Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Opened Quito Weak cmd Close
Strong Yesterday ,
Corn TritilcrnVire All Torn I'p ' nn
Left riiNcMlril OnlliK tH till ?
I lif\iliilnril | Stri'imtli > f
the Si-iitciiiliiT Future.
CIIU'ACSO. Autr. l.-Wheat opened wen
itid Plowed stroiiK loiltiy. At Hie rommonct
tncnt of the eosMon tlieru wu a Iocs of \ \ \
per bu. , which \vero 'all roci'lveil nn
Vto of Gain milled nt the close , owing t
reported Bnlcs for export. Corn had
rnc'mentnrlly ' easy Fpcll at Ihe opening , fo
lowed by ; i lively ailvance , which culminate
nt Iho eloRi ) In nn advance for the dixy f
bu. In SeplemlH-r nd Uo I
H.c I > T *
May Provisions opened wonk nnd olopc
steady at nbuut the snmu price ns on tl ;
day before , und spot oU3 : llnlshed \ {
Wheat opened praetlcnlly Ic lower tha
It closed yesterday without other renso
than n chnnito In Koneral pcntlnu-n
Foreign markets v.'i-te comp.iratlvcly stead
In the face of yoHterday'H weakness her
Jjivtlpool was quoted ' /id lower nnd Hcrll
% maiks lilghor. IJrcelpta at wester
primary markets' wore smaller than on tl
day before iiml the same poor condltle
was observable In the gnullng. At Chli-nf
out of fort > -nlnc carloads of new whci
II received only one was up to tlm contrai
quality. Toledo fared but slightly bette
for out of nlnety-nlx carloads receive
thtro cnly fix were No. 2. The tot ;
quantity ti-cfived nt primary western ma
Kets was 4'jO.UuO ' bu. , compared wll
l2OCO ) bu. on tha eorre'-pnudlng day t
tinypnr before. Minneapolis nnd Dulul
recelvd 201 r-uiloadx , i.nnpareil with 1
n year a o. The opi-nlnr price fur Septrii
ber wheat was Irn-Kiihir from We down
f.SHf , and It touched iS' ; ' c bcfure It real-U
NO abiding strength was observable uni
liiiltlmoit ) sent a dlrpntrh Iteie statltiK tin
there wai a fair Inquiry for wheat fi
export , with pome fnlca caily In the da
night boat loads belns taken for shlprnei
to Ijlvi rpo'jl. The price here ro.'o to 69
\vbni the Haltlmore s-ili'S for export beoan
KfiiL-ralty known. The Hnltlmorc expo
business wns s-upplemeiited by a n-po
that the ntntc aj-r'u-iilttirul authority In Cai
fornla prunounovil this year's prodiirtlon
wheat there the binal'.cut In twenty-oi
yeari. nnd the market was furth
Htrenpthemd by n continuation of the < 1
mnnd here from Ohio nnd Michigan millet
That f-au ed September to rise to OHe ai
nfter u leaetlun to tiSe. ! . to ndvnm-e om
more , the Inil time to tiSTfcc. with Wic tl
last tradliiK price.
The corn traders were all torn up nnd Ic
iinscttlpMtowIng to the unexplained strong
of the'Weptember ftitme. Thn m.irket Is
narrow one anil u few leading linns a
nblo to exercise nn Inllu nce quite illspr
portlonate to the nmount of their dealing
There Is a K ° od shipping demand and on
moderntp receipts ami these nr Importa
nlds to the bull manipulators. Itecelpts t
day were -HO cars and fur tomorrow 315 ca
nre estimated. SI. Louis Is credited wi
beliiK short considerable corn In this ma
kct. The sales of rush corn for shlpme
from hero are at over 4 , " < ( ) , (
lm. September slut ted atI V , rang ,
up from that to 43-4r ' to 437fp , nnd In tl
end was brlnKlni : the outside price. Mi
rancc-d fiom S.IK.C up to 3c , tl
last liplng Hie closing v.ilue.
Very little Interest was centered In t ]
oats market. The feeling was firmer , I
tltMiccd entirely by the advance In cot
September opt-netl at 2 ic , sold down
" 2'lc , up to 22' ' e nnd closed at that price.
Provisions startf-d and continued ve
weak for the greater part of the day owli
tr > the weak live hot ; market , but hefo
the end there was some buying , Induced 1
the strength In corn. The latter was i'
cntipp of n recovery to about the level
yi-ptoiday's closing prices. Uoi ? receipts t
day were 12,000 head. Hoj ; receipts for t
month were SS2.R&9 head , compared
370.48.1 head In July , 15,91 ,
Estimated receipts for Friday : Whe :
CO cars ; corn , 310 cars ; oats , 213 cars ; hot
10.000 head.
The leading futures rannc.l ns follows :
Artlilji , | O.i'i. r.V. | OlOil
Wheat.No. „ '
C !
II'.HS IN If , t ; . .
Coin No. 2. .
Ang 4'JM n3(6i (
Ffpt- I''K 4'JH
net -111' * 4' '
May 35H
OtilnNo.-J. . .
Pork per bbl
Sept II HI ) 11) ) ( ) _ > 80H in o :
Jan 111 I'D Ill : m H ) 10 ; r .
Sept 11 HI 0 17' n r
Oct li 211 (1 ( . " . 'l o _ :
Jan 0 2'J1 u JiB
Ehort HIliH-
Sept r. S3 r no HI ) B 01
Oct B H.I M n tr
Jan u II ) fi 47V M7W c f
Cash quotations were as follows :
l-'LOPIl Winter patents , $3.2.1ff3.75 ; win
Ktralghts , $3.iiuifi3.4ii ) bakets , JLInft'-.M ; sprl
patents , $3.75ifi4 SS ; pprlng stmlKlitH , $2.UOfJ.23
\V 11 HAT-No. 2 spiing. t4 ! > iR71c ; No. 3
nominal ; No. 2 red. OsSitiiyVic.
COUN No. 2 , 4l',4 ' ll'.ac ; No. 3 yellow , 4
OATS-No. 2. 22'ie ; No. Z while , 2C"ia27c " , ; r
S wnlte , 22i2C'4c. |
UYi--No. : 2. 41c.
llAItLUY No. 2 , nmilnal ; No. 3STc ; No.
KLAX si-in-No. : i. $1.15.
TIMOTHY SlIKD-PrlniP , $5.01.
PIIOVISIONS MVHH pork , tier bbl. , $10.00010.
lard , per ino Ihs. . $ C.lojiC.12'/4 ' ; short ribs. t.1.
( loosp ) . $ : , ng5.1.1. . ) ; diy palled shoulders ( boxe
JjC2li5.75 | ; short clear B'.Ut-H ( boxed ) , Jli.5
\\MlisiiY-DIstIllcis' nnlshcd goods , per gt
The following were thu receipts nnd shlpmei
today :
Prjluii oteainiru tel iv the outtjr m
fcc-t wan linn : cronmery , HIM I Me : Usury , U
lau. Kk'gH , llrm ; IKvll-ijr. Chee j , 7jS74e. ?
M\V v ) itic ( ii\iiiAi : ,
ClONliiK < lu < > tniloiiN on ( lie I'rliioli
Coiiiiiiuilltli.N mill StuilcN. |
Ni\V YOUK. AllB. l.-n.OrU-llecelpts. 1.
bbla. , exports. C.700 bbls. : steadier ; city mill p
I'litu , J4. 4504.71) ) ; city mill clears , (4. 0084.25 ; M
nesata patents. f3S5S ( I.S5 ; Mlnnettotu bakei
Jtl01i3.ii5 ; fprliiB BriHle * . n.Kft'ODj winter p
i-nts , $
; winter utialKhtH. J3.Wli3.7u-
ter e tin , 3.onii3.o , winter low Ktiiilm Ji2
? irllyc lluur > sul''rhie. J3.SiJi3.4t ) ; fancy , { :
\f tl. (5.
\VHIAT : Ilecelpts , la.SiX ) bu. ; spot tinner ; :
S red , ,4'i.c ; Nt > . 1 noiihrrn , 7ii'kc ' ; No. 1 ha
77\c. Options weio
weakened at llrst by eai
cubleH , Inricated Mveiptnil sliK'kH , foreUm n
western selllnK and local liquidation , but Una
recovered the Inns on u demand fiom shorts t
tu an export und mlllliiK demand ami rum
that the ilillfurnl.i cn.p wim olllclally vtaleil
Binall ; August. 73'jf74c. cliwwl 7)c ) ; Septeml :
72 > 4lf 'i.iclosed 74c ; December , 73'M75i
closeU 7i' c.
C'OltN Itecelpts , Ol.POO bu. : exK > rl . < 5 &W !
PKit | niionK. No. i. 4 ! ' < e. Dpiloun. after slli
early weakness , advanced sharply on act
i-ovvrlUK ly Septembtr nhoits , who feared
miuifzc , helped aUj by llnht lecclpts and ' 1
fuAiiiahlu cn.p ne s ; iltis.-ti 'J TJC hlKht-r' J
tu t close.1 4V ; S , ptember , 47' tii'Uc. : closed 4
OATS-llecelpts. ai.wo bu. ; ex irts. 1C 1 ) 1
PIK.I easy ; No. i. : Mia > ' c , No. white , SlLfiJ
} ) ptloiiH .lull , but a little tinner with coin , cl
| K Utl'.ic hlKher ; AuKU t iloaed S7cj Septi-ml
lIlUKS-Qulct ; CiillfoKila. ilr21 to 25 11
fctn. * ,
HAY-I-'Irm ; flipping. 750SOo ; gootl to chol
HOI'SQulet ; Puclllc coast , old , SffSc- ]
cr. > p , SfiDc.
UKATjIKIlVeak ; livrnlwk sole" , lluei
Ayns. IlKht to heavy weights , 23c ; add , 21 > , fi'
VOOIl'Inn ; dumi-kllo lleece , IS 'Sc ; pull
I'HOVISIONS Heef , ciulet ; beef hams $17'
18.0.1. Cut meats , eti-iuly. pickled bellies , $ ? 'e
7.M ; pickled hams , t .2SOT.7i. UrJ. Bu.u ,
western steam closed nt r..47'i < RC.50 ; Septem
close.1 ut $6.W , nominal ; mined , neatly I'o
' - and active ; new mess , $11.7Hj 12.23 ; sh
lie' ; part eklms , ' . ? ' kim's/'li
lETHOiaUM-W aker : United clo l at >
IMl'tlmdrc JS.TO ? W Yl > rk' l7'1"1 l > h" 1 > * | P'la | '
Hl'TTKIt Firm ; western dalrj1013c : w
ern creamery , iU18c ; western factory , SiVfil'i
1.OI1H Quiet ; western , fte h , HOllKc.
TAI.LOW Steady ; city , 4Uc ; country. 4'ic.
IlOSIN Steady ; xralned , cununrii ti to
ilOISSKSSteiidy. . BOCK ! to choice ,
na luiu. , 7fkjt.w. .
ilUBIiMKUONP Ilbl . . II.OOOI.W. ,
lllfIJ-yuli-t ; Jnpan. JSG4V4C.
MHTAI 1'lB Iron , llrm ; nouthern. Ill.OOtfH
Tiorthrrn , | lMx > 14. 0. Copper , ulrone ; brokt
price. III.W ; exchange price. | tl.U. Lend , utroi
broker1 price , .3j exchanee , U.S5. Tin , bur
ttrady ; Rtralti. I14.U014.44. I'lutn ) , iteatll
Bprltrr , firm. JJ.55.
COTTONBCED 01L-Actlrt prlrna crude ,
I-N r"'l ' s. n-.mlnal . primp crude , loose , I Ml
22KHiniii'r yd' ' ' ' , prime , 29c , summer yclluw
n Kraut * , I ? i ! j . < . , white , prime , lie.
'iinillllitn of Trmli * nnil ( tiiolntloni
on Stiipli1 nnil l-'nii 'y I'roiliii'i * .
. .RII have been im'ng In very frtcly durlni
be pasT few dn > s , and the market Is not m
firm as It wns.
'uultry ' Is moving t.ff rather slowly , owing ti
lm large receipts. While spring chickens hnv. .
* | n-rl ncri1 ttilte | n decline this WPk , the mnr
, et U still higher than It was n year ago nt thl :
icuron , when good chickens sold at gfiJo.
The hay 111.11 ket Is lower , as will be note ,
rorn the quotations given below. Quotations :
KOIIS Krih slock , per doz. , lOftlO'.ie.
IlL'TTLH-l'ncklng stock , 7',41/sc ' / ; choice to
'ancy. Ujillj , gathered creamery , 15c ; npnratoi
crcumeiy , ICc.
I.1VI2 I'orLTIlY-IIens. Cc ; roosters. 3c ; sjitlm
hkkciii , per lb. , lOCllc ; ducks , 4jSc
spring < lucl < , lOc. turkeys , 7(8c ( ; geese , tc.
VUA1 Chulvc fat. 70 to iOv uw. . arc quoted a
" > 'tu ; ! aige nnd coalge , II/5VfcC.
'IlKIMi : Wisconsin full cream. Vc : Youni
\mtrlcas , 11ft life ; twins , llfllze ; Nchrn Kn nrn
own , full cream , 10c ; Llmburger , No. 1 , lOo
brick. No. I .lie : MvisK. No. 1. 13c.
HAY Upland hay , $7 : midland , $7 ; low-
am ! , $ (5.110 ( : < iew liny , $0 ; rye straw , $5 ; eolo
nukes ( he Jit Ice on buy. Light bales tell the best
) nl > - top Kiudi-s bilng top pilecs.
PiniCONS-l'iT d..z. . $1.0011.25. |
As noted two Uiiys ngo , there In every prospec
hot tl.u crop ot potntoeN nnd appleti In thl
lection of the countiy will be large , and dealer
mil gruw.-iH aiu Int. tented In ( hiding an outle
or the suiplus. The foll'iwlug additional In
'omnium , culled from the conei-pondi-nci-
Jrnnr-li & Co. , nnd giving the Ideas of the lead
ng dealers In the secllulis mentioned , will be o
nteipst :
Ogilcn : There will not be more than one-flftl
of a crop. Cinly Imlatois Killed by laic front.
nan Pianclyco : Apples not more than two
hlrda of u crop , Inking thf state IIM a whole
.atu i-i up of apples shortest , but will hav
niiugh to KO nruund tilid to rpnie. Potatoes i
Lood crop.
SlouI'alls : Putntoes will be n Inrgp crnji
-Ming ar pievput at 4.'c . , with a prospect of i
2Jc mnikcl this full. Will havp to depend upoi
apples shipped In from outside points.
llaltlm-iie : .Maryland l not much of nn nt >
ilo or p.Int. . , . gri..vUiK . slate , but depend. * larml
ipnii stock nhlpped fiom other points. Nt w Him
and Is leporleil to have aliout half an appl
cn.ji , whilt. I'tmixAlvnnln nnd western New Yor
lalni to have nluut two-thlrd of a crop. It I
mposslblo to ilte ; an o-tlmate of HIP point
cr-ip. It IB pxperliil that iKitatnes will si-II n
j."if/i.1c ; dm lug Oclul er , NiiVember and December
il'Ples , II.Coin 2. GO , aecitrdlng to variety.
Wnmego , Kan. : Potatoes promise to be th
ust iri > p ever inln-il In Ihls section , now brine
Ing 35f < 4'o. ) Apples will be very light croi
Imth t-nily nnd late vaik-tles , with but few cal
if \ \ inter fruit to ship.
IVnvcr : Ptitato cri'p promises to be the large ?
i-ver qi.iwn In Cnlnrado. Will probably niniuiii
In betwei-n 13,0011 and IJ.On.1 . carloads. Apple cro
last year wm : nl.out . lt.000 bbls. ; this year wl
be 2..u"il hbls. , m.ilnly Hen Da\K
Philadelphia : Ilarly crop of potatoes now beln
maiketed.M-iy largu nnd In PM.-es of local tl <
maml ; will IIIIMto n-ek other m.nlielH for
IHjitlon of It. l .to . crop piomiKcs well. Apple
trt > vi-rv abundant , both eatly and late vnrletle :
Onllnaiy fruit n-llltiK at nloul .me per bbl. , an
tbp bei-t nt $ l.oiflt.2r. .
Napln Ille. Tdili. : Crop of apples very Inrgi
' > tt.l'ii-n nbiitit half a crop , but late crop will t
much larger and b-lli-r than llrst crop.
IJnii C'hilie : No miplriIn this pectlon. Potti
leeK are a laiK'1 crop , selling now at f.0c. . Tw
liiindicil miles sonth of this point there Is a
ino.-t a total fallnr. * of PV.MJ thing pxceit con
Kxpect potatoes ti > l > 1.1(20e ( Ihls fall.
Sherman , Tex. : Veiy line crop of siimnw
nluliiPH , but tin not evpect to make n fall croi
will have to rely upon Coljrado and Callfnrnl
for winter stock. Apples are good , but will m
bo hi the way of shipments from outside point
after Noxember I.
Wheeling. W. Va. : More early apples than ft
yeais ; | niiali > f only a fair crop. Will hav
plenty to ship out.
Nashua. N. H. : Krost killed the apple crti
anil we will have to go outside of New Knglan
for supplies.
LawnlidMass. . : Apple crop n failure. Lm
year shipped a goml many west and across tl
water , lliuilly enough for home supply this ner
I'OTATOIJS New potatoes , choice stock , 30
ONIONS llctmudas. per crate , none ; Callfornli
In sa.ks. per bu. . SictiJI.C'O ' ; home giown. 60W75
OLD HHANS-llund picked , na\y , $2.20 ; Lln :
beans , per lb. , ! ' 4f/i < , c.
CAHIIAOi : On urxlery. sacked , IHc.
'IAHISHIJS Per doz. bunches. I3c.
Rltni-JN ONIONS Per tloz. bunches , lOo.
I.ITTUCH PCIdoz. . . isii2oc.
ASPAllAllt'K Choice Block on orders , 353K
per doz. bunches.
CI'CUMUKUR On orders , 30ff35c per doz.
1'HAS On orders , per bu. , C00C.1c.
KTKINO lIMANS-On orders , per bu. , COSCJc.
TOMATOES Clinlce stock , per 4-batkct cratt
7..P ; r to 10-cnpp lots. 707.1c.
HL'MMKIl tiQ.l 'ASlI-Per doz. . on orders , K
WATUnMRJ.pNS-Per tloz. , crated , $2.DO.
WAx'ltKANS P , r bu.f.r COST CSV. ' ' * ° '
CAI'LlPLOWHIt-Per ' doz. , 7.1c(5l.iO. (
Cni.KHY Home giown , per doz. , 35fNc.
CANTALOt'PHS-Per basket , 2e.
The innrket Is well supplied with the tine
California , fruit that nny ono could ask fo
Am mg the day's airUnls were some of tl
flu-iciest KelFt-y plums ever seen here. Th.
weio large enough for pears ; m fnct , ao larf
that baldly any one recognized them ns plum
Iheiu wt-ie nlso som very Hue peaches amor
thu arrivals from Cnltfinnln known ns tt
iibeita : , a variety that Is llllle known on th
mm ket. qunuttlons :
PI-AHS : Californlii liattletts , per box , $1.S5
HKI ) IlASPIIIiltUIRS No shipping stock.
PI.IISIS Callfoinla , pur box. , choice stocl
$1.30 l.fiO ; southetn , per case , $1.25.
APUICOTS No bhlpplne stock.
SOUTHKKN PCAUIIUS Per 4-basket crnl
APPtjRS Choice fhlpnlng stock , bbls. , $2.0.1
2.25 ; iwklng apples. J1.75ii2.0. . ; .
CALIKOIINIA PlIACIIUS-Crawfords , per bo :
70ii/7.1e ; llale's early , C.ic. .
STItAWHUHHIHS-riioice fhlpplng stock , noni
I'llintlllllS shipping stock.
( JOOSMIIUHHinS-No shipping slock.
1ILACK HASI'llinmtRS-No shipping stock.
IILACJ < HI-HHIES : choice stock , per 24-q
OHAPKS Southern stock , per 8-lh. baskets ,
W40e : Callfiiinla. per case. $1.3061.35.
NT.CTA11INKS California , P'-r case , $1.50.
OHANflKS Choice seedlings , per box. $2.5
Mediterranean sweets , $2.75 ; fancy St. Michael
I.KMONP i\tra fancy lemons , 3CO size , $0.0
3 * ) size. $ COO'Hi.r,0. (
n A NAN AS Choice largo Etock. per Lunch , $2. !
O2.60 ; meillmn size bunches. $2.00U2.29.
PINI'.APPLKS Per doz. , $2.
PIGS fancy , lc ; choice , 125T13o
HONUY-Cnllfornla , H615c.
MAI'LU SVItrP lialluu jugs , per doz. , Si :
nixby. 5-gal. cans , $3.
NUTS-Almonds , 14c ; English walnuts , pof
thplled , 12c ; standards , lie ; filberts , ] 0c ; Ilrnz
nuts , lOc ; pecans , l'o ; peanuts , law , Cc ; ronstei
PATHS In CO to 70-lb. boxes , 6c per lb. ; fai
Jntp3 , small boxes , lOu per lb.
CIDKIl Pure Juice , per bbl. , $5 : half bb ] . , $3
Hici : POPCOHN-In the car. on orders , pt
lb. , 2"-c.
HIDKS-No. 1 Kiecn hides. < AC ; No. 2 pree
hides , Sc ; fso , 1 gieen salted hides , 'Jo ; No.
_ PHLTS-Clreen saltev ! . cac'i. 2500 (
green salted ehrarllnt.'M ( short woolcd early flklns
each , Ciil.'ic. diy shearlings ( short wooled eai
skins ) ' No. 1 , each , SftlOc ; dry shenrllnga ( Eha
w < K.letl enily tklns ) . No. 2. each. Cc ; dry till
Kansas and Neura _ . butcher wool pelts it. .
tiound , actual welgm. case : Jiy nint Kansas ar
Ntbraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , nclu ;
weight , 4lfCc ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wi. .
pelts , per p.iund. actual weight , 4B6' > c ; Ui
Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per'puum
actual weight , 4tiCc. Have feet cut otT. as It
useless to pay freluht on them.
TALLOW AND GHRASi-No. I tallow , 4V4
4 Ho ; No. 2 tallirw , 3Vij4c ; grease , white A , 4
' 4c ; grease , white II. 3'Ac ; grease , yellow. 2H
So : grease , dark. 2'ic ; old butter , 282',4o ' ; bet
wait , prime. 17020c ; rough taiMv. 2e.
WOOL , UNWASHKI-Fln heavy , 6 7c : Hi
llKht.SOOo ; nunrti-r-blood , 10012.- : seedy , bun
nnd chaffy. k f9c ; col ted and broken , coarse , 7
to : coiled nnd broken , line. CjrSc.
WOOL. WASHKn-Medlum. USlSc ; fine. 14
16'tub ; washed. IGfilSc : black. So ; bucks , 6
tag locks 2Q3c : dead pullrd. t > | Gc.
LIVIIUPOOL. Aug. l.-WlIHAT-Spot , mark
steady ; demand poor ; Nn. 2 reil winter. f.s 3 > j
No. 2 led spriJiK , r , 9,1 ; No. 1 hard. Manltnb
5a 10.1 ; Nt. l Oallfornla , r , 5'jd. Futures open
steady with near nnd distant positions id li.wt
and closed easy with near po ltl..nti . I'.ffVjt ] low
ant ] distant positions unchanKtil io > . .il | rwr
business nlKuit eiju.Tllv distributed ; August , .Is C
September. 5s 5'4d ; Oembvr , ts r4d ; NovemlH
5a C'jd ' ; December , la 7d ; January , Rs 7Hd.
COHN-Spot , market Him : American mlxe
new. 4s S'vd. ' Futures opmnl steady with ne
and dlhlant | t\jsltl ins unchanged frnm yestt
tla > ' closing prices , fluxed quiet with AUKU
unchanged and other months "id lower ; buslne
heaviest on earliest | sltlons ; August 4s ;
September , 4s "id ; October , 4s < 4d ; Novvmbt
Kl.oril Market steady : demand good ; f
Louis fancy winter , 7s M.
1'UOVISIONS Il.icon. steady ; demand Blend
Cumlerliind cut , 2S tit JO Ibs. . 37 CJ ; short rll
2S II * . , 3C * M ; lonn clear , light. 3S ttt 45 U.K. . 3S
KJIK clear , heavy. C5 Hot. , 33s Cd ; nht.rt vie
ba-ks. light. 18 Ibs. , 3..s ; short clear mldilli
beiivv , K ll.s . . 34s 6.1 ; clear bellies , 14 to 16 lln
S.Vi < V1. Shoulilen , square. 12 to 18 lb . , 31
IlnniK , short cut. 14 to 1C Ibs. . ( Is 0,1. lleef. e\t
India ni'ss. fine wmtern , C7s 6 < 1 ; western m
ilium , Cin. ) I inl. dull ; prlmo western , 21s 3d ; r
IliUMl. In palls , 43 .
CIIRKSM Quiet ; ilemnnd moderate ; fine
Amelcnn. white , new , 3Ss Cd ; ( Inert America
colorctl. new. 87s Cd.
lU'TTKU-Klnest l'nlte.1 States , 70s ; gool. not
( XITTONSKKD OII Llverpool rcftned 15s CJ
LINSRKU OIL-Uellne.1. SUd.
HKFUinKUATOIl 11KEF Forequartera , 3'4
hlndnuarlers , 6 > i.l.
HOPS At Ix > ndon ( Pacific const ) . J2.
'ori'lKii riiiHiii-lnl Airnlm.
HKIILIN. Aug. -Rxchango on London , elg
days ilKht. 2il marks 44 pf * .
PAUIS , Aug. 1 The weekly statement of t
Hank cf France nhows the following changes
ciimpan-il with the previous nceount : Notes
circulation. Incrvnse , C0l7t.000f ; treatun * n
counts , current , Increime , 62.975.0ilOf i coM
ham ) , decreaw. lMOuof ; bills diicountetl. tl
cr ase. ia,4W.OOOf ; ullver In hnnd. Increane. S.S7 !
0 f , Threa per cent r nte , 102f lOo for the a
1/1NDON , Aug. 1. Th weekly statement
tb Dank o { Ecjlwxi ihoir * tUo tcllawli
rhnngri ns ronrlmrrd with the prcvloui jiccuiintl
Total , ilnhnKe , 114000 , circulation , d * <
crcnfe , r.VT.nnO , bullion , Inrrrnse , 1172,636 ; other
fcvtirltlrn. Increase , (3C7 OnO. other drpjslls , ln
rrcnse , ( .129.050 ; public dep.wllii . , Increase , (2t,0ooi
toted reserve , ili-cri-niH * , I3 < X > ,0"U ! Kovemtnent se-
rurltles. Increase , UW.ono. The protortlon | of lit"
tank of Knglnnd'H re crve to liabilities whlcli
nut week was KUtt per rrnt , Is now f.7.7S. Th
nmount of bulllt i gimp Into the Hank of Knglan.l .
in bnlfltice today Is f2.M . > ,0.)0. . ) The Ilnnk of Kng-
ami's rntp of discount renmln.n unchanKcd nl
i per crnt. ( Sold Is quoted today nl llueno
\yr > n nt 210.70 ; Madrid , 14.V ) ; Lisbon , 2 : Ht ,
etersburg , M ; Athens , 77 ; Itotne , 104.C5 ; Vienna ,
03. _ . J i
llHTiilutlim ViHtiTilnyVIIM l'iilrl >
Ai-llvr lint TluiriiUKlilX liM-cKiilar.
NKW YfillK , Aug. 1. The ppeculntlon today
was fairly active , but thoroughly Irregular , nl-
th'.tigh . prices geti"ially ndvanceil. More thar
one-tlfth of HIP business wn done In Sugar , anil
the bull clliiup by main force moved the prlct
ip 1'j per cent In Wi. but had to absorb n
great deal of Mock to do It , for large block !
were j.l.-ut.l on ( he market , which caused fro-
lu.-nt reactions , nml the high point was not
reached until 2 o'clock In the nfteru.'on. . ' In the
ate dealings tluTe wns n tenewal of pressure
ngalnrt the property , and n recession of 1 per
cent took place , of which ' 4 per cent was llnnlly
etinered. The preferred lose 211 per cent tc
07 , closing nt the best. Chicago Gas was nexl
n point of activity. The stock lluclualcd be-
ween CSi and C7H , closing ' ( , per cent nbo\c the
owest nnd 'i per cent below yesterdnj's llnal
salen. Western I'nlnn wns In good buying de-
Hand and fold up 1'4 ' per cent on reports of Ill-
creased business anil proi-pi'i live gnater priillts ,
A unction of ' 4 per cent ii-Milteil at thu cl-se.
The upward movement In Ml.tsourl I'aiillc ,
whleh was bni-Pil on HIP large corn crop , re
ceived a slight check because prollt taking wni
Indulged In , but h'Rt only ' per cent , and de
veloped remarkable staying tUalltl-'s. | The grnng-
els were less acttvi > than of late , movltiK wtlh.r
fractional limits and losing a small fraction or
reallza . . , except llurllUKton , which Is llti
changed frnm yesterday. Louisville & Nnshvllli
gnlntd ' 5 per cent during the morning on favor
able sentiment tig.ii.1lng Its bond operation ! ! , bu
lost r-i per cent In the afternoon. In iidiin win
H both sides of the maiket , but did very llttb
in either. The Cordage shares were a feattttt
ihd were buoyant in the g . .l Imlui'iice txeit-t
by the announcement that tin reorgnnl/nlloi
; > hm had gone Int. . ) effect anil that adtbtlnna
Heavy deposits of the securlllts weie being
thereunder. Net gains ( , f Hi per cent were m.uli
In the common Mock , 2'i ' per cent 1n the pre-
ferrrd and < "j per cent In tnt guaranteed. Ir
the lale dealings a weak tone prevailed and tin
rnarkfl closed heavy , but the earlier ndvancei In the main retained , llonds weie falrl )
animated and llrm. The aggregate sales wen
$20lil.WO. .
The London cablegram sa > s : The muikcti
were active and strong all around today. Am-r
leans were steady at New York parity. Her
nuns are hu.vliiK Atchlsun , Si. I'aul nnd t'innt
I'aclllc. The Knllim and Ausliallati mines an
booming fuilously. The latter are i-xleitflvcl ;
b ught > by llernuiny. There U onla slight In
ci-e.ise In the Hank of England coin and bulllm
tnls week , although I . . W of gold wi Impoitti
net for the week , the details b" ng IJ2) ) > . < .0. .
boiiKht. of which n large nm"iint was America !
gold ; C132.0.JO . Imported from Australia , Cl,0)i ! )
friim I'arl" . fin.nio from China , nnd 100.000 rx
ported to the Cupe , .v,000 to Ilrnzll and COOi t. .
' K > | il. The t.MKIi went Into home clrculatkn n
the end of Die month because of holiday re
HUlrements. The Increase of other securities re
Heels the bank's Inxestmcnt. It Is believed the' '
hino liought Home of the Frtncii treasury bills
probably over fl.MO.OOO steillng. Such bills havi
bein pliu-Hl here dm Ing thu past week , but the :
me lint , tiacpiiblc In the bank returns , becaiif' puich.tses meiely Involve tiansfers of casl
under other di-posits.
The following were the closing quotations 01
the lending stocks of the New York exchangi
today :
The total salea of flocks today were 23C.CS
shares Including : American , 52.7i > l ; Amer
lean Suinir prefenetl , 2.COO ; American Tobacco
. luiiifiu i .iiiit'.tti. i.iswi ; t imtu t > iaies LTortiaK.
3.1' > l ; Wal.aKh . preferrnl. 5.400Ve ; tern Unlor
14,90) ; Wheeling * c Lake IJrle , 4,500.
XtMV VorU .Aloiii.y .tlurlci-t.
Knsy nt 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closet !
1 per cent.
1'itiMK MIJRPANTIM : - -
I-AI-KII-SOS per cem
STnitl.INd KXCHANGi-Stently , with nctun
liuslm-ss In hankers' bills at J4.90'4QI.90'4 ' ' for dt
mnn.t and l4.S9iiW4.8n,4 : for sixty days ; poste
rnt s , 14 89 > .Kii4.9i ) and > 4.90' < ; S4.91 ; commerclc
bills , i4.KS1&R4.lSi.
Sll.VlIH l-CUTlflCATIIf ! f.CSiaCC-Hc.
OOVEUNMKNT IIONDS Firm ; state bonds
thill ; railroad bonds , firm.
Clcslng quotations on bonds were aa follows :
Some Very Good Westerners Among Onttle
Offerings Yesterday ,
OK Market Opcm-il , n < u DeeUm- ill
from IO < < > 1,1 Out Oiior llititcr
Way Trade \VitH AoUve lint
Slim- .
The receipts today were 2,003 cattle , l.SOS
hops nnd no sheet ) , us nfialiiHt l.MO cattle
4,027 boss , 123 sheep and ISO horses yester
day nnd 1,503 cattle , 1,065 hogs nnd 1,40' ,
sheep on Thursday of last week.
llecelpts for the week thus far nre 9,29 ;
cattle , 10,398 hops nnd 5'W sheep , ns ncnlnsl
8,319 cattle , fi.MD hogs and 1,780 sheep foi
the same period last week.
CATTLK There were ninety-seven load !
of cnttlo In the yards today , beltiB a dc >
elded gain In numbtrs over yesterday's
and last Thursday's receipts. Among the
offerings were some right good westerns' ,
The market was strong and active , the buy-
cts all wanting a few good killers and being
willing to fiy good prices.
Cows and heifers were In liberal supply ,
there being quite n showing of both nativei
nnd westerns. There were some right
good westerns In the yards , some selling
lit WThe bulk of the native ! * sold at J.
to $2.75. The demand was good nnd tin
market active at strorg prices. Some sales
men thought they received a little more
money for their cows than they would havt
brought yesterday.
While theio were quite n good many
stockers niul feeders In the yards , dealer !
complained that right good llcshy feeders
were none too plenty. The demand , ns hni
been the case all the week , wnst good , lm
offerings of desirable cattle were soot
cleaned up nt Rood strong prices. Missouri !
a heavy buyer of feeders , while ciultc n gooi
many nre going Into Iowa nnd Illinois , r
Isstill most too early to expect much cal
for feeders from Nebraska. Ueprescntatlvi
8"1CS :
IS lulfers. . . . ! > 22 3 W CO ttecra 1312 373
u ffedei-s. . . . W4 3 45
HOfiS There were t nlv twen'y-slx frehh loadi
of hoKS In the yaids. It bclnn the. l.Khu-t lun o
the week since Monday."e wt'ie , however
In Hddltlon to the fiesh receipts , 1.1IW cnrrlci
over from yesterday , maUliKT u total of abou
3,000 on Kilt * .
The nun Hit was lati-ito open , eveiy one waltlni
for reports ns to the sltuatl > n nt other polnli
liffore comnifnclnK op mllnna. When the mar
ket did open It was ttt n decline of from 15c t.
5Uc. T.nerp were iMiilly any Kimd lluht welRhti
on rale and only ten to twelve l.i.uls i f ( ol hcivi
hogs , the ( Treat bulk of the offt-rlnB" Iwlim nuiili
up of heavy mixed ioHds . .n the commonlsl
order. When the tradlnc was tmce under way I
was fairly active , anil tile bulk of the offering !
was not lc > np In changing hands. The close , how
ever , was slow. I'urklni ; hous sold pretty larEul ;
ut $4.10 , one of the most liberal buyers tleurlni
that his drove would .Hint .20c less than yextnr
day. A f. w loads of KI II ! light welK'.ils mid H
fiom J4.CO to H.70 , but the , jfieat bulk of all th. .
h.iKa wen * at from J1.4U tor ; t I.M.
Huita ttitlnv * ii | l nt U - Mwmt jmlnt since Jun. .
25 , when the bulk of jlie s41e was at from J4.1i
to J4.'iO. \ f
The break In th ? hi > K iturket has been von
sudden and heavy. Huss bld nt the openlnR o'
the week at fiom J.JJ ) lutlS , with the bulk n
from 14.85 to . OrnTuvMay the Lulk of tin
* .ileH WUB at fr-.m I.WitJJ4.7 ( ; : ) , unil on Wt-dnca
day fiom 4.W ti. JIWfWhlle the decline h
been both heavy an.llja6l ; < t It IK no more thai
wan to be txpeoteil. T Jr tome time pruvlhlon :
have bem In eitreme'y lUlil demand , and packer ;
have found a very p.r outlet fr , n , | product
For a time the martlet was nuxlnlm.l by th
excellent clmractfr of the fiesh meat trade Th
innrket. however , ci ulfl nor be held up very loni
without the suppiut of Ihelpackeis. and n brea !
had to come boonc-r 4 n , later. Heprest-ntatlv. .
MilC91 . , i
Ilrrnrals , floor ( ) ehdl.'p , tl.OOfll.TSi Ki'n ctB
nnd butlvrmllk rnlvrs , $3.0.U4.CO . ,
SlliiP AND LAMMS llecelptii , 4,171 liondi on
sale. 11 curs , or 7f l head , very uluwj com.
mm to medium nloik lower ; nttout l,2oo hrnd un
Mdi iherp , | HHir to nrdlnary , $12003.25 , lnnib ,
common to prime , | 4.oiM16.oo.
4.Ml head ; steady nt tS 00
Common to I'nin.Viillvv HtiMT * Solil
Iti-nillly ( o IIiiKti-rn .Slilitor .
PIIIOAOO. Aug. 1. Only about 8.000 cnlllo nore
received , Including 3,000 wisiein raiiRpm anil l.MO
Texnns. Common to fancy natho Ur fold to
drcMeil href men nml ca tcrn uhlpp'rs nt from
$3.C. . ) to K with siles Imgely nt frnm J4.M t.
$ ii.CO. Thp tnckfr and feeder tra.KIs nifnm
active , nlth sales largely at from $250 to $3.75
l-'ottcr cattle of this kind nre arriving and prices
have' mlvnncpil slunply this .ek. . Hulls mid
freely again nt from $2 to $3.25. and oows were
active nml llrm nt from $1.75 to $4 , with cairn
principally at from $2.2,1 to 13 50. Vrnl calves
were actlvp nt from $350 In $3.50 Texas cattle
were In fair demand at steady prices , with UH'M
of the fnles belwicn $3 and $37.1. Wi-j'crn
rnnger cattle lather active and strong.
Hogii me dt dining rapidly , and today ( here
wns a further drop of in.nlth'Ugh 1. . ss than
GO.IIOO have renched here this week , a decline of
27..100 ns comiiarcil with IIP r.irrespi.ndlng . time
last week. Common hogs that lm\e been InP
sivrrnl days were haul In sell at murh l- ei
prices , and heavy hoc' fold at from $ l.0 10 $4 Sil
for common packing In choice shipping li-ls.
Mixed lots sold at from $1.50 tn $4.75. light
\M-lghts nt from tl.d ) to $3.0.1. iiml plga nt fr' < nr
$3.75 to JI.23. the bulk of the hogs fetching from
Only about 11.000 sheep arrived today , making
45 2S3 for four days , a reduction of 14.000 ns i-om-
itaied with Hip same .lavs last week. The nrter-
IriRS consisted laigely of gnodvstrin heei | and
native lambs , with a giti.d . number . .f . medium to
good native sheep. Theip was nn active demand
at the lec'intly advanced prices. Sales WPIP on
the basis of from $1.2.1 to $4 for Infi-rlur tnholer
native fheep , with the bulk selling at fiom $2.7.1
I',1.31"W ' ' "terns mtltl largely at fiom $3 M to
$3.,0 , and lambs sold nt from $4.50 to $ : i.50 , culls
selling nt from $3 to $4.
Hecelpts : Cattle. S.CHIO head ; calves , GOO head-
hogs , 12.000 head ; sheep , 11,000 In ad.
St. I.ttlllN I.lvr Stuck.
t'Hy Live Slock.
KANSAS ( -ITV. AIIP. l.-CATTU-3 lli'pK |
l.ilW In-all ; shipments. 4.W ) lira-l. Jlatl t sti-aily
for lust ; others slow , weak ; Ti-xus olrois. $2.7C'if
3.Ci ; Texas cinVR , $2.0flQ2.Crt ; beef sin-is. J3. : ; > jf
f.CO ; nnllvp COWK. S1.M(3.10 ; sturkoin nnd fcoil-
crs , | 3.0oliT4. < i ) ; bulls. J.lHi2i.j
HOllS Uecplptg , 3.ri l hrml ; shipments. 1 Son
lipml. Market weak to 15c Imvei ; hulk vt sals
t4.8SQ4.CS , lioavlcp , M.OnfN.nO ; packers , } 4 3rW
J' . ' 'I'1"1' ' , t.30JH.o ; tl.ODiil.SJ ; YuikviK ,
t4.70CM.fu ; lilRs , t4.2Sg4.Tri.
SHini'-lleTpptH : | , 3.7CW licail ; shlimcnts | , 1,400
heail. Miiikct tteaily.
Sltic-k In Sl
Iteennl of receipts nt the four pilnc-lpa ! maiknls
for 'riiiii-Kday , August 1 , 1693 :
, , , , fntlle. H"j ; . Shrpp.
Pouth Oinalia . 2 coi i ' S"S '
ciiicauo . c.oo-i n.'inn ii'i i
Kansas City . 4oj g ; m > 3.Tno
ht. Louis . 4. SID ) 2.11,10 ,
Totals . . 18.103 10.5)5 ) 1T.OW
St. I.oiilN Ceiit-ral Market.
ST. 1.01'li * . Aup. l.l'I.OfUIWuextia ;
' Tv vW'5.-9- ' ' > " ' ' 7SiiT2.S3.
. ! ' llu' market KJiulltlons were connlil-
en-il beiirlsli rniiURh this murnliiK ti. i-au e putty
free ( .clllliK nnd wi-nki-n prlfs i.ff. . but at the
ilecllne theie was excellent bu > | nu. anil the niui-
ke-t Ijj't-aino linn nnd lallleil KHIIU-VM nt. cli.s'iiK '
h Klier ; No. 2 red. Aupiist. ( We ; Sept.-niber , KI
' I'l ; Ueceinber. T2'ic bill ; Mav. 7r.-i.S ' c.
. . , ' " " " n i-peculntive rtiinilp-i'nt the mar
ket tiiilny WIIM cninpletely ilcail m > si < > | ihi Mn-
as thoic were no i utslde ordeis nnd ni.tliniK in
His xltjmtlun to enlist local tiaders' iitten-li n A
slronser feollnB finally developed and Fales w. re
made at ailvanvt-H In sympntliy with wheatNi
2 mlxitl. ras.1. Ski.c l.ld ; Alllfu.l. 3s e Mil Kin-
U-mbpr. lOltci December , snv- Jlu.T"l '
OATS-l'-utuies dull and easier wl'tii verv' llttl ,
radum ; spot m-BU-clul ; N , , . 2 , < l. li 26. . AUKuVl
i'vi- ' ' Sl'i'C"l.ll : ' < > l\ 2J1V ' " " " ' 1 ; ' M"y"c l"1
' U" "
. .
J ? * * ; ! > " CTiV. cnst trnrk.
I * IJ\A SLI-JD louver : unt SI n
TIMOTHY KKIID-Um.T ; Vfff.ilnt , ; $4 7rU , fur
uRiist ; other cdi. nominal.
ew iTTMrn'01 ! ? nni1 " "I1 f"r chlllce "W "mothy.
I'ljOVl.SIO.N-s-I'urk. standard mess , Jio 371. ,
r.ard prhiKstearn. . M.-.I
; choice , K.iir. H.i-n ,
l.oxed . shoulders , 6.25 ; ; ntw. Jii vTn'
M ? ' . , * ' . ' -1" , ' ' ' ' . ei '
' ' ' rllissc'fl ° : shorts. JU.Tr , .
S rii.ur . , 3,000 bbls. wheat 81
, ! - . . . . bu. ' '
hllll'SlhNTH l-'lour. "J.O'jO ' hbs. | ; wheat link
I' " . ; coin , C.OOO bu. ; "ata. 12.0H ) bu.
Ni\V ; YOltK , AU
p.- , , , , , sll.nily ai unch
7 > "C : m"dl 8Uwl > " fo'jX-n. Sisr ,
Warehouse dellverbs fiom New York yesterdav
ol.ICO IMKH ; .N'ew Yujk . today. 1U1 713 | ic
nlted States stock. 30S.216 lmKsnil. . .at f , . ibe
tales' nVTr ' : nB" ! tot" ' & " ' ' '
nUed '
aKS "B"181
las' veir > 313,736 baf ?
HAVllK , Auif. 1. COKFKK Opened i.f lower
llAMUfllO , AMI ? . -Market quiet
" ' ' 11B" : * in 41 < " ' '
io , u' . Maiket llrm ; aveiage Hlo } 14 4n
i-xchanye , ID ! i-id | ; ; receipts. 3 ixjii 1 , , " - ' > , "
- " , f ° r " " , 1" > l" > ' 1 S"- " . S" KB- ' Block
. -nn
; cleared from
Hm ilurlnir July 11 lln
I-HBM - ; clrar l f i om VIctorla T-WO IKIB ! ' '
Tult-ilo ( iralii : Hnrlcc .
' . -Vo. 3
i SeptcrnLer.
ItYlJ Dull , easier : NT . 2 , cnsh ami Ani-nut
' UBUst.
dilic ; Nn. 3 cash , 47io ! bid.
PKli&Sffinlnt * "im < ' - " ' i
( 'itltitii . ,
middling CHcm ; \ middling. die ; good or !
dinar } ' , C 13-16c ; net receipts. C bales ; Kross ' ( ! 7
bales ; exerts. eonstwlne , ku bales ; wiles , 100
balen ; stock , 'J7.C17 bales.
, -Nl'W YOUK. Aug. l.-COTTON-Flrm ; mill-
illlng , 7'c , ; net and Kross receipts , none ; exitorU
to the continent. 704 bales ; sales , 19.1M bales
-p'-iners. ' 417 bales ; sli-ok. 174 4S1 bales. Futures llrm ; sales. IW.SfH ) bales ; August. $ S.9i.
September. JO.-.iS ; October , $7.02 ; November $7 M
Iie.-imber. 17.11 ; January , $7.1C ; I-Vbiuary , $7i2u !
I * . ( .
4 > ll .Mai-U.-t.
CHAHLRSTON , Aug. l.-UOSIN-FIrm , $ l.r ,
TI'ltPHNTINM-Flrm. 24'-.c.
strained , $1.20 ; good , J1.2. .
SPIUITS-Qulet. 21ii25c. ! |
TAIl rirrn. $1.35.
TI'UPKNTINK Steady ; hard , $1.20 ; soft , tl CO-
virgin. $2.
SAVANNAH , Aug. l.-SPIUITS-Fli m , 25o.
UOSIN Firm. _
I'oorln .MnrUt-lN.
PEOUIA Aug. l.-COUN Steady ; Nn. 3 , 42i'o.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 white , 25'4c ' ; No. 3 white
21 HP.
KVIJ Dull , nominal.
WHISKY Finn : llnlshed goods on the basli
of (1.22 for high wines.
HECRU'Tf Wlii-nt , 5.4OT bu. : enrn. 27.3'W ' bu. ;
fiatM 4S.410 bu. ; r > p. none ; barley , none.
SHIPMENTS Wheat. 1 S'V ' ) bu. : corn. 8,2.7) ) bu. ;
oats , 35'jM bu. ; rye , 1 > UO lm. ; barley , 7W bu.
MILWAPKKi : . Aug. l.-WIIMAT-Qulet ; No
3 spring , 70o ; No. 1 northern , 73V4c ; September ,
CORN Rlfatller ; No. 3 , 43c.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 white , 27e ; No. 3 while.
2fii' .
HA HLBY Nominal ; No. 2. 4f.c.
KYU lo lower ; No. I , 4S'ae.
2 hard , MOWic ; No. 2 red , to''ju ' ; rejectlil , M
N-'iP higher ; No. 2 mixed. 3S'403SJc ' ; No.
3 whltP. Stic.
OATfi-Steady ; No. 2. IS'.iOWc ; No. 2 white.
2 , Cl22o. _
Dulutli Win-lit .MnrU.-l.
Ut'Lt'TH. ' Aug. l.-WIIKAT-Sleady ; No. 1
hard. ca > h. 7'V ' , Nu. 1 northern , ciit-h. Kl\c ; Sep.
t.-rnbvr , C'Tkc ; October , Ul' ' c ; No. 2 northern ,
CCe. _ i I .
Dry ( iiiiiilH 'MiirUet.
NF.W YOUK. Aug. 1. With many of the
larger visiting buyers absent theru was i < tly a
< Ju onJ , unil UJit c nUneJ cjilclly to
The Lnncl of Plenty The Lund of Promise
Sure Crops Big Profits
No Drouths No Hot Winds
No Cold Winters No Fierce Blizzards
BkunU'il In the most ( Vrtlle ami rich vcRc-inbk' nnil fruit growing re *
Klon of tlic world. The pinto wliero one-hair the OIUTK.V utitl porsevo-
rottco iicccssiiry In this western country to niukc aim re living , will
In that glorious climate make you a good HvliiR. a homo ami money
In the bank. Hero Is a neil that will ralso anything almost that
Brows and no such thing Is known aa a failure. Yon are not limited
In the demand for what you raise by any local markets. 011 the con
trary you have the markets
all you can ralso and nnylng the highest prices for It. There Is no
end to the season or crops. You can have a crop to market every
month In the twelve if you wish to do so. You arc the architect of
your own fortune In this garden spot of the world. Now Is the
time to go south. It has been estimated that more people can he ac
commodated comfortably In the south and lay the foumlutkii for
prosperity than now live In the United States.
In that marvelous region with Its perfect climate and rich soil If
properly worked will make you more money and make It faster and
easier than the best 100 aero farm In the west. Garden products
are an Immense yield and bring big prices all the year round.
Strawberries , apricots , plums , peaches , pears , early apples , tigs , or
anges all small fruits are an early and very profitable crop.
Timber of the hlgfhest quality is abundant. KITEL is abundant and
costs you nothing. Cattle run out all the year. They are easily
raised and fattened. Grassing Is good all the year. Native grassee
arc luxurious and nutritious.
Is the flnest In the known world. The summers are even In temper
ature and rendered delightful by land and sea bree/.es. The nights
are always cool. The winters are mild and short In duration. There
are no extremes of heat or cold In ihls favored region , The mean
temperature Is 112 to CO degrees. The average rainfall Is DO Inches.
There Is an abundance of rain for all crops.
offers to the Intelligent man the finest opportunity for bettering his
condition that was ever offered. The health of this region Is excelled
by no section of this country. The soil found hero can rarely bo
equalled and never excelled for all good qualities. Karly and sure
crops bring you big prices. The best railroad facilities In the coun
try bring the entire country to you as a market. One-half the work
you now do to get along will render yon a successful money maker
on any of this Orchard Homo lands. Work Intelligently and success Is
assured. This Is your opportunity. The people are friendly ; schools
cfllclent ; newspapers progressive ; churches liberal. The enterprising
man who wants to bettor the condition oflilwself and Ills family ,
should investigate this matter and lie will bo convinced. Carefully
selected fruit growing and garden lands in tracts of 10 to liO acres
we now offer o.u liberal terms and reasonable prices. Correspondence
GEO , W , AMES , General Agent ,
1617 Farnam St. , Omaha , Nebraska.
demand for assortments of a duplicate character.
Specialties In Ihe way of thess goods weie ipilet.
anil efpectally ni'.hairn ' and lustie w K < ! fab1 it-s.
There was monilolm ? In tt-lds for llKht wi l hl
woolens and wiirsteds nf the better fiualltlt'H.
I'rlntUiu clotliB llrm at 2'c ( , , plus 1 per cent.
Sim-UN "f llri-ii.lHliin'N.
LIVIIUI'OOL. AUK. 1. Kollowlnj ; ate the htm-hi
of hrciulflulfj In l.lverp.jol . : Klour. Cl.oi ) KK : ks
wheat , 2830.0(10 ( centals ; corn. 2ivln ) retitn r
Stock provisions : lleef , l.JO tleices , pork , it In )
bbls. ; baciin. 1.1COO txixfti ; s uiulders , 1910 bnxep ,
lard. 20,000 tleiccn ; cheeto , 79.00 ( buxea ; biittei.
700 pkus ,
TrlM-ii Wlif-nl < li
SAN l-'HANCISCO , Aug. 1. WHHAT Plrin ,
Uecembei. $1.01' ! , ; May. $1.11' , .
I'lniiii.lnl.ttiM. .
HOSTON. Aug. 1. L'luulngs , $17,407,092 ; bal
nnccs , $1'J3..37.1. . |
HAI.TIMOUH. Aug. 1.Clearing.$2.143. . S'J2. '
balance ! ' , $ : I45,470.
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. l.-Clt-nrlngs , $12,237- $
530 ; haliinci-H , $1'J71.43I.
ST. I.OPIS. AUK. 1.-Cparl.-igs | , $3.7 < M.l.Vi ; bal
anees , | r. " > l.iT7. ! Money. GCG ( per cent. New VinK
exchange , par In 12Hc dlhcnunt bid.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 1. Today's statement of
the condition of the treasury shows : Available
cash balance , $17,1411,530 ; gold reserve , tloi31 ! , .
ClIICAflO , Aug. 1.-Clearings , $1C.OC3. < HH |
Money , easy ; rates , 4fi4' ' per cent for call loans
and Gfi.l'fc per cent for commercial paper. Ne\\
Yotk exchange , 25e piemlum. Hankcre * ( I ondii )
sterling , $4 ii.iH . anil $4.VJ > ; .
NIIW OllK , Aug. 1. (1 ild In HIP ani'-unt of
1100,1ft ) ban lii-en withdrawn from the subirei8ur >
fur t-hlpmint In Canada. The llrm whl.h pm-
ptfcH to export $2.'i0.ui0 ! gold on Saturday Is Stein-
wi-nder , Slt-nVigen & Co. . ci.lTt-e merchants.
Clcarlng-i , $ 'J3.I53HII ; balances. $7.S2J.OW.
\vn.i. TI-JST TIM : i-vrirsii.v : ACT.
Cliliit-xc Arri-nti'il nt lfti-iilt filvt-ri
'I'li.-lr l.lln-rly ul Clili-MUd.
CIIICAOO. AU.K. 1. The valMlty of the
Chinese exclusion act has been calleil In
question by the arrest of ( our Chinamen at
Detroit anil It Is probable that Judge Gross-
cup of tlic- United States court will bo called
upon to render a decision upon which the
fate of the law may depend. The four
Chinamen were arrested In Detroit , charged
with attempting to evade the exclusion law.
They were sentenced to ten days each In the
Detroit work house anil ordered deported at
the expiration of their terms of imprison
ment. Attorney Springer of Detroit Inter
cepted the deputy United States marshal here ,
who had the four men In custody , and a writ
returnable today wan Issued compelling UK-
marshal1 to show cause why the prisoners
should nut bo released on the grounds that
the charges made In the warrant were too
vague. Hy advice of the circuit judge , befora
whom the case was heart ) , the matter was
taken before Judge Grotscup of the United
.States court. The latter continued the case
until September 1 , giving the Chinamen
their freedom until then In bonds of { 5,000
for the four. When the case comex to trial
the law will be attacked , the Chinamen's
attorney claiming It Is Invalid , as It only
excludes "laborers , " and Is otherwise full of
weak points.
AVIiiiI.-liu.-U lliirKu I'ltiiiiili-r.-il ,
CLEVELAND. Aug. 1. M. A. Ilradley ,
owner ol the big steamer Alva , today re-
Telephone 10.19.
Grain. Provisions & Stocua
Room 11114 Hoard of Trade.
Direct wires to Chicago and New York.
Correspondents : John A. Warren & Co
IT P. SMITH ( Tel. 1308) ) S. M. STANFORD
GRAIN and l-'KOVI = 5iON3
Room 4. N. Y. I.lfo Hldtt. , Otmihn.
llranch oitlcn at l-'rcnionl uhil Culumbui. All
orders pla.eJ on ll.e Chlcaco IloaiJ of Trade.
rnrirepnnilMila : Hilmurt * . Dupcn & Co. , CIil-
CJ o ; Schrelner. Klack & Co. , St. Loul . Hi-t f
to tlmt Nutlouul lUnk. Omaha.
MAIHilN N ° mutter what booklet on fpec. .
. , huve read bcml
ulutluii > ou n. iy
r , , , . Olllll. Wu. | , | , u NKW und
I-.XI'l.AINIJDfnMI'I.irn : It ileirlj cxiiUiii *
> .i.iiK < n tiudliiK and Dii''l.Nr.H : AM. MAHKHT
KXI'UKKKIONH. It's flee and will leaih y Hi
. CO. . 222 Trader *
b < ini > thlnir. .MiHOOAHT &
f.'ulldlne. Chico. .
celved the following dispatch from Captain
J. A. Holmes , master of the Alva : "Tho
wlnleback barge , No. 117 , ran Into the Alva
at the engine room gangway , making a
large hole about tlireo feet b.Mow water line.
Knglne room full of water. Will put steam
pump aboard and keep cargo hold free. "
Stern Is on bottom , bow In four fathoms ot
water. The collision occurred at the Ncblsu.
Holh veBEcls v ere bound down. "
( iiTiiinii lllNlorliui IN Dfllil.
nEHLIN. Aug. 1. 1'rof. ' Hclnrlch von Sy
bel , the German historian. In dead , aged 78.
INSTHt'MKNTS placed on record Adguat 1 ,
unr. :
J S Mi-Connii'k et nl to Mnrtlo Hiimgo
nml wife , lot i" ! . blo.'k B , Deer park. . $ 7W
J J'.er to ti K Hiiller. unUlv V4 lot
2 , blink 3. l-'lorence 7W )
Same to M ( ' Hiiller. mime 7W
J I1 nnley and wlfo to IMwanl Nolitn ,
lot 0 , blocU 1 , Ko ler'H uild. . , . . . . . . . . . 300
1 , 1 Hull to Wlllfon SpniKHe. lots 10 , U
nnd IS , block 'J. und lot 1 , block 8 ,
Ti iiinan iiuc'lV' 'und'"wlfo " Soittl !
Onmha Savings bunk , lotH 31 , 36 and
30 block 2 ; lotH K , 9 nnd 10 , block 3 ;
lotB 19 anil 20 , block 4 , W I. Solby'H
1st atltl to South Omaha ; lot 6. Col-
fax mibJIv
J t' ThurnuH to O K David company ,
lut ! Z1 , Mock 4. I'nrtlanil 1'hu-e 15
C 1-J Nation and wlfo to II 13 riinborn ,
lot 5 block C , Ambler I'laci- iOO
Sheriff to Morton Iliilhiy , tr , undlv ' ,4
' lutH 7 and 8 , block IS , Ifimo fi H'H
adtl 7M
Special master to Mnnuel Mnrbleitone.
U3xlCO feet in tax lot 3'J In 10-15-13 3.C27
Total amount ot transCcrx