' ' ' ' ' - - . . , . rb. M ' 41' . , . _ . . . . . . - : . . " - .4. . - _ . _ . . e * . - 0 - . - - * ; - - - - - - ; : . , ; ; r c . : r 1. . : L : : j.r ; ' : ' r : - ' - f-- : : . . . . - . - . _ , o. . . * - . - - - - - - . . . ' , . - - . . - . . . . . _ fl - , , t . - , . - . . , ; . . . I1 ' OMAHA DAILY .n ] m MONDAY \ AUG-UST 19 ) 189I. 2 rtJ1fl flij : , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ - - LI t . 4 the alley ohKorvo,1 , l/htl burning In every \In.low . IlurlnK th ! evonlng. Among the lead are Peter Oumry nnll n. 1 ! Cl. Grenier , the proprietors of the intel ) , the ( 1\3" \ clerk anll the nhht ; clerk , none of whom liavD been foun:1 : IIAIIY'S WAIL SIICID. Immollatoly alter the explollon occurred : a baby was heard wallnK In the corner of n room which hall nearly all fallen away. Its parent had gone down with the nut I ls /anD [ I crsh Soon after the little ones cries be- r came : weler : nll wealter. anll when the I I Iames shot UII Into the skeleton of the build- i ' Lng It became slencNI The fIremen mallo a I ! i brave effort to save n woman caught In the i ' of the hatch but c j dthrls of the , north corner wee forced to abandon the attempt The . SPOt where she lay Is now the hottest part of the fire. None of the six perons thus far taken out are conscIous and Identification Is Im- oslhlo . The force of the explosion carried 1 away a lane portion of the rear of the buIlding ad : Joining the hotel and occupied hy A. Lily- blade wholel31e anll retell furniture . The wall of the Gumry hotel toward Eighteenth stleet crushed n stable and n smal frame . houae. but no one1 as Injurel. , hISTORY 01 TIm HOUSE. The Oumr was a flve-tory brick , with stone front , and was built about six years ago. I was a seconll.class hotel , catering largely to transient family patron3ge. Thus many women and , children were among the - , uests. The building was built as the rd n Iusee by the wilow ( of General Tom 1humb ' anti was occupied [ for a tluie . hut was finally remodeled for use as a hotel. Gumry & Grenl have owned the building for several - eral year8. : lr. Gumry was a prominent contractor. and had much of the work on the state capital. [ : lr. Grenier acted In the co- . Ilacly of manager. Both are among the dead. $ j dead.No meals were servell ' ! In the hotel and every guest entered on the regIster occupIed , a room In the hotel. Twenty-two people regIstered - Istered . the list being as follows : MaS. o. H. KNIGHT . Lalte City. . MRS. KNIGHT'S SONS. J. L. KIRK. Omaha. J. C. BnO\\'N. Omaha. nun lUI N. Colorado Springs. J.v. . nOlmTS AND Wl . Colorado Springs. MISS JENNIE HOWAlt. floston. MRS. C.V. . WI.LIAIS. Boulder. MISS hATTIE \VILLIAMS . DoulJer _ W. C. Wl.I.IAS. huron Kan. MRS. l'CI.AIN. huron . Kan. HENRY SLOAN Huron , Ian. MItS. hENRY SLOAN Huron Kan. GEORGE lUIT , Colorado Springs. E. T. : MCLOSICEY Cripple Creek , Colo. P. FItENCI ! , Central City. . Colo. . I ) . LOnnA ! . Central City . Colo. M. E. LETSON. Denver. . W. J. COItSON . Pueblo. , Thus far only fifteen people who are known . . to have been In the bulUlng at the tIme of t'e explosion arc accounted for. This heaves sixty .supposell . 'to he dead. Henry Sloan alu wife .o t . Huron , ICan . and W' . C. McClatn . . ' . caeliierTt ' t'f1Tron State bank . arrived t - tTio : hotel tonighl/rom Manitou and Qccupled . the front and south rooms. They are among . those taken down by. ladders. All are more or less InjurOI , : lcCaln states that he thinks ; there were sixty guests In the hotel whIch , with the en\loyes. would rlng the number I . In the building at the tluo of the disaster UII to seventy-five. At 2:10 : a. m. twenty-tour . have been accounted - : ' counted fer. six birig probably fatally injured . ant the rest loss seriously. Shortly before , the explosion occurred the night clerk was heard to remark that seventy guests were In the hO lse. The ls of servants wi not exeel ton making a possible death list of fifty-six. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - n'\NII' : JAI S'I'OIDI1' l'I'IVI'Sln'nl 111UI. . . . ( : r"lt UI11In . n."t . \ro..1 the Cl ) . . I'ITTSDUHO , Aug. IS.-'fhls city was . swept b ) a heavy rain storm tonight that . did consIderable damage . Several buildings were blown down and telegraph and telo- - Ilhone wires seriously Interfered with. The , rainfall was remarkable forty-five-one-hun- . drethg of an Inch falling In twenty mlnutca. Street car travel was Interrupte.1 . for a time. an.1 . many small losses throughout the city . will aggregate a barge 8mount. A special , from Ir.dord. I'a. , saysn : electric storm accomlunled by hail . pUBed over this SfC- . tion at 7 o'clock this evening . At Custer ton : City bal stones foil mc..uurlnp six InchE In circumference. Conlhlcr.lle damage was done. , Later rCI.ort show that the storm did more damage than was supposel ) 'ho tow boat : I.mleCel' was sunk anti the cool . :11e Col- baugh was drowned This was the only fatality reporled. The boat Is a totul boss. H was vautll : at $1&.000. The Dacotab an excursion barge . was ale sunk but can be raised without much dnmsge. ; The Little Bl , the tow boat of lometea.1 . fame . which toed the Ilnkerton guards to lake possession ' slon of the lomesteu.1 . steel works on the morning of the battle with the strikers In 1892. was badly damaged , and other craft sustalneJ injury from the wind. The 10111.1 coal now In the harbor waitng for a stage of , water that will feat I 10 southern ports anluunts to 2GOOOOOO bushels , and It Is thought n large I10uni of It has been lost. Fleets of the loaded , . barges wore broken up by the force of the gale an.1 . the extent of thc toss will not be known until tomorrow. ( , "laln'l Shu,1 ( h. Csriuns . - PIhhIDEll'hllA. Aug. -State Senator . Charles A. Purter. who , with C. I , . :1cl , David Martin. Governor hastings and State Chairman Gikeson , Is lea.lng . the fight now waging In this state against United State . Sel1tor quay , yesterday Instiuted a civil . sull against the l'hladellhla Inquirer for libel , claiming damages In the hum of $ , - 000. In his aillavit Mr. Porter charges that he has been Ibelld by various artcles In the ( Inquirer Ilcllln , cartoons , which have held him up to opproblnm .inii , ridicule. all he comes Into court as his only means I . ' of reln'9. Senftor Porter also instituted ! proCle\IIKs for criminal Ibpl against James Elverson president of the Inquirer JJmes . Flverson jr , II'Ural manager . and Charles 11. HU811. e&hitor-ln.chief. . - - - - . A"w'rl tilt' I'rt'sii'ivr ! nhula',1 ' 'h'I. TilE D.LLES , Ore . \ug. 18.-Rev. O. D. _ Taylor . who fOr several years hal been pastor , , , ' \ of the First Baptist church hero was arrestei . ' - last night on a warrant from SaKluaw Mich. , ' here he Is wante,1 , on : chare of obtaining - , . . . ' . , IOUCY muler false pretenses . ; 'he cOlllalnt ' Is based on alogell actions while pe.ont " of the International Investment mnl'any. . lie I wnl lho projector of 1 tOIYI\e at North : Dahlea . and sold lots all over the eait. It II alleged. by mhrep es.ntalons. lie Is also . wsnted at Buffalo . Rochester and Cleveland on similar charge. . \rr..t.al for - gt - :1..lurl - iCitlIns. : mJTT" . Iout. . Aug. IS.-Wllul D. Ray . . who shot and killed A. C. Crane atSedaiia , Mo . about a mouth ago , an : ! escaped , was ; captured today \naeonh. . by Ofcer Cole wh had , known him In Missouri . Hay was ' marshal of Sedal : at the time 01 the shoot. Ing. Bay claims Crane hounded him and he ' had to shoot ltn . lie will ga back wihNI requisition , rquisiton Ilapen _ " " " " " _ ' , J ----t - - - . - . . . . " - . - - " . > . . . - , . SPH GFILD ) - IS ShUT OUT LinColn Has Lots of Fun with the Ert- "hie Jacksonvi11c. GRAGG'S ' WORK WAS VERY EFFECTIVE I _ lieu till ful l'lh'hlll 1..rl..t ) . Incl eal VI' l'r"llr.,1 \'hll'\n"h lutl fur Currllh'r , ' bin ru 1.11. \ull'r'r. , 1.lncoln , : Springfield , . O. Des Molne , 162 ; Quincy , 8-i. St. Joseph , 9 : Peoria , : benver 1I : HocltConl 10. St. Louis 1 . 1 ; I.ouIMvlle. G. Cleveland 15 : CincinnatI , h. Clevelnnd\ \ I ' . 10j ; Chicago. G. St Paul . 7 : KanMas llty. Z. 'ferre haute. 10 : ietrolt. I. 1Inncn\01& . 12 ; Milwaukee . 11. Lincoln and Springfield the leaders and talcliers In the Western association pennant at the race , played a very Interesting game old fair grounds yesterday afternoon to Just $ IIS worth of people. The threatening as- poet oC the weather Just about the time the masses could have started to the game un- doubteily ( kept many away. As It was the same old body guard was there. luekerlno and his codJppers won , of shnt the for- course. More than that they horn Springfield gang out. They didn't get a run ; In fact never got a man to second but once In the game and then the astute luckerlno caught him asleep and killed him on the spot. The literary Mr. Gragg plche,1 a fine article of bal , as did the Illinois Frenchman likewise. But Sonler's support was shame- ful . the entire team playing like a lot of consumptive ostrIches. consumptvo But the Salt Creek Farmers. They were In I up to their swan-like necks. But one blunder and . that by the erudite : lr. Gragg . was all that marred their otherwise Immacu- lata worlt. Little holly was the bIg luminary or the day. lie had ) tour putouts and six assists without an error. Hiram , too , played a spotless game , as wel lS a brilliant one , and yanked poor old Bobby Curuthers around the lot like an old rag. Bobby Is passe. But raI. the score will better tel the tale here It Is : I.ICOU . : 11.11. BI.Sn.SB.pO.A.E. Hill . : b. . . . . . . G B.n 2 u ( U 3 2 0 Ebright . : I. . . . . H ; 1 2 U U 4 : I Speer. c. . . . . . . 1 2 1 0 2 : 0 0 \ an Huron If. . . . 5 1 2 0 1 2 0 0 I Kennedy . rt. . . . . 5 0 U 0 1 1 0 0 Ktininerer as. . . . . 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lloilingsworth , as. . 5 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 Sullivan ! . 1b. . . . > . . I 0 I I 0 9 0 0 Sulvan. ! ! i. . . . . . . . 4 2 2 I U 1 I 1 - - - - - - - - Totals . . . . . . .45 G 10 U .1 I 27 10 1 S1'ltINCFIELI ) . SlHIG Pl-I.D. - - - AB. R.131 t.Sh1.513.I'O.A.E. . H.B I.SI.SB.pO.A.E. Carruthers 2b. . . I I ( 1 I 0 2 : 2 Devcne . it. . . . . . 4 0 2 0 0 : 2 2 iCagan . 3b. I. . . . . . 4 I I I ) 0 1 2 2 O'Brien lb. . . . . . . : 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 Van lyko ss..3 0 I I 0 1 1 1 Belt. c. . . . . . . . . 3 I 1 0 0 2 1 1 Dillon , m. . . . . . . 3 . I 0 0 0 : ( 0 Johnson rf..I . . . . U 0 0 0 1 U 0 Sonier. p. . . . . . . : 0 0 0 U 0 3 0 - - - - - - - - Totals . . . . . .31 0 4 0 0 2 1 8 Lincoln . . . . . . . 100102011-6 , Springfield . . . . . U U I I 0 0 0 I I I 0 0 I Eare,1 , runs : Lincoin 2. Three-base hit : Van Burel , 1. Struck out : By Gregg . 2 ; ty Senior 2. Bae on balls : Oft Sonier I lilt hy pitcher : By Sonler 2. Pm'.e.1 balls . : By Belt. 2. Time : One hour anti twent- two mlnuteM. Umpire : : Ir. Lewis. DES MOINES : . Mig. 18.-core. first game : Dea Moines. [ . . . . 0 0 0 2 1 2 3 2 616 OlleS. . . . . . . . 010020221-8 His : Des Moines. 15 : Quincy 1. Er- .or : 11'S : Moines G ; Qulncy I Bateries : I.'IJ/emler . and : Icl.'arlall ; ll anti Bo- Score second came : Des lolncs. . . . . . 011000000-2 Quincy . . . . . . . . 00000031-4 tilts : Des Moines . G : Quincy G. Error - roes : Des 1olne" . 2 : Quincy , I. Batteries : Hoach' and ' 'rteY : cGree\'y [ and Uo- land. ST. JOS8PH. Aug. l&-Scorc : St. .Juseph. . . . . . 0 0 1 0 : 0 1 2 3- 9 Peoria . . . . . . . . . 200000010-3 hits : St. Josellh. 13 : Peora. 7. Errors : St. Joseph 1 : Peoria , 2. flatteries : Col- burn and Jones : lan ' en and Flynn. DENVER Aug. IS.-Scoro : Denver . . . . . . . 2 0 0 0 3 : 4 2 01 Hoclttorl . . . . . . 2 0 1 0 1 : 4 0 010 Hits : Denver 1 : : ltockford 13. Errors : Denver 2 : noekford. 4. flatteries : Eagan ant I.ohmln ; Horton alit ! Sn'ller. STANDING OF TIlE TEAMS. Played. \Von. Lost P. Ct. Lincoln . . . . . . . 91 i r :1 62.2 Peorln . . . . . . . 92 il t : 58.7 Des Moines. . . . . . ! r : S 5.2 Denver . . . . . . . . 91 $ ! 4 53.2 Quincy . . . . . . . 91 4U 4 : 50.5 Iocltunl . . . . . . 0 42 4& 46.7 St. Joseph. . . . . . 9t : 5 36.3 Springfield . . . . . 93 32 ' 61 3t.4 Games tOIIIY : Quincy at' Denver : Hock- ford at Lncoln : Springiield nt St. Joseph ; Peria a Des Mo ne. n.\s 01 'Ug NATIONAL I.ILtilJE. St. 1.0,1. tttikeM I I . 1'kri't . wih the Un ' ' Ltsiiip-iiies. h\I ) > II..lh. . ST. LOUIS Aug. IS.-Today's game between - tween the Browns and Colonel was the finest and sharpest pla'c ot the 8erle The feature oC the game was a phen- omenal long running one-handed catch by Cooley In the sixths which was batted U ) Spies , ant which swell : the Iamo for the Bruwns. Attendttnce . 4.0. Score : Sl. l.ul" . . . . . . . 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0- 6 IoulMvle . . . . . , 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 I flits : St. Louis . 12 : LouisvIlle. 8 Er- rots : St. Louis 3 ; Louitwiile. 3. Earned runs : SI. Louis . 1 ; hMUlsVllit' . 3. Three- has his : Wright , Sple" Stolen bases : \Ilrer (2) ( ) , Clark (2) ( ) . Sheehan. Doube : . l'lu.s : ShuJort to O'l3rers : to Spies ; Quinn to ller : Dow,1 , 10 Ely First base on 111" : : Off Cunnilselsasu Il : olT \e'hlng. 4 ; off 'liosigabl. l 3. Struck ) out : 1) ' ( 'unnln - han . I ; h ) ' % IIDougll. I. Passell ( hnlM : \lrner. 1. \111 Jllch ) ) : \Ve'hlng. 1. lInt- tories : thcDotigali unll I'eitz : Cunningham \\'e'hlng anti \\'ur"I' 'rime : Two hours and ten minutes. mplm : Jevne. SPIDmS TOOK 1' U\SlLY. CICIN Nfl Aug. IS.-The neda were out at the game from the tart. Their Ih' llng waH Vlr ) ' w'uk. and their battn was weaker I was only In the ninth inning . when Gray's hom\ run 0'1' the cent.r n'ld rence. with tW'1 men 01 bases . nvell the Ieds from a shutout. Rhinos basted live innings , antI Fort'snan , who Ilst"t 1\1 ! succeeded him. was hit oven harder. Attendance . tentanc < 10(0. Score : Cincinnati . . . . . I 0 0 0 0 0 ( 0 I ) 0 - 3 Cleveland . . . . . : 0 3 0 2 5 2 I 01 hilts : Cincinnati. 6' Cleveland 21. Er- lls Clnclnnnt. rUrl : Cinci ii isa ti Ii ; benlan" : . 2. Kunet runs : Clnrlnlli ( . 2 : CIlvl'lunl. 10. Two- hase hilts : h.\leer ( ) . O. Teut'au , Childs. Threa'.basI hit : : i lcAlel. I tome run : Gr ) ' . Stolen t'ithcCinr : r. DoulJle Plays : Urn ) ' to : lelhee to l.thlm : : - Keats , tt , Chl,19 , to 'lwau. First base on ha\M : OI Ithint's . 2 ; off Foreman , 1 ; ofT Ctliipy. ' Struck out : By Hhlnts. 2. blat- CUI' ( ltlsines. Foreman anti YnuJhn : CUII anl O'Connor. 'l'in.e : Two hour anti tel minute UllllrlM : 1'mlle and ' ' . OJay. STAma 01 TIlE TlLMS , Plnn'I.'on. . , . ' t. P. Ct. Ilabtimorn _ . . . . . 9t .7 31 02.6 n.1lmem . . . . . 111 ) fO , : : :2.4 ' : I Pittsburg . . . . . . ! ) E : . m.11 Plthur ) . . . . . . itt 1 52 42 53.3 I Clnclnn/t : . . . . . . . . ! li 41 w.6 ( llelo I'hilatbelphli . . . . 92 : \ I 53.4 Ihlullchla 10ltol . . . . . . . . 9 : i ) .1 : 51.3 Brolt'n . . . . . . . ! ; . : I 52.7 New . York. . . . . . . . 91 . 17 41 W.O 1.\\ Wasliirgtott . . . . M 2:3 : lt 311 \.llhl . 1.0ul. Jlon . . . . . . 91 : : f. 33.0 J.nulsvte . . . . . . 91 Z G 21.2 Games today : : \'urk lt Brooklyn ; ut t'hlladelphsiu l'lttshiurg at'ash. floreu lt Ihllallllhln ; Pltshur at - Inltol ; Clnlnnatl ( - i'hiiulehphia. : ( L IS II , ' 'I'U N 1.ln.a.Y .t"I.tT1't1it. . SritigUehiiVliisAisoi i.c.r Snrll ) ' . ( 'iiini ) ' I. . J' ' Ctiiitt'st ) . SPItNG JII I.D. Xeb. , Au ! . 18.--Seclal ( ' 'llelrI.-SrlniIe\ ) , over to l'apil- lion ' ' nail PlaYed the fourth league lon ) lftC'll ) (11)1the lealue game with thp . lalllon boys . winning It Illlb down l' 1 score et 1 to 4. Geor\ ' lute lIntI ot 1slnnaer Coleman. Itu ! , a /nt Mallger was 01 the Mlnb for lisa . locull and the bO1 frosts th" county hub were unable to connect with his curves IUII speed . he allowing - lowing them only l'lhl ; bcatorllg hltR. kore : Sllrlnllld . . . . .2 2 0 0 : I : 1 2-li 1'1\11101 \ . , . . . . : 1 0 IOU 0 0 0 4 lute : Springfield . I ; 1lpllon. 8. Errors : . rol : Sitrlnglleid . I : l'apiliirni. 10. Struck out : By PCug , ; I' by / ' 'Irlne. 6. home run : SllrgU" . ' rlme : 'l'wn hour and ard twenty minute" L'm\llrt ; Hon. 1'1 10w. ardMISSOlTIU YAIT.1Y. In. . Aug. lL--Sp'- ( clal T.legram.The helt t game 01 bal ever witnessed In thl" city w.u 1111)e today ) = _ . . . . : . - - - - . " - - - _ . between tilt' home tans n"l liencoe : the h..twlen th. hor. 1leno(1 latter winnitig by a Lore ff : 10 1. Ikn- later coo earned n"lher " , ' .rt. while the "III ( } " ' ! one WIS 1 rrw'l. 'fhie gniisis % vas II bill- han t Ol' for Imnteur ci ii fAI" . I hser . fists k lug to ext coil thr'C errors II the l t.I 11 me. Sl'IIYI I ! , . ' : ! . Neb.or. . li.-Speclnl.- ( The Schu'tr ' base halt team nCtor win- nlnl nine guttilt'1 In IftIecessi'iI ) . lest n game to Dnvll CIty lust Irhhl' . 11II \ played with that nine time sixth game , four of which were 101 tl D.whl ( fame The boys Piny at Wnhoo Monday . 0111 on Thursday anti I"rhln there will he games ' on the home proimnils with iaviil City nlll Crete . wihavll f/rollis resin'ctivvi3' / . , \ ni enl : ) ' date the Schu'ler team will start out to late ! In I circuit oC wi . among which will ho Wlr.1 : - her , ( lastng' I and Orn.1 . Isiatsil . I being the intention of the Innller 10 have them at Grand Island during two days oC the encnnipnsent HCnll'S : Oi' 'I'utI.lVIISi'IliN : l.li.tUL' . SI . I'ull11" I S'"III ) ' (11. ' tl Clii' 111.1. ( :11' : l C ( rtl.II. . KASS CITY. Aug. IS.-Score : : Kansas , City. . . . . 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 St. luul. Ciy. . . . . . 2 0 : 0 I 0 I 3 ' - 7 , lifts : Kausens City . 7 : Sl. luII. 9. Er- ' HIM : Kansas City 3 ; St. 'aul. G. But- und terlcs Camp. : Daniels 11leren \ : Fie ! Iruus 'I'Elltfl 1.\UTE , tad. . Aug. -Score : Terre haute. . . . . . . 2 0 : 0 0 : 2 010 Detroit Inute..2 . . . . . . I 0 0 I U : 2 1- 5 hits : 'rerue haute 13 : Detroi. 7. Er- rorl His : TerI haute . 2 : Detroit G. lInt- tories : HUGhey and Honch ; i'eal's and IO uth. MH.\ , 4t1g. 13.-Score : MiIIflealOliS . . . . 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 r.l : Milwaukee . . . . . : 1 0 0 3 0 I .1 01 hilts : Minneapolis . 11 : Milwaukee . 10. MlnneaolA. 1 Errors : Ilmelllols. 1 ; Milwaukee . 4. ilolan flatteries : italy and Wison ; Hetger and Dolan.S1'ANDNG 01. TIlE TEAMS. Plnyell.01. Lost. P. Ct. : Indianapolis . . . . 92 fo 31 m.o Indlanuloll . . . . . . . . . . 97 6 : 3i m.s , Kansas City. . . . . . 95 53 4U ( 57.9 \linrmeapoIis . . . . . 9.1 -9 41 62.7 Milwaukee . . . . . ! i 47 49 49.0 Mlwalkee . . . . . . . 9:1 : 43 r,1 46,2 .t'erre haute. . . . . ! 3 [ 3.8.9 Grand 1Iute. ! . . . W 31 G 32.2 ( lame today : Grand Rapids It Indian- apolM.Ha'u"'r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ha'u"'r Muons nit 'l'iielr tI'I' ; 'r. . DENVIH. Aug. IS.-The Hocly Mountain News says : "About twice a month and on rainy months three times , reports are sent out from some eastern town ahJut some ole who , on a wager . with D.nvcr parties , Is perColmlng the feat ot whcelng across tIme contInent riding to some east- leros" em-Il ) ' on a Imle.1 nmount or capital , or eln no capital , or walking against time. In- vextigation In nearly nIt or tIme reported cases develos that It Is merely a holdup scheme ! being worked on our eaMtern hrlth- ! ren. Sometimes some well known sporting man Is said to hlve made , a wager of some fnbulols sum thnt the Performer would or would not do the feat In the time specl- 111 Now the plain Clct its . that lane oC thc Denver sporting men have hud any money to waste In such a manner for about ) two years. Most ot them arc Igur- ing from day to day how they wil exist tomorro % ' . and would be willing to enter . the lists themselves It there was an 0 ( Iloltunly IstH to gain the money at the end oC the tune. Dear eastern urother. you are being lmposcd upon. BIY wildcat mIning' " stock and lose your money like a mats. Inl'rnnttnnl :1..tnJ I nt C"loJI" . COLOGNE ! 13.-The world'me cham- pionship and international cclll congress commenced hcro yesterday. Many riders . both amateurS and IlroCesslonals. ot England - land . France , Germany liohhar.d. Belgium , Dcnmnmirk . Italy . Norway Scotland . Ireland , thc United States and , Clmula : were tn attendance. In the mile Irofesslonal race for the championship of the world (3eorg Banker of I tburl. i'a. . finished . fIrst In the first heat. Puet of Brussels being see- end and Protein of Liege third. In the final heat Protein won , hut beating Hanker only ly a few Inche Time : 221. In Inc race lor time amateur mile cllalplon- ship of thc world , twenty eight started , Eden atrnhelm won PI.tlrson , of Denmark second anti Schaf of Cpiogne third. In the race for the 10 kliomueters. open for proCelonrls , world's championship , with pacemakers , . Michel of Fimsgimind won easily. being three miles In front of Lucien of I helnl . econd : and Homman or Munich I ' thlnl Time : 2:3t:8 : : - 23. ' 1"'lth Hount 11 i C lie Chess ' 'olruo , " _ HASTINGS. Aug. IS.-Tho tenth round oC the chess tournament was played yester- 11ay. Stelnlz heat : Ilrllehen In 1 Ilucco piano otter twen ' -fve love ( I'lhlsbur " , beat MasOn In a queen' gambit. declined ' mo\'e Marco heat Mason after thlrt-Mlx \ hlal 1lason In a FI'nch defense after twenty-four moves. Tlnsle beat Gunsber In an Ir- regular upenlnl after thirty-two moves. SeisleiTers heut Vorganl In a French de- tense miller forty-eight moves. Bird heat . uter drew Evans gambit after 'schllrln an gVl1f afer thlrty-elht moves. Blackburn beat Burn ! In a French game after thirty-five movcs. 'lechmann heat 'rarraschm In a Huv l.pez after torty.llve moves. MleslM drew I Scotch Cort.lve with l.sker afer fIfty-six moves. l'oilock drew with Jlnowskl In a I0n1nno Polock forty..I" 5nov05. "alhrodt and Schlechter drew a .Ikl game after torty- ehht enoves AlUm end Ulackburn agreed 10 cal their game left unfinished and a , draw. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I Close 01 Chit' " % 'iut'.iisi a ' .1eet. MAIUNETE , Wis. . Aug. IS.-Tho WIs consin League ot American Wheelmen meet closed this evening. Several star records were broken Ball rode I flying start paceti exhibition halt mile In 0:57 : anti Tom Cooper rode a competition mile In 2:08. : the fastest time of the week. Callumie won the 2:15 limIt race In 2:1. : antI ot lIt ) . took McDonald. with I start ll urds. frt plae In the two-mile handicap In 4:30. : C. I. Johnson look first prize In he un- paced mile competition In 2:16. : In the lve-mie slate championship competition. Walter Schrader or Milwaukee reduced the Mtlte record of 13:19. : made hv Zimmerman two years a o.0 1:22 : ! W. F. Sanger or Milwaukee won the qnarter mil state chlmplonMhlp In 0:33A. : A. 33. Chandler ot \Vaupaca took first Irlze In the mile slate hamllloohll ant \VIIII lowle of JJ- waukeo was the first In thc 2:30 : class his time being 2:38. : 10)'le 1.,1 3ley&'r ' \'hllllc.l. STIUA''OH , I" Aug. IS.-The prize light between Eddie Meyer of Streator and Peter I0yle of Chicago , took pace : this morning at I o'cloek lt Evans In 11rshal count ) ' . it wns stoppll at the end oC the sixth round by the sll'riff. and the referee do- dared It a draw . alhough Boyle had . much the better or it. Sotnrdu ) ' the Civic Felera- tioms swore out warrants for the arrest of Meyer and his trainers and haclterM. but they left hero In carriages [ and were picked up by slleclal train Boyle's backers say hoth ) : leyrr'l 111\ls were used UP. anti , thai huavebeen winner. Boyle would hlve In easy \11"1' II Sigh' tt'il niT Ii reNE 1.11. NE'ORK . Aug. 18.-Vahkyrio III. . the challenger for the , \nwrlca'l cup was sighted oft lorleh'8 lIfe saving staten at 12:33 : o'cloclt this aftehmoon and was reported - ported east of Fire island at 3:22 : p. m. The sound , freight steamer. City ot nrll e- port. with Lord ltuimraven's representative In America. 2.lr. ii. : lallant iCersey and n large part of friends was waiting the 'aeht's arrival down the hay when she vae :1 hte.l. . Vigilant . with ) the tender , Aeronaut . went Ilown the hay In the ntler- noon to greet the . 1'nJ18h ) 'acht She hat quite , 1 part on tlanl 1.la'r. 11'la'l t Ike Cui t. . ( IIO\GO. Aug. -'he Indianapolis team leaders In the \'estern league de- Ceat".1 . the Colts today In an exhibition game before 5.0 People. Score : Chicago . . . . . . . .1 . 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 16 indianapolis . . . . 3 2 0 U 0 0 0 4 1-10 , hits : ( hlcaJo , 7 : Imsdianapolis . 12. Er- llts : ( 'lmicago . 7 : Inilinnmmpolimi . 2. Hat- I Klttredge. teries : l'hliiips _ 1111 _ Mel"urlant ; . Dolan antI (11'al I I Urlw. INIIANAI'Oi-AS. Aug. 1S.-Atter ' ollnJ the polce alt nhht. a number of local sports mnnlge lo reach I norller.n suburb lt 4 o'clock yesterday morning and pull off n prIze light between "Elti" ' \lllm8 of Indianapolis \ II\I Edward O'Donnt1 of 1lUslmrg. hlghtweighutms. The light was for the gate rec < lptM. At the end ' ot the fourth rLund the fight was lelarQ I 11mI. after both men had heen severely pun- I . tithed. _ _ _ _ _ . 11.11/ ( : II'"llr/ G.\I' SBtHG , Aug. IS.-Clnss 2:2. : blade : hydrogen won In straight heats. Time : 2:12\1. : \ 2:13. : Ira Iland ilacililus . Dale. Graceful end George ale t\te'l ' ( 'lmmsmi 2:3. trot : Angie won the first mind fourth : IlutM antI race . Time : :22:2 : : ? . 1.'erweo,1 , won tile second heat In 2:2JII' : Mene won tIme third heat In 2:31. No other starters. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( 'all'"J 11 " 'I'nnlle" IIG SI'itiNGS. Neb. . \ug 13.-Special ( Teiegram.-'l'ime Irat tandem wheel passing along the Union Pacifc arrived In town tonight ridden hy Mr. antI Irs. J. g. blames of ienver. enroute to Iowa City ilL They are averaging leventy-nve mies per day . and enjoying the trip immensely . per expect toreachi , Omah I rldu ) ' . ) 'unnl. 1Iu.k I ' SiilithiZiiiSY. 11'rI''UHG. Aug. 18.-lanager Mack of the l'IUsburt club today signed Samuel Moran . I lef.handel Ileher. ) who hIL\ been wih the Nasllle club or the South. nn league nil season . He wi Join the club at New York. . - . . . - . - - _ . . - ' : . - ' - - - - - CUP CI1 ' \ 1ENrER ; IN PORT Hundred : Mloft' An Kinds Went Out to Welcome Hor. ' 111 , - 11.I' I ' I' IIttD A lRATIEn ROUGH PASSAGE ali , ' _ Si uiilt' St..I.I..rl\.1 Steel f n Stnlneh Crnlt ii lid ( , ' 11" 'I'lirusig'Ii \ \'ithi- ( slit ! hllf'rhlJ An ) ' ) IIU"- . . . . h. liii ' nr..htal II I 11)- , I. _ NEYOI { . Aug. IS.-ThousnJs of PeoPle \ere on the lookout today for the arrival of Valkyrie I ) , and the British racer did not dluPllolnt theimi. At 12:15 : now calo over the wire that she hn.l passed lorlch's lifesaving station. Soon after there was a scene of . of all kinds commotion In the hnrbor. Craft al were gotten under heallway to meet and welcome - come the foreign visitor. Among the first to get its moton was the freight steamer City of Bridgeport with Lord Dunra ven's representative In America H. Maitand Ker- soy and I large party at friends , aboard Vigilant . In tow of the tcmider Aeronaut and Iofender towed by her tender . were seen hastening to welcome the foreign yacht. The larger vessels went away outside of Sandy hook . but the little felows did not have the courage to venture far Into the choppy sea. The schooner and larger sloollS remained In the open until they saw that they would have to give over the opportunity or seeing the English boat. Moreover , several tugs were sent out by the newspapers and 10st of theo got close enough to the visitor to give her a becoming welcome. The fleet of vessels was the largest that ever sailed to meet an Incoming - coming yacht. Vlglaut was towed down throuh the Narrows to Sandy Hook , panng ! Quarantine at about 9:30 : a. m. . anti dropping anchor In the horaeahoe. Defender turned westward on lcaving the lock and went up East river and thence to New Itoshmello. I was a Ion , walt for the boats that went to meet Valkyrle and for the crowds emi shore for the whole afternoon wore away without a sign of her. The dock at Quarantlno was crowded with 1)001110. when at 9:30 : the word was given that the English craft had shown up and was heJlnG toward the upper bay. At 9:45 : Valkyrie . In tow , slowly pased Quarantine anl was boarded by the healh olficera. The cup chalenler olted I trim and neat In the glimmering lights. al her decks wore apparently all the members of her. crew. Hearty cheers of welcome were exchanged with the English sailors and then , the usual formalities having been complied with . Val- kyrie contlnueJ her Journey up the bY. Off Quarantne V Iyrle was boared by a representative of the Associated press , who obtained the following story of the voyage : Captain W. W. Cranfeld said : "We I"t Gourock on July 27 with a full crew of forty- two men. After leaving Tory Island on the 2Sth , Sunday . we ran Into a frlsh N. E. N. gale. accompanied by high seas which blew hard for tweuty.Cour hours and then moder- sled On \ 1tlnetslay morning , July 31. It commenced tPI lol again ITem northwesl to soulheast arlit,5blew : . , hard for five days , when the we4ther . moderatell to light south- west winds waichm lasted up to Cape Pace. I There we caught a northeast wind which I carried us to ! Sable island . whln the wind became light JnllJef us becalmed at times and lasting 'ip ' to oUr arrival here. 'Ve sighted the SJ.hin nock bight at noon today and at G:30 : : tll ' . afternoon . when twenty miles east of fire island we were taken In tow by the \'url 'tug ' C. 1' Raymnond and here we are. "We mate ' : , OIQ' ' miles In all ant one day only made alint 'sevenly miles. 'Ye never carrie away . 'l' relic or yard throughout the voyage. " II Valtyrle looks a 'monster : when one steps on board , of ' her bne can almost fancy an ocean st nlnen..dHtr beam Is simply 'Im- ' unease and slmo shows tremendous length Her bowsprit for her ketch rig Is very short , Quite a little spar and her masts are splen.lhl . sticks. In a word she may he labeled "Dangerous. " Valkyrie Is anchored off Liberty island for the nhht ant will he taken to the Erie basin In time morning. Vahkyrie's time of thl morlnl. Valtyrle's tme passage was twenty-two Ilays. A comparison of her trill with the runs of Vigilant and Valkvrle U. can be made from the following : Valkyrie - kyrie U. sailed from Co\es on August 23 , t89. for New York anti arrived September 22. making the trip In twenty-nine days and , elJhtlen hours. Yhlant sailed from Sonth- ampton April 1. 1S9 . and arrived , at Bay Ridge Avri 29. aCer a. vassae of eighteen , .lays Valkyrie r sailed from New York May 4 . 1894 , ant anchorll In the Clyde May 23 and In Gourock ( hay May 31. TIme of trip. twenty-elht daY8. Vigilant sailed from New York June 1. 1891. and arrived al Gourock June 17. making the trIp In fifteen days. - - U"I'r Ylmt'eii.mi'n . \rrh. . PIhILADT31PhlIA . Aug. 18.-C. S. Mitchell and \ n. Taylor blocll.t1. arrived here today from Denver Cole. . having covered the entire distance on their wheel. They left Denver on June 1 without n ont on n wager that they wo11,1 reach Phladelvhla by August 2 wih $ : With I week to stare. thy have accumulated $5 by glv- lug banjo ant mandolin concerts enroute. hiiitts'rss-nrtii ( I (1oncli n. C.'K ' ' ' 1' SAN FRANCISCO . AI . lS.-Buterworth. Yale's great full back. has been cngagll to coach the University or California foot ball teens tor the annual game with Stnn- Cord unlversltv. Th ThQ latter team will be coached by \\'lter Camp. . ShOT ' 111 .I\J11 1CCIJI ST. :101. In , t th'lllth'J t tl Shlot I Negro , II"'II Cli. ' Ohiii's'r. WEST I5ALtt BEACh . Fia . Aug. IS.- Samuel Lewis murderer of three nien was taken from Jai at Juno at 3 a. m. by a mob or mskell men and lynched. When the mob demande Lewis the jailer said they could have him IC thsy woull barns no one else. to which they consented. At the door a negro deputy ran out. Some one fired. missing him and killing Gustave ICaster the jailer. The mob continued firing at the negro , but he escaped. Pour men then entered 'lhe ' Jai and took Lewis [ who bel/e1 pitifully for his life . to a telegraph pole where ho was hnJed. after which the body was rhl- 11f11 with bullets. Lewis shot and killed John iiighusmithm . ex-tax collector of Dade county . anll his brother-In-lol' . George Davis , In cold blood. Lewis escaped . hut a posse went for and foun.1 . him August 9. In arresting . resting him Louis shot and kIlled . Deputy County Clerk lcOreKor. Lewis hall the reputation of having killed five other men. . ' 1"'IIJ (0 sl.t..tla. Iii'easery ' 1\1.101 WASINGTd ! AUK. 18.-I I understood hero that Mgr ! I tatol Is giving his at- t nlon to thid .I 1Nton ralsell by the po- litton tl hniselJ ' fOr ' the suppression of the brewery conductrl by the Benedictne monks at Besmtty . i'a. . twlt1u ! a view to harmonlzln the lurerence , f s as to Placate the COI- plalnants and aI , pie nme time not deat Imaralmly with 1h . Icleslastcs who conduct the ( brewery. nes ] giving his attention to the petition. nOr only from the \olnt of view of the petmtientm's . 'lut also consIder the fact that the rOllts _ are native Germans who cannot leo til ' l1ul In the drinking of beer madE aftr' the manner pursuc'd In the fatlmorlaumtl. Tlmi et'ort will be to settle the withoutaifornmsl decisIon. dispute wlhoug3 [ } , fOlal I Piithit'r l'pruhlyItii , ills ( 'hlli. I ELGIN . Ihl.'ti'ti. . lB.-I.'rank Kazer and I his 4'rear-old. mghiter . Sylvia were burnet to death In a .flro which destroyed their residence and several other buildings lt Algonquin a flial village near here early this morning. The Ire started In Kazer'a hmouse. When arousl lazer manaped to get his wife and . two of his children out safely but before he could reach Sylvia a portion of the leer fell in . carrying the chll down. Kazer was crazed with grief l. and resisted the efforts of neighbr to drag him from the burning structure . clinging to the door of the same until the roof fell fn , burying him In the blazing mass . 0111 'l'h'l ' 1''IClrllII'r n"III. LITTLE HOCK. Ark . , Aug. 18.-H. K. Maxweli . one of the oldest telegraphers la the United States . died today. He was GI years old . and had been an operator for forty-six yeus. lie served In the confed- erate army 8 a telegrapher and It was he who notified Harper'l Ferry by wire when John Brown was marching on that place. lie afterward wlnued Brown's execution. I , _ . - ' ' - .N' . _ - " _ . - - - . I'lLOl'OStb 1)it ) A liAVtIitN C.th1i.il 'nUI'oS1.'OI , 1.\\I.\S l'\II. . Slh.I.I ) ' el I..l..1 Irll ( h. . , .IIIII , ' h. t'miited Stustes . Ilt C "I"11 Stlh. . SAN I.'HANCISCO , Au ! IS.-Tho slenl- ship Beljl ! arl\ed tonight Irom Yokohama \'al Honolulu. Aa the nelgle left Yokohama before time last Canadian Pacific steamer , she brought no new Oriental news I.'olowlnl are the advices to time Associated llress from la\al : hONOLULU , Aug. 10.-A cable proposition - tion of definite character has been made to defnlo lon HawaIan government by Colonel Z. S. SpuldlnJ. a wealthy sugar planter who re- contly returned from I urollo. The offer seem to bo made In good faiths amid has been recel\'el with favor by Iresldcnt Dole anti his cabinet. The mater will como imp In the kenote on the t8th Inst. . anti It Is thoujht thlt the tipper house will ratify a contract for the construction of the cobb . Thc prollo- alton Is to Imld fro I San Francisco , or In the near vicinity . to 10nolulu. I all a brlnch line will be built . connecting the other Islands of the group. Spaulding wants . ' for twent . time govcrn' 50.000 n year ) years nlnt to have the righ to use both systems for time transmision of olcal mesages , free of clmerge upon the sum mentioned , tier munimummi . recltnlng at tile regular rates clmarged ana clause provide for the ox- elusive Ilrlvlego of landing cables on this territory for the term of twenty ) 'ear such privilege not to be construed however as concUng with any right the government of the United States may possess hy virtue of Iny existng treat ) Time promoter agrees to have the cable In working order by October 31. 189S , If he Is successful In obtaining subsidies from both the United States and hawaii. The United States conlren will be L.skOI to appropriate $100,000 a year for twenty years. Colonel Slaullnl says : "The general plan for carylng out the cable scheme Is the organization of an American company to control and man le the same In the United States and to organize a company In Honolulu to control and manage time In- II terlland lines. Time United States government wi bo I asked to lend its aid by means of a subsidy or guarantee nml any rranement made will be al the tul npproval and sanction of the governumient. I will be lme enough to look lo time other Ioverments for all whcn the United States shah have refused to take the mater up nlll this government shall con- sent with such other goverumtnents. I will . upon the signing of time coumtract deposIt with the minister ot flntsmice . $25,000 In Hawaiian , ovrnlent bonds . lo ho hell as security that I shall consruct anti lay such cables according to time terms of the contract. "No political or extra qUlstons shall enter the project Thl amount of money required for the constructon and laying of different cables , with necessary counectons and land lines . repair shops , together with a sufcleMt working capital to insure elclent service and provide for the Inlntenance oC the lines , Is tstmated lt over $4,000,000. " No additional claims have been made on the government arising out of the the arrests made during last Janunry. BritIsh Commissioner - sioner 11wes called on Iresillent Dole yes- terday and spent an hour conversing on various tonics. lie did not present any claim on behal' British subjects . alhouih It Is understood he will do so at an early date. J. lott Smith died this mornimmg. He hell many positions of trust under the monarchy. He was hawaiian minister at Washlnton when the quotn was dethroned. Urllsh Commissioner lawcs has notifIed the Io\ernment that the British government has decIded that Thomas Walker and V. ' . Ii. Hckard are naturalized Hawaiian citizens. Both len clallll when they were sentenced for rebelon that they were Britsh subjects . S " ' . \YOIS A J.tNtLtltY . CONVlX'Vlt ) " . 1'1111. ( Lentler'liti 'I'h I uiks ( lii' Ilrt- h"lal O ' llh , ] lrl ) ' . DENVER . Aumg 18-Tile Rocky Mountain News today printed an open letter to all pop- ullsts . written by C. A. Power of Terre Haute Ind. , who organized the Cincinnati conference of 1891. whch ! resulted In the Omaha con- vlnton and the national people's party. He describes the party's present condition and reviews the obJtcts to be sought . among time ' later being an amendment to the constu- titjmj deprlvlnl the president of the veto power. In part the letter says : "Since meetng In conventioum at Omnha events have occurred that have materialy changed the sltuat'on. Now . Instead of government by the people 10 find Caesarlsm full blown In the person of Grover Cleveland governing the American people. \ "In this emergency what shal we do ? Drift with the title without an effort to reform our lines . or talte on an additional load of poUt- leal 'hodge pode , ' made UII of iroimlh'tlon . socialism , sIngle tax and Coxeyism and plunlo blindly Into the sea of absolute de- structioms at the next elect'n ? I hearty second - end General Standlsh's sugeston for the proposed natIonal convention not later than Ilroposel January 8. or February 22. Our cause is . no douht , growing . but party oranlzaton ! Is not. Our natonal and state commitees ( al of them ) ought to meet In September canvass the situation and prepare for the forward movement. \\e have as yet no method of party club organizaton time people wIll ac- cept. " The letter closes with an appeal to all pop- ulsts to contribute to a national campaign fund. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ A Cinrinesl Life. Wiard Belding of Beichertown. 76 years old . and a moat estimable person his experienced - perienced moro of casualties than usualy falls to the lot of one mortal who lives to tel the story says the Springfield ( ( . ) . lel1blcnn. At the ae of 7 he hall part of the fngers of one hand cut off . In later years he had tile bones of one ankle smashed. The lext accident that happened to him was the result of being canlht by the mouth by the sweep oC an oll.Cashlone,1 , cider 1\ . Ills mouth was enlarged to an unnatural capacity amid ha,1 , to ho partially sewed up. Next a horse fell on him and broke the bone of one leg above the knee : next as the result of a fall . hI hud his ribs on one sIde broken In : next a sand , bank caved , In and buried him under it . breaking his utah ) over again , and after I healed he was left with one leg considerably , shorter than the other. Last winter he fell and shatered his knee pan. When he was over 60 . nature its If to atone for some of his shattered uones , replaced the teeth on his upper Jaw with a now set of double teeth. . Y'UJCIIC. ' . Washlnlton Star : " \ho Is that sour-Ioo- ] Ing man who Is always sitting ems that stove- box mlolng 10thln/ ? " asked the druimmusor. "lie's the man that knows all about how ter settle every trouble thet this country Ilts inter " replied the native with an admiring glance. Ilance. "BulL why 110esn't he get up and hustle , then 2' ' . . " . " 110's sand . " was the aweslrtelten wills- per. "hl&a toll congress antI tIme president and everybody how to do things mind . they dldn't pay no 'tention to 'Im an' now he's jes' s et I' " In silence an' lettin' the country go ter pot. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ lu.,1 ( gist 111 Iii . Life. lETI1OIT. Aug. IS.-John Starerson died early this morning as the result of I blow on the imeaui which fractured his sltsull . De- ceased who was drunk , made some insulting remark to al unknown man who was passing wih a lady. The stranger knocked Staffer- son down ald I Is bele\'ed his head struck the curb inflicting the fatal wound. I'rl miti'i's S.th' - C - 'l'I'lr - Iifl.'m't'uit.es . : \SHYI.LI . Aug. 18-I'resldent W. n. l'rscott of the International Typographical In'pcot union - . has been hero for ae\'eral ilays . . or- ranging n settlement of the scale of wages of book anti job printers. A settemlnt was reacimeti satisfactory to all . on a eliding scale of from $12 to $18 per wek. . Xh , 1IIIIn. ' " " 111. . . . .llrH'al. l MOTmmIY. Mich. . ' , \ug. S.-Nlnl business houses , Including the isostoiflee . Masonic and Grand . \rmy of the' Republic hals , anti the principal drug store were destroyed by fro early thismorning. - . I.oia. H5.000 : insurance $12,000. . Shut Int lciiit'd 1. . , . 11.lnnl. DAYTON , Tenn. . Aug. 18.-1.'urlous with jealousy , Mrs. Thoma lolman shot her husbsnll through the heart this afternoon . lie fell dead without speaking . Time woman was arrested and I now r In jail . Sot H.llnJ Miiuit' ) ' lor \'nr. . SAN'I'IAGO DE CILE , Aug. lS.-The assertion - .erton that the propose.1 . loan of 6,500,000 for public works and raiways Is intended to provide means In the event of war , I denied - II'I.I ) ? : U 'l'ili'i JNU .tt'Il'i'OlIlt ti I. ' 1'0 lii's nl ( ' , 'h'hrntall" nl la.tl'U ) ' ( 'II.'I. sit 1.lull.IItJ. I.lDSIOIO , Ian. , AUg IS.-The 1.lnl tS- ! oclaton II ha\'lnl a large anti cirfortablc aUlltorlul built on the lethan ) ' college cans- pus at 1lndsborl. Ial. The foundaton Is rea.ly anti the carpenters are hard at work erecting thio building , Tiua building will seat 3,000 1)001110 , and will be tuseti for big con- eerie , religious anti tiohlticl conventions , asmd will be a peTmsnent gymnasluums for time etti- tloimts , The total cost of the ausciitorimuni is $3,500 , 'l'imi amount is helulg raiceti by se'l'ng the tickets for two festivities to be held imi October-3 anti 4 , TIme 3rd of October , or Forofatlmera' slay , Congressmuamm Antlrews of Nebraska s'ili lecture on the subject : "Our Christian Civilization. " Time itonoreti anti re- siectetl ir. 0. Olesoti of Augsmstana coliege , Ir , Swarii of Ommimiha armil 11ev. Evmshui of Ciii- cage , vli ho present and deliver atidreeses. ii. M. 1Cng ! Oscar Ii. of Sweden anti Norway - way , imas miommated a Swedislm flag , wimlcim will be ulnfttrieti ems this day. On October 4 , or l'atriotic day , hints. .Yoimus J. Ingalis and Governor - ernor Morrili wilt speak at time atmditorhuiuss. Time latter imas donated a beautiful Uumitetl States flag , wimiclm will tie a pcrmmsanemit deco- ratiomm for the ammditoriuiuum , In the evening of each tlay a select nmmuslcal program of smimle ! patriotic isitmslo will be rendered in an eistimusiastic manner. The mixed chants consists of 300 selecteil voices , time mnaie chorus , "Norden , " of forty good singers , time lianmi Uniotm , of 125 pieces , ummder time famous leatlersimip of Prof. George lisp- good , time largest anti best orchestra In time state , anti last , hut not beast , time Children's Glee climb of 200 voices will make the air fairly ring with patriot'c mnelotlies , The tickets will be $1 a day , and each ticket s'ili iuimmmit iso holder to timree rograumms-forenOon , aftermmoon and evening. Two timousand tickets have already been oiti aisti the , mmamsageumlermt expects to scil 4,000 nioro before time let of October. Sub-agencies have been establIshed In all piacemi , where any interest is made manifest - ifest for this imssttution , anti mmoro will be established imm tise near future. The railroads have Irolniaetl one fare for the romuntl trip. Six timousammul people are expected these two days. Title will pay for time bmmihtilmmg , wiiicls will then he ibonatetl to time college. Let every iuatriotLc citizen of Kansas be there ! Thmere will be mmothilmug bimt true Aimmericatsiem 0mm this msccasiois. Anarchy grows pale and socialismu ft'dts before tIme luatriotie songs of time hAng aussoclat ion. OIt(1.tl7i'1i ) Amticri.1'LltE. ; Notislil 1' hiidmastmdui iiesv&-uiicui ta iii 1 rt.g It's M I ii l ii ri. fO' . Among time social anti immdmistriat movomrcmsts of the isresent timsie iii F3umrope which are worthy of seriotus attention in this country , says time New York Tribtmlma , one of the most sigumIiicant is timat of time agricultural symldi- cates in France. 'i'heso bodies correspomid iii a imseasuro witim time patrons of lsusbamidry , or grammges in this country , amid perimaps re- colved their suggestions anti inItiative there- from , They immud their origin about cloven years ago , being called forth by tito needs of the farmers , It lund been observed that whillo all otimer btmaimsesses anti trades had timeir tmnions or otimer organizations for mtmtual aid , time tillers of the soil imad none. There seemed no valid reaaoms , inherent its the uma- tmmro of the case , wlmy timoy should not have timenu anti profit by thiemms. Accordingly time experitsient was niatie , at first eu a sissail scale. In ISS4 only five local syndicates were formed , with a few score memnbers each. Time next year saw thirty-nine. the tmext mminety-timree. Titenceforward their growths was steady amid raplil , both iim imumbars and in size. At present there are about 1,500 of them , anti seine imave fromn 12,000 to 15,000 niembers each. The entIre inenihorsimip cx- ceetle 1,000,000. or nearly 3 per cent of the entire popuhatiomu of the republic. Timero is probably no industry or business in Frammco IlmOtO generally or more timoremigimly organ- izeti. It is not , however , agricultural labor- meaning time hired workmnea on the farms- that is thus organized , nor can there syndi- rates be regarded as mere labor onions. They partake rathmer of time miature of cooperative - operative societies tumid cimanubers of cunimnerce , multi are comsiposad qt jite farmers thuentoelvos , the actual proprietors of tlte land. Indeeti , time initiative has 1)00mm taken chiefly by tite ownera of large estates. Tlmey cordIally in- Viteti the smaller lroprietors to join theism. on equal termue , so that 110W the syntlicates commsprlse all classes of tanners , from timoso ownimmg one acre to those ownitmg titoulsanuis , all united imarimsomuiously for time coumimnon good. Tile orgamsizatioum of ( liens d'ffcrs from that of our granges , in not heiisg secret amid in imaving no ritual. They are just plain , open , busIness comrmbiimations. Time emmds at which they aim are various. One is time tliffusiomi of knowledge. Meetings are hold , dscussioiis commthictetl , anmi lwpers published , 115 order that all may profit fromsi the ideas , tile experience ammd the observation of each , In this way the farmers of France are mmiaking much progress ium practical scIentific tarintmmg , anti are learning niuch about the nature anti requirenients of different soils , the culture of crops , the use of fertilizers , implements , etc. Anothmer lmnportant fumiction of tite syndicates is 11mmelmeaper purcimase of smmpplies of oil kiimds by getting them collectively , at wholesale rates. Instead of eaclm of 1,000 farmers ordering lila supplies of seeds aumd fertilizers separ4tely , ai the 1,000 send In titeir orders together , and thus effect a great saving. Tue ienelt ) of this system. has al- reamiy proven great. There its yet another step to be taken to perfect the work of these syndicates. That is , to apply to selling time systenu now sliced In purcimasimmg. At present , in France as elsewhere - where , One of time chief burdens 011011 time farnmer is time Initldlensamu. lie stanils bctweemm time producer anti time consumer , mmii levies tribute upon both. lie makes time Prices re- cclveti by the one lower and those paid by the other Imigher thmuumm they hommld ruornially be. There has beets in F'ramuce a vast iimcreaso its time nimuimber of ismltitilemnen. far beyonui any legitimate neemls of trauie , 'fime Imumumber has trebled In loss titan twenty years. 'rids its- crease 1mm numbers and competitioms ims miot tilmusinshted ! , but vastly increased the evil of time syntcnm , until both itrodmmcers and consumers - sumers are crying oumt agaimist it. Could it be domso away with , time farmers wculd nmake better profits anti the city PeoPle wouhti get cheaper food ; anti several million imsiddleunen would hIt' driven into sense form of productive industry , Instead of fattening upon the industry - try of othmers. Thma ! part of the syndicates' work will doumbtiesa ho mumchm mare iliiflcmuit titan tile other , but It will , if accontplislted , be also moore beneficent1 not only to the farmers , but to time whole nation. The efforts of the syndicates to acconuplibis it will be watclted widesllrcatl and synipatlictic in' terest. : ti uurit'i't'il i ii ii is . - Osyui - lorsvil y , BIIIMINGIiAM , Ala. , Aug. IS.-Simortiy after mnitlnigimt last night Jammics hllmri heard two nieti ctmrsitmg at time front door. lie caileti to timeimm to move on , timreatening to have timenm arreeted. One of thetis responded by tellimmg hilmn It he waumtetl ( helms to leave to mnake tisemmi leave. liurmi uvent to the door amid saw two mmmcmi standing a few feet back iii the miarkness , As soon as ihiey saw huts. tlmey began fIring. Barth fell witis a buhiet its imia left breast and inmnsedi.mtely expiremi. No arreats , REFORM IN TOBACCO 3iL.I MAIL POUCH No Chemicals Nicotine Neutralized No Nerves Quaking No Heart Palpitating No Dyspoptio Aching n Ilfi-NERVOUS .u -DYSPEPTUO l.flt'i'l11) 'VU II 1l 'M'1'I'ilt lOIS II . ' 1'Cif , l'oriim.'rl ' 1.1 ' ' ' ' , ' ' simsil ie'ft it % 'Ift' 'l'imi-re' , " l'itOVliENCE , It. I. , Mug. 18-Inspectors in tue 1'rovidcnc itoi1c deportusit"mt hare just uimtie the dIscovery ttiIt hatch , the much waisted aecoiiiiiice ! ef the notori.oums Ii. It , ibolnsee , formerly hiveml in this city , atd that his deserted wife is living lucre at the pros- mt time , They have stmsisoctetl for 501510 tiles tltat Hatch anti one Cisaries ilrnce , formnorhi a pimotographer here , were time same Pcrs. butt were minaimlo umstii a clay or two ago to conflrnm timotr smmsphcione , Satsimfel Kirk of tiil city is a brotimer-in-law of Brace , Mr. Kirk w'lhingly atimumltieti timat lila sister marrietl lirace , aiias "hatch , " twelve years ago at Moore's 1'orks , a aimsahi place in ( 'llntoms county. . lie 'as considered a mssotbel youumg lssatm amid was a Sumimlay school teacimer. Seems after time weiltiing a Br , Mmumlgctt canso to boarti 115 time fansil ) ' , anti young liraco anti time ( hector becanse fast frierstis. 0mb day , imowes'er , time elder lirace amid Dr. Mudgett quarreled and time latter immoveti , Youmsg Brace anti itis wife soon after this \'ent to llostomm , Omso day ilrace is'as reported mmt'sslng ' , anti snois afterwarmi ime appearotl In timts city , having u'ecmirett a iio.'ltiomi with a imlmotogrtmphmcr mmammmeti Itoso , lie auibsetuently took charge of Mr. Rose's Narragansett Pier ofllce , anti wiiile timums t'ngagetl , one day , after kissing his wife gootl'bye as imsual , imo left the city amiti utever rettmrnetl , in Chicago liraco assumnscti the naune of Charles Gilbert. 'l'ilrougim a ilrotlmer who hiveti in Cimicago tile ttlentity 'as etmmblishet1 , and it was learned he had mmiarrieti mm 19-year.oid girl , Mrs. hirace followed imee imuehaisti to Chicago , but he re- ftisetl to give imer any satisfactiomi , and time next day , wills itis second wife , he left Chi- cage , hater it was learnt-il the yoming wimomn Brace married in Chmicago was not with hmimim , anml Mrs. Brace advanced tue opiumion that sue beconso a victinm of holmes , - Coimimmibiie Umiski I I fimiiy loele.1. \VASII1NGTON , Aug. 18-Acting Secretary MCAIIOO mmsade isumblic yesterday the report of limo board , consisting of Coumsmodore Self- ridge , Commstrtmctor Bowloa anti Chief Eisglneor Farmiser , appointeul to examniumo limo crtiiser ( .olummmmbia as to damnagee site received when docketi at Soumthmanmptoim. Time report con- firisis the cable report of time i'eociatctI press , anti ti.o ltoartl says the docking was generally careless and unskIllful , isa simown by tIle entire mueglect of the most necessary precammtions to secure the unltormmi support of tlto simip. Time imiimmsediate causse of time dents anti brulises to tIns bottom platimsg vmts timat the keel hiocks were not proilerly alhgneml anti dimi not bear eqmmaiiy , and timat eacim block was miot stimfareti off to give support to limo flat aimd level surface of time keel , It has 1501 yet been decitled witetiteur a cotmrt of In- quliry shall be ordered. 0- iimihihiis'r's 'letini iemiil , OAKLAND , Cal. , Aug. 18.-Jennie Lewis , vimo was eliot last Monday , died totiay. Wit- ham Mtihilmser , time algumal officer in the ens- Ploy of the United States weatimer bureau , viuo is accused of shooting time girl , imis former fiance , is still in jail , lie tiechilsed to accept Imis dismissal tlmrough Forecast Of- fleer hiamnuisoisti of the San Francisco station , on time grouinti that hue was only to be die- mmiissetl by time chief at V'asimingtomm. Filled i''itli S'imt.'L 'iiiie at timelier , NEWI1IJILYI'OltT , Mass. , Aug. 18.-Tue sleds Jumnbo of itockport , while irs port imere today , fllletl with water anti sank thmmrlmig a etoruls , amid Captalim Stephen Orr and George W'elcim s'ere drowned , hiothi lived at block- - port. port.What What Shall Do ? Is the earnest , almost ngonizing cry of weak , tired , nervous women , end crowded , overworked , struggling men. Slight dif- f'icultiea , ordinary cares , household worker or daily labor , magnify thomusmeivea Into seemingly lmnpaesablo moumitaluis , This is uuinmply because tim nerves are weak , the bodily organs ddbifltaed ( , and theydonot Take proper nourishment. Feed the nerves , organs and tissues on rich red blood , and how soon the glow of health comes to the pale cheeks , firmness to the unsteady hand , and strength to the faltering limb Hood's Sarsaparilla purIfies , vitalizes and enriches the blood and is timus the best friend to unfortunate humanity. Tie euro to get hood's and ollly hood's. All druggists. $1 ; sIx for 5. ' the after-dinner pill anti Hood's Pills family cathartic. She. . ' ' ' . AMVSEMi' S. B O'YD S REE ONLY. NIGIUi COMMINC1NO ' 1'OUU1T. SUNDAY , AUGUST 18 , HARRY WILLIAMS' flIl.tND SCm6N1C' l'ItODTJCTION , A'DoweryGirl ' 'ro mill i'hlSINTlD BY A Fieu 8L'Ec'lALi.T O1LC.AN1ZUI ) COMI'ANY. A story itt life in New York itlagmmiflcent Scenery. Marvelous mneclianmcai etlectic. eew songs. Nt'w dammees , N'w } neclaifie . . imox attica ( tmemm nil tlav Humsday. i'ricea tIe tmicimsi2c , P3 ; : ac anil $1.00. _ _ _ _ _ Orghton Theater l'AXTN ( iiUHOISH , Mfmllmigrut. INAUCURAL ATTRACTION 'ritree Nights anti Saturday 1tlatimmec. Comilldilcilig Thursday , Aug22 ChARLES F'ROIiMAN'S 13M I'i htl'l 'ru it'1'EIl COD l'ANY' From the Empire Timeater , Nev York , I'ro- , crmtimsg on ThiIJhiSIAY ANI ) FRIDAY EVENINGS 'Ihe MASQUERADERS WIth the mitsmno cast , scenery mind effeCts as cools foi' 20) nIghts at tilts l.tliIliro 'ruitsator , SATLY1IIAMATINEE. . LIBERTY HALL. SATURDAY NIGHT , SOWING THL WIND. Scale of lirices for this engugernont- Entire iower floor Stalls msnml divarm chairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.51 , iirttt three rows . , . , . . , . , . . , , , 1.00 iltmlcoiiy lmext roi's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 , , rear coats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gallery Matinee Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25u to $1.00 Salts of seats wiil open at box office at time 'Pheater , Monday August 39 , mst 9 a , m. sharp. _ _ Courtland Beach TODAY and uvoumirmg. GRAND 13A II CONCFRT ovuniog a it , BAtLOO A8tffi1IO1Lrtoroooe A.ui aitd PAIIAIITR IIAP ovouloj , . - H AI1DI3IL..I ouiiibrIst. anti acrobat. ' P I 11 S J I Fl J YNN the Icnvcr ATHLETE will walk 50 bait miulic in 00 ton miuteti. , S ION F REE