THE OMAHA DAILY IVlflfcF. Fill IAY , AUO-UST 2 , 1895. The New York Store Own ha t buys the Walker & Simpson - son , 614 and 616 Grand Street , New | York , Jlankrupt Stock oj Dry Goods ยง g At 45 cents g an the dollar. 8 ' 8 i -V Sale begins Friday , August 2nd , lastg ing Saturday and Monday. f EW STO Buys the Walker & -Simpson Of Dry Goods , at 45 cents oil tlte dollar , $30,000 worth of Dry Goods must be sold at one third regular prices. Sale begins Friday , Aug. 2nd , and lasts three days , Friday , Saturday and Monday. ISM DRESS GOODS. Special low prices In Illaek Serges , Avorlh " . " < pur yard , UK ) ideees will been 49c on sale at 50 pieces new Hlack Novelty fancy weave , worth Too per yard , all wool , 49c 10 Int.'he.K wide ; will go nt Another beautiful line of new Novelty lUnck , worth twice what we ask ; these black goods are every thread wool 39c 'and ' will go for 100 pieces of Storm Serges , all wool. 5 Inches wide , the biggest bargain you ever saw , a regular 7" > c quality : Ivt we have It. In a very pretty shade of 48c blue and black ; this sale 1100 pieces of Henrietta Itr all colors , 1 15c yard wide ; worth Jific per yd WASH GOODS. 10d"pleoos of Light Witsh Goods , sonic worth Tic , some S'/jC. ' soini1 DC and lOc ; to make u lilt ( InrliiK tills sail ; they will pi at 1 case Itrown mill IHuo Apron Checked 3c Ginghams In all ( if chocks I'rlncess Lawn , ovoryhody knows II Is worth lUJ i1 anil l.'e per yanl ; this sale Dlinlllcs , Mulls , DottiMl Swisses , sonic worth .2'"Xt' : anil tJ.'e ; they will KO In lOc this sale at Senses ( lernian Itluo calieo , for a leader 5c hi this mighty sale HOSIERY. TOO dozen Ladies' lUaek IIosc , botiRlit 4c nt bankrupt prlee ; this sale , per pair. Clilldrens' Tan Hose we have nt price * cut In half ; tan rlhheil and plain. . . . 7c 100 doof the l0e ! kind of Ladles' Hose will KO at USED THE MAILS TOO FREELY Prank T. Walton Held to the Federal Court at Lincoln , * SENT DUNS ON SEVERAL POSTAL CARDS Knur McinlMTH if ( ln > Rnpliiil < 'lty 1'lre. Heinrtiiieiil l Soelnl ivll \ < > t Ileliiu tn ( SnllHfni-Uoii of All. LINCOLN , Aug. 1. ( Special. ) Frank T. Walton has been held to the federal court in $300 bonds for writing forty dunning let- tern In red ink on postal cards and sending the same through the mails. Van Horn , thb complaining witness , said he had rented n house of Walton , and while he was a little behind with his rent ho was deluged with these objcctlonabo cards , receiving ono of them dally. It Is likely that Walton will be obliged to settle for each one of them with a separate fine , as each card constitutes an offense under the statute. Pour members of the fire department were discharged today. They are Richard Iljork- inan , In charge of the chemical engine , Charles Hilton , plpeman , William Shaper , driver of the chemical engine and Jerry l , , , Kelly , plpeman. The removals were made [ < ) at the direction of Mayor Graham. Chief I ' Malone knew of no valid reason for the discharges. SOCIAL EVIL A MENACE. Having established a "reservation" for the concentration of the social evil In Lincoln , the pollco force la now kept busy raiding the same anil loading the docket of the police judge with cases. All of these arrests , it is claimed , are of people who fall to pay monthly assessments , or fines. It Is thought that the whole reservation was established murely as a system of municipal revenue , and that the discovery Is being made that It is not on a paying financial basis. The foreman ot the farmers' gang at the penitentiary has been discharged. HU name Is Frank Albright. Early this morning the Little Oolil Dust ' saloon was entered by burglars and $25 taken from the cnsh register. This morning Frank Williams , a member of Lincoln's numerous tin horn fraternity , and a girl named Rcta Sales were arrested In a block and fined $5.70 each for immoral prac tices. Today the school board began action In tha district court for the Issuance of a man damus to compel County Treasurer Cobb to pay over $1,358 now in his hands , which they want the school board treasurer to have. It Is Insisted by the county treasurer that the law compels him to pay this money directly to the holders ot bond coupons. The relater Insists that such Is not the law. On Saturday evening next the close ot the commercial course of the Lincoln Normal university will be marked by an entertain ment. MILITIA COMPANIES MUSTEIIED OUT Company F. First regiment. Junltia , am company F. Second regiment , O'Neill , Ne braska National Guards , have been orderer mustered out by Adjutant General llnrry The Inspector general has been detailed to tnko possession of the state property am forward the same to the capilol. There U no political significance attaching to this move. One of the companies asked that this be done , and t he other was mustered out because of the lack ot discipline and general de moralization. State Auditor Eugene Moore returned today from his two weeki' outing In Nebraska. Ho reports having enjoyvd himself to a great extent. Ills first official act was to give Hill Dargnn his warrant. Hut U was not the J33.W8.10 warrant , but one for Dorgan's ex iwutcs In maintaining the prisoners at the ] > cu for one month. Commissioner Wilson of the Oraiul Iilant Soldiers' and Sailors' Home was at the gov ernor's office today. The new canteens , haversacks am ) llerllt gloves tor the entire National Guard of the state have been received at the otnce ot the adjutant general and snipped to the various CARPETS AND 100 pieces of netting , worth * " : : I5c until closed out at . 100 rolls all wool Ingrains ; worth 7. c , go at 300 pieces C. and C. Carpet worth r > "c ; go at 500 ! - ! Chenille Table Covers ; worth ? 1.50 , go at Smaller sizes at 500 pair Lace CnrtaiiiH , worth $2.50 ; go at . 7 ft. Shades , worth I c ; go at liOO pair Lace Curtains , worth ? ! ! .00 ; go ut $125- i0 ! ( > pair Lace Curtains , worth $4.00 ; " at l.r > 0 pair Lac-c Curtains , worth ? 7.0 ( ) ; Ko at , per pair Table Oil Cloth , per yard LADIES' UNDERWEAR Ladles' Klbbon Trimmed Vests ; very line quality ; the ISc kind , will go In this sale at . PARASOLS. Parasols must all go in tills sale at shamefully low prices ; blacu silk parasols - asols worth ? 1.7. ; all yon want at . . ompanles. Mayor Fechct will go to Mllford londay to inspect troop A , cavalry regiment , Vedncsday ho will muster In a new company it Madison to take the place of company F , Second regiment , mustered out. OMAHA PEOPLE IN LINCOLN. At tlio Llndell H. N. Wood. A. F. Diver , "aul Vandervoort. At the Lincoln C. S. Car rier , O. L. Wood. John W. Iloosler , II. T. lark , C. P. . Yost. DOIKII : cot'vrv ij Ciiiiimlllee Coiiferenee IIH In Detail * of tlit- Fall Ciiiupnleii. FREMONT. Aug. 1. ( Special. ) The dem ocratic county committee Is In session this afternoon for the purpose of making arrange ments for calling the county convention and tor the fall campaign. Dodge county may possibly have three candidates for Judicial lionors In the fall election. It Is under stood that Judge Marshall , who has been upon the bench of this district for eight years , will be renomlnatcd by the republi cans , Hon. C. H. Deck , who was a can didate four years ago , and who 1ms been an active leader In the Dryan wing of tlio dem ocracy. Is a candidate. Among the populists Hon. D. D. Carey , late fusion candidate for attorney general , has been mentioned , but his friends say he Is not a candidate for the place. The mortgage Indebtedness for the month of July for this county Is not as favorable as usual. The chattel mortgages , $10,73:1 : ; released - leased , $4,733 ; farm mortgages , eighteen , $38,001 ; released , ten , 31,442 ; town and city mortgages , nine , $10,280 ; released , thirteen , $15.079. Thu total acreage ot sugar beets within a radius of six miles of Fremont Is 1,309 acres. The entire acreage In the county will very nearly reach 2,000 acres. A ride through Borne of the largest beet fields yes terday showed them to bo doing well , con sidering the dry weather. . Early beets are not standing the drouth as well as those phnted later. The yield U estimated at-from ton to twelve tons per acre. If rain falls fioon this will be somewhat Increased. At this figure the crop Is much more profitable than corn. Mrs. Julia Dlelmclstcr of Nlckerson was taken violently Insane recently and was brought to Fremont this afternoon for the purpose of being sent to the asylum at Norfolk. Mrs. Paul Cohen and Mrs. Charles Dodge entertained a number of their lady friends with a card party at the resilience of Mrs. Dodge yesterday afternoon. Miss Grace Flemmlng won the first prize and Mrs. Harry Pratt the second. KACiK COl'XTV IIOI.TKHS MKI3T. Kllellil Martin DeiuneriitM Keeping lli ili > Apparent OrKll lilziitloit. DEATRICE. Aug. 1. ( Special Telegram. ) That branch of the Gage county democracy which bolted the regular organization and re fused to act under the call of the democratic county central committee , held a convention today , nominating a county ticket and selectIng - Ing delegates to the state and judicial conven tions. The ticket nominated : Count- Judge , A. Haildy ; treasurer , Jacob Klein ; sheriff , Henderson Ray ; superintendent of schools , W. A. Foreman : district clerk , L. C. Galley ; county clerk. T. U. Gallon. Delegates to the state convention : W. W. Darnhouse , Richard Dibble , Pat Rowley. L. J Galley , John Carmlchael , George Wright , George Hallenbeck , II. Ray , A. Hazlett.V. . S. ArcUentT , Robert Fenton , John Schelck , F. Meadows. J. R. Fulton. C. D. Fall , J. N. Farlow. Frank Fnrlow. C. E. Ilennet , George Campbell , C. Drldenthal. A. J. Nelman. Dr. Given.V. . L. Illnes and A. W. Fisher. Resolutions we're adopted favoring free and unlimited coinage of sliver at a 1C to 1 ratio. The regularly called democratic county con vention will be held In this city the Gth of the month , at which time delegates to the Lincoln convention will be selected and a county ticket named. DiMve Deiuoerulu Art * nt I'eaee. CHADRON. Neb. , Aug. 1. { Special. ) For the first time In several years the meeting of the Duvet county democratic central com- mltto was a quiet one. No fights of any sari were dug up , and the committee was only a few minutes In transacting Its busi ness , "which consisted of setting Auguit 19 as the dat * of the county convention to be ' held at Crawford , and to recommend that i the apportionment of delegates from the i various precincts be made upon the vote cast for Hon. W. J. Dryan. The quietness of the meeting was per haps diif to the fact that only three com- mlttoemen were present In addition to the chairman , Hon. Benjamin Loewenthal. Smil ing OH Inspector Dahlman was on hand as usual with enough proxies to control the meeting , white his old tlmo opponent in dem ocratic ranks In this section. A. W. Crltes , did not honor the meeting with his presence. This was also true of Dr. J. I. Leas , the old reliable "straight , " and Postmaster Sayra. Hon. Cyrus Fair-child , who didn't get the Crawford postofllce , was on hand , however , not seeming to care whether he was classed as an administration man or not. A rousing old time convention may be looked for , however , as there are several prominent democrats out with sharp sticks. IWAIl MAIMS II1211 IXSA.NK. Mm. Hurt. Kormerly of Onialia , I.OMCN Her II111 ( I nt riiitlHinuutli. PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Aug. 1. ( Special. ) Mrs. Hart , wife of a physician who re moved from Omaha to this city a year ago , was today adjudged insane. Her husband lias numerous property interests In various western states which demand his absence from home , and her fear of staying In the house alone at night brought on insanity. Hej ; trouble first became manifest by her contlued assertions to the police that the house had been broken into by burglars the night previous. Lately she had threatened to harm her little daughter and the Interven tion of the authorities became a necessity. Slto was taken to the Lincoln asylum this afternoon. The O. II. Snyder drug store and jewelry house In this city was disposed of at clnttcl mortgage sale today to W. M. Evans of Malvern , la. The business will bo continued. The Missouri Pacific railway has a force ot men at work in tills city erecting n turn table and making other Improvements. The change is thu result of the company's determination to run its morning passenger train from Lincoln Into this city Instead ot Nebraska City , as has been the custom. The train will return to Lincoln In the evening mid will be a great accommodation to Cass county people , who have heretofore been unable - able to make a trip to the county seat and retirrn home the same day. The change will take effect the latter part ot this month. PIRHTIXR OVHII A COl'XTV SKAT. Crelulilon ami llloomllelil Indulge In nil Interesting Ciintriiverny. VERblGRE , Neb. , Aug. 1. ( Special Tele gram. ) Excitement was high early this morning by reason of the filing of the county division petition. There were two In the field Crelghton with a petition for an east and west line between townships thirty nnd thirty-one , to b ? called Union county , and Dloomfleld with one calling for a north and south line between ranges four and tlve , to bo called Morton. The Dloomfleld managers reached here last evening to be ready for filing their pe tition first , while the Crelghton people came In parly this morning. An exciting time was In progress until County Clerk Van Camp put in an appearance about 9 o'clock this morning and received the Crelghton petition and filed it. The Dloomfleld managers filed a protest. After the first filing was made the county dlvlsioners separated good naturedly and the only result will be the fight at the ballot box. llou riiolern Aroiintl Seliuyler. SCHUVJ.ER , Neb. . Aug. 1. ( Special. ) Hogs owned by some of the farmers in the vicinity of Schuyler are dying ot cholera. Thrco hundred head owned by Representative J. C. Van Housen are the last ones reported attacked. Company K , Nebraska National Guards , has changed captains alnco the Inspection made recently by Major Frcliet of the United States cavalry. Captain James Stewart re signed on account of being In the country , from where It was dltHcult to attend to thn work. E. H. Phelpi , a gentleman who did five years' time In the Illinois National Guard , enlisted and was elected captain. Major Fechet reported things In good shape here , although there Is but a Email member ship of company K. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. 1 ease Unlit weight Shirts and Drawers ; fiOc ( nuillty . 300 ilo/.en Men's Custom Maile Shirts. latnulureil , eollar attaehetl , sninotliliij ; very neat in colored stripes . Men's IMaek and Tan Hose ; the regular * JT J ) 1 / - ! i.-Kj quality ; this sale . jL o/O s Men'H NlKht Shirts. $1.00 quality at . . . . O Q 4-iily Linen Collars . 50 do7 12ic Men's Neckties in all the new patterns ; regular 50c ties ; come anil gel them for . Men's Wash Ties 5c AVe are selling Sailor Hats for just half what they cost yon elsewhere ; ( he $1.50 kind with white high band , the neatest sailor made will go In ( his sale Handkerchiefs ' " ' ' "t Hair Pins . . . ' . . (3 ( Combs v. . . ' \\J ' ' ' ' - 1 iloz. Safety Pins . . . . ' . ; . . . 1. ' -g jJ [ ( > > 100 yard Spool Silk. . . . ; , . . . ' 3 C COOL WORK OF BURGLARS Central Oity Night Watchman Hold Up and the Postoffico Bobbed. THIEVES CAPTURED AND BOOTY RECOVERED SlierllT Does a Clever 1'leee < if Work mill I.uiulN tile Two KolilierN In .lull Wit 111 ii u Few Hourx. CENTRAL CITY. Neb. , Aug. 1. ( Special. ) the postofflco was robbed this morning by two masked burglars. The night watch , John J3clcert , was passing along the street in the rear of the office where he noticed two men. He spoke to them and was surprised by four revolvers being thrust In his face. They said he was wanted. His revolver was taken from him and he was told to accompany them. The lock on the rear door of the post- office wns broken and the burglars entered. While one stood guard over Eckcrt the other In the dark In a scientific manner drilled the safe , Injected powder and blew the' tloor open. Ninety-one dollars and a registered package was taken. After rifling the safe the night watch was compelled to accom pany the robbers , who locked him up In a Union Pacific box car. No accurate description of the men could be obtained as they wore masks nnd did their work In the dark. The tools with which they worked were taken from a carpenter shop near by. Two men answering the description of the burglars as to size were seen passing Herd's ranch , two miles east of the city , about day light. After robbing the postofllce they proposed robbing a grocery store , but were informed by the night watch that no money was kept In the safe. The men supposed to be the ones that robbed the postofllce this morning were found by Sheriff Porter * at neon today In a corn field three miles east of town and are now In jail. They are supposed to be pro fessional crooks. Doth men are well dressed. Sheriff Porter returned to the field , and this afternoon the tlrtilen money , a kit of burglar tools and revolvers were found bur led In the ground.1 f\\c \ \ prisoners will be taken to Omaha tomorrow. iiiiunATio.v rS.vr. OIMSMSD. lt\K \ Slier-mail ConiUr KnlerprlMe from Wlileli Mlleli ilN1ipeeted. . LOUP CITV , Neb.,1 Aug. 1. ( Special Tele gram. ) This aftcrnoqh , ' a .3:45 : Messrs. E. C. Simmons , chief englneer.i.and . . R. Mellor , secretary ot the Sherman County Irrigation , Water Power and Improvement company , cut with shovels the smulliilam across the head and let the water Intd'thb canal. During the first hour the water ra/t'one / mile down the canal , and It Is cstlnlahM 'It will take twenty- tour hours to run tile fifteen and one-fourth miles already cornpletefl. It Is thought that considerable corn carfyei tie greatly benefited by the use of water from this ditch. NEI1RASKA CITY , Neb. . Aug. 1.- ( Speclal. ) Nebraska City Is soon to have another national bank : Harry Wales was yesterday given the contract for putting In a new front and building a vault in the room on Central avenue between Sixth and Seventh streets , which will be occupied by the bank as soon as the necessary red tape is gone through with. The bank will start with a capital stock ot $50,000 or more , and the stock will be hthl by William Deschaff , Vincent Strant , A. U. Rlcharda and other prominent citizens. This will give the city four national and one stale banks. Judge Chapman opened court this after noon. Thli Is an adjourned term , the only case to be tried being the water works company against the city , for which purpose a special jury was called. The cise was com menced this afternoon , but will probably take the balance of this week to finish. The statement of mortgages tiled and re- LACES and 50 pieces Imported Lace will go at , per yni-d 100 pieces Valencennes Lace , very desi rable pattern * iJOO pieces Irish Point Lace , worth Oc. . , ' ! ( ) ( ) pieces narrow Embroideries , worth lOc and l"c per yard , now 1 > cases of snmmer wuight Corsets , every irair warranled , worth CMC ; sale price. MUSLINS , r > 0 ileces 4--1 Sheeting , the regular Oc quality 100 pieces Uleached Muslin , worth easy Sc ; will go tit STERLING SILVER. Sterling Silver llelt Pins , worth ! > 0c ; this sale Fancy engraved strong and durable , warranted In every way Jet Belt Pins , the newest Scarf Pins , the latest . Ladles' Shirt Waist Sets , worth in the jewelry stores 7. > e anil $1 ; this sale. . Bangle Initial Pins . 5(3 15elt Unckles , Trilby Hearts and all lite new designs In sterling silver andd / * | comlination belt buckles will go in this sale at . leased for July shows elRbt farm mortgages tiled , amotintniR to $1I > ,3J4 ! , and five released , 54.380 ; twelve city , Jl/JGO , nied , and live , 51,101. released. A lai'RO tent capable of seating 1,000 people has been secured for the Christian Endeavor meeting which Is to be hold here In Sep tember. _ SinnllVreeU till ( lie Ulirllnuf oil. KXKTEH. Neb. , .Aug. 1. ( Special. ) A small wreck on the U. & M. occurred at this place last night. A fruit train sidetracked hero for the ffyer , which passes this place at 7:17. : The freight then nulled out on the main line and was just getting under way when one of the axles of a car near the middle of the section broke. The speed was ' so slow that no other damage was done and the line was cleared by 2:30 : a. in. The regular monthly business meeting of the Congregational Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor will occur In their church Kriday evening of this week. Hev. J. E. lirercton of Geneva will be present and make a report of the great Hoston convention , which he attended. Exeter lodge No. SS7 , Modern Woodmen of America , is making arrangements for a large district picnic at this place. The Congregational Sunday school will enJoy - Joy a picnic on the nine August S. There will be teams at the church to carry all who are not otherwise provided for. < ; i'n fl mi NoleN and 1'erHOiniln , OHAFTO.V , Neb. , Aug. 1. ( Special. ) Prof. U. Stuckey left Saturday on a bicycle tour through the western part of the state. Mrs. Lloyd and eon of Nebraska City are visiting Mrs. Klshor. E. Klchcson and wife rcturnel yesterday to Lincoln , after a month's visit with rel atives here. Several weeks ago J. 'Longman , a farmer near town , had a double set ot heavy har ness stolen from his stable , and last night Mr. Carney , another farmer , also lost a set , with extra collars and lines. About a dozen members of the Grafton Wheel club , with many others , are attend ing Geneva's bicycle races today. llenlli of llev. I ) . ! ' . BEATRICE , Aug. 1. ( Special Telegram. ) Uev. I ) . V. Hughes , a retired preacher of the Christian church , "and a leading member of that denomination In this city , died this morning. The deceased was 70 years of age and liad a daughter who Is a teacher In the Lincoln schools and another who Is residing here. His wife died suddenly a couple of months ago. The amount of mortgages released In Gage county for the month of June exceeds the amount of those tiled' $5,854. I'linrued Avllh Crliul nil 1 GRAND ISLAND. Neb. . Aug. 1. ( Special Telegram. ) The preliminary trial of Wil liam Haug , Sam Hang and Solomon Oswald was begun today In the county court , the iiharge. being criminal assault on Emily Cattcrlln. William Catterlln , the girl's father , and the alleged victim were on the stand and their showing Is generally considered weak. Miss Cattcrlln failed to positively Identify the accused as her ravlshers. Her former dlUlcultlea were brought Intd evidence and are against her In this case. llenvy IiOHN of a I'arnier. DECATUR. Neb. , Aug. 1. ( Special. ) A man living a short distance from town had three fine work horses and seventeen chick ens killed by a stroke of lightning yester day morning. Six Indian police were appointed by Cap tain Deck through the Indian department yesterday on the Omaha reservation. They will receive $10 per month. All are Ornahas. Severe Storm nt Cliudroii. CHADRON. Neb. . Aug. 1. ( Special Tele gram. ) A severe electrical sturm , accom panied by considerable rain , -occurred here this afternoon. Several buildings were struck and one woman was stunned , but recovered. Tin ) extent of the storm Is not known , but the rain will be of much benefit to crops , especially hay and corn. lie \oriunl ( 'iiiiiiiieiireiiientN. WAVNB , Neb. , Aug. 1. ( Special. ) The Ne braska Normal school Is having Its animal commencement thl * week. The conservatory department gave a fine entertainment Tues day evening , Misses Brltlou. Ford and Arm- The New York Store " Walker & Simpsons Bankrupt Stock , will be slaughtered. The Nat ) York Store buys it At 45 cents on the Doliar. You can buy Diy Goods at about one third rcgu'ar price , Sale Friday , Saturday and Monday. SHOES. WK ) pair Misses' Oxford I'iiu-iil tips ami anil plain : worth fl.-Ti ; this salt- . aot ) pair Olillils' turn UuiiKolu button , worth CiOc . Chlhlrons' Tan Oxfords . Larfior . < 2LJ ( .20 * ' ' . . . . . I-adU-s 1'rlnee Alborts , worth ? 'J.OO. . < > < > pair Lndlos UoiiRola button Shoos , imti'iit tip In opi-ra and wuwtv , worth $ l.fiO ; this salt- . 15)0 pair Ladles * Ainaznn Kid button It Opera lee , newest shape , worlh SIMM. Men's miniiro toe Tan , a ivwiilar ? U.r 0 j * .75 shoo , will p ) In this sale at . jd > JL Men's Satin calf congress or lace , worth ( fcj .35 $ ' . ; .00-a world beater for jxooil wear , will jo ul . Hoys' Tan razor toe , worth $ ' - ! . ' - ! . " > . TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS. 100 Zinc finished Trunks , i > (5 ( lueh . 5 W * .00 I-uather Hand I'.aKS . Over 200 Valises , worth $1.25 ; this sale stiong being the graduates. TIio scientific drportmciit will graduate ten , teachers twenty-five , commercial ten and elocution one. This , despite hard times , lias been a most successful year for this institution and the prospects for the coming year are moat flattering. Inilileinriit WiirelioiiNe IliiniiMl. SCHUYLER , Neb. , Aug. 1. ( Special Tele gram. ) Peter S. Duller , residing ten miles northeast of Schuylcr , sustained serious loss last night by the burning.of two large out- bulldlngs , a barn and irnplemenl wnroroom and feed and mcvil grinding establishment. The lire started from the engine , which had been used during tha day to elevate 500 bushels cf wheat Just threshed. The loss aggregates seine $3,000 , as the machinery was complete and the building was well filled with farm machinery of all sorts. Insurance covers about half the loss. llrokeii How 1'opiillNtM Itewnrileil. LINCOLN , Aug. 1. ( Special Telegram. ) James IJ. Jones of Broken Bow was today appointed deputy warden of the penitentiary by Governor Holcomb. Jones Is an old resi dent of Hroken Uow and has been very prominent In populist politics. His appoint ment will date from tomorrow morning. Ilcnvy Hnlii tit \ortli I'lulli- . NORTH I'LATTB , Neb. , Aug. 1. ( Special Telegram. ) A rain began falling In this city at 10 o'clock tonight and bids fair to last the greater part of the night. Cora was needing moisture badly and the rala Is the most timely of the season. Appreciate a ( iooil Tlilnir. PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Aug. 1. ( Special Telegram. ) The circulation of The Omaha Dally Uec In this cily has been Increased over 100 during the last three days. Platls- mouth pcoplo thus show their appreciation of the best paper printed la the Missouri valley. lll.ACK IIILI.SVOUn.MK.V PICNIC. licit SprliiKN tinSeene f it Very larue ( intlierliiKT. HOT SPRINGS , S. a , Aug. 1. ( Special. ) The Modern Woodmen picnic of the Ulack Hills held at this placa Tuesday , was at tended by about 2,000 visitors/ The Elkhorn and liurlington railroads vied with each other In working up a crowd to como , and there wns also no little strife in making "time" In running to this place from Dead- wood. Whllo the Elkhorn made the quickest time by nearly ono hour , the II. & * M. brought more people , running three special trains , and the Elkhorn two. Every train was loaded to Its fullest capacity. The rail roads gave elegant scrvlca for this picnic. The speeches were excellent. In the after noon and evening dancing was Indulged In by those who chose , at the Evans and GII- lesple hotels. Most of the visitors partici pated in a basket dinner at Villa Theresa park , opposite the union depot. The local camp furnished free lemonade and coffee for the visitors. Tbere were hands present from Deadwood , Lead City , Spearfish and Sturgis. Altogether , the third annual picnic of the lllack Hills Woodmen was a grand success. Ex-Mayor Hugh O'llrlrn of Boston died Thursday ut Somervllle. MHS.H. Fire ut the docks In Brooklyn Thursday damaged Beard's pier , the bark Calrnle Hill und several Hunters. Reams' large tobacco warehouse and several Htores burnnd ut Durham , N. C. , Thursday. Loss. $100,000. The Davis Carriage company of Cincin nati , which Is practically 11 branch of the failed Standard Wagon company , has also assigned. Friends of Mrs. Kate Chase Bpraguc are rr.nking mi effort to redeem the old Chase horr.estpnd which has bt-un sold under a mortgage. John I'nlllam , ono of the wealthiest funii- ern nonr Wichita , Kun. , has bp n arrested , charged with kissing the wlfo of a neighbor against her will. I'M Caitun of Murray , Ky. , was stabbed and killed by his grandfather , Joseph Elliott. The boy had attacked the old man with a heavy billet of wood. Secretary Hoko Hmltlf. I'odtmaxtcr Oen- e-ral Wilson and Comptroller KckeU liavo returned to Washington. Becrotury Carlisle left them Tor Chicago Thursday. The llrt test case brought under thn nnw tcnperunce law in Indiana ha * resulted In the law being declared Inoiifratlve on uc count of a defective penal clausu , roit Tin' ' : KiuiiOM OF iitniA.\i > . Aaelent Order nf llllieriilaiiH 1'raetl- eally lOnilornc Kevolntlun. NB\V YORK , Aug. 1. The national ofilcera nnd directors of the Ancient Order of Hi bernians met at the Continental hotel and passed resolutions which are thought to bo deeply significant of the future policy of that order in the United States on the question ot the method of forwarding the cause of Irish independence. Tlio resolutions are said by well informed Irishmen to moan that the order endorses thn Irish revolutionary mave- ment , which seeks Irish Imlopendenco by force of arms , although the text does not convey that statement In direct language. The importance of the action lies In the fact that It Is done In the name of tlio 500,000 men who form the society. The resolutions are as follows : Tile Ancient Order of Hibernians of America , being compound of American cit izens of Irish descent. Us work for tlio cen tury of Its existence as nn organization on Ainpr'ean soil being recorded UH an ox- empllficatlon of organized effort for faith , country fatherland. Resolved , Therefore , that WP , the na tional olllcors nnd directors of tlio aforesaid organization. In regular ineotlng assem bled , in view of the political conditions now exlBtlng In England nnd Ireland , uxlurul to the people of Ireland our warmest and most sincere sympathy In the magnificent an 1 h'-rolf FlniKKle they have nmde for mitirjiipl lii-ii-per.denco for their native land , ami wo bid llioin Godsj : ua In llielr patriotiu work. Re.solvod , That , \a \ repn-FPnlntlvos of tha largest nnd strongest Irlsh-Amorlcun organ ization on tlii continent , every member of which loves tha lili r-y of his native und adopted country , wu j.leilge the laltb ami fealty of thin order to any policy that they think practical looking to a natural , reg ular luril aggiesslvo effort for Irish na tional Independence. Jmlgo Wllhcrle of Philadelphia talil : "Our resolutions practically endorse the new move ment. It Is , of course. In embryo , and we cannot designate , but when after the con vention It becomes an actual tact and Is es tablished us a movement to win the absolute liulepenilonco of Ireland , then wn shall ba free to speak of It. We will help to make It such a movement and wo have no fear of the future. " Major Edward Sweeney of Cincinnati said : "I am , and so are thu other clllccrs and di rectors , in favor of the new movement so long as we see It Is a movement In the right direction. We are tired of humbug and now wo must have active work. " M. J. Slattery , the national secretary , said- "These resolutions are distinctly In favor of the new movement and a revolutionary move ment , not otherwise. I da not believe In begging favors of England. You can gat nothing out of England save by one way. " T. J. Dundon of Columbus , O. . national treasurer , said : "We take Issue now with England , ami for thelast time. I hope. Ireland must be free , no matter how we accomplish It. ( Jood men and truro will bring England to tier knees. " William Lyman. treasurer of the National league and one of the foremost advocates of the new movement , said : "I arn perfectly satisfied with the resolution passed by the ofllcers of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. The new movement Is distinctly a revolu tionary ono , and wo have no doubt of having the best men In the country In It. Our plat form will be given to the world at our con vention , which I think may bo held in Chicago cage at the end of August. There will bo no more trifling with England. " Attached Denver llaiiU Properl ) ' . NEW YORK. Aug. 1. Judge O'Brien In the supreme court granted an attachment to day against the property In this city of the Union National bank ot Denver. The attach ment Is the result of a suit brought against the Denver bank by the National Bank of Commerce cf this city to recover $10.502. the balance of a loan collected by the Union Na tional bank , which acted as the agent In Denver of the National Dank of Commercn. Health In the HoiiNclmld IK pretty nearly a surety If Allen's Hygienic Fluid Is there. There. Is no. rnodlclno Its equal for all-round nacfulneis. First of all. It Is a preventive medicine wardi off a'.l contagious diseases. It heals und purlllen bruises , burns , scalds und sores of all kinds. Kills germs and odors. Its many other UIPH are described In pnmp'nlet which will ba mulled free If you address the CUaa. L. Allen Co. , St. Louis , Mo.