jt * - r. ! * , . . . , - , 8 TUB OMAHA DAILY 3JI3E : ITITUItSDAY , AUGUST 1 , 1895. IN CONTEMPT OF THE COUNCIL Mayor , Police Gomnrisaionera and Police Ohief Pined by Saundcra. REFUSED TO ANSWER HIS QUESTIONS Drilled Mint IIU CiiiiiinI ( ( < ( Hail Any Aii < ln > rlt > Inii'nllKiilP of Hoard VcHti-rtliiy Aftcr- IIIIOII'M Si-NHlon. A new offcnso against the peaeo and Kootl Jriler of the city of Omaha was created yesterday afteinoon. Mayor llemls , Com missioners Drown and Iea\er of the Hoard of Vlro and Police Commissioners , Chief of Police \\hlto and Sergeants Ormsuy and \Vhalen were adjudged guilty of contempt of the Judiciary committee of the city council. \Vlialcn was fined $15" and the others $23 each for the alleged offense , which consisted In their refusal to recognize the authority of the committee to Inquire- Into the actions of the commission. Each of them refused to nnswcr the questions put by the committee on the advlco of Judge Duanc , who acted PS their attorney. Thn proceedings were had at the session of the committee to continue the Investiga tion of the recent dismissal of policemen. 8. IOsborn , James II. Klik , S. U risk , H. A. Wllber , 13. M. Arnold and II. 1' . Haze , who were re ccntly dismissed for cause , were examined In the same manner as the witnesses of ths previous session. They stated that they had b en dismissed from the force , but with two exceptions they said that they were Ignorant of the reasons of their discharge. Ha/o swore that he had been dismissed at the Instance of Edward Hosewater On one oc casion a Ilee reporter asked him what he had to say In his own behalf in regard to charges that had been made against him At that time he told the reporter to tell Mr Hosewater to go to h I , anil added an obscene epithet Consequently he believed that Mr Hosevvater was responsible for his failure to hold his Job . K. M Arnold said that ho was discharged from the police force because he belonged to the American Protective association HP gave no reason why he Inclined to that opin ion , I1EOAN THE PINING PROCESS. After the testimony of the ex-pollctmcn had been received the more Interesting feat ures of the program were Introduced. Cnn I of Police White was called In as a witness. He was accompanied by Judge noan , v > lo eaid that he did not understand by w'.at right the committee assumed Juilsdlctlon in the matter. The chief of police \\as not re sponsible to this committee , nor tn ihe cliy council , nor was any member of the Hoard of Fire and Police Commissioners. The alleged Investigation was a farce The commissioners were responsible to the go\ernor alone and the chief of police was responsible to tl.e commission , and not to the city council. As their attorney he should therefore advise them not to reply to any questions that n eht be aeked by the committee. Then Chairman Saunders of the committee began to quiz Chief White. He asked him If he was a citizen of Nebraska , < f IIP hid made a contract with the Hoard of Fire and Police Commissioners , why men had been dis missed from the police derailment and vari ous other questions , to all of which the chief Bild that under the advice of his attorn y he declined to answer. SaumlTs then asked the chief if It were not a fact that there were several Pinkerton - ton detectives now In Omaha and for wnat purpose they were here. Chief White Bald that he would like to answer that question , but Judge Doane advised him that lie should not In nny way recognize the Jurlsdlc'Ian ' nl the committee. Sounders then stated that he was adjudged guilty of being In contempt ol the committee and that he was fined $21. The same process was then gone through with when Sergeants Ormtby and Whalcn were called. In Whalen'a case the fine VME reduced to $15 because Saunders said that he thought he was not as "guilty" as the others. COMMITTEE'S AUTHOIUTY DENIED. Mayor Hemls and Commissioners Brown , Heaver and Stiickler were then called In Strlcklcr was his own attorney , but Judge Doano appeared for the other three mem bers of the board. He assured the com' mlttce that the board was an Independent body U had nothing to conceal , but It wouh refuse to a Imlt the right of the commltte ( to make any official Investigation of Its nets To do tills would be to establish a precedent that might lead to serious complication ! and dldlcultles The committee had no. rlghl to Interrogate his clients to gratify an hilt curiosity when the Information thus ob tained could not legally be made the babls of any subsequent proceedings. Commissioners Denver ami Hrown were pul , on the stand and followed Judge Doane'i advice by refusing to answer the question ! of the committee. They stated , however that they 'would be glad to give the mem bers of the committee as citizens any Information mation they wished In regard to the mallei In hand. Hut this was not what the com mittee wanted , so they were also charged ur with a $25 fine for alleged contempt STUICKLEH COULD TELL , UTTIE. It was the same way with Mayor Bemls and then Mr. Strlckler took the stand. Hi did not object to answering any question ! the committee might ask , but his Informa tion was limited. The board made a con tract with Martin J. White as chief of pollci for $2,000 n year. He believed the contrac was for two years and that the business met of the city were to make up $500 additional He knew nothing In regard to the dismlssa of the policemen on July 3. as hens 0111 of the city at the time. When the seooni detail of men was dismissed no charges wer ( died against them which appeared on tin record. The new men were assigned t ( duty by regular action of the boaid. Hi knew nothing about any Plnkerton men am If any were lit the city he was not awnre o : It , Siundors asked Strlckler whether tin men had not been dismissal for scctarlai or political reasons , but Strlckler said thai he knew nothing about It. The committee then adjourned until I o'clock this afternoon , when It expects t ( complete the Investigation. In that case tin report will probably bo submitted to thi council at the adjourned meeting tonight A member' of the committee Is authority foi the statement that the tines assessed agalns the witnesses will bo deducted from theli salaries In the July appropriation ordinance During nearly the entire afternoon W. J Hroatch was In close conference with 1'resl dent Edwards and others In the private olllci of the prekldent of the council near the com mlttce room. ACTION QJ-1 r < MIMI > iSIOMilH. I'ut mi UiToril Their ' cntlim-iit Ilcv Kiirillnu : the CoiuiKldcc. The I\qaid \ of Tire and Police commissioner ! met yesterday afternoon In evccutlvo scsslor and held a meeting that lasted an hour am resulted In the passing of a motion touchliu on the Invcstlg-Ulon that Is being held bj tbe committee of the city council. The motion was Introduced by Mr. llrowi and WIIB follows : "That It be the tense cf this boird thai Oeorg * W Doane be employed to appear be fore the committee of the city council whlcr assumes authority to Investigate the action ! of this board , for the purpose of protcstlnc against and denying the legal right am authority of such committee of the councl In the matter , and to appear for and In behal of any witnesses or members of this boah or emplojra of this board who shall appeal before bald committee to testify In relatlot to such Ipvestlgatlon. " After some dlscusilon the matter was pit to an aye and no vote on motion of Mr Slrlcklpr The metiers wi * adopted , Messrs Dsaver. Brown and the mayor voting ay < and Mr. Strlckler and Mr. Smith voting no. Superintendent Coulter was ordered to pu a flro alarm ! u the residence of Chief lie dell on Dodge t et. Thi board idjourned to meet at 9 o'clocl thti morning , or sooner 1C called. TIio Latent The surprisingly low rates offered by tin Nickel Plate Head to Uoston and return ac count Knights Templar Oonclave and a cliolrj of forty routes. Tukets | on tale August lO'li ' to 25th Inclusive ; longeit return limit ; tsivicc strictly flrit-clasj. Sleeping car ipjce re served In advance. For further Information Addrtis J Y. CaUhan , Qan'l Agent , 111 Street , Chicago , ii.vvnn.v nitoH. TlmrNilii > 'N lulllii ( lie Clonk nnil Suit Keiiiirlineiit. C cases new wrappers In light and dark prints and Indigos , -I9c , worth 76c. Clearing out sale of ladles' waists at 25c , 39c , C9c and OSc. These waists arc all at less than cost of manufacture. Ladles' lawn dreses. $1.95. $2 C9 , $3.95. All wool street skirts , $1.89 , $2.45 , $3.45. Special prices In ladles' wash and sateen underskirts. HAYDBN BROS. UI113AT llf.N OP Til 15 IJMI'IUH hTATI5 The IIS MltVn from . > riHMiHi > < o Al- hniiy Cohered In 1-1(1 Mlnutex , A feat In railroading was performed Satur day on this section of the New York Central , which , though not Infrequently paralleled on this most efficient and speedy of roads , Is certainly calculated to make one wonder. The feat was nothing less than the accom plishment by the great Empire State Expre's of n distance of 14S mile ? In 140 minutes , something scarcely possible , with safety , to a less thoroughly governed and mechanically perfect road. TIio Empire arrived In Syracuse Saturday afternoon forty-one minutes late-was delayed three minutes by Its stop at Utlc.i , and four minutes In this city by accommohtlon train \'o. 72 , but arrived In Albany at 7 08 , having mule the 148 miles from Syracuse In 140 minutes , this , of course , being actual running time with stops deducted. Such moving across country for such a distance Is enough to convince any old time obstructionist that we of the present day are actually "flying" Into the face of Providence. Old SS8 , the railroader's criterion of loco motive excellence , had Jacob Vrooman of Schenectady at the throttle and was flrel by Peter Wagner cf St. Johnsvllle , both of whom feel Justifiable pride In the latest ahlcvement of their Iron steed. Little Falls Times. MV YOHIC STOKH. Illtc Tlnii-Milny Sule Cent ami n Halt a Yard. Between 3 and 4 o'clock p. m. Thursday wo will sell ill our 5c and Sc challls at I'/Ac a yard. NEW YORK STOKE , 15th and Dodge. Cliolee ( if ItouteN. To Knights Templar Conclave , Boston , em bracing Chautanqua Like , Niagara Kails , Thousand Islands , Kaplds of the St. Lau rence , Saratoga , Palisades of the Hudson , loosac Tunnel and ride through the Berk- hire Hills by tlav light. Tickets on sale Au gust 19th to 25th Inclusive ; lowest rates , inlck time and service unexcelled , including 'alace ' sleeping and Dining cars. Address J. Y. Calahan , General Agent. Ill Adams Street , Chicago , for further Information. Admission , 25 cents to "Broken Hearts" to night. If you have the rheumatism or neuralgia , any kidney or uterine trouble , are emaciated or ha\e superfluous flesh and your doctor orders baths , before suing to the expense of a trip , try out baths. You can ha\e Turkish or Russian , medi cated , vapor , electric , sea salt , sulphur , Mer curial oil rubs and hoi milk baths. Attendants llrst class. Massage by an educated masstuse. Ladles' Turkl'h baths and physical culture parlors , 10fl-110 Bee building. IMIAIMIACI5LTIU VI. ASSOCIATION. At Denser AiiKiixt 11-1 ! I , IS- ! . For this occasion the Union Pacific will sell tickets at the rate of one fare for the round trip from Mlsourl rl\er terminals to Denver , Colorado Springs , Manltou and Pueblo. Tickets on sale August llth and 12th. A. C. DUNN , City Passenger and Ticket Agent , 1302 Far- nam street. _ _ Siu-clnl i\tMirMiin to IloMtmi. The Knights Templar Conclave will bo helil In Boston from August 26th to 30th Inclu sive. Tickets will bs on sale via the Nlckei Plate Road from August 19th to 25th Inclu sive. Rates always the lowest ; througl ; trulls ; drawing room sleeping cars ; unex- c HI PC ! d nlng cars ; side trips to Chautauquc Lake1 , Niagara Falls and Saratoga without Additional expense. For additional Informa tion call on or address J. Y. Calalnn , Genera ! Agent , 111 Adams Street , Chicago , III. The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday bj the county Judge : Name nnd residence. ABP Hush never , Oiiuilia . f > Mary Kleinlng , South Om ilia . 3 JPIIB flu l"ten ° in , Onmha . 4 Mis Putru Heal , Oinnln . 2 Wlllliim A OlirlMiiui , Omnlm . 2 Miirlc Peters m , Omuliu . 2 William A. Watklns. Florence . 2 Ella C. Myers , riuifiicc . 1 I1AM1 C < CI5IIT. Tomorrow Muht a ( iranil Hand Con eertII1 lie ( il\eu at CoarUaiul. There will be a grand band concert to morrow-e\enlng at Courtland beach by fort ; picked musicians. Also balloon ascensloi and parachute leap by Mile. Celeste. Tin admission will be Irec. "Broken Hearts" repeated tonight. SKcielieN \Voiiilerlnnil 's a publication of magazine size has mon than thirty full page Illustrations of Yellow stone park and Northwestern scenery sev cnty odd pages of descriptive matter' ha a handsome , shided bronze cover and Is botl useful and ornamental. Send Charles S. Fee General Passenger Agent Northern Poclfl railroad , St. Paul , Minn , six cents In stamps and he will send It to you. Wouldn't It lit u ( iiHUI IdeaTe To spend Sunday , August 11 In Kansas City The round trip rate via the Burlmgtoi route Is only $2.50. And tlm spec'al excursion train leaves thi Union depot , Tcn'h and Maso.i streets , Onuha at 9 15 p. m. , Saturdiy , August 10. Bacl Monday morning In time for breakfast. Tickets and full information at 1324 Far nam street. * 'Iiihorei-N.'f "Attention of loboiers going to tha whea fields of North and South Dakota Is callei to the exc"llent servlc" of the Northwester ! line to all Important points. Through can nectlons , good time 1101 Farnam street Depot 15th and Webster streets , Omaha Nebraska. " J. R HUCIIANAX. G. P. A. o The great success of "Broken Hearts' Tuesday requires Its repetition tonight. I'mKiilKhtN Templar. Low rate excursion to Boston \a ! Nlcke Plate Uo-iil. Tickets on sale August 19th ti 25th Inclusive. Lowest rates ; thiough trains pilace sleeping cars ; unexcelled service , In eluding dining cars and colored porters It charge of the day coaches. For particular ! address J. Y. Calahan , General Agent , 11 Adams Street , Chicago , III. o ( fj"il ( o ICaiiMiiN City anil Hetiirii. Via the Burlington toute , Saturday , Augus 10 Train leaves Union depot , Tenth and Masoi streets , Omaha , at 9 15 p. m. Back Honda ; morning In time for breakfast. Tickets and full Information at 1324 Far nam street. CAI.iroit.MA Oil TI5.V.VS. Via Saute IV Itoutc. For lowest rates on tickets and best ac ormmodatlona cill on cr address E. L Paimer. P. A Santa Fa Route , Room I , Firs National Bank , Omaha. The Fourth Ward Republican club wll meet In Washington hall Friday , August 2 at 8 p. m. Prominent speakers will bi present. J. W HROATCH , President Fourth Ward Republican Club. $2.60 Omaha to Kansas City and returi via the Burlington route , Saturday , Augus By general request "Broken Hearts"vll be repeated at teunls grounds tonight. Dir.u. HOWLAND- Martha H. , July 29th , 18&5 Funeral Thursday. August 1st , at 2 o'clocl from family reEidence , 3001 Lenvenwortl street HlUT-Michael , iigel 52. KuncrAI fr m residence , ISIS South Tenth strett , at 8 JO a m. Friday. Interment ul Cermun Catholic 09903330939303339933393939 8 SOUTH OMAHA NEWS | CCOCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCOCO William Lackey , the 14-year-old ( .on of Alexander Lackey , was drowned In the Mis souri river yc terday afternoon. In company with n number of buys h was In bathing. went In beyond his depth and went under at a place usually avoided because It Is treach erous. None of the other bo > s heard Larkey call for help and he did not rise to fie itrface after going down. One of the lads ran to Albr'ghi nnd tele phoned to the po'lco ' station and Chief H-en- nin went town with some grappling hooks and dragged the river for aluut three hours , but the body could not be found. It Itiilaeil 1'arroH'N A horse attached to n phaeton and driven by James Carroll ran away yesterday and wrecked the buggy. Carroll was driv ing south on Twenty-fourth street when the horse began to kick , getting one of Its hind legs over the shaft. Leaving Twenty-fourth the frightened animal turned down N street and took to the sidewalk on the north side of the street. In front of the Drovers Journal ofllce the runaway collided with a telegraph pole and one of Dlckman's grocery wagons. The buggy was upset nnd Carroll thrown out , though not hurt. One of the buggy shafts struck Dlckman's horse In the mouth A farmer's team standing near took fright and ran down N street , but was captured before running a block. Carroll's buggy was badly wrecked. I'olnto PnrduTN rail Out. David E. McMurray has been arrested on a complaint sworn tn by Dan Schlnster , al leging that McMurray stole a load of po tatoes from his garden. The prisoner was released on * 100 ball and the cast ? set for hearing August 6. McMurray claims Schlnster an ! ho planted the potatoes on shares , and now Schlnster wants the whole crop. _ _ AVorU of the I'ollee. During the month of July the police made eighty arrests. The blotter shews the crimes s follows Vagrants. 30 ; disturbing the peace , 2 ; susplclousi clnracters , 2 ; drunk , S ; prostl- utes , 1 ; petit larceny , 3 ; criminal negll- ; ence,2. _ . Maisle City r.os li. | Mrs M. J. Foss of Denlson , la. , Is visiting drs. C E. Morris. Rosa Wood of Mount Clements , 0. , Is vlslt- ng his father , W. M. Wood. George McDonough of New Yor'c , formerly of ° outh Omaha , Is In the city. Miss Carrie Clark of Greenwood Is visiting ler sister , Mrs. W. L. Holland. Members of St. Agnes church will picnic nt Spring Lake park next Saturday. W. C Lambert has returned from a ten days' \lbit with friends at Auburn , Neb. Fred Pierce has gone to Perry , la. , on c visit , acompanylng his s'ster , Mrs. A. Neal. Miss Ros ? Maurer has returned to Sioux City af'er spending iome time with friends here. here.Miss Miss Josle Benn of the Swift company goes soon to Salt Lake City for a month's vacation. A warrant Is out for the arrest of John King , Twenty -sixth and Q streets , fcr dis turbing the peace. The monthly report of the Sou'h 0nha : hospital shows that generous donations \veie received during July. J. A. Phillips has taken out a permit tc build a house and barn costing $2,000 or Twenty-fourth , between D and E streets. Vic McCarty will take a lawjer and go U Alliance , Neb , to get c'd ' man Daw son's tes'l mony In the McCarty-Dawson cas" as soon a < the stenographer flies the testimony nlreadj taken In the case. Marii'loilN IleMiittH. Trom a letter written by Rev J. Gitnder man of Dimondalc , 'MIcK. , . Sve are peimlu t to make this cxtraqt"I hive no hesltatlo. In recommending Dr. King's New Discovery as the results were most man clous In tin case of my wife. While I wasi pastor of tin Baptist church at Rlve Junction she wa brought do An with pneumonia succeed'ng ' 1 grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughlni would last hours with I'ltle ' Interruption am It seemed as If she could not turvlve thsm A friend recommended Dr King's New D s covery , It was quirk In its work and high ! ; satisfactory In res-ults " Trial bottles fre at Knhn & Co. drug store. Regular size 60 and $1 00. _ _ Aaierleiui Tourist AxMoolatloii i\eilr Hiou. A personally conducted excursion will leav Ornalu on August 13 , via Union Pacific , lo Denver , Manltou , LiVela , Diirango , Silver ton , Ouray , nnd tiie most charming of Col orado resorts , returning \la Montrose , Gun nUon , Salldi and Denver , and arriving li Omaha August 22. Rate , Including meals hotels , sleeping cart , etc , $122 25. A second excursion w 111 leave Omaha An gust 27 , via Denser , Manltou and Marshal Pass , to Salt Lake , returning direct by Unloi Pacific , arriving In Omaha September 11 Rate , Including meals , hotels , sleeping car ; etc , $117.25. A. C DUNN , City Pass. & Tkt. Agt. Union Pacific system , 1302 Farmm street. A Ken.Minimises. . Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. / clean train made up and started fron Omaha Baggage checked from residence ti destination. Elegant train service and cour tenus employes. Entire train lighted b ; electiIcily and hated by steim , with electrl light in every berth. Finest dining ca service in the west , with meals sened "a 1 : carte. " The Fljer leaves at 6 p. in. dall ; from Union depot. City ticket office , 1504 rarnani street. C S. Carrier , city ticket agent. Lawn tennis grounds , "Broken Hearts" to night. I , I'Alt VdHATIIS. Ed Perry , Chicago , Is registered at th Barker. D. Swlnehart of Poeatcllo , Idaho , Is a gues at the Paxton. r. S. Root , Lltchfleld , Neb. , Is registered a the Barker. H. H. Patkhurst of Crelghton Is rcglstcre. at the Dcllone , T. H. E. Mason Is registered at th < Barko from Whitman , Neb. W. C. Galcsway , Palestine , Tex. , Is rgU tered at the Darker. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murphy of NorfrlU ar guests at the Hellene. L. G. Doup has gone to Spirit Lak * . to b absent a week or ten days. T. M Williams and Mr W. J. Biles , Hast Ings , are registered at the Barker. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bragdon and son o Auburndulc , Mass. , are Mlllard guests. Mr. L , D. Motz leaves today for Waukenha Wlfcousin , where ho will spend his vacation Mrs. M. E. Lawrence. Grace Lawrence am A. H. Paolls of Tabor , la. , aie guests at th Arcade. J. H. Sunlcy and W. A. Htgglns , commls slon men , South Omaha , are registered a the Barker. Bob Graham , J. C. Brady. W. H Walke and M. D. Young came to the city > eUerda ; from Maryvlllo Mo. , with cattle. Assistant Superintendent Purdy of the Rod Island 01 Ocs Molnes passed through th city yesterday on hi * way to Alaska. H was Joined h'.re by General Agent Charle * Kennedy of the same road. They will b gone a month. At the Mercer : J. W. Wright , Chicago H. S. Webber. Lynchburg. Va ; T H. Carton Pueblo , Cole , M Ncuberger , E. E. Hastings New York ; Ira Mallory , Chapman , Neb. ; W H Smith. Chicago ; W. H. Weler and child Vllllica ; Harry Gardner , St. Louis ; Gcorg Troutlor. B. W. Canning , R. J Miller. Lin coin , Neb. ; Charles Harding , Norfolk ; J. B Allen , Jr. , Toledo , O. ; Charles R. Van Ausdale Chicago ; O , H. Swingley. Beatrice. Neb. . E , 0 Qulnby. Boston ; H , C. Crawl , Council Bluffs B. G. Marsh , Minneapolis ; F. Gretman. Tern pleton , la , ; Charles O. Shenuway , Lyons Neb , ; Williams Stevens , J. W. May , Dei Molnes. \elirimkiiiin nt the llutelx. At the Arcade-Fred Hoyt. L. W. Stecle Gordon At the MIllard-E. n. Matthews , Lincoln E. L. Vance , Pawnee City. At the Merchants-W. A. Blgelow. liar- rUon , Ed J. Ha'.l. Grand Island ; J. A. O'SUee , G , , AUd r Nellt'U. iiocicnii.MA.v t.\rot.iis A TAI.I : . ' ( UN lliMV Me Pell by ( lie WnjNldt- Pnr from Home. The trial of William Hdrr , proprietor of the 'nlon ' hotel , on the charge of keeping n Isorderly house , was commenced In police ourt yesterday , where It held the boards ntll noon , when an adjournment was taken ntll this morning. The arrest of Mr. Bnrr was made on the omplalnt of Henry Hockerman of Arapahoe , who alleged that he had been robbed of $50 i the hotel by a woman who had been as- Igncd to the same room with him by Harr lockerman Is verdant enough to withstand long spell of drouth , but he had n clear tory to tell and he told It without any at- empt to smooth over the fact that ho was he sucker In the play. He swore that he \ent to the hotel on Wednesday night nnd larr nsked him If he did not want n girl or a roommate. He looked over the stock ml decided tliM there was nothing on hand ust to his liking and he went away. He cturned on Thursday night and Harr asked ilm If he wanted a slim girl or n stout girl , a blonde or a brunette. Hockerman eclded on a stout brunette and Lulu Wllcix \os Introduced. She was the one for whom ic had been looking. The next morning the girl and $50 of Hockerman's money were ilsslng. Hence the arrest. Barr's evidence was In the nature of a general denial of the story of Hockermnn. \ number of witnesses were Introduced to how the good character of Mr. Uarr. THAT HAH MI'MIOM TI5AS. . leViiH Not \eriiNtonicd to the Cor dial Northern WIIJN. C. D. Woods Is from Texas and wants to get back. He had an Idea that the nnnouncc- nent of the fact that he hailed from tjie and of long horned cattle would strike error to the hearts of the timid residents of Omaha and he'd have n lot of fun. He i down to the burnt district the other light nnd told some of the denizens that 10 was fresh from Texas nnd that he was hlrstlng for trouble. Before he got out he ind been touched for his Waterbury and $7 n money. He made up his mind that ho \ould get out of the city without nttemp- ! ng to scare any moro people. He started or Council Bluffs and met some fellows own near the Douglas street bridge. Woods \ns pretty well dressed. Two of the men tnrckcd him down and took his coat and est. A third par'y Inslstel on trading innts with him and then the final touch"S \cre added , when another man focd Woods o part with his underwear. The bad man rom Texas was In a sorry plight. He crawled Into an empty bo\ car and had a mall bay go to the police station and make lequlsltlon for a set of hobo clothes for ilm. He has lost ( ill his uilor and ye.-- er.lny he told the court that his ma lived n Texas and he was very anxious to get jack to her. lie was allowed to depart o IIV COI STY rOMMISSIOM5IIS. Slllllll Mll < ( < TH llNIOMfll | < tf III till' .MrctitiK \ < * Ntcriln > . The county commissioners at tlielr meeting yesterday afternoon allowed the regular monthly bitch of clal-ns. \ report of Sheriff Drexel \\as rcce veJ , re- l.rtlng to fees In the sheriff's olllce. The Hast Omaha land company objected to ta\03 levied against It on considerable land It did not own , asking a carrect'on and assess ment of land It does mvn. Jesse n. Thornton applied for admission to the Soldiers and Sailors' home. Joe liabbltt Informed the board that he wished to hold It llablo. for a defective cul vert , \\hlch HooJs the land aJjicent to his horn"1. Mrs M. I'erc'val ' atkcd the lioi'd to re consider Its actlcn In rejecting her claim of $1SO for assisting her husband as assessor When before the Inard she Kalil tint owlns to timidity she did not fully expla'n ' the nature of her claim for work done. ThB board meet" I'rldiy to Investigate charges against Justice of the Peace Crobby , \icrs : u m A n i Mat land IIIOH- from \\onndN InllletiMl li > \ olprren. ) . Augusta Matlrnd , shot by Peter Volgrcei at the Model steam liundry'Tue day , died at 1 o'clock this morning at the Presbvterlai hospital , her death making Volgreen a mur derer , according to his oun statements. The fatal wounJ of the three was the on In the abdomen Yesterday the ph\Melan in'do what was recognl/cd as a desperate effort to save her life by ofening her abdo men nnd > ewlng up the pe forated part1- The woman , weakening b"foie this , then sanl rapidly The boJj was taken to the morgue and an Inquest will be held today. The prisoner could not be seen this morn Ing after the death occurred Ills statements of Tuesday night In acknowledgement of hi purpose , conceived at Minneapolis , to conic to Omaha and kill the woman If she did no abandon Matland and live again with him wcro reiterated bv him yesterday , Could Not Meet the Term * . The arrangement between Curtlss C. Turne and the Uoird of Park Commlst-'oners , b > which Mr Turner's tract cf unimproved prep crty at Thirtieth and Farnam streets was tc be deeded to the city for park purposes , ha been declared off. The commissioners In slsted that the property should bp turned over , free of all tax Incunibrances , while Mr Turner contended that the city should paj the taxes now due As the baud had n funds at present to Improve the property th members were not willing to come to Mr Turner's terms. She Can 1'lrlc Her OMII Ilnxtiand. Mattle Scehl's troubles are over for o while at least. News of her oxperlcnco a Wuth's hotel leached her father In Des Molnes , and he arilvtd In the city yester day. He had n talk with his daUHhtur and their differences werj ° ettled. Mattle was picmlsed tint if the would return i.onu she would be allow id to have her own way In the selection of a husband and wonh have no fuith r parental Intciferencu 01 that score Th s was satlsfjctbry to the girl and she left fur bet home , accompanlei by her father . Both the incihocKiiml results A\hen Syrup of Kigriistdken ; it is pleasant anil refreshing tothe taste , and acta K ; ntly yet promptly on the Kidnoyo , Liver and liowulH , < Jeanse8 the sys- ism effectually. di ] ? Gia coldri. headaches - aches and fevers and curoH liaNtual -.onstipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- dticed , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly henelic-ial in its effects , prepared only fiom the most healthy and agreeable BtihsUinces , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug- gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hantMvill pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO SAN FHAUCISCO. CAL. Well Known Citizens Testify lliat They Have Keen Cured Ny His Remedies. More Than itOO.OOO People Hate ( ilv- eu Their t UNollt-ltcil InilorHenieiil of MUIIOII'H l.ltlle Siitfar 1'clIftN. Samuel A. Heath , 21S Columbus avenue , loston , says"It is now sixteen months since 1 was cured of rheumatism by using Munyon's Rheumatism Cure I took It sev eral times dally , nnd In four days was com- ilctely cured. At that time I could not put on my cuat without assistance. My knees uul ankles were so swolkn that walking was llfTlcult. I had suffered with rheumatism every spring and fall , but since Inking Mun yon's Remedies I have not had the 1 ghtest symptoms of the disease. " Wallace Blckford , of Demls , Mass , saVs 'I had nasal catarrh of several years' stand- tig , with all Its disgusting symptoms , when I jegan using Munvon's Catnrrji Remedies Their action was marvelously ( julck The llsease yielded rapidly , nnd now I am per fect ! ) cured. " .Ml s lola Koricst , 33 Monad street , Bos on , says : "My entire system was broken lown from nervous prostration , caused by Ijspcpala. What I suffered Is Impossible o tell , and I was unable to get relief Kl- lally I began using Mnnyon's Dyspepsia and Nerve Cures , and It was not long before I vas thoroughly cured. ' M mi ) on's Homoeopathic Remedy Compa- ly put up a cure for nearly every disease N'o mailer what jour dls-ase or how many lectors have failed to euro you. step Into the icarrst drug store and get a 25-cent vial of Mnnyon's Remedies It will benefit you Tho.se who lire In doubt as to the nature if their disease should address Professor Munyon , 1605 Arch street , Philadelphia , glv- ng full symp'oms ' of their disease. Professor ser Mini ) on will carefully diagnose the case and give yon the benefit of his advUe ab olutcly free of all charg" . The Remedies vlll be sent to any address on receipt of etall price. A full line of MUNYON'S REMEDIES , On tuiml Mailed ou receipt of price. till. l , . ' > , . A I , \ I Hi.If ( 'II , , 140S rarliutn Sner-t Opp .slip . 1'nxton Hotel , OMAHA NUlt Q2 m ! * > ? ! S&m W . .4 S&W 5sQ : fj yKf { % This cxlra- Constljintlou , onlln lie- iry Ulzzfucf ? , Jtivcnator Is Falling Sen- t n o ri o K t nations , Nervous vvonderfu' ous twitching discovery ? 1 of the eyes llie nRe. and other luis bf-en . " p.uts. rtor cd by the Icadlngfclen- Strengthens , tine men of Invigorated Kiiropo anil una tones the America. W entire rtem. . Hudyan la Hudran cunt purely vege Ieb 111 ty , table , Nervousness , lludyan ptops Emissions , Prematureness anildeveloiHS and restores of the d IE- weak . oigans. charge In 20 1VII18 lit tllO dtivs. Cures back , losses LOST by ( lay 01 MANHOOD LltlltEtOppCd qulcklv. Over2,000prlvntocndo'scmrnts. Preiaaturcnos isirnns tanotrnry In ihu ( lift staco It Is a 6j-mp om of dnl"nl vvciUnesa and barrcnms' . It can bo s oppud iu 20 days by the use ot Hnilynn. Thoi cw dikcoveiy vrni mnd' * ! > y thePr--rlil- IsU of the old ftranis Hudson Medical Institute. His the strongest -vltullzur made. It Is very po i-rful , but Im'inUfs. Fold for SI 00 a psok- BcoorB packages for 85.00plnlMEealedlxms ( : ) . Written guarantee given for n cure. If you buy fix boxes and arc jot 'ntlrcly currd , bix more will be sent to TOU frioolnllchnrpE. Sendf'ir clroulonand tChtlrmmU ] * Address HUDSON ftlKDICAU INSTITUTE , Junction StocktonITCurkutiV IMIUSU. S.iu lfrnu-lMi-i > . Cal. Is there a man in this great city that does not know we are the best ' trouser makers in the world ? If ther' ; is we would like to have him be convinced , Trousers to order $4 to $14- A thousand sryles to pick from. We are talking about trousers that are shapely and that fit and keep shape f > the end , not the trash so often spok en of as trousers Bulls to order $15 to $30 that other tailors eun't make at one-half as much more. Samples mailed- Garments expressed. 207 S , 15th STREET. .X ALL OUR WORK MAUU IN THIS CITY BY run ncsr JOUR TAIIXDRS. CHICAGO. ST. Louis. ST. I'AUU OMAHA BOSTON. TALOR DESMOINES I'lTTSUURl. WASHISQTON. New YORK. INDIANAPOLIS KANSAS CITY. MINNEAPOLIS. liAKTfOkU. I'OUTMNP. CHE. LOSANOELLS. Ik Chlthritrr * ! KnilUtt PUmanii 'EWNYRQYAL ' PILLS Urljtlmil nJ Only drnulne * VAfK. klwftl * rll bl LADIC * Ml PraicIX f .r tV keiten r ih > k HU toj8ranJln Utdaat CvU Btttlllo ibai * * , ttal wltb tlut iltb o nuulhcr. Aff * i4gtT ut iM * * 4 tmlttie > * t At Druisieii , * r coi 4r. ttimpi fci ptnUvltn teUm nlU tut for I i.4le .H * lmrtj rvlurn U ll. 1O.OOO TrM Aam * Only a few Pair of the Suit Pants are here yet , we expect today and tomorrow will clean them all out , There isn't a man in Omaha or in any othci place , who can't make from one to three dollars on buying a pair of them. You can afford to get them for future use , as pants will not be sold so low again for some time. Bear in mind that you can buy the finest Suit Pants of pure worsted goods , at $3. You never bought bet ter ones for $5 or $6 , and those which are mark d $2 and $1.50 are worth more than double the pi Ice. Of those washable knee pants , with which we made such a sensation selling two pair for a quarter , we have received another litt'e lot same price ic gets you 2 pair. Come quick for only a few dozens Are Left. Write for our fall catalogue ready August i th. Not Sick Enough for the Doctor , but a little out of sorts. Ripans Tabules would serve in your case It is well to have them on hand for just such occasions. nipnn's Tnlmles : Sola by drUKdsts. or by mall If the price ( DO cent * n hnx ) U rent to The Ill- pans Chemical Company , No. 10 Ppruce at. , N. T. roni : t like to boast , but may be pardoned for saying that we have the largest , ' cleanest and best arranged Furniture and Carpet House in Nebraska. We were the first to establish Popu'ar ' Low Prices in Oma a , and in return are doing about all the bu ess in our line that is done in this city. V re c lomplct lomplctHOUSE HER Novelties in every dep urtmcnt. See our Carp.tings , Lace Curtains and Draperies , they are handsome am cheap , Cash or Easy Payment RESTORE LOST VIGOR VMitn lniltn.lt I it louiefrr . Nrrvoui DctHHy. Ixni ul Seiutl ToTxrdn lthe c > , ImpiKu v At > | hy V.n < < * cl iml olhtr weaknnut , from my < u , ui & ilnt Plllf Drum thrikeil * n4 full vigor quickly retturtd If nei'le Icil , uk ti . i. i i i . Uuul let mull ftully MnltJanynricrt icjlcil. ( ct Ji.o > , t IKIICI for l < a VVItij ItCSUlt In i VTCCkS. e " > \j uo MJrr e l U l vuiranlrc Iu curt M refund the riiDnti AJJicu BUUUMAN & McCONNF.Lh DKUQ CO. . 1513 Dodfo atrcot. Oraalm , Neb. , EXACT SIZE PERFECTTjJ THE MERCANrlLB IS THE FAVORITE TEN CENT CIGAR. If r Kilo by all Fhst Class Dualorn. Miimiructun-cl by the F. R. RICE MERCANTILE CIGAR CO. , luitoiy .No. 'Ml , St. Louis , Mo.