Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1895, Part One, Page 4, Image 4

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4- . 'j'JI1D OMAhA : DAILY 13gl. l'-i lA\ ' , SE1TIMIIEU 1. IHUri
- . --4-L - .
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Nothing happens to Break LMt Week's '
JUnr"l ! 11 'I' hi " 1'lrl v lit Irlllh ,
Si"I I g"Cle le tIC , v.c"- "
N"\ : If eh , . Suet.1
W'rI.I. '
Te wele juiit pit hu been the Ilule9t. .
of the sumler Icaon , Whether It was
owing to t the etreme hat , the dampning
e1lcts cit the heavy rains , or the attractions
at the theater , still remains an unsolved
11Uery. Then , ole , It Il' just that time of
the yuar when every one Is en the move and
the city I almost deserted
The summer tours of Europe are drawing
gradually to a close and every steamer Is
IJrlnglng hack large numbers oC traveler
who loft early In the summer.
What ] Is concee ! to he the most beautiful
bal ever given In Newport t not In the
United Stal s , took place at : llrble house ,
Newport , It I. , last Tuesday night. The bal
was given hy Irs. Alva VanderbIlt In honor
oC her ( hughtel' Ms ! Consloo ! Vanderbilt ! ,
anti Is 1 pall to have cost $
Marble house lends IleH 10 the IIUrpOes
of such 3 Cete. I was Iho crowning work ef
tile late Iclltl M. Hunt. and was built In
the purely Louis XIV style. I was the
first time since iI'al finished that the house
has been thrown open to general society , and
to tuny ef the 1HtS ; this evening the treasures -
ures of art which were to be feen on all
sdea ! ( ( Iulo tr.onsco'Iled ( the fact that they
were being ! entertained as lavishly as lavish
King 1.111. XIV hlnHelf could have done.
The favors , which Irs. Vanderbilt hall Ie
looted herself In IJrI8. and , wh'ch cost $5,000.
con lscd ! of old I.'rench ) etchings , fans . mir-
ror" . wnch cafes and slhe1 : of ribbons , all of
the ltils XIV perled. Each I favor was
marked with a medallion repre3entn ! Marble
house , The main floral ecoralo Inside the
house wel'e In the hal , whore there ! 9 a
bronze fountain surmounted with a large
mirror. That spot was made to look especially
cool ana inviting bya' ' er 1IIInts In full
bloom , ant tall lotus flowers which blood up
ab'lt a score of pink ant white nymphao
blo ! ems , Uac and ' a mass of water hyadnths ,
through which hone the sale little gobes ! oC
light with which the grouns were I umInted ,
blIO above swarmed licick tf humming
brl 'Ihle { . abele swarme a lok tC hummk.
On the terrace where supper was
served the caterer had Improvised some elb-
orate decorations , consisting of strands of
green garlands radiating from the three
central 110l'tl , on the ceiling . which were dc-
fined I.y . urea ( large prisms of bright , yel-
low 11ower. Eght ! large windows , which led
from thc terrace Into the house , were atEo
framed with bright rarlalll and flowers ,
palms , ferns and trchlds ; p'ants In fewer
' filed , In the corners , each of the supper tables
being IlecoratEI with a l\ealh of plnle h ly-
hoclts. led with Pink , rlbhons.
The \randa ( reserved for promenadln
was drcO"lted ( with green hay trees In pyra-
mll forms , Dawn on the terrace and lawns
were ! Olls of huge sallnl palms , nil lighted
with colored butterfly and fairy lamps. Of
th030 large heroic palms Mrs. Vanderbilt had
the choice of scores for this occaslen. The
fairy lamps were very Ininty and , lke
many paper ' lanterns used In exterior iu-
minaton , were of pearly white to harmonize
With the marble of the villa . These lamps
glhttouetl on almost every treQ branch.
Mrs. Vanderbilt wore her smartest gown ,
which attracted great attention several
evenings ago at one of the Casino dances.
I was made \Yorth's. . all Is of pale green
satin , with elaborate trimmings of White
satin and fine Spanish lace. She wore her
famous necklace of large pearls , said to be
one of the moat valuable 1n the world. Miss
Consuela Vanderbilt wore a white satin
gown. cut square In the neck , with great
put sleeves. The trimming was old point
laCI' , belonlng to her Irandmother , Mrs.
Smith of MobIlo. Irs. and Miss Vanderbilt
* received In the pink room , which Is CUt.
nlshet In Nubian marble. From there the
guests went to the Qal room and enjoyed
dancing till midnight. When the first sup-
per was served a full military band rendered
a program , and I score of men illuminated
prolram and the adjoining cliff with fireworks -
works md : colored fire . the dl'play vlelng In
brilliancy wIth the general illumination ef
the lawn with electric lights.
The cotillion was dancell at 1 o'clock , led
y by Hcunl T. Wiioon. jr. . and Miss Consuela
Vanderbilt . In the Louis XIV gilt drawing
room , just off the African marble hall. When
sittitig . the guests occupied 200 gIlt chairs
all alike and connected hy yards of wide
white saEh ribbon Whm dancing the picture -
ture was fairly entrancing. The gowns antI
jewelry worn were magnificent.
The ball was not for the purpose of announcing -
nouncing the rumored engagement or Miss
Coneuelo Vanderbilt to thl Duke of Marl-
borough for the young woman's mother
upon being asked about It . denied flatly that
there was any engagement to announce.
A I uMiI.iie uul Colw ' 1 Iure ) ' .
Last Thursday evening a most delightful
and unique musicale and cobweb party was
given hy Miss Almeo Gorhardt and her
sister , Mrs. Ida Bunce. One of the features
of the evening was that all the ladles were
4 attired , In Grecian costumes , with powdered
hair arranged In like manner. About 8:45 :
the "web" was attacked by the Jolly com-
IIJny anti In a short manner the strands
were traced through their mazy course and
the winners announced. They were as Col-
lows : Miss Imogeno Harrison first prIze a
dainty silver napkin ring ; Fritz Marty frt
prize box of cigars ; Mrs. Kate Noble . con-
solaton prize glass pin tray ; Mr. Percy
Jonsen. con80lalon prize , package of cigar-
ros luslc then followed , the most nolcable
compositions rendered being a cava tna , vio-
ln and plana , Percy Jensen and Irs. lila
Dunce ; duet , 'Onward Boatot , Swiftly GildIng -
Ing , " Huclten : , Mrs. Bunce and Miss Gem-
hardt , and opera "Norma" duet , for violin
and piano , \ . F. 1. Gerhardt and Mrs.
Dunce. ACer a most enjoyable program ,
which was participated In by many oC the
guest , refreshments were served , and the
Ilarty amused themselves with anclng.
Those Ilresent ) were : MIsses Imogene liar-
risen I.'er Marty , Almeo ( Gernhardt Grace
amI Edith Vaterman Katherine Lawrence ,
Mayme Thompson , Katheryn Bartholomew ;
Messrs. George McCague , Guy Short Charles
Beaten , Percy Jensen , Frank Adalr Fritz
Marty , 'rank Keatlug. I. . Irerdlnan(1 Gem-
hardt . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Noble , Mrs. Ida
lltince , Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Oerharllt (
Col'hrIC',1 u " ' 1',1111" Au Ill vi'rsiiry.
A large number ef the members and can-
greton of Emmanuel Baptist church , as
well as friends Cram other churches , cete-
brated the fifteenth welln. anniversary of
le\ ' . Frank W. Foster ali his wife at 2616
' 'eI11Ieton street Thursday evenln . At
least 125 1)OflS were preseat , including the
Jlaster of Calvary all Grace churches anti
Rev. A.V. . ( Hark and wife.
On August 25 , J880. F. W. ester l In,1 Miss ;
Martha M. Hale were unlel In marriage at
Not wlch , N. J. , and two months later : lr.
Foster was ordaIned to the ministry nt Dun.
lop , Ia 10 has labored In Omaha for nine
. first as city ' and then
years frst missionary ) as
IJaGtor oC his present charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster were the recipients of
many presnh , among which were noUcl
an elegant sideboard and a dintog table.
Mrs. WII Marks Presented : the later ! In an
appropriate manner to which the pastor reo
spondCI Cpelngl ) Ice cream and cake were
then serve , utter which the company of
happy people repaired to their homes
- - - - - -
. \n Ilformninlo" .
Miss Katharine Barker gave a delightfully
Informal dance at her lovely home Thursday
evening to a Ce'w Crlends. Delicious refresh-
ments were served and dallng was indulged
In until I laic hour. The guests were : Miss
hamilton , Miss Orcutt , Miss Iarole.lss
Hatman , Mla Alice Drake , Miss Gibbon .
Miss Belle Hamiton , Miss Bertha Strwn , Mr.
lobtlt F. Smith of Council lufs , Mr.
Iietz , Mr. illsckwoll. \ . lures Mr. McMahon -
Mahon Mr. Alen , Mr. lien Raymond , Mr.
leth , Mr. Cockrell - , Mr. Al - Barten.
'lh , ' (11..rt UI neo.
Mr and Mrs. George I. Gabert'a home was
the Icene cf a Ilrety dance Friday evening
tn honor of Miss Ilrancea Glbert and her
guest , Mill Maitand of Denver . The houle
1.1 tasteCuly decorated and the music Wi
delightful. The dancers Mie
dUlhUul. dAuclr were : MIul May ,
, _ _ . . . _ . . . - - _ 1 _
Florence and ICthel : 'OUI T.uiu Shank , Mae
hamilton , helen 10aglsnd , Louise Eq"lre
Miy liartiott , Jessie 00 do , Alice Dma e , I .
I lertha Sloa' , lale Burge11 and I.'racol
Gilbert ; Messr Sam Caldwel , Sam Burns ,
lusel Wilbur , Millard l1opkin . , Ward hum-
! CS Warren larkwel , Iorey Jan 'en ,
Dwight Swobe , Joe Bak or , larry Shears ,
Wi hughes , Charles Prat henry Allen ,
Charles Muenteterlng , lCeetng and George
11""tllle/ ' \11111/ " .
At the newly furnished homo of the bride
and groom occurred the pretty weJ.ln of
Mr H. O. Devrlos , presIdent of the Globe
Loan ali Trust Company Saving bank , and
: lu l mma H. CJmpbe ! , prlnclral of the
Clifton 111 school , hy 11ev. Charles t E.
Taylor. Only the relatives and Imme,1 , ate
friends of the contracting parlc : were I ie3-
ent. A wedding supper \as served and the
happy couple were the recipIents of many
lovely gifts.
Doth are mombern oC the Grant Street
Christian church , and an aetve life of happl-
ness and prosperity i Predicted for them.
ant IlrospeJy I pretlcte
An engagement which ! wIll bo of Interest
to her many friends In Omaha Is that oC
Miss loude Heeco to : Ir. John JrnRhaw ef
The marriage of Miss Helen SmIth to Mr.
George Mercer wIll occur tn Octbo
Mr. John Mc llan , ' SOth Om9ha'8 postmaster .
master , was married In Denver , Thursday
mornlnr to Miss Julia Icytie by 11ev. Pdthor
Morlarity . Mr. anti : IT ; 11' lan w I
apeli their honeymoon In Montana , after
which they will return to Omaha.
! rs. Charles CIartier : wl go to Ut'Cl fr:1 :
Baylleid , \Vis. , for the we 1tlng cf MsA Jack-
son to Alvin Kreck , whIch comes off In Sep-
The marriage of : lr. A. W. Go'llberg to
Miss Minnie Levi at Nrbrask City last
Wednesday evening was a mest happy e\'ent
: lr. Goldberg Is a prominent young business
man of hamburg . h. , while Mica Levi has ,
unti recently . heon In the employ of the
Western Freight Welghln ass"cltlon of this
city In the capacity of stenographer : and Is
very popular among her many friends here.
Mr. Lloyd J0i505 manager or Homle & Co. .
anti Miss Ste'la ' YOlugren of Omaha were
marrlel at Lincoln cn the : tt ult. After a
short visit In the West they will return to
this city and b3 al 1'le to tho'r frIends ! en
South 'hrty-frt ! street.
A Chl rude' Iu re , . .
Dr. and Mrs. S. K. Spalding entertaIned
at ther ! handsome residence on Charles s'reN
lat Tue3day evenIng ! In honor of t'elr
daughter . Mabel's eighteenth blrth1ay. The
rooms were profusely lec'ra ed with lovely I
roses and potted plants. The cary : part oC I
the evening was enjoyed by al In the plyIng -
Ing of games , Intersperwd wIth a few choice
selectons ! eC music , folo\e1 by dainty re-
frel'hments , the remainder oC the evening be.
tng pent la guessing charades. The inns Ill
selectons worthy of special note were piano
solos by Misses I.ellt : and SpJld'n and
vocal were : solo by Miss Schreber. : The Invited
Mss ! s Iho he Io l. Anna Ande-son , Je sic
MeCune . Fannie Pratt , losle Pratt , Curle
I'airchll , Mabel Fairchild . Ihlie hood ,
Mamlo McI.e3n. Bhnche Cornstock Gal Cum- ,
stcck Lee Comet e'c Bese ! Leavitt , May I
Schireibor Ruth Atkinson. Perle ! Ochl 'ee ,
Jula hlurket. Lzzle ! Ih'llp ! . Hrso Hohr-
bough 1110 nohrbul : , Kat 0 Swartzander
May 1310u. Mary Archibald of lrvingtoe :
Grace Datnrn of South Omaha : Iesu . John
Watt , Hoyal Swl'er. Low Ander on , Carl
Ochllree , John Saylihe. Alfred Seville . George
Robinson , Frank Robins' n. I. \Vhhltleroy .
T. O. Putnam , Anson West , Ere.t 1:1 1er.
Sherman PInto. Ernest Ioel ; : I. and lrs.
F ; J. Hohrbough. Mr. and lls , E. G. 1l1Iou .
Mrs. I. . Ivett . Mrs. Miriam Tweed of E ' I-
ton . Iii. ; Mrs. Ira Moore of : aryvJo , : to.
' 10111 , Chil " % 'II ( Ie u JIJ" ' ' .
Arrangement9 are being made to give an
Informal dance probably at Metropolitan
hal , en Thursday of this week for tho. ben-
ett of the Omaha Lawn Tennis club. The'
members oC this organization were badly I
treated by the weather clerk during thel
recent Interstate tournament and are considerably -
siderably out of pocket. The anl expenses at' '
the tournament were unusually large , and .
although money was taken at the gatds on
more days than had ben expoctei thee '
weather was r uncertain through the whole
oC the time that few persons beyond those
who held season tickets cared to venture out
I Is hoped that nil who are Interested Iii
lawn tennis will co-operate to make the
dance a success , especially In the mater at
finance. The ararngement , for the dance
will be left In the hands of a commitee of
Play In conrlaton singles all doubles Is
still progrssln Only one match however ,
was started yesterday and that one was
not finished. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Al I If.rlu I :11"11' .
Mr. and Mrs. 1. P. Jensen gave a charm-
Ing musicale on Monday evening at their
pretty home In honor of their son . Percy
anti laughter , Phena. The program was a
delIghtful one and enjoyed by the twenty or
more guests present. Miss Edith ler pla'ed
Melody In F by Rubinstein and Narcisaus
by Nevin , very daintIly. Mr. Weir was heard
to advantage In "Ro e Marlo" anti 'Ohi
happy Day" with mandolin accompaniment
by Miss Mercedes I.owe. The Mines Lowe :
played a very pretty "Song Without Werds"
by Sutorlus. Mr. Percy Jensen played "Ca-
vatina" by Hoff , "Doecherlnls' Minuet , " a
mazurka by Musin and "Simple Confes-
sions" all very well , accompanied by Miss
ithesta. wlo plays very well for 90 young a
girl. Sam Morse played 'Wang" In a taking
sitanner Miss Goodsu played a "Mazurka"
by Chopin arl ( MIss Jensen played "Moonlight
Sonata . " . lefreshmelt8 were carved and
dancing contInued until 1 late hour.
MiNNMIIt'hiu's . Poorewell.
The IYlerlon club gave a farewell party
to Miss laclen , who leaves Saturday for
BerlIn to finish her musical education D1nc-
Ing and card playing were the principal
features of the evenln ! Delghtul musical
selections were rendered by Miss Mackin .
Misses hattie and Delia Edholm , Miss
Gnome and Miss Nordwall. Among the In-
\'Ited guests were : Misses McQuian , Gin-
ler , lussle , I3oyer Nordwal , Crosby , Ryan
nyloy , Dele Ryan Goerne , Wagner Luella
Wagner , hems , Edholm , Della Edholm , l\en-
yon. Anderson , loCIy , Eugenic Mackin
Messrs. Coulter , MeQulihan. Knickerbocker ,
harris WIlson , Wagner , Ed 'agner Davs ! ,
dholm , Eleneter , Greg , foyer , Anderson ,
Twamley 1odlIn , Mr. anti Mrs. Mackin ,
Mrs. Paine and Mia RoDney.
An 1 IJ"'I.I. flhlilce' .
At the pretty home of : Ir. and Mrs. W. V.
Marco on Wednesday evening was given a
jolly Informal dance In honor of tbo "Merry
Moment" club , by the Misses Morse. The
house was pretty ecorated with flowers
and the library and dlnlngroom were can-
vlstd for dancln ! McPherson's music was
fully appreciated by the twenty er aflame .
gueste preient . among whom were noticed
thee Misses Morse , Cowin Nash , Baldwin , '
Squires. Mae hamilton , Deule and Helen
Peck , Helen 10agiand and Anna Shlverlck ,
Meurs. Jorph Darker. Sam Caldwel WIll
Cowin , Herbert and Will Rogers Hussel
Wilbur . Fred hake , Fred Nash , Asa Shh'-
crick , Paul I.udlngton and Paul Hoaglan
: I'rr ) ' :1""lle Slititet' .
At the home oC Judge ant Mrs. Lake on
Monday evening WAS given an enjoyable
dance tn honor oC the "Merry Moment" club
by Mr. Fred Lke. Only the membrs of
the club were present Iefresbmentl were
served about 1 and although the weather
was extremely hot dancing was enjoyed
until a tate hour 'hoe present were : Mluea
. \llelne Nash Genevieve Baldwin , Edna
Cowin , Bessie anti Helen Peck. Helen Hoag-
land ' , l.oullo Squires Louise Doherty , Anna
Shh'erlck Mae hamilton , May , Florence
and Ethel Moae , Messrs. Cowin , herbert
and Will htogera . Wilbur , Caldweli , Shiv-
erIck , Colpetzer , Hoagland , Nash and Ed
i3wobe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I usforantil Bnti'rtnintitt'ii ( .
Mr. Ware' Uac'wel gave an enjoyable :
luscle : en dnod1Y evening. I
Madame 1especher enterhlned at dinner i
on Wednesday e\'enlng. Covers were laid for I
six. i
Owing to the thr.atenlnr storm on Friday I
evening , Miss Gibbon J0StllJlld her camp my , I
whch ! ' was to have tAken p1ace that evening I
Miss Sadie Hi gives a tally-ito end done-
leg party Monday evening at Waterloo , Neb.
The party wIll leave Miss lull's house at
5 . . .
I I i. m. tomorrow ovenlng.
Tie ladles of the Harmony club met on
Friday aternon for I social hour at the rest-
deuce of Mrs. Hobert J. Dinning on St. I
I Mary' avenue anti presented to Mra. Paul A. I
. -
English an exquisite cut glees vase lS R
souvenir The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Ealls" regr.t their departure to Kansas
City. They will be greatly missed In Omaha
On Tuesday Mrs. CharieR I.yman enter.
talnCI Informally at luncheon In honor of
the MIsseS Iflack. Her guests were : Mrs.
Bellen , MrR. Ianderon , Mrs. Matheson and
Irs. Otfut. ,
The Young Woman's Christian association
lawn social , which was to have been given
nt Mrs , George Tilden's , and was twIce postponed .
ponet owing to the Inclemency or the
weather , wilt now be put off indefinitely ,
since the ule oC an adjoining vacant house
cannot be secured.
On Friday at the pleuant home oC MrR.
Benson In Dunllee place the younger pupils
of Mluda Elite' cam gave a recital . All
of the numhers were ph.'ulng anll very nicely
executed. After the program daInty refresh-
talents wore served , Those partclpJtLg were :
Ada Kirkendal , lobel Benson , Jessie Tree
Bessie Droll ) .Annle Crow er. Mary IeJweI ,
Josephine Dratte.
Miss Hate h'lns entertained the Bachelor
club and its bachelor frIends at I water
melon cut en Saturlay , evening at her home
on Nlnaeetithi , avenue. Tie decorations
though simple \1 ere very pretty antI effective ,
which , with the bright winsome faces eC
the maids In their attractive gown , malle a
charming scone and one long to be remembered -
bored by those present.
A birthday party In honor of Mrs. August
F. Specht , 251 Marcy street Wetnehy
. evening , \ sis most delightfully entertained.
Music , mandolin and guitar . b ) Iessrs. Sulor-
Ills , Weltner and Zitzman brothers ; zIther se-
lectons by Mr. Wi Knehem and . later I
serenade hy the 'orld's Fair orchestra made
the evening charmingly short. Those present
were : Mr. ! and Mrs. lel1. : lr. and Mrs.
F. Ktaehn : Ir. and Irs. A. Kuehn Mr.
and Mrs. Will Kuehn Mr. and
Mrs. I ml Ackerman. Misses Theresla
Jahn , I.lzzle hlucheeler Lena Bucheler , and
Kuehn Ies r. , jr. Gus Gel ef Chicago and I.'ret
- -
:1"1)1/ . \ " 'hl'r'nh"ul" .
Miss gtbelwyn Kennedy has gone e3 t
Mr. \ . A. PJton has gone to Chicago.
Judge Woolworth Is hack from New York.
Mr. J. H. Iunroe spent the week at Den-
ver.Mr. . Euclid Martin Is expected on Wedne3.
da ) ' .
boH. Mr. George Mercer spent Sunday at Oko-
Mr. J. E. Market has returned from a trip
west. Mr. Chat Helcle has returned from the
Mr. Henry T. ClarkD Is back trout Now
Center. Miss Oakley has returned Cram Platte
Dr. B.V. . Lee has gone to Chicago for a
short trip.
Dr. Gifford Fent several days In Colorado
last weele.
Mr. al11 ( ( lrs. W. F. Allen wIll be home
next week.
General Cowin has gone east for a two
weeks' triP.
Mr. all Mrs . Guy Barton are at home
from the east. .
Mrs. Swabs has gone to Colorado anti 10t
SprIngs . S. D.
11S1 Mae WOOI has returned train Hot
Springs S. I ) .
Cram Dm CaUfornla. alll : lr5. Dallas Bache have reture'l '
nr. Oscar hoffman has gone Wyoming !
to spend a week.
Miss Frances Panter has returned to her
home In Chicago.
Miss Shears 1 , altl a short visit to her
mother this weelt.
CaptaIn hi. g. Palmer spent several days In
ChLago last week.
: r. J. R. Buc11anan Is back Cram a short
"Islt 10 lint Sprln'ls. ' -
Jude Homans has returned from Montann
and the Black hills.
Miss Znlema Fuller will return Cram Mln- .
neapols next Tuesllay.
Ir , Charles E. Ciapil has returned. from
his outing In Colorado.
Mr. Edward Dckinson was a Salt Lake
visitor duiring the week
Mrs. M. A. Hal returned this week Cram
her summer In Canada.
Mr. Pred Selgman of Kansas City visited
his parents last Sunda )
Mrs. Charles B. Coon returned after a short
visit through the state.
Miss Alice E. Hltt has returned Cram a
summer spent In Lincoln.
Miss IlbbJnl Is at home Cram a long stay
In Hochester and Chicago. ! )
Miss Wolenhaupl loft on Sunday for a
visit to friends In ChLcago.
! rs. Levi Carter Is back Cram a unojuth's
stay at Oconomowoc , " 'Is.
Miss Pauline Wadleh ! will bo the guest of
Miss hloagland after the 1st.
Mrs. Henry Knoehl and chldren : arc visit-
Ing frIends at Grand bland.
Miss ( Baldwin oC Council lus Is entertainIng -
Ing a house party this week .
Mr. James II. cShane returned to his
camp In Wyoming this week.
Mr. L. Hu/glns has rotured after a two
weeks' trip through the routh.
Miss Lois Iaglnn has returned from a two
months' sojourn at the lakes.
Mrs. A. P. Tukey ali family are at home
from Madison lake Wisconsin.
Mr. ali Mrs. J. g. Kelby have returned
from a tour of the Black hauls.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick are cou-
templatng a trill to California.
: r. Charles Kenned ) Is expected back
Cram his Alaska trip next week
: lr. Charles Grimmel has returned from a
two weeks' visit at Llee Okobojl.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Taylor and Miss Taylor
returned Friday Cram Lead , S. D.
Mrs. Horace Burt Is back Cram tile east
where she ha been all summer.
Mr. and : Is. George W. 1.lnLnger arc expected -
pected h011 the last of this week
Mr. and Mms . W. B. Sterling have taken
Mr. Norton's house for the \1'lnter.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cartan wi 10 to Chicago -
cage the latter part of the week.
Miss Gertrude lcKlsslcle of Canon City ! ,
Colo. , Is visitIng friends In Omaha.
Mr. 1esson White and famIly will remove
to Chicago the frt of the week
Mr. Gould Dietz Is at home from Dome
lake after an absence of two weeks.
Mr. Howard B. Smih and mother left
Thursday for a visit at Ithaca , N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur lathbum are the
guests of Miss Pleltens In hastings.
Mr. L. 1'CroCoot Is expected back Cram
Detroit about the middle ef 110 month.
Judge and Mrs. Hater spent Sunday as
the guests of Mr. Whitman oC Valley.
Dr. Leo Franklin went to Nebraska City
on Thursday to ofclal at a we dlng.
Mm. Fred Francis has returned Cram a two
weeks' visit at his ell bore In Canada.
Mrs. Skies and daughter , Olga returnCI
from Manitou the early part of the week
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Remington wI take
up their aho.e at the Murray next week.
The Misses Black . who leave been visitIng
Mrs . lan erson , left Friday for Chicago.
He\ T. J. lacleay and Stl Odin are : -
peetell home thee latter part oC next week.
Mrs. Alfred J. I.unt has returned front
Racine , \Vls. , where she has been summering.
Mr. Peter Hoyt leaves tots ) for Hartford ,
Conn. , where he wIll enter Trinity college.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kelley and daughter
ar' the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. F'ellor. .
Mr. George Patterson and Mr. Will Hobin-
son . returned from their easter trip Weduies.
day.11s. . J. T. J rllerlek and son , Phi , have
park. returned frm I trip through Yellowstone
Dr. and Mrs. IcKean sailed en I"rldsy
Cram Astoria for their home at Clueing Mal ,
Sta 1.
Mra. . Orcutt and laughters are coming
home week. from Maniou the later II at of the
Mr. flay Welh ef Lincoln spent several
days In town wIth Mr. George I'almer lat
Miss Avice Drake , 2128 Templeton street ,
has returned from a pleasant outing In Cob-
r o.
Mrs. J.V. . JI departed Wednesday for
a too weeks' visit with relations In Ban-
croft .
Miss Cale McConnell las returned fron a
short stay In Kansas City much Improved In
The many frenh : oC lladame Delpo her
will regret to loans she II 8 soon to leave for
. . .
- -
- - - - -
I br l1nme In 'Pa , Prance She hl ! be n
811endlng tIme Bummer In Omaha ( with her two
80ns.Ir. . anti Irl. Myron L.aned will visit
Dr. and Mu. Shannon . at Fort Custer next
month j
Mrs. Henry I. , I stabrook anti anghler ,
MII Blanche , ' Tethmnecl on Tuesday from
Miss McConnell left on Wedneday for St.
CrJenlls. Paul I , where slug will 8penll several days with
Mr. Charles Norton anti Miss Besie have
given up theIr house and taoen ) rOOl8 ot the
Millard . talen
Mr. and Mre ! henry Jones arrived In the
city Prliay after tin extended trip through
I urope.
Mrs. Jales . Pow'ra and daughters have :
returned waukeo. 1IIIe COI their vacation In Mil-
Mrs. \ A. Shellon and son . Edward , hve
returned train their two months' sojourn In
Mr. M. A. HI left last Tuesday for To-
ranta Mrs . Hal and children will return
with him.
lr8. herman Garlieha . who has been vIsiting -
ing In Omoha recently , left for time east
Thurda ) ' .
Mr. George It. Wison of Phladelphhl Is
spending a few days with his brther , Dr. H.
B. Wlsol.
Miss liancroft . who has been plssln her
vacation In \ Kan. will home
next week Waverly , I\an. , wi relurn . hOle
Mr. Ken Muckloy of Clifton Hi leaves
tomorrow for lartford , Conn. , to enter Trinity -
I ) college.
Mrs. James Savage will take possession of
her house at 42 North Twenty-second street
on Monday.
Mrs F. M. Richardson Is at hOle at 2i23
Capitol avenue after . a sumler In Colorado
all Ilnol .
Mr. Max Merrit WEt to Clnc'nnat Tuesday
to enter the Hebrew colege and prepare fOI'
the mInIstry .
Ils Mary E. Icrterfeld left for the Ost
on Monday to visit friends at poInts In Ichl- :
gao ani Indiana.
Mr. H. A. Itoader left ) 'e1' I''day fur host.
Ings Neb. . where he expects to spend Sunday
with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. g. C. Snyder returned Cram
their pleasant outing In Salt Lake amid the
west on Saturdov.
Miss Anna Fees , princIpal of the Ie'lom
schul 119 rtul'ne,1 , from Oho : , where she
spent her vacnton. :
Miss Mahel Brown , an accomplished bru-
neto of lCcamney . Is the guest of her cousins
the Misses Simeltiun
: Ir ! . hi. Deebe of Brooklyn , N. Y. , Is vhl-
lug her daughter Irs. D. L. lroterfed : , at
2626 lamlton street.
Mrs. J H. Monchester returned last
Wednesda from a ( lelghuut trip to Ohio
anti :1leldnac Island.
Irs. Curtis and Ihughters wi return from
Spirit Lake tomorrow , where they hale been
panslng the sutnmner.
Rev . ] 1. HJklns of f':13Ivll. : ln1 . who
has been visiting his brother . Dr. Leo Frank-
Ho . heft on TuedJ )
Mrs. John D. lawey : and the Mbssos Hawley -
Icy heft on llcnday for a two \Iceks' tour
of tl norther lales. ;
Mr. Fred Rustin . who Is now In hioaton
will enter the BeloluO hospital for a years
praclce work In the ( fal.
Dr. anti : P. lamlon relurned yes-
terday from Colorado , , where they have been
ojourln ! during August
Mrs. Andrew Haas and children have return -
turned Cram Salt Lake where they spent a
delightful summer gutn !
Mr. and In. J. H. lomt of Sacramento
Cal. . are the gUests bf Mr. and Mrs. Charles
B. Coon , 2578 Hare ) street.
Mrs. S. n ) , Barltalow and children wIll re-
turn next week Crol Green Lake , \Vls. , where
theyo have spent the summer.
Ilsses Alma . and Olive .lrrederlck have
returned from thl east , where they hlve
bren spending Jhe ummer.
Mrs. E. C. lcShane , Mrs. W. D. Wiiams
and Mr. and Mrs. Graves of Council Buns
have gene to hot Springs , S. D.
t'1 , . tend Mrs A. J. Golf leave for Chicago
next week , where they go to hive . leaving
many friends behind tbel here.
MIsses Jo Hansen and-AnnaNolsonare expected -
pected home next week Cram Iowa , where
they have been visiting Crlonds.
Miss Fuller wi return September 1 from a
month's visit at Lake : lnnetonka and will
resume her classes In elocut n.
Miss Anna lettaI , who has been visiting
her aunt , Mrs. Joseph Metcalf has gone 10
Chicago on her way to Europe.
Miss Sharp who has been the guest of
lrs. I. ' . P. 1\lrlend11 during the sun1ner ,
left on Tuesday for Ilehlevue . O.
Miss Celia Nair of Burlington . Ia. , Is
visiting wihr. . and Mrs. James G. Mart !
of 281S South Nlnelenth stret.
Miss Bessie Stewart of Council Bluffs has
postponed her trip cast indefinItely , owIng
to the I health oC Irs. Stewart.
Mr. Netherton hull and : Ir. rank 11am-
Ion were rellsterell at time Leland Ocean
house , Newport. H. I. , last weel
He\ Frederick Tango left last week for
New York City , where ho was married on
Friday to , :113 Clara Shaughnessy.
: Ir. Murray H. Coggeshal sIll enter Trin-
Ity college . hartford , this year. He Is a
graduate of the Omaha Igh Echool.
Miss Mabel Balcombe , who has spent time
summer at Dale Creek . will probably re-
turn tIme second week In September.
Mr. all Mrs. I. M. Bennett have returned
Cram a tip down the St. Lawrence , a visit
to Oconomowoc and Greene Lake , \\'is.
: Ir. ] . n. Isenun oC Nebraska City and his
sister , Miss Iem3n of Charleston , S. C. , were
guests oC Mr. Alex We3scls thIs weele.
Miss Francis Fitzpatrick of 421 South
Twenty-flfthe avenue left for Kansas City to
vIsit her sister Irs. gstela HUleart. :
MIss Ftirey , who has beel the guest of the
Misses Creighton during the past few weeks ,
left for her home In St Paul on rrldny.
Mr. anti ! rs. Icter Shoemaker have given
up their house on Harney Street amid have
moved to 318 South Twenty-sixth street.
Mr. and Mn. C. S. 110ntlomer ) and fancily
sailed from Bremen August 24 and are cx-
pected In Omaha the mIddle of the week.
Mr. John C. Wharton goes east tomorrow
on a vacation of a coullle of weeks' duration.
lie will visit thee seashore before returning.
Miss 1.'rltu Bararl Is passing a few
weeks at Heron Ishmonti . 1 e. . and wi not
return to Omaha until the last o Septeuceber.
Miss Inyme 1lrlepalrlck and Miss Elizabeth -
beth Lynch of Peoria. Ill. . are visiting Irs.
JulIus Kessler at 518 South Twentieth street.
While Mr. Ezra .1lard was In Bonn , Germany -
many this summer be passed his examina-
tons for hlarvarti. . lie enters the sophomore
year.Hev. . S. D. Mcporick , pastor of the First
Presbyterian chiurcit ! ' left Wednesday for Dan-
points. ver. He will sPpl0 _ Ills vacalon at Colorado
The marriage mcsfMr. , G. D. Thompson of
Omaha to Miss A.I.Gllu of Iowa City will
take place In IOlu ) Wednesday , SUlltem-
her 11. ,
1. 'nm , <
Mr. and Mrs. , . qeogo M. Ibbel returned
on rrriday from Connjctcut , where Mrs. RIb-
bel and daught'ilive been spending the
summer."I I
Born August 9 'tb ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
T. Thorton , 41:0' North Fortieth , a nine
pOlml girl , wfJ ) be named Florence
Elizabeth. 1 I m
. . . ; mtntl chIldren , who move
Ilr. J. L. CarOm tnd chl\lren wlo \
been visiting wi' lr parents In Iltsbur !
for the past the. , Ylnths , returned home
last week .
Mrs. Sam'l Du ii , pmd ' li May leave Yerke
Harbor Monday , ana stoPPUg : In New Yor
and Ohio to vIsIt ! ftlemmds will reach heme
September 10. I .
Miss Carolyn Johnson , who has been the
guest a1 hillside for some time , left on Mon.
day for her home In St. Joe , accompanied
by Miss Yates.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Walworle have returned -
turned from I two Weeks' visit with rela-
lives and frlpnd" In Chicago and surrounding
BUn\mer resorts.
Miss Maitand , who has been visiting Miss
GIlbert during the past week , leans for Lincoln -
coin emu Monday to visit friends before LeI
return to Denver.
Mrs. S. N. Mealo and Mrs. f ; . D. Cola and
daughter : Iyrta and Edna , returned on
Thursday from a'IIlt with relatives and
friends In Illinois .
Mrl , Frank P. Zimmer of Walnut lull entertained .
tertalned TUflly evening for her sister ,
Miss Tedt of Allegiusny . Among those pres-
enl were : Misses 'rodd MclCulck of Colorado -
made , : McCuneber Pearl Jcl'mber , Clark ,
1tnlD , Mason , Ayers . Mrs. Ostrom ! Meur"
COI\gI , Dnltson , Jack on , Whie , J'lolln& ,
Ayers anti Ostrom. I
: lr. Alfred Millard lef on Thusd.1) for I
Denver to bring 1I)1e his fmiy , time mom'
her ot which have been spendIng , time sum
ot Colorall ,
mer ( points
Net month Miss CharIty Babcock ! ors to
! alimore , \ lucre she wIll Imter the Johns
Hopkins 11"lll < 1 wIth the IntentIon of Il
Conning a trined nurse
Senator Tlmturstomi . General hnlllrsn , Cap-
taln Palmer , Major T , S. CIJlacn and cx-
Governor Tlmaer : were visitors . to the state
encamcipmieeuut at hastIngs .
enCmlllent jI.laatngs.
Mrs. W. Ii. Hanchett hunts baen spending
several tn's wih Crlenll lt : lnneapols , St.
IHII , Duluth anti llai'flelil'is. . She will
retur the last of this week.
lrs. Marcus Iarrol has retturnei Cram an
oxtellll11 visit to hlb'miol. Ms Phoebe Atk'n-
son returnCI with Mu a. Parrote and will be
her gueH' for several seecke .
The many lemls of Mm. anti Mrs. Paul A
l nlsh will regret to learn that they will
leave Omaha the 1t of September to make
I\ansas City their future home.
! r. Casper g. Yost left yesterllay for \Vat-
Icins N. Y. . where Mrs. Yest has been .
throughout August. ' 'he ) ' wIll relur to town
about the mhldle of the mouth.
. Mrs. W. J. Connell and daughutems. after a
summer at Cape Cod , leave for the moun-
tains this \ seek . to pas the mOlth oC Sep-
tember betore returning to Omaha.
! r. rank J. Durltey left for ChllLothe.
0. , Wtllnesdar , where he will meet his sister -
tee 'nd his two little girls , who have been
lendln ! the sUlmer with relatives.
Miss Genevieve BaldwIn : of Council luls ,
who teas been the guest of MI1 Adelno Nash
for the nash two weeks re'urnell to her home
on Friday . Iceompanlcll by Miss Atlene. '
Dr. E. W. Leo went to Chicago Wednes- -
day all returell on Friday with Irs. Lee
and Velnon , , I'ho have " been fer the p sl month
with : lr. Lc's 10ther at Randolph , N. Y. '
Mr. J. G. Taylor . nccompanlell by his
father \ . Joseph Barker. and son , Mr. B .
11crboll H and "II Henry Brown. relured on
Monday ! a two weelt5' trip to Victoria.
Mrs. ! aa Walter and daughter Miss
I.eah. and Miss label Sperry spent last week
In Lincoln the gmmce.e : of friends and rela-
th'ey. They returned to Omaha Saturday.
Mr. Eugene J. Sullivan left emi the Knights
Templar train Mr the east to visit with
frIends tumid retkttives. Among ether points
ef Interst he will visit 1ianhatan beach ,
\Vasitlmigton and hialtirnoro.
Hev. F' . O. hltmltmnaxi wife and fancily am-
rived home last Tlursday from Chicago and
lmumilannpohls. where he has been giving n
series o ! sacred concerts all also studying
Mr. S. M. Sa,1er and family anti Miss
Campbell . ! I. J.P. Johnson and family
returned from honey Creek lake last Wednes-
day. where tier have been camping for the
past month.
Mr. and : rs. F. hi. Keaahen and two boys
returned Thursday Cram a six seeks \ ' eutns
on the Pacific coast. Mr. Keeshen and his
Camly teok In all of the sights from OlegJn
to the MexIcan line.
Mr. E. M. Jones . director of the Omaha
Conservatory or Music , has returned Cram
his summer vocation . lie reports a ilmue
vacaton. tuo
prospect for the opening of the fall term ,
Tuesday September 3.
Miss May Welsl and her brther , George ,
of Chfago stopped In the city a few days
with James G. MartIn and famiy of South
Nineteenth the past week on their way homo
from their wJeern : trip.
Miss Hodmnn oC Fort a\'enworth will
be lhe guest of Mrs. James McKenna after
the 10th until October 1 , when she goes to
Governor's island. New York harbor , on a
visit to Captain amid Mrs. Ayres.
! r. J. : I Snyder ef Hutand , Vt. , Is the
lest of his sister , "Irs. Emma Joncs. She
will accompany him east durIng the latter
part of the week , and will spend several
months visiting relatives and Crlends.
Mr. J. N. II. Patrick Is : making a trIp over
the Union Pacific . the first one s'nce he was
appointed director. He will
government wi complete -
plete the lour In lme to ho present at the
meeting oC the directors In Doslon , Scp' mc- :
her 18. .
Senator anti Ir ! Thurston and chIldren
returned on Saturday after nearly a month's
absence spent Ln thc 10untalns. nuaking their
headquarters al Ilailey . Ketcham and Idaho.
On Sllla ) ' Senator Thurston went to St. l'aul
where he remaIned but a few dars.
Mrs. Baetens started last night for Chi-
cage where she will remain Sunday with
her friends Mr. mud Mrs. Grant Williams .
She wi contnue her journey to New Yorle
to embark on the Augusta Victoria 'team-
, chip for Hamburg and thence to Berlin.
Miss Lou kt. Calhoun of Marshalown ,
1. wIll make her home with her sister ,
Mrs. Charles D. Thomuupsomi 212 DouJlaa
r'treet. The many friends which Miss Cal-
houn has In Omaha will be glad to know
that abe Is again a resident of this city.
Mrs. Vt' . hI. Alexander and MIss Alexander
returne from a week's stay at Hot Springs
S. I ) . . yeslerday. Mrs. Alexander , who was
rerlously Indisposed , has been great ) bene-
fitted by the waters of that popular resort.
Miss late Steplmenu. . daughter of Mr. Z.
Stephens left for Chicago last Thursday
where she will spend the winter , devoting
much of her time to time study oC music and
palnln ! She will be the guest of her aunts ,
Mrs. I. . W. I.arlmore and ! rs. A. J. Maries.
Mrs. Battens Miss Ilamle Iunchor
and Miss Helen lachln left yesterday afer-
noon for New York. They wi he met In
Chicago . by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Butler and
wi sail from New York for hamburg on
September [ on the sleamer Augusta Vic-
Mrs. charles W . Thompson and daughter
returned from Ashland where they ha\'o been
all suninier. Her frIends will be glad to
know that her healh Is niuch improved. Mr.
and Mrs. Thompson will occupy their home ,
corner of Twenty-second anti Howard after
Sep'eunhuer 1.
Mr. George W. Holdrege left on Tuesday
In his rlvte car for homo Lake. He was
accompanied by Mr. antI Mrs. ii. W. Yates ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Uetz , Mr. and Irs.
John S. Brady films. John C. Cowin , Mrs. H.
E. Palmer and Mr. Arthur SmLth. They expect -
pect to be gnne about 1' week or ten aY9.
In a description of the Flower carnival at
Dem'er wo limed the fo1owll ! concerning two
oC eur buds : Mr. F' . I. Spralen of Pueblo
lund a handsome turout of black anti gold
anti carmine trlmme wih lavender asters ,
with 1mb of yellow asters. The horses' collars -
lars were of lavelHler , and rOes of the same
color hung on the shIes of the horses and the
tral ) Time ladles wore lavender gowns and
parasols to match ; they were Miss Crandel
and Miss Dckenson of Omaha and Miss Maud
Ametierson-Denver Refmbhhcan.
- - -
A 11) ' Noh'/ .
General Hnggles of Wasblng I nt te
Pie xiame.
Colonel D. " ' . Benham was 3n Omah3 vis-
Ior dnrlng the week.
I.leutenant Howel of Fort Omana has been
granted a four months' leave.
Mrs. Henry Benham has returned to Fort
Omaha from a jeeonth's visit at Schenectady.
General Copplner , accompanIed by Lieu-
tenant Hutcheson , went Washington FrI-
day.lajor Halford returnell to Denver on \on-
day after spending two days wIth his daugh-
ter Irs. len edict. who Is here visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Charles lavia.
Lieutenant and Mrs. I'eter E. M.lrquart
wi leaV Fort Omaha next week fee Fort
Leavenworth , where Lh'utenant Marqlart
wi attend the cavalry and Infontry sct.ool.
General COIIIlller , Major HumphrQY oLd
1.leltenant lutcheson returne:1 : Cram the
seat of war Sunday. They had been abswt
a month at Jackson's Hole , twenty-five days
of which were passel In the sad le.
CaptaIn Keller , Dr. WillIam Bannlsler ,
Captain Ulo , Calltaln Walng , Captain 'hur-
nero Lieutenant Arrasmith , Lieutenant Ab-
ercromeebi'e anll I.leutenant Wela ! are the oC-
feers who accompanied some 250 sol.lerl Co
the Omaha Indian 81ency on Monday , where
they go for target practice.
Captain John F. Guifoyle , Ninth cavalry ,
has been appointed professor of e'cllitary fC'-
ence and tactics at the University 'C Ne-
braskn at Lincoln , vice Li'eutc"uant .rohn J.
Ierahln ! who hal been erdar m ' join his
troops at Fort Asslnahoine Captain amid , Mrs.
Gulifoyle's lany friends In Omaha are the-
lighted at the prospect ef having union cJ.arm-
Ing people 50 near by
hlroltt'rsige' ' 011. . CII" " ' " tp
HEADING , I'a , Aug. 3i.-Tlue brokerage
office ofV. . Grant Cook Is closed and Cook
Is among the missing leaving liabilities of
$12,000. Cook recently was engaged In work.
lag up a pool on Atchison raIlroad stock ,
but how lucl nlouey was depsie wIth
blue Is net known. .
Absurdities of Od Flbloncll Italian Opera
Looked for in Vuin
hiiti'rent If 11",11 l.n"I'r" If All
Cr'esii. timid S'"llh' ' " Shnl.1 Uo
Ont 'l'nevmird Suoh n
" 'urk.
In last Snnlla"s Bre Dr. Charles naetens
dlscusstd Verdi's " 01db. " Today he comm-
trces thlt discussion , wrltn ! IS COIOIIS :
In two Instances tulle conslructng the
character of "Imugo . " Iulto went outside
ShalteSlleare. In the first he provided an op-
portnnl ) which Verdi utilized to the Cul to
Bhow the potency of his s'stem
ef mixed declamaton and me10d ;
In the second he achle\'e,1 nothing
moro then an utterly deslllcable plec of claptrap .
trap for a curtain tableaux. There are few
elemrnts In the character as , Irwn by
Shakespeare for which music has vital anll
detelmlnate expression . Mnslc C3nnot voice
all of the keen , crnel , steel.llte Intelectualy
which Is the basis of what nr. Johnsn describes -
scribes ns "thr cool malgnity oC logo silent
In his resentment , subtle In his designs and
Sll'dlous at oneo of his interest anJ his
vengeance. " I IUSt content itself with the
cruder manifestatons of his naturo. Title
cOlvlcton might halo been accepted as hue
mmeotlve vitichi Imrommmptetl the coniiuosltlomi of
time so-called "Credo , " imu wlmiclu tIme operatic
logo blatamutly blasluhmemnes God and hmmumianlty
and pronommncos his only belief to be inc fate ,
serc' It tmot for the secomid vturlatlomm , to whtlchm
I imae'e referred.
Title Is itu tIme fineale of the third meet. logo
works imp Otehho's jealomms rage to such a pitch
that the Moor swootus ; wheremmpomu , wltlbo tito
aIr is resoundlmeg with huout of "Ervlva
Otelltu ! ' ' fromni the chmormms , tlme Anclemut plamits
hits foot impon the prostrate fame , anti , "stand-
Ing erect ameti pointing vltli horrible triumph
on the motionless body 'of Otello , " exclaims :
"RecoIl Leotme-"hiehtoltj ! the Iloni" This
lit flowery neelodranea , not tragedy. Iltmt liolto
lma told time story deftly on tlme whole , ammtl
has co-operated in a spirit of rare sympathy
\vItli tue composer itu the prodtmctbon of something -
thing whulchm is muuuch superior to tlmo ordinary
opera of the Itallamc stage.
It must not be forgotten that ilolto's
artistic ideals are lofty , anti that Ito ueeadu , a
mmotah.mlo effort to realize tlmemuu In time nice work
Mr witicli tie wrote bothm words ammd music ,
" \ieflstofele , " Most of tlee absurdities of the
old-fmeshmionueii ItalIan opera e'lli be looked for
In vain itu "Oteflo. " Time chorus does mmcl
intrude upon time privacy of thee' luero's or
nmeybotiy else's chambers , oven tltommgh , Inc one
case , it becamne necessary to buIld a trauma-
iuuremut partition so that ttmey nuigiet be seena
and hmearmi In a garden while tue hirlncipal
actors were carrying ott time thread of the
play 1mm front. Stgmmor Itaio Campanlnl's pluck
amud enterprise favored New York
witlm an earlier opportunity thmome
was emejoyoti. by any of tine capitals of
Emmoiue ( Milan , MunIch , hlammuburg amid Vienna
excepted ) to become acqemaltuted with Verdi's
opera. idtmcit Imas beeme written about the
work , and it hmas becommue Plaiti tlnat thuo de-
femitlers of Italian opera agaitmat the aggressions -
sions of the tnodermt Germueate teuoo'eneent look
impon It its a fomncidable bulwark. It is a
tribute to the work to say that It canmmot be
sttmdletl adequately frouei the printed hook.
Verdi did not wait fifteen years between
"Aitha" and "Otelio" for time luumpose of lowering -
ering lmln artIstic alan , lie sougiu to exalt it.
One Imeamlug , even If It be' but an Imperfect
ammo , Is sufficient to convince a Jutliclotus
listener of that. "Otello" Is time ripest vroduct
of the umlaut gifted of Ilvimug opera composers.-
tile Outcommie of one of thin imeosi remarkable
careers that time history of muitusie In Italy
bias to shuoev. Verdi muevem' untiertook a work
itt moore serious mnood thuamu tlmls. Ills uheslmo
to vitalize tIne poetical litie by means of trtutlm.
ftul , expressive decomnation is observable In
nearly every measure of the music. Almost
every page discloses to tue nnustcian some
fruit of sttudy successfully pursued since
"Aitla" was commeposed , lie ntumme of huts lure-
vlous works , not even Imu "Aida , " tines Vermhm
show so great a knowledge of orctmstratIon ,
Occasionally the "Old Adanme" trlutnphs for a
nmiomnent over itis regeneratei nature amid lie
slmocks our ears wHim one of those rapid
chroneeatic rumahea , carrying a shrieking ilcolo
hart on top and emutlirmg s'itin ( maybe ) a vulgar
cymbal ciasii-Immmitnotiuug ltichmirciVagmeer in
his first opera , "Rienzl , " wiiicht opera was
perfortmeeti at tIne ? uhetropolltami opera , New
York , one February 5 , conedmuctor herr Seidi ,
anti of which time attIc' critic , Ii , II. Krohtlel
of time Tribune , speaks as follows : There's
no niusical 'ico Svieiclm Wagner was so morel-
less in conmieneinimig iti Meyerbeor's operas
whciu ! mloes meat In ttmis score In an exaggerated -
ated forni aned with numiclu less to extenuate It
In ttmo manner of fertilIty itt Imiventlomi and
real musical bentuty , It's sweets out-
Italians , the Italians , Its noise puts time wildest -
est of extravagances of Meyerheer or Spomutimuf
to siname. " hut these few itustancs excepted ,
connpamod withi time acrid ammcl noisy accoen-
paniments of "Luisa MIller , " "II Lombardy , "
"Trovatore , " etc. , time accomuipaniments of
"Oteblo" are as works of Mehssonier corn-
pared with the daubs of a sign painter.
Naturally It is the creatiomu of a stutlious
old neame and reflection ilal's a greater role
opera comeeposition now thmn it used to , Ills
poimut of view has changed ; hmis style ha been
bettered , lila mecinaniane refined , hubs lnmspira-
tione s'aits tmcoro oni lila Jutlgnmeont , but 1mm thee
mmieamus Ito uses to get hmoluh of tIme nervous
senesibilities of imis Imearers one cannot help
recognizing tlmo Verdi of wbtotmt Ihossini was
wont to say in characterizatiotu of his forcefulness -
fulness and energy : "Aimi oui , Verdi , ouno
tnouaicienne ( jul a Dune casque ! " a-must-
clan with a lmelnmee't , Sigimor Cammipanlni's
representation of "Otello , " cretiItabbmj as It
wan , to those
qualities whmiclm Ammuericamus camu-
not be accused of dispisimig , could not he accepted -
cepted as a comnplote exposItion of Verdi's
pmurhuosos. Few of tIme peopla commcertued
ceenmemi to move realizemi fully' ttuo value of
the directions wimicle Verdi gave as to de-
tails. They ee'ero imanepored , too , by traditions -
tions whmlclu are as siovenby as they are old ,
In thee chorus of tIme second act neitimer the
bagpipes nor time mmenndolins ( chamncimug for
once ) prescribed by the scorn were used , antI
tIme effects aimed at evero not obtained.
"Otello" is a revelation which no serious
thinker dare treat with Inullffereuce , Admim-
ation for the greater part of the timlrd meet
anti all of the "glorious fourth , " grow with
every' hearing , however opinions mmeay differ
mis to tIne Intrinsic valmmo of his mnusic , Verdi
is entitlemi to the world's respect.
In melodic Invetutlon I fall to find in
"Otehio" an advance over the Imalf a dozefl
of its predecessors from Verdi's pen , amid ,
Inedeed , do not thilmuk timat time score as a
whole hmas as mnucim imesplratiozu as any one
act of "Aitha , " It's apprecIation of time value
of reflection is , however , correspondingly
greater , Theme hove beeze ( ow conmipomem's whmoso
careers huave s'hown such steatiy and con-
sitent growth fromic old-fashioned convemutlomumu
to lofty ideals as is exeneplifled in VerdI's
active art life. Itosalni excepteul , tlmere hues
been no Italian composer wiuo has taken so
gIgantic a stride as lies between "Oluerto ,
Canto di flonifmmzio" ated "Oteilo , " It Is
known thuat tlme comnposen- kept ttme' score of
"Otello" in lube desk long enougim to fulfill time
hioration adage , "Nonumrimte preniatur in
anmcunu , " in order timat he might exercise self-
criticism anti beconme convinced timat It wouitl
nmot lessen hula ( anne , It will not. The interest -
terest of tnuslc-lovers of all creeds amid shuades
of artistic belief ought to go out toward such
a work.
It 'Lll be a matter of considerable pride
to tine friends of thmo Anon quartet of tue
First United h'resbyterian cinurcuu to know that
the young muon niet with ito enthusiastic mecep-
tbon at thtu Institute at Cobunuhius , They were
singing selectIons from "Anthenus of h'rsiae , "
the nuew book by Lee 0. Kratz and It. 11 ,
Wallace.'tmat has been quite unusual in
timose rebigious assemblies was the encore
given the quarlet on its flret appearance. The
( . 'olumuuiuun Itrees Sal's 'rhe don quartet
of the First chuurch , Oiuiahua , favored the irmati-
tulle eitim a eIectiomm , " 0 ( live Thanks Unto
lime Lord. " 'Flue somug was encoreth , anml the
four young memen respotumled wittf us peenmuui so-
iection fromn the psalter.
Time Seheitbert Glee club holds its first me-
iue'araah of time sessomi next Montlay evening.
The club takes a prominent leant In tlta
"Siege of Vleksbtmrmj , "
h.lXCOl'S f41)CiAi , SmIshI.
So clorely are the fertuties of the State
university woven into the web of Lincain
society that aneythulng connoctetl with time
former is tuceve of tleo latter.'tlu time advent
of atutumuin days there is rommc'n ed activity
onu time camnptm , imc tIme dormmeitores anti around
thee class ronnie of the muniverslly. t'irst
and need Innportatet Is the fact that tIme new
chancellor , CI. B. Macl.eame , Is expected to or-
nyc withu iil hares amid pemiates eamuec' tisy ti mm.
ing time Present week. In the ieee' lltmrary hun Id.
bug , whicle Is fast approacimimmg caimcimtctl me be-
aides the library proper tmiul Iecttmre ro mmi ,
there will ho private oiltce'e for thmo folowng !
iurcfessors : l'rof'olf. . ImhIIosoiihty ; l'tof ,
Stnermeittmc , hlmeglisie lIterature ; h'rof , 'ray or ,
lolitlcal science ; l'mof. CaUlweli , Amumericame
ltlstory , Time , State llistorcal ccc' ety cclii
have roommes on the grounti floor of time ee'imug ,
withm thie library moomeu ahve. h't'of. U. W. A.
Lucky , wino has accepted thuc' chair of po Ia-
gogy , is already on thme grommnci , Time sue-
cossor of Lietutemeant i'erslmimug of tIme t'nt-
'eralty cadets is Captain John F' . ( Itmulfoybe
of the Ninth cavalry. lie cc Ill reluirt for
dumty October 1 , at which tlmmia Lieutenant
l'ereluimeg cviii likely Joime lila c3mmcmmuemuti in
Montana , CaptaIn Guibfoylo Is mmenrrleti amid
is sommie'heere bet eeni 33 ammtl 40 years of
age. ills regimnent is statiomnol at Fort It b'
insomu , Nob. Time coplalmu Inac a gooui roe rmh ,
tutitl Is abmmndantly tiualifled to carty en amm1
thevelohe work successfully domuo by hmis. jreic'-
Of cotmrse each of ttme mecany social clmmba In
Llmmcolmc claimna to be ' 'thne mooch elect , ' hutit
iii tlmat shustiowy uiistlmectIou It bit iiilllctilt to
draw tIme lute. At least ( hue mmcenebers of each
social guild believe this. aiutl mmci a few of
thuemut cheerfully atlieuit it. hunt conjolmetly
ttme'se 'ariommmu clubs are destiteemi to imuako life
lively anti emedurahie itt hlmicoln dumlmug thmo
comlmeg winter. The thammcimug cltnbs are orgame.
izimmg. On 'l'tuumrstlay aftermioomi tIme h'ioaaamtt
hlnmmr club etfcctetl Its amuuutnal reomgmcmmlzationt
by electing the following oiilcers for
ISt)5-96 : Mattsome himuitlwin , iireaiulemutV ; , F' .
Meyer , vice icresident ; W. A. C. Johumistumi , see-
rotary anti treasurer. I49V Mamalmall , C. II ,
Lemi amid John 'I , Dorgame were mmmdc lice ox-
ectitlvo coteemmiittee , Time Icturties will 'tie held
at the Limmcohtm hotel. TIme first damuce wlli ho
given iii October. TIme muuenebers of thme Em.
lure climb will holti thmeir anmmmmah meorguinmiza.
hone withmIn a few days.
Miss Lmmcimtda Ii. Loomnis rotumneti Smmmuday
fromn Colorado Simrliugs , c'lmero alto attemedeti
the stnnmneer school , A day or so later she
recelveui time agreeable inteliigommco tlnat he
1usd beeme elected to the IirimuciPalahmilu of time
hhamithohiuh sclmool ,
Formy Moore amid Karchuer left Lincoln
Thursday of last week to joIn thnme lhopklntu
Trans-Oceameic Vaudeville concpauuy for time
Season. They are miow Iclayiteg In ChIcago.
Mrs. 3. U. W'rlglmt rettarmunt fromn Clnlcago tomorrow -
morrow , Sine Imas lueeic visIting her sister-itt-
law , Mrs. htohinsomu , wlmomuc mmiaiuy Lincolme pea-
pIe m'eneemniier wIth pieasmmre.
lion. hiemitonc Camion , lirealtient of the l"Irat
National bank of Grand Jumictlone , Cola. , is in
tIme city.
Mr. ammui Mrs. .7. D. Callmommn of Tatuipa , Via. ,
are hi the city , the guests of Mr. amid AIrs ,
v , Q. Bell. -
Miss Carrie Wasnier of Gramid Ishand vie-
ited Mrs. I ) . E. Thtomnpson. SIte Is now witk
Mrs. White.
Mrs. C. C. l'armelee emmtertaInemi for Inor
cousin , Miss Mathews of Ies Moines , hash
Senator W. V. Allen was at the Lbndell.
Mr. anti Mrs. Vane Wyck were nlao Inc the
Judge G. 'V. Ambrose of Omnmilua anti T.
Faucett have been in thmo city timls week ,
The A. 11. Smucith Personally comeducted cx-
cursion hnas retmmrned fromnu time hilack hills ,
Jtutigo hiroady's hurotimer Joimn hlmoady , of
Quincy , Ill. , is vlsitimeg hinee.
Alias hiertie Clarke returned Tumesmlay morn-
immg fromnc Cailforrela.
It. V. Muir of lhrowrtvilie was in Liticoirt
timis week.
AIr. C. \Vhmedon has been lit lctroit timii
week. -
D. h ) , Muir of Denver was ire tine city Mon.
\V. C. Wilson is in Minnesota.
Gold ) tNI ) COAL IN AL.SK i _
hot Pt to ii , . FliumtIlmi h'itimisc' ( hut lit I-
I ii' , . Amoiig the Short' liii , ' .
SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 3i.-hr. George F.
Ilecker , geologist In cinamge on this dlvlaiont
of the Uteited States geological survey , hiac
roturmeeti from Ataska , ec'here lie imaum been
neakineg a study of tIme gold ameti coal fields
along tIme shmome lIne. lie teas aecommepanleti
by Dr. William II. Dahml , wino went to make
a special report on thue coal fields. Timis is
thmo first work tlmat has ever been done by
time United States geological survey mu Alaska.
lIe says tinemo is no doubt that Alaska is
going to be an active mnlning regiomm , but hue
does riot tuelieve it will rival time California
mnlmeimmg belt , Time veiuus are not so large amid
tvehi tleveloped as timey memo imu this state.
There hua been qmuite an exciteneent this
sttmneeer amoummul the placers at tinc' hmead of
Cook's Imulet. Time aummoutit of smmccess tlmumu
far achuieveul hardly wamnammis time anuoumuet of
immterest oxlmlbited , Ties profitabule washings
thus far dug are couelhneml to a few mmulles on
hear creek , wlulchm empties Into Turnagain
amen. As to time coal tlepositme tlue only cmuaI
fomnmud thnat seems likely to be of any corn-
neercial value' tc'as at Cook's inlet. Tine coal
Is present in large qmmantities. Ifs hneatimeg
effect is comnparatlvely allgbmt , so timat It takes
abommt two tons to do time ce'ork of one tomi of
Vancouver Island coal. lie believed the coal
eculmi ha economecically mmeinc'd , If tIme woric
was tlomee emi a harge scale anmd with greet
systemic , as the coal muelmeos of wertemn l'cnn-
cylvammia are worked ,
sis FIIASCISC ( ) I'O't' Al.t thU IiI ) .
Nenmu 0 t C ma iii , 'rii a t ii nit ol it i is ( rctti' ,
No Ahartit.
SAN FRANCISCO , Atmg. 31.-Time new.
brought huy time Monowali of hue breaking out
of the cholera in hhonolulti does meet aiarmmi
limo local hmealtli ofiicemmm , "I do not appre-
bend any danger fmotme thme spreading of tiuG
tiisease in this luort , " saiti lr. Clmalmers ,
"for every precatmtlonm cciii ho tahemi to pre.
vcmet It frame gaining a footlttilti. 'rime qtusr.
antine regulations are strict enough , It cor-
tied out , mtmmd all vessels arriving from hbono-
hula will hue submitted to tIme clooeSt In.-
spection. " This I'm moimI to ho time first
LImo chmalera has been known on flue Ha-
walian islammds. At the tlnne the AIonowaii
called , It was bolleved that the disease was
tintier control. Thuere haul beetu eight mheatit
frorme it. anti there ec'ers emily tnt )
cases remmealning , atl those were both ire
quarantine. here. witht msumchm adumetratnie Ia-
duties for quarantining , oven if thme cbioiem'a
simotmld get what mnlghmt appear to be a foothold -
hold , it could be easily tammmpod out , the
health oiilcems say ,
lletm Suiilli'n m , ' ot 'h'ymi mmlii i'u'vcr ,
NEW YORK , Aug. 31.-WillIam Gayer
Domuuireick of the stork brokerage firm of
Dominick & Dickerumcan , died suuiriemnly of
typhoid fever at his mturnnuer bonito at Quo.
gus today , Air. Iomninlck was born of
hiuguetuot parents in Chicago on January
14 , ISIS , hmls father having gazes thuemo Irons
New York , lie returned to New York at an
esmly age , and becanec- mnemrmber of tluu
l'rotluce exchange , a dIrector of tluo Norfolk
& Southern railroad , a mnemmuber of the bdru1
of muuatmagmS of the Sons of time Revolution ,
of the Colonial War society , Society of ties
\Var of 1812 , hIstorical society awl lIuguenoi
Highest of all in Leavening Powcr.-Latcst U. S. Gov't Report
Bkin ' ,
ftoYa Powder
r AgsoLJTEL' ( PJE.