TITB OHATIA DAILY 1TJ-E ] : FRIDAY , AITO1TST 2 , 1S05. tor thtiH parly and speedily ndjustcd , and feel that I Imvo done my full duty In tlio premises , , , , You ay till * law | g not to be questioned that no person has a right to Inquire Into Its valldl y. In this I take most decided Issue with ) ou ' IJvery clllron of the state , how ever humble , or however exalted , has the right to submit every controverted question to n court of competent Jurisdiction. It Is a sacred privilege which belongs to all myself as well us any other cltUen and to deny that rlRht Is to deny the protection of the law to citizens of the state. I pray you , gentlemen , do not permit your Iinrson.il prejudices to dominate your action In this matter , but proceed In n dignified manner and let the vallfllty of the law be nettled by the courts without subjecting the state's metropolis to the dangers threatened. The highest. Jti llclal tribunal must finally pass upon t'i ' ? questions Involved , and It Is unwise and ui'JJBt ' to the citizens of Omaha to Impede tlie progress of an early and peioeablo solution of the aff-ilr. Indulging In extravagant expressions and Inflammatory utterances dnes not tend to an early , peaceable and orderlj settlement of this matter and cannot In the least swerve me frim the d'scharge ' of what I conceive to bo my duty , and In which I nm confident I shall have the support of all good cltl/iens Yours verv truly , SILAS A IIOLCOMIJ. MADU A rOHMAL CALL. At 4 10 p m Tom Majors arrived at the capltol and stalking past the door of the gov ernor H offlce joined Russell and Churchill In the ofllco of the commissioner of public lands and buildings Then , accompanied by Uussoll and Churchill , the three moved on the rooms of the governor. Governor Hoi- comb had previously notified them that he would not take part In any meeting of the kind , nor could It be held In the executive office The land commissioner nd attorney general entered and asked for the governor. Mr. Majors remained In the corridor while- the conference In the goveinor's olllcc was helil. Lind Commissioner Uimcll acted as PPOKPI- man for the couple. He Inquired first If the governor desired to partlclpite In a meeting of the board for the purpose of appointing the commissioners. Governor Holcomb re plied "I decline to do BO at this time. " It Is to be noticed that the governor has not , up to date , positively rcfus d to call a meeting of the board , and , In fact , he Inti mated toda > that he might do no at another time The governor added' "I think that point has been pretty well covered by my former communications " RUSBPII then presented the governor with a piper , which recited that Inasmuch as the chairman of the board had refused to call the mealing the board Itself called ono to beheld held at 10'a. . in. , on Friday , August 2 , at the ofllce of the commissioner of public lands and buildings. The two loner lines of this document were filled In with the names of Russell and Campbell. The upper Una was left blank It is still blank. This scene was witnessed by Judge Grlm- mlBon of Schuyler , Private Secretary Maret , Clerks Nelson and Mary of the governor's olllce and members of the press. The governor read the document through carefully , and , turning , said , with a smile : MAINTAINED HIS POSITION' . "I llilnk , gentlemen , } ou understand my position " He then turned to his desk , and Hiibsell and Churchill went back to the former's olllco and Joined Tom Majors , where a secret confeience was held. Shortl j after noon two letters were sent In to the governor , one oJt.li from Russell and Churchill. In point of fact they were letters of apologies. Russell bald In his eplstlo that ho did not Intend to be dis courteous to the governor If ho had done BO he icgrotted It He then wont Into an ex haustive review of the constitution , as. IIP umlci teed It , and said If Commissioners llrown and Dearer could defy the , legislature they could defy the courts. Ho ad mitted that all of the correspondence emanat ing from the goveinor had been clean and dispassionate The letter was , In short , a semi-apology and complete hick-down In many respect * tro-n his former position. Churchill's letter Is In very much the same strallir He makes , ho\\over \ , the audacious claim that the govornol has not painted out a way In which the matter can bo amicably adjusted. He overrules the supreme com by saying , that the. only way it can bo got Into court "Is by- first appointing the com missioners , when the couit has said once that an agieed case could be made up. CONSPIRATORS AUi : CONFUSRD. Churchill seemed considerably cxuiclsed bdcati'o the governor has not cillod him Infer for consult itlon Instead of writing him let ters Ho apologizes for portions of bis pre vious letters. It la evident from the back-down today of the conspliators tint they are confused and somewhat at a standstill , despite th ? Inching of Tom Majors , who was awaiting their return from a fruitless mission , The intimation that the goveinor ma > legally call the board together within the thirty days alloy ed by the bill confuses them Nelihei Kustell nor Chui chill scorns KO secure as twenty-four boms since. The ) ma ) conclude to abandon the ap polntment tcmouow as they abandoned 1 toda ) The leaven of the Omaha clti/ons petition Is appaicntly working An agreei cite In the supieme court may bo piesentei yet before an > appointment Is made 1'aul Vandervoort came down from Omaha today and held quite a prolonged interview with Governor Holcnmb. He said. In ad \ance that Colonel Poster , \V. J IJroatcl and himself were the ones who were to be selected by the appointing board as lire am police commissioners for the oltj o ( Omaha lie was also desirous of convincing Governor Holcomb that it would In to the best Inter eats of the biter to sign his commission He outlined the pollc > which he thought vvouli 1)8 ) carried out following the appointment. I was to have quo warranto proceedings com mpnced In Judge Scott's court , the old bean ousted and the new one Inducted Into ofllce Then , of course , an appeil would be made t the supreme court , pending whoso declsloi the new board would be doing business a the old stand. _ COI.OMI , i MI < ST irr OIT. HcMiill of a Him A in out ; l'ri > nioclli | < < Cliiirclilll-llitMst'll CommlNNliMiiM--i. Just at this time hariuoii ) lb not hovering ovei the deliberations to any intent In their efforts to select three men to serve as mem bers of the Fire and Police commission undci the provisions of the Churchill-Russell law. Yesterday morning the best of feeling pre vailed and ever ) thing was lovely with Ilroa'cli , Vandervoort and Foster slated for the three positions. Later In the day the three men developed a quarrel among them selves over who should have the long and who should have the short term. It eo happened that when the Churchill- Russell bill was drafted It provided that the term of ono of the appointees would expln In December , ISU5 , one In December , Ib'iG and the tMrd In 1897. None of the thrci men dated for the three positions wanted the short term This Inform itlon was conveyed to the Churohlll-Cov ell-Scott headquarters Ir the New York Life building jcaterday after noon , and a tesslon was at once held upor the three appointees. 'I hey were given tc understand that If they were not satisfied to take their chances on the long nnd thf utiort teims the.v could step douti and lei other men slip In. as there were plenty whc would acrept without asking qustlom concerning how long they were to continue In cilice This did not net a a healing balm to the proposed commissioners , and i telegram WHS at onca prepaid to Churchll and Hiusell. urging them not to hasten tin appointment ! as there wni. contention In thi ranke. Having dune this , C 11. Scott nnd i numbT of others who were backing up tin Churchlll-Husbell fight , commenced to in duke In the oil pouring business They of fercd to sacrifice several things' In tha Inter eit of harmony Things would not tun their way , lifter which they commenced t ue threats. They Informed the propose appointees that If they would not subml thilr names would bo recalled. Ilrnatcl ( lured them to do thin , und there the -nutte rested until lat evening , when a Relict com mlttee called on llroatch and asked him t pull out of the fight and allow Virgil 0 Strlckler to be named In hl stead , llroatcl flared up In a minute and accuned the delegu tlon of playing him a trick. He politely tel the membori cf the committee that he woul be blanked If he would get out of th w for any living man , Satisfied that they con ! not pull Ilroatch out of tne nice , the com mltteemeii m-\t turned their attention t Paul Yundcrvoort. They told him that I the In'ereM of harmony they would like t pull him down , and at the mine time ru up StrlckkT. Paul warmed up under th collar nnd declared that he would stay o the track and would not get off , With llroatch and Ytcdcrvoort determine o hold on , Culoncl Foster wai next st acked , He wasn't very particular about he Job any way , the other members claimed , nd would not feel bidly If ho were ds- ! ilaced to make peace "In the camp. It was Inally decided that an effort would bo made o have Mr. Foster sidetracked In the In- crest of harmony. During the day Colonel Foster , manager or Swift & Co , , was told that he woull irobably be dropped from the membership f the ChurcMH-Uusiell police board. He ook the report good naturedly , nnd said It etnimlcd him cf a story of the pork market n an early day. An Illinois farmer took a arge drove of hogs to Chicago , but was lot satisfied with the market , and to turned round mid drove his porkers across the ounlry to St. Louis. When he reached St. , ouls ho found the market flatter than It sna In Chicago , and ho had to sell his lock at a heavy sacrifice. When commis erated with by his friends , he consoled him self by the remark that ho didn't feel so ery badly , asjie had had the company of he hogs any way. That's the way Colonel 'osier Is reputed to feel about the present case. \YOItKIM ! II' TIIIJIH 1M.AM5. r < illii TM of Clilirclilll mill HtlsNfll Hustle 'I'll i-lr Clllnp KolliMMT * . The pot-rustlers > were out early esterday nnd have been perniciously active In getting their p'ans prepared 'or the capture of the fire and police depirtmcnts of the city under the op eration of the Churchill-Russell law. At the preliminary meetings held Wednesday n'ght ' the location of the pipe lines was decided upon. Church ll nuil Hussell came up from Lin coln and met Attorneys Offut anil Dick ilnll by appointment. They were soon Joined jy llroatch , Vandervoort and C Hanter Scott , n a conference that lasted far Into the night Meetings were held at all of the various der vish headquarter * and messengers were- In active demand , carrying communlcitlons from ono gathering to anothsr. The cv-palicemen and their e peclal clique met at their rosins n the Mandcrson block and were In session until midnight. The uninformed were look- ug for marching orders at midnight , but were Inally given the tip that active operations were not to be commenced until the olllclal appointment of the boird had been made. Cvery active member of the gang was on liaml early yesterday. When DroJtch left Ills rooms at the Uacliclors' Quarters he was met by Hertlo Hitchcock anJ Charle ) Unltt and a conference ensued which lasted for some time. Then ex-Sergeant Shoup arrived with a message for Hroatch , who hurrlel to Ills ofilco , where another meeting was held which lasted until noon In the meantime every corner was pre-empted by members of the gang who were anxiously waiting for the latest news from the camp of the conspirator' . The police station was besieged by an Idle crowd , tno members of which were appar ently looking for trouble nnd thought tlr.t they would be on hand at the probable scene of the fir t clash of authority MADI3 UP TUB SLXTH. Captain Palmer was the busiest man In the lot. The captiln had taken the contract of seeing that the business men of the city did not take any decided stand In opposition to the plans of the gang Ho was badly rattled by tha petition cf the leading ta\payers and business men of the city , asking the Hoard of Public Lands and llulldlnga to join with Governor Holcomb In securing an ad judication of the vexed question by the su preme court of the state Palmer commenceJ Wednesday afternoon on a tour of the c.ty and hni been busy abusing the bankers and busi ness men who signed that petition. He Is vury Indignant that they should have de clared themselves in favor of a dignified and peaceable solution of the problem of police government In Omaha and Is doing a lot of talking in favor of his friends , Uroatch and Vandervnort. Another cause for contention In the new board was the selection of a chief of police Captain Broach wanted Seavey , but the other numbers would not have him , and the fliEt compromise was In favor of Johnny Mc Donald. Yesterday , however. Colonel Foster kicked over the traces and came out flatfooted - footed in his opposition to McDonald. Van dervoort , In order to keep In line with some- bed } , Joined Foster , and McDonald was turned down. Hlght Windy Gibson wis given n show for his white alley , but did not last long enough for his name to get to the voting point. Then John Lewis' lumo was presented , and nt prcient ho stands the best show of being elected It Is seml- olllclally announced tint Haze and Sigwart will be selected captains and Shoup , King and Ilalllff Cox as sergeants of the new fore ? . Unable to see their v\aj clear out of the tnnglp , Churchill and Hussell sent a tele gram to Omaln la t night that n police commission would not be selected unti1 today. PROCLAMATION 11V \YOIt. . IN'iii't * mid AVnriiH Cltl/i-iin t , \ > ' | M of V lolenco. In vle\v of the disturbed condition of af fairs In the city , at noon yesterday the ma ) or Issued the following proclamation1 Hy virtue of the authority vested In mo by the charter for cities of the metropolltat class , which 'designates the mayor as the chief executive officer and conservator o the peace throughout the city , all persona are hereby warned against acts of violence or unlawful assemblages tending to provoke turbulence or cieate disturbance. Without trtnchlng upon the rights of In dividual citizens to peaceably pursue their vocations , I deem It my duty , In view o possible outbreaks , to Impress upon all goo < cltlipns the necessity of desisting from any demonstration that Is liable to bring aboil a bieich of the peace , and to that end In stiuctlons have been Issued to the chief o police to dispelse unlawful gatherings 01 the public thoroughfaies. and especially Ii the vicinity of public buildings. GnOIton P DKMIS. Mayor. Omaha , August 1 , 1893. IVriSlllJST AT Till : CITY IIXI.I , Curious Crouds I'litli'iitl ) AVultliiK finSioiiictlilnu t Drop , The Intimations that had b < > en mysteriously given out by some of the dervishes that i-omethlng v\us "going to diop" during the da ) made- the clly hall a center of Interest yesterday. 'Iho rotunda was occupied by various groupb of curloslt ) seekers , with the deivlsh element predominating. In the city olllccs matters wcie unusually quiet. Katly In the day the judiciary committee of the clt ) council , which Is conducting the alleged Investigation of the Hoard of Fire and Police Coninila lonprs , lidd an executive session In lU'cch Illgby's private olllce , A\ hat the 10- tult was dlil not appear. During Hie morning ex-Police Sergeant Haze and R W. Gibson drove to the clly hall and i went into Hlgb's ofllco They were Joined ; > by Johnny Thompson. President Kdwnrds of " the city council and others. and during most of the forenoon these parties decupled Hum- selves In whispered conferences with the city clerk and each other. Kx-Police Sergeant Slgwart nnd Al llcbottt also put In an ap pearance In the course of the forenoon. roivrv MIT IN Tiin TIGHT. CnmmlftxIoiiprM Will Not TnKo u Hand I In CKy l'oll < - < - Allulrs. The attempt to mix up the count ) com missioners In the pollct controversy has not borne fruit Commlfsloner Stenberg -3terday stated 1 that he did not see how the county had any thing to do with Omnhii police affair ; . When the plan talked of by certain parties to Induce the coiiiml sloners to appoint d putlcs was mpn'lonpd to him he replied that he did not consider It necessary Jenllr.a slpled thai ' ho had , at one ot the commissioners , given the matter some thought and should the i ! emergency arise making It necesiary he fhould favor the commissioners appointing deputies from among the present pullc i : b ) plae-luc the county Mars upon them. ) f i might bo the duty of the board to preserve nrder nnd cU-puttting policemen would ol ' course su\o considerable cxpeiue to the county. IJ i- AiljnuriiiMl Siilijrrt to roll , ito ton The Hoard of Tire and Pollca Commit n slunerx held an executive tctflou soon after ! ° o'clock yesterday All nipmbar * were 10 cut uxrtpt Smith. No buslncjn was trails acted and after deliberating for tn hour 01 10 the board took * itrcotw , subject tc thi cull of the mayor. VON FROM THE WAIIOO TEAM Tnivcrsity Olub Players Eat Out a Very Pretty Qauic , BEST CONTEST SEEN HERE THIS SEASON Iiieli Mile Wax In ( lie ( innie from I3tul ( o Hint unit ( lie Hull Wax Keit | HollliiM : .Stenillly All the Time. One of the very best and prettiest games f ball plnyed In Omaha this season was that between the University club twin and the trong aggregation from Wnhoo. The contest \as not only clean and Interesting from tart to finish , but In many of Its details lecldedly brilliant. The playing of the University team , despite the fact that It was not out In 111 fullest strength , was HIP best It has done this season. Ono error alone. narred the score , n muff by Ittner , who Islet lot a regular player on the team , lllg Jeff n first put up a hair-curling article of the game. In fact he fairly outdid himself. His lulling was also hard and timely. Abbott nt short likewise behaved like a phoiiom. omo of his stops nnd pickups b lng ofvthp tlml you would expect of a Long or n ennlngs. McAullffe was unusually good nt second , McKelvey right In It at third , and ellen and Crclghtou safe men In the Held. The battery work of Ljiwler and llu > es was he equal of any piofesslonal work seen In Om.ilm this ) ear. Kddle did not give a slug ! ' MSO on balls and Arthur nallpd every mane o the cioss who ventured to steal second For Ihe Wahoos , all did remarkably wall , heir general work being nol a whit Inferior o that of the University bos. Armsted nt first was n star , while Dennett pitched finely and Hall caught without a Haw. I'erry was pilck and accurate at short and Reynolds vas au fait at second. The outfield was a rifle off color on Judgment of long fll.s low ever , the visitors put up a rattling good game and are liable to beat the Universities T any other team In the state any time they bump against them. The ) are a gentlemanly et of fellows , and are deserving of u big rowd today. The game this afternoon , vhlch will undoubtedly be anothei genuine real , will be called at 330 , and If the fins vnnt to see an excellent sample of the ; ame they should not miss the opportunity. Score : TNIVHRSITY. AH R. HII. Sll. SI ) . I'O. A. 13 , m 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Abbott. FS. . . . ii McAllllffe. 2b. I 1 2 0 1 G I 0 Hayes , c. . . . 1 ! ! 2 0 1 ! ' , 2 0 McKelvo.v. 3b I 2 1 0 0 0 3 0 Jefferls , 'lb. . . I 1 3 0 0 13 1 0 lelkMi. If I 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Liwler , p. . . . 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Ittner , rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Totala . . . .35 7 12 0 1 27 20 1 WAIIOO. AH R. HH. SH. SH. I'O. A E Hall , c 1 0 0 0 0 S 1 0 Reny , "S . . . . 1 0 1 0 0 2 S 0 He ) nolds , 21) ) . Aimstod , lb . 1 2 4 0 0 12 0 1 PetIf 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 I3wurt. in 3 ) Honnelt. n. . Cook , C , rf. . 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cook , J,3b.3 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Totals . . . .3l 3 9 0 > 71l"2 ITnhuislty 10200001 0-7 Wnhoo 000 1 00 1 0 1 3 I3arned tuns : University. " ; Wahoo. 1 Two-have hits McAullrTe , Haos , Jefferls , Jellon (2) ( ) . Home rims Jeflerls. McKelvej , Ai mated. Double plajs : McAullfTe to Jc-f- f ils , Littler to McAullfTe to .Teffcils Stiuck out Hv I.aw lei , 2 , by Hennett , 5 Passed balls Htivc.-i , 2 Time. One hour and thlity minutes Umpire. S. G. V. Grlswold. OM3 \ \ VI TO W IN A KAMI ? . Dent c-r hot'iii-cM n 1'oMlpoutMl CoutCNt . from I't-iii-lii on a Forfeit. Unlverslt.s 7 ; Wnhoo , C. Ptltsburg , 2 , Cleveland , 0. " rhlcago , 5 ; . St l.xjuK 2 * AYasblligton , 3 ; New York , fi. Hrookln. 10 : Philadelphia , S lUltlmore , Id , Hoston , . " Indianapolis , IS , T < rre Haulo , 1. Minneapolis , 2 ! . Grand Iliplils , 13. St. Paul , 8 , Milwaukee , C Detroit , C ; Rockfonl , I Denver , 9 ; Peorli , 0 , forfeit. DCS Mollies , S ; Jacksonville , 1. PKOIUA , Aug. 1 Lincoln and Denver both demanded the base ball ground ! ! to play n postponed game with I'oorla. The grounds vveio being used b ) amatPiir "teams and Denver took possession of the Held. Umpire Waul theioupon gave them thp game with 1'eorln , the home team fallln , ; to appear. " JACKSON VILLH , 111 , Aug 1-Speel ( il Telegram ) DPS Molnps won an Pan ) vic tory today from the deinoialU'-d Jackson- \llle team Hell p'.ied ' shoittoj ) In pi icu of Devlnno ) , who had a toro arm and the locals weie also mlnu1 } thp sorvlcp.s of Huschman , who has been blacklisted for lumping the Chattanooga club DPI Molrei buncnod lilts In the fourth. Scoie : Jacksonville 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 1 0-1 Des Molnes 0 0 II 1 G 0 0 2 * -S Hits : Jacksonville , j ; Dos Molm.i. C tr- lors Dos Molnps. j. Jacksonville , ' liat- terlcs Jacksonville , Schwaitz and Hoove-i , Dos Molnes , Andrews and Mi ! ' , irliio STANDING OF T1IH MT.AMS Plivod. Won. L ht. P C't I'oorla 71 I'l 2i ( " , Lincoln 71 < ! .ri 29 ( , 'S ' DOS Molnes ir -I. 31 uji ) Denver 7i 111 : : ii fi.'O Qlllncy 7S ; in fi 7 Rockfoid 7.1 . .I \2 \ 11.0 Jacksonville la 2i -IS . % * > St Joseph r. . 73 2 ! 13 317 G.-ines today- Lincoln at 1'torln , Deiuer nt Jacksonville' . DCS Molnes at ijulni ) , St. Ji seph nt Rockford. in' TIM : .NATIONAL ii\fMi : . PIHs'lMiruVliiH from CH" oliinil III 11 A t rViirni Ciinti-Nt. PITTSHURG. Aug. l.-lt was a cham- ploiihhlp game In eveiy sense of the weld An erroi by McKean In the sl\th Inning allowed Plttsburg to EC.OIO two tuns and win the game Hawley and Cupp ) WPIO both In good foi m The nearpst C'cveland came to making a run was In the Ilrst Inning , when O'Connor hit foi thiee bases and tiled to btielch It Into a homo run Ho was tin own out at the plate. Attendance , 2,800. Hecie. Plttsburg 00000200 * 2 Clcvcliid 0 0000000 0-0 lilts. Pltttbuig , 7 , Cleveland , L. Hiror.s ; Pltlbburg , 1 , Clpvoland , J. Two-ba > hit. Heckle ) Three-base hits. Stonzel , O'Con nor hacilllce hltb. Cross , Nlles. Stolen bases : Donovan , Stenzel , McAltur. Double Iilajs. Hawley to Illeibailer , Cuppv to o'l'onnor liases on balls- Cross , Nllos , MeAleer Struck out Ciojj . McKean , Cnllds , Xlmniei , McAlcer , McG in Hat- tcrles. llawlo ) and Meriltl , L'uppy and /.iniiuor Time. Two hoiu. . I'mplro O'Da ) ALL OVitl AFTUR TH13 THIRD. , CHICAGO , Aurf 1 The Hrowns scoied once In the Ilrst on errors and a tuple , I again In the third on a bai > c 0,1 balls and ' two singles Khict's wlldiip s and Lingo's ' double tied the score In the thlnl , aftei which the ColU had everything their own ! \uo Lunge' : , bitting and a wondeiful one handed catch by ll > an were the Ipatiiien Klnloi.lt , the Hrowns- new imin at third , iniidtf a good Impiessloti , Attendance , 2bOO SLOIO : Chicago 0 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 -C St. Louis 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-J Hits : Chicago , 8 ; St. Louis , 5. Krrorj , ! Chicago , 2 , St Louis , . ' . learned runs i'hl- l e-ago , 2. Two-ban' hits. I.ange ( J ) Three- base hltH : Miller. Ran. Sacrlllce hit : Don- ohue. Double plays Donohuc to Stewart , Kverett lo Decker ; Stuvvmt to Dahlen Ic UeckeT. Slruck out : llv Terr ) , tf. by Uhret , 1 Haso on balls Off Te'rr ) . I ; on Uhret. i , < Uatleiles. Teriy and Donohue : L'hret. KIs- I singer and Miller. Time. Two hours. Um- lilre McDonald. I DAD CLARKn KNOCKF.D OUT. WASHINGTON. Aug. 1Cl < uko wcnl Into the box. for New York today , but re- tiled In favoi of German after eleven hilt nnd seven inn * had been made off his do- llviy Thi' Senators vveru often able tc place * thc'lr hits In unoecuplod giuiuid am they followpil each other nt opportuni i times. Attendance , 2.1M ) Score. Wai-hlngton 2 0 1 1 2 1 2 0 0- ! Now York 3 0000300 0-f I Hits Washington , II , New Yoik. 9 Ur , I lorj > . Washington , U , New York , 5 Kan ei I innsWubhlngton. . b. Now York. 2. Two. bnnt > hits .Mercer , Abbey , Ciooks , Schlc be'ck TJ-iTee-baso lilt Carlwrlght. Hem ( riK. Van Hnltrun SHt-iillcu tiltM : Abbey Crook * Double plays Davli to Stnffori to Doyle , Flrn bate on balls Off Mercer 2 ; off Ucrnian , 1. Hit by pitched bull Joyce l.uft on biiaek ! Washington , 6 ; NOW York . | 2 Struck outHy Mercer. 1 Hatterles M crcer and MrGufre ; Clarke , German am Farrcl. Time ; One hour and llfty-sever r - mlnutca. t'mplros ; HcUllpr anel Hunt. c j IIHIDia OOMS SLl'G. TOO. Aug. 1. The Drlde Brooms bat loll/ifilipp / nil over the Held for ) four InnltiKsM 1ilor then came In nnd gave them Ihrco hasps on ballx , vvlili h , to- KOthcr with the three ilutm and two pinnies made off his delivery , helped the visitors to win the twuni1. Andpron Btnrtod HIP hard hlttltiK Iw tin- sec oml by sondiiiK oil" strnlKht ovi < iTilvti | center tlc-ld fence foi u home run. Aiwlwatice. G.2JI Score : Philadelphia . . . .nl003400ft-8 Hrooklyn . . . . W Hits I'hllnil/lnifln. 12 ; Hrooklyn. 11 1 > - rorr PhlhidplHIiTil. 2 ; Hrooklyn , 2 named runs : Philadelphia , I , Hrooklyn. r Two- biso bits Hallman , Thoinp on , Hole. Grlf- lln , TroadwaH | ( > , corcuran , Luchancc Tlneo-ba > e hit CUT'S Home run , Atidor- pon. Stolen l/'isi'i1 Tumor ( . ' ) , tidily. L"ft on basus I'hlladolphla , b. Hrooklyn. U. Struck out HiilUniin , lloyle , Daly. First on errors PhlluilMMila. | 1 , Hrooklyn , 1. Flisi ba e on balls uir Unipo. 3. off Tnvloi , J ; off Oiimbert , 1 Hattcrles Lampc , Tavlor und Grail ) : ( Juinbert , Abbe ) and Dally. Umpirellurnhnm Time Two hours. HOHTONS ALL OFF FORM HOSTON. AUK -The 1 homo team could ot lilt and Its IliOUIiiK was very peculiar , lannon dlstliiKUlshe I himself by a voiy ellovv piny In thp tlftb liitilnp , which led o the scoilns of live runs. Attendance , ,500 Scoio iltliiiole 0 0 2 0 ii 0 7 0 t Ki loston 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 u Hits Baltimore. 8 ; Hoston 10 Ki rors lultlmoro , 5. Hoston , 2. Harnod runs- la tlmoro. 3 , Hoston. 3 Two-base hits Jolan , Heinmini ; ( | ) , Haniion , Nash , Carey , 'elley. Home runs. Tucker , Kelley , CHIP ) lolen hasps LOIIK , JeiinhiKs First biso n balls Dolan ( J ) , McCarthy , Kelley , Rob- ixon SlriKk out- Lowe , Tucker. Double la.vs Na h to Tucker to Rvan , Glea on to "aiey. Hit by pitched ballGleason (2) ( ) . latteries- Dolan , Sexton and It ) an ; llcm- n'n r and Robinson. Time. Two hours , 'inplre ' Kinslle STANDING OF Tim TRAMS I'laved. Won. Lost. I't.Ct. Ipvoland 87 W 31 59 & Itt'btirK 82 I'l 33 t'JS ialtlmuie 7fi 4S 31 592 Mliclnnnll SO l"i 3 > 503 'hlcapo ss 49 31 557 lesion 7fi 42 31 5" . 3 ' } llndelphla 77 U 3" fit 5 Irooklvn 78 42 3G 518 > .Vw Yolk 7S II 37 521 , YLvhlltKton 7J 2"i 17 31.1 t. Louis 81 2- * ri > St. ! .ouls\lllo 77 IS 59 211 Games todavHrooklvn at New York , 'hlladolphla at Hoston ; Pltlsluin ? at Clcve- und , Haltlmore at Wa hlnKton. conns OF TIIIvnvrnitN I.F.I I i : . nilliiiiiipiiIlM A Kill ii Tied A\Hli ICnu- MIIM 'l ( > lor Flr l I'liu'f. INDIANAPOLIS , Aim' 1-Tlie Hollenlots atteit like bos and llolded like cripples oday , inakliiR Ihe Kame a lft to the home cam. It was absolutely without feature ther than the man ) inlspla > b made by the lslors ( Score ndl.in.lpolls 2-1S i'eire Haute 001000000 1 Hits : Indianapolis , IS , Terre Haute , 7. Irrors ; Indian ipolls , 1 ; Terre Haute. II ialtctles Phillips and McFarland , Nops ind Outcalt V" "I'VPOLIS , Auff. 1. Scoie : illnncapolls 1 1 0 3 5 8 2 23 Jianil Rapid- " 0 2 1 1 3 0-1 ! Hits- Minneapolis , 16 ; Grand Rapids , H Errors : MinnpjpolK 2 , Grand Itiplds , C latteries Hlukbuin and Wilson , Hoi- chen , Callop ) and Campbell , ST. PACL , An. , ' -feore 1 : St. Paul 0 0 0 1 1 . " . 0 1 0-S Milwaukee . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 I b Hits St Paul 10. Milwaukee , 10 Urrors St Paul . ' Milwaukee 4 Hattcrles , , , : Pep per and ISovIe' SWphens and We iver. STANuixts-oF Tin : TIAMS. I'laved. Won. Lost. Pr. Ct Kansas City i 78 IS 30 015 ndlampolls , , j 7S -IS 3) ) (115 ( St. Paul . . . . , 80 47 3 ! 5S8 Milwaukee . . . . , . , . . , K2 V\ \ 37 510 ) etrolt 77 3S 39 19 I Mlnneatolls ) 1 77 3S 31 49 I Teno Haute SO 2S 5J J30 : ; iand Uiplil.i bl 20 57 31 J Games today Milwaukee at Minneapolis , Kansas ( "it ) at Stj Paul ; Grand Rapids at Detroit , Terre JIauto at Indianapolis. Tttfiit } tlllo IIIU < > Ilitoi- ( > ork. YORK , Neb. , Ante 1-Special ( TeloRram ) The twenty mile blic'.o racp held at thi" > lacu toda ) w.is a'Kiand FIICCOSS. It had jeen o\tenclvol > advortHeit anil a laiijo oiowd was present. The race wjs run on the Yoik fair. KI omuls bicycle track The entiles were 'Frank ' Colllnphani , Rae Mc- Jreer , Gus O64UP and Rulelnh Carpenter For tllo Ilrst' tlvu'TiiIlp ! th inco was an ) one's , but after this CollliiKliam and Car penter both lost in homo exit ut ami < iult In the thirteenth The rait- between Goeko nnd McGreer was the finest e\er seen In thl section of the coiinti ) , as dining the until o lace until the la-t lap theio was not a foot difference in thoh po'ltlons In the last lap McGreer caught Goeke napping and gained about a led on him Goeke caught him on the home stietch and belt him by a few Inches The time , 51 OQV < . , Is claimed to be the best ) it made In the state. FliuilH In the Tt-niils Touriiiiint'iil. SOUTHAMPTON , L. 1 , Aug. 1 The llnals of the tennis tounainent v\oro played today. Howland beat Foote , G-l , 8-6 , G-0 How land vva In good foi in and his , brllllint plays wcie fieqiiPtit. Tomoiiow hu plas for the thamplunslilp In the g..me for consolnllon pilzcs this jifteriioun Ton once beat Hovvuis , G-l , 2-G , 0-3. Palmer leat ) Jr-mes. G 0 , 0-1. Monui beat IJaiton , li-l , C-2. Lonl beat Wellington , b-2 , G-l. Sot-olid lou d. Mornn belt Lord , G-l , C-2 Tonencp beat Palmer. G-l , 5-7 , G-l. Tcnence beat Mot an , G-l , i > -l Gt-ntlomen'H double' ' , second round : How- land and Foote beat Chase and Wieiin , 7-5 , 6-4. IlolturlVoil Ii ) u FIMI IIK-IIOH. SPRINGFIKLU. Neb , Aug 1-Special ( Telegram ) Anil 1 the shouts of COO voices , the throw Ins of hats and the.- waving of handkerchiefs. little Phil Hottorff shot ovei the tape on the last round of the tin co-da ) cyc'.o i ace , with Alison only a few inches behind him , and the race was over Alison had the iaee won but lost a pedal within a fpw feet ot the tape Of the lour ildeis not mm was able to take a 1 ip Clpmont and O\lpy both lost the'is ' b ) being piled up on the FtiPtch The score of thp three evonlnps Is as fol- ILVVS : Hottortt , W miles : Aiihon , SJ ml ! s , Oxloy , 81 miles 2 laps ; Clement , 81 lulled 1 lap. t VIiuliII ll\ < -l > for ( InC'liriHlliiiiN. . HDOAR , Neb. Aug. 1 ( Special Tele- giani ) The Klgar Colts boat the crack Hastings Y M C. A teini toda ) In a hotl ) contested game Following Is tins faco're. IMcai 0-11 Hustings 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 u-C Hits : Hdgnr , 12. Hastings 7. HrrorIM - gai , 7 , Hastings ii Throe-bTsu hitsIM ai , 1. Home' runs. Hdgai. 1 ; Hasting , 1 Struck out. Hv Holfmister 7 , by Vanlleot. 3 H.it- terlis Hoffina lpr and Avoi ) , Vanlleet , Webster and Vanmetoi. Time One hour and fort-the mlijiitex.'Uinpiro. Harry Rice. Iliirlln Uiii Till.ON Olio. CHDAR tlAI'fDS. Ii , Aug. l.-Spcclnl ( Toiogiam ) Score Hiirllngton . 010020200 1-f , Cedar Rnplds . / , - Hits : Huillngtbn , 10. Cedar Ripld.s. 7. IJr- rors Hiirllngton , . ! ' , Cedar Riplils I Hat- tor'cs Nlchojc und \ < ) nch ; Hrush and l-'car Iliililttln Does Nol ( Jol Iho Horse. SAHATOG \ , N Y. , Aug. 1. There was n report current yesterday that "Liuky" IJaldwIn had jipnuiloted arranBcmcnts for the purchase of Mlcnry of Navarre fiom Hron .McCleHuud , W. It. Sink , manager ot the Santa AnltH stable , declared that the it-pott was ci oneous l.irod Iho llnlf > lllo Triii-k Ill-cord. OTTAWA , nl'-'Wug 1 In the free-for-all paclrg- race U1'1 ! " today QUPPII McGregoi lowered HIP vrbrld's tecord for a half mile track , going n > ln9f ' " - 'i She made the other heats l'Mar and i IJ' . . Nailer F , Stralhbeir ) aad. Olpsy Girl linlshed in the order named. _ * l * OITcrH to IliK-U JIII-UNOII. LONDON , AW0E-Lovl , a prominent Lon don sporting IIM > I. offers to back PUer Jack son against J.flmw.I Corbet t In a glove con test for $10i/0) ( { til- match to come off in London In Jaiiuui ) 01 Febiuary next. ; DneMll-oTV i\ldonco : All III. UNION , Mo.ug ' ,1. The prosecution In the Duestrovvv murder case rested toda ) Fanny Parker , a colored cook , employed b ) Clara Howard for UiejUBt five years , testi fied that puentrow called on her mlatres' for a year prior to the murder of Ills wife and child. On tlie day of the murder b : called on the Howard woman. On cross examliu- tlon the wltncsu wdmlttfd that she hid seen Duestrow but three times at the Howard housj during the jear prior to the hoiulciil- At this point the itate rested am' , ox-Gover nor Johnajn. for the defetis ; , began his opening statement to tlie jury Arthur Dueitrovv's drense ( , he said , was Insanity He would show tlut hla client was alHcted vvllh alcohollftn a recognized dltpase In mod ern uclenc. The law , he deitared , does not nukQ voluntary ilrurken ° s a d'fenae , bill the disease , Inebriety , Is , Hli client ban received as an Inheritance from hU mother , a diseased m-n'al condltio1 * JOE PATCIIEN TOO SPEEDY Beat Ont a Great Field ill the Free-For-All Pace. FASTEST FOUR HEATS EVER PACED Itolii-i-l .1 Took ( lie rtrxl Unit lint CM-IT * Cniilil Not Mnl.- Him \\lii AII o I her Ten. 'I'll IIIINII ml Proil | - ! MH > ( lie linn * . CM2ViiNU , O , Aug. 1 , Robert J , the king of the light harness horses , met more than his match this afternoon at the Cleveland Driving park track , and 10,000 p opto witnessed his humiliation. This was the red letter day of the grand circuit meet ing. The woollier was nearlj perfect , bjlng only a trllte tco cool , and the attclidince was up to expectations. There were two regular events on the card bcsldo the nn- finljliod - 2i ) pacing nice , but the Intctcst of course centered In the free-for-all , In which the five famous pacers , Uobert J , Jou I'atchen , Saladln , Directly and Miscot , were entered. Itcbert J , with his record of 202 % and a time record of 2.01'i , was the favorite. He was , In fact , a prohibitive favorite be fore the second heat. When the hoiees scored for the Ilrst heat Directly hold the pole , but soon after the start Hobert J forged to the front , setting the pace for his competitors and leading to the wire Joe 1'atclien was the only ono that dd ! not cover the mile without it break. On the stretch when ho was rapidly overhauling Robert J , ho struck a wet piece of trac-k , went Into the air , and finished n close second Robert J was driven hard , and It was evident he had done his best when he made the wke in 2 03H. In the second heat Putchen went to the front and won , as he did In the re maining 'two heats , -with cats , although Goers did his utmost to urge Robert J to the front , using the whip without Mint The bay goldlng was fairly beaten , however. In as pretty a race as was over seen , the time of the four heats being the fastest over paced consecutively In a race , the average being a trllle more thin 2 04 % . In the 2 11 trot William 1'enn was the favorite , with Klamath and Aunt Dellllah sold out of the Held. In the llrbt two heats Klamath took the lead , and Lcsa Wllkes wai. sent after him at such a pace that the mare won , I'emt and Klamath chasing her homo. Wllltea could not hold the pace she Ind set , however , and Klamath took the ne\t three heats and race with close and etcltlng finishes. Summaries- Kicc-fot-.ill pnclnqr , put so SJ.OOO : Joe I'aUhen ( Curty ) 2 1 I 1 Uobftt J ( CJeors ) 1222 Siladln ( ClieciU .1 I 6 iJliectly ( McDowell ) I 4 3 A Mascot ( Anlrews ) C r > 5 J Time : 2.05 > 4. 2 Ul'i 2 0' , 2.0.V' , . 2.11 i lass , troltlni ; , purse J,000 : Klumtth won the thlid , foiuth .ind llfth beats Time 2 O't-j , J.I1' . 2.11 Kosii Wllkes won tin- llr.st and Brcon 1 bents In 2 03 , 2 0)Wllllnm ) I'cmi was third Nightingale , Aunt Dcllllnh David II , LUhtnliiK Jim and Nightimrt- nl o "taiti'd 2 29 cl.iss. pacing , purse JJ.flofl ( unfinished ) \calaus won tlu > thlid , fui.ith and lNtb heats' ' . Time 2 I2' = , 2 II , 2 l.'U Oilman won the lli"t und second heals Time 2 1C"4. 2 1H , Arctinusun the llfth beat In 2 1J3 , Vloletto , Jim Cotbutt , Ole Hutch , ninmii Wllkes , Violet I , , Abetu , Hinr ) ltinslt , HotKmoio , William HrooMlelil Man dolin , Chief Justice und I'lorenco C also .suited. A\IM ) 3IAIJIJ TIIIJ T1MI3 > 1.0\V. Illlorts to HrcnU IteeorilNere I'll- ( He mi This Afvuuiit. WAl'SiuN : , O , Atirf -Good v\e.ither ut- tei ded tlie national clicult meet heie today , but a stiong vvlml that was blowing ano0" the Hack reduced the possibility of bicak- Ing unj records , anil conieqiiunt slow time was made. Two or three bail "pills octuVretl but nonu of the ilders vvcio Injiiiod Jmt before Iho rates wrre Hlurted u stand i-on- tninlliB abuut 1,000 pcoiile fell with n t-iafli ninl burled the occupants beneath the debris liiyoml u broken mm ami numerous bruises noI'rioiis Injuiles woio sustulnoii Tiank Tan , a IC-jeai-old ildcr from Cleveland , went nKaln the 10eaiold rec- unl for a half mile of 1 01 , but owing to the strong wind 1 0" > was the best he could do I.eo Uleh.mlson also went against his b u k- \\aril tiding leconl Tor a qiurtei mile , which he made In 0 U' ' . The attendance was Si > 03 Suniiuailes rtrst lace , half inllo open , class A : Tlrst heat , alstaiteib liauiej Oldlleld Hist , ] W Kllngei sei oiid Second heat , llvo htait- ers Chailes hiiskey won , Iiwln Crainpton Leroiul J'lnal llTrnev Olilllolil won , r. A MoKeon second , W. C. Umlck third. Time 1.11 J-r. Second nice , half mlle open , class H , two bouts and Until Klist heat 13 C liald won , Ktiink IllKbv secotul. HIV McDonald thirl Time. 1-2(1 ( 2-3 Soioild heat-Ottu Xelgler Ilrst , H Klser second , C U Coiiltei thlid Tlmc > 120 1-5 Phial IIP it McDonald won , Xelgler second , Hlgb ) thin ] Time- 1 ly 1-5 Thlid nice , cll.stilrt champloii'-hlp , one mile : Won bj Ora HalleVuut ( > ton ) Time 2 47 1-5 Kuuith lace , one mile , handicap , chips H C. M .Miuphy (20 ( > arK ( > v\on K .1 Titus ( JO > .inls ) snond , C. Kibt r ( ! ) J ) ards ) thlul Time. . ' 13 1-5 Fifth race , inllo open , cHss A , two heatj and final rirut heat Hiiney O drleld win I' . W. Kllnger second. Ch irles Lnskcy third T'ir.e. ' 1 II. Second heat S. H Coehiaii won , 12 D. Ualiontlnu socoml , James Cuhoon tl-lrd Time. 2.J3 t-5 Plnal heat-llunoy ( lldtleld won. W J Kllnger second , 1' . W KlliiKei tblnl , . Yi. MeKion fouith. Time 2 11 1-5 SKth race , 2 15 clas , ono mile , class 15 II H Maddox won. 13 Klser second , W. 1' . Sims thlid , Hay McDonald fouith Time 2.11 l-r > Seventh i ace , two mile hnpdlcai ) , class A lliuno ) OUinold (30 ( jatds ) tlrttS - . C. I3m- Ick (100 ( > .nds ) Feconil , H II. Iloikistettor ISO ards ) thlul , Charles LabKe > ( SO > ards ) f jiirth Time : 5 Hi 2-5 13lchth lace , mile open , speclnl , cl i > . It piced T. J. Titus won , C M Murphy second end , 13 C llnlil thlid , Utto X.elglei fouith. Time , i 10 2-5 llnil ( heViuHl of K III the Start inn ) \ \ UN DlNllllieiMl * WI31STiil CITY , la , Aug. -Special 1 ( Telegram ) About l.jOO people wltnes'-nl the c'.CKlng evuits of the \ \ ebstci C ty laces to- ila ) . The track was fist and the races were Kooil In the second heal of the 2 50 trot Codger D got the wont of It In Ihe Bturt and the hoise was distance T. A Kcrles of piolonged jells fiom the graml btuml In- iliiLoil the judges to allow the horse to stait In the next licit , but with a now driver , J V , McOuIre of I.emnrs taking the place of C. I1. Oo.il the owner of the hotso Codger D In the heat made such n line showing thft ul the cloHO Drlvci MLOuIre was taken 1'roin the sulky nnd canlcil by eiithusl istlc , admit cis on their fhoiildeis to the grand Hland Siiniinarles. Irene D , b in , unknown ( Knlslpy ) 1 1 1 Ycr.i lill ; in , unknown tlvitth in ) . 2 2 8 Dull Itlchlo , b in. , b ) Dictator Wlllus ( Mooie ) . 3 15 Klfih. b. in. , b > Empire Wllkes ( Parwell ) . I 5 2 Dcoiimounl , b. K , by Aberdeen ( McCash ) . C 3 0 Codncr D , b s , by I'lonecr ( Uoil and MiUuIro ) . S 8 1 Onuimdgu I'rlncp , b n. , by l < iml- maik ( .McXiim.ua ) . Tiapplst , b s. , by 13 .utlsi ( Moe ) . . . . ll'uinah S , br in , by CKIono ( Coul ter ) . 9 dr Time 2 1Vj ! , 2 Sl'i , . ' . > ? . 1'rce-for-all , tiotling : Keno F , ch. B. by Mttlo Moak ( Thompson ) . 1 1 1 Hilly rt ) . K , unknown ( Knlcley ) . Josfe Ii , ch m , b > Lew Wan dim liunan ) . I 3 r I'atola , blk. in. , unknown ( Kiillmn ) j 2 4 Thornless , b K , by Duintloci ( Hocan ) . Paul J'lnkham , b. h . unknown ( \ . 1' . Thumpfon ) . 5 0 Ur Time. 2 i ! , 2 20't 2.18' ' I3niiei-li | Ill-lit UK * OililN oil ST. LOl'IS. A uif -Tho 1 Buiprlxe of tin ilaj at Fair AMSOI liitlon paik was In tlu fouith race , vshen the world beuter Tar ttrlun was defeated Tartarian WHS n pro- hlbltlvo. favorite nt 1 to t , but the lo to 1 Hhot , I3mepra , beat him out rather easily Ii the fast time of 1 l' ' < , whlih IH within one- ijuarter of u second at the track locoi I fur th distance , pn\en and a hn'f furlontH I3mpera went to the front at the utarl and made the running , while Tartan u ra oil nloiiK with Hey dul Mai Around tht > htulilt' turn I3miieru IncieaHfd tier letd while Tartarian drew away from Hey de Mar anil went after her He could not catch her. howpvor , nnd finished second with Huy del Mar third Summaries rirst race , six furlongx Gold Corn (7 ( teD D ) won. Vuituro U j to 1) ) rcr-ond. Krnent Kl more (20 to 1) ) thlnl Tlmu I 1C Hecond race , purse , four und a half fur- i .ncs. Ozark , jr. . ( uven ) wou , J , W. Levy . . to 1) second , Carver1 ( Vj to 1) ) thirl i Tlmp' 0 17. | Third race , owners' handicap , HPVPII nnd n . mlf furlong * Uinpcra (10 ( to 1) won. Tar- ' tarlnn (1 ( to I ) second , Hey del Mar (0 to 1) third Tlmp : 1.3l l. Fourth inco , purse , six furlongs Radii 1 MpAl.lster (2 ( to 1) ) won , Game Cock ( t ! to 1) second , Sallle McMillan (3 ( to 1) ) third Time J'lf'tb rapp. purpp , live and a half fur longs- Sumatra ( I to 1) ) won , Fl chor (2.1 ( to 1) ) feoond , Lcasptmin (40 lo 1) ) Ihhil. Time HI "i race , purpp , KX | furlongs : iciltn ( ' 1 to 0) won , 'Irenton ( fi lo 1) ) Hcioud , Dora It Wood (2 to I ) thlul. Time : 1 l&'n. Ill-Mi IlllfO < lf tillMrrllllU. . CINCINNATI. Aug. 1 The last tlujM of Iho Oaklev mcptliig ate being as well | ut- lonlzcd us dm Ing the llrnt week , n large iitlendaticc seeing six spirited races todav The dais of the stirtprs , with few excep tions , was not high , but thp groHtosl llnNh of Iho mooting wan seen In the llflh race a mile , OiKI" ) , lloo i-velt and Fabla under a tcrrlllc drive , going under HIP wirebea.'s iptit Summaries First race , "piling. iHe furlongs Lato- lane (1 ( to 1) ) won. Clnrley Stilllvun (3 ( to 1) ) uecoiid , MotllU (2 ( to 1) thlnl. Time 1 1 Second lace selling , six furlongs Jujlth ( S to 3) ) won , Wlllaid < r , to 3) ) second , Sllurla ( . > 0 to 1) ) thlld Time 1 I PI. i Third lace live furlongs Hen Holtlda ) ( I to 5) ) vvjii , Selena (7 ( lo 21 second , Hello of Fuidham Cl to 1) ) third. Tlmp 102 Fourth race , soxeii furlongs : Uncle Tom (1 to 2) ) won , Golden Flcooe (10 ( to 1) ) set olid I lles o (1 ( to 1) ) th'id ' Tlmp 1 S ) . 1 Fifth race , "piling , one inllo. Oiklpv (7 ( lo 10) ) won , Roosevelt ( I to 1) ) "ocotid , Fabla Ili to I ) third Time 1 12 > Sixth racp , .piling tup furlong" Albeit S , ( I to 1) ) won. Squlip G ( t to 1) ) ' < > > and , Guile ) West (0 ( to 1) ) third Time 1 02k AVI n noI-M \l | OIINI | | | < 'I-N l > u < One. KANSAS CITY , Aug l.-Hrown Dick nt 1 to C VMIS the onlv favoilto that landed 1111 | nioiioy toda ) , while two 10 to 1 shots. Mamie S and Vli tot H , Ilildgot nt 8 to 5 and John R at ii lo 1 took the other event1 * . Attendance- good Ti.uk fast. Ho-lllts First race , thrcp-qtmrters of a mile. soilIng - Inglohn R ( H lo 1) ) won , I'Amn ( ( i to 1) ) second , Joe Newbeige-r ( S to 1) ) thlid. Time 1 20 4. Second race , ll\o and n half furlongs. lllilM't ( S to ft ) won , \\llllo T ( I to fil spo- iid , Gus Strnuss ( G to 1) ) third. Time Third racp , woven-clghths of a mllp , sell ing. Hiown Dick ( I to r > ) .won , Monnis i > to 1) ) second , Monk Ovei ton (8 to 1) ) thlid Time. l.JI Fourth race , three-quarters of a mile soilingMiinilo S (10 ( to 1) won , Coin Crib ( ii to 1) ) second , Hob Clampett ( .1 to 1) ) thlld Time1.191 j Fifth lace , three-qtini tcis of a mile , cell- Ing. Victor II (10 ( lo 1) ) won , Wostbrook (8 ( to 1) second , Kansas Gill ( S to 1) ) ihlrcl Time : 1.20 _ Poor HIK-IIIK mid n I'oor CI-IMM ! . SARATOGA. N Y. , Aug 1. The Hlxth regul.n day of the tinck heio opened with the vveathei cloudy nnd exceedingly cool The attendance was the lightest over soon at the track First i ace , value to winner. $100 , six and quarter liulongs fllffoid walked o\oi the eour-to , all others having been v\Illi cit aw n. Second racp , a sweepstakes of $ IV ) o.ich , value to the winner , $100. mile and n fur long Doilan (1 ( to SO ) won , Logan (12 ( to 1) ) hceond , Sardown (12 ( to 1) ) thlld. Time- 19 Third race , the McGrathlana Makes , sell ing sweepstakes , live fiiilongs : Dlakka (7 ( to , r > ) won , Flonlo (7 ( to 5) ) "orond , Right Hnval ( G to 1) ) third Time- OJ'j ' Fouith i actfor all lu-es. sweepstakes , value to the winner , $100. one mile- Song ' to ,1) ) won. All Over ( S to 1) ) sscond , Silk own (3 ( to 1) ) thlid Time1 11 % Fifth race , pur.se $100 , inllo ami a half mer MX hiinlioCar.uns ( HI to I ) won , Soiitheiner (7 ( to 2) ) second , Woodfortl (7 ( to 2) ) thlld. Time : 2 51 . ! oiUcI'tinlslii'il for Poor KIilliiK. IJiri'IlOlT , Aug 1-A largo ciowd at tended the foiiith dav" racing of Iho new AYIndbor association The tvvtlvc book- inakeis vsho "diew In" lei the first thioe ilaH diow In again foi the balance of the week Jockey Shetland was t down for the balance of the meeting lor his imllf- f PI out tiding of Jennie Juno In Ihe lit si taco. He.-uiltH' Flut I.ILO sl % furioiirf" Captain Hiown won , Wljjhtinan second , Cae-i.u thlul. Time Second lace , live furlongs- Lillian F won , Sunn ) set und , Fondest thlld. Time. 10. ! Thlid lace , one mile Dick Hehan won , Hltd Call hoi seeond , Imp Sometaaiilt thltd Time , 1 II Fouith race , six furlongs. Sunset VNOII. .Tavta econd , Pete Kelley third. Time 1 17" , Fltlli race , eleven-sixteenths of a mile Gtatz Hanloy won Little IM second , Imp Sam Lewis third Time. 1 5Q' ' < - . Cooil Ilnclnu nl l NI3W YORK , Aug 1 Them v\ero few vvlthdinvvals at Hilghton Heach today und the racing was Riiod Results- Flist race , ono mile , Belling. Sprite ( fi to 1) won , Daly ( G to 1) ) second. Hose How.iul (11 ( to 5) ) thlul. Time. 1.11 Second lace , live fititoncs , selling : Re- llKlon (2 ( to 5) ) won , Alvarailo (5 ( to 1) ) second end , Impetlul (10 ( to 1) ) thlid Time 1 OJ Third i ace , one mile Iilsh Reel C ! to 5) ) v\on , Somcnlt (10 ( tn 1) ) second , Romping Gill (8 ( to 1) ) thlul Time- II. Fouith race , mile and a sixteenth , si Hint ; Maf-hal ( I to 1) ) won , George Dlxon (0 ( to 1) second , HuilliiKham ( J to 1) ) third. Time : 1 49. Fifth race , one mile , selling Play 01 T.iy ( even ) won , Mendicant ( IJ to 1) ) second , Vision (11 ( to 1) thlul Time 1 U } . Sixth UUP , live fuiloiiKS , selling. Ina ( G to 1) ) won , l.oul Hawstone ( S to 1) ) second , Gutta I'eicha ( J to 1) ) thlul Time 1 Ol'i Thirl ) to One Shot Won. SAX FRANCISCO. Aug. 1-Addlo M at SO to 1 was the sensation. Favorites offset this bylnnlng the last thico laces Re sults : Flirt race , live fm longs , selling- Addle M HO to 1) ) won , Degioat ( G to 1) ) second , Imp Gieen (4 ( to 1) thlnl. TlniP ! 101) ) ' , . Second race , land one-half tin longs , "elMng. Seraphln (5 ( to 2) ) won , Nohtiohed- nezz.ir (7 ( to 5) ) second , Rlcaido (3 ( to I ) third Time : 1 21. Third race , live and a. half furlongs , sellIng - Ing : Nelllo G ( - ' to 1) ) vuin , GIIM | P (2 ( to 1) second. Tloga (3 ( to 1) ) thlul Time : 1 11 " i Fourth i ace , ono mile , soiling : Uoreas ( e\en ) won , Peter the Grout ( JO to I ) SfL-cnd , Wheel of Foitune (9 ( to 10) ) thlul. Time- 1 til. til.Filth Filth race , about one nillc , fhort coutse steeplechase. Hanfoul ( t to 5) ) won. Mon- doclno (1 ( to 1) ) sei end , \anKCdcllP (7 ( to 2) ) thlul. Time : 1.55' , . H\K \ SlIlnj llnee % exl AVeeK. Judging from the great crowds that ns- LPinblo every eveiiliiB at thrj Charlei stieot blc > cle paik to uatch the rldeia In ti.iliiing thoio the s'x-duy ' ruce , ( ommoncltiB Monday evenliif ; i.ext , Is going to piove the gicatyt oxont In local blcvclo hlstoi ) . List nljht theie welo J.OuO people tjicio chcerlliK the omtilgus inicrs ni the ) dashed about the slblue ellipse , and the i oinlng nice H the one subject 111 all local bliicledom The parade on the oponliif ; evening Is expected to suipiss ailthing of the kind ever \\lt- nostd here. Pit111 FlnlNli I p ill CoriiiiH ClirNII. SAN ANTONIO. Tex , Aug 1 The con tract to have Fitzslminons do his last month's tmliilng at Corpus Chrlstl was slsned today , according to a dispatch re ceived fiom Now York Tim .iKieeinoiit is that I''llz linmumi Is to spend at least four weeks pu-vlous to the light nt Carpus Chilstl Alieady arrangements Imve begun to equip tuiiniiiB quurtors A cottage was rented near Furl Sam HoiiKton The < ot- tage Is or ) a hill about tuo inlles fiom the illy. His training quaiters will be at the Jot key club grounds , a shoit distance nway. riorlHel II. Won I IKCooilit neil Clip. LONDON. Auc -This wa.s the third day of the Goodwood meeting Tlie piln- clpal event was the Goodwood cup , which was won bv the prlni e ofalcs' Floilsd II . the winner of the Mamhcstcr i up and the gold \no l.oi I I'inin'H The allall was the enl > othci horse In I Inraco. . 19 the result of the usual licntmcnt of blocd dlsordcis. The system iullllod with Mulcui ) ncd I'otash loiiiodlos moru to bo diradud than the Jlioiu.o and In u short while is In a far worse condition than bofoic. The coimm.ii rcutull Is for which P.S.S , h the most reliable cure. A few bottlcj will afford rpllc f w hero all oNoliu failed. I sntTciod from usovero attack of Mercurial ItlicuinntUin , my nrnu and lnn liolng swollen to tvvlco their naturnl size , caiulng the tnoit cxcruclatlnK palm. I spent hundreds of ilollor * without relief , but after taking n few bottles of I Improvwl rapidly and am now a w 111 man.complete * ly oiirul. I can hcurlllr recommend U to an ) ord suffering from this imluful dlKf-aw. W. T DAl.f.V TlrooUlyVi'r'lovatHi it R. Our Triailu on Olood tnd svin n' ' - m ll d If * f of l&litu , SWIFT Si'ZCiril CO , AIULU , 0 Our Kunrniiiot' if If * worth nn.v tiling and 1 ttrss it is at least IttaiNtivot'4 nnd a whnl.- . lot of people \vlll tell .vou It N well , our jiiia in nice fm stteiiKlh and purity of tone and for tlie Itesi nil aioitud Plann on t'nrlli jjoeM with every Klin hall we sell. lJn\v niontlil.v payments now , A. HOSPH , Jr. I Artntld Mimic 151.1 A MI' ' W K M K \ T 9 * . 4O Picked Musicians. lailoon Ascension Parachute Hy .MLUJ. < : rLr..STK. FREE ADMISSION. AT TIII3 IlICYCLD I'ARK , 17th and Charles Street , Aug , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , From S 30 to 10 30 I3ach Evening KIH CTIOL. . WENTWORTH „ „ „ . . MILITARY r Jliii' ACADEMY ii S.SULLl-KS , A. M raxfexn/an ILLINOIS HL MB C CONSERVATORY. ? § glint Mstriiclloiilnalhlc | nrt- 'O u w ffiS' ' V&S7 U vy ? Art , "Flocuti jCn. iMifni f" ' , Ltc. Add. 1-l.ilULI.Alll ) , l.M.Uii | > t. . lcuiivlllelu ! IRRIGATION BOND SALE. Notice Is heicby given that bc-aled piopos- als will be rocelved by the-board of diucton of the Lillian iirlgatlon district of Cutter county , Nebraska , at their olllce at the A h school house , 11 said district , up to J o j. . U p in of the 10th da > of August 1M > 1 i { l..OOO of the bonds issued by said Iirlga tlon dlstikt , f-'j.l O of said boncN hi inh 11 bonds of $ . " > W each and 7OIK ) of i 1 I i 's ' b-lng In bonds of $100 uaih All cf si I bonds diawliu ; IntfioU at the i.ite of i , i i cut per aiiiium , pa ) able uoml-aiinu ill\ The pilnclp.il and Interest of f.ild b i s payable at the olllce of the state tuui.n.i of tho-state of Nt bra ka the llnnl iiiiu m t le-nialnlng ilue of o.il.l . bonds piualili in twent ) (2 ( > ) ) inis fr im their date. Hill bo H pjyablo In lust illinoiits after ton ) tnis fr i tholl date The lionul of dlrc ( ton los 1,0 the ilgbl to lojeet a llv and all bliN A I ( liens all bids to I' L Motcalf Si i i.t . Wnlvvoilh , C'tmU r count ) , NcbuaKa , Hy ordu of the board of dlioi tors in , o tills 2'nd duet July. M > H I' OATHS Pttsldont r L MITCALF : Hpcutn < - \ Jy-2'i-in ' a ? an t EVERY WOMAN Fomvtlims needs n relmbhi n.ontlily ri-KUlallu modicino. DR. PEAL'S RENWYROYAL RILLS , safe nml certain In ro'iilt 'iO n - \ r It jioitolnt s.Wnf Jl 01 Rlicrimn ft UrugC > J 3 jliipt Oinilin Noli Animal Khiimt * Ciitliln fnr Inn n ( fo- limn , ( lifiiiin Hi , } 1 i , All Uuihi- ZOO SOAJP FLOAT © JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , U. S. A. ADJUSFABLE BATAN ! COUGH FOR ONLY 7-50 , Hero It ono cf the greatest treats of the warm season The coolness of this ailjustj- blo Rattan Couch can scarcely bo realucd until It la tried. The entire top Is of closely woven rattan , which gives that extreme flcxlblllt ) wlika no other furniture can ever attain The frame In of selected white maple , und nlulu light has great Urcngtll , . There are ten different adJuitniHiith o i' ' > o head ! No chair or fcofa over duvlmd tan boast of over half this number. Hviry j. . . r on can find bin exact need EUpplltd in ono or another of theie ndjimtmeiiU. It can be changed In a moment1 Y u can read tvlth the body at ono angle , Miioke at auothrr , talk at another , doze at iinuila-r , und so for every pursuit tha chair c n L adjusted for uny taato ci peibun. It cotti only J7.00. CHASGHIVER1CK & CO. , The .argent and bent line of furnkurcr aid tuo Uwest prices. 12th and Uougliu.