Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Page 15, Image 15

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. . 18 l89. 1
V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - : H.TJ.NnAY , , . _ _
; i -
DUII'lIes ' In a Jobbing Way Shows Some
Little Improvement.
' ' ti1 lit. " fill IiMt 1.ln. ' " tr " 'r'hnn.l.c
\r. ' 1"lrl nt 1' Ad " sinee . .
Ilsit wlh l.llh't'lnll
Chll c In I ( Lilolli ( bus.
Lst week wns markeil by nn Increase In
uenerl bushwss , as comlmret with the
l.revlouH week and ly I most decided
change for the better In the Hcntment Ire
vaing among busIness men. The prevloul
week was chlrnelerlzcd hy very wanl
seather with a tendency toward hot winds.
The anxiety us to the outcome oC the corn
crol' waH I great that luAlntl ! In ulmot
ever ( line sufered a big reduction. With
) .
the eomllg ot cneral rains . which I.rnc.
tcal ) ' Insure' the crop against further darn.
/go tram drolth , huslnef men UIIIeur to
feel that they can now count upon the future -
tlre oC trade with a good ( lent or certainty.
. The result Is that the Ilst six Ia's have
wlleRRel freer buying upon the part ot the
ret/l trade.
The johters ot the city are giving eXlres-
alol to greater confidence In the outlook for
busines3 for the coming year and 01 every
,110 there Is evidence ot n more hopeful
feeling. No one I. hooking ' for a boom crop '
Ceeln .
on the cOltr' y It 19 generally concede ,
that It will bt 10 more than an average .
even IC It reaches that point . owing ! to the
drouth damage II certain parts or the state.
All that I. expected Is a fair crop ot coin ,
which wilt be helped out to Dome extent by
the wi crop oC small grain vegetablea
ant frult8. Taking Into conshleraton the
"tze ot the cropa anll the fact that prices
Ilromilo to lIe low on farm prllucts ( , 10
one anticlpatei4 any more than 1\ tall trade ,
.y either 11 a retail or jobbing way. The job-
hera do not expect nor are they preparllg
for anything II the wny of a PhenomenallY
large tlelaiul for merchandise. At the same
time hlslneRs ) promises to be 10 much bet- ,
teg than It haH bet1 for the paRt year that
ter will IloubteRS Reem exceedingly good
when comllrl8ol. are made.
o1tociltMA1t1lT 1mr
The grocery joLters of the city report a
fairly ! stsCactory trade during the hia-t
weele. 'fhe market has preseltell few If
any chnnges worthy ot mention. The general -
oral Celtures of the market have continued
lromlRlng and the indications /t the present
tlmo would seem to IJe favorable for n
llrniing up of values. PI'lees have allpar-
Irlllg 11)
entiy been dowl to the lowest point and
some lines have' eveNt Roll ! below the cost
or Production. \'Ith I general improvement
II ( lie tralll eonllions In all sections of the
, , j coultry ll , Jobbers look for I stiffening of the
grocery market /S only 1 natural conse-
' .
The sugar market II very strong and there
haR heel II large Increase In the conslmp
tiVo deinanil . owing to the ( act that the
fruit preserving season Is now nt Its height.
The frt oC the new crop ot Cal Coria
peaches his put In In appearance 01 this
market. Prlcml are very reasonable. Un the
coast prices 11 most easel are very low but
ns the tflle hits heel led to believe that
crops .f ul dcscrlptionH. , With the exception
ot njricots . will be large . there Is 10 up-
uilsposltioii to force the mnrket.
Parent The l1ck ot Columbia river salmon Is
cor\lletell ( Ilt Is generally believed to ho
sniallor than last year.
Jobbers In the dry goods line appear to ho
s'ery well pleauied with their experiences of
tim PaSt . week as goods have been going
- out If'Ily ! with the l.roHplcts favorable for
I continued good trade for some tune to
come. The fact Is that the dry goods
iueoie : have had I good business for sore
IWo time and the volume oC their sales
Hhow gains over Irevlpls years.
StCIlo.lolon goods are very firm and the
market gives unmltukahlo evidences ot the
1irintiest ! some lines being hell ut higher
l.rle"l at the rnthls. I Is claimed that
many ot the mills . especially the southern ,
lire ' without stocks of COtol and the ad.
Vance In that staple Is immediately re-
lect(1 In the market for the finished pro-
: r1ie market on woolen goods has not presented -
"cntell any new features vahuea remaining
practically unchanged.
ei % York. Boston . Philadelphia . and . In
1'h- ta .ew a\1 \ domestic wool markets durIng the
4 ; PiAt week have been generally inactive nR
far 01 , Iemall Is concerned. The market
Is steady and firm , with transactions lS
large os might reasonably l bo expected In
1 vacation 10nth. when Ilellers all tigers
I are In , a position to leave their worl'h " , .
for awhIe.
. I Is quite certain that IlrieNI In the
jorl ) ' nf tralllotons have been on a II I. .y
f with those received three weeks ago. Jo )
. the rnt'anwhtile . as trade Is pursuing its
. Iteld ) ' . < ullt course stock Is arriving from
1ollol amt from western points 111 wool
" , "rd'"I" ! ore getting their stock II fhape
for the fiI trade.
1 Is quite general ) ' nltelmtl1 : that the
months of epts'niier nli October wi bind
' of the more inanufticturers
many prominent manuClcturerR
In I position where necessity wi compel
them to come to the market for the Ilr-
11S0 ot renewing depleted stocks.
White trade In the hnnh\.lre line Is not
80 very active It IR considerably beter .thll
wits the case ten days ago /11 local joh-
. - themselves tnlrl '
1).rs are expressing thllselves its fairly
, \11 satsfell with present conditions. Pres-
tlt 11'09poetl woutt seem to favor the he-
let that there will be I very fair . .mnnt
for goods In this line during the balance or
the eumm"1 and fitil.
Buers appear to have given np alt Ilea
ot there being any turn In the market
favorable to thlm. as the whole tendency
ot values hi toward n hhhlr phitne.
The hardware market Is firm , all the advance -
vance or the past tw months being hehd
while I few more advances arc being re-
I was thought that wire nails hal
relhe,1 th ( ' toll. hut It Is said now that
luon the prices thi . w1 be marked 111 20 cents next
The rope markEt Is still advancing.
' 'rnlo In I wholesale way Is ot n very
"atRrll.torv character on hoots und shoeR.
1.lrll 8hlpnlntl are being 11110 Into the
- country anti the general situation appears
to h. Promising . The market I ! unit and
tilde I \ eel lot appear to he any hlmellil to
danger or I weakening \ "nines. 'I'he
cost oC the raw materials has increased to
stieh nn extent that there Is no rom for
llil malufnctlrerH to cut irlce. Nol only
1f. Role antI tipper leather dearer . but sheep
klns are 2 per cent higher counters h
Per cenl. cotton linings :0 per celt , nails 2
Iler .ent Imt so on.
COI l.lun ' I1 IHAJ.IED.
At n time when rerehallse Of almost
' kinil IR showing uti'ances the anthira-
eery lel11 Ihowlnl 111vunces Inthra-
cite coal market Is" demoralized . 11'lces
have f'ache(1 I level which I Is i claImed
IP\t" the producer 10 Proilt. Instead ot
showing signs of Improvem"ul , the situation
has be'l growing \ erse for some w'cles
" JI"t. SUI'IIIIs are far In excess ot the
dt'iuiaiul I lt distributing points are nil
gtitt.t. : Thu origin ur the trouble appears
to ho the tlistgreeIuient between the coal
i-onus al to the Iropolton or the prollucton
that each 1011 shoull hav .
Coal Is now selling on this market In n
rltli wny at $5 per ton which Is the
lowlst point touched In nine years. Some
local dealers are or the opinion that the
rellJ reduction In the lrlcl or anthracite
coal wl lead to a Irop In the prices on ! C
( ' 011. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.tlHt1' OM.thl.t'S 1J'I'\L 'ViL.tiL } .
( Ylotliuli iloiisrsllnyt' a htioli 1)ispht ) '
) Ithln" 1111. . 111.t. I IUth nIIIIII
. , . ' . .
ur 1"1"111110 1.1 li. " " .
Any attempt to depict the condition or the
11(11 retail tllio ot Omlha would leces l-
' t.lto the repPtlton or n geol deal that has
1101 said luring the vast month AB yet
trade shows very little ImIJ'O\'cmllt. I
hI safe to sa' . how.wel. that the time Is
I m'ar at hald when It h realonahe : to look
Cll' sonic changes for the Lethn. A great
lan ) ' PCO1)lo are returllg front their sum-
mor vl'atofJ. 111 ns the fail season Is
nar It l.ul,1 , thee ought to hu I leclllII
Irlrovem'nt In thn . character ot the I'ctul
ttrotifltJ. trade ' ot the city lccore ninny weeks roll
SlilO or the local clothing houses are
I'olntng With I good .Ieal uC prIde 10 the
iItW rear , /00 Ii that they have ) In stock 11 men's
Whll the tl'Jlc In this hue has not been
so very Ilrle I has IhOWI some evidence
ot life 11'tte \ 8"lKon ni I whole Is likely .
tl ) l'rOn" o'd IU xiieOto.i. The num.
huer , ot len II Omaha who follow alt the
tolble ot r."hol ! I net 10 large us In
man ) ' other cltn ! and yet Omaha yoisu '
tacit all ant all lehtnl the tml :
Dealers 3.1Ihit they h'o u larger trade
'k t'll eveS h..rore In Jl.n and cotton suits.
E\ 'fho rlb.c ! I e'\ and : , 'NnfurIlble. 11,1 , for
- . ' Ix Sst.2 to b ' desirabie for
, \lot re'll HI tl t very dCllrtle
" iilnmer wrr.
"lUl "rt.
' H tl i , 'p. . t\ that tnshlo with 8001 the-
1101\ ' ' , ' ) ' l''k ' : vests for Indoor ivea ; .
A ' ' . bier iii vet ) been
I my : Ier 11 n hal recently ! eln
l'IUht 10 i"hlo ) attention In the east.
' ; h. l.ul'or' . ( : ll thiq JsrmcIt ar concealed .
ih"n i v"V novel effrit.
'ho l't"H : ounging 'numo for hot
ounrhl )
' calh'r I I It "I\ck ' c'tit vest and trouscrs
of Kcntucl\ t , w. ru'Jset hoes ot low Ilt ,
" , . &It"t ' htir t .nJ airaw hat . or 1 silk or
cll'j field Ilal. It Irfrcrre . ! .
I Is 111' that In the In < ot inon'ui neck-
. 'I .cal ot 'a CC dmtu"I ! : ate being
selected the tnot Crh' The most , Irlk-
III ot thin now nn\rltll cOIlltl of n
Jleullr treatment or the pur ; c rl' I. Two
generous IllecE1 or material are gracefully
folded Into IJlll1 nt bnl end 11(1 ( those
J.lalml . ends are male CIt to the Inner
hart oC the band and brought forwnrll The
two onll can he mnnll'lll"II ' Into 1 lumber
or 1.lenllll effects hy the wearer.
De Julm'lll ! are shown 11 numerous ,1.- ,
signs nntl colorings anti tie COIIIIPII tic-
lnlll for them would seem to indicate that
they have come 10 etay.
New colorings In twill tlullrll learCI are
Ihcwn anti are very stylish . elicit its 'rlm'
son ground with II.over figures or olive
auth gOld olive with vale blue anti gold ,
cream white , with 1IIIcnte veins of grell
and gold . etc. The material Is so Ihht
that reversible tour-In.hald. III blowing
end knots are the' most practical . and grace-
tul. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I II.(1 : Hn.\ 'tI.t It \ li' .
Cfllllnl fr Triuuit'iiiuul ( ( iitsttltuuis
flit Slit lil. I 1.1 lit , ut'y ' Ir..1 itt' . . .
1:111 are slow MIl nt quol.llon8 and . tocks
have n Ipndpncy to accumulute.
Hhll'pcl of I Juln' wilt be interested In thi .
following . from the New York Journal of ( 'oni-
mpre : The lehrew year 6:6 wilt eOnl10nee
HIptpmblr I' . 1' : This la of great Int.1 10
.hlppers and dealers of lull ) n. Il vein.
mences the Jewish holda1 nnd during the
I.erlo over which they extend , the live l'Iull ' ,
market I more nclh'e than itt any oilier time ( f
the ) 'oar. The holII'a , cxl11 for Irlrly I
mr.nlh anti during that time this rpepll'la of live
poultry are very large . rlullr , ' 'h'.ra ' . .11101
In double their usual .iu.ilhtity 11,1 , litany ,
nlly Illn , "I'ra
Nhih ( II this Ilerlo,1 ( Jill ) ' . lurlll the \ltl'n ' , < hell-
days IIIeroll . .f I"ulty ure sought fur .
Maine VarIeties I.Inl IWlled , " al one holiday
nlli I tOi I I I ) ' wnnl.1 II utiol her. The lullll ) ) ' "
which occur II , : : are eleven duty " "lrlor tItan
they teen' last year IS ( I" " , while 1..e which
clmo In lttJ6 I are rllhleen dilys hitter l.n Iii.'y ) '
with I this. year ( l3) , . The New Year coin-
melCP , ul sunuiujan , , S"IItnlwr , 1' ) . ISI ! . uuntl fil
thik huhitity foals . turkey duicks In,1 , gees. . < will
he most wanted . nnll the rot"1 1.1. . " . Ie" m.1 k 'l '
d.y. for shliiars ' l have their poultry ' here wi
bo S"lllemLel 16 anll 11. The \IY \Ionpmenl
ai lois's. HellpmlJr 25. and ol 1111. uf Iolll' ) '
nr u.,1 for thiiit hollln ) ' . . hut IIrlcllorl ) ' 'l.rll
chiickeii . utah ru"alers : H'.I'lem..r ; ' 24 10 21 ; otP
the days , lenlcl" are IxI'cI".1 10 stock UI' for
their retail Irade. ' 'h. J'pn.1 , of TolJrac ' . will
occur Oct"er 3 In,1 4. and , fowlit duclot snul geese
wi be wantel wih Hrlllmhel , O and Rnt lePMe
the dayut 10111..101 ncivers .Ih'18e siliruluerl.
to have their alucl hot e . The i'east of .hlller.
October II nnll , ! I 11,1 nil klnla ut PoultrY nr , '
net ulei for this hot lulay. The IHI Iwlhlay uf hl' I
pot tance 10 PoUltrY ulealers I. Ilrlm. i'tiuiuiiry
,2i. IS ! fOhlOW . . . . ) the h'uussuier " 111 t. 1 "G.
and , I.'caat ; , of \ \ 'tu'ic't ' . Iny 1M and I' . lyu' ! ' ; . $1111-
: hll-
I'pl Inlpnlnl 81 'ck ' forI hi'se holhlI)8 .lnlll
Iuy II II time 10 fnll'l .lld"lly ) nllnct
iuul ' rit If they look for the highest luau ket 111'le' .
and I 8houlI , I. 8hlllIII In Ile I lu I 'I'h h"re
before the IIIe , I. $ Ululuhltl . siuIiuicrs it-tug ' careful -
SUI'llhl. .hlll'r. l'rl
ful to nlow fur sllhl itt-hays II Irunsll i'icper
feeding . wattring Inll care while I" . stuck 1""lel I.
Ih" way . \arlcUlarl ) ' whpn aliII ' 11 fl'OI bt-3uflul
the :1""l.all'I,1 01 fa I' dl.lnnl IIlnl. . ty it 1 hllnl ) I
thu . .lllnkIII' u I . which 18 Inllll ) ' - wi . , I"WI
conahl'rnhl ) ' and I lit. Ill'rpnl.,1'nlu" I "f I. II ul-
try when II ronchea the ,
mllk1 hire viIl litore
wil IIre
tItan rela , 8hl'll r. for 1'h' . . .Un ' " ; uC the I
I.oulr . l2uolnt"ns n :
1'OH-I.'rp8h .lc . Ipr uloz. . 100
1IL'TTiht--t'itcking stOck 'ftOe : choice to
fancy . 1:111 : : lalhpr.1 ! cr'"IPr ) ' . IS@hie ; sela-
rater crpnmo'r ) ' . 19/,2" , " ) .
\'r.\.Cholce fat . 10 to 110 Ih. . nr" ' 101",1 nl
6f11c : large flout , coarse 4tt'e ,
C'iilI.Si-W'lscujiisln : tail cream. 9e : Young
ful "I'am. . .ounl
Atneihcas. 1 12e , twhiiq . 1tfi12e , Nebraska nail
huova ( till cr'ul. 10l' ; Liiiilnirgu'iNo . I. lUc ,
hrlk. No. 1. Ir : H\I. . No. t. 13c.
LI\.F ) I'OtI.TttY-hIeiis ' .
1.1'1' 10IJ.THY-lpn" . 61t6'hc : roosters . ' ;
spring chickens , 1'01 Ih. . 1/1 / , unit-ks t ; ; aprlo
diics. Kc : turk ' ) . . 6ft1c ; ICIR" . : c.
I'IflEONS-j'ur , . . . , .
110 RONS-PI Ilnz. . $ i.OOtjl.2. ;
HA Y-UI.lant . hay $ S1Ot ; 111'0 : . $ G.O : low-
1'1,1. ; , S6 : new hay $6 : n'e straw . si . ; color
inialtes the price (1 hay ; light halts sell the best.
Only top grades lurIng tlp Prices.
"gG'Al.I ' .
The market nt the clue . . If tine wit-k was pretty
well cleln"\ tip nf ¶ valu-runielons. < prel )
Some very choice anti large hUIP grown ennui-
10UI'I' are being recutvut. QIIJII tuu. Ilwn (
l'Ol'ATOES-Now Iolalop. , choke stock 2i1
30c. 1
ONlOS-ltomc grown , tM : c.
CA hiIIAflh-Oei Irown . sachu'uh hue. '
CMIG. TOMATOES-Choice stock , her ' 4.iuanuket . cinto
WA"rH ml.ONS-lel tloz. . cratci . $ ! .Cj22. (
I.I.HY-I'hnlep : stud . tier , I" . . 3'HO , ' . '
t.50. CANT.tI.OUI'ES-Cltolce : stock . 1'11' < uz. . $1001
Anolhel car ot 'a.lom grape. partly CUlcol'II _ .
nrrh'.II ) ' e5tOiIZ , ) ' .
The supply of Cr..lnno pptl'h" 10 very small
ant I hooks . now I. If ( lucre \uul,1 . . 10 VI )
great surplus of that fruit for sonic l.iys al
1'nsl. <
1'nsl.llnlstoneo were not very phu'ntiful al the ehuiuuu'
of the Week. but Inl go r'cpll.Is arc nntlcIuuut 'uj '
! nnlcllnlrd
Ih" Unit ot tIne Ilrs"nl'pl , .
I'EAltg-Choice Culf"rnl.1arlel. . . $2.50 ;
ulhel'nrh'I" . . 32.11)112.25.
11':1 : 1\SI/I.nHnSNn : .111'llnl : stock .
i1IdTiii-Citl I fuui-ii lut. 1'.1 1" . chule' .lucl . 31.11) )
61.2 : fancy \'arlelh' . $ h.20ulJ,1) .
. 4I.
A l'ltiLN'i'4-No .hl'11101 stat-k.
HOITIII'I : 11'AIII'H-Nule. I : )
Ai'l'lUS-Chcuit-o : shilhipiflir stock . lubI. . $2.00j
AIII.I'S-hlleo 8hl\plnl .Iul' 11. $ .0
2.2 : cusulclng Ippll' . S.161.0) {
c.i I.IF'OitNiA 11'\CII M-ClwfoIIII. per box
S1ic ! ) : elnl' . ' ( ' . ,1.e.
STHA WII'HHII'HChol , ' " 8hlphl stock . none.
( iOOSEhiIltltt : ES-No .hl\lllnl ( nttucLu.
II.AI'I I I IASII'HIIHN. I : shl\pln \ ! stocl
B I.AI Ii It I tIl : 8k-No shippIng stock.
OIAII S-I'a.lpr " .hl\plol . 1'.1 10.1 , . buih.-i.
Cnneouls . :11v113e : : : lies . 2 ,12KI : CllfOnln , 1'1 ' :
ens" . early whie \'nrh'lls. $1.2" . , : lu8cl. . SI.50 ;
Tokn's. $ .1 : ,
NIC\IUNm'-Calforla. : 1'.1 ease . 81.25311.50.
OltiuNnEP-Cholce . . " , lll' . 1"1 box . S2r. ) ;
1llolrnooll Iln sweets . $2. .1) : lIC ) ' St. 2ulichiaela .
I.gONS-Ixlrl fancy lemons . 36 size $6.0 ,
31 ' } sIze . $6.OuuG.2i. )
1lAN.NAi-Clioicp large stock . per bunch $2.2
(2.5l ) ; leolum size bniiiclie . * 2.00312.25. )
' , ' ' . . (2.Z
1'INIIt ' I'l'LIIS-None.
: ISCI'I.I. " NI'Oi. :
1'Ifla-Fztney . 15c chuIp . .
I"IOH-Flle ) 151 ; chul. , . 113c.
1tO2EY-'uulItortiIn. Hfl5.
: IAII.I HYItLII'-(1ahion jugs . per .10z. , $2 ;
liixhuy ' , 5-gui. cans ' $3. I
NtITH-Aimonuls , He ; 1'nll.h ' wuilnuls . soft-
iuliehleul . lIe : Itlnd"l s. lhu' lilberts . 10c : lirazil
< ! Irnzl
nuts . 101 : I.el'uls. ' 1 ; Potihuls , raw . Ge : roasted
.C.I' - 60 10 1uoes 6c 1"1 lb. : fard
dates small boxes . hOc ' 1'.1 Ih. flr
< 1 > :1-111' : Juilcu' prr bhl. . $ : half bLI. . S3.
IICI' : i'OI'COIIN-tni the ear . on onderiu . er
lb. . c . 101
2\c. IIDS . \NO T.I.LOW.
IIUFS-No. I Klet'n hulules . 5i c'N ; o. 2 green
hl < a. So ! ; Nu. I grell salted buttes \ . 14c ; Ircen .
green 811elt hulules , . . 8c : No. < \'edl calf . 8 Iu 15
ibis . . 12e ; No. Veal cll. K to n Ii's ' . lOb : No.
I thy flint hubs . IHi5c ; No. 2 , I' hint lilIes .
12c : No. 1 LIt ) ' Sl I. I hides . Ie : partly cured
hubs . % c 1"1 Ih. , than fully cureo. IJarly curet
$ ltiEI' : : t'fltT-t1r-eni stilted .
KII'I'I' 111.Ti-lr'f1 .nl , ouch : ; 1/Gc ,
green sailed slicarhlngs short wolhl early skins ) .
each . fltc ; dry 0lwalln8 ( short wnol.1 ' 'rl ) '
skins ) . No. I. ouch . : ftle ! ; dry alu'nrlnl' ( .hnrl
woled early uuklius ) No 2. 'aeli r. : tlry Ilint
Knurtants nail Nebraska hulelll wool 11. I . nel.II !
wellht. tU'1c 1 dry hint Colomlo , Illchl'r ' w",1
pelts . tier hl . actual weight . HII ; ! .l' , dry Ilini "
Colonlio ImTlln wool hut-Its. ' 1"1' lb. < . : Inl
1'118. lelual
weight . H1Ge. 1n\'e t.1 cut off . lS I Is 1.les. %
10 hillY freight on thu-uni.
TAI.I.OANt GItIASIj-Nn. : I 1110'\ ' . 4t31 '
4c ; No. 2 tallow , 3S31c ; grease . whll' A. H ,
4c ! : grease . whlo I 3lic ; giense . ytibous' . 2f
3c ; grease . dark : 2\"e \ : 011 butler . ) elo\ ' : . rf
wax. Prune. 173120cr : rough tallow . 2t' :
VOOi UNVAi4hI1l-1"Ino : 'huu'ivy : . 10)7c ; tine
light. bEIsc ; ltnarter.bbouI . 101312c stout ' . '
Ilhl. b/9c 'larl.r.hI011. tOr/c : se"I ) hurry
and chalty . 8049e cotteul anul ' ) .
chll 8,9. ; cote,1 Inll hrok"I. cuansutJ
tie : eolc all broken . line . disc. HJ
\'OOl \\HIIP-letlll. : 1'I $ e ; flat Ha
16e : luh \\nsh.I. trn e : hind Se ; bucks . 6c ;
lu locks : 33c ; dead pulled , ' /6c. /
: t. " . 10110 1'Iiiuiiciul II . 'i'It'w . .
' NI \ \ ' YOnK. Al ! 17.-'ho New York
l llalcler 8a's this week : The statement
or the nSelll'.1 banks of this city for ( hue
week , 'mln/ August 17 rCle'1IS 11 par the
gold export mO\II\lt Intl the operations
of ( hue h011 syndicate which wCle eoncluult'd
the week pruvioths. That there , cOlclwll'l 10
lelllnto lro.I''lt ' oC Irmer mOII rnl'l Is
tu'idencetl lit thin hlcrl".e ot ' 2. 23.CO lIt the
\01111 or 1,10 cash 10W Illng II i the N.j\ '
York City hanks. The lalk. ; giuimmed $ l'ilO . -
O In (1lIIO.11 11rhll the \ ! alll . < $1. ( lie
increase lIt h'll tOIIlro was $1U < ) .OW. Thl tl
distribution or the Inrl'I"'lllgl of
nioiiey 1110 the balks In' the \ bondsynuhicatc.
of course operated . tdt'emseIy I on' s\nllltl
10/1 mnllet. lIul " ,110 frol this I ivies cul
Wil 10t
noticed. nt'sple the 11'Iartlt ' , , lllne ' the
banks nro nourf'lll $ ' . o.ea , 10re
1011n. ( Into nt this 11 < lust year. 11'1"1111.
10twlhs111111 ! nn Incrll" " ' ) ' : l.CiL.uo , ) ' last
wele. are' $7.(10.0 ) less than for the same
week II . \lgIRt. 13:11 : . anti the exc. . . 111l reserve -
servo less. Is between $ ! .O. " . ) and $27OuO , 11- .
. Su\lr )1111. . . .
NW YOflI . . \ . .
! YOnK.Ul. 17.-SUUAIt-flaw. tead' : r.nnlnl. 3c : cen'rlfugai. l1 1.1. 3 3.1Cc ; a(1' -
1 . :
Inl" . al'.II' : N , c. til t.Ue : No. 1. HH . II- :
N" . . . 3 U.16QII.o : N.j. p. 3T,3$4 I.IG eN 0. III.
3 1.IGtHo ; N" . Il. = lU3 It.o. I ; N" . t : . 3"\ ,
3 : . eN 0. 1. 3 7.jdc : r A. I lh.lGGhl'e ; miii
A. 4 .ICIH"c : .lan\nI , A. ' 1.ICH'e ! . ( ' ' " . ' 11
tlor.eiui' A. I d.lG134Ich ; 011 loaf , 5 . ;
cllh.l. 5 I.I f3e.'lr.l. .IrfIISO . HfflIC ; : .0.
ulld. 4 : .1\1.0 : cubes . t 1t-tu4f1T. ; &
1.'ultl\n 1.1 n IIU' II I " "nlr.
1'\IIS. Aug. 1.-'htr. 1"1 c''l 111" " . 102f
S2uo for thou account . Iehll " on I."ndou. 25C
: i.e Icr elnecls . :
- . _
lII3ALTY ) ttItll''L' .
INSTRUMINTS . placed on record August 17 ,
iD5 :
WtANTumms. .
I \lt I Raeu'okl 10 " 'mnlika Szeazyckl
I \ of lot I. LII'k ruG . South Onuha . . $ C' ' )
G I. Miller and wIfe to It U harder1 lots
1 old 2. . Ilt " I.Vesl . : lt tidut..t. . . . % . ( )
flllhow I.el..on anuS wife to Jlrl Grace
Merrls . 40 acres ot W . oC I I. of nw
: .1.tO . . . acr. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3
QlllT CI.AUI Umos.
o 11 Med ; and wife to A It hlr'wn I II ot
lot I % lurr Oak . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Special muter to Jueph Oold'llh. lot . .
l'ruyn's . subdlv . In Shlnn'l add. . " . . . . . . . 9
Srne to Charles Hehl , lot 7. Iienion'p
smo lublv . . . . . . . . . . . . . lenlon'l . . . . . . 3.0
Total amount ot tranlfen. . . . . . . . . $ I.US
Unfavorable Weather for Corn Advanced
that Cereal Ono Oent.
11t 1.'nlnnf..1 Corn In Streuigi - ' , -
,1.lfll" . 'u't'ru' " % ' , uiel sit Situate liii-
1.rf".t'nl'nl" In I L'rie'ei . UlrliK
: h..t ot the Sessiumu.
CHICAGO , Aug n.-Tho elemeltS have
teen Ilpropltou tor the cor 1IIInt nnll
thlt was recognized II the lilt today hy 11
advance oC Ie . bu In the Ilrlce. TIle
Rtrength or corn helped whicutt . which later
ivies very heavy for a time . but came out II
the ell with n loss or only \e for the day.
Sel.'mter . oats closet t.c higher . and , Sel'-
( ember provisions IllRhell wih little ehuanigo.
Sl'lltelbcr wheat which closet itt GG1c I
) 'csterIIY. was freely ofere.1t thl' opening ,
itt GGC , amid vcr ) ' soon It 65c . some little
being let go lt GJle before any reaction
took place. Thin Liverpool market WIS
quite dull and 11 to III lower : Anwerp ( . 12\
eeluiniics lower and lerll flom f mark to
to mark higher. Tile Ilrlng , wheat receIpts -
ceIpts nt : lnlcllols gave indications of in-
cl'lsllnll there was nothIng unseasonable -
able nhout the wcathel' 'rhe Ilrlmnr Iniar-
ket receipts nloether were again ! mal
'ml II nl strong contrast ns ever when
\h' ed against hast 'car'8.
\ 'he strenlh In corn clu,1 n sharp re-
letol from , the low Iglres and kept the
murket fairly .tenlly all day. The ship-
ln'nts flom ChIcago for the week summel
up l.u75.7 ! hu. , against 3'.678 hu. on the
simIlar period 01 the year ' berore. The
.IIOlllne Ihlpments for the week were
l'elJOrtell itt only 92.0 bu. 'rho clearances
from hoth coasts for the week II wheat and
until' tolthel amoulted to 1,821,000 ho .
uglilst 1.W.O bu. on the week before.
The tradIng waR ot the same local usale
and character its before mend the Ilctu-
ittloths wele eonhlnetl to moderate houmlR
'fhe Irst Prices already reported were lt
the low..t or the day . and they ) ' were sue-
c""IIII by n rise to G'c. ' After that the
price was retained close around G6c acd
GI. ; , ; t , was the latest trdilIlrle. . 6GUe ncl
'She news from the country nbout the
tlamnage b'lnl done to corn by Ilolth amid
bent cittised that article to hl In great re-
tlleHt today at n geol IIh'lnee II its value.
Thut 1111 tell the short to liuying . anti
there were enough of them to mnke It fairly
lively In the lilt during the greater part )
the le Hlon. September . which closed yes-
teliny ut : 17c 01)CI"II nt 38\.1. amid after /
reaction to 38c advanced Irregularly to
; ; : 'c III closed nt 3Se.
Oats Collowell corn In the strength notable
In that nuanket. Shorts were ni more or
lep Inxlous turlnA the bulge unit , sever I
Illtl large 111l1 \\'lrt covereil. Sllllemhcr
olncII , nt from 20c to 25'c . soul till to ' 2J e.
.t..lllcll to 2'jc Iml closed nt that price.
1lvlHIonf'tf wnltell lt saute Itniprove-
rent In price during the mOlt of the es-
slon hut In tl enll there wa 10 material
Inll except In Jatiuntry hark . which Is 12'4c '
higher than 01 the tiny before nod January
ribs . which are ! c higher. John Cld/h ) ' )
sulll to have been n good buyer of null kinds
cf protitict.
I Rtmutell reeelptR : Wheat . R ears : corn ,
Tot ) ears : oats . 2 cars : hogs . 20.0 heull.
The lelllll turel ranee. " " follows :
Articles , I Op > n. I , Bm. I 1).v. I Olosi.
- - - - -
Mug . . . . . CH : G5 ; n t ; ; ; ; tit ;
Setit. . . . flaklu ; U Im : un)4 ;
g.II. I 111i
. . . . . . . . ut ! H UtX U8 } 6)5
Coiii ; N ; : 2. : : ;
. \1 ; . . . . 3 HW 34 : If ' : : I ; ,
1"1.1 . _ . . . ; Jit4 : H ) ) : uih6 I : Hh
Oel. . . . . : Wl 373t : : : ' ) : : I ;
. 'li
1. . . . . . . . : : : : :1 : : I : C25a ,
; Ia : ) . . . . : : J' 3n 1t23 3 ;
( nla No. 9 . . :
Atig . . : . 201 21H t'tll 2hh . . . 2IH.W ; : U I , 21 ( ) ! ( . . ' : : lh
May. . . . . . 2h : .m : - 2a5@)4 2 : : ( { fl1
Vomit per bbl
Su'pt ler . . . . . 75 1000 ) Ii 7 (1 00
g'II. \ .r ! IU
011. . . . . . . I 573-i J 11 ( I H7 ! I tIll
llld.IOUlbs Jan ; . . . . . . 10 ao : J0 I : ! IU air :
H'.pl. . . . . n 10 0 I ; II 10 I 15
. . . . . . 291.4 0 22 (1 ( 20 0 2214
lJI. . I
: ) I
Oct..I I : : I : : !
(1ort . . Ribs- . ' . . . . .10 . . I J5 U 1. ; I Ii I Hi
1.orllba- . . . . I2 r I C Pt ) ii
! I lt r t2
5(1)1..S r IIJ I I ; Ut I r U2h ) [ aps
_ : uti r : HI nmu : I a : !
( 'itch unnIuun were as follows :
'uolaUuna \
folll\ '
l'i.Ot'ItVu'lnter " straIghts -33.2553.10 , wL.I.r
1"1"018. $3. 2' ' 3. 1 : : smiting "al"nl. S3.40ftlIM :
811111 81111Ihl. . $2.9l)313.2' . : cuakil . $1.90U2.50.
\vh I EA'r-No. 2 sprIng . 6-I0j 66c ; Nu. 3 siurlng ! .
, 6:1fG61\e a"rnl.
f.116 : ' : No.2 10. fJGr ) , c. .
101' ( 'OltN-No. 2. 3 Hlt'\c ' ) : No . 3 yellow , 3'Wt
O"'H-Nu. : . 21\c ; Nu. % white. 2H. ; No.3
, . . , ' .
whi 223,23'4c. I
' . . . . 43e . .
\'I.-No. 2.
I'I.No. - 131. nominal ; No . 3. 3a38Hc ! : No.
- -
4. nomInal.
. l"liAX i4flEt-No. . t. $ t.0331i.b.
TIIOTI Y SEIlll'rlnnuu31.25. .
I 'lt'lShONS-1ulen's perk ; per " "I. $9.811.
10.Cl. ' 1.aah. 1"1 lOll ( I" " . $6.15. Shorl rlhs Hides
Ihuuuusu' ( ) . S01(5. ' ) : Dry .al"1 iuhiouhulers hioxedi (
$ . ; 2 .qt.1 . Hhorl clear shIes ( l'ox..I ' , . $ G.IHr
$1 . . , . , ' lluh'-Dlstihbers' Inlshed % gootis . Iernl. .
'Iho following were the recolpl' and shipments
today :
- Articles. HecD"II" 8hl"mcl - , .
- - - - - - - - - - -
I"lotur. b la. . . . . . . . . . . I.UDU 4.000
Wheat bu. . . . . . . . . . . . a5.ouU : : IOIO )
Ctuii . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . :4 , IUI 915.000
Oals. btu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1t7.OU 222,1)111) )
ityt' bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.011 ) 2.1)1)0 )
liarie3' . tnt , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00U -UIO
Oil Ih l'rol10) l'o'Iau' ) lo.ay tn - 1-
lout wa'811\1 ! ; creanliory. 1lc ) : dairy. \lg )
Ide. Eggs 81"11' : 1114 ul2e. Cliecauu UH'7'e
CI..111 CuolnHolN 01 the I'rilclpni
CUlmuIIHf'N nl.l Sluthiles .
NIW YOIt1 . Au ; 1.-f'I.OUI-looll.tK. 21.-
! o ) tiul. ) : exports . .to bLls. ; steady but InactIve -
actIve ; city 11 patents. $3.6313.8 : , city 11
c.lrs. 81.00111.25 : wlnlor straights . $3.4 : 3.G ;
: lnl.soll 11.I'nts. $3.10311.SU : wlnl.r Patents ,
82.390(3.23 ( : : IIIP.ull linkers . $3. Ht3.2 : ; wlnlel
low gundes. U.JU3.W. 1)'e hour . dull and easy ;
al 1"lne. $2.tsi43.0 ) : ; faitcy . $3.100i3.29 .
( 'OltN ; 1\I.I"llrly active : western . $16 I
I.OK ; ltrutndyivinu' . $ : .S : . ,
\\11' : , ' , ' -I'colpt8. 2,0) ) bu. : ipot . dull ; No.2 !
red . 70c { ; uhiuua ( . .2\e ; Nu. 1 hiatt ! . 71'Ac : No. '
1 miuurtll.- . . : * 1. 011(11)05 opened weil' . with
cnn.hlerLl. local selling . owing 10 weak"1 cable
IIh'lees. 111.11 wllh cuurni . also h > h'1 " ) ' ex-
li "tntons cut nlolh.r fair vIsible 8UPI,1) d"'r.l.o
Monday . uOII closed .f"c lower ; HOIlellcr.
10 .16(1 3.16c. 10.1 < al ilc ; 1)eceniiber . . 2tj'
.2 ; c. 110'11 ul 72lc. ,
( ' OttN-leceips. : t 16.31' ' ) bu. ; eXl'otl 1.40 1m. :
Shot aloolcr , No. 2 . 110'1. 43c . ' n'nulmnnih. 01'-
( bus 811\nC'd sharply . .inu . good covering . uilte I 10
ellplllnl. uf too I10h heal wesl : el'I"mber.
4itf41T.e . eln.1 al 41t.
H'iiIH -I.thlts. 71.0N ; hu. : smuni stronsor , No.
2 . lGtuc ; . No. 2 whIte . 2tc. Oin0onns < ut.t II n
26\e .
11".1 aulvntnce . , Iue tu , . stn'nllh In " 'In. and
rinsed i111"c ; higher ; Hlpl"lhcr 110.011 lt 2I\e. \ I
\-Hhllphll. 704The ; good In cinolce IuO4(9-'k' . !
101 -\'IY dull , state COlmon to ehol" . Old.
33i9c W8' . : lS'1 cram 4318c , coaSt old . 3115e ; lb9 f'rol.
IliIlu4-Cnlifornla. 21 to 2 : lIeu . t9\e ( ; O..h'eo
lof. 20 to 2 : Ibs . ISO ; lu.nos yri's . 2) ) 10 :1
I. . . lii' ; 't'u'xas dry ' . 21 10 3) his. . lfllc.
1.i.'uTl : . . I Eu-Quiet : ; Ilcnus I . \ ) ' rca . Ihhl and
h.dhla. . 23c uieluliu , . " .
h.\ ) \dhla. : : u\la. 211"fUc.
\'tOl-ttu'aily ) , : choice IGII , ' ; 111.1 , : .
l'lt\'lSbONS-lIeer. .Ield ; finully . 8111.0031
1'10IHINlpef. ml SN.of
10.2 ; : extra II0H. $ t9ui1S.0) : hp'f hnnuns . SC.f (
11.IMI ) : 1"ele.l. S .Oqll.OJ ; extra India mess . $601
( I 114.0) . l'll niieuutni . en tad , ) ; 1'lcltlc,1 i,0l : los . $6.1 :
4t7.29 , piII.1 shoulders . $ .1 : : IIikIPII II.m.
* ' 1.29(19 J : . , . 1.ln1. ol.lll ) ' : we.ler steam nosed al
$6. : ) : S'ni eunituu'r. , $6.M. ) nunmuulnuel. Inrk. limo ;
lIlies. hll.2931l2,7 ; fuunnully . S . : , shor clt'iuriu.
$1 12.11)0311.00. ' ) .
I''JI' I : I-nul : : sil II. large. 51(16c ; snuall.
5idi' : hurt skims , 2'.f e : full skims . ISjt(2t' .
T.i,1.t\-l1rimier : city , .Iic : country . % 0. o.
10 .itiality. .
IITIO.IU'I-Iul : lnlpt closd at ' 1. % bId
IhOSiN-Ste.idy : .Irllm-l. COl10n 10 good .
$ l.52'fm l.7' , -
S 'l't'lt : i'EN : 'rl2'i-Qulet : : nl : \ @ % . " .
1 ' 1"I.-9' 61Ie.
1ln : -O'e.
111'-12llcl , I\OIPlte. fair 10 extra . t0811\ ) \ - .
ioISlS-Nw : Or1.ln. . open kettle . gout .
to chuudre 291' : : .
n\I.S-I'I : iron .leoI' ; southern . $1.51
I ( : . ' ' , not tb-i Ii ! . S2.i ( ) 1 i.ul'i. ) Cltuluer. HI'onK :
brulkeruc' lirlee. $ : .12' ' , . 1.t"1 alrung. brokers'
I prk. . $3.31''I'm . Illal. quiet Ulll sttady.
4'tTJ'ONl-ll : ) Ol.-ul.l sail ate'd ; pulniuc
I cruuhu' . :1.:0 : ; prime - , - . 1'5e. f. O. h. nulls.
1S122u' , ; off Irllp. 2Gc ; hUl'r grades . 2Jf 3e.
mi' : I'rlmo .UIIPI ) ' 'Inw. : le ; ( I .Uller
)111:60 ; prlnnu' white . $ OtthIc. '
S'I'OC" . 'eNh ) Jt U" .
Se'e'urltiu'ut tl".o ' ( lul.t nn.1 ii . .Prnf' -
, ' y..rdn .
( lout 11\1'r . )
NIW YOI" . Am ; . 17.-The stock market
01.1.1 miSty quiet anal generally a fraction
hlhrl. Tile uuII rail on Toh.oc was soon
began . ant I dee'line folow..1 ot 3Y Iel Cent
with a rai ) of but % leI Cent . The l'reftrre,1
eased on I , per cent Manhattan . which has
ail ) been uIII.1 pl..ur. oC late . ) 'letM 1 % l'Ir
cent ant reco\.rc % per cent The heaviness
.t these shares did not Inlpwco Ihe general
sPeculatIon and \'alul apprecIated . Under lie
leadership of Chlol o ( Ins . which gained 1' 1'11 ' Oregon Short ! ne and heather
IIPr\'C II tier cent cacti , The market claal
dull nld lirnuu . with moat pC the , Iokl tr.d.1 In
a fraction abate last nIght's tlgtuurs . white
1 CrBclon lat nllht'l 1111(1. whie
I"alh.r I'tf.rc gained I 1el cent and Chicago
Ca 1 % per cenl. Iroktyn mO\Bled brought
:1 . agaInst 13 the hast pr"etlnl sale. Tie
\'lule of bUlinI' of the w.ek sluoits I decline
compared with that of the pr.lng six days .
which were among the dul..t of time year.
This stagnation I. i to b Ic - oolle ) for partly
by Ih ( ab"ct ffm Ihe street o vacation of
many t lit. . . I . . : . " . . p'ralon. but the tranlo-
lion , era ct'suj 1. , I In he uncertaInly 1& to
1 . ' ,
thi . nIO\'elrlt lt 1,1 t" Hu'nl' nail . t.e Inll" .
diets flutlire nr the exihunungluiAte4 . TIle-se
'itlestlon . nt prfapot hl" 1 . ' 1" IlilIlieflOt 11"1
the .hnl ol'ulalon ( Ihln SIn ) Ilhpr. ( iunuh se-Vuu-
111'1 tIre nrffull' wllcllnl for 11I.Illul. fir
it h-dun of once lii tile tiiIt'lglt miutku't . ansI "uun'
I t.lln . .no ( II flllII ! 1)k.l. nlll10 ) f,1 Iht cp"nlml "I 1111 exports . 'fliers
la , Ille I Irlllr , foci red ' 1. I cite \ ou I flow If I ffW
tuulllh.uns of Illi within - ( . 1t.l feW eCks . erIn
II time husH oC a"I' oC the tl..aur ) ' I"hl reserve.
( 'retu r I"rll , Iutlno tt it\tk were olnOrln ;
nOlI fe-urn . "f Cro.1 10 I.I I cut 0 hpl "rlllhi 11.11
selling account. ot hue grulngers. 'ti'itnnutlniy - for Ih short
nel ltunnuuurc , , 'pr. /11 / I 1150 1le bit Al nnui.
ehle n'luotllll ' Im,1 I''n Wd.t In I the' ii nutllrue-
dIe coal rciuuie' . tlifforu'nt'H , not a rlllh' ' illulrt'Viut.
l'm In lie ( unItIes ' of th.a1 . . . Iisre-s t"k , pluiet . but
( he alal.lent 11'1\,1 III ! unllunlll nail , 'I 1' .
R"t , " cneieuI . 1'h. al.I,111"1 \ Ir"Ullzllun
If lift 11'1 ' "llnn II tat . ' .IItru..t. . ( lie 1\.I..1
inIt'nullnn of ( hue attorney , " 'neml .f hilitual . 1 <
hush his stilt Ilall.1 Ih" . lrust , In,1 1:1. : heavy
.ellnl .f ( tie . " "rp. . ) , M "rulllwnl ( I'nl' , up-
orator tCIS1 . en-cute nn tlneui'y f.111 it mulling
Inohnier . If Ihe I stock al,1 a .hllll CIIO\ If I" " )
lieieln ( 10 104 . with a I'e < ' 'r ) ' ul 111' l. I' . f
Cetit TIl ge'nuriui . Inlk.t wis wlh'1 ' C. iteure
nail liners 11'\.1 11'11111) ' . hit lila busses are
Ilt. nlorIU" Iml I" ( ! nil' .
I I . touiui . . let nod I , . lam
1.lhls 1Ila w..te 'Iulet Irr"ulal. lul lie I
1011 t"polllt eiuuungts are gueinue. ' 'I" lUtOS
were $ :8.000.
The hOI,1 ulheratlons lt lie ( "eI , re.ulPII gu'nu'
' In but ci I ( : . 'rue ' , '
"rl ) IIht CllltI' Th. shuleullult bun
WIlS ehunrne'tu'rlzuuI hy etunuulihuruihuiu. , , ptuelngtlm In
\1' . , . " .II.rlh. oll'Plllh 11
lie . aOl th , ' , '
( Oregon Short 1.lne 1011 OfP'OI NI\'II"-
( luau 'h" 0,1' . " .r' $1.f.1.I"J , mini 210
"ml 11'1"1 In the trimnu'aiiuuns .
'fhe f.lowlll "ele ( lie clo.lg quolatlons on
the lending stocks of the New 'orc ! e.change
today :
AI"hlooi ; : . . . -i ) < " Norihuuu'sjpn' . . . . I ut" (
'AI\IH EXlreii4 : . In tu I''I. . . . . . II I I 9
Alcuu. ' I. . . . . Ia ! N. \ t''iutrtl. : . . . In 1 I !
AI/ . Jxl..a. . . . I : ' N. V. . . N. I- ; . " . . : . i , !
1IIIIrl..Ohlo. I / ) ( 0 , I ! I ( ( ) lliarluj . t. \ % ' . . . . . Ii"
Clnada ; } 'aclle. . r : 0..111 liii iu. . . . Ii
111. I
CIIIII : : 8olllrn. . SIt 0..11 > : 1 Nuuu' . . . . . 21 I
C'.nlrlllllc. . . IH I 1 1. H. t " . ( I . N . . . . 1 II I t
Cues. . \ Oil III. . . . . 21 I 1IIIIe :11. : . . . IUII 21
'Ciiluaugo . . , t lion . 1U 1' . D . \I' . . . . II ! .
C. . II. " Q. . . . . . IIJj I'Itt'ilolrg. . . . . . . . . I
1'llelin tins. . . . 0211 Illnal , Illal'e. ; t : :
Consoldll'i : ( beet . 111 I lti'Iulluuit. . . . . . . . I M04
C. C. . Co" 81. L. . -t ? 1 it. ( W. . . . . . . . . 11\ $
Colo. Coal.\ : tram , . 1' Il n , \\.1'111. . . . ,1
GOlon OIl C..rl. . 29t bock Ishuulnl. . . . , 7UH
O"II\ar..II'I. lau' : M. 1uiiil. . . , . . . 7HI
Du'l. . , & W. IUl ' do mlii . . . . . 12H
I ) . . . ft. n. 1(11. . -H' ' SI. 1 k 0111IH : .
P. &C. F , Co. . , 2I)3. uloprul. . . . . . . . : . . . . . 115
En. . . . . . : . . : .c. . : . : . : : : ) u O onlthle'nm : ; h'ael tic : : .
III ) 1100. . . . . . . 2uh ) SIIIII.II.II4h 1
'I'curt , % Vnt-iit' . " " . " . In ) : Tiluli . ( aunl , . ironi. i53
n. Norlh.rn luful . . II 'ruxis 1'uetlic ; . . . I 235
1 , " J ) . t.lfl. . . . In:1 : ' , " O. n""lo'II. 12ll
Ieokllj . Valley. . 2.\ Unlol 1.lelle. . . IH :
1110IsC..IIIII. . ! 1M U. s. Exlureiu' : . . . . 02
St. 1' . . . Uiiltmtli. . . 2H W.HI.I.\I. JXlr.H. . . .
I. . .111. . . . " : i73 % S' . St I. . . \ 1. I.I' . : I I )
I.lkl' Erie . WIHI. 2 It W'I. $ ' : trgo gx. . IllS
110 p30. . , . . . . .1 ! . \\'st"rn ( ! I Iii . . 111'i :
Laku' Shore. . . . 11 Wlui-udilig 1111.:11' .
1.uITrU.t. . . . : : mba mu r. . . . . . . . il I t
I.Ollsvlh..N. . . ci I ' ; I"HI , I. . . . . . . : ,
ii. . . N. A. . . . . . . . I1. i . It. (1. . . . . . IHI (
\Inullllnitlnnl Cuuli . . la : U.K. t . , . . . . . ao.
M"IIlhl.c. . , . Ii I N.I. h . . . . . . . . . . . . . U. ,
; I'hllll : n.nt , . . Inl C. ) 1.1. . . . . . . : : U
MI..onrl 111111.H : 10 prul . . . . . . . 119
: olln.hlo. . . . 21' I i It. . S. . ' 1' , C.1 . . .
Nllclal COIIII" ' . 4H 1' . A. A. . . N. 20 . . . Oi
Nuit . Cuurtigt' ( : 11M. H -4 I' . Ht. n. . . 5. C. . ui .
: .I.C'.llr.ll. . . . I UH' I ) Ill luful. . . . . . . I I.
N. . Vu' . Ilful. . . . . I 134 S. It. It. . . . . . . . .
lil tn.
1..orIIAI.CU. . . . i .10 l'f.I. . . . . . 41 134
:011'111 Plcte. 1 $ Alli. 'j'oiu Co. . . . I III
N. Ilellc luful. . . . 1 - I ) clii ) utii , . . . . 11
U. 1. V. , , 1. . . . 1114 ! St. t'.1ut. , . : . . . Lid
1.,1.1 III. . . . 8. ;
. bid.
The lotll .n119 of .1011. 1",11) ' ueer ' G.o)2 , )
Hhll' , lunch tub I ) : AI"II"ln HU'III' . 2,541) 1 : 'rut-
I unveil . 21.81.1 ) , IIl1rllllllon. I 2.111) ) ; "hlcn , ' i Iha.
6.11)0) ) ; 1 I.lIlIlnl I ii lIlt I 'itt I left-oiling . I .7(0) ( 1llIn. : .
hllltnn 'uunsollulnlel 2.11)1 ' I , Il'mllnl . 1ruSt. ) : .
1'11111. 3.110. _ _ _ _ _ _
Nt-ev \ ' , , rk , i.mi'y Inrl , ' ( .
NH : \ ' YOm , . AUI H.MONI'ON : CAI.I.-
I'IIKY : lit I IeI' cl'nl.
I'IlIMI MI'III"AN'1'II.I. I'AI'I'IlIH : l'u-u
HTI'III.INll : 1'XCII.\Nl1J'-I'"sr. ) with II"IUIII
hU.II11' , In huuttikers' lulls nl $ . ! ) \ fll.Jo ) ' ton
II ennuI nil . noI ul $ . $914 : 31 1.81' I ! . fill' .Ixl ty (111) ' :
1".It',1 I'll tes . 81.5)31 ) I..I ! , Il ,1II1I11'rclal : "II : . . t 1. lat
l'0St. \
UMr" I : ( 'EltT1FIC.'h-63i37P. : :
IlAlt Sll.VElt-60. ' .
J\l1XJ\N IlllAt5-.i'L {
nO\'I'IINJ\lI.N1' : , 1 1I0NIJH--I'I'I ' ; III'W Is . reI .
121c'1I11 ( ' 0Ii , 12Hi : rsv. " ' ; ' lil 1 ; ciluponu . 1I'V. I :
t. . rex . . 112 . , , ClllliiOfl 112' ' , . 2. . 1"1 . 1 + 934 I : 1'-
clue 69 uf 9h. un _ _
ClosIng Quotations OIllbon4" were a. follows :
II.H. r..rel . . . . II 1531 1) . & lt. H. .8. . . I1ll'
U S. ISa . Ootu. . . . . 11)11 ) II.\ It. G. . Is . . . HH %
U.SIs. . 1"1. . , . . . II 19' ErIe II . . . . . . " ' .
u.s.Ia. . t'OIlII . . . 112 ! ' ( 'Ii. II. . . S. A. 1)5 ) . . IUj
't'ai'ihii' US.2Hreg ; ( ii , cu ' ; : - 1(11)14 tltil'J i : ! iO.i . I it,3. T. S.A C. Ss. : s . : : : III 111:1 :
' , \III.cla8 A . . . IU11o ! 'lotJ" . . . . . . . . IIH )
' \Ia. ; . la8 II . . . IUH' I..Q. , T. 181 18. toH %
. \I' ' . , ciutsu 9 . ; . . . . IIHjt. . cItS . ill 4s. . . . . 041,3
'Ala. Cllr. . , " . ) . . 111 MlIIual : 1111101111a. I Ill
I. . . NCUll. . . s.HI N . J. ( ' . G"II. ii. . . 1I7H
' ) llssonuti ts. : . . . 100 Nr 1'teIIlt' : lao , . 117 % !
N. (1. Os. . . . . . . . . 125 I 11 [ ) Ihl. . . . . . . . 11123 1
:0 C. 4B. . . . . . . . It : ; 'r ; . W. Clmisois . 14IH
' 14 .0 . IIUllfll\llI. . . : I 1.3 .llu 'h. 3' .Vt.h.IIK. 11l1t I
1"1111. II0W " 1:1'lIa , 5134 n..t,1. . : . I ate. , .nf !
'T0lui 1II\\'W'I'5HII5 Se P.lunHulH 7a . IIIH
' 1'ellll. old 4)44. ) . . uu ; ' ,10 C. . $ . 1' . W.'i . lIMit
'Vn. Ct'lIllIrlt.JlJ Sr.I . . 1.1\1. G'n. Ii 1'4
110 def'.rr..I. . . II OI. L. H. F . lent , Ii 111I
Alehl..oll . . . . sm . ) , Tux. 1'ie. : 18IH. . UI ;
Atehl"un : .1 A. . ilA ill ) 2il'- - , . . . . . . . 211 )
Gallllia : 80. : IIH. . I ItKI U. 1' . IHIH uf 'lid . I 1)7 )
I. . N. ulmilhit'i lis si5 : ' W"HI Short -IH. . 1II1h )
0. It. & N. Isis. , . 1111. I So. It. It. . . . . . . . 110 . I .
O-I' Isueof'llS. ( ' . _ 'II : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. hili "oftreui
Ih..t..11'ut'l , 'll1l1lnllllll" .
flOS'FON . AliI. . 17.-1'.1110.111' I . 914 .0:313 : nor cent :
tlmo 10IIIH. : ; se h'4 ' per 011111. Io.I.lor urIaH tOf
.101'1:8. tt 0 mU8a IJ 111111111 'ciari : r :
A1' .S. l' . . . . . 137-4 I W.IIt'r. ) 1111I. . . . IH
Alit. Suigtr. : . . . . . 11 i I WI"C"'ilral. . . . . "
Alii. Sugar ufld . . it.i34 ) 'lIsol1 flee : Ills . lilt )
Jay HlalO & : te. . . III IIt'n. . : luo. pfll. . . 1111 )
Uell'.oIDpholl" . . 2tlI ) ) Alel&l'llI 90e . . . . J3 ! !
lon."ll1t\llV. . 211UIi ) Alehlsoll .s. . . . . HU
Uoalon ' 1ulamiio . 17a. ) f New lIlrlalld : (34 . 11:1 :
1101.111. . . . . 355 , Ge-it ' . : I 'OlrI06s. . lit )
C.II.&IJ. ( . . . . . I'4mV18. ) . Gelll. 181. . . 37
Fllchbllr . . . . . . 1I1H. 1 "lIoll.7.\UnlllCo 133
l1'1I.1o:18ell'lI" . . . . : Who Al luunuito. . . . . . . 2t
11111101. I I I Stu'oi . . 7:1 : 1I0sl'n..10:11'11 1"1
Mexican ' Cenutr.ti . I Hi lIullo , Do.lon. . 29
I. Y. ' N. 13. . . . . nl Oahlll'DI & lIecl . aoi'
OldColollv. . . . . IH't Centennial . . . . 234
Itubbel' . . . . . . . . 411 ) .rllllkllll. . . . . . 21
Sau VlUlto . . . . . . . II . . . . . 2U
Inloll 1'1I01I1c. . . 1:1. : O..eeola. . . . . . . :17
'eetEnd . . . . . . 7:1 Qiunu.v . . . . . . . 145
W"Hl End uf'I. . . I'lnarnelt. ' . . . . . . 1114
% lIn"n.1'lne. . . lI1o : Wolvnrlnuu' . . . . H
Suit IUlllln\.t quotntloll" .
SAN 'ttANC1SCO Allg. 17.- " Clue ol1lcl:11 clos-
lug 'Juollllon3 : ( 'Jr IIIlnllll HtOJ et laJ Ii WIr.J at
follows :
Alta . . . . . . . . . . 11 .111'111'0. . . . . . . . 7
Alpha COli . . . . . II Itl'nluekv Con . . . 2
Amities . . . . . . . . . ZU Lady W".h Conu . t
Uolchcr. . . . . . rlI 9loxlcan. . . . . . . .7
host .lIolcllul' . . . IUU10110. . . . . . . . . 11
Uodle COli. . . . . . 1:1 Mount Vlablo. . . . 15
lIullloll. . . . . . . 111 ) Ocel"enlal Con. . . 23
IIl1lwcl' Cou. . . . 4 Ophll' . . . . . . . IllS
Calt'l1oma. . . . . Iii Ovornian . . . . 111 _
Chlllloll:8 Con..1 1'01081. . . . . . . . 419
Chlllml' . . . . . . . . III lava..e. . . . . . . . 34
COIlt111o'neo. . . . . I 03 Scorpiiuut . . . . . a :
Cou butt : .lt Va. . . 2H. Sierra Nlwaola. . . . 44
Con. IIIII1orlal. ; . . 10 ( I Silver 11 / ft. . . . . I :
Crown 1'011I1. . . . 411 ) SlIver llii : . . . . . 211 )
txehOtIU"r. . . . _ . IJlllou COli. . . . . 51
Gould \ Culrru' . . . 111 ITlait Conu. . . . . . . II I )
lIalo. " : orcroR . 1711 Yellow Jaekol.1
JlIlIa. . . . . . . . . 9
Slhvor b irs . 111\1' 3juiS3c ' Mo-on 1'1 'loll Irs . 3l ; 11o
i33-lc. Draft , . eight 9c , 1010r.lphIJ. 5J.
Niee' .fl/.l 31111111" luollltioll"
NEW YOItK , Allg. 17.-1'u ) fullowluor ar , Ihl
Closing 11I111111 t ' 1,10.11'1111 ' I :
lIulwl.r. . . . . . . .1 I1l1hlr. . . . . . HII
COli. Ca' . . \ Va . . 275 I'lvllloulh. . . . . :0
Ih.ulwOOG. . . . . GU Qulel.lIvcl' , . . 3UII
Gould Clirry..Qiltckeiiv'r . . pfui . .11101)
lIaln & Nurerol9. WII ) Sierra Novutla..3
1101l1t.alako. . . . .1ttll ) ) 8lalllla..1 . . . . . 2111I )
11'011 8Ih'"r. . . . . :11I : . 1Jlli0n Cuni . . . . -15
.Joxlellll. . . . . . . 711 ) Yell w Jaeko . . a ;
Ontario . . . . . 751)
. offerPII ,
I.UII.1011 Sh.el ( luutiutIoiuuI .
LO-DO-.Aul1. li-'II'.III. clo'III : :
i j.l .oiy . , . . illfi-m. I ei tral. : . . . JUI 3 !
Cumilsots . ace' ( . . 1417 i-I Ii.Iexicuii ; unllliary. 211f I (
Cnll.I'IIclllll. . . . SttSt. : I'aul eulll. . . . 72h
11:1'10. . . . . . . . . 14ht1.rY. C. new -18. . tJ7H
Erlu2u1 . . . . . . 711' ( 0
- -
I\AIl SII.\'I':1l-3JJ 7.ldi1i' uunCt' .
1\10NIY-I : tier 'nl" .
The rule oC ! , lI"lh. l \ . OJll'll market fur
llIIfI 11114 IK 1I.161i l.J.'r' cent ; ( Inmee 1I10nlh
hills lI-IGij % . ler ' iClib - -
1"llInll.ln't. ( % Ot'H
IIAI.TUIOItI.UIJI. -Cle.Hlnl . . 8338,293 :
li.ulutnees . 830I,42. 1 I4 . :
I'll I t I l.A : 1.1 ' 'I I t. \ . . 'qgsriI7.---CIc.1rilug3 . 1..88.-
161 : b.lllllc . ' . .12'I.H ' ) -
1I0lTON.111 . J1..l\'fli/'rlns. ' Sl5.r.21.9 : huh'
'uunce's . SI.411.0:1' : ) ' " . I'nr 'tIn' ' ) \"ecl . $ 4I19r.90 : t'ul-
limit-es $ 1.tl1.1I,1. ! ? '
NI''Oltl : , . AIIII n--'I"lIrin" . . $7SGOlSia ;
hal1l11" " ' " . , . ; .5"l , : " ) , 1P ) l tine week , ln.39.12 :
buiutnceni . UM.07..t.l. _ _
ST. LOI'IH.Ul . l7.-'Iuiirzigs. ! $2,123,964 : hub-
ancu's . 1:6. .211. 'Iune I1trC'/1'rn1l:8. / her c'nl tot
coil an,1 lIme 1001110. J.9xiunuge . on New Voik
huue Iliscouni. -
NI'1111" : . \Ul t1J.JfThe I.xluortuu of . pecbu'
front this 11011 of New \'ork for hue week : laid l.
S3..0I. : silver . S'I:19.'l'h" Iml'
( hull . $46,822 ; silver tG2I : ' genural merdll\lI'II. .
fS.N1.917. : ' ,
. l'III\GO. AuI\ 11.-'lellrlnlll. $13.OGG.IM ) : total l
for the- wu'ok $79,7u13uid4) ; t'orreallJnlllnl week last I
year S83.WJI ) . Mueie3' a8) ' . HH2 ! per I'nt ( iii'
call loans 1111,1 bfl'I. prceflt fur eomlllprcial
PaperNew York exchange , r,04v , Per cent IIIK-
counl. 'or..lgn exehuoge , l..ond'JIl sterling SI.o'v.
und U .
$ % _ _ _ _ _ _
I't'urln ) rlce'tiu .
1'1'OnIA. : Aug. n.-COHN-Iltrlel : 1)llIher. ) No.
: 3734c.
OA''H-JIIarkel Bclh'e IIn\ linn : No. 2 white
29440123e ; No. 3 'hllp.IC. \ .
llY ) -Mark..t dull ; No. 2 new . . 40c
WII.KK1'-Markel ; I. :
ll - : CI II'TH-\\'heul , 13.0 bu. ; corn G7.1r. bu. :
00'11. 10.IIJ ho ; rye antI lustier , . nonp.
HIIII'MI NTS-Wheal. 13.M P. ; ' corn 3'.00) ' )
bu ; oaths :6.3.0 "u , : rye , nunebariey : . 11Jo bu.
JCnn..nll City . 3Inrl..I.
I.tNSAH CITY . AUI . 17.-WI I EAT-fllc
lower ; No 2 IIl1rd. 616" , : Nu 2 1'1..1. G9t30 , .
COHN-I. hhher ; No 2 mix' ' . I',3125c ; No.
WhIte , 343.U33e ,
OATS--tq higher ; No. muiticU , l3 % ,40c , No. 3
% vhiite , Z3c.
Week Oloed with the Usual Light BIlls
of Cattle.
Nobliliug ( boil I , , ( lie' Vmu' of l'itt ( It-
( Ii' ii ulsi 8 hue 9biurbte't ' , % 'ius I'eucttirt'-
hess-le'micuem.l for hugs lIt'c'eheti
( lit' 2,1.11111l'rii't'is I I IgIu.r.
S.1't'ltlAY , dtug , 17.
lteCOlhS for ( Inc lu-tat ( wenty-fothr hours ,
itil Coliutuareti with tue ) reviotis four clays ,
itre as foliou'n ;
t.'attie. Ibugs. Slleeli.
Aligtiuit 1 ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 192 1,783
AUttipt lii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,3ai 1,81 ?
,1tiguiet 15 . . . . . . . . . 3.93) ) 2.790 Iiul ;
. 'ulllcUet II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2STI 1,1 + 7' )
AtlgLls ( II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,49-I 13.4
The total rocillks for ( Ito , latst ii't'elt , vltlu
commilunriuuomus , One 05 follows ;
( 'alt ( ii' , I togs , Slit-eu. )
itt'celluttu ( Ill , week. . . . . . . . . . . 13u.ti ) 10,606 3,113
htt'Ou'il'ts inst uvecic . . . . . . . . . . . 10,178 141,72) ) 5,593
i-iltnlni' Oe'ek bust t'nir. . . . . . . . 9.514 51,573 1,61 ?
1-billie - uee.-k 1891. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.145) 32.912 6,9.11
SImIle iut'CI ( 1102. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,111 24,321 1,561
it u'ill 1w Iuoed ( ( hint tine t-ecelpts of cattle
fer thutu past week itre in exevis of ( hut' re.
et-ilutis for the corronupoulling weeks of ( lie
Ilati three years ,
Tim ieceipts for tile year up (0 dite , its
culiupared With ( lie correslullmltlilug luerlod of
1591 , ame :
1595. ISSI. leeneaiee.
( 'attIc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2s9,30) . 193.12 ? 145.12.3
hleg'c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 'I,317 1,2us.u7 ; 54Il'i )
Shawl , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114,401 138,2St 21.588
Owing to ( lie large tutu of rtnge citttii'
( Itlring the4'luast few weeks the receipts of
cattle for tile year show it less decrease
niuv ( iuatt oh July 1.
CATTLl-The sceek closed with ( lie usual
light reiti of cattle , only forty-aix loads be-
lug received , as against niIie-four loads
yesterday. There Is very little to say about
thu inauiKet , as the tialiti wits withotit anu9'
\'dl' ) ' innhuortntnt feature. 'l'hie buyers were
not monn Iii ck'arlnig ( lie yards , practically
e'verythiing holIng hulli at ott curly hour.
There uvait mtothiiug good mu tIm svnts' ( If fat
cattle. Some fnirlall Moors brought SZ1.55 and
801110 tiative grassem's $1.33 , 'l'lio nittrket was
itiOUt iuteatly.
Cows ittli ( heifei'n were in good denianiil
anti tIu inurkt't active net strong prices.
Stoekens ienui feelen's , as 0511:11 : 00 ( Ito last
uiat' of ( hue veek , use're iuot in ovel'ly gooil tie-
iuuanuui nuntl ( ho muuntrket lii COniSeutuLnietu Is
m-iethuer uveak. Itcluresenutatlve aIcs ;
1)Cfl1" STEL'ltS.
y. I'r. No. Ax , I'r No. Ac. I'r.
Ii. . .l170 $3 25 1..1U71) $3 73 1. . . ,11l ) $4 23
1. . . . 74i ) 1 ( .3 1. . . .102' ' ) Oil 5. . , . 9G'i . Ii )
1 , . . . 710 : ; . . . . U . . . . . . .13 " Pu
3 , . . . 5:46 : 1 25 :1. . . .1 2) U ) 1. . . .lIfli ) P1
1. . . , fl)311 25 2. . . , l103 OIl IL. . . 033 15
2. , , . 863 4) ) 1. . . , lO' ' , , , . 523 3 ! )
I. , , , 9.1) ) 1 5 ! ) 2. . , , 855 .2 Ii 1. . . . 14)11 II )
1. . . . 97u ) I 4) ) 1 , . . . 751 15 1. . , . 811) ) 50
I. , , . 811 1 P1 1. . . , 56i ) ' ) , , , , 162 3)
1. . . . 1-16 1 5 ; ; 2. . . . S9 13 18. . . . tIlt 9) )
2 , . . . 50 ! ) 03 5. . . . 1424 .3 19 1. . . .1022 39
1. . . . 720 75 3 , . . . h4l 2 15 7. . . . 80 ! ) 4 ! )
I . , . . 74 ) ? 91..l" 31) 3 15 3 , , , , .111) $51) $
I. , . . SI ) , . . . .137 4 2' ) 1 , . . , 1-Gil Gui
6 , . . . III 8) I. . . . 70 $ ) .3 23 II , . . . uiil3 6- )
2. . , . 5)9 Sil 3. . . . 941 2 2' 22. . . . $23 63
2. . . . 1,63 1 s-i - 3. , , . SS 2 25 4. . . . 733 69
5. . . , : u21 83 II. , . . IS ) .3 23 1.lO3) ) 73
1. . , . 142) ) 1 53 5. . , , (121 ' 29 1. . . . 74) ) 5(3 (
I , . . . 8i , . . . 11)4 2 : l 4. . . . 523 s )
I , . . . 86' ) 9) ) 1..iilJil 3 34) 9. . . , llGiS 83
I. . . . 1452 41) ) 11. . , . 9)9 ) .3 33 :1..11116 : 53
1. . . , iIfl1 0' ' I ) . . . . 7I3 ; " 3 lh,1h35 0)
:1. : , , , 343 01 I . . . . Ill ! .3 Ii I , . . , SI ! 0)
2. . . .h139 01) 5 , .1021 ' Ill 12..115' ) 0)
2 , . . . 12) 0) 3 , . . . 793 2 4. . . . . . . .353 uI
1tIh1'il S.
I. . , 40 ! 1 73 3. . . . 413 ' 21 3. . , . 503 2 39
I. . . . ill I 73 5 , . , . 146 2 lii .3 . . . . 413 2 25
I. . . 49) 1 73 2 , , , . 46) ) ' 2) S. , . . 701 2 4)
I . . . . 'l. ) I 75 2. . . . 53) ) 2 23 7. . . , 743 2 4' )
I . , . . 49) 2 0) ) 1 . . . . 491 2 2i I , . . .3 $ ii 2 4)
I . . . . 53iI 2 ) ! ) I . . . . .37' ' ) 2 ; : ii 12. . . . 621 2 3)
3. . . . 433 2 1(1 ( 1. . . . 774) 2 3 , . , , 62) ) 2 9)
I. . . . 49. ) 2 III 14 , . . . 52 3) ) .u. . . . . 703 2
7. . . . i02 2 13 10. . , . 530 2 3)
I. . . . 91' ' ) 1 53 1.,1h3O " 2) 1 . . , .1' 1) 2 39
I . . . .1)1) ) 1 89 1 ,3'I.1420 " 29 1 . . . . 3411 2 33
1.I4'J 2'fl0 . . , .l223 23 i..illI ) 2 33
2. . . las ) 2 III 1. . . . ) ,3 ( , , . , 119-i - 2 35
4.u , .I2122 I' ' )2.-- , ' --ltn : ) 29 2..11i5 2 41) ,
1..l33) 2 ) i ) . . , , ) ' ) 23 2.,1213 2 41)
2. . . .1339 2 Ii . . , . , 1511) i ) I. . . . * 3' ) 2 41) )
3..1iOG 2 Ii ) I..IiIO 3) . . . . ! ( ) 2 4' )
2. . . .i41)9 2 iii 4..l152 i ) 1..ll9) 3 4)
2. . . , i2) ) 2 10 4. . . , ll)7 ) 2' ' ) 1. . , . 1121 2 IS
I , . . . .0-I 2 13 1 . . . . . .44) ' ) 35 1 , . . . 1131 2 39
I..III. . ) 2 2' ' ) 1..l'S. ' ) 15 1. . . .l1941 2 4 ! )
2..1139 2 : : ' ) I . . . , l' fill 33
1. . . .1070 2 (1) ( )
1. . . . 23) 2 0 ! - 1 , . , . 29' ) 2 73 2. , , . III ) 3 5' )
3. . . . 333 2 11) ) 1 , . . . 3)1) ) 2 73 1. . . . II' ) 3 90
1. . . . 33 ! ) 2 13 2. . . . 503 3 I ; . ) I , , . , 21) 3 ; 3
I. . , . ii ! 2 : : ; I. . . . II' ' ) 1 0) ) 2 , , , , 33) ) 4
6 , . , . 2)3 2 re i. . . . io' ' 3 l , . . . III ) 4 0) )
2. . . . 320 2 75 -I. . . . 212 3 0) ) 1. . . , 1u ; ) 4 0)
4. . . . 2)2 ) 2 79 2 , , , . 339 3 29 1. . . . Ii' ' ) I 5) )
I. , . . 26' ' ) 2 7 % 1 , . . . IOu ) 3 50
5. . . ' 433 23 2. . . . 46' ' ) 3 Of ) I. . . . . . 39i ) 13
Iii , . . . 677 39 22. . . , 1117 3 0-i 7 , . . . 321 13
2. , . , 63 ! ) 511 3. , , , 111 $ 3 el 17. . . . 523 19
I. . , . 570 h'il ) 4. . . . 92 3 0 ! ) 5. , . . P ; ) 15
I. , , , 419 P1 18. . . . 625 3 (1 ( I ? . ) , . , 71 ? IS
2. . . , 563 34) ) 7.571 ' 3 0) ) 1 ? . . , , 585 3 , )
4..I 39 7. . . . 498 a o . . . . . . 771 2) )
37. . . ; 3422 dli 6 , . . . 776 3 I : ) ) 9. , . . 83 ? 2. )
1. . . . 44' ' ) Gui 10. . . . sso i Os 7. . . . 1) ) 3 ! )
2. . . . 795 Gui 8. . , . r2 ; I ms i. , . . 2' ' )
21. . . . 625 69 32. . , . 577 3 03 2. . . .1035 29
4. ' . . 5.07 79 9. . . . 693 3 10 2. . . . 765 3.5
I . . . . SC' ' ) 75 3. . . . 583 3 III I . . . . lai' ' ) 4' ' )
S.58 ; 53 2. , , . 4) 3 1 ! ) 1 ! , . . . 72' ) 4' ' )
2 , . . . 761) ) i ) 1 , , . , 830 3 II ) I'J..l')32 ' 65
- ? .lIL1l51t8 ANt ) SPItINGEIIS.
1 . . . . . . . . . $ 04) 3 . . . . . . . . . $ 0)
I C nnd c. . . . . . . . . . 2 0) 1 ci antI c. . . . . . . . . . 3' ' ) 00
1 C anal c. . . . . . . . . . 25 1 $ )
2.1 , Ii , Chuafree.
No , Au' . l'r. Na' , Au' . Pr.
4 cows. . . . . . . lEt ) $2 5i ) i ) feeders. . , . 594 [ 3 25
1 _ . . 51. W'uurhey.
2 enut's..1089 2 0' ) 15 e.ovs. . . . . . . 778 2 6 ! )
1 fet'uli'r. , , , 82' ' ) 2 31) : ti ( u'e.ujerni . . . . 3412 3 35 , Goouluc lii , Hr.
:7 cows. . . . . . . hIS ? 2 1-5 25 f.'elt'rs , , , , 8 ? ? 3 3.5
1 eetler..112' ) 3 35 1 uutr , tlg. . , .l233 3 33
. \\'YOMINU ,
.1. 1) . Lcuuclas.
4 cuuws..1005 2 0' ) 19 uute3rnt , . . . . . 1101 3 1 ' )
liOns-Tint-re wore twenty-four 10,1430 of hogs
Iii the yiuuiis tauiuy , u.s agallniut twt'nty.wui ytlI-
Ierubzty , 'fbi' ulenuuanil this iunurnuillg % $ 'lunsery good ,
itlnul beIng uiuiurthain euiun I to t hue HUhihul ) , tIup
t raiSe opc'nnt'ui Sc II ) 1'o ' hulginer. 'i'iui' mimi ket w'.t'
itctivc' nunul ( lie hinge were macti ) ' tell tiolul. One
huiael , cit luret I ) ' gouiil Ii t'a'u'y hugs sild , ii t S 1,70 , 1 liii
hiiglie'nut P1 leo ( ouelueil sInce \'t'.l ne''uIaty. 'Silo bulk
iut tIne iiiugn Cubit ut froinu $4.33 hi. $1.01. uvhui lu I lie
hulk yu'stu'rulay suduI at fruum * 1.15 In 31.3) , 'flue
uuiam ket clobeul u club nnnd slow , ltepn i'senutuutive
salt's ;
No At' . Shu. I'r , No 1ev. SIn , l'r.
* ; . . . . . . . . 5 ! ) [ 4 39 23..22) ) 164 50
: n . . . . . . . . . :1:1 : 8' ' ) 4 3,4 , cit ) . . . . . . . . . ) u ) Ii' ' ) 4 5' ' )
. . . . . . . . ' ) 12' ' ) 4 35 . . . . . . . . SI ) 4 3' ;
. . . . . . . . 8' ' ) 4 4' ' ) 74 . , . , . , . , is ? 200 4 55
. ' . . . . . . . . 16. ) 4 1' ' ) 73..216 8'I ' 4 35
. . . . . . . . 12' ' ) 4 4' ' ) 66. . . . . . . . 198 j41) ) 39
39..227 1(5) ) 4 41 . . . . . . . . . , . . 59
. . . . . . . . ' ) , . . 44. ) . . . . . . . . ; , . , 3 ;
II..2.3 ; 8' ' ) 4 4' ) 53..2:1) SI ) 5 ;
' ) . . . . . . . . ? ' 5' ' ) 4 4' ' ) 7i.2,1) , 2) ' ) 5734
) . . . . . . . . III ) 4 4' ' ) . . . . . . . . IC' ' ) 6)
39..26.'t . . . 4 i : ; . . . . . . . . , . . 6- )
Si ) . . . . . . . . 177 Ii' ) 4 45 24..293 8' ' ) 6' )
. . . . . . . . 16 ! 4 5' ) . . . . . . . . 1' ' ) 6' ' )
. . . . . . . . , . . I ( , u ) 63. . . . . . . . l7 . . . 6' ' )
' . . . . . . . . 164) ) 4 5' ) ' ) . . . . . . . . . . . Ga )
SI..223 . 8' ' ) 1 31) 5 ! . . . . . . . . 159 20) I'5
: . . . . . . . . , . 4 P4 59..2)1 8'
71 . . . . . . . .24 I 12) 4 5' ) ) . . . . . . . . . 10' ' ) Grn' ;
32.:3) 4' ' ) ) . . . . . . . . ' , , , 71)
SibEhlh'-Thiere , were no ulIleClu hero nuid tiotlu.
lag tu , nuake a market.
Cit * t It' 'e'ere' 'I'utu Semen. , . 8ui 3buu he it
9lmerket utmitl l'rjt'e's 1''r , ' Nomuui mud ,
( 'ltI'AGO. Aug. 17.-As there were too few
cttho to make a nnuarket toilny , prices were
halugel ) ' nuuniulnuii at yeslcrulay % juotuuhofls ( , Tile
hcst uvesteinat meeeiveul this week solal at fauunu
* 1.5' ) to $9,111. The stot'Ier cmi fet'uIer ( mule cent -
t Iniuc's I Rely ,
In hugs mint luluire ( lana 9,50u ) hnu'niI us-u-re ( afrereub
fuIr sale , Inciuuhing 1,91) ) left over train yesterday ,
ien'l ( lie sluhabaly wait niouul I ) ' soIl itt a n t'.i rhy hi Dur ,
unit's uuvernglng a nickel hllgiier , hitouvy imogs
caIn , it inn c'atmenie nitiguor rruuuuu 54,25 ( , , lI.o ,
miulseul bums mit from 84.35 to $4.85 , light weights
let thorn 54,5' ) tip $1.34' ' ) , minul us few singeing lulgI
an ulliiiut * 5. Tb u' huulk ut ( hit' tin It-s it ore ii t from
81.5' ) ium $1.70 , hurlce's luciiIg ) Sc to 29e louver than
it we.'k mien ,
Nat over 2,00shucci. . 1,11,1 , luemala. urrlveal litre
tumalujy , imnuul trauluu ivIes mnuslermute' cut yesierulau"s de-
clint. lii Price's , Sheep score tialaible cit faurn $173
u ) 83,63 ( 'ir InterIor t , , choice outlIves , anul weimt.
emit ivere Worth froulu $2.5' ) to [ 3.25. Lamb , ,
were held at fronu $3 to $3.45.
1te't'elps ( ( 'attIc 80henil ; calves , 73 heal ;
hangs , 5ju ) ileall ; Ujue'e1l , 2u5lQheuul.
liii , usmcs Cid y IIym' Sitleic ,
.NANSAS ( 'tTY 1) . . ' '
, Aug , -3A'f'TLE-l1eceliats ,
SC ) hn'aul ; shiipmentmm. 3,5)4) Iwaul. 3liurhu.t steady
, to strong , Te'Xaa steers , S3.500e5.5O ; nihlve cows.
82.002i2.63. ( 'ref Steers. $3.500g3.50 ; native vows ,
$3.25 ; stockers acid fi't'.frrmu , (3.500j4:3 ; nuixu'ui ,
$ l.lSfiltl0.
lIOOS-ltc'celpti' . 3,0)0 iIu'lul ; elmihunlents , Cu )
lucaul. Market mutramug to IOc lilginor. ihuhk of
saleS1,40fj4Gu ) ; inc-aries , 14.40 ; beicl'ers. $ I.IuIf
5.39 ; nuhnie"I , [ 4,40(3-4.70 ; lIghts , $4I'34j1.6u ; York-
cr5. $ b.234tta ; pigs , * l.70314.K0. -
H II EEl'- I tece'Ituts , IIC luruIaI ; u'hiimuimnu'nus ( , 36)
1101) , 2.lamrket StratI ) ' , Lambs , 13.003(1,23 ; nuu-
tons , $3.0)3p3.50. _ _ _ _
S. , l.ottis , 5b.ut'I ,
ST. 1.Ot'tH , Aug. 1 ? , . ( ' , 'tT'l'll-ltecelpts , Ce' >
hieaui , CIiiliuneflH. ( 03 Iliad ; Ilial SlOt stenudy , iueit
( routIng I Igiul tin lIe' iufl ( 1,0 lunilauil utuiluihl ) ' ; mlrti'srul
beef ncni , . .iuii'i. ' mg ut . 5Ikm' . iC. . Iluihut st'ore ,
13.OGel 01 ci . ' , ' I 'I u5.Jl.54. ( CU1
nab hmnlfrruu , * 2,00flI,00 T5auu muu.i Indian steers ,
32.1341100 : vows Snub itul5e'I ettilT , $1.G)4tLO ) .
I U 5114 - I tu'i'clluts , 8' ) ) hucutul slu Ilumuusflhic , 2.13)
Iuenul - Ins tkel flrnu ; ilent'I'8 , 8 I , 4)33 ) 4,71 ; nil toil ,
$ i,234t.t $ * : Ilgiut , $4.3'ftl,8.
I ! I I 1 I Ii ' - I ti'eeIiutiu I II lie-nil ; CIIllutlut'flt C , 13)
hloili : luiul I ki't Rtu'iui ) ' S lult I item' . $2. $ 8.4303,041 ; iii lilt's ,
13.00415.00 ; umoIlthse-st slurip , SLt)113.23.
Mtut'l I ii PlIglub ,
bUennl of teCilut $ St tile- four uuvirkots
for Snttirila ) ' , AUgIiutt IT , 139 $ :
( 'attic. Ilogs , SlIce-p.
1uuthm Ont.ihat , , . , , . , . , . . . . . , . . I 133 1.535 . . . .
t'hIlesgn . . . , . , , . , , , , . . , . . , . . . , , , 89) 3,04) . ) 3,96)
Elihistum t'lly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111) ) 3,1)041 304)
St. isuuls , . . , , . , . , . . . . , , , , , . . 4061) ) ) 11) )
Totals - , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , . 3.132 13,339 3.6' ' ) )
St. 1,01115 ( ht'uterul .Ittrlt't.
lIT. t.Ot'lS , ,1tlg , 17-i'lljb'l-lOuseI' ethit
faint' ) ' , [ 9,0)433,99 ) , ( ' 11(11CC , 12.333(2 ( 83.
% 1I I iA'b'-Op.'uuoii htiwia' , lualculer. riullitil , ( lIlt
closeub , e' Uuuuhi't u'scu-ntaty ) ; cauthu niub August ,
G6'e ; t-IlIennnhu'r , 66 % ; iet'euuuuer ) , 6.S4c.
( ' 01 t N-ru'lu tue-ice rr.uiu el nit's ( U runu'ui lurlees
till nn.I the e'lsu' 'eats 3311e nleu % i' ) i'sierulny ;
e-aishu , 36t' ; AtlItunil , Sic .eu.heel ; Se'iulohuut't'r , 17c ;
1 b'L-t'ullbue'r , 211t' .
tA'i'S-,1uitnnice'ui t' ( ' $ , o anal ebosu'.I llrlul : cuuaelt
nail . 'ttnguist , 2)t' ; lehltt-nuher , 2ili'1t ; Muty , 23c.
ht'i9-buIi , 44i-5c ,
Vl.,1X StEl-I.iaer , $ l,0hI ,
ri3nTltv 8lhh-lswer. $3.39413,83 ,
( ) itN 1lliSAi.-Qinlet ; [ 1.115 ,
I I A 5'-l'irmnt for guuoal g rauiles , hut ' .ur qtiallt lent ,
or Ie Ii lehi t Ii , ' nIna m 'i' ( is i.e erut't'Ked , are' uunty
i.uulatlule itt chute-il en le's ; Ilhluitlu' , gussi , 83.04)318.50 ) ;
I lmuiaut hiy , $ I,5'I53 I 1.3) ; uull , , $ lSjt $ 17,00.
% 'llISlC\-5Icuuiii' , * 1.22.
l.I1Al--i-'lruuu fuit' haul 1 mit [ 3.3234 blal1 litut soft
dull uti $3l'l ' ,
8l'El.TElt-l'irimier ; [ I iiui ,
l'ltOVIHhUN-l'umk , u.teat.Iy . ; Jobluinc , 810.1214.
l.t I ii , 1 , iglnt'r ; un tIle , [ 5,1)9 ; ( ' 1111100 , 86,0734. 1 ) ry
ciii I mnnt'at I it nlnhl Iaueuun , , u hot mu I luretlous ihtiutit-
( Ii Ins.
I ut'E : t l'TS-I 'lou r , 4,33) hliis , , ; a itai I , 73a ) ' ) luti ,
oiurul lal.luyi ) luul , ; , 'act 5 , 37.1)11 litt.
SI I I I'M UNTS-flIIr , 37,0411 tilils. ; a hut-nt , 22.00. )
luu , ; t'ortu , 16,0)0 ) lutm. ; oailnt , 9,0'ubuu.
t'ITt'e' llmc CIL , ' ( ,
Nl1' 'OlttI , Atig 1-'tl'i-'El-optlons ) :
iihuellu'uh dull , teltim ulart'li 1. ) Iuallfltn4 higher iuuuul
'uihmu'r uullulithl'i S 1ulnls louer ; rulu-ab IuuilctiiueuIl' : ccli re'e , iuuu nuc'e'.tnn I of ( hut' au taunt' . ' at I tuuvr. ' ,
Uuts.i t In' fuui-iuty I . 'c'i p1 5 Itt Itlo mini Suumutuus , full
us-n u-i house ulel lverIt' , uunb I uu.hifTem'ecneeu muf s.ut ;
lnnIulen-u ; ckiut'ul ulull II ( S lullnutnl ) aighu'r to S hu.uIluts
luuwi'r ; . vi unTet' . I tin , uiti let hut sbcauly ; Na , . 7 ,
$1423 ; unullul , 'millet ; ( 'un ulan $ Iit,2911l9u1l ,
HANTOS. . 'ctlg , 17-bual nivtruug , ' iluuntuint , $11.30 ;
ieee-Ills , 23,041) hogs.
I I A 31 I it' I to , Acne. IQu I let ; inunehianuguti ; sales ,
3,410) lags.
I I A V I I 10 , AtI g , lOIuflei muti'uualv , tnnuclmueuugu"uh
hi. 3 ( hilghl'l' ; at flixumi ebu'lil'al uitt'auely at nuu miii-
u'aciuelit u ( ' . ( I tmhf , , % uI gust , 114 SOt ; Slut . 'unuiu'r , ) uSui.lf ;
Octoluer , : ut.9lr ; N4vcnuluu'r , uI.29f ; I't'elnubcr ,
93,51)0 ; . ) nuulnuiry , 93.Odr ; l-'e'Ianlnuu y , 9..0f ! ; A lirli.
32Siif ; ? ulimy , 93.5uf ) ; .ltinue , 92.54)f ) ,
Ii ' ' , Ilmi rhtt'u , .
1.1 VI It I ' 06) I. , , tig. fl'--l :3' ) ' . mu. clue , '
W'ltlAT-iuot. (111111 , ulelullifllt heir : Ni' . 2 roil
winter , Sc 1341 ; Nuu. 2 I oil curing , Pm ? m l Nul. I
Inauul $ luuniiuuiulu , 5 , [ .1 ; No. I ( 'aliI.urnnIi , Is 6-I ,
l"ut ureot elus-aI , I' . , sy , ueitlm Atigua ( % uI I 'us er I , nIl
ot her inianuthis lii hunt cr ; Iilaaiui.s4 hiueeik't en
luilild Ii' ) iulIl ! I lulls ; ,1 UlUCt , 5-u 334l ; 5u-pteiunl er ,
:55 : ini ; Oehuuhuur , 5. , II : Niuvu'unuli.'r . , Is 414,1 , ; 1)u'-
ceuniliu'r , ru Cu ) ,
( 'I ' I ( N-Shut , luteulli y ; A nnuc'm li-au ii ma IXeul hew. Sc
l)4iI ) , l'eilurc's ehiusu"b Ii u muu. uu'i t Ii Solui'nuihuu'r m niul
Octuuls'r 1ul hIgher , lliib , ot lu"r muon tIns tmnu-
eluuingtub fmuumuu 9'Qs'e'mulalys chiulnng lurid's ; litisinesut
hieaevlest uii mitiuhil ) . ' huICltliis ; Aligtiil. 35 10.1 ;
St-lat"unlaer , Ii' 131 ; Oeiuuuu ) r , 3 , IOab ; Niuvt'nnibtr ,
lut 1 ' 3,1 ; I ) e'et'rintaer , S 91ul ; Jalulullu y , 3. , G34iI ,
I-'iAtl i-Fl ruuu ; dc-nII nil ii , ion' .
( ' .tnmj 3Imrbe' ( ,
NIl1 % ' Oltl.IIANS , Aug. 17.-t'Ol'TON-Iiill ,
uttt'.uily ; uiuiihiblluig. 7 I-Ilk' ; buic nnuiiihllnug , 6 Il-Il's' ;
giuoii eurdlnary , 6e ; hut ititil gross lec't'lhuls , 31 ?
bub'i , IlnelliI , 2ug tinhiillt' iteuC ; i'eburts , eiuniliut'mlJ ,
2.831 luaui'ut ( 'uientw ; Ie , , Dl S Iiihu' , ; sale's , muone ;
nuluck , 79,325 limIt's.
N1-w : YOItl , MilL. h7-'OTTON-Stenilv at tine
ataluuenee : Ha Ii's. 5.5' ) ' ) iiules : ; .laeuntiu , ry. hi49 ; I- ' , ) , .
rtmnr3' , $3.71 huh ; 2uinereiu , 89.73 bid ; Aligniuti , $7.22
IuiiI ; Si'huImiuiber , $7.26 ; October. $7.31) ; Niuveuinher ,
$7.1' ' ) : heeu'imthi'r , $1.41.
ST. I.Ott'S.teiO , l7.-COTTO7'C-ileniy ' ) ; mlI.
uhll ng _ 73)e ) ; Sit It's , Inauiui' m i-lu' 1 I e.l ; recu'llitlu , 197
luauh'ai ; null lhuuuni'ni t 5 , , ri4l ; luau li-s ; stuuek , I0.S')2 ' hiieni. ,
l 'it I I It I u'er l'rI ut 3hucrhe ( ,
PA I. ) . Itl'EIt , 3lnss. . tumg , 17.-Tluere Inait luu--nu
t'tneIh'ruululu. , net I vU y lii ( lie prinut ehiut Ii mm rhet
tinnIng t lii' ue''cl : . The' ntuuerk ( 'Is luonnuiaitt met
2 15-1 'ii luir Milutiu , liii t Ciilut fleets iiie'u' ii lt , frtel'
lit Se arid mom l'hit , $ aure to lii. hiuil , met a Iouu'or
niguire. 'i-li , ' imtnoliutlon Is flrmn , nuuunlnamhy ) , itt
2 13-ICe , uu'lthm Ic iinhit'iI. 'flue sielu's ut ( Inc wet-k
iou-ri' nunlnuu'ious , hut flat liurgu01hut were In
1111111' ulu'uinaeuuii I hut nu regeulam n a. The aultienuce In
ciii toll Iiu vrt'uIi ted ii , 111Cm t tat III Li ( 'OtiS , ' of ( luc
nail ca nice.
Nc'e' It tilt-s fIlm' % ' , 'Isi-iu iuuce Grmti cm ,
3tlL\'Al'IEh' , Aug. Il.-Tiu , ' fuulowlng ) now
rtilu'a , fuir uti-Ighullug grit I iu teen' ureiineignjt.'ul ) hiy tine
Sul Iluu'auuki'i' ( 'Iuiuuubm'r iut Cuuiunnmnu'n'et tei,1a , : In
quantities of 3.1.041-i . baum. or o'er , 19t' Iuer 1,00' ' ) bill. ;
Iii 'iuanutltles mr li-es tliuui , 8',0.1) ' ) ) huu Inn , ) PXCttul-
hug 5,15)4) bat. , SI' i-r 1,111) luni. , ii nb in quantItIes
of 3,110) ) huu. eut less , S't' ) Per I .1)1) ) tunu , 'I'iui' oiul rate
( at l'c ' tiem. I ,0) ) ' ) luu , taut' hnnshuect Ion u'lhl iutinnd.
911 utie'iuliulls ' , 'ltemtt ilir1et.
31INI1Ai'Oi,1S , Aug. l7.'lti'/tT-"FImm ; A'ii-
genut , C2)t' ; Si-lutemuiluer , C2c ; ieeenunber , 6ij ,
6.hie ; tin ( rut-h , , new , Ni , , I ham-il , dIe ; No. I
cliii t hnu-riu , (7k' ( ; Nil. 2 zuorthu-ra , Cal C ,
F't.Ot'It-I-'Irst hialiiiilI b3.4te3.S3 ; cne'caunuil hut-
e'nnls 83,29313.90 ; llmiut cit-air , , [ 2.99413.09 ; nut'eanud
chairs. [ 2.4'S ; exlu-rt lamkem s , 83,4)4)2,75 ) ,
'I"rhst' , , Itt-it 3 ( ( ii uutlu I I on is ,
14AN' I"ltAN'lb'O , Aug. 17\l1i'-Qulet
itlnai lit t'lm ' ; Deea'nuulat'r. $1,021 , , ' ; 24111) ' . [ 1,0039 ,
( uIlIIl ( ) I"t"I'hl lt7S 'II ) M l'Sll'l' ,
Sm. lureul- 1ttlge . , fI'I ' 'e ( bum U mti'ntts
Sl I I Itohub it li re'mu I Sessitumi.
ChICAGO , Aug. 17-Tla' eIghth biennial
sE0siOn of the stlprenncn lodge ( colaretl ) of
the Kmiighits of I'ylulas of North A'uirica ,
Smith America , Europe , AsIa anti ufrlca , uuill
be held Moniulay , Ttiettlay , Wethneeday acid
Thitlrethay. 'fIne city is already Illlinng tip
with delegates. HOUlO of thenn belnig the
boost tilatlmiguihhed colortsl mnlen of ( Ito coon-
try. The sessionus are expected to be' of
great interest ( o nil I'ythiians , Aelde fronn ( lie
regular routine hiusiniess to be ( ranusacted by
the suprenue lonlge , there Is tbi important
question of olnilllcathon of tire various branicines
of ( lie order anuong colored men , togelier (
with the Probability thiit : a law suit will be
IasItuted by ( lie branch known as ( lie "S'il-
liamne" faction against the supreme lodge.
% Veulnuesalay pronulaes to lie ( lie tlay of
greateet interest , Tile supreme lodge oft-
cers ar to be elected at ( list ( line. Whllo
Suhurome Chnutucehior Mitchell appears to
stanch the niost likely chance for ciectioni ,
a nuunuuber of luiupllcants for the Place are
knnoamu (0 be workltng aclvelyanti with a
showIng of strength. Thuursalay ( he tini-
fornnc-d rank will leave a graaul ha-ado
thirotighi ( lie prIncipal thoroughfares of ( lie
South nlde , Divisions frolli St. Lotll , , In-
( liahiapollnl , Washilnugtoii , 1) , C , , New York ,
CIncinnati , Louisville aninl Colihhnbtns , 0. , uvlli
luarticiuato. Adjutant General Robert Jackson -
son will be the cornunanuding officer of ( lie
thy. flattery I ) will hue in ( lie evening ( hue
scene of a public reception alit ! a conipetitivo
drili , open ( a all visiting dIvisions , 'rho
judges for the drill will 1)3 Cohonuel Alfred
Itthisell , Captain Julius llhocknuer and Cap.
( ala Josepil McKlttrick.
IcIl.llII ) ' .hihIii A'l' 'u'OhlI ( .
Simmhclemi Ilurrlemmut' t'iutuhlslmt'ps mi I'imr-
I liii I ( 'tumust rcue'el 1-141 lilt's' .
1)ETIIOIT , Mlcli. , Aug. 17-A thunder
storm acconulpallied by heavy gusts of ivmid
which Calnle up suddenly at noon today eatised
a fatal accidenit at the UnIted I'resbyterhan
church , whilclm he being erected at Twelfth
streo and Grand River avenue. 'l'lw walls
of tine church are up and about ready for tue
roof. When : tine sluahi ClhIiC portions of tile
front anti rear is'ahl collapsed , several nuenl
being hitnrloai fronni ladders and scaffolds and
hurried In tine ruins.
Franlk Seiova , a mIddle-aged hricklaer ,
was on a scaloid outside thin rear uvahl uchion
the crash camne. TIne scaiTolil fell and Semiova
was bureal ! under two feet of brick and
mnortar. leathu mur. ( have been instantanne-
005 for his body , whiati dug out , st-as found
(0 he friglitfuily niangled. Seniova leaves a
uvlfo nail child ,
Chnarlens Johinsoni. foreman of ( lie bricklayers -
layers , uu'as on a latialer inside ( lie wall anui
Jesse North , a bricklayer , stood on the Scat-
folul , Bathe feli Into the cellar unIt had to
ho dug out. Johnson wae sent 10 Harper
hospital with an ugly scalp wounmi anti lila
eyes full of lime , which may cause hIm (0
lose hue sIght. North was taken home , not
very badly inijureal , Frederick 1)ekorsko. a
laborer , uvito st-as stamidimig on tln i-alters of
( lie top floor when tine walls fell , as carried
down to the cellar anti received a painful
wound in the abdohuien.
hIre'meki uug Over thu e' . % grt'emos'mct ,
ChICAGO , Aug. 17.-The connpotlioa ( fertile
tile Kmnlghts Temmipiar busIness cmi account of
thne conclave conlnnneneing : next week ltasro. ,
sulteul Ia a liraclcal ignoring of tli hlosion
Ogreelmlcat by socuie at the lines , slid ( lie
lake Shore , Michligaml Central anli New
York Central oath ( heir connnectloas an
noumteeti today that the return portions of
tickets In the hshIIis of original llurchacera
will be Itoinored froni Iloatoni anti intemmeehl.
ate points between August 27 and October
2 , suhiethner ( hey bear the stanil ) of tile
temniinal agent Ill lloston or not.
1.s-muse'ml U Itmuilruiiul.
NE' 'OItK , Mig , 17-Thus North Carolira
railroad lisa been leased to ( ito Soutliei'n mail.
road for nllnety.nlne years , the terimia being
tile IlaYineiht of GtA 1)01' cent iliereat cli the
eaiitai : 'ltOI'k of ihi North Carolina railroad
fur tue first lx sears , which Is ( lie hreselit
rental o lhi road. anti for ( tie rest of tile
leThI Of ( ti. lease ( ho rent is to be 7 per .eat ,
Indian Bureau Now Has the Matter Under
s.3 nun Iui ) ili I loris 'lto tlurmlt'rt-ul I lc
limi luiluit'k I cuth In us StmIuJs't't to , 'u r.
re's ( t'iiult'r me I'r.e'Isioii of
mcml old 'l'rs'nty ,
\'AShIINGTON , Ahg , 17.-tn ShitC of Fe-
lrnrs ( to the contrary , it many be deflniitely
stateil that ( his Inehiiun bureau as ) 'et lisa
takeml no steps wltatever looking to ( lie iutlit.
ishhtuent of ( hue Jacksomi hole setleme for ( lie
killing of llanniock Ihillianis , TIle bureau htaa
sent mit ) ccunllnultnnilcatious ) on I lie subject to
( lit' ieparmliemit of Jtlstice. It is hurobable ,
hiosu ever , ( lISt steps will be taken to bring
those emlgagc'ei imi the killing to illuttice ,
' 1'ht delay hma ( loch catiseti by ( lie fact
that hit ) law was known tltleler it'liiclt ( Ito
Utiieil ( States cotlrle eoului take cogmilzimice
of ( lie mnuattem , and the fthrtiier stuutt'hlIt'Iit that
It l regarded as practically liiipO88ituil ? to secure -
cure a eonu'Ictlomi iii ( lie \'youiuimig slate
cotirts owlng to ( he stronig feelimng agiimist
( lie Indiana. Today , hiou ever , It was dim-
eoi'erc'ti ( Itat ( lie ( reaty of July 8 , 1363 , bin.
tut cent the Unniteti States atith tlio liatunocka
aluit Slioshomie llndlanna Itati a lurovislon directly -
rectly aplulicutlnle to thin lureselut case. thauler
uthilche ( lie hnbachiimiery of thte limtied States
courts Intlghut lie ihlvokoal to cleternuitmie Jo.
tliclally the culpahuility of the settlers ,
The .jueconid luarasralulu of tine ilrst article
of the treaty reatle as follows ; "If bath InCh
nnniotng ( ho whites , or ; unhiong othuer P001115
auhillect to tim aththioriy of ( lie United
States , hmall comuimult any vromug ( luSh ( lie
Persons or Property of tin ? llndialna , ( lie
Unilteul States will , uponi luroof muiaiie to the
agent anuS forwardcul to ( lie COhnuluui8sitIiCt' of
IIIIII'liI aflalra \Vaieliiigtohi ) cIty , proceeti
at ( uiiCO to catise the orfenuilers ( a be amresteal
anal lu'ilnlshmnnchtt nccortiimng to tile laws of tIle
Unitcsl States , and also reimburse the lii-
dlans for tln lose sustained. "
\'hlhe tim bureait lnaa not yet dechaleil on
its cotlrse of action , it is lurtIhuahilo tlnat at'-
rests uu'lll be miunde by United Slates Iluaraltais
tinder ( lie lurovislonus of tIne treaty. Tine per-
50)15 amrestell can ) ( lieu etle for writs at
habeas corptia , ( ittis brlmngimng ( lie vahitilty of
( he treaty aniul ( lte whole satuls of the In.
diana inito cotnr ( .
IN I)1'1lhil. SI' 00' 'I'll Ii 'IIH1'1'tltl.tNS.
( 'ii I liaiselmuiuuu I list t Iee't'iet Out riigc's
Vt'rs' Not ( ' , , muuiiul I te'i II ) ' I hut Meet ,
\'AShIINGTON , Aug. 17-The better class
of Citittannent in ( his city , notably ( hose colt-
Inected with ( Ito Cliitiose legatloni , discredit
( ho report ( hat tine recent i-lots ill China
mayo been comuitnitted by the vegetarians ,
Said one of ( luer.I in discussing ( lii , report : '
"It is incredible. Tine vegetarlalis in alt
eastern cotnntries are persons who abstain
fronnu the tIle of all fleshe as an article of
diet bccaune , of1 conscicintious scruples against
tilt ) taking of any form of life. Thnoy are
of Iluddhuist faithi and do nnot believe In
k ii I lng all imnials , luItICIt less Inuinan hal ngs ,
mual it Is blot to ho believed that they would
have let their amitagonisiut to ( lie ChrIstIan
religion betray thuenu Into amu' violence that
would cause ( lie loss of life , They are , more
or lesS fanatical , to be sure , but they are i-c- -1
gardeul as of a subnnissivo disposition , "
Iiscuasiitg tIle matter further , he said It
was trtio that strong prejudice existed
anuong thtemui against tiio ntiissionaries because -
cause they believed ( mat. tine practice of Inteat
eating is a part of ( Ito Clnrlstian faith.
Many of them think ( lint If they should be-
Coillo Chrlstlatis they Wotlld ho comnipollod to
ailopt a mnoat. diet and 801110 of tine native
converts to Christianity , between ; 'hom anal
tine follouers of the other faith ( here is al.
ways a miliarluly d flneul antagonIann have
elono initmch to Iiltonslf3c the feeling byper -
formuiIng acts esiueciallly calcinlateal to shako
the sensllhllties of ( ho aniti-lieshi eaters , But
ilntnuCO as is ( he rechinug on ( he part of thn
Iluthilnists Cmi tiii account. tIne gentiehuuaml
does not believe that tlney would comnilt au
act lmu contravention of ( Inch' lurimunary doe-
trjne. lie tialniks it , "ore likely ( lint ati-
vahutage has been takent of tine knowlealge of
( lila abnagoiisrn ) teweent the vegetarlails slid
tine Christians to lay the blame fir ( ho
killing iot ( hue. ' niissionaries at ( lie doors of
uvore in 110 wity responsible for it ,
( ho anti-meat eating sect. whucit in tact they
lttS(13 ( ! % Vl lL Jill ItIt h'l'OlN'iIll ) .
3IIuuIst'i' ( ( I hlc'uuzII'uVIll Oinh' lIe' Out
me tboitl hi's SmtImir' ,
W'ASIIINGTON , Aug. 17.-It is uhudorsooal
( hut aside froln tile Iniconveniiemico uu'hilchi wilL
be occasloneul to Minilnlter itansoln by ( lie tail-
ore to receive ink salary luronulitly anli ( Ito
niecessity for lila reppohniihlueuut. there uvhll be
110 ohr conllhicatlons attached to ( lie dccl-
siont which Inas been remudercil by ( lie solicitor
general ( hat under the constIlltlouu Mr , Itan-
50111'S appoilimuuont was iri-egeilar , because
Iluaulc during his ( cmi as senator. Mr. Ran-
20(11 has unuierutood for ni , weeks ( hunt ( lie
solicitor general's ulecislon Wulilul btu against
111111 , ithitl while lie was forownrmietl to tIllS
effect. hue ivan , nauilleui at ( lie szntuo
time that hIC uu'nInhli ho reappointed
as soon as practicable after tIne eli-cisiont
uu'hiichn hinis caused Mr. Itahisoun to reculaint Ill
tIlls cotlhitry as lie lois , Ilut tile asatiramlclu Of
lila rca 1)1)01 tit lliehi ( has been mu aulo sri bill itt
that ito 1105 Imuallo all lireluamatlnns to retqrn to
Mexico towards the c1os of tine present
nuiomitin , Tine lrovi.sion under whiiell tile traS-
umy rofensed to ntudlt annul allow lila ae'coinnt
will 1101 ahuply to a reahupainlhnehlt , anul ; thiet'i
V. I I i be no fu rt her ii I illeul ty I mi t lie moo ( t or ,
TIme nuimiistcr's nccouims uvore reglmlarly al-
low'eui UI ) to ( lie first of July , so that at hir4's.
eli t t lie govemntneui I Is innll ehuteal to II I Ill onti y
for his salary froiui JIll ) ' I to ( lie Iireau'nt
I I nuie. I t Is nuot tiotiit ni I n a ii : ' 111111 rt or t ha t
conngress will fluent him relic-f In this respect
through an ahuproInriatiomi Ill the llrs ( llrgehlt
eheflclency 1)111 uvhiichi beeoniuen a law otter tIme
beginning of ( lie next sentsiomn.
( iIuisiul .11,11,1 l-i'itIm'iul' All itighut ,
\ 'ASthliTONtug. . 17-Olhlcerim of ( lie
Stale dehuartnnelut siiy thtft thlcy lcinow hnotltinlg
aboult tlm reporeul rennoval of ulax JIllid , , . -
consul general at Vienuna. It was niatel
that Mr. Jlilld receIved lila exenhihlttmm' nearly
two years ago , and It wontlil be It
lie hail been foumal umnnsathsfactory on tine
grotinds yhttcIi were known at Uiii tlnie : ,
ht'ee'J u , 'r 11)1' it ls'fuuuuu't llmuuuic ,
\VASIIINGTON , Aug. 17.-'ftne conniptrohier
of tine currency has today fluulollited Joseph
G. helm ) receiver of 1110 ViraL National baunk
of Sotithi Ilend.Vaslu , cvhilcll slbalueiuicul : ilJY
macnit Atigust 12 ,
AlllIuihluiI'ul ito , % sslstmumut . % t(4lI'II. ( ' ) ' .
Vu'ASIIINUTON , Aug. 17-Geotge l , Hind-
ton of helena has benu nnluliolinieul 511 naldisiant
United States attorney foe ( lie dlitriet of
Montana ,
Rare Chatice 1
: ? , ctivly iugaln iirevnlh , In I'm , ' muuttk" ( f'ur
: Stiucke , , Ilumail , , Gmaunu , s'cIunu nun. ptluu's" -
: curllles. :
\'uPo unail froc iii an ) ' n'l'lr'soiw honk intl
IeIly ; Iuinirkt't I. ituer , decci Ililmug bluer 1110414.1 : -
! nuectmkttlul lltt'e'Iullent , 8 emiult In rapId uid :
: huanilutornie tuntultt.
S Our eonnmiuuIumu C bumying au' ) s-lllnug for .
: cautIt or on m-ir4lnu 110 3 10 5 laIr Cent Is
C ONI. ? 5.$5 i'HR ClINT. : . i
E. [ 1 , THORNUURCH & CO. .
S Mennl.ems ( if Nvuv York t'un , St 'h EtihiSnuu. .
'I I I lrel ct m ) ' A .i lb 'Ii . ' . . .
a P 5 4 C S S H C C S C I * 5 C S H t ' S H H H I C C S C I C C C C H put C S C P 5 5 4 .
in Jicat 30 Daya
byinvesthugir ORAIN , ROYiltNS AMO STOCU KO8I.
2 0 YEARS cxp.'rlenie'e , t'mmmuhilu'u 115 Ia aII'IC
re-elI ) ' , 4 I ci r I l.uiik It's su Iuhahh u
miiaer4lui tra4ITTgauel aliccu-saoflthut'rs l-'lIEh , , llIt. .
ect batik rmuteru.mces gIve-u , . tlNCOl.C'i & (0. .
! IIAI1UIN Send for our cor.Ilete hook 'a.
TI1AIISl luinluilnig SlAhSll1 , ' 'I'ItSPINU and
1)1.1 ININ(1 ALL 3lAIC i"r zX.
HCPI-AINHI ) ( j(1C3'$1)35tlso ( omit i'sIly h115r
ket lu-Per augg'stlahi WI , cu mici'I In ) u-hmui ( i , trutale ,
ltolht free. lhuil ; refu'ru-nc"ut ftir'ulslteij AlttJ-
6IAHT & (0. , Ml3MlIEitU ( ChIUl ) TIX.
llA13JEt ) Ol'EN JSOAIII > ( Il" TlLDF1 , Lii
Traders Iiuiidin. Chle.g. ,