. . - . . . . . . . . . " . . , . . . , . . - ' . . . - - - - - . . . - - . - ' - . . , - - . ' " - . . - _ . - - . " . . , ' - " . - . . ' ' - ' - - ' . - ' . . . . . . . . . . . , - , . , ' _ . . " , - - ' . ' " - , ' , .4\ \ . . " . . . . _ ! . , - i. . _ _ _ . , _ ( - - . , . , r"'Pf//IIA , / . . , " " "J I" ' ' " ' - . ' . . , . \ - - - - - - . _ _ . . _ . _ . . . v - ' " - > - - - I . - - - . . , . _ _ . . . . . . - - - - ' - - - - y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'rIlJ ONAITA DAILY flEE : Sjv1.rLIAY , AUGUS'L' 3 , IH)5. ! 3 ' - - - - - . _ 'c.-- _ _ . . . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ . , . 14 iimWltw NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS. 1 I OftIc , 12 Pcarl j Street.-I.W. ( TlItoiiMntingr - nttd LCHSCC. 311 ( J1l 31I' l i : : T ION. . I O-lnll : hotel , 'ouncll Dlufts Newly lur. , nlshed Iteopcntll Ocl. 1. I. I : I. ' . Clarlt. prop , I A tnarrlae ! : IIcel\e WI\S IUUNI yetrday to Andrew Anlleron , , ag ; ll 2T , 111111 Olln An. 11err.on , or-I'll 2oJ ' , the forl\1"r \ of CcunclJ lI1ults I onll the latter of Omlha. : Special ) meeting : of ntuir dlvlslou No. 27 . J Uniform Hank nlKhls l of PythIa. toulht. : . . . . for work In Sir Knight I : ranI All lIIemLerll requellled to be pl'Cent. A petilion 11I\s h 1'I1llell / for the removal of 1 the damage : suit of Gor/e lIurku ngnnt : the : ( "ounr1Bults \ : 01111 Omaha BrldKe ( cOll1lJaUY from \ the district court to the Unll:11 ( llltes courl. "The ChrIstIan ( leaner" ! Is the name \ of n I seml.monthly paper , the IIrpt lIumher of c which has just been ISlllll'd In the Inlerests of the ( 'hrlKtian church by It. . W. Abberly Hu Ilnotor It I Intendell ( to take the place of the Mirror of which lte\ n. W. Allen was the odltor for GO\'OI "I ycar . It Is full of news of Intere to the mcmbers of the church. Arrung'l11ents are being made hy the toll- , era WOOIII1lCIi of America of Macedonia to ' : I IHivo a picnic . \t that place : 1rhlay. August ; 16. ; All InvItation hia been extcnl\,1 \ , to tile members of the Coullcll IIhlrrs 10,1 , ! ; ! ' to at- tcnd. General nrake and County Attorney SaUllllcrs are to lIe among the lleJkers. hut the annruneelnent Is malII' that there will he no politics whatever mixed ) UII with the nf- fair , liS Lot'l -4ipcal\crs have been put ulltler honds. Miss G , M. Fulon. proprlctcss of the AmerIca ami ! Germlln ( nlJllo'l11l1nt < : agency ot the corner of Dodge and Sixteenth streets. Ol11oha. reported to the Ilollre last even- lug that she lost a pocketbook containing sig between Omaha : anll CouncIl Bluffs dur- . . . . . lag ! the evening . between Ii nnd 7 o'clocl . She laid the wsllet Ilown 011 the Feat In tle- fault of It pocket Ilnd was very I11nch sur- Ilrlseil a few I11lnu1\'s latl'r when she rounll It mlssln/- / She Ktralght way c0l11mencl'l1 tu ac'use everyone on the 'ear of beIng : . thief , and causel - , . . quito - - a sensation. Clear Vacant : lots to trlIlo for tlweilin/ ; hioio and lot with mall encu11lberanc to be auul11eo1 hy Ilurchaser. Good farm loans / ' wanted. Money really when papers lire COlli- i Illeted and title apPI'oveil. LOmml ; ; & TO\\'Ig. 235 : : : ; Pearl St. 1'IttSON.t1. i' , \ IItIttt'II4. : . I orn. to Mr. ami It.s. W. A. 000lIring ft daughter. II. I'eth'hrlllge hafl gone to Tarlclo , Mo. . -o on buslnes. Miss Alma rfelltel' has : gone to Lyons . Ia , and llIwaukee. Wis. , 10 visit rrlenll Mrs. F. J. Schnon left last e\'enlnJt for n month'/I visit at her old home In Crystal Lake , 111. 1.0cl1ood Dodge was the victim or a run- a\\ay In Omaha Thllrhday , but was not seriously Injurul. trs. A. Flemrnln the a/e,1 ; , mother of Mrs A.V. . AskwitlI Is seriously III at hel hOlllo all tI1l FII eel. \\"ash liler deputy United States mnrsha\ \ from Athantir : . was In the city yesterday : on seml-olOclal bushus. J.v. . I.uke of hampton [ . Ia. . m'mher of the Slate Railway commission , registered at . the Graml hotel yesterady. , - mltott S. MIller : of Des Moines. ! tllstrll't agent ; for the Connectlcnttutual : LIfe Insurance - surance company , was In the city yeterday. Miss : May Mason has returned to her home In Clinton alter a visit or a couple of w'eks with \ 1Isl3mle : O'Donnell on Parll a\'enue. A. H. floyd of SIII1I\'an Mo. , Is In the cIty . a gtlest of A. H. Elliarillo : cattle dealer , on Harmony street , lookIng after a real estate tIcal Mrs. ! A. lItchel1 accompanied by her children , Master Hohert Hey anll Miss ? M'rtlt' , left last evening for 0. visit to Car. manville , 111. I C. C. Lincoln allll wife of l'erry . Ia. , are . . . In the city for 0. few da's''Islt with rei- - allvcs , after \\hlch they will leave for a western trip. Mr. Moore , a prominent attorney of Gr'en- castle , 111(1. , IInll a member of the board of trustees of DePauw unIversity , was In the city yesterday. . James W. Blythe. chairman : of the repllhH- can state committee spent yesterday 110 CouncIl lIInlTs. He was on his way to Nebraska - braltll on buslnes J. J. Va\'ra. the Upper ) Broadway dry goods , merchant , returned last evening from un outing with relatives In Old.lhoma , ac- comllanlcll by a nicely I sunbllsterell face. Mrs. Spencer Smith , Silencer [ Smith Jr. , allll Mr and Irs. Oscar Keellae left yesterday - tenlay for a'Islt to Hot Springs ; , S. I ) . Menrs. Smith and Keellne will visit the latter's ranch \\'omlng before return- Ing. , In order to introduce our new belch : and to overcome the misrepresentation made hy other bathing ! places , the manuJ.er ; of the new , Grand Plaza alters free to the visitors of . , ' . , the Grand 'Iaza ! , the use of new suits and 1' dressing rooms on Saturday afternoon and ' t 3. I\'er ; ; ' ' In- c\'enlq August Fvery one cordially - vltell. F' . C. Iteed mnna/er. I..r Sit t ii rdir' g""IIIIIA' "I " 'sr " 'VIIi4 K'c white hemstltehell hanlllterchleIJ , 3c 50e double wlllth veIling , 15c. 50e gent's colored slllt handkerchiefs , 21e. 250 ehllllren'/l black seamless hose , 10c. 45e white sailor hats , Hlc. All the trimmed hints In the store. $1.00. At Vavra's Ilry goods store 112 Broadway. . I' . U. S. Of . \ . The , state camp of Iowa Patrlollc Order Sons of America will hold Its annual : session In the hall of camll No. 12 , over 101 South I l. Main street , Tuesday evening , August / 6 , 189 : ; . 'I' at 10 a. m. National President James A. Kilton of Denver , Colo. . will be present also members prominent In the work from different ! . ent parts or the stllte. In the evening camp , I No. 1 or lebraskl ! : wIll join camp No. 12 of Iowa In a general meeting , at \ \ hlch all members - bers of the order are earnestly requested to lIe present. STYl\mST STflVI1NSON : ! . Secretary Iowa State Camp , PatriotIc Order Sons of America. IIhJltLI6'l'ON unu'I'J ; Ht..lllt..1 Hllh' I To hot Sprngs [ ! , S. D. , sale July 19 , Aug. . ' . ) oat 2 and 23 , one IIrst class fare for round trip. Triennial conclave Knights Templar. lies- ton , Mass. Sale August HI to 21. American I'harm' ctJutical association , Den. vor Colo. Sale August 11 allll 12. National convention eeley league , If:1r- : rlsbur . I'a. Sale August 16 to 22. In addition I have all sale Summer Tourist tickets to varIous points In the United States and Canada Call and get ! ' : copy or map an < 1 lIIustratel\ write up of the great Yellowstone National park. O. JIt BHOWN Ticket Alent. The Hartlmnn Is full anti rich In toue. The Genuine ltouml Oak Furnace Is tue same success that the GenuIne Hound Oak heater Is. Air-tight , gas-Ught , burns any kind of fuel and less of It than any other furnace made , Lowest 1rlces. [ Cole & Cole SI. 41 Main _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The oul ) " piano worth having , the lIarllman. 'I The ga com1any's [ special [ prices for serv- Ire pipes [ will be contllluell through Jul ) ' . Read Davis' ad. avls sells hamml'clts cheap. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ None finer than the IIl1rllman Baby Granll. 1'1 > H 1111 ii'ir 3 . . . A horse belollgln toV . G. Sawyer manager - ager of the McCormIck comp\n"s : Interests here , was hitched In front of the warehouse ) 'eserlay : afternoon , but got away and ran Ill the street. It vas stopped In front of Mergell'lI store. The buggy ; seat was mitiS- InK and the vehIcle was ' olherwlso dam- I oged. I. Pat Olll1l10ul\e's delivery horse broke loose 1 . . from his moorIngs / In front or the store on ' ; lower Main street and In his fright started . , oft to delIver a load of goolh. 'Che hllr- neu broke before ho hall gone f.ir and the horse ran on by hllllboit. lie fell In front t . ot the lIurlllllton depot and was caucht " YI'I , the Eagle / laundry II "that good Jllunllr ) " , " and Is locatell at i2t UrollllwolY. If In doubt about this try It and be convinced , DOD't forget name aud number Tel In k------ - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - . . . . ' I ' . \ tK lI' A CIIII.UlIgX'4 ! I1OMII. . - - - - Sin" ! IIIIIIII , II > I > Ir"'r I ehlltlr.'u of " ' " ' 11111" IIn,1 ( 'rlmlllni l'iirt'its . There have been several cases In court recently - cent- ! In which the rights and privileges of chllllrell have been at stake arid the results of which have I/Illphaslzcd the need of a home or some : kind , to be under state control ' trol , for thu benefit of the children of parents \\ho arc vicious or criminal to such an ex- tent nil to male It necessary that their wards he taken from tb m. A short time ago Lct- lie North , a little girl , \\as brought before Jude ; Smith al the Instance of her mother , who claimed hl'118 IncorrIgible ' and wanted , her sent to the reform : school. Judge Smith InvestIgated , the cape and found that the father of the child \\as In the In8ane asylum I and her mother hud recently married It man 1It. r living wllh him for a considerable time wit , out the formality of a marriage cere- mon ) ' . Per about three weeks the girl ; had to be kept 111 the county Jail , simply because the State hall no place to which she coulll is- g.tlly be Fent. lIer mother had driven her aw.iy from home IIn,1 would not allow her to return , the child was not hall arid could not he sent to the reform Fchool. anti alto- ether her caco \ \ all somewhat perplexing. , She vas of course kept away frolll the Ilrls- oners while In the county jaIl but had to live behlrlll the liars Just t the S3l11e. Judge Smith , Is or the belief that the state shouhl take IIIl'asures to establIsh a hOlllo of ollle , sort1 here children of this sort could betaken I taken aud cared , for unlll such time as they couhl be prOhIed \ \ llh hOllies. "Tho , state looks out for Its deaf : neil dumb its blind allll Its feeble minded ehil- ilri'i , " nlll he yesterday "anll what relSOh : C.\l1 there he for not ( akltig the ehlhlren of IlIswluto Ilatelits , In charge In the saline \ \ " .iy ? A provision Is made for a hall ciillii to setHI 1 It to the reform school but If the child Is Fa unrortunate as not to hu hall there Is noth- InS 'hat ' can lie done wllh II lelally. 1 sent "cute : North - to the county Jail and then directed that sIne bo given to the manager of the Christian 1I01lle. hut there Is consider- able doubl , as to the action I took being \\ar- taInted by law or by anything but necelllly A state institution IIhoulll be eltllhllshed where all such children could be given tem" porary ioinie , . arid tine nmnu/'ment ; , of the hOllle houlll then he given authority by law to IInll h01ll1'1I , for them ' > III fliRt nil IJMlllhll' - anti , Jtlvctilem to people ' ( " of ' good . character who , wlshLd to adopt tlwlII. , An Institution ot this khlll could he l11ado a sort of adjunct to Ihe State Heform school with legal pro- Visions for ehllnglng from one 10 the oilier when cIrcumstances should render such a thing advisable. " ' 1'\0 ny 1O'n ' 1I0Ht. Store Ch-iirl tig Sit le Closes slit iiriI , . ) ' . SPECIAL < : IJAItGAINS OFIi-ItEt ) FOIl 1'HlDAY AND ! SATtJrtnAY. Special $2.25 antI $2liO heavy silk um- hrellas to close lit $1.50 each , I.atlles' extra heavy all slllt mitts , 19c quality at Wc a 1alr. [ 2lic IIIl1ts nt 15c. 5Sc : \IIanese ! silk II1lttS. lIe . , I5c black silk fans. 25c I'ach. BIg line of ecru and cornln yanlse and Irish point laces from Ii to 12 Inches while , re/nlar ; value 33c to 5Sc. to close at lOc a 1 yard llic lIuallty ecrn laces reduced to Se a yard. 7e 'Inallty 1111111'5' Swiss ribbed vests to chose at 3 for 10c. llic qualIty lallles' \ 'ests . 3 for 2c. : ; Big sortment of tllmilies. Swhse/l. jaconets , etc. , worth lOc and 12c \ , to close at lilf.e , a 'arll. 15c ninth lic IlImllles lit Dc ! ) a 'aTl1. 2lic Imported dirnithes 18e a yard. 3e ! ) French or/ondles ; at 2e : ; a I'arnL I.atllca' fine hawn percale and gingham wrappers reducCtI from $1.50 and $2.00 to 9ir each. $1.00 and $1.25 novelty dress goods reduced - duced to 1i9c , a yard. liOc checked taffeta sllls , 25c 3 yard. Large size down pillows covered with ducking , regular prltu : $ l.fo9 , reduced to $1.11. ! 1ge while goods Se a yarl ! . 7c Shaker flannel 4e a 'aTlI. FOWI.EIt , DICK & W\l.hr-:1t. : Council lIIuffs , 10. 1.I II GI 'i' III" Ii ' Pl'I'i'Il1'e. Perhaps ! no man In this western country h:13 : hall a more thrilllng religIous experience than Henry Ielong. , I.'rom the ( time when In a drl'lnstorm on the plains he first prayed that the lost cattle and sheep [ mlht ! be found In order that he might escape [ a whipping , down to the present lime ( , when In extreme anxiety for the EHh'ation of men he prays for the enllowment of power and receives - I I cel\'es the allsw'r. his career has been cue that Is most interesirig arid practical. \fter much ollcllatlon he hints cOllsented , , , to give ' this l'xperence at the Young Ien's Chrlstilln soclalon ! meetlllg SUllliay afternoon at 4 o'clock lie wIll tell of hla spiritual 1I11If\S : \ atlll the days when he was In the slough ! of deFponll , his falls anti b ' GOII's help [ his rIses All men are cordialy Invlt(1 to lear , 'fhe audience shoulll on I ) ' be IImltcll by the size of the house. C. o. 1) . lthtO'N'S Siu'einl ! . Srl.iiitilNOhl rult Jnrs . I'ints per dozen , 40c. Quarts , pEr dozen , 50c. Half 11I110ns. per dozen. G5c. UHOWN'S , C. O. D. $2,50 to Kansas City and return via the Burlington route. Salamll1Y , August 10th. Train will heave Main Street depot Council lI1ulfs , at 10:45 : I' I ) . m. : back : Monday morning In tln1l' for breakfast Tickets and full information - formation at 517 Droallway. 0 M. IIHOWN , Ticket Agent Thl Hardman piano wears like Iron , . Campcrs at Ianawa end Comfort Seekers Everywhere : have yon taken advantage of the great rocker sale or the Durfee Furniture Co. 'l It lasts until Aug. I. UI"HlltI"U",1 " , lth liii' A'\'I.rtl. trs. Georgia A. Trephlgen : , has appeal from the recent action of the board or supervisors ' - visors and the appraisers [ who fixed a mpa3- lire of damages for the laying out of a new road In Gainer township [ . liS petitioned for by John \1. : lIyers. John I" Garner amid ! \\11. haiti I. Dillon. The board granted ; the 11e- tltlon for tine road , alll appolntell as : .p- . praisers J.P. hess J.P. Greenshlehls and J. D. l Johnson , whose unIt ) ' It was to assess damages 10 the abutting 11roperty. trs. TrellhaJten was \\'anlell $560 liS her share of the damages , but she clllims this was not enough. She says line land actually IsCI In makln , the road \ as worth $2,265 , besides which there Is a se\'en.aere tract of land \ \ hlch Is cut oft rrol the rest or her farm by the rooll and renderell absolutely worth. less for any purpose. Then she says her rlrm Is Injurell $1 .000 worth , by having the road where It Is . and she d mants $ t,265 , In- stead : of the $550 : ; which , she was ollowed. Tine transcript [ of the doings or the super. \'Isorl wllh ) , reference to the road was tIled led wllh the county clerk yesterday , anll the claims wilt be In\'estlgatell - - - - - " 'Iu''h'r' I\ I III ' 'I' . . I I'rn nt.o 1..r . \ II ' All Itigrit . : 'IONHO Neb. . July 25.-Wheeler & lIerehl , Council lults : Gentlemen-Illclosed Please 11\1 check tn full or I ) ' first Invoice Wheeler's King Temperance leer bought of von. YOII goods are excellent and your prices right HOI ; nT . A. \Ilnf : - _ _ _ _ _ _ Druggist I. . " C..tln r ! 1.lit.e 1'Nts. Twelve car loathe standard red cellar fence posts , I01lc each , by the car load. A. O\lmTO : 'i'iiiirNiIIIM nl lnnhltnn II'n'h. Probably the largest and certally the dressiest cro\\1 that has visited Manhattan beach , tanawa , this season was there lat Illht. The principal attraction was the ex- hlblton ( trill by thq Thurton ( 11111cc. The members of the organization arrived late In the afternoon . about fifty In number , aecol- panlel by their ladles and a lot or their other friends . The announcement that It was their mIght attracted big / crowds , amid every train until late In ( he ' unti thl evening went baited to Its utmost cJpaelt The boats were far too slal , antI too few to accommollate the throngs. A boa woulll hanlly be made fut to the dock before one crowd would be oft aDd auotber on , and eel with the quickest . - , . ' ' , - = - - . of runnlllg many hail 10 wall hal an hour before they could cross. The Rifles 0\\ net ! the beach from ( lie tIme 0ne tl.Lme they set foot upon I , the natty blue coats and white trousers attracting alhnlrlng glances ; from the girls , and even the bar- barton , who were so fortunate as to pas. seas clothes or tint ( description , shone wih a reflect ell light. The drill took place just west of the electric fountain , the large level ' space being \\el adapted for mliltar e\'olu- tion. The drill occupied about three-quaret of on hour and was the 8ale as hat I at lel' phis. where the ' . RIfles co\'erCI themselves with glory and walked oft with the first Ilrlze. After the thrIll the ( soldiers took a bath. The signals for /olll ; In and comIng out were gIven by bugle : call. Upon comllig i ( out the , } ' went to tie dlnlnl room where a malnllleent banquet was served by Landlord llulett . and made away with In a say that Ihoweo the IUles to lie 119tator ) ' as well as mIlitary experts. At a late hour In the e\'enlng they bid a reluctant farewell to tan- hllttan beach ninth loft for Omaha. anl 'i'.zh I IlVh'IS \1' lIIItCI , " 'itiiIshiIiig ' , \1 SuI1''tiMfillhy ' h'i-rriiriieuh III I ( 'hurl' " ! BIII"'III.III'III. 1 An entertainment was gIven at the Chris-I tan tabernacle Thurstu ) ' evening by the i . lembers of gll N. Brown's Sunday : ) school class. An attractive Ilro/ram ; was rendered hut there was one number lipon which , Mr. lirown . the general manager of the alfalr , hall not conn tell , and of which he scarcely allrO\'eL During the 11rOram ! he had to elmn/e his clothes. and left the ( tllsearll 1 suit hanging In the vestry coon , lefo e leaving home , he hall Ilut In his pocket $100 In cash exp'etng to meet n man WhUl1 , he owed a bill. lie faied to meet the man , arid so the money was left II his Ilcket After the Ilrograni , hal been com- pletlll he went hack to the vestry room. , DlII upon feeling In his pocket found bile wallet was gone with all Its CJntents. The door of lie room hall been locked all the tunl' , but the window catch was broken and I was an easy matter to clalber In over the sill . ThE hlenly of the thief Is Imown to ! r. Browu , all there Is a strong Ilroba- bihity of an arrest being made. - - - - - ' - - \1111 .1 ii rn ' 11.1.1" ( " ' , 'r. There Is some uncertainty as to the con- structon of the new law governing the se- lecton or juries I has been customary for the grand jury to be selected at the first / ) of the year and the pet jury before each terl. , The new law went Into effect July 4 , and under Its provisions the petit jury wi be drawn In a few days ; for the August term of the district court. Judges ! mlh and Green however , have dechlell to let the grand Jury selected last December hold over until the first of the year . onll It Is understood that this t11an wl be quite gen- orally adopted throuJ.hout ; the state In some of the districts , howe\'er. It Is stated that the judges have discharged their grunll juries for good . anti when the fail term of court : opens [ a questIon will arise as to who shall I Indict I i the ccliii I miii Is. , I . ( H'I' 'l'III' I lt { LS1' It hIm ) I'CIlh ) it A'i'miS. Ut'H Mul lies 1.llh I 1 ; ltll ; - ; 'l'llhl'M ( tll 1 , ' 11 In.r..tlI I ' 1'lrll. DES MOINES ! : , Au/ 2.-Seclal ( Tele- gramn.-Souniotlning ) of a sensation was pro- Ilucell 11 the ( federal court today wheu Man- tiger ; Pral or the Call1al City Gas com- IJny. which Is defendant In a suit brought by the city , testified that four of the ely newspapers get their gas / now for $1 her 1.000 feet 811(1 ( that , the tate house and hotels also mare special rate On the cross-ex- alllinaton Judge Couiior , for the city cmi- deavorl'd to show thaI the cost or materials aunt labor , 'ero such today that a plant of equal capacity all as good In quality coulll he erected and equipped for less than It couhl at the prices existIng / seven , eight or ten ( years a/u. This proposition to whIch all private bn'.shnens Is sutnjected . will be bitterly assailed by the gas / comp.IY. which wil seek to get a decision In harmony with thai rendered by Jll/e Brewer of the federal SUlr\'me ( court last tall In the Nebraska railroad - road cases , when the jud/e ; hell that not- wlhptallng the actual cost or the rouds dil not exceed $20,000 per mule yet because watered stock to the amount of $50.00U pel mile had been Issued the people of Nc- braska shoulll be held to pay rates for transportation - portation of freight and passen/er3 that \\ould UNsure returns upon $70.000 mien mule. \\'aler Clark of Phiadelphia. superIntendent - ent or the United Gas Im1ro\'Cment [ compan testlfiel , In the gas case this nfterioon He swore that It would cost $440,000 to repro- duce the plant of the Des Moines com [ 1\IY ; that a coal gas plant barge enonlh to supply Des Moines woulll cost 446.474. nl1 a water gas plant $418,617 _ , . _ exclubl\'e . - - real estate. I iiihiet'it I Ih'h.'t h. . . . DES MOiNES . Aug 2.-Slleclal ( Telegram ) -information has been received here that ChIef of n tectvs George lcNul of this city has been Indicted by the \Iontgomer : count ) granll Jury on the charge of cOIlcl ) In lefraulllnJt a \Irs. : Quinn out nf $220. lcNul went to lIed Oak durlnJt the races there and arrested a man named Quinn for the theft of a bicycle. Tlle story told In lied Oak Is that after taltng Quinn Into custody at lied Oak lcul and a man named Suilt- van of Creston Inveigled trs. Quinn Into endorsing over to them a certificate of dePosit - posit In a Hell Oak hank . for $220. wih the understanlling that ( lucy were to use $20 to redeem the wheel , and afterward kept the whole amount and permitted Quinn to ecape. lcNul denies the charges. ' 'WI 1"1 \\"Il Sn Ieiie . DES MOINES : , Aug. 2.-Spechal ( Tebe- gram.-Mrs. ) J. U. Schermerhorn cOlmlttell sulcille last night by dinking carbolic ach ! She was 28 years 011 , and was ( pendent , Over the death of her children. MASON CITY Ia , Au/ 2.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Mr. ) Orange lnkler commltell sui- chic last night near AI/ona by drowning hersel In n cistern. She lad been In the hosllial lt Indellendence for some ( hue arid was hOle for a short vlsll Shu eluded her hushanll 011 friends for a short ttmnie . throwing herself Into the cistern at the ( rear of the house. She was dead when foummid - - - Not lItI"I..1 "lh Clii' 1.IH'tll' . 1)ES MOINES : , Aug. 2.- ( Special Tele- gram.-The ) Port tadlson Chair company [ has refnsell to accept the reduction of but 5 i ; cents In the price or a tlay's cN1'let labor. I 'he rate In Ilnol Is 31 cents , whie the reduction offered by the executive council lIIalles the rate 41 cents. The compan has the legal right to terminate the contract . tract on five months' notice to the council . counci. anll this possibly It will do unless I Is dc- cldell to make a 40-cent rate. l'ro"'tI"t. . % u'itsliii ' mu'r t'iiIi. ) MOINES : . Atmg. 2.-Spcclal ( Telcgram. ) -The announcement Is published here that Alan Dawson , editor of the Des Moines l.ealer. wilt be married In October to Miss : Nellie Perkins of Sioux Cty ' , daughter ; or Mr. George ; D. Pekins. editor of the Journal and member of congress from the Eleventh Iowa district _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'rrlP''lh.A' I Mint Hi. , U.I'I.III' . , WEISTlll CITY . la. , Aiig 2.-Speclal ( Telegram.-J. ) U. Powell , representng the Wear Commlshon com ( an ) of Chicago , , \ \ hose home Is st Lavrence Kan. . dlell sniddenly of heat disease at the \\'In hotel In this city this morning (1"wol,1 H.I'lrnU. H"'Knh' , MALVEIN ( , 10. , Aug. 2.-peclal ( Tele- gram-The ) democratic convention met al Genweoll today to elect 11elelates to the state con\'Cnton. The delegates were unln- structell. p I W"II , : nu .t Il1'Uit'l't'i' HI el"O : Chl'ull juilge n ) H tr..t 11111\'H . Are : . .t 1'lhln I'ro'L'I , ) ' . CIIICAGO , Aug. 2.-An Importont street ral\\o ) ' decision was rendered by Judge Tuley today In tine suit of tine General ElectrIc Street hallway compan to compel the Chicago - cage Street Railway company to allow the electric cars to lun for II short IIlata'lce over the Chicago lines . Judge TUley deeldel against the electric company , hollllg that the railways ore not public Ilroperty and can be controlled by the ' controled exclusively company operating thorn , REVIVED 1)ROOPIN ) ( HOPES' ' . ' . . , - r Police at Last SccitreaCoi4'esson ; ! from Quin1an. ' , - . SAYS PITZEL WAS KILLED .AT CHICAGO I' ' - still IIUII" nI ni 'l''llIiij ' I lit' 11'111" hut lie l'ul lee CII ' I , I. I tI I ) . 1- I't'cl tn ( let tIre " 'Iiule . SInl ) ' , ' , , 1roii. 111,1' , , , ChICAGO , Aug. 2.-The police hard at last obtained a partial confession from Pat Quinlan , the janitor of Ilohmnes' caste , and have , they believe , positive [ evidence Ihit . ilenjamitimi P. ; Pltzel was murllerell In this elt ) by I blues anti the corpse pent to I'hiil- allelphl3. The confession was wormed out of [ qulnlan by means of 3 till given the local ol'els by DetectIve Ge'er or Ihlldelllla : , who arrived In this city tOtla ) ' . The exact nature of the story told by Quinlan tine 1)011CC \ u ill nol reveal , and In fact Chief ( olce11 . ladenoch and Inspector I.ltzl'atrlck ' have both denlell that Quinlan or his wife have made any confesion at all. : otwlhstndlnl ; the denial : of the police . howe\'er. ' It Is positively know thaI qulnlan made amid blgnell a confession - feslon , because It was heft whel'e Quinlan's signature / emi the document coull be seem . olhough the ( subject maier under which he wrote his name coulll lot he ascertained. fonigiut howe\'er , It was learncll that a confession , \ sas manic covering nit the details of the ( murder of Pitzel . wih the excepton or the actual iulace In which the ( crime I\'a counmulttetl. . Thll ! . the Ilolce declare the ) ' wi have : tomorrow , and they declare that by tIne sunset of AUJtust 5 they will have e\'hlence that l'Itzel his 1lllsl1lable \ Ilzel cam' ! to end thnroughu the direct agency of II II. hiolnunee. The cOlf ! ' ' lon \\US obtained from the Qulnl.ls enl ) ' after the ham tiest klHI of \\ol'k 1111 at the Itrlce of a Illellse of Illull , I t ) ' from punishment , i for al I part the Qunlans ! may have bOle In the murder 01 Iltzel . or other ermines eommltell by Connor , the former hUFbam1 of Irs. Jula Connor , was In consulallon with the chief ! or police for an hour , anl Pat Quinlan was given his daily constittional In the sweat box Quinlan cheerfully ohl ! several new stories regardllJt Ilolmunes' s\llling , schiemneut hut \ \ 'as as hlankly Ignorant as ever of amy . InurlerOI ! ! doings at tine , Skxty-thiiril . street Casthe. lie Sllllemelel nuts usunl uemal8 by an emllhatlc statement opinIon regard- Ing the itohiCe , Inll Is said to have : remarkell that the detectives engaged on the case could not catch the measles , to say nothing / of a nmitnrderer even If rummy munler hall been done ! rs. Quinlan was also examined agaiti . but all that could be gotten rrom her was a qUllntl ) of tears and denials. It Is probable that she will be released from cus- ted ) ' shorty , as the POliCe have decded that she knows very little of Importance reard- Ing Holmes. Several articles or clothing round at the IInhnnes' ' 'Castle. " were hlenllled today all ha\'lng belonged to Mrs. Connor. The Ident- ficallon was by th ' , inttsing ' woman's Inns. baund 1 , who was taken 'to tine Sixly-third street homes by ChIef df Plee Badenoch antI Inpector Fitzpatrick. - nurlng the aferoon the ' spirits of the Police suddenly revived 0111 clims of the III1Hn/ ; of new and Im1ortaut [ c\'llence were nunade. What the evhlente0 [ the olcers refused to say , hut thet wee emrllute In their . statements that It was Impcrtan\ , " \'e have : just tll 'overCI , the most 1m- Ilortant evidence yet found . " saId Chief ! lintlemiochn. "I Is most damalng , , ! to both Holmes and Quinlan. I , am not at liberty to sa ) ' what It Is , but 'I think that when It Is made known the ( ; pol e will 10t Le ridiculed as they mayo , ef late. " I - ShIlh'l'tNG 31n1U GOln 1'0 lItJmtOm'lI. - I 1.lIrA' " AII""lt ur - t h. \ ' 'ln' l..nr,1 , ' 1'111 Cr0511 t h. , ( n..r' NEW YOI < , Aug. 2.-The SIIU of $1.000- 000 In geld has been ordered at the sub- treasury by the Dank of Montreal ! for shipment . mont by tomorrow's European steamer. The gold ordered by the Dank of Montreal Is being withdrawn from the ( subtreasury. I Is on Canadian account and will not be shipped [ until next week Iessluge & Fuller will ship $100,000 ( omen- row. I nil the geld expected to be shIpped [ tomorrow goes forward the ( amount whit be $1.350.000. exclusive of the Bank of Ion. treal's wlllirawal for next week. \ \ ' . II. Crossman & Uro. have ordered ,000.000 gold for eX1orl [ Steinwender Sto- fergen & Co. hl\e : wlthllrawn the $250.000 gold from the subtreasur whIch they announced . nouncell for shipment tomorrow. Oao hundreti , thousand dollars In geld wil be sent out tomorow on the Auranla by Hard ) ' & Harman. It I. 'eported , that tie bond synlllcate has ceased selling bills for tomorrow's steamer but wi sell for next week , and to tints fact It is I said , the greater Ilart of the ( geld ship- mont f Jr tomorrow Is due. OW'NS 'rhitI ISI.\SU OJ 'I'1L1hII . ) . lot's % . .I Ir"II. ; Gin' I I to A uiy . ltOII . .I . lliirtl. . 1 LOS ANGELES . . Harden- , Aug. 2.-Daron Iarllen- Ilcke ) ' , sale proprietor os wel as ruler of the smal Island of Trinidad by right of occu- paten , If not discover , arrived here last unlghut to await the result of the contest over the Islaml. He mllkes light of the claim of nrzl and seems to be more Interested In whut positIon this /overment wIll tale on the question. When asked what Inc would do If the United States Nhoull , refuse to ree- oJtnl7e the island as an Independent govenmm- menl , Ie replied : "That 1 am not preparell , to state further than that I wi not give U1 [ the fight even If this government shoud : fall to give ; Us recognition.e ; have rl/ht ; and Justice emi our side and \ \ nile right docs not always pre- vail over might , I think right will wil In thIs case Brazil . or 'ourse , became unduly excited over Emland's attempted seIzure of the Islnd anti Its Ilrotests against / the action or ngland has helped may cause. " Count de Bolsslere , Baron Hlclley's repre- Hntll\'e , Is In New York on a mIssIon con- leetell wlh the pollllcal position of Trlnldall. = > = - , - - < - - - - ' " - - r - _ - _ = _ - - ) / = = : ) l flj I ! ! ! $ ! ! ' < tIJ "I IJ J - ' ' , -r f1 I ! ' / < . ' ' I ' /'r II'r { 1V& \'j . II I ! II 5J I " C. . - - > - - < \ ' , - ' . - - W'ehl-I stIll huldr lH job- - Which Is gool- Ant HoslH' I ) still l'tAtlmmuOs 10 { III i thn t I 1 EUtltI' 1ttt : ( It. ' 1110 { I (01' Jj : ( , , ; Whldl lt ln'ttt'r : A ss''et-tommi'ul. iuJt't'ly tbuishit'iI t t\let-tonet ] lirl Inl,1111 111110 tnt' $ l : down ninth $8 n 1t1 t h. ( I' { i "hldl 'Ol ought 10 IH ' . } ! A. IOSPE , Jr mf Artisan ! Muolc \ 1513 101111. l t ' : ( ( 'JI L. . . ( < - , : - - - - - - - - - ( bhe.ter' ! . i'tgUs mflano.,4 hirauj. L.r E1fl1YROYtL PILLS i Ou'Igliiuh .ud ( isly U."I" . , J . , , . & . . . tul , , , ? , . ? % .Ar .1. rnisCne. ADn uk . ' _ . . . . , . .I. , . ' . , , . . . li1 s Irtiigt.l I' Cn.Aansr. i'n.S l.uul. . (4.4" . . 'Nln4 , ll. . . . Ri''i4 1f U.d u4 G..1S uituuin SAfl , , . , , . " . . , . . ' ' 'ei5Otl " .10 .h Wii rii't.oD 'fLuJ' . . . ' . . . . . . . . . i..tiii. . ' n. orb. ' . d..g..N " . . I " 0"0.41.IU.I. . . . A' l.nlu..S . . . , , . . , . , , Is ' Iuuna . for r.rluiurs . : . , " , , , l.utIrahL , I . iii ' F 'hmsii.r fur lI : iuiiutr bj rPI.ru I - . SOsib lu'OOo T..tiuoai.u. . X..i VUpu. . - - Chi.kti.rCmIi . , il : 7q.t . . 101"111. l1'cTi : ! 1'k\ . . . r - - - - - HONU GEORGE l. FLETCHER. ' _ let Busy Man and Women Read How Paino's ' Celery Compound Made Him WelL . , . . . b\\ ' : , D : ,9 , ' . ' . ' , . . i ' : : . . . , ' . : : , , . , _ , I , .5 , , , ? , i , i'I' I ' I. ' , ' 5 , , _ _ . _ _ ' , : , " , V - ' , , ; ; ' sp5 : : , ' I / . ' . , , ' . ' . . , ; 1" , , , , , p e' ' # 'i'e' , , . ,1 , . , ' , ' , ' , . , ' , . , , ' " ' ; ; ; " : , : . . ' : ' : # j ; ; ' , - ci , ' . . . . , , , , . . . , . ' . . . . . . . . , . , , . , , . , . . . ' . . . , . . ' - - ? 'kt' ' , tI Jf 'ut " ' , ' ' , i.L 111 . . . . . , . . . . - - - : : C-- I was John Atlams who described his working days as folo\s : Seven hOlrH to sleep To l.aw'l great s udy seven , Tcn 10 lie \orll allot , Anti all to iti'.nven. Few bnsy men In these days apporton their Ilays so wlsel ) ' . The1 are the periods of Immense mental amid bodily train , that rack the nervous S'S' , tern anti "nge" men long before their tlnie. Repeated headaches , nn oppressed reeln ! at the hack or the neck , troublell sleep amI los of atrength show that the nervous system Is on the road to rlrostratlon For busy men thn'ntEned with failure or nerve force , able ph'slclans all over the country arc tOllay pre8crlblng I'aimne'a celery compound. I never falls to brIng ! back vIgor to the ahater,1 , nerves and to restore health to the disordered system. Attacks of intel- aunchiolly hysteria , despondency , nerVOIK dyspepsIa - pepsIa and heart trouble unfailingly yield to AlU86l 8N' - , COURTLAND BEACH Fine Bathing , Boating , Switch Back MERRY CO ROUND Grand Band Concrf Sunday Night. SI-OA Y BICYCLE H1CE AT Tim BICYCLE PARK , t7th atd Charles Street , Aug1. 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , to , , ' . Each Evenln From 8.30 to 10:30 : , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . , . . . . , . . t ( . ; . - ' . ' . ; . - " f , . - E ' . " " . ( t-"v . I " 7. ; ; ; t " . . . . " ; - --J"'f. ! C. B , JACQUEmN & CO I Scietdiic Opticinus. , . Cum"h'te . . . . , ' , 'ortuwnt , of . gout ; antI fliool h1e..t"de [ 11,1 eyeglssos. ' . Eyes 0,111- luoII free of l'hnrgu. No , 27 1,11 St. . Council \luf. - . _ - OR 1' I. eRE . VI IS TiE 01/.1 _ . _ 03PECIALIBT ' ( - WHO TKEA7 AU PRIVAT D SEASES . ' Weakness and , e.nl VaOldHaor : MEN ONLY , . nasty lUN tuanu.inWe4 arU" . 10 , t'an' " " ' ' , ' ' . ' " 0 < a J.an In ( ) tns.bL _ " . lok Vise. . . . ' - - I Ilb . . . J& Pri.t . JXu & this greatest of all nerve regulators and blood pinhflers. The languor that cOles after too prolong or too harll work. Is a since sign that the nervous s'stem Is badly I In neel of nourish- iflc nit-mi onm ri uuinuineuit appropriate for huh liii ng ! up the exhaustell delicate tissues , and for Ills I reason In the househohl of harl-workel men all over this country l'ahnC's , cell ) . c0l110UIII I Is usel lS a nerve regulator and In\'I/orator. I does away with , the ( languor of Ihi-lienlthu I annul brings hack strength anti bodily vigor 1 I refreshes the blood anll cures ner\'ous weal- ness In Its mlny forms by rlalicaly feeiiinig . every worn-out part anll sUllplylng , It wIth fresh material for new , strong tissues. Palne'll celery compounl , drives out diseases of tie liver . hiilmneys the hlooll arid the stom- ach. I las proved [ hI tholsanlls of cases a ralhl ! annul permonent cure for obstinate constipation , - sllpaton , salt rluemnu ' . eczema anll rhueimunmnn- tismu . It cures every form of veakness and as a consequence plnces dellresslon anti low spIrits with the assurance or returning healh , - . I i + - * oH -c-i 6H.I4' + + HH'f o + + i % j j Your House ' Heated Free-- 1 : : & , Not J a finanicial standpoint ex- , . , ) . actly . hut entrely 1.'IUm from the A . defects which , are so often found In I - . . the enerl run of heating Illants. , J. C. BIXBY. . r " . bleating amid Snllnry litiglilcer . I. Steam atid lint Water hlcnthnig , Slcnllld Icntul I i ' lot . ( 202 MAIN WI' COUNCIL ILI'IS , IOWA. 4 H MH 4 HH HMM H . I SI i it Is to your lutel'.st tn select tht : Pall DO I1 ' . ' of ' . . , for whih puts nn' the necessity I'ellntl . , the longest pelll , The paints lanufuctm'elt , YOU : by the HEATH . , 'lLJGA MFG. CO. II this _ 1quI'emcnt. : Thc ) have : heen s:1 for the pus : ? fOI"ty YIUI'S nml have WII t" tistn.ton of b. PAINT U lug the most UI'.tble nml ccliumhtiIiI. ' DRUG , PAINT D AVIS AND GLASS HOUSE Carris thc Ilst complet 111.1 , If 11'lg. , " . &nts timid Glass In CouId1 Ululfs. Cull O' wlte for' plccs I' colm' cnnls - . - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - I - - . " , , - - , - . . - - - - . - - . - - - - - - . : - - - . : . . : : " " - - ART GLASS Of the most beautIful patters ( , original designs and tile prettIest fancies of archItects ! - tects anti home builders faihfuly amid artistIcally rellroducell. PLATE GLASS- From a single wIndow to car lots. GLAZED SA'H- All stock sizes , amid any special size or shape desired fnrnlshell at less than anT competitor's prices by the COUNCIL BLUFFS PAINT , OIL & GLASS CO. . The largest exclusive house In Wester n , Iowa SemI for prices on estimates . l1"lulc Tcml11c Bulllu , . _ _ _ , v " ' ' . . " _ . . - - - - - - - - , ( . Li LOST RESTORE VIGOR = 1 ' . ' . "bn In . I'tit , \ .l.au (0 Uls , C , r N5OU , r.tlty , Lou Df SCul1 h'o.iv On emnher i. . , . . , , .lh. . . , , . . . . . , . . , , . . . . , ( . . IC tmfl'l' " ( " "y Anfopuly \ OI" ie iiil 'tir .cakne.es turn Iny easue . ue ' . , , . , Alolh. . . . , , . < . . , , Iom cU' . . , . . . , . I t " 1..1. m " 1011 s h" . ki on.1 luU ylgos 11""kly0" , " h S nCKI..I. Sii . [ ii . . . , . . . , . , . , . , , . , I .U1 , . . . l.cu"ln uciolt fananin' i.iiiisi anylirers .risl. /0' 11" , " , " ( ot 5.on. \ \ 'uiit .uul Iltll .rlo.0' . weeks. , . . , . , , . , . , . . , . , . . , , . " , . u"u'hO..I. . I11. Iu 4 weeks srs . I . . .In i'ie a ivui " 1. " " . t. " rs ' ; ' .In.1 t. r' ' .y Addo'ts 611m rU : & McCONNII4id nm'o CO . Hila Io'iga Htrcet , Omnaita . Neb. . - -U - - - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . u OEonOE 1' . B . 'OIA. . W. mUMAN. J'.ldont CashIer . First National BanK COUNCIL . fLUFJ. low Cupit II , . . $100,00 ( lrolts , . . . 12.00UO One Qr Ihe oldest banks In Ihe ( .llle or IowA W. lolell four LUllnul and coliectionc . W. pay 5 per . .nl on time deposits . We wIll be plca ci q I.CO in < ' , ! e L . lon , George Lowell Fletcher , one of Ver- I mont's ablest la\\'ers. who has twice been the democrnlc nOllnee for congress from the Second conigresslonial district In that state of ( olllcal heavwelghts , writing to Wels. Hlcharllon & Co. . from his hOle In Chester says : "Some ( line ago ( four years ) I was slc1 \vlthn 1 dllculy which , beclme : chronic at Intervals - tervals uf about three weeks. I would bo confined to my lied for shout four days. My I tllculy was Inlammalon of tine kidneys ; 01 rthlr , the ples ) or ducls becnme Infamed amid IJlnfn ! 1 procurel l'aiine's celery couni- pound , 011 for thrCJ Illl one-hal years I have been nluvel and cnred If this ( ihifil- enlty. I have ' reeommenllell It to others , hint have IIiectfl , writing ) ' 01 concerning tiny case until now , though I hall bug Intendeli to. You arc at liberty to mnle use of thll " ' . If ) 01 desire. This Is hit ono or thonsnnlls of such testi- menials rrOI Ileoll1e who have ' been cureti by the wonllerfnl relelly that makes people wel , - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . Special NotcBs-Gouncl Iufs ' ( 'I rIMII'H 'CI . I "NIO ; V't'i'VH ( 'h.LANID. ' 1:1 ilnuuku . at W. " H. Iionnt-r's . 6a : Irl1I\I ) viturr i'its ANn ( nAhtinN IANO ron FI'r .11. heu11,1 I''IU , on ( ( ) AltJN .rl. I' I . , h hesS. . ' as I'e.nrl ktrset. - FOhthitIhI it Titiii A l"h.l.Y ( iiiUlll FOI rlnllnl horse l , \ 11 t ( hIgh truck I " ' "IIJ , loul ) r IllnH for selling , AUdrese Ir cull ut IZ liruadwin ) ' . - l'Of itlN'r : . SUITE OF , nOOIH l'OI GENTLI Ulan and wile at HI ' . , . 'lrt'OIUU OCNTL1 .