's domet shirts 12',4c , worth 25c. Oenl's fine linen collars Gc each , worth 12'4c. 50e suspenders go at 2Gc. , 25c suspenders go at l2mhc. 1 lot of men's linen handkerchiefs go at Gc worth 12c . Doy's bicycle hase iSo , regular 25c quality. Saturda"s SleClalS. Preserved blackberries , strawberries or raspberries , 7c can : 3.lb. cans best California - nIa plums , 8 ½ c. , 8Yc. Golden drop , egg , damson ar green gage , any klnll , 3 cans for 25c. 3.lb. can tomatoes , 5c. 2lb. can corn . Gc. 2.lb. can new catch ColumbIa rIver salmon , l2,4c. 17G seaplue , rainwater , elc. , . 3c each Sardines , 3c. Choice Rio coffee , just roasted , iSo pound. Best broken Java , 17c. Choice rice 7lbs. for 25c. Best XXX Minnesota flour $1.00 sacl Large raisins 3c. Baited beans 7c can. lure table jelly , Gc jar. Castile soap , 5c size only 2 ½ c. California breakfast food , Gc each. Self rising pancake flour , 4 1.Gc. SATLJItDAY'S PRIZES. I Saturday we outdo the whole week's generous - , erous gift giving. We wilt give away , ' absolutely free. one high grade bicycle and one fine lay State ergan. You may get one of them. HAYDEN nnos , Agents - for Duterlck Patterns. Great sport at Union park over the river today. Ladles free. Great hurdle race and sIx big running events. Everybody go. ' 'rug I'BOI'I.M EXI.IGI''I N . Alll ' 'he ) ' Are - Quick to Allllrecinte Your 1Unrln . While all slal fruits da splellllldly In this fertile region still there Is one among all others for which our lalll Is preeminently - nently famous. Thousands at acre are dc- voted ta Its cultivation , and the strawberry Is now shipped not by the dozen crates or by the carload alone but by special train- loads. In fact more strawberries are grown , shipped and sold In the Orchard Homes re- glen tban on any other elual area In the world. In this eglon there Is no trouble wIth the "crown-borer , " which destroys the plants In Illimmois and } Missouri when only two Ilnois fields from five years old and strawberry ta ten years aid are not uncommon. There 19 no trouble with the "rust" and "biigimt" which are sa common In northern fields and our plants never stmIfer fromam the cold af ! ! wInter and arc wonllerrulY proitmcuvc. Some fields have been known to yield ae much as 100 crates annually for many years , with no cultivation whatever beyond the mowing of a heavy crop of hay In the late summer , while with propp'r care and cultivation a yield of 100 bushels per acre Is nat uncammon. First shipments arc usually - ally made In Marcia , anti the fruit continues aly ripen In quantity unti June , while ec- .clslonal : pickings are often founl much later In the season. Dr. McKay the largest graw- eI In the Etate. says he has shlppsd strawberries - berries to the Chicago market during every month of the year. All kinds af early vg- etables are just as prafitable. ta the grower and all further Information as la Orchard Homes will be Klven an application to Oeo. W. Ames Genaral Agent 1617 Faram street , I I Omaha , Neb - - - ' 0)10 n no\ Olcnll& Xt'- Clonl Ueilrtmcnt , , V. it. lellet Co. Special opening values : wash wrappers , full skirts wide ruffles pretty patterns . usual price $1.50 , opening Irlce 79c. Llg' , weight Jackets In proper cleths and styl , worth $3.60 and $4.50 ; openIng prlcz , $19. Better jackets In lIght and dark colors , Deter sold for $6.50 opening price $3.98. Special \ values In heavy weight capes , $5.00. Handsome cloth capes , splendidly made and trlmmel , $6.00. Deter ones , fuller sweep , better cloth , 800. On sale toniorrotV special values. W. It. BENNETT Co. , OpenIng neW cloak department thIrd floor ; take elevator. -a--- ' 11'.00 to l.tlll'II" nnl Itetamrmm Via tim ) ADASH n. n. For the O. A. H. national encampment 'he Wabash will sell tickets at above rate September S , 9 and 10 , good returning until October 6. nemember this 19 the shortest , Quickest and best route. All trains arrive and depart from New Union station St. Ioul& Arrngements wi be made to run cars through I deslrell. Excursion tickets wUI be sold from Louisville to all points In Illinois , Indiana : and Ohio at hal fare. And to points south at one cent per miie . For tickets . ' berths and further Information sl'epllg car call at Wabash office , 115 Farnam-street , ar at Union depots , Omaha or Council Dutrs , or write G. N. CLAYTON , - N. ' . . . .1. Agent. A Pew Advantages Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. 'Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A clean train made up anti started from Omaha. Baggage checked from residence to destlna. tion Elegant train service and courteous employes. Entire traIn lighted by electricity - tricity antI heated by steam with electric light In every berth. Finest dimming car service In the west with meals served " 1 la carte. " Time Flyer leaves a G p. m. daily from UnIon depot. City ticket office . 150 I Farnam street. C. S. Carrier city ticket a ent S , \ . Li' . IIn,1 A. " . All members of Saint John's lodge No. 25 , A. F. and A. M. , are requested to met at Freemasons' hal at half past two o'clock on Saturday afternoon , September 7th , ta attend the funeral of our late brother , Willis , . M. Yates. Sojourning Masons anti members af othlr lodges In the city are Invited to be present A. J. HUNT , Acting Master. , Ladles' Turklsb baths. Alcohol , Vapor , Electric baths , Massage , Manicure cimlropodimit scalp and hair and the feet are given special attention. 109 and 10 Dee buildIng. . ' ' ' . . lEom.iemmei'lers' l ! scnr"loll September 10 and 24 , via Mtssouri Pacific railway , Kansas Arkansas , Indian and Okla. hema territories and Texas. For particulars address 'depot. Fifteenth and Webster , ar city eMcee . Thirteenth and Farnam streets , Omaha , Neb. THOMAS F. GODFREY , ' J. O. PHLLIPI , P. and T. A. . A. O. F. and P. A. , CALIFOItNIA on 'l'EXA8. "I" Sunte Ve Itoute . For lowest rates on tickets and b $ t : \ comnmodations ' ' 1 on cr address 51. Ls. raimer , I' . A. Santa Fe Route , Room I , First Natonal Dank , Omaha. . Orchnrll 10mt. . . Fifth Orchard Home party leans Omaha for Orchard homes on Saturday , September 7. Now Is the time to see the beautlul Orchard homes region "pply for all In- formation to George V. ' . Ames , general agent , 161 Fanam street _ , Omaha IUBU. LLOYD-Louis K. September 4 , 193 , aged ( years , formerly af Burlington . Iowa Funeral from residence No 22 N. 2th avenue , Saturday , September 7. at 2 o'clack P. m. Friends af the family Invited. Iowa papers please . copy. 1b7j1ei'i < bt'lcu nil daily , . . 4 -'r--r : o ! nee QGc CQ SOUTH 01iWHA NEWS CCC CCCCCCCCcICCCCCCC Ely yesterday nlornlng CaptaIn I \leDonough : \ arrested ' a man who ' gave his name 11 Diy Simpsoh. . The police think That he Is a mnem- her or the gang that assaulted Adam } Case and his on. When picked up by the officer Simpsen was waffling along Twenty- fourth street with bl8 'coat on bls arm The coat was partially covered with blood , as was ale a handklclldf which he had In I his pocket. On his .fordhead thcre was a i bruIse and a scrateh'mOut two Inches In i length , but It appeared ta be mare of , a cut a\pearl Ulnn a wound caused by a bullet . Simpson says that he got Into a row at Mtmrphy's \ saloon and was hit with a pop bottle . Simllsen was turned over to the sheriff ef Sarpy count later and taken to Iapllen for a preliminary hearing along with the Mc- Cartys and John Galimmglmer. There Is no donbt In the minds of the police here that Simpson Is the man who was wounded by young Adam Case. Mon emllloyed at Car- penter's livery stable have identIfied Simpson as one of the men who get Into the rig with the McCartys Wc.lnesda . nIght. Attorney DOIII of this city and JUdge Lee Estele of Omaha have been engaged to ( IC' te- fend the prisoners and went to Iapllon yes- terday afernon to attend the imearing ' \'hnt August Cattle Hec'lllt" Sh.1. Cattle receipts at the stock yards during the month of August show a large Increase over the same month last year. In August , IS9 I , G6lG3 cattle were received , alI } for the same month this year there were 78,3S0 , showing an Increase of 22,227 Nimme'- ty-seven per cent of the cattle received here last month were sold at these yards. For the same month Kansas City shews a decrease of 29.G50 cattle and Chicago a decrease - te- crease af 290,953 hmead This showing natur- ally makeR the managers of the yards here a Ito proud as It Indicates conclusively that the Routh Omahn market Is the best one cf time three at the present time. - - - - Jlulle City ( ; . .111. Nearly everybody In town ent to the state fall grounds ) ' ten1y afternoon. Duslness was practically suspended. The banks and the stock yards allll paIming hones closed at noon. Trains from this city were crowded nil day long Mr. and Mrs. \V. O. Sloane celebrated the slxte nth annIversary of their marriage Wednesday evening at their home at Twenty- second and I streets The 10me Circle club attended In ! a hotly and there was card play- Ing and refresh men Is. Since County Commissioner Sutton has de. dared that he will not be a candidate for reelection - election the fight among the democrats tsar- rows down to Walsh and Buila The latter Is a stock yards lan and It Is understool that the yards company will . supprt hIm. TilE 11 ' S'NHg 'I'on i.osv. ' 1' 11en In . JniISumi.eete.l , 01 It'lnA S h.e Th ! I " ' . Two men were tryIng to dispose of a Quan- ty or women's fine simoes valued at $5 or $6 a pair , In the southern part of the city yesterday - tertay aftermmoomm Timmy were offering them at such low prices that some of the people t',1Y approached became auspicious and Informed Officer Cusick. The momcer started en their trail , but when hue Ilghto } them they ran. le captured one of themlwho gave his name as John Miller . 10 had 'three pairs of shoes In tlls possession and rehlsfd to te I how he got them. Aslefd where he lived . he said that his residence was the United States. After he was arrested 'ancther man came to the police station and Inquired for him. After same questionIng thIs man was also p'acd under arrest lie gave hIs name as gall Durlen. lie was arrested on sums- plclon that he was the partner of Miller who escaped from the omcer. omcer.S - -S ' 1Iwir Sturh'M 10lNot 'Inl ) ' . John Madden and Arthur Bennett were charged with the larceny af a wagon the property ef S. D. Stevenson ; who chagls that time men sto'e the vehicle some three weeks ago. The men state that they bought the wagon from a third party and wi produce evidence to that otTect. The case was con- tinned untIl Monday at 9 a'cack. : The men furnished bond for their nppear.ln - - Atent.u , Hrnlll Arm ) ' "eternnH. For the annual encampment , Louisville , Ky. , $17.00 round trip , vIa Missouri Pacific raIlway. Far particulars admirers general offices , Thirteenth and I arnam. THOMAS F. OODPlmy , J. O. PIIILLIPI'I P. and T. A. A. G. F. and P. A. . - . - Drs. Galbraith and Lord , practice limited 10 surgery and dlseas af women rooms 600 to G03 , Paxton block. Telephone 33. Six big events , including : a grand hurdle free race , at Union park this afternoon Ladies - S I'EIISONAb 1'.HAGIAIIS. Mr. and Mrs. Ed S. Dean af Chcaga ! are at the Murray. . Mr. Ed Perry Is registered at the Barker : from Chicago. W. G. DeLee Is registered at the Barker from St. Louis. O. \ \ ' . Stoner , insurance Inspector , St. Louis , Is at the Millard. : \Ir. and lrB. George D. 10it af Chicago are Paxton gue.ts. 11- . John Kerr Is registered at the Barker from Sioux City , 10. E. M. Howe ef the Norfle beat sugar factory Is at thc Millard . Mr. Oscar Andrews Is registered at the Darker from Gloucester , \Iass. : Mr. C. E. Wikins ts ! registered at the Darker from Philadelphia , 1. . Asmus Doysen , real estate dealer ef Manning - ning , Ta. , I at the Merchants. J.V. . lalmes , father of O. C. : Holmes of the Manufacturers' and Consumers' auoc'a- tlon , has returned from his summer vacation , spent at lanna , Wyo John C. TIbbets , representing a Chicago stationery house came to the city yesterday to remaIn through the state fair In cllrge af an exhlbt. : He Is at the Paxtan. At the Mercer-H . D. Petbone , JInne- apolis : E. V. ' . \Iaynard : , E. McMaster , Springfield - field Mass. ; E. J. Hazen , J. W. hewitt , Chicago - cage : W. J. Eckerson , Ravenna , Neb. : F. \V. Penny , Wind River ; n. 51. Volk , New York : A. J. Ehlers , W. C. Drown , Chicago ; George A. Hl , Grand Island : J. W. Bogga Blair ; Ira Mallory , Des Moines : J. F. Doty , W. ! I. Petit Anita : W. V. Shlckley , Genoa ; L. H. Beason Portland ; J. H. Cryer , Cramona Farm : H. H. Wallace , Tekamah ; Louis Das- seU and wife , Des Moines. Xl'ltrnllulnl' ' at 'tltl' ' lInteI . . At the Merchants-tI. G. Haover , Dig Springs : F. C Cerney , Dodge . At the Doiione-E. Orok . Waterloo ; W. D. Funk . 10amteld : Jahn 1M. Swanson , Swed- enbur . At the Paxton-IT . O. Barber , Ioldrege : A. T. Schreiber . Wood hake : A. E. Thacker , Valentine. . At the Arcade-r. , J. \'Icax. : Grand Is- land : \Y. , \ . \Vilis . David City : Froth lulnc , Emerson ; A. \V. noblllns . , Phillips . Watch Hayden's deliver pianos daily. - - wdrded Highest Honors-\VorId's . Fair , 'DR 'Wi BAKING "WDIB MOST PERFECT MADE. . A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. F t , from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant . _ 40 YEARS THB ST ANDARD. . _ " _ - ; - - _ _ . - _ -a _ _ I.\JI\ liiUM't4 IIAI.b. Sonth Ol"h" Cltll'U" 1.ell to hear Si , , , . . 'ruth" , Voter ef the se\'erl wards of the city of South Omaha are hereby invited } 10 attend a grAnd rally at Ilium's hal , 408 North Twenty.slxth street , Tuesday evening , September - tember 10 , at 8 a'clock p. m. sharp , In the Interests of the Citizens' League Reform movement for OmahA , South Omaha . , and } Douglas county. g. , 10sewatu , n. W ncharlson , E. V. ' . Simeral and D. Clem Beaver will address the meetln . ClAlLES F. WETIEl President } , WILLIAM H. lUNTIm , Secretary. - - S Tiie' )111 Xut Act Itighit. Captain Mestyn yesterday afternoon arrested - rested } two men who he thinks are "grafters" who cme here to work during the state fair. lie spotted them 01 the state fair grounds , and } as their actiomms both there all en the re turing train were Busplcous ! he arrested them when thc city was reached. They gave the names of Fred l Brown antI C.V. . Hey- noltls , and dams ' < he boolcmakers at the nohll races that are being held at the DrivIng park In Council lliuffs. S AIlult Suuer"t'lu ii & 'Iemmst'ml. August Souerweln , the boy who killed } Paul Miller three days ago whlo the later was asaultlng his mother , was release\ , from custoly yesterday an motion ef County At- tore Daldrhlge. The boy hal been fu Iy exonerated - ) onerated by the coroner's jury. - ypofJ7 . ow : :3tNJov : : l3oth tilts iflCtIIO(1 0usd results when Syrup of F'ign i takezo ; it is 1)lcasaIlt and refreshing to the taste , and acth gesitly ycL promptly on the ki(111ey8 , LIver all(1 ( bO'CiS , cleanses the sys- tI1t effectually. dup2is co1ds head. c1tes and fevers and ciiiei haNtual , 1lSti1)atiO11. ) Syi'tip of Figs is the Only rCIflCly of its kilIl ever pro. ditced , pleasing to the taste and no- .emtab1c to the stont'.ieli , 1)roni1)t irs its aCt'ioit aitl ti'tilv heileficir.1 in its t'irect , 1)re1)aIct1 only from the BIOSt healthy and agreeable stibstnnc'e , its iflitii exc llciit qualities coonioiend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cilt bottles by all leading drug- gists. Ar.y reliable druggist who isaay not liive : it on Iland will pro- ttre it Il'0sIlPtIY for any one who wihcs to try it. Do not acccit any t'bstittitc. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Ct2. SAW FtIAPm'ClCO , CAL. ( qJIIvuM ( , y , ( pg , lau , JASTINO DISEASES WEA1EN VOIIER. I I fully because they % venIemt you riowly , grattlu' ally. Do muot uullow this waste of body to malee you apoor , tahb3 , Immnttmro man.ilealtim , strength and vimor Is for you wimetlier you be ukim or poor. Time ( Ireat lluilyamm is to be had only from tlmtm ltmmii- lion ! stctlicai Institute. Tmmia wommdcrfumt discovery was inatle by time npeciahita of time old fnmcmms Ilimmi. son atodlcmt immatitute. It hm the stronsyst gamut naost powerful vltaiicr mmmdc. It i so povjerftmi that it is simply womutlertmmi how iiarnmles s it is. You cumm get it from aovlmcre limit frons time Iltilson Medical InstItute.'rlt for circulars stud testlmmmoimiats. 'flmls extraordinary Itejuveuntor Is time nmost mvommderfui discovery of the ago. It has been cmi. dorsed by the i'umdimsg scientific mcmi of Europa ammil Anmerica. JIUDYAN is purely vegetable. 'UVDYAN stops laremuaturemuess of time dia. lmargo in twenty dmiys. Cimres LOtT MAX- StOOD , constipation , dizziness , falling scmmsumtiommc , nerwou twitciming of time eyes and other parts. Strengtimemi , , Immvlgorm.tea ummmd totmes time emmtlre system. 11 I. nsclmemtp ca any otimer remnt-tiy. UVflYtX cures debIlity , mmervousnes , cmni-m. siomma , and develops and restores weak orgnmm. Pains in time back , losMes by .iay or ntghmt btopped quickly. Over ? , OcO private imidorsenaeimts. Prematureness means impotency in time first stage. It ta mu syniptom of senminmil wcalcness and barremmnes. It can be stopped in twemmty days. by time use of lludynma. Itudyan costs no more than any other remedy. SemitI for circuinra and testimommlahs. TAI'IVLD ULOOD-Inmpure blood duo to serious private dlm.ordora carries mnyriada of core' producinggerrms. Then comeseoro throat , pim'mpies , copper colored 8pots , ulcers in mouth , old sores end falling hair. You can save a trip to Hot springs by writlngfor 'Blood Book' to time old pimysicinus of the hUDSON IIED1CAL IrS'rJTVTI , Stockton , 1irarmet sued Emit' tits. . , s.t ratANcasco , CAL. - - - - ( . I hvo pkcedo1he H 00 ' 0 Don't Shrink -a' Woolen Good . ' ; : - No mater what you wash wl' 0WOOL QflAD0 uun # -blank . underwear-all wolen.-they'r the same _ .4 sbo when they come out s. when they went In-and clean. Pure-delicious for cen. the bath At all leadIng dealers Haworlh , Schoddo 6 Co. , 0 \f. ff. . L - - _ _ -1 I . \ 'Pancy Clothes For the Y 0 < < 'U118. . f t This . Is nn off year for ornllllnl hO ' ! ' clothcs-nt lcnsl hcrt' : Io.c Clnc ' clothes thIs SCISOI thln wc C\'CI' hnll , lut lo clhcr- { JUIIOI'S-O 'II lcs-HccCC's-8nI01's-nll { t good 111 ' oilier wiimtt.ymu- illn3'-cnui-'eillg. Incn lms. I-- Hut thc best. Lmlit't of n cotlcll ' Is . coimmtiig-thie imrk'es-ofteii before ! you WCI'C Inlc : 10 Ilr ) : .J , I 1 101nt.s for I smnl stilt just hecause I thelc wns n hit of t'IIIIII/ It. An(1 ( now WC lmt'micse to Mhow 3'Ohi thnl chimer 10110 ICII'I'1 11t10 B. rOtlII(1 fat ln'oilt out uf thnt ' ' boo . ' ' ' I 10lHl 11'01 . fnll' boon.hll. . 0' WO'I'O Ihclolllnl bU ' ' ' ' . buynt's-perhimsps hnJol cl's. $1 25 II oat' Illce tot' . I Inl'l . , Ilxcll cll\lnl Clnl ' stilt . HecCel style CIII , wlh 81111t. collar , ht'alllel , nll HI mIre tlit' s4ieevt'54 I\cT . to get enc lt leIs tUt $ :100. : ( 11111es In Mho\ wllllo\ : $1,25 Out' mice for 1 hlue chl\'lot ! .1UIIOI-O 'IISr style-silk cOlIi1 flOI the 'Ohiit1' II0WI , I til Illrl'Clt ( ( ll'sigmll'I latcls : , too . , Dislmlmiy In om' show w Inmlo' ! ' : ' . $ f 50 1ot. n . hltc . Ilxell , 11nu hle-ht'enRtel ! clw\lol stilt-iteefer slrle- mm1IlIl' ' 011111' , it'uilCl $ t 8 to t$8.50 $ Imtly lmetti't' . sllot. collt. hl'nllell ) , : a.tO 111 1 JOIC hete' llllcs I In Ilow wlliow. I $1 . 75 $ lJ t2.2.5 , $ : .il , $ a.ro represent the other Ilunlte ! we retmill. ! ' ' 'I'ehI ymii whnt'l geol for 'ou. (111 l'oull ntl ! look ; into the j ' ' show \'inIow . Ier I ' lehul Is i thCI'C CI'III' wlliow. Every Rnlillell , SlC nlr- k thin/ you like , step Ilto the ci evmttos' , c oI 01 the second Ihoot' , feel of time clolh Ill hnYe It tlel 01. That much cost you 10thllg nlli I whnt y)3 leal Is 1)lOiit ) . I i I . I' - ll & " I. > Fail 'U-ntnlogtcs arc to he hnl now. ' ' ' ! "U \ - ; I , " - " " - " , --.6- . ' ° ' ! 1---iDI ioLEE ± CCCocor- D ' ' _ _ 0 L Need Clear Heads. B , . = j . Working people need clear D ' 1 heads , sound sleep and gqod diges- 0 [ J tio.n ; for if sick ness comes , what then ? I is cheaper to keep l well . D That "queer feeling" springs from O indigestion. First you "pooh pooh ! " - lJ Then you grow altirined . No need oi'that. A box of Ripans Tabules will set you right and keep you right ; so you can eat , sleep and J . ' I w 0 r k. , J I IiJ I- I , Rrnna Tnbules : Sold by du\gIUs. or by mal . I - - It the price (5 ( cente a box ) Ie eent to The lam- " 1 r- vans Cheunleal , , Company , N. 10 ISpmuce " . N. : 1. , ,4 ' _ , J _ JID DLJD ! _ ID IDL1DL D ONo : . ' DIRECT PROM TI4 TANK. r : I I ( No 11011cr . No Slea" , . . No Enfmccr. , r lle.t lower for Car nUl Feed Stills , Illn - - , - - - . - - - - - - - hay , Ittmmmmmitmg _ Crellorle , Separators , dc ! , ' - to OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES set : 15a ; " . - : - . t Stationary or Portablo. ' . I 1 10 12H. 1' . R to 30 Il. P. ( . - Send ! for Clnl"II ' , 1'Iel's , etc. , descrIbing 3 work to b Ilonl h TKEOTTOCASENCINEWORI(3 , . 4 I 33.1 0170 ut St. . , lJIAUBIPIIAlA. Chicago , 245 La- St. , Omaha , 321 So. 15th St. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ I - : RESTOR ! LOST I 'L VIGOR - ' ( - Wh.n In m doubt " bat to use for Nevoul pemmmumy . I.on of Sexual Power ( I. . eitiie , n . , . . ! .Wly. Pow. . . . . . . . , , , .lhe , e.m Imp.ter.cu. Mropliy Viticoccie anI other ' w.kmeisei . from any uu" . use . , . , . , . . . . . . , ' , . Sc.Ire m'ims. iraIn. it.cke.j .1 rim llor 'Iulelly rUlor. , II ntecmcd , .ueh , , I.tJ . mtouhtci . , . . , ' I , , . , sutt , ( atilSy I , Stalled . anyuber . : , , ' sealrd I , fur $ ioo m C to.c. ror 55 Q Result In 4 week : s nyu a mr.m mr.rnles , , u cur. o , rel.5 , \ lb. : ; r , Aidrcss SHERMAN & McCONNFTY , DRUG CO . _ 11 " . . 'orl ( Rtrt. Ompha Neb. - _ - . . EDVOATIOYAL. - - ' - MARMADIJEEMILITARY INSTITUTE. S 'I'he Great ) lllnr ) ' School II time " ' ' ' ' . ammO Ihouh only tour yeams I old IUls for hue lust Ihrec years lund the larest eOulmenl ! and Ilco/e of alY military school west or time 1Issl.slp- t. III river except uno In Minnesota and Ie the only one In time west that does 10t receive day PUI'US , 'hls ilimmommmenl . 1 ! rIh , Js . Iuu lu .ullerlor . atm- , . . ' ' ' .tltlm mnimwou'enments. cost vnnlues IIVCslhule .hem. H"'enl.II'o ncrcs \ Ih InJrl' Oenle 150.00. ! Prh'ale'nler work. . steam laundry . slenm hen lnG and eleclrlo , c light plnels. 1'Iculy oil UnlverllY grduatu. Army omlictra detailed by . : War department : gy'nnneeul , strati the In81rlclor In charge I pupi ot Bmtr- " - . gc-nt. Lawn tennis fee bal mind < Ll0 bal telds and target rllGe. Alas , . . . NIrpntNahlAUS HAI.r for small hOYR .5 - , ) / Write ror catrI.\ue .to LESLIE MARMAISUKE. Z \et Stmrlnga. Ma - , - - - - - - - EDVOA'I'W ! L KEMPER HALL , Da' J rt A Boys' nrdllg School , Reopens Sept. 18. U95 1"01 Catalogue adtlresa ICIlVI'l H. COIEMAN.A. M.hiead Master AMERICAN CONSERVATORY , lisliet . . .t . Ihuh , iilIlcro.niy.w.bermru.emr.umCImlcaso. , . . ( , , . . , . . , ; . . . ) . Aim br.nd.i Dr Ilalo , itrai.ttc Ar.I.rl. T.achera "uln- Al , . . , , . . , " . , ' ' , , , , , . , . . . . . log , " 001 ua.I.I.I .hUI" " rem. 't'rrn 1oJ.r . .1 lem bCIDI 'ILI , Scud fr CalalDlaa J. J. SIA ITS f SLUT , lilr.t.r . - , - - Va en ] the nmnre.'lnr. , Er.'neh 1' ' - ' ltomnejy CALTHOS ( me , no.1 .i oIvi r. N latui gtmamammteotimatCsm.imos * I- " fiToI t , 1rn1..leu. , , , , , . cumom irnqtnrhcu.S orleeceis \frTh itmmd R1MT0115 I.o. ( Vigor. \ , ' plt C. . Use aiJayt7atisjTd. ' 4 Adiro.VON MOIIL Co. , il , . _ _ _ _ . Rui Arerci. ! s..U , tiede.sii , osm. . Central Mississippi. i I The T B Garden of the Weld ' I . Summers Cool--WlntBrs Mild ! Mean temperature . to e AveraGe rain tail W inches . No long cell winters. No biighting hOl summers. Na blizzards. No drouths. ! Free tuel. Ooad wuter . Time earliest markets In the country The belt prices for fruit and garden Iruck Twenty acres properly worked wilt make you more money and make It easier than time best 16 acres In the west or north , The title has tlred towards the south , the land of quick. cst antI surest results with the least risk and labor One halt the work you do hero will brInK you four times the results In this wonderfully rIch country ; there Is no such thing al failure. The Ieople ! are friendly the climate dellihUul and healhY : railroad facilities nrlt.chu. 1M the whole country bids and pays for what you ral.e. Cattle run out the whole year and do " 'el and two to three crops can bo riised each year. Particulars given an application ; COtreapon- denco solicited . ' I1ioIr r . AII8 . Gon' ' ' Molt . 101 ' antm St" Oinului Ncb - - En v C.t'I'I ONA.L . . BROWNELL HALL. Seminary foi' ' Young Ladies OMAIIA . NRC. Rev nOIEn'f DollELt'rY . 1. : T. D . nector. Fall Term Begins SEPTEMBER 18TH. SEND I FOR CA'\LOGUf : . Harcourt Place Seminary , Ganlbier , 00 "or Cris , Tile ; hlt.'hest Inll'lrclual advitntages.m oeatmtttml smutS cumorlnblo , tiormme . u hountfllahle , and careful aUonton 10 eli Ihal 1''rllns t goomi beailtm . thorougim tmmcmmtai trnlnlng , , reSumed mammmmerl - mmd Ihu boat general cmIt.mrc. ( . 'at'.ie.c'uc. ' .pmiS. UNVEISTY OF NOTRE DAME - TI SIY 8..101 Will Open TIJg8DAY,5'li'T. Ird , 181 : Full Courses In Classics ' . Letter , . Science , Law , FiI Civil And Mechanical Engineering. 'J'horomgh l'retaratery email ' ( ' onum'rrlnl CourM& fit. Icl\ul u miami for boys nnder . 111. l 111' ' ' In lbs Its " ' or"lolene" or 10 equlp".nl. Cataiogmi. " .cimI ( ret' on nl 'lealnn ! to . Cuta10111'h ' . ANIIIIIW tiOlthi.lV.O B C. . . l\ji1\ tamo. 114. - - .lr4 Ohicago Oonservatory of Muslo and Dramatic Art. AVDITO1IiLIM UUlLflhiO cmCACO. 1 A'DITOlUM DULDNO Atm Un'lu.ltl ' Corps otnlurtor. . " .Ulorn.1 .l eon : ol.01.8IIIIIJ , tab. I address J.or catcmtu8Uo 5114 mnforumtmiioo ctnluuo : < IDforul.lol Ior IAUCL Ii3YZhidt I BIruct. 1 ( mw 101' CIT\ . 11V Park . tttim.tt. ( ndJ. Central T L tie J coo tech : 0 I \oudln" & day MiicVhtOMLNT. Mm. . t I. . MOI1UAN . I'rincipaii . MleI.'nO lent laii on term Ipplcalon bOllla , October I , 1)3. l'ro."cCIU" FEMALE ACaDEMY lb 111551 : gride ) ngmlh and Clanical itcheol. Llorr.t ISllrode . . Certiltret. . adnmmts to W.Iiuiy. it tie Art Cour.e. , COtn.l. adrlh II WoU.11.IUl . , jarLtLLoQeIs . J t. , .D\J lr'thdu.1 ! 'S