. - - - - - - - . . ' .4 - ' - : : : _ , . - - - - - : - - - - - ; - - - - : - - - - ? rIT- ; ' I . r - I . . . " 1/ ' , . , . ) . . . : , " . ' . , . . . J\ . . , " ' . ' : : , , I"iWll'I\ " . . . - , - . - . ' "I' . . - n - . . _ . . . . ) . . . . . _ L _ _ _ - . . . - . . _ . _ - . . . . . - . . . . . _ - . _ . . " . . . - . . . ' " ' " - _ ' - : _ . . _ _ . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . - . _ _ - _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ I . ' - - _ ' . . : , : " J j ' ' ' . " . . . " t\ , , ( ; ; ; . "r' ! " ---T.)1' ; ) T A ; , 'IY' ; ' " 1 , ' . ' .0 'J " 1' . . , : . ' , ; " . ' . ' , . - - . . . . . ( t , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE OMAhA DAILY DEE : . _ ' 'ONDAY , AVGUS'r 10. 1S9. _ _ ' Ii 8PE3I1U NOTIURS.W b AdertIctss.'is . . fur .h..c eolilnllLN 'll he 'nkrn until 121:1 : It m. for thc c'nl"A 1.11 ultl S p. * n. for the 2UOrll"A I nl,1 SUII"T e.l.h. " . . A'h..rt..r. , hT r'rluc..h'A n Ilm _ ' , tr..uI . 'hrr'e _ eln I..c In"'Tcr. nuE- " 11.,1 to I numhe.,1 letter lu uzire . fir 'rh. . 1'e. AI.ner..o " ' .lre.1 ,11 h. ' ' 1'1.1 11.11 ; , reNoII tiutlon .1 time ( 'h'I' fnl ) ' . Itntcn , 1 1-20 n " ursI IIr.t I".rton. 10 n wlr.1 . thtrcsftu'r. Nohhg ' " 'lken for Ieou . thln : :0 for I1rt li.prIlii. TIieu , . , . " ' ' ( 'rl''nt. JIUI' lIe run 'on- . . . ( .u. " ' . ,1) ' . . . WAIII-SITtLtTIOS. - .N 1'XI'mN'f:1 : : OIAIN MAN WANTR A . po.ll"n ns grain buyer anti mAnnger of .11' tiolu. beet of returence * nnt furl.hel. Adres . I" . . Neh. ' _ 2. Ong A-:18122' JIY , . I.\IY % Of ! MATU/ ! : AOI. IZ YIMIR' : I'X J.I .lrlr" In hook.keeplnl. correuponthnee . stPnogrnpiy . ) . etc. : ref.rencri turloh.1 . 21. . 1e. A-MS1 2' - , _ . _ t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ' , \ 'I'I.I- I\.I 1llL.P. , rWANTf-I.IVN. 1NTIf.T.tWNT AiINTh IN Ollha I. o.nnlze tlulu of threu 10 five faml- 1Ii ; for . , . 1\'e . I"R our fatnouu orchard homu Iln,1 In cen I tral Mlwulinlppl. ' Thr IJo , of Immigration I I " 0- I In p.juth. Where there Me I ) hot wind . no coil , Winters. no 1lunrt. ) . nu crop faI1ure. WIt . two or Ilirce crops mn he raloe each year. . . Whrre there 10 no .uch thing as n rol- Uf. If n milan will work one-hair n. harl n. ho I .lnp In IhlR country. Coot miunmnuer . mild winM I let . l4iire paying crops of fruit and garilQn . pn'lnl rul lanJpn . truck. IUehe.t 'oll on earth. Ilet railway .nl al le. rlwny . faeilitloi. Oen. V. ' . Amem . general agnt. 1&1 - " 'lrnam i.treet Omaha. li-M7Z4 IC TO U/I ) HAr.AnY PAID 8AllSMIN FOI elgmr : epelelce nol necessay : extra Induee- I men I. to cu.tomers. DI.hol' & ICitne. St. l.uls. r Mo. - : , \2' _ IMI2' : AfllNTf.TMAN 1 TO WOnK OMAHA on TAIn : I.rinry In Nehrnokn n. Kenpml agent for an Om"hl SIck nrcldent and , 1lath b-npnt Ind T.n.Yenr I'ndowmenl a..oelatlon. Iru.lenlll . m'tl lrfrret . Cnl after 9 a. 01. . or allrenu -.w. _ Y. lent 31 Ioxlon block n-MI" .ACTtVl . : MAN OI'NIAT Alifli4H FOR oun . ADDUSR . city Imde. Wil he In.lrucl,1 Inl , pail while learln : APPlY perionally . la6 : IouigiaL l3-M731 SI \'ANTI. ) . IOH ; I'OH OtAIHNO ONr on TWO lots In Kounlzo & lulh' . :11.1. blork 11. Ad- duuu I , : . M. 1iurIe . Ueer Io'le. lont. ' B-M7S 21' WANTII : ) . AlllFNTICgH TO I.FAIN BAIt- I BAI. I'r . Imlr. Go'.1 Jub KUlranle.,1 , after two iiiontIi ' . Halunlay wngeR whIle Irarnlng. SelJ for lu.trl.,1 , catalogue. Ht. I.olis Hnrber college . St9 N. 9th .treel. 8t I.ouia. .to. ' > _ _ _ _ _ lt-M83 H _ ' _ _ 23' _ , t : , . 10mlS 101 U. & M. fly. co. IN WYO I- Ing. I'rc" . tranlqortatlon. Kramer & ( ) ' llatn . . Ilh and , 1'arnnni. B- lnO 2J. t " ' 'N'rl J-.g IAI. It lI.P. % VANT1i : ) . PIANO SCIIOLAIUL CO IPETrNT lady teacher ; We leasun. Addrehi Y 15. l e. I - cM8 19' 'iVANTII ) . A COMII'TFNT ANt ) RILIAII1.I I HEI.IAI.n gui fur huu8ewUk. IoG Ulrlla n\'enue. e I hlT.t WNTIR ) . 1'IImnmCID WOMAN CAN. \'M".r. ' : In 'uunl IIrl9 need npply. Neula I Mineral Hprlll" Co. . 303 RoUlh nUl street. - . _ - - - - - cJ90 i\\N1'1' : A WOMAN WITH ISINP.R I'X- I'rltncnnil , . mnatI . I'rl'nct .mal capital In Identify herself with n well established business. Y 21. ) . - - , - - - _ . _ C-Mt)3 - ) 20 - - ' . AIl ) mR WANTINU FI1RT.CI.ARS a ILtL.i rnl HClntlll\'hl Y. 'iS' . home. 2)8 Da.n\ort Htn'c' ' C-&IO ' - : \'AN'n ) . AN IXPlmmNClm NUnSI ; HEP- erenccs required. , \Jply ISiS Cavlol n\'e. ! C-SOT 17 C-07 , - l'OI ItIT-IIOUSIS. iiiiia. . I , ' t. flAltI.INO. IAlnm IILOCI. D-3 : . 110UHfH : IN AI.L IA1TS O TIn CITY. THE ' . - O. - F. . 01\1. COf\.IY. 1& ) : Farnamu. . - , - 2)-Ila - - - 2IOU4l8. . IIENFI\VA . . & CO. . 103 N. 15'1 RT. " : 1-3 " - , -s : . B. : COLl I , : CO. . LA1GEST LIST IN O IAHA. D-M3 - - - - - - 1I : CHOt ! I TAClm MODClN ImiUlmXCF. . : lh Inll 11\llelon ; modern brlrk. = & Cull. formula & Shcrwocil nve. C. A. Starr. 6 : Cll. . 1M , ' . D-HI A2 " - - 1.01 ItINT. : IO.100M 10U81 : . 13 8. 18TH RT. , 1"lern eon'enl'ne.'ery : handy to buisness. r. ) lllulre nt :9 ' 8. 1611 SI. V. 1' . Muunt. ( I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D-t . : iOOM HOUSE. INQUm : 2S\ I'AIINAM 2S1"li ; - .treel. D-\5i3 110lmN 8.lOOI 10USI'H ; 5 IINUTI'S . wnle from court house. 1001 23. Barker hl' . 1-:7 iei ' : MOlEItN NINU-IIOOM IIOUSH. DH- :11' IIIUN .HOOI 10HH. 1. : ' ached ; nlee Ja\n. trees barn. 261 J - ' 7ct. : 0.100M IIOUi4i. MODmtN IMI'ItOVBMHNTS : . , large grounds nnll tabie. l ncr""lble the m J u'uruy owllC house would 11 < 10 r"ol with 1 Part ) ' renll ! . Cal lt 219 Ioar of Triuje. D- ; f D18123 , , IX 100t COTTAGII. 10DFlN. 82 ) I-13.21. So. 30Th. G.ltOOM OT'rAm . H , AIL : MOIHItN 211 Miami street. I :11111 MI..I. > 133J I i.l.i rlVI.I100M IOUSE. 2m IOPPIITON I rI' . 1)-M836 20' . ' . 11 SIX.lOOM UOUSI GOOD I.OCATIN. , S So. 31t street. lM16 21' , 1.'UI ItIt'-I'UILN1MItII ) 10U IS. .1'01 I : NT. IIsIltAluhE I'UlNISIED IOOMS eloul or alcle. ! : I.'ural street. : : i91 l'on ImNT. NWII.Y : 1.'unNIHII. : IlONT rouuil. Bulnble fur two. GIG N. 2101. . I 1-MITS : 21) ) ' - . , 2' . IloI'HlHHP1Nu ItOOMS $ UP : COOf . . " larle laan. 261 SI. MarYa. 1 -01 \ ' _ . L . - - VtIlISIIHI . ) IUU IS ANn Jo.\ln. : ICJLY 1.'UlNISlm 110DM. 2tB . IIARNIY . - 1.-lt . A2 : ' - - - - - - - J > SI.I.J nOOM. WITH OAnD. 201 . Iuglas. F-M32T A2 ' . - - - - - - - IOtluI.tIAflLOIt : AND OTlm 100 IR ; ne\I ly furlh"II ; 11.I.rll5 bOlrl'l" dO So. 19u1 ' It ' . . I' _ _ _ n _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ t-.t6Il _ _ lll.'h J 1.'lnN/SII : nOOMS. WITI on WITIOUT 01,1 ; ) IOh'ln : no chiltren. , & H'I 2tl nvenuu . ' - Ier9 I . i'fY 11.1AAANT IOOMR , IAST FRONT _ wIth bard. ! _ Z _ N. 191h slreet. I- lb ) : o : I'II.\ 1.'I'INIHlJ : SU'I . \ST I.'nON1' " " ' 1. with uhJ' " 11,1 bay wlnlo\ . ; nuoderi It wlnlomocm cuIuenlitIces ; board. ct tu. th . I' " , t. mocm . 1'-:1919 :0. _ _ . _ . _ . _ 2 L - - - - - - - - - l OI It -LNFtJJtNISIIflI : ) 1100315 . 4 1.AItOHIIOUSIIKRHPINO ItOOMS. $3.00. - Res. - - - - IGn - 5. : i. itreet. 0-Mflj : - : L.ItIII : ItOOI. UnOUND FLOOR. RUITAU.E far lsirli.s , I.\rdlng or tight hou.ek..plng. : , . - , Ua4 lIlul avenue. U-MO I 19' - - ' J'tItIt1Nl' - . 'I'IISXn PI'ICH5 - 101t ltNT-Tll : ( : i.STOly III1ICK lUILUNG :1'-1'11 11C1 VlI 1..11111 bIret This building . n nr . pr . .r ecmnelut ha.emenl. complete ) lrll h'atng fl1ure. cater on oil floors . Ga. etc. Apply al - the nillee or The lice. olre lee. _ _ _ 1-91 - - - Itlt -mNT. : D : : qK-nOO IN -1ICI IY . - II.h.J ( .111CC. t'nitr4 blales XII' I U.tlk bldl .dItees Y 4 . lIce. 1-164 1 - - - - - - " - , . \ : I\1' ; S VtNI'II ' n. - - - - - - - - - - - ΒΆ VANTIITIIHIUTUAI. . I1ISHITVR I'UND - MUTU.ImSInJ l.e , u.a.'eiatkn of Tew York desires to ci t. " "Il ten "I.'C"IS ' . and geumerni agents of n- I.r I'n < ' ni" ability for wnrl In the west on , muIt lucrl\'e triune. . 'tddrciS during " " " 11. 11. ItcL'Ison. director ot altnclo J-:1 . Ornh. - S ; ; INl . tITUII SIX. NIW ClluNATION - . dlll''r I Ilhlnlnl idler : big liroflIs . : siLIumpl C . ,0'0'1'ld. , ' ' Ie. : .I'(1 I4ittie. I"'nl' l'hk.so. Ill. J-MSt :1' I m's . 11. . _ _ _ _ , _ _ - JISt _ _ InS'I'axo : \ ' . I : ' asWALI.ACU. ; . UPNT.\I.I. : IO\N I. " - . ' 'r-r- > L - _ - _ . _ - _ . - . - _ . - - - _ _ . " S1'OH\m . U Ir ' - ' 1IT 8Ut UUIMmm IN I OMAIIA.tJ. S. ! . Od\ bonded warehouu ; hluo.holl goods sir , . . lo".s rat" 2013.1115 Lea'enwJrth. sture. . " I0/'I9U LraIIorlh12 , , STOIIAQU. FRANK EV1111. : U1t IIAUNH' ) IU \ j , ; 'IC-ST i i. &W 10U8Fl"5 ) I JOIK .t Utnnal Ilole aDd row..rlnl. : y'iii5i : ; /U I. , . . . . - , < , _ \ . . - " . . - " 'ANT1 n-TO IRVY. WANTED. TO RRNT Ol lillY OIAIN . : L.R- valor ; also cal 'ard"1 In western Iowa or eastern N.b. Cal or atlr" . J. I'ax'"n ' bock. Omaha , Net N-M81 1' FOn $ .tIt-3iISCiz.bAsIo1s. ' ' ; FOn SALE ClnAI' . TWO 1.\IO , \NI TWO . small hotel ranges. 1iUjlmes Iove nepalr mnles. lu/he ! Work. C 80. 13th. / Q-MG'fl - t IAIDWOOl cm III NATION 10G ANt ) chIcken fenee. ( ' lme. It. Lee " 31h -A : _ Q-3 : F OIl SA I.E. AT A IAIOIN , TWO NHVS80 paper I.rr.se. steam ilituree. geol cn.lloni ; Juot right for country chiCo. Good term . or cheap lor cash. NI trade. Lock box 8 , soUth Orahl Neb. Q-1 2. ICf : IN CAItLOAT ) LOTS. COItItHSION1)HNC ! CAI.OAD LTS. COluEHIO IINCI solicited. A. 1. Nicholas . Council liluiffs. II' Q-M6G4 S3 J.'OI RAI.I . S ITI I'J.mum : 'INI : , almost hank 1111g. new. , 1001 1. UnIted States Q-i6 . 11'11 - - - I .tTMI1JM JIICYCLII. ImlN TigHt ) TWO months . $ & 0. Omaha Blcyrle Co. . 3 N. ICI , SI. ) Q1)32 F OIl HAI.H 10 ImAD CIOICr FAMILY MI1.K cows : call afternoon : yard 2lh and Qb Hurt 1. SI. . . 1. . ( iLAIItV0V.t'IS. M I1S. DR. II. .VA1tllHN. CLAIRVOYANT. ItH- liable business medium ; tIlt year al 18 N. 8-216 16th. ISSGE , , , I'I'IS. D'C. M IADAM SMITII. :2 8. 13Th. 2D I.'LOI. rom 3 : msgnetlc . , vapor , nlcohol. steam , Rul- Ihurlno and sea baths. T-19 ) 1 24' I I f : . 10WI Ir. ! . TUmCSU AND EI.ECmC baths. Finest Iarlor In dly. 31t.I2) S. 1BIm. . T-.I98 . \0. M ASSAG H. tAD.Um IJHI1NAItI ) . I i lIt IOLQH. UmINAIl. ' ' - : lFs : 1t8. DR. EON. m.I'GANT IA8SAGE AND electric l'ath. lalor restful and rerres"lnc. 412 North Hth alreet. ' -M8Ii-2' 'IUnICISI 1ilI'IIS. TUmCSI IATIS ; ONLY 1'I.CH1N CITY exclusive for ladles. Suits 10 .10 1 1 tfldg. 13 : LADIES' IJATIIS. . ' . 2l9 \ s. UTIL LADES' lATIS. MMI.I'OST. 3s. 1' : l'EISUXU. . VIA VI CO. . 34G lEF IlLDU IIAI.TI 100K free : home treatment : lady attendant. U-3U I I. IIAAS. 'LOmST. PLANTS. CUT PLOWlmS. lanluel , ball. residence and grave decorations. IS13'Iriton slreel. le"hone 7i& . U-MIl9 - - - " - - - - - - IATIS , :1 ASS A0 Mm. l'OST. 3Si \ 1TiI. - - - - ImVATr hOME FOR WOMEN DUlNG CONS ilnemem . . lest reference gl\.n. III U-M7lS-SII' N. 28th. U-:18.lI3. SO.UIIR O ! . . TIn WAi Ot . ' TI : I I I.- lion who have lot used their right under the lon use unler homeslead laws for obtlLnlng Inn.1 will hear something to their advantage by c..llnl on Ic' third 10or of United Slates bank bhlK. Illulre . . . . nt elevalor. H. I. Miler. U-GI-tO. ' - EI.ECTItO MAGNETIC TItHATMiNT. IIOOM I Wlhnel blole , 1lh and 111" ) ' : formerly 4 N. Y. Lire. U- 18 ) : 21' IONEY ' 1'0 1OA -ln\ BS'I'\'I'I . ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . :1 N. Y. . I.IFE. Loans lt low rates for choice s curl ) In Nebraska - braska and Iowa farms Omaha city . brska o Olahl ciy "ruperty. W- : MONEY TO LOAN AT I.OW1ST I1AT1IS. : TIlE . I.O\IST O. F. Davis Co. . 1:0 : I.'lram sl. \V-23 CITY LOANS. C. A. STAItIt . 611 N. Y. 1.lf'E. W-3l LIFH INSUIANCE POI.ImS I.OANI.U : ON or bugh I. Ii' . O. Chesney } lnsas City. Mo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . \-3 : : AI'ITAL . $ % O..I . : SUitl'LUS. $ : J.O : U. H. Mortgage Trust Co. . New York ; for 6 per cent loans on city properlY. Apply to I'u.ey & Thomas. agent3 . 1001 :1 First : . li'k Bldg. \ : MONEY TO LOAN ON IIPIO\ED OlA1A real estate. . lirennen. Love . & Cu . l'a-t'n blk. W-1 MONEY TO LOAN ON 12.II'ltOVlW : OMAhA ploperly. FIdelity Trust Co. . liO Farnamu. - W-39 LOANS ON Ul I0"EO & UNIIP10\'IW CITY property. , " ' . FamnamA Smith . 10. I3) ' Iitrnauii. W -3&0 6 I'lm CHNT MONEY TO LOAN UPON OMAHA real . eSllle & Neb. f.trnus. . W. 1.I.llle. OMAIA Ullha W-3:8 :0ITGAGI. LOANS. LOW 1A"I S. J. D. Zittie. 161h ant Douglas. Omaha. W-MGS-SI0 W-:6SI0 $2.0 TO $ Z.o ) . I' ' 1) . WL'AD 16 & IJOLTULAS. 'J23 HI IONEY 'IU LOAN-4JIt.tTVliI.S. ' : INFY TO LOAN ON I"UINITUI : I'IANOS. horses. wagons . clc. . at lowest rates . In city ; no removal of goods ; , lrlcl ) conUlenlll ; you amount. can pay the loan oft nl any lime or In any 0 IA1A MOltTOAOI ' : LOAN CO. . : G S. 1&lh .1. X-M36L MONEY 1'0 LO.\N. 30. cl , 0 I.YH ; I"lmn. ture. pianos . elc. DuI Green room 8. larker block X-M644 nUSINgSS CI.\NC S. $1.G.o STOCK OF MEICIANDIRE IN IEST town In eatern Nebraska. for Land and c.h or eQul\'llent. Address I 29. care B , ' - Y-:1C $ S.O AND UP\\'AID PI.n : INTI I'AHI.Y made with entaIl capItal ty systematic epecu . lalon Sre8t method. hook amid v.rlculars .Ieeu. ; free. National balk r rpr nce. . Thomas $ Co. . , L mlio bl. I , Chicago. \ - - I1-S3' soioo : TO 41.04)1.00 HASII.Y : :11 ! ISII'CU - lallon. Address laltoon & Co. . Onlha hiltig . , Chicago. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y - li6H3. - TI'eHANCI 01" A I.IPBTIMB-tVANTED : . n pallner with from $ : \ ) 10 $ .0).1)1 In vei organize1 . JA'lnl buoln's" In Onmaima . Only resionsibio moon nn.wer ! ; 41,28)0) annually guar . $ :1O Innuuly reslonslble IU.r. nnleel.Mress ' 10. /ee. Y-li98 WANT A lMtNIWITH A STOCK Ot ' w.T . . . , : general meichan11e4 or email capital 10 start a new buiiteei4 In n town where crops are good . Ioo. _ E. _ 1 nevu"lel. It/'aul. Neb.YISIZ _ _ = II , 11.600 : lr.LINI'HY STOCI ; I ST LOC.T1O S.C LOCATIN In the city : some trade. J. J. Gibson . 31 FIrs National - bank. \-20 . $3. : : ) SALOON AND l"IXTl.IES ; l'Cfl' : $ I ) per day. J. J. Gibson 31 First Natonal bank _ _ _ _ Y-819 $ T.O1)0.O STOCK i' GENBItAL. 21I1tCIIANII5i NIIS for sale or trade for Iowa or eastern Nehrska farm. Owners only. Lock Box 331. N.la. Iowa. . Iuwa Y - 1 r1-28. - - - $ I. O./ ) OIOCI ly STOCK ; CASH TIADE : : low vent : goo bualne" o. .1. J. Ulb > on. . Y-Ms.s1 1:1.0 nAT MAhtlHTVCLL IST\ILISI D ; bargain. J. J. jibson Y-MS8S INVl'1'IUATI : TillS ; ONLY STOItII IN TOWN ; "ulling 2lxit : r.Ilpn , 11 saute lot ; stool conui.rlaeom groceries . Imartiwate . drugs . dry goods . } ! hallwa.e. trus. 1"ls. boots . she , ' . . etc. ; IUteen mleo soUlh of \'nnk- ton . on Y. & N. road . which I sure 10 be cain - 1lelr , .I".n ; good " 1'luunl ) ' ; good crol' ; stock about U.I ' / ) ; buy the stock soil I wi lent time store and d\ellng cheap ; reason for , selling. failing health. . Address J. J. Car nilthmti. Croft.m. Neh. Y-Ml2 1 I pen XCn.\XIH . - - - G ACRES : 0 ( AH 1:1 LAND AS TII IE IR II the vicinity or Omaha 5.room house. 1",1 barn . In.'Ine'nrd. . 1llek"rrl . raspberries . an other .mll fruit. This IruI'r1Y I. clear Ild will take Itt exchause a lke cottage home In the cily. Mus be well lorated. l"iIeiity Trusl company . eels lgen I. Ii02 larnul Sheet . _ . . . Z-2.t691-2) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I.ANI > . IOIHI ANn C.\SI TO TIAI : F'OI stock general rcrchanU c. I' . O. Ilex 'Ol . . \Ima. Neb. Z-M366 1"OI S.I.IIU . - IIS'l'.Vl'IO . I IIA11OAI. S.\LC OIl TRADr. . IN l'ITY I 1101' ' - 1101- ethics and fl.lS . John N. lrenzor. ol'p. I' . O. ItH-2G3 . .lTI.'Im IIYIION ICEU l" I'ANY. 1-H3 10)1:8 ON n.\Y 1'AYMHTS. lm.L -\NI buy lots . aOI" > ( armi. Oan'ln Uro. . 218 N. \ . L : - : I.i . - UAI\ : > I0ISI S. LOT ANU FAItM I , sale or tma.lc. 1Ie Ululng. larkcr tiluek. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ Ilh-361 ' ' \1 I.ANUS. C F. HAllS JU-Mi3-SIU' . 912 N. Y.Lif ; : STOmNI hOUSES 1"01 SLI : on ItHN1 ' l NT For . , . 1.llculau apply 10 Omaha I.o.n .ld Trust C. . IUh and Douglas streets. . It8-M1 53 9.hlOOM i DmN llOUSE NICI LWX ; Ilitu sIma3.m . trees good barn . lovely mnom . . GOt 10.ly aej ! /n. < ar. . .om. Icar motor. J. II. l'arr..1e . ougtss hl''k. . - - - - 11:1 : : S.S. S.C.o IOlNTZJ l'I.AL'B ILOMII ON WIlt 1' street . llU.O ) ) cash. aIume $3IJ.o ) 3 'I > . , per < , al" you have buught a . ) bam - gain. J. J. Oibsorm . 31 hi NatIonal . bank m u - Ir- ' - 1i.OIL S.U.I.-IJAI. I ! ' 'ATC. Continued. .I AS. A. WAI.LACI' . KEAIINhOY . NHII. . ImAL " .tal. Iral estate sold an" exchanged . mart. mor. gage investor , ioana made on real elte . se- curitica abelutely 11. all loans Ilrnnle.l ; for rIference . any bank or business firm of tIme city. htFO-Ms62-24 ' IOI SALE. 4 FARMS IN IIAItIIISONCO. . Iowa ; one 31 acre ' , one TO acres : one 1 : acres ; one 91,1 acres ; all Well Improved. Ad.lrrs. . Var- ten hedges. Logan . Iowa. ' JIB-SIt 17' S.W > . NI'AI LINCOLN . 12,00' ) . W I. near Lincoln . $ & 1. I.r 10. near lrnnd Island . 12.110. 80 . near 10ndamln , la. , 1.80. 1. ( ) 80. In Iowa $ J. 21 2. near Omaha , $62 nn acre. 1. 0 . near MIllard. $ r2 al acre 80 . lulr South Omaha . U. O. I. . Merrlck . . 1.CJ. M.rlck county SU nn acre. 2.i' ' k ' acres . scattered . $ nn acre 212 near Nebraska City . 1 : an acre. 10 1 . 010" counly. ' an ncre. 12. . HlunI'r , . $ : In ncre. cunl' &t ( 0 . Morgan county . 10. $2) al acre M. II Roulhw.sl Iowa $ ,000. 2 acres . fruit . $2.1/ ) ( I burgaln. ) i A " . Madison . . 61" Mldl"n county $2 nn arro 1.0. near Lincoln $20 nn acre. 21 acres. on Dodge Street . $2.20' ) . C 1. ' . harrIson . 91 N. Y. Lire. flU-hO 11' II1CYCI.l0S. : : _ _ o. . - DAXON - 4)2 N. 16TI. 3iO . STI.JI.ING. IUIT I.1lt3 A WATCH. WESTh era Electrical Supply Co. , 1:15 : Iu\nr slrpel. 371 SI'I TIn VISWLI BALL IfAINGS ON Heiny SpecIal. Wi Irul & lJro. . 12 N.1tlm. 3iZ WI'STlmN ICYCI.E & GUN CO. , 21G CUMING. . 37 : 31ANTl.liS , ( IIIA'I'RS AN ) 'l'lI.IhM. WOOl MANTI : . OItATES. TILES I.'OI fireplaces. vestlbules and large floors ; write for II1es Mien Roger , & Sons Omnhn. 3i5 JIOPhil.S. A ETNA 10UII' , ( EUnOpE.\N ) . N.V. . con. 131h and D"e. Hooms by day or week. 39 - - h OTEl. ih.ItKEit. I.'HANK 1 I LUTCI. MUll. 1th nod Jones 81M. ; SO. Ontaima and Sherman ' . . time door. a \'e. cams IiISN hI tor. AMEItICAN 1'LAN. 7 : : rooms lt .UJICAN SIGQ : : 1001115 lt $20 day. European plan . Gc 10 $1.0' ) per dl ) ' . $46 TiE "LANGO" hOTEL , W2 S. 1'1 STllt ! T. IHl SSt IC < : . _ . - - - - - - - - DI'SRMA"INO DONg AT ILOMIl : on IY TIlE day. Satisfaction guaranteed. Cal or address 712 North 20th alreel. MSJ3 20' ' ) . IIVII.hINU & LOAN ASSOCIA'l'IONS. , SI.\I'S IN MUTUAL . L. t & n. ASS'N PAY G. 7. 8 per cent when . I. 2. 3 years old always retloeiittttiie. 101 I.'lrlal st. . Nuttlnger . Hec. 37 . I0W TO GET A I0 H Ol SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & 18. Ass' . 10 nee bldg. G. M. Nattinger . Sec. 38 ) MUSIC / I'1 ANn 1.ANC.LLtGIOS. . G OIO F. OET.ENIIECR BANJO AND Iullr teacher. 191 Cass alreet. . M-I09 - - - BEND S.O 1.01 $2.00 WOITI OF SONGS : Amorlta . I'retty WIdow . II 10m. . 1arlnl Mable . The Course or True Love Never Huns 5nooth. . 1.atcst lilt . . . " 'oubrltce hlros. . Omah . Neb. 8 1 CALL AND nXAINI TIE IAI.CO.t I.\'E piano : equal to the best ; new pianos rented nnl sold at factory prIces. Wm . II. Schmolpr , room 503 IcCale bldg. M89 21' , 1'AVIlIt0ICEItS. I I. MAHO\\'ITZ LOANS MONEY. 4S N. 16 38G RT. MONEY LOANI3I CASH PAID I'OI OLD gold silver nnd clothln 32 North 16th slrecl. St-373-A27 SIIHl'IANn AND TYPFIVItITJ1JG. , A. C. VAN SANT'8 IOC1IOOL . GI3 N. Y. . LIFE. : 51-389 OMAhA COt. COI.LEG . IGH & DOUGLAS. SiSil 515 ISl llS I I COAl. . ; SlmHOAN COAl. . 2.0 L1S. IHIT COOKING I . cOli mined In Wyoming $ U. ) ; lump. splendid for grates . $ : .W. Also dealer In I'enn.ylvlnll hard coal. Victor While ( Tel. 12i 16 : Farnain. 4at I"AIDIS FOIL IU 'I. F\l r FOIII1ENT I'OI C\ll. ADDnESR. Y 17. Bee. 83 - l'AS'IVI.\a . GOOD PASTUlE FOt HOIRER. S.O PEl I 10nlh per head. Charles Gan3. SI. laul. lb. UNIH'ITAIEUS AND tl.\I nS. H. IC. 1UIET. FUNERAL DiRECTOR . \ND llalmer. 1618 Chicago - et. . telephone 9) . 262 - SWANSON & VALIEN liOI COMING TEl. 10. M. O. MAUr . UNDERTAKER AND EMIAI.I- er. 11 J'ar"l at. . telephone 223. 38\ 1U831)ICAL. . LADFSI CIClESTEI.S C.m.ISH PENNY- royal l'ills Idamond ! brand ) a.e the best : safe . reliable : take IU oIlier ; send 4c . stamps . for particulars. "Relief for Ladles. . In letter by Iarlrulars. return mall. At druggists. Chlch.ler Chem- ledl Co. . /'hladelphl. I'a. ACCU U 'IAN'IS. CHAS. 10. WAI.TfnS : EXPERT ACCOUNTANT : 22,3 1t Nat'l bank. Tel. 1&3& References. 976 96 . . , JI N.IIS.IS. on. PAUL. , 1)ENTIST. ZD2. ) ) IUIT ST. 3 . . ' . . ' ' . . 1 I.EC.IllC.\I. SVI'll.I S. El.ECTItICAI. I NGNmnR AND CONTIAC- ors for electric light and motor Plants and al 11 kinds of electrical construction.'estern Ic'- trleal Supply C. 115 lowlld sl. 383 ? CAII'l 'I'I.nSNn 11131 I.IIOIIS. . C , . E. MOIIRILL . IAPCI lANO lNG , 10Uln sign painting . brick work. plastering ; omee It. I . , larker 111k. ; leI. 735 ; .nop 913 N. hut 81. IS ) . IIIJSIXIOSS XO'I'ICI ' DAMAGED ) UIIOIB IESIL\EliD. 719 N. 16 . aS . I.OST. LOST. SUNIA Y AI'IlNOOX ON CJNTEn street n darc . blue cape Finder will he re - \lrded ; leav. . . I with J. Ii. l < rr. Merchants ' National bank buIlding. 1.ost-3192i U . EUlC'TIOX.\I. . I.LlrOIS' CONSERVATORY. , MUSIC fleet nol" , < leI In all dej.art- I . lent or ) In.lcl HInd . line I. art. Etocution L&oiiiie.iteg. lt A < } l. ULL1Ut,4hL.11Upt..ac1ie..zmy111e,8h. . _ ) WENTWORTH yMILITARY ACA113M'i r Lexiiigtoii , Mc .s ELLIR5 , A. M - - - - - - Kenyon Military Academy , Gambier , O. 7nd year. This old and remarkably successful school provides Iborouh preparation , or college or bualne. and careful supervision or health , slpervllon b&blIa , and mannen Ills much the oldest , la'iui and WO equipped boarding , school ( , equllv"l badlnJ clol ur buys Iu lWo. . . by Illustrai.8 Oho Ihulra.d C.Hahliu" seat . I I 11 . rfl rWWaSflCWr. S 0 ( _ N 115 I ( Cop'rlhl" 163 . ny Irvlns . 1..cholrr. ) CIAPTER 11. Christina was troubled ly Sophy's ccn- fi dence . but she thought It premature to llsturl Andrew'9 serene faith In the girl ho l oved. lie was , as hs ! mother slJ , very " touchy's abolt Sophy , being quite aware that the ( women of Pilencraigle did not approve the change In her. "Ant eo many thIngs happen as the clock goes round , " she thoughl. . " 1raclants ntay put himself out o. favor. or he may take himself on to some far awa' country , or 'them behind' may sort what I canna mau- age at : sae I'l just keEp a shut mouth anent the matter ; one may think what one dalrna say , but words sluce alloken canua be wiped out wi' n sponge. " Christina hal also reachEd a crlss ! In hEr own ilto. The feeling between Jamie Lauder anl herself was thaI eager love which begins with love , and a week after Scphy's visit Jamie bal found his opportunity to teach ChrIstina the secret of her own heart. SIt- ta ing on the lonely rocks with the moonlit sea at their feet they had toM each other how sweet It was b love and the plans growing out of this confession ' . though humble enough , were full of strange hope and happy drtam- Ing 1 to Christina. When Jamie got his berth In l the great Scotch line she was to become his I wIfe. Then she would have to make her home In Glahgow and these Gasgow , two facts were stupendous ones to the simple fisher girl and scarcely less so to hEr ithotlier who was both . pleaset , all fearful In the prospect "It's a grand thing for Chrislina . " she Falll to t her crony Iarget Roy . "and the lad Is a respectable lad . handsome and wed spoken anl slolen o' and I'm thinking the line has got a bar- gain In hIm , and Is proud o. It : still I'm feared for my baIr In , such a wicked , lke place as Glasgo' . Rut sho'l hao a Hoer o' her aln , and a' things convenient and that's some safety alt comfort She's my one l assie . aud I'm salr to lose her , but we canna stop the deck and ye ken . Margot . that marrIage Is like death-ft Is what we must a' come to. " "Veel Janet your Christina has been Lang spared from It. " "ChristIna ha had her offers. but what wilt you ? Wo must waIt for the right man or go to the de'l wi' the wrang one. " "You'll be lancly enou' wanlng Iter for Im hearing Andrew ] lnne ! lana to be kept single ] much longer andJ.loph ) ' Tral cauna fl ChristIna's shoesI' "Sophy's well enou'mShe , suits Andrew. ant I Is Andrew haslto..lvo wi' her " "And you too , mistress . ' , "Not I. Andrew . Is to baUd his aln hlgglng. I hae the life o. mine . . "llt Il be n deal In l Glasgo' . Jamie Ihasi' his heart fairly set , " " on that J She made this staf6mlnt with an air of prIdeful satisfaction dintl ! satsfacton. lll Mstres8 Hey was not tnclne , ! to let her' enlEr anew Into all the tIne sights she , ' % 'as to SLO. the grand guns of preachers she was to ldar l . and the trips to Greenock and Hotheryuihlch. : Jamb said . . "would just fall n3turaliy lh the way o. their ' ' r ; . ordinary lfe , . "Il be going " spl.t . Marget . abruptly. "I mao the khkanl , to 1'pais and between the day and the darl < . ! lt'sa , mournfu' epot , " . . .I9 \ , " anaw.e.ret : I tn : ' .sdlfQle . , "Folks slouldna be on the roat11tyhen the bodlei gang abeot ; lucy are l1k61 to 'be In tim way o' them. and might get 11ejt tlnomnsel's. And hero comes JamIe and Christina . and nae doubt they'l be wanting a mouthfu' , far love Is cold porrilge . " . , Rut Jamie was on to the boats In a hurry and ChristIna was not hungry : she Hat down wIth her mother to talk over again what they hail discussed a hlndred times before-the wectlng dross and the \eldlng feast and the napery and plenlshlng she was to have for her own home , ant somehow as they talked thus confidentially Chrsttna : told her mother what Sophy had said abOut ArchIe Draelan , " For a moment Janet Bnnie was glad ; then she lifted the Poller and slruck a block , of coal Into a score of pieces anti , with the blow scattered the unknlllly ! . selfish thoughts which hat invaded her heut. .I Is what 1 " she answered gloomily , "but expected . gloomiy say naethlng to Anrew , ! lie Is wise enon' to talc ' his aln way , though God knows nane can play the fool like a wlo man ! But what then ? Is there anythIng to gain by word or warning ? Nuethlng. And If Andrew Is to hae tine fling and time buffet . ho will tak' It better from Sophy than from any Ithor body. Let be Christina. " "I elks will talk anon. " "They are talking already. DG you think I dldna hear this clash before ? Lucky Sims and farget Itoy anti every fish wIfe In Illencralgle ken the beginning and the end 0' it. ThlY hue seen this and they hae heard that anti they think the \ery worst that can be. The frt calamity Is to be born a woman and It sets the door open for every other sorrow the malr so I the lass Is bonnIe and alale In tine vcrlt1 . For myel' I'm thinking use wrong o' Stphy Its Andrew that Is In fault. lie's that set on having a house - - - RAIL \ A Y TUllE CARD ) - - - i : ; ; : ; ; ; II4UIILINGTON I ' 510. ItIVBlt. Mrlv ltlTON 1. UlahlUllol , I POI. IOlh & l"EI. ' Ulaha lOlam..Denver Express. 1 . . . . . . . 'J4uant ' 43lfl1.1iLk. hula . Mont. & I'Uget Hnd. Cx. : 'Jal :3pm.llk. 4:0pm : 4:3pr..V.nver Ills. : ' luet . . . . . . : : 4upf 7:0pm.Nebr8It : Local texetpt ( Sunday ) . 7:43pm : Sl&amn. : . .Line.iin Local ( except SUlt.la ) ) . . 7\m ; : . .14Glpnt. . . i'atd laJor LIclll ) daily , . . _ : . Leaves ICOtICACO. 3IUI1LINGTON & . . . OrahalUnlon V'pul 10th 4 Ma.un $ . Q.t.trrives . .j Omaha . : 4 : : pm. : . . . .Chicgo Vestibule. . . . . . : : Gam : . . . . . . . . . lxpl"s..4II'1 : ; 7Opr. : .Chlcuo . & St. I.'lul " . Cxl"e. . . 8o.Mmmt 11:30am..ailic : .lumnction > Local. . . . . 8:0oln : : Junclon r:30pm _ _ . . - . : : last _ Stall. 1 1 . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . 2:4)pm : Lea\'e8CIIC.\OO. , SIlL & S1' - . 1'.tUL..J/.rritrs I'\UL.Irri Omaha Ullon _ V'pot. 10lh & SIasaStjOnmaIta 6:00pm..ChIcago ' Limited. . nH.'Omaha . . . . . . 9:3) . < 11:30am. , .Cicago thpress ( ox. _ Sunday ) . " . . 5tjpm : Leaves CII ICAGO - WE-8'FN .IArrIveu OnnanaUoianL'etot.lOth , : la.ol Sta.i / Ol.ha J 0 :4 fam..I ) - - - I.lm - " C14resa. . . . : . . . GOI'm ' : . 4:2 : pm..Ve.tbult Limited. . . . . . 9:2)ann 6.rar. . . . . . .Mo. ValicyjiLocal..1OZlpnm 5:42pm..Omaha : . Cili1goSpeviul ' . . . . Itpm Leaves I lI C.\J. It. I. 'k'pelii'l ; rl" Olahl Union I > > C. lOut & Maaon Sta.l Omaha EAST. . : hI:2am .Atlantic 37apress ( cx. 8unay ) . 5:35pm 1:1am.Atlntc : : . . . . . . > . " Express..8:20am . : C : Opr..Chlclgo Vestbub\ LImited. . . lpm W S1. 6llpumu.Okiahoma & Texas Ex I cx . Sun..1UIOam : VI.kl.homa 1:4'pmn..Culorado'Ltmniie.l. : ! . . lun..IO:3m . Opn - - L I\'e I C. , ST . 1' . " 1t & ' u. Arrives Omaha , Depot . lImit I"f W.b.lrr iI. . I fAr 8:10am. : . . .Rloux City Alil < laton : . : : 8:38pm : : 121:11 . .Hloux City 13xttej ( rx. Sun.I..l ) :5am : I 6:10pm : . . . . .SI. _ t'aULj.llmtitet3. . , : _ . . . .103m 'e. I b' . . IL l MU'U'LI.Il."rl'U Omaha Depot . 1511 nn Webster Sts. j Omaha , :10pm.- : .1' , oT Slail i'I ' - " rc.s. . . . . . . 4:50pm : 2llpmn.ex. : ( Sat. ) \Vyo , . . Mont. . . 4:3pm ' a. ex. ) 4:38pm : ; 9 ; : OSam. : : .Nprfulk EspreIt. 1 . i , Sunduy ) . : hI :0'amml ; : l : ! rm . . . . . . , . . 2 . Xprem.s..10:33am . - . : . I..n-- , . 0T : : & ; - 'C. = - 31. ; - 1.trrlvem Omaha Union _ ftot.10Imi&5tasoni4iai . Omah , 9:5am..Knno. : ( 'Uy Day Express. . . . 5:3pm : . ? _ : 43lTm. ! . t' . tlg x. Via _ U ' 1' , 'l'iamm. , _ CQOeni : - - .I l'-6 ! Leaves \ I MTssnUI PACIFIC. - . JArrives Omahn Oel > .I , 1511 ant Webster 81. . , I Onlha I0:4Oant..lit : . . . iiuhs } : xpr..u. . . . . G:0Oa : 9:30pm..tOt. : Louis L'xpreaa. . . . . . . 6:0om : 3:3pr..N"brukl'a le. ( Sun . ) . . . 8Opm 'ul . : , ; --lIOIX J - - ( IT ) &l'\CU'W JArrives Onouhallepot ' . Ilh - an.I\'el.ater5tjOmalta . G : IOpl. . . . . . .Ht. - 1011 LImie. ; ; - , : : ' :2am : - I.ea\'p. SIUX-CITY- & IJACIPlc-\rhe. ! 'I ! ' ! \\EP'I.I. ! ! :10" 515.1 , Omaha CS.'i.flt..Sinus ; ; - City Patmiger..10:56pm : r.8pm . = .h3t,1'auil.imnH.4. _ . . . . . . . . .IOS..t ' I. - . ! .hnl , : : I :1 1 Leaves UNION I'ACll'nC. . . 1Arris . Omahat'ntonL1potlOtli& , Mason 81. ' ! Omaha .sC. : : . . . . . . .Ic y Exi'iis. . . . . . . . . . ' 2:011 ! : , . . . . . . .Oullan" lxl'r..1 3PI ' . I 2:0pm.l.t.r. : . . Iltromnab'g l. : ( cx . SUn.I1:3'i.it : ' ' 'T'OOpm..ariflo : . , lo. . . . I' ; 'Opm. .I'.rlnc : m 543prn : . - ! . . - . : . . .I.'ut . _ tlpr.s..IO:2 Alal. . . . . . . . . .IVI.,1 I Leaves I \ VAtRS11 - ItAILWAY , lArrive. Omaha ' --\VAl.\tIf-HAjLV " \t i r I . : OJm.s ; i. . - Cnn UaU.12 - . ; : ; for his wife that ho'l lose the wie , while ho's ht h savimig the shier for the hmotmue. I hac toll t , him , nut better told ititti 10 bring Sophy here , but naethllg but having hEr a' to him- s et' will ho hear tell 0' . I's lure wicked selfshnEas In the lad ! lie canna thole her gll'lnK look or word that lemma for him , and worl him hla lanc. lartlct sC1ttlous rolfishiless ! " "Whist , mother ! Pal thinking he's most al t time door step That's his foot , or I'm much mlsta'en " "Then Im awa' to 'Izzie flobertson's My heart Is knocking at my lips ' and Il be uylng what 11 want to unsay. Feep a calm ough Christina . Let Andrew do the talk- 1 11g. and ycu'l ho a' rIght " Andrew entered with that air of strength anl capability 0 dear to the women of a house holt. lie had on his kIrk stilt and Christn thought as he nt down by the open , 'Indol how much handsomer he looked In i his blue Guernsey and fshng ! Cll' "You'll be needing a mouthfu' . Andrew ? " site asked but Andrew shook his heath 8nt answered : " 1 hail my tea wi' Sophy. Where Is mother ? " "Shc's awa' to 1.lzzle Hobertson's. The baIrn Is still sck ! and mother will stay by I t ill the nigh tlrns . " "And Jamie ? " , "He sold he was goIng to the fishing . 10'1 hae caught the boat or ho would hae been back hero again. " "Then we're our lane anJ I\e been seek- Ing i this hour. I line things to tel you . ChristIna . that must go no further-not even to muotiner-unless the tme comes. Il not a sic you to gIve tae your word. You're Chrstn ! : lllmlnie ant that Is enough. " "That Is enough , Andrew. You and me . a nti , Got our witneas. " "Christina . I hao been this day t I dln- burch. I hac 1600 In my packet besdce ! the "Th"n Il bc Caplaln Innl . or time North Sea Fleet. " 811er hen the house. I hue soul three shares In I the 'Sure-Glver' and as you ken Ive bell saving sler ever since I first put on my sea boots " "I hoe Ihought saving shIer was your one fault , Andrew " "I ken fine that It Is my besetting sin. any's f the time 1 tine forced . mysel' to gIve a white sh\ing Instead o. a penny b't at the kirk door . just that ! I might get tine better o. the d l. But I ha o .been saving for a Plr- l ) OSO . and now Im most ready to tak' my desire What thlnll you ? I am going to . put my shier In a carrying ste1mer. ano o. the Rcd-V.'hmite fleet . and I'm going 10 bo her skIpper , and sail her from the North Sea to London. Sho'l hold 3.000 'trunks' of fish In her Ice chan.bers and with good weather I'l make London In forty hOlrs at the outsl1l' . Then Il be CaptaIn finale o' the North Sea heel . and Sophy will hae reuen enough for her muslns and ribbons . ant trlnklms- trankums. God bless her ! " "I'm prom to hoar tel 0' I , Antlrew . I you hae the shier . and ! the skill . why shouldn't you lift yourzol' a bit ? Sophy \lna shame any place you put her In-and 'OU may own a fishing feet yoursel' some day. " . "I'm thInking o. I. " he answered with the air of a man who feels himself master of his n iestlny. "Come wi' me . Christna . " lie led her Into the Inner room , moved aside a heavy chest of drawers and lifted a short plank beneath them. Then putting his arm for under the flooring , he pulled forth I locked tin box and opening I. dIsplayed - played to Christina a hoard of sovereigns and Dank of England bIlls. bis. The money In his IJocle was added to this treasured store : the flooring and drawers replaced and then wih- out a word brother arid sister left the room together. There was u look of exultation on Christina's face as Andrew asked : "You understand - derstand now , ChristIna ? " "I hoe seen " she answered , "and I ken weal that Andrew Dnnle lana moving without - out knowledge " "I'm not movng , : at all for three months or longer. The ship I want Is In dry dock until winter and Its the sier I'm anxious I about I I should go to the fishing some : night and never come back II would be time ' same as If It went down with monol a soul but mel' knowing It was there. But Il he happIer ! now , for If that thing happens you must take the money out 0' hiding amid give Sophy Tral one-half 0' I. end the other half Is for mother and ouuelf. Anti " above a' timings . I charge you never to . name 10 mortal creature lime whoreabauts o. the hltln" . " : , "Your worJs are II my heart , Andrew and they'l never pass lY hipa. " "That's enough o. the shier then. I have . hal a happy day Christina. Sophy was wi' mo to Edinburgh , and time be111y o' her . ! . And the sweet Innocence and lovesamenesa o. her ways ! I bought her a ring wi' a shining stone In . 1 , anti ' ] a gold brooch and a bonnIe piece o. white . inumulln . wIth the lace for the Irlmmlng o. I. and the joy of the lsslo set nile laughing wi' doUght ! I wouldm cal time queen my cousin thts night " "Sol'hy ought to love you wi' nil her heart , Andrew. " "She has 'rleJ her heart ant her hanl , to me. I thank the Best for this great mercy' ' " ' "And you can trust her without a doubt Andrew ? " "I have as much faith In Scpby as I have In my bible. " "That's lie way to trust. It's the way I mat JamIe , though bad hearts and ill tongues . I are aye ready to gle ono a senSe o. sus- pIcton. ' . "They canna cle me a moment's trouble Klrty Johnson called after me this moring ; . 'tak' tent to oursel' , Andrew mmle : a I beauty Is hard to catch anti waur to keep'- and I dhlna answer her by word or lock , for I ken weal weman's tongues clma be ! stopped not even by the fourth comman'menl ' ! " N'eyer had Chrllina felt so happy , a9 on i this night. Jamie had been so tender ! so full of anticipation , so proud of hla love omt I n1 his future . and Andrew had ! chosen her for ( lila eon aat. But some divine necesiy of r lIfe ever joins Joy and S lrw together , and whIle her heart was bounding wih gladne she heard footsteps that gave I a sh ck. "hcy were Jamle's footsteps ant oven while Andrew - drew WS speaking . he entered the cottage . Andrew looked at him with a lulck sus- pclon ! , and sid , dourly : "You Ralll you woulrl ' tRk' my place I see you cnna he truste , ' "I have earned a reproof. Andrew but Il no lie about the matter. I met a friend . ant ' : ant he was per i and thirsty . anti I took him 10 the tavern slId cava him a hle and U sup Then the whisky let us tIlling . aol I forgo I ' the ( fhlng. amid the boats WEnl awa' wihout ale. nice lath ! you'l be to trust In a bIg ship . full 0' men and women. A glass o. whlky ) and a crack II time 'publIc' tet store your word and your lutYI ! ! how will I Irult ( ChrIstIna wt' you ? Whoa you mak' Anlew finale a proml be epetes you to klp ' it. Dana forgE that I msy ) be 0' coo requence to you , " With thele words hr weut Into hl own rom and bolted the door aol Jamie sat down by Christina and waled for her to speak . Hilt aha could not be A friendly a she wIshed It was love out of time . anti , place and ! srsson . She would ! nlher he hail been with the boats anl her mind ! also was full of An < ew's revelaton ; she wante to bo alonE to realize all that I nieant. o the intervIew was cold anti , ! constralne1. anti Jamb oas orfelled , anti filIally \ent away quie out of temper lie kicked the stoles In the Illth out of his way , mutering augrly ! ; "I'm Ito carlgl ! 1'1 no carlngl ThE moral pride 0' thae BnniEs Is rllc'llsl. One wall ! rElulre . to bE a Vera saint to corE within sight o. themu . " This cl0111 was . however , but a pa1tng CIII ? . anti , the lext few weeks wEnt by , as ( hue lees go , when love anti hopE brighten every hour The fshing season 1as Unusually - usually good , the men were making money . ant the women halt Christina's nmarriage . amid marriagE presents to talk about Every now Sil ! thEn sonic relative sent her n pIece of home.spun linen , or a quilt. or some china , ant each article wa Examlnoll and , lscus" I ! ly all the wives ant mais ! In 1'Ittencralgle. Christina enl her mother hind mme objections to t this kind of popuhrlty , nor was Jamie verse to the Ioo natured freedom. ! Aimdrew' , love affairs Wlre not as promis- Ing. Sophy club less ant less to the \'Ilage. she salct "her aunt hall gone to lerth. for a bIt of a hoJhy , anti the shop cOlldna be let l to tak' care o' 1"'t " amid the excuse seemE ! to be a good one' At any rate It satsfe,1 , Antlres' . lIe matc n deal of money durtng the fishing season . and was e\'llenty , to t Clnristlna . prlparlg for some great changto lie went frequently to 1 tlnhurgh , ant on his return always gave her a glance ful of the assurance of success. AlI ! for sonic weeks he appeared ! to beEry happy with Sophy ; thEn there was a sutlel ! change and Christna not.ed ' that he ofen cale back ) from Largo with ' a hlea ' \ ' ) ' slEIJ al' ! a grave face. Occasionally he admitted he halt been "salrly dlsappo'ntEct"-SollhY hal gone away for a wcck's rest or she had a hEalache and coulna 800 htl : or there was a brlde's dress making ald she couldnn spare a momelt : the excusES were I1merOU9 ali varied anti filially they began to cause a sad and ! fEarlng wonder even In Andrew's Irlstng hcart. Ono morning II early October Jamie got hL long looked , for flPPOllitttieflt . alt he rai hasty up to the Bnnie cottage 10 tel Chris- tna ! and bI ! her " /coJ.hy. " AlI ! his joy was so great as he kissed ! her tears away , anti he spoke so kindly to MI8treE Bllie amid so braTaly to Aldrew that tt was Impossible to feel alythll ! but a Hlad Exclemelt II lila deparlure. Afer he was fairly out of sight Andrew called Christna to the top of the duff , anti ' they sat down togelher. I was all exqulello morng. ! full of the salt and sparkle the melon and burt of the sea . anti they sat silent awhile . looking down 01 the cottages . the creeis . nld thE /rown nets. the picturesque figures In 8Ea.boots. and striped hangimig calms a 11 time no lees pIcturesque , . Some companion lures In striped 11elc01ts. of the late were old ! womel , and wore higim.crowmienl Inbordered caps ; others WEre ) 'oln 01105 with rio covering on their exuberant hiali' hIlt wIth tong rings tn their ears . and bright scarlet Iwrchlefs on their necks. Andrew glanced fret these things to hIs sister and touching her striped vetticoat. said : "You'll he changing that 8001 for what they ca' a gown. I am going to hlY you ) a silk gown for yotme wedding Ctirlstlmma. " " ' everythIng . . if "You'l set me up beyond everylhilg. t you do Andrew. I'l nevr forget such 1 fa 101. " "Christina . 11 mio' very happy lysel' . " , Then he told her plainly how difcult he fouml It to get sight or speech with Sophmy amid how low-sitiriteti she was with him. "I'm feared she's Ill , " he said drearily. "You ken her mother died o' n cOlsumpton when she was but a young thing. " "Andrew hoe you toll Sophy what your plans are ? hoe yeti told her she lay bE )01 a lady and live In London some 0' these loly . lIne you told her you'l be Captain IMitate o. the North Sea fleet ? " Dllie . nac ! What would t bribe the las- se ! marry. for ? I I Illaln Aldrew llllE she haste "You're a' wrong , Andrew. GIrls like men that Ine the spirit to win shier . ald place for them. Tel her what " you tel ! me. and you'l be a happy mama. This argument Christina usel , ao skillfully - fully that Ammtirew was fired by her can- fuly amid Allew $ . lre' .n1 . tak' YOllr advice anti go tel Sophy. " he sold. "The lassie ! has grown Into my lifo as the sea and thc stars anti may h1me and my aln folk hoe growit and tf shu'l love me better ' In love wi' for the imews I'm that far genie hel' . that I must win her by any moans posible Il went . " on this errand of love with a light heart amid titan Chrlstla sought her lht ' . "Antlrew Is going to Hie me a silken Kown for my wedding , " she cried Joyfully . and the two women spelt the morning In talking over time most desirable celol' moring . anti the necessity of having so fine a garment maclc In .argo. After the noon meal Janet Ilimmnlo took her knitng and went to tell Bnnte nelshhor about the silk gown , anti ' Christina dI ! the ironing and a8 sl hie smoothed the lInen she sang a verse or two of "Hunting Tower" and then she thought awhile amid then she Bang again. She did awble expect Andrew home until time cvenlng. lie would lkely have his ( tea with Soply and walk hack afterward. Dut In mI- ! and she put afteriiooil site heard his step down the Iron with a sudden faInt feelng aimti turned her face to the door. Aldrew alI entered the cottage , looked at her deSIJalr- Ingly and sinking Into his chair , covered his wretched face with his hands It was not the same man \ ho hat left ber a few hours hefore. A change like that which a hOlrs hot Iron would mlke upon a fresh leaf had Iron011 been made tn her hall180me. happy hopefll brother. She could not avoid an exclamatIon anti site went to that was a cry of terror , IU him amid kissed hull anti murmured. she jiJfL- " . \ ) ' . I see the malk o. ft. " knew not what , words of pity and of love . lie began to weep to sob , 10 /halu. a 111 tremble like a reed In I tenipest She closed the door and slppeI , the hell In and came back to his side. "Aiitirc'w . my brother Andrew - drew , " she saiti . softly . "whal sorrow has come to ) 'Ol ? ' 'el Cimrlmttlna. " "Sopiiy'mm llead-dead and gano for me ! Oh Sophy Solth SOllhy' ' " "Andrew. t1 me a Etralht tale. You'ro no' a woman to let your sorrow get the la.- tory 0' yell And I Sophy has deceived and left you . there II still the Faithful One , whit ) ehanstth 1101. " 'linen he straightened himself anti , 'hen tin - fastened the kErehlH at his timroot and Christina : opened the window anti lEt the fresh breeze blow Ipon him. And her hfrt throbbed hotly wih anger and pity. "Speal { anti ' ] let ) olr grief hue sonic way , Andrew , " she said . "Vld you Ice Sophy ? " "I saw her. I met . her driving In a rog ! cart wi' the master o. Iraelant" . I Ea\ her , ooking In hi face as bhe never loolt In my face. She never loved me yon way , Curia tins. " tna " 1L1 you speJII to her ? " "Ay. She was going to pan mo wllhut wor. or look but I cllo'l ( lIlt 10 lmer "S , phy ! Sopll ! ' and I saw her crullel close to Ihrae . - lands , amid I saw hll lilt ilme whip to atrlki 3 tIme horme , imimil stare I keut what I wits duinl . I lmad time best by tIme heath and time lasim o , lbs whip stulmg tue clear across tIme cimeel bone. " "Ay. I tee the mmlsrk cm' 't. " "IiraeIaude cahieti Oilt : "Tie yotl ala fault flehernnan ; lb. , lahil V.55 inrailt ( tnt the imorse ; 1 : ard I iias ItO it itasMiolt , antI I , in"jtc"l a war I shmouhdma ; imac saId. stimi bi 1 h4olliiy gL 00 0 lIme ctrt and comae to ni , arid liracLamil S cried , 'Diana dartto el' timla lady S tpiy : ; s'ie'lI it , lit ) ' ii ' .fe 3110i ; ' anti timn s'it giol lIttle scream aimtt eovere'l lne ft t'i S doubt she is a frtr.iiter..l-ahlti . lo : struck lit hors , again agth time creature bauntltd lor'ar a and I fell on iiy back and the wheels o' tim cart gimizeml the olcs o' tmiy sheen as they passed Imie. I tiiniia ken itois' lang I lay timero. " "The wlckeil issal" "You arena able to jtmde , her , Christina , " "limit you can Judge llraelaniis. Oct a ivar- raitt tIme hmiorn for the mmcoimnmirel , " ' , miml mmiok' Sopimy time COlhtimtOfl talk for far niid near ? lloi' citlni I wrang Solihy to rghtt ! mymeri'l" "Hilt the whmlp iashl Tlme ivimip lash , Andrew - drew'oti ! eatina tlmoic the hike o' that , " "Timere was One tholed for me , the lash anti time buffet and answered never a word , I can thole time lash for Sophy' . sake. A a ltor.ilke love I wotild have ( or Sophy If I pmlt immy ala lmrltio atom her good tisitie , it I get mclii ( toni beyond I can ( near time lash , Citristlita. ' ' lie was while tumrougit all time tan tf ii'Innl a nl 8et nmnmd ammm , nntl time aticat of lila muf. f eritig stood iii grelt beads on his ticmlliti taco a mid brow. ChrIstina litted a ton/I iio hail j umst ironeti ailtl wiped it aivmmy. gail lie said f eebly : "Thank you. I'll go Id my beet a wee' . I C5i1 limitik no nmalr , I can simffer 110 mair , till I get stretigtii. " So Christimma opened time door of hIs room a nti lie tottered in , swayIng like a tirunkon l ila II , S liii t it rei' imitteel f 1111011 ii is bed , Five minutes afterward she StelTlTtMi softly tO h is sub. lie was sunk In deelt sleep , fathoms b elow time tIti of sorrow , wimose waves anti b illows hind gonme over imini. "Timaimks be to the Mercifuli" she i i'iiheltermul , "W'itoii the sorrow is too great , t lmeii I to glvetim Ills beloved , sleep. ' ' ( To b continmieti Tuesday. ) - - Si)3hI7'1'h1Il ( II. ' A 1)l'I.'tI ) IIIOGION. l ) t'm.iI . St-mm Sln'llst.i lle'miven imutmi lk.is i'ret I y limit. , \lii there be aimothmer sea of Sodom ? LIeutenant Lynch of cite Umiiteti States Navy , s ays tit I'hilattelphia Press , lisa established t Ime fact , Itrerotmsiy ! not kiiovn with coimsum- mate accuracy , that the depression of the Dead sea ( also known an the Sea of Lot , anti i ii the scriptures xis time Salt sea ) , Is over 1 ,304) feet beiow time level of Limo Methitorra- n ean , wimlie ( limit of Lake Getiesaret is SOO feet l tiwer than time ocean. Time imleasureiiietmta were iilatio twenty years ago , a long lierlol i ii a semm'I-voicanie regioim , Lake Oi'tiesnret i s connected isItIt the 1)eanl sea imy ( lie Joe. don iiowing timrotmght It troimi miortli to south , a tmd emigiticers auth scientists are satishlemi t itat ( Ito bed of ( ho Jordomm Is gradually sInk- l mtg. Oitsorvations of tue simores of Lake Gemiesaret , anti those of tue inhabitants of ( ho neiglmborimig towns anti villages , immtlicato ( list time lake is contInually faillimg toward tue bottom , wimile ( ito water is beconiiiig tienser froni year to year. Tue salt strata In Its i telgimborinood are growing constantly , IL s eeltis , amid suiltimmir springs are becoimming frequent - quont on time htiains aurrenmndlmmg It. In time north anti east of time bite the Palmn trees , 501110 of tlieimi alive , imlore of tlmeltl dead and barremi , rise above time ivater at it dIstaitco o f trout tweimty to forty feet from tIme simoro I'imat they simotmid have taken' root in the water is Impossible , nmtd ( lie stmppesttlomi is ( lint origimmally tlmey stooti on little islantito that ivere smiblimerged with time sinkIng of time l ake's bottotmi. Time catastrophic ivlnicim resulted Intime do. structiomi of time cities of Sotiohil aimti Go- nmorraim amid in tue formuatloit of time Dead sea is comttputetl to imave occtmrrt'd about lOO ! years before Cimrlat. The Dead se-a imas Itmia. zletl aciemitists ever since , anti manty of its remmiarkable featmmreim imavu now been cx- plaimmeti , Its deitresalon below time level of time Mediterranenim is time deeltest known on earth , Time bottom of Lake Gonieaoret is till a mnticit imlglmer' level at present , but it It continues to sink as It has done iii tue last twenty years , a repetition of the evemmts of 4,000 years ago is not immiprohabie. As ( ito woriti imas not been treated to a spectacle of terrestrial evolutions on a grand scab within iiitndremls of years , time creation of the second lead sea withIn the conmpass of ortilnary travel wotmiti stmrely attract the at- tentlon of all civilized nations , and at tIle saimle timmie lneip to solve litany probleimis of : 1 scientIfic nattmre , Josophitms , wIno was born In 37 B. C. , re- ltorts that tim itator at Gemiesaret was "clear as crystal , sweet and wimoiesomime. " I tried to ' drink It , but fotmnd it putrid amiml miatmaoatlntg. It left a salty taste lit time momltim , 1 'naked ' time lislmernieml mlyIng tlmeir trade on time take I ts in bibical clays wiiethmer time water was always - ways unfit for drinking purltoaes , and re- ceivetl answer thmilt It grew more imd Itloro foul every year. This seems to imtmlicate timat time surmises its to time cimange of conditloits iii the Inko m ire correct. Time water of time Ieati Sea , mis Is t'ell known , Ia entirely tmufit for ttae umy Oman. The stench arising front it creates a pestilcmttial atmoaltimero for itiammy iiiilcs aroimmimi. I imave never been able to approach time lake In sumitnier , hut tIme mmatlves have In- ( orated Inc ( lint mmbotmt ( his ( line of year time water , even a foot below time surface , acquires - quires a telmllicrattire of 90 tiegrees. It has been observeti tbat past mmmldnlghmt time ( emil- lternturb of time water on time surface meas- tIres lit tIme imelginborimood of 100 degrees. Tlmero Is , however , 0110 false Iiupressiomm In LImo ltmlhtlic mmmi to be correctetl , The Ieati Sea Is hot dead as to animal lifo , hawks , utartritiges , frogs anti Itigeons are numerous UPommits shores , and alt sorts of crawiing insects - sects abound there : time sluggIsh waters , too , are covered witim ducks-lit fact , time fauna Is time same as that inhabiting time shores of Lake Genesaret , witit timls difference , imow- over : All specImens of tim anlmmiai world about ( lie Iead ) Sea are slate colored , wlmlie titose enllvenlmig time shores of Lake Genes. aret wear their ordinmary plumage and scaly dross respectively. Tlm Lake Genecaret , also called the Sea of Tiberias , or Galilee , Is sItuated 65 mnikta north of time Dead Sea , Its extreme lengtlm Is 15 itiiiea , its greatest witltlm 6 % 1111105. The water lie very deep , even at time shores , hi some shots tile depthm Immeasures 160 foot , In others 751) antI inure. In the miortlmeast and miorthiivcat time shores nra flat aitti swanlpy ; time IuomnntaIna of Safeti apitroacim ( Ito lake oni thin Imortim ; In thmo ivest we have time imii ! of 1l.h1amtmmmma anti Ilattlmm. 'Fimo voicamiic plateau of Jormlamh begimhs In tue east ; It Is tlistin- gtmlslmetl for miiany micail craters ; its greatest height is called llermnon , ani it wears an elem'mmal snoti'cat. Palms tlmat lmring forth tie fruit , imapyrus itiaitts anti oleander liourisli in ( ho nmeigimboriiooti of time shores. ' ( ito stones at the etige of time water are literally coy- oreti wIth tltrtlcs , some of wlmicim grow over a toot anti a unIt long. Ducks ai-o plentiful in seine parts ; in Otimers time Pelican imold fortim Iii large miutnbcrs. 'l'Im , ' S rim 'ISo mmmis IL t tli'M Or time Spanish Inqmmiaition never inilicted Icr- ( urea more dreadful tlman those enduroti by time victlmtm of Inllanimnatory rlmcumtimmtlsmn , Tile chronic formit of titla obstinate nnalntly is sufflciemitiy Paillftml. Arrest it at time start with i1ostettet' Stommiach hitters anti avofil becoming a hlIe.Iommg martyr , 'rue Bitters ivill remnovo imialaria amid kidney comniplalnta , ilys. Iteitsia , Comtstlitatioim , mlervousnest4 and neuralgia - ralgia , reliledy debility amtd Imastens conva- iescetmce. - _ ' Joljmm.r Ills Imt ( . W'asimington Star : "Excuo flIe , " said tue detective , as lie presenited himself at the door of the music comiservatory , "but I imope youmll give me what Jnforznatlomi you ihave mimi not make any fuss , " " \\'hat do you menu ? " was time Inmiignant inquiry. "Wimy , tihat little affair , you know , " "I don't tinderstammd. " " . 'iiy , you bCtT , we got a tip from the boarding lnotmo mmoxt door timat aonucboiiy imero has been lnlnrtleritig Wagner , and time boss sent Inie down toworkuptho case. " l'e.r I ii. . Cii I 1,1 Last slimmer ise mail ni chIli nmfferlng from bloody flux , whemi we cainie bite PossessIon of a bottle of Ciittmmtberlaln's Colic , CImoIt'ra and DIarrhoea Remedy. I gave sotihe of It to time citiitl according tn mhlrertiotts , it afforded ' almost Insttiumt relief anti effected a iterma. miomit ctnre. I con cheerfully recommmiemmtl it , Gee. Jenmklni , Cetiar Creel ; , Taney Co. , Mo , ii is A l'vollmmi isis uum'sm I. Somerville Joiirmtnl : Old Maneyhmagmjn Carl you earn emmougli , ) 'oulig mami , ( o stipport Ill ) ' laughter ill the style to it'lcim sine htaa beeii accmhslomrmeml. Yoitmmg dlamm ( proudlyinomiltl ) tInt tlmInmk of SUCII a tIming , air ; but I can elmow lmer Imow to mmponml your fortuime In mimuch better style timamb you know itow to do it , a- .b2n Baby seas s.ick , leo gave hmer Castorla. SYiman cbe was a ChiliJ , ahmo cried for Castorla. Thca aio bleamo hlss , idamt ciumi ; to Caatoria , 'thehiad Chnlkirens.hogavetimeIl : Castorla . - . , . , . , . , . , y , . . + , , * _