Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    TIIE OMAHA. DAILY BEE ; T > yjSSDAY , JULY 80 , 1895.
Wheat Was Irregular Yesterday , but Fin
ished with an Advance.
Hint Crop * In the AVenf Were
Tlirrulfiicil ! > > ( lie Bttromo
Hcnt Were Credited liy u
CHICAGO , July 29. Wheat wan Irregular
today , but finished with % c jsnln. September
corn closed 'Ac loner , September ouH Ho
higher and jirovMoni nt advances.
The wheat trade was surprised that the
ArKentlne shipments for the week , Instead
of belnn under 100.000 bu. or nil , us one
cablegram received on Saturday had It ,
really amounted to the quantity of G&O.OOO
bu. That was the rea on for a quick de
crease at the start from 1lc to 71'ic for
September wheat. It had barely touched
the loner of these quotations , however ,
when It started up againIn a hurry , and
Insldo of the first Ilftccn minutes It hud
risen to 72'lc. The rlso was very Irregular
after that , with a strongly bullish under
tone to the small buslne- " * which was BO-
Ing on. From "J'ic ' It dropped to 71Hc , lose
again to 72c , and after some Immaterial
fluctuations It got to a still higher point
than before , getting to 7irc about two
Ifhurs from the opening The Ru slnn ship
ments for the week \\erc reported at from
2,220,000 bu. up to 2,500,000 bu . and India's
at only 480000 bu. IMIrnutlng the ship
ments from sundry ports at 500.000 bu and
as&umlng the Ku slnn shipments at 2,100,000.
the world's shipments for the week would
aggregate 5,320,000 bu That being under
thu recent average \vns Instrumental In
causing the advance and "trength of the
forenoon. Tito primary market receipts ,
compared with those of the > ear before ,
exhibited the same striking deficiency for
the prevent npiuon as thev have been doing
since It commenced Now York ruled stiong
and the difference In price betuen there
and here widened to 4 > ic per bu The visible-
supply nlco showed up with the bulls , but
before Its figures wcro announced the daj's
advance had apparently ran Its course , and
by that time tile e.irly Infers were looking
for some sustaining feature to hold the
market for them while they unloaded The
price of September was TJ'fec when the vis
ible figures were made known , and In
twenty minutes thereafter It had declined
to 71'4c. Chicago receipts consisted of 110
carloads by rail .ind 10WO bu bv can il
The latter was all No 2 red. but only thtee
cars of the rail receipts Inspected No 2
red. Minneapolis and Dulutli received 2IS
cars , against 423 cars a year ago , and the
total of the primary we tern matkets was
S8C.OOO bu , compared with 1,169,000 bu last
week. The export clearances from Atlantic
ports for twenty-four hours weip equal to
about 1K7.000 bu Including flour The visible
supply nominally decreased 1,2T > 0,000 bu. As
a Chicago elevator had 493.CKW bu which
was counted In the stocks In sight last
week and not Included today , thp actual de
crease for the wpk was enl > 70,000 bu The
total In the vNlble supply Is now 39,229 000
bu , against 67,157,000 bu last year and 69-
307,000 bu. nt the corrc ° pen < llnK date of
1S93. The quantity on ocean passage cle-
cicased 200.000 bu , and the Cngllsh visible
si.iply Increised SCO 000 After the selling
out of long wheat which followed the postIng -
Ing of the visible upply statement , another
set of operators bepan picking It up again ,
and near the end It was bringing 7 8c
again , with 72'Jc the trading price nt the
closp. Thp Liverpool , I'arls and Antwerp
markets all came firm and slightly higher
nt thp clo e and Herlln was unchanged for
near deliveries and only He per bu. lower
for the more remote futures
' Corn held quite firm , considering the fur
ther progress under favorable weather con
ditions and the biggest crop on record as
far as It has gone. The good demand for
cosh corn was the mainstay of the special
delivery , and It In turn helped May Thi
receipts were 4.10 cars. Argentine shipped
1.429,000 bu. last week. The vl lble supplj
decreased 734,000 bu , compared with an In
crease the same week acur ago of UD.OOfl
bu. The total of the vlclble supply Is now
& .2Q7,000 bu , against 3 975,000 bu the same
time a year ago. The demand for spot corn
was of sufllcltnt urpcncy to moke It salable
at lie premium over September , and ever
° 4c over an exceptionally favorable position
The range for September was narrow , 424i
being ; the lowest and 41' ' c the highest foi
the day. It opened at 43c and 4J7dc , am
sold about the same time at 4240. It clunf ,
around 43c. during the greater part of the
day and was bringing 4J'c ' at the close
May eloped at A'Oic , or Uc lower since Sat
Oats were Inactive and almost featureless
The average tone of the market was In
clined toward flrmnp's , aided to some exten
by a higher cash market , but mostly In s > m
Iiathy with wheat and corn. The visible
supply showed a decrease In oats of 250 ( KK
bu. and left the total stocks In store 4S87,00 (
bu. September opened at 22c , sold up tc
22ac , down to 22'4c and closed at 22c tc
The provisions trade was dull and gave
very littles indication of Improvement Ir
prices until near the end or the eslon
when a demand sprung up which left val
ues at J1080V4 for September pork , W37V
for lard and $ G 15 for ribs These prices
compared with the final quotations on Sat
urday , show gains In pork , lard and ribs o
17',4c for the former and 6c each for the
Estimate1 * for Tuesdav : Wheat , 1T5 cars
corn , 450 cars ; oats , 330 cars ; hogs.
The leading futures ranges us follows :
Casi quotations were ns follows :
FLOFR Firm , unchanged.
\\HEAT-No 2 spring. 71'4C74'o : No. 3 spring
nominal ; No. 2 red , 71'4W71\c.
CORN No. 2 , 4JSc ; No 3 > ellow. 43c.
" 14c ! N0 > 2 "hllei :6"JC-70 ! N °
RYE No. 2. 4Cc.
11ARLUY No. i , nominal ; No. 3 , 33S37e ; No
4. nomlnil
FLAX SEED-NO i. jt 24
TIMOTHY HEED-Prlme , tl fO
I'llOVlSIONS-Mess pork , per bid , } 10 73ftlO 80
iJird , per 100 Ibs , JC 30 6 3. . . bhort ribs , side !
( loose ) . S6 10 6 13 ; dry salted shoulders ( buxed )
15 C7' , li 5.75 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , to CTtifj
( 75.
WHISKY Distillers' llnlshod goods , per gal
BUOARS I'nchangeil
The following were the receipts nnd shlpmenU
today :
Onlho I'i'oliui axonviire tolir the biutar mnr-
ket vv.ix Bteudy : cre.uimry , 104l74c ; dairj103
16c. Kites , steady ; Hall HO. Chee-ao. 737' < c
( luciditloiiH on the I'rlnoliii
t'liiiiiuiiiIllU'M mill htiipIcH.
NEW YORK. July 29-FIXl'R-Reielpts. 1 * .
ZOO bbl . ; eiporls , 2300 bbls ; market more actlv
rind higher with the rlko In wheat , city mil
patents. 14 4504 70 ; city mill clears , 14 OOC
4.23 ; Minnesota mien's , 13 MC4 K ; MInnesoto
bakers' , 12 1003 03 ; spring grades , tl 930J.OO , Wn |
ter patents , tl 65O3.tO ; winter straights. J3 Wa
S 70 ; winter extras , I3.00O3 TO winter low grad s
J220fl300. R > e Hour , supuHne. | 3 25f3.40 , fancy
$3 &OQ3 75.
CORN MEAIDull ; > ellow western , 1.0SjJl.lo
13randywlne , I. 90.
WHEAT Receipts , 23.600 bu ; no exports Siio
quiet but ttrm : No. 8 red. 7 Hc : No. i northern
7 > e. delivered. Options opened easier under bli
Argentine shipments nnd foreign cables , but a
once rallied and was strong with Iru-nular Inter
\als all day , closing hula higher , fentlmrn
e me < l very bulllih on big mluctlons In th
AmtrUan visible and amount on p.inume. couplet.
with storms at the northwest ; September , 75 t.l )
O78T4C. cloned at 7 'tc. '
CORN-Rrcelpts , gjOOO bu ; exports , 76.100 bu.
epot tlrm ; No. : . 4S , c. Options rather quiet
with an easier opening , owing to wheat' * de
cllne , but R subsequent recovery on hot winds
nnd closed UOHc higher ; July closed , at 48V c
Sentrmber , 4S < M8Wo. closed at 4SSc.
OATS Receipts. & SOO bu. ; exports. 20.000 bu.
* pot dull. No. 2 , SSHfia c : No. S whit * . c
Options stupid ! ) dull nil day and closed un
changed ; September clo e < J at 26 4c.
HAY Firm , shipping. iGCSOc ; good to choice
SScfatl 00.
IIOFS-Qulet , TnclHc const , old. 5650 ; 1894 crop
HI'DBS Finn ; nurnoa Ajru. dry. 20 to 24 Ibi
ilc. Texan , dry. 14 la SO Iba. , IttflSo.
I.KATIIKR htrong : hemlock sole , Ilueno
A > ren , light to heavy neigh ! * , 23c ; acid. 21"
WOOL Firm ; domeatlo fleece , ISQSc ; pulled
SOo.FnOVISIONSBecf , iteadyj laiolly. (10.500
12 S ] , extra mti , I7W4IJOO : beef rmm , til. Cut
liicatf Ulead ) , pttkleJ bMIIi-i , 7 ; ic I ird ,
Him. wrMein nUiitn rioted at 160.U atkerl. Hp -
tcmber cloied nt t H7't , nominal rork , ( endy.
new tti i , H2tfliO ] } ; family , I12.MOI2 7t , horl
cl-nr tl2t/lii1460
llU'llini ritm. we lern dairy , IdtlUo ! west-
em rrrnnicry , UUlSc , H intern factcry , Iii91' c ;
KlKlns , I to.
f'lIKI'HU Qtil't , i lalp. Inrge. S'lOi'iC ! tmall ,
fnn.y. C'iifS ' c , tmit nklinii , ZtfS'ic ; full tklmii ,
i.HIS-Quiet ( , nf tcrn tia > h. 12&13'ic.
T.M.IJXVBtendr. . tit ) . 4Hc : Muntr ) ' We.
I'lIIUOLr.tJM-QiHM. I'nllMl rioted $150 bid ;
cfltir-d IT M , I'lillndflphla and llaltlmore , I7.CO ;
hllndelphla mil lUlllinvie , 111 bulk ,
ItOMINStead ) ; mtalncd , common to good ,
tl ' . i&l M
HK'i : Plrtii , fair to fxlra I'WI'ic ' '
MOLA'- ' < iH-Stead : > 'i goud to choice , 23JS2c.
Al'I'LES-l'.ll" . 7fc M.\
Ml'SKMKLONS-llblf. . 11.0084 M. . . . . . . . . . . . .
METALH-1'lg Iron , nini , southern , IU.OKM4 04 ' !
lorthern. $12 003)4 ) rCorpei strong , bnikets'
irlce , til 12'4 ; 'xehnnne price , til 65fill 7o. Lfad ,
ilnmg , brol is' jjilce , t317'4 : exchange price ,
> 3rosjJ65. Tin , barely eteud ) , Htiultn , tt4.3jffl
CO'TIONSFED on/-M-iil. firm ; prime furn-
mer > ellow. 2Jc ; off crude , Tic , nunimet ypllnw ,
nrlmr 25'jf(29c ; summer > ellow , oft grade , 2 ,
2Sc , white , prime.
CiitiilUloii of Trtulc nml ( l
mi Maple anil fitiicy I'roiluue.
The sltuntlon In butter Is prett > Interesting nt
Ihls paitlcular season , * n > s Chicago 1'rodiicc
Unless fotccd through Inability to pell on ac
count of the consumptive demand , It Is not prob
able that there will be n great deal more butter
ut nwny thl ? senion. In fact , the storage ca
pacities of the different cities are so taxed th it
: hcre li not room for n great deal more butter
to go In , should receivers desire to store It. The
three centers f'hlcago , lioston nnd New York-
hold nt iireif nl 461 000 tubs , where they held the
1st of September of last > ear 351 000 tubs. In
round numbeis , nnd the September holdings list
> enr were the largift of the season. It Is prob
able that no other market In the country out
side of IJoston had morr butter the 1st of Sep
tember than the 1st of August , ns there was n
leavy consumptive demand for storage butter
during the month.
Thu table which follows shows as nearl ) as Is
obtainable the quantity of butter In storage at
the thiee polnti , compared with the holding on
the 1st da ) of i-cpteinbor for Ihe ) cam 18 ' 3 and
Tubs held July 22 , September 1
IS 15 1S'J4 1 3
Chicago . 13),001 9000) 40000
Hoston . 1765S2 lll.tKW 103010
New iork . 155 000 120 < IPS 000
Totals . 46TDi2 ! ' { I OvO 231 GOO
The sltuntUn Is one that ma ) Ot viewed about
as the d ( . lrc of the dealers dictate * Right now
the1 paetuies of the west ate In good enougi cnn
dltlon to promise a pretty liberal mike through
out the riuinth of August Hut there am man )
things which ate likely to happen bctwien tin"
and the 1st of September Of couise. If theie
Is n liberal August make , there are1 piobabllltles
ofullbdal September make , unli s all the IIIOIF-
lure of the se.ixnn will have fullin enrl > In the
feisun und leave the latter portion dry and un-
Ijist winter was an t-xtraordlnaty open one
and It will lie rememb"red that theie weie green
spots thtuughout lovva up to Christmas An
uirller nnd more peveie winter would cause n
gleat dlffc-ictice In the make of butter In cold
we.ither Lnnt Septemb'i the grass was as
good If not better , than In June nnd the make
continued large enough for the consumptive de
mand of the entire countr ) until Vrr ) late
The prfit-nt outlook Is not for eMieme prices
In fact , as n general thing , holders of butlet
aie willing to lit g > at the vcrj IliKt o | poi
tunlty n margin IH offered , no m liter how trnali
It Is , Just so It Is u margin Hut operators fiel
at n rule that tne > are going to pull through
without a loss , although they all realize that It
Is going to be moie dilllcult to ell 461 ( VW tubi
this ) car thin It was to move 351 , UOO last yeal
which they didn't le.ill ) do as full ) 75000 tubs
of storage goods were carrkd over Into this ciop
In New York and Hoston holders are begin
ning to become somewhat uneaHuston was
forced to put away 11 OX ) tubs last week , uf
gni'ds for which there was no consumptive de
mand but It wint in general ! ) for account of the
slipper as tne IJoston p'-op e themselves are
nlmut through speculating foi the teason Quu-
LOOS Choice stock , 10 < 4c
Itll ILR-Facklng e ock , 7'/iSc : choice to
fanc > , iiHc. | gathered creamciy , lac , beparator
creamer ) , 16c
LIVE POULTRY Hens , 68640 ; roosters , Co ;
spring cnlcUins. pel Ib , 12iil1e , ducks , ifi8e ,
spilng ducks , lOc , turKes , 7S8o ; geese , 5c
\ EAIv Choice fat. 70 tu jOe Its , are quoted at
CiJC'Sc. "arge and coarse , 4K3V.C
CHEESE Wlscontin full cream 9c ; Youns
Americas , llClic , twins , ligUc. Nebraska nnd
Iowa , full cream , lOc , Llmburger , No. 1 , lOc
brick No 1 , llc. Swiss No 1 13c.
HAY Upland hay , 17 50 , midland , t7 EO , low
land. t7 , new ha ) , 1530 , rye xttaw , t3 , color
makes the price on hay Light bales sell the best
Onlv top grades bilng top prices.
PIGEONS Per doz tl.OOtSl 23.
POTATOES New potatoes , choice Btoclf , 300
ONIONS Bermudas , per crate , none ; California
In sicks , per bu , SStfljl 00 , home grown , SOIiTSc.
OLD IIKAN8 Hand picked , navy , t2 20 , Llm
beans , per Ib , C < 405 < ic.
CAUHAGE On ordeis , sacked , 1'Sc.
TtADIlHES I'rr doz. bunches. 15c.
GRKEN ONIONS Per doz bunches. lOc.
LETTUCE I'er doz . IJiT/JOC.
AfaPARAGUS Choice stock on orders , t5g50o
per doz bunches.
Cl'CUMIIKRS On orders. SOiiSSc per doz.
PEAK On oideru , per bu , 60UC5C.
SIRING I1HANS On ordeis per bu , 60I65a
TOMATOES Choice stock per 4-basket crate ,
80HS5c , 5 to 10-case lots , 73c.
SUMMER bCJUASH Per doz , on orders. 23g
< 0e
0eWATF.RMELONSPer doz , crated , J2 5033 00
G'"EN PEF'PERS Pir ' bu basket , 33fl40c
\ \ AX HEANS Per bu. . COS65c.
CAl'LIFLOWER-Per doz , 73c0l 00.
lo two dozen 40 < 7r.0c
CALUIFLOVVER Per doz 75c8Jl 00.
CELER\ Home grown psr doz , 3340e.
PEARS California llartletts , per box , t2 15.
RED RAfaPHEURIES No thlpplng sleek.
PLI'MS California , per box , choice stock
tl 50 , southern , per case , tl 23
APRICOTS No shipping stock.
SOUTHERN PEACHES Per 6-basket crate.
tl 25
APPLES Choice shipping stock , bbls , 12003
2.25. cooking apples , tl.75Z2 00.
CALIFORNIA PEACHES Cravvfords , per box ,
70c , I laic's earl ) We
STRAWI1ERRIES Choice chipping stock , none.
CHERRIES No shipping stock.
GOOSEIIERR1ES No shlpp ng stock.
IILACK R\M'HERRIis-No shipping stock.
RLACKIIEHR1ES Choice stock , per 24-qt.
case , t. Wi82 2"
GRAPES Southern stock , per 8 Ib. baskets , 3S
NECTARINES- California , per case , tl CO.
The market Is well supplied with very fine
oranges Quotations :
OIlANGEs Naveli , per box. 13 ; choice seed
lings , per box , | 2 M , Mediterranean sweets , t2.75
( T3 00 , fancy St. Michaels , none.
LEMONS Extra fane ) lemons , 360 size. SO 00
300 size tt > 00 6 50
BANANAS Choice large stock , per bunch , t2.25
02 DO , medium sire bunches. $2 00ij2 23.
1'INEAPPLES-Per doz . t2.
FIGS Fancy. 15c ; choice , 12Q130.
HONEY California , 14015c.
MAPLE S\RUP Gallon ] ugs , per doz. , t2 :
lllxby , G-gal. cans , $3
NUTS Almonds 14c , English walnuts , soft-
shelled. 12c ; Etandirds. lie , filberts , lOc , Brazil
nuts , lOc ; pecans , 9c , peanuts , raw , 6c , roasted ,
7c DATES In CO to 70-lb. traxes , Co per Ib. ; fard
dates , small boxes , lOc per Ib.
CIDKR Pure Juice , per bbl . t5 : half bbl . tS.
1UCE POPCORN-In the ear. on orders , per
' * " ° '
The hide market continues to advance abroad
and to hold very firm here The market Is en.
jolng almost Inevitable reaction from a pro
longed depression. The war supplies for for.
elgn countries make heavy drains upon the
stocks of leather. Quotations : '
HIDES No. 1 green hides. ijc , : No. 2 gieen
hides. Sc ; No. 1 green salted hides , 9c , No. 2
up , No. 1 dry salted hides. 12c ; partl
hides , ' ( c per Ib less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each , I3O60o ;
green kilted shearlings ( horl wooled early iklns )
each , D815c , dry shearlings ( short wooled carl !
skins ) ' No. 1 , each , tglOc ; dry shearlings ( shor
wooled early skins ) No 2. each , 5c , dry flint
Kansas and NebrJa butcher wool pelts , per
pound , actual vvelgnr. 6B8c : dry flint Kansas and
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual
weight , 4ti6o ; dry flint Colorado butcher woo
pelts , per pound , actual weight , 4B6Vnc ; dry
Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per pound.
actual weight , 4ftCc. Have feet cut off , as U li
useless to pay fi eight on them.
TALLOW AND GREASE No 1 tallow , 4V { J
4'ic : No. 2 tallow , 3'4fi4c ; grease , white A , 4W
4'4c ; grease , white H , 3'4c ; grease. ) < Mlow , 254rf
Sc. gre.ise , dark 2'ic , old butter , 2if2Hc ; beesWax -
Wax , prime. 17it20c. rough tallow. 2c.
\VOOL. UNWASHED Fine heavy. 67c : nne
light , 8jlc ; quarter-blood , logilv ; seedy , burry
nnd chaffy , 8i9c ; rotted and broken , coarse , 7O
So : cotted and broken , fine. 6ff8c.
WOOL , WASHED Medium , UBISc ; fln , 143
1C < > ; tub warhed. 16 < TlSc : black Sc ; bucks , 6c ;
IOB lock ) 2iJ3c ; dead pulled ,
X M Y rU llry Cixiil
NCWOIIK. . July 29 Agents h.ive advanced
the prices of Gold Medal , 4-4 and 7-8 , also o
Atwuod 4-4. Wllllnmsvllfe. 4-4 and 7-8. and
Rockdale , 4-4 bleached cottons each "ic per yd
Merrlmac , 4 4 standard wide shirtings ' .c , and
Merrlmac dros ( Uitterns ' .c. Mall ordem were
at hand for good miscellaneous assortments of a
duplicate character and considerable spot bunl-
ne * was effected , while much more Is under
consideration. Woolen goods had a good slmre
of attention. Printing cloths llrm at 2\c , plus
1 per ctnt. nnd no sellers.
FALL RIVER. July 29.-Prlnt cloths very
firm at 2\c. plus 1 per cent. Manufacturers gen
erally decline to sell.
Cotton Mnrkt't.
NEW YORK , July . -COTTON-Qulet and
teuJy ; middling , 7c ; net and gross receipt ! ,
none ; exwrtii to France , 330 bales ; to the con
tinent , 44 luili-s ; rorwanled , none ; sales , l.ft > l
bales ; spinners , 064 bales ; stock , ITS , 661 bales ,
middling , 6 9-llSc ; low middling , 0 3-iec ; goo ]
ordinary , 6c ; net and gross receipts. C6J tales :
exports roattwUe , 130 tales ; hales. 2,200 bales ;
took , 97,700 bales ,
NEW YORK. July 2S SL'GAR-ltaw. nrm ;
( air rttlnlnc , 2T > a ; centrifugal , 96 test , SVic , relined -
lined , steady. No. t , 4 1-lCOIVic ; No. 7. 464 3-lCci
No. 8. 3 15-16ti4Vto ; No. . J'tB4 1-lCc ; No. 10 ,
S 13-1UC40 ; No. 11. 4-.6J l-16c : No. 19. 5SO
1 U-lo ; No. II , She ; ctt A , 4 l-l a4H = i mold A.
4 ll-l c ; dlnndnrd A , 4 B-l fl4Hc : confectlonenj1
A. 4 1 U J4 4ci cut loaf , 6 | .16fS iCi crushed ,
5 l-16ISUc , powdered. 4WR4 15-16CJ granulated ,
4 7-16I/4SCS cubes , 4 11-1604'ic.
IXJNIJON , July 29-fltJaAR-Cntie. nulet ) wn-
trlfugal , Jnva , lli Ms MuFCovado , fair rennlng ,
9s 9d ; beet sugnr , dull nnd rather easier ; July ,
8s Ddj August , 98 ( d ,
SccnrltloN Were- Very AclUc nml llic
Trailtnu ( Ji-iicriilly StroiiK.
NCW YORK , July 29. Speculation on the
Slock exchange was very nctlvc todny nnd the
trading vvns generally strong In tone. At the
opening theie vvns a slight Improvement In vnl-
ues , but a number of selling orders were met
with , put out by the bents ns welt ns by weak
lolders of the grangers. In order to realize profits
These tales caused n renctlon. In which Chicago
Gas nnd Colorndo Fuel were most prominent ,
both falling off 1 per cent. The losses were
only fractional. This downward movement was
short lived , for the bujlng was to goul that thp
si-llers took alarm nnd changed over to the bull
side of the market. Hi ports legardlng the ciops
were contradictory , but the most noteworthy
advances were favornble and encouraging. Sugar
was tnken hold of by the bull clique In that
\ ivYork Mom * > MnrUct.
Eat * } at 1 per cent , last loan , 1 per cent , closed
" < '
l'HlME 'M1nnOANTILF. PAl'nil 304 per cent.
STKRLINO KXCHANGE Firm , with actual
business In bankers' bills at J4 MR4 S9'i ' for de
mand and } 4 lOfM 90'1 for sixty dajs : posted
rates , > 4 WHJT4 90 nnd J4 90'sG'4 91 ; commercial
blllx 8Si4lQ4 SSH
GOVERNMENT BONDS Steady , btate bonds ,
Inactive Railroad bonds , strong.
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows :
I'HILADELl'IIIA. July . Clearings
, 8,05S-
OoO , balances. J1.409.4S5.
RT IXll'IH , July 29 Clearings. $4,053466 ; bal
ances. 1H6.'C2. Money , S J6 per cent. New York
exchange , 12V4c premium.
WASUINGTON. July 29-Toda > 's condition of
thi- treasury shown : Available caEh balance ,
ll'.i.C'WSDt. gold reserve , JH)7SS1 ) , 7J.
CHICAGO , July 23. Clearing. | 14SS,000.
Munij plentiful , nlth rates at 4ti4H per cent
for call loans and 6fl54 for commercial paper.
New York vxchanire , 25c premium. Hankers' Lon *
don sterllne , H 9u'i and M 894.
I'ureliru Kluuuclnluten. .
I'AHIB , July M Three per cent rentes , llttf
for tha account. Kxchonge on London , Kt 7ho
for checks.
LONDON , July 29 Consols for money,107 5-16 ;
ConM > l for the account , 107H. Gold U quotti !
today at Buenos Ayrei at 245 60. Madrid , 14 M ;
Lisbon , 26H ; St. Tetersturj , Mi Athcnj , 77 |
Home , lM.i j yiioai , JiX
Week Starts Out Wife a Liberal Bun of
Oattle , Mostly Westerns.
In CotttriiNt Tilth iCuttlr , tinSupplj
of HOKH WIIN 'l.tnltt , nnd Not
Jinny KipiM-tcd Until the NCMV
Corn Crop IN Available- .
SOUTH OMAHA , July 29.
The receipts today numbered 3,118 cat
tle , 400 hogs , no sheep and 59 horses , ns
against 973 cuttle , l.CSTi hogs and 716 sheep
on Saturday , nnd 2,970 cattle , 193 hogs and
373 sheep on Monday of last week ,
CATTLU-Tho week starts out with n llb-
eraT run of cattle , there being 111 fresh
loads counted In the yard1) Of this number
only six loads * were consigned direct to the
packers , the balance being on the market.
Ueef steers were not Inery large supply.
There were some pretty decent westerns ,
but no natives of any account. The market
was nbout steady , but the tratic was rathe !
slow. Some pretty fair cattle brought $3.10 ,
nnd one bunch { 3 CO.
Cows und heifers were In fair supply , but
few of them were natives. The demand foi
that class of cattle was active , ns usual of
late , nnd the offerings were not long In
changing hands. The prices paid weio
stronger , In many cases lOo higher. The
few imtlscq hire old largely at $2 00 < ff
2 75 , w 1th fair to good w esterns at 2.40 ®
Western stockers and feeders were In
large supply and active demand The de
sirable cattle among the offerings co\tl \ at
an advance of fully ugiOc. Representative
sales :
: \v \ STEIHS
No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..11CO (3 23 1 1410 J4 50
770 2 00
KM 2 00
S lore ) 2 13
1. . 10W 2
3 llMO 2 33
1 HIV ) 2 M
2G 2 53
14 SC2 2 M
, DCO 200 1. . CJO 2 23 1..1110 3 GO
1213 1 10 1 . . 700 2 00 1030 2 30
.ist 2 09 3 1010 2 00 . ( .00 . 2 40
3 , . 230 230 300 3 00 233 4 23
2 , . 335 2 00 130 4 00
7 .1110 2 75 . S14 3 ( K ) 9 , 1026 3 40
23 . CA : 2 SO 17 $23 3 2" 23 11G3 3 d5
12 , . S25 3 CO 1 1170 3 V > ID 1041 3 Cr
2 10SO 3 00 23 SV > 3 40 3 . 1016 3 63
1 1010 3 00 43 115r 3 40 2 . .1075 3 C5
3 . G33 3 00
No Av. 1'r No Av Pr.
17 feeders. . U3S U to 71 feeders , 991 $3 10
1 con 1050 2 40
2 co v . . . . 100 2 C5
4 feeders . .1010 3 21
27 feidirs . .10J3 3 23
24 c'and h. . . 929 2 60
21 fteders. . . , 933 3 25
I'ogue & J.
14 feeders. . 90S 3 00
W. Honey.
27 feeders . . .1013 3 20
J W. Ptettcr.
F II. Ynuns- .
215 fieders " ! 21 2 'i7 ' 15d feeders . . . 810 303
15S ficders. 517 3 00 - 37 feeders . . . 839 3 23
1 feeder . . 6CO 3 O"
26 cows . . . $92 2 CO 1 feeder. . .1002 3 00
9 cows . 1032 2 SJ 22 feedeis . . 10M 3 Ti
44 feeders . . 657 2 ' 15 16 steers , . , . 11DS 3 65
26 feeders. . . S74 3 w )
llumphiey & Stinger.
1 cow . . . . 1300 3 2r 44 steers . 1241 3 CO
3 cows . . . 1030 3 25
W Charles.
8 cows . 975 2 50
Swan Land S , Cattle Company.
48 cows . 1009 3 05
W F. Fenncr.
48 feeders. . . . 1107 3 J5
J E. Rujrsr
11 COWH . 1123 3 25 21 steers . 1215 3 90
f F Miller.
12 cows 1030 3 23 29 Jteers . 1229 3 90
i : W. Whllcnmb
1 cow 980 3 TO 1 pleer 1100 3 f3
Icon1 1050 300 2b steers 1120 3 C3
2 cons . . . 1103 100 1 utter 12JO 380
1 con- 920 3 00 28 steers . . . 1211 3 Ml
15 heifers. .1094 340 . steers. . . ies 390
Oeorpe Hast ,
1 steer 10SO 250 24 steers 1117 S fS
II H IJnms.
8 cows 972 300 23 steers 1233 380
M Kennedy ,
51 cons . . . S8 ( ! 270 3C feeders . . . 984 305
6 feeders. . . . t > 83 3 00
J W. Tailor.
15 heifers . . 449 2 20 2b fefders . . 476 3 10
HOGS With enl > six loads of IIORS In the > anls
there nus nothing to make a market Tie- heavi
est pickers did not try to do an > thing und enl >
t\\o loidHere ' "old
It looks now ns If Ihe receipts of hogs would
be light for some time to come The pplendld
o'op pioniects nre Inducing farmers to hold back
their hogs and sell only those that nrc fully
matured As n. rule thube who are1 KlUiiK close
nttintlon to the tubjoct do not anticipate nn >
\ery liberal inn of heirs befoio Jammrs next
should present conditions continue Nothing but
another crop falluie could bring In any greit
numt > er of hogs nt this time Wltn such light
rcielpts It nould seem omy natural lo expect ft
\ery good matket , but packers claim that the
di mand for pnnlslon l cvn lighter than the
hog retelpts Ituon and hams are In fair demand
mand , but e\erythlng else In the line Is flow
hale lleaxy hogs arc at the ptesent time from
20o to 30c lilsher than provisions , and packers
say that there must be either n decline on hogs
or an advance on provisions. With provisions
selling so poorly It noull look an If hogs would
have lo como down. T7TB packers at all points
have lieen very poor bmffN during the past week
and the only thing that 'has supported the rmr-
ket has been the fneli Ufl ] tiadc. Representa
tive sales-
No. Av. Sh Pr. * Av Sh Pr.
4 . 277 . . . $4 60 ' 4 .3U . . 4 60
4 . 210 . . . 4 60 .227 40 4 83
9 . 271 40 4 M 4S" 3i > 3 . . . 4 S3
5 330 4 75 S" 230 . 4 85
1 . .3SO 4 75 " 163 40 4 95
4 .287 4 75 69 . . . 195 40 BOO
SIIKEP There were hi > frtieep to make n mar
ket 'Ihe market was nominally unchanged Pair
to choice natives are iuotbe ) | | ! at from SJ 50 to
13 73 , fair to good westernsHt from t. ! 2) to JIM ,
common nnd etnck Milep at from SI 75 to J2 75 ,
good to choice 40 to 100 Ib. Itimbs ut from 3 to J5
St. IoulM' < I.IV > Stofk.
BT LOUIS , July W OA'TTLE ' Receipts 2100
head ; shipments , uoo lieadjtmarket llrm , with a
good demand for all gra > | ? ) | choice to fancy na
tive stwrs , f > SOS'S 75 , iW1' ' shipping and export
steers t5 SOWS W , fniP r , medium , . t5 OOH" ! 25 ,
coarse heavy steers , t4 < Mf4 95 , drcsxtd beef and
lilch butcher grades i4 lfii3 IS. bulk of sales
( 2506 00. light stee-rs , , ' ) 00 mostly 13.4091
S.75 , stockers nnd ffedejn , t-25n3S5 , bulk of
sales. t300rJ50 ; cows and h'lfers , t2 204 00
mostly 12 MW3 25 , TexiK and Indian steers , 12 25
{ ? 4 25 mostly 3 00 3 73 ; cow a and mixed stuff ,
12 Oflfi3 00
HOGS Receipts , 4,200 head ; shipments , 1WO
he.ul : market flrmer on scant suppl ) ; heavy ,
( SOS500 ; packers , t4 75B5 00 : light. M 90Q5.10
SHEKP Receipts. C00vhend , ehlpmenls. l.DOO
lie-id ; market quiet and little doing ; natives
range t250T3M ; lumbu , | 3DKi473 ( ; southwestern
cheep , t2 25f ) 3 25.
KIIIINIIM City M > e Stock.
KANSAS CITY. July 20.-CATTLE-Recelpts.
8.500 head ; ihlpmtnts , 3000 heud , mirket steady
to strnntc ; Texas steers , t2UVii3.5 ; Texas row ,
tlMUSTS ; beef eteris , t4Mii4 CO ; native cows ,
tl toil3 50 ; stockers and teedeni , J2 WO1 25 ; bulls ,
HOGS 'Receipts , 1,100) ) head : shipments. COO
head ; market strong1 lo lOc higher ; bulk of sales ,
14636495 ; heavies , tl 5084 80 : packers. 14 65ft6 00 :
mixed t46'Q4 ' > ; llBlitx , ) 7H&5.00 ; Yorkeit , JIM
65 Of ; rilgv. t300fl4.70.
SIIEKP Rscelpls , 1,000 head ; ehlpmcnts , 1,200
head ; market steady.
New York I.l e Mock Market.
NEW YORK , July 29. BEEVES Receipts
today , 4,277 head : on sale , U earn , steers , lOc
higher ; tleuhy bulls nnd dry cows , 13 ; corn ana
grass fed , poor to prime , 13 7585 00 ; Texas atceri ,
t3 5033.75 ; common to choice itlllcri. Jl5 : stags ,
flry cow * . Jl.Ma2.75 ;
European cables nuoto American steers at HO
IZc , dressed weight , no export * today.
SltKEP AND LAMBS Receipt * . 15,000 head !
on tale , K > cam , or 14,700 bond ! sheep. In fair
demand : good grndei > , a shade- firmer ; lambs ,
active , Ho higher ; sheep , poor to prime , 2.00W
3874 ; lambs , common to strictly choice , > 3.B7 C
HOaS Itecelpts , COO hcnil ; steady at f3.2W3 CO.
TluTeAVilM nil Active TriuU1 on Oooil
to Choice Cat Hi- .
CHICAGO. July 29. There wns nn nctlve trnde
In good to choice entile , which were not very
numerous , nnd the demnml soon becnnie brisk for
the right kinds nt an advance of from lOc to 15o
per 100. Other descriptions ngnln sold slowly ,
nml for cnttlc tlmt came In direct competition
with range cattle , prices were weak. Common to
choice native steers were salable todav nt from
t3 40 to to SO , the bulk going at from ft 50 to
J'i 50. And , as usual , choice medium weights
sold to decidedly better advantage than big
henvy beeves. There wns n good supply todny of
butchers' nnd cnnners' stuff , nnd the grade was
good nt steady prices. Cows nnd bull * selling
nt fiom tl 76 to t3 73 , with a few sales of fancy
heifers nround f4. Veal cnlves were In fair sup
ply nnd demand ut unchanged prices. Texas cat-
tin were steady , with sales mostly under t4 ,
Western i angers wire nctlve nt etrong prices.
nml 869 head of South Dakota steers weighing
from 1,231 In l.ffiO lb sold at from tl 10 to 14 13
In hogn there wns no particular improvement
In the mnrket today , and prices were gener
ally not nny higher Chicago packers were again
holding back with the evident Intention of forc
ing n further decline In pitcis Heavy hogs
sold nt from t4 60 to IS 20. light weights nt from
tl 10 to f > 25 , nnd mixed hogs nt from t4 70 to
t3 1" , The average qunlltv was verv fair for
Monday and sales wire largely at from t5 10
to t" 20 for light weights nnd nt from 14 S3 to t5
for heavy lots. A few fancy nssortcd lights sold
nt r 50
In sheep there wan n good demand nnd prlce
rulid steadv for ever ) thing except very unde-
sliable offirlngs Tetnna were not numerous
but thire wuc- large numbers of fair to good
Jier-p heip from Idaho , Womlng , Montntin and
Oregon S lies were on the tnslp of from tl 50
to t4 23 foi common to extra sheep nnd at from
f3 to t5 50 for lamb" Few pales were made
at higher prices , the bulk of the sheep being or
mrdlum gradiH
Receipts' Cattle. 12500 head , calves , COO head ,
hOKS , 16,000 head , sheep , 14,000 head
Stock In
Record of receipts at the four ptlnclpal maikcts
for Mondn ) , July 29 , 1S15 :
Cattle Hogs Sheep
South Omaha r ! ' . 3,118 400
Chicago . 12 VW 16,000 14000
Kansis City . 3500 1.100 1,000
St. Louis . 2,100 4200 CM
Totals . 21,218 21700 15.COO
St. T.oulx ficiicrnl Market.
ST. LOFIS , July -FLOUR-IItgher ; patents
t1W ) 3C" > , extra fani ) , J3 JOQ i 40 , fane ) , t2 Mil
3 00 choice , 12 75f 2 (15 (
WHEAT Was stronger today on supera
bundance of mill In wheat belt Some bid
lejiorts from the northwest ndilod to the bullish
feeling , and the matlict cloned strong and higher
thin nn Saturdav , No 2 rid , cash , 70 c , July ,
71c September , 71140
CORN Openid weak , with Septembir Vic lower
on reported Improvement 111 tin1 ciop. The
strength In wheat somewhat inllUd corn , but the
trading was xmall Nu 2 mlxid , cash , 40c , July ,
Slo bid September , 40Hc asked
OA1 S Dull nnd stnm er for futures , spot
dull. No 2. dish 26c , Jill ) 2"c. Septernbei , 22\e.
RYE Finn 4V bid for No 2 red.
CORN MEVI t2.00HT20'i
1IRAN Firm , 68c for east track.
FLAX SEED Lower , spot , tl 16 ; nothing dolnn
In futunn
GRASS SEEDS Tlmolh ) , t4 73 for August ;
other seeds , nominal
HAY Strong for tlmolh ) ; one car large baled
bringing thi > fimey price of $17 , prairie dull , with
JS 50 fur outside price.
FOOS Flrmei , 81c
WHISKY Lower , tl 22 for distillers' finished
LEAD Easier ; sales , 100 tons , nt t3 31 , five
till * desllvcrl7Cil nt > 1 32'4
SPELTER Strung held firmly nt t3 70 , and
two ciint sold nt that
PROVISIONS Pork , steady : standard mess
lobbing til Lard , prime peam , tGO' , choke
$ f 20 Hacon , boxed shoulders , t63"H , longs
* G75. ribs t6 171,4 , shoits , t7 Drv salt meats
boxed shoulders 1 0214 , Irx-igs , t6 37'Xj ribs , t6 50 ,
shorts JC 75
RECEIPTS FInur , 5 000 bbls. wheat , 140,000
bu corn 21 000 bu , oats 72,000 bu
SHIPMENTS Flour , li OW bbls , wheat , 25,000
bu , corn , 49 000 bu , oats , 13,000 bu.
* -
Liverpool MurKctN.
LIVERPOOL. July 23 WHEAT Spot , firm ,
demand moderate. No 2 red winter. 5s Cd , No
2 red spring , 6s * > d No 1 bird , Manitoba 5s 101 ,
No 1 California 5s 5Hd Futures steady , with
near positions Ud higher and distant positions
Hd higher closed stindv , with near and ills
tnnt positions S4 < ffld higher , business nbout
iqunll ) distributed , July , 5 Cd , August , Ts 6d
Reptemb , r , fs 7d. Octolier , 5s 7'sd , November ,
ts 8'id Decrmber , Cs S3 d.
CORN Spot , quiet , Ameilcnn mixed , new
4s 6d Futnios opened quiet with near nnd dis
tant positions unchanged , cloned , July , Ud lower ,
and nm months unchanged from Saturdays
closing prlc * * , bUKlnesa heaviest on latest po
sitions , July 4s S > / d , September , 4s 1'id : Oc
tuber 4s , November , 4s i d. December. 4s
FLOt'H Firm , demand good , St. Louis fancy
w Intt r , 7n 6d
PEAS Canadian , 5s lUd.
PROVISIONS Hicon , steadv : demand poor
Cumberland cut 28 to 30 Ibs , 17 6d , short ribs ,
2 ? 11 , 3Cs 6d long clear , light. 38 to 41 Ibs
14s 6d , long clmr heavy , V > lb , 33s , short cteir
tmckx lluht 18 llw , 14s 6d ; short clear middles ,
hfivv , C1) Ibs , 34s clear bellies 14 to 1C llis
Srs Cd , shoulders , square , 12 to 18 Ibs 31s II ims
short cut , 14 to 1C Ibs , 42s Tallow , line North
American nominal Ueef , extin India mess
77s fil , prime mess 61s 3d Pork , prime meps
( Lie western , 57s 6d , western medium 50s Lard
dull , prime * western , 12s Cd. refined In palls 13s.
CIIEF E Steady , deimnd modi rate ; finest
American , white , new , 3Cs 6d ; finest American ,
colored new 1's M
Ill'Tl'ER Finest United States , 70s ; good ,
COTTONSEED OIL Liverpool refined , 17s.
REFRIGERATOR BKI'F Forcquarters , 314d >
hlndnuarterp C d
HOPS At London ( Paclflc coast ) , 2.
CeilTe'p Market.
NEW YORIC , July 29 COFFEE-Optlons
opened steady at 5Q15 points advance , ruled gen
erally llrm on Euiopean and Brazilian advices
Spot coffee. Mack closed firm nt 10W11 points
net advance ; lulv tH 30 , September t'1 101lr 35 ,
October. tlr 155i H 40 , December , 111 U15 30 Spot
coffee ( Inner , Rio , } 16 , mild , steady , Cordova
tlS 2.-ifll100
HAVRE , July 21 Opened Irremitnr , closed un-
chnKe < l to ' f net decline ; half holiday , sales ,
900 bagH
SANTOS 7ul ) 21 Weekly : Ste-adv : good aver
age per 10 kilos t4 ! 20 lecelpts during the week ,
53 000 Ings , shipments to the United States , 24 000
IIIKS Htock 141 ooo bins.
RIO DE JANEIRO July 21 Weekly-
Firm cxchanee standard , t4 ! CO ; ex
change * lid , receipts during thp week , 29000
bags , shipments to the United States , C2.000 bngs ,
stock , 129 000 bar" .
ee MnrkctN.
MILWAUKEE July 21 WHEAT Firm : No.
2 spring , 7210 , No. 1 northern , 7Cc ; September ,
CORN Dull. No 3 , 44o.
OATS Higher ; No 2 white , 2C3 c ; No. 3 white.
BARLEY Nomlnil , No 2 , 4Cc.
RYE Steady : No 1 , 52c.
VtHllile Oral ii SuiM'Iy.
NEW YORK , July 29 The vlslbl < supply of
grain Satuidny , Jul ) 27 , as compiled by the New
York Produce exchange , Is IIB follows : Whent , ,
3" , 229,000 bu , decrease , 1 254 000 bu : corn , C , < ! 07-
000 bu , decrcnse , 734 , ( K bu ; oats 4,887,000 bu ;
decrease , 323000 bu . r ) < " , 154000 bu : Increase ,
fl 000 bu , barley , 4 000 bu ; decrease , 18,000 bu ,
KIIIINIIH City Mnrket.
KANSAS CITY. July 29. WHEAT lo higher ;
No. 2 hard , CCGC7c ; No. 2 red , CS70e ; rejected ,
CORN No 2 mixed , steady , 374c ; No. 2 white ,
Uo higher. S7Hc
OATS Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 20C21c , No. 2
white. 21c. _
lcorln Rrnlii Mnrket.
PEORIA. July 29.-CORN-Firm , higher ; No.
2 , 43'lc , No. 3 , 4240.
OATS Plow ; steady ; No 2 white , 23'iff2Cc ( ; No
3 white , 25 (25' < , c
RYE Dull , nominal
WHISKY Firm , finished goods on the basis
of tl.22 _
Diiluth Win-lit Mnrket.
DFLUTII , July 21 WHEAT Steady ; No 2
hard cash , 72Hc , July , 73c , No. 1 northern , 72Hc ,
July , 72'4cSeptember , 70'Sc , No. 2 northern ,
cash , 6SC , No. 3 , cash , 63\c.
MlmicnpeillMVIient Inrket.
MINNEAPOLIS. July 29 WHEAT Stead ) ;
July 70'Sc , SeptemberN 68'4c , December , 69fp
69'4c , on track. No 1 hard , 72c , No. 1 northern ,
71'c , No. 2 northern. "OKc.
iiKl lluttvr Market.
ELGIN July 29 BUTTER Steady nnd nctlve ;
offerings , above withdrawals , 39,120 Ibs ; all told
at ISc. _
TrUce AVIlent ( luotutloiiN.
December , tl 0 t. May. | 1 llij. new sellers , f 1.01.
roil AVAKnruL.vnss.
VHC IIorHforil'H Aelil I'lioHpIinte.
Dr. II C. McCoy , Algona , Ja. , says : "I
rave uneil tt In caeca of dyspepsia , nervous
exhaustion and wakefuhiefu , with pleasant re
sults , "
INSTUUMKNTS placed on record July 29 ,
1895 :
J II Flmo nnd wife to B 8 Stout , lot 7 ,
block 3 , Waterloo . > 400
m-be-icu Klump and husband to M C and
O L Ha > cs. 210 1-5x161 feet , commenclns
264 1-5 fift went of so corner of sw tw
32.16-13 . . . (75
Berthlne Pedersen to O S Monson , lot 3 ,
block 10. Manhattan add - . 1.000
Dennis Murphy to 1) Rlzdon T KtamUnlKh ,
41x67 feet , comini nclnit b2 feet n of nw
corner Hull Placa . 3,000
A II Ford to W W Ford , lot 14. block "X , "
Bhlnn'B 3rd odd . 1
Total amount of transfers. . , . . . . . . tt.VH
Dry Section of Nebraska Visited by a
Dolngo of Bain.
CHUB , Illi-linrdMOii , ( Hop , SiltmdcrN nnd
Other Coniilli-N HcNCiicd from
the LOIIK Urolith Corn In
I'M no Condition.
PALLS CITY. Neb. , July 29. ( Special. )
The drouth was broken In this part of the
county yesterday morning by the downpour of
ono of the heaviest rain and hall storms this
county has experienced for some time. It
commenced mining nnd hailing about 3
o'clock and continued until 10. The hall
storm lasted but a few minutes , but the hall
stones were large. Little If any damage was
done to crops by the hall. A very heavy
wind commenced blowing about 8 o'clock nnd
did considerable damage to the fruit crop
Corn was In fairly good shape before , but this
rain will probably carry It through without
another rain before harvest time. Between
three nnd four Inches of rain fell. It Is re
ported that In the west part of the county. In
the vicinity of Humboldt and Da\\son , It did
not rain.
NUURASKA CITY , Neb , July 29 ( Spe
cial ) Another heavy rain visited this city
and vicinity this morning , starting about 10
o'clock and falling steadily for several hours
Several Inches of water fell and thu ground
Is now thoroughly soaked.
PERU , Neb , July 29 ( Special ) Sunday
morning brought the heaviest rain for jeirs
to this part of Ncmaha county. Manj
bridges arc out and some damage was done
to crops.
SHiLHY , Neb , July 29 ( Special ) The
past week has been warm nnd dry. To Insure
the bountiful jleld of corn that has been ex
pected there should be rain within ten da > s.
Should the rain fill to come in that time the
crop will be fair at least , as the ground Is
moist. Oats and flax have been harvested and
aie being threshed. These crops were magni
\VDST POINT , Neb. , July 29. ( Special ) A
very heavy thunder storm , with a heavy rain
fall and hall , passed over this section > ester-
day morning , from reports from all sections
of the county no damage was done by the
hall The copious rainfall has saved the corn
crop , which was suffering seriously.
KO11T CALHOUN July 29. ( Special ) On
Sunday night a heavy shower of rain visited
this section , accompanied by slight hall ,
which did little or no damage. Corn Is still
all right here. Small grain Is a good crop
Sections of this county need more rain badlj
HUI113AIU ) , Neb. , July 29. ( Special )
There was the heaviest rainfall last night
and this morning yet received this season ,
Insuring a full crop of corn. Farmers who
had begun to feel blue over the continued dry
rpell are all jubilant. All small grain Is In
stack and Is the heaviest yield known for
FAIRMONT , Neb , July 29. ( Special )
Yesterday was the hottest day of the season.
The thermometer showed 105 In the shade
from 2 till 6 o'clock. We had a very light
shower this morning , Just enough to lay the
DUNBAR. Neb , July 29 ( Special Tele
gram. ) Three Inches of rain fell here the
past twenty-four hours , thus Insuring one of
the largest corn crops In three jcars
Farmers are much encouraged by the bright
SHELLY. Neb. . July 29. ( Special Tele
gram ) This locality was drcncheJ with a
flno rain today , and one and one-fourth Inches
fell between 0 and 10 o'clock this morning.
A big corn crop Is assured.
JJLMWOOD. Neb , , July 29. ( Special Tele
gram ) This vicinity was favored with an
other heavy rain today. Fully an Inch of
water fell. Farmers are all Jubilant.
SYRACUSE , Neb. , July 29. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A heavy thunder storm set In here
at about noon today nnd one and a half Inches
of water fell in about two hours. The light
ning struck several trees about town and
demolished the tower of the railroad wind
mill. No very serious damage Is reported so
far. ,
SILVER CREKK , Neb. , July 29. ( Special. )
A fine rain fell here Saturday , wetting the
ground down well. This rain came Just In the
nick of time for corn and a good crop Is now
assured. Farmers were beginning to feel
very despondent , as many fields were suffer
ing for rain nnd In a few dajs more would
have been past hope.
NORTH PLATTE , Neb. , July 29. ( Spe
cial. ) For three dajs this county hag roasted
under a broiling sun and jesterday a south
wind blew that was nearly a hot wind. This
morning the wind was in the west , but In
tensely hot. Indications point to rain. Crops
have not suffered so far.
WISNER , Neb , July 29. ( Special. ) A
flno shower fell here yesterday mornlnp ; ,
helping crops wonderfully. Cumlng countj
Is about assured a splendid crop. The wheat
and oats are nearly all cut , showing a fine
stand of small grain.
SURPRISE , Neb. , July 29. ( Special ) A
fine rain fell this morning , about
one and one-fourth Inches , which
will put corn out of danger. Oats
are nearly harvested nnd what has
been threshed Indicates that the oat
crop will average forty to forty-five bushels
per acre. Corn Is looking fine.
AVESTON , Neb. , July 29. ( Special )
After a long period of dry weather people In
this vicinity were made happy this morning
with a good rain , measuring one nnd c'.plit-
hundredths Inches. The corn was suffering ,
but n very fair crop is now assured.
SNYDER , Neb. . July 29. ( Special. )
This vicinity was blessed with a shower of
rain and hall yesterday morning. The
hall did no damage , but the rain did an
immense amount of good and the corn crop
Is now , without the least doubt , assured , and
you need no further weather or crop reports
on that account front here or this section this
GRESIIAM , Neb , July 29. ( Special. )
Yesterday was one of the hottest days ex
perienced In this section this season. This
morning there was a good rain that will put
corn In good chape. Oats mostly all har
ASHLAND , Neb. , July 29. ( Special ) Wo
had a delightful rain here this morning. It
commenced about 7 30 and continued until 11
o'clock. This assures a gooa crop of corn.
HUMPHREY , Neb. , July 29. ( Sp clal )
Platte county's harvest Is now completed.
Threshing lias begun. The wheat and oats
crop were never better. Oats are yleldng
from forty to seventy-five bushels per acre ,
nnd wheat will average about twenty-five
bushels. Barley Is more than nn average
crop. Rye Is light on account of dry weather
In May. Corn Is needing ratn badly , and If
rain conies soon It will bo almost nn average
crop. Grnin will begin to move nbout the
1st of the month. The great volume of grain
will tax the railroads to their fullest capacity.
WAYNE , Neb. , July 29. ( Special ) An
other fine rain fell hero this morning and
many farmers who have been In the city
todny feel Jubilant , nnd state that the corn
crop promises to bo enormous.
Think of the thousands of hams
, nnd bacon tlmt co out from South
? Omaha dail > I Wo select but the
best ones for the brand."SWIFT'S
PREMIUM. " Smoked lightly
trimmed nicely extra mild not
salty. No man could make them
For Sale by all First-Class Dealers.
.MAItOIN No matter what bookltt on pcc >
Tiiinivfi ulatlon you may have road xnd
7 . . , ' ° r ours , which Is NKW and
v ' rn >
BXI'LAINRUc'OMI'LKTn. It clearly explalni
margin trudlnir and DiFINi:3 ALL MAItKKT
KXl'HKHSIONH. IfH trtu and will teach you
Bomethlnir. AnilOQAST & CO. , Kl Trader *
The ohlltl la rlj1it the Kimball -
ball Piano Is the best
$175 for Hint oil-Morn nmtlo
piano that we're soiling now nt
! ? ir > down and $8 a month ,
makes It a close sei'oml
Tor theio Isn't a piano outside -
side our stoic that's as fjooil In
tone or llulsh no matter what
the in Ice.
A. 110SPU , Jr.
Artntut Mimic
1513 Douglas.
IJy purchasing goods made at the following
Nebraska factories If jou can not flnj what
jou want communicate with the manufao-
turcra as to what dealers handle their sooJi.
HAGS. .i.v/ >
Manufacturer ! of all kinds of cotton and bur.
lap bags , cotton ffour sacks and twine a spec-
laltj CU-61C-C18 S. llth-St.
Ca. ' load shipments made In our own refrlgo.
rater care , lllue Itlbbon , Elite Kxport , Vienna
Uxport , and Family Expott , delivered to all
pirts of city.
corrr.K , arivvs , n IK/.VW i-OH-nin.
Coffee Itoasters , Spice Grinders , Manufactur
ers German Baking I'owder and German Dry
Hop Yeast. 14H nnd 1U6 Harnest. . , Omaha. Neb
iis , JTU.
put rubber tires nnd ball bearing axles on their
own make vehicles , and sell a top buggy for
{ 50.00 besides Write them. ISth and llarney.
f" >
Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour.
C. n. Black , Manager. Omaha.
Manufacturers of Parlor Furniture. Lounges.
Dining Tables and Folding Ueds. 28 1 h ave ,
l.'ojd to Bhaler BU.
Domestic nnd Steam Coal. We have the best.
Olllce 1CO1 Furnam-st. Telephone : Odlce 373 ,
yard , 1TCO J. A. Doe , General Manager.
lltOK IIOK/f.S.
Minufacturlng nnd Repairing of all Kinds of
machinery , engines , pumps , elevators , printing
proses , hangers , shafting anil couplings HOiS
and HOS Ilovvard-st. , Omaha.
Manufacture ) s of Architectural Iron Work.
General Foundry , Machine and Ulncksmltli
Woik Hnclneeis and Contractors for Flr
1'ioof Buildings Ofllce and works. U. P. Ity.
and So. 17th street , Omaha.
jiArrnifti > iii , citrus.
Manufacturer Mattresses , Spring Beds ; Jobber
Koathcra and Pillows. N. nth and Nicholas
t > ts , Omaha. * \
MAX UP tcruiti.\i CIIK /srs. .
Manufacturers of Fluid Extracts , Ellxlre ,
B > rups nnd Wines , compressed triturates lijpo-
dermlo tablets , pills nnd scientific medical nov *
titles. Omaha.
, n Afiit.
209 So. llth St. , Tel. 254. Medessa Mineral
Water , Carbonated , unequalled. I'luln for table
use unsurpassed.
NIGHT Vii , Finn siitntii : .
The only perfect protection to property. Exam
ine It. Best thine on earth. ) Reduces Inaur *
ance rat s. 1304 Douglas-st.
Manufacturers of Men's and Days' Clothing1 ,
Fants , Shlrta and Overalls 1202 212 S. IZth st <
Manufacturers of all kinds of Paper Ioif ) ,
Shelf Uoxes , Sample Cases , Mailing Tables , etc.
Wedding cake and fancy candy boxes , druKKlut
and jewelry boxes. 1203-10 Jones-it , Omahai
ticluBh custom shirt tailors.
1515 Far.iam-st Telephone SOS.
can b madi by our method of optratlng In
GRAIN AND STOCKS Proiptctus glvlnjr full
Information of psrfoct sstem matin ] free , StnJ
lour buslnets only to & financially rfsponilblt
house Lock us up.
Grain , block nd Uond llioktrs.
3 CUnmfaerof Commerce , CIUCAOO
Telephone 1039.
Grain , Provisions &
Room n\V JJourd of Trade. i
Direct wires to ChlCBgo and New York. IT
Correspondenti ; John A. Warren & Co '
ff p SMITH ( Tel. ItOt ) B. U. STANFORD
F. P. SMITH < $ c CO ,
Room 4. IS. Y. Life Bldg. , Omaha.
Branch ofFtcei at Fremont and Columbui AU
prdtri placed on tht Chicago Hoard of Tr df.
Ciirreiponderiti : Schwartt. Dupe * A Co. , Cnl
MCO ; Uohrolner , Flack ii Co , St. Louis. U < ( 4 >
to fiirit National lliok. Omahj.