- i- " - " " - - ' r" M fur , \ Tin- : OMAHA DAILY J1J2E : KHTDAY , AUGUST 2 , 1805. _ _ frJloj j COUNCIL BLUFFS NEWS. MIAOU MKVriO.V. ] V.m'r n ! ltf Ctrp * 1 nill tneet la rr.c ir ficr. . at r.30 toft aftrmoon. I'4ic Garrett. Hxtlngt bool1e4cr. hif b t r t ru-M _ ox-er tc tbt Icrril gr nd Jury. tir 'iJ hciel , Council Dltifft. Xewly farr - r L < 1 Uwji-.ncii Oet 1. B. F. Clark. pr v Tb re v. ill h : a m * tlnr of the Council t . . " ; . Gun club tbir tvenlr.g IB tbe rooms c cr Tli Kf-e oi&c-e. I * y Cj.id win Kid lt teiralar ro < e'.lnt ; th t , a c"i MI et I-JO. ( I tlie bomt ol Mr * . P x FU r fib Axenue. 1'rieadt Jcln Ha : > . who tbtAly hurt a month Ego \t'L' urfttling Mitb tbe Jntyor of Man- t a. ins Ij'Mi rtinovcd tc D cbelor' C _ r 1 f I VP Th PJt ; rii. Snllrrt and Marine tl i f I' < awntturaie county , Iowa , will mett a S ' 1. ttile evening at the court house f.r e i : i of officer * . C-IF . ! lUnlfjv.k arreMed yesterday on the c arrtof rxjdltng without a licence. He l. 'J v. j 1,1111 a duzcD pairs of fcbcaris. wtich be a tryip : to pawn when nrrcaed. Ti. " Ii''k I&land Railway company -ll ) run c < - ' ! , < r V'-urtlon Jroro Det Molnet. to Conn- c 1 f rfc and Omabfi next Eariday. Tbe iiu r \ .1 arrive at 110 a. in. and leave at " . . T\t , . .MP Gulttar , filed a petition In the dls- t ' c JH yexterday , gtUlnp to be appointed pu rj > a u hie father. Francis Gulttur , who i ? ! 5' rt of age , very Infirm and of nn- i'tnJ in r d W H Ware ha * commenced aa action In n Jw courl to collect $100 from John Wil- 1- j a . et attorney fees for * errlce jier- f rrcj n f ir.nectlon with WUltmans * receat t it n < 'iu-t circlet. Tre rti'tollan of the povfrnmrnt building li ofTe-ed a reward of $25 for the arrest .i3 n > : .vicilon . of partiee who have been en , enng the exterior of the building with ch IK nui rim of various colcrt ; , advertising a mf t i p R--V J JI. Stouch , Ph D. . Greek and Latin I r ! , f-T in the Midland college at Atchlson. Ki and rolleRe clastmate < of Rev. G. W. S yJtr. will preach next Sunday evening at S ? J'.tin's English Lutheran church , James' li : i. 17 Pearl ttrect. The Di'dge ' Light Guarde will leave for tbe f 'c eorampment at Ccnterville Saturday rr riirg at 7 o'clock and will report at the armory about 5 a. in. JfH Green will ac company them to look after the chlchraf and other portions of the culKlne. The children of the Fifth avenue and Mt'h d st chuichewere treated to a picnic In Fa nnnunt park yesterday afternoon. Three car loads , of the little people were pj\ra n tld" around the loop after the day's cnji yment at the park as over. C O Krmpsttr bought a Itcrtt from Huber T3r if for which he psld them JS9. Th- h rse turned out to be balky and badly bunged up and KemprtT refused to pay. The Hubert , are ruing blm In Juitlce Vlen c.urt The caie waB tried yesterday. Judge J. H. Rped has replgned his posit t on an pref-idpm of the VnltetJ States Masonic Eenevolfnt ast-oriatlon and 'he Guiranty Fund L fe afsorlntlon and Fred H. Urrwn of Chicago cage lias taken hit place. He aEtlgne as hi reas n for resigning stress of other buslneaE. The lakes' band at Marana have popu- la'-.ze'l to a remarkable extent the new sons "I'arl ng Mable. " and the publl her , Mr Chase rf Des Molnes. his written Manage Murrc that he will kend blm another sent that he U about ready to give to th public M A Hills of Det Molnes , aged 55 , anc Mrs Emma A. Crafts , aged 31 , of this cltj tot k out a marriage license at tbe count c'.erl.'D office yesterday. They were marriec during the afternoon at the residence of D. ZerK , wski. 305 North Seventh ttreet. Rev V C Rocbo officiating. In order to introduce our new b ach and ovcrccme the misrepresentation made b other bathing places , the manager of th new Grand Plara offers free to tbe visitor of the Grand Plaza the use of new suits ani dressing rooms on Saturday afternoon am [ evening of August 3. Every one cordial ! Invited S. B. Reed , manager. Mary Devany. who was arersted severa days ago frr hitting her neighbor and boson friend , Mary Tierney. with a piece of ga pipe was tried in Justice Vlen's court yes terday and a neighborhood skeleton of larg dimensions was boldly exhib ted. Mary wa discharged with a lec'ure. which was mad to apply equally well to the rest of the com munlty Last week Mayor Cleaver seat out coplc of tbe recent city reports to the city govern meats of other places , accompanied by th request "Please exchange. " The cltle favored ha\e been responding well , abou twenty-live books having 'been received far SOITI ° of them are very neatly bound i cl 'h afd leather , and when the collection complete It will form an Interesting Hbrar of Information. Arti s cf Incorporation were filed wit ! the c unty recorder yesterday by th Macedcnia Creamery association , of Maci dunta PattawaHamle county. Its capiti stock Is K MK ) . and tbe object Is to build riant and carry on tbe manufacturing da.ry products. Tbe officers of the can rany are as follows : President. J. M. Cooni vice president , J. R. Martin ; secretary , C. I McCready , treasurer , J. M. Kelly ; gener manager , Wllloughby Dye. Clear vacant lots to trade for dwelllE bnuse and lot with email encumberance to assume. ! by purchaser. Good farm loai wanted Money ready when papers are con pleted and title approied. LOUGEE TOWLE , 285 Pearl St. t , rAHAGIlAI'HS. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Baker , ye terday a sen. T C Dawson returned yesterday from short trip to Chicago. Miss Clara Ford of Logaa U the gue of the Misses Hatlie Pace and Beetle Hun Inqttn Offlc'r Slead of the police force , who h I "en confined to bis home by Illness f tcveralweeks past , bas resumed work. Arthur Evans , who was so bidly burt f rertnt accident on tbe switchback Manawa. is improving steadily and will an und in a short time Marshal Ed Canning left last evening f D nver where be will meet his wife , w has been -\isltmi ; there for tbe past mom Th y will return together in a couple weeks. Amcng the dozen or more new famlll that lock up their temporary abode at Ma awa yesterday was Dr. O. W. Gordon , wi and family of two young ladles and tv young ge-itlemen. They were also a cor parted by the Misses Klnnebann. Miss Mat C : e of Fort Madison , la. , and Miss Ma \\ate They are the guests of Mrs. .4 br.ght and her brother. Corey Reed. Di G M rgan and family and Colonel Rak were also caught in the exodus of yeslerda IIOVTK. Itrtlurril Uittr. To Hot Spi'ngz , S. D. , tale July 19 , Au nst : and "Z. one first class fare for rou trip. trip.Triennial Triennial cozclave Knights Templar , B ! fn , Mask. Sale August 19 to :4. American Pharnv c utlcal association , De ) ver , Colo. Sale August 11 and 12. National convention Keeley league. Hi r'tturp Pa Sale August 16 to 2. In addition I have on sale Summer Tour tickets to various points tn tbe United Stal acd Canada. Call and get copy of map and Illuctrat xrrite up of the great Yellowstone Natloi park. O. M DROWN. Ticket Agent The Hardman U full and rich In tone. Tbe Genuine Round Oak Furnace is t same suecnf that the Gf Jne Rousd 0 reiter is. Air-tight , gas-tight , barns a kind cf fuel and less of U than any Wl furnace made. Liwetl prices. Cole & Oe 41 Main SU _ The only pl& worth havlag , tbr Harden The gat company's ip e.al prlotv for MI lee pipes will be oentinutsj through July. Read Davis' ad. Davis cells hammo < cheap. V Koo finer than the Uajfcn&n Baby Grr : 1 nv\ic A vritiKic TO MTTI.I : . \ < iriinr < > ll Oltlri- Nut Inrtlm-il < > 1'itj UKI it I < iii cnlc. Tic ! Icittd HnMype mtiiltic , about which o much bunrtius hae been done , are likely to cauce tome Mrlouf trouble at tbe Non pareil office , cnletf the ittorio which for th * paet WMV or t o bac been brewing , blows oter. Th printers cm ploy ( J on the np r held a metung tbe other day with the local paper and fixed up a scale of price * , SO cent * leu per day than Omaha prlc * * that IE , { t a dty for day work and JS.M for night. This scale * presented to tne Globe office and j accepted. The same committee then called on tbe business manager of tbe Nonpareil , wbo declined to accept It The committee then called on H E. Hart , bat he referred them bad : to the taelnes manager , Mr. Deader. The second interview with tbe Utter gentle man wiis no more Mircesttnl thin tbe first , tor be refuted point blank to accept tbe scale , uylng that he could cet all tbe men be wanted to work tbe machines at ? 2 and f2.0 a day. The committee bar now presented tbe Nonpareil with Its ultimatum , winch Is in substance as follow * : "You will sign our schedule by ID o'clock Saturday morning , or tbe union will call out your men. " Just bow this ultimatum will b * rec lved tc yet to be found out. but It Is evident that a strike may renult frcm the employment of the new machines. T\VO I AYS MOIIH. Million Stor ' Cli'itrlntr Siile Clew * Sat urilny. SPECIAL BARGAINS OFFERED FOR FRIDAY AND S4TUIDAY. Special J2.25 and J2 50 heavy Ellk um brellas to close at tl W > each. Ladles' extra heavy all silk mitts , 19c quality at IPc a pair. 25e mitts at luc. &Sc Milanese rllk mitts. ZZc. 45c black silk fans. 2Sc each. . Dig line of ecru and coral n vanlse and Irish point laces Ifom S to 12 Inches wide , regular value SSc to ESe , to close at 19e a ' yard. 15c quality ecru laces reduced to EC a yard 7c quality ladies' Swiss ribbed vests to I close at 3 for lOc 15c quality ladies' vests , 3 for 25c , Blc assortment of dimities. Swlrses , jaconets , tic. , worth lOc and 12e , to close at f-Hc a yard. ISc and 17c dimities at PC a yard. 25c Imported dimltiet. ISc n yard. 39c French organdies at 25e a yard. . Ladles' fine lawn , percale and gingham wrappers reduced from $1.50 and J2.00 to 9Tc-each. $1-00 and 11.23 novelty dress poods re duced to iJPc a yard. - ! > 0c checked taffeta silks , 25c a yard. y Large size down pillows covered -with ip ducking , regular price U.r.9. reduced to i 19c white goods. Sc a yard. - 7c Shaker flannel , 4c a yard. FOWLER , DICK & WALKER , Council Bluffs , la. Oolli-rtlon of Mn > oral Mimrn. ! Mayor Cleaver has concehed the Idea of . making a collection of the photographs pf - tbe men who have held the office of mayor of Council Bluffs from the earliest times. : He has sent letters to each of the surviving majors asking him to donate a photo to the | < collection , and so far as possible tbe pictures of deceased officials , will be gotten from their friends. When completed the collec tion will become a part of the parapher nalia of the mayor's office at the city build ; ing , and will be of considerable Interest In ° years to come. . come.c. v. c. o. n. imow.vs Spt't-Inl Sale on Miikou Fruit Jar * . Pints , per dozen. 40c. he ; Quarts , per dozen. f > 0c. irs Half gallons , per dozen , C5C. nd BROWN'S , C. O. D. < * I $2 50 to Kcnsss City and return via thi > ; ' ! Burlington route. Saturday , August 10th Train will leave Mam Street depot , Councl alm BluflF. at 10.45 p. m ; back Monday mornmj m In time for breakfast. Tickets nnd full in ae formation at 517 Broadway. s- O. M. BROWN. Ticket Agent sge ge as Tbe Hardman piano wears like iron. de Miiirt ] < - IVoiile Will ItnlI < 1. n- A new building is to be added to tbe com merclal interests of Council Bluffs , thi n- Sharplcss Manufacturing company being thi nhe financial promoters. Fcur lets in the south les rn part of the city , -near the Union Pacifn lUt i eight depot , have been purchased , and 01 so hem will be erected a warehouse- and fac in ory , the dimensions being 40xl2C feet , am is i he height four .stories. Brick ai J stoni are the materials to be used , and the worl ry if building will be begun as soo'n as possible th For rent , one of the best business bouse he n the city. Will be fitted up for tenant1 ce- use. Now occupied by Union Bakery Co. tal . 525 Main street. Apply to M. J. Kelley. 71 Bluff street , of < m- Campers at Manawa and Comfort Seeker Everywhere : Have you taken advantage o H. he great rocker sale of the Durfee Furnltur ral ; Jo. ? It lasts until Aug. 1. Yet , the Eagle launury is "that goo laundry , " and is located at 724 Broadway 1 If In doubt about this try it and be convinced Dtmlt 'orget name and number. Tel 157. ins I" . W. I.i 111 urn Demi. F. J. Day received a telegram yesterda afternoon from F. M. Latham in Chicag notifying him of the death of the latter' father. F. W. Latham , at home. The re mains are to be taken to Nebraska City fc es- nterment. The deceased was well known i Council Bluffs and owned considerable ret estate here , among the rest the Peterson an Vaxra blocks on Upper Broadway. est lirflrr'B Kinir Trniiirrnure lift- nt- All IllKht. MONROE. Neb. . July 25. Wheeler bas ; Hereld , Council Bluffs. Gentlemen Inclose for please find check in full of my first Invoic of Wheeler's King Temperance Beer bougt ; Inat of vou. Your goods are excellent and you > at prices right. ROBERT A. VirKt-'R- be Drugglst. C -ilnr for ho ! Twelve car loads standard red cedar fem ith. posts , 10c each , by tbe car load. ith.of A. OVERTON. lies CA.VAt , HOATS O\ THE I.AKKS. an n\icrliuciit to 111Trltil Mllh n Shl | "e m rut uf Iron Italic. CLEVELAND. Aug. 1. Three of the elgl irie teen steel canal buat * which will be o ary erated by the Cleveland Steel Canal Bo Al- company , leave here for Loralne. 0. . t nlght , where they will be loaded at tl ia" Johnston steel plant with rails for the Broai way and Staten Island roads of New Yor Two more of tbe boats will be loaded wil export flour here , and the five vessels wi start for New York next Tuesday , going v Lake Erie to Buffalo and thence down tl uua Erie canal In tow of a propeller which . b > en especially built for the pyrpose. Tl 103- canal baatt. wales have l > wo built with i view to making them seaworthy on the lake : en- are of 270 tons each , ninety-five fwt lei lar. over all. seventeen and a half feet wide ai ten feet molded depth. rlst Two more propellers and thirteen can itci boats are being constructed and will tew b * ready for service. The experiment ited fending the * * vMls direct to New Yoi without a resblpoient of cargoes at any poll it baiug watched with much interest in m riae c4rcl * . a ad it Is freely prwJIWed th tke profit will ultimately resilt in a revoj tk > E f Hue eis < and western broad freig tbe traffic. Oak any Me tfasn Baby was sick , we pave her CastorU. When she was a Child , the cried far CasJoria. rv VThen toe Imeame Miss , sLe cluaj t Oatrloria. Witt Cba bed CUliren , she cave itiea Cutoria. ck isi. ' . JtHV 1.4 W IS r\CISIlT\IV tlUtrlrt .fnitcen Not Acrreil n tn It- nr l > Wlmt I" Inlrnilril. FlOfJC CITY , la. . Aug 1 < ? pwlal Tel- epr mTbe dlitrict judge * In thi * * tate are 14 doubt over the new Jury law , which r * * Into effect wltb tbe opening of tbe \ucuH term of court. Both old and new laws require the drawing of a petit Jury tbe first if tbe term. aa4 tbe grand jury tbe first cf the year. It It a question whether a new prand Jury should be drawn now or .lie old one serve over under the old law until tie first of next year. Here the latter plan will b * followed , while In other dis tricts the farmer ha been adopted. In some COM the stme judge hg given different Inn ructions in the d.fferent counties com prised IB hit district It Is likely that the I authority of the grand Jury to act will be questioned In some counties unless a settle ment of the difficulty Is reached. link Slnmllnt : lu Conrt. DES MOINES , Aug. 1. ( Special Telegram. ) In the federal court this morning Judge Woolson announced his decision on the de- j murrer of counsel for the city to the petition of tbe gas company and held to the position cortcnded for by the counsel for tbe com pany * questions of the federal constitu tion were Involved , and held that the plain tiff had a standing in court despite tbe attitude of counsel for tbe city that the com had no jurisdiction. E G. Pratt , local manage ! for tbe gas company , was on tbe stand and testified that tbe plant in Des Moines wae in his opinion , managed with due respect to absence of waste and the observance of the rules of business economy. He placed the value of the plant in this city at J470.000 and claimed the Investment was a reasonable one and iiot open to the charge of being Unreasonable. Pratt testified to the actual cost of making and distributing gas in DES Moints , which showed an average of about tl per 1.000 cubic feet. AYIll Co to the IVdernl Court. DES MOINES , Aug. 1. ( Special Tele gram ) Governor Jackson returned this % morning from Missouri , where be had a con ference wth Governor Stone relative to the mooted boundary line betweet the two states The state of Iowa has asked that the state cf Missouri bring action against tbe state of Iowa in tbe supreme court of the United States. This is to be a supplemental pe tition alleging that the boundary line es tablisbed in 1SJ7 is tbe correct line between tbe two states. And tbe petition thai ) further demand that a committee be ap pointed to obliterate all present lines be tween the two states In the uncertain ter ritory , and to establish the Initial line of survey as it was made in 1S37. This wli : enable the question to come before the supreme court at the October term and the uncertain territory will have Its certain and legitimate boundary before 1S96. lle trnlfi - 1 tilt * Sheriff * DES MOINES. Aug. 1. ( Special Tele gram ) An injunction was issued today re ttralnlng the sheriff from Issuing a deed for Highland Park college , which was sold a sheriff's sale July 12. and bid in for $33 , 060 by the German Savings bank cf Daven port. A year ago today the same propertj was sold by the sheriff on an execution on a Judgment secured by Perkins t Brinsmaid for $117. The judgment was secured by V. F. Newell as trustee for the second mor tgage bondholders The year allowed by law for ether crEdltors to redeem from this salf ends st'midnight. Tomorrow the sheriff would have If sued a deed to the property and then had Newell redeemed from this last sale , he would have had a clear title to the property , worth in the neighborhood of . J200.000. for an ivestment of only $33,000. \ii Pin or * , for Pre < Mil er. MASON CITY , la. . Aug. 1. ( Special Telegram. ) The democratic county conven tion today selecteS the following delegates tc attend the state convention at Marshall- town next Thursday : John Cllggitt. Dr. E F. McGlont , M. J. Halloran. J. B. McGshorn Jchn Clay. Sam J. Clausen. A. O. Harris. J. H McConlogue , J. E. Treston. J. E. E. Markley. Captain S. R. Apker , John Bards- ley , T. T. Blair. No resolutions were pissed but the delegates are far from be.ng favor able to silver coinage at the ratio of 1C to 1. The convention was largely attendde and en thusiastic. Speeches were made by Mark- ley , Cllggitt. McCoaoIigue , Sorter and oth h. ers. All favored making tbe campaign on state issues that need settlement. CrooliM Glteii n dilutee. CLINTON. la. . Aug. 1. ( Special Tele it. gram. ) No less than a dozen robberies have been reported to the police in tbe last two days. Three bald Jobs were done last night when the Columbia hotel. Elizabeth Code's residence and the toll station on the bridge be were looted. The town has filled up with he tough characters , thought to have been at hefa tracted by the discharge of nearly all of - faRe the police. Tbe patrolmen will be put back on iuty tonight. inc POMEROY. la. , Aug. 1. ( Special Telegram c- cid gram ) Burglars entered Dr. Martin's drug ne store last night and got away with about ' rk $250 worth of Jewelry which had bt-en left in le. the show case. They tried the safe , but failed to open It es 's IMv r Ctitllni ; at SlonCity. . . , SIOUX CITY , Aug. 1. ( Special Tele 14 gram. ) Many acres of land on the Nebraskt side cf the Missouri river opposite this citj have been carried away to2sy by the caving of the river banks. It is supposed that tht current was deflected by work on the Sborl Line brldce. A number of housej hav been carried away , and the occupants of al those near the river bank are moving out The loss amounts to several thousand do ! lars , and will be much heavier unless scan way can be found to stop the cutting. To nxK-nil tli > NorIlnrM -rii. ay HARLAN. Neb. Aug. 1. ( Special. ) J go number of Northwestern railroad official r's have been in consultation with Harlan clti zens the past week with reference to ev tending their line from the no'th to thi city. Matters have assumed such definlti shape that this connection within the nej. two months is assured. A local compan has been formed , and this corporation ha trice been quietly securing the right cf way fo some time past. Depot grounds will be con , tributed by the citizens of Harlan. ice Terrllile Cn e of ll > ilrofilioMn. ht CRESTON , la. . Aug. 1. ( Special Tele ur gram. ) Harr'scn ' Walton cf Corning l.ei chained to bis bed , snarling , biting am growling. About a year ago he was blttet by a jnad dog. A few days ago he developei symptoms of hydrophobia. He first chat-ei his wife around the house , and bas sine been growing worse until be became uncon trollable and had to be chained down. Hi death is only a matter of a few days. IP- I.nliorer Trrllil > Crntlieil. WINTERSET. la. . Aug. 1. ( Special Tele gram ) George Kirby. a horse raiser ani op- ; mcver , while at work in a lumber shed a oat at Price's lumber yard this morning me to- with an accident which may prove fatal. H tbe was working with a Jack screw , attempting t ad- raise one side of tbe building , when a pleec : - gave way. letting a pile of lumber fall o rk. him. crushing his chest and stomach In itb terrible manner. Ull Tlir - - Intli .Nrnr Cr - ton. via tbe CRESTON. la. . Aug. 1. ( Speclil Tell .1st gram. ) Henry Brunlng. a wealthy farme ftie redding in Plane township , was found dea a in bed this morning by hit wife. He his n es.g tided in Platte for forty years. es.nd Mrs. John Wakefiold. ag&d 70 , died thi nd morning. Mrs. Edna Loughery of Aftoa. aged 90 , nal resident tf Unlcn county since 16C5 , die ? xmof this morn < ng. of ark Took n Iloxtof Morphine. Int. CRESTON , la. . Aug 1. Special Tele na- gram. ) Mrs. Harry Johnson took a duse < hat morphine last night and crawled under tb ti bout ? to die. When discovered this mornin ght she attempted to shoot herself. She wi recover. Tbcinink llrll for Mute Senator. KBOSAUQUA , la. . Aug. 1. ( Special Tele gram ) The republicans of Jefferson and Va Buren counties today OB tbe first for mil lul tot unanimously nominated Thomas Boll { Fairfield for state senator. IIU lujnrlo I'titnl. CEDAR RAPIDS. la. , Aag1 ( Spedi Telegram ) Roy Duffleld. who wai run eve by cars near here yesterday and tad & lee cut \jZ \ , died todijr. CHICAGO POLICE GIVE IT UP Diggng in tk Baeeawt , of\fee Owtee Eewlu in Nothing Bamit . ADMITTHEY HAVE NO CASE AGAINST HOLMES Tliclr Soup lt < ine . Acid Vnt niul llu ty llliiiiiUtnliiM Nut Siitllrli-nt lu Kvrii Hiil r n Su lth n tirnuil Jurj. CHICAGO. Aug. 1. The police acknowledged - edged today their complete defeat to far as the effort to secure direct evidence of mur der against H. H. Holme ; was concerned. Doreas ol promising clews Jmve been care fully Investigated , witness after witness who was confidently expected to "tell all" has been examined -without result , and at last the detectives are forced to admit that their efforts have been unavailing to far as real proof of guilt Is concerned. This was ad mitted by Inspector FHipatrlck today. "When we started on this case. " he said.ve knew It would be almost Impossible to get any ont who could positively connect Holmes with any case of murder , yet we though i it our duty to investigate and we have done the best we could. We believe several crimes have been committed and believe that Holmes and his confederates are guilty of seieral murders , but so far weare unable to prove our belief correct. ' We have no evidence that would even cause an Indictment of any of the men under suspicion If it were presented to the grand Jury. " Pat Quinlan was given a two-bours session in the sweat box today , but the result was as unsatisfactory as the previous examina tions of the ex-Janitor. Qu.rlan pives no ev'drnce of weakening , and stubbornly sticks to his statement that he l.nows absolutely nothing of any killing. The police received word tpd y of the mysterious hauling away from the Holmes hcuie at night , of several large boxes. The boxes were tahen from the house during Holmes' residence theie , and several detec tives were detailed on the new lead in the case. case.A special to the Port from Philadelphia says- Holmes , the alleged w-holesale mur derer , was asked today In an interview "Can vou explain how so many bones came to b concealed in the basement and other parts of your Chicago houre * " "I will answer that question In this way. " he replied. "Every pe-sn who has known me Is aware that I am a doctor by profession Jt Is also known psrfectly well in Chicago that there was a restaurant In my building during the World's fair. At that time there were lots of bones from fowls and other cooVed animals thrown outside the building Lots of these bones , no doubt , found their way to the cellar. During the time 1 lived In the building I brought several cadiren there , both for scientific and pecuniary pur- poes. This may account fo * the banes tht Chicaco police say they have found. " " relatl-ns will "Will you explain your Minnie Williams ? " SAYS MINNIE WILLIAMS IS ALIVE. "The poor girl was a great friend of mine She was unfortunate in more ways than one I cannot-but believe she is still alive , al though God only knows where , as she Is fugitive from justice on account of the awfu tragedy which resulted in the killing of he sister. 1 care to say , , nothing about he at this time. " "Is It true that Minnie Williams killed he sister Nana ? " "Yes. it all came about over a jealous quar rel during the heat of passion in which pee Minnie threw a stool at , Nana. It EtrucJ her on the head. She died shortly after ward. " % "It Is reported that some of your famil were the victim * , of insanity. Is this true * , "It is. My uncle died insane at Burhnc . ton. VL The Insanity streak In our fami ! . comes from mother's side. J want to saj - however , that I am still compos mentis , al , though In view of the abrurd < reporl8 tbs have gone * out about me it might be a ques . tion as to whether I or my accussrs are tb crazier. " - "Will you deny cr affirm tbe report tbz you are a rich man ? " "My money IB principally tied up in rei estate. Part of this is encumbered and pai Is clear. If I was out of here I might I able to turn up 1200,000 without much dig culty. " "Do you belong to any re-ligious dcnomin : tlon' "No ; I am a believer In the teachings ( , Tom Paine and Ingersoll. " TORONTO , Aug. 1. The analyst into who ! bands the stomachs of Ancle and Alice Pi zel were pieced to discover if possib whether any traces of poison can be founi has decided to postpone further examinatic until a definite line of action has been d tennlned upon by tbe autnorities of Phi adelphla. * TRACING THE WILLIAMS GIRLS. The oQcers at Englewood continued tl attempt to trace- the missing Williams gir today. Of Annie but little is known , ai Minnie ha been traced to June. 1893 Le ttrs were found showing that she was the confidence of Holmes , and was suppasi by people living at a distance to be a mi anfl a partner of Hclmcs. A letter frc F. E Randall of Aurora referred to a de : in which Holmes and Minnie Williams we interested" The effects of the QulnUi were searched , but nothing was found. A torney Capps , before he left the city hi today , stated to Inspector Fitzpatnck tn he would probably leave the city at on ' for Fort Worth. Tex. On the way he w stop at Little Rock ani have a talk wl the convict , Allen. He will telegraph t result to the local department. In conne tion with Capps' v'.Bit to Allen. Inspect Fitzpatrick said that the attorney had ! instructions to try and get A'len ' releat from the peniten'iary. but 'hit he was rte to simply try and pet what Inf-rniB-ipn : could from his man withou * inskit.g a definite promise of reward The future a Uina of the department in rrgard to t : - will J.c preatly Inflwnre * by tlw a 'ntney'i reiort. Four witr > MM were examined by tnpeior IVzpmrick thi * erenlnn. The mott Im portant of them w * * a man named Krlckwm. who I * at prevent employed a * a drnc rlerk on the we t * ! * * . He t M the official * th t be wa at one time employed in th * "Cattle * drnc More. He knew Holme * writ. an < t Mid th t be always contidered h.m very peculiar. "WhyT" aked Inspector Fripatrlrts. WANTED MVCH t-HLOKOFORM. "Well. " replied EricVurn'he alway * wanted much chloroform. During the time 1 wat there , l > was only a tew weeks. I rametimvs cold this drnc to him nine or ten timer a week , and each time it was in lira * quantise * . I asked blm whit lie u ed It for on M-\er l occasions , but he gae me very unsatisfactory answers. At latt 1 refused - fus-ed to let him have any more until lie told me. as I pretended that I wit afraid that be was act using It for any proper purpose. He then told me that be was maklnt tome ex periments , and the following day showed tne a bottle contain.np a jellow fluid. He had another bottle wltb a white liquid In It. and when he mixed the two a heavj vapor arose , to which he set fire He aloe told me that tbe c s was p'isonous Some time lifter , when be got more chloroforjn. 1 asked him If his experiments wtre nearly completed , and he then said he was not making' n > more experiments. I could never make him out. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HAKHI ) IP AMTlliil MVUHIIH. Yonnir Sin ii from liullnnn nlil lo Mine lleeii Killed li > Holme- . GRESNSBt'RG. Ind. . Aug. 1. Facts have developed here which make the supposition ery strong that Harry Walker , who mys- erlously disappeared from here about two ears BED. became another victim of H. H. iolmes. Walker was about 23 years old when he came to tbis city from the old country , three ears ago. His trade was that of a Jeweler le was a good workman , commanding a fair salary. He traveled a great deal , often going to Indianapolis and Chicago to spend lit Sunday ? . It was on one of these trips that be met Holmes. He was sitting in tbe union station at Indianapolis when a well dressed gentleman stepped up to hUn and in troduced himself as Holmes. He said he was waiting for the Chicago train , and the two were soon in a conversation. Holmes said be was a real estate dealer and had considerable property of his own In Chicago to look after. He was desirous of emplo > lng a secretary and offered Walker a large salary to fill tbe position. WaH.fr stated that he was under obligations to his employer and would noT leave him without his consent fpon returnIng - Ing he spoke to his employer about the mat ter and was anxious to accept the offer. Mr Tillson , b.s employer , thought it was some qutsr scheme , and acting upon his advice. Walker abandoned tbe Idea. About three weeks afterward Holmes came to the city and registered at the Hotel de Armand as Waldo Bunk- horn. Indianapolis. He Inquired for Walker , and they bad a long talk to gether and drove about the city and rut into the country a distance Holmes offered tc - Increase his offer If Walker would go to Chicago cage with him and assured Walker that he wonjd enjoy livins tbsre. He also induced Walker to have his life insured for 515,000 and he promised to pay all dues , and in casi Walker died he would give $10,090 of tin money to his sister In Pennsylvania , accord Ing lo a signed contract. Walker left this city shortly afterwar ; and went to Batesville. where he engage < i In the Jewelry business. He had not beet there Icng. however , when be mysterious ! ; dii appeared. Holmes was seen -with bin " : I tbe day before , but nothing was though j about tbe matter. In about ten days th 2r | proprietor of the ho'el at wh.ch he baarde i received the fcllcw'ng letter. I CHICAGO. 111. . Nov 17. I8SS To Ml , ' Rclphes. I am a secretary for Mr Holmes * who was down to st-e me the other da > He Till pay me II I HI a jeur. which i mofi ! th.ii 1 could make in Batesville o Iv rlOr-r 1 will > * Jnwti In a I fr * iu > und wttlc. Y > ut * < r A month r * * * > 4 tttt br u-ti m > t txird frj s. brtirrt wbrrh * rre w iit i tn him w * ? not aitrvift > 4. Finally Mr llMp'iri went to ChlMKo. hut eo li ttcd no tnirt of either Walker < < r Hjlmrt , He retarnrd r.nl waited owhr n taib. and. at Walkw did not rrttr * orltf. . the rnit.lt * tock nC rltcap jewelry wat f.-ld to ply Mr bill * . Consid erable rxcl'vtnent la ni ! fei"tod c rtthe mitt r. and thvt > eem § tv be no dcmlit tb t h ntf a victim of Holmei. whs undouttfdly . received the { 15. 000 lnfurkt.ec on WaUer'i Hf . Mill rilni : l < i ( lie -Miinli-r Tlifor.v. ANDERSON. ltd. , . Aug. 1M'M Phll ! ! Clgrand returned from Chicago trdr.y. tnj tbe and her mn'.hcr say they do not believe Holra t' statement that Umncllne wan muf fled to bin and then went Into t content IB Mlnne . < u. The tnlolng girl's sitter tay * Dr. Cigrand an4 other relatives In Chicago all agree in tbe belief that the aa mur dered by Holmes , tad that one of the skele tons wai that of ! 2mma. Chk-igo authorities Instructed tbe Ciprar.lt that they would try to anerta'n ' who lent Emniellne's trunk to her home here , and detectives will also be here to Inspect the trunk. C | ii Hit * Not Yt Arrlvr l. LITTLE ROCK. Ang 1 Neither Cappc nor any Chicago detective has at et made tn appearance htre for the pur- ios of inter ewlng Conlet Allen. Gov- rnor Clark t-aid tonight he had received no fficlal request from Getcrnor Altgeld for be pardon or parole of the prisoner. IlvfTN Mliko nil n\ittiitiititlon of till' Chlii < 4 p Trniik | > ( irt > SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 1. Advices from Chee-Foo , received by steamer , say divers have been at work on the Chinese transport vow-Sbing. sunk by tht Jananese cruisers off tbe Ya'u ' They report that tbe vesel .1 an appalling sight , as tbe it literally : era to pieces with shot and { .bell. There it no doubt of her bating been sunk by a : orpedo , as there is a large , ragged opening in her port side and through one of lier junkers She is riddled all about tbe water line wltb big shot holfs. and from tbe top cf her foremast down to tbe water line there are the marks of tbe machine gun fire Tbe twren decks are full of dead , many of the rooms being packed , especially on tbe sur- tioard side , where hundreds of poor wr che. bad crawled 10 escape. If possible , the pitiless storm of project lies. The North Cblna Nens comments as follows lows"Any unnecessary sacrifice cf life or property is not legitimate warfate It is bar barous. and tbere was not the slightest ex cuse for sinking this sh.p. She was a good , safe prize , and could not possiblj have es caped. At the worst her rudder might have been shot away ; but to fire torpedoes , tc pound away with shot and shell from two eight and six inch guns , to hail down c shower from machine guns en a small steamer , crowded with human beiiicr. was an act which we need not now characterize To nnii c tinSjktrm Effectually yet gently , when costive or b1- ! E. or when the b'.ood it impure or slug gish , to permanently cure habitual consti pation , to awaken the kidneys and Tver tc a healthy activity , without irritating or weak ening them , to dispel headaches , colds or fevers use Syrup of Figs. lt Movement * of Oceun Vessels , An : ? . At London Arrived Mobile , from New York At N-w York Arrived Venetla , froir Stcttin , Palatla , from Hamburg. At Hamburg Arr ed Prussia , from New York , A'.Kr. ' frcm Brfmen At Bremen ArrHed Spret , frc'm Nev York a S-'Ulhampton. ' r y , over lE la - the house Eie ie "you need Pearline. And more than ever in alrt house-cleaning. Just look over the list of 3B - things that you might B- use soaps and powders Of and fluids and what se not. Some of them don't pretend to help you as much itd. - as Pearline ; some 11 injure paint , or surfaces , or fabrics ; d.n some are onlv meant to wash or clean certain things. eil > d.e - But with Pearline , you will save time and labor in clean il- ing anything that pure water won't hurt. Not only can it do no harm , but it saves useless and harmful rubbing. 4G2 he is nd \ - in e3 anal COUNCIL BLUFFS. al ns re DYE it- itall All kinds all of Pyelng m Clearing 0 re In IHt tbe hlghtst style of ce the art. Faded nnd . ill ttalri.-1 ' falirujs made i'h to look as gooa as new. W.rk promptly he done ard delivered tn all parts of th * country. Bend for need price Hat. edM c , \ . .wacii.iv. be ny r-'aiTiBy. rr r North- 1C- wtitern Di-pot. Council 1C.he IDutfu. Icwa. Tel. - S ir. K3OOCX5COX ( > OOOOeCX5CK5OOCCOOOe chewing tobacco made to please a it d universal taste , must be prepared from itt e the highest grade leaf , with a skill that toe can only be acquired by the longest ex ina : perience. It must possess a delicious flavor , and a lasting substance , and must neither be too light nor too heavy , too sweet nor too flat. In e- eer t er S ide e- a d e- eof of je 111 IR every element dear to the tobacco che-wer is so skill fully concentrated and blended as to make the most pin delicious chewing tobacco ever put on the market. 1Bf Try it and you're sure to catch the idea. Bf tl tlt 3t i\fHlvHiN \tsKH A tfltKVT I'lHi : . liHiiiriioi' Ciittdn niul JttlF'nrr - N. Anr -While the M.'n . ' r irnt\lll ! , from ralrotfa. wn * nln ainR > > r c t n of Jute in < Mltprtre it Bird' * Mc.r . , , Urle U * iti. t < xJ ) r. rxplotlnn oeenrred wluvh rt fire to tbe < vk. The v rhoii e. a ttmctare about KO } iH tottK. which wat filled with ) : * . cottru. hemp r.d taltpetrr , w i Attroyr < d. The Culmrhlll , which KAI bt-raln ( . w s towrd to th < Hats tieiir Ulbfi'y i Uud and It miy be nrrr * ary lo link ! r lliert to prevent hr total dotrwclioti b > fir > . Tbe luM on toe wurrtioutt and It * contr ' . ! U eMitnatcd t from JUOWO to J1WO'\ The lighten. Cptaln nurJock , Walter Klot . * nd a New York Central b rie. ; all ) nad'-J with cotton , were compMtly de tro } S. Two men ] utni < d overboard trtnu one of the llclitm. but they were reacted by a rastiia hr ; e ofBcer. who was tn the dnk. Tbe rx- pldi'rn ' aud fire are thr jght to l.ave or'g ' n- atod by SB acoumuUtUig In the hold ef tua CalriichilL _ Mv Itllnilri-il * lnit n nil Hit .No On P. SALT LAKE. Ang I. The decperate horse thieves and murderers. CouRhllu and Gerrge. wore met by the mounted police olBrcrs today In City Creel ; canon , several miles c-att of liere. aud a drtprrate battle occurred. During the tunllade he otilctrs fired or COO hots st the outlaw F , who were protected in tbe rocky cliffs , behind which the ) crouched on Ibnr litit-os and returned the fire. The officer * nnd outlaws were all armed tr tlio teeth with weapons of thr most modern char acter The outluwn i > rp fln ll > drnrn tr.'tn their fortr and mounted their her < e > A well dTected shut by Captain Shinni n en u Red Coughlin's her e to fall , after wliUh the outlaws abandoned their horses und star.td off on foot closely followed by ofllurs. Beecliam's pills are for bilious * ness , bilious headache , dyspep sia , heartburn , torpid liver.diz- zines. sick headache.bad taste in the mouth , coated tongue , loss of skinetc appetitesallow , , when caused by constipation ; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book. Pills loc and 250 a box. Book free at your druggist's orwrite B. F. Allen Co , 365 Canal St. , New York. Annual rale tn' > rr than C.009 009 l > "if > . The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Experience. or nisnAsns or MEN T\-OMIV. : pnopiMiTou or THU ' IliritirAL ' ' ITOKLU'S IHfeI'l' > - bAKY OrMTUICINli / treat the lollowmg Diseases- Catarrh of tbf Hc-nd. TUront end Lunpp ; fl * fUK's < it Uie I'.c mid Ear. I'll * und ApoplcX } ' ( Heart IM cit ! > ' Lm r ompluint. Kldnc-y Coa- p uirt Ncriuu I > cl > lllt > . ? Ifiital Oc- pressluti. I.O-H of Maiiltuncl. Hfiri- utalVenUn . " s , Inubctch. Urn.lit e ! ! OHM . et \iidf llano" , llbi utniitifj ) . J'arnljus , M bitf -liinir Sc-n > t' In. Fi ' r Si.rps. Xuiti- or < > uucl I'lhtuln In utio rettio ctl \vllliout the tjiiife or cl r ji \ \ I r 1 if Urup < > ftl < tocl.Voiiimi -vvitli Her clullcatc organs restored to licaltli. I > ropK > cureUvllliout tapping. Special Atlt-iitlon l te ITi ate and Veuerc-al I l'-e ofall Ulticl-t. Os < to < ? 5OoptoiIiit lor nnv Venereal I > iKtahe 1 cannot cuio % \itliuut SIereur > . 1 \x \ Wonnncmovi-il in i < i or i lirt11 hours or uo paj Ueuiurrboids or 1'ilcb c-urt-d. THOE WHO Aiti : Arri-icrro Will raip 1 r < > nnd bundrout. ol dolluis by cull- Inp on or us inp DR. C. W. PANDITS HERBAL MEDICINES. Tlir onl.i I'l'j 'l < -l n ulux-jin trll nlul uil * R IXTkllll Itlllllll HkklllC II < | llr tllll Tlmsf Ht 11 dUlnnrf n-nd for Onc tlon lllutiu.ho 1 for turn. No. 'i for \iiiini-ii All ronvspo'idrnrtstrutly c-nnndcntlnl. > Iedicmi- win t > j eiprefs. Addrcts ull letters . > V. I'ANOI.E. SI. ! > . , 555 Bno ow r. COUNCIL BIUFFE > Cns'.ose 11X' in f-tiimti' . for reulv C. B JACQUEMIK & CO , Scientific Opticians ( V Miilrt ; - HSMirt iiif-iit of i < l'1 audnK-tl , pert-i In , Hud eye.lussos Fy mium- , J ui-j fr e of c 131 i No 1/7 Main St. Council Blulfs GEOUGE P. EANFOnO. A. W. of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa Cnritil , ir 100,03 1'rofits , 12,0000 One t'f the old t tanks In the Ktte of lew * . We i. ' > ict ; j aur tunlnt'PK Kr d collec'l < ni W t per it-ni on tlmt di-iKJSitz. \ \ e will b to tt end mr\t } ou. pracUce , „ , he Sul9 i nd Federal Courts Rooms 30C-7--9 , .irt , Ulo-.U. Councu Bluffs. Iowa. Special Notices-Council Bluffs CHIMVKYS rL.K > S'ii > VAt LTB EXJ Iturkr kt W K H < - w' * U > li KRfIT I'AHM AN ? ' OAHI'EN' LAN ! ' K'JH ' UK ttcup uid on wn ) term * . L > ) L II' u , 9 rear ] ptie t. POK SALE OR TRAl'E A K1NK1.T 1 } .If runnibf buiw. Mlttt hi * * truck it .id f A r. K.rn t > r M-lllDg AOdr - k ut ckJI ut -1 Jlrtdw y T' H t LST t JTE f'K I. < J'MS ( ' F'H ' OL.STLD" ( LT > a W f * fct .It