' , . > C ti n . . . . I ; . - - - _ _ _ _ . 'rIlE Ol\fAIJA : JJAIL BEE : MONDA : , Sl4P'l'lD\EH } 2 , 18ij. { _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . , It seemell that you coull almost Mop the ' bftII In , bal Wa about the dinner hour , so we I p3uC1 Deveral places and went on to where I they were running a roultte wheel , where I I clglrs were the nomlnRI premium , but It "u really a game for money. You selected a' paddle , with I number running from one p to siX , correponlng to numbers on the t wheol. There were thre "stol.plgeons. " cnfcderatea who each tonic a P3ddlO. whIle . the opeutor hell two paddles hlmclf. On tim face of I thre were 5 to 1 agalnlt 'ou. but In reality I was 1,000,000 to 1 i . agaInst you because the olleulor contrlll i t f the wheel with a wire , Just next to It wae I . a ' stand tempting the unway to ring cane . . I I ' revolvers but the seemed I ; knIves and revoh'er. game tee hard to catch many except the unlnl- ltll.COMES : COMES PHO I CONEY ISLANn. One the other sldo was a stand wherl they were playing the Coney Island Ilale gime . which gav2 you a chance 01 winning watches and revelvers anel other valuable IJrzes for an outlay of 10 cents The tall 01 a low table wai covered , with tin disks - about lour Inches In diameter the edges of : Whlcl ! touched , The object was to completely - pletely cover a single tin llek with four brass disks by throwing them onto the tbIo from outside the ropea , n distance 01 Illut % five leet. I watched the attendant ' liould have 4 throwing theni and I anybody shoull hen an expert I was he , for he stood . there throwing them 11 11ay. Out of twenty trlall he succeeded , " ' oa times . and he had ' : e ah'llncl ! of al . ' I"n rP' by' bslng within tim ropes. And , yet there were plenty ; 01 fish who bit on this bait. " ' \el. " saul : r. Dutton . " 1 am mighty p 'r.'y . to know t'r't thl1 has . ' ti going on . hut I assura you that 1'lther the com- mRmler cf Ih , Ulnp ' nN' our committee wor aware of It. Your state fair In Omah' lair about to and the varlols county ! are tko place and I want you to show this bUIlnes9 up. Those Jamcs are nothing but plain robbery and that Is all. I the man ' n"oment ef lairs and reunions knew about them they would not be permitted. " On the street connecting tie two avenues was n table lal'ke,1 off In uaros on which . were Ilsplayell watches , revolvers and the cheapest kind of cheap j.welry Ite-rlngs and brass trinkets. 'fhe squarcs were numbered from twelve to forty-five. For 1 ; ccnts the dealer gave au a hal ! of eight cards and you he- Javo )1 came enttel , to the prIze on the square the ' number of which corrcotnde,1 , to the slm of the numbers on your cards . No one but one ot the. paid "tool-plge ns" ever , receIved any prize worth 10re than 3 cents. ' I did not take long to lce how It WS worked. The bIg prizes sere all on number above forty or below fifteen. The sum of the eIght cards from I deck wl4ch contained only n few ones and sixes could never add up 10re than forty or ! less than fifteen. On good authority I learned that there was a , three card monte game going on tn one of the tents. I was not public. but several etcetera were out gathering In the unsophis- tcated lambs and leading them to bo fee ed. There was one man whom I law with a pocket full of wa pennies who doubtless was an cxpfrt , at matchIng and was plying his trde. There , were other games which were tried for a short time . but did not run more than 1 day. One was pitching a quarter at a wash bowl about twelve feet away with a chance 01 getting 6 cents I snccessful. I saw lt * . least $10 Ihrown and not I cent returned . so . 1 was profitable bustness. At that distance the angle was such that a coin thrown a hal Inch too high would go over the bowl and too low would strike the edge. so there was about one chance In a million In getting Into the bowl. Besides thIs were fake strength-testing machlucs , which displayed prizes never to be gained . Other lake games of a similar nature were also on the rounds. There Is lIttle doubt In my ml11 that an organized gang 'was working this reunion loral all I was worlh. I know that the cgau used en one game were supplied by another fakir on the other side of the grounds. Alter I was cgagCl for a while In watching the games I found that I was no longer solicIted to plar nail they seemed to have an Idea that I was spying on them w It Is probable that they _ had some bond ' hveen them. This class of sharper travels from one fall 111 reunion to another and unless their managers adopt strict regulatIons they . wi conUnuo td fleece the unsophlstcaled. . ; . INFAVOI4 OF J'UDIAJUgS . YOHIC. . , . . . - > . ' ' 't. MiD " r..ul/ - - J1"lllh1.IIN or that . ; . . / . . CI ) ' to UII.INN tJie aliittor. YORK . Neb. , Sept. 1.-Spaciai.-A ( ) n\1S meeting of republicans was held last ovenlg for the purpOSe of determining which would bo more agreeable to the candidates for noml- ntons before the county convention , which Is to bo held here September 10. to hold CU- cuse or primaries In the cIty of York tn so- lectnr legates. Dr. leynol < s of thIs city was chosen hlrman and I. A. Baker secrc- tlr ) There zeernd to he much feeling that primaries should bo held In York , but what cusel much discussIon was whelher' or not 1 would be bettor Instruct the delegates t for these recdvl'l the majority of the votes cast or to have them represent the candidates - dates In proporton to the number of votes they had receh'ed. At last It was decided that the majority would rule and the one recelv- lug a 111aJorlr of the\ \ votes would bo repre- ente,1 , by the delegates from that ward Throughout thf county I Is probable that . caucluea will be held. The democrat of this county will be ac- companlNI to the state convention at Lincoln by the York Military hand. I Is thought that the democrats of this dIstrict will favor putting ulI n judicial ' ticket In the Fifth dIs- trict. It Is hardly possible , though should ; they not do tha ! that there will bo fusion ] ) e- wen the populds and the ( lernocrate . for the cool treatment that tie democrats were aubjrcted to at the hands of the populsts when they did fuse has learned them a lc- bon. bon.BASSETT. . Neb. . Sept. 1.-Spcclal.-Tho ( ) I rcpublcan convention for nock county was ; held . In Newport ) yesterday , and the following q i ticket was nomllnted ; t County clerIc , O. A. . Ilburg ; treasurer John n. Allen ; county ' jndg present Incumu nt. F. N. Morgan ; sheri I. O. F. Smith . renomlnatell : sUI rln- tenulont Prof. hugh MIller ; coroner , James I H. Lane : surveyor , J. II. Da\'enporl The I tLle ? t I regarded as : strong one. J. n. Mellurney L. A. McKcon Clel I.a lel 11\ \ John 1.lnl are the delegates to the judicial convention. They favor Judges lln- kald and Bulow. 1LA1'SMOUTI. Neb. , Sellt. I.-Speclal.- ( ) The prohibition county convention \vas hell : In Mlrry 'cstenlay. O. A. Davis was the , unanlmou choice for clerIc ] 01 the district court and the following county ofcers were nomlnlte < 1. Td. Oult , county clerk ; W. ' > : r. 'Fuckcr , treasurer : P. P. Gosa ! sheriff : S. , S. Stnart judges ; Iu. Charles Countryman lullerlnterdent of Instruction : Dr. J. C. . Tate ' un'er : n Peteson , county commtssioner . First dIstrIct , to fill vacancy ; Pall Marshall . : - Thlnl. W. O. Tucker , Frank Root 1' . P. Goss , ! $ ' drs. Jesale hoot Wilam Coatinan Mrs. A. lh , Churchill and 11ev. Frank Campbell . the commIttee . was authorIzed to fill any vacancy . that might occur . - 11t ocur. NELIGI , Nob. . Sept 1.-Speclal.-Tiio ( ) ' democrats of Antelope county met yesterday for the lurposo of selecting delegates . to the Lincoln convention. No resolutions were S n.lollted nor Instructions givt'u. The dele- lales are : C. C. JOle r G. " ' . Mien nnd Ur. Mct'hierson. S TltITON . Neb. . Sept. I.-Specisi.-The ( ) reptlblean county convention wa held hero S with Um lolowlng result : Clerk ! C. L. Allen of Strllon : tr ' 'asuror tcPlrland Campbel S of Trenton : serlr. A. Sllm.t of Cornel : judg J . I. 11. Taylor : sUlI1rlntcnltut. ] Mrs . ' S , \ 'atloait Patton ; utC'o. L , . J. Canlu- r , Ion ; toro ! : . 1)r. O. n. 1IJ/ ' ; . and D. I. Crain. commissIoner "f Flrlt dIstrict. J 1'Iiit isit.iuil h Itt..iiiei't. hiuriu.d. 1'1.\1'S IUTl Neb. , Sel ) . 1.-(8(1- ( rlal.-'hl ) reatheiuco of James Skounul inVest . _ W'Ctt Plattamouth was destroyed b ) duo this SS norniug. Mr. 51.pllal ! wu rescued with , ! lncuy ( ruin the fRm S. lie JI a crippit' . ! - ' . - The Lullll w.ia valueJ ' itt 51,200 . and the S. . cqnh.ns at $ JO.I . , $ iO , ) Insuancl. 'h ! ; Interest taken II HII sate ! faIr by S l'ltSoulh : pCple is t fast ineeisIug. Thcr3 I A great dent ct mmcllt ( I tIn i'ropuse1 ' PI:19 : to have : a "Ialsmouth foal ta the S p t'II. Sholld they start I 1 mrely wli : S 118 onrrlel nut \ \ Ih .redit. . Wi J. ncharlon , a Case : : unt relr.- eenhth'e farmer has alnrt"l tn put out " S large fruit furit ' ; 01 nl.r1) 2M . scrts. I Is l 1fltPll About .Ix mle $ southwest or l'l4tts- S ltitlth t . beli ! Ihl Ilrtst Iii :10 : COII'I ) ' . - - - - - - - S - I'i'riitt'r Killed . . 1Iltlll& S wlgan. lean. . Sepl. 1.-\n < rew :1(01- soil . 1 o ) 'el1 ot 1j . ( r.rrncr living t.n ; : miles nllrlh lt iier. \1 1\ln'l by 11hlnll : , last night whlIyln , liv the sll" or hIs wlCe anti chili ] , uCIth'er ethel WlS hurt. 'rite "tJ At the ' lr:1 utlsa kiiio1. 4 . ' . . . YOUR'S ' SUGAR BEET FACTORY - rnrer of that Section Guarantee the N Vegetnbtes. THREE THOUSAND ACRES REQUIRED - 1'hol.'I"t lItave , HnIN".1 1 Crop I" 'Il' I.lu. Art- \\.1 1'lcUI.t wll * hie 'icsv 1'1. . . YORK , Neb. , Sept. 1.-Speelnl.-A ( ) mass meetIng 01 the farmers 01 York and ] ur- rounding counties will be held hero September - ber G for the purpose 01 discussing the sugar beet question. The matter of obtaining a plant at this place Is being vigorously pushed , and already there are a great nUI- bar 01 acres subscribed to bo planted In bC2ts. I Ig thought that there will bo no trouble In securing 3.000 acres , the number reulreI , , as the farmers of the 'count seem to bo Interested In the subject. Those who have ratsd the beet In this county are so weU 1)lease with the result that they will cultivate more ) the coming year. iii.vriI ICg i'oi.i'viciiN . A1eJtIs'rI1) : . Ch.r/,1 wlh : llulllulltuIllnt. . , . , , ' , ut U County C.ii'e.iioia. BEATICE , Neb. . Sept. 1.-Spaclal ( Telegram - gram- ! . N. Casper an e-councUman from the Third ward , was arrested about 12 o'clock last night on a warrant sworn out by George Iaxfeld and others charging him with manipulating - nipulatng ballots lt the recent republican county convention . Casper wa chairman of lila delegation , and I Is claimed that after collecting the votes In a hat he changed them before reporting to the tellers. Casper was accused of the act lt the time . and after a heated discussion ! the chairmanship was taken from him and bestowed upon another delegate. lIe was arraigned last night before a marlstrat : and released upon his own recognlznco to appear for prolm- & o'clock Tuesday morning. mary hearing at 0 morIng. Su.liIeiL ) "Itl or u Fl roillItsi. FItIIONT. Sepl. 1-SpeclaI.-M { : ) I. lied- gera . a fireman en he Elktiorn . dropped dead at the rlkhor depnt this irorning. lie had Just come In from the west on a stock train and after attending to the en- gine lat down at the lunch counter for his breakfast. He almost Instantly fell from the stool Ind only breathed once or twice. hedgers was train Doane , Ia. . and thld was his first run on the Elkhorn. 10 was but 35 years old . of strong rebut appearance and apparently In the best of .halthi. lie leaves a wife and family In Doone. Henry Johnson a G.year-old boy , attempted to catch on to a wagon loaded with oats .yesterday and lost his hold , failing to the I ground. The rear wheel 01 the wagon , passed over his abdomen. No bones were ' broken and his Injuries while very Le- : yore , are not consIdered dangorous. H. L. MarkeU , formerly secretary of the Young len'8 Christian association here , hal beau appointed secretary of the Young Men's Christian association at San Antonio. 'Fox Mr ! 0.V. . D. neynolds and chidren have returned from a trip to Michigan end New' Yorle. MIss Ihla Tompkins , formerly of this city . but now of Pennsylvania , Is , 'Iclln ; friends here. O. A. Dodge of LouisIana. Mo. . Is spending a few day with hIs son , Charles Dodge Juth' ( ' COlut ) . Itetlsti'iiieil. DAVID CTY , Neb. . Sept. 1.-Speclal.- ( ) After a four days' session to consider the matter. the board of supervisors yesterday afternoon proceeded to redistrict the county and drew lots to determine who should hold over. L. J. KaVeny G. Marti , C. Ludden , n. C. Walter G. W. Gates William T. 1e. Evalno anti II. Woodruff were the lucky ones. The political complexion 01 the board Js . .r.eaty chanGel } , lS now the republcans have three and thc democrats and populst : two each. IIILDItIITH . Neb. . Sept. 1-Special.- ( ) The board af supervisors of Franklin county rcus ! d to redistrict the county by nearly a unanimous vote at the session . held the later part of last weel - Charles XI.INOI' " EXlll."utol. ; nED CLOUD. Neb. , Sept : 1.-Special ( Tel- egram.-Shcrlff nuchey this morning brought In Charles Nelrn , arrested for cor , phicity tn the burglar i Wright's hard- ware store. Nelson denies his guIlt . lIe says he lives In Falrmont and was at the rounlon In hastings , where ho called formal mail and was handed a card from the ex- mal I pre ' > company Informing him that there was a pRckat3 ! at the omce for Charles Nel- son. He handed the card bacle" saying It was not for hIm. On his next visit ho re- eeh'ed the same card and concluded to In- vesligate. When ho called at the express olce Il was arrested. - - - - - - - - - - Hoot U"lorlt Sers'iet- . BEATRICE . Neb. . Sept 1.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Ono ) 01 the finest musical treats Beatrice hag ever enjoyed ' was the memorial servIce rendered this evening by the Cen- tenary Methodist Episcopal choir , under the direction of l'rof. M. S. Calvin The service was given In honor of the memory of Dr. George P. noot recently deceased. all of the mlslc being of that gentleman's : composi- tions. There were fifteen numbers on the program comprising solos , Quartets and cho- ruas , all of which vern rendered In a per- feet manner. _ _ ' \ . . 'I'.tlCfl I'S' ' 10 IIOLCOMII. " 'h'rt' thut . ( .ormitJr's : tiump miiu.t time UINIIII O'r' it \ \ 'hll 1kCurried. . Members of tl'e Omaha Guards authorize the statement that they know whore the Governor's cup , which disappeared at Hatt- logs Is and that today It will be taken to Lincoln and placed In the hands of the governor - ernor as commander-In-ehlel 01 the state militia. It Is the intention of the Guards to make him an arbiter of [ lie ! sorry dIspute that arose lt the state encampment. An attorney bas been employed to present the claims of time compny before the governor and n willingness to abide by the executive's decision I expressed . The position of the Guards In the main Is that as dually but one company the Nor- folk cunipmiy . appeared In the drill , there was no cOllletlvo thrIll , and that therelor time Guards should retaIn the cup. They re- loterate their complaint that they were dls- crlmnlnateul Colby. against by BrigadIer ( General I Is stated that before the drill was over at hastings the cup was on Its way to Omaija. _ _ _ ! 4e'criil lioiim's \'Uh."t SE - . 1""I'ul 1011'N'Uh."t Str"l.t Cites , For several hour yesterday the people of Omaha cre given an imitation of what I \ would be tOrbC without street ' car facilities. Isrhy In time unornlng'a break : In the machinery - chinery at the Nineteenth and Nicholas streets powcr house occll'rel. , shuttng down th3 . F.urnam , Walnut II ! anti Twent.fourth ctrcet hues durimig the greater portion of the dy. As a result . traIns were laid \ out all doug the lines nnll nl.t of the Ilown-town c.iurelme.t ? were without thin usual lumber or buburhan stteumdamuts. Thu break \as alchell Ill ) In the afternoon anti traIns wer run lt Intervals until nIght when time repair were ecnmpioteth . alll U\II ni of the lines trains went hack 10 chcllul tunic . - - - - . - l'uN.II/ , ) IIJor S'lvt'ster . w.\SJnTO : Sept. . - : jor nchnr < ' : Sylvester. the o\rst and one of the best known journalists W'shlnglon , died here today. Major Sylvester has been identified whim tIme Washlnglcn I'o t us an editorial writer since Its inundation , In 18iO. and up to tile year before lila death . had } sCJrcely miuNI a llr train his desk fur Iny cause. As I poltJI writer he Wab looked upon by his contemporaries sa on authority withOut . Out ) arllnnslll' or 'r julllce. A wllow antI four children Iurlve htm. The ducoaau was horn : In New Ihmlshlro In 1830. . \ \ 'ill ' l'eei Iii- Inuit' . .rmiior. WAJ\ a'UN. Ul. 31-The Navy de- futmd1t has ,1tchled upon next Thursday ) ua the date or the proposed ballIstic test of the silo , armor pilte ( of time Iowa. The test h regsrdsd a one of vast Importance In the navy Ht It will not only determine the quality of lIme armor itself . blt will S far toward tiomuonetrating the re.lstancl or the new It iyio ot battle shIps . The plate selected h about 7,11 leet. I ClltlilflAT1iISIlAN . nAY. 1 Ollhl ( ! 'rlln" C.II"I.rlt. . tile II 1'ieEir' ( h'rl the I.'rrnl'h. In cOlmlrmouton of the victor at Sedan I and , of the valor 01 their countrymen whose I lives were given up on that eventful day for their fatherland . the Germans of the city I held a odehraton yesterday lt Frabm's park , arid one 01 less magnitude at nuser's park. , The celebration at I"rahm's park : was held ; under LImo auspice of the German Lanlwehr I vereln and eommencl early In the afternoon. I I began with a parade through the prIncipal ' streets of the city . startIng at 1:30 : o clole from the soclety's ball at 1313 Howard street and , ending at Twenty-lourth and Cumlug streets , where street cars were taken for the park Them were almost :00 member - bees 01 the associatIon In line , and among them were twenty.fvo members 01 the han- nlnglon lodge , who arrived In tIme city In the rmiormiing. Of the men In hue there were fifty who vera tldlers In the German ( nrm ) and , these \ero dressed I tithe white fatigue black of the organIzation. Jackets and : caps organlzatol. ' cals with jubilant 'fho grounds were packed JUbiant Oermans , despIte the fact that many were leellt aWRY by lack 01 street car service. glily In the day a portion 01 the machinery 01 the power hose supplying the , \lnut 11 cr line was disabled and trains were run only \Hst of Twenty.fourth t.treet on Cum- ing. ing.flofreshirnents were to be had at all times and throughout the festivities a good band furnished excellent conlert and dance mnslc. The Omaha Saengcrbund was out In full force and . entertaIned the picnickers with many excellent selections. In Iddltlol to these attractions amid lt Intervals during the afternoon and evening number or In informal - formal program were rendered , which were greatly enjoyed. The feetvltes were early begun by a shooting contest In which there were lorty- two entries The winner 01 time contest was Fritz Elvers . who obtained thirty-five points out 01 a possible thirty-six. while August Schaum and Borhardt Behrens were re- spectvoly ! adjudged second and third each making a score of thirty-four. The winners were awarded prizes. Un the sporting pro- gram there were a number of loot races , three for boys of different ages and a like nuuiibir for girls and women , prizes being awarded In each event. A number of games were also played an Incentive In the shape of a prize being offered. The most pleasing part of the ontertaln- meat was on time platform In front of the band stand late In the afternoon. here the Omaha SaenJerbund assembled , and after they had ung "Der 'Vacht 1m Hhlnc" Dr. Grossman delivered an address In which ho feelingly spoke of the occasion which had gathered the plcnlel\rs together. The ad- dress was followed by another selection by the Saengerbund , "Es Goht . mlt Oedaempf- len Trornmnelklang. " Then their comrades dragged forward a number of the veterans of the Franco-Prusslan of 1870.71. and decorated them with oak wreaths. Among those who were so honored were C. F. Bouf- ne. ' , president of the local voreln ; herman Busch the ox-president : Theodore Dusing , Michael Ihelgard Frederick Krause Dr. I Grossman Carl Carlson Ielnrlch Pies , S. I Laub Jacob lansen , August Iiohne Charles 'I ' Schatow , John Novak and Charles Hida- br.1ndt. ( These were of the Omaha l'clety and of the Bennllgion society tIme following ' were also adorned : Hans \S'ls . Theodore hunker and William Johnson. This part of the program was a complete surprise to the principals. and In fact to all those present except those who originated it . and was heart- Iy received. At dusk the program was practically brought to a close , although the pIcnickers stayed to a late hour to enjoy social Inter- course and to listen to the music. The final number was a representation of the storm- lag of Sela n. The former soldiers of the emplro fell Into line . . and , marching to the battlefield . kept up I luslade with their muskets for some minutes. The whizzing and cracking of bombs was represented with fireworks and finally a bonfire . to represent time tall of Sedan , and I charge ended the battle. batle. At Ruser's park th anniversary was celebrated - bratel by a picnic which' was glvore by the 1Iatsdeutcler vereln , Member and their friends to the number of GO were In at- tentiance. ' There was , dancing. : bowling alley contest singing anti splendid music and talk unlImIted . tn fact all or the essentials of an enjoyable German holiday. The fun commenced at 3 o'clock and lasted until a late honr. 1 OPI ' ICEJ CI\UC SSlJ'IH ' U. Chumirg.l with Lenvluuir Ills U.lt to Chlr/,1 wih Ll'I'ln11. . JoIn 1..1 CUlllln ) ' . Patrolman Clark was suspended yesterday from the police force pending Investlgat6n on charges of conduct unbecoming an ofcer and absence ! rom' his post whIle on duty. At In early hour yesterday mornIng the commanding officer lt the cIty jai was informed - formed that Patrolman Cleric . whose beat covers the greater part of the burnt district , was away from hIs post and that he and Block Watchman Brown were making .them- selves merry In a notorious bawdy house A detail of officers In charge of a sergeant was sent down to Investigate the rumor , as complaInts had been made at various times by people Ln this neighborhood that they were wIthout police protection after 2 or 3 o'clocle In the moring , The squad sr- rounded the house and made a search 01 the premIses , but found no "copper. " There was n room that was locked however and the keeper of the dive refused to unlock It. The police were 1atloned about the place but no ono appeared. The officer In charge ordered the men back to their Quarters. They walked around the corner. but at once reappeared and found corer Clark coming from out time house. His helmet - Cark met was crushed and his uniform looked as though he had been In hidIng In a collar or rtoreroom , He was ordered Into the station and suspended. Drown also WS' found coming Irom out the Ilouse. The cases against the patrolman and watchman - man wi be laId before the Board of Fire and Polee Commissioner tonight. The police SY that Drown has passed a good examination for the : position 01 patrolman on the Churchill- , Iussel police force and has been qualified ! and accepled. lIe Is an ex-pohicernan. Clark has been on the force for six years : and , has heretofore bore a good reputation as an olilcer. He was formerly secretary alone of al the councIls of the A. P. A. MARY : . ' % 'iil.SIl'9 SIXHJ IBtNS' " Asks to U. . ldxmuuimluteilzufl tu l.r . SIII" 11.1 l onlll h.IJ. . Mary Welsh an apparently well educated woman 25 rear of age walked Into the police staten yesteday and asked that she 1e examined 1 to her sanity . She R31d that many people whom she had met taB her that 11ny she was Insane. and she desired to know whether she was Insne or not. City Phllc'an Sllle : was called. an1 after t1lk'ng with the gIrl for hal an hour arrIved at the con- clusion that she was mentally unbalanced. Her parents will be notified of her conditIon today , and will be requested to take care 01 I ber. ber.She talks sanely on every subject ixept the conditIon of her own mind Her home Is In LexIngton , Neb . whore her parents are new lIving. Three years ago she ! went to Chicago where fhe obtaIned employme.it She came 10 thus city three months ago and has been wcrlelnl as a domestIc In the family of Irl. Helms : t Soven'eenth : and Dodge stre l. She says that she has three sisters . one 01 whonuIsn - ! an Insane asylum. I Cruiser A tnltl to I. . Sulr'l't ' ) " tsl. ' ASINGTON , Aug 31.-After . an Inspec- ton of the cruiser Atanta , made at the New York lavy yard yesterday . S cretlY Herbert today ordered , a survey of the vessel for the purpos of ascertaining definitely an(1 ( of- Iclal ) ' the extent or her defects. The . \tanl has been In constant . service since she went Into commission and has become so generally broken down that It Is believed a general overhauling will be necessary to Iut ! her In condition , . Among other defects lime boilers ot the cruiser are Imowj to be much worn. . Shot nut ! II.tllt ) ' } Cilii-d. : "ASlNOTON COURT hOUSE 0. . Aug. 31.-John Bannon a prominent contractor 01 this city . was shot and instantly killed by henry Sampson. I wheel factory workman , toda ) TherA hall been trouble between the men 01 the subject 01 rent , Sampson living In the murered moan's house and while drunk Dalnon made threats that hi would kill both Sampson and his wile. The men met today Inl Sampson Irell two bulet8 through Bannon's hearL The murderer was jailed pending an investigatIon. A woman Is said to figure In the case. . . . - - - - S SOClm ) , : ! : TO SIOUX CITY Picked Nine Vins from the Tcnm that ) 1eprgen the Corn Pnlnco. t "c- " VISITORS NO I , 'MATCI FOR TIlE OMAHAS I 'u- Slnl Cr,1 or - Slll'rtltor"'ltrlc" . th. . l'rUlrl. or n.r ' ) ' thH'.SII.,1 . . BII.l.I. ttl'rJOOI Uu" . nt tile I ' 1 , llr I UriimmIs. - . , ' - Time Sioux Cltys played a picked Omaha teem at the old lair grounds yesterday after- noon In the presence of a Dave howe crowd of epecta tors-a bakers ) ? dozen or so. Time SIoux ClyS demonstrated one thing , at least and that was that they dou't know how to lmla ) bl as thoroughly as any nine young men who ever made the attempt. The picked tel went around them like a cooper goes ease. Irolnd Score : I barrel and won wIth ridIculous ALL-OMAHA. Al ) . 11. lill. SIo 513. P0. A. E. Uanen I. . f I. 0 0 0 0 1 0 Jeilenrn . . . G 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 Dorcns. 3b. . 4 2 1 0 0 : 3 1 Irish , as. . . . . 3 : i 3 2 0 1 2 6 1 I.'arrel , 2b . . 4 0 1 0 0 3 2 0 Lacey. c. . . . 4 2 1 0 1 1 3 0 Shannon lb. . 4 0 1 0 0 12 0 0 Troby. p. . . 4 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 Jellen . jr. . rf. 1 0 0 0 e 0 0 1 Totals . .3 8 ' 0 3 2 17 " SIOUX CITY . AB. R. 1311. SIL. SD. P0. A. E. Youngren , p. G 0 2 0 1 0 7 1 F. Johnson. 1 ( ! 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 H. Brown , lb. 4 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 Mnrtln . 11. . : 1 1 I 0 8 2 1 hlyke , 21i. . . . 1 0 1 0 27 0 0 ilrown e. . . . 5 0 0 0 0 3 : 2 1 Eberly . ss. . . 4 0 1 0 0 3 2 2 S. Johnson m 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 JuIcy . I. . . 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - Totals . .32 2 G 0 4 2t 16 0 Omaha . . . . . . . . . 00011420'-S Sioux City . . . . . . 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1-2 Earned runs : Omaha , 2. 'fwo-base his : Jehlen . Troby Double plays : Omaha 1 : Sioux City 2. Struck out : By Troby 8 ; by 1ounJren , 1. Base . on balls : Oft Troby . G : off Youngrcn 1. Passed bal > : Brown , 1. ; Time : One hour and thirty-five mluntes. , UmpIre : Mr. Keith. \'IS'VIhitN ASOCIA'I'ION 'll SI.TS. Limmeul . nl"'H . I t'l'hiree Slrlhht wll thit' iimiriiugtou ' I'euuuui. \ 11 rJ I J'.I1..11. , BURLINGTON . . . Ia. 1-Score , 10. Sept. I.-Scre : Burlington . . . . . 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 3 0 8 : Lincoln . . . . . . . . . 1 0 : 0 4 2 0 1 ' -10 hits : Burlington . 15 ; LIncoln 12. Errors : Burlington . 4 : 1.lncoln. 3. BatterIes : Walsh , and Lynch : Gr g and Speer. HOCKI"OHD , ill " Sept. I.-Score : Rockford . . . . . . . 10000022-5 Des 1olnes . . . . .3 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 7 His : Jtockford 6 : Das Molne 13. Errors : Fiocleforti , .1 i : Des Moines , G. Batteries : Ilor- ton Fnrlnnd. amid Snyder : Sonier , 1gemler amid Mc- QUINCY Ill. . Sept I.-Score : Quumucy . . . . . . . . 044010000-9 Dubuque . . . . . . . 300020000-5 His : Quincy 13 ; Dubuque 7. Errors : Quincy 4 : Duhufue , 9. Batteries : Hi and bland : McGnley' and Dlelson. PEOHIA , Ill. Sopt. I.-Score : Peoria . . . . .m. . L I 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 08 St. Joseph . .IH. " ' 0 0 0 I 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 Hits : Peoria" ] 8t St. Joseph , 5. Errors : I'oorla 7 : St.Joseph , 1 flatteries : Roach anti Dugdale ; ColJI a"1 Lohman. STANDiU .01" ' TIlE TEAMS. lJa'e Won. I.ost. P.Ct. \\on. LIncoln . . . . J : . , . : 101 62 Zi9 61.4 Des Moines.I / : , 103 63 : 61.2 PeorIa . . . . : . : . . ' . 103 G f 41 6l . fG.3 Quincy . . . . . ; . . .I 13 & 48 5:1.4 : Dubuque . . , , . lou ) 51 49 51.0 Hockfonl . . _ . . . . . . 10 & 51 48.1 St .Jo eph..t.J' 10 3 G 5.2 Burlington " : " . . : , . . : 9 : 3 6 : ! . Games today ! Lincoln at Quincy ; Du- buque /t Hokrord : St. Jdseph at Burlng- ton : Des lloln s a Peolla ; two games In each own. . ' " 1 SCOnES Ol i'ul' : \ \ 'ES'i'FiiiN l.rrUE. . ' ' .rrc Jlutm Captures ' the FIrs s of liii- Series itt :1iiiiiiiiLt- . lUI.\'AUKEE , \Vis. , Sept. I.-Score : Terre haute . . . . . 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 1-G lllwnultee . . . . . . . .1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 05 Hits : Terre haute , 1 : Milwaukee / 10. Er- vera : Terre Haute , 1 : MIlwaukee . 3. Bat- tories : Nop amid Hoaeh ; Hetger and Dolan. GRAND RAPIDS 1lch" , Sept. I.-Score : Grand Rapids . . . 002110002-6 Minneapolis . . . . . G 1 1 1 3 0 4 3D His ; Grand Rapids , 1 ; MinneapolIs . 14. Errors : Grand itaphle 7 : MInneapolis. 2. flatteries : Stafford and Campbell ; Blackburn - burn and Strauss. STANDING OI THE TEAMS. Played. Von. Lost. P.Ct. Indianapolis . . . . .103 67. 3G 65.0 St < Pnul . . . . . . . .107 G 4t 1.9 6.0 Kansas CIty . . . . 107 G 41 58.9 Minneapolis . . . . : .10 l2 ii 49.1 Milwaukee . . . . . . Ins G1 55 49.0 Detroit . . . . . . . . .10 49 l7 I 4G.2 Terre Haute . . . . .107 47 60 43.9 Grand Rapids ] . , . , .107 : 7 , 30.8 . " Games today : Minneapolis at Grand Hap- IS : . 'lJWIUKee at Terre Haute : St. Paul ut Detroit : Kansas City at IndianapolIs : two games at each place. lanalols GAMES Ol ' 1IN LiVELY A ( ATI Uns. StrJII.hl'hll th. Pt'iiunuit II time SUrll ) ' County I.ru/ul' Itite . . . SlIUNGFI I.j Neb. , Sept. 1.-Speclal ( Telegrnm.-Springfieltl ) went to Pnplion yesterday afternoon and cla'ed the Sarpy county league "easol by winning the sixth straight game from Papllon by a score of 19 to 8. thereby wInning time county cham- pionship and league pennant. Score : Springfield . . . . . 2 1 1 0 0 3 1 1 10-iD Sprlnlfe1l . . . . . . 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 38 Hits : Sr lngleld , IG : Paiiiion , 13. Erors : Springfield. 8 : Pupllon , I. Two-base hits : Youngs 2. Fox. a' . . Peters Swain. 'fhree- base hits : Youngs. Batteries : Plug and Clement : Ueerlne and Nleholson. Time : Two hours. Umllre : Mr. McFerrin . tc"errln. VALENI INI N. ] Neb. . Sep' . 1.-tpIal ( Tale- grarn.-Chutlron nnd Fort Nlohrra played two games of hal on the grounds .or the latter today. Cluulrn was easily defeated In the Irst game. The second game. with the exception of the first inning when Nlo- Irarn ran In FIx runs was ns sine an exhl- bllon at bal playing as was Over witnessed in the northwesl. Score first game : Fort Niobrara. . . . 5 1 3 2 0 0 2 0 0-13 Chadron . . . . . . . . 510002000-8 Batteries : Bride and Feldlcamp ; w'iillams Wilams and O. Horton. Score , lecoll game : Fort Niobrara. . . . . 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-7 Chacrol . . . . . . . . . 101000400-6 flatteries : Collins all Fehlcamp1 : - hams und O. Horton. Umpire : Sport I.awrenco. O'NI'JI.I" , Neb , Sept. 1.-Special ( Telc- gram.-CreightOn ) and O'Nel crossed bats here today and played a very exciting game. O'Nel hail , the game won until the Beventh inning . when two errors let In two rum' tying the score. and a lilt and a Ihree-bagger In the eighth wnnlng } the game Score : O'Net . . . . . , ' . 1 t 0 3 0 0 0 0 .11' Crelghlon . . . . , . , . 3 : i 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 I t His : O'Net : i : : relghton . 10. Bases on halls : Oft ne''ojr.,2. Struck . out : By Mc- Ilvairmo . G : by Bemner . 4. Da.terle3 : O'Neil. McJIYllne . ! Ij.r enL : Crelghtomi , Hey mer unt Carroim. tirnpmru : urchin. carrol. umpl' . . : ISS0UHI VALLEY croni. . . Sept. I.-Spe- ( clal Telegrani.i + Ofle of the best bal games ever played Inrouecurred . today between Missouri VehioyDwlNeaia teams the former wInning. Score , 4 t ' 2. Tprner of the Vai- 109's struck out jJftoi'n men , pitching a mug- mililcent game. J tfdance. 600 uiloont CJJAn BA1111)S . in. . Sent. \ 1.-Spcclal ( Telegram.-The Cedar flaIis and Otum- was iilmt'etI unlexJ1biton gamd here today the visitors wllJln ; ) n score of 10 to 9. Batteries : Ueal IIHI Pierce : Harvey and Jckson. Atent ncc. soo. PlnS'I' n.\C 5XIIXT s.trLlIilAy. . : Ultcl for ti.\ . . \1 .rlcl' " CIII to Con- .111 or th. . IPHt'l'Iirei , Smut .r liye. NE\V YOn \ pt. 1.-The conference between lArd Dunrven and the cup com- mitee resulted tn the issuance last night by the New York Yacht club ot the unnounce- ment below 1 "The match for the America's CUll wi consist of three best of live races over courses thirty nautcal miles In length . with U time limit of six hours. The snatch will commence on September 7. all wt bo con- tinued on alternate tay" . The races will he started , off Sandy Jolt lightship . the preparatory signal being given lt 10:5 a m. and the atmirtingalgnalathi o'clock. " I I. . O. JolutNon Jull ) " hurt. SpnINGFIJI.P. Mass. , Sept 1.-1. C. I Johnson pC CIQve1a11 collided with Hay : MacDonal" ) while training at Jampden , luirk todny. JoiiflitOn' wheel was demol- I'arl and he himself suffered a fracture , of the collar bone. ' I CI"ll'l HUlt . H'hlc. PIII\EI.lJIA. Sept. I.-Joseph Sug- I den one or time catchers for the } 'Itsburg Bat Del club is I dying ot typhoid fever , j I nl lila room In Fmnklorl\ n suburb of this : city. "Connlo" lncl ( . captain of the Lenin vIsited } the sick mal tolay an.1 . reports him I to Le very low. MURden cnme to lila home I about two wtks ago comvlnlnln of 10t ftelng 'veil , but 10 serious consequences were thel Cenre COIl'3l liUS OIL 0:11. X lNT , 'I , \n. 1'lutl or tiit' \ Veetermt , lemigui , ' ihmig- un"1 10 'rhl'o1' tlt 'rol.do. CHICAGO Sept. 1.-Flvo or the headers of the different clubs of lie Western Haso Ball league hell n secret meeting at lie Great Northern hotel this mtrnln/ There were present n. U. Johnson of Cincinnati , lreliielt of the league : J. H. MannIng . malager and captain of the Kansas City team : E. ] .J. Ellis . prePldent of the Grant ! Hnpils team : Charles Goml > lee ) ' , malinger Ilel chnlrmnn of the St Paul club , nie } Iresilenl I.liel of the Miltvaumkeeuu. Each amid ] everyone oC time gentlemen lentoned denies but casual circumstances brought him tl Chicago , but I Ito questIoning . broulht out the facts tn the cnse. 'rhesu are lint the ' \rstern league has becolo extremely - tremely tired ot the Ilresence of the Terre haute climb 10W playing n9 I representmi- Live for Toledo . , and \ ) anxious to do away with Del\ny \ Long 11,1 , tIme Ohio otmtflt. 'rhe mnllr wnf freely discussed lt the meeting and the general I pentlnelt teems to ho hint I would be best for the league to give the lrlichise next season to bu placed In Colum- bus , I good lively hale ball town. Although no delnll conclusion WIS reached I 19 nbout certain that time circuit next seosan will be Ielrol. St. Paul 1lnnllllols , Kan- sai City , Illnnlpol" Grnd htapItis. Mit- waukee anti Columbu The lensue as at present formed cOlprlses all of the cubs excepting , the Colurninma . I ts saul I , that Omaha may be able to "brcak In . ' as It would like to do so. lJtl,1 :111"1 1 1."t ( lumitrjt'r . BUFFALO . Sept. I.-No records were broken at the races held by the Buffalo Bicycling Uaee association nt the Driving park yesterday afternoon . though Eddie Bald performed the remarkable teat of mak- lag a ' 1)'lng quarter In 25 second , unpace , which was announced to tie a world's rec- ord. Results : One mile novice : George B. I3owcn Unattached - attached . won. Time : 2:35. : half mile open : C. J1. Werrlck , Buffalo . ilrst. TIle : 1:09 : 1-5. MIle hnnllcap : O. " ' . Dowen I1G yard , ilumiTalo , fIrst ; J. F. Higgins , 135 yards , BUffalo - falo , 1eeond : C. A. WillIams , 70 yards , Erie Ia" , third. Time : 2:12 : -1.5. One mile , 2:40 : ( class : Otto Maya . Erie first. Time : 2:37. : 'rwo.mlIo hnndlcnp : Fred SinclaIr P. W. C. , 190 yards , Irst : E. E. Denniston , 1' . C. C. , 1G yards . second : W' . n. 1Inlto , H. B. C. 151 yartia . thl rd. Time : 4 :49 : 4-5. 1'lve-niUe hnnelcap : Ole Maya , Erie ilrst. Time : 13:02. : r.uh.r . UI ) ' 111 ( mute. The Sioux Clt.s and UnIversities . will play their second game at University \ark this nfel'noon. cOlmelclng at l:13. : The Sioux CI.s will be strengthened thIs afternoon hiy three new men , PeSllu , hoffman nnll eager , for whom they teiegrnphol hart evenhmig. They think the" will vinm . but will probably have to think ngnln. The teams will line U\ as follows : . University . Position . Sioux Clt > . . 'Crelgh. . . . . . . Shortstop . . . . . . . .Pegnu .Pesnu Abbot. . . . . . . . . . First . . . . . . . .Johnson Ha.es. . . . . . . . Catcher . . . . . . .1rown Crn wfon\ \ . . . . . Right . . . . . . . . .llorfuiliun McKelvey. . . . . Third . . . . . . . .Hncmln . e. . McAulfre. . . . . Secon . . . . . . . . .hlylce LawIqr. . . . . . . Pitcher . . . . . . . . .Miller Jellen. . . . . . . . . Middle . . . . . . . . Everly HOblnson. . . . . . . Loft . . . . . . . . . .Drown : lt.ull I"I/l. ( nl"1 'olln y . National league games scheduled for to- day Ire : Cleveland at New York , twice : CincinnatI nt Boston twIce ; ChIcago at Brooklyn twice : SI. Louis nt Baltimore . twice : Pilshurg at 111\lel\hla : : LouIsville \ at Washington . 13X-GOVflhiNOa CI0SE JOI < . Ito iuuiti lziugluter " ltetuuu'n frotu n. nl.l Ihtl/ht'r" n.tlrn , " ( n \INI to Emmroiit- . Ex-Governor Crounse and his daughters the Misses Oretchen and Marie Crounse , returned - turned yesterday after a stay of almost seven months tn Europe. They went by Gibraltar - ralar to Italy. A' month was spent In nome , some time at Florence and lour months lt Paris , where the Misses Crounse continued their studies In music and French. They were In England only to take ship at Southampton , and after landing nt New York spent several days with frIends on Long Island. Mr. Crounse says that after a stay of a few days In the city ho will go to his farm near Cahimoun . td permanently reside there. there.le said that In his absence he lost the threc 01 political events In Nebraska and was therefore not prepared to dIscuss mat- ters pertaining to the administration at state affairs. 'rgr.gGl1l'IIC JUI''IES. . PresIdent Cleveland WS out for n drive ) eslerla ) < WillIam Kline . while diving tn shallow water at Chicago . broke his neck. Editor E. H. Hi of the Sprtngleld ( ! ass. ) Homesteader died sudden . Several companies of militia are protect- Ing shovelers from strikers nt Ishperlng , Mich. Milwaukee and Cincinnati Germans cele- brted tim victory of Sedan with speeches and parades. H. P. Searle of Chicago Is attempting to lower the bicycle record between Chicago ant ! New York. At Washington , In'1. ' James Carr shot and killed nn unknown tramp who was stealing hIs water melons. The steam racing yacht Yankee Doodle owned hv McBride DroM. was destroyed by tire at PhIladelphia. . ) Mayor McClntock of Asllland , ' \ . . has been formally charged with extorting money from city emllo 'es. Three nersons were Infured In a collision on the Metropolitan street railroad tn Chl- cage The alrlrnlcs falcd to worlt. The tug Pathfinder collided wIth another vessel nt Duluth and wnO sunk All the crew but Engineer Jacob 'Vnsser was saved. A . .rlrlio storm has been raging In Routh- era Texas and across the bonier , In Mexico. Much damage has resulted . but no los of life. " I ( At Ihlnckley Minn. , memorial services ot an elaborate char"Ier were held to com- momorte time terrible forest fires of last veur. The entire family or Jnrvls Reed ot liar- riman Tenn are prohably fatally I from . some mysterious poison I nthelr Sunday dinner. The Red Star stlnmshp Illinois nrralved At Philadelphia , with twelve passengers . two days overdue The vessel encountered heavy slorms. A broken axil wrecked a freight train at huntington , Pa. , on the Pennsylvania. Twenty cars were demolished and Brakeman - man Franks was killed . WIS - - - W'EA'VliElt lm'OJIIiCAST . ' \nrm.r , " .lt Southerly . ) ' ' \tl.1N 51.1ff- hug to \'est.rl ) for Nt'luraskim. WASHINGTON , Sept. i-Speclal.-The ( ) forecast for Monday ts : For Nebraska and Innsas-W'armner : southerly winds shifting to wester ! . For South Daleota-Llght local showers ; very warm during the day . but cooler ! on- daY night . For Iowa and Missouri-Fair ; warmer : sutherly winds Local hteeorul OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU , OMAHA , Sept. 1.-0maha record of ter- prature and ralnCal compared . with the da or the four corresponding day past years : ) 189 S91. 1693. 1892. Maximum temperature. . . 7 0 76 8 Minimum temperature. . . r : ; 69 G Cl Average temperature. . . . Ci 8 f. 71 Precipitation . . . . . . . . . .0 .01 .0 . .0 Condition ot temperature and precipitation at Omaha for the lay and since Murch I , : Normal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Defciency for the ( hay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Accumulated success since March 1..2 Normal precipiaton . . . . . . . . . .1 Inch Deficiency for the da ) ' . . . . . . . . . .1 Inch Total precipItation since March 1 18.5:3 inches DeficiencY since Murch 1. . . . . 1.2 Inches nUllor' froth Stations nt H 1' . tam. ; [ " " . 3 . - a' STATS or IIUTI01& S OP 0 . . .i ' ! WLm15m . ( . " B. 3 : : 3 & g : .7 ; - - _ _ _ - - I - - . - Olnaba . . . . . . . 7 : 71 00 Ch'ar. North II0t\e. . . 74 7t .00 l'areloud7 Val"nUu..r. . . . 12 "I .00 Cloudy . ( hlelltO . . . . . . . . . 61 72 .10 Clear . SI. Louts. . . . . . 70 . 74 .0(1 ( CI'ar. SI l'aui..7(1 . 74 . ( 'ul I'art clolly hiavonporl. . . . . . . I 4 74 .00 Cheat. Kuu.al Cly. . . . . . 70 76 .00 Clear. Itcima . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 81 .00 l'aal cloudy Ueuvur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . mo it .00 Part cloudy naIl Iimlce Ctty 52 . 52 .110 1 lear. liisnuarcic . . . . . . . . . .55 0-1 .00 Clear. btVinicenl . 74 8' ! .Ot ) Clear. Cieyeiune. . . . . . . . . . . 78 141 .110 Cloudy. Mtici City , . . . , , , . 813 94 .OilP.irt ( cloudy JtimptdClty . . . , , , . 8-4 ilO TICIumiuiy , ( Jaivestou. . . . . . . . . . . s itti .O0Part ! cloudy "F" indicates trace o ( precipitation. 1. . A. WBLSII , Observer. SOUTR OMAHA NEWS CCCCCCCCCccccCoccccccco Tuesday is the tlay for time school bond dcc. tion. It is a hard matter to obtain the general - eral semitinient of the people , as very little In- [ crest seems to ho taken in the affair. limileeti hundreds of people In town do not know that there is a special election oim the tapis. No one except heavy property owners are heard to talk about the election , alit ! it is doubtful if a heavy vote will be polled. Time liropoaltion is to vote $40,000 in bonds to keep time schools running for another [ cram , time bonds to ruin fifteen years and draw 5 per cent Interest. in case the bonds do hot pass time 20-null levy assessed by the county commmmlssioners for cimOol Imuirposes wIll be collected , Should time iontl lmroPosition vase the entIre levy will be thrownm off. Niut Afraid of 'l'u'xmis Sti'ers. Tue Texas fever scare at [ ho Kansas City stock yards does not In time least alarm time , managers of the Union stock yards hero. It is true [ lint Texas cattle are received hero almost every day Iii time week , but every Texan shipped hmere niust umndergo an inspec- [ ion at Kansas City and amintimer examuimmation here. All of the Texas stock shipped to thIs market caine besides frommu above time fever halt amid consequently there is no danger , it Is thoumght , of tIme disease breaking out Iii those yards. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mmgio City Gossip. henry Bock leaves today for St. Louis , The public schools open Tuesday at 9 a , m. A. L. Sutton returned yesterday frotim a trip to Iotrolt. luurimug thmo month of August the police unado 138 arrests. Miss Anna Taylor Imas returned from time west , where she spent the summer. Prof.V. . J. Taylor , prIncipal of the IIigti school , returned yesterday from Lincoln. City Clerk Maiy received yesterday the of- flcial ballots for time school bond olectiomi. Miss Mary Mann returned yesterday from Oakland , In. , where sime spent a month via- itlng friends. \v. Iioetl Dunroy has written a song cmi- titled 'Fairy Song. " Slgmnuimd Landshcrg is setting time words to music. Stereopticon views of time interior of the packing houses will be shown at tIme First Methodist church Thursday evening , September - ber 12. Tonight at the First Methmodit church there will be an Oriental entertainment in which twenty young ladies of the church vlll appear - pear in Japanese costume. This afternoon the LIve Stock exchange will hold its regular monthly meetIng. The board of directors rihl also meet after time regular exchange nicottag adjournp. St. Bridget's cimurcim will give a picnic at Syndicate park today. Sports of all kinds have been arramiged for and several able spealterslli deliver addresses. A large imumn- her of tlcket have been sold. All of [ hO janitors employed by thin Boarder or Education will report for duty at time high school buiildimig this morning at S o'clock , After reporting the janitors will proceed to their school houses and put everything - thing in zhmip shape for the opening of school. p VliEltli .IACI ( 'I'ltld htll'l'idit IS iCiil"r Euiglisim Meihioni hipert Talks if the ! Ferruur of Jdnudouu. NEW TOI1K , Sept , 1.-Dr. Forbes Winslow - slow of London. a well known sieciahist on suicide and insanity. says that "Jack thin Ripper , " who by hula crimes terrorIzed Lon. don a few years ago , Is incarcerated in a county lunatic asylum in England. Dr. Winslow says tiit tact Is known to time doe- tors , hut they hushed it uo. The doctor has come to Now York to attend the Medical congress , which will be imeld September 4 , 5 and 6. lIe will be elmairman of time department of Insanity and mental medicine , amid has prepared a paper on ° Sulcldo Considered as a Mental Ei- dernic. " TIme doctor told tIme following story : , ' 'Jack the Rlppe' was a mnedic4h sttdent ci' goat ! fanIly ; , lie was a young umin ot slight build and light hair anti blue eyes. 110 studied very hard , and his mind , being naturally weak. gave way. lie became a religious enthusiast and attended early service - ice every morning at St. Paul's. Ills re- liglous fervor resulted in homicidal mania toward time 'omea of time itreet and liii- polled him to uiiurtler them , lie lodged with a man whom I knew , and suspicion was first directed toward him by reasom : of time' fact that lie returned to his lodgings at unseasonable - seasonable hours. amid timat lie hind Immnummer- able coats anti hats stained vIthm blood. "I have in may possession now a pair of Canadian moccasIns stained with blood that the 'Ripper' wora while on lila murdering expeditions. I notified the Scotland Yard authorities , htmt at. that time they refused to co-operate wIth Inc. Stmbseqtmently time yoummg man was placed in confinement ant ! remnoveC to an asyltmni , where lie is today , Simico his incarceration there has been no repetitioni of the horrible umiurders that lie perpstratetl. Those facts are all known to the lnghishm authorities , and It is conceded [ lint the malt now in the asylum is 'Jack the Ripper. ' It was deemmmed desirable , however , to bush time matter up , The details were too horrible to ho the subject of a public trial and there was no doubt of this man' . , hopeless insamu- Ity. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Another Slab of the Caise. OMAHA , Sept. 1.-To the Editor of Time Bee : In your article In The Bee of August 31st , entItled , "Must Await tIme Hour , " you make it appear that the new ordinance regarding - garding hucksters was for the bonmefit of gardeners in ) order to give them a chalice to get a place for their wagons. As a muatter of fact the ordinance is only for the benefit of tIme commlstioners whio sell part of time sIdewalks and atlects to Coummcli Bluffs gardeners - deners , and are chow using the now orthinammea to carry out theIr favoritism toward those Coumicil Bitmits gardeners and against Ne- brdska farmers , who have not paid these commissioners for the privilege of usIng time streets. I ann a Nejraska farmer , aiim ! imot a huckster. I raIse my own goods amid tiring them to town to sell. This morning I s'as driven off thin street. togetimor with otimer gardeners - deners , to make roonm for a few favorites and I was surprised to imear myself referred to In the paper as a huckster. Time whole thing is a scheme of tile commission Inca , who look otmt for illegal galim and are try- lag to got [ lie sympathy of the public by making it appear timat time ordinance was for tIme benefit of the poor gardeners antI against the friendless lmuckater , I protest hereby agaInst this trickery and Perversion of facts. J. IIANSIULD , Farmer , 47 Half Howard Street. Not a iiitssod i'emuu'euiiiJt.r _ J.ST. . McCall and William Iieitl became Involved - volved In a quarrel late yesterday afte-noon at Timlrtoenthm a'id Leavenworth streets , which ultimately developed into a lIght. As hcth were somewhat Intoxicated , one of McCall's frends ! , Ike Hart , attempted to play time part of a peacemaker , anti intertorrcml. As a re- wart ! for his efforts lie roceved ! a blow in the mouth from McCall. At this mnoniont a policeman arrived cmi the scene and arrested all three. Nicotine Neutralized Ic' ' MAIL POUCH TOBACCO No Nerves Quaking No Heart Palpitating No Dy8peptlo Aohng Ailfi-NERVOUS MU I Saved by flood's Is tlmo experience of nany wlmo taks hood's ' Sariaparlila , Iczul ! t lie foliowlimg : _ " 1 have been In poor health . . ' -S. iulnco I was 20 years old and I am now 61. 11am ! It not been for hood's Rae- raparlila and hood's l'ttle my days on - earth would Imavo cuidod , At first I had catarrim itt its vorst form , thou asthma. No medicine did sue any good except hood's Sarsaparilla , which line no equal us a blood Purifier. I liars not only been benefited iii licaitlu but increased - creased Iii weight from 100 to 172 poummmtla. I do all my hmotisework witimotit nmmy Imelp. and only 1100(1's is what I take arid Hood's Sarsaparilla . We Hood's l'ills pays. on huarni coumstaumtlv.7' kcoj . Its. it. A. ( jti'ra , June Bprlmmgs , Nebraska , ' eitiytoburca8ytotai. H ood's Pills eaiy In eftect. Dcenti , Omaha . , ' Medical and Crowned With Suceses. C UR [ lostitute urgical Nervous , Chronic Slid I'ris'ato -Iu AS \e cute , ' Cittarrll , All lieetst's of tli Noee , 'l'Iirtiat , ( flci.t , Ittomitu , ' ) . , Ilonele mtuiui Ltver I llt1rccl' . Viirii'oeeie , Stricture , 'tVi'alc Slots Si'itiiiil lIlod , Skiat tutu lIiuiy ) . Female \'oiikuieseeas , itnt llaiuujm.od CUItHI ) . fluuuprrImneu. All. l'itIYA'I'lO llSFi.ttES Al ) hitS. ' OmtliihiS 014' 3iiiS. New York Hospital TREATMENT. iroit AI.I. UOILMS Oh' FFDIAI.li % 'lCAlC MOSSES AN1) iISidtSES OF' % 'OM EN. PILES , FISTULA , FiSSURE. permanent. ly cured without [ lao use of knife , ligature or caustic. All corm'eapormdence answered promptly , Business strictly conildemmtial , Med cine sent free train observation to all parts of the country , Call on or afidres" ' wIth stamp for Circe - ham's. Free Book , 'RecIpes ant. ! Symptom Blanks. Tretutnicuat by utah , couisulintion free. Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , 14th and Domtgias Stmi. , Omsiruhta , Neb "i C Rubber S T CO0EIs S S ; -q hi- Elastic hiL , , L- 7 5 , ' , . - . Stockings , K--- I ; _ _ AnkIots , : ( p Xne Caps 141 -.5 5 ' . ' . ' 3 for Varicose i- Ycins , G - . ; t' _ Trusses , Syringes , - L ' " ' A 2.qiiart A - , ' : -T - ( Watcr Bag ) for bOc. Shormao & MCC0DAOII Drug Co 151,3 Dod1c ; St.-2d 1)oorTest P. 0. EVERY WOMAN fumtitint'S sne'tls a relIable S 4 monthly rt'gm.imitlmmg uimt tiicinu. DR. PEAL'S 4 pENNYROYAL piLLS , .vaprornpt.sate nndcertainln resulL Time menu. 'as ( Dr. l'cui's ) mme erlisaoi.oiut. Peat anyw ore. 11.00. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 151 $ Dodge Street. Omaha , Neb. AMUSBM 1NT . REGHTO THEATER Tul , 15J1-i'AXTO1'4 f liUiiOV.tlS. Mgrs. SpecIal Holiday MatIco Today at 2:30 : ANY RI5EFIVEO SEAT. 25o Stalls , Iloxes no.1 hI'uuua S'as , floe. TQNIGI-I'X 13:16. : A FATTED CALF - - - - - - - - - - - - - Direction of EUGENE ROBINSON , with a carefully eelectetl company. : EoUa , : LIVE BABIES ContinuOmill I.aughmter Guaranteed. "A Fatted Calf" Is good nucat. See it.- N. Y. World. Usual Prices , Matinees \Vednes&lay amid Satumday. ' Comnlmmg hbept. 8.11 , .etttlerlfsAbrothI1. " CourtlandBeach _ OPENING , PRIDAF , SEPTEMBER 0 cotitliistliig 9 Nlgittet , grows 0Vmh1 BEAUTIFUL I FIREWORKS people 12 acres beautiful scenery. Superb ppecaltIo $ . Cake walk. lluek armd WI nig Dunces , Amphitheater seating 10,00' ' ) PeoPle. Munugsmnemmt University Club. . . . ' .S.-- - 5- -