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SUIrlntendcnt Saw. yer OXpellK the largest enrolment of any frt week In the history of the ciy , The fagot Ilnty to be given this evening under the auspIce of the Young len'l Chris. tlnn as ? ocl:1lon : on the beautiful lawn of H. A. StoLdarll , 120 Second 1\'eIUO , wilt be the mORt novel affair of the oason. The lales of tile Wumen's ChrlRtan as- If soelaUon desire all member who can conveniently - venienty do so to meet at Mrs. Sarah : B. ohrer's , au VIne street , Thur9lay afternoon at 2 o'coclc ! , to malto cmfortera for the hospital. The fagot party tl be given this evening on the lawn of 11. A. Stoddarti 920 Second avenue , promises to be a decidedly novel and , entertaining. I wi ho for the benefit of the Young fen's Christian association , and all are Invited. Can Stewart halt I delightful picnic at lUg Ilko yesterday. The bonny Scota knlJv how to enjoy themselvel on all occasions : and they . overlooked nothing yesterday that would con tribute to the happines of themselves or I tHlr : friends. _ 3.Y. . Jncobs n UnIon Pacifc switchman , fell ttom a water tank In the yards yesterday , and for a time It was thoulht ho was se- rlonsly Injured. The company's physician mode nn examination and found no broken bones , hut ana of his legs severely bmlsctl. BJmo of the old solders ! who have a hankering - Ing after the excitement of political life are not satsOe' with the convention that ro- suIted In such a fIasco the other day and they are taking steps to have another con- venton which will not bo dominated by either party. Jarty. J. M. Thomas Is mourning the death ot a very intelligent and communicative parrot , which , accJrdlng to all accounts , died of pure grlet. Ito left town for a brief outing alll consigned the bird to the care of an Intimate friend. Poll misced his master from the Ont and grieved sadiy. Iefuslng to be comforted and refusing feed from the stran- I , r's hand , ho died of a broken heart. The city council did no\ meet In regular monthly session last night on accolnt of Labor dny. The mayor and several of the members held an Informal meeting tn the city clerk's ofco with the IntentIon of trnns- acting a little business as a committee of the whole , but there were not enough members - hers present and they went homo. The reg- ular meeting will be held this ovenlng. The county baud of supervisors complied with the law which required them to moot yesterday , but after convening they adju nod In deference to 1,1bpr day. Ono of the fIrst thing of Importance that wi come berore them this week will bo the election of I supervisor - V pervisor ot the poor. The most frequently mentioned candidate and the one with applr- enty tue strongest backing Is Peter Dechtee. : . The keeper I of the restaurant charged with lscrlmlnatng against the colored race F'S that the only discrimination he makes Is to have thee whose skin chances to be swarthy given seats In the rear of the room The accommodations. ho says are Just as good- ali the prices the same as for others. Other tahleK are reserved for ladles , and yet ho docs not feel that this Is an unjust dls- crimination. Farm loans made In western Iowa at lowest - est ratea. No delay In clolng leans. Fire and tornado Insurance written In best of com- panies. Dargalns In real estate. LOUOEE & TOWLE , 23 Pearl St. . . The lardman piano Imprves with use. I ' Eli SONALPAILAG ItAP It . Miss Mabel 10nn of Falrmant , Neb. , Is the guest of Miss Elsie Ilonn. United States District Attorney Charles D. Fulen of Fairfield Is In the city. J. II. Doles returned yesterday from a week's visit home and a well eared vaca- tion. tion.Mr. Mr. and ! r. J. II. Sims of the DUdley Duck quartet , who accompanied the Red Oak commanllery to Boston , returned yesterdny. Mr. Ogden , another member of the quartet may locate In the east , and Mr. Thlckstun Is somewhere on the road. The many friends of Mrs. FrancIs Murphy who for so long lived In Council Bluffs . are always glad to lear good tidings of her and of the work In which she and her husband are engaged. At present they are In Durnngo. Colo. . where 1 very successful series of temperance meetings are being held. The Democrat of that place says : "Mrs. Murphy accompanies her eloquent husband , and I great deal of the success that attends his work II due to the practical aid ho receives - ceives from the estimable lady. " UUULINO'I'ON nOU'I'E. .10. . : 1m:7 : ; . .10. . : Counci Bluffs to Louisville , Ky , and re- turn , account O. A. H. reunion less than one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale - Beptembr 8 , 9 all 10. O. M. DROWN , Ticket Agent. The Standard piano next to the lardman , harrIson ' 'clclhoncN Coining . There Is a good deal of sub rosa talk con- cering the Harrison Telephone company , an organization formed In the east for the pur- - pose of meeting and competing with the Del company : throughout its territory. Exchanges have been opened , In many eastern towns , and some In Iowa cities , al\ the sharpest rivalry has been the result . In some instances - stances telephone tolls have gone to $1 per month , and In all Instances there has been 1 lively fight for supremacy. Prospects seem good that the contests will soon b transferred - ferred to Council fluffs. Agents of the new company have been In town for several days quietly looking over the ground and getting acquainted. Their Investigations have so far been on the quiet , evidently with a view of certalnlng whether or not the field Is suf- fcienty promising to go ahead and make , In expensIve fight . I was rumored last even- Ing that they would sound the aldermen In a few days concerning a franchise. No In- guides have been made so far as heard from 0 of any of the city ofllciais. - - Parties using furnaceB-You can save one.thlrd of your coal bill this winter Get one at Cole'a 1895 air-tight heaters for your \ dining room. Use for spring and mu heat all the quIck morning heat through the , winter. Instead of crowding your furnace from I o'clock and shivering till 9 every morning. Our new stove Is very ornamental Fire never goes out. Can have your room hot In five minute after getting up with the wood put In the night before COLE & COLE. They Slnu&hten'll ( ' Colt . Zed Bathers and his next best friend , Fred . Worth , were In Justice Cook's court for 1 low minutes yesterday morning a the re- . stilt of a search warrant issued at an earlier hour ordering the search of the Bethers premIses - Ils for : certain red and white cal \pst \ by named Knotts several . I man Knots nights ago. Knots reported his loss to the police during the night , and early the next mornlg one of tM olces found Dethers making the rounds of the butcher shops trying to sell . just such a calf . A constable searched the : premIses on Third avenue and Twenty-third street yesterday morning A new made grave . was discovered In the rear of the Dethers . barn and In the barn was found the rope ) that lnDtt had used In restraining the 1m. petuolly of his calf. The grave was opened and Knotts' cal brought to itght. Bathers admitted tht he bad kIlled I and ImplIcated Worth In the theft and subsequent tragedy ' Doth were sent to the county jail pending ' , , ' ; ' hearing of the cue next Friday . , - - - - - _ _ . , - - . " " ROYAL Dan ! P'de. . 11.e1if.br ai'J . , . - - I.uhfr Ih y lt : Inll" " " . The memlerl of the A. n. U. celebrated Labor day at 'fana"'a In n temperate and very pleasant manner. While the attend- alice % vas not a large aa the executive com- iuitteo had been led 10 expect , yet the num- her present was sufficient to nil the pavilion 111. all places olcntertalnment around the Grand IIRZI. The exercises were to have commenced It 10 a. in. , but owing to the threatening condition 01 the weather but few Ileople went down before the afternoon. When the program for the afternoon was taken up there were nearly 2,000 people In the Grand Plaza , and they continued to come and go all the remainder of the day. The motor trains after supper were all loathed and the attendance rtchell nearly the limit Oxell by the committee , with the exception of the expected number of A. H. U. men. There were also some disappointments In the program lion W. I. Green of Kearney , Neb. , mlRsel1 the train that was to bring him here aiid wIred the announcement to the aul commitee at noon. W. L Rodgers , the member of the n- tonal executive committee who has been serving a sentence In the Woodstok Jai wIth President Debs , was not present. I wa found that his health was so bally shattered by his confInement that be could not safely undertake any labors In the Interest . terest of hIs organlznton ! , and Instead of i stopping here anti delivering the address ' promised , he was taken directly to the hot , springs In Colorallo. Judge dgerton of Grand Island , Neb. , was substituted for Green on the Irogram. With these exceptions the program outlined In Sunday's Bee was carried oul One 01 the princIpal features on the pro- , gram was the reading of the protest against the federal authorIties for the prosecution of President Deba and confrerea. I was hot and , was given a good deal of additional Ore by the render , T. n , Hughes. The recitation of Miss Edyth Thomas , "ConvIct J00 " was I immensely pleasing , and the little lady was , given an ovation that would have turned a wiser head. The chief event of the evening was the ad- dress 01 Judge dgerton. Ho talked upon the relation of political reform k labor re- form , the silver question , the land question anti the government ownership of railroads , and dried Into politics a Ito by declaring that he stood squarely upon the Omaha plat- lorm. A brief letter was read from Eugene Debs , In which ho ventured to express the hope that the time haul passed when corporations could command the federal armies and the JIlclar and usa them a weapons to beat down and oppress organized labor. A ban- quet was served at Arbor Cafe , Manhattan beach , nt I I ; o'clocl , for the executive board and a number of the organizers of the order. The remainder 01 the evening was devoted to dancing and general amusement. At 9 o'clock there was n brilliant display of fireworks from Manhattan beach. The last portions of the crowd did not get away from the lake until nearly 1 o'cloclt. There was not an accident or an unpleasant Incident to mar the pleAsure of any , and the A. R. U. men are thorouhgly In love with Manawa and the handsome pleasure resorts that grow upon Its banks HOMIdSEEKEILS' XCUHSI : "lt lurlllton Itoute August 29 , September 10 and 24. Low rates to various points In the south , southwest , west and northwest. For full In- formation cal on or address . 0. M. DROWN Ticket 11 , Tlcltt Agent . Your feet need cleaning this muddy weather Those wire mats with your name on at the Durlee Furniture company are the thing. _ _ _ _ _ _ CnrlHle After the Crenuii J. C. Carlisle ] , who formerly 1\'e here , Is having his name given some unpleasant prom- Inence In connection with a trades fight being carried on In Minnesota between two , leading creamery companIes. A rival company - ' pony put In a creamery outfit on approval and claims that Carlisle , representIng the other company , was detected drilling I hole In one of the machines so that It wouldn'l work properly and be therefore rejected In favor of the machLnery he was selling. The two bIg creamery companies concerned have clinched for a deadly finish , and In the hot literature which Is being scattered In the paper battle there several sensational am- davis concerning the relation which Carlisle bore to the hole In the skimmer. So far Carlisle seems to b getting the cream. iI i I The new Bluffs City laundry , 34 North Main : claims less wear and finer work on shirts , collars and cuffs than any laundry II the state Phone 314. The Hardman piano wIns many frIends. I Council Bluffs kindergarten , 16 4th street. Got Awny with llellliiger's Furniture. Dr. Fred Delnger , the proprIetor of the D 1nger 'Surgical institute on West Broadway - way discovered yesterday morning that he had been the victim of a series of serious losses. lie Is making arrangements to re- ! open his instItute. During his absence on the Pacific coast the furnLure has been atored In the building and various watchmen Installed there to take care of It. Yesterday he found that out of sixty-five bads and cots left there , all new and In good shape , only thirteen were left. A large amount of other property was also missing. He notified the police of his loss , and the ofcers are endeavoring to locate - cate the stolen property and the thieves - - We have leased the L. O. Inots & Co. coal yards and will furnish all kinds of coal , I weighed on city scales , ton and over , without I extra charge. A. J. Deed & Co. , Yes , the Eagle laundry IS "that good ' laundry , " and Is located at 72' Broathvay Don't forget name and number. Tel 157 I In doubt about this try It and be convinced G'IIII"N. Jt'sveMNes . Indians . To people who pass down Second avenue tonight a picturesque scene will be presmted as they approach the home of Mr. H. A. ' Stodllard , 920 Second a\enue. where the Young Men's Christian asoclalon lawn social and fagot party will be held. The blazing torches will tel the people where to come and the unique features of the enter- tainment that have been planned cnnnot fail to both Interest and Instruet. Eeverybody , both ladle and gentlemen , arc invited to come and all are request to bring a bundle of fagots to be thrown on the central camp fires . also bring plenty of songs , stories , Jokes , riddles , etc. l\III"'I'N No' , ) lnrHhl"1 In Trouble . Mnnnwa has 1 new marshal , who was Just appointed to the position yesterday. His name Is Eu II Wright. lie signalized his ad- vent Into power by getting Into 1 fight last night wIth Colonel Heed's gatekeeper , John O'Drlen. The new marshal attempted to force his way Into the Grand Plaza anti was prevented by O'Drlen. A few moments later when the later was busy and off hIl guard Wright struck him a heavy blow In the face with his fist , cutting a gash three Inches long. Wright then got away A warrant arrest. will be Issued today for the new .rnarshal's . No 1Ihlr II ) OhNo'r'nne. ' Organized labor did not take advantage of Its holiday yesterday In any other way than I to enjoy n goo quiet rest. With the excep- ! ton of the American Railway union celebra- ! ton at Manawa there was nothing visible toindicate the nature of the holiday . There were no parades and no gatherings of any kind to commemorate the day. Members of organizations who did not go to the lake went to Omaha , and went Into the country on private picnic expeditions . - Curd ) t Thanks . I We desIre to thank our neighbors and frIends \ho originated and carried through the benefit for our Ilt Arthur and whose sympathy and kindness has sustained us through our sore trials We earnestly hop none of them may ever be rendered such sufferers as we have been . ME AND ms. HARRY EVANS. lardman and Standard plaups , 13 N. 1GIt. _ his Wife hit'lentt'ul . II. 'lo' Ht'h.lt'11. Mrs. A. J. Kirk , U\e Island Pak woman whose husband was arested ( , charged with at- I tempting to murder her wth a poker relented I when ai found that I Jho Jrcaed the case , her husband would probaby : be lent to the penItentiary. ler father filed the Information ' , charging murderous assault but she asault , now In- tenenes and asks to have the case dismissed. .Juhiis ' \ ' . l'uul All Itighit John W. Paul seemed to be his old self lat night when visited by a number of his friends ILls eye was bright and the old genial smile that charms his friends had returned - turned While apparently able to look after business again , he has wisely concluded to lay around and loaf for a few days longer. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Head Davis' ad Dais sells hamm.ika ! so p. . _ _ _ . _ _ _ nt'gA VISTA S'V.i'VE 1l/tNIC CI.OI ) . lonn 'rOWI In ' \'hlch 1uost. IhlHlnCHH ) i&.t tuululs Cause Trouble . STOHM LAKE , la Sept. 2.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Great ) excitement prevails over the closing of the Buena Vista State bank De ! poeltors are largely people with earning of year entrusted to the bank Its doors were closed this morning and a big crowd fills the streets. I would only need a word to lend to deeds of violence , the loose business methods of the Lemon family , who ran the inetituition . Into bankruptcy , being very apparent - parent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Illh II nil. I'surk CIUO'It. HClrlln I " . DES MOINES , Sept. 2.-(8pcclal ( Telegram. ) -Tho highland Park College company has filed articles of incorporation here. Its capItal - Ial stock Is 200000. James McCaughan , Charles Olcrest and W. W. Fink are the Incorporator The Institution has property valued at $500,000. but has been In litigation for three years. I was roll at uilierirt's sale two weeks age for $50,000 , and the present company Is the reorganization. Clnlrc"HIUln Iolh'o'r to \'cil. FORT DODGE , la. , Sept. 2.-Speclol ( Tele- gram..The ) engagement Is announced of Congressman J.P. Dolver and Miss Lonlse Pearson of this city. Mr. Dolver represents - sents the Tenth Iatrlct. Miss Pearson Is the daughter of wealthy parents. The wed- ding will take place early In November. Silver IemocrntM Name n Tlcl.t. CRESTON , la. , Sept. 2.-(8peclal ( Tele- gram.-Tho ) 'free olIver democrats of Clarke county have nomInated a free silver ticket. They expect the admInistration democrats at their convention - to endorse their candi- dates. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Struck by It i'ortluwestt'rn Truuluu JEFFERSON , la. , Sept 2.-Spoclnl ( Tele. gram.-Charley ) Fleck and his team were struck by the Northwester train nt a cross- Ing welt of Jefferson this afternoon. Fleck's condition Is critical . l nllnl'lr Killed 1) ' 1 Street Cur DUDUQUE , Sept. 2-Speclal ( Telegram.- ) John ltosser a veteran engineer of the Chicago Great " 'ester aged 15 , was killed while trying to board a street car. whlo - . - . - CI..1nr It'1,111H Opera house Uc.Ut'nte.\ . CEDAR HAI'IDS , la. , Sept. 2.-Speclal ( Telegram.-Tho ) remodeled Green'o opera house was opened tonight by Roland Reed with over 2,000 people In attendance . Clinton Pnrmo'r igilleul. CLINTON la" , Sept. 2.-Speclal ( Telc- gram.-Frank ) Donahue , a farmer aged 10 , was instantly Idled by I Milwaukee passenger - gcr train this morning. p ' The Illcnl I'nunceuu. James I. Francis , alderman Chicago , says : "I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for coughs , colds and lung complaints , having used It In my family for the last five years , to the exclusion of phy- slclan's prescriptions or other preparations. " Hev. John Durgus , Keokuk , Iowa writes : "I have been a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church for 60 years or more and have never found anything to beneficial or that gave me such speedy relief as Dr King's New Discovery. " Try this Ideal cough remedy now Trial bottles free at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. . . G'mnnMte ClasseS IcAln 'Vork. The Young Men's Chrlst'Rn association starts In this evening with Its gymnastic couses. The class which meets every day of the week except Saturday and Sunday at 6:15 : , convenes for the frt time this even- Ing. Other classes are to be organized soon , consisting of those who find ether the hour of 6:11 : or 8:16 : In the evening more con- venient. Besides this , a business men's class will meet at 1 : , to meet thre3 days In the week. This class organizes Immediately aLec the fair. The work In the gymnasium , It ts : promised will be very thorough , and ns soon i as the men are In proper shape will bs made mora Interesting by a series of cmlesls , which are arranged to bo curled out during the winter months. C""u' INhlll Trnln Wrecked BROOKLYN , Sept. 2.-Englne No. G , haul- Inc a Sea Beach train bound for Coney Island , became unmanageable about 3:30 : this morning and caused the wreck of the train. One person Is reported killed and thirty In- jured. The names have not yet been ob- tained. Three of the cars In the wreck caught ' fire and are now burning. Three of the other cars were telescoped. Among the Injured are : Joseph Franltel , Friedman Onr- rett , Kate Coney , Louis Held , Patrick Matthews - thows , Morris Frnkel , John Bake and Frank Hegnn. The wreck occurred near Denson- hurst. _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ Anothcr JUnrllcr Lnll to holmes . DENVER , Sept. 2.-J. W. Hummel of Sandwich , Ill. . has written to 1 friend In thIs city suggesting that H. J. Gregory and hIs 9-year-olc daughter , Dee , who disappeared from their home In Kearney , Neb. . March 6 , ,189' , may have been victims of I. H. Holmes. Kennedy had $1,000 In his possession when be left home. He formerly worked at HOldrege , Neb. , for J. W Burnett , a real estate dealer In this city. There Is no evidence - Idence that Gregory ever had any business relations with Holmes. . Irt'u'cr Irenkl nn Aria . George Roth sustained n severe fracture of the let arm yesterday afternoon at 440 : o'clock In an accident which occurred undel the Douglas street bridge lie was driving a team anti the horses became frightened at a passing loconuotivo. They started to run away and overturn the wagon Roth was thrown to the ground In such a way that his left arm , Just above the wrist , was brolten. The police were notified and the Injured man i was taken to his home at 1705 South TwentyI I Ort street. - . . IrUllltHrrh'e In h1Jen'er. DENVER , Sept. 2.-0no hundred and twenty-five wholesale druggists arrived In Denver from the east on a special train over the Burlington road today Their twenty-second national convention wi open this evening and the sessions wilt continue all the week - " _ LATE NEWS \ FRO I TffK ORINT - . , Foreiger Being Made t Pay for the Mis- fortunes of W ni. , ANOTHER VIEW OF TIlE CHINESE MASSACRES - HllntonN 11'h"lln Jnllnl nl1 IllNNlt So tliufrii'nuhy hint hitter " 'nr IN i 10UI1 to leHul Sooner or Lnter. SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 2.-Chester hot- comb , who has just returned from China after twenty-ono years' service In the Amen- can legation at Peking , Fays the recent massacre Is traceable to the result of the recent China-Japan war. "At the commence- ment of the recent war between China anti Japan , " said he , "it was generally feared that the lives of foreigners In China would bo In great danger as long aa the war iasted. As a mater of fact , there was prac- tcaly no danger as long as the war lasted , : antI It Is only since the hostilities ceased that the danger has commenced , We have ' haul proof 01 the fact In the recent massacres , anti I think I cnn explain the reaeon . In the frt place , the great mass of Chinese arc dlsnppolnted with the result of the war and are taking revenge on all the foreIgners whom they can kill with impunity. In the second place , the killing and pillaging receives - ceives great encouragement by reason of the depredations committed by hordes of disbanded - , banded soldiers all over the country The Chinese govermen has 1 peculiar method of disposing of Its troops at the close of a : war. When the soldiers are no longer needed they are dIscharged from service at the place whipre they happened to bo at the time. The fact that an army may be several hundred or a thousand miles away from home when It Is disbanded and the fact that the soldier may not possess any means of get- ting home does not Interest the government - fluent In the least. The troops are turned ' loose , and , to use an American expression , they have to 'bent' their way back to the place tram whence they came That they should pillage and commit depredatons Is therefore only natural to such people under sl'ch circumstances and tranquiiy will not reign In China for some titne. "Just beforE I left Japan 1 learned tlat an American missionary who had been laboring near Peking since 1869 had been assaulted and severely cut with a knife. Ils name Is D. S. Sheffield and 1 have known him quite well foa yenrs. I Is only fair to the other , side however ' , to say that the assailants were arrested and will be tried for their offense. I such prompt acton was taken In the cases of the other offenders the wholesale killing of missionaries In China would be speedily stopped. I Is almost ImpossIble , however , to mete out justice to offending Chinese In the Interior provinces and the fault Is the fault of the government. " . Mr. Holcomb mid that the most InterestIng - Ing subject In the Orient outside of the missionary troubles Is the coming conflict between Russia all Japan. "That Japan : and Russia are engaged In a controversy which wi eml In war goes without eaying " bo said , "nnd the opening of hostltes Is not far oft. The Japanese \ave a big griev- ance against Russia and Russia ,1 i preparing to make things warm for tie Japanese. The other day 1 was told very frankly that Japan would live to rue the day when she permitted herself to become mixed up In a war with China. I has given Hus31n an opportunity she bas long waited for. "No one knows better than 1 how narrowly - newly Japan . escaped I war with Russia when she .got through with her war wIth ChIna. The Japanese were EO Incensed at Russl's attude In the . mater of the i cessIon of Llao-Tung peninsla that the Jap- nnese officials talked seriously 'of engaging In a squabble with Hussla. I was In Japan a the time and heard It all . A certain member of the Japanese cabinet . whose acquaintance - quaintance 1 made when he was sent to Peking as Japanese minister China , said to me at the time : "Russia has six Iron- clad battle ships. We hue but one and that we captured from the Chinese. I we had but four Ironclads , or only three we would defy Russia ' That Is Just what Russia wanted them to do Russia will yet eo aggravate the Japanese that they will de- chore war. Then Russia will attempt to drive the Japanese out of Corea , where they are now masters of the situation . The Jap- anose are dictating affairs In Corea , for , i while the king still remains on the throne , be does nothing that counts In authority. The fight between Russia and Japan will be over Corea and I will come just as soon at Russia finds she wants the opportunity. " a opportuniy. Mr. Holcomb leaves for Washlngtpn to- night _ _ _ _ _ Dun 1 lghtH CIIH-lroUIII. . BAYONNE , Sept. 2.-Serous ) disturbances - ances followed the police Interference polce yesterday - terday with the bull fighting here An angry mob aNembled about the sub.pre- fecture , crying to time ofcial to resign , and trying to force open time doors. A detachment - ment of time mounted police was summoned , which charged and dispersed the crowd. The mob reassembled In greater numbers antI proceeded to the house of the mayor and the police ofcials , which they pelted with stone Troops were called out to protect the officIals . Th crowd continued to noisily parade the streets until 2 o'clock this morn- Ing Quito a number were Injured during the night. Others were arrested , but released later. Shn t thl ; Non-W'orkers . CARDIFF , Wales , Sept. 2.-The Trades Union congress opened here today with 44. delegates present. The proposed change m the constitution of the body , limiting the choice of delegates to those who are actually actualy working lt trades will , It Is expected , encounter - counter much opposition , becauo It would ohut out from participation In future con- greases many active trade unionists , as . for Instance , J. Iclr handle , Tom Mann , John Burns , M. P. , and Henry Droadhurst , M.P. Sultan COItnueN to Tt.mllor r. CONSTANTINOPLE , Sept 2.-The promIsed - Ised imperial decree proclaiming general reforms throughout. the Turkish empIre did not appear yesterday , the anniversary of the sultan's accession , as was expected The ambassador of the power Interested are now insisting upon the appoIntment of a mixed committee of control. No Truth In HCllort'll IUot. LONDON , Sept. 2-Archdeacon Wolf has sent a cablegram to this city stating that the reports of riots In Foo-Clowt China , are un- true. According to theee"dlspatches " , a mob attacked , the AmerIcan Imlllon , Injuring four native scholars and f6rctlthe ' American < teacher to flight. ' ; ' fl' f .SnI11Irt'NHo'll n Uerii N.'vmiiupcr. BERLIN , Stpt. 2.-The Vdrwerts has been confiscated , owing to am { tuitniotic ' uter- minces The editors _ will -4" be brosecuted " . May Not lie Pmlterr - After All. ZURICH , Sept 2.-A illtthr. \ ' has been arrested - rested at a first class h01el here who was at frt supposed to bo W. It Foster of New I , l * York who dll\pCare. with $193,000 of the New York Produce Exchange 1 lund lion . James O. IroJdheld , United States minister to Switzerland , ruppleel the police with photo 01 Foster some tm since , aDd requested - quested them to be on the lookout for him I I now doubted whether the mln under arrest Is Foster BI the photograph 01 the mining man do not serve to identify him 1.11" Not n Ihultnlllt. LONDON , Bept. 2.-ln reply to an Invlta. ton to join a parliamentary committee for time purpose of lurtherlng the proposal for an Intcrnatont conference having In \101 nn agreement for the adoption of no interim- tonal system of currency , Sir John Lelg , senior member of larlamlnt for the city 01 Dundee , answered as follows : "I fear thAt If I Joined the committee It would be auumeel that I hall become n bhnetalst , wherea I never ha\o been able to see how n double standard could work , one of the metds being practically immovable and the other R very movable quantity. At time Imo time I nm In favor of an international conference , upon condition . dlton that the member be not delegated to represent fixed views but sent with free minds. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Anu.rlcnnN " ' 11 I xhlhl nt Torumuto TORONTO , Sept. 2.-Amerlcans are taking great Interest In Canada's fair which opens here on Tuesday. Every mal brings large numbers 01 Inquiries for Information from the states , and leading manufacturers of hitmifalo . Cleveland " Detroit , Rochester anti other cites have sent In mora applications for space than can be complied with . Arrangements - rangements have been made with the railways - ways whereby many Knights Templar will stop over on their way homo from the Beaten . ton conclnve. Lange excursion parties tram Cleveland , Detroit , Buffalo and mnny other points have been arranged for , and the attendance - tendance bIds fair to exceed that of any previous year. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1' IIIHh Sort" A.lnonIHh"II. LONDON , Sept 2.-An editorIal ! In the Graphic this morning advises Englishmen , considering Valk'rlo's tenderness In a wind , not to be cock sure of . her wlnnirmg. SIAII , NOTES TO IO\'B TIlE ClOt'S. Iemnl11 II'ou lheTrensuury Not NO Grout IH Commou. WASHINGTON , Sept. 2.-The furnishIng of small notes all silver dollars to met the demand for money to move the crops II likely to absorb the energies 01 the Treasury department during the next few weeks more than the demand for gold. The demand Is not so active this year as It has sometimes been and It Is said that the national banks are better equipped than usual with small notes. Their surplus of notes Is larger anti the treasury itself has been making its recent shipments of money In notes for $5 and $0 There 19 n large supply of both these denominations - le- nominations In the currency reserve vaults of the treasury. The supply of notes for $1 and $2 Is not so large but can be increased - creased If necessary. There Is little dis- criminaton In the demands upon the treaury aa to the character of time paper currency sent out , so long as I Is In new bills for small denominations. The usual policy of the department Is to unload silver certificates as far 1 possible , to follow these by Sher- man treasury notes , and to retain the old legal tender notes until the last ThIs diffusion - fusion of small Sherman notes In distant pats of the country prevents their presentation - ton at the sub.treaurles for redemption In gold anti the healing of the legal tender cuts off In a measure the excess of currency - rency redeemable In gold . at New York. Cont"llouH iiueutst's AIen's : HygIenic Fluid has been found a positive preventive of scarlet and typhoid fevers diphtheria , small pox anti other con- tlglo\s Ilseases , Mothers should atomize their chlhh en's thrnt and nasal organs with It morning and evening. . AI'llcnlc.l to the I'mhme CHICAGO , Sept. 2-Tho -commltee of Chicago Methodist clergymen apPJlnte to ask 1opo Leo Xll to aid In securing ro , Iglous liberty to the Protestants of several South American countries reported today. The report stated that the mater had been placed before the Catholic nuthort : s at Rome and that they bad given ' assurance that the petition \v.oull bo carried to the pope. The commitee expressed the belief that the mater would receive favorable consid- eraton by Leo XIl and that the agitation of the question would result In great benefit to the Protestants of Peru , Ecuador and Do- livia. _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ Pt'ln'e Snll to lie 11 1 Trap . MINNEAPOLIS , Sept. 2.-Tho wheat trade here Is excited over the well authenticated report that F. H. . Peavey , tIme bIg elevator man , Is " 'ong" ' .on September wheat and wishes to settle with elevator companIes and avoid delivery. I Is a case of a quarrel among elevator men They have not forgiven Peavey for forcing cuh wheat to a prem'um a yea ago and eating up theIr carrying charges. I Is now a questIon of delivery . Time elevators propose to deliver to Peavey , much to hIs disgust. THOUSANDS OF WOMEN i Miseries. ! . BRADFIELD'S ere. Female Regulator , ACTS AS A SPECIFIC By Arousing to Health , AcUon all her Organs It Cuui.r. Stealth to nloom , Rod Joy to Reign 'rhroulhout the Jntre 'ruloe. IT NEVER FAILS TO REGULATE. "Sly \lte h"s been under trelment or lending phy. ucla , , , three ye"rs. wlhont bene'lt. AStir . three bottie . at flhAflFELD'5 { rM.&K nEOU/.AOI M\'r mime can do her own eookmnir , muumibIig end waihmumc. " N.H. lfm ' , 11nte : : Als. nRADFIELD IEGULT01 { CO. , ATLANTA , GA. I , . 80ld by dluWglls at 11,0 per bottic . D r.D. G.GOLDING SPECIALIST Dlseaou of time Nooe , Throat , Private , Skin , Blood , Nervous anti Chronic tlseaaee. Consult- laton tree and conlhlenUal Treatment by mall. Correspondence pmmpUY answered. Mel- Iclno furnished from OreI Cal or write. Of- flee hours , 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. 'Sunday 9 to 12 Consultation looms . Nos , 04.205 Douglas Bock , a. ic. corner IClh and Doge streets , OMAIA , N 'E : : -----'ats _ , : .50'- We send the msr.inum , , French 'aim ItemeJy CALTHOB rr. , smut a lvi legal guaranteethatCtLTmmom .eill BE t4t P s and ! CF.4tfUItE S.o.S ' , 'ior , ' 4 Use ii and ay i/so 1is/'I , , AddeuVON MOHL. Co. , - % _ ) item , au. . . a1..i. , ( led.itI , OSmo , - . . - - . - . FIRST NATIONAL BANK { --op- Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , . . . $100.000 WE SOLICIT YOUR IIUSINIdSS. 'VE lIdSiitld YOUR COLLECTIONS ONE Ol TiE O"H ST I&NICS IN IOWA I PEI OlIN' ' PAID O : TIME HidI'OSI'I'S CALL AND . SEE us OIL WhIl'E. - - - - sI1i&A1NBItIDl : AUorneya.II-I..ny , BAINBIDGE I Practce tn the State and Federal Courts. Rooms 307-8,1. Shu gad . Dlock Councl , Blurts . Iowa. Special Notces .Gounci Bluffs CIMNEYB CLEANrn : VAULTS CLEANI Ed - Ilturk . . at W. S lom . ' a. f Uromm iwmmy. FOR BENT ; cpT-T 1B5L CORNER STOREroom : room ICNT , In SII'p lok Stea'l heat Centrally located. E I. Sheafe & Co. WANTED , A GOOD GmL FOR OSNEiIAL GFNCIAL housework sod good cook. . 105 Sixth avenU ' - - - - - - - - WANTED. OfIthFOit GENERAL. nous am. , OFNEnAL work ! . . B. hlagg . C East Ileree 'treet. Felt SALI FINE SlmTLAND PONY , TO. Iether with cart , sleigh rnn n. harness and saddle. - Address - - - - S . 31 , , lee 0111cc. WANTF.D A 0000 GIRL , FOR OINImAI , h'uB.work : small family ; must know how to cxk . 617 Fourth itrect , _ ( 61 r"h _ atrr"t. FOIl nUNT , ' TiE EM1mT nOUS1 . NO 152t 8. 61h street ; a good business If laken at once Inquire No 61 161h av nUe. - - - - - - - - - - - - WANTED Olt.n CMPANION : GO TO school avenue. and t light houlewurk Apply 105 1h . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - : - - $5.00 A MONTH . UNTIL CURED - - - - - - - - THIS I IS I THE RATE NO\V OFFEHED TO ALL , . - - - - - - - I'enlmlt. In Slut' City tutu Thu'se " In UI"tn'nt Haute. Are lnv'iteii 1'10111. li thl CI ) 1111 10mI. Arl 11.lcll to Ao- , , . . . . . . . . . ecmt-ll cmiii Ih'low tilts 1)\111111 I or Ch : ron I. 11..u" - L'nt ( treat numbers of Ilcople surer from the malign poisons of tntnrh : , al from other . stmbtlo chrnlc maladies , wihout any correct - rlct or , 'eflio ' Wen of the nature of their "Octon : , The following s'Iloms 111" been carefuly urranlld to enable many sufferers to understnnll just what I Is that ails them Many 111selEes , known under vn- rlous peciflc names , are really of n cn- tnrrhal origin anti nnture. lIvery hart of the mucus mem\lrnnl. the nose , throat , C'el ears , head , lunga , stomach , liver , bow- cia , kidneys and \ blnddel one subject to dispose - ' pose anti blght by catarrh Time proper 'I course for sufferers 11 this : Read thclo symptoms carefully over : mlrk those that apply to our case and hiring this wih you to Bra Copeland and Bhclmrll , I you live away from the city scnel them by mail anti , ask for mall treatmuent. In either instance . stance , anti whethcr by mal or olro treat- ment , the patient mn ) ' le nssurcII of the peellest relief ali cure posslhle to cnlhht- oned medicine Time : .ff ( rate II for all , ,1'0 II'Hlrl Iooll liesilthu . 'hiH mlnll flint for t'IH'h nnll ' , ' ' trl'ntmL'nt ever ) month 01 I rema I mum tntl t'nrt.t time fei' I" Ommi I ) ' 1.10. imm'ui Iciuies fret' . S'n.1 for 1'IItnn imhiuumk or cnl nt thc o I c. ' time fl't.c . eoimsultntiimm . Ih'Aln no" . C.rAIII of thc I" .I ANI ) Tlln.\T. ' 'hl UHnnl Stnrth'l Inlnt In thl' Pro- Ir"HHh'e Inlnmmntnr ) ' l1ims'ehstcmt , of ni tilt. : lncouN Sumrfnccs "Is " Ihe I breath foul F' " 1. the Voice husky ? " "Do spit slime " YOI ' up slme7" "Do nCl" : nIl ' " - you " 0\'er7" ni "Do you blow Clt scat's ? " "Zig your nOM IOI'I",1 tip ? " "Uooes ) ' 011 mince dl.chnrle7" "Do. the nose bleed e sl7" "I there tIckling In the throat ? " "no crBIH form In time nose ? " , "Ii the nose sore and tender "no ) ' 01 sneeze n neat deal ? " "Doos the nose Itch and burn ? " "I there pain In front If lical ? " " 15 there pain across time eyes ? " "Is there pain In time back of head ? " "Is ) ' 011 sense or smelt leaving ? " "Do you hawk to clear the throt 7" "I" there a dropping In the throat ? " "IS the throat dry In Iho niomning ? " "Are anti IOIII the sense of taste ? " "Do you sleep with the mouth open ? " CA'I'AHIUI ( i' TilE STOItACIIs . An lam Iluia.aummiu'tory Eln'cloluncJt of the ) ilticoums Surfaces of time' Stnlllh. UHunl ) ' lIne to Cntnrrllil l'oIHnll' Hecch'I.1 Ilrcet ) ' I ° rein thc 'l'lmroiit "Is there nausea 7 "Are you costive ? " "tB there vonuiting ? " "Do you belch up gas ? " "Are you l h'held.,17" "is your tongue coate. ? ? " _ _ _ _ _ _ non , " 'llr , you water brash , " . 0 you hawk and spit ? " "Is there lain sftr eating ' " . I'/in " / Atr utn" . "Ar you lon OUI nnll weak 1" "no : YI have sick l'OlachU ' ' " ' \0 yeti tIOlt UI' after cc Imn' ? " : "I : Ihe" dl.fI t to ireskiust 1" - has-a thtstre. " 11\'e )01 It.tle ! " otter utng ' "is hour Ihro/lt ( flhlol umitim .11meV' ) . "lh nl.1 .lm. . " , 10 you at limuics haVe dlnrhoe 7" . "I : tune rl.h nl bko.l to the head 7" . , "I. Iloe constant bnd taste In moulh 7" : ' 1. there gnawing semustion In the stomach ? ' .ol"alon . 'Do iou feel i though you had lead In the Stc.msc'hT" I ) " \\hen you get till sul.nly nre ) ' , ) dIKI7" tah : ; ; hen your tlnlch I 111'1) ' dO YOI feel : : 10 ) ' 01 boteh tip material thaI tnmrns throat 7" " % % lien .1011neh Is run do )01 leel upiire.me.17" C.\'I'\ I I I UP : 1hliCillA1. 'l'Une ' \1 In 1IIIml h,1) ' Cisuialit lout nf the Irolchln I miumimeslimu tcl' S'lt'lthot. ' \'lt Cntnl'ri . nf the 'lhr'llt. " 10\0 you R cough h7" . "Are ) ' 01 losing mitch ? " " \o ) 'UI cough at night 7" "llmmvo YOI 1'ln In 01te7" ' - " \o you lake cohl el"I)7" "Uo you cOllhul ) ' 11 ) gag ? " " 10 you raise flolhy . mlle.ln\ "U" ) ' 01 spIt UI' yellow nuttier ? " "Do you . cOlgh on going 10 ben ? " " 10 . ) .01 cough In tin rolnll * 01" " ltu , ) .olr cough 810rt all hlclnI7" " , , 00 you (1 tim IUe ehee.y lumuips ? " " II . there ( 1 < 1lul Ilohln,1 , I the rn11117" ' " 1.le ) 01 pnln bohln.t time br.lsn"e7" "lo ' ' . ' wnmkerl" 10 ) 01 feel ) 'OU Ile glowing " , "I lucre ( n burlnl 1"ln I In time Ihlolt 7" ' " 1)0 ) IU tough "olse imlglml aunt mornings ? " "Uo you have to sit lt.nlghls to get breath ? ' C.t'FAltItii ' Ol ? 'i'ilLd ICIUnyS. An Immlhsummsmuuimtit'y ' 1 1"'lnIUUt'nt of t lie 111'nuH Summ'fnt't'n tt tim . . lCitl lie ) ' . , S'II'ltu.te'Ith Ontll'1111 l'olaost- hug of t lute Illusomi. "no your bonnie and feet swell ? " . " , "Are the ) ' colt ! slut clammy "hm ( lucre \111 In smul 01 back 7" " , , ' " "I the urine Inrk aunt cI01(1)7" D008 n dOI".lt form "hln left standing "Is there n desire tn Itt II' nt night ? " "Do , , you seespOi . floatIng itome ) 'uur ' eOn "I Iho skIn drip curl harsh ! ? " ) "IN , time hnlr dry and 1 > lle7" " "line Uw rorplrnUon abn,1 oSor ? " "I . . there \ulne.8 ulder the eyes ? " "Aro theme dark rings alOll1 the eyes ? " "hiss skin Ionic ? " "lns lime n waxy lol ( "Do you see Inplensant timIngs whIle asleept "Do the joints Imln and ache ? " "Uo the legs feel too heavy ? " DRSI COPELAND ) & SHEPARD , ROOMS 312 AND 313 NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING , OM AlA , NED. Office Iour9 to 1 a. m. : a to I p. m" Eve nlnKK-Wednesdn anti Saturdays only 6 to 8. Sunda-IO . to 1 m. , fl's ' , ' r S . , , _ , - - . _ , _ S _ F . _ t - - . - ' 5 , 5 \ The money you paid last year for fuel that was wasted : 5- . , would go a god way toward buying Jcvc1 Stoves and Ranges " -the 4 kind that don't waste Fuel isn't the only thing they save ' S -they spare your time and patence . Our trade mark i 01 . . , - every genuine Jewel. Ask your dealer for them. . WM. LVLE DICKEY & CO" , Omuha , A. C. RAY1IER , South Omairn . . . I _ , - " --S - . S I - p ' RESTORE L7- ( ( LO viao 57' S . _ When i. doubt what io use ( or h'enous flelilimy , Lou of Sexual Power ( ii , either _ - Result In 4 su , eeLs. e. t. . . . ontet we give a hiral guarsnee ma ce , , o , reunI , 11w m.neu' . Ad.les . S SHE11MAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO Th1. ° , Dodo street Omnbn , Nob. 7 I ' If Si ) it is to your Interest to select tlitt : I'eolnt D 0 s'it1cli pelts olr thu ncct.'ssity of I'dp.liiItiilg for tioe longest period. 'flac paints nltiItlftcturetl - - % oii : by the IIEA'I'JI & MILLIGAN MFG. CO. fill lii _ l'Cqthlreialent. They laitvc been sold foe' the past forty years and have vois thu distlisatlon of be PAINT S iig the isiost dtir.tbhi and ecotionaical. ' DRUG , PAINT D I S' AND GLASS HOUSE Carries thu most complete steak ot Drugs , I'tints ttiitl Glass In Cotliltall BluiTh. Cjailor write for prices or color cards. -3 r . ART GhAS Of the most beautiful pattern. , original designs , and time prettiest fancies of archhi tects and home builders faitimfuhly an d artistically reproduced. PLATE GLASS- From a single window to car tots , GLAZED SASH- All stock sizes , and any special size or shape desired furnished at less than any competitor's prices by the COUNCIL BLUFFS PAINT , OIL & GLASS CD The largest exclusive house In Western Iowa. Send for prices on estimates. - ' 4aSOh11C Temple Bttildltig , -4 ' , NGLISHMEN are now talking of a new - E : light in literature. They say Max Pemborton is the coming man and that his work is sureto become more popular - ular even than that of' Conan Doyle , His mtlmpregnable City , " "Jewel Mystorlos I Have Known , " "Iron Pirate , " "Sea\Volves" \ and the Ilrscnumbers of "Th Diary of a Valet , " have made a remarkable success in England. Our readers will be glad to learn that we have secured the four con- eluding numbor3of "The Diaryot" a Valet , " the first of which entitled , "The Phantom Staircase , " will be published In our daily issues , commencing September 3. It is a thrilling story of adventure In the slums of Paris , It shows that the author has a powerof narratlonqulleas new and forceful as that of' Stevenson. You must read Pemberton or be behind the times ,