_ _ . . , , * - - , . . . . - - - - - - ; - - . . . - - - - - - - ii . - - s-- q _ . . . . . . ,4'-v-- , _ . . . / , _ . . _ . . . . _ . _ _ , . . _ . . . _ _ _ . _ ' . ' _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ . * _ . . _ . . . . 1 . _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . - - . . . , . _ _ _ _ . . * . - , - . . . - _ . T -a ' . , - - - - - . - - - - - . - - - - . - - \ . , . . - . _ 4-.k - I . - TnE OMAHA DAILY nEE : SXrJ'URDAY , AUGUR'l' 2L , 1895. 'T - - - - . SPEDI 1\L \ NOT1UE8. - - - . . . .h'rrthrlllrlh for thr"o cnlllll" I' . wil hI tlk.1 unti 12,8 ( ) p. in. for thr e'rlhIK ansi unti H p. rn. for lie morn I hg nrll fllnlln , . t1 Itluns. Alh''rtlrr" , h ) ' rC'ln."Unl n nn"- 1rei1 rll'rlc , rnl hl" ' nhtstver " sul - arf".1 tn n II"h'r..1 . .ter II I s * reef , of The I. . . Aiiivcr. "n III.lr"r.1 , lIt hI . . ITereil . "lInn Jlre""tnUon or thr cheek 011) ' . Hntr" , 1 1-tc n word fr"t In".rUnn , Ie I 'nr.1 * Iicrpnft.r. Nothil' Tnl" fur I. " " thrul , : e fti . fr' hl"'rUnn. I Tlite V nlh.rU""I."t. Ilu"t he run con- . .crutlcly. - - - \VtNTlfl-SI'VVtTIONS. A Jm 'INI. : lIt''Tfl1)VUOV. : . . 1.XI.I. : . Ipnl muqklan , . nrnstfl' . . rpa'l"r. ' liur" . thee ouh Iuouk.per. wish , ' . poi.ltt'n 1. laoUe- Iou.kppppr. p.II"n kpor. \III , KI' " molher' enre "n,1 , tralnln . Can fill silly 1".llon oC trtlit. lIlht I'C-r' . neL Y 31. I. ; . . \ - I i : . ' % L _ _ _ _ _ _ - L - - - - - - - - - - " ' , 'rJ' U-\AI.t : JUI.I' . WATID-1.1V. 1T1.id(1 ( IT AmNTH : IN . INTFI.I.tFNT 4. Onlaha to oncnlze euhs oC lhrpe 10 flue Caml. Ilea for our iunouM orphn.1 homo" land In . . F tnt ti1iiitpp. The lhl oC Inlnh.ratol . " 0' InK .uti ' ) . \h"re thr. . nrp no lint wini ) . , . n" " coM , wlnler. no 1lzza.I. . no crop ( aIIurc. Where two or Ihrrp erop . cnn 1. rals",1 .PI t year. ' \'hprr Ihpre I. l no .ueh , thIng n n fal. $ lire IC n man will work on. II' I n har,1 a. he tr wil . . . mlii wIfl do. . In Ihll ) counlry. Gel iitiimr ! . ml,1 to L Sure pa'ln crops oC fruit an,1 nnl"n truck. . IUrh".1 soi Oi earth les I rnlwlY tRcIHtIe. Oeo. ' \ ' . Amp.en er I agrnt . 1617 ' . ) . - J'nnnm .Irpel. OnIftIn I-M1ro : A mTL AN , wonK mlAIA on T.\ terrItory In N"hrskn flu . .neal , nenl for In . , Omaha Mrk nccldfnt "n,1 Innlh ho".0 nn,1 T.n Year lnlowlrnl ncell"nl nocIatIofl. Prd"nlnl man . prpC'rrrl. ( 'nil neler D n. m. . or all , < e , . . _ ' ! : ! . _ cntI'aXtOflblock. _ U-M48 ACrl I 0' NI ! AT AHIISH ) I.'on onn city trade. Wil be In"lel.1 Rn,1 Ialll ( whl learnln ! AI'ply ' pr.ol.ly. 1.1 I)1UI1L J-Mi31 HI WANTflI ) . TWO 1XII.nlNCI- VI.LINC : WT . Ono,1 I.nlon' . 11'11 & Thornp5flI. tiillorii . 1612 Farnttn . - tllor. 1I.'nrnnr. I-M i.AfloItElts FOn It. & M. iuv. CO. IN WVOM J.AIOI-S Inl trnnsirtatlofl. Kramer & 0 ' I tern . huh nlll Farzinrii I I-M9GT 21' SI.AT flOOl'Itfl'ATIt ) AT ONC : AI'- lily ! Malcolm 10w , Fort erook fleIbVU" . ? eb. 11)19' 21' ' : I : N WHO \VII.I. WOIK FOIL $ i : ( ) ' INTI "Inry or larKr eonlll..lon. Hellno .llpl" I" ' hy .ltT"I 10 ilnilerg. 1'xl'erl Iu " unnCC"HH iry. ' \'rp , u. loushold I HI.eclll ) ' ( ' 0. (7i ) , ( ' 11' clnnitl , O. 11 I'f ' 21' r , "ANTIn , 10Y WIO C.\NVIll : \ 11 SS. run ninlUng inichIn' ; an.1 In.tce hlm.elC u'1tiI nl lalllK . . l nhoul prInting " flIc' , Wrlr. .Intll eXIerlell' , nl.1 . Wages vnntriI . 10 Clcal.ry Ou"le.le. . . Ja 1-\1221 : - - - - - $ G.I TO $ Ir ) .f ) A.\\ IY 1.\ I HAILtIN , : , . . . . t for clgnr : experience Iirt , nccuaty ; .Ir In- R .lue"1"nIH 10 , 'u.tomer. ( . Ishul' & KIJ' . HI. ' g , 1.UIIM. Io. 1- tI3 12 : ' " ' . \I'I.J-.g lI.g 11'.1' . L.ll A W.\NTINO ! FIAT.CI.AAA ciIIt1. calt HClnllavlun , Y.V. . hume , 2'J8 ' Uuvn""rl . . ' ' 4 . Blreel. oSI' ) 2 : - - - - - - ; WANTg1-ny ; A WHoi.gAAI.E IOUA ! : . A .4 ininrt . uctIv. mlhl" aged laty , , . Io.llol Ir- , Ian"11 " and goo . "Iary. . \Idt. . Y = 6. I" ' . C-I7O-23 , otIce. C-DO-23 , % WANTI' : " . I.DY ifl'tNouIt.tI'ltEIt. : WITH lowledJe , Loolkeln ; ; muxt lurl.h h.r nwn Iachln , ' . I'or tart ' IcUa rn alllre.s I"'k I .Ho" 60 : . : ls.oulale ) ' . la. C- II 21 ! I . - o Foil I flN'I'-IIIS. - - - - - iiiist : : i:1. DI.I:0 , 1\ " : 1.01' V-33. HOUSIS IN AL [ . PAITS OI' Ti' : CITY. TII O. I. . IjyIs Compan , l : , $ I..ran. Von - : _ _ _ . _ _ _ on _ . . _ _ _ UOUStA , INJ\'A & CO. . 103 N. ! TI - . ! T. n. D. COI.I CO. . I.AlGJST LIST IN OMAHA. ' . D-M33s - - CHOICE [ JIT\CI.m , : IOln:1 : UHUnCI . 21h and Iolplelol , modern brIcks . 2d & Cull. torla & Sherwou a\e. C. A. Starr GI : N. Y. LIte. 1J ; : iEoM : , HOUC. INlUlm 2801 I"\nN' 1 . a.IOO : ( " . . ' ; .1 reel. DIi3 MODHttN S-ltOOM 10USI M ; 5 MINU'nH ouN 8-100M wnlk CIUI ; court hou.e. loom 28. Iiarker . D-6cT blk. NICI ! MOIHIN 1MGIIT.ILOOM HOU m. U tche ! ; Ilce lawn. trea. b.rfl. 21 'J-G71 L'lprce. ! V-Gl G.loM rOTTOH , 1.1 MODE1tN . 2121 . ) Miami alreel. , ' V- 189 TO I.IT. A COTTAOF : WITH RIOHT flOOME. on 301h. near j4irnarn. ( Chari" Turncr . 316 Furlr\ J-9 1..UlNISlmn tOUS : ; KOUNTZE 11.\ : ' : . S. S. ( ! Ibsoii . 31 1.1 ! Nat' ! bank. I > M'3 MI.IANT1tOltIt ( II1t1CI . 2601 CA1'lTOh 1'110. LE'N1 . IOI.mN 1ICIC. 2GI ( ) . ' cvnu. V-IO : POl I1IN'I'-I'LltNlSltlfl IOO IS. rOI1 ItHNT IStItArthF .UINISIFD nee : Oi m'HI.\I.R . .nsulE or alngle. 2U ! I.'arnum lr.pl.E . E- ED . , . . . . ONt i 1..UlNIBI'U : IOO I , t : 8. 261 ! HT. S. H-MM I 2S' l"UHNIHII' : 100 1 1'01 1.IOIIT 11 IS I' : ' I , , . inquire 1919 Ihdg. : - _ keeLIt1S. - - - - ' - - . - . - . 10 < 1" lI91 - Nlt'l.a.Y F'UltNl4ltt1) JtCOMS. 119 DOUG alreol. _ 1I9 : - - SOUTH 1.'ION1' ItOOM NlfLY : 1..tmNIHH . ! ! : [ ) . . 116 ! ItuvMrd. I.tl : :6' ? 1.tIIXISII U ILOOMS AN J JU.\IU. NICII.Y lUHNIlm HOO I. 2m . IIAtNHY. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.- 12J A2 : ' DESI.\J.U ILOOM WiT ! ! IIOAIID. 201 1 _ ) "I"la , I'-.H21 . \ : : 1)OUtl.U PAItI.OttS AND OTUHIL ! tOOM ; DOUI.1 1,11018 OTt l IOOMH newly Curnllh.I ; Irlclau 101 , < 62 , ) S.i. 191h I"-Mc-ll S' TWO I'L'ItNlSlIlI ) nee u ; 1'ILItTfl I"AM- ' I : lod'r ; " " chldlel ; wih . or wihout J bOUI. * C1 H. 2th nenue . ' - : : 2i' - FOIL 1tINT-UI'UJtNISltII ) JWO IS. 4LAIIO I : 10UH ( IEI:1ING : IOO IS. Sgo , ) . CAHll H. Olh 5treet. 0-:11 , - - - I'OI IL1'-S'1'l1IS tI ) OJI'ICI S , l'Oll ILUNT-TL1t : 4-TQItY It1tCI LIULIDING ICT-TIU , STOIY BICI IUI.DNG ! flI ! F.tnnifl , str.et This Iulhlng ! has n IIri- IloM , ' Clfl. nl lai.ment . complelo Icnm h"atlg lxtur ! . . . , 'ner 01 nil Iloors . ! . . elc. Apply ul ' ' . the omec' or 'rhe lee. 1-910 \ CI't'lCl. : 1IHI I.\N 1.0C ! . . ImHT I.OC.\ I . . ton , I' . 1) . \\'oa.l. 16 anl Uuuglu sl. , , 1-10 H23 I ' - _ _ - _ I ' - - - - - - - - - . \UI ' WtSI'CD. WA "I\-TII' : MUTUAL IEHDI\I' : FUND LICe n..claton oC New YOlk de.lre tu en- Naa ten lana"'r In\ \ pnen.1 ! o"'nls oC e. 1"'rINII' . an,1 uhlll , ) ' tr wrk In the Wet . . - nwol luerlh'o t&'iflL . \lrPHs ! lurIng . \ I I. ! II. IubIun ! . < 1 ector oC oC lclc. . . On\ha. n,1 _ _ . _ " J - 311 .oS'H MAla $ DAII.Y . 1ARVF.I.OUS IN. . viitlofl. , 1.'laU. 2 r'lls ; : 10 6 1,1,1 In n 1 1" " " Ham" IJUc,1 ( rOe. I'orohe. & Makin , CIneInnati . O. ' J-tl 2P ! .IflHNT $ -lmnn IT' 15 . 1ViIlI..5TlNfl ; JONTlmnn Rm.MIIU , Lilth"s In . cloth.1fl ! . ; lrlng on lIne. inn- n"l 1 < " " . MI"lo SQ .tlltH. Iro"n & CO. . 2.lu- k"Jn. Mich. . J- It < : I' I , . . . w \ Nl'flt-'l'P I I % 'I" I l'hiHONi { 1\V11O i'1tI'AT1 IO ) I TO rrnt. "lh or Wlhoul Inrd durin 81ul ' ( air . " ' "et . , nhhe. \ lilt I"tieull" , " : . I : . CiyIn. .c.y. \ . . "I A"'unul entrttulllpnt < m. :1 ' N. Y. I.IC ' 1,1,1. ! , K-M33 21' - - HI. 10l'tjiitii11 ; S\'UOOL ! . ' . 1) . 1 W'eit1 , .1 all. ! ! _ tuiitis. ' 1\-1 ! I 1'ITY 1IAVIN4 I'I'tlNISIllI : ) IIOtsi , ' l'\ITY IA\'I : < 1'LIISIn ; 'r rent . 'viri C JI I In,1 , .Ic'olr , hi" ten tnt Ly In.iulr. . lag oC , \ . C. l'ow'I. , I.crehr ) ' Jurl "C I'lb. li W , rl. . 1'- -II ' ) 23 - - - - - I 11 'I'G . 1 : " . , O. O. WALI.ACI : lr"r.t IJItOVN L-MI JLI { - - - - - b'rUn.\Gc. i rTt.ap flI.tNrN % ! OUu. . s. Oov. bIf1 wlr \ . . . : . OU\\ -h H . ' , .towcst ralL IQUl l f.cnw1u. _ Mm S. . ' . - - - - - - - - - - , - - ) :1 ' L , . 6Tn U : l'P.\NIC 3w1121t $ : un iii- . ' . u 4' ) ' > 4't l'ACWIC 11'HAIJkwio ' ! ' : : > ) 'p ' . ' i ; 'I , J. at. Qncr. .C' unit C..II l . _ . ( 1et.7. ; ; : : : - ' I T 1"Oll S.tI.I.-2tIL.i.I.I.t1.tiL : : S , ' ' , rR &U . : CUEAP , TWO : - LItU ! ' . nT"C - : : .1&11 . . l , , . 11. & ' .a I.V" I"I' ' ' ' Wutkq . " 1 S. . Ut' Q 3. . ) . t I FOli flALItZSCflfI.A'fIOVL : ' - _ Contnu" JAIUWOOU ! C ljINATfON HOO ANn chicken tence CIia. it. I. ! 8th nnJ Dougis . Q-1 Fort ! Ar.F. AT A nAnGA IN. TWO NlS'H. "alr pre.eA. slram flzture. 1" . J cn'Uon ' ; jUll rl.hl tot' country Offle. . 100.1 tennl. vr ch"p ; for cnih. No tradr. Lock ts $ . Pulh Omaha r4eb. Q-I 21 $ 1. : IN CAt.O.I.OTS. ! . COlnHlONUE CE solicited. . \ . II. Nicliolatu . Council Q-M6M ltliitfal. ItI. 83 - - I.'on aM.1 (1'\ 10 1.INt 01 SI-COfl : ) iian.l hlcv.I" . , . Omaha 1ilccle cumpany , 33 N. 161h 1reet. Q-31 8 IS - - - - - - - - - - - Fn R.\I.n. rn5. I COT.t'MIHA mC\'II.r. Oo a new. 13. Atldrou Y : . . I" ' ot p. : 1IIUIIl8T I'ItIC'YI'.tl ) FOil I1AOM. IIION . IIOmST 1'If 1.\0 1.01 ION. lelal ! , rubber nnt lottl' . ; car lola n , p"rlalty. Chicag Junk lol" . 82.81 lougta . Omrtl.t Q1 . , rlItST-'I.8S 10AIDINO 10'Sr. ! 1..t'I.I. 01- . 1..JHT-'I.\HA I..rl. . , central louten ; cheap tor push. ) At- ! ilresq . I ' 21' . Y 33. Iiee. Q-I9G' ImOND HAN J.\NtHY ? MAlINIIY ch"nl" tel"rln . lzinrnlry mldllner ) ' n MwvIaIty.813 North 161h < . -2S7-2S' ' ' . . ' . $ ! X1'ItIS WANT ) . A IHI.I'I.my Olt JXII' wagon "hpnl' tor ca'l Lck 10" 1. Yulln , Nel Q- . 19 21' $ FOR tUL1111(111 ( (1It,1)I H ; t\J ! : J'on 101 OlA" 1..1 only ahorl , tme : g".1 ! ! . ne\ . Aiiri'4 , Y . U. lIeu. Q- I )1 ; : ' , 'I'1n-TO IU\ ' . W.\NTI.n : TO 1'1 on UHNT.SAT.OON IN lively loon wih goOI fainter Iralp. , ( h'orge 81ch 101 N. 2tl blreet. Orlhu , N'ts. - i11 2 : ' pot sA.l-IIolLslS , " \GOXS , WJ'C. FOn SALIL A II.\TFOIUI SpnNU nlA Y wlgon ; g",1 n. new ; ChPIII. , Cln hp .p'n II , 1,1 I"ndlther's carriage worls. I'- IQS 3' ' ) CI.AI ILVOYAN'I'S . KNO\ THY JATI' : ! I'ItOl' . td1HY. lil2 ( 'Al'- Iol a"Enup , the Irpal.st clairvoyant und .1.'a,1 tranen tn 'lltim living : t.IIs v'ryiIiIng ; . uc- lrll'P " .IC' 1\lng h'ls . t"lum , t''t , ! . wlln nil others ( till ; . "t , eacton gitaran- lee or no pJ ) ' ; nil In trouble . .I ; tN' . G'r ' ) tip. 5-l97 1 21' hitS , DII. I.'Atll : CI.AJIVOYANT. I- liable busln" inedluit , ; 81h year 01 lS N. 161h. 6316 - . M.tSS.tU , IIA'l'IIS , 13'I'C. MAI.UII SMITH G S. t3TI 21 F1.OOl2. rom 3 ; itagnetii. vapor , alohol , BRtiiil. sui. "hurlne nittisea IiathL T- 19')1 ' 21' M.MSAGEDA 1 ICINAtl 121 DOlO T-MI.d 51' M MH. : IIOVFt.L. TI'flIIS11 . \NI I1.l'C'I'IlIC : IHINI HO\JLI. balti. . I"ll..t ; . .trIort . In clly. 31-32' ' ! H. 1.lh. . ' -M9i ; 82' ' ) ' - - - - - - - - - M 11i4. 1)11. Ll0N. 1t.EcbNT : MASSAOI . : AND I.I.IGNTHAAO. MIH. 11 I.ION. I.I.IGNT ! , 'Iclrlo halh InIOs , re.rul , 11,1 ifreshiIng. 4U NOlh 11h alreel. ' 1'M991 1 : J'l ' 1'UI1liSII , \ ' ' . 'J'Utl'ISI 1\'lIS. TlnKISH BATHS ; ONYX pI.ACr IN CITY exclusIve Cur ladleti. Suite 103.1Q lieu hilds. 133 L ADIES' : I1ATIIS. MIJI2 , 1'OST. 313\ 8. 13Th. 31i l'I.nSOX.u. . VIA"I CO. . 31r nt1 BLDG , ImAI.TH 100K free : hOle tr"lnenl ; lady altentlint. U-31 U. I IIAAS rl.OltlST. I'L.tNTS. CUT I'LOWflItS. : iiaiiqtict. huh . resIdence an,1 , grave ilecoratlons. ' ! 181 Vlnlan - _ .Ir"ol. . _ - - Tclephone - - . n6. - U- - 1 9 UATIH , MAS8AGE , M I POST. 3Uy H. ITI. ! : PINI 1.lVIhtItiGit CII.:0 tAt'MI.IY. Ilh and 8t M.try'B aveltUe. Telephone 111. < t- 192 ! P IIIVA'I't hOME FOIl \V0MIN VUING 'ON- l'nl'A1'1 II.mcnl. 10 le.t FOI giveii 3319 U-M718.HI3' N. 11th. ' 1 1.1''IO : IAGNI'TIC T1LI.tTM11NT. IOO I 1 ' \'IUmol block. 1.lh und Harne ; former \ ! 4' N. Y. Life. U-MS9 II' HOLJmS ot' TiE WAR OF TIl Il1I1I ! . - lion who h.l'e not use,1 , their rl11l under tle htoiitest.td Inw" Cor obtaining han . ! wi hint m . moitim'ththng 10 Ihplr ntvanlage by calling on mile- thin ! itc'or oC 111.Hlate , bank bldg. InUlmr al .Ie'ntor. I. ! hi. MIIIer . U-IGS.23' TI'N18 TOI1INT AND StI.lf 1 313 Farnnm 8Ir"el. I 'lionuSS3. A. II. - la w . Izer. U- 8S-H2I' THOAI'181NG ! ! NIOI1MATLON ON IN \181NG : v"Hlmenls. , 'nr e. ug'Lr. COCO.l . groin and 1 cattle . 111,1. . el11le , innmtgrittltn . "I" . will b" cur ratiY nn. ere,1 ! hy CflCh)4ltl1 , ! $ IM'l. regimiterel totV . 10ckwool. I . \llrtlu , No :1 , liogiha . Cohoiti : Ha Mouth . \lerlea. U116 H. ' 2'lOHV 1'0 J. 0.\-1 l'\ 1'S'I'A'J'g. ANTIONY I.O.\N & TIUS CO. . 311 N. Y. I.J'g. Loanti al low rates Cor choice security II No brlslta LUI" anti Iowa ( arms or OI.II ; ely proterty . V-352 \-352 MONI.VTO LOAN AT . I.O\'ST 1lATEl. Till ; O. I ' . V.wl" Co. . \ : ; I..ram II.3:3 CITY LOANS. . C A. IITAIIII. 315 N. y . 1.111. - \-3:1 : La'D INHUIANCE l'LlmH 1.0A1 ON ur bougtit . [ . O. Clmemiuley , l uls"s CItI. - Mo. ! \-3 : CA1'iTA112)O.SUlllI.US . . $ : ) NO ) ; U. 8. MOIIgag" TrU.l Co. . New York ; tur G per cent 10. " . oil city property. Apply to luI.y & Thoma agent3. rom : i First Nol. Wit W- 111,16 . lmHY TO LOAN ON IM1'1t0V1t2 OJAHA ; leal .Inle. Drenlen ; Lose & Cu. . Ioxlon htlk _ _ _ _ _ _ W-3:1 : - MONIIV ; iLOAN : ON IMlnO"I : OMAIL ' JONI0 Ilolrl , ) ' . FidelIty 'Trust C'i. . rO : 1'arnarn. \-3:9 . : LOAN ON UIIOvn 8 IINIMI'I0V111) ! . elTY Itrupeity.'i. ' . I.'urn.m lmlh & ( . . IJ . \-36' .rlm. ' - 6 iIm CINT MONFY TO LAN UION OIAIA 1"1 1'1:1 "slul & Neb. tarms V. ' . H.Melkl" Uniahit " -333 . - MOHTOAGE LNH. InwTE .1. 1) . Zlt ! IGth aol Luug.ts ! , Omaha W- WIG HIO . $2.O ) TO $ ) .O' ' ) ' ) . 1- ' . V. \VIAD. IS & DOUm\S. ; 31 81 - SIlOlIT ' 1'i1tt3 LOANS 1 : SMALL . \MOUNTS. SI Iced & Sehhy. 1(13 F'arnamn. . - MONL3V 'l'U LOAN-4111.t'V1'131.S. . - - - MONFY TO LON 0 : FUINITUI' : . 11.\N08. ; : . hlorbes . wagon" el. . . ul loweal rates II ciy ; no removal oC godim , , trll ) ' conld.nlul ; rou can $1U ) ' the bait un 11 any ' llne or In un ) ' al < UI1. OMAI.JOITGO. LOAN CO. . , : t S. 16U , II. X-M3GI :1:1 : TO L.OAN 3t. C . D DAYS ; I.'UINI. - tuit , . planoa. "IC. lun Oreen. room 8. l.rker , bhock. X- tSH - IhUSINISS (1i.tI3S. $ ? $12.OO.O BTQCOF ! MEnCI.NUIHI IN BEST 1.I.Oi euoern N"hnuk. tur land anti cash Cr quhlenl. AddrcM S : care 11cc. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y-M3SJ ) .o . \N1 UI'\\11 I'lm MONTh j.-I : tmmt1 o will .m"l capial by 0)1010 ' "pecu. lalloll. m. i4.ifiest InI".I. Hook and 111 tcular lulol. . N.lonalunk ref'r.nces. 'fhol s & Co. . 1 : m.uu bllg. . ChIcago. Y-M4T.52' $2' > ! .O ) TO $1.O.OQ : L'.5hfX M : . hIT SPlit'L 1:1.0) T 1ttLon. . \.Idrus lulI"n & Co. . Om.hl bldg : Cillca % 'o. l : IT6-m42 ' Till ) ( 'IIANCI' 01' . i. I.h1'l3TIMI3-'ANT1.I : ; : 11 1 I'Itner wih from S5.0 TUI'WANT. 0"11..1 , 1 hI3lng btiImimi In Ontahimi. Only rp'llol.llle omen answer ; $ .20).0 unnu..Hr gull r- _ mthtetd. _ _ _ AdJr" . - Y 10. l.e. Y-Mi3S $ r1,3 :1.JIT b'O { $ ; t IT 1.0'ATI : II ( Ito citY ; .ome Irul , ' . J. J. Ulboi 31 1.111 yatIJI hmmhm I . . Y-l2' ) ; _ _ U. : t.I.OONNO FIXTL'ItlS ; IIHCI'.hI'T $ : . "r dJY. J. 1. 1It.on. ' : \ 1'irt Nalonal 1-513 : - $ I.I.W ! IHOCrny STOVK ; CAHI ! T1l.t112 ; . ' looP . rnt C < :1'ln. . .t , J. Ulb THAVJ' Ulb8 _ _ _ _ \-8 $ - SOCK 01 tIIN3lLtl. : mnCI.\NI18E : ! for ale ! or Ire < . tor lu" ' o .alern Nebrlka ' & 1 I. Owner 011) ' , Lock . 1U. . Neu . Iowa. Y-AI 37-.3. ' ; . / M1''t' :1.\IK ' . WI1LL CTA1.IIIHJ' ; - ; " 1r In J. JGth.iuu. . V.31132 -ll S.\Lt t01 Tn\ } ! ) . Ul > T LIVIfl ; b.jhnei , In el ) : V. Kcaey . HI. LlIn\ T-M2 2 , " FOIl : X \ CLM.tI RR - ; 11' . ! QlI ; b.hmce . blNv ul el4t 5. Y : ! _ 1. . Y-M3 ' 1 ! ' J.\t ( -1t.XCJ : TO IS\.t-T IN SM.Ll. Inl"toLI"t. " ; baInei , ; will nuke "p.ln ! C r IWO inca rn 1u34 ; will lar Iho " " "PI ' 1 ' ' ' .pl'n . A.hb. Y 3 ; Omuba lIe. . \ :1r ( ' ii ; : ; l"IXTU ma".NP 1 ! 110031 S 1 10019 r. . .ile ttitap . " 1 11. .1 rsmiarwiI .I. C4u4.11.ta tm1 : Uou&Lu1 : - VOlt fXCIftNa1. LANI 1011"R ANt ) ( ' . \AI TO TI.\IU : J"1 , stock Irn"rl m'rel.ad"e. r. O. I ! . , ' 30S. Alma Nd , . ZMS66 J wn.l. TltADI : A non VIAN O 1'01 0N11 or two aoh I horlC A. l"pe. , Jr. MusiC And 1I I arl. JJ J ulial Itrul. . Z-D : ' rol HAI.I 01 11XCII.N011 1'.01 nmOH : Oil hiarlwnre. 23 1 arr" ot Inl'fl't hn,1 , near ngConl , ! 11. 1' . M. lUlno . l.nICml. . H. I' . / - ) \ ) ) 1' ( ) I SA II. -ti : \ 13S'I'ATC. , UAlt(1.INS. I4ALi OIl TI1ALg. IN CITY 'nol' . ertea and farms. . John N. l'r.nz " r , OI'P 1. o. . IU-G AI1mITIIACTS. Tlt : HilON 11EI1) COUI'\NY. - 1113-4M JAH. A. ' \'AI.I.\Cf : . 1'FANlY , NIn. . IUAL estate. heal "Jlnle sol < and exchanged . muort- gage InvP.lor .Inons made on real l'sllie. HC' curll" . olfJlulely gatti al Inln . "uarllleCI : for reference . any bank ot bw.lnp.o fnn of the . _ clly. ! : _ _ IIHM362Ii'D FAIUI LANDS . C. . ' . 1IARIIISON.II2N. I a'.LIe. . 1t13--M33-SI'l' ' ) IOI H AND IOUHI'S 1"01 HAI.n Ot ht1NT. 1 , ' ( ; 'arthcuhars apply In Omaha Loan and Trlt c. IGll and Douglas streets. m- tm SI ' .1tQJ3t MODERN ' 1l0U5 ! . : . NICG I.A WN. hue shade . . 1".1 Lam , lovely mOI ! near muter J. I l'lrrol. Douglas blok , 1t13-3153-S3 HITIIIN : PAllId 1"01 SAI. : . iG acres ot bind thrtuorlers or a mile from itt. mlld town oC Unhontown. In the hplrl , lt the "Bnck Illirle country ot central Alnhnm.I. " Only a small nmoult IC cash re- qtilrrul. , balance on long tIme. J.'oF InC"ldlon addre" ( lie owner. JOHN M. JI-FlmS. Seirna AcI'am' I1H-MS1 820' 10)mH ON IAY I P.\YMENTH. S1'LliAN1 buy 1010. acres . Cnrm. Garin Bros. . 210 N. Y. L I E-S' DAIUIAINS . UOUSI . I.OTS AND FAI1MS , Bale or Ira < e. F' . K. Darling. Uarlter l'AnM ! - In-36 : ' $ OJ.O IOU'Z' PI.AJO n ON wmT 8tt'el. $ & cash ; ossurp $3,00i.00 5 ) 'pat. 7 Per cent , and you hare bought n $6,100.00 bar- gain. J. J. Gibson , 31 Il NatIonal bank. 1ll-16 : W.\NTfD : , A 3-flOOM 1 hlOl'SIl I'OICA4t1. ! ! Vamiteh Iowa hr,111. . 'ounl ) Carm. ' \lnlll. Iowa farm for m.h. ) ' \ 'iiiiteh . cit-ar hOURn and lot for Carm ' \'untpl. , epar . ni for $ : ,1) .hne , ' \'anlOl. form for $5.1 ) ' ) mhmte. ' \'a I 1.1. Iowa turin fnr clear hou. . ' \'allpl. , turin loan. 6 Ipr penl. ' \'llh'I. rl itere . hum Iowa for raoh. ' \'lnt.I. Missouri land for SunlIt Omaha lot. \'nnh'I , , $ , ( , , ) lot fur s'nsui. \\'I.I.I. $0.0) ) hnuH" ' Cor cash . \\111",1. r.II'lt. for ro ncrt-t fruit land . ' \111111. , ilijUite for lot anti 32.1)14) cash , . ' \'allpl. , 4' ' ) micros . fur ½ "C. 1.1)1 WemiL ' \'ultpil. , 1"ourl Clrl for ncre \Vnntei. Omaha fur l.os . \Ip1. hou. . \'ttihtPh. enrtimir.t house for clear lot ' \'lllcl. house fur II.O $ ) ra1m. t' . 10. Uall.on. 912 N. Y. I.ifc. l.e.IU9:1' \CIFH i ; NH.1t 50. OMAHA . $ r : . 3 acre . hot Omaha anti & Omaha. $1. ' < ) . N nero . n. % v. . * 3.S. ' ) ' l k'autlul lot near lal.rom Park. $1. : Sm' , , mnolern house , north H. I.lk. S I. : ) eotaJ" ; leer . Ol mile vest , Ir car I : ' ) . Irlk r . - r. hous" un.bJrl. \ . II. : ) . 1-r. house nll full 101 $32 ; . I1.irgaiims In Interest h"arlng property. \ : : : _ ! . \\'eal. IG and Iotiglmms. II -1011 S1'lrtAT. htAltfl.INS IN NII.Y In'IIY - AI''IAr. 1.\IO.\NH I.l oC lh , ' cl . F' . I ) . Weac ! 16 anll huglns . sl. . agent for over 1.0 ) ) Iwner ; 1111-103 I 11 1 CYC I.CS. IJC\CI.CS. M. _ O. DAXON 4I2 N. 16TH. 30 STl2flL1N0. BtILT 1.ICt A WATCh. WISTer - erm , Ehoclrkai Supply Co. . IU luwlr ! street. er Eeelr"al Sup\l < il. STK TrG VISIfl1L IIALL LIHARINOS ON , lelny S. ' cl.l. \ISIC.1 Wi Barur & Uro. . 12J N.llth. r WI:8lmN lCYCLE & GUN CO. . 21G CUMINO. 3H 1\(1.1 : AU'Nt'Y. : A Lfi.\DINfi lANII' : . luer oC Ihcycic In ( iiicmic' wl.h.s ni ng"rp sl\e nJonl II ( ) mhtt. 11''de ttti icily 11.h grade ; ex'lu.lv. aenc ) ' giten 10 right parI ) ' . Non. , hul busln" . ' hou"3 will , Imrtlia'r comumnem- dal agency ratings need 11'111) AlllreH" V'pl. " A . " Lord . & Thomas , Chicago , Iii.M1) . ' 1')5 ' : 31APLIS. : GI1ATI25 AN J TILI3S. WOOO MANTfI.A. OIAT.:8 : , TIl.:8 : FOI ) Otellares. , wslhulpI on,1 ! larg /r ; wrIte tor ; pric Mien Hogen & Sons. Omaha. 31 . IIOTCLS. . AfTNA 10t /.amOPEAN ) . N. W. Colt . , 131h and Do.ge. Io" . by day or wCk , 33 . 10TtI. IAJn : 1'ltANK IIILDITCII. I MGIt 13th and Jones .IB. ; 80. Omaha anti Shiermar I 1th Ihorman a'e. emits pass tti . door. < . % MiltiCAN PLAN 7 : roms at S.W ' day ; 1) rooms at . $2.0 dIY. guropun plan. COo lu $1.01 per day. . ! G . Tim "LANGE" hOTEL , Gl 8. 1TH STILEIT . :1-Si I1Ull.lIN(0 & J.U.\1 ASSOC.IA'1'lOS. SUAnES IN MUTUAL L & I. ASS'N PAY ! : 6. 7. 8 per cnl when . I , 2. 3 ) ' . "r oil alway S , , 'emable. liOI I.'amam id. , Nattlnger. 8ec. 8ec.rl no\ TO GIlT A 1011 OflSfirtJItI GOOD Illeresl on eav1ng. Apply 10 Omaha L & U. ? Ass ' n. liOI lIce bldg. G. M. Nallnger , Sec. 38 MUSIC . \'r AND 1.\ ( UAGgS. . CHOltUFi I. ' . GflLfiNtl1CK. I.NJO AND guitar leacher. ISH Cass .Irpel. . M-t0 SKND $ .0 FOR I.O WOITU OF SONGS : ; AmorUa. I'retty'idow II hihoomors . V.rln" : Motile . The eon , ? oC "m Love Npvr Ittin . Inn. Smooth. Latest hits. , \\oobrdgo llros . . Omnah Neb. all CAT.I. AND IXAlUNI ' : TIl MALCOLM I.O\ piano ; ' equal 10 the best ; new Illan"s r.mle.1 am , ! 3 soil lt factory prices. ' \ 'mn. 11. ScltlhlllIei . room 5C.gle bldg. Ml9 21' 2 1'.tWNliitOiEllS . I. lAlOWITZ LOANS MONEY. 4S N. IG 313 5' ! : . 3S MONI I.OAI ) . CASh IAID 1.'n OI.D gold. slh'e anti clolhlog. 2 : ' ) North 161h street 31-21S-Afl :1-:5A2 2 SIOt'I'II\ AI ) TVL'1dVltl'1'ING . - A. C. VAN SANTS SChOOL . 513 N. Y. I.I.'C. i- OMAHA ( : . COLLEG11. lIT ! ! & lOUG.AS. :11 : CO-ti. . Sltlfl1UAN COAL. 2.0 LhLH. IIEST COKINO coal mined \Vyunthng. . U,5) ) ; lump. 1"I.noid I fur . . 1 .5. . \11 dPI. I. I'enlsyl"nla han cl Victor Whle ( Tel 10 16' } J".rn.m : - P.lL3l . IS ) UI Jn 'I' . - - - - - I'AhtM FOil ItENTFOIt CASI .VDlF S. 3 Y 1. Dee. . 89 l'AS'I'VRAflLt. - GOOn IA8TtIU : Foil hiOflSF.14. $1.09 P1d ii. month per head. Ch.rlea . Gans. MI. luul. Neh :81 - - UIlhl'I'ilC1-3itS . \n t II.\ I tS. lI.KlhUlllT. FUNEIItI. nJ'COn AND emittamlimier IG1 Chlclg , II. , toelhone 9) . 3S2 - SWAN80N & . YALJN , lil CUMINO TII.IG. ; : M. O. :1.\UL UNIJI ITAlnn AND IS3IEIAI.51 I. - "r. Ili I'.ram fit. . lelthone : . 3s ACCO U ' 'AX''S. ChiAS. E WAI.TII1S. nXIEIT ACCOUNTAN1 : . - . 2Q2.3 1t Nal'l bank. 'fl. . IGG leC renee. . 9G LoS' ' ' , 1. 'I'-J.IO t NO.ISI UASTIFY. Lf\Tltm . cla ; IUl 3com's del lug No. l : ! . FInder I."e " 'ON .I A. L Ituot's store. 3.1 N. 1611 , . or " : tesidence n..r D.t and Jlmb In.r. . ant te ' mirly. rew.trd. l.ost-91l-3 rw.r < _ l.sl-9il-2 I GOl.l ) JUNIU CAS St : . WINIIO' ' \.lch , IllInoIs Watch C fluke ; nwnempnl No. 13.093 Nu. 60 , . , . ' No 1303 : C&e C IIWn 10 Jmimaiet 1)ou ; 1& . . 1 : UUIJ .lr.el fur reward ot , IUI Ilal. , - 1.ost-M971 24' - - UCUIC.\L. . - LDIES I CIIIC1E5T85Th3 " ENGLlan ( 'CNNY- ryl 1'1. ( diamond brand ) are the best ; soft I < ot. "Illlo ; lae n OIlIer . sent k . alml . tO . ; partIculars . "ReUet for La4es. ! . In I"te > 1 , 7 reur ! &II A drutMa. 6bIclc.iter 1 drugt. " 1 c. 1hl&dehpbt. * E' CICu . Ce. lI.ICT1tICAb ,4t11'l'IlUg. r'C1'nl\ . I'I'IIS. l8 I , : ClCAL ' : NON ' 'I ! AND CNTI.\C. 11 Cur electrIc light aD,1 nOoe plants tInt , al ! klnll. oC electrical con5Uofl. We.lern 1lec- cnsrVrUoI. tf. 1- lrk,1 Supply _ C. . _ 1t . : _ , T , , amid It :3 l.t Nql ( . - J.I"U. . - , . 1' IIIVATil LfiS1'ONH ' 1M. Oil I"I'NINO AT MurnI' , , 1\ ) Iarnp ) ' . Our hiitih hao IH''I rpnn'nl"1 : thruhoul ; lur tent 10 duh I.utl ; now open for InHI'et " . 31)33 531 " ' 1)Il'TS. : " : . . - - - 11 11. PAU. ! ) INT1ST. 22' IIIT S' ' : S1 - - - - - IIIJSINUSS :1'll'I S. l ) I'OFD 111019 t I.\DICD. :13 Ni ; 1 JIU'SS I 1CINU. oU8A I.\I"NO IN ! 'AMIthi& * . 1'T ANt ) JT ANI style guaratitued. Inquire li1 Chlcal . , street. 31956 I 23' . 23's - - - - 23'w ' \'A 'I'gn-'I'O 101 ) \ I W.\NTIn TOIIOI1I1OW . $1.00) ' AT - 8 PI.al - i cent for fIve ye.irs ; g'l ' security glnn. 0,1. dresa l : le . I:1 1 ? ' r' 'OUPlDENEI' Cures the eIToct . ot leIC-ahue. OXce5eA . .ml"'ons. ' ln"ol.ncy. " \ \'nrINCI nnJ eontI- ! ! . .on t. ititlon One 1..I < dollar a box sl' fur < olar . Fur / sale It ) ' " 11. : COOli : _ MoN DIIG CO. , 110 1"arnal St. . LOOD OISO' _ _ - . . " A SPECIALT V. ondDr trlmoryHO : lary t1Phlll pcmwruientiy cured In 16 to 33 days. Toil can bo treated at home t the same price undersanic . saro prlc IDdeuawo Illrulty. 11 youpreerto come tier , le will contract to par railroad fore and IHltel bllB.and onlac cbarae.lt 1i tal to cure if you hlTO tl"n mor- cury , lo.Ido pnta.h , and stIll have 0c1125 anU Ialno.lucoul'utchfRln moutb , SoroThrout. l'lmples , Copper Jolored Spots . thrum on ny part ot tim body . Uulr or Eyvhrnws fahilng out. It Ishl. Sn.hlUc BJ.U I'UION that IYO Iuaralleo t curo. Wo Solicit tha most Ob1U- .ote cases and clmltllo the "ord : for n , cast , \0 cannut dire. 'j'hlo , dl'eRoo haS nl"as baned n. . skill ur the mut eminent IlhYlt- clan . ! SO0OOI ) capital behind our uneoudi. lGOOOOn capitl bhind unrndl. lionnl g11ftr.nt. AhsulutOjfunC sent soMe , ! 00 applicatIon Jddrpso JOH ( JC Bent.oae .0 . . 301 ( . MusoDtn ' .ewu1 , ( U uu. I - - - - - - GlhtMAN J.l'I'II\X ; S\ ' on. SI11' , " " UI"'u".1 'i'tst.rilmi ) ' - ! " - ) lt 8 ho ( 'ummititittee In )1".llu" . Thl sessions or the I.uthran s'noe were. . eoulnueL ( 'eerday morning with dIsctislons . ' on Christan COIIgrCgaUOns. I Was shown that several of the poor members , esp laly the Gleek widows. were overlooked In the dis- ' tributon of aIms Alt mrmbers were called together and without notcing the harshness of tile complaining ones tnl difficulty was overcome In a friendly jnanller. The whole corgregalon voted tiit'the apostles should teach the word and remain In prayer , ald that six members , .IltM deacons : ! , tak" care of the poor. Men , filled with wisdom , 1 , and the holy spirit were , selccteL to these oillces. I was Irred that 'from tlii . I Is not i wise nor for time good t [ the ( church that I I preachers should be' ocCupied "lt worldly things ' or the' business con- ccrns of their colIregaiIona. All regtons. meirbrs of the oigregations should shoiid onrregatons have a word to say . rduglug the lr. ii con- cerns of the church. In this manner , being well constituted . the church also does mission work ; many priests wee Converted , not Indeed by the fact thathe church was s'eii ordered Nothing but.itiia. wel bULthe word of God con- vrts man But when . Cyer.thlng Is welt II ! ranged In the church ccordlng to wel word then this draws pc plo to It. Thus ' the conrgat9n at ' Jem.j4ahen ! 'as well , 'roulded wel : and Inillure leregl , were iJpeled , Now persecution set 1m persecuton StephallS , one of the six deacons. came Into dispute with the Pharisees and was shortly after stoned shorty to ( leatil. The consequence was that many members were dispersed throughout the land ' ' of Jhldea 'lhe uposties remalne,1 , opostes In Jertmsalem . " "A Jerusallm. preacher who leaves his charge In tmls of tribulatiot Is tribulaton accordingly unralthful. lInt ) lut tile dlsperfell ( Christians prcachl1 or talked of that whIch filled their hcrts and so rounde many con flM coligregations outside of Jerusalem All Christians should not forget this , that Al Christans preach the gospel wherever they have an opportunity and thus do the work which time Lord to do. Lrd wHit them "During tile persecutions the Christians persecutons at Jerusalem Christans edified themselves by < meeting In dwellings and In the hails oC the meetng hals temples , by exhorting an,1 , exhortn admonishing , themselves with the word. We read nothing or the chmurch The church socletls In itself society , sumclelt for all Itsel purposes. was one grand " "The secoli , ! slon,1 congregatho congregaton WQ read of In Acts Is . the one at Saml.fa. deacon ! Philip0 . another . , preached to the Saniaritans. . those people with whom orthodox Jews had no comniuni n . hut comrunlQn. alhough the Jews had pot ' receive the gospel the thl 10spei Saniarttaxs ; ac- cpte,1 It. ' SararLans I'tiiiip1a ! I. Phipp was not a sensationsi preacher He spoke sematoaal simply of Christ crucl. lIed. Thereafter Peter and John ! were sent by the Christians Wlre Christans In Jrusale. who thus entered In unity With the wih young Christians at So 10 ri. Christans " "In this congregation we notce the work T oC darkness. hardly had. these people coinc t to Christ than satan sought to destroy . timen core We see this In [ thii' person of Simtjon tl Simol , the I conjuror , who offered money to Peter for the power or glvLng the pwer spirit by haying on of hands lie had come to faltlh. but had soon lost It and deslre.1 . to pracUce his old ways under the guise of Christianity. Dut Christanity. Petr repulsed 111111 telling him that he had I no part with the Clhrlstians. Thus ! Simon Chritans. Thls Is ait t example or such who Join the Chrlstijns al . hut fail back Into their old Chrlst.ns. . fal 011 ways or , be. cause lie desired the clC I ( or the ! II rl , he 1 Ill ; eJamlle of such Conferring teacher , who only seek their goo,1 anti , nOl te welrJre : of those who are entrusted to their care. . BUt IS Peter repulsed him , so It Is the duty ; of the chlrch 10 expel al such corruption and c'beansa It Is exposed. itself " ( rain Such Inllurly corrupton whrrlvlr The committee on alpro\'dl of consiltu ' I tons reported anti recommendeL to receIve : the following congregations Into the synod ; i Evangelcal Lutheran cogregathons of Grand cOlsrJatons I islind. 1Iaystown anti weetwater. ' The committee on missions reported that 1 the synod has its mlslon chiefly among Germans or this state antI Wyoming and In the eastern tort of Colorallo. sending the got pel (0 the dispersed Lutherans , who are too few nod too 11001 to maIntain churches or r their own. In this wo" ie synod ' has sup prted In the put year . tie \ or In part nineteen preachers and'p.irochbai school , tcat.'her. These have 1 Mf carl of forty eIght congregations Il. fitly preachllu : fly prlchlng 1)laces The ezpenes at tt4 work amount to ; $5S1 pr month On l1ti : of hard timem I ocomt tme the eommlteo reporte'III"d b of $1.In. : ant I rel'ommendet the I.y nt'J4iers of the synod to raise a collection In th'elr ' congregations In order to wipe out the claIt , : ' The commIttet -eporttL upon Ihe COrtjjtiia , . of ' cormftc congregatIons anti r.re chll statIon ' . DurIng - bag the put yea the work has grown con . ' grwn cn. s1derably It was } d lo I allow the congregation of North OJnalj $50 per annul for a achool achol teacher and the congregation : at Lawrence $ 50. _ .1 i ) - I congregllon SIIJ..t Co . \ I hicks ft ( hul'rl : lurlll" . While staying In the Delta ( ls.ISlppl t Dotoms ) last summtl fj ; T. Mor3. repre- seating Luthiow S.iyior'ir' Co. of St. Louis , luCHed from malaria and became snbject i to attack of cholera morbus In every in - stance when attacked he was relevd "S If I by magIc bf using Cbamberiain's Coiic . CamberlaIn's Cholera anti Dlarrl.oe8 Cole. : Choler Remedy. lie aays ; cines. "I regard " I Is the 'ne pins ultra' le medi- lys - 01,1 Fnlhs' Comitcs The old rolh' contest In oratory Thundsy evening at the Iountzl Memorial church was a pleulng lalr. All of the contestants ac- quitted themselves creditably , I did sin the young people who so . kIndly added to the en. tertlnmlnt The Successful cutellaull were lenhel D"nlels. fIrst. ant ! . I. ' , T. Shin rock . second. In rok. the happiest minner pomsi . ble did Jobn tale present tla choce : pii. 1alo tbl gjta . a picture and a book. Which bk. whlcl wee don31ed by A. 10spe and Mr. Megeath . lot complexion powders Lava a vuiga r glar but I'ouonl's l a true brulUler 'a whole effects are ia.ztbnlg. .I" ' I 1/ . 14sfr I : ! . . : ' ' . \ 1/0' _ ' - \ ! ; I" ' ( ) 1- - r : } = . ? / \ - : JI . , " ( { ITh.hl. IS3 . ty Irving l1chmtiher. ) . r. TIm I'lItFOllATEI ) UOOi- . IlmFOHATEIOOK. As I haiti my haml on lila arm the man started arid glanced swiftly at m ) [ ace. . lie was a title booking fellow anti . 1 fUlu < 1)(1 pl\'ll' \ him for his mlsleell while I resolved to do my luty hy my employers. For I was the night watchman the great jewelry es- ta tablshment t of I'orsytho & Co" , ani hnlng arrlveL that evening earlier than uual I had chanceL to detect one of tIle clerks In the commission or a crime that warranted my ( klnl a hell measure to expo 11111 ! . AntI yet I he31tatel to act upcn m ) own authority ; so that when , aCer the Irst guilty start , my man i asked sharply : "Wel. Andrevs . what Is It ? . I replied lererenlal ! ) "Mr. [ 'orsytho wished to speak to you , sir beror ! yati loft. " lie nodded and startd to walk away to the n fllce . but I hggcl him to bo seated while I i Iullired i . If Mr. Fors'tlle was icatly , for the lie sat down upn one oC the cishlonni stools with a rather sulky air while I welt , to the private once and Illockell gently upon the dcor. Icor. "Coma In. ' The hall ( of the frm ; was bushy en ) led at his desk as I entered but he presently turned to 00 and nodded permission to ad- dress him. " " Mr. Well Mathews ? " I outside . sir . " I beg'.in. "I was standing In I corer I hit ago watching the clerks stow away the jewelry und I gem9 In their cases preparatory to lock- big them up for the nhgiit arid glancing at One whoso back was toward 1110 I saw his elbow go up anti , his hand mad a swift motion toward his vest pccket. He was bending over I tray of unset diamonds arranging them In their pouciles , and presently 1 saw the motion repented I vats enough to convince nie . sir . that you fro being robbed _ but I waited fllet , until the man was going out anti then asked him to remain a few mo- nwnts. a9 ) wished to speak to hIm. I was Mr. Mathews , sIr. " During this speech Mr. Fors'lhe was watching mo intently , and I was rther sur- prized to observe at Its conclusion that although - though my tale had , doubtless Interested him he apparel to bI thinking or sonw- thing else. I stood for a few moments watch- Ing the proccnplel look upon his face. Ito was a halllsolely dressell , portly gentle- prty gnte- man of about 60 years , with a neatly bald head. whlskr of pliO white . a nearl' com. plxlon anti large keen gray cye3. ) "Shall I show him in . sir ? " I ventured to ask. aCer a somewhat lengthy pause. - lie roused himself , nodded gravely and i reId icti : "Certainly ! Ask him to step In. And remain within call. " I returned to' Mathews. He was lookIng a bit anxious and uneasy , but he wal.cl Into the olco without I word. The last clerk hut him had left the stor ! I bolted anti locked all the doors In about five minutes ? tlr. Forsythia ape angry. pearetl at his otco 100r. lushell ) and "Andrews , you have been unjust and fool- Ish. I have searched this poor hey at his I own request and there Is no stolen property upon him. lie declared he Is wholly lino- cent. Now , sir what have you to say for yourel [ : " "tere Is his hat , sIr. " I answrCI. cluletI' ( . "His hat ? 'Wel. sir ? " "Ho left It on the shall case where he bdnl" ws sitting. The diamonds are inside the Mathews gave a cry anti fell on his knlcs begging for . He , begglnl mcrcy. sobbed anti wept leclre,1 It was his first theft . and asked to be spared for his mother's sake. Mr. For ytho looked down upon him with I n floe scorn upon his handsome face anti then , removing the gems , he handed the fellow his hat , saying : i . .on may go. You arc diemissed . but I shall not prosecute you Remember that mother when you are next tempted to b- cmo n thleC. " As coon as Mathews hal gone he tonic his own coat alli bat ( morn the wardrobe. "Comiio to me at 2 o'clock tomorrow after. noon Andrews. " tIe said anti hurried asvay evidently Ilt out by the occurrence. I was a little adventure In my dull life , anti feeling a trIUe proud of my talent as an amateur detective . I resolved to cal upon Josephine the next day at itoon . and toll her my story. Josephine was my sweetheart Tier father . M. Jules Croneau , was ostensibly n seler of I'rench hooks anti . Publications on Wlst Fourteenth street. He was a Quiet , scholdrly appearing man evidenty a gente- man. and , convoying the Inpreslon that hl I birth was better than hi caittng. My rnom was In an upper story of the same building occupied by 11 CronCahl and as I seldom slept later than troon albeIt my work oc- I cupled me all Ihigilt. I had formed the ac , Qualntauce of fatTier anti daughter by Ilrop-I ping In at the shop ; amId soon becoming les- . perlely In love with Josephine I had com ! 10 spend nearly every afternoon In her so. . ri-i I 1 - 9. - L- ' For the sake ot hIs molher. clety. I oren wondered , , how 1 Croneau managed to hive , for I.eoploIn search cf r French publications are not numerous In New York anti the few customers who dropped I In , though mostly camp , wre treated ISo I eo coolly by the proprietor of the somewhat I dingy Jlle shop that they scldom came again and the business seemed to languish , while :1. . Cronesu grew apI.arenty more prosperous day by ri3y. Josephine was a real beauty-no nee to avow Ihat-and sweet and mode.t a 11 I womanly. She tended [ the sera duty her fther seemed rather averse to. and I fancied lY vlslls were welcome 8 a relief from the ennui of her position . even If she did not re gard mo In a still better light . \0 were seldom Inlerruptoll L our tate a.teteo , a ? r. Crneau spent his tme whihi C at hOle In a b4ck store-room puttone : : on' from the front : but very often he pnsed the entire day elsewhere . whether on bual ness or pleasure I dll not know , Josephine hught me l"reuch from the booI Sin 10 that languagethat Inc1 her shelve " bools , I caught the accent ( rein her own Sweet lips. I dcd le 10 god sWd upon one oc - caion , as yOU shan lee . So I came to Josephine the next dy fiI of my adventure . but a lon as she uw le abe clapped her band antI exclaimed that Ihe had ben wishing me to cnle fo the lut hour . . .ather II i aWJY SlId I must positIvely run O1ar 10 the dressmaker's and try on my new gown. 83 ten I the aLto a feW momenls I , like a gold boy , You need nol fear any cum 1 tomeu will molest yot. " So away she ran , and I. I deprived or the comfort of contidln l t ber AY story , began to o look about for [ a book. I hall ret1 mast oC those Ipon the shlvl ! . rcal Suddenly I remembered that I new bo' hd arrival rrol Jmneo the dy heron' anti : s ? tl. Cronlu always unp1ekf11 these bill- elf In the luck 1001 , I resolved , to look tb therl t for sOme newer work I hall never botn In this back rom iefcrc , I was M. Croneau's snctm anti no one was ever in- vle,1 10 enter It. I Ilushell open $ hits door anti step,1 Iii . Ic I I was lighted by 1 smal back wihitiow . ali conlalle,1 1 desk , suarle,1 by I screen , a few ebb lioxes tn which consignments of books were recl\ell , a shelf or two anti I IrlJllac I ! TIme newly arrived packln bo . se teed In Iho center of the floor , but It was elllt ) ' . Nor were 0113' books now or oil . to h I ' Been anywhere . I W.IS about to with. d raw , feeling I a trifle guilty . when my eye Was caught hy nit obJct In Iho flrt'pittce. I was tim hack or I blrnet hool. 111examln. \ . i ihg more closely I , lsco\'crell a very large quantiy of buret falr In the grato. This was sintiiai'-tiiit : I man shoult rch'l a box oC heIr Ilublcatuns ant It olet bur Ihem. I scntet 1 mystery ami "xlllnl Curlher. My search was reward11 by fntlng a brau new volule by D" BolHgo ey. reciin. i ng on the leer , between the desk amid tine SCI cen. This Was what t ht , cOle to lliitl. so I retired to the store and . seating m- selr. bgan its perusal The story started off fnely , anl , lS Is my habit I turu.,1 , hal the ) ages antI sklnmd through to catch the drift of the Illot. My Burprloe anti , disappoIntment ; wore great when I discovered that Iwar the center of tht bouk there were fully lilLy leaves I.er- orated hy a round , hub near their hIther Cige. The hole was about an Inch In dl. . . . r'c "gTiJ " : Site lencd Ihe store. ametlr , and was cleanly cut 13 with a tIle . I starell at I. both rlnc lily heall for a soluton of this ly tery. Why was this perforation la.le . ? r you opened the pages at where ) 110 hole begdn It seemed like a tiny Ioket , the bottom beIng formed hy the pages that hall been left Intdcl I could , scarcely be nn accident. Then tills pocket bad been malle for a purpoM. But what purpose ? A try cough aroused mae , and t looked , up. . M. Croneau was stanlllng before me . re- grdln , lilY face with 1 strange Intensity. We staret at one another a full mInute. amid during that time the expression of his eyes denotcd ( ii3nlay . anger doubt arid tear-but his reatures never moved a mimseic. 'fhen he reached out his hand , took the book from my unresisting fingers . walked hack to his room and closed tile dOQr behind ilium without po much as a word or backward 1001 ( . Josephine came In antI thankcd me pretty for relieving her. But It was tml for lY etagement with Mr. orsythe - so I can- tentoll myself with a few tender words and a pressure of hen little hand , anti started .un . my nhizston. On the way r pondered the events of the I nornlng and came 10 the coucluslon that 31. Croneau was a'strange man-a stranger man than I hud thought ; and that strange things were taking place under cover of that book business LInt was It any amulr of mine ? I was In love wIth this mall's daughter : silO enccuraged Isle In the belief that she reclpro catd lilY tiassioil and Indolhtedly toy best POlICY was to say nothing all se no more than I could help seelog. leolvlnl thus I came to the store and was ushered Into Mr. I.'orsytho's omce. lie was writIng when 1 entered , and motioned 10 to a seat. Presently he racell about anti . regarded me allost as attentively R hail , M Crenel so sllorty berore. Unit the expression of his eyes was frst fuestollng , Ihen cautious ant dually trustul , " 19w long have you ben In out employ 11. [ Anlrews' , was his first question. " , : early two years , sir. " "YOI were recommended to us by Mr. Ransom tile lawyer ? " , , " \ es. sir ; he was my father's friend and signed lY bond. " "Also vouchlnr for your good character. one Is ? the " I'oslton you occupy a , satisfactory enl . , "I have nothing to complain of . sir excepting - cepln ! that I believe myself capable or tolng better things. " " 1xactiy. " lie seenwd to think deeply for a moment anti then askel , : "Have you any ties that woulll prevent you accepting a mission that will take you across the ocem-n a long anti , probably perilous journey lo a hair civilized land ? " I own I was Itartled. That some corn- mnendation ! . or oven prefement. might be offered mo I ha,1 , innagimmed . but such a "ropo- elton as this took my breath nWa ) Stl I realized that this wa nol my time to present dllcultes to any prollo.IUon that would serve to advance my Interest , tO I rephieti . as calmly as I could : "Thero Is nothing to prevent my goimig . sit . excopt- . I WaS going to uy JosephIne hit be misunderstood - understood me . and alldet : "You mean the renituneratlon. I shall takQ care that I b liberal. Now lIsten to me. The delicacy with which you acted In that affair of last evenilg your evident good sense and cain juihgunent . attracted . my attention - tention . I You are discreet as WII , )01 wi bo exactly the man I have wished to perform my difficult errand to ilonita. " ( Contnue,1 , . tonday. ) I..r. . . . I'IlIs. Send 1 your address to II g. Ducklen & Co. , Chicago and get a free sarl111 box of Ur. 1lng's New I.ife Ils , A trial will convince you of their merits. These pIlls are easy In action and are partcularlY effective In the cure of constipation ant sick headache. 1'01 malaria and liver troubles they hue ieeii lrove.1 . tnvaluahie. They 110 guaranled to be pefecty free from every deleterious suh. stance Ind 10 be firely vegetabie . They .10 not weaken by their action , but by giving tomb to Itomlch anti . bowels greatly invigorate the aystm. egular size . 25c per box. Sold bf Kuhn - Co. , druggIsts. Cimmliit'iigt' Co n In.l. One or the employes of Ibe pathtomee. who made hImself oten lve to the company anti was ejected ( torn the dacing floor of the Courtanll leach p1vlion Thursday night , II I booked for more Irouble lie hu chalenged the gent man who escorted him into the cool night aIr 10 a dlul "wlh swords . pistols , lists or any other weapou. " The cholengu ( party says he wIll not decide whit to II until ho heara front the pOtmaster general , to whom Ih written challenge bal ben Utt , 3 he dIslikes to deprive the service of at I egiiploye without tli consent of the 'au . thioritks , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5lucJhemi's Aruba Snlyc , Tue best salve in tue world for cuts brui.ea , sores , ulcers. salt rhsurn , fever sores totter. cLapped band , , chilblains , corns , ant I alt skin eruptinne , and positively cures piles or no pay required. It Is giarantaed ti ; give perfect satitfactioa or money refunded h'rice 25 cecta per box. 'or sale by Kuhn g Co. OBJECT TO llE1C FROZEN OUT Orotlitors of S. P. Morao Dry Gooda Oompafly Intervening. PROTEST AGAINST I'IIErERENCE IN UENS , fuiln Mlh tiir * Iii iii . ' , llm'gIig lriiti4 ( I liii ( Ini I . , .luii I ii I lii' ( 'mlii f.'ssD.it elf .1 imilMIlleil 1M'l I Isitir ) ' of i ( Ii , ' 'I'riible. Following tiirectiy 111)00 ) tii' apialntmilcnlt of a rt'cttivcr for the S. I' . Morse trv ) Goods coin- P all ) ' . litterveimora are aiearliig ill cutlet to j oin Max Martin anti tine outer creditors w ho sere given tue cold shioulder by the d t'fthnct eoiiIpa1m' , In tieihiamlthiilg their righta i ll a court of ctitiity. Tile ihee i'ubliaiiing c oilipamly yesterday flied its shiowlmig , anti o ilier tiitervenors ita'e anlnonncc'd their ill- t entlon : of also nlpheaniiig iii the case , Tint petition of intervention just flied makes d OilniiIis for tile court's protoctiors a galmist Ihe fratmi * aiid cohluslumi of the stock- h ioltitirs of ( ito Mutso lry ( boils c onnipany similar to thioso which b3vJ h leenI detalieti by Max Martin and t llO other credItors joining with tutu in t he petition flieti by tlmt'nii a ( cv' , ' d tys ago. A t 1118 tilne the cotlrt stas not only asked t o aitiloiilt. it receiver for the property , whichi h as sIlice beomi done , but for rit i lljnlflCtiOml , vhuieiu was gramited , pro- % 'olntinig thu shmeriir front ! ttehiinig thU Murs Stock unither levies of execution i inada iii favor of tiio Oniahit Natiousi bulk. C imilhimi & Co. , amid othit Itreferreth creditors w hip. ilmivilig itroetirett tiit'e L'OhltCttSlOflS OIl A tIglIlt 15 , ailttpei in at Once alit ! attenhitetl t o get itrior iiemm , to tile exciusioll of oil o ther cru'thitor. iteistitig tue details of timi trlnsaction , the l itterveilors pnoceetl to aver that time wliuht S Clitiille % % ' , Is a frauthiiitsmtt one , conicooteti by t ime stoclchmolilers anti directors wilt , ) colt- s ili eti with \V. V. Morse 11111 * 0. J. Lewis , a l iostohi nmemniber of the firma. to give time u n cierreti cretlitora aid iiiegmil , umijimse. amid i netluitabie lireteremico. Titeo aiirgntions nra t iacketi tlfl by an extended account of the c areer of S. 1' . Morse since lie entbarkelj irs t li tiny gootis buimtes In Onishia in 181(1. ( A t that time lie was locateti emi Temithi anti , ' J aclcion streets , Subseiitioitly , iio tormucti a p artnerailil $ with W. V. Morae slid 0. J. Lewis , anti the S. I' , Murse & Co. dry g oods hIotIlt ? loc.lteti at 1315 I'ai'miani streot. c apitalizing nit $260,000 , In 1890 tita c onupany locatetl in Freil Amnues' htiiiding at 2r 1 1-21(1 South tixteciith Street. Tue aminimal 2g ent miiotte watt $18,000 amId to intake this g oed IV.P. P. Morse amid 0. J. Lewis fouluti it i mccessary to guaramlteo the payimlont. Then t he trouble , so the petition states , began. S . 1' . Morse was still it member of tile flrni , b ut by reason ! of lila eccentric amId irregtiiar l ltlbhts arid on account or lila extravngamlt a mid expensive hiving , ss'hilch Ito carrbrth on fai' t ile two years foiiuwing , business begtimi to s hrink Imi volume , it Is alleged , antI Proflt i lwindled away , Still S. I' . filileti to nttenii t o business unit so in 1S92 W. V. Morsea s rminmuiariiiy rennov-tl hioi trommi the firm unit h its connection ceased. 'l'llat ! flfllO fall S. l . Morse tried to embark on his own a cconint in iiiisimiess , liit the fniiuwinig Aitrii , 1S9'J , tito stock was rtplevioei ! ant ! t he urn ! WOnt to tue wali. tl In fact , it is nih- l eged tilat front and after tile epriiig of 1S93 S. I' . 3lorso was an Insolvent , Ii ! 1893 anitl 1 891 hnmslmiess continueti to Sllriluic ammiazingly , i triti "t' . V. Morse aitti 0. J. Lewis were cool- I leilfil to put lip their tiFrsonai pietige to get dry goods , antI it was gemnerally tinttlcrtootl t hat emi February 1 of tiliut year tile btisi- floss Would ho ilnaliy ivoumilti liii. At that t inne en in'oico was taken of the stock , a llowing nominally $ iOO.tWO on lltinti , though i t iii ailegcti tile stock was worth but 5OOOO. A plan was formneil to tmniompi the stock of tile Morse lry flootis connpaity on a now corporation , caileil the S. I' . Morse Iry Gooihs company. Tteputab1e citizens of lb.- , towni Were inibticeul to taico stock on faifl representations , among the ntinnbc'r hOing stIch men as lltiyi and Hates , Ilnmt on learn- l og of tIle facts tiiere was a general with- n iran'ai ail along tilU line. Thu ittitOn ! to- cites that in making the transfer to time 1 10w CPlflP3fl , $40,000 of the invoice ions actualiy transferred to tile flCW company as a gift ; that tile balance of time $80,000 was transferred by nmear's of notes. Among the new stockitoitlera might be mflenitioflOfi time boahclcc'eper , litveriy. These notes were li3rcL'ieii out aniong the creditors. The p- titlon ( iistinctiy denies that the aulegeci $25,000 indebtedness to time Omaha bank , arising from this transaction , is a legal uimbt , or the $2i,000 debt ci2inned by Ciaflin & Co. lint weather Proves depressing to those whose 1)100(1 hit Poor. Srmcin lteOiile shouid enrich their blood withliooth's Saraaiiarlhia , OViN IIAS S'l'I.l1N A I'1tl3.tClIt3it , I.nai'3'erM ' % % 'iit'l , lug f.r hit 3lmtil ' % VhD Ilmis i.o Ijivimme. A kIdnaped preachier , 11ev. 0. D. Taylor. was due in Omnaiia the early part of timis week. Tine olilcers of the law and his at- tormisys have been anxiously scamloln5 every incoming train La the delusive hope of ho- cating time reverend genitlemmian alit ! extemidurmg to hmirn time aiti of tile law for time ptmrpose of extracting hill ! from time clutches of a mlian named Owen. 'lmo this mnamm Owen is , or why lIe maintaIns lila grip on the preacher , no one in Onmlahla knows. As near as can be ascertained inc ciaimnis to be art othlcer of the law who desires to itlace the preacher in legal custotiy. Taylor at tbt tinine of tmis capture was in The laiies. Oro. lie says that he infornnetl file f'ortlanti attorneys - tornoys of the trouble hi was in by wire. stmmtinig that hini destination , according tu what ime eotlith ascertain front Owen , was Oniaima as all intemnnedtite stopping itoimlt , 'Flue Portland attorneys wlreti Ii. J , Davis to imalieas corpus the itreaciier when ilo arriveil In this city. l'iiis is thu way the case ataimibs. Tue rutlicera are still lookhng for the kidnaper anti iml ward. aiiimor almi I tees I ii Court , Tue nanie , of Charles Sharp is offered in lirobite court for amiinlnlstrator ci ! the estate of Anole O'Conlnnr , A ciafm for $3I)11 for legal services hs , been filed by attorneys against the Meyer lielinnan estate. The l'iiiiatleiphl.i Mortgage aoul Trust cam- pany , the auecessfnih buyer of the Good hotel at the lnortgago sale , hiss notified the de- ( emutianits that it hrouOSt'5 to argue objections before the master cninnmisaloner anti time ap- . iiraietnont at an early date. Tue sale was held in spits of objections by the c1efentj.nits. _ * - 'l'romillrtl si'itls i'ei'lusiIt'm.i flymim'miliry , iteniry I' . Silveta of i.ucea , Jamaica , \Vemit India islands , says : "ainica nmiy recovery from aIm attack of dysentery , somno lena yesra ago , it comes 0mm sudmlenmhy at times and makes nine very weak. A teaspoonful of Chamber- lain's Colic , Cholera amiti iiarritoea itemnedy taken Iii a lithe water gives hoe relief , could get a dozefi terthnnonlala from people lien , Wlmo have been cured by tlmis rented ) ' . leii I Ii cmf Juli mm Ii. l'iin'cra , John 1. I'owers , an esteemed and popular 5011 of Ontaha , tiled at the tionle of his parents yoslertlay morning , aged 23 , The aninounco- nment of lila death , thougil expected for some time. was a seVere shock to imis ( then , ! . . Until a very recent purled Mr. I'owers poe- sessed a physique that was the envy of atbi- letos. Tail , sineiy , sracetul In every mmiove mncrtt , lie was itrOflltilent In Various athletl't ' sports , anti for several yosra imtanageul anti uIveiopotl the athletic class of tile Young Mon's Iiimttitute , lie was a moat genial comim- pardon , a steaihfast friend , and an bn..e- fatigable worker in whatever he undertook. Last winter hua went to I"ionid * . hotirtg that a miltior clInuatu Woumitl stay tue imiroadmi of diae.iBe , but the mission was frttitiesk. The funeral will take itlace Ut 9 a. m. Moiiiiay fnonn the family rtatu.bcinco , 10i2 Soutii Twemity-secomiul street , to Si , Peter's church. Interment will be at St. 3larys cemiistery. A niceting of Carroll council , Young 3ietm a Institute , will be iieid at the instittite moms Saturday evening , to fake appraprtate acUors on the death of Mr. l'owers 'l'Jie Lender , 'Caiumnel" was time final , and is the only high grade flaking Powder oered tq the Antenicao people at a moderate price , In quality it has imo shupnior. mi s'nength is exeohioti by none. In wholeiomueiuoea it Is PenfecilonI , Tile oven test ( the only true teat ) whil i. tablish it in every kitchen ,