Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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    : . . . . . . > -I ; ; : : -V-- --L1Th - : . - - ; . , _ _
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c 2ApAx. DEE
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- - - _ - - - -
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- tOHtWAT1fl. J0ttor. :
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] 'UI.Iflf' ! IWlmy - MOtNINC. ) -
- -
Ttml ; Ol sUIJC1tI'TrnN. (
Vllh' flee ( Wilott Rm.d"y ) , One \ r..S 8 I
1)aIIy nee nntl tinJy , One Yar . . . . . . . tG O (
Ill nalY . nnl . . ttnJ"y . . . . . . . . \tar. . . . . . . . . . GO
7ht. . JnnthH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 r ,
tunly , H. . . Oln Yeir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Halm"ay ; , Bee , tine 'iar . . I
. . . . . . . . .
y.a. . . 11
( , " . ' kly 1. " . One Yenr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. OFI"lerS. :
Omnh. . Tlu JI.e fluIt4n .
. .
'l. J e nul"n
Imith flninlirt. Slller lilk. , . Corner N And 2Uh S' .
Council \ I rr ! . 1 I.nrl 8trt.
Chlcll 01. : 17 Chnmb.r nf Corre" " .
Ntw Ycrk n.m :1 1 ! . 1 Hn.1 1 o Tribune fluIIding .
" 'khlnJlon , II F Rlr.el. N. W
COItP fiPONfl1Ci.
Mt ccrnimuntentlonfi tPUttInR 10 ntWO nn1 ' .1-
Al 1.1"llnR
tonal communlCAlon. lnler ,1'0111 ' h. ndtt . ' " . .11 'ro the 1,1 lor.
IRINr ! ! SH ltTTJnS :
All ttIInC'q Irle , nn(1 ttmltnncu , holld b.
" .1rtsco . 10 'fho . nnl Ilbl.hlnl Company .
OmAh" , Drntt' ' cn . 18 nn4 , 1"II"rrt o.lero 10
ba madc . pnrnb ! 10 tIi , or,1r . ot 'h ' 000lpfliV.
1,1 tomfn'l.
TIm urE ! lm.WINO COM 1N \
t u - - - - - -
a.OflO I. 'J"chlrlc ) , "lcr.tarr of The lee Pub.
10hlng cnmpaIy : . h.lnl , duty eworti . eay . that
the actual numh.r or tuft and cnlptelt cp1e ot
the Daily MnziIng , . gvenln tn" $ unlay l e
prlntl durIng th , ! month ot ! July 1S : . Woe nl
tolowo :
1. . . . . . . . 1n3 1. . . . . . . . 1Olt !
2. . . . . . . 19.11 iS . . . . . . . . 19,4..5
3. . . . . . . . 19.1 : 1. . . . . . . . . 1o.o1
' 4. . . . . . . . . n.R ! 2) . . . . . . . . . "
G. . . . . . . . . 19,161 21. . . . . . . . 2'J.065 '
\ G. . . . . . . . 15,16 : I 22 . . . . . . . . 19.0'1
7. . . . . . . . 2r.O . 23. . . . . . . . . 19.61
8. . . . . . . . 19./1 : I 24. . . . . . . . 1901
9. . . . . . . . . 19,093 25. . . . . . . 1.0'1
10. . . . . . . . 19.0U 2G. . . . . . . . 1 .n6
11. . . . . . . . 19.132 I. . . . . . . 19.137
1. . . . . . . . 19. . 29. . . . . . . . 21.l :
13. . . . . . . . II.IZr , . 29. . . . . . . . 19,036
1. . . . . . . 'OlIO 3r. ) . . . . . . 19163
1. . . . . . . . 21,11 . 3. . . . . . . 19,122
16 . . . . . . . n,03t
Totol . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,59.121
Luo ileductiotie for unCod ! and returned
cOllol l.duclol. . . . . . . . . unod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.21
Net n1e . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5S'.SQ2
Vnly overage . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 1.99
(1lOfl(1F3 n TZSCnUCK
Sworn to before me an.1 oub"crlbe In my
preencp thlo 131h dny ot Auust. , IS9r <
Ir..noe ( : N P. Fgn Notary PUbUC.
- -
Now let the w0'I , on the enlurgenlent
of the water lulns : commence at once
nud proceed wihout delay.
The extenslol of the Iacallam pawing
on the connty rOlds wi doubtcsH be
taken Ul JI Hmo for the fall cumpul
Everything works JltO the free Hlver
hopper now If Mr. BrJ'an's O'jal IR to
he tllen as 1 blmelnlc wcathm'
. Jlroplwt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I' n'I'J' RICccRslve Htcil ( In penlcnt rJ'
tatC'1 mllcl' - the ( lew law Is allltonal
plof that the -whole thing Is one gigan. 1
tic Hwhlle ! trout Htart to flutisli. .
'he qlcStol IH : What convicts will
lIe left to come mileI the II'OOsel ) new
Jrlson contlct aftet' the maui field haH
been II'e.emlltet ) ) hJ' the subcontractors ?
Con I'esSmtl Mercer ought soon to
IISCOVJL' hhnself , fm' there Is ' .
( lsco\'cl' ) some IH'OS-
} ec of n site being srlected for the
South Omaha Ilostolce bullln . has
be forgotten that hanqlwt l ? If. not to
111m , to whom cal the lallJolntel ( bid-
derI alpeal for consolation ?
'he joint ( lC1)13t0 between rival candidates -
latcH for Iloltcni ) hOU0'S does lint SCCI
to stand In high favor In Klmtucl'J'
I)0'SOIS who are willing to .settle their
dl'm'cnces In so tame 1 maller as a
- - forensIc contest cannot expect to be
110lmlnr on the Kentucy boarlls.
The Ilolmlst Itate C01enton huts tie-
dared for the Inllnth'e nlHl refei'euiduin.
'l'he IIOlllHt ot'atir4'lll he "ellt busy
through h the entire camIal n trying to
cXlllaln to their bewildered followers
whnt thlJ' I wi have to 10 Rhoull they
get the initiative anll refereiidtun. ,
nrl allel Goneml Peobles will lend
the ' 'hUslon county hosts to the re-
Jmhlcan state conyenton , but he will
11'st disarm his grizzled wartlors. Ills
stock of shotguns Inll riles was plir-
- chased for use In lghtn Indians nnd
not In lighting for Iloltcni ) recognition.
Dr Sln'le says that It Is not the bush-
ness of the city health omcers to 11311110-
ter to IIUIeIS , no matel' what the cxl-
encJ' nlJ' he. According to the Inter-
IJelaton of the law by the eminent
lllHl of the health delmrtment PolItIes
Is the only business he Js expected to
ntell to ,
'rn3-lor . the South Da1ota defaultIng
.n Dal\t leflultn
x-stale treaSI'II' , not content wih com.
lroflhIMIuig ) for a minimum HentcnC 3113-
dcr the II \ \ ' . InsIsts on being out on
ball whie his 11111cui to the court of
11nal jurIsdIction to tecalo the Inw 11.
ullplcable ) IH lenlln . ' 'n 'lol' Is not
letting . IIJ' good things Sill ) by him.
An Omaha divIne recently declared
pat'ty JJltcs to bo the hl10 : of uuiuuilci-
Iml government. lie probably ImoWH no
1010 about I than m11 : ' others , but
In this IIRtaneo ho struck the lal :
squarely on the Ilac1 I Is the duty ot
oveu.y voter In Omnha ! to work for 1 101-
part 151111 JlIc1u'y j IlII 1 10nlll'thmn
6chool boar .
. I I
I'rof. T. LawI'I'nce : , rnu : hln's articles I
In reply to Coin are now out In book I
ft'Iil. Before wc Imow It the copy-
: righted edItIon of the 101.lurYIJ' : do-
hnto wi he Inunchl)1 npon nIL 110cent
P1it)1IC ) . I IIIIy 010 else Is thInking of
Jllhlhlln ) his views on the slyer quos- }
tlon ho vIll do 'ehl to ' ' ' his '
wi 10 wel hurry IHlnt'I's
01' the ehitire financial lIterature held
- . chtm Itcmtl'o lell
wi SOOI hn : \0 heel Pre-eluhited.
For atllll'al'unec 8al0 : two bids have
} Icen malIc : for the II'Ollolcd new lirison
contract Inll thus a show of competItIon
nU\le. ( luuilCi'S If the Stlto Board of
luhlc LI1tlR a11 BuildIngs hn\e' beeii
; clalmll ; big 1t\lnJs to the state If 01' )
, their Ilnls of IWlleltar ' mall I'111t
. - are cnrrlcd : Into effect. Whel the comu-
petth'o bids that do hot C011lete are
' ( ICCClltl'\1 and the hew contractor Stmii'ts
L , to work \0 wi soon bu 1'lllhlCI to
: judge whether these 1'CJlt ; Il'u1Iscs ) are
. , rel1emn blo.
, .
GO\'l'muclt Dlrletor Coombs hns
' \ 1Ial ' alh'l'll It the opInion that the
' COllCtoU of the gO'erllmiiemjt wih
- . lime tllol PacIfic . road Is n drnwbtt'k :
to Its ProsPerIty 111 shlull ho tl'rl 1-
l atol lS SOOI' al posslhle. \\.t Mr.
. - oomhs ) professed tl favor the Uelh'
, lIl , which soujl t to COltlle the hVe.4-
cut ohnoxtous conuu'ctlon iii stIll
cOllctlol . 11 Htl 1011
ohloxlol11 fOI'1 for UC J''II'S. Time
only wnJ' to turmllnte thIs COll'ctol
Is to order the l'UI\1 to sale 01 fore-
closurl' ' .hl' sooner the hetel' for the
0\'t'11uent and for the rol
i Tub ; S. ; 0S.ll. ( ( ltf.I Iii ) , , .t.'II' . " "T i
' '
'Ih" 1IWn1U1110nt ! of the Nebl'aslm :
Ilolnl OUlrd : at HaMtlJs , which ) :
hnl just closed , whlo 01 the i
whole stceesftll % nlil Hlo\ll ; n : '
111'1'11 : IUII'O'I'llclt both 11 dIM-
ellllH nUll ( form , hns : hl'ought out
( lefl'I ) ' \lllel of radIcal defects
whlh IhI11el ( bl t'll'llm1 ( ! hy ch:1Jes :
11 mctw.1 al11 ( mnll : eltlt.
'Iho National ( limed 1M the mIlitia or
time state of lhl'nI\ ) , and Its ulcamll' :
l\lt IH a school of Ilsh'lcton fur 01-
CII'S nod umieui . I I ! not un adjunct or
the Glnd AI'IJ' 111 I Hhulll mieltliei' I
be mneJe ( a sllle Iho\ to 111se the old '
soldier 0' a cl'cw , tu 11h'ac time crowd
for the belelt ) of SOlo tuwn. Whie
the Ol'altt'IJ' Is time nrw of the past
antI the Nntolnl Uun'll ( time ! fl'IY of
the future , twre hj 10thllJ that the
Natolal Glnrt CII gain by hell ;
clllllet ) 01 1n oat stubble adjacent to
the O. A. n. CuthlIl p. ) '
' 1he Il1telf time young soldIer fholll
I'eell him imusy from t o'docl In time
mOIIII till 8 alllht. lie hns leltlw
tle nor 111111'IIIIJ' to lsten to the
stcrcotJlcd ( fllcelhe poured forth by
the hour fl'OI the 11 ! of hute.scaled )
Illtcn ) nH ! 1111 f'mice'mmieiidlmmg ; c1erals.
Time Nlcl1upmcnt should bo a school
of Ilstrlcton , nnc that fnct hits been
; h'cl Jwtcal rcco/ullon / this 'ell
10'C thun ever before Dress } llrde ) ! ,
Intllcctons and revIews are II'ollel'ly
n pnlt or 1ltnrJ' life , but they should
he gIven ns n lesson In tactics IHI not
lS I 1el'O Hllectnco ! for the inimitltoido.
A week In cal1J It all too short for a
school of milItary tactics and ( disclphimie.
At l.nst : two days arc \\'asted In PitCh-
Imig and bl''nl\ng calp , which heaves
onlJ' four ( lays forreai worl Time great
eXlense of the cnca111ment ) Is trans-
pOI.taton , and If the school were extended -
tended to last ten tinys or two weeks
the Increased benefits would greatly
excecd the Increased CXJCmlSe.
'J'hc chlllm u CUll Il'cscntod by Governor -
ernor Duwes wus intended to stImulate
time energies of the various comllnlcl
towmtrd ohtnlnln Pt'rfcCtlOtl In form
Il 11'I'fccton I
Int l'l. M'hen the udmlllst1ton
of its LlV'111'd becomcs such that Iii two
successive years the best COmlH\les . are ,
thrown out on I technicality It bcI I
collies 1C'cly a cause of contention anl1
discord 111 uterIJ' falls In Its Jnn'pose.
H rules were Ilhl clown hl'(1l elough
to nlhult all companies and its award
dcchlml bJ' Ulll'ojmlced ( and comlletLlt
regular UIIY olcers there would be
some honor In wlnnll It amid time Gov-
el'nol"s cup wou11 cClse to menace time
very existence : of t1 NotIonal Guard.
Whie 10thln ; II miiary lIfe Is so
etsentul as strict clsclplne und
obedlenc , It should ho relemheled by
the othicers In coifluilllIid that time Na-
olcm's commanc
tonl1 Guard Is a voluntary or anlatol
nnd It should not 'ho malle unpopular
hy 11sclplno which Is severe bCJ'ond
I'enson. They 8hou11 not forget tmt
mal ) of the men have como from the
store a\1 countlg room anll have hot
tiiO enI11'nnco' the fl'mel' or me-
chanic. 'hcn more than ono mun
fllnis awaJ on the line I should he a
\\'I'nln that Ihouhl not go unheellcd.
Nor Is there Ul ' l'lson , why In time of
Ilcnce ? I ; ul'\1 ! hoult tramp the camp
' till nlht long or why the comlnlcs }
should he dried thlugh I ( Ilrenchln
min. I tile next elCllpmcnt Js dJ-
yorcell fl'om the Gra\1 Arm ' reunion ;
If It will Sllo\1 ) two weeks calped 01
some meatow far from alY large town ,
but ncar sonic body of water with good \
Jshln ; amid boating to whlo away leis-
\ moments ; If It wi observe a ( Us-
cplne that Is strict , but not foolIshly
. there L wh ' the Na-
seVCle : , L' 10 reason whiy
tolal Guard Hhoull hot ollyI'OW In
elclelcy , but nlso In pOII11ItJ' : .
'l'here Is no 110ubt that Senator GO'
mal hns : In hUld time Imrclestl ht of hIs
polItIcal career ulll I he Is successful
ho wi take mich hIgher rauik as a
shrewd nl11 81\1fnl polItical manager
all mnlllll1t0' HU\ he 10W hus. 'rue
olllJsllol . to him wihin tile democrtc
Jart ) allllll1'S to bL Htcnl1y growing
nut ! It now Ilclules SOl1 of the strongest . '
est mel 11 the } altJ' : . 'hen such 11em-
oCI'ute lenders nH GoVm"nO' Brown , ex-
Govelor . Jaclson .11t cx-GoyelJol
WhJ.te boldly . avow their determlnlton
lInt to SUlllll.t ) tile GOllal ticket the
sttul ton Is 11llell serous for the senator -
ator . a 11 his factIon. Bx.GOyer10r
'iVhmyte , 1 very strong 111 11tuentul '
1111111 , whose Ilrolul hoast ) I hns been that
he lever sCI'atched n Ilemocrtc ticket
Ilurlng hIs long poltcal career , an-
nounccll I few thiys age that ho Is op-
posell to the Gormal cn11hlute : for ; 0\- '
ermior. lie declared that time tmc hnl
l'lvld when mnlhood : 11emul1s that
those who ( ale d'mimocrats fl'om Illnclple '
Ihouhl not he Icd like sheep to the !
KluuJhtel hJ' thidin who leap } into the
saddle mimid coiistitute themseh'cs lead-
Sllllo 111 consttute lenl-
eI ' s. lie Illmltc\l that the slunton Is
a serious one for the democracy , hut
Rnll : that now II the accllltell tulle when
\'OIJ' mnn or bravo Instncts nnl hon-
orhle alplratolH , feel that this politl-
cal yoke Is no longer bearable.
'rho Olloslton to 8enatol' GOlIun IH
In 11\ ' cue to his attitude toward the
nilmlllsh'nton , . the : lnl)111 ; selltor en-
tC'hllnln InJ.thln hut a trlencly re-
t\'d for Mr ; lo\'elnlul , but It Is not iii-
together for thIs rl'Hon that there Is a
sl'ol faction of time IlemoracJ' agaInst
iilmmi. Ills uIel'uIHlous polItical moth-
oils m'c COhidOlliiied b ' theOI'e
condl'mnel by \OI'e fair-
mil II el men of time pnrtr , who have
/I'o\n tIred of HUhmltng to the dIcta-
tel of n political hess who recogmiizes
no such thug as honor or honesty In
POhItiCs . "Gormnauilsumi" Is In the politics
of Mmtrylaiid symionymomms with evel'y-
timing that I ! C01Upt , hlse amid uIMcrup-
ulous In poltcl1 1 : ' nIIHlltou , IUI It
his growil so bold aunt reckless ns to
huye . become utterly Intolerhlo to the
11t.O deellt Inll self-vesp.'ctImmg 1en In
the Il'moel'ate 111'tJ' : , Icn who believe
that I Is hl'ter ) the party suffer defeat
titan to ho bl'llencl whim such n chnr
1ctl'r as the contnuec success of Gor-
1111111's mltholsUHt give It Il'hoso who
have : revolted against limo ticket . clc
tatcll by the senator 10 not heslato to
II'oelall ) this amid the Indicatons are
that : time nnt.fOl11 factIon Is steadily
Jlllnlng Ml'llJth. In Nome countIes this
factIon has conl'oled the conventous
nut ! sowe ot its I lcatcl'l Ire enid t bo
- - .
11 favor of 1'ltlng ' ' 1 Inllclllllent ( 11e1' I .
OCltc state tc'l II the fchl , thlllh
It Is hartly 11'lbnble ) this wi b" done.
'fhe sItuation certainly looks mORt ( a. :
vorlhlu ) to rlllblcll 8UCCet ! ' 1hc i-c-
Ilbleal callllllte ( ( for ; o\'l'nol 18 n ,
sh'ol ; amid IJOllllnt' man Inll 11 II time ,
election of relrl'8eltatves to congress :
Inst year the 1'lllhlclnS ) cast the hmirg. ,
cst vote I Is obvious Ult time chnlces
for relllcal victory this year are ex-
tre\elJ' goOi. (
IUlsn 1.'AI JJ : : : { .
Omaha wi entertain not less than
fl'om 2i,000 to OO peolJle every day
111'11 : fair weel ' .he cIIHCIJ' : of our
hotels wi be tlxel to the utmost limo
time hosillllt ' of our cItizens must he
uxtolulell as far 1S possible to the
visitors ami guests wih II our utcs.
' 0 sJstelntze the 11sh'Jhltol If hiout-
lug iopluiatImmi' outside of the regular
hotlls there Iholhl bo a buren of In-
( om'liiatioii . celtllr locltec to which nil
111.tes who m'o dilposel to accommo- .
dnte sti'aiigers Ihoulc report nnl
tlurotighi whIch visitors to time . fair should
he assIsted 11 seeking 111u.telM
Dlrln ; full week there wi ho a tre-
1enilolR IH'essl'e ) upon ) 11 transllrtu-
Uon facilitIes. Tim 11eml11 wIll bo not
only for adequate transIt between the
city and fall grounds , hit Ilso for I
street car service to all Ilrts of the city
at 11 hours of time cay amid nlht ' .ho
street railway company should ho pre-
pared to rUI cars all nlht emi time
prIncIpal thoronghfares , If not on all
the hues . Iii Denver tim street raIlwayS
run what they cal "owl cars" It regular
IntC'mls after 111nlght nil the year
rotiimd amid there I ! no rcnson whJ'
Omha should not hlve slmlnr transit
facilItIes when there Is n 11eJnUl for
D\ln falt' week thcre will he a great
C'ush of PeoPle In time streets of Omnll
at nlht anc the illumInations III
PJ'l'otechnlc displays wi necessitate
I'ccaltons agaliist nccideiits nnl hires
ns well II I/alnst Ilclqloclwt ) , Hnlak :
thieves unc house breakers. Time fire
unt polce tel.tments : wi therefore
hayc : to be rclnforcet by specials and
the regular force must expect to lc ) detailed .
tailed for extra cuty ,
During time fair there will m'ccRsfrIJ'
he 1 relaxatIon of the police surveillance
over reputable resorts that sell liquor ,
but there wi huyo to bo IncI'eaRec
vl lance ulon the dIves ant joints
where men are trapped } ant robbed
tl'ou h decoy CII'PO'S and } J'ofCilonal
Hwlndlm's. Peoplo'who com to the fair
mire enttet to pltecton ant : a fall 10 -
tl'n for every celt of money they spend
whlo here. 'he men who huvo labored
so faithfully Int InccssnntJ' to immnia'
the cxposllon a memorable affair should
see to I tha the relJ ta lon of bmulm :
does not slitTer clher In commOlous nc-
commollatons ( , In the variety of enter-
ttmlmnuent In cheap Inc rapid transit
ant ( In time safety of man , woman all
chIld both day nu } night
Comptroller . Bowler of the Treasury
Ilellll.tnent , who has asluet thai right
to plSS upon the cOIHtlut.olnlly of the
npIJ'ollrlaton ) to iIIY ) the sugar bouiity .
hns received time bl'lefs nnt united .qr-
nmlnts In the hearing hat bqfO'u him
alil : Is un el'stoot to bo comlletl his
Ilcclslon ulln time poliits iiivoivcoL I Is
the impressIon . 1nturaly derived from
the attItude of the comllh'olel ns shown
In ' time heHhl : s , that his deciSion wi
lam adverse to the claim of the sugar
; 1'OWl'S , and I Is tmlt : to he tIme hit'lIef
of some . that It , , ' 1 go stIll further lil
assert . thnt the . comltroler Is clothed bJ'
law wih cC.tnln judlelnl fUlctonR
which take him out of time ' '
t.lw category of
it iilml'L'iY mlnlstcrlnl ofiicer aiid
I 111'c1J' OICC' Int hUlJSO
1110n ) him time duty not only of consider-
lug the Ilw lS lIS'I't : by congress . but
of dctol'mlnln whether that Ilw II 01'
Is not In Iself nnl Inll volt heenuHo
In conlct wih constutonnl IH'O-
vlsioiis In the event of 11' , Bowllr dc-
cleln agaInst time RUUI growers I Is
to hI ollell he will ; 0 to the extent ex-
'leetod [ In assertIng the authorl ' of his
olhice . blcause It WQull mnl\ stroilgol
demnne1 on congress for legIslation to
better te1lle and to properly restrict
the fUltols of the comptroller of the
! tLOflSliu'3 ' . who now . arrogates to hhlsel
llwe - 's which certainly congress never
IntUlled , In cre,1lng time ofllce . lie
'Hhould cxerclHe
I Is not surprisIng that the pOlllon
assumel by Bowler should cause ap-
II'ehenslon to other interests whose blR
miguthuist the o\C'nment In time nature of
subsidieS 0' bountIes wi como before
that olcial for adjlmtllcntiohi , amnong
these beihig the Hlcamshll : company subsidies .
'Hlles for carryiimg time malls . I tile
comlltroler has the authority to hold up
the approprIatIon for sugar bounties
there Is no apparent reason why lie Is
not equally authorized to refuse to Il-
low the itiYilient ) of mnl subslleB , and
Indeed It It not easy to see where the
lne Is to be drawn wih respect to np-
lJroprutons ot this nature. I Is evl-
delt hunt Howler IR sUl1lortell In his po-
slto1 by time presltent and secretary ot
time treasury 1111 this beIng tl case It
Is Pretty safe to say Iw wIll not recede
tram It The sugar growers mny therefore -
fore 111,0 up their minds to walt n
J'\'nl or two tOl' the hittYhimelit of their
just clllms , for there Is very little doubt
that the courts will decIde In their tu-
The arrest by the federal authorites
lust Friday ot twenty men charged
wih 1 violation of the neutlly laws
II organIzing an expedItIon to Cuba Is
time first tanllble evllence that the of-
Iclnls or the govclmcnl are observing
proper vigilance In time enforcement of
the IIutrltJ' laws anti its eleet will
probnhly bo wholesome. Undoubtedly
the 8PI1lsh gO\l'nment has felt that
this jo\'cI"nment was not doing its wlolo
duty In this matcI' , that although time
luthO'ltes at W'asimimigton hat taken nU
time measures , lIecesSary to the ober.
alIce of 10utrly the SUb0111lto of-
lclals wel'e hot NO active and ylJlant
II time crcumst.ne8 olemanded . Time
exlstenco of this feeling has been in-
11ctetln time utterances of time Spanish
press and It must bo confessed there
has been excuse for I In the uumcrous
. _ . ,
.4S.--- " - - '
- - - -
rOllortl ) or eXIIdlllll ! rOI'IUll II anti
111111111 ; fl'oll' { tie tIIC1 States tu
nlll the , ' .
Clhnll Iimitimgt'mmts. Nor Is It
IIUIttoluhle ! tiitt tn Illhl'r of RUll ex.
IclltOIR Ilthl11 ornnl71111 imei'e mimid
successfully iamithi ( In . '
Bucce MruIJ' In'IUb' Cull. ( UnIJ' n
" I '
few olnys uo 11tt \ , , was Htntel tlt the
agents of time II I\lnt1 In New York
lund received inl'brmlmntiomi .
1'lcel'uII Inrotliuton of time 1l11n
Iii ( lha of 1' ' ; .1 pedlton which lef I
lhlhullllhln ! ROle ItWO WCIIs ! ago nl111
which I ! sold lb I tpve I ) comivo'Yeoi to time
IIS\/eltH f\1 field Ilece ! , two
howl1lr8 , aO ( I riles amid 200-
I ) i rOlnlH uf nllnunllol , be-
flle 1 gremtt ItWniflr uf Iwelclle anll (
held npiinratus . ' . I lh nn eXlwdllon , dc-
Ilrtlfml ou'c'.of the iIt'iliCilai ) 1I0'tR )
of thc country . Is wol cnlculatell to
calse tile 81111Rh ; O\'el'llent to dOlht
whether time olclnlH of 011 O\'I'I'llent ,
chl'/ell wlh scelmig that time 11Itliy I
laws ure ohsC'\'cd are faithfully Iler- I
fClnll ; their ditty. 'J'hl arrest of the
mlhlsterll Pllt : ' lust Friday , agaImist
whol there \0111 Icel , to ho ) a good
CIe ? , 11 ' helll to remiiovt' this Ilolht nntl
It hilly also serve to put a chock utln
these ntel11lH to I vlolato our lawI ,
which lulc hecn cnco\'ncd hJ' time suc-
cess thl t lulls hItherto utollcc them.
Aml'lcnl HrllltIJ' wih the cause of
the CUbl1 hIS\CltA hlH not nhnted. :
On the colitrary It I ! II'ohfbl' Iwener
nnllOI'e ( ; cnC'nl 10W than at any lire-
\'Ious tme silce time Ins1I'lcton started.
But time AIC'lcan Ileoille respect law
Int desire ! that the Internatonll ob-
l ltons of their O\'orlnent sl1 ) he )
faithfully kept nl11 therefore they wi
give 10 countennnce to opemtons whloh
conl'n\'ene time ! law : timid violate our oh-
latons to 1 flllly mmntion . 'l'hls hico-
Illc wi continue to extend to time Clhan :
hlurgelt ! the mornl HllllJrt of Its sym-
IJthJ' , re/IIIII'SS of whlt Spain mar
think qf I. hut the 1mtrllJ' laws IUHt
he emifoi'cotl lut ( tIme dem1nd for this Is
mOI'e urgent now thln m'or.
'Vonwn have n conHtlttolul ant
God-given right to rile a hlcJ'cll aiid
they are h0l11 to ha\o 1 conifortab'e
and nllll'oll'lato ) : dress thC'cf0' " So
declared time Arl\nsas judge who this-
chll'/ell. the hlooler.clad : II'jlonor or-
rested with , a /I'rat fo1lsh of tll-
1)etS ) for nlIIJfrln ; In Imble In Indecent
apparel. 'Pius settles It Alr womln
dCII'ln'd of the privilege of riding 1
hilcycle , nnl riding In hloon1ls nt thnt ,
Iny alpeal ) to time lnlnlJ' of the con-
sttuton for a redress of her "Ton s.
I wi henceforth he a serious thing for
IUJ' : mln to interfere wih the pursuit
or this boil-given cyeiing habit '
GOllI'en cJ'tII ; bJ' every
womln who Is 19 iniineol .
Time St. Louis Glnbe-Democrt ( : says
that the RI1IO .r Is not allproclntet In
this coumltry , so fuyo1ol with its laturnl
growth In II'oflslol. Pm'hnps SO. As
a matter of fact timelllm1hlower Is one of
enl most OIIlIII\lal : \ of wild 1io'crs.
Ho who scoffs a't , the sUnIOWlI' does
not undm'HtHl Its beauty. ,
"re hayo at hast ' d' ' coYerot one lliaco
where according ' 1 to tile report , the
\each crop Is 10shqrt \ That plnco : Is
In Nebraslut. I there Is nny other
spot .111 . tIme Uullt ! States where the
Pouch CI'OI' Is 'up to CXXCCtiltiOiiS It
tiiighmt to seak ) imp : tt once.
) )
luK Jut o 'I. } : I.lorKeJelt.
York Democral.
Virginia democrats have started a pros-
Idental boom for J. Sterling Morton The only
preceptble 'endorsement lho Morton pres-
Idental boom has receved : In Nebrdska Is
from that great admlnstraton : organ , the
State Journal. .
Intorllton on the l.ItJOIM .
Chicago Times-Ileralil.
Secretary Morton has ordered that the Cans
of horse meat must be labeled. The secretary
should go a little further and order that the
calor and age Of the anImal be put on the
labels. To be eating a scrrel fet from 1 horse
that dId duly before the war under the Impression -
pression that you are devourIng I chestnut
fly of tender years Is an Imp slfon that the
astute should ,
secretary . gad agllnst
U- -
PozIlC of the Curfew Itt-IL
SpringfIeld ( Mnss ) Rrpullcnn ,
A surprising number Of towns In the north-
west have adopted the practice Of ringing a
bel at 9 o'cloclc at night as a sIgnal for all
children under 16 years lo go to their homes
on penalty of arrest. Reports from these
towns are to the effect that the people are
much plea ed with It. and so other towns , anj
not I few cites , are agitating tile queJton
of Its adoptIOn. Paternalsm In government
seems to have a strong hold In the country
A l'olltN for l'elt.
Ilncoln Independenl ( pop. ) .
That Paul Vanervoort Isn't altogether
"all right" In the line Of reform Is demonstrated -
strated by his complete , lay down with the
republc3n-corporaton-A. P. A. gang In the
Omaha fire and police mudjle. lie Is a
populist for pelt. As Is well known. the new
commission law was originated and passed as
a slap at Governor iiehcomb . and Vandervoort
joins the gang to help carry out their
scheme" Either he Is crooked 8S a shep-
herd's staff or he wants I job very bad.
In either event the populsts should put a
brand upon him.
' 'he Dignity tt the Court.
Ashland Gazette.
Ilzzonah , Judge Scott . sah , had another
rumpus the other day with an attorney prac-
tsing In his court , with the usual result of
contempt proceedIngs. This very able Judge
has found It necessary on several other occa-
sions lo vindicate hIs outraged "honah" by
the same method. In fact , ho has run across
considerably more contempt thaI all the other
jUdges that have ever sat on the bench In
Nebraska combll . IIH'lhe ' could succeed In
getting all the peoplewhbse contempt for him
Is supreme into jai what an enlargement of
the jails would be nelr,1 , [
Judge Irt'1T'r on Court AbIliieN .
, .
Chlcsm Trlbun"
Many sensIble rema ) are made by Jus-
Hce Brewer In his Delrol addres lIe wIshes
the right to contnuales curtaied , lie
wants the time of process shorten. When
I case has been oncq . olmenced he does not
want any other curt tOlbo allowed to Inter-
fere. nut what he ' ps0 say of most value
relates to this outrageous freedom ot avpeals
-that curse of the AmClcan law procedure
which , under the pr tense of securing exact
just o for all . breais the grossest injustice.
I I to be hoped &hmat4tbese tmely words
tram a member of tbp t hIghest American
tribunal spoken befor/ a , bOdy like the Amer-
can Dar association . WJI not be without erect ,
but wiil serve as the o enllg speech of a campaign -
paign for a great and mucb-needed reform.
'vnun M4tV15III.5 - NOMINATION ,
Tekfmah herald : H the POiftihists wanted
Judge Maxwell for supreme JUdge they should
have said so two year ago .
Norfolk Journal : I was hardly expected
that that popullt convention would 10 out of
its own ranks to select a nominee for supreme
judge ! , but Judge Maxwell wi prove a strong
nintiiiate. .
remont Tribune : hail Judge Maxwell
stuck to the republican party the popullts
never would ha\'o thought of nominating him
though he would have been time sro man In
every esentd point that ho now is .
Tekamah Uurtonlao : At the Populist state
convention yesterday Maxwell was nominated
for Judge , to the 11 ! lust of the democrats
\ho had made a strong appeal for fusion 80
they couh elect their man "Ieep In the
mL1dlo of the road" Is to bo the IIOpulst
watchword thIs year.
Iapllln TImes : In the face of his positive
refusal lo accept the nomination the populist
state convention nominated Samuel Maxwell
for supreme Judge. 1 was 1 splendid tribute
to a splendid namm . I rom a political standpoint -
point the acton Of the convention In naming
a republican to head a populist ticket was
II advised , but there can be no doubt that
the honor was conferred sincerely
lied Cloud Golden 1el : Time populist state
convention nomllaled Judge Maxwel for supreme -
preme judge and Irs. E . W. Ientle of Omaha
and J. W. Da'ston of lied Willow for regents
of the Inlverslt ) ' . JUdge Maxwell had de-
dined the nomination In advance and the
question now Is will he accept or Is It a
cheme to have him decline and let the state
central , committee name the democratic nominee -
Brainard Tribune : The populist state con-
velt n nominated Judge Maxwell for supreme
judge Wednesday. Judge Maxwell held the
omce for three terms , being elected as a re
publican . As a JUdge his ability Is recognized
by the legal professIon In every part of the
country , and his decisIons ! arc cited as authority -
thorLty more by . the lawyer of the country
than the decisions of any JUdge that ever
graced the supreme bench In Nebraska In
the event of hIs acceptance he wIll make a
very strong run.
Seward eportcr : The pIpult elite con-
\'cnlon met at Lincoln yesterday and noml-
naled lion . Samuel T. Maxwell for supreme
judge Ihe vole being practically unanimous
for him. The fact that Maxwell had the sup-
port of almost the entire convention Is a little
surprising when his recent statement that he
could not aeeept Is conldered 1 Is a Ute
peculiar . but strictly according to populist
custom that they continue to take as candi-
dates men who have been turned down by the
republican party.
North Bend Argus : The nomination of
JUdge Maxwell was agaInst his earnest pro-
tesl. We believe the nomination Is a mistake
and that the party would have better noml-
natell came man \\'llnl to accept Maxwell
Is a man above reproach , true to his convic-
tons and Incorruptable , md yet wo believe
that hits nomination was In error However , we
know of no man for whom we have greater re-
spect and In whom greater confidence can be
placed. Should hc see ft to accept the nomination -
nation the party wIll make a noble tight for
his election.
Nebraska City News ( dom. ) : Diy Dryan's
convention forgot lo pass . resoulcns ! condemning -
demning the golden rod as tile national
Pender Times ( rep ) : The state
conventIon which met at Omaha yesterday
nominated C. J. Iheips for supreme judge
Dr. H. S. Blackburn and J. J. Llto for
regents of the State unIversity. Who In
thunder Is Ihelp3 ?
Wiber Democrat : The nomination for-
supreme JuDge went besglng. Nobody wanted
the empty honor which was declined by one
after another , until C. J. Phelps of Schuyler
was dragged from the obscurity to which he
wilt relapse In November and made the can-
lowel9 Journal ( rep ) : The Omaha cen-
venton was harmonious , couldn't help but
bo that way. When the kIckers dldn't like
- .
the county conventions , or things did not
go their way the dissatisfied ones wlthrew
and sent delegates to the I.ncon ! : convention.
I Is a good Idea 10 have two organlztons !
Of democracy , so tile kickers wIll not go to
Rome other party. Joking aside though the
Omaha . convent n represents the regular
democratc Pry and we'l wager that they
represent Nebraska In the national conven-
Schuyler Qui : In the nomination of C. J.
Phelps by the democrats Of the 'late for
.upreme judge , not only Is that gentleman
honored but a compliment Is pld to our
city and county. To honor one of our citizens
Is to honor the community , and every citizen
should feel a degree of satisfaction. 11
Phelps Is an attorney of ability and has a
long and successful practice , and the dem-
ocratc party dd ! credit to itself In naming
him. lie stands wel at home , not only as
a lawyer , but as a citizen , and , layIng aside
all politIcal matters . \0 feel Ice sayIng that
Schuyler and COlfl caunty Is pleased.
Kansas City Journal : The daughter Of
Millionaire 1ackay paId a large price for her
profligate foreign husband , and now she Is
compelled to pay a large annuity to get rid
of him. Foregn : nobility catches the AmerIcan -
Ican dollar both coming and g lng.
Philadelphia Times : Consderlng : the price
she paId for him the PrIncess CJlonna Is get-
ting rid Of the prince rJther cheaply at
$12.000 a year Up to date this Is the reord
fguro for a title on second sale and the
princes ability to collect at both ends of the
matrImonial market Is Ikey : lo excite envy.
Kansas City Star : Princess Colonna the
most conspIcuous example Of the misfortune
sure to follow time purchase { f European
titles with American beauty and gold has
been forced lo buy peace from her worthless
husband by agreeing to pay him $12,000 a
year. And yet American heiresses arc not
warned In the least by the experiences of
their unlucky slslers.
1Inne3pals Joural : Mllonare ! Msclca's
daughter , who marred ! PrInce Collnna and
had to leave lilln has settled wIth her former
liege lord .y agreeing to pay him $12.00 a
year he to . give up the chidren lo her. This
Is a rather humiliating bargain for the princes -
cese , but she I probably glad to get rId Of
the follow cn such terms She wi probably
not advise her girl friends In this country
to wed Ialan princes.
Droklyn Eagle : The more one sees of
foreIgn nobility the more Is one convinced
that this republic can take on a few humble
airs about its virtues. The prince would not
dine with a Yankee farmer but Is there any
creature In this 'and who wi crawl as low
for a few dollars as these European fortune
hunters ? And Is there a woman so little
deserving Of sympathy as the one who will
sol hersel to an unscrupulous gambler be-
cause Of the title he supports 7
Chicago } ) est : The simple talc of Mrs.
Mackay's daughter Is a charming lesson for
ambitious American gtrls. Everybody
knows that princes come high , but few have'
proved s expensive as thIs uproarious black-
uard. lie married for money , she for a title.
Doth gained theIr object and neither had any
right to lool for happiness beyond that con-
veyed by the marriage contract. I was a
clear case of buy and sell. But the prInce ,
like other "gentlemen" of so.caled noble
blood exceeded his privIleges. To extrava-
gance unheard of and to a life of debauchery
and dissipation he had the mhfortune to add
domestic cruelty and barbarity , and the explosion -
plosion and scandal which followed were the
natural resuls , What Is Miss Eva Bryant-
Mackay's net gaIn 7 The title of a princess.
What hiss she given for I ? Hundreds of
thousands of dollars wIth which to pay up
gambling debts and avoId greater mlserlea ,
twelve years Of horror as the wife of a
ruffian the humiliation of knowIng that jhe
continents and the
was the gossip Of two contnent
abject WIS fear that In her flight from one refuge
to another bel children would be stolen
( rom her.
Highest of all il Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report
, r
, . , . , . . _ _ S
- - S ' 'fl - - - - - - - -
- : :
- -
LoCAl , O\I'\HN timit'i"i'IiL.
'l V. N. Nlon has announcl ! t1 tl na n
cnndhnto ! for count cOllluloner In the
' )
I.'ourth district. The m'n flaw after time 10'
IlublcRI nominaton arc henry LI\cs y , lieU-
dan Jacobsen , henry ! hod\ and Mr . Nason .
Vanihervoort's ! police board la In trouble
again. When It was nit fixed ! for Johnny
McDonald ! for chief of police . Johnny called , !
on the board anti gave II out cold that he
would not accept the 110slton I the board
Insisted upon putting the Shwart.lao.Cox-
Shaul combinatIon on the forco. lie said
thAt 110 took no stet , In the out \ that I
was time l'roper thing to set a crook to catch
a crook , and I Io was going to bo chIef of
Iloleo be wanted a dllorlnt , deal In the
selection of his f.lrce. . It's a case now of :
changing chlefl or changing the force , anti !
there's no change In the force ! ufls Wind )
Gbson declares ! ho has no such scrimpics-
anybody that slits Pnll will suit him.
Joe } lgerton ( ald Virgi OvId Strlclter are
at omits. Joe says that he don't like a hpo-
crlto anti that's all tim cXllantol , ho Is
wiing to make at this time .
! ev. Alexander Irvin declares that hIs
children shul not attend school In Omaha
so long a the saloon license money goes
Into the 8cllool fund ! . H Alexander proposes -
poses to ralo his boys to shlno In the dcr-
wish crowd hat t theIr father I mixed up
with now the question of their edlcaton
need not trouble him any. They won't need
Clinton N. Powel has announced himself
a a candidate for the republican nomin-
ton for district Judge anti "liistnarck" Al-
stadt Is out for counclmanat.largo from the
Second ward. You can't keep good uteri I ,
Van D. Lady ts a , candidate for city clerk.
Van lays If a dervish can't get his reward
for POlItical dirty work this year ho sees
nothing to hope for In time future. This Is
the condItion lat , leads him 10 oppose his
friend Igby for the nomination at the coining - I I
Ing conventIon. Van can get a recommenda- I
ton from Hunt and Wiey and thinks that
nothing more will be necessary .
Hahnemann Pybur has called a meeting
of tire executive committee of the Douglas I
county republican clubs at Coales' plac In I
Douglas precinct Wednesday afternoon .
Plans will be decided upon for preventing
further distributions of the campaIgn funds
where lucy fall Into ungrateful hands.
The republican county central committee I
wi meet next Saturday lo ratify a plan of
campaign that has already been decided upon
by the dervIsh leaders of the committee.
Heretofore the representation In the cOlnt ) .
conventions has been nine from each ward
In Omaha , fourteen from South Omaha amid
. five from each country precinct. The
scheme now Is lo make a different appor-
tonment , ono that will sidetrack tim candi-
dates who are depending upon their support
from the country precincts ant South
Omaha. This combinaton wi present a
proposition that the representation from
South Omaha and the country precincts
remain unchanged and that each
ward bo entitled to one delegate
In tile convention for each 100 votes
cast for leutenant ( governor at the election
last fal This basis would give the Sixth
ward twenty-four delegates In the convention -
tion . the Eighth twenty-ono delegates the
Ninth ward fifteen delegates and so on. ThIs
deal would leave the county and South
Omaha cutting very little Ice In the con-
ventlon. The men who are In the deal have
the machinery Of the ommileo In theIr
hands , but they wIll have a lively fight when
the mater CODes up for consideration In the
committee meeting , lS the candidates wil
are not In the deal are getting together In
opposition to the proposed revision.
James A. Powers Is a candidate for the
republican nomination for polc Jlage. H.
E. Cochran Is ale seeking the nomIna-
ton for police Judge .
George Helmrod and J. L. Pierson have
entered tile race for the nomination on the
republican ticket for city trensurer Thero's
a slip somewhere Councilman Edwards has
claImed all along that the nomination was to
bo his reward without having to hustle for
it Io says that I he does not get the
nomination I will be because the dervishes
are ungrateful.
'l'lie Cuhul l'rnl"'Iuln.
Chicago Chronicle.
The laws of this country will not suppress
mere meetings and publcatons to encourage
the Cuban Insurgents. 'here Is nothing In
the statutes lo discourage sympathy for any
people In rebellion against an oppressIve
government Hut there must be something
moro than a mere Cuban propaganda In the
United States , with a contribution box In its
hand , to make
a reasonable demand for recOgnition -
ogniton as a belligerent Ilower
- - - , - - - , 4 \
IWA I'itilSM CU IT ,
Sioux City J"rnnl 'niece la no 1001 reason
, \ h , n state o\II'alll , In Iowa ah ul b.
several llH'J al bug : S a olnll'11 ' fur the
olucton of the 11'II h I'arlianmont , ,
Cedar htlilimhs (1ttotto : : Sumo panr started
the story that there ( ' ,
are ro snn'Nrs of Ibo
Thlrt-teond lu..1 Infantry lad ( hmbr'el
hloln , uk horn the rellrfctlon would not
have hecl livelier. 'he boys are N"Ly
1"el ) oOI'pses.
Sieijx City 'rlbn : The land l hlalneS In
Nebrua. ! Sth : 'IUkob nn.t . northwestern
lo\a iiil have a great boom this fail and
winter fnrms In Ihls part of tie cOlllry
wi bo In \lemnll. antI , what Is more , they
wIll brIng good prices.
Inbuquo Telegraph : Like Nebraska Iowa
olght to Ilavo a vlileo polcy law al art
unller whIch tIme COIIllies would bo ohllged
to pay full lutlnlty ! I the loss here total
and prcpert"nal Indelnlty I h \ \ ere i'artat ' -
But In the absence of such a lAw I I doubt- .
ful lf ' the COII'Jnles may In hnmony with
time conditions on which they are lueor-
l'orntC ! fret anti ! alnlY policy hollers who ,
have sustaind los anti \Y tola ) ' and flUlbbHnl
coOrco lhem Into acceptance of less than they .
ale entitled to.
Cedar lailids Icpubl'can ' : J. StcrHng Moe-
toil of Nebraska Is a Iesler mnn , 10 male . '
his fortune In the wMt. ' 'heet gave him
whatever of political honor ho utossesses lie "
came to the cabinet as a IrprNentntl\'O Of the '
\\'Ot. though It Is probably trim that when '
ho selected him , ! I. Ce\'e\uul ) know that 10
nil Intents and purpcses ho was ! Now 10 ker. " m -
At any rate , J. Sterling II nol In sympathy
With time wrst. Ito has ridiculed It ) after a 't
fashion that would do credit ta n 11rofeulonal ,
EnglIsh critic , anti ! now he Is throwing cod :
water on the prOP slton to nominate a
western man for the . presidency . ,
AIRY ' ' vnl'rs.
\'nshllgton Star : "Yoh'l lek miotus " said
Uncle Eben . "dut do lal who tel C9 big
'uoul wl1t he hnA olomie an' \\'hut he's
Phlndehhla Hccorl cone : CoIrl-Jlck
SOrelgh tolll mo Int night thnt ) ought to
accept hln because ho was wJlnK tu prove '
his love for mo lr F'rienl-Yhmnt dl \ you
? "I Ruld I ' . "
say couldn't fee , Il In that light.
'J'hen whlt did lie t1)7" 'Nothing lie
just tU'ncL the ( light - out. . "
Chicago Post : "Don't ) ' 01 think Miss
Scorcher looks well on n wheel ? "
, " " 'el , that depenl ! "
" "
"Dcpends i" !
you. "Yes. " She 100lc9 very well coming to\ari
Cincinnati ] lqulrer : UarlI'cave9Bon-
estly . now . doctor , don't you think that tile
"pormnhlemit Injury" to Slall8 Hplne wi
all I vanish lS soon as ho gets hIs $5.V ) damages -
ages fl'OI the railroad company "l
1)r. i'hice-'Wehi . hard ! . I want to get a
whuek itt tint $ , O myselr.
Cleveland Plain Denier : "And , 10W. "
shoutlll ( the exhorter "whnt Is to be done
when I man Is rUHhlng hendlong with lght"y
Illg specl ( along the road 10 destruction- " ,
Dencon Jones ( between mtnoretm-1educe size . I '
o' ) 'cr sprocket. Sho's too hIgh gear.
Indianapolis Journal : "Now that ) ' 01 have
tried bloomers I unite ho doubt you wIll
click to Ihem , " said W'hmeeher .
"Deal' me , 10. " dltntet ! the blc'clorl. .
"it must bo knickerbockers you arc think-
lut 0' . "
Adams Freeman : lIe-I love tile country ,
whore everytiling so smnnekis of freshness.
SlIe-Tilat imlay be , but fresllness can gain
mb smacks here.
Indianapolis Journal : Gatos-Tho only
tinle I over.USe whisky is When I am got-
tluig a toothi litilleti. My wife will not allow
mo to touch it. under any other circuni.
ilarnes-Ilad any pulled lately ?
Gates-No. Haven't any left.
Wimenever I ioolc in niemory's glass- ' '
What llicttlres there may ite.
AlIti review tiiQ doIngs of bygone days ,
This one thing PtmZZlCs me :
\Vhy the timings amid scones I would moat
Ifave vanished clear away ;
While ( lie ( lilies I have made a fool of
Are as fresh as yestertlay ?
TIlE ai.thtHNIY MAli ) .
Cilirago I'ost.
My thoughts are reverting to days that are
itast , C
Amid a. girl that I fOrmerly knew ,
So sweet amId demure tilat sue's easily - (
As the first to whom homage is due. V
I call to my mind both her smile and her
frown ,
And the modesty , too , she displayed.
All , dainty , Indeed , in hler tailor-made gown ,
Was this dear little maidenly maid.
I look for her now , but site's vanisiled from
- sight.
And a voter baa taken her place-
A girl who's afraid i'm usmmrrling some right
'l'hat ilciomigs to the whioie human mace.
SIte's clever , I'm told , and wIll make her
own way-
Silo's as silarp as a man in a trade ;
It's all the result of lIrogresslon , tile ) ' say ,
But I long for tile maidenly illaid.
The tailor-mnnilo gown is a memory now ,
Anti ( lie bloomers we ace in its Iince-
Whatever tileir merits-you'll hmave to allow
Are distressIngly lacking in grace.
The girl of today may excel , I concede ,
In the ibId she has tried to invade ;
So veil Silo succeeds in her effort , indeed ,
That we sigh for the maidenly maid.
We've mon enough now , it is worthy of
note ,
For we do not want all of one sex ,
So why slIould the women attention devote
To a movement thiat ever must vex ?
So manly In manner they ate that we fly
When in bloomers we see theni arrayed
And longingly cry , most regretfully sigh ,
For an old-fashioned znaiduriiy 1110111.
' V : . #
V V.
V ' :
- :
Get Ready For . 1'
Comb his hair-wash him up-and the teacher
won't know him-but put him into a
jci ' - ° . new suit of clothes and his own mother
I I o't know him-First impressions arc V
3. always the beat-get the teacher stuck
\ . on your boy the first thing and he'll
. - - ' 6 learn Jots faster-If lie's neatly dressed
4. . he pught to have aneat two-piece
school suit in Brown or Gray Mixedt
Double Breasted Cassirnere or Cli.
viet fo 6 to 14 year old boys at $2OiJ , V
- $2.50 and $3.00. Surely you cam
stand that. A Reefer for chilly inorn. .
1ngs , 3 to 8 years , blue , tan , red , brown , plain or mixecli
colors , all wool cheviots , flannels or kerseys , , $5 anth
6. Maybe knee pants vill be all he needs-35c , 5cc ;
75c , $ I,00 for special values , in mixed and plain colorecli
cassimerds , worsteds and cheviots , ages 4 to 15 years ,
Browning , King & C
S W Car. x5th and Douglas Sts.
- - - - - - -