- - - ; . . , - - - - - . - - - F . . , .L , ' _ . _ . . . ' " / : _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . , . . - . . . _ _ ' . _ _ _ , . " . . _ . . " . _ . . - . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ - ; - --l _ _ . . _ - - . T . - " . . . J -4 - - - - 'rIlE : OMAIIA : _ DAILY _ nI , g1 : UlNES.1 : ( , AUGUST ut , lsn . i U : a DORrANE S WAIIANT -L Et.t Finally OomllotQs , the PurchD ! of the Prison OOltrntrs Property COLONEL RUSSELL RUNNING THINGS - Ic.I"'r" the fn'c'r""r 1111 Jnlrll of 1'lhll' I.IIII nl.1 111lhll" I uf ' . \1 nC''I''I"lhll'II I lie I'pn- I l I tl r , ' .ilu 11 % geItI I t. - . LNC'OTN , An ! 20.-SpHlnl.-rx-Con. ( ) tractor W. II. Oorgan has got hb "arrAnt for $33 , OS.9O. The \It act In the tmnslel of the jirun IIJpcrty and Mutract from Dorgan to thc tale was 'or.EtIInhi1atet1 tiin afternoon whcl the sccretal'\ of Ilae signed the , 'cul.her :111 State Auditor Moor1 drew the "ananl 'he closing 111 of the deal was brought about through all Isreement be- tween the plain tl hanks II 11nols and Dorgan. Senral wcek a"o thcie banks , through the cbtrlct court of I.ancater N county. secured a temporary InJuneton restraining - straining Auditor Moore froln drawing and Doran from receiving the warrant. The bank uho applied for a receiver for Dorgan Wileft the case C:11 an 10 be -le.d the Injunction dls50lvell nnll nn appeal taken t the tlrNne ' court. Today a Ilpnlaton Ilunlfslng the cao was tee wih the clerk , uf the Ilhtrlct court and a copy of the same with the cleric af the SllJrrmo conrt. 'jbh , euts Doran's connecton With the Nebraska penitentiary and clears up one por- ton of the mnddle In \ hleh the affairs of the peultcntary ! have been walowlug ever since the adjournment of the legislature. > ' 'f ere Is , however , a deal of trouble sliced , and trouble , too , quite It(1' to cause both the attorney general and the land cotlmls- loner a bad quarter of an hour apiece. Of the entire Hoard of Public Lands : and Buidings these two are the aggressive ones. The other members , Messrs. Piper and Bart- Icy , appear ! inclined to let Hussel and Churchill go ahead and run the penitentiary alalrs to snit themselves . I the actions and words of Husel are to he taken a In- dlatve of anything , he Is able to carry the whole land unassisted. Last week he lIeI sonal1 "fired" Ed Coleman , night turnley. and Z. T. White , one of the guards , Ilaytnl the balance of their wages "ant of his own I pocket " lie then informed Coleman that be must get right out of the penitentiary or the hoard of Publc Lane3 and Buildings would charge him for every mel of vluals he consumed thereafter. loth of these men V are appointees of Governor Holcomb. I Is r argued around the capitol that Hussel has Just as much authority to discharge Warlen I.elelgh , an appointee of the governor's , as he has to bun other appointees. Men. Ienhers In good standing or the republican party , ami fall constitutional lawyers. say the clause In the new law giving the Hoard of Public I.mls and Buildings authority to ' "manae" the penitentiary did not conCer upon Hussel the right to discharge anyone whom he saw fit. However , the board will proceell on the :5th Inst. to re-Iet the con- tract. The new board of irrigation consisting of Governor Holcomb , Attorney General Churchill and Land Commissioner Iussel , held a meeting today at the board rooms. ThE object of the meeting was to determine the rules of adjudication of water rights for . ' the future. The members adoptee a series oC resolutions npon this subject The first water shell that will he taken under con- sideraton will be the Republican valley , a11 tljis It Is said. will be reached about the first week In September. Then will likely follow the Platte , North Platte , I.up and Nhobrara In the order named General Colby and Mayor Fechet have gone to Hastings to make final arrangement t for the encampment of the National Guards next month. Colonel lulls has appolntell . Sergeant Clark , company 1 , Second regiment , to be sergeant major. " . .lnl n UI 1.1'1"1.1-1 sono'I. " , Lincoln l'nlc'c'mllc' Thln " lum ' . In * 1st' ' . 'o1 h 4e'tilt. LINCOLN . Au , 20-Speclal.-layor ( ) Graham has scz fIt to lay off City DetectIve L1ngdon and Ofcer Fushla for fifteen days . . 'without jay. The mayor intimates that when , that period has expired he will reinstate i them but refuses to positively assIgn the C . reason . for the lay oft. He said this morning , r 1111\.11 that "some oC these policemen think , . they can go down on the bottoms whenever 'they please and do what they please , and I won't huh I out , as thin officers do not tell. " One Saturday evening , not long since. two or three members of the Lincoln polce force went down Into "Lttio Sodom" and made a regular Walpurgls night In one of the numerous disorderly houses In that vicinity. So great was the unseemly tumult . . created b ) the off duty guardians of the peace that a brother officer appeared undem unlel the window amid begged them to "come oil" technically and come out literally. Hut he was gUYCl to a standstIll and told to "go bunt a fre , " which Is a portion of the Lincoln - coin polce patois. They were arrested . hauled up to the staten and turned 0\11 to the nIght captain. But no report of the aI- rest was ever made and no record ever entered on the pad. These are facts , and taken In connection \ Ih the remarks of the mayor thIs morning the average reader can form some estimate of what the em- phatc language of Mayor Gralam ! Is worth. IIHAVY SUIT FOrt TTOHNEY'S F1ES. The law firm of r1irquett , Deweese & Hal has fed a claim In probate Court for 20. 000 against the estate of the late John Pita- gerald for atorne"s fees for the conduct of varIous tases for him during his life- ! Ie- tune. S. Mallory. partner oC the deceased In . a number of railroad enterprises , has also - , % - fee another claim of $27,000. the sale Jie. lug for notes. - Lincoln municIpal fnances hall an airing lat night at the regular meeting of the couticll. The annual appropriation ordinance as submitted anti passed to a recond readIng - reconl real- Ing under suslenslon of the rules , 11rovlllt3 for a 35-ml levy , which will raIse a fund of $231.Gb'7.45. base on a valuation of $5.- 750,000. 750,000.WOL WOLli AILY'S SAD LOSS. The topic oC conversation on the street today was the horrible death of Mrs. G. H. Wole and little ( laughter of thIs city In the Gumry hotel , Denver. This morning telegrams were received stating that Mr. Wolfe was last night located at Albuquerque , ' . , N. M. , and had boarded tie frt train for Denver on receiving thE news of his terrble atihictions. He was due there at S o'clock this afternoon. where he wi meet his son . Hobert , anti H. Wotemade , who left I.ln- coIn last night , Martha , the 15-year-ll daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe who was vIsiting friends at Firth , was summoned by wire to return to this city. which she dll , arriving at 4 o'c'ock ' thi morning. She aM her sIster Clara are Prostrated s'ith wih grief. . ATBMPED TO USE A HAZOH. John Kaffor . alas Jack Wilams , has gone to the county jail to bard out a $111 fine and costs. He attacked Fred HOlen- brook down on the "reservation" wih a razor. lie Is the same man who was arrested - rested for shooting at I Burlngton conlu tor who Ilut hIm off the train a few weeks 8lnce. lie and his companion who proved to be a Lincoln young woman In male atlre , were attempting to steal a ride out of town. The Lincoln Street Railway cOllany has decided to pay emiloyes twice Instead oC enc a month , ns tormerly. They wilt bo Ilaid the lth anti 20th of each month. George W. Shut formerly of this city but now of Table Rock . was larrlll today by Rev. Mr. Deal to Mrs. Cora A. Gales at the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. Gable 117 South atreet. ThE bride Is engaged In the millinery business lt Table Hock. and the couple home. wIll make that town their future b lion. G. M. Lamuberteon Or. 0. F. Lambert- ' son anti C. II. Whimore returned lt noon today fro 1 a tril to the Big Horn mountains and report a fine season of hunting and ItchIng. 1Ihll/ H. S. Ryan. chlf of plre lt Grand Island . was In the city totiiy on bUllness. Omaha people In 1.lnr'ln : . \ the Indel . -C. C. Stanlf ) ' . At tha Lincoln-Ed lc- Intolh. : lu Alice Mclntoib. f. C. I rIn. . , John ! T. ilopkins. W. I ) . hialduff . George S. , WeJge"'oo S. S. " 'eltou. . " 1' " 'uUI-\'III'nl' , Dl'NU\H , Neb. . Aug. : 0.-Speciai.--Great ( ) I'rfparalola are being made b ) the Woomen of camp No. 2,02 . for one of the largest and grandest pIcnics ever held In Dunbar. ' - . - - - . 11Inlon8 are hll ! cent out 10 ncighoring camps within 1 tiitliu . ot forty allIes 10 conic timid bring their , famiillles. ' 1hl lord 13 mil \ II mpll tVlrthlnM :1 : attractive and ' ple"'llt as po. Ihll. A ' , eak' r Ind R clrnet hfnll lc I h .t" IIur'L . froll l illtulieo. l'leiiy : t'f edibles iii bi for ' ' ) ( ' IH " 11r\lcle/l ever ) . .IJ that \'f'tr In the shadiest grove . In Otle e11ly. Tluurstlay August ! : . will he the I gala hy hrr" as the 100tchol'tlr ) , will have full Posessioli of the town. - - - noun : Ctl'"ry : I."I I I"S , l'iiint'rii I ii . CUl' c'llul l.m'ft " 'hul ) ' UI'III'rlt. I ii r 111. . lt 1.'r."lt. I FREMO : T . Aug. 20.-(81Ieclal.-Th8 ( ) I democratc ( .ufy ( 'n\'cnton wus heM In the Ihtrlet , court ruom this : itlnlng. Dr. E. W. Martin was chosen chalrlan and W. H. Weeks serretar The commIttee on crc- eeltals rellortell all preclucls prNented. A i'esoiution was lt.ti'otlucctl : IJY S. S. Van UCI Indrlctnr the delegates 10 the judicial con- Tenton lt ( "lulhI3 to present the name of Conrad lolen eck for dhtrlet judge , and mc- questing him to name the deiegales. : lie so- lected the following eelcgate" , which were IMlllolll' elected : Jatles Murray , 1. F . Gray. M. Chapman , G. t. . 1.1011" , .1. S. Denies : . Wiltersteen. 1' . : . Timan , George I.ootchcn , W. 11. Wecl , A. B , Miller. I-'rnlt 13rtosrh , Dr. Simnices. S. S. Van loln , Ahle 1.11" . G. C. I.trkow , heob ilalewig , t' . Fimnngnn , Nel Martenson. Con- raIl SchneIder . C. 1 . Schaeler , Nat l'a'coo nr.t Jehl nom berg. The following were choen doic'gatcs to the state COn\ltol at Omaha : J. L. lanles , It. A. 'wls ! . ii. I Lom'clieti . John Thomp nn. I James P. Mellon. L. I. na\'ls. I" I . I. mlclt , sr. . W. 11. Weeks , Wi hailer , Clark O\dge. rale Ihartoech Ii. D l'attersonVencei Legra C. R. Schaefer , N. I' . Nelson , C. 10lenbeele , Hcnry . Sohncck. Robert Iamont , Nat Pascoc P. Fiannagan and Nois Iarten- scn. The convention was very harmonious and there was a good number of delegates present The admllst.raton men were can- plcuous by their absence. They made no effort to secure control of the prlmarlef and abandoned the field to the silver men. All of the celegatpi to the state con\enton and all but two or three to the judicial convention arc pronounce shiver men. ST. PAUL , Neb. , An ! : O-Speell ) - - The democratic county convention assemhlell In the court house yesterday anti was called to order by Jell Oohy who In openIng made a long antl-adniinistration , Creel silver speech. John O'ifollaren was chosen chairman and John G. Schlyter serretary. 1 was an out and out ant.aemlnlstraton affair , amid only about bait of the precincts oC the county were represente1 the convention. The following - ing were nomInated for the different county otces : John randser , county conimlasiomior 1'lrst district ; WIlam humor. Third district ; Alexander Ifarvey treasurer ; James liaxter . Judge ; Albert Werner clerk ; A. D. I Anlerson , sherlffIt. E. Mcllen. superintendent ; Abra , ham Corey surveyor ; Edward Lorkowaki clerk of district curt ; A. Orotham , coroner The following . were elected delegates to the state convention : Frank Ilirat . John Dobry , x. Prasecll Albert \Verner. John O'Hollaren , Paul Schmll ! , A. n. Anderson , Lars Larsen anti , G. W. West The commitee on resolutions prlentel the following resolutcn , which was adoPted with- out dissension : " 'I condemn time action of the adminis- traton on the bond ant money question ; we advocitte the Inlml.l cainngp of silver at the ratio oC 16 10 I , "Innlll ! by Jilcr- sonlnn democratic prlncllllp" " 'I conllemn all connection beteenS'all street anti I' n ! al1 ant Paul SchmIdt was malle chairman of the county central commItee , VEIDGIE. Neb. , Aug. 20.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-The ) democratc county conventou for Knox county met here today and nomInated - mated John Bruce for sheriff . William Mc- Clntocle superlnteneont , and W. W. Van Yeiser coroner. The balance oC the ticket was left to be fled out later and a committee of three appointed for this purpose The following - lowing art the delegates to the democratic state convention at Omaha , August :2 : D. Bade. J. Horrigan. Prank Carroll . W. H. Green. 1d lason , John I. . Lindsay , ar. . Jacob lilnmikemiteidt. Prank Ileront George McGot and Nick LaFrenz Deleltes to the JudIcial ! convention : H , E. Bonesteel , " ' . I. Hensel son , George G. Dayha , A. J. Kelly , John D. Brown , William McClititock . A. Iuver , W. H. Green Zeph Sherman and Ben Boyle. HUSHYI LE. Neb. . Aug. 20.-Speclal ( Tel- egrani.-Tiie democrats of Sheridan county met In convention today to nominate Cml- dates for the county offices and name tide. gates to the state and judicial conventions. Organization was effected by the selection of N. P. Lener as chairman and C. Patterson anl Paterson as secretary gx-Sherl Ed Hosecrans was theUnnanhnous choice for sheriff . the naming of candidates for the other offices to be filled being delegated to the chairman amid secre- ! ane tary of the county central comnnittee. . Upon the question of whether the conven- ton belongell to the Martin or the Bryan wing at Nebraska democracy consllirable anlmatPl discussion was had but the Martin faction came out ahead , all It was dechled to send the delegation to the Lincoln conven- tlon. September 6. The naming of delegates to the judicial corwenton was loft to the chairman and sec retry of the county central committee anti . tJQ following delegates were named to at- ted the convention at Lincoln : E. Keplnler , S. N. Pitcher , N. I' . Leiler P. Her and A. H. Shafer. I.AIH. Neb. . Aug. -Speelal ( Telegram ) -The Waehlngton county democrats held their convention ' here toda ) Cark O'hIan- Ion was elected chairman anti Don C. Van Densen , secretary. The following were electell delegates to the state convention : Carl Feithitusen . John Ilenmlrickson . 1V. hi. Prutier Vial Coupal. Daniel J'enton. Caud Van Deusen , Clark O'Hanlon , W . Tyson sr. ; Deli. C. Van Iotiien . This Is a sole free sliver crowd The administratIon men were not In it. The conyenton will meet August 31 10 nomInate count oiflcers. RUSIIVILLE Neb. . Aug. 20.-Special ( Tel egram.-The ) Shorhlan county polUlistS' Con- I venlon to elect IlelegatEs to the Judicial and state conventions asslmblee today and se lected J. G. Gaskel chairman anti H. S. Hammond srrltu ) About three-fourths oC the precincts were represented and conshler- able enthuslaam "as manlCested. I was Ie chiIll to send one set of delegates to both con\nlons. consisting of the following : Henry Murlmiiy , R. L. Heath , J. H. Davis , H. J. StanchfEld ) , II.nk Novak. A. lcKlnney , I. W. Osborne . Charles Hehbeck , J. D Sweeney , C. J . Woods . Irving Bauler. Th' delegates were instructed ta support \V. 11. Westo\'er of Rushvle for district Judge. IMPSR1AL. Nob. , Alg. 20.-Special.- ( ) The republican : county central commitee oC Chase county met here yesterday. a full at. tenlanc beIng present , and called the con- venton to meet at Imperial Friday . Sptem- her 6. Thc apportionment was based on the vote for Majors for governor and will make the convention consist of eighty-five dele- gates. Ilrmony prevails among the repub- lcans oC this county nn.\ they feel confident of electing their entire ticket this f"l. as . democrats they have and a safe doubtfuls. mnarlty 0\11 populst CIIUNI' ( 'IUlt' . I.'nlr. IMPERIAL. Neb. , Aug 20.-Special ( TtIe gram.-The ) Chase county fall association met lt Imperial today to arrange I time of holing the county fair. They fixed the ( lateen on October 11 , 12 I and 13. An earnest elort wIll be ma.le by time association ta make this , the best fall ever held In the county. The Dear of County Conlnlsslonlrs at the last meetng appropriated from the . county geeral fund $100 to aid the county In making a display at the state fall thIs fihi . and Placed the same at the ( disposal oC the County Fair association . which Is taking prompt amid active acton steps to make a dllllay that will be creditable to the county , anti one at the attractive features of the greatest ago rleulural shows ever had In the state Percy H , Shalenberge was chosen by the usso- chat as manager oC the exhibit for the l'unty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \v. C. ' 1' . V. (1c..c'u Con. TECUISEH , Neb. , "Ug. 20.-Spe'ciai.- ( ) The eleventh annual convention of the PInt Nebraska district Women'a Christian Tem- pernce union , conjointly with the eighteenth annual county convention of the organizatIon . convened In this city this e\enln . The First district Inculel Pawnee , iUcliurdson . Cage , Nemaha and Johnson counties anti the representation at the convention Is good. The session will continue until Friday noon. u : ImsilcuS'omne'mt OpioM.d tl CI nr.'fI'I. MIND1N Neb. . Aug. 20.-Speciai.-Tbe ( ) Uuden ladies have organlzell an anti-cig. arete circle here - . , - know 18 the A. C. C. Inrc' nuln ut 'ul.t.I. MINDEN , Neb. . Aug. 20.-Spclal-An- ( ) other good rain fell In the northern part ot the county yesterday morulo ( . . RECORDS AUE AntY ) IXEI ) Exports Employed to Discvor the Extent of the Beatrice Defalcation . ' CLERK PhILLIPS CANNOT SECURE BAIL II ; iiin . , 1'c'lilJ 01 ( 'I 1171'1" 1.11\1 \ i tl n 'l'hUIUllh 11I..tlltll If I lit , Jnu" " u nil l'rll'ltUI uf tl Guilty . DEATICE , Neh. . Aug. 20.-Slleclal ( Tell- gramii.-At ) a meeting of the city council held today a report wa reall from tie sic- clal committee recenty appointed to lnvesti- gate the records oC the city clerk ant watEr conmniies'oner , recommending that In view of time conflsell condition of the records that an export be employed to investigate them , going back over the books as far as 180. The special committee was authorized to act In ( onJuncton with the committee appointed hy last nJght' maca meeting and emplo such expert. lxclement over the arrest oC thin clerk anti commissioner has abated some- Bnl what but there Is an earnest tleland on the part of all honest e'tzens that the affair be thoroughlY In\eltlgatet and that no guilty man he allowed to escape. There are now four charges oC felony against Clerk l > hllp8. who hu been unable to furnish bail . and three 'I ' agalmms COImlsslonE llawktmis who I as Cur- . ithioti I bal all Is at liberty. xnn'l'l \"I'S' ' lilht.tSi.t'.4 CitflI'S. Curc'ful 1ui'-stig ; ; 7i ; ; ii Sht" ' S hint SI'e 1I'C."t ltUI ( inn Iii "c'r Fume t'uuuiillnii. LYONS , Neb" , Aug O.-Speclal.-A ( ) Bce representative took a trip yes- terllay Into CumJn county accompanied - panied by George E. luntsberer , to take notes on the cral' They drove north- west of Lyons about twenty miles. The smal grain Is all In stacks except occasIon- ally where a farmer has threshed some for reel They took special notice of the size anti number oC grains stacks. Seldom were Cound less than four large graIn stacks , each of which would turn out more than 100 bushels. They saw more farms with eight and t\eh'e stacks to each than a less nuiti- her On more than a dozen farms In the county there are from twelve to seventeen large stacks to each. Anthon Jermar , a wealthy lohemlan farmer who hal lived on his farm Courteen years , said he would 1e over 4.000 bushels of , smal grain. Partcular note of the corn crop was taken Frequently they would get out anti go Into the felds to examine the cams amid found them full and large. A few Ields In the . rive of forty miles were damarel h ) the dry woatimor but the majorIty of fields will make a good average crop Anthon Jermar said his 10 acres oC corn would average more than bushels . forty to the nerc. His corn , he said , was just about an average In his prcclnct. There was maaimy large stacks of hay. The county should have an abunl- once of e\'erythln Part of Burt cunt ) has been eamagel by the dry weather , but the large crop of small graIn and hay will make an abundance of ted for all kinds of stocl Besides Hurt county will have thou- sands of bushels of smal grain and corn to ship. Northeaster Nebraska cannot complain - plain this year. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . snuxn MONiY S1'IaAiEht CIMgHI n , Hurlll CUUIt' Itcium , hi it'iimis In Coiu- ' . ( .uI timma 'I'rziiismiet Iuch ihtl mmi'ss. ALMA , Neb. , Aug. 20.-Speclal ( Tell- gramn.-The ) republican county conventon was heM here today at the opera house. Congressman - gressman Andrews of hastings poke to a crowded haisI for an hour before the bus- incas of the convention was commenced. He touched upon national Issues and allvoeled : the republcan policy of protecton to AmerIcan - Ican labor and sound money. Frequent op. al- IIaulo ! showed the people to be In accord with the speaker. The following are dele- gates to the state conventon : J. A. Pljler , chairman ; I.'ranle Simaffer . P. W' . J'enessey. D. D. lromstlr , Joe Alter , G. D. Woods . C. U. Rogers NIl NIelsen and Thomas Jones. Delegates - gates to the judicIal convention go Inln- struete'l anti are divided between Jame Me- Neny of Red Cloud and G. W. Sheppard oC Bloomington. The following nominatons were male , : County clerk , Elliott Lowe ; clerk district court . Andrew Rchmond ; treasurer , A. N. Shulard ; sheriff . J. C. Mltchol ; superimitontiemit I' . H. Bentley ; Judge , T. i. Porter : coroner , Dr. Hush. Hurmony prevailed throughout , several nom- Inatons belll by acclamation Count JUdge Smih resigned yesterday and John Everson was appoInted to fill the vacancy. 1'lrnthuJ' or nn I1nl.howu 'l'huief ASHLAND Neb. , Au ! 20.-Spelal-I ( ) bas been discovered that tie moan kied In Murdock Friday night by McDonald Is the robber who took his supper the sam evening at Mr. Granger's In Ashland , and then In the night robbed < ranger oC $65. Granger went to : llrdock and identified the dead thief , and also some oC the money. When at the Granger house he stated that he was sIck anti asked for atmpper which was gIven him , and lie was Invltel to time table. I was hIs last supper. The authorities at Iurdoek re- fuse to give the mane' to Granger. A IUle delegation will go to the reunion at Wabash In the mornln . On the farm of Mart iiaulou . half a millIe le north of Ashland , fifty acres of wheat that three weeks ago was almost abandonel was thn'shel Saturday anti yielded 1.000 bushels oC the best quality. Twenty bushels to ( lie acre was a god yield , consllerln Balol has 400 acres of corn , anti one of his 111511 . after lookIng Il over carefully . says t will average forty bushels to the acre Some spot In I wi run seventy bushels while others will be twenty , but the general average - erage of forty blshels wi bs pretty good ; 16.000 bushel off 400 acres Is good for , this year but 20.00 bushels have been raised oft the sme larul In extra good corn seasonl. This crop will average 111 wih crops gen- orally throughout this section. The Illepopdent . Order of Odd Fellows of Ashland will atend the First 1 D1plst church In a body Sunday to hear an address by He\ Mr. Hunt . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " % ' 11fl'11 liii' Stale 1.'llr. TECUMSIfII. Neb. , Aug. 20.-Speelal.- ( The Tlllseh Military band oC twenty-six pieces has completed arrangenumts with the management of the state fall whereb I will attend the exposition and has been given a position In the , tTel positon parades of the week. Miss Eflin I Graft Is home from a prolonged visit In California . C. S. Clrran of Johnson has moved to Tlumsph and will engage In the clothing clothlnl business here Dr. J' . L. Lewis Is now In Green Day , \'is. . but will return to this city this week wll hIs faml ) ' . Mrs. J. A. Kinsey anti son are visiting In St. Luis and Kansas City. Ala Margaret Scott Is visiting friends In Grand 1lnd , The Misses Jessie and Teddy TlernlY of Omaha are visiting relatives In Tecumuseb The Pawnee City bal team wIll play the locals Thursday on the home Ilamonl Miss Jessie new Is In Lincoln on a visit to relatives and frlends.- _ Valley XU"'M 01 News . VAI.LENeb. . , Aug. 20.-Speclal ( Tell- gram.-Prot ) , Stanfeld and family arrh'e here yesterday. Mr. Stanfele has been en- gagcl as principl of the public schools here for the comln year. Mrs. Ii. H. lisle and daughter from lum- Ilhrey. Npb. , are " \ltnS Irs. J 1 A. Repass. F S. 1'101 was pleasantly surprised by the arrival of his brother-In-law , J , S. I'erkil oC Ienver. last evening , . Ierkl D. E. Brwnson and wlCe. and George Cowie and wire are visiting relatives at Colon , Neb. . for a few daya. l'rof J. , II. A. Stockford , who has been instructing the Valley cornet bammd . will re- move to LlncJln In a few ilayc Irs. Flick l'eammey and chUdren are 'lsIOng relatives here. 111" ) ' l.uM" uf I SmurvcinW , l'itrty . ST. PAU. Neb , Aug. 20.-Speciai ( Tele- gram-Robert ) lar\er. an old resident and surveyor of tis city . wih his party returned ' today from ; Bur\yln ! expedition . surveying the boundary line between Nebraka and South 1)akota. On their return trip they stoppcd 0\ er at Ord . Neb" , and put tlelr horses - . anti mules In I I vc rr .Iile. flarIng time' nIght thl bun was con 1111M and two vailahll spun of mll I , one , hor" and other 11rOJr ) was burned , calsln , io ! to Mi- harvey and party of nearIy , $1.pOO. , l'uXI-a"S ' 'UJt ' 1'llUl'UI I :1.111.\Hi\ 'nl"lllll"hC11 I n..I."nlll. uf Visit 'I'hhll" 1.1"1"1' " tu 'l'isuuisituuuis. SIiELH' . . Net , " , AUg. 20.-Speelal ( Tte grani.-Over ) 8.000 people were at the hiII - pendent rally hero totlii . } ' . General Jacob S. Coxey , the lommonu'a\ \ leader , arrived about noon , on the excursion . train from Lincoln r J-o\'eror Waite of Colorado W.I not here , alhOIh be had been advertised . len- , oral CoJey was introduced hy 110mm. Judge Wheler of Osceola anti spoke for two hours 01 "Catise and Cure. " Ihnks ami cOllralons wlre assalell I was not ( a deficiency In cr0118 according to the speaker , whIch C\see hud tiimie . as time land Is full ofraln. . I Is the laws of time republican amid the Ilemocrile hiarties . whose money \ 'iea's are the s.mmue he declared. lie dwelt largely 01 nonlnterest bearing bOl s. The government should loan 50 per cent of the assessed real estate . "ailation of ally In- dl\llual or ml\nlcll.I ) desiring to give bonds , after deducting 1 per cent for cnrav log anti 11rlntlll. The bon,1 shoull run ti'enty-tive years wihout IntpreJt , anti " 4 Ilr cent of the principal should be Paid each 'ear. Railroads should be sought b ) the , overmelt mil women ! h'en the ballot. The hope for time COUl try was to Insert miommimiter. est hearing hones Into a new peoplo's part platform . and sent homiest men to commgress. O\II ! 10 the large number present , man ) were unabo ! to hear the spealter. LINCO' ' " , Atig 20.-tSpecial Telegram.- .r S. Coey , candilluto for governor of Ohio arrived In the city at 9 o'clock tonight on the Union PacinI from Shelby all was jimmie- dlately driven to the Junke opera house. lere an andlenee had been awaIting him for nn hour. which cOl1ietely luelied the a 1.1 torlum. lie was Introduced by Jerome ShamJI Slleakllg upon the subject "Cause al\l Cure , " General Coxey said thai he was pleased with the o\aton given him and apologized for the unavoidable , dela ) lie said that at Shelby addressed crowd of ' . today he lad alldessed a over 15.000 people amid was not In the best talking can- Ilton possible. Time speaker then drew what he termed a diagnosis oC the national diseases. The fnancIal calamities of the past two years were paInted In the darkest shades , and the effects of the total "imiortgage on the little homo" Illustrated InIvld colors . The bankers , he sall , were the only class oC lice- pIe who drew Interest on their tieits They borrowed money from the people and loaned ) It out at Interest. Among thee hanktrs there were $ : In credit money to e\'ery dollar oC actual cash they hall behln,1 , them. Genel'al ) Coxey gave the historic facts connected wIth the repeal or the clanse In the Sherman act auhorlzlng the IHrchase or $1,500,000 worth oC silver a month , and denounced . It. As an Ilustraton of the scarcity oC money In Isn he showed what he caled a yellow back , a one- dollar note , Issned by Russell & Co. , manufacturers - facturers of machinery of Masslon , 0" 10 pay omplo.es. They Ilre\\ G per cent. General - oral Coxe said that In the face of this incontrovertible - controvertible fact the republican party was claiming that time Panic was due to the fear of the people that the democratc party would reform time tariff. He ud\'oeated got'- ernment cOltrol of railways as one of time cures of the natonall\sease. \ lie had been told that the Iovrrnment cOuld not control roil- roads , but wlmemmeverrahiroads got Into trouble they always cJled QI the government to con- trol them. I the / oveFmrnient could tontrol railroads In time or trouble I could run them In times of hence. I The fnancial theory of republicans and ad- ministraton democrats 1\S Iustrated by a canal At the heal was a wicket and an- other at the foot , ona to let the water In and ono to let I out. . , Gwer Cleveland llad closed and locked the , heall gate and loft the lower one open. In consequenle oC thIs mull- lens of gold . was going out of the country yearly. "he contra tll oC the currency had thrown . 4.000.000 people out or work ; ther were 11,000.01 people dependent on them , mimakimig In aii,20OO0,000 of Idle parsons arul I rel11eton of 20,000.000 oC consumers oC nufatured godsl Ills remedy for all this was free silver , noplnierest bearing b0111s. tariff reCorm and gQpmI9auia. , lie spoke until 1 late hour , and , had no'dimcuiity In holding the aumliemmee. 1r'n iCre'luent ' alusions to the "keepoffthmo.ras'eIsotie at W'asimhmmg- tomm . and evoked no little allplalse from representatives - resentat\'es of all liarties. ' \11 . 'I'II'nl III.ChIle. . NEBRASKA CIT. Neb. . Aug 20-Speclal ( Telegram.-The ) city council last night Ilassel a resolution instructing the attorneys for the city In the recent case of the Wlter and Light compan against Nebraska City . to carry the case to the supreme court on error. A demand Cram the water company . was also served on the mayor and counci b ) Sheriff hubbell that a . levy be male on all property In Nebraska . City to pay for hydrant rentals for the year 1895. An ordinsnce was also pssslcl empowerJug the city to refund Oj.OOO oC Its bonded Indebtedness wih I per cent bonds. The present bonds draw from 6 to 8 per cent. Hush Anderson , who recently made himself - self conspicuous by atemptn ! to cut the throat of hl& : brother-In.law , from whom he was attempting to get his minor daughter , yesterday came to town and requested to be locked up , saying he was Insane and would co some one Injury. lie was accommodaled all wil shortly be exumlned as t ! his rental - tal conditiomi. _ _ _ _ _ _ hieim'm'y Unll i nt In l'lntl. I.A I'LATTE Neb. , Aug. 20.-Speelal.- ( ) The rainfall of Sunday was eight-tenths oC an Inch , accompanied by some electricity and high winds. On one farm the lightning struck i barbwire fence and tore off wires and shattered heavy 1iosts. Some corn was blown tlowmi. Iown. Walt McDonahl , who has been atending school at I.'remont , Is visiting friends near I.a Platc , Mcl.aughln. who resides one mile west of town , Is building a conmimiodious crib for the storage oC corn. The bull1ng wilt ha ninety feet In length al\l eight feet wIde. . Misses Riecta Baehelier anti Vivie Woo.'lb Itses Eecta dEarted Tuesday for Vale ) ' , to attend the ChrIstian Endeavor commventlon. J . W. Blnes left for Yutan W'edmmesday to ntenl the annual conCerence of tIme Free Methodist church. Pnr.n" Coo at y ltt'puiluilt'iimmH . 'DJ Vglt CITY , Neb. , Aug. 20.-Speclal ( . . 'elegram.-The ) republican county com.eutLn met In this city today. The delegatIon to the Judicial conventan was selected by G W. Norris oC this city who Is a candidate for district JUIIge. There was no contest over the election of a state delegation and I Is not imistructek The count ) ticket nominated Is as , . follows : Tresurer , Charles Fuller ; clerk , v. 1 111101 ; Ihel'lt. J. M. Lewis ; cleric of court. T. . \ . Boyd ; Judge , W. B. Whitney ; superintendent , I FI Doling ; coroner , Dr. I. M. hirauhy ; comtnisslqnQr.IT , Hedges ; surveyor , . . . , . J. S. Stonecypher. H , .m Two iii tll : ; .nIc' Grni'e. NEBRASKA Clr ) . Mlg 20.-Simeclal.- ( The funeral of Maggie . and mien Gafney occurred yesterday ufte'noon , both bodies being Interred In t 's'lne ' : grave. This Is a peculiarly sad case. iis Maggie was talen wIth typholl fever "pme tme ago and Satur- day Illht tiled . 1er ' Ister , Ellen , early Saturday afternoolT . .W\lt to the well for some water for her dln sller and slipped and ) fell Into the well , 1eu1ving injuries which resl1ell In her .le ' tlday. ( { . The funeral was very large , teIIm'g \ ! tended by the em- plo'e8 of the Itel\j \ S Irma body. AUh'I'II" Coimaily Ic.l"trh'h'Il. NELIGH , Neb. . Alg ; 20-Speclal ( Tlle- gram.-Tiie ) Bead ift'Sdmervisora ' , ' of Antelope county met today 4b'divideti the count ) Into seven distrlctaa The new board Is composed - posed of N. C. Iadseo , W. hi. Crencb , J. n. Williams , I' ' I. Trowbridge , I.orelz Thompson , 0V. . Thorton and A. J ( lwarls , three populstH , three relHbleans amid one prohibionIst oranLaton was effected by the election of II. Trowbridge chairman and the board adjourned to November 7. ( f for the Suto..1 l'ziric. GENOA Neb. , Aug. 20.Speclal.lessr ) O. E. Green , I 0 , Stocks and P. L. I Mc- Paden , with their wives of Genoa ; Dr. C. D , 1\11' , Mr. Chamberlain and Mr. Galley and their wives at Co\umbll \ , left today for Jackson' Hole and the National park , for a four weeka' outing. The camping outfit and teams preceded the part lat Weiinesday. . HuunwnT Ai'ei.ieimt Hc'.ul. I..tll' I . . m.KIOlN , Neb , Aug , : O.-Speca ( Tele- gram.-Tho ) lG.yeer-old son of John Luten- slage . \ hmo wu Injured In A runaway accI dent Sunday . diN of his loJurle this worn- In ( . OUICI ( ) { T m TO l > lSON LIFE Ex-Consul Wailer Onvicted ou Letters Written t His Wife , - FRENCHMEN GAVE hIM UTILE SHOW ht't't.iit A rrh'ul. frnm llmmmimigmist'iir . \"c'rt thl' l'h\lu'rh'll ( ' , " , " " 1 \Yn. lime Y"'lhl uC ( h. ! .1'11. tulisy ' or Coums inertial nl\ll. I . 1.0:00ug. 20.-I.'re Interest 1 added to time case of ex.lnlel1 StatEs Consul .Iohn 14. Waler at 'amntnve , Madagascar , by the presenc ; ! Ilere of :11 Ethelbert \\'oocord. who assisted Mrs. Waler and children out of ' after lmcr husband had bct'mi : lsllaaselr afer lIeI . . beel sentencell to Inprleonment far twent years for nll'get illegal communicaton with time lo\'as , against wlom the J'reuch are waging war , : lr. WooJfotl went to Madagascar last February on busnC"s ! with the Iova nov- erniiment . Whie there he lent alt to the famiy of the United States consul. lie hn arrived here upon his return and has had an Interview wIth a representative oC the As- soclatcd Itress Mr. WooMorll states that ulou his arrival at TJmlave lie found Mr. Waler In lirisomi. Aceo".lng to Mr. " 'ood- ford the , all o\ldenee against the cxconsul WU embodied tn letters to his wlCe and from m ( Im'a friend. wrein the occupation of Madagascar b ) ' time I.'rench was discussed timid descripton given of alleged outrages upon women Me. Woodford declares , however , that the real cause for time French acton against Consnl W'aller Is the fact that he had ob- Waler tlned valuable conce'510ls from the 10vIs , received and that Mr.Vailer ha,1 Wnler his cxequatur Cram the horns gov- er"ment , though h opposed by the rench I ; who hall the right to determine - termine who shall be the . cOlsul at Tame- ta\e. On May 18 last , says Mr. WooMord , ex-Consul Waler was .hurrledly tried and sentencell. "At the time I was In Madagascar , " sId Mr. " 'ooMore , "Edivurti T. Welter of Georgia - gut was In clargo ' at the United States con- suilto at Tamatave " 1 was nutnraly Interestell In affairs of the consulate and saw n' " the correspondence of the Unlell States ! Ohinment with reference to the WaIler case. The Americans were natural ) much Interested and we thoroughly dIscussed the nmatter . but there was no AmerIcan - lean gunboat near anti no protection of any kind. Nothing remained for the Americans to 10 limit to slbmlt to the acton of the French and report the occurrences to 'ash- tngton , whIch was done. "A9 to the report , however If my iaformna- tioii. Is correct. there will bo serious trouble. as I unlerstand the report was not received at Washington. I then went direct to Antana- , narl\'o and foull Mrs. Wailer and four hl- : drln were In n state oC eestluton arul living on the charity oC 10\'a friemimls. I assl8tll : them and when I left took the famiy with me to the cast amid got aboard the steamer for : Iaurilus. where we handed nlmost pennles . The heavy aeeltonal expense of rescuIng the Wailer family was unexpected to me. I could not , however , eo otherwise. There were grown up girls In the family and I knew the fate that would ho In store for them when the J'nnch should occupy the capital On the journey south 10 Vatomandr ) which Is seventy miles south to Tamatave , seven days ' sere required. 1 eli not land lt Taniatave as Mr. Wetter had warned me that the' French were seeking me and would shoot me IC they cull catch me , owing to my visit to the capital , where they knew I had been In communication with the HovD government anti the army officials. "I left the bland of Mauriius and careen on here via Paris , at which later place I communCte ! all I knew of tile case to Unied Sltes Ambassallor Eusls , through hem I ama Informed the United States goy- ornament h8 sent to MaurlLus for lrs. WII r , who pals 1101 there today and who will core to Paris. " WASHINGTON Aug. O.-'he State de- Iartmeut ( has not abatell its interest In te Waler case . but Is firmly resolved to mc. lvel ) pre.s the mJter to a concitisiori. A dispatch In line with this poley was sent to Ambassador Eusts today. TIm department Is satsfed that none oC the consular reports In time case have been tampered wih by the French authorities as Its files are Cormipiete' . IAUIS , AI . O.-The GI Das says that an Imllrtant conference has taken place be tween Unlel States Ambassador I nsts and ! I lenolt , In which the later said that however desirous the , onrment might be o satisfying the Iemands lade from 'ash- Ington I would take tme to get the docu- ments hearllg on thc case from Madagascar . Mr. Wailer Is reported to be In an advanced stage of consumnptiomi. - - - - - - " 'Js'I'I ns l'gXSIO , c'h'rl" " 01 thl' I."IC " % ' "r It emimemit- hrrc.,1 h ) ' t hI Hr''rnl ( : ti'ermiiiitiI. WAShINGTON , Aug , 20.-Special.-h'en- ( Ilons grantell , Issue of August G. werl : Nebraska : Orlglnnl- \1 I rll Elliott , Omaha , DOI las. Ilenewal-Joimmi Stoihmurd Tecmimntiii Johnson HI'lsBue-Urlah lopper , I'mlre Center , hitiffalo. . Iowa : Original-King J. henna West Illel t ) ' . 1luscatne ; Royal I 0. Taylor ] . Anitmi . ( . Hestoraton und Icrea&o- medle ) ' H. MeMnater. Hartley . O'Brlen. increase- Joseph Stock , Coirmtx Jf III' ; Martin I. . : lkesll , : lusltne , Mtmscatint' ; Alexander . D. I GIbson , liansel : Franklin. Orlnal ivitlow.--f3arttli . \ , i'umcell , . ! . wllow-Samh A. Purcel Jfstln s. ! Is. Colorado : Helssue-Joslnh H. Albertson , aullln , Jefferson. Issue of August S were : . Nelmska : Original-Jason C. Sparks Omaha , UouglaH. Atiditiommal-Johin B. lcd- , - wals , hte'mmkeinman , lummidy ; l'hrlslopher C. Hunter , Dtmlrnis . I'awmmee. Supplemental- Charles M.Vee.ti , KonnartiVttshimigtomi. . Iowa : OrIgInal-Wilson . Mercer , Okaloosa Mahaska : Plter Winters , SI. I.ucaa Pay- ! \I1lt.nll-larshul K Finton , la- tiumoketa , Jackson. Incremise-Nicimoitus Swen- son. Knoxville , 1llllon ; ; Caper " 'olf. Hamp- ton. Jrnl < Un ; Samnuel C. hlarltwell . Ot- tumimwa Vm'mupeilo ; JOlph D. Davis . Patter- Semi . Mntiison. Iteissue-Andiew C. Burln- gatne . Albla , Monroe. Montana : Heewal-John E 19lanl. LoZnn . Golllln , South Daota : Orl lnal-NpIH 1alvpI'son , MadI'on . I.alee. HetsEue-Ilam : A. Mason. Fargo , Casso Colorado : OrIginal-John } n. Ilrink fBI- verton San Juan ; John H. Williams . Monte Vista , Rio Grande ; Hobert O'Nel alas James Smyth. L.'advle. I.lc. Issue of August 3 were : Nebraska : Om-iginah-Lewi'm C. Poec . . I.ln- coin. I.ancastpr. Ileissue-George " . Gil- Ian , Taylor Loup ; George Vt' . Greemuough . PenIleI 'fhurmtton ; Charles Fuller , lturweii . Garteld ; George E. Dennl . Horace , Greeley William Simatawell . Genoa , Nanco ; Alvin Harvard Cia ' , Gray , HII'ard. Clay. Iowa : Orlglnlt-nsta\us A. Denver Corning Adams : Alrl Htppemm. Earlville . 1plawlre ; henry D. 'fowle. Urush Creek , Fayette. Inerease-Chares ! V. Surfus. Brls. tow , ittmtler. Ielssue-'heodol F. Yrll. lhopeviilr. Clark ; Benjamin T. . Poster Des Moines . Polk ; John S. Boar man. Moulton . Aiuuta000se . Jacob Glnller , Mackey . Boone ; i"raneiai. t Strait . \llsca , lonl emery ; Nathaniel I. nunhum , KI.slrrl Cathoun. Original widows . etc-Minors of John Schneider , Castalia . \Vlnnl hlek. . Colorado : Imicreate-'ihliani F. Diehi Montrose . 1ontl0.o , South Dakota . : Oriilnai-hfenry Van Woert , Cammistota , MeCook. Increase-Dammiel M. Maxmtomi , Esniomiti , Kingsbury. Reissue- MIchael Dunn , Midlammd , Nowlin , North Dakota : Iteissue-hionjer A. North- mop , Hope , Steele , IssUm of Aumrlmst 2 were : Nehrnak.i : Origi al-h'l a' Glitmiore , Omuihia , Douglas ; John II , Smith , Omaha , lougias. Adtiltiommai-Itasnums Scritarnier , Ltlhiami , Cus- tt'r. Stippleniemital-hlenry A. Pierce , Pro- iiitimit , lotige. Renewal and imicreamse-I"reml- imrick ( lilyor , ( 'hunts , Merrlck , ileissmmtu-Ai- luert M. Parker , South Sioux City , Dakota ; F'rankhin McCarmi , Curtis , Frontier. Iowa : Original-Samuel 13. hum , flheltuy , Shelby ; flenmils l'urceIi lss Moines , l'oik ; henry Miller. Marcuis , Cherokt'e. Increase- Michael ilickei , Sis'mtmi , Mariomm , Iteissue- William F. Culver 1olmond'rigimt ; Isaiah Kerr , 1miuiscatint' , luscttine ; Oriicimmal wimi- owa , ctc-Mlnor of Fenton 11 , le Long , ies Moines , I'olk ; mnlnor of James hlowse , Logan , Harrison ; mninors of Vm'ashington A. Dooiittle , Iea Moimies , I'oik , amid Nevada , Story. South Dakota : Original-Alfred Ti. hirown , A loxamidrium , I iminson , I toisa no-A mit lion y Leiben. Pierre , hughes ; Itansomn \ % ' . 'ml- colt , itainsey , Lake. Coloratlo : Origitial-Frankiin Ilarluer , Asper JunctIon , Eagle ; George .1. Mr. Atiams , Denver , Arapuhoe ; Amuhel S. ( Basis , Pueblo , Pueblo. Original widows , etc-Jane 'F. Lincolmi , Longmont , lloul'ier ' ; himtmmnah Fry , Longmnont. Boultier. Montana ; Increase-ChrIstian Iiciilegei , \\'hite Sulphur Springs , Meagimer. Nortim Iakota : IteIssuc-Framik Vestmiiier , Washburn , McLean , PhLilNtl ( 'i'liil tiutlS CiOMiht , ( irnuhmismhljr UnraTeiling timu' ) i ter ) ' cit liii' lusuumuuiuI ( 'immirs'hs 3Iuuu'lcr , SAN FIIANCiSCO , Aug. 20.- The Lirnccu- bra of Timeotlore Iuirrant are at preermt en- age4 iii tioveloping a frtiltftit ilnmo of testi- : iiotmy wlilcii prinieeis to theow a l'ei'crtuI side light eu time conduct of time young man toward womimen , 'hile iurrant is uilcturoi by his iriemitha as beimig a itteelt , liiotlcst ) 'otmtii , who so far trout hieing able to imiurulor ti 0 school girls fouiitl his otmiy true enjo- macmit in 11mm' Stmmmtlay school of wiikh lii' was assistant stmpe'imitendent , it is imposed to uirovo timat his bacimeiss bouimmtjiess w'hemi associating eltim womemi , Imi support of timis assertlomm , youmtg womimeli Who arc acid to have been immeulteti by itmrrammt i'hii be itlareti on time staimd amiti letters i ritten by the lmrlsommcr to his female acqilalmitsummees wIll be immtro- duceti us evidence. 'fho ammthaeity of tii lirisoncr is shown by a letter imoi' in the lianuis of time police which ho i'rote to hielesi hlcmmry , a loc.ml actress. a few weeks before tIme inurtlors. Altimotigh lm hind kmiowmm tIme young iad' hut a few tia'S Ito wrote her a helter so suggestive timat iime miecihmieti to ahisit er it slid ti few days later lie foliowetl it dp witim anothmer jumat as of- fenstm'e. Sa Ijoiti diti lurrant Itectmmmie that long before his arrest , It is 'aid , a iiummm- her of yotmmmg wommten tieclineti to ntteimd parties - ties to i'hmit'im lie was invited or assotiao ( iitii imimmi in Cii ) ' Wa ) ' . Somimo of time w'ommmen wimo have been iii- suited by iurrant will be idacetl on time wit- imess stand ammd their tuastimtmommy will be of importance in reftitlimg tim line of defense that so immoral auth commscieutioua a yoimimg imiaii could not cmjmmiinlt two mtucii atroclmis nmur- tiers , From mu reliable source it was icarnetl ( hint mo flintIer 'lmat Is accummmmplished by time present - ent trlul , it is lmitendetl to brimmg Imirrammt before - fore a jury on time charge of kihlimmg Minnie W'iiliammms. Timim , course will be nuramied eVemI if hurrammt mimould be ioummmtl gmmllty of tue mmimmrder of ) ilamicime Laimiont. TIme idea of time lirosecutiomi in doimmg thmtmt i'oiiid provide agaumist time POssibilitY of limo simpremmmn court granting a mmcmv trial In time Lament case. It Is dcii Probable that the district attormme ) ' would Coimsemit to a chmamige of venue for time W'iliianimt trial. Mucim speculation has been indulged In as to time nature of ( lie alibi Iurramit'a coummsel expect to hiresent to the jury to combat time evidence mmow mi ( lie hmamids of time prosecmi. tion. F'ro'mm imimmts that have heemm dropped , it appears hull the records of the Cooper Methical college will form a basis of time attack - tack on time testimimomi ) ' of Martin Quimilan , Mra , Ioake anti others. The records are time rolls of lr. Williatn F' . Cimemmey's class at time college. Durrmmmmt was oimo of a class of seventy-seven mmttmdeumts ivimo attemithed Dr. Chemicy's lectures. Time rolls simoiv that ito was present itt time lee- him tielivereth at time college on time after- imoomi of APril : i at time precise lmoumr iimat tiitm Prosecut'on ' cialmiis lie t'ntered lfmimanueh church with lllammcime LanioimL lr. Chmemiey'mt lecture lmour Is frommi 1:30 : to 4:30 : o'clock and the roil of attidents is mint called until tIme close of time lecture. On limits occamiomm the doctor says lila lecture was a little shorter titan tmsuai. anti tliumt lie may have ordered time roil called as early as 4:20 : o'clock , If Iurrant s-as present amid ami- sacred to his miamime , then ito could hot have been at time church with hlianchie Lament. Dr. Cheney cmimmsltlered the point so liii- portant that ho spent two days in trylmmg to determine the trutim or falsity of time fact as siiowmi by the call. The meventy'sevemi imiemim- ben of time class were taken lute imis private omce. one by omie , aqti imiterrogateti as to whether timey had remmiarked Durramit's prems- emice at time lecture , whether they had heard imim answer when imis name was called , anti whether timey iiami answered for hint. To time last two interrogatories tiiey all 4mmswered imi time negatiVe. Somime were under the imnpremm- 510mm that Dmmrramit luaU atteimmied tIme lecture , but none smere smmro. Dr. Chemiey's investigation larougimt omit 000 importamit fact , It was that on April 10 Durrant V'eilt to a fellow student , lfdui'arii p. Glaser , and asked for the notes of lr. Cheney's lecture , tlelivi'red time afternoon of the 3d. The prosecution looks upon thus as liroot that Dirrant tilti not attend time lee- timre , for lied he done so , he would have made his own notes. W'ALNLJT CREEK , Cal. , Aug. 20.-The local authoritIes have a himmite which , timey believe has a licarimig omm time Dmmrramit case. Wimemi tIme signal corps caine to Mount 1)inblo , Oii the day after tile imturder of MimmmiieVil - llamas , time mmiilitiamimerm , alimoimg wimomu was Dmir- rant , stayed over night at a ranch six miles front time mmmoimiitaimi. Two days after their departure time rancimmmian foummitl 1mm tIme barmi s'imere time militiamen had slept a lady's knife with several liiamies anti a scissors at- lachmmiemit. One of time biades antI time scissors immtve blood staimis mm timemu. It is believed that Dmirrammt dropped time kuhn , wimicim will be sent to time chief of police at San Fran- cIsc. , . - - \'IIA'I'IIIcI ( voitIcCAs'l' . Vii ir ii mmml ruler In tle Ii I renue EnsIerii I'nrl isumi of Neiirmusksu. WASUI NUTON , Aug. 20.-Tue forecast for Vm'etimiesdny is : For Neiimnska and South Dakota-Fair ; warmer in time extreme eastern urnrtion ; winds beeoimilng southerly. For town-Fair ; slightly s'armner ; south- erh' winmimt. I' or Missouri-Fair , except siiowt'rs in time extreme southeast portiomi ; slightly wmlrmmiem' ; vimitis It'c'oining 'arimulile. For lCnmwaat-Geiieruiiy fair ; warmer In the eastermi lortittn ; 'arialhe ' , indts. l.ursmi ltet'ord. OFFICE OF' 'rIlE W'EA1'hlI'it iiunic.tp , OMAh1A , Aug. 20.-Otnaiia m-ecorti of tern- itt'rmttur ( ' anti m-miimmfahi , conipared ivithm time corrotimondumig day 01' the lutist four years : 1S95. 1191. IS3. 102. MmmxlmnUmii temperature. , . , $11 82 83 71 : \ilnimntiiii tenmitertttUre.'i i 61 C2 Average temmilterattiro. . . . . . 70 75 7i iS l'recipltation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 T .00 .10 Commtiltioti ( if temperature amil precipitmttiomm itt Omaha for ( lie dumy amid slimco Munch I. 1kG : Normal teniperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 DeilciejiCy for the shims' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accumulated CXCCSS shmice Mmmrch . . . . . . . . Normal precipitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ii inch 1)ellciemmC ) ' for time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inch Total imre'iPltUtloil simii'e i'tiarcii I 13.P Incimea 1)ellciemiCy tsince Mumh I , . . , . , , , s.ss immcimea lIt'iuirts froumu Slut Imuui a t S mu. iii , , i a - e' t' t'i4 STATU or STATIONS. j a iY5ATUIi , d Ommiaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 50 .00 Clear. NOrtiml'lntte. . . . . . . 75 51 .tt ) Clear , Valenunti . . . . . . . . . . i41 ltd .Otl Citlmir. Lliicimwo . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Btl .00 l'art ciommtly. Si. LoumI . . . . . . . . . . . 70 72 .Om Ciommtiy , St. I'nut. . . . . . . . . . . . ( isi 72 .00 Clear. Davonpori. . . . . . . . . . si s .oo Clear. Kamistm City. . . . . . . . . 70 79 , lt ) Cinar , ilememma . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hti 148 ( it ) Cimar , Domiver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 Clear. SaitLuicejIIy. . . . . . cmi ( . . . . lltBmmmart'mt. . . . . . . . . . . 7 I 7H .Oui Clear. 81m Vimmcttmmt . atm mis , oo ( 'liar. Clteyemmuio. . . . . . . . . . . 7 $ (12. . .0(1 ( . Ci'ar. Miles CIty. . . . . . . . . . . ( e. . . . . . . . . . . ltatltl City. . . . . . . . . . . 511 tin. . .1)1) ) ) . l'art t'lotmiy Gaiveuttom , . . . . . . . . . . . . . H9 mel miii i'mmrt cloudy ' - Ilmmdlcmmtes trace of precipitation. I , . A , 'FLsIi : , Observer. Clean Lasting CHEW Cool Sweet SMOKE 0 . MAIL POUCH TOBACCO PURE hARMLESS , SATISFYING. PTFNERVOUS vSflI I I-DYSPEPTIC -------i-- - _ - - - - - _ _ Tlil DOCTOI1'S ( ) IUMN. ii , 1' . ii , , Now Tork.-My isft leg Is itmiger l C lfl.-tmmnftm"ne-t' its' ( 'lie huicim ttmimi , iljlmt , eauot ty ttttn'lt of Semite thmetmtum'ullmmi. Vlhi ) our melmia' Il lOtS iI.i mmti-timlrmg f'r itm' ? 'l'jkc one Febricidmi l'IIl , three tinmen tl.iuiy. ilsgulate thmo bowels with Nathroiitimic Salts , A'oid elastic stockings. Report in sIX veek , (1. .Ta'muer , St. ietmis'imat I. soai fr a cateI toligimi , ; al"o mm m-t'iimt'd ) to gimlim flea hi For time tormner take Natbrumhltldc stilts , twice a ii'e'elt , a tcaspooimtuil iii a Imnit tuna- bIer of t-ater , a half imotir before lmreakfast , Secommth , take Cirtiine , extract of time heart , in timrc'e.droii tiocs , on time tongume , ti ice a day , \ ' , hi. ( ! _ , ( 'lmicmumco.'mmu lrtmltt'.1 m Itlm luimo- tion.iI iut'miine's. W'itt mlmnll I lotte ? 'i'ako Temtitme iii iiwe-tirop doses , on time tommguie. ( a ic , daily. thse ctld irater iatlming , , li'iij. T. , lhmtroit-Iu'e your wife Om'ariiie , in foumr.drop doses , on time tommgue , twice tlmuiiy , hot imuimimmg locally vttim a teiispoomiftii of tuorna lii each basimm of water. P. Ii. S. , l'hmiln-Gaetm'ine illl cmtm'e ) 'ou If takemm accorthiiig tt ) dim-ectiomis fdithmfmiil ) , I' . I" . 0. , ( 'imleagn-Cotmiinuip the 'l't'stimmo for time loesi trotmbhe , and Ccrein'ine for time immei- nmmeimoil.-i mind mmervommrmcer , 'rwice mm reek take mu dose of Nathirohithuic Salts to regulate time ttom cit. \v. T. l'/ihIKRil , M. I ) , Med. Icpt. , Col. Cheat. Co. 'Iil ANIMAl. EXTfl.'tCTS Cilli ilult I Pm'uuim t iii' unit ii. : ii RI- I li.I \ R , Fi-umm I i.e Siiuinl Coril. ( tAil- 1) I Xi , Vvomui I ii , ' Iieaum't , 'I'RS'l'Itl , I ) ' A Ii I ' 1,1 lYht Ill ) ! 'i II. losc , I ; Irops. I'miee , Two Draciummma. $ i.5 . ' ' . G.tS'i'lt INII. A niew anti i'mmluaile mcmii di' for flylpmj'aia , $ t.2 Fi-IlIitl'lliI i'I iiS. Fort MAi.iul.i , Mi'rccTiui.'m4 , Nil'fltlCliA , AND SlCI hilcAiACIIR Sd cents , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' . N t'l'ilIiIIi'R'lllC SAI'I'S. I'or iinititmmnl ( 'tn'tlitiIioim , 1'oiitor ef lIme Iicmwsla anti inactIon of time Itvcr , ) veimts. At mmli trtmgglsts , or frotmm COit'IiliA CIIiIlIl.L CO. , Scimui fur iItt-iiiiire , 'nshmluig ( on , 1)0 , For sale by KUhN & CO. . 15th and Douglas , . -I 'l ' V'-rJ 1 I Jutlgmcut ! Iromii every tobacco chewer a wantc4 15 to tue Imierits of LORILLARD'S j3ji $ PLUG. All good Judgea of chmewimig tobacce have titus far been unaiiimotms in pro miouncimm it time bcst iii qualit ) ' , the most deiidous iii fimmeor , the bmt in cvry Way. It's Lom'iliard's. Ask the dealer for it. D0CaT0R Searles & Searles . , S - , MI ( onus of Blood and f'1 Skiu Diseases , Syplmoils , I otiromi for iife amid limo voi. son timorougimly Cleansed : - " htmmi time umystemmi , : . . LADIES gIven careful a ' 1 amitl special attemmtion for mill I Al . ' -tlieir , .rtmammy peculiar all- 't t 1 lmmeimts. - S S tPiitutimt. : by a bpociai treat- x7p A Ti' 1UTI'M'ITALITY \VEAK ) vy Ljt1J. : . u&i.oi' iiiade so by too close up. piication to business or study , smvero mimental straIn or grief BIcXUAL EXCESSES in niitttile life or iroiu time eftccts of youthful follies , nil yield readily to our new treat- tt't'nt fr l0ttt of vItal power UIRITE Your troubies if out of the city. Timousauulq eumretl nt home by cor- i'Ot5pOfldOfle. ( 'ONt4ILTATION FJlIcn. flr smuriec ttui'ln 1410 imtrnamn 'It. , hi , , .hiiI IL , ) lt tILU iLsO1 fliiishi , Nib. , z ) ' I The Balmy South ! - Laud of Plenty No Hot Wiiids ' No Droutlis. ( Cool summers and mIld wInters- two amid three crops raised a year. Free fuel. Rich inmeis. Fine railroads - roads and the beat shlppimig facil- ltles bring the markets of the whole country to your door. Work amid this land yIelds you abunmiant , never failing crops timat bring big Dricea and you have sotnething ts market all the year through. Central Mississippi well watered , gooti roads , friendly people ; never fnhltmig rttturmms frolim ) the richest soii emi time giobt' , The ) title of imnmnigraticmn 1mm turning towards - , wards this wonderful region. 'rwenty acres there with tiny sort of care pays you more mmmommey than the best 160 cores 1mm the west. Stock runs out all tIme year anti yeti can raise vegetables over ) ' month In ti.s twelve. Garden fartnng and frut raising are mmultllmg more iimommy for time miorthiern settlers now timaim they ever miimio before in their lives with double the nmoummt of work. I'emmchc's , piunna , pears , strawberries , grapes. persiminomis , curly tipples , aI'ricots-imm tact all small fruits are a profitable. never fauiing source of revenue , For tuil lmarticulara address - dress CEO. W , MIlES , Gnera1 Agent , 1617 Farminni St , , Outinhia , Neb , ( A2L \ 1 ' ,2'PEPt I 1 J ar /