A _ . , . ' . . . . : , . " . " - : , , . , . . . . . . . . - . . . " . . . . . . . _ _ _ . . . . . _ : ln" " . . . . .oJ/tt1 : : : : t ! . : . 'k. J. ! : * 1' i. . ' . " - : - - .11. - . " _ 1.'N' - : . . . . , : . = - - _ - _ - . . - _ . . , . . . _ _ _ . _ . - . . , . - _ : : ; .4 ' 'n. OMAhA DAILY BEE : 7IVnRnAY ! { , AUGUS'l' 8 , 1sn5. I cmmin'IA ! ANi ) FNCIAL ' : - ' YCIlcrat9 ( BnJne1 in Wheat for Ezpor . Toned Up the Market I TUESDAYS ' CONDIONS NOT CHANGE - - I Trndc In I Corn ' \ 'nn nt a Dee ! I , ie alt Accnnlt ot the 1.'llc . Crnll l'rnHllch 1'nlllllll I r UII.I.nh..I. , - 1t1CACO . Aug 7.-A mOllerate buslne n .Ug , the et- II wheat for export relortel from len- LClrd caused . the toning up or a very weak market today. Se1)telnbcr which half an had decflflet1 on hour front the opening IUl declnel i rportei1 . gold exports ( torn ; at the close rClorte.l closed at and ( to GHic , to &ioe , rtcoverel nlll Gi ; & c. Corn rul1 ' heavy and cosec at 1 loss for the day or ) e ver ) bu. . anti oats weak start. , lott c. ProvIsions after a became lo.t frst firm . recovering some loss amt clcslnR ? at InOlel'ate advances. The hiptnentS ot gold came to the front agalti as \ depres.Ang tarter In the when lepres ! . market. l'revloul to the Ollllnl of the : session 0 dispatch tram New Yolk had . nnnouncing that already . 1eol recelve.1 $ lOOO.W ) gold would be hlpped tomorrow AugUftfl Vlclorla. The on the stcumer .ugusta Iruln features of the PrevIous lu1 ' Inll- ! ' encing coUdItIofl were unchanged. 'Che' . opening coudltonH 11rl'e for SCplember val4 67C , as against Gc nt the close or yeslerlln"s ( pes- sian. In exactly thirty minute from the 111 t the price had declined to GS1C. , being bu. In that short tittie. 1 loss ot J e per lllt tme. Outtlde l mal kots ccclll with apparent re- . hctance. 'l'he movement or winter wheal t Have no Indication oC Increasing. Chicago receipts were acconlng to the Inspection . t : theet t.eventy-elght cars and 10.598 bu. 1) canal. or the railroad receipts thlrtr-on . cure were merely transferred from Irregular - lar to reguh'r city hou e9. Of the total . . amount recovered . fortY-fIve carl were new No. 2. TOll ) winter or which only four were The , total recellts itt nil prlmnr western markets wpre :08.0(1 ( 1u' compared ( with : .OfO hu. at the same places { 1 year ago. . Minneapolis amI Duilth lecelvec etght- Mlnneulols . The ex- seven ears . against 17 last year. ; orts from the Atlantic peaboarl were or the same Ineagre iiroortiOflM ; us for sometime lenre proportol time hack. ( ! wheat four chief ports shinned 37.0 hit . _ and of . flour 12C.h ! p . I , AP New York reported the taking early I the . . bails or wheat for cx- tiny ot twenty boat I port but that did not create demand enough 1 , tar futures to lift the market out or its l d.spondeflcy. Telegraphic orders on either , ; "hl' ] or the market Wera scarce and local scalpers wI're averse to back their opinions t by a trade. The prlco kept cope down . aTound G7e until about an hour from the t. close. The senholrd sent 0 report oC an increased - . . , creased export 11emun.l. . anti . that caused . crla(1 nn . ' to G c at that time. The takIngs - ' , Ings nt Baltimore and New York were r I"I 10 amount to aleut fty boat toads , ' up 10 12t : p. m. , ono.hnlt at each plnce. . t 4 The sulls of wheat nt the seaboard app - p peared to have become mixed wIth Ih03e oC corn . and It was discovered that while ' export sales ] oC the latter were oty loads i , or wheat only twenty boatloads were sold at New York eight loads nt Baltimore ; and fIfteen loads ! Montreal. The closing cables were very weak . Liverpool not- tog a .c decline. Paris came , from 50 . ecotimes to CO centlnies lower for flour lour ; G centmes . Clltlnel - rmd Cram 10 to :0 centmes lower for wheat and Berlin reported I decreuse ot 23 . ' marks or about equal 10 2'e per hu. The Price klpt steady around 67e UI' to about fifteen minutes or the close : tIe largest tradIng was at 67 % ( . nter some sales nt Gi'4C. trlclng The export business was affecting the market more bUlshly as the session wus ending. . ; The ( trade In corn was at a decline In . prlre. The fine crop prospect was unim- t , Paired and that wa again the governing c Illred . At % c ( leclille In September a _ _ _ , : better demand was uncovered. But I beter who short. from those were came Ihor1 _ _ _ P Tile pressure at long corn appears tQ have exhausted itself and wa . , Quite noticeably less than for sonic time. * , New York reported a better demand for ' , export than has been there for a long . , time . and advised aIes' of fifty heat loa.ls. . ' , The receipts were 2j7 cars. September , which closed yesterday ut 40c . opened this morning at 40e 10 4 .c. . only one lot fetching the higher f IU 11. I declined to ' 29)e ) . and closed at from 391'c to 40e. May _ _ _ _ , , 3Jc. or.enec anl ( toWn. at 3c. declined to 32c and closed at 31 e. _ _ _ I The market for oats was fairly active. _ _ _ . The feeling early wn weaker and prices _ _ _ _ _ rellng . big lot wal offered. and ) that. with the influence or wheat and corn - caused the decline. The urgent demand for stuff was the Prompter which followed. - but yesterday's closing was .o to 114c higher than that or tola [ ' . September started nt from 20c to 20e . sold up to _ _ _ - startel 201e. _ _ _ 20'4c and closed at 20 c. The provisIon market was weaker than , ever at the start but toward the mtd.le or discovered that of the , the day It was Ult some people who have hitherto been prominent r sellers were taking the offerings oC others lj very freely , and 0 general desire to take 1 the same side resulted In a material recovery - , conry from the prices ruling In the rorenoon. September lork Cram , $9.20 and $9.16 ot the start . rose : to and closed ot $ 9.52'.4 . or ZOo above yes- . terday's final rates. Lard WiS comparo- ) 1 t.rday's steady declining to $ ' . at the , t tvely . then recovering to $ G.02at ( \ the . close as compared with $ : .95 Yelterdf ) ' . . , Ribs made 5c decline early . hut had recovered - , . covered that and 2',4c more In the end. , Estimated receipts \ for tomorrow : Wheat. 10 cars : corn . 370 cars ; oats 205 cars ; hogs 14000 head. 1.0 ! al. The leading futures ranger 18 folows : _ _ _ , .r10Ie. . I OP tfl. I lit tli. I Low. I CIa 13 . WiNo.2 . ) " . , \I.r"I.No.2 . . . . . cn' , n7 fH ( Ih .11. . . _ . ( t i" 17h ujH , 117" . V. . . . . . 111t ! ; 7O34 t UUn ( iO . l. Corn $0.2. . AIK. . . . . 4M ( 40l ! SO' : UWHI ! cpt _ . . . .4O' ' , 41' ' . 3m , althco40 Oct . . . . . .384 aH' ' ai : > lice. . . . . . . 32 . @h : t2 " :2\ S : " , 1lc. . . . . . . 33 n 8 ti.ti a2i1 s35 Catl No. 2. . . Alit : _ . . . O' ( ln ( O4 20 Ali . . . . 21 ( ( ( ' " 2m. 21) ) ( 20' ' S'.II. . . . . 2l)5(4 ) 24 24 : au I'ork or bbl Iork ) DCI . . . 0 20 0 5l \ t I 12 Lmd.l00lbl . 8elll. . . . . . . HI 11 10 :6 lU lU lU :3 SI'III. . . . . . . ; ' ! : l I 024 1 112 I 00 Oct. . . . . . U U2\ U 0714 5 il34 I 071' ( ) OI. JII. . . . . . I u7 * 0 1 : > 0 U 0 121 thort RIbB- Eort . . . . . / 10 1 00 1U / i fU Oct. Rb8-1 . I 1 : / I I 1 Cl I fC . _ _ Jai. . . . . . . / :1 : : I :2 I 21 5 3n Cn8h quotations were as tollowH : FlOtIlt-Wlntcr pntent 1' al folow8 . , . : vIater l'I.UH-Wlnl. . lalenl. $ : f3.75 . rtraights. $3.OOt13.4l ; ' ertnn Pstents. $3.0'1. $ : .03.4 \rlnl $ ,14.5 Rlrhhla. \ \al rrIag , tndgltts. lZ.tf3. ) : iblIkprs . $ l.9OO2..O. aln.lthls. Z,9)t3.:1 a\rl. : AT-No. Z i.pIng. 6dfflc ; No. : BI'rlng. ' WI : No. : red . G6fiC7e. ( 'OHN-No. Z. 4irtJ40c : No 3 yellow. 40 % J40c. OATt-No. 3. ZO o ; No. 2 witlte 25lj26c ; No. I \ title . 24'4I2.C. ItYl-'No. 2. 41'4e. lAI.I : Y-No. ic. nominal ; No. 3 . 33J3Gc ; No.4. XlOflhIaUi. fomlnal. RTmn-No. I. $ .01. 'rIMOTIiY tl'Ifl-l'rlate $ . % r. tn.mU-lrlm. $ i'ltOVISlONi-tt'ss pork , per IbI. . $9.31ot0 . I'HO\ISINS-M . > * 5.tlt5.9P4. ( \ Shnrl rib , , sldps ( tools . ) . $5.&OttS.t0. 11) ' sal .1 .houll.rs ( hox.I ) . c.co. $ : .ct1j5j5. ! Short clear shIes ( bo.ed ) . $ G3iit : . WliitlCY-DIMiiler& " . Inl.h..l goods. per gal . . The following " ' 1' the r.C.IIS and alilpments tolsy : I Articlee. . lt5'CeiptM. Shllllcnl1 Flotir bb . . . . _ . . . . . . . HIOU 5.000 Wheal bu. . . . . . . . . . . . tO.UIU 41.0(10 ( oln. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . :11.100uH.uOa - ( ) Onto. btt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82U0 ( ) - 110000 H.UOI Onl. , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : 1.11 ( : . . IUUOO . . . . . ilartey. ' btt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.lua . . . . . . . . . On the Pro hlJ I eol''lO ' 1' II the bul r mr kel was Inl : crcuitery . 12lll.c1 ' ( daIry 10 170 P . Irm : l'e ! le. Cheese 7tjb7c . $1YOitiC ( iLlt.tI. M.titKl'1' . ClnHhl Ctunlltnl" tilt the 1'rintIinl ( Jnuu".Uth' " 1111 'i6titslcs. NEW YOItIC Aug. 7-I'L01'I-le'IIIIS. 16.1 . ) \bla. ; exportil . 1.10 bbl.ur.l ; ) steady ) abut fairly sclh'e ; hold.rl meeting the .1.er..le. Southrra flour. dull ; cIty mi Patent. . 14.4)41.70 : cit ) ' mill cl.ar ; 4.onJ'42 ; Mlnn.oola ( p..I.nls. cl $ . (3.95 : MII..ola bdk.r. . .U.O3 : : .prlng low gnu1e . . $ U5(3t ; winter I > tttflts. $3.15f3.85 ; " inter . ttaIghts . $3.45t3.65 : wlnler extras . $00 Si' ) : winter low gnti's , U.003.0. 1) ' " flour . dull ; eupeiflas. $3.1HtU5' fancy . 13.0ej3.o. dul \ : "IUul ; yellow wellera. $1.0S4i.lO. \VlliAT-lteetPI. : 3Z.6 bu. : export. . 8.40 bu. tpet more active ; exporters ehowtng Inure mor eprt.r .howln& 10re . t(1 : cluaed 111 : No Z red. 13c ; No. I north. Intr..c . oi No 1 bent . 7I.c. Options Olened ne Week , declined under local lIquidation w..k u.lnt Iquldalon ald offerings or 1lrlne wh.at. ral.1 In the ( eron on ( ov.rlng. sad Ilnprovc'd on epurt buying ; rlos.1 .I.udy : No. Z red , August. 74t7Vc closed 7 ill.ml.r. i \ . c .ZIU7"l. . . & cloe 73 ; bscrniber , T42f5c . cloaed 75' -1relll . UO tu ) ; exporti , : 70 bu. ; Spot actie ut lower Irl ( . . Closing , lrreguar ; No Z. 4S(4G'4C II "I.vllor ; f U1H\c \ .I.th''r" ; No " : witite . 4c. ( . o. h. ( alol ; No. , . 4i(4 c ailent . whie. O5flC4 weaK ald declined wtder fa\'ur- abiu crop reporte. rallied a little on ezpnrt bu.- Ittese . . but r1'orll. (1".1,1 rU",1 . S.iptetuber. ellorl " " clc.se.l 45c ; Octubr . 4Ir44S4c. OAT-ltcceIllI. . S9.6 bu . 'xporte . C : . $ bu welk with \.1 \ rr. closing < ul I No S. Z\iO \ : " } I whIte . Zc' No 3 white Z4J2Gc. 0,10'1 ' opened veak Jecln.t with corn Ind clo.l opene iieitemher. t4i.U2Ic. % rIoted Uc > l1DEsulet Ctdlforul& d. n \ 1 Jbl : ; h. . . ' : : - : - lbs. . 149)tc liuenOe I . , . " t. II r. : 11 :4 lt'q. . 1ie \ , Te21 dry . ZI tl SO ' II' . l9fllI. ' . I ' mi : I'S'j ' : A'I'II- I I "n.lv : h.mlnd .01. Iluenoc Ares l.hl 10 11'1\ : ) ' weight. 21C. artll. ZHUI:4o 2O. WOOL- . -tlrml clm.to.tic ilesee . 130 : 1'llcd. % 1.\ \ ' - . ultt ; aMlplol. 1t5c : good to choice . it. . .1. . IlUI'-V.ry Qlltt ' : old , atJc , racine coast . lu\-\.r 31'c 01,1. 3.H. / : . I. (19c. l'ltVIINi ( . lk't _ , " 11 : r"llr. $ iI.t12.t4 ; 111\'I 1. . . . $ 1 r.oqs.i'.t : h".f lisins . 11./t t.r : 1 II"cke 1'.O'Ttll.oo 1 ; city. eMni 11,11 ( aiess0 siTe ) ,1'.P ) . Cut m."lo. fultl : nlctie.i , htilt. . , flC \ , ptrtIec1 , 5Ii'jiitdt'rp . ti.c : plckie,1 ItnIns. 9\1" \ .kc. flrllr" nrl ; we.t.rn . f1clr.l I ; teflned. BterUIY. , Potk. iilcaly ' , ( , awe d.mand. ciitliiStn,1y : ; .111. iarW ( . 51 qH' ( : fancy. mUml. 1111. 6IH18\ ' \ : I"t .klm" . 2ftc : full skinis 1GIH-ciuiirt ; esorn . fresh . 127i1t4e. 1tClnlr . 1flfc. 'rti.iJ1v-4tnt1y ( . : city . 4''c ' ; cotiittry . 4'l. 11IOI.11'M.-Uul and easy ; United (10..1 at $ t.2 ; 111. , ) ltOtIN--Quiet ; etmined . common to good . ! OAIQllcl slrlne. gol. sl.r.La ' 1.5. ' . Tt'iltlNTtN-Qutrt : : 2m21 c. , litC1 : . -StIIIly ; dom.slc. fair 10 extra , 4tIGc ' : I .10nn. a.f4' ' , 0 iUlAiiI'I-tni1y : . ; N.w Orleans. open kettle . 1".1 10 chalep . 2)tji2c. ) Mt'rAlKl'Iic : Iron . .tcnI' : .ollhl.rn. $ I. ( " 1. " ; northeto . ii2.efi14.O' ) . Cnl'per. 1IIIcl brikcrs' trice . . $1.e2exehnlt. \ ; . $12. 1ead . . ttiiki'rs' , , tee . $ ) 37i ; xcbnage $1.5' ) . Tin nrm ; $1.r straits. $ 1,11' ' ; pIn 71 strn.W. ! Seiter Otto . f4. rOTTON I.IOl.Rlow : nail , rr111. , wlholt lr"'lt" , 10 sell . clo'cil rnlhpr nominal ; prime ( rll _ . In ) , Ils FPI. 2 c. nmnlnal : prime crude , . \ loner . H122c ' : ill crude . . In th1s. . 21c ; .lln1' ) 'llmv. printe . 2Stt2SIcc : ) "low or grades . . 2.121\ \ ; wltite . prime . : Ic : butter oil . P.0. 0:1\ : , GgNI ; n.1nlC T. Cnl.ltnl I I nl ' 1'111. tituS ( Lii otst huts ni 11"1.1 tttitt Fititey ' 1'r.liie . rGm -"ruh "lock. per .10z. . 10'tOlc. % lJtPI'Ttlt-Packing Iock. T'ctiSc : choice to ' . . fnflcy Ut16 ; galhNel cteamet ) . iCe : . ( lnmtor' ' creamery . ISc. 1.1'I POt'LTItY-llens. 6c : rsl.rs. 3c : spring chickens . per 11. ' OIIOc : ducks . . { ; spring lukl. 10c : 111"rl. .USe ; geese. Lc. \I\.Cholce rat. .0 10 lob lbs. . are quoted al 617c : large and coarse . 45i5c. ChltXt-'lscojtsin full cream. vc ; Young Americas . 11f5ic ; I wil' . lit1c : S.ltn.ka and Itiwn r.1 H"nm. 10c ; T.IIIII.r. No.1. lOc ; brIck. No. 1 . ilc ; Awl' No. I. 1e. : ( ISAY-t'llanl , hay $1 : midland . 1 : low- hand . $6. & : stew itay . fr : rye straw . $5 : color makes hue I.tlcc on lny. , : l.ipht bales sell Ihs Ijejit 1 Onh' top Ir.I.e , tiring top ptlrn. 1'IQtONS-I'er ,1iz. 51.O6P1.2 : \ : 1 , ' AD lS. l'OTATOIS-Ncw : potatoes choice atoclt. 30@ 35e. ONIONS-ilertnudas. per crate. none : California. 'n ecks. ' bu. . SeflIi.00 : hOle grown . C0f11 c. 01,1) ltl.AN14-ltan,1 picked n"\ ' ) ' . p.20 Llmh 3e1'nM. i'r lb. . & ' % fIc. ( ' .tltilt(3i-On orlers. sacked 1',4C. ' . TOMATOIS-Cholce : etock per 4.bn.ket crate . CUicATI.I : t1.ONIt-Pr doz. . rnl"II. . . I2.00f2.25 . " 'flLlltV-Ilorne : : grown . per 0117..j4)c. ' CANTAI.OLjj'E-j'er FRUITS. II.kel. 405150c. I'eaeltcs higher . ati,1 there Is every' jms. are , PInhr8 hllh.r. 011 Ih..1 e\tr 1'ls. , . . , . I.cl that the low 1"lnt hus boon touched. In eastern Oregon there Ie 0 gout crop of peaches . tie earliest or which are on the market : there n.e large crops or prunes an.1 .lum8 , : all vegetalIes aol futile are making the 10Ol ad . \IICenInt 10\lhl tna tar I ty Ihnt was tinticipated. 'rle , w..I.rl Inl or the oale " 111111 > that Ih.rl Is 1 an ahlnllnnce nr ' 11. ant the fruit shl\ lenl > > nro ' Inrl' lucls. 1.lum. . \ early al'llles tire or the finest quality ; fall tip- lre ful Ine.t 'Iuatl aI- TIl. . wi h. . nbun.lnnt. Western W".illnilon rep3rts that fruit condi- ( lone have not lnl"1 much rlom lust week. In King . Plerep anti Clarke counties . .ar > . pinches , htims . also red astrakan Ind 1luml are ripening a.erkan IPlles ; Quotations the yield of : prunes and plums will be very good. Qlolaton. 11. : . -alrornla liartletta . per box . 12.25 ; C It ) 10 , box lots . $2.00. itidi ) IAAPI'IIFBNo shipping sck. II.UMS-Cnlrorla. per box. . choice itoclt. $1.2 $ i.2 : 5 ; . : fancy \.arl.l.s. 13.50 ; southern . per case . $1.2. AIIUCOTR-No 8hllplng stock SOI1T1IiitN l'RACIIUS-None. ROIT1UHN ILACIaS-None. At'I'rlS-cholce : shipping stock bbls. . ' . ( @ 2.2 ; cooking npple. $ .7oZ.O. t.\ 5.1 FltNiA 1 : ACIUS-Cmwfords. per box 85'Oc. I4TItA\\'flRItltTFS-Choce ! shipping stock , none. rIit1111h15-No shipping stock. f11lnnA-No shlpplnl ! rOOSt'tilItlt1i-Nn , Ehlllnl olock. IH.AK ItASl'ItflltitIES-No shipping stock. JirArItsIutIIS-No shipping Slock. T.A ( < : ( I.lllH-No ( ! . per 10.lb. lak.ls. , 3 ' OI\ll'K-Houlhpm l : G.\I.k.1 . 12.0 ; ; CalifornIa . per case . early whtiti. 'nrteties . 51.2 : ; . whl.arl.lre. $ : : TCTAlTNFf.Cnlrornln. leI case . $ .50. TROPlCM FRUITS. OHANGI'BCholcc seedlings , per bog . $2.50 ; M.llerrnean . . swecls. $2.i5 ; fancy SI. 2iticluiels. . LF2dONS-flxlra fancy lemons. 3eO SIze . $6,0 ; 300 size . 56.005.23. ( 01 It.tNANAS-Chotce large ttock per hunch $2.2 . 2,50 : medium size bunches . $2.0062.25. $ I'INEAI'I'LES-Nnne. MIiCtLLANEOUS. MIfCELL.NEOUS. FIGS-Fancy. 150 : choice 16J13c. IIONRY-Catiernla 1 tc. MAPLE SYRUI'- allen tugs pr doz. , $12 ; Iilxtiy . 5-gal. cans . 8 leI $2 Nu'rs-Ahunonda. Hc ; English walnuts . soft- .hpl , I. 1c : aandarla. Hc ; filberts . ito : lrzl nutzu lOc ; pecans 9c peanuts . ruw. Gc : roasted . 10DA TEBIn 6 10 .0.lb. b. . 60 per Ib : rar , dates. small boxes ito per lb. CIDEn-Pure juice per bbl. . 1 : half bId. . $ l1CF POI'COIIN-Ia the tar. on orders. per lb. . 2 % c. c.ITDrS AND TAI.LOW. ITDrS HIDES-No. 1 green ( tides . 61C ; No 3 : hides . ho ; No. 1 green salted tIlde. 9c : 1C 2 green salted hides 8c \ ; No. 1 veal calf 8 (0 1 : lb. . 11 : No. 2 veal caIf 8 to Ii Ib8. lOc ; No. 1 lry flint hides , H160 ; No. 2 dry flint hides . lIe : Nu. I dry salted Itidet . 10 : p.rly cured hides. ' . ; c per lb. ices than fully curcd. tlliEl' ; I'lITS-Green suitet. eec' ! . 26J6Qc ; HI EI l'I.T8reon 6o green Inlell , ihearlii5gs ( short woolId early skins ) . cacti . 5r15c. dry sheurlnls ( short wooled early skiur' ) ' No. 1 . cah. 6 1Oc : ary shearlings ( earl wooled early sktns3. 1 No. cZ.arlch . Sc : ; dry Stat } Citflsns and Nubr.a : butcher wool pelts . per pound , actual weigiuc. ' 6tf8c dry flint Kansas and Nsbraska niurrain wool ? petll . per pound , actual veIgltt 4U60 ; dry flint Colornlo butcher wool pelts flint , Colorado per pound lnurratn , actual 'o'tlg \\j. \ \ 4eG'c per ; Z actual weigh. 4516o. have feet cut off . as Ilia useless 10 pay freight on Ihem. TAI.T.OW AND & OREAI4F-No. 1 tallow . 415 04c ; No. Z tallow . 3lHto : grease . whie A. 4 H.c ' ; grease white 1. 3t4c : grease. yellow . 23j' 3c ; grease . dark 2 ½ c : old butter . 2tZ10 ! : beeswax . wax . , prime , 1ff2dc : rough tallOw , 2c. \s.oOi , . tJW ; h fl ) 'IIC heavy : G61c' fine Ih\ht.8 : : quarltr-blood. l01012' : seedy burry and chatty . R $9c $ : rotted and broken coarse . 7@ enl 9l : ( ol.l and liroken nne. cfSc. WOOL . WAHInD-Medlum. 1661c : fine. U@ TI WOOl. : wn.h.d. 16c18c : biek. 80 ; bucks Gc : tag locks 263l : den < pulled . 566c. St. I.'HII" ( k'neral Market. BT. I.OttS. Aug. 7-FLOU1t-Loaer ; extra fancy . $3.006f3.D5 ; choice . $ . .5i2. $ I. WI I i'AT-Uniler numerous bearish influences , vent down again today. and although 1 rallied CollIe . ro.e.1 f'o below yestenlay : cash 61 " : Algu'l. OI' C. eHo ; September 60 \ ; Ijecember .0 COIN-T.'olo\I.1 wheat a UI closed Hf'ho under yesterday : eastt . 3io : August 3'c ; Sep- timber . 3S"c 1)cceniber. 2Sc. I.mh. . 38"c ; 1.c.mber. : 'c. . OATt-Hul nail lower ; caoh. 20 bid ; Replem. h.r. % 'lc ' Ill : May . 23'4c. 1.'IAX H : I'n-1 02f.03. spot nn.l tD arrive. ' 'IJITIY Rl I Dl.ower ut $4.4 ; other bceds aontltmt. nOllnnl. COlN MEAI.I.w.r nl $1.SMu1.5. ltitAN-Qutet : ( . east track ; C5f,6Sc , nl mill. 1iAT-Itet er feeling nnd choice gtades wnnllII' IA 1-1' PI f.'ln ( ! prairie . lr..Btt8.50 ; timothy . S0.00 i5.o ; smlil tetl,1 . 116.604117,00. I'TTIH-Crtm.y. 14411Cc ; dairy 8411Cc . rnOH-Hhtlw. ( ) nl lie. vii ti4iC\-i.2'2. WIATY-I.2. L1'AI-lMwer : . : offered at 13.30 wlhoul , buyers. , HI'IL'FFlt-Lnwp. ' . wlh .al.s al tOrt . . PttO'iHtOS-1"rk . quiet : jObblnu , : $5.75 . 1ar'i ' Irm.r ; prim. " , .i5 : ( 'hake. $5.9. Uacon. , hwer : ' : lu\lrl. 16.11 : long. $6.37 ! . Itt'Clll'Ti-l"iour : . 2.0 bIl. , : what . 7.00 bu. ; cor 24.0)0 ) 1m. : oal. % ( ) bu. HIIII'MI : NTS-rlour . 3.01 Ibil. : wheat . 18.0 1m. ; corn . :1.000 bu. ; oats 18.0 bu . X.n York 1'lry ' Gooll" llrl.ct. NI'W YOttI. Aug . 1.-Agenla have nd\'ance Pt it " , ' , , as fnilowi ilierlon I cotton iItnnels 5c on wa grn.it"i . and ' % \ C on nU .I higher : qualities : ( 'iticipee cotton blankets , . 6 . cent : Wllam.ol milan 1.lonkels. 5 per cent : Atlantic 4.4 bl.ochel 1"1 cottons. "c : Atlantic 1 4.4 bleached cottons . c : CliertonVS ' 4.4 bteathei eottt.nL' . % c : l'e'llrarn 1I.rlon \\S . . ( oll.n" 1.1.1 4-4 bl.ach..l , ro\on. . ec ; l'.abldy I 4-4 bl.ached cottons. t'c ! : Dwight Anchor 4.4 bleached cottons . 10 7c : \ ) whhl Anchor 4.4 brown cottons. 10 6ye : Uwhdll Star 4-4 brown Cottons. to 6c ; Iehn I.ke 4. ' brown cottons . lu 5Ur.nl : Falls 4.4 brown cottons . ' , .l : Just Hghl 4.4 brown el- ton . ' 4e : huron 4-4 brwn cottons. . e. There Wile 1 whler liiulr for all descriptions or .11' pIes . colored an.1 fancy r\ons. printed fabrics IIs. . . consilerihle , , . . dress goods. and ( on.I.I.rhle future business wal . & 0. . hut stock bustai's . WI& contracted . owing 10 the nominal stocks with lig. ' luts. l'rittt. tag clotits Unit ut 2 1 .IGo for allls and for cn- tracts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ih''rl.oul : Tnrlu.t" t.T'I nIOO. titg. 7.-WI : AT-lpt quiet hut > 1'a.I ) ' ; demand 1'001 ; No. 2 red . wlnler. G. fl : No.2 ccii. . irlng . 5 9'd ; No. t lutril. Manitoba. 51 .d ; No. 1 CalifornIa. 6. M : futures opened qulel with near positions . < 10"1 and distant Positions ! J.d lower ; closed quiet . wllh astir and distant ositiOnI ' .d lower : buslnlu about equally distributed : August . 5 MId ; tcpteinter. 6s 5'd ; October 5& & , No\'elbe. S& ed ; Deceniber 5. 70 : .taaunry . ; 7ld. ClN-Altl quIetS American mixed . news ' ZI.I ; futures op.ne ! quiet nn1 [ unchanged nail . . with . 1.osttions \ (6,1 lower closed easy wlh near \ > .llon. < lowlr und distant 1.,1101.mhsnl& 10 o.d lower ; bu.ln.n .1118nl . & ; heaviest on early 1101\1. ; August . 3. l'd ; , Septeinir. 3. 1'4.1 . : October 3. 10 > ,1 : No\.mhr. , 1,1 ; tecemt.er . a 10.l : January . 3s T'4.l. I .1.1. rl.Ol1-locadr ; demand ( aIr ; freely supplied ; BI. louis . fancy wittIer 7. 3d. \ < Colle Market . NnW YOIUC. Aug. 7.-COFI'IIE-Optlons Yom.Ul. 7.-COFI'EE-pton. open.t dull nt uncitairged prices ; ruled firmer on coverIng d.mand ; .ler s'urr. ' : urol'.n ' cables better tItan "x\'ocle. \ war.huuf deliveries fair anti receIpts IK.II ; ' slot holders nnl : ( Iu.f , lion al 15C3S Illnll net a.nce' August . U.U : Htp- terutier . $15.45 ; October $15.36UI5.r ; Decetnter . * iS.2)4IlS,3 : March $5.0 / ; spot Itlo. steady ; No 15.Zli5. all' 7. $16. : : mild steady : Coova. $ ib.ZltflS,60 ; No 8 spot $15 . e..hll' : 1.(0 bags Marucatbo. p. t. \ \ Rid . Aug. 7.-1'I"I"I r-pont quiet. Jr Ilw.r : at 3 p. m. . .Ieaoy. t4r higher' .loot . ' nd 1. for tie d.iy sales ! steady an < unchuled ddY ; .a c. . 6.0 bit ice. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1luI.n" City tnrL" . KANRAK CIT\ ' . Aug. 7.-WI . : A'r-No. Z haul tie loiter . G"GG ; No. Z red steady , tc ; . . rvjected . SStjSSc. \'j.cl.d. \ t'OitN-tOtV',4e ) lower : No 2 ntixcd 33U35'o : No. I tilte , 35'ts35'tC. hle 31C3'.c. OATHIurk.t arm : No Z mix" lIe i No Z \hle. % ! \02o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 001 Market. IIOSTON. 3ug . T.-The American Wool and 10STN. 1UI. Colon U'lrer will say or tie wool trade to IOIWI .Nii , material cI&10 L Rote 1 the _ _ _ _ e--- - - _ o _ " _ _ _ , _ _ . _ ' . 15001 markets or New York , II.ton nhl pith- I : since last weck. The sl. ' ulnl\1 "tllhlIlnce features noticeable some weeks lte\'lol' have been elIminated . and wools of nil kinds are .lmlnnlCl. sicaily . . nl the prices which were current when l.nlly Irlceshlh the mlnth Came In. The sales or the week amount to 6.P5.3 ( : Its. , . against 8.63.40 ' Iror Ihe rrre8nIIlt'k tact ) 'car. Du.lon . "Ie amount \ 3.CI.MO lie. The market was very nearly Ir not quite normal In coatilttnn. Wool" of ! all kinds nro ptcnrl ) nt prIces which were current - rent when the month came In. STOCIOI . \xn lIONlS. - . There " % 'llPb n Vcr ) ' ! 1Aht l xchn"A" or ' IhIHllt'"H II S"ClrlleH. NEW YOILIC AUK. 7.-Thtre was n very slight exchange of business on the Stock exchange to- .Ia ) ' . nail , the moVr.nl of prices Wits In a somewhat wider range than luring the first two days or the week. The gold enggemenl" for tomorrow's steamer hall nn unfavorable tree on the dealings and led to rumors that heavier ship- . mrnto would he niade on tatnla ) ' , which In. creased the depression. The hla\'lnesl of AI.rl- cans In the l.lhlon r.nkct was also a factor for ealcn-s here . but withal there . was no great Is " " h.r . WIS Ircut \ , . ( wlhal 1..re i'resatlt c itt sell . and some .tkl mnle galna. I'r..ul 1. n.lerl J c\lc vzs nola\l ) ' strong l.hl on good . buying rose Iti ; I' . . cent ( ' ' ,111 lt thin hIghest I point totichied. The gcnetui market opened abul , 10111 ' . but on atlck was soon made un the II' w.a lutC In nlaek , , . or t' , . .Iu.lrlul giotli. . which 1111 In declInes 1. per cent In Sugar nail , ( 'oltrin OIl I're"'rr"tl "n.1 l'Ulttrinii . 1 , tu"a. ' c'lit In ChlcalO ( Ilt. 10 per lullnnl. Brie Tel"lrnph. I' . per celi In 1.'N.t ' lihore 1wr enl In l.ake 1.le , ' " ' .sler. 1 I'r cent /wr / Lake Brie & % 'i'stern I.re.rl.lt . In.t ( nun % to 1 Per rent In Ihe general list. Tile . reaction spent Its force prior to Ildla ) ' . ned at- . , 1 > , ' ' dull . Ilrk's though pi'ctlhittin , conlnu.,111) dul. IhoUlh > , 'cliulon lniIro'eiI. , With the rise being m..t n1rke,1 In the final dealings . The recovery frm the low- nlal .nln rocl\er ) eeL was : < Hu"r , 1 % ; iet ' cent ; hake . Hhore and . . ! I 1' l.acktvattna , . 1 percent Chicago 0. . 1. per cent : l.nck"wnnl" leI ' liMt fraction . The mar- cent . nun Ihe 1.1 generally a frclon. kel cloo'd sUOlt lu tll" . ) 'rhe Ildn changes on Ito day Sri' . dln.l : h'ttltiran. 3 per . ( ent ' Cott.n Oil tircierred ' . 1\ \ Cotton Oil . I\ \ , per cent : Colln 01 1'.r.II..d. . per cent : tItle T I'gl"llh. I % . tier cent .ld I.ke Irle : & W"'I.rt..r. . . I' ' , Per ccnt. Aloll thin list Id\nn ( , \t..r. General lliectiic 1 > tier cclii . .1t I.ck"walnl. I tier I , Cent. BOluls were dull nail lower f.r . the 'lecul"lhc issues. The lIvening t'st'li sp'lul II.nelal , able from I.oaiiiin buoy ) ' Is us r.1 ows : The .lock l"rkel. were title and Ilul tohmuy , .X..I'l mln.s. whlh .lc.I ) ' tMlli. ) Tin. cent melt liii 11 < l n"IAh our- chaFP" Were lup'nloua. , Antrlens were nut on rears of guild shipments. 'he su'niileate may nulow a fair amount 10 come within a month . nlow , . , . ' wlhll . but tIme \111.,1 Alnlel treasury . 1.lnl strong no really . .rloul , Irln 1M yet apprehended. The l'rie .clIIO , wIth Irohally . not come out yet IW h I.n auieepstuent or H2 II feared. Tire continent Is selling AmerIcans . l'aris exchange' I. AmerkAI exdlnll \ > larls conln'nl sel\lK on I.oriilori . rl.lnl. I'rencii houses lire ills. couahing bills here anti h'lmuc'lng tie lrocecdH In ( nunll ! hi. nnt 1.lalnl l.roI'ets Ihe hank or I'nglll'(0 \ Hus.lfl cri'iiht. The 1111) ' II.kel II a phiadt' nrl..1 lit ( onRPfUen ( . 'the following , were lie ( closing quotations on tea the ) leading ' ' : sects of the New York exchange Atcltteori. . . . . . 1H ! Norl'w..slorn. . . 1 tfl'3 BHj Alama xpresq . 147 do tihti. . . . . . . . 1 ; Alton. T. U . . . . . 6 : ( N. V. Central. . . . 111 Ant. Ezpresa. . . 1 : : ! N. Y. k N. E. . . . t1t ! Ualhlor & Ohio I OntarIo .i " W. . . . I.'t ratniid . 11"11":1 OrlFOn lnn. . . . . t I' Canada Southern . /tI Oregon Na' ' : : : : : : : : t C""lrallHollc. . IX\ I 0. S. L ' . ( S. N. . H Cues. . \ Ohio. . . . 2l- I'actflo Mail. . . . Mal. ! Chicago Altoir. . . . Ij I' . I ) . , ie E . . . . . it C. U. & . Q. . . . . 1H IU" Pittsburg. . . . . . 102 ! Chlc\ro Gas. . . . . OH ( % Illhnln I'alaco. lil ) Cou.oldalrOas. la Reading. . . . . . . I7 I C. 0 C.&St.l. . . . 48 % R. G. W . . . . . . . li Colo. Coal . " Iron . 0 R. G. W. ttit. . . . . . 41 COIOI Oi Cert. , . l" Rock Island . . . 75I Delnwnr..I Rod . 1:0 : ' 81.1.11 . . . . . . . 'l\ . Dci. . Lade. & SY. . lOb' do p5,1. , . . . . . . I 7 n..I It. G. ord. . . . 47 61 P. . Otitaha . 4U ) ( I&C.F. ) Co. . . . . 21 do pra. . . . . . . . IH prIo. . . . . . . . . 8" ( SOllhorn l'allc. 2M do Drd. . . . . :1 ! Sllar Refinery. . . 14) ) ' Port Wayno. . . ll24 ; Term. Coal . c. 1ro . I(034 ( G. Northern 11. . 120 ( Texas 1:011" . . . 811 CiR. 1 efti. . . lUll' ' 1' . &O C"nt. ufcL , il 10clll& ( . . i5j Union I'aoltic. . 13 Illinois Coateti. . . URI U. S Exuress. . . . 40 St. P. . Duluth . . 2V.SIL .P. . . HH K.1 T. pfd . . . . : I" \ St. L " 1' . oSI 21 Lake 1rio/e Vest 25i SVelts 'mo Ex. . ItiM do 11'1. 1110' . . . . . 2CI I\ Wel8 Untori . IS " Lake Shoro. . . . . . IH1 ( Vhieeling .t L. E. IOM kadTrlsl. . . . . :1 ; IJ. do pith . ( . . L . . . . . 1 1 : Lula'.I" , N. . 4Ilt . 3d. & St. b. . . . . . 2114 1. .I N..D . . " It ( 0. . . . . 211 . Manhattaitcon. . 14 G. . E. . . . . . . . . : ] ! ! t Memuottis&O. . . . H. N. I. . . . . . . . " ' Mlchl&ll ) Coot. . . 101 C. 1' . , I r. . . . . . 3(14 ( Mleolrt plcHlo.n ; do pui. . . . . . . V : Mobile . & OhIo. . 241t . II. k T. 0. . . . . . . : ' :4' NI.h\.lleCI'a. . 'U T. A. A. . ' N. 1. . 1 Natonal Cor.170. : H' : 'r. ! . r. ii K. C. . t NIL : Cordage pfd (1 ( do p.l. . . . . . . . 14\ N. .1. ( ' , eittral. . . . 1(1234 ( 8. It. R. . . . . . . . . i : ; N. & W. "r < . . . : do 11. . . . . . . 41 North Auri. ( :01. : . I" Am. Tob. 00. . . . 31114 "orlhcrll'lcllo. , 4i do pfii. . . . . . . . . 111 No.l'ac. urd . . . 1144 " S\ P. . N. .I M. . . lU U.l. 0.0 . . . / " The total sates of stocks today wlre 155.971 shaics . Including : American Sugar . 7.S00 : Atch- Icon. 'eont n..m"1 piiid . 8.40 : Burlington. 1..0 ; Chicago Oiu " , sSiio : HI.llln nail Cattle- rp..lnl. 3,760 ; General Electric . I .O ! : Tml.\'lc & NnRI1\I. G.3o ; R."II'I. 2. 0 : Hock leinnil , 8.960 : $ t. Paul 7. ( ; ShIver 1llon Certiflc'aies. 4 .0 : Ilnll.1 Ialts "ller. 4.20i Wheeling 6 Lake Erie . e.Lo. _ X. . " . York Moit.y ' Market. NEW YOI { . AUK. 7.-tNE. ON CAL- , Easy nt 1 lice cent : lasl loan 1 per cent : closed . 1 per cent c.nt. 'IJJ MDlCANTILE 1'A1'i1R3ti414 \ * per RTETU.TNO EXCHANOI':1"ln. with actual businesq In bankers' his al 4,90464.00',4. ! fur .Ie- . man.1 nnll nt $4.8 % < 4.h9fo. \ . sixty days ; poslel rates. U,90W4.91. HI1.v1It : CIttTlFICATl1S-66')416G3c. . Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : U. ! 48. . . ( . oow. 122 n. 2' . Isis or 'C5 . . 101 .t. \ : 1. ! 4 coup. new. I\ : D. A 16 G. i. . ; . . 115 U.S. 6s. r . . . . . ItS D .1R. G. 48. . . 11 ' 1.8 ( 6s.coIP. . . lC ErIe1s. . . . . . . . IH ( ) % 11.3. 4s. \ . . . . 11\j U. H. & S. A. I. . . los U.S. 41.00ap. . . 12 % G.1 . ! A. 7s. . 104 ) U.S. 2e. rug. . . . . 9t134 , II. k T. O. Os. . . . 111 % 1li 11 PaclncUe or 'U5. 100 do 01. . . . . . . 11)84 ) Ala. Class A. . . IOH M. K. . ' T. hl4s. 18' Ala. CII Ca I. . . . lB dod 4s. . . . . . . . 01 ; ' . CIess . C. . . . II ! Mutual Ullou09. ( l' Ala. Cttrrotlcy. . 08 N. J. C. Oon. r8. . 11 fl,4 I.a. Now Con h. OR No. l'ic. lets. . . . 1 MissourI U j , . . . . 110 do\dl . II' . . . . , 17 N. C. lie. . . . . . . 1:5 N. W. Console. . . 142 ; N.o 4s. . . . . . lU2 % do S. F. Doh. 19. 1 : % Tenn. new sol U. . OO ) % It G. We9 hIs. ( . 7tj % Tenn. new set 5s. 15 81 P. Consols 7" . IU" ( Tcnn. oldO , . . . . UO 000.1'.W n. . 3.1:1 : % 1:1 Va.0"llurle1. . 63 I r. I.M.G3ri . / . Hn ; dodoterreel. . . . . . 6 SI.r.S.F.r3'I. 110 Alohlson h. . . . EOH T.x Pao. 11. . : . . 10 (2 ) Alchlsol 2d A. . S2 % do 2e. . . . . . 21' Canall So. ' 20s . 11t ; ( U. P. 1st' or ' JI1 . t)78t ) 107' r. , & N. unified Se . 5314 West Shor" 4. . . . 1(1(114 ( ( O.R.&N. lets . II So. R R. . . . . . . OHl Situ l rnul.eo IUluu ! Quotittloots. BAN FRANCISCO Autg. 'T.- l'h" ool.1 clot- ] follows lug qttotuttons , ( 'Ir mlnhlr IIOJq toby wor , aq : 1010w8 Alta . . . . . . . . . 1 : Kentucky . Con . . 1 Alpha Con . . . . . . . 0 L lb.f8h Con. . 1 Annel [ . . . . . . . 27 1ozllun _ . . . . . 0.1 \elohe. . . . . . . : t 1010. . . . . . . . . a 11cM & Bnlctur . . AR 1oul1 VhLbo. . . . . 1 le.1 . Con. . . . . . I/ Occidental Con . . 81 ilitlIlon. . . . . . . . 1 Oplilr. . . " . . . . 1:1 Calo000la . . . . . 11 ) Overman. . . . . . . IU Challenge Con . . . 2101011. . . . . . . . . 21) ) Chalenlo Choua. . . . . . . . C/ Svae. . . . . . . . ! COln ence. . . . . . HU Sor.lol. . . . . . 4 < - Coii. Cal .k Va. . . 170 ) Sierra Nnvada. . . . 40 Coil. Itrinorial . . . I Shiver 14111. . . . . . 2 Crown l'OII. . . 05 Shyer KtnJ. . . . . . 21 Gould " Ourr\ . . /O ) Union Con. . . . . 47 halo 41 , Noroross. lUO ) Utah Con. . . . . . . . 1 Julia . & . . . . . . . . : YcliowJaclcet. . . 3 : JustIce. . . . . . . . I Silver b .ra. 06144064 , . 10,10 " ' 1 dolu . 50 ! " 540 D.lla. 11"I. \ Le : lel"-p'I : . J 531 10"tou Stock. Quotuto , " . BOSTON. Aug. i.-ral loaM. ' .t .i : per cent : hate loans . : ' . 'Jt PCI o"nl. Co.lne orient for . stockS bo t0sivt 'uittltif iu'brai ( ; AT.S.1' . . . . . 1/ bVeiitnrri.Elee.40 Am. ular. . . . . 11 W. lIc'c. ma. . . . . II : Ant Sugar p10 . . 14 Ucit. Eleo. phi. . . . 71 hay Stain Oils . . . Un Atchis itt \.tl . . . 3\ } ) llollTolophoae. . . 115 Alohl.on h. . . . . AO ( DostortsAlDanY . Oil Nsw En&llnd 6. . . 113 DO.lon.AIDany. . n.oU. . . . . . iO)4 ) ) ( Sen. Electric Ss. , . 13 : Fltchtmr % . . . . . . Iia . \louez Mlnlne 00 1 % Geti. In"lrlo. . . . :8U AtlantIc. . . . . . . 24 hihiitoie Steel . . . 04 loeln 1. Montana UU MexIcan Contrat . lii Ilutte k Boston . . ii24 N. \ ' . . : N. E. . . . . I : Callnel J lieciL . 3U8 OldColorv. . . . . 18U Cpn"nnilt . . . . . . 114 Ore' . Short Lln" . 8 Fr.tnlclirt. . . . . . 21 Rubber. . . . . . . . . 4(1)4 ( ) K.arKale. . . . . . :1 ( San Uloiro. . . . . . I Oseeola. . . . . . . 3954 [ I ( D Pnctn" . . . 125 ( Quincv . . . . . . . 11 tVostltni . . . . . il 1.aml.acl. . . . . . lf : ! W..11n : \ Vet ; nt pfd. . . 0 : Wolverine . . . . . 854 Xcv Yorl' Mining QuotltO" " . NPYOltK. . Aug. 7.-L'.to fo\wl"1 "ra thiS eloaln mluno 41(0. IttO'i I : ilutw.r. . . . . . . . ontarIo . . . . . . 700 Ituiwer..4 . . . . . . . . 01111. . . . . . . . 1:5 Crwll'olnt. . . . sr Ilyloll. . . . . : U Con. Ca' . & Vs. . . 260 ) Qulck.lver. . . HIS Deadwood. . . . . . OU QuIcksIlver pfct . .1003 Gould , hi Curry. . 4i $ lerrt Nevada. . 40 lerro halo t. o Norerois . 145 Standard . . . . 200 ilonietak0 . . . . 11 ) : Union Coo . . . . itS lome8Iaka. 1101 . . . . 10 Yellow Jaciret . . 8 : Mczcal 811'01 . . . . . . OU _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , S asked. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.01&100 Stock tuotuUon. LONDON . Aug. 7.- p. I. cOiltl Cons IS. : . 1 07fMolcan ordiurary . 2ij Consols.acc.I. , . . lun , 91.I'anl eon . . . . 71 Can.l'acilio . . . 5I4 N. . 5 . C"nlraI. . . 10a1 Can.l'aello 110. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ' Penl.Ylvanla. 61J ErI02ds. . . . . . iOI Stag. Cen ne\V4s. 074 ! II.C.nlrII. . . . Iot . : lIAR 81b'VF7I1-30d per oun ( . SU.EI-30d I lAR ' : - ' , per Cent The rate or discount In the open market for short nail three inonthul' bills Is ,16 per cent 1"luwlnl Nut..s . nOTON. ) Aug. . 7.-Clcarlnga. $ IUO.o ; bal- cares. 51,447$1i. ane. $ IALTIIOHF. Au ! 7.-CI.arlng. . 1,23G ' ; balances. Ule.8M. blunc. IUn.Annl.l.II.1 Aug. ' . -CI.arlng. . 110,450- . . 118 : tislanees . nSh.949. \alunc.a. MEMPHIR. Aug. t-'Clenrings . $36.5 : Ilnl _ anes. ' 93.V2 . Iolern cchung . $1.t premium . telling. Si . 1. 1.0t'TA. Aug. 7.-Clearings 1.938.tl ; 1,1- ; 'ance. $9.37. . Money quiet ; It/C / Per cent . New ! York e1chRnge. pur. YOIIK Aug. 7.-ClearIngs , $ S,7S6,5'j7 NS1W NIW ( . . 1.810.hs. . The 7.-CDrln&a .ulr hld I debit ' ; balance loa ) ' Ir $331.139. WASh lNGTON Aug. 7.-Today' " statement Of' the condition of the treasury .ho"o ; Available conditon . . . r.aurr , ! . . . rash balance $84.4.619 rese : Se IJU4.46.1 ( CHICAGO Aug . 7.-Clearings. 114.409.000. .u $1.40.0. Money easy : rates . 011 per Cent for call loans and 50154 per cent for " 011810101 paer. ( New tI\ York exchange sold o ISo premium Ilanker. ' ( Lldon > , Itulnc , U.V"tU J _ _ _ _ _ . , - , . - . _ _ . . . - . . - . - - - - - - mlAIA LIVE SrOCK , ' - ( MAIREI ( RecIpt for Three ith Show a Largo ' . Increase in C114 . Arrivals , . BEEF STEERS ARE CE AND STEADY . 'JCIIU."t G..d feprJ ' the n."lrnhl. . Urn II. . . hit I1tiifor C tl. rH- hugs I.n"e tflclLeI .n II Light n ) III. W'1NFSD1Y . Auig 7. The receipts today were 2,020 cattle . 2.02 hogs and 62 : ! horses ns against 3.748 cattle . 2&S0 hogs 2 sheep anti 27 horses J'cster- tiny and 1.3 cattle . 4.0 hogs and 123 sheep on " 'ecne da ) ' or last week 1.01 the week thus tar tile receIpts are 1.ro cattle . 5,215 hogs 1111 1.7G sheep . lS agtulnst G.G92 cattle . 8r9 hogs anti 6G sheep the first half at lust week. " ' decided falling oft CAT'I'LE-There was a declcec talhlg ar In the receipts tocay as compared with yesterday and the day tteforc and yet the reeelpls were lIberal . In fact. large as comparec with the number comIng a short tune . ago Ten or twelve loads consttutec the supply oC rat cattle In the yards anti none at them were anything extra. There were some pretty fair westerns among the offerings anti : .8r was puhij ; for a rew. The market "OS about steady lS I whole though 1 lit- tIc slow and easier on the undesirable cattle. . tle. Cows were In Call stiliply , there being about twenty loads on "ale. There Was Ihout the usual deninnul Ind I WUI a good . b'III ) ' nail fairly active mnrket. The de- dine oC the east two tll'S has apparently clne basis where It brought the stuff down to I mEels the ideas or buers. The large run of stockers and feeders In the yards yesterday vita pretty wel ceaned : up before the close . sixty-four . loads beIng shipped into the country. There was another good fun here today but none too large to meet the ( lemnnts 0 the market. Besides liberal orders In the hands or regular operators. . therc were quite a good man cotintr ) buyers In the cOlnt l'nrils. ' J00c result ) was a good active de- 11111 for tel:1blo : cattle or till wcl .ihts. Goo . ileshy feeders were not very 111enty arid leshy dime higher. Common light stockers are slow' whll good light cattle sell quite veil. H'prtsentotve sales : NATive TI " hiTil1ltS. No. Av. l'r. No. Av. PI. No. Av. Pr. 1..1200 $3 0 ' 1..132 $3 80 15..1393 $3 9) . . .T20 340 COWS. 1. . . 910 10 : 1.1O10 20 4..1012 2.0 1..lllO 1 31 2..1. , 2 ( O 1. . 121 2.0 1..1 . . .7 : 13 : ; 1. . 70 20 ( 1. . . .30 240 2. . S'5 1 3 1. . 840 2 ( 1..1021 240 v. . 611 I 35 1. . 164 2 0) ) J. . . 942 2 40 I. . fi 1M ) t. . ItO 2 ( > 21. . 136 2 41 I. . f O 1 6 2. . 9\5 2 (1 ( ( 1. . 922 2 4j 1. . 770 I r 2. . 93 2 lid H..92 . 24j 4. . 70 : I r I. . 530 20 1. . ! HO Z r 1..1111) . 1 61) I. . . $60 20 L. . 'JE 2 t 1..1 . . 1 6 ] 1 . .C 2 0 ( 6. . 912 ' 2 C 3. . 953 I.j 2. . 915 2 15 12. . R29 2 r.o 1..I00' ) 1.j 2. . . S30 2 15 L.l2'i3 . 2 ro 1..100) 4. . [ : 1.5 1.:0 220 8. . t't2 2 r 2. . 52(3 ( 1.5 4..1 ' 22i 2..12. . 2 : . I. . . ! I.O 1.5 1. . $411 2 25 1. . . i30 2 r 6. . . 9Th 1 i5 3. . . 1220 22 : 7. . . lilt 2 M 6..97 . . 80 l.j 7. . to ) 23' ' ) t. . 810 2 r. 4. . tIll 1.1 l..lohO . 230 18. . 9r. 2 t 2. . . il 1 8) 9. . . 55) 2:0 1..10 ' ) 275 1. . . 99 1 1.3 18. . 5'lS 235 6. . 97 2.5 1..10iO 18 13. . 161 235 8..9t22.1 ; 2. . I.r.a I Rj I ; . . ! ' 1 2 40 7. . . 962 2.5 5. . ( O I 55 2. .l1N 2'4 42..IW. 29 3. . M'3 I iS 1..19 ) 24' ' ) 4. . 9J2 20 l.SSO . 1 r lICIFgh S. 2. . GO ) I 15 5..4-.2 . : ' 20 ' 1. . 47) 225 I. . 40 ( 2 ( ) 3. . 4.3 : ; % .2 ) 2. . . M ) 2 23 R. . L1 20 2. . . fo ; % 20 1. . . 5iO 240 2. . 430 2 l I. . 5:0 : 2) 2. . ir,1 , 260 1. . . 431) 2 10 5. . 4'S 2 20 2. . Gel 2 r , 1..3 . . 2 Ii 1. . (2' ' ) 32 ; 3. . 1(63 ' 36 I. . 610 : 21) ) 2. . t 22 1..1010 215 r. . e02 ) 224) . I . ' iou t.L'i. 1..1250 1. : 1.10 22" 1..123 235 1..12 . . l. . . .J 2 2 : 1..1 : 235 I. . 910 175 1. . lOll ! 2 2 : iS l..tW ) 235 . . 775 1 i5 l..149i1 ) 22 : t.\.0 240 2..5 . . 2 00 2 .12 : 2 30 1..0S0 2 45 l..141i . ) 2 01) ) 1..13) ) 230 I. . r.o 2 W 1..110 . . ( ( 20 ti 1..16 ) 220 2..lor.5 2 M 1..16 0 2 Ii ) . . .1 0 23' ' ) 1. . . 761) ) 2 M 4..1U92 2 : 1..121 23 1..t320 3 : ' S.tA S. 1. . 89 2 3 : . ct.vns .JI70' 250 ; . 1. . . 10 t.5 2. cArNns . 3it r 3. . 216 3 ro I. 3. . 220 I ij 3. : . . 293 2 to t. . . ! ( 3 r 2. . 220 2 ( ii 3. . . . 1 : 2 tIll 6. . 33.5 I. . 214) 2 Ol ) 1. . W ) 3 0 1. . lW 40 .1. . . 1O . 2 00 2. . : 3 0 1. . 130 4 0 1. . 10 2 (5) ) 10. . . 264 30 2. . 1.0 40 4. . 2 20 1. . 260 3 : STOCJEHS AND FFIED7RS. 2. . 750 2 r 4. . t1 30 31. . . ! 3 : 3. . m6 2 ro 10.'S7 3 0 : 1..lo ( ) 3 : Is , . . . 536 2.0 25. . . i3S 3 US 2. . hUO 32 : 1. . . 1120 2. G. . . 610 310 1. . . e9 3 : I. . . . & 2.1 12. . Gil 3 15 e. . i4 3 23 2. . 9 2.5 3. . r.9J 31 : 15. . 559 , 3 2.3 1. . . .to 2.1 15. . . 404 315 13. . 731 32 : 2. . . 820 ' : M 1. . no 3 15 ,0. , .1032 3 25 5. . 610 2 9 29. . hISS 3 Ii 23. . . 6i6 3 3' ' ) 4. . 45 2 II 7. . . Sit 20 8. . . .e6 330 1..6 ' 30 1..51 3 Ii ) 28. . . 556 330 13. . 631 3 ( O ( 19..101 320 7. . liSt 330 t. . Mo ( 3 li ( 7. . . 095 320 1. . 970 33e 14. . . CG1 30 49. . 5i 3 20 e. . 986 340 2. . 61 : 30 2. . 96 32 e.101 340 5..1027 30 I , 1..70 325 N..IOH 3 r.5 9.'OIl ) 30 G605 . 32 10..10:7 355 4. . l40 30 W ; TlmNH. COLOItADO. No Av. l'r. No Av. Pr. 2 cows..1000 $2 ( 0 23 cow's. . . . . 920 $ 65 iCow. . . . . 93 22 N. H. noslwlck. 2 feeders. . . .1045 3 35 23 cows. . . . . DIG 3 65 C. J. Sheidler 1 bul..l3O 2:0 I steer..1510 . . . 345 1 row's. . . . . 915 2 M 1 steer..1450 . . . 345 18 ( ows..I02 265 31 steers..1252 3 55 1 deere . . . 1086 345 S " ' . W. Montgomery . 96 feeders,1093 3 40WYOMINO. WYOMINO. T. N. Mitthews. 3 Steers..1140 250 368Ieor..13 3 r UTAH. L. A. Done. 2 fl.lers. . 9 3 0 35 feeders. . .lMt 3 20 2 f"d.rl.7 3 15 26 feedeis . . 912 3 : N iIIItASICA. Combs . ' 1' . I cow. . . . . SC 1.5 24 cows . . . . 932 265 4 COWI.O 1.5 20 f..ters..12U2 340 I clw..1310 2 (0) ( ) Tholas Lynch 4 coova. . . . . 192 2 W 2 feeilerpj010 . . 340 14 cows..1560 . . . 2 Ml 9 fp.t.rs. . . 'fit 340 1 1 feecier. . . . i0 3 (4) 2 r..t.r > . .16. ; 340 19 rpP rl. . 9&2 340 e9 "le.rs..12t 3 W it. R. Iloos'er. \ul..120 22 2 03W > . . . . 954 2 G 1 bul..150 2 30 1 reeilers.12i2 3 i : G. C. Powell. t cow' . . . . 910 1 ro % feeders . . . 8i 34 12 cows..1131 2 ro 3 rl.II.1..1 11 355 1 . tr " . tle..1215 3 15 31 al.erl..12H 3 ( - - - - ( . . . H. Llsco. 26 cows..1013 2 15 610Is..1036 2 C 2 cows. . . . . 900 245 91 cows. . . . . 926 2 c 4 ( ow8..102 2 ( : R0TH ! HA1OTA. 3 co".t05 3 0 21.I.erl..122 380 HOGfTht market opened with only . eighteen fresh loads In sight . but litter arrivals .w.I.1 the loIn I 1/ twenty.tive rnrs. There w.ro liberal shipping orders 11 ( lie 'urtle anl tile buyers for ahll\lnl \ hI'ls nrt.rs ripened the trails nl n\oll el.nlly ( Prices. Only i few tinge changed hands on that I : I. , however. nod the : market a'it Sc lower. The shippers claimed ei'cn ut Ih" close hut ( good light toads .llalle for their puiposes would hate sold nl "I.ad ) ' prlN at any time during the ilay Ir Ih.re. had been any such In .llrln tny this ynnl. One god jlal ot 19 .lb. hogs r.nch.\ \ 14..0. and IWo good IAds weighIng oblll 30 Its. h.a\lt. Irnuht $ t6' . Aside from those bails the great bulk or . all Ihp hogl sold ] nt $ > 10 $4.65. Itsprei'eniatlyQ " &iies . No. y. Ah. l'r. No Av. h5h Pr. 1. r . . . . . .v. 40 4 I : . m..219 r I 60 24..232 . . $ : IJ.248 1&0 4 l2" " G..23 jIll 425 . H . . . . . .219 1 4 I : 3..2t ) 40 42 ; . . "o . . , . . . . . . \ 16 4 r. 31..3' ) 240 4 SO' . . . . . .278 ' , 1 4 : : ; ' . . . . , 80 43 71..2f 12 4 r.5 . . . . ) . . 43 : .1..201 1m 4 M : . . . . 20) 43 , , r..21 40 4 M 3..25 31..190 ' . . 435 " 7..1& . . . 4 / S3..21 520 .35 38..24 . . 4 G Ill . . . . . .204 1&0 43. . . . .03..205 . . 4 GO 16..165 8. ; . . 4 35 . . .1r1..29 I& ) 4 G 8..2r. 1 : 440 ' ' 15..21 : . 1M 4 r M..IK 2S' ' ) 440" ( ' 73..39(1 . . 210 4 G ; . . . . . . . . 445 I rO..194 40 4 ( : 3..JG .22 . . 445 . . t..2r.1 . . 4 G ; H..2 240 4.5. 76..24 . . 4 ( 3..4 ( . . 445 I. ' T1..Z . . 4 G5 7S..24 q 445 , 'J ' f..2h . . 4 65 f.6..2 51) ) 4.5 . ' . ' , 3..2 40 1 r. .49..31 : 12) 4 45 'I fH..27 1(1 ( 4 6 . f.3 3r 4 r ; " 3Q.q . . . . . 4 iO 1..1 9 . . 460 ) . , A ' 13..2. . . 475 SlnlS AND , CUr.t.R 1..20 . . 30 3..33 : . . .0 1..It 40 3 25P1610. . . . . . . . . 4 10 9. . . . 7 . . 375 SHEEP-Thete were no rrl"h receipts ' . but a hitinchi of hollo\.rs , changed hand. The market blnch was lower In > Ylpalh ) ' "lh Ihe deJine ' at other t.otnIs. wal Iiepresentathve .01. & : .I.t'ne ' No y. I'r. f ) ' western 11.,1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 $ Jl 319 w.l.r western mixed . . . . . . . . . . . . . W Z 6 I 111" " " CI ) ' Ih.e Sti)4.l. I lCANBAS CITY. Aur. 7.-CATTLi--lleceipts. . C1T\ .u - ; . 1.6410 head ; shipments. 4.6 head , Marl"1 stead ) ' : Tea steers $3:63.6 : T"xa& co".o. 1.15l2.t : T.xal b..f steer. . $ ( \15.75 : native cows $ .0 > 3 : ; alock"rl 1. . and feeders. 12.36444.25 ; bulls . U.5J ' ; .OORRPtIPI. . 3. & h.a.t. ; shipments. I.G head. Market ,1.aly for .ll lt ; ulh. . lower ; . . o,55414.50 heavIes , . bulk or sales. fU tl0 : " \ * lS04i5. ' $4.40414.15 ; inhleil . H,40451.S0 ; hlihtIs . $4JlfI5.o. Yorkers , $4.8.S. .O : I.NfU f10. $ l.756i4.so. Hhhl1El'-1IeCeiPt5 . l.j head : shipments . 3 heed. Market weak . lalqba. U.Wt 1.95 ; bPI mUI- tone . $ 3.0043.1O. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ St. Lotus I.h'c Htock. ST. LOUIS. Aur. 7-CATTLF.-Iteceiptp . 3,100 head : LOl\ .u . Z head : market active and strung ; drl d be ' 1c "hippIes Itl& . t\l. range . $ UMIS.11 htitc'lrrs' steer. . U.OfIOI I cows ant lielfere 17 25414.00 ; stocksi's anti feed. eru : 53.504)4.25 : + cxas r IndIan I uteers t r"r till i 12.00473.23. l'nnge . $2.,55J4.25 : cow's , helhra and Illcd lots . lIOGS--itecelpts . 3. : h.ndl shipments . nnt heavy . r lower , $ .0 ( ' . O : g'ackets , 81.50154.8) ) : light . f70ff.0. HIII'I'I-lec.lrta. I I.JO head : shipm.nip . fond market nrm and n shade better : nfltlves . * 2.6505 3.4 : lambs $3otG.O ; southwestern sheep . $ .O a. . . - - i CII.UW 1 " 1 STOCIC. , \n'thln I I'nl ) ' n."lrnhlf11 In (0011 Ih'lnl.l.ttrlln ) ' . CIIICAGO . Aug. 7.-ln cutt" only about 1.00 head ' received ' Including 3,500 wl- hlnll were recdl''d lola ) . InclulnK 3.r. ( er rangers and 1,000 Teznn. Anything really .11 lt\lp was In geOl Ilemall by ' shll'lltS and dressed beef nrm" runt cattle good enQulh to . .1 above $5 mo\d ciT bctskly. Common to etrlcl\ choIce steers were wanted nl rrom U.c to $5.S5. With the \ulk of the .nle at rrl $4.50 10 $5.M. The stocker and feeder Irn.leaa again chnr- aclerbll b ) ' gl.tnl nrlvl ) ' and nrml " . m"ot of tie ( nles brinK ma.l _ nt from 1.0 10 1 fur steers w.lhllg ttOl1 61 : to 1,150 lb. Biiiis . .hl al ( remit $175 10 1.M ant l'OWI . and h.ICls went nl from U.60 In $3.75 . ill inelpally nl from 1..1 10 $2.M for cnnne , l.i nt rll \ 12.iG 10 $3.10 for fair 10 ( hQ\ , . itits . Venl cal " were II 11011 . ' ' U.i 10 $ 5 for " , ) supply und sold fleshy nt frol $ : : gnu . 10 clInics kInds . . 'h.1 e \ ni n hllRk tl1l" In weol. .1,11415 beIng un a 11 cntlo nt s\olier price's . belnl I 11.ls "r rrol 13,75 10 1.85 for steels lillil at ( roar $2.75 in 83.75 for cow's aliul hielfers. In seine diCeS guinul lots saul ioiyer. Telu ! $ cattle wire stend' lit frotn $2.70 Ii , 83.70 for grass steers , alihi ( cii tots aralco atid nominal at tI'Olii $3.79 to 84.50. 'fine condition of the hog market was uvorse thittn ever today , notw'ihitstiiniilng ( hint barely 14,04i ) hen , were tiltete,1 , for sale. incltillng 2,0u'J hieaut left over frorii yesterday , Neither CiIcugo packers nor t'attern srilupcrs : were disposed to litil' any rOlisidi'rnhiie nunflier and utice" hail a further siUlnii , of aijotlt 11)0 tier 10' ) lbs. Bariy in tii' .hny suune , prIme assucted light weIghts rich , as high as 15.35. These web ( tie heat u Ices paul during iii , ' tiny , itnrii slibeL'quently 85,20 fur light antI $4.15 for hiu'avy were about the best ilgitnes obtitiniihlu' , The t'Xtlt'Ine I loge nI the dti' 'Vat front 11.25 to 15 ( or hogs weightIng lul his , nail trIrwill ml emil nt fi am $4. 75 to 15.35 for light weights. ) 'acklng hinge sold hiUgeI ) ' ut ( roar 54.35 to 54.50 , shippIng tots at from $4.75 to 84.90 aitul light weights at from $4.94) to 85.13. There wije a lig stiliphy of sheep en the market today , about 14,000 5i1C53) and iiintbs betog 10- ceiv'il , After the reem lit hibertil oileiiugs , pttIi a "nm' ' was too large , hu'ers lieting alteadv vci1 stocked , nail thie tales were slow at it uiecIllIe of about lOc to lIe tier lOi ) his. Inferior to extra sIleep sotul at frolil $3.10 to $4.10 , few selling above $3.51) ) , mile w'stei Ira solt7 La large nulli- hers at from * 1 to $3.21 , wIth an ccashiinai sale at a higher price. iirImng lambs foutal bulysIs at ( loin 12.50 to $3.50. few goIng hielow * 4.50. Receipts : Cattle , 1i.000 li.ud ; caives , 1OuO head ; hogs , 14,0' ) ) heaui ; thicep , 14,000 head , OtJIiUi. OF' % 'l.3S'1'IiltN L'tClCEiitS. ( rett Fitll I ag OltinNil nib.rs Sinuglt- tere'.i ititul in Steit t Stocks. CINCINNATI , 0. , Aug. 7.-Siuecini ( Tele. gritnr.-Toirrorrow's Price Cur rent w ill say ; 8jun11 as packing otuerlItIons were previously they are ( at ( her reduced , the total for the week being but 105,000 liege , compared with 125,030 the preceding % veek and 323,000 tact year. Toiai from March 1 , 5,635,000 , agaInst 5,940,000 last year. The stocks 1)1 nrieiits mit Chicago , Kansas City nail Oninha , lu'ere reduced during the past month 49- 0)0,0(4' ) POillihi' . It nenmnrurknble showing. I'ioniilnent pinces conhliare as follows : i'laces 119 7 , 3894. Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,390,000 2,555,000 Kansas , City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 857,000 142,000 Onnahiit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4(3,000 ( 710,000 SI. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126,000 351,080 Cinclnnttti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193040 1li,000 Indianapolis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219,000 215.000 Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226,000 229,000 Cedar Itaphda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,000 111,000 St. JOu'eiuii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116.000 189,000 Sioux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74,1100 130,000 St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113,000 117,000 Ottulltwa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135UU0 141,000 Neti' York live Stock. NEIl. ' S'OItK , Aug. 7.-llEl'iVIS-itecetpls , 2,228 haul ; on stile , 74 cars ; steers , pln' , lOc low'eri oxen atl,1 bulls , barely steady ; dry cow's , easier ; native steers , gniss nail corrtfe.1 poor to good , $4.25415.Su ; faIr to choice stliieis , 55,354(5,71) ( ) ; rangers , 54.00411,75 ; stags alit ) urxert. 82.30115.40 ; blithe , $ l.504i3.00 ; dry gows , 51.35413.50 ; llunipu'iun cables tluiItC American steers lit l14i12'e ' , dru'ssu'd weight ; refrigerettor beef itt 911108 ; ix. ports today , 190 bee've mien , 2,001) quarters of beef. CAL'Ls-1teceipts : , 4,000 lien , ; on sale , 1.000 ileaul ; Seals , show ; closed caster ; other calves dull , ' ,4114c lower ; ahiout 20(3 lienid llni.itd ; l'cilS , poor ti choice , 51.i)557.01) ( ) ; crossers and buttermilk - milk calves , $ l04r2.25 , Sllflll' AND LAMIIIO-1te'cefpls , 10,522 heal : on sate , 65 cars , or 15,60) henil ; sheep sluiw , barely stetuly ; gou'uI to choIce taint's , a trille hilghier ; all the other grnilcu , extrelnely Otill anil stenih3' ; over 7,000 heiii , unsold ; sheep , poor to prime. 51.75413.23 ; landis , conimon to choice , $3.504J5.40. 1100-Receipts , 7,146 head ; hitghier at 85.3041' 6.00. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stock In Sight. ilpeord of receipts at ( lie fnu lirinclpah market. for Weutnesilay . August 7 , 1595 : . - , . - . hogs. Sheep. outh Omnmthia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,920 2,002 ( , hicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,004) 14,000 11.000 Kiutsas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,600 3,600 1.700 St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,5043 3,200 2,100 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,002 17,100 W'tiOlit ztitd Cant thilug Vell. CItICAGO , Aug. 7.-The following wilt appear in thths week's Farmer's He'lew : The states ( bitt grow large quantities of spring wheat have excelteil the Prmnises for a. large crl.iri cit thiilt relent. Iuwit counties mostly have excellent conditions , inii eoiiio localities with hare larger yiel.ls lhiuin to any previous ) 'ear , Vu'lscorrsin't crop of flue spring sown grain 1b'iil tie f.ilr. In Minnesota liriuspects are still ( or an Immense crop. In the 1)acotae } the outlook Ii for a large crop. The eul n Cliii ) seilt lie iminuente. In Illinois , Indiana , OhIo an , Michigiinr ( lit' gelierat pro , . Pects are fer lmtnetwu , cr01.5 , . Mheeuirl cnniil- thins are very fa'oruble. ICailsius vlll have' a liiC ) cr05) . In Netraska there has been some Injury - jury by iIr' weather. Iowa reports proi.pecte still Sooii for a large ) 'iOliI. lVisconstn will have a full crop. In Minnesota an , ] the Iakotaa gsa- cml prospects continue favorable. Cottosi 1Iirket. NIOW YORK , Aug. 7.-COTTON-Steauly ; mid. tIling. 7c ; gross receIpts. 160 biiles , exporis to the continent. 35 leiles ; forwarded , 50 bales ; sales , 1.081 bates , all Flinflens ; stock , 172,107 bates ; net an , ) gross recehiiis , I'S tiiiles ; exports to Grunt BrItain , 6.408 tithes : F'raare' , 2CGo bales ; ccot. wise , 3.150 bales ; sales , 1,200 bales ; stuck , 55,272 biLl i'll. NB\5' OltLdo.t NO Aug. 7.-COTTON-Futures steady ; siiles , 20.260 l'iites ; ieliguiit 16.CTtjG,71 ( ; Setitenihuer , 86.74446.75 ; October , 56.79414.50 ; Novem. her , $6.824i6.S3 ; Iecu'intue'r. * 6.56416.87 ; january , 86.92406.83 ; Fetiruary , 16.87416.99 ; Starch , 87.0345 7.til : April , * 7.0807,10. 5'I' . l.ot'I $ , Aug. 7.-COTTON-Steady ; mlii. ( fling. ( dc : pales , none ; receipts , 26 bates ; hilp. menta. 45 bates ; I'eorhii ilItrks'tS. PFOIOIA. Aug. 7.-CORN-Dull arid lower ; No. 2. 39'4c ; No. 3. 3Sc , OATS-Irregular ; No. 2 whIte , Sic ; No. 3 white , 23c. - RYR-Dull ; nominal. \VlitSlY-Fhrnr ; itnished goods , on the basis of $1.22 for 111511 wines. 1tEClI'TS-\VIteat. COO but. ; corn , 21.009 iiu. ; Outs. 63.500 liii. ; rye gnu bailey , none , SIlll'3tlN'FS-\Vlieat , 9.600 bu , ; corn , 13,500 bu , ; Oats , 43,550 h.u. ; r'o and huiirley , none. ForeIgn i'IliiI ucla I A ITnirs , LONlON , Aug. 7.-The amount of bullion gone Into thu BatIk of Bngiuaut on balance today viis 71,000. I'ARIS. Aug. 7.-Three per cent rentes. 10r 25o for the account , Uxchange on London. 6Sf 26'4c ( or checks. l.ONDON. Aug.Ccihil Is quoteul today at ituenoul Ayres itt 28.50 ; Maulrid , 14.50 : Lisbon , 2.0 ; St. l'ctersburg , 50 ; Athietre , 71 ; Itonno , 101.65 ; Vienna , 103. _ _ _ _ _ _ Sugar M.rkt't. NIi'tV YORK. Aug. 7.-SUGAR-flaw , firm ; fair reiltring , 2 15.1Cc ; centrIfugal. 96 test , 3 1-lice ; refined , active ; s'anoiartl A , 4 S-l64144c : confec- tioners' A , 4 5-16414c ; cut loaf , 5 l.I60i5ic ; crushed , 5 1.16415c ; pow'dercii , 4414 15-Icc ; granuiwicul , 4 1-t6414'4c : cubes , 4 lI-1C4t47c , LONDON , Aug. 7.-SUGAR-Cane , tendy and unchanged ; beet sugar , quiet ; turices hardy maintntaecl ; AugustlOs ; itelitember , Ice 11Ad , 1111111C11l11IIS'lli'Ilt liiirle't. MINNSAI'OhlS. Aug. 7.-WIIF1AT-Sleauly ; August , 654c ; September , 341637c : hecember. C3tjC1'4r ; on Inicic , No , I hard , 671c' No. I northern. 654c ; No. 2 norihiern , 654c. FI.Otilt-F1ssy : lirst lalents , * 3.50't13.90 ; second 5uatente , $335153.65 ; fIrst clear , , 22.53412.90 ; second clears , 12.45 ; export bakers , $2,4042,75 , ) ) uul ut Ii % 'lii.is t ltiirks.4 , 1)I'I.t'TlI , Aug. 7.-Wlll'iA'I"-Weak ; No. I Point , rash , $ % c ; Augulet , CHc ; No. 3 northern , cash. 681rc ; August , 6$15c ; September , COo : Be. cember , G114c ; No. 2 northern , cash , 64'4c ' ; to tiC- rlve , No. I hard , 691,4c , 'l''lst'o'hent Quota tilills. SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 7.-IVI1IOAT-Very dull ; December , $ I.034 ; May , 81.10 % . Nellrnskli CU ) ' % atu-s. NEIIRASKA CITY , Neb. , Aug. 7.-Spe. ( clal.-Fred ) floater , a young Inan who has been ralied in this city , became violently insane yesterday. lie was arreated and wIll bis examined by the coinznhssloners. About flfteen couples ot young ieople enJoyed - Joyed a moonlight excursion up the river last itight on the steamer liauor. The water works case Is still dragging along. Yesterday thin company's experts were examined , ther ! teetitnony being very favorable to the company. The cace wIll likely be finished in another day or two , p 1)rovt'liv.I 'hil. ' FisJujtij , BEAVER CITY , Neb. , Aug. 7-Spec'al ( ' Telegram.-Wiiiiard ) Iasiiley , whIte fishing with corire companions hilt noon , was drowned In a snnali Irnnd near this city. III. body was in the tater a halt hour anti at- teitipta at resuscitation produced no signa of life , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'I'll rest ( cii N 4 ii 1uptt'i' F I Itus Iui Ices , IdONTItCAL , Aug. 7.-Chlet Harbor Fin- glneer Kennedy has gone to ChIcago to Inspect - spect the work on the Chicago drainage canal , whIch , It Iv claimed , Ibreateucul to lower the level of tUe lakes. WILL 11EOPEN 11ARI41I T11.ACI ( Rival Chicoigo Assoohitous Have Burletl Their Difi'eroncos , NO OPEN BETTING TO BE ALLOWED Sole lepeuutlciice % 'ill lit. l'Iitt't'd oil tlit ( iiIt. ititil SaIi , of l'ritihi'ges l'l'SSII'lits that t lii' let'Iiy . tIti' 1.et lIe huh. ci1ICoO , tig. 7.-.fter a rest of several weeks the Chicago fair groutnds , operating the ilarleln race track , has arranged to resume Its thoroughbred raclhlg , which vas interfered st'ith by the Civic federatIon , hopes of hegls- iative action iii the dhrc'ctloni of a turf law vhilch would Permit pool selling on tlio tracks havlung failed , an effort will be made to conduct - duct a nIcetiug without ublle betting , There tlll be litany handbooks at the track , but tIne association will derive its Support frotni the gate and prIvileges. Ilecaiistm of the great publIc demand for racing , it is believed that tue attendance will more than pay the purses. That horsemen believe this may be learned front the fact that over 200 good horses are now stableti at the track. The inatragenient hopes to be able to secure StICh patronage as wIll warrant tIne running of the $25,000 national Ierby fluId other stake events arranged last winter , and whIch have hover been declred off , Tile Jealousy existIng between the local tracks and that at ltoby this spring is a thing of tIne past , antI Corrigan atiti tim Itudlauna track owners svlil turn their full influence to InlIke the meeting which opens at harlem a sue- cess. T.oolct'ul ( I 1.1(4 hu Queer. ST. LOtlS , Aug. 7.-The track at Pair AsocIittiotr 3alrSt was fast , In the thirti race AmelIa Itlity was entereti for 1500 , and tire s'ord Wits given that ho Vu'flR to be u'utnt Ill ) by the Cohiens. In spite of this sIre went to tine l)0)lt a 1 to 3 favorIte alit ) wits beaten out by Booze , a 7 to 2 shot in 1:22 : , This is 0110 second less thuun AmeLIa Mtuy covered the snare ground with itioro weight sonic dttylt ago , nail threro were loud lurotests iuiFnifls ( ( lii ! ro'eraal of form. In the fourth race ' 1'rlck' Jim jtnnped tIre fence at tIre head of tine stretch , throwing Jockey ulorse. Stimorarles : First race , thIrteen-sixteenthl of a mile , selling : Cave Spring (3 ( to 1) ) won , Tea Set (4 ( to 1) secontl , Ilibernia Queen (3lt ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:22. : Second race hlve-ciglrtiis of a mile , purse : Felix Cnrr ( th to 1) ) won , Soulthworth (2 ( to 1) ecofldVoodiako (2 to I ) third. Titnre : I :03 : ½ . Third race , six and a half ftirlotnga , selling - ing : Booze (7 ( to 2) Won , Amelia May (1 ( to 3) ) second , J. A. Gray (0 ( to I ) tltird. Time : 1:22. : Fourth race , one mite : Buck Mnssie ( even ) won , Magent (7 to 10) seconti , ieatler llntn (6) ( ) ) to I ) titled. Time : l:4P : ' . FIfth race , four and a half furlongs , sell- lag : Amelia Fonso (5 ( to 2) ) 'von Lufra (3 ( to I ) second , Fredonia (6 ( to 1) ) third. TIme : Sixth race , six and a. halt furlongs , sell- ins : Addle Ilucluanan (3 to 1) ) won. lien L.omond (3 to 1) ) second , Enipera (3 ( to 1) thIrd. TIme : 1:21' : ' . Stet'illecluiise , ' .Vtoi , Iisiist rotipe. SAItA1'OGA , AIIg. 7.-Notwithstanding trumerous scratches the card today ss'ns a gooul one. 11am tOurIng tIre early portion of the ( ! a3' inailo the track Iit'avy. In tire SteChl'ch1flSe Buccplrruitns , owned by A. Shields , fell at the last. irut'die , breaking iris leg. lIe was afterward eliot , There was a tedious delay in tIre fourth itirtl finally a bad start Itrumiero drawing away from his hiehil , winnIng by hiatt a dozen Irngttiiu in a aliop. TIre steeluiechirwe re- stilted disastrously , litucephalus failing very lIcaVhl ) ' . lied l'at nrade the running and came home under a Pull four lengths attend of Mity Illossom. First race flvo furlongs : Silk Gown (5 ( to 2) ) won. i'altzer (3 ( to 1) ) second , Bede- inoirio (7 ( to 5) ) third. Time : 1:04. : Second race. four arli a halt furlongs : I'oruliiy (2 ( to 1) ) won , Miss Ceiesthna (4 ( to 1) ) second , Amazement (2 ( 'to 1) ) thicti. Time : 0:57'4. : Third race , irandicap , one mile : Lord Nelson (2 ( to 1) ) von , Maurice (2 ( to 1) ) see- orrul , Nicolini (8 ( to 1) ) third. Time ; 1:48. : Fourth race , hive furlongs : flanuiero (2 ( to 1) ) won. Penury (3 to 5) ) socotld , Bernard ( SO to I ) third. Time : 1Gi. : Fifth race , steeplechase , short course : Iteti Pat (7 ( to 1) ) won , May bloseom (3 to 1) ) second , Young Orion (10 ( to 1) ) thIrd. Tune : 4:19. : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ StOW'li rt'on b2 ltD Eyt'lusI. . KANSAS CITY. Aung. 7.-A match race hietweon Charles McCaffertyu John Stewart and Camille D of the Louisville stable was the feature at ExposItion hark today. It ViU4 a tight from Start to hlnish in vinich Stewart only won by an eyelask Three favorites won out mt five events , Track ( sir ; attcaulrtmlco gooti. Summaries : First race , fIve anil a half furlongs , sell- itng : Southernest (4 ( to 1) ) 'von Ilick J.atiing- ton (5 ( to 1) ) secoatl , Lucy iark (30 ( to 1) ) thIrd. TIme : ll22A : , . Second race , six furlongs , sellIng : Monk Overtoti (4 ( to 1) ) won Importance ( I to 1) ) second Alauldin ( evenS thIrd. 'Fime : 1:18 % . TlnIrJ race , ix furlongs , soiling : lIen Wilson (3 ( to I ) womr , llesm'ie Yeisc'r (3 ( to 2) ) sec'onrd , VIctor B (5 ( to 1) ) third , Time : 1:24) : . Fourth race , five furlongs , Inatelt race. $100 a side , catch weights : Jolnmi Stewart (2 ( to 3) ) vot1 , Cnniiile D (3 to 2) ) second. 'nIne : 1:07. : 1:07.Fifth race , six nnd a half furlongs , sell' lag : VIrgin (10 ( to 1) ) won. Ei'a (16 to 1) see- onil , George Miller (1 to 2) titled , Time ; 1:25'A. : Sixth race , five ( tlrlongs , selling : Itoy ( even ) won , Thurman (8 ( to 1) ) see- onti , Besie Nichols (6 to 5) third. Time : 1O3. : _ _ _ _ 1111(1 ftmty fot' Iryorits.li. NEW YOltlC , Aug. 7-Favorites ver tIpPet - Pet with regularIty at BrIghton Beach to'- tiny. The worst race of the day w' tIne fourth , In wInch the starters kept them at thin post ( or half an hour , and sent them awyn to a wretched start. I'alnuerston won by half IL length from Bonaparte in a ilnurd drive. 'tnmnan'.cs. , First race. one mile. selling : Harry Alonzo ( S to 1) ) von , Golden Gate (10 ( to 1) ) second , \Vatehmtin ( oven ) ) tlnlrd. TIme : 1:45. : Sconi1 race , five furlongs , seihlng : Lor- mba (5 ( to 1) ) won , Sllaiceslieare II (10 ( tO 1) ) second , liessie 13rovnibrg (1 ( to 2) third. Time : 1:02. : Third race , sixftiriongs : Myctral (8 ( to 1) won , The Coon (6 to 5) ) second , Captain ' 1' (4 ( to 1) ) third , Time ; 1l5. : Fourth race , half a mile : l'almerston (2 ( to 1) ) won , Bonaparte (8 ( to 5) ) second , \'enne- tilt (2 ( to I ) third. Time : O:19'h. : SI'lfthn race , mile and ; l furlong : Our Jack (7 ( to 5) ) won , Charade (4 to 1) ) second , Little Tom (30 to 1) ) third. 'fhine : 1:55. : Sixth race , one mite : Kimrgiet (6 ( to 5) ) won , Governor Sjteehan (7 ( to 5) ) second , Souvenir (6 ( to 1) ) thiril , Time ; 1:44. : Gn'e the ICIIYOI'ltO II Itmtril Clutise. DETROIT , Aug. 7.-'rhe 2,500 PeOple who attenihecl the Windsor races today saw a heart-breaking finIsh between the odds on favorite , Florence P. and the outsider , Atlnt Litia , in the fourth race. Florence ji won by the shortest of noses. Carl 110- ! land , another "good thning , " in the last iron us heavy blow in Food timing players. as they played hIm off iho hearth. Three favorites , a hot second choIce and an otit- ulder won tine five events , First race , hx furlongs : Clara Bailer ss'on , Tough Timber second , Carnation thIrd. Time : 121. Second race , seven furlongs : Spenulollne won , lirazos second , \Veola third.efiruro : 1:35. : Third race , five ant ) a half furlonge : Con. ceshon won , Pay ilelle uueconl ( , l.Illlaii II timiril. Time : 1:14. : , J'ourth race , unilo and a sixteelnth : Fior- ence P % von , Aunt LIda second , Guscon third. Time ; Fifth race. four anti a traIt furlongs : Maid of honor won , Miss Kitiy secontl , Doubtuli tlnird. Tithe : 1:00. : Outsisli'i's itnil tIlt' lli.st sit It. SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 7.-Two favor- lies came in first today , anul the other races were takein by outt'iilers , the surprise beIng Riot's win at 20 to 1. First race , six furlongs : Ilob Roy (4 ( to 1) ) ii on , Corrine luleklngliamni (5 ( to 2) ) r'econul , 1)ete'ctis'u (4 ( to 1) ) third , Tinle : 1:15. : Second race , halt a ( nile , rnaiilcn 2.'ear. ohtlii : Iliot ( 20 to 1) ) won , Augruvator (5 ( to I ) pcond , Cherry Itijie (4 to 1) third , 'rimo : O:49' : . 'rii"Itl race. five ( thriongs : Blue Bell ( even ) won Ledalla (7 to 1) ) second , O'liee (15 ( to I ) third. Time : 10l ; % , Fourth race , five furlongs , handicap : Nervoso 16 to 1) ) won , Iiuenerne (15 ( to 1) ) vrcoiti , Tixn Murphy (7 to 5) thIrd. Tune : 1:01. : 1:01.Fifth ruce. mile and seventy yards , han- iBeap'heel : of Fortune (5 ( to 2) ) won. Filrtiila (8 ( to 2) ) second , Arnet (7 ( to 2) ) third. Time : 1:46. : , Jul1 a I ) , Cr.'igti hut 5tlil'N 1ui ri'lislsos. CINCINNA TI , it tig. 7.-The Cwlimercinl Gazette's Lexington specIal says : W. C , Franca of New York sold here yesterday to John P. C'relgliton of Deneroil , Ky , , a large string of high bloodeui wetinling trot- tees for a high prIce , tile Ilgurenu of which are priVate. Jr. France is neotiatlng by . . , . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - -r- t = - c'tiu.u ) ihthi rort , one ill 7.nghnini1 or F'ratice who Otilluts to huhl' Itetiiikes , the stallion. ( or wilkll Mr , Fiance ilnilti $0,000. $ t1ji I lug It ilhulbI % ' ii t Ii ra itil islititul. ' ' Olt.tNl ) ISlAi ) , Atig. 7-Special.-Last ( ) nIght CciittuctorVicks of the II. & lit , anti a Union I'.aclfic ehigineor ttamcd Ahnibrigilt were thriving tlno large spIrited teatn of W. S. Sailer.'iion near tite II , & ? ui. road theIr droie tile horses too near a locomotive. The autilluals slitlilehIly took a turn shout. breaking the tongue , butt not becotutltng cletacincd trolnb tue douible-scatcd 'ohtit1o , W'ucks jutirpeti out , hoping to catch the horses by the bridles , lie failed , however , anti the teani started down the street at a terrific rate. Ainbriglnt hiatt lost the lilies Suiti cat helpless lii the vehicle , The hatter struck a culvert after a half a j' tulle of rutlniaF1 anni was eounpletely tlpset. vitii Alhnbrlgllt utitier it , Tine horses ii'era thrown against a fence anti stopped. Am- bright svaa trot set iiulsly ( tltjureii , A tnttniber of imttumlnent Gerininna of this city are nualoiitg arrongeinlcuts for it cohehra- tioll of the anitlvt'rsary of the bsttle of Scuiauu , 'rite festivitIes are to include a banquet at the Paltoer Ilotise , a picnic at Lion's grove flhlti a theatrical efltcrtaliitrneuit at tine Lieder- kratrz hall. - 2.S0 , Omaha o Kansas City nuid return , via the Jiurlhilgton ( route , Saturday , August 10. . PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES 11' purchasIng goods iamb at tine followIng Nebraska factories. if you can not find wlnat you want comnnunticata with thuo nnnnufac. turers as to wltat dealers hiuldie their good. , fl.lJS , 1lUIfr.tI. .tXl ) ThI'LVlt. "i BEi1IS OMAHA BAG CO. Manufacturer. of nil kinide of cotton and hue. lap hag. , cotton flour lack. mind twine a epee. laIty , 614.616.618 13. 11011-St. 121516 hi'IIzj , ' , OIAllA BRE\VIHG \ ASSOOIA1'ON ! , Cn. ' load .hhpment , made In our owa refrige. rater cars. 1)iuo Ilibbon , L'lite lOxport , Vienna Rxport , arid Pamnhly lixport , delivered to all pant. of city. - CJI"F1212 , . 't1'IUis , IS. I ICI.'tJ I'S. ) II'131216 , - - - , CONSOLIDATED COFFEE CO. , Coffee Itoaaers ( , Spice Grinders , Manufactur. . era Oermat , Baking I'owiler and Oernnaa Dr7 1op Yeast , 1414 and 1116 IInrne'.pt , , Omaha , Neb CI 16151.1 ( ,712.t , I'i C , DRIIMIOND CARRIAGE CO. put rubber tires and ball bearing axles on their own make vehicles , anul sell a top buggy for besIdes , 5 % rIte them. 18th find Itarney , z.ItI (115. . . - - - - - - - - SI Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour. C. is. Black , Manager. Omaha. J"UJtXITUIfI 1".1UTO1:112.c. - - - - oitiiA UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers of Parlor Purnilure , Lounge. , Dining Tables and Folding Sleds , 2ltht aye. , lloyd to Shialer' St. , IJt .IXI ) ( . 'O.tI , , - - - SOUTH OMAHA IC AND CALCO Domestic and Steam Coal , We have the beat. OflIcu , 1601 Faraani-sL Tetcphanno : OIlIce 373 , ) -aed , 3765. .7. A. Doe , Generul Manager , - - _ JISOX' Il'UIUCS. iNDUSTRIAL IRON IVORKS. Manufacturing nnd Itepairlng of au kind. of nnnnchtnier3' , engines , pum.np , , oIeators , printing pre'ee. ' hangers , ahiafting and couplings 1404 Ull , ltO3IiowaiuI-st. , Orrialta. PAXTON & VIEItLING IRON \VORIS. \ ( lilaaufactulirs or Archtltecturat Iron Work , Generut Fuun&ln y , Iiiichiiiie and Iilacicemih li'urk , F1nigtneers sail Coittlactors for 1"It a Proof Buildings Otiio 01111 uvoiks : U. 1' . It ) ' . and So. 17th street , Omaha , .15.4 A"I'IClC.'i.SltS , CO 1' , CJ5IJI.i , LCDOLTI' ' , Manufactuter Mattresses , Sliling flcd. Jobber S'eathiers arid l'illows. N. 14th aind Nlchiola. , SOs. , Omaha. JlI , 'UI"d ( uI'rIJf , .u citi.ii's i'it , TilE MERGER Ci1E11CAL COMPANY. Manufacturers of Fluid fixtracts , Elixir's , Syrup. and St'incs COilPreIsed trituratea 1151)0. derlnic tablets , ptiis anti Icienthllc itiedleai nay. citIes , Omaha. jtI.'IjI5.l 1. II'.l 'ERIe , MEDESSA MINERAL WATER CO. , 200 So , 11th St. , Tel. 254. Medessa 5ilriera Water , Carbonated. unequalled. l'lain for table Use unsurpassed , - , ' . . J NIG ItT 11A roil , , 'i u , , sis rtozc. - - - - ANERICAN DISTRICT TELEGRAPH. The only perfect proteoiion to property. Exam. me it. Best thIng on .artii.i Iteduces Incur. nines rates. 12.01 Douglas-at , 0 VItIEJLI. 1"lC1'OIfIIIh. IiTZ-EVINS CO. tanuracturcrs of Men's and Itoy. ' ClothIng. I'aats , ShIrts and Overahic.h202.212 2.12th St. " J-lbJt JtO.VJI.S 'k TIlE OM1IA PAPER JJDX CO. Manufacturers of all kinds of Pajer iloze , , Shell Boxes , Sample Cases , Mailing 'labies , etc. IVeilding cake anii fancy calndy boxes , druggist , , l , ' ) ) ewelry boxes. L08'iO Jones-st. , Omaha. - .uiJlIflI' 1'i10151t.4 , ShIRT CO 1'tcloiive custom shirt tailor. . I' . V. IIMITI ! cr.l. 1313) ) B. u. STANI'OILR ( F. P. SMITH & Co. GRAIN and P1-iOVIJONS RoOlti 4. N. V. Lifo iiici. , Ornaiita , llrarich oiflees at Freinonl and Colunibu. , All order. placed on the Chicago hoard of Tied. Correspondents ; lchwurts. $ Dupe. Li Co. , Chi- ct.u ; Sebreiner , Flsck 5. . , Cu. , St. Louis. 11.111 to 2'leit National flank , Onlitlia. JAMES I. BOYD. J , w , DE.tN. Tctepiiouo 8039. BOYD & DEAN OMAhA , NED , COMMISS [ ON Grain , ProviHion & Stock ] 110am ll1' ' Board of Trade , DIrect wire. to ChIcago and Now York. Correspondents : Jolla A.S'arra ife ( , 'ts 101o20pormooth can be mails ii > ' our method of operatIng In OItAIN AN ) ) STOCII4 , I'rospecluii giving fuhJ Information of perfect 15'CR'nn mailed free. Ben your business only to a financially ruponiibls house. Lock Ill 119. iIAMllillN V. THOMAS 52 CO. . GraIn , bttrk mu lion , llrtikeci. 3 Chamber of CoiutuerceCiiiCMJQ MAIjGIN No matter 1411111 booklet on .pqo. S ' ' ' ulaihen 50' ' ) InnS ) ' hair rsttl eon. ) 'I ilAlhil'i fur uurs. whiich Is 14BV ant. IIXPLAINIlI ) ro.tl'i.i'rII It clearly enil4iliO Inarelni tradin and DF1I'INES At.t , MAItXI'L' BX'1thS8lON4. It' . frte until whit ttacht yoU .omethlng , , enIloaAS'r 4 CO. , 03 Tradsrp Duuiding , ChlC3jo. ; r-4 : , . . ' - ' - . '