Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1895, Image 1

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- ES1'ADLISlED JUNE I ! , 1S71 OMAhA , TUESDAY WnNNq , AUGUST 20 , ISJ ! ; SmGLE COPY ] JVE O1N'11S. . , I
- Drunken Engineer , Who has Disappeared ,
Supposed t Be Responsible
J Terrible Catastrophe Overtakes the Occu-
I pant of I Denver Iotel ,
, Greater Portion of the Building I Mass of
Ruins ,
. VI' t. XIL ' 1"lu ) ' liii , lurJH..1 uu.1
Ilncl.e'H.1 I. . I n lu. .f Ntst rI ) '
'r ' eut ) ' Vict huM Itecuvereil , " .lh
, . ; Iii tt ) ' others t. 1.I.n' , .
.J _
" '
. DE VIm , Aug l-A porton at Gumr
'a hotel , the scen\ at last nIght's trlghtul dist -
/t aster , Is NUll standing , gaunt and sInIster , :
constantly threatening to crash down upon
) those delving In the ruins at any moment
The ! eHch for victims has bt-n carried on
with the utmost energy constantly 81nce the
explosion occurred , and Is beIng continued ,
tonight , with th\ aId I twenty ' arc I"hts. :
Flames broke out afresh In the wreckage to-
night and the fire engines are agaIn pouring
forth water , still further Impeding the work
ot re8CUe. The list of dead al11 , ml8lng , now
.s . numbers twenty-five , making the dlaster the
' , worst that ever occurred 'in the city. Up to
r- 7:30 : tonight only se\'en bO'\lcs ball been recovered -
covered , being those at Manager GreIner
antI his wife . casled [ In each other's arms ;
, p Gore Hobert8 , a Hocl Island railroad , can-
. Ilucor ; Mrs George H. Wolf and daughter ,
Fred Hubbold and Will Richards , the elevator -
vator operator of the hotel. Among the
, I
missIng are now included Elmer PIerce ( not
Lmher ) . the night engIneer , who la said to
, have re.entercd the hotel just before the cx-
.14 . ! 1II0810n occurred. I Is to this man's carelessness -
" lessnes8 that this disaster Is atrlbutel ! The
\i \ ¶ bodies of Peter Gumry und General Adams
a arc still In the ruins. Judge James Gynl ,
\ \ ho was at first supposed to have been In
.1 hits room at the hotel , turns out to be at
t' . 101)'oke , Cola" , where he was spending SUh.
'I day with friends. A vat throug surrounds
the building on every side , pressing forward
ns tar as the ropes will allow. The police
are constanty' guarding against any one
slipping through the ( lines . on account at the
great ( Ianger that the front of the building
may f.iI.
At 10:30 : p. m. the body at E. F. Mc-
Closley of Colorado Springs , a wealthy owner i
of CrIpple Creek miles , was taken from the
ruins This , with James Murphy , who dIed
while being talen out , makes eight bodies
- thus far rccovered. The fire has been almost
, , . . cxtngulshul 111 100 teams tire now mailng
. ' as rapId progress as Possible removing the
debris though lt best the work Is slow.
, - Following are lists of the dead and Injured
10 tar al ascertained. Deal :
. ' l'ETElt GU 11Y. owner of the hotel.
i H. C. GHEINI , manager of the hotel ,
k , . son-In-law of Gumry.
\ 4 MItS. H. C. ( DtEINEIt. cleric of the hotel ,
daughter at Peter Gumry.
; . GltFlNilt. ChiLl ) O1 ' MIt. AND ms. n. C.
A. L. B.AKE , l'ueblo
MV1tON clerk. l. I Dcnver , \\'I.EY , Union Pacifc railroad -
JUmS IUIPIY , contractor , Denvel'
GEOHGI BUIT. passenger conductor on
' , Colo. the Rock Is\nl railroad , Colorado SprIngs ,
c , , _ ZtiltS. G. it. WO.I- ' . Uncoln. Neb.
; TIHm I . CIIA IEHIAIS , namea un-
ONE flELt 10Y , name unknown.
E. M. El\VAILDS. butcher Denver ,
beth , la.
Missing :
- Greiner rather or R. c. Greiner , man-
Iger at the hotel
BUll lhurnes . Colorado Spr1gs ,
W , J. Carson . Pueblo Colo.
. F. French Central City Colo.
Bert I. Lusch , Central City Colo.
E. F. :1tCloslley , Canon City , Colo.
Judge Injured Gynn : , Lead\le , olo. .
JOellh Munal. clnmaker , Cairo , I . rate
and head terrIbly cut ; b3dy bruised ; Inter-
. .
nab Injuries.
. . . "
" . Michael C. Burgess severely cut about
' \ face.
A. l. Irwin , night clerk , cuts and bruises.
J. lb. l.ct"n , tramway c1nduetor , body
badly bruised ; Internal Injuries
Fred Coleman. 'not erlousl ) ' .
hInd hopkins , not serlousl ) ' .
J. L. Kirk . Omah
J. A. Brown. Omaha.
Elmer PIerce : engineer ot the Gumry . hotel.
Among the guests who : escaped , Practically
uninjured are : ' Peter Poss and daughter
Chattanooga . Tenn. : W. H. McCormiak . .
traveling sabesman Chicago ; Ray Helme , O/-
den Utah ; : Ir. and Irs. W. C. lcClaln and
. baby. huron , Ian ; : Ir. and Irs. henry
b'hiai huron. Kan. : herman Teutlers . Man- !
tal , Colo. ; : Ir. anti : Irs , J. W. Roberts ,
.Colorado Slrlng ! Colo.
Irs. A. Schmltal and her two fans.
Charles and Leo , hall just returned from
Filtch's gardens and were preparing for bed
when the crash came. The plasterIng on the
ceiling fell and they wore Panic stricken anti
dhl not know which way to turn They were
let down stairs by firemen . Irs. G. H.
Wolfe , who had only yesterday arrived from
Llnclln , Neb" , ha,1 left them only a few urn-
ments before to go to her room on the fouIth
I floor. Irs , Wolfe' " husband left her 'ester-
day to go to Pueblo. ,
The dust had cleared away somewhat when
the firemen reached the placl There was no I
fire to be Fen ( lion . In front at the house
there was the sound at glass ra1ng ! and people
\ i ere rushing In night clothes In horror from
- the door anti appealing Illeously from the
windowl for help.
The explosion awoke the guests In the front
pat of'thl house all by the time the ( fire-
men r"Iched the ( Fceno they were ready to
be taken tram the wlnlow.
FIrst to demand attention of the ambulance
corps was MIchael C. Burgess , who was walk-
Ing along I.1wrence street opposite the
hotel when the explosion occurred . The f )
lug gi.isi cut him about the heat and face
tn a frightful manner. Ills Injuries are very
serious . though not necessarIly fatal , lie Is
I painter from Cllster City , S. D.
nUll Hopkins . a bartender at thE Gumr'
was round on the groul1 floor of the hotel
unconscious and bleeding tram mauy CUh
Ills InjurIes are not serious.
One man WI tonal In the basement
alrel"d only In lila underclothes and ii alI
I II. c , .nl'letely cO'erel with ashes and dirt.
: When revived hE sal : "I am a clnmaker
_ , Stich ha\'e been In the city for a week , having
. I cumo hHI from CaIro , I. I was upstairs
r In bed \ \ hen I heard an awful crub. I did
not know \ \ hal It was and got out of bed an,1 ,
. hurried out , and on going IIown stair I must
I\e : lost my way , for when I got 10wn on
. whlt I thought was the ground , floor I felt
down Into the basement " Ills injuries
t. , ugh revere are not thought to be fatal
Thul three are the only injured peronl
who hal ' bnen taken t 10 the county hOlp11
sip 10 S a. t ,
S SIX persons , Incudluc a woman and a
baby , were taken off the root at the building
adjoining the Gumry.
Peter l'oss , In aged gentleman from Chat-
tanoga , Tenn" , was occupying room 31 , wIth
his daughter Addle. lie Is -an In\'alhl. lie
was aWkenee by the noise and found the
room rul at ditet . lie had a slight cut above
the left eye. Peter Daley , special officer of (
the UnIon Pacific , carried Mr. Pass lawn
from the fourth floor on hIs back. The
daughter got down the staIr unaided and un-
E. E. Clarke at Central City , Colo. , says
when he awoke the buIlding was shakIng and
'Acking and It seemed that I was likely to
go Ilown. The reel was full ot lme dust
Io he cOlhl scarcely breathe anti , plaster was
fallIng all about him. lie got up anti dressed
and came down the staIrway
W. G. Purcel and wIre or Broken Bow.
Neb " , slept In ane 17. : Ir. Purcell 19 pub-
usher or the Cusler County Chief , at Brten
) aw. "We awakenell , " sad ! Mr. Purcel ,
"wIth a smothered , feeling , I tel around and
Counl , that the bed clothIng was covered with
mortar anti , several Inches at dnst. I jumped up ,
at the same ( line that the transom tell down I
with a loud ! report and effectually shut ns In.
I then smashed the window , In order to get
80me air anti saw the debrL on the street
below. I dill not reel any upheaval anti ex-
perlencell no Injury. " : Ir. and Irs. Purcell
escaped by the stairway.
W. A. Logan , editor at the Buena Vita ,
Colo. , Hepnhlcan , was In his room , but had
not retred when the explosion occurred.
lie said : " 1 was sitting on th\ side at the
bed when I felt the bed move upward with
a violent jerk. : - Before tJie bell righted Itself
a heavy quantity or piAster tel from the I
ceiling , completely covering myself anti the
bell clothing. When I could see anything I 1
aw that tht wails or m ) room were torn
asunder for several feet and that I was
fastened In tightly , except for the window or
the roar Ieyoll the slight 8hncl at the
tnl or the eXllloslon I was not hurt In any
\\ay. but I lost no ( line In getting out at the
building. , " Iany others had similar experiences -
The hotel was dIvided about the canter by
a rotunda or court , running to the tOIl or the
building. though coverel al lie second floor.
The buIlding had been , split In two at this
lOIlit ) . 01 division. anti the entire five stories
back or the rotunda were blown Into a
shapeless mass In the alley. Five stories or
brick and wOUI and Iron , with the human
occupants were made a mere heap of death-
containing ruins. The fragments of ( the
wreck on Lawrence street towered up Into
the air . dark and yawning . whIle a great
section or roar hung In thrratenlng suspension -
pension over the chaos below. Out at the
pile ot brick. wood and Iron below there
cale feeble moans anll piteous cries for help.
A fireman clambering up the 10untaln of (
ruins felt his feet crunch against humon
flesh , lie reached down and touche,1 with
his hand an arm protruding from the mass
beneath hIm. There still seemell to bo no
fire. . The . place ! had . been smothered ! y. the !
railing .I.yace ana the nremen aevolel their
efforts to the work of ( rescue And then
sudllenly the flames broke out and the work-
ers were driven away and the voices ceased
to cry for helli. The great mass was tram
that moment nothIng but a grave. The most
that ( the fremen could do , whIle the flames
shot up fiercely anti , smoke drove them back .
was to fight fiercely for the life of one poor
fellow . Joseph Munal whose head and
shoullers protruded from the burning mass.
Police Surgeon Jareclc took his place where
he could keep ! Munal's head moist anti prop-
erly attend to him , whie his lower limbs
were being extricated. I was a position or
great danger for all , on account at lie flames
amid the overhanging roar , which threutene,1
to come down at any moment. But the men
worked on . hauling at beams with ropes anti
using every device to clear the space around
the uferlng man , who bore his Ulony with
great bravery and cheered on his helpers.
At last , about 2:30 : o'clock , a great cheer
arose anlJ worll was spread among the great
crowll awaiting outsIde that the work was
fnished , Soon firemen anti citizens uppearell
at the entrance of the alloy , bearing Munal
on a stretcher. lie was conscious , but suffer-
Ing great agony anti the physicians expressed
little hope for his' ultimate survl\al ,
At times the cries of a babe and lie moans
of men and women could be heard , but th
flames and smoke Increased and filially the
voices were all slence !
At 4:30 : a large force at men and teams
began hauling away the debris from the
pl1ce where the hotel 8tood. I will take
hours to work Into the mass to the spot
\\'hera nmot or the bodies arc 'supposell 10
be At daylight three bodies were already
uncovered . two men ali a woman , but I wa
impossible uncover them sUfclenty to
identify them. the fire still being l\ngerous
There Is no doubt the disaster was caused
by a boiler explosion. Prank 1oescher. the
engineer , It Is salll , was - intoxicated and
after turning a larg ? quantity or cold water
Into the hot boilers loft the building ten
mim'utes before the explosion occurred. The
police are looking for hIm. H. E. IrwIn the
night clerk , says I.oeschr , who was only 17
years old , was drunk when lie went on duty
and that he was In the habIt or neglectIng
his duty. Irwin was pinned beneath tome
heavy timbers at his desk by the explosion
and wa rescued by fnlnen , lie has scalp
wounds and Internal Injuries , but will re-
The Gumry was a five-story brick , with
stone front anti was built about six years
ago I was a 8econll-class hotel catering
largely to transient family patronaHe. Thus
many women and children were among the
uest9. The building was built as tl\ Eden
Iusee by the widow or General Tom Thumb
111 was occue1 ! for a time . but was finally
remodeled for use as a notel Gnmry &
Grenier have Owned the building for sev-
eral years. : Ir. Gumry was a prominent
contractor and lad much of the work on time
state capial , : Ir , Grenier acted In tht capacity -
pacly ot manager. 10th are among time
, I 01 , !
No meals were served In the hotel and I
every guest entered on the register occupied
a room In the hate\
A. E. Erwin . the night cleric . who , with
the barkeeper'lhliam ltubbe. hall a mirac-
ulous escape , went over time register for the
last few days this morning and endeavored ,
to call to mind , the occupants at the Ilrerent
rooms. lie sla there were between tty
anti fty.f\\ people registered , and sixteen
were occupying hack rooms , where It was
more dlmcult to escape. how many or them
were savell I Is Impossible to state but I Is
knewn that several who were In the back
porton of ( the building managed to escape In
some mariner.
General Charles : \llams or Manitou ! . Colo. ,
occupied room 1 In the rear of the hotel
and over the boilers . ' the section on which
the ha\'oc or the eXllloslon was hardest
Ex-Rtate Auditor Louis Schwanbeck. a brother
or Mr Adam'mis inquired eagerly for him. lie
sa 1It \ was his brother's custom to retire
early on Sunday evenings. J I Is ( rue that
: Ir. Adams was In his room he Is undouht-
eily amen the Ileal\
A L. lant or J'lorence. (010 , . Wc sleepIng
lu tIme room directly over the boiler and Mr.
Hubbe places him also amen the dead.
Myron f , Hawley , a clerk In the freight
delJartment or the UnIon PacIfic railroad
office , roomneil , ! In time rear end and imati been
In the house for a long time. He hall Kane
to bed early and Is counted among the lost ,
James Murphy a contractor , was : regular -
lar boarder and aha roomed In the destroyed
portion . : Ir. Rnbbe says he was In hi
room anti he also musl he among the dead .
Others "ho had rooms In the hotel mind
who have ito been accniintti for .
IHvo 10 aceounll are a rol.
lows : :1 E . Lotz. I" , Prench , Bert F.
Lart'ch of Central City , W F. I.aron or
Pueblo - - Calkins , : Ir , and Mrs. '
Burges anti two others. - Edwards :
Boulder , Coio. , herman Liieticrs . : Irs , Wolfe
anti daughtr , A.V. . Roberts anti wife at
Colorado Springs , J : , F. McCloslty of Canon
City , eh.ld of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Greiner ,
three chambermaids anti one bell boy.
General "IIams was a full brcthcr of ex-
State Auditor Louis Schwanbeek. The
name of . \llom. vas I\I hn by an act 01
the ( first seulon at the Colorado , legislature .
Peter ( Juimimy , owner ot time hotel , was one
of the old time cllzena of D I'cr. lie was
about GO ) 'ear ot age anti a widower , his
lauKhter being the wHo of n. C , Greiner ,
all thrpc of wham liorisheti In the names ,
By trade he was 1 contractor and builder .
anti , In ths branch tt busIness made 1 good
deal of money. lie slllerlntendel the cant -
! t ! of the _ Chamber of Comnierce the
( Continued on Seconi 1'4C- )
Ohinese Hold Tem Responsible for AU
the Empire's Troubles
II ri fish 11.1 ttiilleil ! Hlh'N CCINul"
J'rChlhlh'll ea'CI J'Jrt"'llltl
In I. 1"'Nt JtCU Cf the
J\u-Ch"n ( utrn eN.
LONDON , Aug. l-The Times las a dIspatch -
patch tram hong Kong confirming the Shanghai -
hal dispatch containing the report that the
Chinese government has refused to ala"
Armicran and British consuls to make any
investigation Into the KuQheng massacre.
The Times' dispatch adds that soldiers are
engaged In plunderIng tie people , who feel
that the foreigners are tIme cause ot their
sufering , and that therefore the ( latter shoul
be detroyel\ urthcr incendiary < s
have bEen posted at Canton. The Ilrerect
sent with the commission to Ku.Cheng , together -
gether \ s Ih the Chinese olcials at Ku-
Cheng , have refused to allow the presence or , .
the consuls Ilurlng the txmlnaton : at the
Iriooners. The matter has been referred tt
the viceroy. Serious trouble Is teared.
Vt'ASIIiNGTON , Aug. l-Tho officials at
the ChinesE legation hay\ no information
throwing any light on the reported refusal
or the home govrnment to permit the mem-
hers or the mixed Irllsh and American commission - I
mission to In\estgatt the Ku.Chengas -
sace , In fact the legation has not yet been
1)lrlsed ofclaly ot the appolntmenl of the
contmnissioii. The only explanation given as
a reason for lie acton reported 10 have
bten taken was that Chinese local officials
may not have been informed by the central
government of the apolntment of the commission -
mission to malte the In\estgaton. the local
officials acting merely on their own Inclinations -
lens In the promises.
I the reporltd acton at the Chinese be
correct I Is apparently a mater oC great
surprise to the State department ofcers
here. They attribute any refusal or the local
authorities to permit the commissIon to
Inveslgate the troubles to the well known
miettire or the Chinese .to conduct such Inquiries -
quiries , bY theIr own people , the Ilsllt or
having any interference by out8lders. and
to the general suspicIousness with whlch they
look upon rorelgners. I Is not feared
here In ofclal circles that any complications :
lay have arisen In the present case but
what wi be adjusted anti ample reparation
made for the hives that were lost In the
Ie-Chenl massacre.
- - - - -
SI-'gl g bOSS 1"OI ISt'IUgX'I'S.
'J" . S"llrute I"I"N .f 'I'h. . " Met
uiui I'femn tii bu ' the , .
nJII Ih.f'nh'c t ) Siuni ii minis.
hiA'ANA , Aug. 19-A severe engagement
It Is reported In official cIrcles has been
rOLght at Arlao , In the department of S3nta
Clar The Insurgents are said to have lost
fifty kied and on Ibe ( government side eight
soldiers were killed or wounde
Later In the day It was officially announced -
nounced thai Lieutenant Colonel Palenca had
routed the Insurgents under the command of
Holor and Serafn Sanchez. I Is added that
the troops were pursuing the enemy toward
Camaguay p.SS , The Insurgents left slty
dead and wounded on the field and twenty or
the homes were 1led , The troops los ! two
ked and eight wounded. The Insurgents
under the commanl of Suarez , Zayas : Ia-
chado and Fustee are reported to be In flight
In the direction or Camp3nla on time limis
of the pro\nce at Puerto Prlnclcpe.
I Is further announced that Colonel Oiva
ycsterdy.near Hojas. In the province or Santa
Clara , engaged a band or Insurgents , who lost
twenty dead and wounded.
Official alvlct made public here say that
the Insurgents have atacked the plantatIon
at Hamonl and were repulsed by the armed
laborerc whim 1 los9 of hive ked and seven
woimnmemi ] One laborer was Itled anti tour
woutimieti. The troops arc In active pursuit of (
time Insurgents under Suartz , Zayas Iachado
and Fusee , In timer ! retreat the Insurgents
cut the telegraph lne at Ianaca and ale
wrecked some rairoad tracks.
The insurgents yesterday attacked Lora de
la Cruz and burned the village ot Barra
I Is reported that the death has occurred
In Sonlo , Cram fewer , or Sergeant Francisco
Bazalne , son ot the late French Marshal
lkmzaine. The Insurgents have attacked the
village or Sanamahhes three tinmos . anti , ha\e
been thrIce repuiseti according to reports received -
ceived here The Insurgent loss Is unkmmown.
They plundered a store outside the town.
In Playa and Calmot , province or latanzas ,
there was raised an Insurgent band at fifteen.
The civil guard pursue,1 the band , anti Il Is ,
reported here , overtook them and killed
tight. Among those salt to have been killed
Is Aide-de-Camp . Serfn Sanchez.
.tIt'I'ItI.h1I(1 1.III\CI\S 11.0" ' : UI' .
'I'hree IhI11r..1 :1"1 1"I"rt.l to HJ"
- 1..1 tIIIel.
LONDON , Aug l-The Daily News has a
dispatch from Vienna which says : Trleste
papers report that an explosion destroyed the
artillery barracks at Toula , Ruesia and th.l
\00 men were killed , including many ofcers ,
'he barracks were ro Inl i 10 \ ' . on1Icteh'
tmnulerniinetl. Many arrests have been made.
Sot I utth'c tl tint iNhi IrC..tnl
I.ONDON , Aug 19.-ln the House at Commons -
mons today Hon. George N Curzon , under
secretary at state for foreign affairs , replying
to a question put by : . James F. hogan
member rrom 'lplert ) . regarding the arbi-
trary arrests or British subjects In Honolulu ,
for alleged complicity Li plotl to restore the I
queen , said that route or the complainants :
were not Irllsh subjects all that the Irltsh
commissioner was still engaged In Invstgdl-
tog the cases at others who had complained
Baron Castetown has given notice at hIs
intention to move a resolution In the House
ot Lords early next session to abJlbh time
otce at lord lieutenant of ( Ireland and In
lieu thereut to appoint a chief under secretary
for Ireland anti , to pray the queen to establish
a royal residence In that country
tti.fuisei tnI1W ni " 1"t ntCn.
ShANGhAI . Aug. l-A dispatch to the
Mercury frmmi Faa-Chow fays It Is repored on
goo authortt hero that the Chlles3 government -
mont has refused to allow the American ann
Urltsh consul , Mr. J. C. Ixson and : I. . H
T. Mansfield. who accompanied the commission -
sion appointed to Investigate the recent massacres -
sacres or mslonarle8 ! and theIr ( famIlies at
Ku.Cheng , to mak\ any Investgalon ! : Into
the clrcun1t3nc\ the massacre ,
- - - -
lt.ti'i' 11(1. . Cnlln \1"1. .
QUEENSTOVN , Aug 1 ! - : . J. Ker
lartle , member at Parlament for the south
division at Wet Hompshlro and
president of the Independent labor
puty. who classes himself as a
democrat and a socl.lht , Is a -
. )3S-
senger on board the Camplla , wh1ch left
here yesterday for New Yurko : Ir. Hardie
Is bound on a lecturing tour.
'l'url.N Urh' Ont thl' Ciirisliupu.
TIPI.IS , Aug 19.-Speclal ad\lces from
Moosh sy that the Turkish officials ban
driven the Christians . out of their homes In
all the country between Hai 111' anti 'tbu.'th '
anti have given the houses to the ( member at
the Iurdlch trlbel. The \'Ictms ! arc starving
urlN . 'l'r'IIt for n "UNt 'I'rll"
SOUTlA IPTON , Aug 19.-I Is expected
that time American steamship ParIs , which
coiled on Saturday for Now York , wI\ make
a fat passage , as It Is unlertoo , that her
engineer have been Instructed to Ilulh her to
her utmost capacity ,
- - - - -
UIII.1 ItrestiuL-ra' l'II"I'el Arreslei
GENOA , Aug. J9.-The stock brokers and
several employes of the bankIng firm at Bin.
fen Drol. have been ar. , ' \1 In ccnnecton
with the iatters' recent .I"r'
I'HI'A'JI SOld - ) hiltS CgL _ ( ' nH.\'I'I : . ,
Port ) ' ThnINIJ,1 ( ; .rnln y..t.rlnN
Oltu'r on the 'LeisusuIehioIT. '
l I.IN , Aug. l-The Veterans _ association -
.ton at DerlnJaSemble,1 on ' the Templehol
fehl today to the nuimiber of about 40,00
this beIng the big memorial celebration at
tbe victories of the Germans over the French
In 1870.
This was ale the annlverary at the so-
were bombardment of Strasburg by the Ger-
mans and ot the retreat ot the French army
under General McMahon before the advance
ot the I'rimssians. The veterans were received -
cel\ed by the emperor on the field , which
was profusely ( decorated with flags anti ban-
flora. The weather was perfect anti the center -
ter at attraction was 1 grand stand before
which was a choir and an altar surmounted ,
hy a crucifix surrounded by tapers
Ills majesty arrl\e on the field at 10
o'clock and was received by the festival cuI-
uml , whIch Included amen other members
many generals and hIgh officials. After the
choral service . time emperor male a speech
to the veterans , during the course at whIch
he said : "Comrades-I am glad to see as-
sembled here my graimtlfatiier'a comrales
who achieved brilliant deeds anti sple"111
successes under his leallershlp. May the
present day be tIme starting poInt for re-
8pect at the law , the fostering or relgion
and loyalty to time kIng. YoUr homage Is :
not Intended for me , but for the ratherlanl
Follow the exhortatIons which the army
chaplains addressI to you. Work wIth dc
volon to God anti the fltherland and oppose
all revolutionary tendency. "
EnniperorViliiamn : has rejoIned the JmIJreS
Ailgunstu lt 1.Vilhelnishoe.
'ho Berlin Veterans' cub tonight organ-
Izell a grand festival In the Union bruares
anti Nnewelt berglrdens , The Irgram , consisted -
slstel or musIc by miiary balHls , speeches I
proposing cheers for the emperor , the whole
concluding with a military bail. This was
atended by ! n mens' crowds , and the ( great-
est enthusiasm Prevaileth.
DAIIMSTADT Aug. 1-The grand Iluke
of lesse yesterday Issued the following
order to his division ot time arm ) : ' 'Follow-
imig the ancIent custom ot my house . ItalIc
oven' , In Iddlton to the colonelcy of my
First regiment , that at tbe First dragoons
and field artillery . and I choose this day to
express to the whole lh'lllon my aclnowl-
edgment and undying gratitude for the Ie-
votlon and gallantry whIch . under the renowned -
nowned leadershllJ or my father they taught
In the glorious campaign or 1870-il , espe-
elaly on the bate fehl or Graveloto amid
St. Prlvat , for their country anti the whole
German ratherland. "
At I Ilalluet yesterday the grand duke
addresso,1 the veterans and said : 'Today
twenty-five years ago , you commanded by
my rather , stood shoulder to shoulder with
the other German races In a fierce commflict
lasting many hours and gained Imperishable
rame. Those who themselves so fought for
the unity at German will always conic for-
ward to maintain what has been won and
bring up their sons In loyalty to their Ilrlncs
[ 'nIl fatherland , and submissive obedience to
time emperor , the commander or the amity. "
Ct'lelrnttmigIitr Victory lt ; h.t" .
COLU\US , 0. , Aug. 1-About 6,000
people are hero to attend the twenty-flh (
anniversary or the battles arOtl"1 Metz . as
celebrated by the lrlegerblndc an organiza-
ton of ex.German soldiers sImiar to the
GraOI Ann ) ' ot the Heublc , In the parade
at 8 a. m. were organlz tons from Akron ,
l'ittsbumrg , Allegheny , Cleveland , Toledo , : -
Keesport , Newark , st. Louis Kansas City ,
C'nctnnat , Cbmicagq Terre Haute , Peoria ,
Aurora anti Elgin. After the parade 200 of (
the old soldier under Captain E. F. Seiber.
took a train for Lancaster to 'Cgage In prize
simooting. , . ,
A formal reception w/ heM at 'Volklmahie
dress tonight. or welcome Governor Icltlnloy , ' mad ih'- & i- '
Time resuts of the sharpshootng contests
held at lancaster In the afernoon were announced -
nouncedOl the prIzes awarded. 'rmme target
shoting \ consisted at four classes by societies -
cletlcs , delelates , free-fqrall and pistol shoot-
big , a large number } artclatng In each
e'ass. .
In lie first class prizes were won by time
following ' societies : First prlLe , 133 points ,
South St. Louis MilItary \ereln. pair' bronze
figures ; second prize , 106 points , Kreiger
vercn , Newark 0. , silver goblet ; third , 105
poInts , Landwehr Ionner vereln , Sheboygan ,
\\'Is. , Cousin army rub.
By delegates : First Prize , 38 points , F. It.
Iteiber , Columbus , gold medal Ind diploma :
second 32 Ilolnts , Julius Ienlcker , Cleveland ;
third , 31 poInts , F. Ilartup . Aleghany , Pa.
Free-ror-al : First prize , 28 points , M. W.
Heiss , Aleghany , Pa. ; seconll prize , 27 Points ,
J. Herrer , Albeghany . . Pa. : . third , 26 points ,
:1 Goss Chicago.
PIstol shootng : First prize 35 points
AdOl/.tits Iiauciniann SHeboygan , WI" , medal
anll dlplcma : second prize . 30 POInt , George
Grau , Coumbus : ; third , 20 poInts , : Ir. WeIss ,
Aleghany , - .
IHfCg ( ( ) N'I'IXI1'I' hAS 'l'IhIi CALL ,
i.mitip.t U"'IOIIU'utN In.I.I' thQ
"JI t Cr " 'lhi II" ' " Con t rol.
SPRINGFIELD . 0. , Aug. ! - lany delegates -
gates are bero tonight , although the demo-
cratc state convention does not assemble
until Wednesda ) The fight between the
tree silver anti the Brlco men will occur tomorrow -
morrow evening when the members or the
comimmlttee on resolutions and other commit-
tees In the organizaton are selected. There
are 808 deleates. The silver men classify
them at 243 for free silver , 328 for gold and
137 doubtnl The Brice men claim there
are 465 for "honesl loney , " and of the 3t3
claimed by the Thurman men for silver ,
some are doubtful , I Is generally bele\'ed.
since ito last counties selected delegates
today. that the BrIce men will control the
organization. ami wi have ( fourteen out or
time twenty-one memhers at the committee on
reroiut ions.
Scnator Brice , ex.Govcrnor Campbell anti
other leaders arrive tomorrow morning and
are to dine wih John n. Thomas the free
silver leader. ThIs fact Is recognlzell as assuring -
suring a compromise before the district
meetngs are helll al 5 p. m. I Is believed
three will be some agreem nt at the Thomas
dinner as to who wil bo nominated for gov-
ernor. I exGovernioramnlmbell wi hot
. then Jol'n II.
run 1. 'hom or James KU-
boure may be nominated Both are free
silver men. The real Issile pending Is to
what concession will be natie to the free
sliver men and yet make the financial record
for the party that la desred by Senator
Brice One lay get tIre IllaUorm and the
ether the nominee. There are some bitter
conte.ts to be settled while Senator Urlce Is
presiding as temporary chairman , and there
may be trouble at the opening at time con-
ventiorm seated. If all the silver cJnestants ! are un-
M.tXtilItSOS I'tl h'It iiShI ) IN' ! ' .
S'nntCr Sum ii i ri' 'l'hlnkH t. : , '
" 'ul"l I I. . I GCn" Cnn.I.I , " ' .
WASHINGTON , Aug. l-Ex-Senator
Ianderson at Nebraska Is the latest suggestion -
ton as the republican candIdate for lweai-
dent. his bomlet ha just ben launched by
Senator Squire of WashIngton , who Is now
here on business before the depJtmentl ,
After referring to the varIous prominent can-
ddatca ! Mr Squire sllh "It may be that
an outsider will st\P In and carry off the
nonilnation. In that eHat where eou\ a
happier choice be made than In.e seb cton
at that accomplished eX'llltor , : Ian erson , of
Nebraska There could b no mistake made
In the nomInaton of Msoderspn. lie would
make one of the best prtBldentl the country
ever had , a he was poe at the best presiding
officers that ever sat In . the lenate. "
i'tiiIi ' 'Cwn l'rlUt""I ) ' " % ' 111..1 tlt ,
IliNGhhAM. Ula , Aug. l-Th. \\hlie town
Is abl3R and the Iou I estmated at $ 200 , -
000. The fire orlglnatel a- 2 , : ) p. m 11 IIt-
ler' livery stable. neb rl's dwelling house
saloon and stable were consumed. Then the
tire Fpread to Chinatown and .Iwept everything -
thing on the east side of the ( street , Among
the buildings consumed on the west side ot
the street were the Griffin house , Qulnn'l
building . postoffice. mIning t-enrder's oUce ,
United States cnmmluloner's ofce and Rocky
Mountain Hell teleplirne oUce , Catholic
church anti a number or boudln& houlel ,
Many people are homelen.
Burning Tree Fell Across the Track in
Front of n Tmin
, 'nNt S'ctCn Blrn..1 Over 11.1 ; ii.
I 1CIN Cf I..t Cf 1'ln. 'i'tiinher Uc-
Nt royeuh-'i'tvi , Irl.I . . 111,11
J.CN. 'I'iieir 1.1 \.I.
DI'En , Colo. . Aug. J-A- special to
the News from Spokane , Wash. , says : Pas-
enHers on the westbound Great Northern
train hall a narrow egcape from Ileath last
night. The train hind nasseti through a fiery
furnace oC burning forests for a distance
or ten mies , and when I reac'fleti the Little
Spollane river , about twenty mlea cast ot
this city , a &itmge trio fell across the track
from the mountain above , just as the train
was passIng. The engine struck I , causIng
the train to stop ! slllenl ) ' as to throw tint
passengers vIolenty from their scats. The
burning tree was Magged partnl ) under the
cars , and for a 10nHnt the traIn toppled to
one side , until It almost went Into a 150-foot
chasm on time other side.
So intense was the heat from the forest
fires that the coaches blistered anti almost
took fre , The pas engers for 1 time were
panic-stricken , and but for the coolness at
the train crew they woamli have ruI11 Into
certain death The burning tree set fire
to the mal arid baggage cars , but time lames :
were exUngulshe,1 with water front time '
stre3m. With axes the track was clcarell
arid the train succecllel ii. reaching. here
bad I' damagell. The fIres ha\e nol reached
south of the Great ortprn and contnue
with unabtell vigor. Millions at tNt of
tmber ha\o been destroed.
In the where time flames
section wher fames are nol
burnlnK arc se\eral settements , anI a good
many setters are 8caterel throughout thin .
tmbr , and rears are entertained for their
! rety. In tIme northern panhanile or Idaho
a wlhl anti uninhabIted wIlderness , the lire
is I rapIdly licking up the vast timber. Never
before In tins history at the northwest have
the fires caused such damage.
\ \ ' . McCreary , superlntendtnt or bridges or
the ( Northern Pacifc. arrived hero tonlHhl
lie confrm8 the report or thma death or four
men. They were bridge carpenters and had
Hone out on a long bridge to extnguish the
tIre . and failing to do so they fught to return -
turn , only to find theIr retreat cut off. Thc ) '
leaped from the brIdge Into the chasm , 136
reel below , and were dashe,1 to death
ldX-JL'S't'mCIl S'10G JS JHAJ.
n"Hll Cf I nJmnriesiteeei 'i'ui II I.'nlll
UCWI Slit I rM.
LAKE NgWASKI , N. Y. , Aug ! , -
Ex-Aswclate Justice Strong of the Unlel
States bUllreme court died here at ten
mLnutel past 2 o'clocl this afternoon.
Ex-Justice strong was brought to Lake
Innelasll several weeks age , suffering
front 1 catarrhal affection at long standing.
Ills system was also greatly wealeneJ by a
rai down a flight of stairs at hs ! homo In
Washington about two months ago. SInce !
his arrival here Judge Strong has lain In a
seml'comatoe state from which ho rallied
tnly at intervals. Yesterday he had a stroke
of parlysis , which aectcd the left side.
lIe also auffure.i a recurrence ot time catarrhal
, feyer and agaI. ! ! . je me , unconscqu ! , uJI ,
death 'cn'suM this afternoon. ! lie was aboimt
87 years old.
WASHINGTON , AuI 19.-Juttice Wiiam
Strong has been off the supreme court bench
since December , 1880 , when he retlred'untier
a law granting to justices of thIs court the
privilege of retiring with full py after reac-
! ng the age at iO years and after having
ser\ll for ten years. lie was born In Somera ,
Conn. , In 1808 lie was the ( son or a clergyman -
man , and was graduated from Yale In 1828.
teaching school part or the ( hue between
then anti 1832. when he entered
n the prctce of law at Heall-
ing , l'a. He rose rapidly In hIs I'ro- '
Cession and In 18t6 was elected to congress as
a democrat and re-elected two years later.
lie then declned a renominaton anti retred
rrol actIve politics. lie was elected a
jusUce ! of time supreme court or Pennsylvania
In 1857 and Fer\ed eleven years , resigning
to resnme his legal practice In Phulladelplmla.
In 1870 he was appointed an associate
justice or the Unltell States supreme court
and took high rank emi that tribunal , gaining
a reputation for sound jud/ment , keen dis-
crIminaton and legal Imowledge. lie was
one at the supreme court members or the
ramous electoral comml slon , lie was prob-
ably the most prominent layman In time
Presbyterian church. For years he had been
preFldent at the American Tract society and
at the American SunJay School union lie
was the senIor elder or the fashinabie Church
of the ( Covenant In thIs city , and a member
at the board of trustees.
Justice Strong delivered many public sll-
dresses anti lectures , and rreql.nty contributed -
tributed to magazines and reviews. In 18Gi
ho receIved time degree or 1.1. . D. from
La I"ayele college , and In 1870 Princeton anti
Yale conferred upon limit the canoe honor.
lie had lived here ever since his retirqmnent
from the bench , but occasionally acted as
counsel In legal maters and appened at
publc f'.ct ' ns wih tIme active members at the
supreme bench. lie heft July 4 , quito 1
rrom 1 shock resuling from a fail down
tl'I : I'U 'i'Inti X'I'CKY C.talI'.tmi.
Stlrt"11 tlf wih I .ICtnt 1)'mntti' hit-
t " t'tnit ( hilei'uiitoriiui C..I.I..N.
LOUiSVILLE . Aug. before 8
o'clock everyone at the 3.000 chaIrs In the
Auditorium was taken by cltze e who hal ,
gathered to hear the first at the ( twelve Joint
discussions bet\\een Wiiam O. Bradley and
1 W. hiartlin . republican and democratIc
candidates for goveror , The scats were
evenly divided between the partzans at the
two aspirants.
Mayor Tyler , In a few words , called the
meeting to order , and Introduced General
Hardin. On the oubject at the finances . he
said be opuosed the polIcy at London and
New York bankers and time suicidal policy of (
the republican arty. He favored the reHor-
aton or silver to the place I occupied before
187. declaring that he stood on the Chicago
platorm , Colonel Bradley began by saying he
favored the gold standard anti an international
agreement. Colonel Bradle spoke for ana
hour and a half being frequently applanded.
General Hardin closed In a uifteen-mintmte
lnn 1. " ' .h' , ' " J'\ulln.t"n.
LANDER . \ ) . , Aug 19-Slleclal ( Tele-
gram-Ex-Count ) Treasurer Hank was
brought In Justice Allen's court this ( morning
for a prelminary hearIng , but much to the
astonishment at everybody waived an exam-
inatiomi. The county was well preparel with
wlnes es , and among others was J. F. Ludln ,
the accountant who unearlhed the rraUlulenl
entries In the treasurcr's books showing that
the count ha,1 been defrauded to the extent
or $ tOO , This same expert was employed
by the postmaster at FortVmishmakto ! to examine -
amine Hank' books In that office . and It was
on his report that the arrest was male , by
the go\ernment , Hank hiss made mme further
attempt to Ret bondsmen , but occupies a cell
In the county jail. .
H.I ( la.1 Ihilioc n Ih I 0"1'
NgWTON , Kan , Aug l-A destructive
hal storm passed over Har\ y county this
eovrfing . doing Immenlo damage to crops
Sugar cane Is ruined and frnll or all kinds ,
especially peaches , which are now ripening ,
will be a total Iou. Corn , which prornied
the biggest yield In a decade , will prolJhly
yield only a halt crop. The damaie L New.
ton wIll be lea\ ' ) Nol a wIndow light on the
north side at buildings In town was left and
every skylight II breken. The wind blew a
gale and d molsbed a carriage factory an Ice
house and nUmlrOU8 other Iuldlngi , The fail
of rain was two Inches ,
CISI 'I'lihl 1)lN'i'.thj ! H CnWI'\nl S.
State Innr.1 Cf . " 'nlh . \m"lub ( lie
Act In Suisims' n""I.e..t" .
LiNCOLN , Aug. 19.-Special.-The ( ) State
Bond of health , consistng at Governor hioi-
conmb Attorney Genhal Churchi an,1 State
Superintelient at Public Instructon Corbet ,
held a l etng today . anti al1110lnted , under
the new law , three dental BecrchlrleB. The
new appointees are Du. O. P. I.amberton or
LIncoln , George S. Nason of Omaha anll J
C. Miller at Grand islaniti . The hoarl did
hot ld here strIct ) ' to the spirit or letter at
the new law. A8 II8C,1 II provided that the
' stcretarles alllolnte,1 shouhl be taken tram a
list furished by the Nebraska Stlte Dental
society , On the contrary , the hearth IIal5ell
the following resolution Immediately after
getting tOiether :
Wherels'e believe that secton 2 of saul
act which II'ovlleR thlt said board 8hli
wlilln six I ) ' days titter the IPllrVl1 of this
act IPllolnt three ecretnrll' , paid n.ecme-
tarleK to be 111110lnted fr01 mm. list rtco\
\clll'll by the Nehrska Dentll society , 10
he dlre'tor ) ' 1111 limit ( iris hOlnl 1 : not
conl\d to ) Ihe ' list of na\lS furished us
by the Illd dlntnl Rolet ; timid
Vhmereits . The 01elnl slntt1elt oC tIme
\'hlrens. .
I"cretlr \ ' of time State Dentnl society . gi'-
IIR the namel or 11.on eligible to 'Ioc-
lon nK denlnl Se'rota"len of ! all bonrll ,
leslJnltel I'rtnln 011 , ' ns preCerrel ; 111
\hlren ! . Time titt .rto IlrovhlllR for time
nllpolnlnwnt of sUth Ilentnl ccri'tttricnu gives
tIme nht State Den ! , _ I It'lel ) ' no n1thorl ) '
to 11lt In nmiy way ' , 'e right oC time \ \
I hers or the State BOlnl 'f 1111h to choose
freely rrom nmimmomtg mull tlm@ m-rsonK q1ale,1
nld - ) 10\l.etent eta . its Ilruvllt-d I ) ' said act ;
ltestil'eti , That till tht tin \ IIhultd In
Haiti list he conshlelet its , 'nttclI to equal
cotimiluiermttion . together with luch other
nameI ns time honrll nutty dee1 Ilrollerl )
( lullle,1 for time pORI lon.
. 01 this basis Ito ( board went aheami , amid
mallo the appolntmelts , accorlng to the
terms or the rolowlng resolute :
lteolveti , 'rlittt irs. 0. F' . Lammthertmomm
George S. Nimmtori anti I I. C. iillen' be tmnmmi
n t e Item-city sal vet ed iintl a n plmi ted demm t mu I
reretnries of tin' State Ituaril of health ,
under eetloii 2 , cimmipier xlvii of time SesMion
Lavs of 1(95 , tIme tem'mns of emmcim to be tIe-
clrtrcti by lot ttt their tim-itt nmteetinmg.
Tue loam-ti timen passeti another resolution
nmnth auiourmicti
l'ttOlt'etl , 'runt the tlenttul secretmiries thilut
timiy iitpoimmtcml by ( lie Board of I ieaitim be
antI ame hereby requesteil to select fm-omit
their nmurmnlwr mm ehuttirmtmni tinti secretary vlmo
retuitles iii'tihi , Neht. , for time conivemii-
once of the Ihomitti of I hemulthi amid of mipuly-
Iimg cniitiidatcs for certificates.
This resohmmtion was adopted iii view of time
fact thmmtt Iniqumiries relative to time businiess of
the secretaries are frequently mmmatie at time
state capitol. anti It iteemmis desIrable to itave
Sofia 801mm-ce of tlefinite Inifornmi.ttioii easily
available. The secretaries will receive their
pay in time way of fees charged apltlicahits
for certificates. It Is not certalim timat tIme
action of time boarmi In selecting time secr.tnries
witlmount regard to the list ftmrnisbmemi by tIne
State hentnl socIety will not be qimestionmeti
In some qitirters.
Slocial order No. 20 i'as Issued totlay by
Adjutant Genmeral harry , as fohiows :
Compminy 0 , Second m-egunnent , Nebraska
National Gtmard , having obtmtineti Pertmii8-
'sionm from time go'ennor of Iowa to enmter
( hint n4tmtto nrmnemi nntl equimupeul , aittimority
is lien eby grnmmtetl ( hint omgummlzmitlonm to go
into cutup at Lake Mnnawmi , In. , tnntii time
19th inst.
Time immlhitary boarmi , totiay granted leave of
absence to Captain Johmni S. Crumo , commmpany
F' , First regimnment , N. N. 0. , with permmmisaion
to go beyond time llmmiitmu of the state.
Somne tinie last spring tIme ilanmk of Cent-
tmierco of llroltenm lbow vemit Inmto voluntary
liqtmlmiation. At time May term of the simprenime
court Frank Ii. Young was appotntcii re.
ceiver. Since ( lien it has made apphicationi
to ( lie State Banking beam-ti to resimnic busi-
ness. Last veek Secretary Townlmy went imp
to liroken Bow anti made an investugation of
' ( ice aiTAil's of the bank : On representatintiut
tnntle by the secretary tIme Ilamking ; board has
granted time Institution that privilege , to
date from totlay. Time new capital tock is
$15,000 , $10,000 less than ( lie old , ammmi F' , M.
htmnbiee will be Presilent anti cablmier.
Totlay Dr. Danmivehi , superintendent of time
Hastings Asylunmi for Immcurabies , went to
Yutamm after an Insane patient namimeti Bishop ,
iviio inn tmnitier arrest at ( lint place. hiishmop
was transferred fronmi time LlmmcoIn insane Imos-
pital somno weeks slnco anti hmanu heart ahloweti
the freedom of the grounmis at ilmistings. lbs
left there last Saturday anti ivas apprehmendeti
and taken into custody at Yutan yesterday.
liEn ) % 'i Lt.t ) % ' CA ai t'AIUN oI'nlNIim ) .
Frt't- Silver meiuioenuit s Ni. line it 'L'ieI.e
turn t I.e IIuhtt-rs ( e ( annul.
M'COOIC , Neb , , Aug. l9.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-Time ) cantipalgn in iteti'illow conmnty
was opened by time free silver ( ietmmccrats at
Inmtiianoia thIs afternoon , when they placed
in nomInation ( lie following coimnty ticket :
Cleric , F. L. Duckwortin ; treastnrer , J , Li.
Dolptm ; clerk district court , F. lb. Stronmt ;
simeriff , C. J. Ryan ; siipetintenmient , L , . F.
Snmiitum ; judge , Jacob Steinmometsl ; surveyor ,
Janmes McAtianns ; coroner. I. T , hienmjamiiin.
lelegates to tine state convention are : A. J.
Rittenlmottse , Patrick Walsh , J. \Velborn ,
C. J. 'Ryan anmi B. Ii , luckworth. Jmmdlcial
convention : Thomas Dmlncan , A. J. ititten-
house , T. F" . Welborn , li. W. Rmnmitlm and I ) .
J. Fitzgerald. The olmi central comnmiilttee-
men and officers were contlnmueii In oiulce.
Time atinninistratlon ving was riot in It , anti
anmothor convention Attgitst 31 l thmreatenetl.
IIUMI'hiRhiY , Neb. , Atmg. 19-Special (
Telegram.-Tbne ) Platte cotmmmty tientocratle
conventIon was held ' -era timis afternoon , re-
suiting in tIme following nonuinationsr Joint
htottermmman , jnmdgo ; John Oral , clerk ; hann
Kavminaugh , sheriff ; 0. Il. Spiece , clerk thIs-
trict court ; 1.1. itotimloitner , superlnmtemmdent ;
It. L. [ toastIer , surveyor , and Dr. Aynrs , cor-
PIEILCE , Nehu. , Aug. 19.-Special ( Tebo-
grani.-Time ) iionniocrats of Pierce county imelmi
their ccmnvenmtlonm In thmis cuty totlay nnmi peace
arid harnmmony reigneni sulmremmie , tIre Tohme
Castor nieniocrats beinmg very consplcuotms by
thmeir absence. Time foilowing delegates were
eiectoti to the state coniventlon : G. F. Keiper ,
Jammmes Lanmani , A. M. Blacknmar , Woombs
Cones , Gust Ltermnn , It. C. hatch amid J.
F' . Koltermani. Thmo following delegates were
chmotuemn to attenml tlmo juithicitub convention ,
Nlntbn tilstrict : Douglas Cones , August hlimeb-
ncr. F. M. Salisbury , Cinarles F. Itohneke ,
Frank Mehonald , .iotmn Suckstorf mmnmi Ii. C.
Gable. These tielegates favor time nomninia-
tlon of Joimni S. 1toiinnsoni for district jmvlgo.
TIme popuhimuts imelti ( incur convontlonm on Saturday -
urday afternoomi , electing a htobitnbon tielega-
( ion to time judicial convention.
SY1tACIJSE , Neb. . Aug. 19.--Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Tho silver tlemocrats of Otoc counity
met mi convention item-mi today , nmmd after lilac-
ing J. ii. Nortlmcmnt iii time clmair elected twenty
delegates to time state conventIon anti then
began tIme ( hiscussioni as to sviiethner timey
wommld place a county tIcket In nommmimmationi.
Harry iloydson , Bryan's rlglmt lmanmi moan mm
thmls county saId : ' 'Ionm't do It , gentbeniemm.
Time Morton men told me they wounltlnit. anti I
101mb timetn we wouldn't. " They took ( hIs view
of ( Ito situation anti adjonmrnmemi slime ( lie. Tine
attendance was iighmt ; only six from Nebraska -
braska City , anti corresponmilmigly light all
over ( hme county.
.tIbn'OX.IL CII.stflniS OF' iItGl'1ItY
iev'iolnuiI'in Is i ii lImit rlee ( 'i
mint Cnisi's Couiti mine.
I1EATRICE , Nchi , , Aug. 19.-The discbos-
urea niatlo totiny in time city Imal steal were
suchi timmmt ( ho prosecuting attorney filed two
now COmllaintts against City Clerk Phillips
and one against iiawklnms , each containing
front three (0 five sPecIfic charges of forgery
anti of uttering frautluletmt city varranmta ,
They were re-arraigned late tbia aftermioonm
anmi hmail fixed on eacim count at $ i.000 nuimti
$ i.500. PartIes ihno have been tmnlying city
warrants arc flilcml with constermmation , as
they (10 omOt know wimere timoy will ianmd.
( lit mu t mm red a mu A I legs'd S uI mu I a r
CI1EYENNII , Aug. 19-Sitocial ( Telegranma.i
-Martin O4tulmovitz , a I'ole wlmo awimu'iied ' it
ntumber of Rock SprInmgs mnemcbants , was in'
tercepted lucre last evening by Marshal Cam-i
antI sent hmack to Rock SprIngs to answer time
charges nnamio against iiimn.
.iis'emuteiia ( If Ocemtmn Slentmum-ra Anng , tt ) ,
At New York-Arrived--Kaiser Wbihelnni
Ii , from Genoa ; steamer Ems , from 1Irenit'n
anti Southaro4ton ; Obdam , frotmi Itoterdam. (
Pittburg Directly in the Path of' Its
Greatest Force ,
'Iiuul lIluiviuig ItIn Vrigiitfnnl Ye.
ioi'I I . i'pII V015 1.1 lt'uninliInea
Hni I Id I ii gs in in d ' . 'ree1ms St emmmnt-
i'rm. i Itli iit'nmnMluutistM ,
PlTTSihtYltG , Aimg , 19.-Last nmghit's stoma
was time immnst terrific anti destrtmctivc ( lint
inns visited tiii city in mnnniy 'cnrs. It caine
ivithmotnt varmiinmg miniti at a time vlmeni tlno
parks were filled wlthm leOllle nnmti ( lie rivers '
withm boats crowded with excursionists , An
far as knmowmi at this timno two lives vero
lost , a score of persomms were itnjmireti , two , It.
is thotmgint , fatally timid prolert' dttuumagetl to
time extent of $100,000. TIme dead are :
MILLiE LINI1AUGI1 , cook emi the stemmnmier
Limmi Keefer , tirowmmed.
ttN1NOVN'OMAN , blown fromn time
l'oimmt bridge.
AI1CIIIIIALD SCOIJIE , blown into time river
amid tirownued.
Those Itrobably fatally immjumretl are :
l'atrick Shea , forennmtnn of time \\'est Eiid
Electric railway vower Imoinse.
Johmmm Atiannms , conductor Seconti Avetmue
Traction line.
At least twenty others ivero ummjured mmioro
. or hess seriotisly by beinmg lilt by Iiylnmg
debris , bitt tlmeir mmannes have mmot been oh-
( mill cmi.
Tue storimi struck tIne cIty miboimt 10 o'chck.
raged imalf an hmoimr , hurt 1mm that brief timmme
tioatlt amid isidemupremud destrimctlomm ivero left
I mm I ts t rmiclC. Tht e rmiimm ca nnme dow mm lii t orremi I a
a tmmi wmis accOnmupanm ietl by s' ivid ii glmtnm i mm g mm mmd
terrifIc wimmd. Houses itere tnmnroofeml , trees
inprooteti and femmecs anti otnthiottses de-
mmiohishmt'ml. So trenmmenimiotms was time force of '
tIme tornnnnlo : timmut tIme nuteanniers Lwi Keefer ,
Little 13111 anti Arilmmgton were overturimemi ,
anmmb mmmunny barges , coal boats anmd snmmuli cm-mutt
tom-mn front their nmmoomimmgs aiid sennt titirlft.
Time passenger barge lakota forced
agm.inst ( lie Smnmitimuieltl street britige miimd tIme
lties crusimed iii. Sue eaimk itt several feet
of water.
\Vlmen time atom-na struck time Kcefer Captain
Keefer , Mate Miller , MIllie Liimtibntigbn , time 4
cook , timid two colored cbnanumiuormmmaitia iero
on boarml , bitt all reacineti time nubmore in
safety , except MIllie Llmmthbatnghn , vhmo hiecammie
exlmnusteti anti ntis tirowmieti.
Tine stenmncr Courier , with 400 passengers
on board , was ruveimt with tinter arid tlmo
pnssemmgers becanmie panmic-strlckcni , but Cap.
tam Klien stmcceetbed in mniaking tn iantiinmg
at Painmter's mills timid all were thischnarged
fronm time boat In safety. While tIme wimmd
% i'as at its imelglit ant umnmkmmomvmm vommmmmn at-
( emItted to cross time l'oinmt Inritlge , SIte was
caiigimt Iii a wiirlwiniti ammO blowmm into tlm
river nmmd tlrots'neni.
Time ( imi } ' Imanl beets extremmiely Imot and tlmotn- .
sands of lmeOlle were mit Sclmenley pan Ic.'hnont
time storni catmie on tlmerovan a rusim for
smelter. Time winid imati irostritcd time electr'o '
light wires arid beveral wonntenvero seriously
shocked by conmiing In conitmict with timem ,
On Seconmml avenminni a feeml wire was turoltemi
anul iii attemmiptitig to repair it Conmiuiclor
Adanmis watt fatally clinched. lie is stilt
living , but has mmcver recovered conmaciousness ,
On time outlm eltie tIme barge grairm elevator
of 1Iendersan & .lohnsun , in commrse of con-
etruction , vnihbtmiot coninluletely tlernotishmetl ,
Time heavy iron gum-tiers fell on a row of
temmemmiemmts and crusltetl timem , but toriinimateiy
tIme occttpnmnts were away fm-out hmone. :
Two freIgimt ears on time I'ittsburg & Lake
Er'e road ivere ilfteti train the tracks anti
imbown Into the Moniommgaimeba river. Porticunis
of time Mommongmnimela anti Castle Slmnmnmnoti iii-
chInes ieru carried away by tIme winml anti .
tienmmoiLsimed. On time north sitle of . 'tibeglmenmy
great tlainago was donme to snimahi btmiltiings
anti milamny trees were ultrooted In ( lie parks ,
hint as far as reported , no item-sons were so-
iously injtmrcd. -
On Arch street In ilmis city a new brici
bimiltlnig was blown over , crimshninng a domiltle
franmie dwelling atijoininig occupied by Mrs.
Ialy with one cimtlmi anti Mrs. l'ryor , with
ttmree cimiltiren.Vimemi time hmnnilmhinng went ,
tiown Mrs. I'ryor anti her eldest child , a.
son , escaped , but tIme tivo enmahier cimilfireni
ivere buried mm time debris , Time sannne fmito
canmglmt Mrs. Daly amid her elnilmi. Arm alarmmt
\i'as sent in front box 165 , but before ( ho
firemen got timere a nunnber of nmten had thug
time PeOuIle out , amid foimnd timonn all un-
hmtmrt. ,
l'icn'c parthes returning home by way at
tIme hhrownsviile road imami a rougum expe-
TIme tornado lmroke loose while nmenrly 500
Persons were scattered along tIme roami'bmen
time atom-mit canie imp everyttotly rmmshned to ( Ito
fences to hold on rind keep from being bbowna 4
over. TInt wind tore imp time fences ninth blew
noon , wonient armti citllmiren to and fro. Great
dinmage was also done to ( ho imotnses scat-
tereti alomig time road , whibo giammt trees i'ero
twisteti animi imurled across time roaml.
Time storm iumostratcd all local telephone
ammmi telegraph wires , bnmt tumronmghm wires were
only interruptemi a bimort titne. Time rainfall
was 0.15 incites anti thio wind had a ye-
bocity of fItly nmmiles anlmOttr.
SINIiN ( C.tLInOhtNI.t OS SIL'hiIt.
a1eit I uig t ( , On'gmniuls.egn 1Iii , it'li ( if t lie
lii hhi'lhi I I Ic I. , nnem-uii' .
SAN FRANCISCO , Aing. 19.-At mio-nm todaZ
time nmommlmartismmmm sIlver comivention cabicmi by
time Ammmerican Blnnotalhic leagime miiet lii Met-
ropohitan ball. Tine ohtject of time convention
Is to sounmmd California ott time silver question ,
TIme advocates of time white mmictal have gatim.
cm-ed hero before to imear A. J. Warner , time
liresiulent of the league , anti ex-Commgru'ssnmian
Slbicy discuss time qmmestionm. Timeso' genmtlennien ,
however , omerely cleareti time way for an cx.
riression of popular sentimnenmt buy the Imoldlnmg
of a convention which commences today.
Letters anti telegrams of regret over the
Inability to be present at ( lm convemmtln lmavo
aircatly tmeemm recelveti from General A , J ,
Warner , Mr. harvey , Senator Jones of Ne-
vatla , Senator lliackburn , Senator l'effer , Scn-
ator Stewart amimi otlmers.
'l'iio itrincipal speakers thins far annoitnced J
arc : Governor McConnell of Idaho , 11am
U. ! mi. hleaty ( , attormmey genmeral of Nevada ;
hi. 0. McClcilaimd , Justice M. S. lioumniifleid
of tine simprerne court of Nevada , hionm. Ii. F ,
hiartlnme , congrr'ssnnmamm for Nevada ; \Vihhiamsi
Wootilmnnmn of Nevada , W. A. Massey of Ne.
vatla , Steplmen M'hite , Timonmmas Porter , Iii ,
M. Esto , lion. Cimartes M. Fox , Fredericic
. 'tnimtnims , A. hi. Cotton , FronmaS'alto armul A.
\v. 'l'Imonmipson. It is exltecteti timat Miss
l'inoelte Couzerms will deliver imr'r lecture on
"fime Silver Conspiracy and ( ho Worship oC
time ( loltieni Calf. "
Omit of thus convention is to grow ( hue tom-ma-
( ion of a local binnietablls leagnme auth copieS
of time forum of conmatttuion prepared by the
Annerican hhirmietalllc league will be sent
broaticast over tit state ,
Senator Perhnlmma inns written a honmg letter
to tIme commnmnitee ( explaining iiiu viei's in do.
tail on time sliver qmnestlon , lie coniciumies
however , with time statenmient that it feels
hominid by time free coinmage plank of tIme Smocra.
mento convenmtlon.
Governor McConnell of Itiaiio has written ,
sayiing that hits will attenimi time convention It
( ho miunties of luI olilco will permIt , -
Time opening sessiomm was Imeld thu's ' after-
noon. 'fhie assenmiblago is called the non.
partIsan silver convention , Of time 800 tnem.
tmers of tIne convention over 600 are present (
/Uter ctmrnpletung ( lie work of organizaioz *
tine convention adjourned uptil totmma row ,
(1'mlerui I Cisll niger tnt Fort ' , 'lNlllicIe4
LANiEit , 'Vyo. , Aug. 19.-Spoclal ( Tebo.
grann.-At ) noon today General Coppingea
and staff , comhihmosed of Colommei itarimlali ama4
Lieutenant hudson , arrived at ForC
VaalnakIe , Ttmey were acCofliliafllc4 buy troops
E aniti I of iimo Nltmth cavalry. Majir Cramefl
received General Coipingur tyinin limo usual
salute of sevemiteen guns , it is not known
how long time gemneral lmroposoa to re tam at
Fort \'asbmakbo , Wimlie lucre be w ill respect
limo post. .
& - . " - _ '
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