- - . = - - . r - " . ' -r - ; , . ' ' . . . - - . ' ) ' . - - - : 9' - - - - - . .4 . . . . . " . , ' . . " 2 1 . - ) . . . . . * , . , , - . . . ) ' " " ' . " ' - . " ' . - - - - - - - " 'l'IIE'- r.AILD 4.1 I. , Y' . fl1T' \ 1OflA' ; AuGUST , HTf)01'flJl'S. ' ' ' ' - - - -J ' - - ' 4-- " " ' - - - - - - . : _ . . ' . _ . - . I : . 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS NEWS. i \ : . vI t1 Offlcc . 12 I Penn Atreet-Il. W. Tittoti . Mntinger ald LC'co. 11 I i c lfEi ir ft ri I f lii2Hir Ili fl ffr1 I _ - - " - ! . . , - , " , t MlOIt .il1N'1'lN. ' J. R. McPheron . forl , t : tllephone 244 , Orant hotel Council flIufZ . . Newly fur- mtlie1. Heopolet Oct. 1. E. I . Clark prop. The school board wil haM Iii regular meeting thIs evcnlng , ant It 1 probable that the teachers will be aulgnel to their places for the coming chool 'ear. The Chritan Endeavor roclctel at the city heM a meeting lat evening at the JJaptst church , whIch was largely attt'nded. , A number at Interesting athlreses were : . Intcrestng adlre : male , A meeting at the council will bo held tomorrow - morrow evening to take some acton on the reque.t of the east % enl , property owners with regard to the cperaton of the motors on East Pierce treet. The funeral of faulo , Payne who killed herself with arsenic , took place yesterday afternoon at 1&1 Droalway , 11ev. J. E. Simp- son oIflclatlng. ler husband did not come from Minneapolis , as hal , been expected. A suit has bOl'n commenced In the district court by Maggie fcNalara asking a jud- ment for $3,000 damages caued by a fallen on the sidewalk on Uamon ) street. ler father. Charles McNamara. appears as o. plaintiFf , she being tinder age. For rent , September I , new house , S rooms roder improvements , $2&.00 per month. 1or I i sale , new house 6 rooms , modern Improvements - 1 ments , fine location , $ & 00.00. Lugee & , Towle , 235 Pearl strept. , I I ' ' : ! , bl'.tittaILtI'IIS. J. Schmid of Ann Arbor , Wcli . , s visiting his former partner , J. I. Pace. The Mine Sylvia and Grace MeFsmore are home from a trill to Spirit I.1ke. J. M. Clancy and wife of Stoughton , WL , arc registered at the Grand , holel. "Mrs. E. I J. Bahcocl and daughter , Mar- 1) ' jorte , will leave early next month for Geneva , N. Y. , to Join 11ev. Mr. Babcoclt. , Mrs. Charles ncky , formerly I.ottle Pie , and baby of Lexllton. Neb. . arrived In the city yesterday to vll her 11 rents. Miss Bessie Stewart leaves this week for a ! to Miss Eleanor Slmmools , at Sea Bright , N. J. She wl be away for several weeks. Mrs. L. M. Colcough Is conlned to her home as the result oC her mepplng on a rusty nail , which penetrated some distance Into the soil oC her foot. Irs. W. W. 10nson of Dubuque has re-I turned home after a visit with her l1rents , ' Mr. and Irs. George F. \Vrglit on South Sixth street. ' . . I Deputy Sheri John P. Stuhr of Avoca wan r In the city yestErday , the guest of Sheriff Hazen. lie Is understood to be laying the wies for a nomination for sheri on the democratic ticket this fall. GOING ( ) U'I' 01 I1LJSlISS . 1.'III"ul 1ros.'CIonIng . Sf14' . . . Still reduc- Only a few days more. Sti greater - tions. Our tune Is short. Crowd In Monday Every dollar's worth of merchandise In our store at net cost. Some goods at Iafl(1 ' actual cost. Our lease expires Septem\r I. Cost not considered. The goods must go. At this writing we are too busy to quote prices. Come In Monday. MOnlay.B NNISON 111105. , Going Out oC Business. \ : Prizes for the Cn"lh'll. ; ; j A number of appropriate pr'zes have beEn A awarded the gentemen of the boat club who took enough Interest Ln the success of last week's water carnival to make specIal ef- forts to have ther ! boats present a beautiful appearance. I was owing to these Individual efforts larel' that the flotilla of light was so gay looking , rind the committee In charge thought that nothing could be more praise- worthy than to testify 10 Its appreciation : by giving prizes. The frt prize was awarded , to L. C. Patterson. Ned Shepard , Ehlon Lou- gee and Wood Allen , and consisted In free bathing privileges at Manhattan beach from October to March. The second prize vas - , drawn by Tom Tldd all John lenlerfn , and , was a receipted bill for club dues during the same period. This prize cost the club noth- Ing , as there are no . dues during the winter months. f . The third prize was the occasion oC can- : . Ihlerable discussion on the part of the com- r mittee. There was not a doubt that the third boat , In point of beauty of deL gn , was the I one propelled by W. 11. Wakefell and , C. H. ( " . . Ogden , but some oC the commiteemen thought v ; that It was a disgraceful thing for the crew to recall a hal-forgoten n' htmare by car- c ; rylng the sIgn , "You Ain't Mad 11 , Are You ? " and were opposed to lending the aI- I'r proval oC the club to such an outrage. As a f compromise It was finally decided to award the thIrd prize to Wakefe\1 and Ogden , how- ever , amI compel them to take It alI use It. The prize was a bath ticket at Grand Plaza , good from October to March , wIth two bot- ties of cream pop thrown In. . Ursa : 1IIjnr1nrnhItI'M Suipt'rnl 1(14)11. My Dear Son : During my seventy years "f of active and somewhat successful { career , of money making I have bought millions oC dollars' worth af stuff . Of course I'm not supertuols , tut I always buy when the sign Is In urea maJ' -the big bear-whether I want the stuff then or notand I never made a purchase then that hid . not prove a money maker. lly advice Is that when you have any money to spend , If . 'st " . at the sign of The Bh Bear " Y".8. for success , 1' . T. Barnum. Note-It's rather slnrular , but It's true that the only "Sign of the Big hear" In - Council Bluffs Is at B. lh Sargent's , the shoeman's. I Is also true that he Is just starting the biggest kind of a sale of tan shoes. Here's your chance boys. You can buy them at your own price. . The Hardman Is full and rich In tone. , 'rl . 'I'clI'IIern' I Ilatitlit ) ' I"IIIN. 1" The first session of the Potawatamle r ' County Teachers' institute will be held thIs morning at the Bloomer Ihool building. The advance guard oC blushing schoolma'ams from the rural dlstrcts arrived yesterday , and hundreds more wi come tOlay. An enrolment : ment oC between 3&0 and 40 Is looke' Cor. ' The following are the Lnstructor : I. W. : Sawyer of Council Illuffs . " 1ethods In Ih's- lology anti Nature Studies : " Arnold Tompkins - klns of Chicago university , "Peda og ) and tile History of Education ; " ex-State Superintendent - tendent J. 11. Knoepler " 1ethods In Vln- ' 0 guage and Grammar : " 1 , E. Crosier of Walnut - nut , " 1ethods In Geography : " \ \ ' . C. Davis oC Avoca "Orthogrphy and Word Analysis ; " , . J.V. . W , Laird , of Carsan "Uhtory and Cvl ! Government ; " Robert J. Aley , llrfessor of mathematc , In the ) Indiana State univer- ally at Doomlngon , fethods In Arithme- tic : " A. P. largraves of Neola , "Heading and Literature ; " larrlet Blood of Council Bluffs , . , weeks 1)rawlng. " The institute will last three The Genuine Round Oak Furnace Is the same success that the Genuine Round Oak : . heater h. Air-tight , ras.tght. burR any kind of fuel and len of It than any other furnace made Lowest ( lces. Cole & Cole , n Main St _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tile only piano worth having. the Hardma : 7 " 'IN 11(1) ' IIurll'I. , . Howard latllhauer was badly burned during Saturday night's water carnival at , . Manawa , and ida Injuries are much wor e than they were at first supposed to be In setting off a pan of red fire he dropped some fire Into a nve-poun,1 , Ilackae. There was an explosion , and some of the stuff fell upon his lap. H burned through , the cloth tn a second end burned his flesh badly . Both hands were also terribly burned , the left one being burned to the bone . lie extinguished the name by Jumping Into the water or his injuries - Juries would hae been much moro terrible than they are lie was taken to the camp ofV. . II. Wakeneld and stayed there all night. Yesterday he was brought to his room In the Grand hotel He Is unable to . clove without undergoing terrible agony and will probably bo confned to his bl1 for ten days. \ Ir Saro of the best musical talent of the city . l wilt be at the social on I" . H. Orcutt's lawn next . 20 _ 4. Tuesday evening August , given by , the young men's class of Broadway Methodist 1lllcopal Sunday Ichool. Refreshments wIll _ bo lerved. f C. B. kindergarten opens September 2. - - ' Tile Jardman plane wears Uko Iron. : _ * - . . _ _ ! " ' 'LJL SAM , ) IIIISO : Iun. Ol * ( ' ( If the Inrhlcsi MeilIhIern or the On. .f tl. Inrl..t 'I'mh.r ! th. C.I.I.I iii tilTs I.tr. , U"lllrtlelt. ( Blind Sam forrlon tied yesterday morn- ing at St5 : o'clock at St. Bernard's hospital , where he hall ! been taking treatment for a number or months P3t. For year hI was one of the float famiiar figures around the city. lie came here In thu earl ) ' days as a stage driver and In lSGS , \hen the old voltIn- teer fire department was organized , becanie I a member At that tune the department can- LIsted Qf one hauFe , at lhe corner oC Pierce street and Glen avenue , and the apparatl3 was primitive most ot the a prlmll'e as apparatus found In frontier to\n ! . At length , after serving for years as a volunteer , he became driver of the Bluff City steamer when the palll depa-tment wa organized , and later on was chosen enlneer. The last drive he took was about the time the water works system was started Into operation , about fifteen ) 'rar or so ago 1"01 comb lmo his eyesight had beeu failing , but his fellows overlooked what few mistakes he malle. One night an alarm CJmc In from the corner of Avenue B and , Ninth street amI he drove the hook arid ladder truck to the plac\ . lie hud to ask one of tb other men to drive the truck back to the house and the next day was given n leave of absence 10 go to St. Louis . anll get treatment for his eyes. I was of no use . and shortly after his return he became entirely blind. verybody I In town knew him and had a good word for him lie mule the city bullil. Ing and tl.e North Main street engine house his headquarters for a number of 'earB. lie had a bed at the engine house , alll almost any day could bo seen walking about the strelts , .lh the aId of a cane. lie knew the streets almost as well as a man wIth good eyesight , but school children and others who chanced to come along would frequently lead him along Several months ago he commenced to fall In health rapidly , as the result of spinal trouble , and he was taken to the hospital For I several weeks past It has been known that his death was only a mater of a short tulle . The Odd Fellows Patti hIm $5 n week amI thIs was his only means of support . lie was almost 70 ) 'ear of age at the time of his death. The funeral will probably take place Ties- day evening at 7 o'clock under the auspices of the Old , Fellows . The Veteran 'Iremen's association , of which he was a member , will attend In a body In full uniform " 10 was one of the lost conscientious men In his obedience to orders I ever saw , " remarked Chief Templeton yesterday. "YearB ago , when Broadway was sti unpaved. I was chief of the fire department and Iorl , son was driver. I was In the early spring and the mud was so ( led ) a horse could have been burled In It without the least trouble. Sam told me that I a cal came In from th west end he never could make it . I hinted to him that there waR a sidewalk along Broadway. Sure enough . the cal came In and Sam started out. lie had only gone a few rods from the engine ilouse . whIch stood on Broadway near the Methodist church when he turned his team around and drove on the sidewalk Down Broadway he went helter skelter , past the Ogden house and the business houses all along the south side of the street , and never left the sidewalk until he reached Sixth street. Everybody had to get out of the way or be run ) over. Ills acton called forth an Indignant protest from a good many people but I told them to pave ' Broadway I they didn't , want their sidewalks 'I used for driving purposes. Nothing was ever done about It. " G.'HIIA : Iort IIItr..tll. Still more Inducements added to our successful - cessful August sale. Our efforts appreciated by the Public . and fully demonstrated by their liberal patronage , we mean to keep the Interest up during this month , and to do .0 wi offer the following bargains : Yard wide Sea Island percales , 6 fc : regu- lar price , 12 ' . Jaconet Duchess , black checked organdies and other lutes . sold for lue , 12fc. 15e , as long as they last atIc per yard. White goods , , plaids and stripes saM for 1e. IPe 25c. In one lot for 8c per yard. , The Natchanl silk mills Is In the hands I oC a rlcelver , and got a big chance to llupl- cate some of the numbers at about COc on the $ ; here Is the difference at retail. I 75c Dengalne silks reduced from 95c. 98c Armure and Ieau de Sale , reduced from $1.33. $1.19 satin duchess , heavy weIght , reduced from $1.65. $1.25 Adla silk . fancy weave . reduced from $ .75. Other numbers In proportion . FOWI.EH , DICK & W A Ttm. Council lhluffs . Ta SolI.'rN " % ' 11 CvIeli'ude. The annual reunion of the Potawatamle County Veterans' association will take place at Neoha commenc'ng next Wednesday and lasting three days. The following are the officers In charge : George 11 Putnam , commander - mander : J. K. Osher vice commanler : G. E Strain , chaplain ; E. P. Drown , adjutant ; Riley Clark . quartermaster ; H. n , Wilson . chief of star ; E. A. Con lgney. Riley Clark and John Sides , aides The frrt exerc'sls will take place at 1:30 : Wednesday afternoon. Mayor Roland oC Neola will give an address oC welcome , to be responded to by G. M. Put- nam. Frank Shi'nn and C II , Converse will make speeches. At 7:30 : In the evening there will be a dress parade . to be followed by a campfire In charge of Commander Putnam. Thursday there \\1 be a parade at 9:30 : a. m. , to be followed by an executive se son ! of the associat1on . Congressman A. I. 13er. J. J. Steadman L. I. Garmong John ! Y. Stone and , Captain Cooper wilt speak at the evening. afternoon session , and C. O. Saunders In the The closing day addresses will be made by Judge Walter I. Smith George W , Cul- : son General F. Id. Drake all Judge Josiah Given . The ball teams of Mlfourl Valley and Neola will play both Thursday and Friday . and on the latter day I Is probable that both the h1'gh school cadets of tl city , and the I.adles' Broom brigade oC MacedonIa will be present. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lltJItI.INGTON ROUTE I..ln..l Italic. Triennial conclave nlghte Tempiar DOl- , ton , Mass . Sale ' August HI to 24. . American Pharm'c"nlcal association . Den- .er , Colo. Eale AuguH 1 and 12. National convention eeley league , la- rlsburg , Pa . Sale AuguR IG to 22. In addition I have on ale Summer Tourist tickets to various points In the United States and Canada. Cal and ret copy of map and lutrated write up of the great Yellowstone National park. O. 1 nROWN. Ticket Agent. Y. M. : C. . \ . iil'4'illl5. A band of men , such as woud : have done the heart of a Homan centurion good , gather on the street at the entrance of the associa- ton roms yesterday , afternoon , where they listened to an Inspiring five nllnutea' address by nev. . Mr. Coker oC Emporla , Kan ; then ) wheeling Into line , they went up to the gm- naslum , where M. " ' . Swain of Omaha save them a keen and practical talk on costly errors. The Lllllring music , the cord'al hand- shaking all the general good fellowship that characterized the day made It memorable , all all felt that they had been benefited. A rousing - ing exhortation by a visiting Japanese student closed the meeting . No * lee tl Cilrue'irs. Dds will be receive up till Wednesday noon the 21t day oC August 1895 , for the grading of Olbrt lake , situated In the city of Council Bluffs , according to plaus and specifications now on file In the office of Gilbert Bros. Dds per cubic yard In bank. No bids entertained unless accom- Ilsnled by a certified check of $100. We reserve the right to reject any antI all bids. GILBERT DnOS. Yes , the Eagle laundry IS "thst good laundry . " and I. located a 72t Droadwa I In doubt about this try It and be convinced Don't forget name and number. Tel 157. Read Dal , ' ad. Dovlsels hammocks cheap . _ _ _ _ _ _ None finer than the Tarlman Baby OraD& H-JilNiiL'I , Strull Simiiiiig. LAKE MiNNFVASAK N. Y. . Aug. U -Ex.Justieo Strong has had a stroke at paralysis which affects the left side of his body , lie has also had a relapse of the catarrhal fever I very weak , aDd It present unconscious. - I J.ICI 'ril (11,1) - 1II'h1ESI.ti ( . .Oreent iny l'copivhio t'llhol.1 I , 'I ) fur I.u.c of ( loin. I The pulpit at the Iounle Memorial EVAn- gClcm : English Lutheran church was : occupIed by 11ev. J , i. Clutz , D. n. . president at Midland college ) 'etlrday morning. The Ils- course was based upon the story ot the lt- tempt ot Damelrlus , the silversmith ot Rphesus to arouse a rentment among hll workmen antagonistic to the teachIng ot the apostle Paui The speaker toM how Dllule- trlus had called his men together snJ as- sured them that the religion ot Paul was a menace to their trade. I the religion of Idna was displaced there would be no further , demand for the Idols and Images which con- ' stfuled the greater part of the productions ' oC the sIlversmiths , an1 with thIs appeal all their cupidIty he had cunningly Interwoven an appeal 10 their religion , which was the worshiP - shiP oC Diamla. The speaker said that the motives at the silversmith hal a counterpart In those of mdny so called Christians of tIme present day. They .lrlge,1 , In religion to serve their reI fsh " 11 and male It their servant In. .Iead of their ma ter , They were apparently very 71alcus In their professions but In reality their pretensions were animated by their de- sire to gain The further lesson was drawn that men were unable to control the reuts ! of their own words all actol ! . The silversmith had Ilrobably no idea that hb speech to his workmen - men was going to arcuso a tumult that would fill the street of phcsus I and the temple of Diana with a riotous mob , but once his words were spoken he hal no power to control the passIons of the rabble. So each In- dlvllu31 hat ? probably seen tmes In his exPerienCe - perience when he would , hate gIven any- thing In his power to recall some hastily spoken word thaI h:11 : brought resuls far beyond his antcpatluns , nr. Clutz compared the cry at the mob , "Long Live DIana of the Ephiesians" with the cry that was heard In these later days "I. ng Live iCing Alohc ! " Then as now the peop:1 : asserted that the dethronement of Dana would ruin theIr business . I was claimed that the removal oC the liquor traffic would throw thousan.h . of o cle ! cut oC emllo.ment render millions at del r Ilorth property valueless anti bring poverty to hundrNs oC homes that now reveled In plent . The ) Lpcaker held that this Idel was as mIstaken a ono as that of the sh'ersmlths ! of Ephesus. Whie , he ( loath of the liquor trafce might temporariy embJrass a great many People the evils whIch woull result were no more to be compared ! to the good that woull follow than the losses whIch a few people mIght sustain by reason of the summer tempest to the beneficent elects of the rain that brought peace anti plety to tholn1s. , - - - 1111' . \S ( ( ) Iti'L'Si"flht Si'lCIs'I' . Cllllllilt friiinSioii " ( I y 'l'hllJhl NOt II I. . ( iiiitii . J. H. lervlns , attorney for Cohen & Co of Sioux City , ticket boker and Deputy . Sher- Ir El Anderson of Sioux City arrived In Omaha late last night to take back to Iowa George R. Specht who was arrested here by Detective Daniel Davis Friday on a telegram from Sioux City , whIch said that Specht was wanted there on the charge oC obtaining goods under false pretcnses. Yesterday , be- fore the message was received by Chief of I'ohiccVhite saying that officers wou11 be sent with the proper papers to take the prls- 'oner back the atcne's for Specht received a wire signed b ) the attorney for Cohen & Co. , saying that the matter could be settled for $35. The friends and advisors of made an unsuccessful effort to have him released on the strength of the telegram. The atorney and the officer endeavored to find the attorneys for ! the prisoner yesterday morning borere they conferred with ) police. Captain Mostyn heard oC It and had them brought to his office. They said that they , \ould like to see the attorneys for the prisoner before they swore out a complaint Mostyn became rather Inlignant that they shoull proceed In such an unusual manner. He told them that I a complaint against Specht was not sworn out Immediately he would go before the police judge and have the mal released. The two men debated as to who should swear out the complaint. One said : "You do It , " and the other said the , ame thing. At last Iostyn asked them , pointedly what they were going to 10 , The ) ' hesitated a little while , and then the deputy said that he woull swear out the complaint anti , wire for Cite necessary papers , which were already prepared to get the It 'Isoner Into his custod ) An ofcer was sent wIth them to ee that this was done. The prisoner says that at Sioux City , August 8. he got a mileage book from Cohen , for whIch $10 was aeled. On recommella- ton oC friends he got the book without pay- ment. lie consumed most oC the mileage ingoing going to Carrel , la. lie then went to Lin- coin and came to Omaha last Thursday when he mailed the book , with a letter of thanks , to Cohen. The next mncning he received - ceived a letter stating that a letter had been received Cram him but the book was not enclosed That night he was arreHed. I Is considered that the $35 demande means $0 for the book and $25 attorney's fee. habeas corpus proceedings will be brought this mcnlng , I Is promlsel , or Spech 's behalf. . IS : II'UIOUY ' 01. GUA , 'FI. ( ) 'L"l' ' . TeIlt'It'ltiJl AnllIs'ersur ) ' If the hut- tie C..I'lrnh'l 'beNt'rIll ) , . The Landwehr-Vereins . oC Douglas county met at Benntngton yesterday afternoon to celebrate - ebrate the twenty-ffb anniversary of the victory won by the German forces over the French at Gravelote In the Franco-Prusslan war. war.I was expEcted that 700 or 800 at the Ger- man cLtzlns or Omaha would take part In the celebratiomt . but the rain of the morning and the threatening aspect of the weather de. tered many from venturing out , anti when the specal : train left the Web ter street depot at 11 o'clock but 20 excursionIsts were ticketed . eted for BennIngton They were met at the staten b ) a brass bind and a large delega- ton oC German citizens from Bennington and vicintty. After . the greetings had been exchanged the vlb.tors : were escorted to the hotels and given until 2 o'clock to feast on the good things prepared for them by the hotel keepers At 2 o'clock time members oC the Land- iehr.Vere'ns all the Fore or more oC vet- erns of the Franco.Prusslan war formed In a procession and marched to the park where the exercises of t e day \ erE held. An ad- dress was delivered by Jacob lauck of Omaha on the battle of Gravelotte. lie reviewed In detail the struggle at Gravelotte , which was the bloodiest , battle of the war The German vtory on that day prevented the Irlnch general , Dazalne , Cram breaking through the German army anti forming a union with the forces of Field Marshal MacMaiton Over 40.000 men wore killed on both s des all the German vIctory was the turning point of the war. Mn . lauclt servell under General Stetmltz In that fight all told the story of pant. the battle from the standpoint of a partci- pant.After After the exercises at the park the visitors spent the afternoon In games anti dancing , anti It was after 10 o'clock last night when the Omaha contingent boarded the tra'n for home. Fully 500 Germans from Douglas and Washington counties took part In the cele- bration. . . 1,111.111 \I.hllat.1 'I'litiiit-r I.nn,1 SEATTLE , \'ash . Aug. 18.-A party of Wisconsin lumbermen , headed by Waler Alexander at the Alexander-Stewart thl - Lumber con1any , W'ausaVIs. . , has arrived here for the purpose of examining the lumber Interests - eats oC the state , with a view to making large Investments here. The lumbermen of the middle west see the beglnnlnr oC the end at their white pine forests and they are looking for new fields . The party will spend two or three weeks In the state making their headquarters at Seattle. They have hal , a woodsman out here for six months examining - amlnlng different tracts of timber , and express . press the intention to make large Invlst- ments In the state the a result oC their examinat Ions. - p I.liIllhl'r S'hllltr.or. . PONT ARENA , Ca ! Aug. IS.-The schooner James Townsend was driven ashore jUlt north of the lighthouse this morning at I o'clock. She had been In tow of the steamer Noyo , but the Hne partell. The No'o Is not In sight and must have lost the schooner In the fog The Townsend Is loade wIth lumber , bound for San I ran- cisco , from Fort Iiragg . One man swam ashore , but the ret of the crew Is In the rigging. They will be land I the schooner holds together Help was sent from here - RECORDS NOT U ) TO DATE ) - Queer Proceedings in tto lotor of Letting the Ponientl /Ontmct / , DENIAL THAT ACTIOt1It.tS , BEEN TAKEN -lt. A.h..rU..m..lt h'rh..1 II n I.ncnt I'iipe'r UU"N Xo ( floor ( lot ( lie .tnner- tIoii-I'rnC'eIllslJ , ; lf ( Ii. . lulr.1 ? tttt 'ritt'i t1' , -.1 LINCOLN , Aug. Ig.8p { clal.-There ) Is a swarm of clerk anti 'otaches In the of- flee at the commisioner' , of public lands anti buidings who are balding down positions amid consuming the generous appropriatIon In repayment for political debts supposed to have been owed by Commissioner Hus- sell . Yet , notwithstanding thIs fact , the recorll of the procellns at the board Is always far behind , making tt impossible for t citizen of the state to lint ? out from the public records of this office what public business has been transacted by this most secretive and "under the hat" board In the whole range of exeutve llepartments. The proceedings of the Board of Public Lands anti Buildings are kept In the office of the secretary at state , and , notwithstanding the "school" of political parasites tn tile Ian , ) commissIoner's office a clerk In the secretary of state's department Is required , to wrie Ul this book , which be docs from penciled data furnished by the severely overtaxed em- plo'es In the ofce of Land Commissioner Russell. But until he Is proviled wih this data the secretary oC state's clerk can do nolhlng For this reason the record Is away behind , and only today was It being brought UI' to the &th Inst. Several Important - portant meetngs have occurred since then , but on what date I wi be Impossible tu sa ) ' until the record 1f written UII. Ypster- day L1nd Commissioner Hussel saul that there had been no meeting of the board , nor wOlld there be that day SOMEThING 0. A DISCRE1'4tNCY. "las anything new developed In the penl- Century matter ? " he was askcl by a reporter - porter for The lice. "No , nothing whatever , " replel Mr. hue- sell. sel."Do "Do you expect to Ibid. or have you he11 a board meeting In rel . ton to penientary " maters lately ? "No , nothing has been alone yet In regard to letting tile contract or employing a eli. perintellen t. " So far the records of the board , bear Mr. Hus el out In his assertion , as do also the news colums of the ring Journal In this ciy , nut tucked away In an chscure corner of that paper Is an a1ve. tisement inserted by the 1 baud , answerable before August 2& , offerIng to let the stale prIson contract to the lowest blddr until the meetng of the next session of the Nebraska legislature. Commissioner Russell has been asked every Cay since the &th Inst. , If the board hall taken' any action In the matter . and every day he has denied that It hail Not only that. but there Is every evidence In the olce of the secretary of state that he has taken every means In his power to suppress from the public that a bidder for the contract had been asked , for. The silence oC the ring Journal Is another el'ldence oC the Intentional sub roa system oC trans- acting public busIness In a secret manner. Land CommIssIoner lu8 el might take faIr waning oC the unfortunate admInistration of hb predecessor , who cn several ' occasions attempted - tempted to suppreast ! the news In his de- partment. Today Mr. Rusel " said that he Itad been paying prison emplo R omit , of hIs own pocket. lie said that he hal dlscllarge two of them a day or two since and 'glven them his In- dlvtdual check for tlo.t amount due them. But a few weeks slnf6 le paId $110 out of his own pocket for the publcaton ! of an appraiser's record of IJrlson property , In. ventorled by them at ! the rate of $50 for each day's servke. This record purports to be , In part , a record of the proceedings of the Board of Public Laud and Buildings , and contains expressions froml Governor Holcomb , which the later declare he never made The question arises by what right , const- tuttonal or statntory , cbee the land commis- sioner assume to pay debts owing by the state and out of hIs own pocket 1 11010SES TO FIRE D CK. The commissioner tolay announced In de- chle,1 terms that he proposed to fire William Deck ant oC the position to which he had been appointed by Warden Leldlgh. I Is that of steward. Russell says that he never gave the warden permission to employ him. This statement oC Mr. Rmisseli's . analyzl : . presents a queer status of affairs at the btate capial : The exact words used by Russell " 1 propose to fire Dock Qut of there " Thee Is nothIng In any law , new or alI , that gives any Individual , except the warden a right to employ or dlschar"c people at the pemtitentlary . The Boanl of Pnble : I.ands and Buildings Is given authority to "man- age" the penitentiary , but when did Russell . In his personal identity . absorb the Board of Public l.nds and Bulllngs1 The statement of the commissioner will bo In the lIne of news to the other gentlemen comprising the Board oC Public Lands and Buildings. In the advertisement Inserted today In the ring Journal Is the following paragraph , which needs no comment : "Any contract entered Into shall provile that the general management anti discipline oC the convicts shall be under the control oC and said the Board vart1en. oC " I'ubhic IAnls and Buildings Summarized , the artful supresslon oC news In the land commissioner's office . together with the wontng of the advertisement and the pompous attitude of Land Commissioner Hussel Indicates that the state of Nebraska may prepare for a prison scandal In the let- tins of the contract , compared to whIch the Mosher-Dorgan deal was the mildest form of hootiilng. No public officer , pursuing an honest course nlel , be at all afraid to give to the public records of public business transacted - acted by hintsolt Russell has denIed the press access to the transactions of his own ciusions office . and the public will draw Its own con- FUGITIVE 1'lllLsIIS IN JAIL . AI.enlth'l CItyClt'rle tf leltrlee , Cuaptiiretl ; ' 1,1 I.ICICI'Il " 111. BEATRICE , Neb. , Aug. lS.-Deputy Sher- Ir Kyl captured J. T. Phiips , the fug ! tve city clerk , last evening at S o'clock , after a ride of forty.five miles In close pursuit. Soon - after leaving this city yesterday afternoon K'd learned that Phiips. In company with a man and woman , was a short distance aheal , of h m. He followed the trail to Falrbury and then to the little town oC Powell on the SI Joseph & Grand Island road Upon In- quiry being made he learned that an outfit of that descriptIon had driven Into town a few minutes before and the buggy was over about the dppot. When found -Phiips was standing near the depot In conversation with a resident of the place lie m't1e no resistance to ar- rut , and In company whit the deputy , started on the retur trIp fi\'lng In Beatrice at 5 o'clock this mtiornin. Phillips hal attemttltted no disguise further than to clip his mouttache closely , he having been In the habit at " ' aring It quite long. After an Interview ' 'Itl ; his attorney and an unsuccessful atempt to cure bondsmen , the accused was placed 'In the county Jai at 2 o'clock thIs afternodn. There ts little hope of his aferoon. a' there are now two ' charge against him and 'developments In the case yesterday In the way of further bogus warrants coring to lht and the mutilated ! condition oC the books In the city hal will no doubt cause the bonlhln the forgery case to b placed at a prSUy high figure. S.'hIJ''r ! oei'iil Affutirs . SCI1UYLE1C , Neb , Aug. IS.-Speclal.- ( ) Miss Carrie Brigham Is absent at Goodland , Ran , where she went to attend to the bUll- ness oC trovirig up on a piece of government land land.Mr. I. . H. Eddleblute , w'fe of a former paler of the Methodist church at this place , L here from New York visiting her mother Mrl. Brigham , anti her sIster Carrie . Stephen Dworak , who has b er proprietor of a large ranch In Cherry county , I.as sold the same and returned to this vicInIty , his old here , to engage In business Edtor ! F. K. RnSlmuth of Cedar Rapid . Ia , has been In the city during the week makLg Ilrepartons to move his family from here there. D. N. McCord of DEB Moines . ha . was hero . - _ . . . _ , . . _ , _ during the week to look after the gluing of 1 the " 'OlE house , which was 1 ball ) ' battered by the bali storm of i.'st I Saturday night . Stela Oman , a /ur.e from the Methodist Hospital all leaconl s' 10me. Onl\ha , had the care at C. O. Sbln during the four days precellng hll death Mr. A. M. ? 1lbbe anti wife ot homer N. y" , the latter a sister ot Mrs. S. II. McCulou h , arc spending a couple of weeks with S. 1 , McCulough anti family. l'rLclpal.elect Burkett was In the city this week In consultation with our school officials relative to mater con ernln the schools , whIch ! wi be 0111nell the frt week In Sep' tember. Jrhlay , the IS.months-ohl son or Mr. anti Mrs W. T. lowarll was burlNI , having llCI at summer complaint. The S.months.ohl child of Mr. all Mrr . M. f Huck died at the ! mI dleael and was burl.,1 yesterday , SEItlIUS ; 11.\ I , : AT . COOK in'hlglit l'ir' H..I'I'N Iu'h I'rlll- ery I. C iti . " 'illutg'u' . COOK , Neb , Aug. U1.-Spclal ( Tllegram. ) -A very disastrous fire broke out In this village today about 1 o'clock a. m. anti burned three business bulllngs as follows : John 1astalka , hardware , lost building an,1 , stock , $4,600 : Insurance , $ : .000. Kate Mae- talka , postotco building all fixtures , $500j ; Insurance , $300. g. T. Back , M. D. , office and fixtures , loss $500 ; Insurance , $300. Kuse Bras" , plate glass front and stock damard probably $350. armers' hank , plate glass front , loss probably $ & 0. Both Imtsured . 1) ' heroic efforts of the bucket brigade the fire was controlled after batily scorching the saloon buldlnJ on the cast anti opera house buIlding on the - ' vest . - Nflt'N fr'1 Noel it Illt. . NORTh ! II.ATTI , Neb. , Aug. 18.-Spe- ( cinl.-A ) lawn tennis association has been or- sanlzed In thIs city. A full set of otcers has been elected and arrangements are being made to hold a tournament In this city next month. Jack Di and H. A. Douglas suffered a severe bicycle collisIon on Saturday evenIng. Dill's wheel was totally demolshed and ho was picked UII unconscious. Douglas was severely - , verely injured amid his wheel badly wreckCI , Jacob Hlchards of North Bend rode from , that plnce to this last week In two and one hal days The distance Is 22G miles. The corn crop In many parts of Lincoln county wi be very large. A gentleman was In the city Coda ) ' from the Garfell tables and reports tlat part oC the county one sold mass of contented people anti good crop . The . populists held their primaries over the county yesterday all delegates 'I'ere elected to the county convention. Two city pre- cincts thaI not hold primaries at the tml recommended , but they1 ill be held next week. Pat mi or- 1111.1 - - l&ni II 1..1. WATmU.OO , Neb. , Aug. 18-Speclal.- ( ) Chris Burke n middle aged bachelor who has been Iv'ng hy hlm1 seven mies south oC this place , was found deall In bed this irmornirtg. . The last seen oC Mr. Burkl alive W.tsVednesday morning when he seemed to be ailing . but nothing further was thought oC Lt until time corpse was found. I Is badly discolored showing that death must have taken place several das ago. There are no signs of violence all the general opInion ! s that the deceased died a natural death. The coroner was notified this afternoon. Frank Jamison the crack catcher for Cite Drowns , went to O'Nei , where ho has accepted - cepted a similar position. The harvest home supper given by the Presbyterians was a financial success. A heavy rain fell this morning , Inurlng a three-quarter crop this 'ear. C. P. Coy & Son. are putting In a large separator their seed house. They are also I contemplating other Improvements. I Art'Iutrd IN Not Short . YORK , Neb" , Aug. 18.-Specla-The ( ) or- roneous report which bas been circulated throughout the weekly papers In this state and Iowa , to the elect that the deputy county treasurer of this county Is short In his accounts has caused a great deal of comment In this county. What causE the report , no doubt , was the tact that the treuB- nrer of the school districts oC York county was short In his accounts , ant ) Mr. Archall was detalell to check up bls books. York county will make a flute display of agricultural specimens at the state fair. A large number In the county arc taking hold of the same . and Its success seems assured. Misses Burt and Mate Post , who have been In the city the guests of Misses Hal- let and Janet Post , returned this noon to their home In Columbus ' 1tII.h'r 'l'Ik (111 'l'ent. PLATTSMOUTII , Neb. , Aug. 18.-Specal ( ! Telegramn.-ShorSt ) ' . Elllnbary returned Cram South Omaha this morning having In charge Peter howe a teamster oC that place , who Is wanted here to answer to the charge of grand hanceny. Howe's offense Is that of stealing a merrr-o.round tent from a man lamed Mldleton. : hy whom lowe was hired to bring the tent from South Omaha to this city. howe will have a hearing tomorrow. luth Ih'c I" Cituidron . CHADHON , Neb. , Aug. 18.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-A ) wrong Impression Is evidently abroad regarding the Enlshmen who were arrested at thIs place for fast ruling on horses. There were only two of them , and they were not bicycle tourists , as many papers state but resIdents of this place. Clegg IB learning ranching all Nockolds Is a veterinary surgeon , practicing tn this cl ) IINII".1 uiiii IVife Hurt. SYRACUSE , Neb" , Aug. 18.-Speclal ( Tele gram.-Charles ) lendry and wife were thrown from a buggy ths ! afternoon while out drLvlng. Mr. lendry received a severe ! all wound and both were more or less bruised by the fall. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I.nrkl" SIIII..t liii' Marmulmni . CHADHON , Neb" , Aug. 18.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Clty ) Marshal Morrlse was bit over the bead last night and badly cut by a saloon keeper , John Ii. Larkin. No arrests have been made. 'l''IIhlDll "t : . 'lrn.I" . CIt ) ' . NEBRASKA CITY , Aug. i8.-Special.- ( ) Miss Maggie Gafney died yesterday afternoon - noon of typhoid fever after a sIckness oC some time. She was welt and favorably known here . having been In the ellrloy of the Cereal mills for some years , 1 portIon of the tIme a traveling representative all hater B forewoman at the woman's departntent. A large number ot cases of tYllhohl fever have been rel10rtelt ot late anti several Ileaths ha" resulted theerom , Last nIRht' . Ntws prods the mayor anti city councilor : or not In1rovlng the sanitary condition ot the city by cutltg the "INIs all cleaning up generally , This work Is certainly I ball ) neNIld at present. PUI' ) ! 1.'gUsn 'i'lIl'i lIIMOCItA'l'it . CIIII"tlll tlini.ls ( 'usual . mig lt"'I ) ' 'l'I lilt's Iii ? u'1rutnlui 1.lltl. . . I'I4ATTm3MOUT1I , Nib. , Aug. 18.-Speclal ( Tele rm.-Cass ) county llemocrats hed : tholr primaries last night and returns Cram over time county show that the free silver faction Is In the maJorl ) . and will have almost full control of Cite county con"lnton , which wi meet In Union next Tuesday . In this city the fight \as exciing only In one ward , the First , amid here nn evenly dlvlled delegation was clnoecn The candidates for assessor In . the five wards ot this city arc : 1' . E. I Hu- ner , Oswald Gutlnann , J. W. liendee . lenr I ) ' Ofe , alll J. C. \t'ihlinurts. The coinage Ilues- ton has made a bad spilt In the ranks of the democrats In this coummity , anll wih a clean ticket the ( republicans stand an excellent chance of almost doubling their normal ittajor- . iCy . GILEEN\VOOI I ) , Neu" , Aug 18.-Speclal ( Teiegrarii.-Tlno ) JOIJJsts oC Sal Creek 11re- duct hrll their calcus In Greenwoo.1 Saturday - day , August Ii , nomlnate.1 a township ticket and sent the . required number of delegates to the count ) corivemitlon. The democrats met to caucus , but there were only three of them and they retired . IAI CiTY Neb. , . Aug. t8.-Speclal.- ( ) The democratc ( aunt ) conventon to elect delegates to the state and JI1lclal conven- tons met here tola ) ' . Thirteen out cf eighteen townships were rellresentl horn . Mutt Miller was chosen chairman , A reno- luton 10st heart 1) endorsing the wiRe ad- ittinimutratiomt of Grover Cle'elaul , as wel as ellorllg Its course In revising the tariff , was voted down . w hen lion. C. I ) . Casper , who , though defeatell at lie primary here. , \'as a member of tIme conventon by I'rox ' ) iritroduceti a resoluton that no lelegats be elected , to the state or Judicial conventons who woull lint pledge their sumpport to a itlatformu favoring titri tree coimtage of silver at 16 to 1. Upon time atioptiorl of this rosa- lution about twemtty delegates withdrew , Tue remrtainimig delegates proceetieti to mmaltle the tielegatioris , five front Iariti City being rtamtted ort each delegation to till omit the ituiriber. A resolution was titemt passed unmart- imttously heartIly emidorsitig the action of Grover Cl'einnti on the tariff question , after which they mtdjottrneti. Time boltermu rtiet anti orgartizeti Ity electimtg 11. 1' . idcCollont citairmani arrti proceetleti to Perfect an orgamiizatiomm by niarmilmig a full county central comttrnittee anti delegates to time state convention at Lincoln. NELIGI ! , Nob. , Aug. 18.-Special.-Tite ( ) popmmhist county convention was iielti yester- day. A resolution was atiopted comnrrtlttimig the party to a change of namtte , If it is uleerricti expetinent. ! Delegates to the Judicial cortvemt- ( loin are favorable to Judge Itobinsort , and those to the state convention ivill vote for Maxwell for supreirie jnrcige. Tite ticket nom- Inateti is as follows : County clerk , W. ii , \Veygent ; treasurer , VIlhiattt illock ; cleric of the court , \V. hi. Mend ; sheriff , J. G. Crink- law ; county jutige , B. F. Atimitire : stipcnlrttemtd' ent of schools , Mrs. Malmooti ; coroner , Ir. Conery ; surveyor , A. J. Leach. The treasurer - urer , sheriff amttl coroner are the present 0111- daIs. NEBRASKA CITY. Aug. 18.-Speclal.-- ( ) The free sliver tiemnocrats yesterthay Iteld their pnlrttaries in tills city anti elected delegates - gates to the county convention. The at- tenilanmce was considerably less titan had been expected. ,1 , ( ) htm1CEs'md 'i'Ilhd YFI'VmlIt.tNS. hlssoiiri Vii ' % ' i1iiliriim lit it Lii rgt' CroiT4I Of Soldiers. MISSOURI VALLEY , In. , Aug. 18.- ( Spectal.-Arrangcmttents ) arc being rapidly perfected for the seventtlt annual rounlomt of the \\'eatern Iowa Veterans' assciaticn , which is to meet hero on August 27 and 28. The asecciation is composed of a dozen counties in central-westera Iowa , A crowd of 5,000 to 8,000 vIsitors is anticipated , It Cite weather is favorable , anti will tax ( lie town to its capacity. The detailed arrangenntenta nrc smrch , however , that all who attend will be most hospitably entertained. Marty of the best soldier orators of Iowa amid Nebraska have accepted invitations to be prescmit and take part lit the program , Tue preparations thus far made are on a greater and moore ox- tenslve sefle tlmmi at any forrtier session of the association , Tue new cpara liomiso is iong ! rapidly ptrsted to completion. It is a Ittagnificent structure anti when contpleted will cost upwards of $25,000. It is perfect in all its appointments. having all the accessories of a metropolitan play house. Tue seating capacity is for 1,000 peopl i. It will be formally opened Sop- temuber 23 , wIth a week's engagement. TIme cornmpany and repertoire have not yet been made public. : ul ichit'll htu'imoial iiiuieii , CRESTON , ha. , Aug. -Special ( Tele- granm.-Ex.Speaker ) Vi' . 0. Mitchell of CornIng - Ing , was nontinated by acdlantation at ( ho Fifth district reptiblican convention , held at Lenox Satttrday. Congresemnamt hepburn delivered an address. Tue comtventlon was an enthusiastic one , hard Ti.uat' . Did It. JEFFERSON , Ia , , Aug. lS.-Special ( Tele- gram.-The ) Daily Bee , started four ntonths ago , has suspended , Lack of patronage. Weekly will continue , ' ' . AMUSEM1IN's'S. A Bowery Girl , " for which , If one may credit the play bill , harry Williams arid Ada Lee Bascoin are jointly responsible , had its first representation in Orriahia at Iioytl's last nIght , beginning a halt week's engagement at that house , An audience which filled the first floor sat hrougui Cite play arid Itailed vith loud acclaimmt tire thrilling successive stages of ( lie action , which Includes every modern formri of battle , nrturther anti sudtlen death. The carnival of crimnte anti rescue Is enliveneti at frequent Intervals by ( inrice specialties anti the performnamtce of chaste and elgartt songs , for the execution of wiiicli trauiic is suspendeti at the busy corner at ( ? \"Shave your Soap" S -SO the soap rnakerssay , especially - - , pecially ifyou'rc washing delicate t1lings. Now , in the name oi corni-t-ion sense , what's the ' : ; use ? When you can get Pearline , in powder form for this vcry reason , why - = do you want to work over - soap , which , if it's good for anything , gets very hard and difficult to cut. Besides , Pearline is vastly better than any powdered soap could be , It has all the creed ' properties of any soap-and many more , too , Therc's something in it that does the work easily , but without harm-much more easily than any other way yet known , Peddlers , and some unscnipuloua groccri will tell you , I this is as good as " or " the came as Pearhine. IT'S FALSE-Pcarline is never peddled , if your grocer sends you an Imitation , bc honcst-ss'nd it &mck , j JAMItS 'PYLIf York. COUNCIL BLUFFS. - - / a. * HmIAL STEAII ? DYE WORKS . All kinds of Dyeing anti Cleaning uuu ut ' the highest style of the art , Failed and ICAM - - stained fabrics made = -ai.E--i' ; % Ycwo to look Li. good as _ _ _ _ new , Vork promptly ' done In all and parts delivered or the ii : - country. Bend for , i--- ! . price list. - - O,0JJ .fd % CI it N , - - ' - ' - . - . , e----r ; : 1'i'eiprbt'i' Drelway , rear North. w.trn Depon , Coo - , . hone. Tel. UI , . - ' it , , , , _ ' . - . . - ' aL , - .t , . ' U , j r .a , - - , . - , - , . . ' . _ ' ----------.u lID ilowery wiiennc'ver the sonibretto or her liartmmer is lmmtlltieti to exhIbit lila or bee poetp , The cast In general has little to tea. ctinimtend It , Mr. Andy atiittmnini being easily , at the head In point of merit. "A flower ) ' Girl" Is what mu large class of peoiiio want , more's the pity. Time engagement - mont terminate. Tuestlay nlghtt. p - I'll Iuihtt' ( 'outi Ii hut tif Charles line. , Charles hose , an old cable coittiumetor whe useul to rutit ott tine Iotigo street line , I. lying sick anti destitute at ( Ito Unlomi hotel near Sixteenth anti \'ebster streets. Tine fact wal reported to the iiolice yesterday , but as the city cotilii tie nothuing Ill the case County i'iiylciiiit lhlytijimi was notified , anti permnis. alori 'iil be asked to take hoes to time county , lmospital , hose has been sick since May 1 , arni is lion' iii a critical condition , lie ii nttsoliitely vitltotmt money , anti for sonno time Ittia Iteon witirotit mmtctilcal assistance on that account. Yesterday a friend discovered his eomitlitio litmlitit'd I'i , .tIltlIu'r ( ) miihnti. SOUTh M'ALES'i'Ei ( , I. 'I' , , Aug. 18.- Yesterday mit'ar time ( , imtadlan river leputy Marshal Chance hhalrti captured Foster 1101- brook , one of time itmost tiesperato of thus Clmnistlamt ganig of robbers , iodgimng him in jail hero last night. lieccIhaul's are for bi1ious ness , bilious headache , dyspep. sia , heartburn , torpid Iivcrdiz. zinesssick headacliebad taste in the lflOUth , coated tongue , loss of appctitcsallow skinctc , , tl1cn caused by constipation ; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book , Pills icc and 25C a box , Book free at your druggist's.orwritc B , F , Allen Co. , 365 Canal St. . New York , Annual sales more than 6,000 1)1 hazeL Save lOc- How ? hly l1U'lNfi ALEYS UNIQUE CUHLEE of us , Out' pn'lco Is I 6c 1)01' bottle. Large $1.00 aixu-our vi'Ice 75c. 8hOrll1ll & MCOllllO1l llni Co 1513 DODCE ST. , 2d lonr W'u.'st 1' , 0. , Omiiniia. - K.CHEW . &imaX ' Tue favorite l'lug Tobacco. ICe & GIWIPANGLE , M. D. The Good Samaritan , 20 Years' Experience , ILIIAIEit OF IISITASES OF' MEN ANb % VOMEN. l'ltOI'ItllCTOlt Oi THE WOhtI.I'tt JIERIS/aL IlSI'IIN- SAltY 01' MIIIC1N1I. , , 4- p.s. S I treat the following Oseases : Catarrhm of time Ilc'itil , 'risront aitti Lurmga ; Di. . cases of thu life mtmltl Ear , Fmts anti Apoplexy , heart Iisemts , lAyer Comnpiatmmt , Kidney Corn- PItitnIt , Ncrossnt Hetilit' , IciatuI Do. IrCNNiOsl , 1.05,4 , of 1IIusIs1mIel $ cus. I lateR Ve1sktscN , httibt'tetu , 13m-iglit' 'lila. elite , St . V I time' ltn mice , lttmeum mmtmtt , I'nraly nh. , iVhmte Swelnlmtg , Scrofipia , Foyer Sores , 'l'iiass. orN staseS 11etuhms in asuso rcssio'ed without tile kallits or druwilIW U drop ofbiood. S'oiiaumss with her ( leilcato ornsi rcoreeI to Ht'sthtli , IropHy cured 'ithoiut tOIlliil. * 41)eCiitI Attesitioss gtvca to l'rivait.s mid S'cutercael IiNcOIMes ot'asIl kilseiM , $5o to $5ooforfeIt for arty Ycuicread IlescmII4c I cammnot dire 'withloist Mercury. ' , 'l'milio Wonimt nomnoveti in twoor limmee hours , erne pa" . ilomureboids or J'lie8 cut-cal. TIJOSIT 1'tI ( ) AIiI A VVLICTEL ) s'ill save tifo tuimil imurtdmvtI of dollars by call. Ing on or using OR , 0 , W. PANGIE'S HERBAL MEDICINES. The emily l'lyalelai ivlto ( 'timl talI wltatotis porsomi wltliintaaking ii jimc.tIoii. 'I'iioo at ii ( li'.ttlilCl , , uL'nt ( or Qtse'stlona Ulauk , No. I for uitci , , No. for voiuieit , A II correspomttienco strictly uomtihlentlai , Ileulteintu Itetit by express , Atidrcss au letters to C , W. I'ANGI.U , k. fl , 555 ROAOWAY. COUNCIL LUPP8u ncloso IOu In atarmipti for reply- FIRS'I' ' ' NATIONAL BANK Council Bluffs , Iowa c4tiq'rti , , . - . $ ioooo % 'l1 SI ) ilCI'I' ' % 'Otlit IltbSIN1ISS , 'i1 lESiItli YOtJlt ( ) i.i.l1C'riONS , ot : ; : oi 'I'iiId OIIIS'l' iiANK IN IO'A. 5 l'iiit Cld'i' l'AiI ) ON 'l'i5tE Ilil'oS1'r CAII. Ai ) Stud US OiL Vltl'l'I1 , TUQ . . DAlUPhhIflrl Atloruieys-at-Lieuv , ujailmu ) . UflhLiliiLJJULJIractice in the State and Federal Courts. Rooms 306-7-8.9 , Hgt gait , Block. Councn Bluffs , Iowa. Sp8ciat NolicosOouocil llIu clirasNEys cm.itz'rr ; VAULTS CLlIAiED , Ed lattice , at SV. S. homer's , 1.35 iiroutlway , lfOhtHAl.id Olt ThtADl ; A 1'INEL.Y 11uSD ruimntng horse , with high track record ; good reason. Icr seilirig. Addre. . or call at 3322 131 oadway , FO11IWNT , HLIPT. I , 103 COItNEIt 8TOltlI. room , ilzIOo , in Ilalam , itk , Steam heat. Ceanrally locateil. 10. ii , titmeitfo A ; ; -N-Fli : ; . A flOOi ) tiuItL l'OIt ( IIINEItAI. . lmouaework tumid goo.l cook. 705 t5anlma'enue , FOIl HA 1,5 , i"l itST'Ch.AS $ hS8'l'AUICANT evcrytlmtitg in eacelitotumtditmn mu snap i takt-n soun. J. U , JObinuMJtl , 1.55 Broadway4 Councii fliuffs , . . . , ' ----i - ' - - ' - ' - - - - -