Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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    :7.- . . . . . _ ' _ _ _ . . _ _ . . _ . . _ _ " - - " ' . . . . . . - - , . - . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ - - - - . --.nn' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . . " _ = . - c' - - - _ . " . - - - " = - - - - - . . . . . - .
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. - . - . , . - . - - ' - ' - - OllAIA . , 8. 1S ! . 5
, .
Argumlnt Being Made Boforn Oomptroler :
Bowlc at Wnsbilgtn.
ClI" tu' Ur""ln" of flu ! ( 'n r I. I
the Con"llntonnl'y . I of the
Jolnt ) l'rln"'III'lnn ' ) ' < -
1111'nluc l"c" ' , I'ohcc.
. '
WASHINGTON , Aug. 7.-Th. bearing today -
day before Comlltroler Bowler upon the QUe-
ton of the coustlutonaly of the lugr
bounty approllrlaUons aale by congre ' lt
II last 'ell Ion for the CrOI' ! If 18:3 'lul 1SD '
arises upon the claim of the Oxoud ilcotC
Sugar COlllany of NeIira'lci ' l . that bing the
frt claIm AeWetl by the auditor Ilnce the
pasage of the Wlbon 1t11 . by whlcb the old
IUlpr bountel of the lcKnley ! nct were re-
The commissioner ! of Internal revcnue. havIng -
Ing aljuBh1 ! the amount of bounties duo the
Oxnard company , retorted all the Iiallers to I
. - tho'audltor for the 'rreuury department for
- ' : . . the sttement of sn account thereon. The
auditor stated nn account allowIng the
amounl fxell by the commluloner of internal
revenUe 8n(1 ctrtfel his deciion to the
comptroler for his approval , Ilsapproval or .
modifIcation , as rNlulred by the provisions of
the new accountIng 9Yltel adopted In the I
act of July 3. 189 I , a the result of the labors
of the Dockery commissIon. That act re
quires the auditors In making an original
construction or modifying an cX1tng con.
Eructon of n statute to report to tim comp
troler of the treasury their leclslons and to I
.j suspen(1 ) acton until the comptroller has I
passed upon the queatlon. This was renderel I
necessary by the change which the Dockery
commissIon made In the accounting ofces I
by whIch the claims stated by an auditor do I
not go to the comptroller a a mater of r
courre . but only reach hIm upon appeal , erIn
In the manner abu\'e IndlcJted. ,
The declon : of the comptroller Is required I
to be acted upon by the auditor whose cer-
Ulcate I made by law final and cnclusive
upon tha executve branch of the gover-
ment. The result Is that the decIsion of the
- comptroller cannot be reviewed by any other
executive omcer ! of the government. Claims
rejected by the government however may
he suet ! on In the court of claIms. or In certain -
' tain cases In the circuit and district court
of the United Stales , their decisions being
binding upon him.
The court oC appeals of the District of Co
lumbla .n . the case of the Un led Stalos. o :
rei , the Miles Plantng and : Ianufacturlng
company against John G. Carlisle and Joropi 1
S. Miller , being a mandamus proceeding
against the secretary of the treasury and I
commissioner of Internal revenue lo compel i
them to appoint sugar Inspectors under Ihe
provisions of the McKinley act . havIng hold
that the sugar bounties wore unconstullonal I
the comptroller of the treasury llmed 1
his .Iuty to bo satisfIed upon that point before -
fore passing the claim of the Oxnard compan : y
and establishing a precedent for the payment
. of the sugar bounties provided for by the nel
_ _ _ _ .uI * appropriations. lie . therefore . without makIng -
. lag any declson ! UIon the mater whatelcr.
- called UIJOn the counsel of time Oxnard corn
prmy to ho heard upon the Queston , The
mater gives rlsA Immediately to very con
siderable ( hiacuaslon as to the comptroler's
powers and lutes and time claim his heen
persistently lade that he has no jurhdlclon !
to decll0 this 9uellon and WIS compeled
to obey the lawB
pused by congress whether
constitutional or not. That question . I Is un-
dorstoomi. will be argued as well as the con
stutonallY of the bounty appropriations.
The hearing look In
place Complroler
Dowler's office In the treasury bnllln . Ex
Senator llnderson of Nebraska made the
. 'P first argumcnt In the case. Ia saul th CC
Interest under conshleraton was one of
great Importance not only to his state butte
to the United States. The bounty provide
for In the McKInley law was a pledge of the
go\'crnment to reward experiment In sugar
Production to the extent of : cents per
pund , I was a solemn contract for a term
of ycarim , and the producers had a rlghi it
to rely upon It. The state of Nehraska 1'Iht ,
said had gone to great lxpense In estabiis1 I-
lug exporhnont stations for time PurPose of
teaching the ptoplo how to grow the beet
As going to show the hardships which the
repeal of the bounty had workli , he said
that Nebraska farmer had this year planted
9.00 acmes of heels. or 3,000 acres more than ;
, ever before tinder contracts previously made
with them. Ito characterl ld the repeal
of the bounty law as "an unrighteous unjust
. and almost unlawful exercise oC conreBslonal
prerogative. " and referred to It as ! I bunco
process. He then explained time present
bounty 10lslaton. under which the present
'I claIm Is 11resented.
Mr. Manderon declared that "If ' by any
, method In time Treasury department or the
courts this b00n ho denIed our factorlea dl .
aster beyond any description and dllrE be- :
yond any capacity to paint will rosult. What
wo plead for now Is that our factories be a I-
lowe to eke ont an existence. Wipe out
thl Industr and you almlnlster almost a
deathblow 10 the west. "
The speaker then dicussed at le"eth the
duties of the comptroltr and his authoriy
to act In this case . which he denied. The
IJreslllont ant congress sall Mr. : lanlerson ,
h:11 : passed on the constitutIonalIty of thIs
act and ho refused to acknowlllgt the ci im-
thoriy of a subordInate to pHs an
facto velo. Only the Judiciary cauh do timi 5.
' lie characterized the acton of Mr. Bowler
_ : : ) . as an encroachment on the prcroatvls of
the executive anti congress and especially the
Senator lanlerson malle the pint that the
law provltlng for the payment of the bounl o.
.4 was of hater cnnctment than the general laws
cennln the comptroller's lute and " 'lul,1 ,
be given dne weight as the latest Instructon
on the subject. Senator < aler aslll,1 : Ir.
1an.lerson whether I was not true congre mis
Intended It lS a relief measre , and not as
going to establlh I bounty princIple. which
Mr. lalllrson sold was the case. le co n-
tended that congress had the constitution si
right to make A denaton or gift It It should )
see fit . and quotlll Jero Black as authority
. . $ . . for the opinion. Citing precedents . Mr. : a-
i. derson referred to the oppo'ltlon Ilade by I
the federalists to time purchase of the I.oul- .
lana territory , amid said : 'Supposo we had then
hall an official who wo11 . have aseummied to
nullify that act by refusing to assume me
money appropriated. II would have been a
spectacle for rls and memi. I thank God It
was not decided 1 against time purchase . and I
'I hope wo may go on acquiring end purchasing
until wo get Hawaii and ( 'ub. . and other outlyIng -
lyIng strips of territory towml which we
have been hooking with longing eyes. SupPOSE -
pose , too . A comptroll 'lad refused to pay i
warrants for war expenses during the rein ml. .
lon on the ground th1 he hall doubts of I
their contitutIonai . " i
consttutonal vallly. In that event .
lie aided , "I think there would have beln a I
rap on time treasury anl a murder of the :
comptroller. "
After an hour's recess for lunchton , 31 Ir.
Manderson resumed his argment , Ilevotng
, this I'at of his statement to the constitutia ; -
. } ' " aiRy of the bounty law. Par the purpose of
( establishing the validity of the law tn tbls
respect ho quoted many autherities . citli rig
legislation and congressional debates AS early
as 17S9. ! and comIns Ilo\n throush the ii is.
. tory of the nation. lie showed that frm the
earliest day bounties hod been A common
tmhng . and claimed that only the slshh'st
disposition hall ben shown In congress to
crltclso their comistituttomrahity. lie express el
the opinion that $150,0,00 In gold would
bo sent lb road this year for sugar . and cc intended -
tended that ana of the beat means for keEp ,
log our ! ll at bome \ : 10 produce our own
Bugar. The scnator Contended that M a cn-
sliutonal questIon there , I no Ilbtnrton
between encouraging an hmidtmsry ! b
betwen encuragIng Inlusr ) granti ;
bounty and Imposing a prolu ton duty "I
Cannot , " sid Senator llander" . Iii conch ill.
, r slon , "lItem It Jslble that _ \ put prl- I
Cedentl are to be thrown 10 the " immds . an.1 .
that 1 new and startling , and . a I bele\'e ,
" dangerous precedent b estlblshed by your-
J I i. self ( Mr. Dowh.r ) . I believe such a dssigvr to
' be most Irlous. nOl only because of UIO p ir- ,
ttula interest involved . but A thrtatelng
a usurpation cf Ilwer such cia was never Cl-
tempatod : br the founders if the governmmmem t.
In doing that yoU are starting gvernment.
z which INd t dangeu that cannot b
fo ressomi. nnlt to dlaasteri which may prove
ti3 tllal In their ebrcllr. "
: r. lowler l kN Relaor : tndeuon some
qUttOl1 for the purpose of making lure of
his position ns to time force of a Iowan the
Ihtule imoolos . nnll I10nl other timings askld
him how the Jaw cOlld bo tested. To this
Mof r. : Tnflvuon replied thaL there were ways
of testing time law , but that 8 he was en-
g aged on the other II1e he did not propose
tu suggest ; them to time enemies of his conO
At 4 o'clode the hearing went over until
10 :30 : tomorrow. when SPlltor lanchud wil
be the slleakcr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
310"t ur ' 'I..It tn Jte'pii.IetiIs 01
1.'urrlA' LunhiN.
\V\SlifNUTON , Aug. 7.-A number of
prlzel and melnls for scientfc discoveries
have h heel awarded ( by the Smithsonian In-
ttuto , under the provisions of the funds
dOlated by Thomas George 10dlklns of
Sti Setauket N. Y. , for elcourallg Invostga-
ton of "The Nature and Propertes of Air In
Connection with the Welfare of lan. "
The first prize of $10,00 for new Ils-
coverles rclatng to atmoBphcrlc air was
awarle,1 ab to Lord Halelh amid Prof. Ham ey.
both of London , for the discovery of the
new tll'mtnt. argon The second prize has
not been awarded , through the faiure of the
cntestants to comply strictly with time terms
C time oiter. The tllril Illzo of $1bOO for
reseach as to , he Ielatol of air to living
organisms gets to Dr. Henri \'orlgnax of
Pari , who prellarel the best popular treatise
cme i air and light , The committee of award
examined 218 papers lubmltell by contest-
ants from throughout the world.
In addition to prizes commferrcd honorable
menton was accorded In the following :
81ver medals. W. A. Itusuici . vice president
of the Royal Meteorological Society of Great
Brlaln : C. I. Madsen . Copenhagen , Den-
mark. m anti . \ . I. Herrera and 1)r. \orgara
L opez . City of Mnxico. Bronze cmnhlemims
flA rs. I'ranz and Carl Oppenheimer of Btrln : 1
Alexander : lcAlle of the United State i
weather bureau : Dr. O. Jesse , Berln ; 11. 31. I
Smith , Engiammd : 1m I.oewe , iherhimi . and E.
D . Berauxlo1 mil Maurice Dlbos , both of
it ouemi . France. Honorable menton without
medall was also awarded to Dr. Charles I
S niart . U. S. A. : Dr. liar. .
c use . Berln : Dr. Magoison Chnistlana . Norway -
way : Prof. C. Neos Copenhagemi . Dtnmark :
Dr. i F. J. B. Corileieio . UnlCI Stat's navy : ;
i' rof. H. 1' . Bigelow . Washlnglon : E. C. C.
Daly. l.nllon : Dr. F. V. Devault . Bordeaux
I.'rance : ProC. E. GeBler , Berlin : Dr. J. B.
C operi . Letds , Enrland : Prof. I l. Duciamx , ,
P aris . and Dr. LudwIg E. 1010svay , hiuda -
P eath . _ _ _ _ _ _
: ISS 1iAtiiiiiL . \II''TFU TO flAiLC
Ic'll to . .hvulc'lon nl time nrnlul I
JUI'Y for 1'llu n Xc.Jro 10) ' .
WASINGTON , Aug. 7.-MIss Elizabeth m
'iagier 1 who shot and killed Ernest Green a
few days ego surrendered herself In the
district court today and was released on
$ ,200 bal to await the acton of the gran I
j ury. liar bondsmen are John granl .
wealhy real estate broker , a 111 Genera I
Hobert McPetly. ex.commlBsary general
United Slates army.
I Is stated that this acton Is In accordanci a
wih an agreemen male by the ilrosecutlom
anll time defense Inulellately felowlng the
verdict of the coroner'l jury. Anlstant Ds.
trlct t Attorney Tagger tohl Miss I ' laler's
counBol that the erect of the verdict was to
hohl her for manslaughter and that the case
would accordlnly go to the grand jury In
May upon its assemhlng In the autumn. lie r
counsel respondel that she was In no cOII
ton to appear before the court but that she
woull apPtlr as soon as her physical condi-
ton l would permit.
x. . imm ii-r to 'I'Driieio 10nt" .
WAShINGTON . \ug. 7.-There has betn
receh'e,1 , at the Navy department a sample
of f steel threo-qnarlers of In Inch In thick
m mess which had been pierced by a rifle hoP
let. h of a calbre less than that of the present
army rifle or about .30. The sample Is In -
terestng In that It shows that the torped 0
boats may be rendered useles8 hy good shot
from sucn rlnls , The distance at which the
steel sample was pierced was about 20 feel
A torpedo boat armor her boier and explosives -
plosives , might easily be pierced at this dli I-
tance or before she could make her pro-
jectie j danerous to I ship. The bullet was
oC steel and pointed. I made a reularkably
clean hole In the steel. lalo
ColnlnA the ( ; 011 liuulliin .
\VASI1iNGTO Aug. 7.- lr. Preston the
director of time intuit says In explanation of I
the shipment of $10,000.000 In gold bulion
fro I New York to l'hmiladeipimia. that I was
the Ilresent IIurl10SO oC the go\ernmtnt to
coIn with reasonable rapidiy all of its stpck
of gold bulhloim. This amounls to nearly
$ GOOOO.OOO. ahout al of which Is In New
York Phiadelphia all San Francisco. There ;
Is salll to be no sptclol slnllcanco In lds
order for the eolnae of the gold bullion . as
It Is j said to be sOlely for the purpose of )
mailng It avalahle for all purposes.
Chun , ' " In 'rm ) ' l'egn
WAShINGTON . Alg. 7.-The sugeston
has been minnie , that Fort Duford , N. D . .
bo abandoned and time troops now timer 5.
two companies , sent to Fort llarrtson . near
Helena , Mont " , and to Fort , Asainaboin
Moult. It Is possible that the '
1lont. I post at J'ort
Yates , N. D. . will be abandoned In ttmmme . but
not until another post Is built at Bismarck.
CoiiiiI umg.r' " S"lrc'l for iiomt lii's.
WASlttNGTO. Aug. 7.-The War department -
mount has receh'e a telegram from General
Copplngor. dated at Jackson's Hole yesterda :
Ho says that he has sent out two more scou 1-
hlK partes amid that neither has retumrnei i.
This leaves three In the field . each In con I.
manli of an omcer. lie reports that all Is
fulet and "no Indians. . "
Nln'nl Cmi.i'ls AI'llolntre.
WMiINGTON. Aug. 7.-The folowing
pesons have been appointed cadets at the
Naval acdemy : J. L. Webb. milternat .
HI.plY. la. : James I ) . I.wr , Fort UOdKe ,
Ia. : Cllrlt I. . Wilsomi. Beldlre , 0. : Paul P. I [
Stewart altcrnate 3arletta ! . O.
Cnl 1.'luct No hulu. " .
WAShINGTON . Aug. G.-A dispatch re-
ceJ' 1 at the War department from General
Coppinger at Jacllson' Hole says the lullan
Scouts are still out He can timid no Indiam ms
and all Is Quiet.
. \lllullut. " iiili tim r ) ' iuistruui'tor.
\VASi1INGT0 . Aug 7.-Calltaln Charlts
A. Varum has been detailed as miltary Instructor -
structor at the University of Wyoming. at
. -
Ih'nth of n. Ihculu'l.
SClUYLlm , Neb. . Aug. 7.-Sepclal.- ( )
Word hn been received hete that D ,
Dmmnkei . aged G9. one of the most respect ted
citizens of ilowehls . north Colfax count y.
dlell Monday and was hurled al his old
home InVest PoInt Neb. , today. : in.
Uunkel came from Germany when a ho y .
was raised to manhod In the vicinity of :
Lake Superior copper mines , In whih he I !
worked four years , much to the Injury of his I
health. Later he cme west , settling In
Dodge county , where he acculnlated much
property , being possessor at his death of a
large farm near I Fremont enl one at West
Point. When I0wels was started In 1837. I
be . with his fmnhIy. went there and built a
hotel whIch was his home till the tme of
dren. his decth. : lie leaves a wife and three chi-
nnlc' . ' Con.t . ) . , ' ' 'rc. I"uulnn.
1.'Jn :10N.r. Aug. 7.-Special.-QuiIte ) a
large numbr oC the members of time Cram mu
Army of the Republc are attending the Dolge
County Velerans' reunIon which \ being held
In Ilooper. The
100per. attendance yesterday was e K.
cehiemut and the old vets had
celent hal a very enjoyable
tune . Among the leading apeaktrs are I. D. I
Richards and T. L. Mathe\s of this city and
Geleral Thsyer. The weather . has been very
favorable for lIme success of the reunion .
Work has been cOUlencd on the bmmildiu ag
which IB to contain the . power pLant for the
city electric light s ) tem. .
The commencement exercises of the Fremont -
mont normal school are beIng held this week ,
gradutnl earcLe' of the different dJ'hlons
and del'orlmcnl betng bell each evening. A
good many of thmi friends and relatives
Ihl freldl relaUre of the
graduates are present.
- .
lu.l"c'Ilo. . Ilct ln.IU.cUnn. i ,
O3lAIiA ' , cb. July : O. 1895.-1 am taking
hlood'a Saruparlh for Indlscbton and Cbn-
.tpJlon of long standing. I have taken
about five bottles and I hn done me mere
good than any other medIcine which
whic I bave
ever used , and I think It will cure mo. " L.
E. Davis Special Agent UnIon Life lore r-
anc Co.
hood's Pis curs all liver I. .
RepublCs of thu State t Meet at Lincoln
on October 2.
111.1" nl 1Cllr."entnUnu l'rcn'I.I" for
the nrrnh."t Numc'rh'nl 10c ) ' I'"l'r
. tseiiiIhi'iI II tIme Slnh.-'urk
( f the CUlmltee , ,
LINCOLN , Aug 7.-Speclal.-The ( ) republ-
can state convention wilt meet at Lincoln
W ednesday . October 2. at 2 o'clock 11. ma.
The representation will be one delegate itt
large , and one for each 100 votes , or major
fr action tlmereof . from each county babcd UPJn
the vote cast November last for State
Tn'asurer Hartley. TIme vote for the location
at Lincoln wa unanimous.
This was the result of an hour's session
of the republican state central commitee at
the Llmlel hotel this afternoomm. The com-
mlteo was called to order by Chairman O.
11 . MerrIll at 3 o'clock sharp. The folowIng
members answered to their names : A. n.
K ebu . 1"lrt district I als City ; I 31.
Christy , Second , Sterling : J. n. McKee
T hird . 1almYla : George Sheldon , Fourth
N eha\ka ; Horace : . Clark Fifth , Ihaca :
1' rank lurman , Peter Schl\elk. Sixth ,
Omaha : John D , lasl < al. Eighth ) , Wakelell ;
I t. II. Schneider , Tentim I'remont : J. M.
Alden , Eleventh , Pierce : E. T. Hodsdon.
Twcth , Schuyler : Sanford Parker Thir-
t eemmtlm . Butte ; I. ' . : . Crew Se\enleenth , St.
Paul ; J. Ii. Mickey. Elglmteemith 0ceoia :
\ Viiiiarn II. lu lnetter. Nineteenth , Linwood -
wood ; J. I. McClay . Twentieth . LIncoln :
J . J. Tromimpeum Twenteth , Ilckman : J. l .
la 's , Twenty-nrst , Bealrlce , J. N. Van
Dun , 'rwtnty.secont , Wiber ; John Heasty ,
Twenly-thlrd ( , 1 llrbury : A. Galuslla , Twenty-
sIxth. fled Cloud : C. I" . cGrew , TWent . -
s eventh . HastnK' : S. C. Stewart , Twenty-
eighth , Axtel ; C. D. Fuller , Twenty-ninth.
ImperIal ; A. E. Aiiymu . Thirtieth . Cozad ; ;
Charles Trogmmitz Thirtieth , Sidney. O. G.
Smith , Loup City Sixtemmth distrIct 111-
p eared as proxy for Area Wait and Mr.
Green , Twenty-fifth dIstrict , served as proxy
for John S. 3lmsser.
Ex-oflhcio membrs present were : 11. M.
I husimmioli . Lincoln ; U. I. loblnsln , Omaha : ; :
C . C. McNish , Whiner : S. 11. Steele . David
City : R. O. Sewart , Campbell : I" . W.
CollnN , Lincoln : 11. M. \Vanlng. Omahl : : ,
nrad n , Slaughter Pulerlon.
There was I stalwart effort made to fir
the date of the convention for September :
26. t and a vote on this Ilate carried at ono I
t iumme . but was reconsidered. No proxies wi t
bl nuiowed In the commvcnmmon . but the delegates -
gates present will be allowed to cast the I
whole vote of the county. The official cal I
w ill be ready for publication In a day or
t wo. Tie basis of representation will form I
a conventon oC 1.057 delegates . divided I
among time counties as follows :
C iimnt I.'s. Delegates. ; Coun Lls . Ielegate .
AtI19 nln ! . . . . 101111119. . . JOIIISOI . . . Drlegat. . . . . I I
\nhi'l.zmo , . . . . . . 10 Kelre ) ' . . . . . . . 1 I
. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
l tiinrr
1.lnrr . . . . . . a iCeIth . . . . . . . 3
mlll . . . . . . . . 2 t.lh Palm . . . . 3
1001" i . . . . . . . 1 I I IIJ1 . . . . . . :
101 i lule . . . . . 6 KI01 . : . . . . . . .
lo.t l . . . . . . . . 61.ncstlr . . . . . . 1
Irown i . . . . . . . . G Ilnroln . . . . . . . a I
lutulo i . . . . . . . . 19 hogan . . . . . . . . . 1
Burt . . . . . . . . . 111.0ul I.o/an . . . . . . . . . :
Buler i . . . . . . . . . 11.U.n , . . . . . . . 15
C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
CI. " . . . . . . . : ; Alct'icrsuua . . . . . 1
( 'idar . . . . . . . . . 91errlck lclhrrslJ . . . . . . . 10
Cimaee . . . . . . . 4 Nancl . . . . . . . . . R
Cherry . . . . . . . G Nemahl . . . . . . I .5
Che'enno . . . . . . 5 ruekolls . . . . . . 1r
Clay. . . . . . . . . . 18 Nurkol" . . . . . . . . . 2 )
CoICn" . . . . . . . . 8 Pawnee . . . . . . . 2) 2
CumInI . . . . . . . . 12lrtllns . . . . . . : c
( .llr . . . . . . . . as l'tm.'iis . . . . . . . 10
U.kola . . . . . . . G Iler.e . . . . . . . . . 7
i ) awe . . . . . . . . . . 1 l'latte . . . . . . . . I
Ulwln . . . . . . . 12 Polk . . . . . . . . . 1
Ieuel . . . . . . . . 4 1et'Illow , . . . . I I
nlxon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 'low 1
. . . . . . . itleliardson . . . . . 2 a
1"'h e . . . . . . . . . 19 I"hard Iol . . . . . . . . . 2
) ou/la9 . . . . . . Iii . alne . . . . . . . . 2
ni n l ) ' . . . . . . . . 4. riatpy . . . . . . . . . 2
1.'lmore i . . . . . . 18 SaunlJers . . . . . . 1 a
I"tlkln . . . . . . 9 , SruUN ilimmIr . . . . . 3
Frontmer . . . . . . R SewnIl lut . . . . . . . . 16
I'uma . . . . . . . . 13 herillal , . . . . . . 6
IhKe . . . . . . . . .Giimirmmiaui ; . . . . . 5
GSherIOI .
Onrth'lt , . . . . . . . a . Sioux . . . . . . . . a
(191"1 . . . . . . . G. tlnlol . . . . . . . 6
Omnt . . . . . . . . 2'ruiayer . . . . . . . . n
Grer\ \ . ) ' . . . . . . . 4Thol"8. . . . . . . 0
11511 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
101 . . . . . . I Thlr.IOl . . . . . 4
lalllon . . . . . 1 \'aliey . . . . . . . . 7
lnran . . . . . . . 99hlnlon . a
\ . . .
Iii'PN . . . . . . . . . . . . \\9hln/lon 1
. .
111)19 . . . . . . 4 "I'nl . . . . . . . . 9
Hlrhcck . . . . . . 6 \\.h..ter . . . . . . 12
lol . . . . . . . . . . \\'imr'eler . . . . . . 2
1 looker . . . . . . . 1 "Iweler . . . . . . . . . 21
10wnrI , . . . . . . 8 _
Jefferson . . . . . . H Total. . ; . . . . . 1,0:1
II : IXI n ( J1'IX : I\HGIXS.
'V. G. 11"H'1 of t holhl "r Iirolcer - .
1mg. ' Vo I It I ) ' ii oil mid Ch''r.
LINCOLN , Aug. 7.-Speclal.-\\ ( ) . C I.
Deach , held on the charge of embezzlement
from the grain brokerage firm of Duncan I ,
101inger & Co. . has been held to the district I.
trict court by Justice Spencer The teeth I.
many of J. T. Duncan showel , aided by the
heel < s of the firm . that something like $1.000
of the firm's capital had slipped away and
that Beach was responsible for the leakagi
But $9,000 of this amonnt was Bhown to have
been legitmate losses , under Be3eh's umiami I.
agemmmemmt. This left $8.000 10 the man-I
Beach's peculations. The court said that be
could see that Beach had manlpulalcll the
books to hhle the fact that he hal carried
on dIsastrous Chicago speculations with the
Irm's money umler an assumed name. The
10st damagIng evidence against Beach was
the following letter . dated June 21. the day
on which the local agency 'closed ' :
"I hereby acknowledge that luring the past
three weeks I have been speculatng heaviy
and have neglected to collect margins from
cnstomers and have allowed them to run
away hehln1 wlhont closing them out. The
result has been disastrous . I kept the true
condition of accounts In nay chare carefuly
concealed from Iuncamm 10lnger & Co. by
every means In my power untl they came
down an.1 lnvestlgateii . as they thought accounts -
counts looked , suspicious "
This letter was signed by Boacim lt hov I'-
ever . endeavored to show that he had minI to
this siatt'mt'nt at the request of Mr. Iuncan.
who Ioll he wanted to show I to his Iowa
customers. This Duncan demmied.
The first order for reopening stations on
the Burlnglon system was Issued today by
Geneml Manager 10idrege under date mD3
August 8. taking erect tomorrow. The following I.
lowing stations are reopened for
statons Ire buslneSB : :
" 'oodrlf Kan" , on the Oberln line . wIth N.
I. . Cooley as agent ; Kamioma Kan" , on the
Oberln llO , with A. 1. Matheson as agent ;
Cedar Uhmts. Kan. , on the St. Francis Un 0 ,
with J. A. Per .the as agent. lne
There Is a movement on foot among the
sOcieties of young people of the various Protestant -
estant churchls 01 thll city to organize a
stock comllony with a cailital of $30,000. In I
shares of $ li cccii for the operlton of a I
hospital at the present location of Tlbltha
hospital. The allaire of the
alalrs company. which
wi be known as the Tahlha ProteBtant iio 5-
plal a8 oclaten , wi he mlnaed by a hoarc
of eight eon directors , no more than two i I
whom shall be from any ammo religious de-
nomlnatloum. Al physlclan8 oC the city wi Ill
be alo\ed ready access to the In ttuton to i
treat lmatients. The CoIner Medical colege
IOW has limo rIght to exclusively treat pa-
tiemmts . by its faculty , of Tabiha hospital .
The Missouri . Kansas & Texas Trust con I-
pany In district court enters a donlal that I
owes Attorney Paul P. Clark $7.:00 rental ;
of the Grand hotel property. Clark flied I
suit lat May against the company for that
amount. The trust company admits. however ,
that Clark lucid the fee simple under "
Cllrk . a "pre-
tended" sherlf.s Ilefd I the court finds that
Clark had the title for the forty-three months
whIch he claims the trust company asks thst
be be charged with $ .00 expended In repslrs
that be permitted to be made when his offic e
wlndo\\s looked out upon the hotel and which
would not have been made If he had Intmated
that I was his hotel they were ImprovIng ,
The exercises of the pedagogic clan of the m
Lincoln Normal university occurred this enn-
lag In the challel. Oratons were delvered
by John Frederick Drown on "CIcero , " by C. :
O. Leeks on "hero II the Wi and Under
Caesars Seal " by P. Plervlance on "No Star
lilacs but to Set In Another . Chime . " by
Thomas P. lannlgan on " 1 the World Orow-
Ing Better ? " by John A. Duff on "Ievelop-
lent of < 1.1 Liberty , "
The l'arler anti Merchants National bank
of Gah'o , I. , together with two other na-
tonal banks In that state , and K . K layden ,
receiver of the Capital National bank of LIn-
coin plaintiffs II the case In which C' . W p.
Iosher et al were defendants , have tIle 4
theIr transcript wIth the clerk of the auprome '
court. This Is the net step In the Injuncton
- .
lult Igalnst Josher.I.Oan , Slate Treasurer
Duttr : and Auditor Moore , restraining the
two former frm recei1m \ anti the later from
Issuing to Dorgan I' ' warrant for $33,408.90 ,
awarded him by the ipprfilseta of the penien-
tary plant Time Prlleer transcript I
wihIn the forty clyi.lowe ) % by the court
The supenoeas bond accompanying Is for
$ 7,500. , . .
Omaha people In I.lnQln : At the Lindeil-
II . P. Benedict. At . tM I.lncoln-C. S. Jar.
ti er . 1 " ,
IT " ' \S . .t " -\111 ' $ i1SSIN.
1"\rl ( : " "nl ) ' i'impimiist ( 'uinvent limit
" 'uIM n Siulriti'mi .lntr ,
Cl IA DiOON . Nob. . Aug , 7.-Speclnl-Tho ( )
county convention of the Dawes county pop-
ulsts for time IJUrp03e of electing deltgatts
to the state and judicial con\entons wns
heM here 'csterlar. anti although the main
object of the convention was not of the most
vital hlllortance , Btl the Crawford delegaoc
ton , assisted by some of the sl\rrounllng
proclncts , succeeded In stirring the hotly . up
to several degrees higher temperature than
the warmth of the lay called for.
E. S. flicker was elected chairman nail , J.
L . Gibson , editor of the Crawford Beacon ,
secretary. Among time prominent pops In attendance -
tendance were State Senator H. ( I. Stewart ,
F . B , Carly I. N. Harhauh , Judge Bnloclt
oC lttmehvlile . A. E. I Sheldon and Captain J.
J. Adams. Alter appointing their usual com- I
mltets the con\'enton proceeded to Invlst- I
g ate how O' el came to be the place where I
the Judicial conventon was called . After a
conlultto had conferred with Judge hillock
It was decided to get the opinion of each
counly as to the Popular place The coma-
mltee on resolutions reafrmed belief 11 the
Omaha platform , highly commendtl Senator -
tor Stewart , .leloulcell the old parties Inll
the sound. 10nty men all rtcommenled that
the delegates be Inslrnclt,1 for II. S. flicker
of this Place for distrIct jUllre , also do-
fl ouncing fusion In atrommg terms.
! !
Then the fun cormirnenced. The old reliable
Ore works lannfacturer , I' . G. Cooper of
C rawford . moved that flicker be allowed to
select his own deleales. This wa not the
Bense of the meeting . however , and I took
nearly two hours to fnaly elect J. L. Gb-
s on . J. J. Ilarbaughm Il. G. Stewart E. 31 I
Cook , A. M. MorIsey , J. It. McDonald
lenry Whmlthumg and larry Dean as such lele- I
g ales. During the wrangle the Crawford i
deleaton took tnm to state that the ) ' were ,
not being treated fairly , as Chid ran was
trying to dictate who should go from Craw-
forl and had selected a man who had In-
formel them It would be impossible for him
to attend . Durlnr a little rod hot talk Editor
Ghson rtmarke 1 that whie he was personally
a frlenl of County Chairman lorrlsey , he
thought In politics ho did not amount to
m uch.
The following were elected as delegates to
the stab conventon : J. I. Gbson , A. I' .
Sheilon , Charles PhIllips , F. W. fibener. Wil'l'
lam I.'uler. E. S. Bicker . George W. 10w-
arl anll Ii. G. Stewart
The county convention for the nomination
of county ofcers will be hell In Crawford
some time next monlh , and unless al Indica
tons are wrong It will b n lively meetng ,
as there arc several Irons In the fro al [
pointng In dlerent directions.
SUNI ) , \ V SCliOfli . il.tI.1.Y.
HH"thlAH ( Hllnrl',1 I . ) ' n CroII of :
( '"1 I mm ltd 'I'hc.h' IHI'C'ltH.
IASTI OS , 1uug 1. = ( Speclal Teltgram- )
The Ihlrd annual Sunday school rally of 1
A dams county was hell In this city toda )
Prom almost every building floated fags and I
buntng and the city was never better dec
orated tor an occasion than today.
As early as 8 o'clock wagon loads of chi-
dren m amid people began 10 arrive In the c.ty
anl preparation was immediately pushed for
the t grand street parade. By II o'clocll ever '
Snnday school that was to be present had re- I
par let and the ! raulDatle , started I WIS i
head el by the lastng mlilary hand oC I I
twenty-two pieces , which 'was followed by 23G ( ; I
teams and thlrt-lwo persons on horses. A
prize beIng offered or te finest decorate i
wagon cnused ninny ) turnouts.
The processIon went from time West viarc I
school house to Coles pk , where the dav's II I
progrm was carried 'out. ' la'or McElhinney
made an address of ' 'elc me. which was me
ponled to by Rev Mr.ll oC Juniata , C. S .
Bllng , Congreatonal" ' state evangelist SI I
Lincoimm ilelivemeti able illustrated
delvered I very lustratel ad-
Iress on < the "Sunday School amid the Rmi1b : -
lie. l ' " The program was composed of shrlrt I
lalks by rtpresentstves and leaders of the various -
rious schools and selections by the Hatngs
mIlitary baumfi . the Presbyterin Sunday schcol I
rchestra limit Methodist orchmestr.o . and van -
ons choirs.
Ehhleen schools came In a body an'l corn -
pc led for prizes whllo there were iimirtv-sl lx ;
schools represemited . The lalne Camtr ; : un-
day school secured the $10 Urlze for ha\lnr
the best decorated float . arid the l plc1111 'I
church secured a $10 prize for having the L'lst
feat of any school In the city. Hoselale rot t
a $10 prlle for the best average attendance . and I
the t Christian Sunday school for the bst In
the city. ' In the evening a very fine program
was arranged. I was opened by n el.'ctn
by the military band : slnlng , "Hold the
Port , " led by Dr. Cassel , ! I Cation , . C. S.
Bilngs of Lincoln : selection by IdI1e : , ' qmmar -
let ; address , W. H. llmberley of 1lncoln ;
selection by male qnarlet : selection , Math
odlst Sullu ) school orchestra ; a manlfcent
calcium light entertainment by Kendal 'I' .
Scothorn of Hebron.
The rally proved to be the greatest gather
I Ing of its kind ever held In this pat of the
slate.- there being fully 10,000 people In at -
IIU "I' Ii N CI1'1' ' > VAS IO.\HU.
SI is'er Iciuoi'i'nlsi'imi ) ' n "c'r Irlht
.Jul. on the ) ' 0,1 11' i'm.
CIONIitAL CITY , Neb. , Aug. 7-SI1ecal ( ! 1
Teiegram-The ) democratic central commitee
met yesterday and fixed upon August 23 as
time time for holllng the connty coumvention-o -
six days after the Omaha convention. At the
tme of hollng the county conventon last faU
some oC the leading free silver democrats
deemed I would be a hue jole to appoint
the pslmasters from the various town In the
county for commmmimitteeimmen. Today they arc .
kicking 1 . clalmlug that "Uncle" Tommy Mon
gaum . 10stmosttr at Clarke. has oUlgeneralel
them. A man convention wi be called to
select delegates to Omaha.
11'1 h'nw II'c..J I'H.
BELLEVUE Neb. , Aug. 7.-(8peclal.- ( )
lloyd Walace met whim an accident I.'rlday
at the Avery brickyard that resulted In a
broken leg
The farmers In thll vicinity are very hopeful , -
ful now. ThE yield of small grain IB very
good and the heavy rain of Sunday has made
an abundant corn crop a rcason.bly sure
thing. Blanche Davies of landan , S. D. . who
has been visitng here for some tinme . lef
Saturday for Atlantic , 'Ia.
MIss :1 Herman "or I.ea\'en\\'ortrh. ICan .
Is the guest of her lldparents , 11r. and
Mrs. Uart.'J'
Halph Kerr ha ret.mrne4 from Beatrice.
George Lena , who baa been preaching at
Craig Ihll summer sjmcnding several daYB
In town. _ _ _ _ _
ilet'tmssi'.l Frouui.'r , c.c".t e" . " r.
STOCKVILLE Nob. , Aug. 7.-(8peclal.- ( )
The I renter County jgrlculurl socIety met
her yedenlay. l'lans'wt'ne discussed for the
county fair. The daft . was not fixed , but
wi De determined bI the executive comm m.
mitee , I.wl b hold about October 1.
The tencher3' Instiut opened yesterday
morning with on tmttehdanco of 100. The
Bummer normal. whiciii. has been In session
for six weeks ! rlday. The atenlance
has been good arid tire , work very satsfac-
tory. Time success of io school has been
largely due to CountySuperintendent N I.
Jones. ' . : .
. \"Iuult.c n Inn''c'r.
CLAY CENTEII 4eb. , Aug 7.-Spe- (
clal-James ) Cunmmlns a farmer living ;
few miles west of town , went Into the law
000 of 1' . § Churchill yesterday anti . afer
aome words J came out and walell for
Churchi to appear on time sidewalk. When
the attorney made his appearance Cummins i -
nutria struck him . cutting a gash over his
eye. A bystander separated them. and
Churchill had Cummins brought btore
Coulty Judge Canfeld on a charge of a-
sault and battty and he was fitted $2.50 and
cosls. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l.nclJlnv Ciiiiw'i , D""th _
HASTINGS , Aug. 7.-Special ( Talegram.- )
Bonnie 1slle , time young son of Fred DIsk 5 ,
who stepped on a garden rake abut a week
ag and was afflicted with a severe atack
of lockjaw , died this afternoon . The funerl
will take lilce at time residence 1'rlday
1101101 at 10 o'cok
- -
C amp-Crook the Scene of Some Animated
Jlr"t list ) ' of tIme SC"'OIIIuUIII . lit'-
Ullul ul I ii. ' Ih'"JI.o VUlut ) Vet -
. 'rim 115 nt ilt'muui iutgliifl."An
. \U"III.lul" t11Cllu , '
BENNINGTON , Nob. . Aug 7-(5pcclal (
Te iegnanm.-Titis ) usually staid mind quiet little
hamlet for the second time sInce Il has
occupltl a spot 01 the map of the state I
unler lartal rule antI In ful and ummdis-
puttl Possession of the ouglas County
\ ' etermmis . association . Wih time survivors of
th" late uUl11easnntueu are theIr wh'ts amid .
chllrtn all chmlithrcn's . chldel , The vets
are hero on Invitation from the II0pie of
Bellington alul vlclll ' nail wIll f'maln
three days enjoying their second reunion.
D tmnlng this amid the two days folowllg the
\ar of the rebellion will be fought again.
This time , however , the scene of the turmJI
anl strife \J be around the various camll
fir es that will bur throughout the groulls
I t Camp Croolt.
The camp Is siuated within the corporate
Imls of ilenmmlngtomi . II the IllcturesQue park
01 the banks of the trallul 111110. En.
cnmptl al the grounds besides the Old Guard
Is John t Thurslon camp , Sons of VetCTnB ,
' and the Women's Belief corps auxiliary of
'the Grand Army of the Republic.
As the umueetthmg IS Iltended to be an outing
for the old soldiers and old soldiers' families ,
the officers of the association give It out' '
cell that time discussion of political and foc-
tonal Issues will be barred.
As this Is time I first lay of the encanmpth
ment the various con1nltees having the
aff air II chare have been as bU8Y as taiors
aI t day assigning new arrIvals to their
qu arters . ele. A large dolegaton of Omaha
people arrived on early mornlnl trains and
at 10:30 : the old sellers rospondel to the
bugle cal anll formed In twos amt marched
through the principal , streets of time village ,
precedtl by Prof. P. M. Slelnhauser's
: rlary lmeumtl The buslltss men and citizens
oC time town vlell with one another II ap-
proprlato decoratonl of their places of business -
ness amid reBldncts.
After the return to the grotmnds at 11:15 :
glounls 1 li
Iho band tore off se\eral yards of melody.
Pelel' Iangold , on h hal of the citlzeims of
ennington welcomel the veterans and their
rrlends to the city. V > ' . H. Chrllle , for the
veterans , In a very nice talk. accepted thl
proferel hospitality . anti then all hands
joined in "
singing "Munching
II ; Iarchlnl Through Geor-
Ril . " Then the provident housewh'e
brought out the lunch baskets , and under
tie me shade of time trees the first lCl unler
eaten at Camp Crook.
Tomorrow . will hc politicians' day , and
whie anything that savors of politics II not
countenance,1 , on the grounds Eggert's hail
Elgert'a hal
w ill bo the scene of a monster atherlng :
of the claims The meetng will be hell ! antler
the auspices of the Douglas County Ilarnisor
After dinner the assemblage congregated at
the speaker's stand and listened ! to an ad -
Iress hy President Whitng , who dwell upon al-
the objects and alms of the association. The
band then played . arer which a business
meetng of the association was hmeiil
After time minutes of a pre\lols meetng :
were read and adopted al read time recruitIng -
Ing l officers reported the addition of eleven ;
members to the association . The question of
admitIng vets residing outside of Douglas
coulty and belongln to other than Douglas
county Granl Army of the Republic posts I
was discussed and laid on the table for fu -
ture action.
The secretary read letters
leters from Sen tor
Charles I , ' . Mamlerson , John 3 ! . Thurston ant I
' V. V. Alien rerettng the fact that they
could not meet with the Douglas veterans on
account of the fact of the press of olher
m atters. Communicatons were also remit c
from C. E. Aaams , commanler of the Nebraska I -
braska Grand Army of the Republic . Superior -
perior : P. H. Barry adjutant general Lincoln -
coln : John II. i0hrhardt . jr. , vice commander ,
Nebraska Grand Army of the Itepubhie ,
) Hepublc
Slanlon : Colonel T. F. Elliott . South Omaha :
General W. \ ' \ ' . Lowe Omaha : Church howe .
Aubur : W. H. lams , Omaha : W. W. More
man. m Omaha , and Major Clarkson Omaha.
Bis alnounclng a meetng oC the horn -
son club at Ofl's hal tomorrow were ills
tllbuted on the rounds this afternoon amm
the mater was brought up al the business :
session ef the Veterans' associaton amid the
members agreed unanimously to have nOlhlng
to do with the political aide Bhow. They deplore -
p hone time fact of the meotn , being called at
this time . as many people wi charge the
a soclaton with trying to feather the nest of
a few imoiiticiarms. The old soldiers will not
go near the pow wow.
The following vets were elected to membership -
bership In the association today amid their :
n ames were added to the roster :
Wilam H. Harrison company I. ThIrd
lU issouri InCautry : Lewis Niermmanmm company
G . Twenty-frh MIchigan Infantry : J. W.
hompson Nineteenth Michigan infantry ' : :
Hans Schneecklothm . company H. Plrst Nebraska :
braska cavalry : Thomas Morris Third Neii V
York Infantry : \ \ ' . H. Stephens , clpany D. i ;
F orty-fifth 11nols Infanlry : Isaac Card company -
any C , Nlntn Iowa Infantry : "homas Gay-
b eck . COliJany g , Sixty-nlnlh Ohio Inf.\ntry :
John Jemmkinmm company B. Soveimty-flnict New
York Infantr : V > ' . H. Ileeui . company B ; ,
Forty-fiftim Ohio Infantry : John C. \Vihliammtm ;
company f. One Hundredth Now York In-
t ammtry : n. 13. Widerman , First United States
army artillery , John Simpson company I I t ,
Pourth Tommnessee Infantry.
Program Thurlday , August S : Iteveilic .
6 ( :45 : a. m. : assembly cal , P. :
h ayes . bugler , 7 a. in. : breakfast
c all . 7:15 : a. m. : national airs by
the band : assembly call , 10 a. in. : parade
forms 10 march through city , 10li : : music
by the band : adtlress Captain 1' . ii. HenrI ,
adjutant general , 10:5 : : address . Colonel l.
I' . : loores , 1 :10 : : address Major n Iit
Ciarksomm . 1 :2 : : : dinner cal : assembly firm it
call. 1 :45 : I ) . m. : address J. A. Ehnhmartl
Junior j vice commander Nebraska Grand
Army of the Hell\hlc. 2 P. m. : luslc Ii dy
the tammth . 2 : :0 ; alldress Tom Majors . 2:40 : I :
music by the hanl , 3:10 ; address , Colonel J.
A. Gillespie. ! 3:20 : : music 3:0 : ; adllre . General -
eral \ . \V. Lowe , 3:10 : : mimusic 3fO : : blshwsI'
meeting of the association . 4 : general goc l.
100 <
time , 4:30 : to f:45 : : supper frt cal , 5:45 : ;
assembly cl , 7:30 : ; toasts speeches and
songs , 7:45 : to 9 : toastmaster Colonel F. E. I
Moores ; dancing music antI all kinds of fun.
arshal of the day Captain William Kelie V.
Taps , 10 p. m. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
York Tc. . ' i'h'rHcJlurl.
YORK Neb. . Aug. ' . .
, 7.-Speclal.-The ( )
teachers' institute which has been In sesion
at tbl place for a week has ended its worl
A reaolutol was \3Ssel thanking Count I ) '
Superintendent Holdemln for tha work he I
hal done during limo past year and also
thanking Prof. 1lly. Superintendent Peano
and State Superlnlendenl Corbel for their
IJreSence enl words of oncouragement. 'he
York Military band came In for a share of t
time saimme a well as 1Us Florence \\'orley ,
who were thanked for their 1111lne8 In furnIshing -
nIshing musIc. The news that Sup rlntenllent
Pearce had received the Buperlntende of U
Ommtaha public actmool was received wit
- -
: : : ; : :
Think of the thousands of hamna
and bacon that go out from South
Omaimmi dailyl We select but tlmo
bemitonemi fcmrtlmo brand > mtS\VFT'S !
PREMIUM. " Smoked 1ithtIy-
trimmed nlcoy-extra ! mnild- not
ealty. No mmtama could make them
better , I
For Sale by au First-Class Dealers.
pl easure at tlthi place , Pearce Is well known
in this city , having for several years assisted
in comitlucting thmo instItute's in thIs etimmnty
A fanomi of ten acres , which adjoins 'York ,
lIa ftS yesterday sold by a local real estate
a gency of thu lulace for $100 pet acre. This
il i'aks 'well for York county iamid , which baa
n ot yfl decreased to nay great extent in
v olume.
The RussIan thistle act passcd by the
la st legislature is causing limo maul over-
sem ers of the several tlimuiricts of tlmls coummuty
m uch trouble , owing to time fact that timli is
ti me first thins the ) ' hmv Imail au opiportumilty
to do this khiid of work. Several persons
wth ho Were notified timt time thistles % iero Oil
th eir land have so far failed to respond , and
it is thought that time law s'iii have to be
ca rried out to bring them to time ,
t'llCUi.i.tlt . ' ' ' ' ' ' '
l.i'i'iA'i'lON .t'l' ( ) itlc ,
it rim. iivk' ii , ''e ii , 'r l'mic'lt' film
I-I ft ri'ii ii ii iuii ri' . % iol hum rmu.
'OltK , Nt'b. , Aug. 7.-Speclai.-Timere ( ) was
fil ed In time dIstrict court of "i'ork county
to day a ease which is different trout tico
u sual legal controversies. Lizzie hailer sties
C hristian llrlstol a icrommtlmment fai'mmicr of this
Co tmTit3' ( or about $1,500.ts set tip by Mrs.
B ader In lmer petition , elw was adoptcd by time
d efendamit wlmemt Ii years of age , antI simico
th at timmm , tmimtii tui ) to abotmt a year ago ,
li ved s'tth and 'orkcti for the faummily of ( Ito
dc femmdant. Sue utica alleges that hme nmado a
co ntract with llrlatal , who is her mmdc , to
w ork for hmhmii until alto was time age of IS
y ears , auth that as a couisideratlomm of aitl
w ork simmi Ivas to receive time summit Of $200 ,
to gether svlthi Imer necessary clothing. When
h me reachieml time age of IS 3't'are time iulnimmtitt
om mih defendant emiterem ) into armotlier contract ,
ut ylmietm , ahotmiii silo m'emmiain with thu tie-
fe ntiamut mmmmtii she vis mimmum'ried , ice woulih
d ccci lien fimnty acres of lamiti in lids coumity
as a eomislLleration for audi labor , Sonar tinme
a go Mrs. llatinr was nmarnictl , amid timeremipomi
au ntie doimmamitl of the ilefendammt for time
tr act of land , wimlelm was liens umutier time
co ntract ittade between tite two. Aim iii-
le ged by tue plaintiff , Bristol abmuolmmtely re-
fim seti to convey time lammil to her , mmmiii although
sh e line mmiaiio rcpentetl demmiamichs of imlmim for
th e sauna Miii declines to give it to her.
T he plaintiff therefore hmrays jmmtlgnmemmt
ag lnst tIme thmifemmilant for tIme value of time
la nd hum questiomm , which situ t'laiiiis to ho
ab out $1,500 , mind also for tue mmttmrcaaitl $200 $ ,
w imicti sue salt ! was a Part consiieratioim for
tI me laud. Sue has dettmmcted trout time aimmouumt
al ma imrays for time vaimme of time clothing
fu rnisimeil imer by tIme dofemitlant ,
A 2-year-old cimlid of lami Payne's fell
T lmmmrsmlay anti slightly bruised its hip , as nit'
Im eared at tIme timmic. Saturday It luas
n oticed that time hip was swelling. anmi op.
p eaneti iii bo slightly imaralyzeil. Local
p hysicians are tioiumg all in thom IOWC to
p revent luarall'sie ,
% 'i11 ( H te l'luit temsitiutim ti Ciiimui'e ,
l'LATTSMOLTTII. Aug. 7.-Sieciai ( Tele.
g rammm.-Tho 3lissotmni Pacific mmmaimimgemmmont has
a rranged to rtmn its Lincoln paseemmger train
t hrough ( liii city Into Onmaima , returnlmmg by
t ime same route in the evening. heretofore
t his train lies beorm run to Nebraska City , ammd
a S a consequence Nebraska City mmmerclmante
ho ve hati ami almost exchmmsiy'o nmonopoly of time
t rade fronmu souihmermm Case cotmmmty. Time new
a rramigemmiemmt vhli reilound to time mimercamitiie
i nterests of bothm Piattsmimouth maul Omaha , cmiii
ib i s a valuable addition to time train service of
b otlm cities as far as time Misuuii l'acitic rail'
is concerned.
A string of fiat cans tvent off time track ttm
t ue local II. & 31 yards tide afternoon on
a ccount of tue turnIng of a rail arid truuflic In
t he yards was at a complete standstill for sew-
c ml imours.
Aihuuil ii isirui I I out i.rcee Siroiig ,
CENTRAL CITY , Nob. , Aug. 7.-Spe (
c ial.-Tho ) Merniclc county democratic central I
c otmmnmittc'o mutt at the count house yctertlai .
f or the pimrpose of selecting delegates to thmc I
s tate deimmocratic conventlomi. By au over
w imeinming uminjonity It was decided to hold tiuc
c ounty conveumtion August 28 for the purpose
o f selecting delegates to the Lincoln conveum :
t ion. Time admuminlstratiomm forces vcre imanthhed
b y Thomimas G. Morgan , rind time IIrI'amt tloummo
c ruttia forces by Editor Wells of tIme Cemmtrmt
C ity Damitocrat , mmmd J , W. Sparks. The imanti
m mmaclminery In this county Is evidently con
t railed by the mmdmmminiatmntlon forces ,
\ Vmisi , I uiirioim Ciumtity Tcuii.iere lh'eI
BLAIR , Neb. , Aug. 7.-Special.--The ( ) an :
n uai W'aaimhumgton coumumty lnstltuto commmienced I
h ere Monday ummornhmmg. The attendance ii I
v ery lmeavy. Nearly 100 teachers Imave en-
r oiled mmmd tlmena mire places for only about :
eS ighty-live teacimers in the county. Coimnty .
S upenintommtlent J.V. . Henderson is umsaisted hI r
l 'rof , 'iv. K. F'oivler , Miss Ehlemm 31. AustIn '
D. C. O'Connor aimmi 11. 10. ilenilriclcs ,
SvIit'itimiutum Crtisliit to Icuttii ,
LINCOLN , Aug. 7.-At an early hour thu m
u mmomnimmg John howard , a BurlIngton switch
u mian , living at 915 V street , toll tmimder the
c ars and i'ss killed. lie was at ivork amok :
h ug tmp a stock train mind wiuilo crossing hr
f rent of It was knocked down , time su'iieeim
v assing over Imimu mmeck and face , billing imhum
i nstantly. howard was 23 years of ago ant 1
'S'mbil mip lttirgIm. i's Ji'l uii'ih
HASTINGS , Aug. 7.-Spcclat ( Teiegrani.i-
T he three young burglars who were arrestec i
y esterday for stealimmg had their hmeanlrmg toda I
b efore Justice McKtnmmey. Enmil iirebnt tool C
fl coimthnuammco for thirty days.'ill humgna
l mant anti John Green were fined $25 cccii ant i
c osta.
c ;
The Balmy SoLttli !
Land ol Plenty
No Hot Winds
No Droiitlis.
Cool uiummens and mIld wInters-
two and tlmree crops raised ft year ,
Free fuel. 111dm lammd 1"hno railroads -
) roads anti time best ahtpphng facilities -
' ities bring limo nmarkets of the
whole coumniry to your door , Work
anti this land yields you abundant ,
never falhitmg cropa that bring big
prices and you hinter sonietlmlrmg to
market alt time year through.
Central Mississippi
well watered , good roads , friendly
people never faliinu returns from
Yl the richest ohl Ofl the globe , 'I'he
) tide or imnnmlgratlon is tmmrnhmmg to
) 'wards this wondetful region. Twenty
" acres there wltim any sort of care
pays you mono mmioney thami the best
101 acres in time voat. Stock runs
out miii thu year and you can r.iiso
vegetables every niontlu in time
twelve. Gartlemm tarimiumg and ( rut
maiIng are nmaklng more money for
the nortimmirn setth'rme mmow ( lien they
over ummatle before In their lives
with double the mmmount or ivork.
Poaclmems , phumnime. pears , mmtrawiwrnles ,
grapes. rmrsimniona. cony apimhemu.
apricots-in faCt all small fruiL9 urm
prolitabie , never failing sotmrce of I
revenue. For full particulars address -
CEO.XJ , AMES , Genera ! Agent , (
< 1617 Fornorn St. , Omuahits , Neb.
- -
. . - - . We send tlm lnaz'vsinui Froneim
; . iuome4y CALTIIOS trio , ammd : m
-I Ill 10. IesI cmmcrimrmtoe that ( tALTimOA will
i" ' 'ITcH' ' iiiichsrges& , . . ,
( , l'
¶ ' ' Use (1 and ay ujaollfi..1 ,
1p4 S4J.iVON MOIIL. Co. .
- .r A.i1ca. CtiUi.Ii.&tiCl
' C7''tt1'DS '
I. ( HEW
TH1Ts : cps
ow jOSh
Both the Ihietilod and resnltm 'licri
Syrup of ligs hi takeii ; it is letsant
a titl rofreshiiit to the ulste , and nota
gelhtlyot. . ProihhPtIy On the IidilUy'B ,
Liver flhiI ( lh'obt , cicailses the sys.
t Out miffectualty , tVispeia coldt , head-
tCIlemI allI ( fovel's itiid elites hin'itual
. ' , ) IlStilalt'lOil , Sy1'U ) of Figs is the
o nly i'omot'ly of its kiiid ever vro-
( 11100(1 , ) ICaMiiig to the tnstti aiitl no.
. . . eitnbIo to thu tOiimiic'h , I1I'ohihlt ) in
i t.s nctioit and truly bciiul'ieir.l in ita
c ffect.q , lrCimal'etl only fioiii thin iiiost
h calthiyniid agi'eealilosllhstahlceS , ita
i lt:1hl3 : oxcolleiit t1llaIit'Ie C'Olhhhilchid it
t .o nU auth iiit'u made it thin 11108 $
i bOPillili' t'eiiietly ktiowii ,
Syrup of Iigs iii for sale in tiO
c citt bottles bS" all 1eadihh drug.
g its. Ai-.y i-i'IiabIo druggist who
I iht llot have it on liiiicl : i'il1 pro-
i lire it proiiiptly for any 0110 'irho
i s'ishie to try it. Do hot aceptnny :
ta I ii sti Lu to.
WYI2I.E. y. Mr.
10 CNTS [
, ' ' ( ; , . ,
'yt ( ,
! -
'I / ? ' . 'it ( I
) ;
ctv'1ii ; .s/ .
t/ / '
- . .
. , = tht \ . ,
I ii
: ; _
lm\ \ G , ,
A re a ciommtiflc coimipound of ummedicimies in-
t omided to build up time Nerve Stu'ucturo and
r estore to the wlmolu body miii of its umorunal
f unctions.
wimOso t'onic Is bemmm flchmti anti hmtmmtimmg.
I'rlcc , $1,110 imor box ; 0 ( or $1.00 , Somit by
m ail.
ia i t yotm nrc getting nervous amid can't sleep
a nti don't care wimetimom' you go to your
meals or not. You need titemn it you mires
c ross anti irritable without any vhmuiimlt-caumso
o r If surtrrhng with an nervous disorder ,
g lluI'llhIllI ' & MCO11llllh1 Co
1513 DODCE ST. ,
¶ 2d1)oor M7crst P. 0. , Ointulii : ,
iY4"l'TV , '
( yck\\ JA
w1 1T
1/Ill / I ) Yt = -
Ltt& !
: : . &
? . .
Building Up'I"radc.
it would bc Ul'IWiSC indeed
and hazardous to our fifty
years' reputation a' reliable
tailors1 if we allosvcd ourselves -
selves to quote prices too
low to 1)roducc satisfactorily
made garments.
'riterefore , when you see in
our advertisement the state-
inent that the new and lower -
er tariff on woolens , conthin-
ed with our other ve1l
known advantages. enables
us to make suits to order
from $15 to $50 , rants to order -
der from to $14. you may
rely on it that our price
quotations are for good gar
inents ,
Samnpleui mailed ,
Garimients expressed.
2O S1 , 15th STflEET.
BOSTON. . . ; ; ; ; ; ; ; irsvru.
ii.SMOINE3. I'irrsmmwuu ,
flMLTJokD. P0mm-ANn. Oie. sAomt