Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA. DAILY IE , : I'THt'KSDAY , AUGRTrfT J , 1805.
Prlucipally Because of the Absence of EJ
pott Demand Wheat Was Weak ,
I'rntiilrii-N fur Xi-1 Cr i | Were In
lU-urci * liiipalreil , Imt C'nH
Corn WIIM In .SunnIK
CIIICA.OO , July Sl.-l'rlnclpnlly
of tin ; lack export
decidedly weak toduy , closInK at lUo d
cllnc for September. Corn lost % c. Mi
oatH closed ' /io lower uinl provisions llnlclii
at decllneH.
In an hour from the npenlMR .fleptumw
wlllch cl s < t y ste day at Tl'.o ' , Iwl ileclin ,
to C9"io. b lliB n drop of l ic per bu.
that Rhort time. The foreign marlcrl
With the exception of Herlln , were fair
Btcady nt the opening , and the domes !
situation was no less bullish than befu
ns ruKunlH the small deliveries of wlnt
wheat from farmers and the poor quail
of the llttlo they were KellhiK. Tradli
wus similar In ItH local character to III
of the previous days. The bullH who s ( .
took some wheat i
out on the last bulge
the early decline und sold it out aua
when they found their action wus not wi
seconded. From C3 > Bc September recover
" lluctuatlns for over i
to "Oc , und nftor
hour between Unit nnd GlMiC It took u
other dip to fi9ic. ! when Hra'ds'treet's slut
merit of the visible supply was plven ut
dccreuse for the worM of 2I23UW ) bu.
year ago the stockH In similar po ltlo
increased S.auutK ) bu. The fullowlnt' e
lilbll of the wheat movement for twent
of t
four Iiours suKKests no explanation
weakness of the market , ex.'ept as to su
part of It ns relates to the exports , flit
were again small , and that feature hayl
existed for some time Iseur nB its' '
Into recognition and WIIH probably at t
bottcm of the whole trouble. ChlcaKa i
celpts were 73 earc , 73 of which were m
red , and of tlu-ho tvo otbeiu were up
the standard of the contract grade. A yc
Chicago received 030 ear loads , of will
HBO OM cars were contiart. The total recoil
ut western primary mnrk'-ts amounted
4G1,0 < W bu. , against I.B..VKX ) bu. on the ci
responding day of last year. Miiineaptj
nnd Uuluth icielvcd 197 car , co
pared with 214 0:1 the previous year , t
lantlc ports exports comprised lfl01 ! ' bu.
wheat nnd 7.908 bbls. of Hour. The niurl
ruled very weak , und without the cuppi
the pike went down
of bull operators ,
nhado lower than the lowest jiulnt it reach
In the early break.
The corn market was dull In Its specu
tlvo feiiture , and futures were a slut
lower. The piomlne for the next crop w
In no degree Impaired. The comparutl
steadiness of the matket arose from t
good demand for cahh corn. Car Ion
brought He over September to go to sto
und ? io premium wus paid for round lifer
for shipment. Receipts today were
cars. September opened nt from 4.1o
42'io sellers , und sold at 4' ic In the 11
minute of the session. It kept betwf
42'4c and I3c sellers during u greater pi
of the day , touching 12c for a momi
under tho" Inlluence of a. weak spell
wheat. It was fairly linn near the end
from 12V to I2.c. u'd closed nt that. M
Bold nt from 3Vi.c ! ! to 3.r , ic to Sj c , u
closed nt from 3ic to 3'iUc.
Oats opened fairly steady at n slight i
cllne In prices. There was no Independei
to the market and fluctuations were ru
entirely by wheat und corn. The riir
was narrow. July fluctuated from 22 lc
221) ) cand closed ! 4c lower at the hit
price. May ranged from 2.Ytc ) to 25-io
25V-C , nnd closed at the latter price.
'lrhe bulls In provisions appeared to hr
thrown up the sponge. The hog recel
Me UH light as expected , but the price
not governed at present by the COIUIM :
lively light supply of the raw material , 1
by the light demand for the manufactui
article , of which ttie stocks are ami
The receipts of hogs today were 14,000 he ;
Iluslness was not brisk , but enough v
offered on a market devoid of buying sp
to knock lOc per bbl. oft the price of po
100 per KiO Ibs. off lard and 20c off ribs.
Kstlmates for Thursday : Wheat , 72 ca
corn , 3S5 cars ; oats , 210 curs ; hogs , 12 ,
The leading futures ranges * follows ;
Cash nuotntlonii were as follows :
FIXJITH Winter luilents , | 3.n3.7S ; win
BtralKhts. 53.OOIi3.40 ; bakers , * l.f ifi2.5n : l'r '
nairaiiu a 7r.uT4.r. : , : vnrlnic RtralKhtB. JJ.'jOji : ! . : .
3 ppri
nominal ; No. 2 nil , f.S'dflrei'tc. '
'l-oiiN Na 2 , 43lC431. ! c ; No. 3 yellow.
6AVs No. 2. 22T c ; No. 2 while , IG'.ifi !
No. 3 white , : : nc'ic.
HYi : No. 2. 47e.
HAllkKY No. 2. nominal ; No. 3. nomlr
No. 4 , nominal ,
FLAX HKKIl No. 1. J1.1R.
I'HOVISIONS l' < irk. mess. | ier bbl. , J10.I
10.12'i. Lurd , | it-r KiO lb . . J6.12Wi6.15. Sli
rllm nlili'H ( liKii-e ) . $ r.K.' Dry Kjilteil ph >
tiers ( boxeil ) , J.r.C2'.it5.75 ' ; Bliort clear til
( boxetl ) , JO.MfiG.O-ii.
WH1BKY DlBllllrrs' llnlsbeil sooils , per B
J1.2- .
J1.281TOAH Cut loaf , unchanged.
The following ; were Ibe recelpls anil shlpme
Onth'.i Proliuj oxelinTa tuJ iv the buttar m
ket wnw firm ; creamerv , 10.sl7' < c : ilnrv , 1
l..c. I BUB. Hrni ! UfallMo. ClicoHu.7ji.7Mc.
SK\V .YO111C
K QiKitntliiiiM tin the 1'rliit'li
ConniloilltleM anil StilpleN.
NEW YOUK. July 31.-FI.OUIl Heceli
lCOi ) bbls. ; exports. 3,400 bbls. Mniket dull
both sprlnR nnd winter , except spring link
which have had u mtxlerate call : wli
ftriilKhts , t3.45f3.C5 ; Minnesota patents , (3.
3.W ; Minnesota bakers , )3.W'H3.:5 ) | ; sprlnK Krai
< 1.05 fJ.OOi winter patents , J3.65iT3 W ; wli
BtrnlKhts , } 3.W 3.70 ; winter extras , 3.l .i j2
winter low grades , J2.2iW3.iAI. Hye Hour , su |
tine , | 3.:5)3.40 | ; funcy , (3.50O3.75.
WHEAT-Hect'lpIs , 64,4'W ' bu. ; No. 2 red , 73
No. 1 northern. 76'f.c ; Nn. 1 hard , 77'c. ( Optl
were lower lUpl',4c toiHv by local llquldat
resultliiK from illvappolntlnK forelKn news ,
companled by Eurtipean veiling. Intrensiil
cstlmateH , smaller reduction di llradstreet's
Ible tbnn expected , nnd piiHllctl.m nf Inert
In winter wheat receipts ; tbero were few
lies. SHptembi-r , 73 I1-I6fi75c. close < l ut 73Tc (
COUN Heoelpts , ! ,7lK ) bu. ; exports , fi.10 .
Market steady ; No. 2 , 4S'ic. Options were \
Heady , cunslderlnB the brcuk In wheat. Ibe >
1'ortltn : news IwInK n K' > oil cn h demand nt (
caKn , less favorable re | > rls from Ihe corn
nnd u blK decrease In Itradftrcet's vlsltile ; I
tember , 4 < f4S 5-lfic , cloi l at 4SH.C.
OAT-Uecflpts , 31.2MO tm. ; exports , ! > 00 1
tpot , dull ; No. U. 2S'4c ; Nn , 2 white , J2c.
tlctfis quiet , with no chanKes , showing s.
wenkneo ! ) with when ! , nnd clnslnR > if4c lent
nt 3o ; HeptemlierH2C > ic. closed ut 264
HAY Firm ; sblppInK , 75tiK > c ; good to cho
f5c 1.0i ) .
HOPS Quiet ; 1'aclflo coust , old , 3ffc ; 1891 c
HIDEH Firm ; lluem * Ayres , dry. SO to
llm. , 21c ; Texas , dry , 24 to 3D Ibs. , 12fi'13c
l.EATHEU Weak ; hemhk sole. lim
Ayres , light to heavy weights , 23c ; ncld , 21
240.WOOI * Firm ; domestic lleece , 1802Sc ; pul
l'UOVIHIONH-llf. strndy ; family , 10.
JS.W ; extra iness. l7.CO@fi.00 ; beet hnms.
Cut llnuls. steady ; ptekliM bellies , 7'jf ]
I inl , weak ; western steam rlasctl nt IS.lo ;
lined , lower. Pork , lower ; new mess. III.
OH EESl- : Weak : stnte. large. 6 ; C7 ; c ; sn
f'HOtiHc ; part sKSms , 2S'c ; full skims , 1
HOSIN Quiet i slnilned , common to good , i
Tl'UPENTINi : Dull nt STiJOMc.
1'KTHOI.El'M-Weaker : t'nlted closed nt I
Ud. rcllnetl. New Yolk , J7.10 ; Phlladelptila
Daltlmore. 5.70.
Hl'TTKIl Firm : western dairy , KKflJe ; w
em crsfltnery , l01l > c ; western factory , i
: % ; rlclni. ISO.
KOO8 Quiet ; weitem fresh , lfilJVo.
TAI.1XJW Hleudy ; city. 4He ; country. Uc
IIU'U 1'lrro ; fair to extra. 4'.04Uc.
MOIiAHSES Steady ; good tu choice ,
APPI.Ert-UbU. . 75r lll.CO.
Mt'HKMElXINS-Ilbls. , 11.00(71.00.
METAWriif Iron , firm ; n.iutlifrn , til.
14.00 ; northern , tllOOQM.OO. Copper , tin
t.rokrni' price , til M ; exchange price , II
Lead , stnmv , brvkent' price , J3.37'i ; rxchu
price. II.7S. Tin , steady ; strnltf , 114.40.
COTTON 8CUU OlLr-Ftroi ; ixlm * crude , b !
ni' ; siitnm.T yclluw. prime , MflJS',4 '
ni'T H'lloW , off Krndm , 2iWJ7'4C.
Ctniilllliili of Triuli * Mini
on Xtniile nml I'linoy
IlL'TTI-ill-Packlnn : oek , 7H6Sc ; choice
fancy. ISflHc ; Kntlicn-d creamery , ! tc ; xparati
crenmery , 16c.
I.IVi : rOt.'I/rilY Urn * . Sc ; roosters , 3e ; fprli
chlrkem * . | * r lb. , lOQllc ; ducks , 768
f print ? dueks , lOc ; turkeys , 7fi8o ; Reese , to.
VEAI Cholce fat. 70 to iOO Its. , are quoted
Cfir c ; liirge nnd coarse , 4j5Hc.
CIinESi : Wlsconun full cream. 'Jc ; You
Amrilcnn , llJIKe ; twins , llfllzc : Nebraska ni
loivn , full ircntn , lOc ; I.lmb'irKer , No. 1 , K
bilik. No I , llr ; Hwl-s. No. 1. 13e.
IIAY-l'plnnd hay , 7 ; midland , $7 ; In'
land , JC.fiO ; new hay. 16 ; rye straw , , - , ; col
makes the inlet on liny. I.lKht bales sell the be :
Only t"p k'rad. . s bilnv top pilot.
PIOr.UNH-Ptr du . . II.OOH1.23.
iOOH : Choice ttork , .
I'UTATOUS New potatoes , choice itoclt , 2. .
ONIONS Ilermiiilns , per crate , none ; Cnllforn
In sacks , per bu. , S..i-fJ1.00 ( ; home grown , C0(7 ( !
OLD IIEANK Hand puked , navy , t-.SO ; Lit
benim. per lb. , B'ifluHf.
CAIIIIAIJi : On ordeis , sncked , I'.iC.
HAHIHIIIJS Per dur. bunches. ISc.
OIlEEN ONIONS Per doz. bunches. lOc.
i.m-ri'i'H-pcr doz. , isa2oc.
AKPAUAISL'S Choice stock on orders , I3 !
per doz. bunches.
l.'rciIMIUCHS-On orders , 30n35c per doz.
I'AS | : On urd , rs. per bu. , 6i'i C5c.
KTHINd IIEANH On orders , per bu. , KKK.oC.
TOMATOES fluilee elf.clf. per 4-basket crul
7.V ; " , to 10-rn e bits , 70(7..c. (
HI'M.MKIl byUASH-Per doz. , on orders , i
40c.VATEIl.M EI.ONSPer do * . , crated , J2.50.
rltl-i\ PEPPCUS-Per Vi-lui. bafUet , 35JI
WAX IIEANH-1'ir bu. . C0 63c.
f'AfIIKI.OWEIl- doz. , 7Vf)1.00. |
cni.EHY Hnme Rrown , per doz. , 3V/40c.
CANTALOUPES Per basket. 25c.
FIttiTH. ;
PEAHH Callfornl.i Uartletts , per box , | 1.E
2.O. ) .
IlEI ) IIASPIIEHUIES No shipping ftock.
Pl.t'MS Cnllfornla , per bu.x. , choice sto <
$ l.'lfilr'l ' ; siiuthern , per case , Jt.25 ,
APIllfOTS No xhlpplng stuck.
SOUTIIE11N PEACHES Per 4-bakct cm
_ _
A'pPt.ES Choice phlpplng stock , bbls. , $2.0 <
2.2.1 ; . upplen , II. " 6872. 'W. '
I'.M.iroil.VIA PEAI'HES Orawfords , per be
lUff'to ; lliile'R i-iiily , iWo.
STIlAWltnilHlES fho'CP shipping stcck , not
I'lIKUHIKH No shipping stock.
OOSEIir.ltItlES-No ( ) shipping stock.
llt/ACIv HASPIinilKIES No shipping stock
IlLACKIlEllIllIiS-Cholce ttoik. per 24-1
cape. J2Kii2.2-- ( .
nitAPES Poutliern stock. | ier 8-lb. baskets ,
540c ; California , pi r rase. SI 3001.35.
Nr.CTAP.INESCnllfnrnla , per case , Jl.CO.
Accoidlng to Infurmatlon fioni the Europi
inarkPt pi Ices on lemims are lower here III
Jn any other consumUig mnikct , says the N
Yolk Journal of Commerce , nnd statements
that effect receive c.inllimatlon In the
liilrles lecelved from Eutupeaii maikets durl
he past week. On Hatuiday several sales wi
nade fur rxpnit to Kimland , nnd It Is sta
that negotlatldiid lire pending for the puuln
if other lots. This Is the llrst time will
Jive years nt least that European buvern hi
c une to this nun Ket for supplies. They wi
arge sizes over tbeie , and It would npp <
( hat these can only be obtained un thin side ,
irlern Europeun buyers uiu ulile or willing
, my.
my.1TP to the present time the demand for lenu
n the markets of this country hns been il
nppnjjitlng , as there has been little renlly 1
weather. The traile now Is looking forwi
t'i n better demand during the next few wet
but realize that unices the weather beeon
warmer their expectations nre not likely to
realized , latterly the demand for lemons I
lmpro\ed smnewhnt , nnd moie eiders have In
received from out-of-town , but ns n rule buy
nro regulating their purchases In nccordni
with their nl'lllty to dltpose of the sli
readily. ( Quotations :
OHANdES Clmlpo seedlings , per box. J2.
Medlteirniieun sweets , J2.7.1 ; fancy St. .Mlcluii
l.FMONS Extra fancy lenioni , 360 size JO ,
300 ze. ) ( i.iMfili 50.
HANANAS Choice huge stock , per bunch , } :
62.50 ; medium size bunches. J2.0CU2.25.
PINEAPPl.ER-IVr doz. . J2.
FH1S Fancy , 15c ; choice , 12ffll3c.
llONEY-Cnllfornla , 14O15c.
MAPLP. SYUfP-allui ! Juga , per doz. . t
nixby , 5-gal. cans , K.
Nl'TS-AlmondJ. 14c ; English walnuts , so
ehelled. 12c ; standards. He ; filberts , lOc ; Urn
nuts , lOc ; pecans , c ; peanuts , raw , 6c ; roast
7c DATES In CO to 70-lb. boxes , Co per lb. ; fi
date . small boxes , lOc per lb.
CIDEIl Pure Ju'ce , per bbl. , J5 ; half bbl. . J3
IUC12 POPCOItN In the ear. on orders , i
lb. , 2Hf.
HIDES No. I green hides , SVic ; No. 2 gn
hides , tc ; No. 1 green suited hides , DC ; No ,
gieen salted bides , 8Hc ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to
Ibs. , 13o ; No. 2 veal calf , g to 15 Ibs. , 10'iflOi
No. 1 dry Hint hides. 12S14c ; No. 2 diy Hint hid
wooled early skins ) . No. 2 , each , Cc ; dry II
Kansas and Nebiin butcher wool pelts i
. oound. nctual welgnt , 5SSc ; dry Hint Kansas a
Ntbraska murrain wool pelts , per pound ncti
weight , 44j6c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher w
iiflts , per pound , nclual weight , 4iiCi4c ; i
Hint Colorado murinln wool pelts , per poui
actual weight , 4jiCc. Have feet cut off , as It
uteless to pay freight on them.
TALLOW AND OltEASE-No. 1 tallow , 41
44c ! ; No. 2 tallow , 3i f4c ; grease , white A.
4lic ; grease , white II. 3l4c ; grease , yellow , 21
So ; grease , dark 2ii.c ; old butter , 22Hc ; be
WHX. prime. 17 20c ; rough tallow , 2c.
WOOL. UNWASHED Fine heavy , 6S7c ; f
light , 8f3e } ; quartr r-blood , 10frl2. ' : seedy , bui
nnd rbalTy , SfI3c ; coiled nnd broken , coarse.
9c : rotted nnd broken , fine , CJISc.
WOOL , WASHED Medium. 15TlSc ; fine , 1
16" ; tub washed. 16ifflSe : black. Sc ; bucks ,
tag locks 2jJ3c ; dead pulled. 5 < ! J6c.
Attrlliuted l jOiitr .Iiiiirniil in Mini
filet n IMTM llcliin Wt'll Stix-Ui-il.
UOSTON , July 31. The American Wool ;
Co.tton Reporter will say tomorrow : Inning
past week wool mnrkes ; of New York , I
tun. Philadelphia nnd elsewhere have wltne ;
a period of Inactivity beyond that noted for si
time. Although there have been numerous b
ers In the market , the aggregate und Indlvlil
purchases may bu attributed to the fact t
many manufacturers are tulllclently well supp
to enable them to operate their machinery
simie little time. Values remain tlrm nnd til
who wore In need of more slock readily ncqu !
It nt priced that ruled a week earlier. There
some , no doubt , who me holding off , with
uxpveiHll. . n that prlcm cannot remain permnii
and clocks be eventually procured at lower lieu
The nmount of wool which has already b
taken by consumers Is far In excess of what '
sold up to this time lost year , even allowing
n large percentage of speculative buying In ei
ern markets. The bales In Hoston , New \ >
Philadelphia and Chicago aggregate < i.b72 4.V ) 1
against 9..U5. ! > 00 lhs. n year ago. Uopf n s :
amount to 3.04S.OOO Ibs. Parties who are In ref
of a new stock are acquiring nt prices ( hat n
n we k earlier , but the activity has somew
declined. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Liverpool .MurkotN.
LIVEUPOOU July 31. WHEAT-Spot. sten
demand pojr ; No. 2 red , winter , 5s & > * d ; Ni
rid , f pi Ing. 5s 9d ; No. 1 hard. Mi
tobn , Cs lOd ; No. 1 California , 5s 6
futures opened Heady with near
distant . positions unchanged to \t \ < \ hlgl
nnd closed Him , with nenr positions unehan
lo > d higher nnd distant positions unehan
from ycslVrday's close ; business about equ ;
dlstrlbuteil ; August. Cs 5' til ; September , 5s
October , 5s 8'id ; November , 5s 7d ; Deceml
Cs 7'id.
COUN Spot , q V > l ; Amerlcnn mixed , new ,
3'id ; fuluies ppeneil quiet , with nenr and
lant posltlinis Ud lower ; cjuxed quiet , with r
nnd dlxtnnt positions ] d lower ; business hcnv
on nenr and dlrtanl positions ; September , 4s '
October. 4s d ; November , 4s Id ; December ,
FLOl'K Firm ; demand good ; Ml. Louis far
wlnler , 7s 6d ,
PUOVISION8 llacon. Hrm ; demand Hrm ; Ci
berland cut , 2S to 30 lh < > . , 37s 6d ; shnit ribs ,
Ibs. , Sr.a.M ; long rUiir. light , 38 to 45 Ibs. ,
Inns clear , heavy , 6S lb . . 31s Cd ; clear luu
light. IS Ibs. , 3ts ; Fhort clear mlililtes , heavy
Ibs. . 34s Cd ; clear bellies. 14 to 16 Ibs. . 35s
shoulders , square , 12 tu 18 Ibs. , 31 ; hums , il
cut. 14 to 16 Ibs. , 41s Cd. Href , exlni India m
76s 3d ; prime mess , 61s 3d. Pork , prime m
line western , C7s Cd ; prime medium , COs. I
dull ; prime western , 32s 3d ; rellned. In palls ,
CHEESE Quiet ; demand moderate ; Hi
American white , new , 3fes Cd ; finest Amerl
colored , new , 3 s 6d.
IH'TTKH Finest t'nlled Stales. 70s.
COTTON SEED OII/-Llvrrjiuol rellned , i7s
PETIIOLEI'M Hellnid. R'.id.
llEFltiriEHATOU 1IEEF l'\iequartere , 3
hlndqunrteis , C d. .
HOPS At Ixmdon , Pnclllc coast , fj.
SiiKiir 'Market.
NEW YOUK , July 81. SL'OAU Haw , Hrm ;
reHnlng , 2 15-I6e ; rellned. ( Inn , moderatt ly nc
nnd . ; No. 6 , 4 1-lMMHe ; No. 7. 4'a4 3-
No. 8 , S 15-1604'c ; No. 9 , 3'kW4 1-lCc ; No.
S 13-W4e : No. 11 , 31.63 lM6o : Nn. 12. 3
S 13-16e : No. 13 , 3 > ic ; off A. 4 t-16C4 ie ; mold
4 ll-16c ; standard A , 4Kf)4V c ; confecilon
A , 4 l-16 | 4Hc ; cut lonf. 5 l-lG ! , ' , ic ; crusl
5 l-KUSlic ; powdered , 4 fl4 15-16c ; granula
4 7-ltWlS.c ] cubes. 4 ll-li4f4Uc. !
LONIKN. July JO.-SlUIAU-Cune. quiet ; i
trlfugnl , Java , lls 5d ; Muscovado , fair relln
fs ' . ' .I ; beet sugar , dull and rather easier ; J
it M ; August , ilii 9d. _
Toledo firnln MurI < Pt >
TOLEDO. July 31.-WHEAT-Actlv but lov
No. 3 cash , 7i' < , o ; August , 73 < tc ; Septem
73'ic ; December , 74Hc.
COUN Dull but steady : No. 3 mixed ,
No. S mixed , 4lo ; No. 3 yellow , 45c.
OATS Dull but sternly ; No. 2 mixed ,
HYi-Dull ; No. 2. 61c : No. 3 , 47c.
CIX3VEH SEEH-Dull but steady ; prime Ci
JG ; Octcvtwr. $5.7J ; August. J5.30.
eat , 12S.OOO bu. : corn , 11
bu. : tuns. S.600 bu. ; rye. l.f0 bu.
SIIIPMENTK-Flour , 6,500 bbls.j wheat. K
bu. ; corn , ! .CW bu. ; rye , SCO bu.
AeeiiiuiiliitliiiiK of Cirulii StoeU.
NEW YOUK. July il. Special cable and I
graphic dlnpalchrs lo llrnd tr et's. covfrlng p
clpal iwlnt of nccumulutlon In the t'nlted St
nnd Europe , together with upplle niloul
Europe from nil sources. Indicate the follov
changes In available docks last Saturday , us c
pared with lh preceding Saturday : I'n
Hlatra and Canada , enit of the Hocky mounts
wheat , decrease , WS.OOO bu. ; I'nlltd States ,
clna co.nt , wheat , decrenie. < 74.POi ) bu , ; t
, both cauti , l.m.uod bu. ; m41o t far
In Pui . .piwhmt ' ! n l > 'j. ' .I .
dei rease Wurld f nvailnbl" . 242. i"i bu. I'll i'
H'-it.s and fanniln. fn-t of the Itneky in untiilm
ern. derrenpe , 9J7.0W bu. Fn.l"d . Stales i n
Cnnnda. enul of the Ilo < ky innuntHlns , i tf. dt
ctrnpe , 471.000 bu. Th m re Hnpoitnnt Illcrcnti
In stocks < if flvallnble when ! last year nut n
red In ulllclal visible report Include 40J. ( )0 In
nl Cleveland. 37.r" i tm. nt Lake Superior p.irt
In ihe provinces , 18.UH bu. nt Rochester and Ij
( nci bu. nt Davnpitt. Correppondlng lncren
nclude n nominal gain of na , ( * J bu. at t Idcngi
elevntorr , where It wn
mi this Is In pruate
rnnsfcrrrd from public-elcvnlors ; lj.000 bu. i
mlsvllle , 62.000 bu. nt Newport News , W.tK
iu. nt Ogdenidmrn. 41.0U. ) bu. ut LlurllngU > n an
I.OiJO bu. at Osweso.
I'hi'rt * WIIM nil Inrronsicrt Voliimp i
HimlncMH Yi-Hterilny.
NEW YOUK. July 31. There was an Increase
the Slock exchange tc
X'tumo of business on
ay. Mid the speculation wna generally llrnv
of the trading ranging liD
n , the lepult
D 2U per rent , In which a rent majority t
he list participated. Covering of short contract
vaa th main strength of the tnarkut. but thei
vns also Knod buying on the part of operatoi
vim had taken profits during the past few day
ml who deemed It nn opportune time to sped
, ile for luiothtr upward movement. The shorl
n the grangers weie most active In cumin
nut HIP contracts. Hock Island being n lienv
avorlle In the later denllnRK. In the co (
hares , Heading nnd New Jersey Central nlon
f the gioup weie trailed In , nnd receded
U per cent respectively , on rumors of
bnlibi general strike of the miners. T !
orelgn houses were small pellets of the ni
iltuige Ptin-ks , but this business was not mi
tlolently large to affect the innrket. At tl
> penl < ig of buslnesn prices were generally
ruction lower , and a pressuie to sell Pugt
vns quickly de\eloped , which sent that slot
Imvn 1'4 tier cent. A slightly lower level wi
ilsn eslnbllshed for the lest of the lint , nil
peculation for li brief period was Irregula
The tindlng , howexer , soon slendled , nnd tl
irlces weie well held on a small market unl
, o'clock , when acilve buying sel In , undi
\hkli the figures ronllnued to udvance unl
be llnnl llguies. During the last hour Mlssou
i'nclilc was very prominent In the purchnslni
arge blinks of the slocks being absorbed i
idvnnred quolnllons. the buying being crei
ted to Inxl.le . Inteiests. Chicago Has was ah
n gund buying for the iieruunt of n new !
formed I ull pnul. I ikc Shore on small sal. .
gave way 1 % | > er cent , with n llnnl recovei
if l'i | MT cent. Hay Slate Ons broke 1 pi
cent to 20 on the snle of n Coo-share block , ni
ie\v Yolk , Chicago , - St. Louts second pr
'errrd lost 1'i per eent on sales. The mark
closed acilve nnd buoyant , the principal gait
m the day being Missouri 1'aclllc , 2i per cen
Chicago Oas. 2 per cent : Sugiir preferred , 1
ier cent ; Tobncco , IVi per cent ; Hock Islai
nnd I'ltlsburg & Western preferred , Hi' p
cent , nnd Consolidated dns , 1 per cent , lloni
were lower In the early dealing , but galm
strength In Ihe late session , lund closed stron
The sales were } 2Cn8.000.
The Evening Post's London cablegram say
The stock maikets were quiet today. Amei
cnnn closed rather dull , the trading being prli
clpnlly In Ihe low price stocks. Argentln
uKnnoed on rumois of n scheme In prepar
tlon for n voluntary unlllcntlnn of the entl
Argentine debt. The commencement of tl
monthly bourse settlement keeps down Frem
Tlio following wcie.the closing quotations <
the lending stocks of the New York excham
today. ;
.Vciv York .Money .Market.
Racy nt Iftl'S per cent ; labt loan , 1 per cen
co | wl at 1 per eent.
KTKItMNO 1C'HANGISirong , with nctu
bUHlneFR In iLinkem' blll nt Jt.SD'.liift.b'J" . for il
manil nrtil J4. ! > oiifft.l ! ) for 00 il.iys ; popteil rati
J4.SO',4J4. ! > 0 anil J4.'jOi jii4.'Jl ; commercial bll
KlniiiicliiloteH. .
HOSTON. July 31. Clearings , M7,071,712 ; b
alien s , t2l 4U4 .
IIALTIMOIIK. July 31. Clearings , 12,415,8
balances , JIIS.C13.
PHILADELPHIA. July SI. Clearing' . J10.1C
30 * ; balances. $ lW9.7fci : ; for the month , cle ;
IDES , ! 305t33C47 : balances , (27.i61,054.
WASH1NOTON. July 31.-Today's stutemi
of the condition of the treasury ; Available ca
balance , H93,573Ci ( ; gold m-civp , ; i07,2as , 79 ,
CHICAOO. July 31. Clearings , J1J,300. (
Money on call , 404 per rent and tftM * per ci
on lime. Itunkem' Uxiiidon ) slerllng , ll.Wfl4.6 :
NEW YOUK. July 31. Clearings , JM.310.3
balances. | 5,2r > ,214.
ST. UDl'IS. July 31. Clearings , 3M ,87B ; I
ances , JlSi.TK ; clearlncs this month , | 103,4S2.
lialancrs , J15.S10.W3 ; same nn nth last yrar , li
530.64 ! ) ; balances , nz.171.ko : . Money , 5Q < per cu
New York cxchante , 1V > 5 premium bid.
Receipts at the Ynrds ttft the First Sovi
Months of tthrf Year.
-11. '
.Market Natlnractory to tlie Sellh
IntcrcHtM Kurtlici * Decline of
from n to III-Cents In the
II B Market.
SOUTH OMAHA , July 31.
Today's receipts consisted of 1,350 cat !
4,027 liogs , 123 sheep anil ISO horses ,
against 1,600 cattle , 4,105 hogs ntul 440 she
yesterday nnd 1,001 cattle , l.CSS hogs and
sheep on Wednesday of last week.
With the ending of July the receipts I
the seven months of 1895 show a ilecrea
as compared with 1S94 of 183,094 cattle , 43
040 hogs and 27,450 sheep. The followl !
will show the receipts for each month of t
year so far as compared with the prevlo
year :
Month * , Is93 , 'Cattle. llozfl. Chei
.Innunry . to.'IS 1.13,049 12.
I'Vhruary . ? 2M3 121 " 13 15
Mnrch . 40,7:0 : ! HS7o 21
Aurll . M,4ia S7.004 27.
May . 2C,7 11.-.07S 9.H. .
June . S1.31B 87.020 H.
July . : . 40.3S1 & 9.3G7
Total seven months. . . . 24 .745 :2U 2 lo : > .
Months , 1S9I. CHttle. HIIKH. She- -
Jnmiiiiy . C,4.fOH 11420 24.
I'ebruary . fiO.til1 , 120.S24 2fi.
Mnrch . iM.yi' * , I4s.fi34 21
April . : 142.M7 in.
Mny . CSM7 lk7.S7fi 17.
.luilP . f.1,278 217.M9 16
July . [ ,3,721 222.c.2 7.
Totnl seven months. . . . U5 830 I.K4ni2 132 ,
CATTLK Cattle today were not In
good supply us yesterday or n ? onVctlni
day of last week. The market , howcv <
as a whole , wus very sntlsfnctory to t
selling Interests.
There wan about the usual moderate si :
ply of beef steers , nnd the demand bel
Rood , offerings were soon taken. Ono lo
of 1.392-lb. steers sold at 14.15 , nnd llghl
entile at 53 6303 90. The general marten
on fnt cuttle was about steady.
Cow nml heifers were In active dema
at fully steady prices. In pome cases i
Blrable cow stuff sold a little higher. T
buyers all wanted supplier , and the. ynt
were soon cleared. Some teed western co
sold nt RSOgS.lS.
StocUers nnd feeders were also In KO
demand nt firm prices. Ueprcsentatl
Hales :
No. 725I'r. . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr
7. . . 725 20 3. . . .1103 > 3 2. , 1..1200 J4 11
3. . , 735 1 40 f , . . . ! i74 2 15 10. . , S70 24
, Gi5 ! 1 40 2. . . s.'i 2 15 2. . . , SI7 24
1. 1 50 1. . .11.10 2 13 S. . ! I72 2 4
6. 743 1 CO 11. . . ! CO 2 21) 10. . 162 25
6. ! > C5 1 6T > 1. . . 770 2 2) ) 1. . 2 : .
5. ! 1 70 1.HI . 1 910
11. . . . S,9 I 1..1010 2 25 . 835
1. ! H 175 1. . . . 790 225 1..1000 2C
' IKK ) 1 ' 1. . .llifl ) 2 2' , lil. . SSI 2 ( >
? ! . 770 1 SO 1. . .1000 220 ' ' , .1072 2 fi
1. . 040 2 (10 14. . . 793 2 TO 10' . , . S9S 27
810 2 m fi. S'4 2 SO t . . . .101S 2 7
3i ! Sfif 2 ( M ) 1. ! > IO 2 20 1. . , .122) 27
o 1)00 2 00 970 2 SO 7. , , . Jifll 2 9
oi i ! ! ! ! 2 10 . . . . > 70 2 33 1. . . .1310 3 1
i. . . . 2 10 2..1073 253
i. . C40 1 63 1. . . . 4W 2 K , 2 3
3. . G10 2 00 2. . . . rC5 .2.23 2 r.
3. . . 423 2 03 4. . . . ti2 2 2i . 711 2 f.
" . . ' ,2.1 . 2 10 r . . . . . 2 20 . S62 2 7
i ; . 427 2 1C , B. . . . CO ) * , 740
4. . 2 20 . . . . 401 IS 3 d
i. . 3MI 2 25 2. . . . 745 2 35 3 1
i. . 4r.o 2 2" , 1. . . . r.t ) 2 40 3 "
. cos 2 25 4. . . . 7ifl 2 JO 450 3 2
. .1030 1 ( C > 2..1SI5 2i15 . .119T
. .13CO 2 IK ) 4..KS7 2,20 . .114)
2 00 1. . .1370 2 20 . .1041
2 ( K ) . .1340 2 3
2 (10 ( ' .1130 2 25 . . ' .MO 2 a
. .14SO 2 10 c ! . .llfO 2.23 . .11(0 ( 2 3
. .1310 2.IS 1. . .K.30 2 I . .1C10 2 4
2 15 4. . . . 912 2 2 ; . .1310
. . 2SO 2 00 320 . . Ul 4 0
. . 375 2 20 3' ( M 4 ( J
3. . . . 320 3,23 4 2
1. . . . sea 3 2.'i 170 4 S
1. . . . 230 2 27 1. . . STO 3 25 125 4 f
1. . . . ISO 2 2l 5. . 141 3 'SO 19.1 4 t
" . . 310 2 W i an 3 M. 1. . 170 4 :
11" . . 1C2 2 M . 24M 3 r M 1. . 4 f
5. . . . 2SS 27S r , . . . 184 3. . 4 f
4. . . . 1FO 3 C ) 3. . 4 00 1. . . 200 4 ;
4. . . . 2:5 3 00
11. . . . 750 530 3 00 23. . 609 3 :
S. . . . M4 1 1.1 10. . C73 3 no 10. . 3 :
2. . . . 7(10 ( O " II. . r,27 3 10 21. . . SIS
3. . . . 473 2j , 3 10 4. : . yi 3 !
. . 470 2 80 . rir > 3 10 10. . .10:1 : 3 :
i ! ! . , SiO 2 SO . 71S 3 10 10. . . SSI 3 ' ,
9. . 2 ! ' 0 1. . , mo 3 15 12. . . W7 3 -
25. . ; ; 7ic 2 90 IS. . SS5 3 ir > r. . . IWO 3 ' .
S. . . . 64t ! 2 M , fi75 3 15 16. . . ' .c > 2 3i <
21. . . . C74 3 00 . ; ci 3 15 15. . . 9W : i '
1. . . .10110 3 HO . r,74 3 K 21. . .1052 3 I
3 . . . 743 3 00 . MC 3 15 3 i
. . 755 3 00
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pi
22 steers 1225 J3 CO 1 steer. . . . .1530 $3 I
1 etecr 1010 3 CO
H. E. llorkell.
7 cows S57 2 63 1 ! ) feeders. . 910
1 feeder WO 3 21
Cl. C. Powers.
3 cows 1120 2 25 4 feeders. . 935 3
16 cows Ii41 2 W
' ' '
1 cow 1070 3'23' 8 feeilers. . .1306 3 (
10 feeders..HdS 3 6T 3 fi-e < ler . . .lOD'J ' 3 I
C feeders..1208 3 03
II. E. BrewBter.
3 cows 1036 2 3(1 ( 3 cows 10RO 3 I
2 cows 10 ! > 0 2 f,0 12 cows 1017 3 :
2 cow. 1125 2 SO 1 steer. 1400 4 1
3 cows . ' 'M ' 2 ' > > 21 ntccis 13S2 4 1
K. Palmer.
1 bull 14r,0 1 73 B cows 938 2 (
1 bull 1220 2 15 3 helfeiH 743 2 I
2 heifers H75 2 15 4 feecleis. . . . C37 3 !
11 heifers 727 2 63 4 feeders. . . . 765 3 I
.K. 1 3. Mason.
1 cow 1070 1 90 26 feeders. . . . 016 3 i
1 bull 1240 2 HO 1 hteer 126) 3 . '
S cows 827 2 20 4 steers 1207 3 ;
1 cow F40 2 CO 7 steers 1093 3
4 fe'ders. . . . U15 2 73 13 feeders. . . . 951 3 (
13 cows 943 2 90
T. Wilkinson.
1 bull 1000 2 60 1 uteor 1020
1 cow 1140 2 50 CS feeders. . . . 10G6 3 !
M. J. llyrne.
1 cow P10 1 25 2 cows. . . . . .1105 3 (
1 stag law 2 50 21 Kleers. . . . .1014 3 !
K COWS IDS ] 3 ( X ) 11 Fleers. . . . .1160 3 ]
1 cuw 11M 3 00 5 Eteers. . .
Manuel Hllvo.
1 bull ir..o 2 25 2 steers. . . . .1163 3 I
5 rows 10C6 3 IX ) 38 sti'fiH. . . . .1179 3 !
IIOC.3 The heavy break In the hoc mnikrt
all points yesteiilay was followisl by a slm !
decline today. The shippers nnd the buyers
the fresh mrat trade took the light hogs l
morning at a decline of from 5c to lOc. Hi :
a.nd biavy mixed were lOc ti 15c lower. ' ,
buyers iippuirod ready to take the IIOKS at
pi ices nnd the market was reasonably act
considering the break In prices.
The receipts today were not quite up to yesl
day's run. but silll UtRe to what they have b
on most days of the month. Iteprcfcentaltve sal
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Ph. Pr
C. . . .210 160 14 25 Cl . 2'8 ' 60 14 I
.320 . . . 4 25 59 . 307 . . . 4 l
9. . .236 . . . 4 35 67 . 211 80
3. . .263 . . . 4 40 f , . 210 120
15 . 2 0 120 4 4J 61 . 21U ICO
2 . 315 4 < ) W . 2o2 40
3 . 270 4 50 S4 . 223 240
K . 2Cfi 160 4 GO 2'J . 194 120
2 . 213 4 50 W . 220 2'K )
61 . 235 3M 4 50 CO . 324
50 4' ' . 262
t > 4 . 227 320 4
0 . 1W 40 4 50 Kl . ' -5 160
T2 . S67 120 4 50 fit . 245
SI . 28 120 4 55 27 . 215
f..l . . 230 160 4 55 'IT , . 172 S' )
71 , . 223 160 4 55 ' ' M . 214 211
10 . 574 160SO 4 55 . ; jM . 22S 4)
13 . 176 80 4 53 i < , I7I . ISC 160
43 . 255 40 4 55 10)
5 . J2C ' 4 (3 KS 2.4
41 . 262 'so 4 55 ' 75 223
76 . 210 240 4 53 'R3 ' 218
4S . 2.11 160 4 fTi > 'J.- , . . 155
1 . 460 80 4 57',5 ' , j.M ISO )
M ) . 210 ICO 4 " ! . ' . J , l65 P2
109 . 207 160 4 CO ' ? " , ' 9 131
72 . 2C.5 ltl ) 4 fi. . ) 73 224
82 . 214 240 4 C. . ) 141
rS . 2i3 160 4 CO /Cl 1V9
76 . 211 ICO 4 C' ) 1 M 206
67 . 255 SO 4 0) 71 173
71 . Ui 160 4 60 " J3 179
72 . 2'W 2110 4 ) 94 200
76 . 212 120 4 CO ' 'f7 220
54 . 244 120 4 CO Oil 170
50 . 211 240 4 60 i 117 176
70 . 2.'J ) 120 4 CO 113 1C5 120
49 . 2IC so 4 : vi
1 . ICO . . . 2 50 1 2 > )0 . . . 2' '
i . : co PIGS.1 * - 3
9 . 72 300 1 100 . . . 3
SHEEP There were a few sheep here. li
met with r ily sale at tenUy prices. Kujr
choice natives are quotable at from 2.50 to 1
fair lo Kood wcHtornB nt from > 2.25 lo (3.50 , ci
mon ami stock sheen at from II.75 tu 12.75 , g
to choice 40 lo 100-lb. Iambs at from 13 to
Hepresentatlve fcaleii :
No. Av. P
1 buck 190 (2
28 native ewes 112 3
7 native CMOS 1d3 3
20 native wethers 122 3
4H native lumha cu 4
1 ! native lambs 75 5
.St. I.ouU Live StooU.
BT. I-Ol'I8 , July Sl.-t-ATTLE-Ilecelpts , 3
head ; shipments , 300 head ; maikot slronx nnd
live und price * a shade better within the ran
good ( hipping to choice eijmrt etecis. 3.M | 5
fair to medium shipping. K V&CS.N ; gu < l bulc
nnd drd beef steers. 14.0065.15 , mostly
i4.25tH.t5 ; steers , under l.ftOO its. . { 3.00(14.00. v
bulk of sales at S3.30fi3.7S ; tiockvrs and feed
I2.25fi4.00 ; cows and heifers. | 2.t5frt.oo. moi
J2.Wtj3.43 : Texas and Indian steers , | 2,75fl
bulk of sales , IJ.OOQ3.73 ; cows and mixed 1
llOOa-Hecelptt , 2,100 bead ; ihljimctits , nc
llghl Rrndnrtive and l"c higher nt $1 SifJMi
tm. KITS , 5v liiwef nt $52M/j.8i , henries ,
i.Oi ) ,
HIIKfJI' Ilfcelpts. ( VV ) tirnd : shlpmrnts , non. .
nnrket supply llnht mid prices hlgiirr : nnth
sheep , I2.7 ! l.s ; lambs , I3.u0ti4.75 ; touthwi
Ciitiiinoii ( o Choice Native Sleet
Were In Active Deiniinil ,
( MIICAOO. July 31. Common lo choice nntli
steers were In ncllve demand by drrrrnt \ > v <
n * nnd eastern shippers nt from I3.M
iS.H ) . with transactions largely nl from tl.
11 $5.fiO , nnd extra beeves would hnve sold i
from $5.90 to $3. ytoi'kerH iinil feeders we ;
n active demand nt tulvanccJ prices , with unlc
nrjrely ftt from 12.50 to $3.7V Ihe Rood inlMurni
tending to stimulate buying. t'o s nnd bill
ilmred In the Improvement , nnd sales w'c
.risk at from $1.75 to 13.25 for poor to cholc
with a few exlni lots ut higher prices. A nun
the sales were thirty-four prime 1,370-lb. bill
it J3.70. Venl calves were In fair supply nl
n Rood demand nt frnm $4.75 lo $3.55 for no
in prime. The receipts embraced nbout 2.0
western runners ami 1,500 Texan * . These call
were firmer nnd ncllve , with lenity sales of fi
There was Ihe usual dally decline In prlc
if hum today , bu > erB . > IIIR their wants
rrom 5c to lOc. below yesterday's HRUITS. Tl
Milk of tiHliiy'M sales were nt finiii 14.75 It J4. !
mil best heavy sold nt M.93. sales bi'lnif tn.ti
ill the way down lo J4.40 for eommon drove
Mixed and l.mclieia * hops old nt fiom J4.
lo $4.9. , , luul llRht weights found pntrhase
, fl'i" " $ l.iO t $3.15 for otillnary tj prime s
Ka wrro lcft uxcr In
Prices for sheep were Rtronir , owlnc to dli
inlsheil imlcm nnd K.HH ! demand. .
rliulce native sheep mild nt ft nn $2 to J4.4
nt ' ' l" 75Td'j ' " " ' 7r f nna ' . ' 'rl"K lnml
1 < > ft
' '
hogs , 14,000 henii ; sheep. 12'.000 bend.
Xc v York I.lvc Stock .Market.
! ' ' \V VOUK- July 31.-UKEVIW-Heeelpl '
l.5il ! bead nfilv.'i
; on sale. 41 cms : fahlv nfilv.-
SHEEP AND LAMIIS-Ilecelpts. 10.231 hr ud ,
"V1' / ' ' , " " " sheep. Hiji'ie lower ; lambs , s'ead
about 1.0O ) bend unsold , mainly sheep ; slice
llr'lme ' ° $3 V'c'S V' ) ' ' U"W < " ' " ' : ' ' "i1"- common
HOflS Heceipt's , 7fdl head ; steady nt $3.5i :
KIIIIMIIN City I.lve Htnelc.
July 3l.-fATTLE-Hecelp (
i.lOO head : shipments , 2900 hcml ; matket st'in
for best ; utlieis weait ; Texan steers , $2.3.i3. ) :
Texas cows , $2.3502.70 ; beef steels. $3.5Sii4 (
'Uy * ? " ? > ; stockeis and fw-dei
.73n4.75 ; bulls. 11. "Mi 2 75.
IlndS Hecelpts. 5,700 head ; Bhlpmentg , H
head ; market weak to 10c lower ; bulk of tali
$4.55W4.SO ; heavies. $4. COS 1.70 : packers , $4.H
4. ! ) ; mixed. $4.75 4 S5 ; light , $4.C.Jil.'jO ; Yoikei
$4R.iii4 ! > 0 ; pigs. $4.5n H. ! > il.
SIIEEP-Uecclpts. l.Mu head ; shipments. 1
head ; market steady.
Slok In
Record of receipts at the four prlnclpnl marke
\\ednesday , July 31 , 1593 :
Cnltle. Hogs. Shee
South Omiiha . l.S'O 1.027 1
Chicago . 10' 100 1IU.IO . 12. (
Kunsas City . 7.100 5.700 1. !
St. Louis . 3W ) 2,10' ' ) (
Totals . " ' " 2W ! 3's:7 14- <
Hi ;
St. l.uuln ( ieiiernl llurliet.
ST. I.OFIS. July 31. FLOnt Ix > wer ; ext
fnncy , $3.00fi3.i.1 ; choice , C2.7f'ii2..5. ' ! .
WHEAT Weak nnd lower on more favoral
conditions for crop generally , together with d
pressed domestic imuketf , ; N > . 2 red , cash. 6S\
July. tS'ie bid ; August , CS'iflCS'iic ; Septemb.
e.COHN Wns extremely weak. e en wlic
" 'heat was nt Its | . , we t : No. 2 ml\f
cnsh , 38c ; September , tOUifilO'.c.
OATS A final ! Fquec7.e developed In Ju
that put the price up lo 27c : otherwise the inn
ket was dull nnd weak , No. S cash and Jul
27c ; September. 22'ie bid.
IlYE I4c bid for No. 2 regular.
COHN MEAI $ l.i5lTl2.iil. ! (
HHAN Striinu ; M'tc. ' west trnck.
. i1/- ; . HI2KlI. . W"r : H'ol ' , $1.14 , with not
for future delivery.
HAY flu. Ice old timothy , scarce nnd In il
mnnd and higher ; new timothy , plentiful nl
I.I.AD-Mrin ; sales , 2 cars Missouri nt J3.32' '
l.jil Ions nl S3.35 , and fur chemical hard , $3.3 ;
Mil and refiiM-d. Speller , held sillily nt $3. '
nnd 2 cars sold nt thai.
I'KOVlSIONK-I'ork , stnndard mos , . j21 ]
I.nrd , inline stenm. 1C.M ; choice , Jtj OS. Hacn
boxed shoubl rs. $6.371 , , ; IOIIKS. } fi.75 ; rlhs. tc.Hi
' ' ' ' " " " ' p'l slmuldei
j'r-u' l5n S'WU " > '
iM-i'r-Mo' 'I'37'ribs. : . $0.50 ; shot Is. J6.7. . .
UI.CLIITS riour , 2.fH)0 bbls , ; wheat 71 (
bu. : com. 14.000 bu. ; oats. 23.000 bu
MUPMUN'TS Kloiir , 4l ) bbls wheat " 1 l
bu. ; com. 8,000 bu. ; oats , l.uoo bu.
Coll-ec . .
T L9.u ! < ; ' ! ' " -COKFEE-C
, , . , . . . . - _
steady nt Uf decline : nt 12 o'clock I ely slea
changed ; at 3 p. m. . barely steady. ' 4f low.
clo sed about steady nt Uf nel decline ; hales , 1
WU LltlH
Col ( on Itarliet.
NEW OULEANS , July 31.-COTTON-Fiilui
? U1J , nnl , ( " " dy : sales , ll.ioo bides ; Augu
$6.51i6.53 ; Sejitember. t6.S75ifi.6a ; October. | M
C.W : November. $6.CT , 6.C7 ; December. $ C.70iii '
$6-bUlG-63 Mu"
s . - - - :
ST. Ixn'IS. July ai.-CtlTTON-Qulct ; no Fn !
reported : lecelpls , 385 bnles ; bhlpmenls , 053 bal. .
stnck , 16.202 bales.
NEW YOHK. July 3l.-COTTON-Ste.idy ; m
dllng uplands. 7 1-lCc ; middling gulf 7 5-K
sales , 1,102 bales. _
IVorln .
PEOIUA. July 31-COHN-Sleuly : ; No. 2 , 42 > i
No. 3 , 4 Uc.
I'ATS Steady ; No. 2 white , 23'ic ; No , 3 will
2i 2o' i c.
HYE Dull ; nominal.
WHISKY Firm ; finished goods , on the. ba
of $1.22 for high wines.
HECEIPTS Wheat , 3.600 bu. ; coin , 29,230 In
outs. 32.500 bu. ; rve nnd barley , none.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 3.400 bu. ; corn. 8,230 bi
oats , 35,000 bu , ; rye , none ; barley , none.
Dry ( > OUIH Market.-
NEW YOHK , July 31. Agents have advanc
the prices of Indian Head nnd Wnchuselte
Inch blown cottons to Cc ; nlso c & s , J H
Dlnmond C K twilled flannels. 1',4e per yd. Tin
was n goi l all-around demand for Mnples n
specialties adapted lo autumn trade , and Hum
unmarked by activity , a good many sales wi
renched of dress goods , woolens , llannels n
blankets. Klleslns nnd domestics commanded t
greater share of attention. Printing cloths nu
but Him nt 27 > c , plus 1 per cent.
Milwaukee. MurkctH.
No. 2 spring , 70c ; No. 2 northern , 70c ; S ,
tember. O'Jigc.
COHN Steady : No. 3 , 42c.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 white , 2Csic ; No. 3 will
HAHLEY Nominal ; No. 2. 4Cc ; sample. 41c.
HYE lo lowei ; No. 1 , 49Vic.
lower ; No. 2 bard , 651441660 ; No. 2 ted , 70ci i
Jected. 47WMC.
COHN Steady ; No. 2 mlxe-d , 37i03Sc ! ; No
white. 37\iU08c.
OATH-lc lower ; No. 2 mixed , 18i < .ffl9o ; No.
white. 21Vi,0-3c.
Oil Market.
KMEN , July 31.-PETHOLEUM-0 mm
p.ild nnd Kellers.
SAVANNAH. July 31.-SPIHlTS-Flrm at 21
snles , 634 bbls.
MltmcaitoIlM AVIieat .Market.
July. 67c ; September. CS'ie ; December , G7ii
on Irnck , No. 1 hard. CO'.ic ' ; No. 1 northern , 68V
No. 2 northern , 67ic. !
TrlKcu Wheat ( liiutuHoiiN.
December , ll.W-j.
KurclKii Financial AfTalrN.
IIEIU.IN' . July 31. Exchange on London ,
days' sight. 31 marks 30 pfg.
PAHIS , July 31. Three per cent rentes , 1
100 for Ihe account. Exchange on London ,
2&c for checks.
LONDON. July 31 Cold nt Home has ndvanc
to 104. C.V The amount of bullion gonu Into t
Hank of England on balance today , [ 52,000. ( li
Is quoted ut HuenoH A > res today at 241 ; Madr
14.50 ; Lisbon. 25 ; St. Petersburg , 50 ; Athens , '
Home , 104. C3 ; Vienna , 103.
lOfTort tu Mix the Ctiunly > vlth tl
I'ollee Matter.
An effort Is being made to get the slier
and the county board tangled up In the (1 (
and police muddle. The commissioners IT
Tuesday and adjourned to yesterday wltho
apparent cause One of the members of t
board wantnd to know what the meetl
was called for and was given to understa
that probably another meeting would
held toduy. Further Investigation i
veloped the fact that the board Is expect
to bo In session when the Churchlll-Kuss
police board attempts to get Into power ,
was announced that there would probably
need of deputy sheriffs to preserve the peti
and that Sheriff Drexel had refused to
anything without orders of the board , T
commissioners were asked by one of tin
members to bn In readiness to order the Bin
Iff to swear In 100 deputies In order to pi
serve the peace. The board has not tak
any action In the matter and the feell
among several of the members Is that
will bo time enough to meet such an emi
gency when U arises.
Ctrl Ankn Court to Save Her froi
I'arenfal Cruelty.
Had not Julia Klossncr loved the exclti
merit of a Nebraska camp meeting It I
doubtful If she would have hail the fnllln
out with her parents which resulted In he
asking JudgB Baxter to appoint her aunt fc
a guardian. This she says lingered he
parents more than all else and caused he
arrfj > t In police court two weeks ago.
Th ? probJtc court devoted the morning I
hearing Julia Klosaner relate her side of tli
utory of her parents' cruelty. John Klosene
and his wife came from Ocrmany ubot
three years ago. Th ? family has been llvln
In the neighborhood of Hickory and Eight
streets , all of them , from the youngest , pu
ting In tlmo at all kinds of work , Julia tel
the court that she did not objc-ct to doln
her share , but the beatings her father gav
her and the bad names which he called he
were moro than a child ought to expec
The stormlngs of Klossncr , neighbor * testlllci
were the talk of that portion of the to\\i
About two weeks ago Hannah Jahn onMI
talking with Julia , her friend , about tl ;
pleasbres of religion from the camp ineetln
standpoint. Several young men passing tin
way Joined In the talk until tin. ' Irate fatht
appeared on the fcene , drove away the con
panlons nnd had his daughter arrested , oftt
he had administered a beating and locked hi
In the room. Julia says she Is nfrald to f.
home and wants h r aunt , Mrs. Agenstcli
who used to keep the Deincr , i
her guardian.
Klossner was on hand fight Ing the wlshc
of his child , backed by the Associate
clmrllleshlch has been assisting hli
lately , as he IB a cripple nnd docs little wor ]
Klossncr's friends criticise him for being tc
straight laced and united to America
freedom ,
rot it MI'.X xo\v IN TIIH n.vcn.
Men AVlio Would Sn | > crliitcmt tli
Omaha I'lllille S.-liooU.
The majority of the members of the Hoar
of Education have so far failed to agree o
a candidate' for superintendent of school
Thy expect to accomplish this result befoi
Monday night , and frequent caucuses at
being held In an effort to harmonize tli
varying prefeiei.ces. So far they have sin
ceeded In reducing the number of avullab
candidates to four. Those arc Superlntem
cut h. lj. L. Hanks of K-insas City. Kan
Superintendent C. U. 1'earse of Ileatrlc
Neb. ; Suprmtondent J. M. White of Ca
thago , Mo. , and Principal Smith of the 111
school at St. Paul. Minn.
Among these candidates Mr. White
making the most aggressive canvass. I
has been a guest at the Mlllard. where 1
has h ° ld several conferences with varloi
members , and It Is stated that at the precut
cut tlmo he seems to be a couple of hit.
ahead of his competitors. Mr. I'earse h :
been In Omaha several times , and Is know
to most of the members of the board. 1 !
was an aspirant for the oincc of state si
perlntemlunt last fall , and has been active !
connected with the National Educational a :
None of the four candidates have had an
experience In handling such a school systei
as that of Omaha. It Is said that they hi\ :
all been fairly successful In small schoo
and their supporters Insist that any of thei
would prove capable of conducting the Omat
Work on Street Hallway i\fenslo
to FallnriiiiiiitH lleuln.H Today.
Today , probably the Omaha Street Hallwa
company will begin extending Its Leavei
worth btrect line to the state fair grounds.
Final action In the matter was taken I
the company at a fully attended meeting i
the beard of directors yesterday afternoo
A resolution was adopted providing for tl
extension over both the Le.tvenworth an
Center street routes , but President Murpli
says that no track will be laid on CciiN
street Boon , while the work of building o
Leavcnworth street will begin al once. A
the necessary material Is at hand and tl
work will bo pushed forward as rapidly :
possible. The grading of the street-by tl
county and city , however , IB only well undi
way and the street railway company expei
to be hlndred somewhat because greater proi
ress has not b-en made. Hut the line wl
be In operation by the time the fair open
Testimony Scut to the Queen.
The commissioners appointed by Ooverm
Holcomb lo Investigate the Dawson-McCarl
escapade and report to him will have tl
testimony forwarded without common
While It Is their opinion that both partli
have been wrong , Assistant County Attorm
Slabaugh states that the evidence shov
that the affair was condoned by the Dawson
Queen Victoria will be given an opportunl
to read over a verbatim copy of the Cest
The wills of both I'armclla A. Hopkln
who died last May , and that of John M
Govern , who expired July 7 , have been offer.-
for probate.
W. G. Albright has sued his former parlne
Arthur H. Cooley , alleging that there Is
largo sum of firm money due him and whli
has not been accounted for.
A new hand went to call for a mcsseng
boy nt St. Joseph's hospital yesterdc
and turned In a fire alarm Instead , glvli
the department a little unnecessary exc
Assistant City Attorney Cornish will leai
this week for a two weeks' vacation. In ca :
Mr. Connell does not return before his d
parttire , Frank Hansom will perform tl
duties of city attorney.
Mrs. Brown's gasoline stove got unru
yesterday and gave the tire depnrtme
a run to 14-10 North Twenty-second sti-Ei
Mrs. Drown was slightly Injured by the c
plosion. The house was not damaged.
The son of James Norton fell from
wagon Tuesday afternoon In the alley b
twcen Charles and Seward streets , whl
driving over the crosswalk , which Is In b ;
condition , and has been for some weeks , ai
his left arm was brpken.
A woe-be-gono child , about 10 years
age , was picked up .on the streets yesterd :
and Edit to the police station. She ga'
her name as Lena Krusha , and said she llvi
at South Omaha. She Is being cared for I
Matron Curnmlngs until her friends a
Deputy United States Marshal Coggesho
took four prisoners Tuesday to the L'nlti
Stales penitentiary at Sioux Kails. Tin
were F. T. Lambeth and Charles Foste
sentenced for appropriating postal fund : : , ai
Hubert Wallens and Charles Shepard fi
The Salvation army corps No. 2 Is goli
to have what Is known among Salvatlunls
as a musical blizzard. It will take place
the hall at 1433 North Twenty-fourth hire
this evening. The meeting Is to be coi
ducted by Staff Captain Cousins , assisted t
Adjutant Mrs. .Me A bee and her tiring ban
Fred Anderson , permit clerk In the olllt
of the Hoard of I'ubllc Works , has been la
off until October 1. This Is on account i
the action of the council , by which the e ;
peiibcs of the board for clerk hire wci
limited to $1,800 per year. This Is nol sun
ciont to pay the salaries of both clerks fi
the entire vcar.
James Kosak has been adjudged Iruar
and sent to the Lincoln asylum. The chari
of horsesteallng against Kosak will be dli
missed. He was captured In Iowa about
month ago. According to the story of re ! :
lives Kosak had only bought the horse <
the thief. At any rate he was kicked In tl
head by a horse and Is now Insane.
Charlie Smith was released yesterday fro
the county Jail , where he had spent the la
five days In solitary confinement. He was la
spring charged with Incorrlgiblllty. U
promises of doing better , the customary BU
pension of sentence was entered. Smith 11
Improved his tlmo by spending terms i
Jail three times elnce that date.
Renovation and enlargement of the couni
jail quarters are now In active operntlo
The workmen are busy remodeling tlia tv
lower cast rooms in the front part o ' , tl
Jail , placing new partitions and Irur.i. Tl
commissioners will expend at least $300
carrying out their plan of separating tl
women unJ children from the other pmj ,
Considerable complaint 1s heard by tlui
Interested In watching the county Jail t
the gcore that the attorneys of the city see
more Inclined to break the Jail rules tlit
the prisoners behind the barn. A recent Jo
Improvement has been to change the v'ui
of the Iron slats In thewindows. . Uiu a alien
Ing a better ventilation. Attorneys Impioi
the opportunity this offers to converge wli
their clients through the windows , Tl
Jailers are at a lots to know bow to punu
IJy Mirclmilnif goods made nt the following
Nct.t-ni.Ua fuctoilf. . uou cnn not and wlat ,
you nunt communicate with t,0 | m.nufac-
turcis a * to wlmt denltrii hn Jle uelr , KOCH ! .
; / . ! ( ? . * .
Manufacturcri of alt klniis of cotton nnJ bur
lap biiR , cotton ffour sack nnj twlno n trco-
laity , 614-616-618 8. lltli-St.
Ca , ' load ( lilpment made In our own refrlK >
rntor CHIS. Illue HlbLon , Ellto Export. Vienna
Uxport , nnd l-'amlly Exjwrt , ilcllvcrrd to all
parts of city.
Itonxtci * , gjilcp Orliulom. Manufactur-
eis Goiinaii Daltliii ? IVmdrr nn > l C.orumn liry
Hop Yoast. 14U and U1C llarney-st. , Oinnlm. Neb
put rubber tlrca and brill bonrlng n lc on their
o n mukc xclikles , nia sell u lop biiRny for
lO.W bc ldcs.Vrlto them. ISIIi and Hnrncy ,
l-'t.U Ult.
Manufacturer of Cold MeJkl Flour.
B. llluck. Manager. Omaha.
'iriexi T uit / ; r. i c n > it i is.
Manufiictutcia of T.irlor Kurnlturo , Ixiun cs.
Hilling Tablp and Folding Uedi. 2Slh nvc. ,
L'oyd to Slialer Et .
It'll A.\l > CO.ll. .
Domestic nnd Steam Coal. Wo Imve the best.
Olllco 16O1 Farnam-st. Telcphonp : Olllco 3T5 ,
yard. 1766. J. A. Doe , General Manager. -
IIK > \ IIO li lift.
Manufacturing nnd Hepahlng of all klnda of
mai-hlnery. englius , pumps , elevators , printing
piese , hungers , nhaftlng nnd couplings 14W
and 140S llowunl-ft. . Omaha.
Manufai'tusiTS ol Arclillectuial Iron Wotlt.
Ciutu-ral Foundry , Muclilne nnd lllncUmnith
Uoilt. nnslliitia nnd I'ontinetors for Kli
Proof IIiilldlngB onice nnd worka : U. 1' . Hy.
and So. 17th Btrctt. Omaha.
MA I'Tie i..s.i KS , co r . .
L. C D3UP. N
Mnnufactuicr Muttrenei , SirlnB | Ilcils ; Johb r
I-Vntlicis and Pillows. N. nth and Nicholas
tits. , Omaha.
M.i.\ut'.i crriti A ( i < : iiiilii7s r * .
Manufacturers of Fluid Extracts. Ellxlra ,
Syrupi and Wines , compressed tiliurales hypa-
dennlo tublcls. pills nnd Bcientllle medical nov-
elllcs. Omaha.
J.VIMWATiiii. .
209 So. llth st. . Tel. 254. Medcssa Mineral I
Wnter Carbonated , unequalled. Plain for tabl
ue unsurpassed.
MisiiT ir.i run , FI it / ; xin ritv- ; .
Tha only perfect protection to property. Kxnm-
Ino It. Ilest thing on earth. ) Iteduccs Inaur *
ancc rat s. 1301 Douelas-st.
O ! ' / HA I.L FAHTOItlKti.
Manufacturers of Men's ami Hoys' Clothlnff.
I'ants , Shirts und Overalls. 1202-212 S. 12th st.
Manufacturers of all kinds of Paper Iloxes.
Ph-lt Boxes. Sample Cnses. Mailing Tables , ct < \
\\edJlnir cake and fancy candy boxes , druKCMt
ninl Jewelry boxes. U'OS-10 Jones-ft , Omaha.
fiiiiitr t\tvitntiis.
Exclusive custom shirt tailors ,
lilj l''ariam-st..Telephone 008.
Telephone 10.19.
Orain. Provisions & Stooka
Room lll'.i Hoard of Trade.
Direct \\lres to Chicago und New York.
ConesponJents : John A. Warren & Co
F. r. BMITII ( Tel , ISO ? ) B. M. 8TANKOHO
F. P. SMITH < S CO ,
Room 4. N. Y. Life Hldijr. . , Oinnhn.
llrnnch oflli'es lit Fremont and Columbus. All
orders plarcd on the Chicago Uoaid uf TruJ .
Cdnespondfiits : Kclmiirlz. Dupt * & Co. . Chl
ci io ; Hchrelner , Flack & Co. . St. LoulJ. U"-f e
to First National Hank. Omaha.
IOto20Zpormontli i " '
can be made by our method of operutlng In
CHAIN AND STOCKS. Prospectus giving full
Information of peifert system mailed free. Send
your business only lo a flnanclully rctponslblr
house. Ixi.k us up.
tiraln , Slock and IJond Ilrok r > .
3 Chamber of Commerce , CIIICAdO
MAIHN ( No mutter what booklet on upec.
ulution juu may have read tund
iiiuitln truiilng and DEFINES ALL MAIIKEV
EXPHESSIONS. It's fiee and will learli y m
bcmeihlng. AHI1OOAST & CO. . 222 Trader *
Uulldlnir , Chlc-.go.
Curco nib en. s of
tt'lf-abusc , exccoses.
einlH9lun , linpuionuri
varlcocule und con > tl >
nation. Onn dollar a
box , six for J5. Ko
1110 Fnrnnm St.
Notice Is hereby Blven thin rciucu j
ills will be received by the bourd of dircciora
of thu Mlllun IrrlKUllun dlnlm-l or CusteJ
county , NebraHku , ut their olllee ut the AHll
tclioul IIOIIHV , In H.ild dlHtrlct , up tu . o cloclc
li. in. or the IDth day of AUKU t , IMS , for
tel.WI of the bonds lsnucd by mid lrrlg <
lion illfitrM , $ MOX ) or until bonds bolpn In
bonds or VM each und J7. < / > uf uulil .uondii
b-jlnir In bonds or 1100 uar-h. All or nalil
bunds druwlni ? Interest ut the rate of C iiuf
cunt pur iinnuin , payuble gerni-dnniiall/i
The nrlnclpul and Intcrewt < d Hiiia bond *
payable at the olllee or the mute treasure *
ur the state of Nebraska , the IHal amount
remaining due of paid bonds payable In
twenty (2J ( ) yearn from their date , a ill bond *
payable in InHtiillinuntH after ten yt-nra from
their date. The bourd or illrcctum rexurvit
the right to reject any und nil blilu. Ad
drt-HH all lil'ls ' to P. L. Metcair , Hcc. , at
Walworth , Ouster county , Nebraska ,
Hy order of the bourd "f directors , rnad *
tm. anu uay.ofpJ }
. , Ilrcsllctll >
I' . U METCAl.K. Henretary. 1